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E-Commerce & Social Media – The Next Big Thing:
                              Latin America
May, 2011                                                                       Ivonne Kinser
A 600 MM people market
with the fastest Internet
growth-rate worldwide

Latin America 600 Million people region has
the fastest-growing Internet penetration
In the past year the Internet population in Latin
America has increased 15 percent to 112.7
million visitors as the region’s digital ecosystem
continued to grow and develop.

 Latin America is the second                         Reasons to expand into
   largest user of social                                latin america
      media worldwide
Consumers are 5 times more likely to buy on a        No one could deny
site written in their own language.                  at this point that
                                                     we have arrived at
According to researches consumers are 5 times        an unprecedented
more likely to buy on a site written in their own    stage where
language. In spite of the predominance of            globalization is
English in terms of languages online web users       making the world
still prefer to use their own language when          “one large market”. Companies worldwide
surfing the web. A Latin American consumer is        are recognizing the need to “globalize" their
therefore more likely to buy from a platform         business models in order to grow.
offering Spanish or Portuguese versions than one     Within the global marketplace, Latin
offering English only.                               America is in the crosshairs of many global
                                                     companies. Below are five reasons that
                                                     make the region a no-brainer for companies
Can’t read, won’t buy. Why                           considering new markets to expand their
   language matters in                               businesses.
      global websites                                Source:

Consumers are 5 times more likely to buy on a
site written in their own language.
May, 2011                                      Latin America E-Commerce opportunity

            Latin America online buying
              population per country

               The results of this research conducted in 2007 shows
               the unleashed potential of the Latin America e-
               commerce market. Although Latin America lags behind
               most developed countries regarding the adoption of
               online shopping habits, at some point it catches up.
               With the current staggering penetration of Internet and
               mobile technologies in the region, the e-commerce
               shopping has already increased significantly.

May, 2011                                                 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity

       Brazil e-commerce
  opportunity, bigger than the
The most populous country in Latin America, Brazil
is also the country with the largest number of people
with Internet access – 76 million people
representing 38% of Latin American web users are
Brazilian. With almost 60% of web users using social
networks, Brazil surpasses the US and the UK in
sheer volume.

    Brazil E-commerce Speeds
          Up Expansion

Online retail sales are expected to grow 19.4% per year in the 2010-2013 period, jumping from
US$ 572 billion to more than US$ 1 trillion.
In Brazil sales went up 40% in 2010 year-on-year, to US$. 9.25 billion. Of the new global
consumers, the Brazilians are specially impacted by the digital media and have been particularly
prone to try and use them. And the positive economic scenario leverages this behavior.
Online retail sales have been growing worldwide, and studies forecast this year they may rise to
US$ 680.6 billion, more than doubling from the US$ 273.05 billion five years ago.
In this same period, in the US, the number of online shoppers have gone up from 130 million in
2006 to around 176 million this year, indicating the consumer base has been growing slower, but
average sales have been going up. Total online sales have gone up from US$ 126 billion in 2006 to
US$ 204 billions. And all this process may be boosted once again, as the use of the web for
shopping becomes more usual, due to the mobility. Especially in Brazil, where in many residences
there are only mobile phones and no fixed lines, stimulating a more intense browsing in the
mobile environment.
In the Brazilian reality, the number of e-consumers reached 23 million in 2010, from 17.6 million
one year earlier. This growth was leveraged by the new e-commerce concepts, specially in Social
Shopping and Purchase Clubs, and by the growing presence of the mid-class consumers, who rose
from 36% of the market in 2006 to 53% last year.

The expansion of e-commerce, online or via mobile, will be in the next years the fastest-growing
sales channel, and the e-consumers shopping experience stimulates the growth of businesses,
average sales and frequency of shopping. The e-commerce figures in Brazil and worldwide will be
the biggest factor to make retailers and industries devote growing attention to this channel,
creating a new universe of experiences and relationships, in a digital environment.
Source: Brazilian Retail News. May, 2011


May, 2011                                             Latin America E-Commerce opportunity


 Brazilian E-commerce Spending Set to
          Jump 187% by 2016

E-commerce sales in Brazil will reach
$22.0 billion in 2016, up 178% from
$7.9 billion in 2010, according to a new
study from Forrester Research Inc.

The report notes that the country’s 81
million web users are active in social
networks and expect free shipping offers
and interest-free payment plans for their
online retail purchases.

                                  Knowledge and Expertise are Key to Succeed

                                Forrester cautions that selling online in Latin America is
                                different in several ways from e-commerce in the United
                                States, Europe and Asia. Import taxes, for example, are
                                steep, especially in Brazil.
                                Online retailers hoping to target the online consumer in
                                Brazil need to understand that installment payments are
                                extremely common, both online and offline: Visa
                                estimates that some half of all credit card purchases in
                                the country are done through a series of installments.
                                Additionally, Boleto Bancario, a local bank transfer service,
                                is a popular online payment option for those consumers
                                who do not own credit cards—a significant portion of the
                                population. In conclusion, to build a successful in
                                international e-commerce business technology is just half
of the equation. The other half is a solid market experience and local culture

May, 2011                                         Latin America E-Commerce opportunity


               •   71% of Brazil e-shoppers are
               •   From 20 to 45 years old
               •   56% are female
               •   Only 15% shopped in international websites in
                   2007, likely because of the lack of solutions to
                   pay with debit card, (back then), and the in-
                   language website


May, 2011                                              Latin America E-Commerce opportunity

                                                                  •   Among the most
                                                                      prosperous countries
                                                                      in Latin America
                                                                  •   Leads electronic
                                                                      commerce transactions
                                                                  •   Triples the average
                                                                      euro per capita
                                                                  •   40.6 % Internet
                                                                  •   Highest penetration of
                                                                      credit cards in latin
                                                                  •   Ranks 39th out of 139
                                                                      economies estimated in
      E-commerce in Chile has been                                    terms of technological
      growing 100% year-over-year

Today, Chile is one of the most stable and prosperous
countries in South America, and seems to be the leading
country of Latin America when it comes to electronic
commerce transactions. Chile triples the regional average of
31,22 euro per capita, with sales equal to 107,85 euro a year
per person. Brazil is a good second, with 36,89 euro per
capita. confirms that since the millennium
change the Internet use has grown, up to 320,2%. Chile had an initial amount of
1.757.400 (or 26,2 %) users in 2001 and reached 7.387.000 (44,9 %) users in 2008. In
conclusion, 40,6% of Chileans used the Internet).

As for the e-commerce development, today Chile seems to be the most developed Latin
America country. This does not only concern IT, but for online business industry as well
since Chile has the highest penetration of credit cards, personal computers and Internet
access. For 2010/11 Chile ranked 39th out of 139 economies estimated in terms of
technological readiness, still well ahead of it’s nearest regional competitor, Brazil, which
occupied the 46th position.
E-commerce in this country has been growing 100% year-over-year as retail businesses
around the world are expected to draw their attention towards the Chilean market.                                         

May, 2011                                            Latin America E-Commerce opportunity

   Argentina e-commerce revenue jumps
               48% in 2010
      E-commerce revenues in Argentina
have increased by over 48 percent in
2010 to USD 1.9 billion, according to a
report by the Argentinean E-commerce
Chamber (CACE). The growth was mainly
due to the increasing Internet customer
base, which reached 26.5 million users at
end-2010. The study also shows that
around 32 percent of Argentina's Internet
user-base make online purchases. The
report forecasts that Argentina's e-
commerce sector revenues will grow by
nearly 43 percent this year to USD 2.7 billion.       Source:


                                 Argentina, along with Venezuela were the markets
                                 which achieved the strongest Internet retailing growth
                                 in 2010, reaching almost 40 percent in current terms.
                                 Argentina was also the fastest growing market
                                 historically, posting over a 57 percent CAGR between
                                 2005 and 2010.
                                 Rapid growth of Internet usage is one of the reasons
                                 behind the sustained growth in Argentina, another
                                 reason being that consumers are using the Internet to
shop for better prices. The current economic situation is helping as “people are turning
to shopping online because it is a 'rational buy' which avoids temptation.
The most successful Internet sites are those of store-based retailers, which already
benefit from consumer confidence. Pure e-commerce companies are few and far
between, have not yet found a successful way to reach consumers and depend mainly
on word of mouth. Retailers need to look at how they can use social media, which is
increasing their number of users significantly in Argentina.


May, 2011                                     Latin America E-Commerce opportunity


            •   73% of Argentinean e-shoppers are employed/
            •   33% are within the 25 to 34 years old bracket
            •   64% are female
            •   27% shopped in international websites in
                2007, vs. 79% in national websites

May, 2011                                              Latin America E-Commerce opportunity


                                                           Mexico Poised for
                                                           Significant Growth

                                                     Mexico is the fastest growing and
                                                     second largest technology market in
                                                     Latin America next to Brazil.
                                                     In the last eight years, Internet
                                                     access in Mexico has grown 774%
                                                     with only a quarter of the population,
                                                     (approximately 110 million) currently
                                                     using the Internet.

 Internet commerce is expected to grow steadily as more Mexicans convert to online
 shopping and as online bank services and large online retailers increase their
 ecommerce offerings. The potential for healthy growth makes Mexico one of the most
 attractive ecommerce markets in the world right now. Concurrently, the demand for
 cross border products by the Mexican consumer has also experienced substantial
 growth. As an emerging market, Mexico offers opportunities for global-minded e-tailers
 to meet this demand for U.S. products. In 2009, more than half of the largest online
 retailers in the U.S. accepted international orders – a sales channel that was virtually
 non-existent 3 years ago. With the arrival of alternative payment methods replacing
 credit cards and advancing logistics solutions, more and more merchants have warmed
 up to cross border customers and are looking towards international markets to
 increase their sales. Mexico is one of those markets and is ready for business.

                       •   Online sales in Mexico will reach $3.4 billion in
                           2016, up 209% from $1.1 billion in 2010.
                       •   About a third of the Mexican population, or
                           about 40 million consumers, are online.

May, 2011                                        Latin America E-Commerce opportunity


               •   69% of Mexican e-shoppers are employeed/
               •   40% are within the 25 to 34 years old bracket
               •   81% are female
               •   44% shopped in international websites in
                   2007, (much higher than Brazilians)

May, 2011                                                        Latin America E-Commerce opportunity

Worldwide e-commerce spending – forecasted


         By 2014, global e-commerce spending is projected to increase more than 90 percent. In Latin
                     America, the amount spent online is projected to more than double.

•   Brazil is — and will remain — the powerhouse in the region. With more than 40% of the
    online users in the region and a steadily growing economy, it’s not surprising that Brazil’s eCommerce
    market will outpace all others by a wide margin. Brazil’s projected 2011 sales of almost $10B put it
    behind other major online retail markets like France and South Korea but ahead of smaller ones such as
    the Netherlands and Italy.
•   Mexico’s online retail market is small today — but growing by a CAGR of almost 20%.With
    less than half of the online users of Brazil and limited online spending, Mexico’s online retail market
    remains a small fraction of the size of Brazil’s. Average online spending per buyer will not increase
    significantly over the next five years, but the sheer number of online buyers will.
    Technology purchases will be major drivers in both countries. While some eCommerce
    markets have seen notable categories emerge as online leaders — e.g., grocery in the UK, clothing in
    France — in newer online markets, it’s often technology purchases that dominate online. In both Brazil
    and Mexico, for example, online purchases of consumer electronics and computer hardware will be the
    two categories propelling these markets forward.
May, 2011                                           Latin America E-Commerce opportunity

           Top 14 Cities of Latin america:
        All of them will climb in World GDP

       Latam                       Current      2010 GDP               GDP per
             City (Country)                              GDP
       Rank                        Population   World    World         Capita
                                                Rank                   (by city)

       1        Sao Paulo          20.800.000   8           6          $18.654

                Mexico City
       2                           22.800.000   9           7          $17.105

                Buenos Aires
       3                           14.800.000   12          10         $24.459

                Rio de Janeiro
       4                           12.500.000   30          24         $16.080

       5        Santiago (Chile)   6.050.000    51          50         $19.835

       6        Brasilia (Brazil) 3.925.000     55          51         $28.025

       7        Lima (Peru)        9.200.000    56          52         $11.848

                Belo Horizonte
       8                           5.700.000    61          89         $10.702

       9                           4.350.000    63          58         $23.448

       10       Bogota (Colombia) 8.850.000     64          61         $11.299

                Porto Alegre
       11       (Brazil)           4.100.000    66          85         $16.098

       12       (Mexico)           4.700.000    81          74         $17.234

       13       (Colombia)         3.625.000    104         103        $13.793

       14       Curitiba (Brazil) 3.300.000     113         112        $13.333

            Buenos Aires will overtake Boston (12th) and Washington DC
            (11th) by 2025 GDP

May, 2011                                                                  Latin America E-Commerce opportunity

    Latin America - E-commerce by country

                                                                 2.0%    1.3% 1.3%
 Internet retailing in Latin                                    2.7%
 America almost tripled in                                                                              Mexico
 size over the last five years                                  4.0%                                    Chile
 to generate sales of almost                                   4.0%                                     Venezuela

                                                           4.2%                                         Argentina
 US$12 billion in 2010.
                                                                                                        Caribe sin PR
 However, the channel is                                  4.7%
                                                                                                        Centro Am.
 still almost three times                                                               60.8%           Puerto Rico
 smaller than direct sales.                                                                             Colombia

 There is still enormous                                                                                Peru
 room for growth.

                                                                             Source: :AmericaEconomia Intelligence`

                                                        E-commerce in LatAm 34.5                        1.20%

                                                                                                        1.00%    E-commerce as a % of GDP
 E-commerce in                                                                                          0.80%
                    US$ Billions

 the region has
 increased as a                                                           15.6

 percentage of                                                    10.6                                  0.40%
 GDP at an                                       4.9                                                    0.20%
                                   1.9     3
 average rate of
 34% per year.                     2003   2004   2005   2006      2007    2008   2009   2010*   2011*
                                                         Sales           E-commerce as a % of GDP

May, 2011                                                     Latin America E-Commerce opportunity

    Latin America - E-commerce categories

                                            Taxes; 2%

  The retail                           C2C; 6%
  category is
  growing the                      al Retail;
  most in the                         13%                  Travel;                       Travel
  entire region.                                            45%

                                      Retail; 34%                                        International


                                                                  Source: :AmericaEconomia Intelligence

                 Retail Sites Growth
                                               Source: comScore

                       69.6%                    +3%
      63.8%                                        63.9%

              Brazil                      Worldwide

                         2009 Reach   2010 Reach

May, 2011                                           Latin America E-Commerce opportunity

        Latin Americans do shop online
E-commerce does offer considerable hope to consumers and businesses who now pay a
high price for multi-layered distribution channels for their products. Why does software
from the U.S. cost 150% more in Guadalajara than in Toronto, when both were shipped
the same distance from Silicon Valley free of import duties? The answer lies with
Mexico’s many IT distribution middlemen. The product is imported by a handful of
massive importer/wholesalers whose buying power is fierce and who have the capital to
finance stock for distributors all over Mexico. The local distributor may sale to another
re-seller before the product touches de end-user. Each re-seller marks up the product
20-to-50%. By buying the products online consumers significantly reduce their cost of
the product.

                                               E-Commerce Site Visitors in Brazil Most
                                               Likely to Make Purchase

                                               Among those who visited e-commerce sites
                                               in Latin America, 79 percent of males
                                               reported making an online purchase, while 88
                                               percent of females reported doing so. Across
                                               the markets included in the survey, Brazil
                                               showed the highest percentage conversion of

May, 2011                                                   Latin America E-Commerce opportunity

     With the increase of mobile penetration, mobile e-
    commerce will emerge as a strong shopping channel

                                                     Mobile Phone User
                                                   Penetration by Country,


Latin America has seen a
significant recent rise in the number   60%
of people using the web, driven by
investment in infrastructure and
broadband technologies. There are       40%
an estimated 204,689,836 Internet                2009   2010    2011      2012     2013   2014    2015
users in Latin America,
                                                Argentina      Brazil          Mexico     Latin America
representing 34.5% of the
population and growing.
However, no other region has seen                 Mobile Phone Users in Latin
a greater increase in the                            America 2009-2015
proliferation of mobile devices than
Latin America. According to
eMarketer, Latin America has some                                                 68.6%   70.7%   72.9%
                                                            63.4%       66.2%
of the highest adoption rates of                   60.6%
mobile devices in the world and
overall mobile phone user                                                         415.6   432.7   450.7
                                                            375.5       396.2
penetration of 55.4%. A study by         331.5     354.6
Hunt Mobile Ads shows that there
has been a 156% growth in mobile
traffic in Latin America when
comparing the first quarter of 2011
                                         2009       2010     2011       2012      2013    2014     2015
to the same period in 2010.
                                                                 Mobile Phone Users


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Latin America e-commerce

  • 1. E-Commerce & Social Media – The Next Big Thing: Latin America May, 2011 Ivonne Kinser A 600 MM people market with the fastest Internet growth-rate worldwide Latin America 600 Million people region has the fastest-growing Internet penetration worldwide. In the past year the Internet population in Latin America has increased 15 percent to 112.7 million visitors as the region’s digital ecosystem continued to grow and develop. Latin America is the second Reasons to expand into largest user of social latin america media worldwide Consumers are 5 times more likely to buy on a No one could deny site written in their own language. at this point that we have arrived at According to researches consumers are 5 times an unprecedented more likely to buy on a site written in their own stage where language. In spite of the predominance of globalization is English in terms of languages online web users making the world still prefer to use their own language when “one large market”. Companies worldwide surfing the web. A Latin American consumer is are recognizing the need to “globalize" their therefore more likely to buy from a platform business models in order to grow. offering Spanish or Portuguese versions than one Within the global marketplace, Latin offering English only. America is in the crosshairs of many global companies. Below are five reasons that make the region a no-brainer for companies Can’t read, won’t buy. Why considering new markets to expand their language matters in businesses. global websites Source: Consumers are 5 times more likely to buy on a site written in their own language. Source:
  • 2. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity Latin America online buying population per country The results of this research conducted in 2007 shows the unleashed potential of the Latin America e- commerce market. Although Latin America lags behind most developed countries regarding the adoption of online shopping habits, at some point it catches up. With the current staggering penetration of Internet and mobile technologies in the region, the e-commerce shopping has already increased significantly. 2
  • 3. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity Brazil e-commerce opportunity, bigger than the UK The most populous country in Latin America, Brazil is also the country with the largest number of people with Internet access – 76 million people representing 38% of Latin American web users are Brazilian. With almost 60% of web users using social networks, Brazil surpasses the US and the UK in sheer volume. Source: Brazil E-commerce Speeds Up Expansion Online retail sales are expected to grow 19.4% per year in the 2010-2013 period, jumping from US$ 572 billion to more than US$ 1 trillion. In Brazil sales went up 40% in 2010 year-on-year, to US$. 9.25 billion. Of the new global consumers, the Brazilians are specially impacted by the digital media and have been particularly prone to try and use them. And the positive economic scenario leverages this behavior. Online retail sales have been growing worldwide, and studies forecast this year they may rise to US$ 680.6 billion, more than doubling from the US$ 273.05 billion five years ago. In this same period, in the US, the number of online shoppers have gone up from 130 million in 2006 to around 176 million this year, indicating the consumer base has been growing slower, but average sales have been going up. Total online sales have gone up from US$ 126 billion in 2006 to US$ 204 billions. And all this process may be boosted once again, as the use of the web for shopping becomes more usual, due to the mobility. Especially in Brazil, where in many residences there are only mobile phones and no fixed lines, stimulating a more intense browsing in the mobile environment. In the Brazilian reality, the number of e-consumers reached 23 million in 2010, from 17.6 million one year earlier. This growth was leveraged by the new e-commerce concepts, specially in Social Shopping and Purchase Clubs, and by the growing presence of the mid-class consumers, who rose from 36% of the market in 2006 to 53% last year. The expansion of e-commerce, online or via mobile, will be in the next years the fastest-growing sales channel, and the e-consumers shopping experience stimulates the growth of businesses, average sales and frequency of shopping. The e-commerce figures in Brazil and worldwide will be the biggest factor to make retailers and industries devote growing attention to this channel, creating a new universe of experiences and relationships, in a digital environment. Source: Brazilian Retail News. May, 2011 3
  • 4. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity E-COMMERCE SPENDING IN LATIN SET TO ALMOST DOUBLE IN THE NEXY FIVE YEARS Brazilian E-commerce Spending Set to Jump 187% by 2016 E-commerce sales in Brazil will reach $22.0 billion in 2016, up 178% from $7.9 billion in 2010, according to a new study from Forrester Research Inc. The report notes that the country’s 81 million web users are active in social networks and expect free shipping offers and interest-free payment plans for their online retail purchases. Knowledge and Expertise are Key to Succeed Forrester cautions that selling online in Latin America is different in several ways from e-commerce in the United States, Europe and Asia. Import taxes, for example, are steep, especially in Brazil. Online retailers hoping to target the online consumer in Brazil need to understand that installment payments are extremely common, both online and offline: Visa estimates that some half of all credit card purchases in the country are done through a series of installments. Additionally, Boleto Bancario, a local bank transfer service, is a popular online payment option for those consumers who do not own credit cards—a significant portion of the population. In conclusion, to build a successful in international e-commerce business technology is just half of the equation. The other half is a solid market experience and local culture understanding. 4
  • 5. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity BRAZIL E-COMMERCE LANSCAPE • 71% of Brazil e-shoppers are employed/Professionals • From 20 to 45 years old • 56% are female • Only 15% shopped in international websites in 2007, likely because of the lack of solutions to pay with debit card, (back then), and the in- language website 5
  • 6. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity Chile • Among the most prosperous countries in Latin America • Leads electronic commerce transactions • Triples the average euro per capita • 40.6 % Internet penetration • Highest penetration of credit cards in latin America • Ranks 39th out of 139 economies estimated in E-commerce in Chile has been terms of technological readiness growing 100% year-over-year Today, Chile is one of the most stable and prosperous countries in South America, and seems to be the leading country of Latin America when it comes to electronic commerce transactions. Chile triples the regional average of 31,22 euro per capita, with sales equal to 107,85 euro a year per person. Brazil is a good second, with 36,89 euro per capita. confirms that since the millennium change the Internet use has grown, up to 320,2%. Chile had an initial amount of 1.757.400 (or 26,2 %) users in 2001 and reached 7.387.000 (44,9 %) users in 2008. In conclusion, 40,6% of Chileans used the Internet). As for the e-commerce development, today Chile seems to be the most developed Latin America country. This does not only concern IT, but for online business industry as well since Chile has the highest penetration of credit cards, personal computers and Internet access. For 2010/11 Chile ranked 39th out of 139 economies estimated in terms of technological readiness, still well ahead of it’s nearest regional competitor, Brazil, which occupied the 46th position. E-commerce in this country has been growing 100% year-over-year as retail businesses around the world are expected to draw their attention towards the Chilean market. 6
  • 7. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity Argentina e-commerce revenue jumps 48% in 2010 E-commerce revenues in Argentina have increased by over 48 percent in 2010 to USD 1.9 billion, according to a report by the Argentinean E-commerce Chamber (CACE). The growth was mainly due to the increasing Internet customer base, which reached 26.5 million users at end-2010. The study also shows that around 32 percent of Argentina's Internet user-base make online purchases. The report forecasts that Argentina's e- commerce sector revenues will grow by nearly 43 percent this year to USD 2.7 billion. Source: LEADING THE GROWTH Argentina, along with Venezuela were the markets which achieved the strongest Internet retailing growth in 2010, reaching almost 40 percent in current terms. Argentina was also the fastest growing market historically, posting over a 57 percent CAGR between 2005 and 2010. Rapid growth of Internet usage is one of the reasons behind the sustained growth in Argentina, another reason being that consumers are using the Internet to shop for better prices. The current economic situation is helping as “people are turning to shopping online because it is a 'rational buy' which avoids temptation. The most successful Internet sites are those of store-based retailers, which already benefit from consumer confidence. Pure e-commerce companies are few and far between, have not yet found a successful way to reach consumers and depend mainly on word of mouth. Retailers need to look at how they can use social media, which is increasing their number of users significantly in Argentina. Source:
  • 8. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity ARGENTINA E-COMMERCE LANSCAPE • 73% of Argentinean e-shoppers are employed/ Professionals • 33% are within the 25 to 34 years old bracket • 64% are female • 27% shopped in international websites in 2007, vs. 79% in national websites
  • 9. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity MEXICO, AMONG THE MOST ATTRACTIVE E- COMMERCE MARKETS IN LATAM Mexico Poised for Significant Growth Mexico is the fastest growing and second largest technology market in Latin America next to Brazil. In the last eight years, Internet access in Mexico has grown 774% with only a quarter of the population, (approximately 110 million) currently using the Internet. Internet commerce is expected to grow steadily as more Mexicans convert to online shopping and as online bank services and large online retailers increase their ecommerce offerings. The potential for healthy growth makes Mexico one of the most attractive ecommerce markets in the world right now. Concurrently, the demand for cross border products by the Mexican consumer has also experienced substantial growth. As an emerging market, Mexico offers opportunities for global-minded e-tailers to meet this demand for U.S. products. In 2009, more than half of the largest online retailers in the U.S. accepted international orders – a sales channel that was virtually non-existent 3 years ago. With the arrival of alternative payment methods replacing credit cards and advancing logistics solutions, more and more merchants have warmed up to cross border customers and are looking towards international markets to increase their sales. Mexico is one of those markets and is ready for business. • Online sales in Mexico will reach $3.4 billion in 2016, up 209% from $1.1 billion in 2010. • About a third of the Mexican population, or about 40 million consumers, are online.
  • 10. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity MEXICO E-COMMERCE LANSCAPE • 69% of Mexican e-shoppers are employeed/ Professionals • 40% are within the 25 to 34 years old bracket • 81% are female • 44% shopped in international websites in 2007, (much higher than Brazilians)
  • 11. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity Worldwide e-commerce spending – forecasted growth Brazil By 2014, global e-commerce spending is projected to increase more than 90 percent. In Latin America, the amount spent online is projected to more than double. • Brazil is — and will remain — the powerhouse in the region. With more than 40% of the online users in the region and a steadily growing economy, it’s not surprising that Brazil’s eCommerce market will outpace all others by a wide margin. Brazil’s projected 2011 sales of almost $10B put it behind other major online retail markets like France and South Korea but ahead of smaller ones such as the Netherlands and Italy. • Mexico’s online retail market is small today — but growing by a CAGR of almost 20%.With less than half of the online users of Brazil and limited online spending, Mexico’s online retail market remains a small fraction of the size of Brazil’s. Average online spending per buyer will not increase significantly over the next five years, but the sheer number of online buyers will. Technology purchases will be major drivers in both countries. While some eCommerce markets have seen notable categories emerge as online leaders — e.g., grocery in the UK, clothing in France — in newer online markets, it’s often technology purchases that dominate online. In both Brazil and Mexico, for example, online purchases of consumer electronics and computer hardware will be the two categories propelling these markets forward.
  • 12. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity Top 14 Cities of Latin america: All of them will climb in World GDP 2025 Latam Current 2010 GDP GDP per City (Country) GDP Rank Population World World Capita Rank (by city) Rank 1 Sao Paulo 20.800.000 8 6 $18.654 (Brazil) Mexico City 2 22.800.000 9 7 $17.105 (Mexico) Buenos Aires 3 14.800.000 12 10 $24.459 (Argentina) Rio de Janeiro 4 12.500.000 30 24 $16.080 (Brazil) 5 Santiago (Chile) 6.050.000 51 50 $19.835 6 Brasilia (Brazil) 3.925.000 55 51 $28.025 7 Lima (Peru) 9.200.000 56 52 $11.848 Belo Horizonte 8 5.700.000 61 89 $10.702 (Brazil) Monterrey 9 4.350.000 63 58 $23.448 (Mexico) 10 Bogota (Colombia) 8.850.000 64 61 $11.299 Porto Alegre 11 (Brazil) 4.100.000 66 85 $16.098 Guadalajara 12 (Mexico) 4.700.000 81 74 $17.234 Medellin 13 (Colombia) 3.625.000 104 103 $13.793 14 Curitiba (Brazil) 3.300.000 113 112 $13.333 Buenos Aires will overtake Boston (12th) and Washington DC (11th) by 2025 GDP
  • 13. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity Latin America - E-commerce by country 2.0% 1.3% 1.3% Internet retailing in Latin 2.7% Brasil 2.9% America almost tripled in Mexico size over the last five years 4.0% Chile to generate sales of almost 4.0% Venezuela 4.2% Argentina US$12 billion in 2010. Caribe sin PR However, the channel is 4.7% Centro Am. still almost three times 60.8% Puerto Rico 12.1% smaller than direct sales. Colombia There is still enormous Peru Other room for growth. Source: :AmericaEconomia Intelligence` E-commerce in LatAm 34.5 1.20% 1.00% E-commerce as a % of GDP 27.6 E-commerce in 0.80% US$ Billions 21.8 the region has 0.60% increased as a 15.6 percentage of 10.6 0.40% 7.5 GDP at an 4.9 0.20% 1.9 3 average rate of 0.00% 34% per year. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010* 2011* Sales E-commerce as a % of GDP
  • 14. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity Latin America - E-commerce categories Taxes; 2% The retail C2C; 6% category is Internation growing the al Retail; most in the 13% Travel; Travel entire region. 45% Retail Retail; 34% International Retail C2C Taxes Source: :AmericaEconomia Intelligence Retail Sites Growth Source: comScore +9% 69.6% +3% 63.8% 63.9% 61.8% Brazil Worldwide 2009 Reach 2010 Reach
  • 15. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity Latin Americans do shop online E-commerce does offer considerable hope to consumers and businesses who now pay a high price for multi-layered distribution channels for their products. Why does software from the U.S. cost 150% more in Guadalajara than in Toronto, when both were shipped the same distance from Silicon Valley free of import duties? The answer lies with Mexico’s many IT distribution middlemen. The product is imported by a handful of massive importer/wholesalers whose buying power is fierce and who have the capital to finance stock for distributors all over Mexico. The local distributor may sale to another re-seller before the product touches de end-user. Each re-seller marks up the product 20-to-50%. By buying the products online consumers significantly reduce their cost of the product. E-Commerce Site Visitors in Brazil Most Likely to Make Purchase Among those who visited e-commerce sites in Latin America, 79 percent of males reported making an online purchase, while 88 percent of females reported doing so. Across the markets included in the survey, Brazil showed the highest percentage conversion of
  • 16. May, 2011 Latin America E-Commerce opportunity With the increase of mobile penetration, mobile e- commerce will emerge as a strong shopping channel Mobile Phone User Penetration by Country, 2009-2015 90% 80% 70% Latin America has seen a significant recent rise in the number 60% of people using the web, driven by 50% investment in infrastructure and broadband technologies. There are 40% an estimated 204,689,836 Internet 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 users in Latin America, Argentina Brazil Mexico Latin America representing 34.5% of the population and growing. However, no other region has seen Mobile Phone Users in Latin a greater increase in the America 2009-2015 proliferation of mobile devices than Latin America. According to eMarketer, Latin America has some 68.6% 70.7% 72.9% 63.4% 66.2% of the highest adoption rates of 60.6% 57.3% mobile devices in the world and overall mobile phone user 415.6 432.7 450.7 375.5 396.2 penetration of 55.4%. A study by 331.5 354.6 Hunt Mobile Ads shows that there has been a 156% growth in mobile traffic in Latin America when comparing the first quarter of 2011 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 to the same period in 2010. Mobile Phone Users Source: