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The Online Retailer’s Guide to Video Merchandising Success

• Introduction

• Why Video Matters More than Ever to Online Retailers

• Research Results

• Beyond Merchandising: Solving the Video Problem

• Summary

• Talk to Us

• About Invodo

• References
We’re pleased to present the results of our research on how online retailers can get the biggest impact from

their video merchandising. We analyzed data on how video was performing on fifty-three of our customers’

websites, with an average of 138 products with video per site. That works out to 7,314 product pages sampled

in this data. To our knowledge, that’s the largest sample size in any eCommerce video study to date. The

results give you, the online retailer, insight into how to merchandise your videos online for the greatest possible

impact. We’ve detailed our findings and condensed them into a set of actionable recommendations.

Why Video Matters More than Ever to Online Retailers
But first let’s review some tasty third-party statistics to remind ourselves of why we should care. Comscore

reports that as of the end of 2009, nearly 85% of the US online audience viewed online video, with the average

viewer watching 12.2 hours of video during the month of November1. Those numbers show the rapid shift from
the first screen, the television, to the second screen, the computer. Mobile – the third screen – is coming up fast.

And the fourth screen, out-of-home digital, will likely rely on video as a core element.

Internet Retailer and eMarketer surveys both report that many online retailers are adding video to their web-

sites, with video being one of two top priorities. Reduced returns, reduced cart abandons, and increased sales

are the clear benefits2, along with SEO impact that Forrester quantifies as increasing the chance of a front-

page Google result by 53x3. That led 43% of retailers to plan to add video at the start of 20094, and that number
is now over 64%5 as of January 2010. The increase in sales is especially compelling since numerous sources have

documented conversion rate increases of 30% or more6,7.

                    30% Increased    Increased Sales                    Reduced Returns          Reduced Cart Abandons
                   Conversion Rate

                            | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Let’s do the following quick math to show why that matters. Assume you get 500,000 visits per month, each one

viewing two product pages. If you currently convert at 3% with a $100 average transaction, you have

$3,000,000 in monthly sales. A 30% increase in conversion would bring your conversion rate to 3.9% and add

$900,000 in monthly sales. That’s a compelling case for adding video – even before benefits in terms of SEO,

decreased returns and cart abandons, and enhanced customer experience are factored in.

             Current Business

              Visits per Month                                                           500,000

              Product Page Views per Visit                                               2

              Product Page Views per Month                                               1,000,000

              Conversion Rate                                                            3%

              Number of Transactions                                                     30,000

              Average Ticket                                                             $100

              Monthly Sales                                                              $3,000,000

              Business Impact of Video

              Conversion Rate Increase                                                   30%

              New Conversion Rate                                                        3.9%

              Additonal Transactions                                                     9,000

              Incremental Monthly Sales                                                  $900,000

                          | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Research Results
The key metric here is View Through Rate (VTR). Expressed as a percentage, VTR is the ratio of Views (videos

watched) to Impressions (video players served to web pages). To make it very simple, a 25% VTR means

that, if the player was served 100 times, the end user chose to view at least a portion of the video 25 of

those times.

We reviewed video VTR data for a three-month period from fifty-three of our online retailer customers

covering a range of verticals including home décor, sporting goods, music, toys and consumer electronics.

The customer size ranged from small retailers to Internet 50 powerhouses, and the time period covered

November 2009 – January 2010. The average retailer had 138 product pages with video, so 7,314 product

pages are represented in this data set, as we mentioned in the introduction. That’s enough data to claim

significance and breadth across categories, making these results broadly applicable and, we hope, useful

to the online retail community.

               View Volume and View Through Rate
    35,000                                                                                                                       80%

    30,000                                                                                                                       70%



    10,000                                                                                                                       20%


  (Customer)     A   B C   D E   F G   H    I   J K    L   M N O       P Q     R   S T     U V W X     Y   Z AA BB CC DD EE FF

                                                       Views            Total VTR

The VTR in the sample ranged from 5% to almost 70%, with a weighted average of around 22%. (We threw

out a few outliers, notably pages with only a few impressions where the VTR was 100%, to avoid skewing the

results). The research question we asked ourselves was this: How can an online retailer maximize View

Through Rate? We tested four hypotheses and found the following results.

                                  | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Hypothesis 1:
Placing video above the fold results in
a greater View Through Rate than
                                                                                             Placement Impact on VTR
video below the fold.

The concept of “Above the fold” originates in                           30%

the newspaper industry and refers to the choicest                       25%
location on the front page – visible even when
the newspaper is folded in half and displayed face
up on the newsstand. In web design, the term

refers to the portions of a webpage that are visible                    10%

without scrolling. Of course, the exact location                          5%
of the “fold” differs based on browser and monitor
resolution. We went with the

recommendation that assumes users have their                                            Below the Fold     Above the Fold
resolution set to 1024 x 768 pixels, since that

accounts for 54% of Internet users.

Not surprisingly, this proved true. The player achieved an average VTR of 25.7% above the fold – almost twice
the 15.1% for players below the fold. So treat with skepticism the leading-edge Web theorists who claim that
“the fold doesn’t matter anymore.” To online shoppers, it clearly does. And if you want those online shoppers to
be influenced by your video, the higher on the page you place it, the better off you are.

Further research will focus on the impact of going further and occupying the “hero position” typically reserved
for a still product image on the page. VTR has greatly increased when we’ve placed video here, but we need
further data to confirm that impact. We’ll also watch for changes based on the explosion of mobile commerce,
as above the fold is a completely different proposition on a mobile browser. M-commerce presents new chal-
lenges for the online retailer as well as opening up new opportunities, such as closer integration between
bricks-and-mortar and online stores.

           Actionable Recommendation: Focus on premier placement for your videos
           and get them above the fold whenever possible. If you can’t get them
           above the fold, use merchandising tools like icons and image overlays to call
           attention to your videos.

                             | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Hypothesis 2:
View Through Rate declines with an                                                    Impact of Competing Elements on VTR
increasing number of elements
competing for clicks on the page.

The common-sense rationale is that clicks are a                           15-20

zero-sum game. The more elements on the page
compete for the click, the less often any one element

will be clicked. We excluded global headers and                             6-10

footers from this analysis since we believe users are                        1-5
focused on the center of the page in deciding where

to click unless they are navigating to another part of

the site.
                                                                                    0%      5%   10%   15%   20%   25%   30%

We were pretty attached to this hypothesis and were surprised to be proven wrong – kind of. Video on pages

with 1-5 and 6-10 clickable elements outperforms video on pages with 11-15 and 15-20 clickable elements by

a significant margin. By that standard, fewer places to click equals more video plays. But the big surprise was
a 26.4% VTR for pages with over 21 clickable elements.

This finding calls for further research. It’s possible that users react to a crowded and confusing page by

choosing video to help them make sense of all the information. We know that video excels at conveying

complex information in a simple form, so perhaps this explains the behavior. Perhaps the most likely

explanation is that the number of elements on the page is less important than what and where they are on

the page – in which case heat mapping would yield insights.

            Actionable Recommendation: Consider carefully the potential impact of
            competing clickable elements on a page. Monitor the impact as new
            elements are introduced.

                            | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Hypothesis 3:
Adding a video with a text call to
action (“Click to play”, Click to view”)
increases View Through Rate.

Just as the salesperson bags                                            Impact of Text Call to Action on VTR
the deal by asking for the
business, the online marketer                          25%
increases conversion by
asking for the click. That’s the



                                                                          No Text CTA          Text CTA

And the theory holds, with VTR of 23.9% with a text CTA versus 21.4% without. With increasing adoption of

online video, the text CTA is probably less important than it used to be, as most viewers understand a ‘Play’

button. This impact is not nearly as striking as the impact when the player is moved above the fold, but

every point of VTR makes a difference.

           Actionable Recommendation: When possible, include a text call to action
           (“click to view” or similar) with the video player.

                          | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Hypothesis 4:

Increasing the size of the video player
increases View Through Rate.

The Invodo Embedded Video Player (IEVP) renders as                                       Impact of Resized Player on VTR
480 x 720 pixels on the page. However, it can be

customized by sizing it down when needed. We had                       25%

cautioned retailers that rendering it too small might
decrease VTR – but we wanted to run the numbers to
verify or disprove that claim.



                                                                                        Reduced Size        Full Size

The data confirms this hypothesis. The full-sized Invodo Embedded Video Player implementations generated

a VTR of 22.5%, versus 19.0% for implementations scaled down to 250 x 140 pixels. Again, this benefit isn’t as

big as moving the player above the fold, but as a best practice, a larger player (within reason) is better.

We’ll do further research here: is a small player above the fold better than a large player below the fold? It

appears so, as the above the fold upside exceeds the resized-player downside, but a dedicated study on

the topic is needed to resolve the question.

          Actionable Recommendation: Avoid resizing the player unless it is absolutely
          necessary to get an above the fold placement.

                            | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Beyond Merchandising: Solving the Online Retail Video Problem

By this point you’re likely to agree that video

has clear benefit for an online retailer, and

that merchandising the video wisely as an

integral element of the page maximizes that

benefit. So what else stands in the way of

launching a video program? Unlike many

eCommerce enhancements, adding video

requires three very distinct competencies:
Content, Platform, and Network.
Few online retailers and fewer video provid-

ers are skilled in all three. A brief explanation

of the framework we use with our customers

at Invodo follows.

                                                          Drive Traffic                             Increased Conversion Rates

       Invodo’s three-tiered solution
       increases traffic and conversion rates
       while reducing product returns.

                                                                                Reduced Product Returns

                               | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Content. Where will you acquire the video content? If it’s from
                   manufacturers, how will you avoid having to create a ‘content wrangler’
                   position to manage multiple file formats and keep the content updated
                   and fresh? If you plan to create your own content or use a video
                   production company, what type of content will you create? How will you
                   be sure it is eCommerce-optimized in terms of content, length and
                   format? How will you create content in a scalable manner? Creating a
                   few videos is relatively easy. But creating eCommerce-optimized video at
                   scale is a very different proposition.

                   Platform. How will you host & stream the content across the site? Most video
                   platforms are not focused on the needs of the online retailer. Many charge
                   a premium for functionality that’s irrelevant at best and distracting at worst,
                   given an online retailer’s focus on driving conversion. Self-hosting may not
                   be the right answer for bandwidth-intensive content like video. Even if the
                   customer experience and branding were acceptable, do-it-yourself options
                   like YouTube and Vimeo come with a hidden cost: traffic that is diverted
                   away from the retail site to YouTube, and cannot be recovered.

                    Network. The more points of distribution for the content, the greater the
                    benefit. Getting on the product page, where the rubber meets the road in
                    terms of conversion, is a good start. But a video program adds more benefit
                    as it is expanded to include other points of consideration. Some likely targets
                    are category pages and video galleries on your retail site. Optimized
                    content distributed to social sites, like YouTube and Facebook, adds
                    incremental views and traffic rather than diluting the impact of the original
                    unique content. And video content on a mobile platform can meet
                    consumers wherever they are shopping and even bridge the gap to driving
                    sales in brick-and-mortar locations.

All three elements are needed for a successful eCommerce video program. But to
get the most out of it you also need merchandising expertise to ensure your videos
are viewed. The more your videos are viewed, the higher the impact on conversion.

            | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Video has clear benefit to online retailers and that benefit is maximized when the video is merchandised

appropriately. Key elements of that merchandising include keeping valuable content above the fold,

avoiding user confusion from too many options, asking for the click, and keeping elements large enough

to matter. Given its popularity and communication potential, video has a more powerful attraction than

many other elements and can be expected to outperform text, still images and other more traditional

elements. That leads the savvy online marketer to make video an integral element on the page rather

than adding it as an afterthought. Sometimes circumstances force a less-than-optimal placement, in

which case merchandising tools such as icons and image overlays can help increase VTR.

Talk to Us
We hope this information is useful to you, and we’d like your comments and

feedback. Share your thoughts by commenting on the Invodo blog at, reach us by email at or by

telephone at 1-800-280-4122.

About Invodo
. . . Video that makes a difference

Invodo helps businesses sell more through the power of video. The immediacy of video drives conversion

for retailers, consideration for manufacturers, and satisfaction for consumers. Invodo works with Internet

500 retailers and major brands to create eCommerce video that drives traffic, increases conversion rates

and reduces returns. Based in Austin, TX, Invodo is backed by Sevin Rosen and S3 Ventures.

                           | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

               More Questions? Reach us at 512.279.4800 or visit

         Comscore, ‘November Sees Number of U.S. Video Views Online Surpass 30 Billion for First

              Time on Record’, January 5, 2010

         eMarketer, ‘Video Usage in eCommerce: The Best is Yet to Come’, January, 2009

         Forrester Research, “The Easiest Way to a First-Page Ranking on Google”, January 8, 2009

         Internet Retailer, ‘More Than a Pretty Face’, January, 2009

         Forrester Research, ‘Online Retailers’ Adoption of Video Content is Ahead of Consumers’

              Preferences’, November 5, 2009

         Practical eCommerce, ‘Video Boosts Online Sales, Merchants Confirm’, November, 2008

         Internet Retailer, ‘’s Videos Pay Dividends On and Off Its Site’, January, 2009

                         | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

             More Questions? Reach us at 512.279.4800 or visit

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Online Video for Retailers

  • 1. WATCH THIS! The Online Retailer’s Guide to Video Merchandising Success
  • 2. Contents • Introduction • Why Video Matters More than Ever to Online Retailers • Research Results • Beyond Merchandising: Solving the Video Problem • Summary • Talk to Us • About Invodo • References
  • 3. Introduction We’re pleased to present the results of our research on how online retailers can get the biggest impact from their video merchandising. We analyzed data on how video was performing on fifty-three of our customers’ websites, with an average of 138 products with video per site. That works out to 7,314 product pages sampled in this data. To our knowledge, that’s the largest sample size in any eCommerce video study to date. The results give you, the online retailer, insight into how to merchandise your videos online for the greatest possible impact. We’ve detailed our findings and condensed them into a set of actionable recommendations. Why Video Matters More than Ever to Online Retailers But first let’s review some tasty third-party statistics to remind ourselves of why we should care. Comscore reports that as of the end of 2009, nearly 85% of the US online audience viewed online video, with the average viewer watching 12.2 hours of video during the month of November1. Those numbers show the rapid shift from the first screen, the television, to the second screen, the computer. Mobile – the third screen – is coming up fast. And the fourth screen, out-of-home digital, will likely rely on video as a core element. Internet Retailer and eMarketer surveys both report that many online retailers are adding video to their web- sites, with video being one of two top priorities. Reduced returns, reduced cart abandons, and increased sales are the clear benefits2, along with SEO impact that Forrester quantifies as increasing the chance of a front- page Google result by 53x3. That led 43% of retailers to plan to add video at the start of 20094, and that number is now over 64%5 as of January 2010. The increase in sales is especially compelling since numerous sources have documented conversion rate increases of 30% or more6,7. 30% Increased Increased Sales Reduced Returns Reduced Cart Abandons Conversion Rate | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 4. Let’s do the following quick math to show why that matters. Assume you get 500,000 visits per month, each one viewing two product pages. If you currently convert at 3% with a $100 average transaction, you have $3,000,000 in monthly sales. A 30% increase in conversion would bring your conversion rate to 3.9% and add $900,000 in monthly sales. That’s a compelling case for adding video – even before benefits in terms of SEO, decreased returns and cart abandons, and enhanced customer experience are factored in. Current Business Visits per Month 500,000 Product Page Views per Visit 2 Product Page Views per Month 1,000,000 Conversion Rate 3% Number of Transactions 30,000 Average Ticket $100 Monthly Sales $3,000,000 Business Impact of Video Conversion Rate Increase 30% New Conversion Rate 3.9% Additonal Transactions 9,000 Incremental Monthly Sales $900,000 | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 5. Research Results The key metric here is View Through Rate (VTR). Expressed as a percentage, VTR is the ratio of Views (videos watched) to Impressions (video players served to web pages). To make it very simple, a 25% VTR means that, if the player was served 100 times, the end user chose to view at least a portion of the video 25 of those times. We reviewed video VTR data for a three-month period from fifty-three of our online retailer customers covering a range of verticals including home décor, sporting goods, music, toys and consumer electronics. The customer size ranged from small retailers to Internet 50 powerhouses, and the time period covered November 2009 – January 2010. The average retailer had 138 product pages with video, so 7,314 product pages are represented in this data set, as we mentioned in the introduction. That’s enough data to claim significance and breadth across categories, making these results broadly applicable and, we hope, useful to the online retail community. View Volume and View Through Rate 35,000 80% 30,000 70% 60% 25,000 50% 20,000 40% 15,000 30% 10,000 20% 10% 5,000 0% 0 (Customer) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE FF Views Total VTR The VTR in the sample ranged from 5% to almost 70%, with a weighted average of around 22%. (We threw out a few outliers, notably pages with only a few impressions where the VTR was 100%, to avoid skewing the results). The research question we asked ourselves was this: How can an online retailer maximize View Through Rate? We tested four hypotheses and found the following results. | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 6. Hypothesis 1: Placing video above the fold results in a greater View Through Rate than Placement Impact on VTR video below the fold. The concept of “Above the fold” originates in 30% the newspaper industry and refers to the choicest 25% location on the front page – visible even when 20% the newspaper is folded in half and displayed face 15% up on the newsstand. In web design, the term refers to the portions of a webpage that are visible 10% without scrolling. Of course, the exact location 5% of the “fold” differs based on browser and monitor 0% resolution. We went with the recommendation that assumes users have their Below the Fold Above the Fold resolution set to 1024 x 768 pixels, since that accounts for 54% of Internet users. Not surprisingly, this proved true. The player achieved an average VTR of 25.7% above the fold – almost twice the 15.1% for players below the fold. So treat with skepticism the leading-edge Web theorists who claim that “the fold doesn’t matter anymore.” To online shoppers, it clearly does. And if you want those online shoppers to be influenced by your video, the higher on the page you place it, the better off you are. Further research will focus on the impact of going further and occupying the “hero position” typically reserved for a still product image on the page. VTR has greatly increased when we’ve placed video here, but we need further data to confirm that impact. We’ll also watch for changes based on the explosion of mobile commerce, as above the fold is a completely different proposition on a mobile browser. M-commerce presents new chal- lenges for the online retailer as well as opening up new opportunities, such as closer integration between bricks-and-mortar and online stores. Actionable Recommendation: Focus on premier placement for your videos and get them above the fold whenever possible. If you can’t get them above the fold, use merchandising tools like icons and image overlays to call attention to your videos. | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 7. Hypothesis 2: View Through Rate declines with an Impact of Competing Elements on VTR increasing number of elements competing for clicks on the page. 21+ The common-sense rationale is that clicks are a 15-20 zero-sum game. The more elements on the page 11-15 compete for the click, the less often any one element will be clicked. We excluded global headers and 6-10 footers from this analysis since we believe users are 1-5 focused on the center of the page in deciding where to click unless they are navigating to another part of the site. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% We were pretty attached to this hypothesis and were surprised to be proven wrong – kind of. Video on pages with 1-5 and 6-10 clickable elements outperforms video on pages with 11-15 and 15-20 clickable elements by a significant margin. By that standard, fewer places to click equals more video plays. But the big surprise was a 26.4% VTR for pages with over 21 clickable elements. This finding calls for further research. It’s possible that users react to a crowded and confusing page by choosing video to help them make sense of all the information. We know that video excels at conveying complex information in a simple form, so perhaps this explains the behavior. Perhaps the most likely explanation is that the number of elements on the page is less important than what and where they are on the page – in which case heat mapping would yield insights. Actionable Recommendation: Consider carefully the potential impact of competing clickable elements on a page. Monitor the impact as new elements are introduced. | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 8. Hypothesis 3: Adding a video with a text call to action (“Click to play”, Click to view”) increases View Through Rate. Just as the salesperson bags Impact of Text Call to Action on VTR the deal by asking for the business, the online marketer 25% increases conversion by 20% asking for the click. That’s the 15% theory. 10% 5% 0% No Text CTA Text CTA And the theory holds, with VTR of 23.9% with a text CTA versus 21.4% without. With increasing adoption of online video, the text CTA is probably less important than it used to be, as most viewers understand a ‘Play’ button. This impact is not nearly as striking as the impact when the player is moved above the fold, but every point of VTR makes a difference. Actionable Recommendation: When possible, include a text call to action (“click to view” or similar) with the video player. | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 9. Hypothesis 4: Increasing the size of the video player increases View Through Rate. The Invodo Embedded Video Player (IEVP) renders as Impact of Resized Player on VTR 480 x 720 pixels on the page. However, it can be customized by sizing it down when needed. We had 25% cautioned retailers that rendering it too small might 20% decrease VTR – but we wanted to run the numbers to 15% verify or disprove that claim. 10% 5% 0% Reduced Size Full Size The data confirms this hypothesis. The full-sized Invodo Embedded Video Player implementations generated a VTR of 22.5%, versus 19.0% for implementations scaled down to 250 x 140 pixels. Again, this benefit isn’t as big as moving the player above the fold, but as a best practice, a larger player (within reason) is better. We’ll do further research here: is a small player above the fold better than a large player below the fold? It appears so, as the above the fold upside exceeds the resized-player downside, but a dedicated study on the topic is needed to resolve the question. Actionable Recommendation: Avoid resizing the player unless it is absolutely necessary to get an above the fold placement. | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 10. Beyond Merchandising: Solving the Online Retail Video Problem By this point you’re likely to agree that video has clear benefit for an online retailer, and that merchandising the video wisely as an integral element of the page maximizes that benefit. So what else stands in the way of launching a video program? Unlike many eCommerce enhancements, adding video requires three very distinct competencies: Content, Platform, and Network. Few online retailers and fewer video provid- ers are skilled in all three. A brief explanation of the framework we use with our customers at Invodo follows. Drive Traffic Increased Conversion Rates Invodo’s three-tiered solution increases traffic and conversion rates while reducing product returns. Reduced Product Returns | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 11. Content. Where will you acquire the video content? If it’s from manufacturers, how will you avoid having to create a ‘content wrangler’ position to manage multiple file formats and keep the content updated and fresh? If you plan to create your own content or use a video production company, what type of content will you create? How will you be sure it is eCommerce-optimized in terms of content, length and format? How will you create content in a scalable manner? Creating a few videos is relatively easy. But creating eCommerce-optimized video at scale is a very different proposition. Platform. How will you host & stream the content across the site? Most video platforms are not focused on the needs of the online retailer. Many charge a premium for functionality that’s irrelevant at best and distracting at worst, given an online retailer’s focus on driving conversion. Self-hosting may not be the right answer for bandwidth-intensive content like video. Even if the customer experience and branding were acceptable, do-it-yourself options like YouTube and Vimeo come with a hidden cost: traffic that is diverted away from the retail site to YouTube, and cannot be recovered. Network. The more points of distribution for the content, the greater the benefit. Getting on the product page, where the rubber meets the road in terms of conversion, is a good start. But a video program adds more benefit as it is expanded to include other points of consideration. Some likely targets are category pages and video galleries on your retail site. Optimized content distributed to social sites, like YouTube and Facebook, adds incremental views and traffic rather than diluting the impact of the original unique content. And video content on a mobile platform can meet consumers wherever they are shopping and even bridge the gap to driving sales in brick-and-mortar locations. All three elements are needed for a successful eCommerce video program. But to get the most out of it you also need merchandising expertise to ensure your videos are viewed. The more your videos are viewed, the higher the impact on conversion. | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 12. Summary Video has clear benefit to online retailers and that benefit is maximized when the video is merchandised appropriately. Key elements of that merchandising include keeping valuable content above the fold, avoiding user confusion from too many options, asking for the click, and keeping elements large enough to matter. Given its popularity and communication potential, video has a more powerful attraction than many other elements and can be expected to outperform text, still images and other more traditional elements. That leads the savvy online marketer to make video an integral element on the page rather than adding it as an afterthought. Sometimes circumstances force a less-than-optimal placement, in which case merchandising tools such as icons and image overlays can help increase VTR. Talk to Us We hope this information is useful to you, and we’d like your comments and feedback. Share your thoughts by commenting on the Invodo blog at, reach us by email at or by telephone at 1-800-280-4122. About Invodo . . . Video that makes a difference Invodo helps businesses sell more through the power of video. The immediacy of video drives conversion for retailers, consideration for manufacturers, and satisfaction for consumers. Invodo works with Internet 500 retailers and major brands to create eCommerce video that drives traffic, increases conversion rates and reduces returns. Based in Austin, TX, Invodo is backed by Sevin Rosen and S3 Ventures. | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved. More Questions? Reach us at 512.279.4800 or visit
  • 13. References 1 Comscore, ‘November Sees Number of U.S. Video Views Online Surpass 30 Billion for First Time on Record’, January 5, 2010 2 eMarketer, ‘Video Usage in eCommerce: The Best is Yet to Come’, January, 2009 3 Forrester Research, “The Easiest Way to a First-Page Ranking on Google”, January 8, 2009 4 Internet Retailer, ‘More Than a Pretty Face’, January, 2009 5 Forrester Research, ‘Online Retailers’ Adoption of Video Content is Ahead of Consumers’ Preferences’, November 5, 2009 6 Practical eCommerce, ‘Video Boosts Online Sales, Merchants Confirm’, November, 2008 7 Internet Retailer, ‘’s Videos Pay Dividends On and Off Its Site’, January, 2009 | © 2010 Invodo, Inc. All Rights Reserved. More Questions? Reach us at 512.279.4800 or visit