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                                      ENTERAL NUTRITION / NGT

                               Lecturer: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN

       NASOGASTRIC TUBE is inserted through one of the nostrils, down the nasopharynx and into the
alimentary canal

           Fr. 12 , 36 inches NG tube                     Fr. 8 Opaque, 45 inches, stylet, weighted tip

Inserting a Nasogastric Tube

Purposes:                                              Equipment
   To administer tube feedings and medications to      - Nasogastric Tube ( Levin Tube )
  clients unable to eat by mouth or swallow a          - Clean gloves
  sufficient diet without aspirating foods or fluids   - Water soluble lubricant
  into the lungs (gastric gavage)                      - Non allergic adhesive tape
                                                       - Glass of water or drinking straw
   To establish a means for suctioning stomach
                                                       - Asepto syringe
  contents to prevent gastric distention, nausea
                                                       - Basin
  and vomiting. (gastric lavage)
                                                       - Stethoscope
   To remove stomach contents for laboratory
                                                       - pH test strip (optional)
                                                       - Facial tissue or cloth
   To lavage (wash) the stomach in case of             - Clamp or plug (optional)
  poisoning or overdose of medications
Lecture Notes on Enteral Nutrition ( Nasogastric Tube )
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, M.A.N
             Clinical Instructor

Assessment:                                                                   Mark this length with        This length
   Check the patency of nares and intactness of                              adhesive tape if the tube     approximates the
  nasal tissue:                                                              does not have markings.       distance from the
                                                                                                           nares to the
- Ask the client to hyperextend the head, using                                                            stomach
flashlight, observe the intactness of the tissue of                        Insert the tube
the nostrils.                                                               Put on gloves
                                                                            Lubricate the tip with        To reduce friction
- Ask the client to breath through one nostril while                            water-soluble lubricant.
occluding the other, select the nostril that has                            Hyperextend the neck,         Hyperextension of
greater airflow.                                                                gently advance the tube    the neck reduces
                                                                                toward the nasopharynx     the curvature of the
     Determine presence of gag reflex                                      Note:                           nasopharyngeal
     Ability to cooperate with the procedure                               If the tube meets resistance,   junction.
                                                                           withdraw it, relubricate it,
                                                                           and insert to the other         To prevent injury
     Steps / Procedure                                    Rationale        nostril
     Identify and inform
    the client and explain                      To allay anxiety
    the procedure.
     Assist the client to a
    high fowler’s                               It is often easier to
    position if his/her                         swallow in this position
    health condition                            and gravity helps the
    permits, support head                       passage of tube
    with pillow.
     Measure the length                         NEX technique ( nose-
    of NGT to be inserted                       ear-xiphoid)

                                                                            Tilt the client’s head        Tilting the head
                                                                             forward once the tube         forward facilitates
                                                                             reaches the throat and        passage of tube into
                                                                             ask the client to             the esophagus
                                                                             swallow or drink water        rather than into
                                                                             as the tube advances.         larynx.
                                                                                                           Swallowing moves
                                                                                                           the epiglottis cover
                                                                                                           the opening to the
                                                                            Pass the tube 5-10 cm
                                                                              with each swallow,
                                                                              until the indicated
                                                                              length is inserted.
                                                                           Checking the patency
                                                                            Aspirate stomach              Testing pH is a
Measuring the appropriate length to insert the                                contents and check the       reliable way to
NGT ( NEX technique )                                                         pH, which should be          determine location
                                                                              acidic                       of a feeding tube.
Lecture Notes on Enteral Nutrition ( Nasogastric Tube )
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, M.A.N
             Clinical Instructor

 Introduce 10-30 ml of
                                                                                         Tape the tube to the area between the end
  air into the NGT and                                    Note:
                                                                                     of the nares and the upper lip as well as to the
  auscultate at the                                       Gastric contents
  epigastric area, gurgling                               must be re-instill to
  sound is heard.                                         the stomach to
 Ask the client to speak                                 prevent electrolyte     Administering Tube Feeding
  or hum                                                  imbalances              (NGT Feeding , Gastric Gavage)
 Observe the client for
  coughing and choking                                    Difficulty in           Purposes:
                                                          speaking and client       To restore or maintain nutritional status.
Note:                                                     is choking and            To administer medications
The most accurate method                                  continuously cough,
of assessing the placement                                tube is possibly in     Equipment:
of NGT is X-ray study                                     the lungs               - Correct amount of feeding solution
                                                                                  - Asepto syringe
     Secure the NGT by                                    This prevents the       - Measuring container or cup
    tapping it to the bridge of                           tube from pressing      - Emesis basis
    the client’s nose.                                    against and             - Clean gloves
                                                          irritating the edge     - Stethoscope
                                                          of the nostril          - pH test strip (optional)
                                                                                  - Facial tissue or cloth
Special Considerations:                                                           - Water

 Inserting a NGT to Infants and Young                                            Assessment:
  Children:                                                                          Assess for any signs of malnutrition or
          Restraints may be necessary during tube                                    Check for allergies to any food in the feeding.
      insertion and throughout therapy. Restraints                                   Assess for the presence of bowel sounds
      will prevent accidental dislodging of the tube.
                                                                                     Note any problems that suggest lack of
          Place the infant in an infant seat or                                     tolerance of previous feedings (e.g delayed
      position the infant with a rolled towel or                                    gastric emptying, abdominal distention,
      pillow under the head and shoulders.                                          dumping syndrome, constipation or
          When assessing the nares, obstruct one of
      the infant’s and feel for air passage from the
                                                                                     Steps / Procedure               Rationale
      other. If the nasal passageway is very small or
      is obstructed, an orogastric tube may be more                                  Identify and inform
      appropriate.                                                                  the client and            To allay anxiety
                                                                                    explain, why it is
         Measure appropriate NGT length from the                                    necessary and how
      nose to the tip of the earlobe and then to the                                he/she can cooperate
      point midway between the umbilicus and                                         Assist the client to a
      xiphoid process.                                                              fowler’s position in      This positions enhance
          If an orogastric tube is used, measure from                               bed or a sitting          the gravitational flow of
      the tip of the earlobe to the corner of the                                   position in chair, if     the solution and prevent
      mouth to the xiphoid process.                                                 his/her health            aspiration of fluid into
                                                                                    condition permits.        the lungs
          Do not hyperextend or hyperflex an                                         Wash hands and
      infant’s neck. Hyperextension or hyperflexion                                 observe appropriate
      of the neck could occlude the airway.                                         infection control and
                                                                                    provide privacy
Lecture Notes on Enteral Nutrition ( Nasogastric Tube )
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, M.A.N
             Clinical Instructor

   Check the patency of                                                  Through A Syringe
  the tube:                                                              (open system)
- Aspirate stomach                                                       - Introduce feeding
contents and check the                                                   slowly                    To prevent flatulence,
pH, which should be                                                      - Height of feeding is    cramps , and reflex
acidic                                                                   12 inches above the       vomiting
                                                                         point of insertion.
- Introduce 10-30 ml of                                                  - Instill 60- 100 ml of
air into the NGT and                                                     water to NGT after        To cleanse the lumen of
auscultate at the                                                                                  the tube
epigastric area, gurgling                                                - Clamp the cover of
sound is heard.                                                          the feeding before all    To prevent leakage and
    Assess residual                                                      water is instilled        air from entering the
   feeding contents. To                                                                            tube.
   assess absorption of                         Note:
   the last feeding, if 50                      Gastric contents must    Ensure client comfort
   ml or more, verify if                        be re-instill to the     and safety :
   the feeding will be                          stomach to prevent
   given.                                       electrolyte imbalances   - Pin the tubing to the   Minimizes pulling of the
                                                                         client’s gown             tube thus preventing
Note:                                                                                              discomfort
If the client is on
continuous feeding,                                                      - Ask the client to       This facilitate digestion
check the gastric                                                        remain in position for at and prevent potential
residual 4-6 hours                                                       least 30 min.             aspiration.

Administer the feeding                                                      Monitor patient for
 Check the feeding,                            Spoiled feeding cause      possible problem and
  time it was                                   diarrhea and               complications on
  prepared, its                                 abdominal pain to the      tube feedings
  expiration                                    client.                     Make relevant
 Warm the feeding at                           Excessively cold           documentation
  room temperature                              feeding may cause
                                                cramps                   Feeding Through a Syringe
Through A Feeding
- Hang the bag from an
infusion pole about 12
inches above the point
of insertion.
- Clamp the tubing and
add the formula to the
- Open the clamp, run
the formula to the tube,
to prevent instillation of
air to the client’s
- Attach the bag to the
NGT and regulate the
Lecture Notes on Enteral Nutrition ( Nasogastric Tube )
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, M.A.N
             Clinical Instructor

Special Considerations:                                                    apparatus if connected
                                                                           - Unpin the tube to the
 Administering a Tube Feeding to:                                         client’s gown
Infants                                                                    - Remove the adhesive
                                                                           tape securing the tube
       Feeding tubes may be reinserted at each                             to the nose
   feeding to prevent irritation of the mucous                             Remove the Tube
   membrane, nasal airway obstruction and                                   Wear gloves
   stomach perforation.                                                     (optional) Instill 50   This clears the tube of
Children                                                                       ml of air into the    any gastric contents
       Position a small child or infant in your lap,                           tube
   provide a pacifier, and hold and cuddle the                              Ask the client to       This closes glottis,
   child during feedings. This promotes comfort,                               take deep breath      preventing aspiration of
   supports the normal sucking instinct of the                                 and hold it           gastric contents
   infant and facilitates digestion                                         Pinch the tube with     This prevent gastric
Elders                                                                         he gloved hand        contents inside the tube
                                                                            Quickly and             from draining into the
          Decreased    gastric  emptying    may                                smoothly, withdraw    clients throat
      necessitate checking frequently fir gastric                              the tube.
      residual.                                                             Dispose the tube        To prevent possible
          Diarrhea from administering the feeding                              immediately           transfer of
      too fast or at too high concentration may cause                                                microorganism
      dehydration                                                             Provide oral care if
          If feeding has a high concentration of
                                                                              Assist the client to   To remove accumulated
      glucose, assess hyperglycemia
                                                                             blow the nose           secretions
                                                                              Document relevant
Removing a Nasogastric Tube
Equipment:                                                                 Common Problems of Tube Feedings
- Disposable pad                                                             1. Vomiting
- Clean gloves                                                               2. Aspiration
- 50 ml syringe (optional)                                                   3. Diarrhea
- Disposable bag                                                             4. Constipation
                                                                             5. Hyperglycemia
                                                                             6. Abdominal Distention
   Steps / Procedure                                      Rationale
   Confirm the
  physician’s order.
   Identify and inform
  the client and explain                        To allay anxiety
  the procedure.
   Assist the client into
  a sitting position if
  health permits
   Place the disposable                         To collect any spillage
  pad across the                                of mucous and gastric
  client’s chest                                secretions from the tube
   Wash hands
   Detach the tube:
- Disconnect to suction
Lecture Notes on Enteral Nutrition ( Nasogastric Tube )
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, M.A.N
             Clinical Instructor

                                                             After feeding, remain in sitting position or
Administering a Gastrostomy or                              slightly elevated right lateral position for at
                                                            least 30 mins. To prevent gastric reflux and
Jejunostomy Feeding                                         possible aspiration.
                                                             Assess status of peristomal skin for signs and
                                                            symptoms of infection.
                     Gastrostomy Tube Feeding                Make relevant documentation

                                                              Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
                                                            Intravenous Hyperalimentation (IVH)

                                                                  TPN or IVH, is provided when the
                                                          gastrointestinal tract is nonfunctional because of
                                                          an interruption in its continuity or because its
                                                          absorptive capacity is impaired.

                                                          Parenteral Nutrition, is administered
                                                          intravenously such as through a central venous
                                                          catheter into the superior vena cava.
                                                                 Because TPN solutions are hypertonic
                                                           ( highly concentrated in comparison to the solute
                                                           concentration of blood), they are injected only
                                                           into high – flow central veins, where they are
                                                           diluted by the client’s blood

                                                          Clients suggestive for TPN
                                                             Severe malnutrition
                                                             Severe burns
Procedure:                                                   Bowel disease disorders
                                                             Acute renal failure
     Assess and prepare the client                           Hepatic failure
     Insert a feeding tube into the ostomy opening           Metastatic cancer
    10-15 cm (4-6 inches) if one is not already in           Major surgeries ( where NPO is taken for more
    place. Lubricate with water soluble lubricant           than 5 days)
    before insertion to prevent friction.
     Check the patency of a tube suture in place.
     Pour 15-30 ml of water into the syringe and
    allow water to flow into the tube.
     Check the residual formula. If 50mls or more,
    verify if the feeding will be administered.
     Administer feeding slowly. Hold the syringe
    7-15 cm (3-6 inches) above the ostomy opening.
    To prevent flatulence, crampy pain and reflex
     Flush the tube with 30 ml. Flushing the tube
    preserves its patency.

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Community Health Nursing (complete)

NGT handouts

  • 1. NURSING SKILLS ENTERAL NUTRITION / NGT Lecturer: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN _____________________________________________ NASOGASTRIC TUBE is inserted through one of the nostrils, down the nasopharynx and into the alimentary canal Fr. 12 , 36 inches NG tube Fr. 8 Opaque, 45 inches, stylet, weighted tip Inserting a Nasogastric Tube Purposes: Equipment To administer tube feedings and medications to - Nasogastric Tube ( Levin Tube ) clients unable to eat by mouth or swallow a - Clean gloves sufficient diet without aspirating foods or fluids - Water soluble lubricant into the lungs (gastric gavage) - Non allergic adhesive tape - Glass of water or drinking straw To establish a means for suctioning stomach - Asepto syringe contents to prevent gastric distention, nausea - Basin and vomiting. (gastric lavage) - Stethoscope To remove stomach contents for laboratory - pH test strip (optional) analysis - Facial tissue or cloth To lavage (wash) the stomach in case of - Clamp or plug (optional) poisoning or overdose of medications
  • 2. Lecture Notes on Enteral Nutrition ( Nasogastric Tube ) Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, M.A.N Clinical Instructor Assessment: Mark this length with This length Check the patency of nares and intactness of adhesive tape if the tube approximates the nasal tissue: does not have markings. distance from the nares to the - Ask the client to hyperextend the head, using stomach flashlight, observe the intactness of the tissue of Insert the tube the nostrils.  Put on gloves  Lubricate the tip with To reduce friction - Ask the client to breath through one nostril while water-soluble lubricant. occluding the other, select the nostril that has  Hyperextend the neck, Hyperextension of greater airflow. gently advance the tube the neck reduces toward the nasopharynx the curvature of the Determine presence of gag reflex Note: nasopharyngeal Ability to cooperate with the procedure If the tube meets resistance, junction. withdraw it, relubricate it, and insert to the other To prevent injury Steps / Procedure Rationale nostril Identify and inform the client and explain To allay anxiety the procedure. Assist the client to a high fowler’s It is often easier to position if his/her swallow in this position health condition and gravity helps the permits, support head passage of tube with pillow. Measure the length NEX technique ( nose- of NGT to be inserted ear-xiphoid)  Tilt the client’s head Tilting the head forward once the tube forward facilitates reaches the throat and passage of tube into ask the client to the esophagus swallow or drink water rather than into as the tube advances. larynx. Swallowing moves the epiglottis cover the opening to the larynx  Pass the tube 5-10 cm with each swallow, until the indicated length is inserted. Checking the patency  Aspirate stomach Testing pH is a Measuring the appropriate length to insert the contents and check the reliable way to NGT ( NEX technique ) pH, which should be determine location acidic of a feeding tube.
  • 3. Lecture Notes on Enteral Nutrition ( Nasogastric Tube ) Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, M.A.N Clinical Instructor  Introduce 10-30 ml of Tape the tube to the area between the end air into the NGT and Note: of the nares and the upper lip as well as to the auscultate at the Gastric contents cheek. epigastric area, gurgling must be re-instill to sound is heard. the stomach to  Ask the client to speak prevent electrolyte Administering Tube Feeding or hum imbalances (NGT Feeding , Gastric Gavage)  Observe the client for coughing and choking Difficulty in Purposes: speaking and client To restore or maintain nutritional status. Note: is choking and To administer medications The most accurate method continuously cough, of assessing the placement tube is possibly in Equipment: of NGT is X-ray study the lungs - Correct amount of feeding solution - Asepto syringe Secure the NGT by This prevents the - Measuring container or cup tapping it to the bridge of tube from pressing - Emesis basis the client’s nose. against and - Clean gloves irritating the edge - Stethoscope of the nostril - pH test strip (optional) - Facial tissue or cloth Special Considerations: - Water  Inserting a NGT to Infants and Young Assessment: Children: Assess for any signs of malnutrition or dehydration. Restraints may be necessary during tube Check for allergies to any food in the feeding. insertion and throughout therapy. Restraints Assess for the presence of bowel sounds will prevent accidental dislodging of the tube. Note any problems that suggest lack of Place the infant in an infant seat or tolerance of previous feedings (e.g delayed position the infant with a rolled towel or gastric emptying, abdominal distention, pillow under the head and shoulders. dumping syndrome, constipation or dehydration) When assessing the nares, obstruct one of the infant’s and feel for air passage from the Steps / Procedure Rationale other. If the nasal passageway is very small or is obstructed, an orogastric tube may be more Identify and inform appropriate. the client and To allay anxiety explain, why it is Measure appropriate NGT length from the necessary and how nose to the tip of the earlobe and then to the he/she can cooperate point midway between the umbilicus and Assist the client to a xiphoid process. fowler’s position in This positions enhance If an orogastric tube is used, measure from bed or a sitting the gravitational flow of the tip of the earlobe to the corner of the position in chair, if the solution and prevent mouth to the xiphoid process. his/her health aspiration of fluid into condition permits. the lungs Do not hyperextend or hyperflex an Wash hands and infant’s neck. Hyperextension or hyperflexion observe appropriate of the neck could occlude the airway. infection control and provide privacy
  • 4. Lecture Notes on Enteral Nutrition ( Nasogastric Tube ) Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, M.A.N Clinical Instructor Check the patency of Through A Syringe the tube: (open system) - Aspirate stomach - Introduce feeding contents and check the slowly To prevent flatulence, pH, which should be - Height of feeding is cramps , and reflex acidic 12 inches above the vomiting point of insertion. - Introduce 10-30 ml of - Instill 60- 100 ml of air into the NGT and water to NGT after To cleanse the lumen of auscultate at the the tube epigastric area, gurgling - Clamp the cover of sound is heard. the feeding before all To prevent leakage and Assess residual water is instilled air from entering the feeding contents. To tube. assess absorption of Note: the last feeding, if 50 Gastric contents must Ensure client comfort ml or more, verify if be re-instill to the and safety : the feeding will be stomach to prevent given. electrolyte imbalances - Pin the tubing to the Minimizes pulling of the client’s gown tube thus preventing Note: discomfort If the client is on continuous feeding, - Ask the client to This facilitate digestion check the gastric remain in position for at and prevent potential residual 4-6 hours least 30 min. aspiration. Administer the feeding Monitor patient for  Check the feeding, Spoiled feeding cause possible problem and time it was diarrhea and complications on prepared, its abdominal pain to the tube feedings expiration client. Make relevant  Warm the feeding at Excessively cold documentation room temperature feeding may cause cramps Feeding Through a Syringe Through A Feeding Bag - Hang the bag from an infusion pole about 12 inches above the point of insertion. - Clamp the tubing and add the formula to the bag. - Open the clamp, run the formula to the tube, to prevent instillation of air to the client’s stomach. - Attach the bag to the NGT and regulate the drip.
  • 5. Lecture Notes on Enteral Nutrition ( Nasogastric Tube ) Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, M.A.N Clinical Instructor Special Considerations: apparatus if connected - Unpin the tube to the  Administering a Tube Feeding to: client’s gown Infants - Remove the adhesive tape securing the tube Feeding tubes may be reinserted at each to the nose feeding to prevent irritation of the mucous Remove the Tube membrane, nasal airway obstruction and  Wear gloves stomach perforation.  (optional) Instill 50 This clears the tube of Children ml of air into the any gastric contents Position a small child or infant in your lap, tube provide a pacifier, and hold and cuddle the  Ask the client to This closes glottis, child during feedings. This promotes comfort, take deep breath preventing aspiration of supports the normal sucking instinct of the and hold it gastric contents infant and facilitates digestion  Pinch the tube with This prevent gastric Elders he gloved hand contents inside the tube  Quickly and from draining into the Decreased gastric emptying may smoothly, withdraw clients throat necessitate checking frequently fir gastric the tube. residual.  Dispose the tube To prevent possible Diarrhea from administering the feeding immediately transfer of too fast or at too high concentration may cause microorganism dehydration Provide oral care if desired If feeding has a high concentration of Assist the client to To remove accumulated glucose, assess hyperglycemia blow the nose secretions Document relevant information Removing a Nasogastric Tube Equipment: Common Problems of Tube Feedings - Disposable pad 1. Vomiting - Clean gloves 2. Aspiration - 50 ml syringe (optional) 3. Diarrhea - Disposable bag 4. Constipation 5. Hyperglycemia 6. Abdominal Distention Steps / Procedure Rationale Confirm the physician’s order. Identify and inform the client and explain To allay anxiety the procedure. Assist the client into a sitting position if health permits Place the disposable To collect any spillage pad across the of mucous and gastric client’s chest secretions from the tube Wash hands Detach the tube: - Disconnect to suction
  • 6. Lecture Notes on Enteral Nutrition ( Nasogastric Tube ) Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, M.A.N Clinical Instructor After feeding, remain in sitting position or Administering a Gastrostomy or slightly elevated right lateral position for at least 30 mins. To prevent gastric reflux and Jejunostomy Feeding possible aspiration. Assess status of peristomal skin for signs and symptoms of infection. Gastrostomy Tube Feeding Make relevant documentation Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Intravenous Hyperalimentation (IVH) TPN or IVH, is provided when the gastrointestinal tract is nonfunctional because of an interruption in its continuity or because its absorptive capacity is impaired. Parenteral Nutrition, is administered intravenously such as through a central venous catheter into the superior vena cava. Because TPN solutions are hypertonic ( highly concentrated in comparison to the solute concentration of blood), they are injected only into high – flow central veins, where they are diluted by the client’s blood Clients suggestive for TPN Severe malnutrition Severe burns Procedure: Bowel disease disorders Acute renal failure Assess and prepare the client Hepatic failure Insert a feeding tube into the ostomy opening Metastatic cancer 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) if one is not already in Major surgeries ( where NPO is taken for more place. Lubricate with water soluble lubricant than 5 days) before insertion to prevent friction. Check the patency of a tube suture in place. Pour 15-30 ml of water into the syringe and allow water to flow into the tube. Check the residual formula. If 50mls or more, verify if the feeding will be administered. Administer feeding slowly. Hold the syringe 7-15 cm (3-6 inches) above the ostomy opening. To prevent flatulence, crampy pain and reflex vomiting Flush the tube with 30 ml. Flushing the tube preserves its patency.