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Office 365 Incident Response
B-Sides Orlando 2019
Alex Parsons @ParsonsProject
+ Alex Parsons
− Senior Consultant in Incident Response & Digital
Forensics for Aon’s Cyber Solutions (Formerly called
Stroz Friedberg)
− Lives in Seattle; from Pennsylvania
− Knows a lot about Microsoft technologies and Office 365
− Wrote one of the first papers on Windows 10 Forensics
− Doesn’t know everything about Office 365
− Used to own a Windows Phone 
− Opinions are my own and not Aon’s
+ Go over:
− O365 Basics
− Compromise Basics
− Collection Details
− Proactive Steps
− New Tricks
− Learn from my pain
− We use a basic compromise
example, but applicable for
other cases.
Assumption is you don’t have a SIEM connection in place.
+ Place holds on your compromised Mailboxes
+ Check your Azure Sign in Logs
+ Export your Audit Logs correctly
+ Use HAWK:
+ Use Azure AD Conditional Access for prevention
+ Check out the new “MailItemsAccessed” operation
+ Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)*
+ Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)*
+ Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)*
What is Office 365?
+ Simple Idea from 2010
− Bring Microsoft’s on-premise servers to the cloud
− Mail Servers
− SharePoint Servers
− Microsoft Lync/Skype for Business
− Add Office Web Apps (like Google Docs)
− Oh, and offer regular Office 2010 too
Wait, but what IS SharePoint?
+ Whatever you want it to be! (And it’s normally terribly designed)
+ Custom Websites
+ Custom Forms
+ Team Sites
+ OneDrive for Business
Does O365 do anything interesting though?
+ Since 2010 Microsoft has done a LOT
− More services are becoming O365 only
− OneDrive
− Microsoft Teams
− Yammer
− Planner
− Sway
− Flow
− Stream
− Much, much more
Attacker’s End Goal
Subject: Re: March 2019 Invoice
OR (Ransomware)
Attackers are getting more Advanced
Compromise Lifecycle
Attacker Sends Phish
• User Clicks on link,
gives away credentials.
Attacker Sends more
phishing e-mails from
trusted accounts, adds
Inbox Rules
• Additional users click on
phishing links
• Users don’t see e-mails
because the inbox rules
Attacker Sends Wire
Transfer request from
compromised user. Adds
Mailbox Rules
• Receiver of Wire
Transfer request trusts
the e-mail, sends the
Attacker uses all
Compromised accounts
to spread phishing
• Customers/Clients click
on phishing links and
the cycle continues
New-InboxRule -StopProcessingRules:$True -
AlwaysDeleteOutlookRulesBlob:$False -Force:$False -Name ...
MarkAsRead:$True -DeleteMessage:$True -
SubjectOrBodyContainsWords "delivery failure"; "don't
open";"you have been
hacked";error;spam;hacked;docusign;10/08/2017; wire
Day 1 Day 5
Scenario – Batman is Compromised
Subject: Batman has shared a
document with you!
Subject: Urgent Wire Request
Hey, we need $10b for another avengers movie ASAP, can you
wire this over by EOD? I promise we’ll do better this time.
New Bank Wire info is attached
Subject: Spiderman
has shared a
document with you!
SMTP Forwarding enabled and sent
Questions Lawyers & CISOs have
− What did the attacker access?
− How long did the attacker have access?
− Is there potential for PII and/or PHI Exposure?
− How many other accounts are affected?
− Has the attacker been kicked out of the environment?
− Do we know the motive of the attacker?
Scenario – How do you Prioritize?
What should be Collected first?
Time To Live for logs in default environments
− Deleted Mail 14 days (Unless you place a hold on the mailbox)
− Azure Active Directory Sign-ins: 7-30 days (Depends on what you pay for)
− Audit Logs: 90-180 days (Depends on what you pay for)
− Message Trace Logs: 90 days
− Exchange Audit Logs: 90 days if enabled
O365 Incident Collection Checklist –Take a Picture
User Level
☐ Place a Preservation Hold & Collect a Mailbox
☐ Azure AD Sign Ins & Reports (7-30* days)
☐ Current Inbox Rules
☐ Current Forwarding Rules
☐ Unified Audit Logs (90-180* days)
☐ Mailbox Audit Logs (90 days)
☐ Message Trace Logs (90 days)
Tenant Level
☐ Last Password Change Report
☐ Unified Audit Logs Filtered for *-InboxRules operations
☐ Unified Audit Logs filtered for Set-Mailbox Events (Occurs when
SMTP forwarding is enabled)
☐ OAuth Application Report
☐ All CURRENT Inbox Rules (and hidden rules)
☐ All CURRENT Forwarding rules
☐ Unified Audit Logs matching known Malicious IPs
Tying Questions to Artifacts
USER - What did the attacker access?
• Unified Audit Logs
• Mailbox Audit Logs with MailItemsAccessed Operation (+Trace Logs & PSTs to match IDs to emails)
• Azure AD Sign Ins
• Message Trace Logs (If Mail Forwarding occurred)
USER - How long did the attacker have access?
• Audit Logs (Within 90 days)
• PSTs (If compromise occurred Outside of Audit log retention period)
• User Report (Contains most recent password change)
• Azure AD Sign Ins
• Message Trace Logs (If Mail Forwarding occurred)
USER - Is there potential for PII and/or PHI Exposure
• PST PII Analysis (Filtered to the appropriate timeframe or e-mails accessed listed in Mailbox Audit Logs)
TENANT - How many other accounts are affected? / Are the attackers kicked out?
•Inbox Rules + Forwarding Settings (CURRENT & Historical Audit Logs)
•Trace Logs of Compromised Users
•Tenant-wide Audit Logs (Inbox Rules, Set-Mailbox, Logs with known IP Subnets; If Requested, ALL Logins or ALL Events)
•PSTs (If outside of 90 days)
•Azure AD Sign In Logs
•Oauth Application Report
TENANT - Do we know the motive of the attacker?
•All of the above
Fun Seattle Fact #1
Placing a hold on the Mailbox
+ TechNet Link
+ If you download you must use Microsoft Edge/IE
Azure Active Directory Sign-Ins
+ Very quick win if data is within your time frame. (See TTL)
+ Every O365 environnent has Azure Active Directory
+ Look for Foreign logons and/or cloud providers
+ Acquire AD Sign-in logs @
+ Want to look at your own Sign-ins as a non-admin? You can!
+ There are no Sign-Out events
Checking for Persistence Mechanisms
+ Check All Current Inbox/Mailbox rules
+ Check to see if any Current Inbox Rules are forwarding to an attacker
+ Collect Last Password Change Info (Script)
+ Check if any mailboxes are currently being forwarded (Link)
+ Check OAuth Report in Azure AD
+ Beware of the Skeletons in your closet
Hidden Inbox Rules 
+ Hidden Inbox Rules are now here!
+ Complex method but still possible (MFCMapi)
+ Forwarded emails still tracked in Message Trace Logs
+ Detect using MFCMapi or HAWK
+ Remediate with:
Unified Audit Logs
Guess which of these three are enabled by default?
Unified Audit Logs
+ Unified Audit Logs detail user activity across the entire O365 environment
+ Office 365 Audit Logs are very useful but very frustrating
+ Audit Logs are not enabled by default*
+ Exchange/Mail related logs are not enabled by default*
+ JSON with nested JSON
Mailbox/Exchange Audit Logs
Action Description Admin Delegate Owner
Copy An item is copied to another folder. Yes No No
Create An item is created in the Calendar,
Contacts, Notes, or Tasks folder in
the mailbox; for example, a new
meeting request is created. Note
that message or folder creation isn't
Yes* Yes* Yes
FolderBind A mailbox folder is accessed. Yes* Yes** No
HardDelete An item is deleted permanently from
the Recoverable Items folder.
Yes* Yes* Yes
MailboxLogin The user signed in to their mailbox. No No Yes***
MessageBind An item is accessed in the reading
pane or opened.
Yes No No
Move An item is moved to another folder. Yes* Yes Yes
MoveToDeletedItems An item is moved to the Deleted
Items folder.
Yes* Yes Yes
SendAs A message is sent using Send As
Yes* Yes* No
SendOnBehalf A message is sent using Send on
Behalf permissions.
Yes* Yes No
SoftDelete An item is deleted from the Deleted
Items folder.
Yes* Yes* Yes
Update An item's properties are updated. Yes* Yes* Yes
• MS has begun enabling Mailbox Audit Logs by default (Is taking months to roll out)
Enabling Mailbox Audit Logs
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter
{RecipientTypeDetails -eq "UserMailbox"} | Set-
Mailbox -AuditEnabled $true –AuditOwner “Create,
Update, HardDelete, MailboxLogin, Move,
MoveToDeletedItems, SoftDelete, MailItemsAccessed”
OR (In Theory)
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter
{RecipientTypeDetails -eq "UserMailbox"} | Set-Mailbox -
DefaultAuditSet Admin,Delegate,Owner
What if my logging wasn’t enabled in time?
+ If you go to your tenant and find that Unified Audit Logging and/or
mailbox logging is disabled at the time of an incident you MIGHT be
able to get some events still
+ The secret is within “Search-AdminAuditLog”
+ URL:
Unified Audit Logs Continued
oString":"Client=/owa/SuiteServiceProxy.aspx; Mozilla/5.0 (Windows
NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36
Audit Logs Continued
9b698639db45","UserAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110
Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299","WebId":"577deac0-7c7e-4c60-9525-
leName":"Sensitive data.docx","SourceRelativeUrl":"Documents"}
Pivoting with Audit Log Analysis
+ Take your Audit logs and do some IP lookups
− Identify suspicious countries
− Audit Logs (
− Azure AD Sign In Logs (
− Identify suspicious Ips
− Proxy Providers
− Cloud Providers
− Identify common User Agents
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0;
Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko)
Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299"
Fun Fact #2 –Precipitation by City
Acquiring Unified Audit Logs (Without a SIEM)
1. Never trust the Audit log GUI
2. Never trust the Audit log GUI
3. Never ever trust the Audit Log GUI
4. ALWAYS Acquire Audit logs via PowerShell
Audit Log GUI Issues
− It will only export up to 50,000 lines per request and will not warn you
− It sometimes won’t get all of the audit logs and won’t tell you
− It sometimes will lie to you on how far back it can acquire audit logs
Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate 9/1/2017 -EndDate 10/1/2017 -UserIds -ResultSize 5000 | Export-Csv “aparsons.csv”
Note: This command and others like it require you to connect to the Exchange Online shell via Powershell first (Tutorial)
Acquiring Audit Logs
Data Learned from Experience/Pain
+ Via PowerShell, you can’t acquire more than 5,000 records at a time, but you
can do it sequentially and it will show you if you don’t acquire them all more
+ Microsoft has a Powershell script to get you started
+ If you request too many logs in a short period of time Microsoft will lock you
out for a few minutes. You need to self-throttle. Check out Start-
+ If you use the GUI, you are limited to 50,000 events and no verification that
you have all of the logs
+ Overall, very frustrating process without a SIEM connection
Useful Audit Log searches
+ IP Address Search in the Audit Logs (not 100% effective though):
Search-UnifiedAuditLog -ResultSize 5000 -StartDate $startDate -EndDate
$endDate -IPAddresses, 187.36.51.*| Export-Csv
+ Inbox Rule event search for Malicious Inbox rules activity (Only if
Exchange logging has been enabled by the client)
Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -Operations
*-InboxRule –Resultsize 5000 | export-csv "AuditLogs_FullInboxRules.csv"
+ Some “Set-Mailbox” Operation events show SMTP forwarding changes too
Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -Operations
Set-Mailbox –Resultsize 5000 | export-csv "AuditLogs_Set-Mailbox.csv"
Useful Audit Log searches – TIMailData, TIUrlClickData
+ Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -Operations
TIMailData –Resultsize 5000 | export-csv "AuditLogs_ThreatIntel.csv"
+ {"CreationTime":"2019-01-10T14:31:20","Id":"7kd80k28-a294-25db- c024-
DE9E0186C7264781480F5515CAE494BE42C805B2655CC5F4FA5DF "}],"DetectionMethod":"Office
365 URL
","P1Sender":"","P2Sender":"","Recipients":["Clark.Ke"],"SenderIp":"","Subject":"Lois Lane Invites
Message Trace Logs
+ Why do we care about it?
− Lists e-mails received or sent within the past 90 days EVEN if deleted
− Lists IP Address of all E-mails Sent
− Easy to manage CSV file
− References Inbox Rule used to forward messages (if applicable)
− TL;DR: It’s like a timeline of E-mail’s sent & received and has IP
Clutter/Activities Logs – MailItemsAccess Prologue
+ Story Time
Mailbox Audit Logs - MailItemsAccessed
+ New Operation in only Mailbox Audit Logs called “MailItemsAcessed”
+ Info below is from the Community (Not Documented by MS yet)
+ Records 2 Minutes of activity when triggered
+ MailItemsAccesesed events are triggered when
− New Client IP Address
− New User agent String
− New Username performing the read/access
− New Parent Mailbox Folder
− New Logon Type
− New Mailbox Session ID
+ Logs across multiple platforms
+ References Messages by Internet Message ID
Surely we could Automate?
+ PowerShell Module released in December 2017
+ Made by Microsoft Support Engineers
+ HAWK will:
− Parse successful logins and resolve the locations
− Export Exchange related Audit Logs
− Export Current Inbox Rules and forwards (including hidden inbox rules)
− Export Historical Inbox Rules
− Export Permissions
− Oauth Permissions
− Azure AD Logs (If you have Azure AD P1 or P2)
+ HAWK will NOT:
− Collect all of your audit logs, trace logs, or PSTs for you
− Do your analysis for you
+ Process (Take a picture of this)
1. Install-Module –Name HAWK
2. Import-Module HAWK
3. Connect to Exchange Via PowerShell
4. Start-HawkTenantInvestigation
5. Start-HawkUserInvestigation
User Investigation Export Subset
Tenant Investigation Export Subset
O365 Incident Collection Checklist – HAWK
User Level
☐ Place a Preservation Hold & Collect a Mailbox
☐ Azure AD Sign Ins & Reports (7-30* days)
☐ Current Inbox Rules
☐ Current Forwarding Rules
☐ Unified Audit Logs (90-180* days)
☐ Mailbox Audit Logs (90 days)
☐ Message Trace Logs (90 days)
Tenant Level
☐ Last Password Change Report
☐ Unified Audit Logs Filtered for *-InboxRules operations
☐ Unified Audit Logs filtered for Set-Mailbox Events (Occurs when
SMTP forwarding is enabled)
☐ OAuth Application Report
☐ All CURRENT Inbox Rules (and hidden rules)
☐ All CURRENT Forwarding rules
☐ Unified Audit Logs matching known Malicious IPs
Quick Recap: What do we know?
+ With the data collected so far we should know the following:
− Users that were compromised (If the attacker uses obvious foreign IP
addresses or Proxy/VPN solutions)
− Whether the attacker is currently in the environment or has malicious
Inbox Rules or forwarding enabled
− What mailbox rules (if any) the attacker may have created (If the client
had mailbox logging enabled)
− This can also help generate a list of users that were targeted.
+ Unanswered Questions
− How many e-mails were sent by the attacker while the user was
− How was the user originally compromised?
Finding Compromising Phishing E-mail
+ Unique the IP Addresses in the Trace Logs and perform Geo-IP
+ Unique the IP Addresses from the PST file and perform Geo-IP
+ Look for e-mails 5 days prior to the first malicious login
+ Often something like “John Smith has Shared a Document With you”
+ Attackers often delete and purge e-mails; Default TTL is 14 days
+ If you need to search for more e-mails across the entire company, you
can do that in the Search pane of the eDiscovery case (Tutorial)
Content Searches will also work exactly the same.
Finding Propagated phishing e-mails
+ Unique the IP Addresses in the Trace Logs and perform Geo-IP
+ Unique the IP Addresses from the PST file and perform Geo-IP
+ Look for emails with large BCC recipients list.
+ Process for finding malicious IPs in a PST file
− Process the PST in X-ways
− Copy/export the processed EML files into a folder
− Run an automated script to lookup IP addresses
− Search for suspicious IPs in the report
− Use X-ways/Grep to then search for the identified IPs within the PST
Proactive Techniques
+ Enable MFA
+ Look into Azure AD Conditional Access
− Can automatically block suspicious logins (if configured)
− Can blacklist IP subnets and locations
− Catch: Requires Azure Active Directory Premium
Proactive Techniques Continued
+ Ingest your logs to a SIEM
+ Turn on a Report Phish Button
+ Disable Forwarding to External E-mails (or all emails)
+ Create Alerts for new Inbox rule creation events (in O365 with E5 or
your SIEM)
+ Double check to make sure both Unified Audit Logging and Mailbox
Audit Logging is enabled
+ Enable MFA
Enabling MFA isn’t enough
+ MFA can be bypassed easily unless Legacy Authentication is disabled
+ Disabling Legacy Auth is quite involved.
+ Resources:
Modern AuthLegacy Auth
Modlishka - AKA You will never be safe
Questions Lawyers & CISOs have -Recap
− What did the attacker access?
− How long did the attacker have access?
− Is there potential for PII and/or PHI Exposure?
− How many other accounts are affected?
− Has the attacker been kicked out of the environment?
− Do we know the motive of the attacker?
O365 Incident Collection Checklist – Recap
User Level
☐ Place a Preservation Hold & Collect a Mailbox
☐ Azure AD Sign Ins & Reports (7-30* days)
☐ Current Inbox Rules
☐ Current Forwarding Rules
☐ Unified Audit Logs (90-180* days)
☐ Mailbox Audit Logs (90 days)
☐ Message Trace Logs (90 days)
Tenant Level
☐ Last Password Change Report
☐ Unified Audit Logs Filtered for *-InboxRules operations
☐ Unified Audit Logs filtered for Set-Mailbox Events (Occurs when
SMTP forwarding is enabled)
☐ OAuth Application Report
☐ All CURRENT Inbox Rules (and hidden rules)
☐ All CURRENT Forwarding rules
☐ Unified Audit Logs matching known Malicious IPs
Tying Questions to Artifacts
USER - What did the attacker access?
• Unified Audit Logs
• Mailbox Audit Logs with MailItemsAccessed Operation (+Trace Logs & PSTs to match IDs to emails)
• Azure AD Sign Ins
• Message Trace Logs (If Mail Forwarding occurred)
USER - How long did the attacker have access?
• Audit Logs (Within 90 days)
• PSTs (If compromise occurred Outside of Audit log retention period)
• User Report (Contains most recent password change)
• Azure AD Sign Ins
• Message Trace Logs (If Mail Forwarding occurred)
USER - Is there potential for PII and/or PHI Exposure
• PST PII Analysis (Filtered to the appropriate timeframe or e-mails accessed listed in Mailbox Audit Logs)
TENANT - How many other accounts are affected? / Are the attackers kicked out?
•Inbox Rules + Forwarding Settings (CURRENT & Historical Audit Logs)
•Trace Logs of Compromised Users
•Tenant-wide Audit Logs (Inbox Rules, Set-Mailbox, Logs with known IP Subnets; If Requested, ALL Logins or ALL Events)
•PSTs (If outside of 90 days)
•Azure AD Sign In Logs
•Oauth Application Report
TENANT - Do we know the motive of the attacker?
•All of the above
+ Questions?
+ Slides will be shared on my Twitter
− @ParsonsProject

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Office 365 Incident Response 2019 B-Sides Orlando

  • 1. Office 365 Incident Response B-Sides Orlando 2019 Alex Parsons @ParsonsProject 1
  • 2. @ParsonsProject Intro/Disclaimer + Alex Parsons − Senior Consultant in Incident Response & Digital Forensics for Aon’s Cyber Solutions (Formerly called Stroz Friedberg) − Lives in Seattle; from Pennsylvania − Knows a lot about Microsoft technologies and Office 365 − Wrote one of the first papers on Windows 10 Forensics − Doesn’t know everything about Office 365 − Used to own a Windows Phone  − Opinions are my own and not Aon’s @ParsonsProject
  • 3. @ParsonsProject Goals + Go over: − O365 Basics − Compromise Basics − Collection Details − Proactive Steps − New Tricks − Learn from my pain − We use a basic compromise example, but applicable for other cases. Assumption is you don’t have a SIEM connection in place.
  • 4. @ParsonsProject TL;DR + Place holds on your compromised Mailboxes + Check your Azure Sign in Logs + Export your Audit Logs correctly + Use HAWK: − + Use Azure AD Conditional Access for prevention + Check out the new “MailItemsAccessed” operation + Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)* + Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)* + Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)*
  • 5. @ParsonsProject What is Office 365? + Simple Idea from 2010 − Bring Microsoft’s on-premise servers to the cloud − Mail Servers − SharePoint Servers − Microsoft Lync/Skype for Business − Add Office Web Apps (like Google Docs) − Oh, and offer regular Office 2010 too 5
  • 6. @ParsonsProject Wait, but what IS SharePoint? + Whatever you want it to be! (And it’s normally terribly designed) + Custom Websites + Custom Forms + Team Sites + OneDrive for Business
  • 7. @ParsonsProject Does O365 do anything interesting though? + Since 2010 Microsoft has done a LOT − More services are becoming O365 only − OneDrive − Microsoft Teams − Yammer − Planner − Sway − Flow − Stream − Much, much more
  • 8. @ParsonsProject Attacker’s End Goal Subject: Re: March 2019 Invoice To: From: OR (Ransomware)
  • 10. @ParsonsProject Compromise Lifecycle Attacker Sends Phish • User Clicks on link, gives away credentials. Attacker Sends more phishing e-mails from trusted accounts, adds Inbox Rules • Additional users click on phishing links • Users don’t see e-mails because the inbox rules Attacker Sends Wire Transfer request from compromised user. Adds Mailbox Rules • Receiver of Wire Transfer request trusts the e-mail, sends the money Attacker uses all Compromised accounts to spread phishing Campaign • Customers/Clients click on phishing links and the cycle continues New-InboxRule -StopProcessingRules:$True - AlwaysDeleteOutlookRulesBlob:$False -Force:$False -Name ... MarkAsRead:$True -DeleteMessage:$True - SubjectOrBodyContainsWords "delivery failure"; "don't open";"you have been hacked";error;spam;hacked;docusign;10/08/2017; wire Day 1 Day 5
  • 11. @ParsonsProject Scenario – Batman is Compromised Subject: Batman has shared a document with you! Ironman From: To: Subject: Urgent Wire Request Hey, we need $10b for another avengers movie ASAP, can you wire this over by EOD? I promise we’ll do better this time. New Bank Wire info is attached Spiderman Thor Subject: Spiderman has shared a document with you! Subject: THOR HAMMER RAFFLE ANNOUNCEMENT SMTP Forwarding enabled and sent to
  • 12. @ParsonsProject Questions Lawyers & CISOs have + USER LEVEL − What did the attacker access? − How long did the attacker have access? − Is there potential for PII and/or PHI Exposure? + TENANT LEVEL − How many other accounts are affected? − Has the attacker been kicked out of the environment? − Do we know the motive of the attacker?
  • 13. @ParsonsProject Scenario – How do you Prioritize? What should be Collected first? Time To Live for logs in default environments − Deleted Mail 14 days (Unless you place a hold on the mailbox) − Azure Active Directory Sign-ins: 7-30 days (Depends on what you pay for) − Audit Logs: 90-180 days (Depends on what you pay for) − Message Trace Logs: 90 days − Exchange Audit Logs: 90 days if enabled
  • 14. @ParsonsProject O365 Incident Collection Checklist –Take a Picture User Level ☐ Place a Preservation Hold & Collect a Mailbox ☐ Azure AD Sign Ins & Reports (7-30* days) ☐ Current Inbox Rules ☐ Current Forwarding Rules ☐ Unified Audit Logs (90-180* days) ☐ Mailbox Audit Logs (90 days) ☐ Message Trace Logs (90 days) Tenant Level ☐ Last Password Change Report ☐ Unified Audit Logs Filtered for *-InboxRules operations ☐ Unified Audit Logs filtered for Set-Mailbox Events (Occurs when SMTP forwarding is enabled) ☐ OAuth Application Report ☐ All CURRENT Inbox Rules (and hidden rules) ☐ All CURRENT Forwarding rules ☐ Unified Audit Logs matching known Malicious IPs
  • 15. @ParsonsProject Tying Questions to Artifacts USER - What did the attacker access? • Unified Audit Logs • Mailbox Audit Logs with MailItemsAccessed Operation (+Trace Logs & PSTs to match IDs to emails) • Azure AD Sign Ins • Message Trace Logs (If Mail Forwarding occurred) USER - How long did the attacker have access? • Audit Logs (Within 90 days) • PSTs (If compromise occurred Outside of Audit log retention period) • User Report (Contains most recent password change) • Azure AD Sign Ins • Message Trace Logs (If Mail Forwarding occurred) USER - Is there potential for PII and/or PHI Exposure • PST PII Analysis (Filtered to the appropriate timeframe or e-mails accessed listed in Mailbox Audit Logs) TENANT - How many other accounts are affected? / Are the attackers kicked out? •Inbox Rules + Forwarding Settings (CURRENT & Historical Audit Logs) •Trace Logs of Compromised Users •Tenant-wide Audit Logs (Inbox Rules, Set-Mailbox, Logs with known IP Subnets; If Requested, ALL Logins or ALL Events) •PSTs (If outside of 90 days) •Azure AD Sign In Logs •Oauth Application Report TENANT - Do we know the motive of the attacker? •All of the above
  • 17. @ParsonsProject Placing a hold on the Mailbox + TechNet Link + If you download you must use Microsoft Edge/IE
  • 18. @ParsonsProject Azure Active Directory Sign-Ins + Very quick win if data is within your time frame. (See TTL) + Every O365 environnent has Azure Active Directory + Look for Foreign logons and/or cloud providers + Acquire AD Sign-in logs @ + Want to look at your own Sign-ins as a non-admin? You can! + There are no Sign-Out events
  • 19. @ParsonsProject Checking for Persistence Mechanisms + Check All Current Inbox/Mailbox rules + Check to see if any Current Inbox Rules are forwarding to an attacker (Script) + Collect Last Password Change Info (Script) + Check if any mailboxes are currently being forwarded (Link) + Check OAuth Report in Azure AD + Beware of the Skeletons in your closet
  • 20. @ParsonsProject Hidden Inbox Rules  + Hidden Inbox Rules are now here! + Complex method but still possible (MFCMapi) + Forwarded emails still tracked in Message Trace Logs + Detect using MFCMapi or HAWK + Remediate with: Source:
  • 21. @ParsonsProject Unified Audit Logs Guess which of these three are enabled by default?
  • 22. @ParsonsProject Unified Audit Logs + Unified Audit Logs detail user activity across the entire O365 environment + Office 365 Audit Logs are very useful but very frustrating + Audit Logs are not enabled by default* + Exchange/Mail related logs are not enabled by default* + JSON with nested JSON
  • 23. @ParsonsProject Mailbox/Exchange Audit Logs Action Description Admin Delegate Owner Copy An item is copied to another folder. Yes No No Create An item is created in the Calendar, Contacts, Notes, or Tasks folder in the mailbox; for example, a new meeting request is created. Note that message or folder creation isn't audited. Yes* Yes* Yes FolderBind A mailbox folder is accessed. Yes* Yes** No HardDelete An item is deleted permanently from the Recoverable Items folder. Yes* Yes* Yes MailboxLogin The user signed in to their mailbox. No No Yes*** MessageBind An item is accessed in the reading pane or opened. Yes No No Move An item is moved to another folder. Yes* Yes Yes MoveToDeletedItems An item is moved to the Deleted Items folder. Yes* Yes Yes SendAs A message is sent using Send As permissions. Yes* Yes* No SendOnBehalf A message is sent using Send on Behalf permissions. Yes* Yes No SoftDelete An item is deleted from the Deleted Items folder. Yes* Yes* Yes Update An item's properties are updated. Yes* Yes* Yes Source: us/library/ff461937(v=exchg.160).aspx • MS has begun enabling Mailbox Audit Logs by default (Is taking months to roll out)
  • 24. @ParsonsProject Enabling Mailbox Audit Logs Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter {RecipientTypeDetails -eq "UserMailbox"} | Set- Mailbox -AuditEnabled $true –AuditOwner “Create, Update, HardDelete, MailboxLogin, Move, MoveToDeletedItems, SoftDelete, MailItemsAccessed” OR (In Theory) Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter {RecipientTypeDetails -eq "UserMailbox"} | Set-Mailbox - DefaultAuditSet Admin,Delegate,Owner
  • 25. @ParsonsProject What if my logging wasn’t enabled in time? + If you go to your tenant and find that Unified Audit Logging and/or mailbox logging is disabled at the time of an incident you MIGHT be able to get some events still + The secret is within “Search-AdminAuditLog” + URL: us/powershell/module/exchange/policy-and-compliance-audit/search- adminauditlog?view=exchange-ps
  • 26. @ParsonsProject Unified Audit Logs Continued {"CreationTime":"2018-03-12T21:02:46","Id":"b0f7472d-4830-4b7a-8fc8- 08d5425c9b00","Operation":"MailboxLogin","OrganizationId":"88af9a01- 997d-4990-8895- 25d100f62ba5","RecordType":2,"ResultStatus":"Succeeded","UserKey":"10 543BFFD9B5F8EDF","UserType":0,"Version":1,"Workload":"Exchange","User Id":"","ClientIPAddress":“","ClientInf oString":"Client=/owa/SuiteServiceProxy.aspx; Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299","ExternalAccess":false,"InternalLogonType":0,"LogonTy pe":0,"LogonUserSid":"S-1-5-21-4210148372-1463556831-2082377497- 6089575","MailboxGuid":"64288e9b-0bfd-42cc-b08f- 0007f8630d51","MailboxOwnerSid":"S-1-5-21-4010148372-1463556831- 2083377497- 6089575","MailboxOwnerUPN":"","OrganizationName": "","OriginatingServer":"DM5PR17MB1322"}
  • 27. @ParsonsProject Audit Logs Continued {"CreationTime":"2018-03-12T21:02:41","Id":"701ae50c-7da5-49fd-ccf2- 08d5885c9879","Operation":"FilePreviewed","OrganizationId":"88af9a01-997d- 4990-8895- 25d100f62ba5","RecordType":6,"UserKey":"i:0h.f|membership|1003bffd9b5f8edf","UserType":0,"Version":1,"Workload":"OneDrive","ClientIP":"","ObjectId":"https://contoso- Sensitive data.docx","UserId":"","CorrelationId":"1a 708197-8123-43ec-b593- 1bae34e6432a","EventSource":"SharePoint","ItemType":"File","ListId":"8dd3b 323-d4e3-444d-9b33-adf13a56a411","ListItemUniqueId":"015cb92a-ea29-4bd8- 8650-8d965406047f","Site":"7a952c9d-8c29-471d-8d3a- 9b698639db45","UserAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299","WebId":"577deac0-7c7e-4c60-9525- 942ac37d08ce","SourceFileExtension":"docx","SiteUrl":"https://contoso-","SourceFi leName":"Sensitive data.docx","SourceRelativeUrl":"Documents"}
  • 28. @ParsonsProject Pivoting with Audit Log Analysis + Take your Audit logs and do some IP lookups − Identify suspicious countries − Audit Logs ( − Azure AD Sign In Logs ( − Identify suspicious Ips − Proxy Providers − Cloud Providers − Identify common User Agents ","ClientIPAddress":“ ","ClientInfoString":"Client=/o wa/SuiteServiceProxy.aspx; Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299"
  • 29. @ParsonsProject Fun Fact #2 –Precipitation by City
  • 30. @ParsonsProject Acquiring Unified Audit Logs (Without a SIEM) 1. Never trust the Audit log GUI 2. Never trust the Audit log GUI 3. Never ever trust the Audit Log GUI 4. ALWAYS Acquire Audit logs via PowerShell Audit Log GUI Issues − It will only export up to 50,000 lines per request and will not warn you − It sometimes won’t get all of the audit logs and won’t tell you − It sometimes will lie to you on how far back it can acquire audit logs Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate 9/1/2017 -EndDate 10/1/2017 -UserIds -ResultSize 5000 | Export-Csv “aparsons.csv” Note: This command and others like it require you to connect to the Exchange Online shell via Powershell first (Tutorial)
  • 32. @ParsonsProject Data Learned from Experience/Pain + Via PowerShell, you can’t acquire more than 5,000 records at a time, but you can do it sequentially and it will show you if you don’t acquire them all more clearly. + Microsoft has a Powershell script to get you started audit-data-using-powershell/ + If you request too many logs in a short period of time Microsoft will lock you out for a few minutes. You need to self-throttle. Check out Start- RobustCloudCommand.ps1 + If you use the GUI, you are limited to 50,000 events and no verification that you have all of the logs + Overall, very frustrating process without a SIEM connection
  • 33. @ParsonsProject Useful Audit Log searches + IP Address Search in the Audit Logs (not 100% effective though): Search-UnifiedAuditLog -ResultSize 5000 -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -IPAddresses, 187.36.51.*| Export-Csv "MaliciousIP.csv" + Inbox Rule event search for Malicious Inbox rules activity (Only if Exchange logging has been enabled by the client) Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -Operations *-InboxRule –Resultsize 5000 | export-csv "AuditLogs_FullInboxRules.csv" + Some “Set-Mailbox” Operation events show SMTP forwarding changes too Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -Operations Set-Mailbox –Resultsize 5000 | export-csv "AuditLogs_Set-Mailbox.csv"
  • 34. @ParsonsProject Useful Audit Log searches – TIMailData, TIUrlClickData + Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -Operations TIMailData –Resultsize 5000 | export-csv "AuditLogs_ThreatIntel.csv" + {"CreationTime":"2019-01-10T14:31:20","Id":"7kd80k28-a294-25db- c024- 4dbpe3a2492d","Operation":"TIMailData","OrganizationId":"20do92a0-2p2m-21pd-a305- 205a05b33dd2","RecordType":28,"UserKey":"ThreatIntel","UserType":4,"Version":1,"Workload":"ThreatInt elligence","ObjectId":"1s0f229s-1234-0b29-e391- 49k294c0f92a294020687296739248312","UserId":"","AttachmentData":[{"FileN ame":"signature.png","FileType":"Png","FileVerdict":0,"MalwareFamily":"","SHA256":"ECE1FCD7806 DE9E0186C7264781480F5515CAE494BE42C805B2655CC5F4FA5DF "}],"DetectionMethod":"Office 365 URL reputation","DetectionType":"Inline","InternetMessageId":"<ASODI19AP396039PD91LKS51GD9381L19>","MessageTime":"2019-01- 10T14:20:22","NetworkMessageId":"0n3d229a-4729-2b32-a302-89b872d8b94b ","P1Sender":"","P2Sender":"","Recipients":["Clark.Ke"],"SenderIp":"","Subject":"Lois Lane Invites YOU!","Verdict":"Phish"}
  • 35. @ParsonsProject Message Trace Logs + Why do we care about it? − Lists e-mails received or sent within the past 90 days EVEN if deleted − Lists IP Address of all E-mails Sent − Easy to manage CSV file − References Inbox Rule used to forward messages (if applicable) − TL;DR: It’s like a timeline of E-mail’s sent & received and has IP Addresses
  • 36. @ParsonsProject Clutter/Activities Logs – MailItemsAccess Prologue + Story Time
  • 37. @ParsonsProject Mailbox Audit Logs - MailItemsAccessed + New Operation in only Mailbox Audit Logs called “MailItemsAcessed” + Info below is from the Community (Not Documented by MS yet) + Records 2 Minutes of activity when triggered + MailItemsAccesesed events are triggered when − New Client IP Address − New User agent String − New Username performing the read/access − New Parent Mailbox Folder − New Logon Type − New Mailbox Session ID + Logs across multiple platforms + References Messages by Internet Message ID Source:
  • 39. @ParsonsProject HAWK + PowerShell Module released in December 2017 + Made by Microsoft Support Engineers + HAWK will: − Parse successful logins and resolve the locations − Export Exchange related Audit Logs − Export Current Inbox Rules and forwards (including hidden inbox rules) − Export Historical Inbox Rules − Export Permissions − Oauth Permissions − Azure AD Logs (If you have Azure AD P1 or P2) + HAWK will NOT: − Collect all of your audit logs, trace logs, or PSTs for you − Do your analysis for you
  • 40. @ParsonsProject HAWK + Process (Take a picture of this) 1. Install-Module –Name HAWK 2. Import-Module HAWK 3. Connect to Exchange Via PowerShell 4. Start-HawkTenantInvestigation 5. Start-HawkUserInvestigation User Investigation Export Subset Tenant Investigation Export Subset
  • 41. @ParsonsProject O365 Incident Collection Checklist – HAWK User Level ☐ Place a Preservation Hold & Collect a Mailbox ☐ Azure AD Sign Ins & Reports (7-30* days) ☐ Current Inbox Rules ☐ Current Forwarding Rules ☐ Unified Audit Logs (90-180* days) ☐ Mailbox Audit Logs (90 days) ☐ Message Trace Logs (90 days) Tenant Level ☐ Last Password Change Report ☐ Unified Audit Logs Filtered for *-InboxRules operations ☐ Unified Audit Logs filtered for Set-Mailbox Events (Occurs when SMTP forwarding is enabled) ☐ OAuth Application Report ☐ All CURRENT Inbox Rules (and hidden rules) ☐ All CURRENT Forwarding rules ☐ Unified Audit Logs matching known Malicious IPs
  • 42. @ParsonsProject Quick Recap: What do we know? + With the data collected so far we should know the following: − Users that were compromised (If the attacker uses obvious foreign IP addresses or Proxy/VPN solutions) − Whether the attacker is currently in the environment or has malicious Inbox Rules or forwarding enabled − What mailbox rules (if any) the attacker may have created (If the client had mailbox logging enabled) − This can also help generate a list of users that were targeted. + Unanswered Questions − How many e-mails were sent by the attacker while the user was compromised? − How was the user originally compromised?
  • 43. @ParsonsProject Finding Compromising Phishing E-mail + Unique the IP Addresses in the Trace Logs and perform Geo-IP Lookups + Unique the IP Addresses from the PST file and perform Geo-IP Lookups + Look for e-mails 5 days prior to the first malicious login + Often something like “John Smith has Shared a Document With you” + Attackers often delete and purge e-mails; Default TTL is 14 days + If you need to search for more e-mails across the entire company, you can do that in the Search pane of the eDiscovery case (Tutorial) Content Searches will also work exactly the same.
  • 44. @ParsonsProject Finding Propagated phishing e-mails + Unique the IP Addresses in the Trace Logs and perform Geo-IP Lookups + Unique the IP Addresses from the PST file and perform Geo-IP Lookups + Look for emails with large BCC recipients list. + Process for finding malicious IPs in a PST file − Process the PST in X-ways − Copy/export the processed EML files into a folder − Run an automated script to lookup IP addresses − Search for suspicious IPs in the report − Use X-ways/Grep to then search for the identified IPs within the PST
  • 45. @ParsonsProject Proactive Techniques + Enable MFA + Look into Azure AD Conditional Access − Can automatically block suspicious logins (if configured) − Can blacklist IP subnets and locations − Catch: Requires Azure Active Directory Premium
  • 46. @ParsonsProject Proactive Techniques Continued + Ingest your logs to a SIEM + Turn on a Report Phish Button + Disable Forwarding to External E-mails (or all emails) + Create Alerts for new Inbox rule creation events (in O365 with E5 or your SIEM) + Double check to make sure both Unified Audit Logging and Mailbox Audit Logging is enabled + Enable MFA
  • 47. @ParsonsProject Enabling MFA isn’t enough + MFA can be bypassed easily unless Legacy Authentication is disabled + Disabling Legacy Auth is quite involved. + Resources: directory/conditional-access/block-legacy-authentication Modern AuthLegacy Auth
  • 48. @ParsonsProject Modlishka - AKA You will never be safe Source:
  • 49. @ParsonsProject Questions Lawyers & CISOs have -Recap + USER LEVEL − What did the attacker access? − How long did the attacker have access? − Is there potential for PII and/or PHI Exposure? + TENANT LEVEL − How many other accounts are affected? − Has the attacker been kicked out of the environment? − Do we know the motive of the attacker?
  • 50. @ParsonsProject O365 Incident Collection Checklist – Recap User Level ☐ Place a Preservation Hold & Collect a Mailbox ☐ Azure AD Sign Ins & Reports (7-30* days) ☐ Current Inbox Rules ☐ Current Forwarding Rules ☐ Unified Audit Logs (90-180* days) ☐ Mailbox Audit Logs (90 days) ☐ Message Trace Logs (90 days) Tenant Level ☐ Last Password Change Report ☐ Unified Audit Logs Filtered for *-InboxRules operations ☐ Unified Audit Logs filtered for Set-Mailbox Events (Occurs when SMTP forwarding is enabled) ☐ OAuth Application Report ☐ All CURRENT Inbox Rules (and hidden rules) ☐ All CURRENT Forwarding rules ☐ Unified Audit Logs matching known Malicious IPs
  • 51. @ParsonsProject Tying Questions to Artifacts USER - What did the attacker access? • Unified Audit Logs • Mailbox Audit Logs with MailItemsAccessed Operation (+Trace Logs & PSTs to match IDs to emails) • Azure AD Sign Ins • Message Trace Logs (If Mail Forwarding occurred) USER - How long did the attacker have access? • Audit Logs (Within 90 days) • PSTs (If compromise occurred Outside of Audit log retention period) • User Report (Contains most recent password change) • Azure AD Sign Ins • Message Trace Logs (If Mail Forwarding occurred) USER - Is there potential for PII and/or PHI Exposure • PST PII Analysis (Filtered to the appropriate timeframe or e-mails accessed listed in Mailbox Audit Logs) TENANT - How many other accounts are affected? / Are the attackers kicked out? •Inbox Rules + Forwarding Settings (CURRENT & Historical Audit Logs) •Trace Logs of Compromised Users •Tenant-wide Audit Logs (Inbox Rules, Set-Mailbox, Logs with known IP Subnets; If Requested, ALL Logins or ALL Events) •PSTs (If outside of 90 days) •Azure AD Sign In Logs •Oauth Application Report TENANT - Do we know the motive of the attacker? •All of the above
  • 52. @ParsonsProject Conclusion + Questions? + Slides will be shared on my Twitter − @ParsonsProject

Editor's Notes

  1. Was a fool and owned a Windows Phone for 5 years Has too many embarrassing photos
  2. Tip/Notes: Start here – these are the slides you’ll use most often. Bullets in text box Resize header bars left/right as needed