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Experimental Photography 
Abby Downing 
Multiple Exposure
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Dark coloured 
Close up 
2 different 
textures in the 
image because of 
the multiple 
exposure. 1 is 
bumpy and one is 
The darkest areas 
of the photograph 
are the dogs eyes 
and gums. 
The lightest 
areas of the 
photograph are 
the background. 
High aperture was used to 
photograph this picture as 
you can see from the out 
of focus background 
The tones in the 
image range from 
white to dark blue 
taken at eye 
Contains 3 
exposures. One 
of a dog in a field, 
one of trees that 
has been rotated 
and another of 
long grass. All of 
them have been 
turned into one 
image on 
Photoshop which 
gives of lots of 
Evaluate: ideas eg analysis, results; 
How well do you feel you have realised your ideas and intentions and what results have 
you got? 
By looking at artists and their photographs themselves helped me decide what I wanted to experiment. The main experiment that stood out to me was 
‘multiple exposure’ because I had never seen it before and was very different. The artist’s Sara K Byrneby and Jerry Uelsmann inspired me to do this 
sort of experiment and use both nature and humans combined to create 2 or more exposures in one photograph. The first experiment I initially did 
was I took various photographs of a dog and took 1 really close up one of which I used as my main image, then I took a picture of some tree’s 
and put them in Photoshop and screened the tree’s. this made it so that the dog and tree’s 
were blended together to create a surreal photograph, after this I used the same photograph 
of a dog but with a different exposure of long grass to see how that looked. I thought they both 
looked nice but thought I would blend all 3 exposures together to create the final images and 
tweaked the colours and levels. This reminded me of some work I had previously seen by 
Byrneby. Such as her photograph of the girl with tree’s inside her. I wanted my work to have 
some qualities and aspects of the kind of work she produced. I think they’re similar because 
they both show the main features of both human and animal with nature inside them. My work 
is not as enhanced as hers as you can see the trees very clearly within her whereas on mine 
they are not as prominent. For all of my experiments within multiple exposure I have done in 
What I like about my work is that you can clearly see all exposures, I like that you can see that it 
is a dog with nature In and around her. I think that it looks not as professional as I’d like it, 
maybe if I spent more time on it, it would have looked a lot better, however I do like how I’ve 
learnt how to do this through experimenting and reading upon how to do it. The strengths of 
the work I think are the colours, it makes it look different and this one isn’t just black and white, 
the photographs themselves are really good quality, so when it came to experimenting with 
them through different techniques the outcomes never looked really bad because of the high 
quality photographs. To get the blurry faded background, when I took the photograph I 
changed the aperture setting so that her face was much more prominent and noticeable then 
the background, I did this because I knew at this point that when I was going to edit the 
photographs the background was not important or essential. I also increased the shutter speed 
as well, because the dog was moving around it was hard to capture her really still so I made 
sure the shutter speed was fairly fast to avoid camera shake and out of focus photographs. 
When it came to post production I don’t think I did the best I could, because the exposure is 
quite bright overall on my final image I didn’t think this looked great, as you can see on the 
black and white photograph I produced the contrast is higher and there is a range of dark and 
light tones whereas on this image it is particularly light. 
How could you improve your work? Could you develop your work further with additional work? 
What would you try to achieve with this? Could you undertake further experiments? If so, what 
would they be? 
I could improve the work I carried out by changing around the levels and exposure more and concentrate on this 
when I have combined the exposures, I do not think that I did enough of this. I developed my first image of the 
dog into a few other images until I was happy with the final outcome, this took time and was very time 
consuming to find the right photographs to combine together. I could undertake further experiments by making 
both exposures black and white to create a cut out effect I have seen a lot within Sara's work. This looked really 
difficult and didn’t work with any of the photographs I took so I would have to experiment with this a different 
Because I was using more then one exposure in one photograph it created lines and shapes within the 
photograph which made it look interesting and surreal. The contrast of my photograph was fairy low but their 
were elements that were a lot lighter then the others, due to where the photograph was taken against the sun. 
The colours of the photograph are cold and not bright, more dark. The colours were from the photographs added 
of the tree’s and grass, which include blues and greens. The photograph could be developed further by maybe 
adding a texture of another exposure to the photograph to make it more interesting. I think more colour added 
would make it better also, and the contrast higher. 
The work I have produced fulfils the brief because it involves a theme, which is nature and fulfils this in different 
ways. You can tell that these photographs contain nature because I have used a main subject(s) and added 
nature to the photograph, or more nature. They are all experimental because I have used techniques that I had 
learnt from other experimental photographs(photographers) which is multiple exposure, which is a technique 
that can’t be done without Photoshop or the setting on the camera. It is not ‘natural’ and cannot be captured 
within one shot. 
The photograph of the women and the dog next to each other I produced looks rather natural rather then 
experimental but it is in fact a combination of 2 exposures. The first photograph I took of the women and the dog 
was combined with a photograph of a river on Photoshop and the levels and curves were changed around, which 
created the final image. I like this photograph because it looks natural but the women looks like she is fading 
away, it could have a story behind the image. 
Harris Shutter
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3 exposures of the 
same background 
were placed into 
one image so that 
the colours of the 
subject moving 
change colours. 
Some of them didn’t 
show up as much of 
the others but that 
was due to the 
quality of that 
photograph and the 
Colourful photograph 
Large depth of 
The lightest part of the 
photograph is the sky 
Their is texture in the 
photograph, the grass looks 
Mid/long shot of 
the dog 
Taken at a 
slight high 
The contrast 
of the 
photograph is 
quite low 
the dog 
run across the 
The main focus of the 
photograph is the dog 
running across to suggest 
Evaluate: ideas eg analysis, results; 
I think that I have done well within this technique, because it is really hard to understand and be 
able to accomplish, especially in Photoshop. The only thing that went wrong in my photograph is the 
pictures were not all taken with the same background, so the background showed movement which 
I didn’t want. I only wanted to show the movement of the dog. If I had kept it in the same position it 
would have been a perfect picture to capture of the Harris shutter effect. The images on the right 
inspired me to try out the Harris Shutter Effect. I thought they looked really interesting, I had never 
heard nor seen this effect before and I think it works really well to show movement in a photograph 
and the colour just makes it look professional and amazing. The differences between this work and 
my own is that there background is the correct original colours, whereas mine are a bit of and show 
movement when it is meant to be still, however this could improve with further practise. It would be 
nice to try this effect with different moving objects. There wasn’t a specific photographer I had 
found that influenced me to do this technique, it was just the photographs people had created with 
this effect that I saw that influenced me. 
I think the look of my work is good considering that the technique itself is hard to do. I think that it 
worked really well with the images I had for the technique and looks professional. I like that the dog 
is running in a line across the camera and you can see that it is the same dog repeated 3 times to 
show movement. I dislike that the background is slightly of because the camera was millimetres of 
the same position of each shot. i like the technique itself and would love to practise with it in 
further projects. 
Further development would be to rearrange the photographs all together to make sure they are at 
exactly the same position then create the effect and carry out other post production such as alter 
the levels and curves. This would make it so the photograph itself looks better. 
To capture each individual photograph I put the camera on ‘TV’ which is shutter priority and made it 
so that shutter was quick. This helped me capture the dog in a still position and made it so the dog 
was not blurry and in a ‘freeze’ position. I also put the camera on burst mode so whilst I held the 
shutter button down it took a picture one after the other with about a second or two in between. 
This helped me keep it nearly in the same position because it captured the dog in a different 
position across the camera 3 times. 
I carried out this experiment 3 times with the dog running in different positions, so I had a lot to 
work with when it came to doing post production. I also experimented it firstly with my cousin to 
see if it worked.
How could you improve your work? Could you develop your work further with 
additional work? What would you try to achieve with this? Could you undertake further 
experiments? If so, what would they be? 
I could improve my work by making sure that the tripod was completely still whilst doing this experiment, it is 
essential because if it is moved slightly then the effect will not work as the Harris shutter will take effect on the 
foreground as well as the background. By doing this I could set a timer on the camera so that I am not even 
touching the camera when it is taking the shot, which ensures that the camera will not move. I could develop my 
work further by using different things as a Harris shutter. Maybe with the dog being the foreground that is still 
with a moving background behind it. To achieve this I would have to have a moving background such as water or 
tree’s in the wind and then take a few shots of it moving. This would be harder to complete as the dog would 
move and it wouldn’t be a simple thing to capture. 
When talking about your work, consider formal elements such as lines, shapes and 
patterns as well as the colour and contrast and also tone of your image. Think about the 
composition of your work and where this could be developed. 
The photograph creates a direction because the dog is running from left to right which you can clearly see. The 
colours go from yellow to purple to green which contrast each other which makes the photograph bright. I like 
harris shutter photographs with a plain background so that the main element (the dog) is seen more clearly. This 
would be a thing I could think about if I were to develop my wok further. 
Finally you should consider if the images you have produced fulfil the brief you were 
set. Do they match the theme? Are they experimental? Explain your answers using 
specific examples. 
the images I produced fulfil the brief because they match the theme of Harris shutter because I 
have carried the effect out on the image which was from research the main way to carry out the 
theme and has been done this way by other photographers. 
(multiple Exposure) 
The first thing I did was open my man image and enhance the exposure to make sure the background is 
bleached out. I did the same thing with the other photograph and pasted it onto the first image. I then used 
screen to make them combine. It works by the photograph merging into the darkest tones. I then changed the 
images to black and white because I did not like the colours.
The photographs were taken 
separately and merged together on 
Photoshop by using ‘screen’ I also 
changed the saturation and made 
the photograph black and white 
because I thought I worked better 
and also looked better with the 
harsh tones 
The clearest part of the 
photograph I think is the face, 
because this hasn’t really blended 
much with the other image 
The light used in this photograph is 
artificial light from the studio, which 
also makes it high key lighting 
The lightest part of the photograph 
is the sky and the darkest part is 
the trees 
Use this slide to annotate your final image 
Oragic shape: Treeline 
rotated landscape 
Monochrome black and white 
mid shot to show most of 
upper body and enough to 
see facial expression 
Combination of 2 
exposures to create the 
overall photograph 
Tones ranging from light to 
dark throughout the 
Photograph is meant to come 
across as passive, in the sense 
that she is lonely in a forest. 
Naturalistic photographic, the 
photograph is not obviously posed 
and Photograph taken at eye is supposed to look natural. 
The lines fro, the trees create a bit 
of a direction to the model 
because of the shape of the trees 
The texture of the 
photograph looks hard 
and prickly because of the 
trees incorporated
Evaluate: ideas eg analysis, results; 
The results I got are better then what I expected, this is because it is hard to create a multiple exposure; you need the right 
photographs for It to work. These 2 photographs were the ones that worked the best with each other, especially in black and white. 
Christoffer Relander inspired me to do this kind of work because I thought his work was the best from all the multiple exposure 
photographers I have researched, all of his photographs just fit together really nicely. The ideas I created from his work were black 
and white photography of humans with a bleached out background and combining the photographs with nature. The photographs 
can tell a story and it’s really interesting to see the facial expressions on the people. My work is like his with the way our 
photographs ‘cut away’ each other, for example the cut away on my model is the tree’s. 
The photograph on the right Is one of Relanders of a women who's been cut away by nature. 
Consider the aesthetic qualities of your work. How does it look? What do you like about it? What 
are the strongest and weakest elements from an aesthetic point of view? 
I think the work I produced is different and I enjoyed doing it. I’d never seen this type of 
photography before until I got introduced to it this year and I really am interested by it. I like the 
way that If the photograph is rotated it looks like a treeline photograph until you realise that it is in 
fact a women combined with tree’s, it’s really interesting to look at. Along with the other multiple 
exposure photographs I created. The strongest points of my work I think are the fact I enhanced 
the black and white to make it so the tree blended how I wanted it to. The weakest points are in 
the face, because not much of the tree you can see in the face, which I would of liked. 
I enhanced the exposure in post production to make sure the background was completely bleached 
out. The shutter speed was 1/125 this was enough to get the light in that I wanted and to make 
sure there was no blur or camera shake. The ISO speed ratings was 400 which is standard because I 
do not like to alter this because it can make the photograph to dark or bright. The aperture was 
4.375, for this photograph I did not need to change the aperture settings round much because I 
had a plain white background. 
The post production I carried out on this photograph included editing the first image of my model 
to enhance the exposure slightly, then I added the treeline and flipped it vertically. I then enhanced 
the exposure on this photograph as well. ‘screened’ the photograph and moved it around until I 
was happy. I made the photograph overall black and white because I thought it worked and looked 
better. But saved both copies.
How could you improve your work? Could you develop your work further with 
additional work? What would you try to achieve with this? Could you undertake further 
experiments? If so, what would they be? 
I could improve my work by experimenting with taking a double exposure within the camera settings themselves 
to test how reliable and good this technique is, a lot of the photographers I looked at used this method but also 
post production as well. 
I could develop my work further by adding in more than two exposures to make it really interesting, this will 
also give the photograph different colours and textures. Another way is by taking photographs of animals and 
nature to combine these, to see if it worked as well as a human. This would be interesting to see if it worked as 
good. I would have to undertake taking more photographs to be able to do this and also research if using 
different techniques. 
When talking about your work, consider formal elements such as lines, shapes and 
patterns as well as the colour and contrast and also tone of your image. Think about the 
composition of your work and where this could be developed. 
There are a lot of different shapes and lines in my work because of the photos combined. The top that the 
model was wearing created a different pattern because when I ‘screened’ the image it creates a sort of fading 
affect and the contrast between the white and black on the top worked well with the effect I was trying to make. 
Finally you should consider if the images you have produced fulfil the brief you were 
set. Do they match the theme? Are they experimental? Explain your answers using 
specific examples. 
My work matches my theme because it revolves around nature. They are also experimental because they do not 
follow usual photographic rules and they use experimental techniques such as multiple exposure.

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On going evaluations

  • 3. Use this slide to annotate your final image Dark coloured photograph Close up 2 different textures in the image because of the multiple exposure. 1 is bumpy and one is prickly Naturalistic/candid photograph The darkest areas of the photograph are the dogs eyes and gums. The lightest areas of the photograph are the background. High aperture was used to photograph this picture as you can see from the out of focus background The tones in the image range from white to dark blue Photograph taken at eye level Contains 3 exposures. One of a dog in a field, one of trees that has been rotated and another of long grass. All of them have been turned into one image on Photoshop which gives of lots of textures.
  • 4. Evaluate: ideas eg analysis, results; How well do you feel you have realised your ideas and intentions and what results have you got? By looking at artists and their photographs themselves helped me decide what I wanted to experiment. The main experiment that stood out to me was ‘multiple exposure’ because I had never seen it before and was very different. The artist’s Sara K Byrneby and Jerry Uelsmann inspired me to do this sort of experiment and use both nature and humans combined to create 2 or more exposures in one photograph. The first experiment I initially did was I took various photographs of a dog and took 1 really close up one of which I used as my main image, then I took a picture of some tree’s and put them in Photoshop and screened the tree’s. this made it so that the dog and tree’s were blended together to create a surreal photograph, after this I used the same photograph of a dog but with a different exposure of long grass to see how that looked. I thought they both looked nice but thought I would blend all 3 exposures together to create the final images and tweaked the colours and levels. This reminded me of some work I had previously seen by Byrneby. Such as her photograph of the girl with tree’s inside her. I wanted my work to have some qualities and aspects of the kind of work she produced. I think they’re similar because they both show the main features of both human and animal with nature inside them. My work is not as enhanced as hers as you can see the trees very clearly within her whereas on mine they are not as prominent. For all of my experiments within multiple exposure I have done in Photoshop. Qualities: What I like about my work is that you can clearly see all exposures, I like that you can see that it is a dog with nature In and around her. I think that it looks not as professional as I’d like it, maybe if I spent more time on it, it would have looked a lot better, however I do like how I’ve learnt how to do this through experimenting and reading upon how to do it. The strengths of the work I think are the colours, it makes it look different and this one isn’t just black and white, the photographs themselves are really good quality, so when it came to experimenting with them through different techniques the outcomes never looked really bad because of the high quality photographs. To get the blurry faded background, when I took the photograph I changed the aperture setting so that her face was much more prominent and noticeable then the background, I did this because I knew at this point that when I was going to edit the photographs the background was not important or essential. I also increased the shutter speed as well, because the dog was moving around it was hard to capture her really still so I made sure the shutter speed was fairly fast to avoid camera shake and out of focus photographs. When it came to post production I don’t think I did the best I could, because the exposure is quite bright overall on my final image I didn’t think this looked great, as you can see on the black and white photograph I produced the contrast is higher and there is a range of dark and light tones whereas on this image it is particularly light. 4
  • 5. How could you improve your work? Could you develop your work further with additional work? What would you try to achieve with this? Could you undertake further experiments? If so, what would they be? I could improve the work I carried out by changing around the levels and exposure more and concentrate on this when I have combined the exposures, I do not think that I did enough of this. I developed my first image of the dog into a few other images until I was happy with the final outcome, this took time and was very time consuming to find the right photographs to combine together. I could undertake further experiments by making both exposures black and white to create a cut out effect I have seen a lot within Sara's work. This looked really difficult and didn’t work with any of the photographs I took so I would have to experiment with this a different time. Because I was using more then one exposure in one photograph it created lines and shapes within the photograph which made it look interesting and surreal. The contrast of my photograph was fairy low but their were elements that were a lot lighter then the others, due to where the photograph was taken against the sun. The colours of the photograph are cold and not bright, more dark. The colours were from the photographs added of the tree’s and grass, which include blues and greens. The photograph could be developed further by maybe adding a texture of another exposure to the photograph to make it more interesting. I think more colour added would make it better also, and the contrast higher. The work I have produced fulfils the brief because it involves a theme, which is nature and fulfils this in different ways. You can tell that these photographs contain nature because I have used a main subject(s) and added nature to the photograph, or more nature. They are all experimental because I have used techniques that I had learnt from other experimental photographs(photographers) which is multiple exposure, which is a technique that can’t be done without Photoshop or the setting on the camera. It is not ‘natural’ and cannot be captured within one shot. The photograph of the women and the dog next to each other I produced looks rather natural rather then experimental but it is in fact a combination of 2 exposures. The first photograph I took of the women and the dog was combined with a photograph of a river on Photoshop and the levels and curves were changed around, which created the final image. I like this photograph because it looks natural but the women looks like she is fading away, it could have a story behind the image. 5
  • 7. Use this slide to annotate your final image 3 exposures of the same background were placed into one image so that the colours of the subject moving change colours. Some of them didn’t show up as much of the others but that was due to the quality of that photograph and the colour. Colourful photograph Large depth of field The lightest part of the photograph is the sky Their is texture in the photograph, the grass looks rough Landscape photograph Mid/long shot of the dog Taken at a slight high angle The contrast of the photograph is quite low Posed photograph-made the dog run across the field The main focus of the photograph is the dog running across to suggest movement
  • 8. 8 Evaluate: ideas eg analysis, results; I think that I have done well within this technique, because it is really hard to understand and be able to accomplish, especially in Photoshop. The only thing that went wrong in my photograph is the pictures were not all taken with the same background, so the background showed movement which I didn’t want. I only wanted to show the movement of the dog. If I had kept it in the same position it would have been a perfect picture to capture of the Harris shutter effect. The images on the right inspired me to try out the Harris Shutter Effect. I thought they looked really interesting, I had never heard nor seen this effect before and I think it works really well to show movement in a photograph and the colour just makes it look professional and amazing. The differences between this work and my own is that there background is the correct original colours, whereas mine are a bit of and show movement when it is meant to be still, however this could improve with further practise. It would be nice to try this effect with different moving objects. There wasn’t a specific photographer I had found that influenced me to do this technique, it was just the photographs people had created with this effect that I saw that influenced me. Qualities: I think the look of my work is good considering that the technique itself is hard to do. I think that it worked really well with the images I had for the technique and looks professional. I like that the dog is running in a line across the camera and you can see that it is the same dog repeated 3 times to show movement. I dislike that the background is slightly of because the camera was millimetres of the same position of each shot. i like the technique itself and would love to practise with it in further projects. Further development would be to rearrange the photographs all together to make sure they are at exactly the same position then create the effect and carry out other post production such as alter the levels and curves. This would make it so the photograph itself looks better. To capture each individual photograph I put the camera on ‘TV’ which is shutter priority and made it so that shutter was quick. This helped me capture the dog in a still position and made it so the dog was not blurry and in a ‘freeze’ position. I also put the camera on burst mode so whilst I held the shutter button down it took a picture one after the other with about a second or two in between. This helped me keep it nearly in the same position because it captured the dog in a different position across the camera 3 times. I carried out this experiment 3 times with the dog running in different positions, so I had a lot to work with when it came to doing post production. I also experimented it firstly with my cousin to see if it worked.
  • 9. How could you improve your work? Could you develop your work further with additional work? What would you try to achieve with this? Could you undertake further experiments? If so, what would they be? I could improve my work by making sure that the tripod was completely still whilst doing this experiment, it is essential because if it is moved slightly then the effect will not work as the Harris shutter will take effect on the foreground as well as the background. By doing this I could set a timer on the camera so that I am not even touching the camera when it is taking the shot, which ensures that the camera will not move. I could develop my work further by using different things as a Harris shutter. Maybe with the dog being the foreground that is still with a moving background behind it. To achieve this I would have to have a moving background such as water or tree’s in the wind and then take a few shots of it moving. This would be harder to complete as the dog would move and it wouldn’t be a simple thing to capture. When talking about your work, consider formal elements such as lines, shapes and patterns as well as the colour and contrast and also tone of your image. Think about the composition of your work and where this could be developed. The photograph creates a direction because the dog is running from left to right which you can clearly see. The colours go from yellow to purple to green which contrast each other which makes the photograph bright. I like harris shutter photographs with a plain background so that the main element (the dog) is seen more clearly. This would be a thing I could think about if I were to develop my wok further. Finally you should consider if the images you have produced fulfil the brief you were set. Do they match the theme? Are they experimental? Explain your answers using specific examples. the images I produced fulfil the brief because they match the theme of Harris shutter because I have carried the effect out on the image which was from research the main way to carry out the theme and has been done this way by other photographers. 9
  • 10. 10 (multiple Exposure) The first thing I did was open my man image and enhance the exposure to make sure the background is bleached out. I did the same thing with the other photograph and pasted it onto the first image. I then used screen to make them combine. It works by the photograph merging into the darkest tones. I then changed the images to black and white because I did not like the colours.
  • 11. 11
  • 12. The photographs were taken separately and merged together on Photoshop by using ‘screen’ I also changed the saturation and made the photograph black and white because I thought I worked better and also looked better with the harsh tones The clearest part of the photograph I think is the face, because this hasn’t really blended much with the other image The light used in this photograph is artificial light from the studio, which also makes it high key lighting The lightest part of the photograph is the sky and the darkest part is the trees 12 Use this slide to annotate your final image Oragic shape: Treeline rotated landscape Monochrome black and white photography mid shot to show most of upper body and enough to see facial expression Combination of 2 exposures to create the overall photograph Tones ranging from light to dark throughout the photograph Photograph is meant to come across as passive, in the sense that she is lonely in a forest. Naturalistic photographic, the photograph is not obviously posed and Photograph taken at eye is supposed to look natural. level The lines fro, the trees create a bit of a direction to the model because of the shape of the trees The texture of the photograph looks hard and prickly because of the trees incorporated
  • 13. 13 Evaluate: ideas eg analysis, results; The results I got are better then what I expected, this is because it is hard to create a multiple exposure; you need the right photographs for It to work. These 2 photographs were the ones that worked the best with each other, especially in black and white. Christoffer Relander inspired me to do this kind of work because I thought his work was the best from all the multiple exposure photographers I have researched, all of his photographs just fit together really nicely. The ideas I created from his work were black and white photography of humans with a bleached out background and combining the photographs with nature. The photographs can tell a story and it’s really interesting to see the facial expressions on the people. My work is like his with the way our photographs ‘cut away’ each other, for example the cut away on my model is the tree’s. The photograph on the right Is one of Relanders of a women who's been cut away by nature. Qualities: Consider the aesthetic qualities of your work. How does it look? What do you like about it? What are the strongest and weakest elements from an aesthetic point of view? I think the work I produced is different and I enjoyed doing it. I’d never seen this type of photography before until I got introduced to it this year and I really am interested by it. I like the way that If the photograph is rotated it looks like a treeline photograph until you realise that it is in fact a women combined with tree’s, it’s really interesting to look at. Along with the other multiple exposure photographs I created. The strongest points of my work I think are the fact I enhanced the black and white to make it so the tree blended how I wanted it to. The weakest points are in the face, because not much of the tree you can see in the face, which I would of liked. I enhanced the exposure in post production to make sure the background was completely bleached out. The shutter speed was 1/125 this was enough to get the light in that I wanted and to make sure there was no blur or camera shake. The ISO speed ratings was 400 which is standard because I do not like to alter this because it can make the photograph to dark or bright. The aperture was 4.375, for this photograph I did not need to change the aperture settings round much because I had a plain white background. The post production I carried out on this photograph included editing the first image of my model to enhance the exposure slightly, then I added the treeline and flipped it vertically. I then enhanced the exposure on this photograph as well. ‘screened’ the photograph and moved it around until I was happy. I made the photograph overall black and white because I thought it worked and looked better. But saved both copies.
  • 14. How could you improve your work? Could you develop your work further with additional work? What would you try to achieve with this? Could you undertake further experiments? If so, what would they be? I could improve my work by experimenting with taking a double exposure within the camera settings themselves to test how reliable and good this technique is, a lot of the photographers I looked at used this method but also post production as well. 14 I could develop my work further by adding in more than two exposures to make it really interesting, this will also give the photograph different colours and textures. Another way is by taking photographs of animals and nature to combine these, to see if it worked as well as a human. This would be interesting to see if it worked as good. I would have to undertake taking more photographs to be able to do this and also research if using different techniques. When talking about your work, consider formal elements such as lines, shapes and patterns as well as the colour and contrast and also tone of your image. Think about the composition of your work and where this could be developed. There are a lot of different shapes and lines in my work because of the photos combined. The top that the model was wearing created a different pattern because when I ‘screened’ the image it creates a sort of fading affect and the contrast between the white and black on the top worked well with the effect I was trying to make. Finally you should consider if the images you have produced fulfil the brief you were set. Do they match the theme? Are they experimental? Explain your answers using specific examples. My work matches my theme because it revolves around nature. They are also experimental because they do not follow usual photographic rules and they use experimental techniques such as multiple exposure.