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INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

The SUNY Learning Network Experience

                                                           Alejandra M. Pickett
                                                           Associate Director
                                                           SUNY Learning Network
                                                           Faculty Development & Instructional Design

                            2001 recipient of the Sloan-C Award for Excellence in ALN Faculty Development

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

  am i here?

       A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t
                                                  Why does this matter?

                                                B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence


       A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

                                                This presentation will describe:
                                                      An introduction and background of the SUNY
                                                       Learning Network (SLN).

                                                      The key elements in SLN’s successful award-
                                                       winning online faculty development program.

                                                      Some online course design recommendations
                                                       and examples in practice.

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

    State University of
                                    New York
                                     The single largest public university in the nation
                                     440,000 students
                                     32,000 + faculty

                                     64 Campuses
                                            13 University Centers and Doctoral Degree Granting Inst.
                                            13 University Colleges
                                            8 Colleges of Technology
                                            30 Community Colleges

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                      Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

SUNY Learning . .
    2008-2009 academic year.

                                                 30 of the 64 campus participate in SLN.
         SLN was referenced
         in testimony to the                     3,000 online faculty.
         Kerrey Commission
         in Congress as the                      107 online degrees offered.
         2nd largest
         ALN in the                              100,000+ online student enrollments.
                                                 4,000 + fully online courses.
                                                 high levels of student & faculty satisfaction.
                                                 CC account for 67% of student enrollments.

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t    B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

SLN Awards                                         2000 EDUCAUSE Award for Systemic Progress in
                                                   Teaching and Learning

                                                   2001 Sloan-C award for Excellence in ALN Faculty

                                                   2002 Sloan-C award for Excellence in Institution-Wide
                                                   ALN Programming

                                                   2003 Sloan-C Award for Excellence in Online Teaching

                                                   2006 USDLA 21st Century Best Practice Award - Online
                                                   Technology - Higher Education

                                                   2009 NUTN Distance Education Innovation Award

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                        Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network            ExperIence

SLN Background
    Growth in online
  4500                                                                                                                     4325
  3500                                                                                                          3460
  2000                                                                                     1853
  1500                                                                          1456
     0               8           34
              95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02 03 03-04 04-05

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t    B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                      Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network             ExperIence

SLN Background
    Growth in online degree
                                    programs & certificates



                                                                                       62        69
   20                                                               41
       0       0           0        1           4
            95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02 03 03-04 04-05 06 07
   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

SLN Background
                                     Growth in enrollments
  100000                                                                                                                   101272
   90000                                                                                                          86,110
   70000                                                                                               68,887
   50000                                                                                      53,638
   40000                                                                             39,966
   30000                                                                    25814
   10000                                                            13021
       0              119 447 2009
                   95- 96- 97- 98-                         99-        00-       01- 02 03 03-               04-      05-
                   96    97  98  99                        00         01        02        04                05       06
   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

Yesterday been…
    Where we’ve
                                           1994-95 research & development period.
                                           Objective: what works?
                                           We already assumed “no significant difference”

                                           1995-99 synthesis of models, processes, &
                                           procedures, infrastructure, resources, support
                                           and services.
                                           Objective: will it scale?

                                           1999-05 . . . Full-scale production.
                                           Objective: institutionalization, sustainability
   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                      Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network               ExperIence

The Where are we going?
                                           . . . Evolution now!
                                                                    other LMSs
                                                                    blended learning
                                                                    quality matters
                                                                    web2.0
                                                                    digital repositories
                                                                    mobile learning
                                                                    e-portfolio
                                                                    portals
                                                                    single sign-on

Objective: Growth and expansion, to serve the entire spectrum and continuum of SUNY online needs including web enhanced
and hybrid courses. Shift to fee for services model, shift from faculty and course-centered program to community-centered
support & services.

    •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •    S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

SLN’s 5 key
                                                   1.    Models: Rapid Scale: This required that we develop consistently applied
       What I have learned                               and thoughtful faculty development and course design processes.
       from working with over
       3000 SUNY faculty,                          2.    Support: Large numbers: Successful online courses have effective
       from 30+ SUNY                                     designs and effective/prepared instructors. = Instructional designers, HD,
       institutions, and
       thousands of students                       3.    Approaches: Our philosophy: Technology in the service of pedagogy.
       since 1994.

                                                   4.    Evaluation: Program evaluation and continuous improvements: Iterate!
                                                         Best practices: what is working, why, what needs to be improved?

                                                   5.    Quality: Requires a comprehensive approach to training, support,
                                                         resources, best practices, exemplars, community of practice,
                                                         template/standards, formal course review/rubric.

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

Key Element

       A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t
                                                   What approach does SLN use
                                                   for online faculty development,
                                                   course design, and training?

                                                B e c e r r a   •
                                                                    S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                            Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network                    ExperIence


         The Seven Principals of good Practice in Undergraduate Education - Chickering, & Gamson 1987.
         How people learn - Bransford et al, 2000
         Critical Inquiry in a Text-based Environment - Garrison, Anderson, Rourke, & Archer, 2002.

                                                                                                 Online Learning

                                                                                                                      Cognitive Presence
                                                                                                          Discourse/I Learner/learning-Centered
   Encourage student-faculty online contact &
                                                                              Social Presence
                                                                             Knowledge -Centered
   Encourage student online cooperation & reciprocity.                                                               Selecting
   Encourage active online learning.                                                                                 Content
   Give prompt online feedback.
   Emphasize time on task.
   Communicate high expectations.
                                                                                                      Teaching Presence
   Respect diverse talents and ways of learning.

    •    A l e j a n d r a     M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a     •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,        2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

Report Results
    Research & Publication

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                      Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

Inform Practice.
     What I tell faculty . .
You are NOT
                                     Present engaging content - design engaging interaction -
recreating your                       assess & provide engaging feedback
classroom online.
                                                 Create/use activities that build a sense of class
You are                                           community.
                                                 Develop your online voice.
                                                 Think “literal” and “talk” don’t “write.”
and converting your                              First make it work, then make it pretty.
materials, content,                              50 ways to leave your lecture.
                                                 Align objectives, activities and assessments. Create
and learning                                      rubrics!
objectives to a new                              Ask for student feedback. Use it!
                                                 If you make them do it, you must assess it.
                                                 Design activities that allow students to make their
environment                                       thinking visible to you.
   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t    B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

  Key Elements

       A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t
                                                  How do you insure course

                                                B e c e r r a   •
                                                                    S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

What Works?
                                    Course design. . .
                                                  It is about creating teaching and learning
                                                   opportunities and environments where students can
                                                   interact with students AND where students can
         Interaction                              interact with faculty.

         Expectations                                       Create a virtual community.
                                                             Shift to student-centered andragogy.
         Collaboration                                      Technology-enhanced teaching and
                                                                    The highest predictor of student satisfaction and
                                                                    reported learning is student/teacher interaction.
                                                                    Second is student to student interaction.

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

What Works?
                                    Course design. . .
         Interaction                    It is important that faculty create and communicate to
                                          the student a reasonable set of expectations for the
                                          level and kinds of interactions in an online course.
         Expectations                                explicitly set expectations for interactions
                                                       and completion of all learning activities.
                                                      What’s due, when?

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

What Works?
                                    Course design. . .
         Interaction                    Since student to student interaction is such a significant
                                          factor in student satisfaction, any opportunities created in
         Expectations                    a course that involve collaboration to construct knowledge
                                          is an important component of an online learning
         Collaboration                               Interaction (discussion).
         Simplicity                                  Small group activities/projects.
                                                      Peer evaluation, reflection, feedback

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

What Works?
                                    Course design. . .
         Interaction                    Computer skill or sophistication should not be a barrier to
                                          technology-enhanced online teaching and learning.
         Expectations                                Keep it simple.
                                                      Vanilla!
                                                      Provide templates and examples.

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

What Works?
   engaging content,
                                    interaction, assessment. . .

 Some course
                                                          Comprehensive Orientation & Syllabus
 design factors                                           documents - explicit expectations, netiquette,
 that influence                                           etc.

 learning                                                 Consistent and complete course “chunks”/
 effectiveness                                            module structure and instructional cues.
 are. . .

                                                          Social presence and class community.

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

What Works?
   engaging content,
                                    interaction, assessment. . .

                                                          Meaningful and consistent course section &

                                    4                     document titles to organize and convey info.
                                                          about the activities, content, and structure of

                                    5                     A detailed orientation to each course

                                                          Detailed instructions for each learning
                                                          activity: expectation, timeframe, navigation,
   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

What Works?
   engaging content,
                                    interaction, assessment. . .

          !                         7                     Course objectives align with activities, have
                                                          value, and are assessed.

                                                          Opportunities for students to reflect,
                                                          interact/collaborate, provide feedback.

                                                          Student-led discussion, ice-breaker, profiles,
                                                          rubrics, reflection, peer review, self-
                                                          evaluation, audio/video feedback.
   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                     Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network              ExperIence

 Any questions


   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a   •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •
INACAP Universidad Tecnológica                        Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network                ExperIence

Thank you!
                                   Alexandra M. Pickett
                                                  Join my network!

                                                      Alejandra Subagja in Second Life
                                                      Skype: alexandrapickett

   •   A l e j a n d r a   M.   P i c k e t t   B e c e r r a    •   S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e ,   2 0 0 9   •

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Alexandra M. Pickett
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Alexandra M. Pickett
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Alexandra M. Pickett
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Online Learning: the SLN experience

  • 1. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Online The SUNY Learning Network Experience Learning Alejandra M. Pickett Associate Director SUNY Learning Network Faculty Development & Instructional Design 2001 recipient of the Sloan-C Award for Excellence in ALN Faculty Development • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
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  • 3. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Isabella • ! A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 4. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Overview This presentation will describe:  An introduction and background of the SUNY Learning Network (SLN).  The key elements in SLN’s successful award- winning online faculty development program.  Some online course design recommendations and examples in practice. • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 5. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Introduction State University of New York  The single largest public university in the nation  440,000 students  32,000 + faculty  64 Campuses  13 University Centers and Doctoral Degree Granting Inst.  13 University Colleges  8 Colleges of Technology  30 Community Colleges • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 6. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 7. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence SUNY Learning . . 2008-2009 academic year. Network !  30 of the 64 campus participate in SLN. SLN was referenced in testimony to the  3,000 online faculty. Kerrey Commission in Congress as the  107 online degrees offered. 2nd largest ALN in the  100,000+ online student enrollments. country.  4,000 + fully online courses.  high levels of student & faculty satisfaction.  CC account for 67% of student enrollments. • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 8. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence SLN Awards 2000 EDUCAUSE Award for Systemic Progress in Teaching and Learning 2001 Sloan-C award for Excellence in ALN Faculty Development 2002 Sloan-C award for Excellence in Institution-Wide ALN Programming 2003 Sloan-C Award for Excellence in Online Teaching 2006 USDLA 21st Century Best Practice Award - Online Technology - Higher Education 2009 NUTN Distance Education Innovation Award • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 9. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence SLN Background Growth in online courses… 4500 4325 4000 3500 3460 3000 2500 2207 2000 1853 1500 1456 1260 1000 724 500 227 0 8 34 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02 03 03-04 04-05 • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 10. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence SLN Background Growth in online degree programs & certificates 120 100 80 60 107 94 40 62 69 57 20 41 27 0 0 0 1 4 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02 03 03-04 04-05 06 07 • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 11. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence SLN Background Growth in enrollments 110000 100000 101272 90000 86,110 80000 70000 68,887 60000 50000 53,638 40000 39,966 30000 25814 20000 10000 13021 6060 0 119 447 2009 95- 96- 97- 98- 99- 00- 01- 02 03 03- 04- 05- 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 04 05 06 • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 12. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Yesterday been… Where we’ve 1994-95 research & development period. Objective: what works? We already assumed “no significant difference” 1995-99 synthesis of models, processes, & procedures, infrastructure, resources, support and services. Objective: will it scale? 1999-05 . . . Full-scale production. Objective: institutionalization, sustainability • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 13. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence The Where are we going? Future... . . . Evolution now!  other LMSs  blended learning  quality matters  web2.0  digital repositories  mobile learning  e-portfolio  portals  single sign-on Objective: Growth and expansion, to serve the entire spectrum and continuum of SUNY online needs including web enhanced and hybrid courses. Shift to fee for services model, shift from faculty and course-centered program to community-centered support & services. • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 14. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence SLN’s 5 key elements ! 1. Models: Rapid Scale: This required that we develop consistently applied What I have learned and thoughtful faculty development and course design processes. from working with over 3000 SUNY faculty, 2. Support: Large numbers: Successful online courses have effective from 30+ SUNY designs and effective/prepared instructors. = Instructional designers, HD, templates. institutions, and thousands of students 3. Approaches: Our philosophy: Technology in the service of pedagogy. since 1994. 4. Evaluation: Program evaluation and continuous improvements: Iterate! Best practices: what is working, why, what needs to be improved? 5. Quality: Requires a comprehensive approach to training, support, resources, best practices, exemplars, community of practice, template/standards, formal course review/rubric. • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 15. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Approach Key Element • ? A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t What approach does SLN use for online faculty development, course design, and training? B e c e r r a • 3 S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 16. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Theory !  The Seven Principals of good Practice in Undergraduate Education - Chickering, & Gamson 1987.  How people learn - Bransford et al, 2000  Critical Inquiry in a Text-based Environment - Garrison, Anderson, Rourke, & Archer, 2002. Online Learning Community Supporting Cognitive Presence Discourse/I Learner/learning-Centered nteraction  Encourage student-faculty online contact & interaction. Social Presence Knowledge -Centered  Encourage student online cooperation & reciprocity. Selecting  Encourage active online learning. Content Setting  Give prompt online feedback. Climate  Emphasize time on task.  Communicate high expectations. Teaching Presence  Respect diverse talents and ways of learning. Assessment-Centered • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 17. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Report Results Research & Publication • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 18. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Inform Practice. What I tell faculty . . You are NOT  Present engaging content - design engaging interaction - recreating your assess & provide engaging feedback classroom online.  Create/use activities that build a sense of class You are community.  Develop your online voice. reconceptualizing  Think “literal” and “talk” don’t “write.” and converting your  First make it work, then make it pretty. materials, content,  50 ways to leave your lecture.  Align objectives, activities and assessments. Create and learning rubrics! objectives to a new  Ask for student feedback. Use it!  If you make them do it, you must assess it. learning  Design activities that allow students to make their environment thinking visible to you. • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 19. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Quality Key Elements • ? A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t How do you insure course quality? B e c e r r a • 5 S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 20. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence What Works? Course design. . .  It is about creating teaching and learning opportunities and environments where students can interact with students AND where students can Interaction interact with faculty. Expectations  Create a virtual community.  Shift to student-centered andragogy. Collaboration  Technology-enhanced teaching and learning. Simplicity The highest predictor of student satisfaction and reported learning is student/teacher interaction. Second is student to student interaction. • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 21. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence What Works? Course design. . . Interaction  It is important that faculty create and communicate to the student a reasonable set of expectations for the level and kinds of interactions in an online course. Expectations  explicitly set expectations for interactions and completion of all learning activities. Collaboration  What’s due, when? Simplicity • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 22. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence What Works? Course design. . . Interaction  Since student to student interaction is such a significant factor in student satisfaction, any opportunities created in Expectations a course that involve collaboration to construct knowledge is an important component of an online learning environment. Collaboration  Interaction (discussion). Simplicity  Small group activities/projects.  Peer evaluation, reflection, feedback • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 23. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence What Works? Course design. . . Interaction  Computer skill or sophistication should not be a barrier to technology-enhanced online teaching and learning. Expectations  Keep it simple.  Vanilla! Collaboration  Provide templates and examples. Simplicity • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 24. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence What Works? engaging content, interaction, assessment. . . 1 Some course Comprehensive Orientation & Syllabus design factors documents - explicit expectations, netiquette, that influence etc. 2 learning Consistent and complete course “chunks”/ effectiveness module structure and instructional cues. are. . . 3 Social presence and class community. • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 25. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence What Works? engaging content, interaction, assessment. . . ! Meaningful and consistent course section & 4 document titles to organize and convey info. about the activities, content, and structure of course. 5 A detailed orientation to each course module. 6 Detailed instructions for each learning activity: expectation, timeframe, navigation, etc. • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 26. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence What Works? engaging content, interaction, assessment. . . ! 7 Course objectives align with activities, have value, and are assessed. 8 Opportunities for students to reflect, interact/collaborate, provide feedback. 9 Student-led discussion, ice-breaker, profiles, rubrics, reflection, peer review, self- evaluation, audio/video feedback. • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 27. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Any questions ? • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •
  • 28. INACAP Universidad Tecnológica Online LearnIng: The S UN Y LearnIng Network ExperIence Thank you! Alexandra M. Pickett Join my network!              Alejandra Subagja in Second Life  Skype: alexandrapickett • A l e j a n d r a M. P i c k e t t B e c e r r a • S a n t I a g o - C o n c e p c I ó n, C h I l e , 2 0 0 9 •