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Agcapita Briefing
September 2009


Milton Friedman famously postulated “inflation is always and
everywhere a monetary phenomenon”. To believe in deflation is to
believe that the money supply will actually contract rather than the
rate of growth merely slowing from historically high levels which is
all that is happening currently. Rather than contract, I believe that
there are two factors that will significantly increase the money supply
in the medium term:

−   Excess Bank Reserves: The global banking system has been
    flooded with cash that is currently accumulating on central bank
    balance sheets as “excess reserves”. Banks will obviously begin
    to lend again and through the multiplying effect of fractional
    reserve banking will significantly increase the money supply. If
    they do not do so voluntarily we expect them to come under
    government pressure to do so. I do not believe that the political
    will exists to extract these funds from the banking system. For
    example, the Swedish Central Bank recently cut nominal                   CONTENTS
    rates on excess reserves on deposit to NEGATIVE 0.25%                    3    Energy Consumption Overview
    in order to force banks to lend.                                         3    Global Oil Production - WEO
−   Fiscal Deficits: Massive Keynesian style spending/deficits               4    Global Oil Production - EIA
    planned – current projections by the World Bank are that                 5    World Oil Peak When?
    government deficits will accelerate to 9% of global GDP in 2009.         5    Alberta Natural Gas
    Government is stepping in as borrower and spender of last                6    Energy Consumption Quick Facts
    resort.                                                                  7    Rig Counts
                                                                             7    Saskatchewan Oil Quick Facts
Prior to 1971 when the US and the world went off the last remnant            9    Food, Feed and Fuel Revisited
of the gold standard you could argue that there was at least some            10   Short History of Agriculture
restraint on printing money. We have now arrived at a point in               11   US Fiscal Deficit
financial history where there appears to be no immediate restraint           12   Global Interest Rates
on money printing compounded by the fact that there is no stable             13   Canadian Dollar
(non-inflating) fiat currency with sufficient market size to act as a safe   13   Global Money Printing Update
haven/competition and widespread belief amongst governments
and central banks that inflation will actually be a good thing for the
economy. The track record of the central banking community with
respect to inflation/eroding the purchasing power of fiat currency
is virtually perfect. The economist, Ludwig Von Mises once
quipped “Government is the only institution that can take a valuable
commodity like paper, and make it worthless by applying ink.”

Summary (continued)

Its important to remember that inflation is not incidental to what the governments and central banks of the
world have been doing during the crisis. They’re not saying, “Let’s bail out the banking system even if that
is inflationary.” The banking system has been flooded with excess reserves with the expectation that these
will be lent and the money supply increased. I would argue that the banking system is incentivized to create
leverage and lending and so I can’t see that all this money sits on the sidelines indefinitely.

On top of the excess reserves parked in the system, the governments of the world are now effectively dictating
that if the private sector will not or cannot borrow the reserves they have pushed into the banking system then
they will borrow them. Hence we have fiscal deficits rapidly increasing across the globe.
Canada is not immune from this type of inflationary activity. Timothy Lane, one of the deputy governors of the
Bank of Canada has been floating the idea that the Bank of Canada should use quantitative easing to devalue
the Canadian dollar. Mr. Lane said that a “persistently strong” Canadian dollar will reduce growth. However,
quantitative easing would merely lower the purchasing power of Canadians through inflation as it devalued the
Canadian dollar – where’s the benefit?

Does the Bank of Canada really believe you can devalue your way to prosperity? Ask any inflation stricken
country about this theory. I believe that current Keynesian policies will achieve nothing more than corrosive
inflation. What western economies need is more capital. Printing money does not create capital. Worse yet,
low interest rates artificially stimulate speculation and consumption rather than savings. Ultimately, the inflation
that money printing creates reduces the pool of available capital causing long lasting harm.

There are lots of complicated and opaque terms for what is being done - quantitative easing, liquidity, stimulus,
bail-outs etc - but strip away the jargon and its simply printing money, borrowing money and spending money.
If Milton Friedman, Ludwig Von Mises and history are any guide it should be inflationary.

On a different note we have added an energy section to the briefing for three key reasons:

−   Energy and agriculture are increasingly intertwined with the expanding production of biofuels and large
    energy inputs required to maintain the yields in modern agriculture.
−   Western Canadian oil production assets were being sold for over $70,000 per flowing barrel in late 2007,
    early 2008. Purchase prices have now fallen to around $20,000 per flowing barrel and less due to the
    credit crisis. At current oil prices, direct production purchases can generate extremely attractive cash
    flows for discriminating investors.
−   The energy sector is part of the western Canadian secular bull market for commodities that is one of
    Agcapita’s central investment beliefs.

Kind Regards
Stephen Johnston - Partner

Energy Update


In inflation adjusted terms, oil is materially below its   attractive window of opportunity to purchase oil and
1981 peak. The current oil markets, however, are           gas assets for competitive prices.
dramatically different from their 1980s counterparts.
In 1981:                                                   GLOBAL OIL PRODUCTION - WEO
− Global consumption was approximately 69 million
     bopd                                                  In 2008 World Energy Outlook (“WEO”) analyzed
− OPEC had approximately 10 million of spare               approximately 800 fields accounting for Ÿ of global
     production capacity                                   reserves and more than 2/3 of global oil production.
− Global production was increasing approximately           They came to the conclusion that decline rates are far
     1% per annum                                          higher than previously thought, between 6.7% and
− China consumed less than 2 million bopd or less          8.6% a year. As result, they estimate that to maintain
     than 1 barrel/person/year                             the current levels of oil production by 2030 the world
− The US consumed 24 barrels/year/person                   would need to develop and produce 45 million barrels
                                                           per day or approximately four new Saudi-Arabias.
In 2008:                                                   Simultaneously, they analyzed the large-scale projects
− Global consumption is approximately 84 million
− OPEC is estimated to have less than 3 million of
    spare production capacity                                      CHART 1: WORLD CRUDE OIL & LEASE
− Global production outside of OPEC is declining by                    CONDENSATE PRODUCTION,
    over 5% per annum                                                INCLUDING CANADA OIL SANDS
− Data points to global peak oil underway                  MBD
− China is the second largest consumer of oil in           76
    the world – 8 million bopd but still only 2 barrels/                                                                               IEA WEO 2008
    person/year                                            72
                                                                                                                                Decline rate = 3.4% pa
                                                                              Peak 1 Peak 2                 Peak 3
− The US consumes 24 barrels/year/person                                      May 05 Dec 05                 Jul 08
                                                                                                                                Dec 2010 to Dec 2012
                                                                              74.24 74.16
                                                                                                                            May 09
Alberta and Saskatchewan have non-conventional oil                                                                          70.8

reserves that rival Saudi Arabia – and conventional        64
reserves of oil and gas that make them world-class
producers. Oil production in Alberta was being sold        60

for as much as $130,000 per flowing barrel in late
2007, early 2008. Purchase prices have now fallen to            2002   2003   2004   2005     2006   2007   2008     2009       2010    2011    2012

under $20,000 per flowing barrel. Junior producers
are in extreme distress due to an inability to access      Source: EIA,, Tony
either the debt or equity markets. This presents an        Eriksen “ace”

Energy Update (continued)

that are planned globally (about 230) out to 2015.        118 million barrels per day - 10.5 million barrels of
It takes five to ten years to produce oil from a new      unconventional liquids filled the shortfall. In 2009
field. When the WEO added all the projects together       the numbers deteriorated materially. Projected
(assuming all of them are able to locate financing        conventional production dropped from 107.5 million
in the current credit crunch) they will bring about       barrels per day of oil in 2030 in 2007, to 102.9 million
25 million barrels per day. However, because of           barrels per day in 2008, to 93.1 million barrels per
the decline rates, the world will still be short of “at   day in 2009. That’s a 13.4% reduction in conventional
least” 12.5 million barrels per day before 2015. A        production in two years.
recent report from the US Joint Forces Command
supports the WEO calculations: “By 2012, surplus          The 2009 EIA report assumed 13.5 million barrels
oil production capacity could entirely disappear, and     per day of unconventional liquids by 2030 to fill the
as early as 2015, the shortfall in output could reach     supply shortfall, including 5.9 million barrels per day
nearly 10 million barrels per day.”                       in biofuels. To reach 5.9 million barrels per day of
                                                          biofuels by 2030 would necessitate a huge diversion
In 2009, Merrill Lynch also conducted a similar           of cropland from food to energy with the strong
analysis and concluded that, “the world now needed        possibility of increasing food prices and shortages.
to replace an amount of oil output equivalent to
Saudi Arabia’s production every two years”. Yet           The EIA reference case calls for USD$130/barrel oil
oil production is already in an irreversible decline      in 2030. Assuming inflation rates of 5% over the
in at least 54 of the 65 most important producing         projection period then this is only USD$ 46/barrel
countries and we currently consume between                in real terms – i.e. the unlikely conclusion that real
4-5 barrels of oil for a single one discovered; an        prices in 2030 will be lower than exist currently. Both
unsustainable situation.                                  inflation and demand growth could be much greater
                                                          and according to other research the cost of oil could
GLOBAL OIL PRODUCTION - EIA                               pass the USD$300/barrel mark if there is even a 15%
                                                          shortfall in the supply. At a recent meeting of the All
The Energy Information Administration (“EIA”)             Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil, Toronto-
publishes an annual International Energy Outlook.         based transport consultant Richard Gilbert revealed
Up until 2008, they were predicting growth in world       that while oil consumption is expected to increase by
oil supplies for the next two decades. The EIA makes      about a third by 2025 to more than 40 billion barrels
its projections based on what its analysts call the       a year, production will have fallen to less than 25
“reference case” that is tied to an estimate of average   billion barrels a year. Gilbert quoted two different
economic growth.                                          sets of research, highlighting the impact of a shortfall
                                                          in crude supply: one states that a 15% shortfall in
In 2007 the EIA was predicting that world production      supply will lead to a 550% hike in the cost of a barrel
of conventional liquids would be 107.5 million            of crude (and that’s based on the 2002 price of
barrels per day in 2030 (up from 81.9 in 2005)            USD$50/barrel) and the other concludes that a 4%
coinciding with its prediction for world demand of        shortfall will result in a 177% increase.

Energy Update (continued)


The global recession has temporarily hidden a                                                       World oil discovery peaked in mid 1960s. Since the
developing problem in the energy sector. As more                                                    oil production in the lower 48 states of US peaked
and more countries are reaching their national peak                                                 about 40 years after the peaking of discovery, there
oil outputs, the obvious question is when will world oil                                            are reasons to believe according to Hubbert’s theory
production peak. The concept that oil production will                                               the same thing could happen to world oil production.
peak is not in dispute – rather the timing of this event.
Predictions vary from it already having taken place to                                              ALBERTA NATURAL GAS
2030 and beyond. Peak oil was first studied by M.
King Hubbert. In 1956, he successfully predicted the                                                The Alberta economy is heavily exposed to natural
1971 US oil production peak by using a model based                                                  gas prices rather than oil prices. While oil prices
on cumulative oil discoveries, predicting it appears                                                have been relatively strong, natural gas prices in
correctly, that oil production follows oil discoveries                                              Canada are at lows not seen since 2002. According
in the same bell shaped curve. To put current                                                       to First Energy “The market is trying to rationalize all
discoveries in perspective to current consumption -                                                 of the gas that is piling up and there are fewer and
oil is now being consumed four to five times faster                                                 fewer places to put it. We expect that a $1 handle on
than it is being discovered.                                                                        prices will start becoming more common in the next
                                                                                                    few weeks,” said First Energy analyst Martin King.
                                                                                                    Inventory levels continue to build in Western Canada,
                                                                                                    at 492.46 billion cubic feet as of Aug. 23 2009. This
                       CHART 2: WORLD OIL DISCOVERY OVER                                            exceeds the 489 billion cubic feet of existing storage
                                10-YEAR PERIODS                                                     capacity that according to King indicate that some

                      400                                                                                                                  CHART 3: US NATURAL GAS
                                                                                                                                               STORAGE TREND
Billions of Barrels

                      250                                                                                                                                                                                  3,600
                                                                                                    Billion Cubic Feet

                      150                                                                                                                                                                                  2,400
                      100                                                                                                                                                                                  2,000
                       50                                                                                                                                                                                  1,600
                       0                                                                                                                                                                                   800
                            1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
                                             Discovery     Extrapolation                                                                                                                                   0







Source: ASPO March 2008

Energy Update (continued)

dormant storage sites have been reactivated. “At                 Average prices at the AECO natural gas hub in
this stage, we still believe that shut-ins on the scale          Alberta dipped below CAD$2 recently. Natural gas
of 0.5 billion to 0.8 billion cubic feet per day may be          prices have been on a downward spiral since the
needed for a short period of time for some kind of               middle of 2008, driven by increased North American
balance to be achieved in this market. If this does              supply. The effect of this divergence between strong
not occur, then protracted extreme price weakness is             oil prices and weak natural gas prices can be seen
likely in store for the middle to late part of September         graphically in Chart 4 of the ratio between the two.
to prices below $1 per gigajoule.” Storage levels are            The oil/natural gas ratio is now trading at levels not
also high in the US as can be seen in Chart 3                    seen in two decades.

                                                                 ENERGY CONSUMPTION QUICK FACTS

                                                                 −   Internet: Contrary to popular belief, the internet
     CHART 4: WTI CRUDE VERSUS NATURAL                               consumes large amounts of energy. Author John
          GAS RATIO (AUGUST 2009)                                    Michael Greer explains: “The hardware of the
(CLV9/NGV9)                                         8/1/2009
                                                                     internet, with its worldwide connections, its vast
                                                        24.14        server farms, and its billions of interlinked home
                                                        23.00        and business computers, probably counts as
                                                        22.00        the largest infrastructure project ever created
                                                        20.00        and deployed in a two decade period in history.
                                                        19.00        The sheer amount of energy that’s been invested
                                                        18.00        to create and sustain the internet beggars the
                                                        16.00        imagination.” Recent estimates indicate the
                                                        15.00        infrastructure necessary to support the internet
                                                        14.00        consumes 10% of all the electricity produced in
                                                        12.00        the United States and 5% globally.
                                                        11.00    −   Automobiles: The construction of an average car
                                                        10.00        consumes the energy equivalent of approximately
                                                                     20 barrels (840 gallons) of oil. Ultimately, the
  2004        2005   2006   2007     2008    2009      Monthly       construction of a car will consume an amount
Note: The shaded area indicates the range between                    of fossil fuels equivalent to twice the car’s
the historical minimum and maximum values for the                    final weight. It’s also worth noting that the
weekly series from 2004 through 2008. Source:                        construction of an average car consumes almost
Form EIA-912, “Weekly Underground Natural Gas                        120,000 gallons of fresh water.
Storage Report.”

Energy Update (continued)

−   Households: Home appliances are the world’s           SASKATCHEWAN OIL QUICK FACTS
    fastest-growing energy consumers after
    automobiles, accounting for 30 percent of             −   Saskatchewan’s first commercial crude oil
    industrial countries’ electricity consumption.            discovery was made in 1944.
    Ninety percent of the energy consumed by an           −   Most of the major pools were discovered as a
    incandescent light bulb is given off as heat, while       result of an intensive exploration effort in the mid-
    only 10 percent is converted to light.                    1950s and early 1960s.
                                                          −   Saskatchewan is now the second largest oil
                                                              producer in Canada after Alberta producing
RIG COUNTS                                                    approximately 17 percent of total Canadian oil
Baker Hughes has issued the rotary rig counts as a            production.
service to the petroleum industry since 1944, when
Hughes Tool Company began weekly counts of US
and Canadian drilling activity. Recent counts show a                             CHART 6
massive drop-off in activity in the oil and gas sector,
particularly in North America. When the economy
and demand starts to grow again this period of
limited investment into production and development
may create upward pressure on prices.
                                                                    ALBERTA    SASKATCHEWAN   MANITOBA

                 CHART 5: RIG COUNTS

                 Last Count
     Area                       Count       from Last
     U.S.          August        999          -1032
    Canada         August        184           -252                       MONTANA

 International      July         974           -118                                               SOUTH
Source: Baker Hughes

Energy Update (continued)

−   Crude oil production in 2007 was 24.8 million
    cubic meters (156.1 million barrels).                            CHART 7: BAKKEN OIL PRODUCTION
−   Cumulative oil production from Saskatchewan            Well                                                   Oil Production
    to December 31, 2007 was 745.0 million cubic           Count                                         Per Well OIl Production
    meters (4.7 billion barrels).                          700                                                                   70
−   Remaining recoverable reserves at December 31,
                                                           600                                                                   60
    2006 were estimated to be approximately 187.5                              Oil Production per Well
    million cubic meters (1.2 billion barrels).            500                                                                   50
−   Saskatchewan has an estimated 3.4 billion cubic
    meters (21.3 billion barrels) of heavy oil-in- place   400                                                                   40
    in the west-central region of the province.
                                                           300                                                                   30
−   Saskatchewan set a record for land sale revenues
    of $1.12 billion in 2008, of which $916.5 million      200                                                                   20
    was spent in the southeast in the Bakken play.                                       Well Count
                                                           100                                                                   10
−   The Bakken formation — a light oil-bearing                                                                  Oil Production
    formation extending throughout the Williston             0                                                                   0
    Basin — is estimated to contain anywhere from             2003      2004   2005         2006         2007         2008

    100 billion to 400 billion barrels of oil in place,    Source: Government of Saskatchewan
    one quarter of which is estimated to be located in
−   Production from Saskatchewan’s portion of the
    Bakken has jumped from 950 barrels of oil per
    day (bopd) in October 2004 to 54,000 bopd in
    October 2008. As of December 2008, Bakken
    production exceeded 57,000 bopd.
−   Saskatchewan’s oil production has steadily
    increased in the last eight years, after doubling
    between 1990 and 2000. By contrast, Alberta’s
    conventional (non-oilsands) production has
    steadily declined from 350 million barrels in 1995
    to 191.6 million barrels in 2007.

Agriculture Update


As the world’s population grows, competition for                        water and energy. But Beddington also points to
food, water and energy will increase. Food and                          other drivers.
farmland prices will rise as a result.                                  − Urbanization: Not only is the world’s population
                                                                           predicted to grow (until the middle of the century,
According to John Beddington, the UK government’s                          at least) but more people are moving to cities. The
chief scientific adviser, by 2030 “a whole series of                       growth of cities will accelerate the depletion of
events come together” to create the pre-conditions                         water resources as cities are more water intensive
for a crisis:                                                              per capita.
                                                                        − Income Growth: As people become wealthier
−      The world’s population will increase by 33%                         their diets are change. The largest increase
−      Demand for food will increase by 50%                                in meat consumption comes at income move
−      Demand for water will increase by 30%                               up to USD$ 5,000 per year – a change that
−      Demand for energy will increase by 50%                              approximately 80% of the worlds population has
                                                                           yet to make.
Some of the problems reinforce each other, for                          − Biofuels: The more land is devoted to growing
example, agriculture consumes large amounts of                             biofuels the less can be used for growing food.

    CHART 8: POPULATION GROWTH, 1950-2050                                      CHART 9: PROJECTED GROWTH IN FOOD
                                                                                     PRODUCTION , 1960-2050
  Europe   Africa   Asia   Latin America   Northern America   Oceania
Billion                                                                 Million tonnes                        Total cereals    Total meats
10                                         Projected beyond 2008                                                     Projected data

4                                                                       1500

2                                                                       1000

0                                                                        500
  50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20             0
                                                                               1662      1970   1980   1990   2000    2015    2030    2050
Source: UN
                                                                        Source: FAO

Agriculture Update (continued)

                                                                   CHART 10: GLOBAL ENERGY DEMAND
The history of modern agriculture comprises three                             1980 – 2030
distinct periods:                                              Developed nations (OECD)        Developing nations (non-OECD)    World*
− The Expansion Period (1600 to 1920): Increases          Million tonnes of oil equivalent
     in food production during these three centuries      20
                                                                                                         Projected from 2007
     came simply from putting more land into
     production; technological change played only a
     minor role.
− The Mechanization Period (1920 to 1970): In
     this half-century, technological advances issuing     5
     from cheap, abundant fossil-fuel energy resulted                   2005: Developing nations
     in a dramatic increase in productivity (output        0
                                                                        overtake developed nations

     per worker hour). Meanwhile, farm machinery,           1980           1990              2000          2010          2020        2030

     pesticides, herbicides, irrigation, new hybrid
                                                          Source: IEA
     crops, and synthetic fertilizers allowed for the
     doubling and tripling of crop production. Also
     during this time, U.S. Department of Agriculture
     policy began favoring larger farms (the average
     U.S. farm size grew from 100 acres in 1930 to
     almost 500 acres by 1990), and production for
− The Energy Period (1970-present): In recent
     decades, yield improvements have been primarily
     obtained with the application of increasing
     amounts of energy. At the same time the
     incremental productivity of this approach has
     been dropping – i.e. an ever-growing amount of
     energy is being expended to produce each extra
     bushel of yield from the overall system. In short,
     strategies that had recently produced dramatic
     increases in productivity became subject to the
     law of diminishing returns.

Global Macro Update


The U.S. federal budget deficit will run to $1.6 trillion                                    our national debt is now $340 billion. This is about
this year, the Congressional Budget Office said                                              at 3.04% rate of interest. In ten years the Obama
yesterday, equal to 11.2% of GDP. That’s the biggest                                         administration admits that they will add $9 trillion to
deficit since World War II. This is a pattern that is                                        the national debt. That would take it to $20 trillion.
being repeated throughout the developed world –                                              Let’s say that by some miracle the interest on the
e.g. Britain will run a 11.6% deficit, and Japan a                                           national debt in 10 years will still be 3.09%. That
10.3% deficit.                                                                               would mean that the interest on the national debt
                                                                                             would be $618 billion a year or over one billion a day.
US government spending has climbed by US$700                                                 No nation can hold up in the face of those kinds of
billion, a 24 percent jump, for the biggest annual                                           expenses. Either the dollar would collapse or interest
increase in more than half a decade. It is expected                                          rates would go through the roof.”
to aggregate to US$ 9 trillion in the next 10 years – a
doubling of debt levels as can be seen in Chart 12.                                          As the current and cumulative US fiscal deficit grows
                                                                                             the influence of the US’ creditors increases - the
Richard Russell recently wrote, “The US national                                             majority of these creditors are foreign, most notably
debt is now over $11 trillion dollars. The interest on                                       China.

      CHART 11: TOTAL CREDIT MARKET DEBT AS                                                          CHART 12: US NATIONAL DEBT AS
                PERCENT OF US GDP                                                                          PERCENT OF GDP
350           3/31/2009 Debt = $52.904 Trillion = 375.5%
340           3/31/2009 GDP = $14.090 Trillion                                               100%
310                                                                                                                                       82%
270                                                                                          80%
200                                                                                          60%
130                                                                                          40%     2008                                       2019
      1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Source: Ned Davis Research                                                                   Source: CBO

Global Macro Update (continued)

If and when purchasers of US sovereign debt                                    GLOBAL INTEREST RATES
become concerned about US debt levels they may
pare back or even exit the market altogether raising                           The major central banks of the world are continuing
interest rates. According to tax policy expert and                             to pursue the strategy of monetary easing via
Syracuse University professor Len Burman wrote in                              historically low interest rates and quantitative easing.
a recent op-ed titled “Catastrophic Budget Failure”.
”Taxes would rise to levels that would make a                                  There’s no sign yet that the US Fed will deviate
Scandinavian revolt. And the government would not                              from the strategy it has been pursuing for almost a
be able to provide anything but the most basic public                          year by making money virtually costless in nominal
services. We would no longer be a great power (or                              terms. Paul McCulley, who helps oversee the world’s
even a mediocre one), and the social safety net would                          biggest bond funds as a partner at Pacific Investment
evaporate.”                                                                    Management Co., expects the Fed will keep its target
                                                                               interest rate unchanged at zero to 0.25 percent into


                                                                                     CHART 14: GLOBAL INTEREST RATES
Quarterly figures, $bn                   Holdings of US assets, $bn
                                   250                                   800
  Increase in foreign-             200
                                                                                                                  Interest Rate (August
  exchange reserves*
                                                Treasury bonds                  Central Bank
                                   150                                   600
                                   100                                         Bank of Canada                                    0.25%
                                   50                                    400
                                   +0        Government                        Bank of England                                    0.5%
                                   -50       agency bonds
                                                                         200   Bank of Japan                                      0.1%
       “Hot-money” flows                 Corporate bonds
                                   100                                         European Central Bank                                1%
                                   150                                   0
2004   05   06    07     08   09            2007            08     09          Federal Reserve                                   0.25%
                                                                               Swiss National Bank                               0.25%
* Includes PBOC’s other foreign assets, CIC, and foreign assets
  of state banks; adjusted for currency gains/losses                           The Reserve Bank of Australia                        3%
+Not marked to market

Source: Brad Setser & Arpana Pandey, Council on Foreign

Global Macro Update (continued)


Timothy Lane, one of the deputy governors of the         low interest rates (as can be seen in part from Chart
Bank of Canada (“BOC”) has been floating the idea        14) and direct money printing in the form of the
that the Bank of Canada should use quantitative          suitably obscure title of quantitative easing (“QE”).
easing to devalue the Canadian dollar. Mr. Lane said
that a “persistently strong” Canadian dollar would       The money injected into the financial system is what’s
reduce growth. He attributed the Canadian dollar’s       known in the central banking community as “high-
increase to the recovery of commodities prices and       powered liquidity” as its effect is multiplied greatly
the weakening of the U.S. dollar - neither of which      by the fractional reserve banking system. These
the BOC has any direct control over. Quantitative        funds are designed to re-inflate the asset markets
easing, a direct money-printing strategy would lower     – particularly it is hoped the stock and real-estate
the purchasing power of Canadians through inflation      markets. Sample QE programs:
as it devalued the Canadian dollar. Does the BOC
really believe you can devalue your way to prosperity?   −   Federal Reserve: The Fed is printing US$1.75-
Ask any inflation stricken country about this theory.        trillion in order to buy Treasury and mortgage
Keynesian deficit and money printing economic                backed bonds.
policies are now being pursued globally on a scale       −   Japan: The Bank of Japan is printing „1.8-trillion
without precedent. We believe that this will achieve         each month into the banking system - monetizing
nothing more than inflation. What western economies          50% of Tokyo’s budget deficit this year.
need is more capital. Printing money does not create     −   UK: The Bank of England is printing £175-billion
capital. Worse yet low interest rates and cheap              pounds to purchase distressed assets from banks
capital artificially stimulate speculation rather than       – monetizing 66% of the UK’s budget deficit this
saving and the inflation that money printing creates         year
ultimately reduces the pool of available capital         −   EU: The European Central Bank is printing
causing long lasting harm.                                   €442-billion (US$613-billion) which it will inject
                                                             into one-year money-market funds.
                                                         Our prediction is that this re-inflation effort will initially
The global cost of bailing out the financial sector to   only serve to increase the nominal price of speculative
date amounts to around US$12-trillion. To put that       assets – those that are directly accessible by the
in perspective it represents approximately one fifth     investment and commercial banking community while
of the world’s total annual economic output. On          having little effect on the real economy. Eventually
top of this overt subsidy to the financial sector, the   it will spread through the real economy creating
G-20 governments are now committed to additional         significant consumer price inflation.
stimulus in the form of deficit spending, historically

Global Macro Update (continued)

While this inflationary program to save the banking        deliberately creating inflation but trying to keep the
sector has been underway in the developed world,           US’s increasingly restive foreign creditors happy at
China has been selling US dollar to increase its           the same time. Ultimately, I believe this will prove to
inventories of oil, metals, and other industrial staples   be a very difficult task.
and making direct investments in natural resource
assets from Canada to Australia to secure supply.          In summary, I would argue that the large increase
For example year on year China’s imports of:               in the money supply that has taken place and
                                                           that is planned will only serve to devalue the G-20
−   copper were up 160%; and                               currencies and will not save the real economy –
−   aluminum were up 1,600%.                               perhaps the devaluation will not be obvious relative
                                                           the various currencies as they all are debased at the
As we wrote in the August briefing, in the first eight     same rate but should become increasingly obvious
months of 2009, China’s vehicle sales have for the         versus hard assets.
first time exceeded the US – increasing 29% to
8.33-million, while US vehicle sales decreased 28%
to 7.1-million. Increased Chinese demand for iron-
ore, steel, and rubber reflect this trend.

I would argue that gold and crude oil prices clearly
reflect the G-20’s inflationary monetary policies – in
particular manifested by an increasingly weaker US-
dollar. The consensus seems to be building that
the G-20 central bankers will not be increasing real
interest rates or reversing their QE in the near-term.
The Fed is explicitly signaling that it intends to leave
monetary policy extremely accommodative for an
extended period while at the same time paying lip
service to inflation fighting and the much discussed
“exit”. What are we supposed to make of Fed
Chairman Ben Bernanke comments in July that “The
Fed believes that a highly accommodative stance of
monetary policy will be appropriate for an extended
period,” while at the same time declaring “We will
not allow the broad measures of money circulating in
the economy to accelerate at a rapid rate that would
eventually cause inflation.” This seems somewhat
contradictory to me and indicative of a man who is


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                                  and other materials contained herein have been obtained from numerous
                                  sources and Agcapita Partners LP (“AGCAPITA”) and its affiliates make
                                  every effort to ensure that the contents hereof have been compiled or
                                  derived from sources believed to be reliable and to contain information and
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                                  Information may be available to AGCAPITA and/or its affiliates that is not
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                                  (including, without limitation, any commodities, securities or other financial
                                  instruments), nor shall such information, opinions, estimates, projections and
                                  other materials be considered as investment advice or as a recommendation
                                  to enter into any transaction. Additional information is available by contacting
                                  AGCAPITA or its relevant affiliate directly.

#400, 2424 4th Street SW   Tel: +1.403.218.6506  
Calgary, Alberta T2S 2T4   Fax: +1.403.266.1541

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Investing in Agriculture - September Agcapita

  • 2. Summary Milton Friedman famously postulated “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon”. To believe in deflation is to believe that the money supply will actually contract rather than the rate of growth merely slowing from historically high levels which is all that is happening currently. Rather than contract, I believe that there are two factors that will significantly increase the money supply in the medium term: − Excess Bank Reserves: The global banking system has been flooded with cash that is currently accumulating on central bank balance sheets as “excess reserves”. Banks will obviously begin to lend again and through the multiplying effect of fractional reserve banking will significantly increase the money supply. If they do not do so voluntarily we expect them to come under government pressure to do so. I do not believe that the political will exists to extract these funds from the banking system. For example, the Swedish Central Bank recently cut nominal CONTENTS rates on excess reserves on deposit to NEGATIVE 0.25% 3 Energy Consumption Overview in order to force banks to lend. 3 Global Oil Production - WEO − Fiscal Deficits: Massive Keynesian style spending/deficits 4 Global Oil Production - EIA planned – current projections by the World Bank are that 5 World Oil Peak When? government deficits will accelerate to 9% of global GDP in 2009. 5 Alberta Natural Gas Government is stepping in as borrower and spender of last 6 Energy Consumption Quick Facts resort. 7 Rig Counts 7 Saskatchewan Oil Quick Facts Prior to 1971 when the US and the world went off the last remnant 9 Food, Feed and Fuel Revisited of the gold standard you could argue that there was at least some 10 Short History of Agriculture restraint on printing money. We have now arrived at a point in 11 US Fiscal Deficit financial history where there appears to be no immediate restraint 12 Global Interest Rates on money printing compounded by the fact that there is no stable 13 Canadian Dollar (non-inflating) fiat currency with sufficient market size to act as a safe 13 Global Money Printing Update haven/competition and widespread belief amongst governments and central banks that inflation will actually be a good thing for the economy. The track record of the central banking community with respect to inflation/eroding the purchasing power of fiat currency is virtually perfect. The economist, Ludwig Von Mises once quipped “Government is the only institution that can take a valuable commodity like paper, and make it worthless by applying ink.” 1
  • 3. Summary (continued) Its important to remember that inflation is not incidental to what the governments and central banks of the world have been doing during the crisis. They’re not saying, “Let’s bail out the banking system even if that is inflationary.” The banking system has been flooded with excess reserves with the expectation that these will be lent and the money supply increased. I would argue that the banking system is incentivized to create leverage and lending and so I can’t see that all this money sits on the sidelines indefinitely. On top of the excess reserves parked in the system, the governments of the world are now effectively dictating that if the private sector will not or cannot borrow the reserves they have pushed into the banking system then they will borrow them. Hence we have fiscal deficits rapidly increasing across the globe. Canada is not immune from this type of inflationary activity. Timothy Lane, one of the deputy governors of the Bank of Canada has been floating the idea that the Bank of Canada should use quantitative easing to devalue the Canadian dollar. Mr. Lane said that a “persistently strong” Canadian dollar will reduce growth. However, quantitative easing would merely lower the purchasing power of Canadians through inflation as it devalued the Canadian dollar – where’s the benefit? Does the Bank of Canada really believe you can devalue your way to prosperity? Ask any inflation stricken country about this theory. I believe that current Keynesian policies will achieve nothing more than corrosive inflation. What western economies need is more capital. Printing money does not create capital. Worse yet, low interest rates artificially stimulate speculation and consumption rather than savings. Ultimately, the inflation that money printing creates reduces the pool of available capital causing long lasting harm. There are lots of complicated and opaque terms for what is being done - quantitative easing, liquidity, stimulus, bail-outs etc - but strip away the jargon and its simply printing money, borrowing money and spending money. If Milton Friedman, Ludwig Von Mises and history are any guide it should be inflationary. On a different note we have added an energy section to the briefing for three key reasons: − Energy and agriculture are increasingly intertwined with the expanding production of biofuels and large energy inputs required to maintain the yields in modern agriculture. − Western Canadian oil production assets were being sold for over $70,000 per flowing barrel in late 2007, early 2008. Purchase prices have now fallen to around $20,000 per flowing barrel and less due to the credit crisis. At current oil prices, direct production purchases can generate extremely attractive cash flows for discriminating investors. − The energy sector is part of the western Canadian secular bull market for commodities that is one of Agcapita’s central investment beliefs. Kind Regards Stephen Johnston - Partner 2
  • 4. Energy Update ENERGY CONSUMPTION OVERVIEW In inflation adjusted terms, oil is materially below its attractive window of opportunity to purchase oil and 1981 peak. The current oil markets, however, are gas assets for competitive prices. dramatically different from their 1980s counterparts. In 1981: GLOBAL OIL PRODUCTION - WEO − Global consumption was approximately 69 million bopd In 2008 World Energy Outlook (“WEO”) analyzed − OPEC had approximately 10 million of spare approximately 800 fields accounting for Ÿ of global production capacity reserves and more than 2/3 of global oil production. − Global production was increasing approximately They came to the conclusion that decline rates are far 1% per annum higher than previously thought, between 6.7% and − China consumed less than 2 million bopd or less 8.6% a year. As result, they estimate that to maintain than 1 barrel/person/year the current levels of oil production by 2030 the world − The US consumed 24 barrels/year/person would need to develop and produce 45 million barrels per day or approximately four new Saudi-Arabias. In 2008: Simultaneously, they analyzed the large-scale projects − Global consumption is approximately 84 million bopd − OPEC is estimated to have less than 3 million of spare production capacity CHART 1: WORLD CRUDE OIL & LEASE − Global production outside of OPEC is declining by CONDENSATE PRODUCTION, over 5% per annum INCLUDING CANADA OIL SANDS − Data points to global peak oil underway MBD − China is the second largest consumer of oil in 76 Forecast the world – 8 million bopd but still only 2 barrels/ IEA WEO 2008 person/year 72 Decline rate = 3.4% pa Peak 1 Peak 2 Peak 3 − The US consumes 24 barrels/year/person May 05 Dec 05 Jul 08 74.82 Dec 2010 to Dec 2012 74.24 74.16 68 May 09 Alberta and Saskatchewan have non-conventional oil 70.8 reserves that rival Saudi Arabia – and conventional 64 reserves of oil and gas that make them world-class producers. Oil production in Alberta was being sold 60 for as much as $130,000 per flowing barrel in late 56 2007, early 2008. Purchase prices have now fallen to 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 under $20,000 per flowing barrel. Junior producers are in extreme distress due to an inability to access Source: EIA,, Tony either the debt or equity markets. This presents an Eriksen “ace” 3
  • 5. Energy Update (continued) that are planned globally (about 230) out to 2015. 118 million barrels per day - 10.5 million barrels of It takes five to ten years to produce oil from a new unconventional liquids filled the shortfall. In 2009 field. When the WEO added all the projects together the numbers deteriorated materially. Projected (assuming all of them are able to locate financing conventional production dropped from 107.5 million in the current credit crunch) they will bring about barrels per day of oil in 2030 in 2007, to 102.9 million 25 million barrels per day. However, because of barrels per day in 2008, to 93.1 million barrels per the decline rates, the world will still be short of “at day in 2009. That’s a 13.4% reduction in conventional least” 12.5 million barrels per day before 2015. A production in two years. recent report from the US Joint Forces Command supports the WEO calculations: “By 2012, surplus The 2009 EIA report assumed 13.5 million barrels oil production capacity could entirely disappear, and per day of unconventional liquids by 2030 to fill the as early as 2015, the shortfall in output could reach supply shortfall, including 5.9 million barrels per day nearly 10 million barrels per day.” in biofuels. To reach 5.9 million barrels per day of biofuels by 2030 would necessitate a huge diversion In 2009, Merrill Lynch also conducted a similar of cropland from food to energy with the strong analysis and concluded that, “the world now needed possibility of increasing food prices and shortages. to replace an amount of oil output equivalent to Saudi Arabia’s production every two years”. Yet The EIA reference case calls for USD$130/barrel oil oil production is already in an irreversible decline in 2030. Assuming inflation rates of 5% over the in at least 54 of the 65 most important producing projection period then this is only USD$ 46/barrel countries and we currently consume between in real terms – i.e. the unlikely conclusion that real 4-5 barrels of oil for a single one discovered; an prices in 2030 will be lower than exist currently. Both unsustainable situation. inflation and demand growth could be much greater and according to other research the cost of oil could GLOBAL OIL PRODUCTION - EIA pass the USD$300/barrel mark if there is even a 15% shortfall in the supply. At a recent meeting of the All The Energy Information Administration (“EIA”) Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil, Toronto- publishes an annual International Energy Outlook. based transport consultant Richard Gilbert revealed Up until 2008, they were predicting growth in world that while oil consumption is expected to increase by oil supplies for the next two decades. The EIA makes about a third by 2025 to more than 40 billion barrels its projections based on what its analysts call the a year, production will have fallen to less than 25 “reference case” that is tied to an estimate of average billion barrels a year. Gilbert quoted two different economic growth. sets of research, highlighting the impact of a shortfall in crude supply: one states that a 15% shortfall in In 2007 the EIA was predicting that world production supply will lead to a 550% hike in the cost of a barrel of conventional liquids would be 107.5 million of crude (and that’s based on the 2002 price of barrels per day in 2030 (up from 81.9 in 2005) USD$50/barrel) and the other concludes that a 4% coinciding with its prediction for world demand of shortfall will result in a 177% increase. 4
  • 6. Energy Update (continued) WORLD OIL PEAK WHEN? The global recession has temporarily hidden a World oil discovery peaked in mid 1960s. Since the developing problem in the energy sector. As more oil production in the lower 48 states of US peaked and more countries are reaching their national peak about 40 years after the peaking of discovery, there oil outputs, the obvious question is when will world oil are reasons to believe according to Hubbert’s theory production peak. The concept that oil production will the same thing could happen to world oil production. peak is not in dispute – rather the timing of this event. Predictions vary from it already having taken place to ALBERTA NATURAL GAS 2030 and beyond. Peak oil was first studied by M. King Hubbert. In 1956, he successfully predicted the The Alberta economy is heavily exposed to natural 1971 US oil production peak by using a model based gas prices rather than oil prices. While oil prices on cumulative oil discoveries, predicting it appears have been relatively strong, natural gas prices in correctly, that oil production follows oil discoveries Canada are at lows not seen since 2002. According in the same bell shaped curve. To put current to First Energy “The market is trying to rationalize all discoveries in perspective to current consumption - of the gas that is piling up and there are fewer and oil is now being consumed four to five times faster fewer places to put it. We expect that a $1 handle on than it is being discovered. prices will start becoming more common in the next few weeks,” said First Energy analyst Martin King. Inventory levels continue to build in Western Canada, at 492.46 billion cubic feet as of Aug. 23 2009. This CHART 2: WORLD OIL DISCOVERY OVER exceeds the 489 billion cubic feet of existing storage 10-YEAR PERIODS capacity that according to King indicate that some 500 450 400 CHART 3: US NATURAL GAS STORAGE TREND Billions of Barrels 350 300 250 3,600 3,200 200 2,800 Billion Cubic Feet 150 2,400 100 2,000 50 1,600 1,200 0 800 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 400 Discovery Extrapolation 0 May-08 May-09 Aug-07 Nov-07 Aug-08 Nov-08 Aug-09 Feb-08 Feb-09 Source: ASPO March 2008 5
  • 7. Energy Update (continued) dormant storage sites have been reactivated. “At Average prices at the AECO natural gas hub in this stage, we still believe that shut-ins on the scale Alberta dipped below CAD$2 recently. Natural gas of 0.5 billion to 0.8 billion cubic feet per day may be prices have been on a downward spiral since the needed for a short period of time for some kind of middle of 2008, driven by increased North American balance to be achieved in this market. If this does supply. The effect of this divergence between strong not occur, then protracted extreme price weakness is oil prices and weak natural gas prices can be seen likely in store for the middle to late part of September graphically in Chart 4 of the ratio between the two. to prices below $1 per gigajoule.” Storage levels are The oil/natural gas ratio is now trading at levels not also high in the US as can be seen in Chart 3 seen in two decades. ENERGY CONSUMPTION QUICK FACTS − Internet: Contrary to popular belief, the internet CHART 4: WTI CRUDE VERSUS NATURAL consumes large amounts of energy. Author John GAS RATIO (AUGUST 2009) Michael Greer explains: “The hardware of the (CLV9/NGV9) 8/1/2009 internet, with its worldwide connections, its vast 24.14 server farms, and its billions of interlinked home 23.00 and business computers, probably counts as 22.00 the largest infrastructure project ever created 21.00 20.00 and deployed in a two decade period in history. 19.00 The sheer amount of energy that’s been invested 18.00 to create and sustain the internet beggars the 17.00 16.00 imagination.” Recent estimates indicate the 15.00 infrastructure necessary to support the internet 14.00 consumes 10% of all the electricity produced in 13.00 12.00 the United States and 5% globally. 11.00 − Automobiles: The construction of an average car 10.00 consumes the energy equivalent of approximately 9.00 20 barrels (840 gallons) of oil. Ultimately, the 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Monthly construction of a car will consume an amount Note: The shaded area indicates the range between of fossil fuels equivalent to twice the car’s the historical minimum and maximum values for the final weight. It’s also worth noting that the weekly series from 2004 through 2008. Source: construction of an average car consumes almost Form EIA-912, “Weekly Underground Natural Gas 120,000 gallons of fresh water. Storage Report.” 6
  • 8. Energy Update (continued) − Households: Home appliances are the world’s SASKATCHEWAN OIL QUICK FACTS fastest-growing energy consumers after automobiles, accounting for 30 percent of − Saskatchewan’s first commercial crude oil industrial countries’ electricity consumption. discovery was made in 1944. Ninety percent of the energy consumed by an − Most of the major pools were discovered as a incandescent light bulb is given off as heat, while result of an intensive exploration effort in the mid- only 10 percent is converted to light. 1950s and early 1960s. − Saskatchewan is now the second largest oil producer in Canada after Alberta producing RIG COUNTS approximately 17 percent of total Canadian oil Baker Hughes has issued the rotary rig counts as a production. service to the petroleum industry since 1944, when Hughes Tool Company began weekly counts of US and Canadian drilling activity. Recent counts show a CHART 6 massive drop-off in activity in the oil and gas sector, particularly in North America. When the economy and demand starts to grow again this period of limited investment into production and development may create upward pressure on prices. ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN MANITOBA CHART 5: RIG COUNTS Change Last Count Area Count from Last Date Year U.S. August 999 -1032 NORTH DAKOTA Canada August 184 -252 MONTANA International July 974 -118 SOUTH DAKOTA Source: Baker Hughes WYOMING 7
  • 9. Energy Update (continued) − Crude oil production in 2007 was 24.8 million cubic meters (156.1 million barrels). CHART 7: BAKKEN OIL PRODUCTION − Cumulative oil production from Saskatchewan Well Oil Production to December 31, 2007 was 745.0 million cubic Count Per Well OIl Production meters (4.7 billion barrels). 700 70 − Remaining recoverable reserves at December 31, 600 60 2006 were estimated to be approximately 187.5 Oil Production per Well million cubic meters (1.2 billion barrels). 500 50 − Saskatchewan has an estimated 3.4 billion cubic meters (21.3 billion barrels) of heavy oil-in- place 400 40 in the west-central region of the province. 300 30 − Saskatchewan set a record for land sale revenues of $1.12 billion in 2008, of which $916.5 million 200 20 was spent in the southeast in the Bakken play. Well Count 100 10 − The Bakken formation — a light oil-bearing Oil Production formation extending throughout the Williston 0 0 Basin — is estimated to contain anywhere from 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 100 billion to 400 billion barrels of oil in place, Source: Government of Saskatchewan one quarter of which is estimated to be located in Saskatchewan. − Production from Saskatchewan’s portion of the Bakken has jumped from 950 barrels of oil per day (bopd) in October 2004 to 54,000 bopd in October 2008. As of December 2008, Bakken production exceeded 57,000 bopd. − Saskatchewan’s oil production has steadily increased in the last eight years, after doubling between 1990 and 2000. By contrast, Alberta’s conventional (non-oilsands) production has steadily declined from 350 million barrels in 1995 to 191.6 million barrels in 2007. 8
  • 10. Agriculture Update FOOD, FEED AND FUEL REVISITED As the world’s population grows, competition for water and energy. But Beddington also points to food, water and energy will increase. Food and other drivers. farmland prices will rise as a result. − Urbanization: Not only is the world’s population predicted to grow (until the middle of the century, According to John Beddington, the UK government’s at least) but more people are moving to cities. The chief scientific adviser, by 2030 “a whole series of growth of cities will accelerate the depletion of events come together” to create the pre-conditions water resources as cities are more water intensive for a crisis: per capita. − Income Growth: As people become wealthier − The world’s population will increase by 33% their diets are change. The largest increase − Demand for food will increase by 50% in meat consumption comes at income move − Demand for water will increase by 30% up to USD$ 5,000 per year – a change that − Demand for energy will increase by 50% approximately 80% of the worlds population has yet to make. Some of the problems reinforce each other, for − Biofuels: The more land is devoted to growing example, agriculture consumes large amounts of biofuels the less can be used for growing food. CHART 8: POPULATION GROWTH, 1950-2050 CHART 9: PROJECTED GROWTH IN FOOD PRODUCTION , 1960-2050 Europe Africa Asia Latin America Northern America Oceania Billion Million tonnes Total cereals Total meats 3500 10 Projected beyond 2008 Projected data 3000 8 2500 6 2000 4 1500 2 1000 0 500 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 1662 1970 1980 1990 2000 2015 2030 2050 Source: UN Source: FAO 9
  • 11. Agriculture Update (continued) SHORT HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE CHART 10: GLOBAL ENERGY DEMAND The history of modern agriculture comprises three 1980 – 2030 distinct periods: Developed nations (OECD) Developing nations (non-OECD) World* − The Expansion Period (1600 to 1920): Increases Million tonnes of oil equivalent in food production during these three centuries 20 Projected from 2007 came simply from putting more land into 15 production; technological change played only a minor role. 10 − The Mechanization Period (1920 to 1970): In this half-century, technological advances issuing 5 from cheap, abundant fossil-fuel energy resulted 2005: Developing nations in a dramatic increase in productivity (output 0 overtake developed nations per worker hour). Meanwhile, farm machinery, 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 pesticides, herbicides, irrigation, new hybrid Source: IEA crops, and synthetic fertilizers allowed for the doubling and tripling of crop production. Also during this time, U.S. Department of Agriculture policy began favoring larger farms (the average U.S. farm size grew from 100 acres in 1930 to almost 500 acres by 1990), and production for export. − The Energy Period (1970-present): In recent decades, yield improvements have been primarily obtained with the application of increasing amounts of energy. At the same time the incremental productivity of this approach has been dropping – i.e. an ever-growing amount of energy is being expended to produce each extra bushel of yield from the overall system. In short, strategies that had recently produced dramatic increases in productivity became subject to the law of diminishing returns. 10
  • 12. Global Macro Update US FISCAL DEFICIT The U.S. federal budget deficit will run to $1.6 trillion our national debt is now $340 billion. This is about this year, the Congressional Budget Office said at 3.04% rate of interest. In ten years the Obama yesterday, equal to 11.2% of GDP. That’s the biggest administration admits that they will add $9 trillion to deficit since World War II. This is a pattern that is the national debt. That would take it to $20 trillion. being repeated throughout the developed world – Let’s say that by some miracle the interest on the e.g. Britain will run a 11.6% deficit, and Japan a national debt in 10 years will still be 3.09%. That 10.3% deficit. would mean that the interest on the national debt would be $618 billion a year or over one billion a day. US government spending has climbed by US$700 No nation can hold up in the face of those kinds of billion, a 24 percent jump, for the biggest annual expenses. Either the dollar would collapse or interest increase in more than half a decade. It is expected rates would go through the roof.” to aggregate to US$ 9 trillion in the next 10 years – a doubling of debt levels as can be seen in Chart 12. As the current and cumulative US fiscal deficit grows the influence of the US’ creditors increases - the Richard Russell recently wrote, “The US national majority of these creditors are foreign, most notably debt is now over $11 trillion dollars. The interest on China. CHART 11: TOTAL CREDIT MARKET DEBT AS CHART 12: US NATIONAL DEBT AS PERCENT OF US GDP PERCENT OF GDP 370 350 3/31/2009 Debt = $52.904 Trillion = 375.5% 340 3/31/2009 GDP = $14.090 Trillion 100% 330 320 310 82% 300 290 280 270 80% 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 60% 190 180 170 160 41% 150 140 130 40% 2008 2019 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Source: Ned Davis Research Source: CBO 11
  • 13. Global Macro Update (continued) If and when purchasers of US sovereign debt GLOBAL INTEREST RATES become concerned about US debt levels they may pare back or even exit the market altogether raising The major central banks of the world are continuing interest rates. According to tax policy expert and to pursue the strategy of monetary easing via Syracuse University professor Len Burman wrote in historically low interest rates and quantitative easing. a recent op-ed titled “Catastrophic Budget Failure”. ”Taxes would rise to levels that would make a There’s no sign yet that the US Fed will deviate Scandinavian revolt. And the government would not from the strategy it has been pursuing for almost a be able to provide anything but the most basic public year by making money virtually costless in nominal services. We would no longer be a great power (or terms. Paul McCulley, who helps oversee the world’s even a mediocre one), and the social safety net would biggest bond funds as a partner at Pacific Investment evaporate.” Management Co., expects the Fed will keep its target interest rate unchanged at zero to 0.25 percent into 2011. CHART 13: CHINA – AMERICA’S BANKER CHART 14: GLOBAL INTEREST RATES Quarterly figures, $bn Holdings of US assets, $bn 250 800 Increase in foreign- 200 Interest Rate (August exchange reserves* Treasury bonds Central Bank 150 600 2009) 100 Bank of Canada 0.25% 50 400 +0 Government Bank of England 0.5% -50 agency bonds 200 Bank of Japan 0.1% “Hot-money” flows Corporate bonds Equities+ 100 European Central Bank 1% 150 0 2004 05 06 07 08 09 2007 08 09 Federal Reserve 0.25% Swiss National Bank 0.25% * Includes PBOC’s other foreign assets, CIC, and foreign assets of state banks; adjusted for currency gains/losses The Reserve Bank of Australia 3% +Not marked to market Source: Brad Setser & Arpana Pandey, Council on Foreign Relations 12
  • 14. Global Macro Update (continued) CANADIAN DOLLAR Timothy Lane, one of the deputy governors of the low interest rates (as can be seen in part from Chart Bank of Canada (“BOC”) has been floating the idea 14) and direct money printing in the form of the that the Bank of Canada should use quantitative suitably obscure title of quantitative easing (“QE”). easing to devalue the Canadian dollar. Mr. Lane said that a “persistently strong” Canadian dollar would The money injected into the financial system is what’s reduce growth. He attributed the Canadian dollar’s known in the central banking community as “high- increase to the recovery of commodities prices and powered liquidity” as its effect is multiplied greatly the weakening of the U.S. dollar - neither of which by the fractional reserve banking system. These the BOC has any direct control over. Quantitative funds are designed to re-inflate the asset markets easing, a direct money-printing strategy would lower – particularly it is hoped the stock and real-estate the purchasing power of Canadians through inflation markets. Sample QE programs: as it devalued the Canadian dollar. Does the BOC really believe you can devalue your way to prosperity? − Federal Reserve: The Fed is printing US$1.75- Ask any inflation stricken country about this theory. trillion in order to buy Treasury and mortgage Keynesian deficit and money printing economic backed bonds. policies are now being pursued globally on a scale − Japan: The Bank of Japan is printing „1.8-trillion without precedent. We believe that this will achieve each month into the banking system - monetizing nothing more than inflation. What western economies 50% of Tokyo’s budget deficit this year. need is more capital. Printing money does not create − UK: The Bank of England is printing ÂŁ175-billion capital. Worse yet low interest rates and cheap pounds to purchase distressed assets from banks capital artificially stimulate speculation rather than – monetizing 66% of the UK’s budget deficit this saving and the inflation that money printing creates year ultimately reduces the pool of available capital − EU: The European Central Bank is printing causing long lasting harm. €442-billion (US$613-billion) which it will inject into one-year money-market funds. GLOBAL MONEY PRINTING UPDATE Our prediction is that this re-inflation effort will initially The global cost of bailing out the financial sector to only serve to increase the nominal price of speculative date amounts to around US$12-trillion. To put that assets – those that are directly accessible by the in perspective it represents approximately one fifth investment and commercial banking community while of the world’s total annual economic output. On having little effect on the real economy. Eventually top of this overt subsidy to the financial sector, the it will spread through the real economy creating G-20 governments are now committed to additional significant consumer price inflation. stimulus in the form of deficit spending, historically 13
  • 15. Global Macro Update (continued) While this inflationary program to save the banking deliberately creating inflation but trying to keep the sector has been underway in the developed world, US’s increasingly restive foreign creditors happy at China has been selling US dollar to increase its the same time. Ultimately, I believe this will prove to inventories of oil, metals, and other industrial staples be a very difficult task. and making direct investments in natural resource assets from Canada to Australia to secure supply. In summary, I would argue that the large increase For example year on year China’s imports of: in the money supply that has taken place and that is planned will only serve to devalue the G-20 − copper were up 160%; and currencies and will not save the real economy – − aluminum were up 1,600%. perhaps the devaluation will not be obvious relative the various currencies as they all are debased at the As we wrote in the August briefing, in the first eight same rate but should become increasingly obvious months of 2009, China’s vehicle sales have for the versus hard assets. first time exceeded the US – increasing 29% to 8.33-million, while US vehicle sales decreased 28% to 7.1-million. Increased Chinese demand for iron- ore, steel, and rubber reflect this trend. I would argue that gold and crude oil prices clearly reflect the G-20’s inflationary monetary policies – in particular manifested by an increasingly weaker US- dollar. The consensus seems to be building that the G-20 central bankers will not be increasing real interest rates or reversing their QE in the near-term. The Fed is explicitly signaling that it intends to leave monetary policy extremely accommodative for an extended period while at the same time paying lip service to inflation fighting and the much discussed “exit”. What are we supposed to make of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke comments in July that “The Fed believes that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will be appropriate for an extended period,” while at the same time declaring “We will not allow the broad measures of money circulating in the economy to accelerate at a rapid rate that would eventually cause inflation.” This seems somewhat contradictory to me and indicative of a man who is 14
  • 16. DISCLAIMER: The information, opinions, estimates, projections and other materials contained here in are provided as the date hereof and are subject to change without notice. Some of the information, opinions, estimates, projections and other materials contained herein have been obtained from numerous sources and Agcapita Partners LP (“AGCAPITA”) and its affiliates make every effort to ensure that the contents hereof have been compiled or derived from sources believed to be reliable and to contain information and opinions which are accurate and complete. However, neither AGCAPITA nor its affiliates have independently verified or make any representation or warranty, express or implied, in respect thereof, take no responsibility for any errors and omissions which maybe contained herein or accept any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from any use of or reliance on the information, opinions, estimates, projections and other materials contained herein whether relied upon by the recipient or user or any other third party (including, without limitation, any customer of the recipient or user). Information may be available to AGCAPITA and/or its affiliates that is not reflected herein. The information, opinions, estimates, projections and other materials contained herein are not to be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation for or an offer to buy, any products or services referenced herein (including, without limitation, any commodities, securities or other financial instruments), nor shall such information, opinions, estimates, projections and other materials be considered as investment advice or as a recommendation to enter into any transaction. Additional information is available by contacting AGCAPITA or its relevant affiliate directly. #400, 2424 4th Street SW Tel: +1.403.218.6506 Calgary, Alberta T2S 2T4 Fax: +1.403.266.1541 Canada