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            2010-2011 BFM
                                           Founder’s word
                                           Happy New Year!
                                           To begin 2012 with all the tools you may need, BFM created
                                           for you this compilation of all the newsletters of 2010 and
                                           You will discover or rediscover the valuable information BFM
                                           gathered under three major themes: A, B, C.
     To know more about a specific subject you can also refer to the next summary:
     Understanding Behavioral Finance-Rationality & Decision Making……..…………….………2
     Humans can’t analyze all the information received……………………………………....….....2
     Challenges in Financial Advising From the Scope of Behavioral Finance…………………..…4
     Investment Decision Making………………………………………………………..............…4
     Countries and Culture in Behavioral Finance………………………...…………………..……4
     Human Brain and Decision-Making………………………………………………………..…5
     Train Your Brain to Win Big………………………………………………………………….6
     Be Aware of your Emotions - Step Away from Yourself - The Flaws of our Financial Memory……….6
     So That's Why Investors Can't Think for Themselves……………………………………...…7
     How to Pick Better Mutual Funds?……………………………………………………...……8
     Performance May Lower your Returns…………………………………………………...….11
     Let's Put Things in Perspective……………………………………………………………....12

            © 2012 Bourbon Financial Management, LLC ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~ (+1) 312 909 6539   	

                                   Understanding Behavioral          Humans can’t analyze all the
                                    Finance-Rationality &              information received
                                      Decision Making
Behavioral Economics explains how the                         Please find below a one-minute video.
process of decision making functions among
common people. It elaborates on the role of
emotions and vision.                                                  Video: Selective Attention Test	
We use vision more in the day than we do
anything else, so we are good at it. But the
truth is that our vision tricks us. If we have
these repeatable mistakes in vision which we                  This video shows that human attention is
are good at, what are the chances we don’t                    limited and that we can’t analyze all the
make more mistakes in that we are not good                    information we receive.
at, ex. financial decision making?

Do you want to know how powerfully
illusive our vision is and how it dominates                   We tend to pick the information that we
our decisions?                                                need to prove that our thinking is correct. If
                                                            we are bullish and long the financial market,
                                                            we tend to read bullish reports. Individuals
          See the entire Newsletter at:
          Newsletter, January 2011
                                                              have a tendency to simplify decisions (good
                                                            company -> good investment, momentum
                                                            strategies   ->     chasing     performance).
                                                            Furthermore, investors believe their
                                                            information is correct and they are better at
   If you want to learn more about                          interpreting information and making
   behavioral finance and the role of                       decisions. We have an inability to fully
   Psychology, here is a long and                           incorporate new information into risk and
      popular video (viewed 28,000                            return forecasts. The failure to recognize the
      times!) of a class of Robert Shiller,                   true risk of an investment makes us trade
      Professor of Economics at Yale                          more frequently than can be justified by the
                                                              information. Also, we tend to remember
                                                              only the good decisions so our memories
   Behavioral Finance : The Role of
                                                              don’t disagree with our opinion on our
     Refer to “We are all Predictability
   Irrational - Dan Ariely” on YouTube                      	
   We are All Predictably Irrational	



                                   See More tricks at:
                                      The Human
                                    Brain…tricks us
                                    whenever it can!


                                           Challenges in Financial           	
      Investment Decision
                                          Advising From the Scope            	
                                            of Behavioral Finance            	
       In today’s world, especially after the recent                         Since many of you like Behavioral Finance
       financial meltdown, understanding the                                 research to help you improve your decision
       human emotions and sentiments before                                  making process,
       investing money is capturing interests of
       researchers and advisers. We too continue
       our long love with Behavioral Finance and
       present you some interesting findings by                               Please    find    the  Newsletter
       researchers in this area.                                              « Investment Decision Making » at:
                                                                              Newsletter, May 2011
                       Please see the Newsletter to learn                     	
                       more about:
                       Newsletter, July 2011                                 You will find some information about:
                                  •        Intuitive and Reflective Minds       •    Asset Allocation

                                  •        Investor Paralysis                   •    Information Overload

                                  •        Lack of Investor Discipline          •    The Effect of Myopia and Loss
                                                                                      Aversion on Risk Taking
                                  •        Regaining and Maintaining Trust
                                                                                •    Making Intelligent Decisions
                                  •        Overcoming Loss Aversion
                                                                                •    The practices that an investor
                                  •        Overcoming Procrastination                 should try to follow
                                  •        The Ulysses Strategy                 •     Some things that an investor
                                                                              should try not to engage in
                 Countries and Culture in Behavioral Finance
       Have you analyzed why Chinese exhibit higher risk tolerance than Americans? Have you ever
       wondered how Muslims invest money? And did you know a country’s corruption level has an
       impact on its own diplomats?
       Asians, Americans, Europeans, Africans, Australians… The world is a mix of people from these
       continents with different ideologies and cultures. But what is fascinating is that there is
       something which is common between these diverse cultures. Guess what? It is MONEY!
       Find all the answers at: Newsletter, June 2011

                         We can summarize some of the practices that should be followed:

                         · Financial advisers need to probe their clients more about their culture. Also important is
                         to know the client’s obligations towards others. Individualistic and collectivistic groups have
                         different styles of thinking. This reflected in their investment decisions.

                         ·         Continuously strive to learn more about investing.

                         · Understand the complexities in investing. The adviser will have to do more research and
                         be sure that he does not fail his fiduciary duty.

                         · Saving rates depend a lot on culture. It is important to understand your culture before
                         you make investment decisions. Higher saving rates cultures are more risk tolerant that low
                         saving rate cultures.

                         · Many investors exhibit different abilities and willingness towards risk. Always honor the
                         willingness to risk because the investor feels comfortable if his risk level is under his/her


                                              Human Brain and Decision-Making
We can point to some general practices that can                                 •   Avoiding making any important investment
help investors improve their investment decision                                    decision while being in a passive state of
making:                                                                             mind.

•                           Thinking more analytically when making
                           important financial decisions.                       •   Creating a balance between being patient
                                                                                    and being dynamic about investment
•                          Being pro-active, curious and non-
                           assumptive at all times and spending time to
                           evaluate investments, possible risks and
  Let’s see the Newsletter « Human
  Brain and Decision-Making » for
•                          Continuously striving towards improving              	
  more information, August 2011
                           self-control and avoiding hastiness.


                                                                                     Be Aware of your Emotions
                    Train Your Brain to Win Big
                                                                                     - Step Away from Yourself -
                                                                                     The Flaws of our Financial
 When Playing the investing game, it’s easy
 to let your impulse make all the wrong                                       See	
 moves. Learning to trick yourself can help.                                  Newsletter,	

 Why do smart people do such stupid things
 with their money? The answer often lies in
 neuroeconomics, a hybrid of neuroscience,                                              · Be aware of your own emotions
 economics, and psychology that drills down                                             and cognitive traps to make smarter
 to the biological bedrock of decision-                                                 decisions.
                                                                                        · Step away from yourselves to be
 Even when we think we are being rational,                                              more rational.
 we are often driven by impetuous emotions
 of which we are barely conscious. Therefore,                                           · Remember that we unconsciously
 the keys to investing success, whether it’s for                                        make decisions based on positive
 retirement or just for fun, are strategies and                                         memories.
 tricks to prevent the heat of the moment
 from melting your better judgment.                                                     · Learn about financial history to
                                                                                        reduce the number of mistakes. Do
                                                                                        not extrapolate recent past.
                                    Ten Tricks for Better Investing:
                                                                                        · Keep a well-diversified portfolio
                     T ake the Global View                                              and an investment diary.
            H ope for the Best-But Expect the Worst
                    I nvestigate Then Invest                                            · Have a Financial Plan.
                       N ever Say Always
                K now What you Don’t Know
                                                                       “when we’re feeling good.
                                 T he Past Is Not a Prologue           Complex decisions, involving
                                   W eigh What They Say
                          I f it Sounds Too Good to Be True, It        multiple options… demand our
                                         Probably Is                   best thinking. Yet those very
                                      C osts are Killers
                                       E ggs Go Splat
                                                                       decisions seem to induce in us
                                                                       emotional reactions that impair
                                                                       our ability to do just the kind of
The article: Train your Brain to Win                                   thinking that is necessary.”
                                                                                      Barry Schwartz


                    So That's Why Investors
                                                             In the experiment, researchers from
                   Can't Think for Themselves                University College London and Aarhus
                                            University in Denmark asked 28 people to
                                                             submit a list of songs they wanted to buy
                                                             online and then to decide which they
                                                             would most like to own. Then the
         From February through May, the Dow                  participants viewed the ratings of the
         Jones Industrial Average gained more                same songs by two professional music
         than 1000 points in an almost                       experts. Meanwhile, a magnetic resonance
         uninterrupted daily march upward. Then              imaging machine recorded the patterns of
         came the "flash crash" of May 6 and day             activity in their brains. Finally, as a way to
         after day of losses through May. Now, in            measure the influence of the experts'
         mid-June, the market has been up six of             views, the participants had the chance to
         the past seven days.                                change their minds about which songs
                                                             they wanted the most.
         What accounts for these sudden moves?
         Why do investors so often seem to
                                                           The brain scans showed that as soon as
         resemble a school of fish, all changing
                                                           people learned they had chosen the same
         direction together?
                                                           song as the experts, cells in the ventral
         Sometimes the most interesting answers
                                                           striatum—a reward center wired with
         to financial questions come from
                                                                            dopamine neurons that
         scientific labs. A study
                                                                            respond to pleasures like
         published in the journal
         Current Biology found that         "When someone                   sugar and sex—fired
         the value you place on             influences you, it
         something is likely to go up       happens very quickly,
         when other people tell you it                                      "If someone agrees with
         is worth more than you             in under a second,"             your        choice,     it's
         thought, and down when                                             intrinsically rewarding in
         others say it is worth less.            Daniel Campbell-           the same way food or
                                                                            money is rewarding,"
         More strikingly, if your                      Meiklejohn	
         says     one     of    the
         evaluation agrees with what
         others tell you, then a part of                                    experimenters,       Chris
         your brain that specializes in                                     Frith     of     University
         processing rewards kicks                                           College London.
         into high gear.
                                                           Why might other people's estimates of
         In other words, investors often go along          what something is worth lead you to
         with the crowd because—at the most                change your own? Their appraisal could
         basic biological level—conformity feels           make you unsure that yours is correct.
         good. Moving in herds doesn't just give           You might become more popular once
         investors a sense of "safety in numbers."         you agree with others, or joining the
         It also gives them pleasure.                      experts may make you feel like one
                                                           yourself. "We are very social creatures,"
         That may help explain why market                  says Prof. Frith, "and we are desperately
         sentiment can change so swiftly, why true         keen to be part of the group."
         contrarians are so hard to find and why
         investors care so much about the                  "When someone influences you, it
         "consensus view" on Wall Street.                  happens very quickly, in under a second,"


         says the lead researcher, Daniel Campbell-
         Meiklejohn of Aarhus University. "That              How to Pick Better Mutual
         mechanism can travel quite quickly
         through a population."                                       Funds?
         The experiment also showed that learning
         that the experts agree with one another—
         regardless of whether you agree with
         them—triggers activity in the insula, a
         brain region associated with pain and                 See the entire Newsletter at:
         heightened body awareness. This suggests               Newsletter, October 2011
         that the agreement of others may have a
         special ability to grab our mental
         attention. No wonder a consensus
         opinion is almost impossible for many                   PEOPLE + PROCESS +
         investors to ignore.                                PHILOSOPHY = PERFORMANCE
         Benjamin Graham, the founder of value
         investing, wrote that "the market is not a
         weighing machine, on which the value of      At BFM, we are very analytical and we
         each issue is recorded by an exact and       believe that asset allocation is more
         impersonal mechanism, in accordance          important than stocks or mutual fund
         with its specific qualities." Rather, he     selection…but many of you have asked us to
         added, "the market is a voting machine,      share our disciplined due diligence
         whereon countless individuals register       process to selecting investment managers
         choices which are the product partly of      and mutual funds.
         reason and partly of emotion." Herding,
         Graham understood, is part of the human      You should not be over confident in
         condition.                                   pursuing      activities    beyond      your
                                                      expertise. For example, practicing skydiving
Thus, if you buy individual stocks, you               without a professional skydiver or dancing
should note which way the herd is                     Ballet without a ballerina’s guidance can
moving—and go the other way. You                      harm your body. Investing your wealth, just
should get interested in a stock when its             like skydiving and ballet dancing, is science
price gets trampled flat by investors                 but also an art. Investing without
stampeding out of it. The list of new 52-             knowledge is like jumping into a valley
week lows is a rough guide to what the                without a parachute.
voting machine has been trashing lately.
Then run your own weighing machine,
studying     the    company's        financial        Selecting a good mutual fund is extremely
statements, products and competitors to               difficult. Only 20% of funds may
determine the value of its business—while             outperform their benchmark over the long
ignoring the current price of its stock. And          run. 40% of funds that were in business 10
make a permanent record that thoroughly               years ago are now gone. A fund can be at
details your rationale for making the                 the top one period and be at the bottom the
investment. That way, you set in stone                next one.
exactly where you stood before the herd
began trying to sweep you away. (Source:              As you can see, mutual fund returns can be
WSJ-06/21/10                                          very different. Thus, effective organized
                                                      financial planning is important.



The debate between active and passive               Short-term greed and impatience will lead
management (investing in index, passive             investors to fail. Before investing you should
funds and ETFs) is a constant discussion            develop confidence in the fund and the
among individuals in the financial world.           patience required for long-term success.
There are qualitative and quantitative factors      Otherwise, you should invest in index and
that need to be understood and analyzed             passive funds (low costs).
correctly before picking a good fund.

You should decide to be                                        Human emotions are the
either patient with active         “Do not wish for quick      biggest obstacle to investor
managers or seek a                 results, nor look for       success. Proper research goes
passively          managed         small advantages. If you    well beyond the numbers. It also
approach. The vast majority                                    requires regular meetings or calls
                                   seek quick results, you     with the managers. Natural
of       long-term     top         will not attain the
performing managers will                                       human behavioral tendencies
endure periods of lousy
                                   ultimate goal.”             during the manager selection
performance.                                                   and      termination      process
                                                Confucius.     generally leads to failure so we
·       85 percent of all ten-                                 recommend a rigorous process.
year top quartile funds spent      	
                          We believe that qualitative
at least one three-year stretch                               metrics for selecting mutual
in the bottom half of their peer group (they         funds are as important as quantitative
spent about 23 percent of all their three-year       metrics.
periods in the bottom half of their peer

·      62 percent of ten-year top quartile
funds spent at least one five-year stretch in
the bottom half (19 percent of rolling five-
year periods in the bottom half of their peer       	
groups). Source DiMeo.                              	


What traits and factors do we look for,            Quantitative factors:
review carefully, and monitor constantly?
                                                   1. Fees/ Expense ratio: Funds in the
Qualitative factors:                               cheapest quintile were more than twice as
                                                   likely to beat the average for their categories
1. People:     education,        qualifications,   than the most expensive quintile
experience, depth, stability, diversity, quality
and diligence of the investment team               2. Tenure / Experience / Track Record of
(portfolio managers, analysts, traders,            the Portfolio Managers and Analysts. The
auditors…)                                         average tenure maybe close to 6 years
2. Investment      philosophy      that   is
consistent,    clearly   articulated    and        3. Fund ownership** by the portfolio
understandable                                     management team

3. Investment process and style based on           4. 5 and 10-year Information Ratio (IR)
meritocracy that are transparent, repeatable,      and peer ranking. The IR measures the risk-
consistent, and definable with good buy and        adjusted return for assessing the
sell discipline and risk management                performance of active portfolio managers
                                                   5. Long-term            after         tax
4. Stewardship: a corporate culture of             return/performance: GMO Emerging
excellence, with clean regulatory history,         Country Debt had a 10-year annual return
board integrity, independence, ownership           was 14.54% ($10,000 became $38,880) but
and compensation who will put your                 after tax, the post-tax return was 9.80%
interests first                                    ($10,000 became $25,468 or 35% less)

5. Firm ownership structure                        6. Consistency of portfolio returns with the
                                                   investment process (attribution reports)
6. Manager compensation and incentives
structure (salary, bonus, stocks, shares…)         7. Funds concentration
that reward individual contributions
                                                   8. Tracking Error and Active Share: these
7. High conviction approach that is distinct       numbers represent how much the fund
and with potential to outperform.                  returns deviate from the benchmark

8. What percentage of research is generated        9. Beta and Correlation with the fund’s
internally (vs. sell-side research from Wall       true Benchmark (R square)
                                                   10. Inflows/Outflows and total assets in the
Such data may not available by directly            fund today and 5 years ago
looking into sources like Bloomberg and
Morningstar. This requires contacting every        11. Up/Down capture ratio and maximum
fund and requesting them to provide the            drawdown
We also review the portfolio composition,          12. Sortino Ratio which measures the risk-
size (small or large cap) and style of the         adjusted return
funds, manager concentration, and if a
manager has closed a fund to new investors         13. Volatility
in the past and ask how they decide to close       14. Turnover which measures the number
it in the future.                                  of      times   securities/shares  are


                                                       Performance May Lower your Returns

              1. Dalbar Research Institute shows that investor’s performance does not equal investment
              performance. They found the following annualized returns for investors from 1987 to 2006
              (similar results are found for different time period):

                                          -The average equity-fund investor realized an annualized return of 4.30% ($100,000
                                          became $222,536).
                                          -The market timer equity fund investor realized an annualized return of -1.80% ($100,000
                                          became $70,814).
                                          -The market (S&P 500) realized an annualized return of 11.80% ($100,000 became


                             2. Using another research report from Lipper and DALBAR, we can see, in the chart below,
                             that chasing performance may lower your returns. This research shows how mutual fund
                             investors’ behavior affects the returns they actually earn.


Lipper and


                                                                       your stone age brain may be good with
                                                                       physical risk, but it is the same one that
                                      Let's Put Things in              governs your investment gut - it is not a
                                          Perspective                  good investment manager.

                                                                       As you know, we take a long-term, academic
                                                                       and disciplined approach to investing and
We decided this time to send you some                                  we try not to react emotionally to market
charts to help you put things in perspective                           swings, unlike many individual investors
since the U.S. stock market went down 8%                               who tend to sell equities and lock in losses
in July and August. Note that the market is                            during down-turns. The portfolios we
still up 5% in the last 12 months and up                               recommend are always customized and well-
70% since March 2009.                                                  diversified. Markets volatility and declines
                                                                       give opportunity to rebalance the portfolios.
The charts attached may help you draw your
own conclusions without being manipulated
by the media, friends…

                                                                             See the entire Newsletter at:
In Summary:                                                                  Newsletter, September 2011

·     This summer’s stock decline was
nothing exceptional
·                                  The economy doesn’t look that bad
·                                  Stocks are not expensive
·     Stocks perform well over the long-
term, sometimes right after a major
correction and/or spike in volatility                                  •U.S. Stocks have been going up in the long
                                                                       run and outperformed bonds most of the
                                                                       time over any 5-year periods
We still think that the chance of another
recession may be 20% - 50% before 2014                                 •Historically stock market declines have
but the charts should help you to put in                               been much worse: down 86% in 1929-32,
perspective what happened this summer.                                 49% in 2001, 57% in 2007-09…
A huge part of successful investing is
just avoiding common errors like                                       •Other asset classes have seen much worse
panicking. The goal is not to be error-free;                           decline:
it is to be right more than wrong over time.                           -Long U.S. Treasury Bond real return was
Humans are intuitive creatures, but markets                            negative 67% between 1941 and 1981.
are inherently counterintuitive. Investing,                            -Gold was down 62% between 1980 and
like medicine and many fields of science,                              1986
is a probabilities game, not a certainties                             -Japan Stocks were down 82% between 1990
game. Investing requires faith that
                                                                       and 2009
Capitalism is not perfect in the near term                             -Most declines have been followed by 5
but eventually gets very close longer term.                            years of gains
Sometimes, doing nothing is the best                                   •Nearly every significant up year for the
strategy... and it is not easy... When you are                         markets had also a significant intra-year
tempted to go with your gut, remember that                             decline


    •When the volatility is high, markets often   •When consumer sentiment bottoms, the
    rise                                          following 12 months tend to be good for
    •U.S. Companies are in much better shape      stocks. Extreme pessimism in consumer
    (profits, cash holdings, dividend payouts)    confidence may be a bullish sign for the
    than in 2000                                  market

    •The Yield curve is usually flat before       •Moderate GDP Growth (2%-3%) has not
    recessions. It is far from flat now           been bad for stocks historically. But can we
                                                  keep a 2%+ growth?
                                                  •DIVERSIFICATION WORKS!

U.S. Stock Market History, 1871 – April 2011

 Initial Job Claims Is Down: Usually, it is Up Before
 Recession – (Recessions are in grey)	

       Stocks Outperformed Bonds Most of 5-Year Periods

        Historical Markets Declines: We Have Seen Much	

       Historical Markets Declines: We Have Seen Much	
                                                             Please find
                                                              the first
                                                             BFM Video:

                                                              You will find
                                                                strategies to
                                                                    help you
                                                                   grow your
                                                                   assets and
                                                                   achieve a



                                                   4. Think about Estate Planning: Look
Year-End Financial                                 into how various trusts, such as a bypass
Planning Tips                                      trust or grantor retained annuity trust, might
                                                   help you reduce your estate tax liability.
 PLANNING : What you should have done !

                                                   5. Accelerate or Defer deductions: Have
With the end of the year approaching, here         your tax advisor determine now if you have
are some important tax and financial               any Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
planning measure you can take to reduce            liability for 2010. If so, you may consider
your taxes and improve your financial              deferring taxable income to 2011 or
position.                                          accelerating or deferring deductions in 2010
                                                   to minimize AMT.
1. Sell some stocks, bonds, or mutual
funds before the increase in capital and           6. Spend all your money in your FSA: Use
income tax rates: Look at carryovers of            any balance in your employer’s Flexible
past tax losses and whether any potential          Spending Account (FSA) for qualified
losses on depreciated securities would be          medical expenses by year-end 2010. When
more valuable in 2010 or in future years. If       estimating your contributions for next year,
you end up with a loss, either short or long       consider the increasing costs of uncovered
term, $3,000 of that loss can be used to           medical expenses and changes in your
offset ordinary income. A $3,000 loss will         company’s medical insurance plan.
save you approximately $840 in taxes,
assuming you are in the 28% bracket. Short-        7. Take your Required Minimum
term capital gains (one year holding or less)      Distribution (RMD) once you turn 70.5
are taxed at ordinary income tax rates up to       years old (or you can be subject to a 50% tax
35% in 2010. Long-term capital gains (more         penalty!)
than one year holding) are taxed at 15%, for
taxpayers in the 25% tax brackets or above.
Tax rates should increase in 2011.
                                                   8. Fund your 529 higher education savings
2. Contribute to your IRA and other                plan ($13,000 per person, per beneficiary).
company retirement accounts: IRA - 401
(k) - 403 (b) accounts provide tax-deferred
                                                   9. Other Deductions: In 2010, did you buy
growth. Since January 2010, high-income
                                                   a new car or first house, upgrade your
investors also have the opportunity to
                                                   existing home to be more energy efficient,
convert assets from a Traditional IRA or
                                                   or pay for a dependent’s higher education
employer-sponsored retirement plan to a
                                                   expenses? You may meet the requirements
Roth IRA. A Roth IRA offers tax-free
                                                   for claiming a tax credit or deduction. You
income in retirement.
                                                   could also pay your property taxes by year
                                                   end if you are a home owner.
3. Make Donations: In 2010 you can gift
up to $13,000 ($26,000 for a married couple)       	
free of gift tax.                                  	


About Bourbon Financial Management, LLC
Bourbon Financial Management was formed to provide our clients (starting with
ourselves) with an effective and comprehensive solution for managing their global wealth.
       Our disciplined and rigorous approach comes from our collective knowledge in serving
large institutional clients over many years.

Our core investment belief is that asset allocation (equities, fixed income, cash, real estate…) is
the single most important determinant of success in any investment plan. The dominant amount
of risk and return comes not from your choice of individual investments but from your asset
class mix. Bourbon Financial Management focuses our resources on risk management and asset

                                                                                                   Patrick Bourbon, CFA

PLEASE SHARE OUR NEWSLETTER: Our newsletter readership is not limited to our
clients. Please tell those you feel may be interested that they can subscribe to their own free copy
of the newsletter at Thank you.

                           BOURBON FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
                                       Excellence ~ Experience ~ Ethics

616 W. Fulton St., Suite 411, Chicago, IL 60661

+1 312-909-6539 ~

Member of the Financial Planning Association and Academic Affiliate of the National
Association of Personal Financial Advisors.

            © 2012 Bourbon Financial Management, LLC ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~ (+1) 312 909 6539   	

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Nl bfm january 2012

  • 1.                               2010-2011 BFM Newsletters  Summary             Founder’s word     Happy New Year!   To begin 2012 with all the tools you may need, BFM created   for you this compilation of all the newsletters of 2010 and   2011.   You will discover or rediscover the valuable information BFM   gathered under three major themes: A, B, C.       To know more about a specific subject you can also refer to the next summary:     Understanding Behavioral Finance-Rationality & Decision Making……..…………….………2   Humans can’t analyze all the information received……………………………………....….....2   Challenges in Financial Advising From the Scope of Behavioral Finance…………………..…4   Investment Decision Making………………………………………………………..............…4   Countries and Culture in Behavioral Finance………………………...…………………..……4   Human Brain and Decision-Making………………………………………………………..…5   Train Your Brain to Win Big………………………………………………………………….6   Be Aware of your Emotions - Step Away from Yourself - The Flaws of our Financial Memory……….6   So That's Why Investors Can't Think for Themselves……………………………………...…7   How to Pick Better Mutual Funds?……………………………………………………...……8   Performance May Lower your Returns…………………………………………………...….11   Let's Put Things in Perspective……………………………………………………………....12 Appendix……………………………...……………………………...…………………...…15 January  2012   © 2012 Bourbon Financial Management, LLC ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~ (+1) 312 909 6539                                                     1  
  • 2.   Understanding Behavioral Humans can’t analyze all the Finance-Rationality & information received Decision Making           Behavioral Economics explains how the Please find below a one-minute video. process of decision making functions among common people. It elaborates on the role of emotions and vision. Video: Selective Attention Test   We use vision more in the day than we do anything else, so we are good at it. But the truth is that our vision tricks us. If we have these repeatable mistakes in vision which we This video shows that human attention is are good at, what are the chances we don’t limited and that we can’t analyze all the make more mistakes in that we are not good information we receive. at, ex. financial decision making? Do you want to know how powerfully illusive our vision is and how it dominates We tend to pick the information that we our decisions? need to prove that our thinking is correct. If   we are bullish and long the financial market,   we tend to read bullish reports. Individuals See the entire Newsletter at:   Newsletter, January 2011 have a tendency to simplify decisions (good   company -> good investment, momentum   strategies -> chasing performance).   Furthermore, investors believe their   information is correct and they are better at   If you want to learn more about interpreting information and making   behavioral finance and the role of decisions. We have an inability to fully   Psychology, here is a long and incorporate new information into risk and popular video (viewed 28,000 return forecasts. The failure to recognize the   times!) of a class of Robert Shiller, true risk of an investment makes us trade   Professor of Economics at Yale more frequently than can be justified by the   University. information. Also, we tend to remember   only the good decisions so our memories   Behavioral Finance : The Role of don’t disagree with our opinion on our   Psychology   abilities.                   Refer to “We are all Predictability   Irrational - Dan Ariely” on YouTube     link:         We are All Predictably Irrational                               2  
  • 3.                                                                 See More tricks at: The Human Brain…tricks us whenever it can!                   3  
  • 4.     Challenges in Financial   Investment Decision Advising From the Scope   of Behavioral Finance   Making               In today’s world, especially after the recent Since many of you like Behavioral Finance financial meltdown, understanding the research to help you improve your decision human emotions and sentiments before making process, investing money is capturing interests of researchers and advisers. We too continue our long love with Behavioral Finance and present you some interesting findings by Please find the Newsletter researchers in this area. « Investment Decision Making » at: Newsletter, May 2011   Please see the Newsletter to learn   more about: Newsletter, July 2011 You will find some information about:   • Intuitive and Reflective Minds • Asset Allocation • Investor Paralysis • Information Overload • Lack of Investor Discipline • The Effect of Myopia and Loss Aversion on Risk Taking • Regaining and Maintaining Trust • Making Intelligent Decisions • Overcoming Loss Aversion • The practices that an investor • Overcoming Procrastination should try to follow • The Ulysses Strategy • Some things that an investor   should try not to engage in       Countries and Culture in Behavioral Finance                 Have you analyzed why Chinese exhibit higher risk tolerance than Americans? Have you ever   wondered how Muslims invest money? And did you know a country’s corruption level has an   impact on its own diplomats?     Asians, Americans, Europeans, Africans, Australians… The world is a mix of people from these   continents with different ideologies and cultures. But what is fascinating is that there is   something which is common between these diverse cultures. Guess what? It is MONEY!         Find all the answers at: Newsletter, June 2011                       4  
  • 5.   We can summarize some of the practices that should be followed: · Financial advisers need to probe their clients more about their culture. Also important is to know the client’s obligations towards others. Individualistic and collectivistic groups have different styles of thinking. This reflected in their investment decisions. · Continuously strive to learn more about investing. · Understand the complexities in investing. The adviser will have to do more research and be sure that he does not fail his fiduciary duty. · Saving rates depend a lot on culture. It is important to understand your culture before you make investment decisions. Higher saving rates cultures are more risk tolerant that low saving rate cultures. · Many investors exhibit different abilities and willingness towards risk. Always honor the willingness to risk because the investor feels comfortable if his risk level is under his/her control.       Human Brain and Decision-Making             We can point to some general practices that can • Avoiding making any important investment help investors improve their investment decision decision while being in a passive state of making: mind. • Thinking more analytically when making important financial decisions. • Creating a balance between being patient and being dynamic about investment choices. • Being pro-active, curious and non- assumptive at all times and spending time to   evaluate investments, possible risks and   benefits.  Let’s see the Newsletter « Human  Brain and Decision-Making » for • Continuously striving towards improving  more information, August 2011   self-control and avoiding hastiness.                   5  
  • 6.   Be Aware of your Emotions Train Your Brain to Win Big   - Step Away from Yourself - The Flaws of our Financial Memory   When Playing the investing game, it’s easy to let your impulse make all the wrong See  the  entire  Newsletter  at:   moves. Learning to trick yourself can help. Newsletter,  November  2011   Why do smart people do such stupid things with their money? The answer often lies in neuroeconomics, a hybrid of neuroscience, · Be aware of your own emotions economics, and psychology that drills down and cognitive traps to make smarter to the biological bedrock of decision- decisions. making. · Step away from yourselves to be Even when we think we are being rational, more rational. we are often driven by impetuous emotions of which we are barely conscious. Therefore, · Remember that we unconsciously the keys to investing success, whether it’s for make decisions based on positive retirement or just for fun, are strategies and memories. tricks to prevent the heat of the moment from melting your better judgment. · Learn about financial history to reduce the number of mistakes. Do not extrapolate recent past. Ten Tricks for Better Investing: · Keep a well-diversified portfolio T ake the Global View and an investment diary. H ope for the Best-But Expect the Worst I nvestigate Then Invest · Have a Financial Plan. N ever Say Always K now What you Don’t Know “when we’re feeling good. T he Past Is Not a Prologue Complex decisions, involving W eigh What They Say I f it Sounds Too Good to Be True, It multiple options… demand our Probably Is best thinking. Yet those very C osts are Killers E ggs Go Splat decisions seem to induce in us emotional reactions that impair our ability to do just the kind of The article: Train your Brain to Win thinking that is necessary.” Barry Schwartz                     6  
  • 7.   So That's Why Investors In the experiment, researchers from Can't Think for Themselves University College London and Aarhus   University in Denmark asked 28 people to submit a list of songs they wanted to buy online and then to decide which they would most like to own. Then the From February through May, the Dow participants viewed the ratings of the Jones Industrial Average gained more same songs by two professional music than 1000 points in an almost experts. Meanwhile, a magnetic resonance uninterrupted daily march upward. Then imaging machine recorded the patterns of came the "flash crash" of May 6 and day activity in their brains. Finally, as a way to after day of losses through May. Now, in measure the influence of the experts' mid-June, the market has been up six of views, the participants had the chance to the past seven days. change their minds about which songs they wanted the most. What accounts for these sudden moves? Why do investors so often seem to The brain scans showed that as soon as resemble a school of fish, all changing people learned they had chosen the same direction together? song as the experts, cells in the ventral Sometimes the most interesting answers striatum—a reward center wired with to financial questions come from dopamine neurons that scientific labs. A study respond to pleasures like published in the journal Current Biology found that "When someone sugar and sex—fired intensely. the value you place on influences you, it something is likely to go up happens very quickly, when other people tell you it "If someone agrees with is worth more than you in under a second," your choice, it's thought, and down when intrinsically rewarding in others say it is worth less. Daniel Campbell- the same way food or money is rewarding," More strikingly, if your Meiklejohn   says one of the evaluation agrees with what others tell you, then a part of experimenters, Chris your brain that specializes in Frith of University processing rewards kicks College London. into high gear. Why might other people's estimates of In other words, investors often go along what something is worth lead you to with the crowd because—at the most change your own? Their appraisal could basic biological level—conformity feels make you unsure that yours is correct. good. Moving in herds doesn't just give You might become more popular once investors a sense of "safety in numbers." you agree with others, or joining the It also gives them pleasure. experts may make you feel like one yourself. "We are very social creatures," That may help explain why market says Prof. Frith, "and we are desperately sentiment can change so swiftly, why true keen to be part of the group." contrarians are so hard to find and why investors care so much about the "When someone influences you, it "consensus view" on Wall Street. happens very quickly, in under a second,"                   7  
  • 8.   says the lead researcher, Daniel Campbell- Meiklejohn of Aarhus University. "That How to Pick Better Mutual mechanism can travel quite quickly through a population." Funds?   The experiment also showed that learning that the experts agree with one another— regardless of whether you agree with them—triggers activity in the insula, a brain region associated with pain and See the entire Newsletter at: heightened body awareness. This suggests Newsletter, October 2011 that the agreement of others may have a special ability to grab our mental attention. No wonder a consensus opinion is almost impossible for many PEOPLE + PROCESS + investors to ignore. PHILOSOPHY = PERFORMANCE Benjamin Graham, the founder of value investing, wrote that "the market is not a weighing machine, on which the value of At BFM, we are very analytical and we each issue is recorded by an exact and believe that asset allocation is more impersonal mechanism, in accordance important than stocks or mutual fund with its specific qualities." Rather, he selection…but many of you have asked us to added, "the market is a voting machine, share our disciplined due diligence whereon countless individuals register process to selecting investment managers choices which are the product partly of and mutual funds. reason and partly of emotion." Herding, Graham understood, is part of the human You should not be over confident in condition. pursuing activities beyond your expertise. For example, practicing skydiving Thus, if you buy individual stocks, you without a professional skydiver or dancing should note which way the herd is Ballet without a ballerina’s guidance can moving—and go the other way. You harm your body. Investing your wealth, just should get interested in a stock when its like skydiving and ballet dancing, is science price gets trampled flat by investors but also an art. Investing without stampeding out of it. The list of new 52- knowledge is like jumping into a valley week lows is a rough guide to what the without a parachute. voting machine has been trashing lately. Then run your own weighing machine, studying the company's financial Selecting a good mutual fund is extremely statements, products and competitors to difficult. Only 20% of funds may determine the value of its business—while outperform their benchmark over the long ignoring the current price of its stock. And run. 40% of funds that were in business 10 make a permanent record that thoroughly years ago are now gone. A fund can be at details your rationale for making the the top one period and be at the bottom the investment. That way, you set in stone next one. exactly where you stood before the herd began trying to sweep you away. (Source: As you can see, mutual fund returns can be WSJ-06/21/10 very different. Thus, effective organized financial planning is important.                   8  
  • 9.                             The debate between active and passive Short-term greed and impatience will lead management (investing in index, passive investors to fail. Before investing you should funds and ETFs) is a constant discussion develop confidence in the fund and the among individuals in the financial world. patience required for long-term success. There are qualitative and quantitative factors Otherwise, you should invest in index and that need to be understood and analyzed passive funds (low costs). correctly before picking a good fund. You should decide to be Human emotions are the either patient with active “Do not wish for quick biggest obstacle to investor managers or seek a results, nor look for success. Proper research goes passively managed small advantages. If you well beyond the numbers. It also approach. The vast majority requires regular meetings or calls seek quick results, you with the managers. Natural of long-term top will not attain the performing managers will human behavioral tendencies endure periods of lousy ultimate goal.” during the manager selection performance. and termination process Confucius. generally leads to failure so we · 85 percent of all ten- recommend a rigorous process. year top quartile funds spent   We believe that qualitative at least one three-year stretch metrics for selecting mutual in the bottom half of their peer group (they funds are as important as quantitative spent about 23 percent of all their three-year metrics. periods in the bottom half of their peer groups). · 62 percent of ten-year top quartile funds spent at least one five-year stretch in the bottom half (19 percent of rolling five- year periods in the bottom half of their peer   groups). Source DiMeo.                             9  
  • 10.   What traits and factors do we look for, Quantitative factors: review carefully, and monitor constantly? 1. Fees/ Expense ratio: Funds in the Qualitative factors: cheapest quintile were more than twice as likely to beat the average for their categories 1. People: education, qualifications, than the most expensive quintile experience, depth, stability, diversity, quality and diligence of the investment team 2. Tenure / Experience / Track Record of (portfolio managers, analysts, traders, the Portfolio Managers and Analysts. The auditors…) average tenure maybe close to 6 years only… 2. Investment philosophy that is consistent, clearly articulated and 3. Fund ownership** by the portfolio understandable management team 3. Investment process and style based on 4. 5 and 10-year Information Ratio (IR) meritocracy that are transparent, repeatable, and peer ranking. The IR measures the risk- consistent, and definable with good buy and adjusted return for assessing the sell discipline and risk management performance of active portfolio managers procedures 5. Long-term after tax 4. Stewardship: a corporate culture of return/performance: GMO Emerging excellence, with clean regulatory history, Country Debt had a 10-year annual return board integrity, independence, ownership was 14.54% ($10,000 became $38,880) but and compensation who will put your after tax, the post-tax return was 9.80% interests first ($10,000 became $25,468 or 35% less) 5. Firm ownership structure 6. Consistency of portfolio returns with the investment process (attribution reports) 6. Manager compensation and incentives structure (salary, bonus, stocks, shares…) 7. Funds concentration that reward individual contributions 8. Tracking Error and Active Share: these 7. High conviction approach that is distinct numbers represent how much the fund and with potential to outperform. returns deviate from the benchmark 8. What percentage of research is generated 9. Beta and Correlation with the fund’s internally (vs. sell-side research from Wall true Benchmark (R square) Street)? 10. Inflows/Outflows and total assets in the Such data may not available by directly fund today and 5 years ago looking into sources like Bloomberg and Morningstar. This requires contacting every 11. Up/Down capture ratio and maximum fund and requesting them to provide the drawdown data. We also review the portfolio composition, 12. Sortino Ratio which measures the risk- size (small or large cap) and style of the adjusted return funds, manager concentration, and if a manager has closed a fund to new investors 13. Volatility in the past and ask how they decide to close 14. Turnover which measures the number it in the future. of times securities/shares are replaced/traded                   10  
  • 11.   Performance May Lower your Returns   1. Dalbar Research Institute shows that investor’s performance does not equal investment performance. They found the following annualized returns for investors from 1987 to 2006 (similar results are found for different time period): -The average equity-fund investor realized an annualized return of 4.30% ($100,000 became $222,536). -The market timer equity fund investor realized an annualized return of -1.80% ($100,000 became $70,814). -The market (S&P 500) realized an annualized return of 11.80% ($100,000 became $832,519).   2. Using another research report from Lipper and DALBAR, we can see, in the chart below, that chasing performance may lower your returns. This research shows how mutual fund investors’ behavior affects the returns they actually earn.   Source: Lipper and DALBAR                     11  
  • 12.   your stone age brain may be good with physical risk, but it is the same one that Let's Put Things in governs your investment gut - it is not a Perspective good investment manager. As you know, we take a long-term, academic and disciplined approach to investing and We decided this time to send you some we try not to react emotionally to market charts to help you put things in perspective swings, unlike many individual investors since the U.S. stock market went down 8% who tend to sell equities and lock in losses in July and August. Note that the market is during down-turns. The portfolios we still up 5% in the last 12 months and up recommend are always customized and well- 70% since March 2009. diversified. Markets volatility and declines give opportunity to rebalance the portfolios. The charts attached may help you draw your own conclusions without being manipulated by the media, friends… See the entire Newsletter at: In Summary: Newsletter, September 2011 · This summer’s stock decline was nothing exceptional · The economy doesn’t look that bad · Stocks are not expensive Details · Stocks perform well over the long- term, sometimes right after a major correction and/or spike in volatility •U.S. Stocks have been going up in the long run and outperformed bonds most of the time over any 5-year periods We still think that the chance of another recession may be 20% - 50% before 2014 •Historically stock market declines have but the charts should help you to put in been much worse: down 86% in 1929-32, perspective what happened this summer. 49% in 2001, 57% in 2007-09… A huge part of successful investing is just avoiding common errors like •Other asset classes have seen much worse panicking. The goal is not to be error-free; decline: it is to be right more than wrong over time. -Long U.S. Treasury Bond real return was Humans are intuitive creatures, but markets negative 67% between 1941 and 1981. are inherently counterintuitive. Investing, -Gold was down 62% between 1980 and like medicine and many fields of science, 1986 is a probabilities game, not a certainties -Japan Stocks were down 82% between 1990 game. Investing requires faith that and 2009 Capitalism is not perfect in the near term -Most declines have been followed by 5 but eventually gets very close longer term. years of gains Sometimes, doing nothing is the best •Nearly every significant up year for the strategy... and it is not easy... When you are markets had also a significant intra-year tempted to go with your gut, remember that decline                   12  
  • 13.   •When the volatility is high, markets often •When consumer sentiment bottoms, the rise following 12 months tend to be good for •U.S. Companies are in much better shape stocks. Extreme pessimism in consumer (profits, cash holdings, dividend payouts) confidence may be a bullish sign for the than in 2000 market •The Yield curve is usually flat before •Moderate GDP Growth (2%-3%) has not recessions. It is far from flat now been bad for stocks historically. But can we keep a 2%+ growth? •DIVERSIFICATION WORKS! U.S. Stock Market History, 1871 – April 2011 Initial Job Claims Is Down: Usually, it is Up Before Recession – (Recessions are in grey)                     13  
  • 14.   Stocks Outperformed Bonds Most of 5-Year Periods   Historical Markets Declines: We Have Seen Much   Historical Markets Declines: We Have Seen Much   Please find the first BFM Video: Video You will find investment strategies to help you reach financial security, grow your assets and achieve a comfortable retirement.                     14  
  • 15.       Apendix     4. Think about Estate Planning: Look Year-End Financial into how various trusts, such as a bypass Planning Tips trust or grantor retained annuity trust, might help you reduce your estate tax liability. 2010 YEAR-END FINANCIAL PLANNING : What you should have done ! 5. Accelerate or Defer deductions: Have With the end of the year approaching, here your tax advisor determine now if you have are some important tax and financial any Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) planning measure you can take to reduce liability for 2010. If so, you may consider your taxes and improve your financial deferring taxable income to 2011 or position. accelerating or deferring deductions in 2010 to minimize AMT. 1. Sell some stocks, bonds, or mutual funds before the increase in capital and 6. Spend all your money in your FSA: Use income tax rates: Look at carryovers of any balance in your employer’s Flexible past tax losses and whether any potential Spending Account (FSA) for qualified losses on depreciated securities would be medical expenses by year-end 2010. When more valuable in 2010 or in future years. If estimating your contributions for next year, you end up with a loss, either short or long consider the increasing costs of uncovered term, $3,000 of that loss can be used to medical expenses and changes in your offset ordinary income. A $3,000 loss will company’s medical insurance plan. save you approximately $840 in taxes, assuming you are in the 28% bracket. Short- 7. Take your Required Minimum term capital gains (one year holding or less) Distribution (RMD) once you turn 70.5 are taxed at ordinary income tax rates up to years old (or you can be subject to a 50% tax 35% in 2010. Long-term capital gains (more penalty!) than one year holding) are taxed at 15%, for taxpayers in the 25% tax brackets or above. Tax rates should increase in 2011. 8. Fund your 529 higher education savings 2. Contribute to your IRA and other plan ($13,000 per person, per beneficiary). company retirement accounts: IRA - 401 (k) - 403 (b) accounts provide tax-deferred 9. Other Deductions: In 2010, did you buy growth. Since January 2010, high-income a new car or first house, upgrade your investors also have the opportunity to existing home to be more energy efficient, convert assets from a Traditional IRA or or pay for a dependent’s higher education employer-sponsored retirement plan to a expenses? You may meet the requirements Roth IRA. A Roth IRA offers tax-free for claiming a tax credit or deduction. You income in retirement. could also pay your property taxes by year end if you are a home owner. 3. Make Donations: In 2010 you can gift up to $13,000 ($26,000 for a married couple)   free of gift tax.                       15  
  • 16.     About Bourbon Financial Management, LLC Bourbon Financial Management was formed to provide our clients (starting with ourselves) with an effective and comprehensive solution for managing their global wealth. Our disciplined and rigorous approach comes from our collective knowledge in serving large institutional clients over many years. Our core investment belief is that asset allocation (equities, fixed income, cash, real estate…) is the single most important determinant of success in any investment plan. The dominant amount of risk and return comes not from your choice of individual investments but from your asset class mix. Bourbon Financial Management focuses our resources on risk management and asset allocation. Patrick Bourbon, CFA PLEASE SHARE OUR NEWSLETTER: Our newsletter readership is not limited to our clients. Please tell those you feel may be interested that they can subscribe to their own free copy of the newsletter at Thank you. BOURBON FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Excellence ~ Experience ~ Ethics 616 W. Fulton St., Suite 411, Chicago, IL 60661 +1 312-909-6539 ~ Member of the Financial Planning Association and Academic Affiliate of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors. © 2012 Bourbon Financial Management, LLC ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~ (+1) 312 909 6539                                                     16