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   Working as a temp is a brilliant way of exploring different jobs and industries. It’s also
   great for making your work life fit nicely around your personal life. But if you’re going
   to make temping work for you, you’ll need to know the ins and outs.

   The good news is that at Office Angels, we take your care pretty seriously; which
   is why we’ve put together a handy guide packed full of everything that you need to
   know about temping with Office Angels.

Your assignment                             Registering with us                         Before the assignment
We never want you to feel out of your       Just call or email your local branch and    After we’ve managed to find you a
depth and we always want you to enjoy       we’ll talk you through the next steps.      new job we’ll explain your hours,
what you’re doing, so we’ll only ever       We may need you to fill in a few forms,     what the role involves, where you’ll
place you on assignments that are right     but we promise to make it as painless       be working and the sort of environment
for you, based on your experience,          as possible.                                you’ll be working in; we’ll also give
skills and availability.                                                                you directions on how to get there,
                                            We’ll also need an up-to-date copy of       and answer any questions you have
When you’re on assignment with Office       your CV as we’ll use that to help bag       about the job, the client, or the
Angels, we’re your employer; which          you the best jobs on the market, but        company. And we’ll give you a call
means you’ll be well looked after.          our friendly consultants are always         on the first day, just to check that
We’re responsible for paying you,           on hand to give you advice on how to        you’re happy with the role.
dealing with legislative requirements,      write the perfect CV, should you need it.
and keeping in touch with you and the
company you’re working for to make          When you come in to see us, you’ll
sure you’re both happy and content.         need to bring along some official
                                            identification, such as a valid Passport     “Not only have Office Angels found
 Because we have an altogether              or Birth Certificate, and a document         me the perfect temporary roles, they
 fabulous reputation for placing top        displaying your National Insurance           have been understanding to my
 notch jobseekers in all manner of          Number.                                      specific needs and requirements for
 office jobs, we’re trusted by hundreds
                                                                                         both my skill set and availability”.
 of high profile clients to find the sort    We love making your life that bit
 of skilled and motivated candidates         simpler, which is why we’ve made it         Candidate, Office Angels - Banbury
 who can hit the ground running.             incredibly easy to register with us.

Follow us on:
Your contract and                          running late for your assignment, make        already; but in some cases, despite
                                           sure you give us a call before 9am, just      reducing risk to a reasonable level, we
assignment letter                          in case we need to find someone to            can’t promise there won’t be any at all.
Now for the heavy legal stuff: your        cover for you.
contract is a written agreement, so it                                                   If this is the case you may need to wear
must be completed before you start                                                       PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
any role. The good news is that once       Health & Safety                               designed to protect you while you’re
the contract is completed, you’re                                                        in potentially hazardous areas. You’ll
                                           We’ll do everything we can with our           be told this before starting your
officially an employee of Office Angels;
                                           clients to care for your health and safety    assignment though, as you’ll need to
and personally, we couldn’t think of
                                           when you’re on an assignment. Health          make sure you know how to wear or
anything better.
                                           and safety is the responsibility of all and   use it correctly.
                                           legislation says that Temporary Workers
 Your employment contract is really        (Agency Staff) are treated exactly the        Please look after it well, and if it needs
 useful because it includes important      same as the clients own staff. We’ll          replacing, let your Line Manager know.
 information on:                           do all we can to give you a safe and
 • How much annual leave you’re            healthy workplace by reviewing any
    entitled to                            risks and addressing these. If you see
                                           anything you think is a health and safety
                                                                                         How you’re paid                        £
 • Code of conduct
                                           risk, it’s up to you to highlight this to     You’ll receive your first wage two weeks
 • Rules around continuation or            your Line Manager and to us.                  after the start of your assignment, and
   termination of your assignment                                                        after that, we’ll pay you every Friday
                                                                                         in arrears by credit transfer to your
 You’ll also receive a letter once         What to expect on your                        nominated bank account.
 the assignment has been agreed,           first day
 confirming:                                                                             So, if you start work on Monday 5
 • Where you’ll be working                 We know that your first day in a new          March, your first pay will be Friday 16
                                           assignment can be nerve-wracking.             March, and then every Friday after that
 • What the job involves                   You don’t know your way around,               (as long as you submit your completed
 • What hours you’ll be working            who your colleagues are, or where             timesheet on time).
                                           anything is - and as a temp, you have
 • Pay rate                                to find your feet really quickly. But don’t
 • Job title                               worry; our clients are just as helpful        How your pay is set
                                           and supportive as our consultants, so
 • Start date                              they’ll have you up to speed in no time.      You’ll be paid at an hourly rate
                                                                                         which will vary depending on each
                                                                                         assignment; but you can rest assured
                                            Your Line Manager should tell you:
If you’re sick or running late                                                           that your hourly rate will never be less
                                             • The location of the fire exits and        than the National Minimum Wage at
There’s nothing worse than feeling like        assembly points                           the time of the assignment.
you’re at death’s door when you’re due
                                             • Where the toilets are
at the office; but we’re all human, so                                                   Your total pay is based on the number
if you are feeling under the weather         • Whether you’ll need any training          of hours you’ve worked to the nearest
and really can’t come to work, let             for the role                              quarter of an hour. Deductions will be
us know as soon as possible. You             • How and where to go to report             made for Tax and National Insurance,
might be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay        accidents                                 but the rest is all yours - unless you’ve
(subject to the rules of the scheme and                                                  agreed any other deductions.
to you submitting the right medical          • Any other information that’s
documents), so pick up the phone as            relevant to your role or workplace
                                                                                         When you registered with us, you
soon as you know you won’t be able           • Who/where the first aider is              will have either submitted a P45 or
to make it in.                                                                           completed a P46/P38 tax form and a
                                                                                         BACS Payment Form. This means that
And we know that all of our temps are                                                    when you start work, we already have
conscientious and super punctual, but      Keeping you safe                              everything we need to pay your wages;
sometimes trains, traffic, or unexpected                                                 it may reduce the risk of you paying
disasters can disrupt your morning         Most of the tasks that you’ll be asked
                                           to do will have been assessed for risk        basic rate tax.
routine. If that happens and you’re

Follow us on:
Timesheets                                     Follow our five top tips on completing your timesheet:
We’re pretty confident that you’ll             1. Round up your daily hours to the nearest                                                                      this later in the guide), choosing your mode
want to be paid for the hours you                 quarter (it makes it that much easier for us                                                                  of transport if you’re claiming for that week.
                                                  non-Maths boffins). A quarter of an hour is
work, so it’s really important that you           written as 0.25; so if you’ve worked 7 hours                                                             4. After you’ve completed your timesheet, ask
record them. For every week of your               15 minutes, write 7.25, or 7.75 for 7 hours                                                                 a manager in your department to sign and
assignment, you’ll be given a timesheet           45 minutes. When adding up your daily hours,                                                                date it too.
to do just that. Use it to record your            make sure you write them on the right days,                                                              5. Timesheets are processed on a Monday for
                                                  and deduct any unpaid breaks from your total.                                                               the previous week, and you’ll be paid the
daily hours, and send it back to us at
                                                                                                                                                              following Friday. But it’s up to you to get
the end of the week. It’s that simple.         2. Some clients may occasionally offer overtime,
                                                                                                                                                           	 your timesheets completed, submitted and
                                                  this would be input under OT1 or OT2.
                                                                                                                                                              signed by yourself and the employer in time
                                               3. Sign and date your timesheet and tick your                                                                  for payroll - if you don’t, may not be paid
                                                  Travel Wings Plus box (we’ll explain all about                                                              until the following week.

                                                                                                                                                                   Your unique reference number

                                                    Assignment details
                                                    Week ending date:					                    Report to:				
                                                    Enter all hours to:					Department:				
                                                    Assignment no.:					Work address:
                                                    Assignment title:			  Candidate SID/PN:		 Candidate name:

                     Your work details              Branch details

                     will automatically be          Branch:					Branch address
                                                    Consultant:					and contact details:

                     populated here                 Temp supplied as:

                                                    Client details
                                                    Client name:					Invoice address:

Please tick                                         Invoice contact:
                                                    PO Ref:					     Cost code 1:		                                                                                                                                     Cost code 2:

the correct                                                                               Hours worked H=Hours M=Minutes                                                                 IMPORTANT: To receive Travel Wings Plus you MUST TICK THE

boxes to show
                                                                                                                                                                                         BOXES BELOW to indicate how you travelled to work each day
                                                                                                                                                                                          and if you are claiming subsistence and SIGN the declaration

what you’re                                                                       Start
                                                                                                                                                                           hours         No travel/      Public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Private          Subs
claiming that                                                                                                                                                                            subs cost       trams            vehicle

                           Complete your             Wednesday

                           working hours             Thursday





                                                    Assignment details                                                                                Assignment staff member
                                                    Please initial alteration to time hours                                                           Roundtrip mileage from home to client location is 12 miles
                                                    I confirm and agree the net total of _______ hours (including overtime hours) have                Assignment staff in Travel Wings Plus
                                                    been satisfactorily worked and that payment in respect of these will be made according            • If you use your own vehicle, tick the ‘Private vehicle’ box, if you have travelled under
                                                    to your terms of business which have received from you and accept as the basis of                    10,000 miles in current tax year you will receive 45p/mile if over 10,000 miles you

                       Your Line Manager            this transaction.                                                                                    will receive 25p/mile
                                                                                                                                                      • If you use public transport, tick the ‘Public trans’ box. You will receive 23.8p/mile.
                                                                                                                                                      • If you have incurred subsistence, tick the ‘Subs’ box. Rate is £3.60/day for work of 5 hrs or more.
                       must complete this           Name (capitals):_____________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                      • If you have incurred no travel costs, tick the ‘No travel/subs cost’ box.

                       section                      Position:___________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                      Declaration: I hereby declare that the qualifying travel and subsistence costs incurred
                                                                                                                                                      by me as referred to above were incurred wholly, exclusively and necessarily in the
                                                    Date:_____________________________________________________________________                        performance of my duties of my employment. These travel and subsistence costs were
                                                                                                                                                      incurred by attending an assignment work place in relation to my employment. I have
                                                    Client signature:____________________________________________________________                     and will return receipts to support paid subsistence and travel for a period of 12 months
                                                                                                                                                      after the period in which the cost was incurred. These receipts are subject to audit.
                                                    Client: After signature please take a copy of this timesheet for your records. Please note
                                                    that fees charged largely represent fees paid to the assignment staff and will be subject to      Assignment staff signature:___________________________________________________
            Sign and date here                      a separate invoice which is payable within 14 days of the invoice date.
                                                                                                                                                      Date (DD/MM/YY):______________________________________________________________
            Note: You won’t be able to claim                                                                                                          Assignment staff: Please ensure that the timesheet is fully completed and signed and
            Travel Wings Plus if you haven’t                                                                                                          make sure that the client receives a copy. Return the original to the branch BY 9.30am
                                                                                                                                                      ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY to allow payment by the next Friday.
            signed this

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Holidays                                    Travel Wings Plus
As a temp, you’re entitled to a             Travel Wings Plus is a plan                                           As the allowance is tax free, the
maximum of 28 days paid annual              administered by Office Angels                                         addition of this to reduced gross pay
leave for each complete holiday             enabling us to pay eligible employees                                 typically means you’ll receive a higher
year (which runs from January to            a tax free allowance towards travel                                   amount of net pay than if you hadn’t
December). This entitlement is              and subsistence costs incurred whilst                                 opted into the scheme. You just need
accured in proportion to the                you are on assignments for us.                                        to speak to us to find out whether
amount of time worked by you.                                                                                     you’re eligible.
                                            Travel Wings Plus is a ‘salary sacrifice’
You can’t carry days over, so all paid      arrangement, which means that you                                     Good luck
holiday has to be taken during the year     agree to give up an element of your                                   We’re really excited about working with
in which it’s accrued. But remember         gross taxable pay in order to get the                                 you, so good luck in your assignment
to give us at least one week’s written      benefit of the allowance.                                             and be sure to get in touch if you have
notice if you want to take any time off -                                                                         any questions.
including any bank holidays
                                             Jo Bloggs
                                             XX Street Name

                                             Hazlitt House, 4 Bouverie Street, London EC4Y 8AX			                                              Registered number: 01985032	

                                                                             COMPANY                                                             DIVISION
                                                                           OFFICE ANGELS                                                           09W
         Your payroll
                                                   Worker No.                   NAME                      PERIOD                   PAY DATE                   IND
         number                                    09385642                   Joe Bloggs                 41/2009                  15/01/2010                  W1
                                                                 Department                                          TAX CODE                        N.I. NO./TABLE LETTER
         Tax Code
         If you are on a BR                                Croydon (0208 681 3039)                                         647L                           SE123456A/A
         code please contact
         your branch
                                                                               PAYMENT                                                         DEDUCTIONS

         Timesheet                            Wk Ending      Timesheet     Description          Units   Rates     Amount      Deduction                             Amount
                                              08/01/2010     02164007910   Standard             29.00   8.00      232.00      Tax                                    30.80
         week ending                          08/01/2010     02164221110   Payment of holiday   1.00    47.12     47.12       NI                                     18.60


                                                              TOTAL PAYMENTS                                       279.12 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS                            49.40

                                                                                                                GROSS PAY TO DATE                                   9788.71
                                                                                                                TAXABLE PAY TO DATE                                 9788.71
                                                                                                                PENSION TO DATE                                        0.00
            Units = number of hours you worked                                                                  TAX TO DATE                                          928.60
                                                                                                                EE’S N.I. TO DATE                                    639.75
            Rate = your hourly pay rate
            Amount = hours worked x pay rate                 Your average holiday                                                                                    229.72
                                                                                                                           NET PAY
                                                             pay amount

          Visit our website::                               Download our app:                                        Check out our other guides:

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Office Angels Temping guide

  • 1. Your guide to: Temping Working as a temp is a brilliant way of exploring different jobs and industries. It’s also great for making your work life fit nicely around your personal life. But if you’re going to make temping work for you, you’ll need to know the ins and outs. The good news is that at Office Angels, we take your care pretty seriously; which is why we’ve put together a handy guide packed full of everything that you need to know about temping with Office Angels. Your assignment Registering with us Before the assignment We never want you to feel out of your Just call or email your local branch and After we’ve managed to find you a depth and we always want you to enjoy we’ll talk you through the next steps. new job we’ll explain your hours, what you’re doing, so we’ll only ever We may need you to fill in a few forms, what the role involves, where you’ll place you on assignments that are right but we promise to make it as painless be working and the sort of environment for you, based on your experience, as possible. you’ll be working in; we’ll also give skills and availability. you directions on how to get there, We’ll also need an up-to-date copy of and answer any questions you have When you’re on assignment with Office your CV as we’ll use that to help bag about the job, the client, or the Angels, we’re your employer; which you the best jobs on the market, but company. And we’ll give you a call means you’ll be well looked after. our friendly consultants are always on the first day, just to check that We’re responsible for paying you, on hand to give you advice on how to you’re happy with the role. dealing with legislative requirements, write the perfect CV, should you need it. and keeping in touch with you and the company you’re working for to make When you come in to see us, you’ll sure you’re both happy and content. need to bring along some official identification, such as a valid Passport “Not only have Office Angels found Because we have an altogether or Birth Certificate, and a document me the perfect temporary roles, they fabulous reputation for placing top displaying your National Insurance have been understanding to my notch jobseekers in all manner of Number. specific needs and requirements for office jobs, we’re trusted by hundreds both my skill set and availability”. of high profile clients to find the sort We love making your life that bit of skilled and motivated candidates simpler, which is why we’ve made it Candidate, Office Angels - Banbury who can hit the ground running. incredibly easy to register with us. Follow us on:
  • 2. Your contract and running late for your assignment, make already; but in some cases, despite sure you give us a call before 9am, just reducing risk to a reasonable level, we assignment letter in case we need to find someone to can’t promise there won’t be any at all. Now for the heavy legal stuff: your cover for you. contract is a written agreement, so it If this is the case you may need to wear must be completed before you start PPE - Personal Protective Equipment any role. The good news is that once Health & Safety designed to protect you while you’re the contract is completed, you’re in potentially hazardous areas. You’ll We’ll do everything we can with our be told this before starting your officially an employee of Office Angels; clients to care for your health and safety assignment though, as you’ll need to and personally, we couldn’t think of when you’re on an assignment. Health make sure you know how to wear or anything better. and safety is the responsibility of all and use it correctly. legislation says that Temporary Workers Your employment contract is really (Agency Staff) are treated exactly the Please look after it well, and if it needs useful because it includes important same as the clients own staff. We’ll replacing, let your Line Manager know. information on: do all we can to give you a safe and • How much annual leave you’re healthy workplace by reviewing any entitled to risks and addressing these. If you see anything you think is a health and safety How you’re paid £ • Code of conduct risk, it’s up to you to highlight this to You’ll receive your first wage two weeks • Rules around continuation or your Line Manager and to us. after the start of your assignment, and termination of your assignment after that, we’ll pay you every Friday in arrears by credit transfer to your You’ll also receive a letter once What to expect on your nominated bank account. the assignment has been agreed, first day confirming: So, if you start work on Monday 5 • Where you’ll be working We know that your first day in a new March, your first pay will be Friday 16 assignment can be nerve-wracking. March, and then every Friday after that • What the job involves You don’t know your way around, (as long as you submit your completed • What hours you’ll be working who your colleagues are, or where timesheet on time). anything is - and as a temp, you have • Pay rate to find your feet really quickly. But don’t • Job title worry; our clients are just as helpful How your pay is set and supportive as our consultants, so • Start date they’ll have you up to speed in no time. You’ll be paid at an hourly rate which will vary depending on each assignment; but you can rest assured Your Line Manager should tell you: If you’re sick or running late that your hourly rate will never be less • The location of the fire exits and than the National Minimum Wage at There’s nothing worse than feeling like assembly points the time of the assignment. you’re at death’s door when you’re due • Where the toilets are at the office; but we’re all human, so Your total pay is based on the number if you are feeling under the weather • Whether you’ll need any training of hours you’ve worked to the nearest and really can’t come to work, let for the role quarter of an hour. Deductions will be us know as soon as possible. You • How and where to go to report made for Tax and National Insurance, might be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay accidents but the rest is all yours - unless you’ve (subject to the rules of the scheme and agreed any other deductions. to you submitting the right medical • Any other information that’s documents), so pick up the phone as relevant to your role or workplace When you registered with us, you soon as you know you won’t be able • Who/where the first aider is will have either submitted a P45 or to make it in. completed a P46/P38 tax form and a BACS Payment Form. This means that And we know that all of our temps are when you start work, we already have conscientious and super punctual, but Keeping you safe everything we need to pay your wages; sometimes trains, traffic, or unexpected it may reduce the risk of you paying disasters can disrupt your morning Most of the tasks that you’ll be asked to do will have been assessed for risk basic rate tax. routine. If that happens and you’re Follow us on:
  • 3. Timesheets Follow our five top tips on completing your timesheet: We’re pretty confident that you’ll 1. Round up your daily hours to the nearest this later in the guide), choosing your mode want to be paid for the hours you quarter (it makes it that much easier for us of transport if you’re claiming for that week. non-Maths boffins). A quarter of an hour is work, so it’s really important that you written as 0.25; so if you’ve worked 7 hours 4. After you’ve completed your timesheet, ask record them. For every week of your 15 minutes, write 7.25, or 7.75 for 7 hours a manager in your department to sign and assignment, you’ll be given a timesheet 45 minutes. When adding up your daily hours, date it too. to do just that. Use it to record your make sure you write them on the right days, 5. Timesheets are processed on a Monday for and deduct any unpaid breaks from your total. the previous week, and you’ll be paid the daily hours, and send it back to us at following Friday. But it’s up to you to get the end of the week. It’s that simple. 2. Some clients may occasionally offer overtime, your timesheets completed, submitted and this would be input under OT1 or OT2. signed by yourself and the employer in time 3. Sign and date your timesheet and tick your for payroll - if you don’t, may not be paid Travel Wings Plus box (we’ll explain all about until the following week. Your unique reference number Assignment details Week ending date: Report to: Enter all hours to: Department: Assignment no.: Work address: Assignment title: Candidate SID/PN: Candidate name: Your work details Branch details will automatically be Branch: Branch address Consultant: and contact details: populated here Temp supplied as: Client details Client name: Invoice address: Please tick Invoice contact: PO Ref: Cost code 1: Cost code 2: the correct Hours worked H=Hours M=Minutes IMPORTANT: To receive Travel Wings Plus you MUST TICK THE boxes to show BOXES BELOW to indicate how you travelled to work each day and if you are claiming subsistence and SIGN the declaration what you’re Start time Finish time Total hours Break hours Net hours Basic hours OT1 hours OT2 hours No travel/ Public Travel Private Subs claiming that subs cost trams vehicle Monday week Tuesday Complete your Wednesday working hours Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total: Assignment details Assignment staff member Please initial alteration to time hours Roundtrip mileage from home to client location is 12 miles I confirm and agree the net total of _______ hours (including overtime hours) have Assignment staff in Travel Wings Plus been satisfactorily worked and that payment in respect of these will be made according • If you use your own vehicle, tick the ‘Private vehicle’ box, if you have travelled under to your terms of business which have received from you and accept as the basis of 10,000 miles in current tax year you will receive 45p/mile if over 10,000 miles you Your Line Manager this transaction. will receive 25p/mile • If you use public transport, tick the ‘Public trans’ box. You will receive 23.8p/mile. • If you have incurred subsistence, tick the ‘Subs’ box. Rate is £3.60/day for work of 5 hrs or more. must complete this Name (capitals):_____________________________________________________________ • If you have incurred no travel costs, tick the ‘No travel/subs cost’ box. section Position:___________________________________________________________________ Declaration: I hereby declare that the qualifying travel and subsistence costs incurred by me as referred to above were incurred wholly, exclusively and necessarily in the Date:_____________________________________________________________________ performance of my duties of my employment. These travel and subsistence costs were incurred by attending an assignment work place in relation to my employment. I have Client signature:____________________________________________________________ and will return receipts to support paid subsistence and travel for a period of 12 months after the period in which the cost was incurred. These receipts are subject to audit. Client: After signature please take a copy of this timesheet for your records. Please note that fees charged largely represent fees paid to the assignment staff and will be subject to Assignment staff signature:___________________________________________________ Sign and date here a separate invoice which is payable within 14 days of the invoice date. Date (DD/MM/YY):______________________________________________________________ Note: You won’t be able to claim Assignment staff: Please ensure that the timesheet is fully completed and signed and Travel Wings Plus if you haven’t make sure that the client receives a copy. Return the original to the branch BY 9.30am ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY to allow payment by the next Friday. signed this Follow us on:
  • 4. Holidays Travel Wings Plus As a temp, you’re entitled to a Travel Wings Plus is a plan As the allowance is tax free, the maximum of 28 days paid annual administered by Office Angels addition of this to reduced gross pay leave for each complete holiday enabling us to pay eligible employees typically means you’ll receive a higher year (which runs from January to a tax free allowance towards travel amount of net pay than if you hadn’t December). This entitlement is and subsistence costs incurred whilst opted into the scheme. You just need accured in proportion to the you are on assignments for us. to speak to us to find out whether amount of time worked by you. you’re eligible. Travel Wings Plus is a ‘salary sacrifice’ You can’t carry days over, so all paid arrangement, which means that you Good luck holiday has to be taken during the year agree to give up an element of your We’re really excited about working with in which it’s accrued. But remember gross taxable pay in order to get the you, so good luck in your assignment to give us at least one week’s written benefit of the allowance. and be sure to get in touch if you have notice if you want to take any time off - any questions. including any bank holidays Jo Bloggs XX Street Name Town County Postcode Hazlitt House, 4 Bouverie Street, London EC4Y 8AX Registered number: 01985032 COMPANY DIVISION OFFICE ANGELS 09W Your payroll Worker No. NAME PERIOD PAY DATE IND number 09385642 Joe Bloggs 41/2009 15/01/2010 W1 Department TAX CODE N.I. NO./TABLE LETTER Tax Code If you are on a BR Croydon (0208 681 3039) 647L SE123456A/A code please contact your branch PAYMENT DEDUCTIONS Timesheet Wk Ending Timesheet Description Units Rates Amount Deduction Amount 08/01/2010 02164007910 Standard 29.00 8.00 232.00 Tax 30.80 week ending 08/01/2010 02164221110 Payment of holiday 1.00 47.12 47.12 NI 18.60 date TOTAL PAYMENTS 279.12 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 49.40 CUMULATIVES GROSS PAY TO DATE 9788.71 TAXABLE PAY TO DATE 9788.71 PENSION TO DATE 0.00 Units = number of hours you worked TAX TO DATE 928.60 EE’S N.I. TO DATE 639.75 Rate = your hourly pay rate Amount = hours worked x pay rate Your average holiday 229.72 NET PAY pay amount Visit our website:: Download our app: Check out our other guides: Follow us on: