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Introduction to
Using NPM scripts
as a Build Tool.
/@kjy2143 SK planet
1 . 1
1 . 2
1 . 3
1 . 4
Front End Developer
in Past
2 . 1
2 . 2
Front End Developer
in 2016
3 . 1
3 . 2
2016/2017 MUST-KNOW
CSS Preprocessor Compile
ES2016+ Compile
Unit Testing
Module Bundling
Package Management
3 . 3
3 . 4
3 . 5
3 . 6
JavaScript Uglify
npm install uglify-js -g
uglifyjs foo.js -o foo.min.js
3 . 7
JavaScript Linting
npm install jshint -g
npm install jshint-stylish --save-dev
jshint --reporter=node_modules/jshint-stylish foo.js
3 . 8
Command Line Interface
CSS Preprocessor Compile
ES2016+ Compile
Unit Testing
Module Bundling
Package Management
3 . 9
4 . 1
The JavaScript Task Runner
4 . 2
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
uglify: {
options: {
banner: '/*! <%= %> <%="yyyy-mm-dd") %
build: {
src: 'src/<%= %>.js',
dest: 'build/<%= %>.min.js'
// Load the plugin that provides the "uglify" task.
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify']);
4 . 3
4 . 4
Automate and enhance your workflow
4 . 5
import gulp from 'gulp';
import sass from 'gulp-sass';
import autoprefixer from 'gulp-autoprefixer';
import sourcemaps from 'gulp-sourcemaps';
import concat from 'gulp-concat';
import uglify from 'gulp-uglify';
gulp.task('styles', () => {
return gulp.src('src/sass/**/*.scss')
gulp.task('combine-js', () => {
return gulp.src('src/js/**/*.js')
.pipe(gulp.dest(dist + 'dist/js'));
gulp.task('default', ['styles', 'combine-js']);
4 . 6
5 . 1
5 . 2
Latest commit on 14 Mar 2015
handlebars 3.0.0
5 . 3
Latest commit on 10 Sep 2016
handlebars 4.0.5
5 . 4
Module Counts
2,600 333,000
< <
5 . 5
1. Is the base tool broken?
2. Is the Grunt/Gulp plugin broken?
3. Is the my configuration broken?
4. Am I using incompatible version?
Frustrating Debugging
5 . 6
Use npm module directly.
Without Grunt/Gulp.
Without Grunt/Gulp plugin.
Use npm scripts.
5 . 7
What is the npm scripts?
6 . 1
You already use
npm scripts
6 . 2
npm init
npm install
npm test
6 . 3
npm supports the
property of the
package.json scripts
6 . 4
"scripts": {
"test": "karma start",
"postinstall": "bower install"
npm test
npm install
6 . 5
publish, install, uninstall, version, test, stop, start
npm run-script
pre and post with matching will be run
(e.g. premyscript, myscript, postmyscript)
6 . 6
"scripts": {
"start": "npm run dev-server",
"dev-server": "webpack-dev-server"
npm dev-server
npm start
npm start
6 . 7
"scripts": {
"test": "karma start",
"pretest": "npm run lint",
"posttest": "npm run build",
"postinstall": "bower install"
npm test
npm install
Pre & Post scripts
6 . 8
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint src/js",
"uglify": "uglifyjs src/js/*.js -m -o dist/js/app.js",
"build:js": "npm run lint && npm run uglify"
npm run lint
npm run uglify
npm run build:js
npm run
6 . 9
npm run
shell's pre-existing PATH, npm run adds
node_modules/.bin to the PATH provided
to scripts.
"scripts": {
"test": "node_modules/.bin/karma start"
"scripts": {
"test": "karma start"
6 . 10
Why npm scripts?
7 . 1
Chaining tasks
Piping tasks
Concurrently tasks
Pre and Post Scripts
npm scripts can:
7 . 2
7 . 3
7 . 4
var gulp = require('gulp'),
webserver = require('gulp-webserver'),
del = require('del'),
sass = require('gulp-sass'),
karma = require('gulp-karma'),
jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'),
spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith'),
browserify = require('browserify'),
source = require('vinyl-source-stream'),
buffer = require('vinyl-buffer'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
gutil = require('gulp-util'),
ngAnnotate = require('browserify-ngannotate');
var CacheBuster = require('gulp-cachebust');
var cachebust = new CacheBuster();
// cleans the build output
gulp.task('clean', function (cb) {
], cb);
angularjs with gulp
7 . 5
angularjs with gulp
integration with bower
Sass (with source maps)
unit testing / integration testing with Karma, Jasmine and PhantomJs
cache busting - to prevent cache problems in all environments, dev
tools opened or closed, etc.
template cache pre-population - to prevent that each template causes
one extra HTTP request
jshint - the de-facto Javascript code quality checker
browserify integration - for using the CommonJs require('module')
synchronous import syntax and avoid maintaining config files with
Javascript source maps
Angular-friendly Javascript minification
sprite generation
a development web server with live reload, that re-loads the initial
page of the project
7 . 6
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf dist/ && mkdirp dist/{js,css,html} && copyfiles favicon.ico dist",
"autoprefixer": "postcss -u autoprefixer -r dist/css/*.css",
"scss": "node-sass --output-style expanded --source-map=true -o dist/css src/scss",
"prebuild": "npm run clean && npm test",
"build:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --standalone app --transform babelify --debug -p [minify
"build:css": "npm run scss && postcss -u autoprefixer -r < dist/css/app.css | postcss -u cssnan
"build:html": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --out dist/html/",
"build": "npm-run-all --sequential build:*",
"predev": "npm run clean",
"dev:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --standalone app --transform babelify --debug | hashmark -
"postdev:js": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --obj dist/assets.json --out dist/html/",
"dev:css": "npm run scss && npm run autoprefixer && hashmark -s -l 8 -m dist/assets.json dist/c
"postdev:css": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --obj dist/assets.json --out dist/html/",
"dev": "npm run dev:js && npm run dev:css",
"open": "opener http://localhost:9090/html/#/",
"live-reload": "live-reload --port 9091 dist/html/",
"serve": "http-server -p 9090 dist/",
"watch:css": "onchange "src/scss" -- npm run dev:css",
"watch:js": "onchange "src/js" -- npm run dev:js",
"watch": "npm-run-all --parallel watch:*",
"start": "npm run live-reload & npm run open && npm run serve & npm run watch",
"pretest": "eslint src/js test --ext=jsx --ext=js",
"test:debug": "karma start karma-debug.conf.js",
"test": "karma start"
react with npm scripts
7 . 7
react with npm scripts
Sass (with source maps)
unit testing / integration testing with Karma, Jasmine and PhantomJs
cache busting - to prevent cache problems in all environments, dev
tools opened or closed, etc.
jade template
eslint - Pluggable JavaScript linter
browserify integration - for using the CommonJs require('module')
synchronous import syntax and avoid maintaining config files with
Javascript source maps
React-friendly Javascript minification
JSX compile
a development web server with live reload, that re-loads the initial
page of the project
7 . 8
var gulp = require('gulp'),
webserver = require('gulp-webserver'),
del = require('del'),
sass = require('gulp-sass'),
karma = require('gulp-karma'),
jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'),
spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith'),
browserify = require('browserify'),
source = require('vinyl-source-stream'),
buffer = require('vinyl-buffer'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
gutil = require('gulp-util'),
ngAnnotate = require('browserify-ngannotate');
var CacheBuster = require('gulp-cachebust');
var cachebust = new CacheBuster();
gulp.task('clean', function (cb) {
], cb);
gulp.task('bower', function() {
var install = require("gulp-install");
return gulp.src(['./bower.json'])
gulp.task('build-css', ['clean'], function() {
return gulp.src('./styles/*')
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf dist/ && mkdirp dist/{js,css,
"autoprefixer": "postcss -u autoprefixer -r di
"scss": "node-sass --output-style expanded --s
"prebuild": "npm run clean && npm test",
"build:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --stand
"build:css": "npm run scss && postcss -u autop
"build:html": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pret
"build": "npm-run-all --sequential build:*",
"predev": "npm run clean",
"dev:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --standal
"postdev:js": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pret
"dev:css": "npm run scss && npm run autoprefix
"postdev:css": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pre
"dev": "npm run dev:js && npm run dev:css",
"open": "opener http://localhost:9090/html/#/"
"live-reload": "live-reload --port 9091 dist/h
"serve": "http-server -p 9090 dist/",
"watch:css": "onchange "src/scss" -- npm run
"watch:js": "onchange "src/js" -- npm run de
"watch": "npm-run-all --parallel watch:*",
"start": "npm run live-reload & npm run open &
"pretest": "eslint src/js test --ext=jsx --ext
"test:debug": "karma start karma-debug.conf.js
"test": "karma start"
7 . 9
bash / node
cat / catw
mkdir / mkdirp
rm / rimraf
& / npm-run-all --parallel
7 . 10
Chaning tasks(&&)
Running command is to run a command only
if the previous command is successful.
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf dist/ && mkdirp dist/{js,css,html} && copyfiles favicon.ico dist",
7 . 11
Concurrently tasks(&)
Sometimes it is also nice to be able to run
multiple commands at the concurrently.
"scripts": {
"watch": "npm run watch-js & npm run watch-less & npm run watch-jade",
7 . 12
Piping tasks(|)
piping (|) the output from browserify into uglifyjs.
"scripts": {
"build-js": "browserify -t reactify app/js/main.js | uglifyjs -mc > static/bundle.js"
7 . 13
"scripts": {
"test": "karma start",
"pretest": "npm run lint",
"posttest": "npm run build",
"postinstall": "bower install"
npm test
npm install
Pre & Post scripts
7 . 14
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint src/**/*.js",
"unit": "karma start",
"test": "npm run lint & npm run unit"
npm run lint
npm run unit
npm run test
7 . 15
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint src/**/*.js",
"unit": "karma start",
"test": "npm-run-all --sequential lint unit"
npm run test
with npm-run-all
7 . 16
"scripts": {
"test:lint": "eslint src/**/*.js",
"test:unit": "karma start",
"test": "npm-run-all test:*"
npm run test
with namespace
7 . 17
"scripts": {
"clean": "rm -f dist/{css/*,js/*,images/*}",
"autoprefixer": "postcss -u autoprefixer -r dist/css/*",
"scss": "node-sass --output-style compressed -o dist/css src/scss",
"lint": "eslint src/js",
"uglify": "mkdir -p dist/js && uglifyjs src/js/*.js -m -o dist/js/app.js &&
"imagemin": "imagemin src/images/* -o dist/images",
"icons": "svgo -f src/images/icons && mkdir -p dist/images && svg-sprite-gen
"serve": "browser-sync start --server --files "dist/css/*.css, dist/js/*.js
"build:css": "npm run scss && npm run autoprefixer",
"build:js": "npm run lint && npm run uglify",
"build:images": "npm run imagemin && npm run icons",
"build:all": "npm run build:css && npm run build:js && npm run build:images"
"watch:css": "onchange "src/scss" -- npm run build:css",
"watch:js": "onchange "src/js" -- npm run build:js",
"watch:images": "onchange "src/images" -- npm run build:images",
"watch:all": "npm-run-all -p serve watch:css watch:js watch:images",
"postinstall": "npm run build:all && npm run watch:all"
7 . 18
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf dist/ && mkdirp dist/{js,css,html} && copyfiles favicon.ico
"autoprefixer": "postcss -u autoprefixer -r dist/css/*.css",
"scss": "node-sass --output-style expanded --source-map=true -o dist/css src
"prebuild": "npm run clean && npm test",
"build:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --standalone app --transform babelify
"build:css": "npm run scss && postcss -u autoprefixer -r < dist/css/app.css
"build:html": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --out dist/html/",
"build": "npm-run-all --sequential build:*",
"predev": "npm run clean",
"dev:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --standalone app --transform babelify -
"postdev:js": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --obj dist/assets.json --ou
"dev:css": "npm run scss && npm run autoprefixer && hashmark -s -l 8 -m dist
"postdev:css": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --obj dist/assets.json --o
"dev": "npm run dev:js && npm run dev:css",
"open": "opener http://localhost:9090/html/#/",
"live-reload": "live-reload --port 9091 dist/html/",
"serve": "http-server -p 9090 dist/",
"watch:css": "onchange "src/scss" -- npm run dev:css", 7 . 19
7 . 20
npm script
Best Build Tool
7 . 21
7 . 22
8 . 1
8 . 2
yarn vs npm install
8 . 3
8 . 4
Prototype vs. jQuery
Backbone vs. Knockout
Angular vs. React
Grunt vs. Gulp
NPM vs. Yarn
8 . 5
8 . 6
npm script
Best Build Tool
8 . 7
Less code,
less extensible
8 . 8
Useful Link
Why I Left Gulp and Grunt for npm Scripts
Why npm Scripts?
How to Use npm as a Build Tool
Advanced front-end automation
with npm scripts
8 . 9
8 . 10
8 . 11

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Npm scripts

  • 1. Introduction to Using NPM scripts as a Build Tool. /@kjy2143 SK planet 1 . 1
  • 9. 2016/2017 MUST-KNOW WEB DEVELOPMENT TECH CSS Preprocessor Compile ES2016+ Compile Optimization Linting Unit Testing Module Bundling Package Management 3 . 3
  • 13. JavaScript Uglify npm install uglify-js -g uglifyjs foo.js -o foo.min.js 3 . 7
  • 14. JavaScript Linting npm install jshint -g npm install jshint-stylish --save-dev jshint --reporter=node_modules/jshint-stylish foo.js 3 . 8
  • 15. Command Line Interface CSS Preprocessor Compile ES2016+ Compile Optimization Linting Unit Testing Module Bundling Package Management 3 . 9
  • 18. Gruntfile.js module.exports = function(grunt) { // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), uglify: { options: { banner: '/*! <%= %> <%="yyyy-mm-dd") % }, build: { src: 'src/<%= %>.js', dest: 'build/<%= %>.min.js' } } }); // Load the plugin that provides the "uglify" task. grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); // Default task(s). grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify']); }; 4 . 3
  • 20. Automate and enhance your workflow 4 . 5
  • 21. gulpfile.babel.js import gulp from 'gulp'; import sass from 'gulp-sass'; import autoprefixer from 'gulp-autoprefixer'; import sourcemaps from 'gulp-sourcemaps'; import concat from 'gulp-concat'; import uglify from 'gulp-uglify'; gulp.task('styles', () => { return gulp.src('src/sass/**/*.scss') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(autoprefixer()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('.')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css')); }); gulp.task('combine-js', () => { return gulp.src('src/js/**/*.js') .pipe(concat('script.js')) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest(dist + 'dist/js')); }); gulp.task('default', ['styles', 'combine-js']); 4 . 6
  • 23. 5 . 2
  • 24. gulp-handlebars Latest commit on 14 Mar 2015 handlebars 3.0.0 5 . 3
  • 25. handlebars Latest commit on 10 Sep 2016 handlebars 4.0.5 5 . 4
  • 27. 1. Is the base tool broken? 2. Is the Grunt/Gulp plugin broken? 3. Is the my configuration broken? 4. Am I using incompatible version? Frustrating Debugging 5 . 6
  • 28. Use npm module directly. Without Grunt/Gulp. Without Grunt/Gulp plugin. Use npm scripts. Solution 5 . 7
  • 29. What is the npm scripts? 6 . 1
  • 30. You already use npm scripts 6 . 2
  • 32. npm supports the "scripts" property of the package.json scripts 6 . 4
  • 33. { "scripts": { "test": "karma start", "postinstall": "bower install" } } npm test npm install package.json usage 6 . 5
  • 34. npm-scripts publish, install, uninstall, version, test, stop, start npm run-script pre and post with matching will be run (e.g. premyscript, myscript, postmyscript) 6 . 6
  • 35. "scripts": { "start": "npm run dev-server", "dev-server": "webpack-dev-server" } npm dev-server npm start package.json usage npm start 6 . 7
  • 36. { "scripts": { "test": "karma start", "pretest": "npm run lint", "posttest": "npm run build", "postinstall": "bower install" } } npm test npm install package.json usage Pre & Post scripts 6 . 8
  • 37. { "scripts": { "lint": "eslint src/js", "uglify": "uglifyjs src/js/*.js -m -o dist/js/app.js", "build:js": "npm run lint && npm run uglify" } } npm run lint npm run uglify npm run build:js package.json usage npm run 6 . 9
  • 38. npm run shell's pre-existing PATH, npm run adds node_modules/.bin to the PATH provided to scripts. { "scripts": { "test": "node_modules/.bin/karma start" } } { "scripts": { "test": "karma start" } } X O 6 . 10
  • 40. Cross-platform Chaining tasks Piping tasks Concurrently tasks Pre and Post Scripts Sub-tasks npm scripts can: 7 . 2
  • 41. 7 . 3
  • 42. 7 . 4
  • 43. var gulp = require('gulp'), webserver = require('gulp-webserver'), del = require('del'), sass = require('gulp-sass'), karma = require('gulp-karma'), jshint = require('gulp-jshint'), sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'), spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith'), browserify = require('browserify'), source = require('vinyl-source-stream'), buffer = require('vinyl-buffer'), uglify = require('gulp-uglify'), gutil = require('gulp-util'), ngAnnotate = require('browserify-ngannotate'); var CacheBuster = require('gulp-cachebust'); var cachebust = new CacheBuster(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // cleans the build output // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// gulp.task('clean', function (cb) { del([ 'dist' ], cb); }); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // angularjs with gulp 7 . 5
  • 44. angularjs with gulp integration with bower Sass (with source maps) unit testing / integration testing with Karma, Jasmine and PhantomJs cache busting - to prevent cache problems in all environments, dev tools opened or closed, etc. template cache pre-population - to prevent that each template causes one extra HTTP request jshint - the de-facto Javascript code quality checker concatenation browserify integration - for using the CommonJs require('module') synchronous import syntax and avoid maintaining config files with dependencies Javascript source maps Angular-friendly Javascript minification sprite generation a development web server with live reload, that re-loads the initial page of the project 7 . 6
  • 45. { "scripts": { "clean": "rimraf dist/ && mkdirp dist/{js,css,html} && copyfiles favicon.ico dist", "autoprefixer": "postcss -u autoprefixer -r dist/css/*.css", "scss": "node-sass --output-style expanded --source-map=true -o dist/css src/scss", "prebuild": "npm run clean && npm test", "build:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --standalone app --transform babelify --debug -p [minify "build:css": "npm run scss && postcss -u autoprefixer -r < dist/css/app.css | postcss -u cssnan "build:html": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --out dist/html/", "build": "npm-run-all --sequential build:*", "predev": "npm run clean", "dev:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --standalone app --transform babelify --debug | hashmark - "postdev:js": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --obj dist/assets.json --out dist/html/", "dev:css": "npm run scss && npm run autoprefixer && hashmark -s -l 8 -m dist/assets.json dist/c "postdev:css": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --obj dist/assets.json --out dist/html/", "dev": "npm run dev:js && npm run dev:css", "open": "opener http://localhost:9090/html/#/", "live-reload": "live-reload --port 9091 dist/html/", "serve": "http-server -p 9090 dist/", "watch:css": "onchange "src/scss" -- npm run dev:css", "watch:js": "onchange "src/js" -- npm run dev:js", "watch": "npm-run-all --parallel watch:*", "start": "npm run live-reload & npm run open && npm run serve & npm run watch", "pretest": "eslint src/js test --ext=jsx --ext=js", "test:debug": "karma start karma-debug.conf.js", "test": "karma start" react with npm scripts 7 . 7
  • 46. react with npm scripts Sass (with source maps) unit testing / integration testing with Karma, Jasmine and PhantomJs cache busting - to prevent cache problems in all environments, dev tools opened or closed, etc. jade template eslint - Pluggable JavaScript linter concatenation browserify integration - for using the CommonJs require('module') synchronous import syntax and avoid maintaining config files with dependencies Javascript source maps React-friendly Javascript minification JSX compile a development web server with live reload, that re-loads the initial page of the project 7 . 8
  • 47. var gulp = require('gulp'), webserver = require('gulp-webserver'), del = require('del'), sass = require('gulp-sass'), karma = require('gulp-karma'), jshint = require('gulp-jshint'), sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'), spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith'), browserify = require('browserify'), source = require('vinyl-source-stream'), buffer = require('vinyl-buffer'), uglify = require('gulp-uglify'), gutil = require('gulp-util'), ngAnnotate = require('browserify-ngannotate'); var CacheBuster = require('gulp-cachebust'); var cachebust = new CacheBuster(); gulp.task('clean', function (cb) { del([ 'dist' ], cb); }); gulp.task('bower', function() { var install = require("gulp-install"); return gulp.src(['./bower.json']) .pipe(install()); }); gulp.task('build-css', ['clean'], function() { return gulp.src('./styles/*') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) { "scripts": { "clean": "rimraf dist/ && mkdirp dist/{js,css, "autoprefixer": "postcss -u autoprefixer -r di "scss": "node-sass --output-style expanded --s "prebuild": "npm run clean && npm test", "build:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --stand "build:css": "npm run scss && postcss -u autop "build:html": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pret "build": "npm-run-all --sequential build:*", "predev": "npm run clean", "dev:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --standal "postdev:js": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pret "dev:css": "npm run scss && npm run autoprefix "postdev:css": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pre "dev": "npm run dev:js && npm run dev:css", "open": "opener http://localhost:9090/html/#/" "live-reload": "live-reload --port 9091 dist/h "serve": "http-server -p 9090 dist/", "watch:css": "onchange "src/scss" -- npm run "watch:js": "onchange "src/js" -- npm run de "watch": "npm-run-all --parallel watch:*", "start": "npm run live-reload & npm run open & "pretest": "eslint src/js test --ext=jsx --ext "test:debug": "karma start karma-debug.conf.js "test": "karma start" } } 7 . 9
  • 48. bash / node cat / catw mkdir / mkdirp rm / rimraf & / npm-run-all --parallel Cross-platform 7 . 10
  • 49. Chaning tasks(&&) Running command is to run a command only if the previous command is successful. "scripts": { ... "clean": "rimraf dist/ && mkdirp dist/{js,css,html} && copyfiles favicon.ico dist", ... } 7 . 11
  • 50. Concurrently tasks(&) Sometimes it is also nice to be able to run multiple commands at the concurrently. "scripts": { ... "watch": "npm run watch-js & npm run watch-less & npm run watch-jade", ... }, 7 . 12
  • 51. Piping tasks(|) piping (|) the output from browserify into uglifyjs. "scripts": { "build-js": "browserify -t reactify app/js/main.js | uglifyjs -mc > static/bundle.js" } 7 . 13
  • 52. { "scripts": { "test": "karma start", "pretest": "npm run lint", "posttest": "npm run build", "postinstall": "bower install" } } npm test npm install package.json usage Pre & Post scripts 7 . 14
  • 53. "scripts": { "lint": "eslint src/**/*.js", "unit": "karma start", "test": "npm run lint & npm run unit" } npm run lint npm run unit npm run test package.json usage Sub-tasks 7 . 15
  • 54. "scripts": { "lint": "eslint src/**/*.js", "unit": "karma start", "test": "npm-run-all --sequential lint unit" } npm run test package.json usage Sub-tasks with npm-run-all 7 . 16
  • 55. "scripts": { "test:lint": "eslint src/**/*.js", "test:unit": "karma start", "test": "npm-run-all test:*" } npm run test package.json usage Sub-tasks with namespace 7 . 17
  • 56. npm-build-boilerplate "scripts": { "clean": "rm -f dist/{css/*,js/*,images/*}", "autoprefixer": "postcss -u autoprefixer -r dist/css/*", "scss": "node-sass --output-style compressed -o dist/css src/scss", "lint": "eslint src/js", "uglify": "mkdir -p dist/js && uglifyjs src/js/*.js -m -o dist/js/app.js && "imagemin": "imagemin src/images/* -o dist/images", "icons": "svgo -f src/images/icons && mkdir -p dist/images && svg-sprite-gen "serve": "browser-sync start --server --files "dist/css/*.css, dist/js/*.js "build:css": "npm run scss && npm run autoprefixer", "build:js": "npm run lint && npm run uglify", "build:images": "npm run imagemin && npm run icons", "build:all": "npm run build:css && npm run build:js && npm run build:images" "watch:css": "onchange "src/scss" -- npm run build:css", "watch:js": "onchange "src/js" -- npm run build:js", "watch:images": "onchange "src/images" -- npm run build:images", "watch:all": "npm-run-all -p serve watch:css watch:js watch:images", "postinstall": "npm run build:all && npm run watch:all" } 7 . 18
  • 57. npm-react-todomvc "scripts": { "clean": "rimraf dist/ && mkdirp dist/{js,css,html} && copyfiles favicon.ico "autoprefixer": "postcss -u autoprefixer -r dist/css/*.css", "scss": "node-sass --output-style expanded --source-map=true -o dist/css src "prebuild": "npm run clean && npm test", "build:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --standalone app --transform babelify "build:css": "npm run scss && postcss -u autoprefixer -r < dist/css/app.css "build:html": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --out dist/html/", "build": "npm-run-all --sequential build:*", "predev": "npm run clean", "dev:js": "browserify src/js/app.jsx --standalone app --transform babelify - "postdev:js": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --obj dist/assets.json --ou "dev:css": "npm run scss && npm run autoprefixer && hashmark -s -l 8 -m dist "postdev:css": "jade src/jade/index.jade --pretty --obj dist/assets.json --o "dev": "npm run dev:js && npm run dev:css", "open": "opener http://localhost:9090/html/#/", "live-reload": "live-reload --port 9091 dist/html/", "serve": "http-server -p 9090 dist/", "watch:css": "onchange "src/scss" -- npm run dev:css", 7 . 19
  • 61. 8 . 1
  • 62. 8 . 2
  • 63. yarn vs npm install 8 . 3
  • 64. 8 . 4
  • 65. Prototype vs. jQuery Backbone vs. Knockout Angular vs. React Grunt vs. Gulp NPM vs. Yarn 8 . 5
  • 66. 8 . 6
  • 69. Useful Link Why I Left Gulp and Grunt for npm Scripts Why npm Scripts? How to Use npm as a Build Tool Advanced front-end automation with npm scripts 8 . 9