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New Public Service
Thus far, it is apparent that there are no prescribed actions that a public administrator can take to
stave off conflict amongst her constituency; conflict will occur, and all will look towards the public
administrator to determine the resolution. In their book The New Public Service, Janet and Robert
Denhardt outline several "practical lessons" for public administrators who serve in what they call the
"new public service." First, they suggest that the public administrator must "serve citizens, not
customers;" she must focus on the values shared by the citizens as a whole, not the interests of
individual customers. Second, "seek the public interest: Public administrators must contribute to
building a collective, shared notion of public interest," and then perform in a manner that is in
collusion with this notion. It is important to note that some would argue this point, saying that while
the public interest was an important factor in public administration, it is now "public value" that has
moved to the ... Show more content on ...
A good example of this is the legislation of new policy in California and many other states, requiring
the use of hands–free devices when using a cell phone while driving; due to an increased number of
accidents and deaths attributed to cell phone use while driving, public administrators determined
that the new legislation would prove to be valuable to the public. The Denhardts continue their list
with a third suggestion, "value citizenship over entrepreneurship." A public administrator should
make policy based on the needs of the community, not on the whims of entrepreneurs. Currently,
some believe the United States government has moved away from this belief by removing a
century–old restriction of corporate spending in political campaigns; others say that this decision has
once again given voice to a part of the electorate that had been unjustly
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Corruption in the Public Sector and Service Delivery
Held in
22ND MAY, 2013
The Public Sector in Nigeria is charged with the responsibility of providing goods and services,
otherwise referred to as "public goods" in economics, to the public vis–à–vis the mandate of the
ruling government and its administrative system. It is expected by the public, of the government,
and through the public sector to judiciously harness the nation's economic resources for the benefit
of the public and the development of their communities particularly, and the nation ... Show more
content on ...
The public sector being an economic agent, acts on behalf of the public to judiciously harness all
economic resources for the benefit of all. Comprising of the Executive, the Judiciary, the
Legislative, the Armed Forces, the Para–Military Organisations, the Police, the Ministries, the
Public Enterprises (collectively referred to as Ministries, Departments and Agencies), the public
sector refers to a system of government employees, elected or appointed that serve members of the
public through the provision of goods and service. The term is also a generic name for both the civil
service and the parastatals or public enterprises combined. It equally encompasses undertakings that
engage in the provision of goods and services which the private sector may not be able to invest in.
It is generally recognized that the public sector, as an instrument for carrying out government
policies, has a vital role to play in the social and economic development of a country.
The evolution of the Public Service was described by Maduabum (2006) thus; * The transfer of the
central administration of Lagos, Gambia, Gold Coast, Sierra Leone to Freetown, Sierra Leone
(1866–1874) * Lagos Colony was administered from Gold Coast (1874–1886) * Moloney was
appointed Governor of Lagos (1886) * The Niger Coast Protectorate was merged with the territories
of the Royal Niger Company (1889) * The
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Modern System Of Public Health Services
The concept of the public, health was once compromising as the only governmental public health
agencies. However, modern system of technology and education has brought into today's green light
that, the public health sector, such as Medicaid, schools as well the environmental protection
agencies, plus that of the private sector organizations must be included in the concept. This is
because they are believed to have a very significant role to play in the health of the public. The
services of public health mainly have four components and they include mission, structure, process
and outcomes. However, the services of the concepts entail a lot, and ten of which happens to be the
most essential of it all will be discussed below.
Public health services develop policies and plans that support the efforts of the community as well
as the health of the individual ( And this practice or services include successful, emergency
response and state improvement that comes with community planning, alignment of resources,
which assures a successful planning versus policy development that protects and guide the health of
the public.
Secondly, studies show that, the system link the people in the community to the needed personal
health services they need and assures them of the available provision of care and even when
otherwise unavailable according to the centers for disease control and prevention (03/2014). This
also means it will identify the number of people with barriers to care
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Urban Public Transportation : A Public Bus Service
When envisioning urban public transportation many people commonly picture bus service. In the
Bloomington–Normal urban area, the public bus service is Connect Transit, which recently
embraced its new name, leaving behind the clunky name Bloomington–Normal Public
Transportation System possibly in efforts to rebrand its entire image. The image of public
transportation however, may not be able to be rebranded as there seems to be a certain stigma which
is affiliated with relying on the bus service as a primary means of transportation. After riding
Connect Transit around the cities for even just an hour however, it is easy to see that stigma may
well be an issue of race and class, rather than simply utilizing public transportation. "Public transit
situates is so that we are given license to accept what's right in front of us, but will likely arouse our
desire to compare our narrative to someone else's, to give ourselves permission to speculate upon a
person's private space, or life, with no fear of recourse or punishment" (Wilson, 2012). In order to
take a deeper look into the barriers that low–income people face, as well as to attempt to learn about
how inequality and social stratification are at work in the Bloomington–Normal community, riding
the available public transportation allowed for detailed participant observation.
Arriving at the Normal Uptown Station the intent was to take the Orange H bus which departed the
station at 55 minutes past the hour, every hour. The
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The Importance Of Public Service Advertisements
Public service announcements, or PSA, are some of the most influential forms of advertisements. In
a darker colored advertisement posted by Ekburg.RU called "Think of Both Sides", it depicts an
inside view of a family in the car with the father driving and distracted on the phone. There are two
passengers in the car– his wife who is distracted by a map and their child. The key component of
this picture is that you can see their small child, who looks very innocent, in their rear–view mirror
and a child in front of their car clearly filled with fear. The piece is very focused on the harms on the
family's children and the child close to being hit, rather than the distracted parents. According to The
Association of Psychological Science, getting hit by a vehicle is in the top three causes of deaths for
children ages 5 to 9 (Why Kids Get Hit By Cars). The public service announcement not only
displays the importance of paying attention to what is in front of you, but also being aware of how
your actions can harm others.
The first component, as well as the one that takes up the most space in the advertisement, is the
parents. With both the husband on the phone, looking at his wife and his wife holding a map,
reciprocating a look towards her husband, both are clueless to what is in front of them: a little kid
with fear taking over his face. The reason why the parents are not focused on the road could be for
the reasons that the man is on an important phone call as well as that they also needed directions.
Regardless of the reason, both are blind to the harms they are putting everyone in this situation in. It
is very clear that these adults did not consider their actions before doing them because they probably
never considered that it could have been their child in the situation the little boy is in. The children
are not at fault.
The second, and considerably largest, component in the advertisement is the children: the one about
to be struck by the car as well as the small child in the backseat of the car. It is safe to say that both
of these children are innocent people in the situation as they cannot control that the man and woman
are distracted. The child in front of the car is wearing a backpack and a nicer
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Public...
PSC ought to present the idea of Public Service Trainee for a three–year time frame to youthful and
splendid experts from various areas. The enrollment will be on an agreement premise and take after
some cutting edge techniques
A protest frequently heard in the common administration is that "quality" individuals are not having
any significant bearing for the open rivalry opportunities of Public Service Commission.
One of the issues in Nepal is that youthful and qualified individuals are pulled in to join INGOs and
other improvement offices, yet these associations once in a while enroll new graduates.
The fascination for them with INGOs and different organizations is better pay, working conditions,
and so on. Be that as it may, in all actuality, government work ... Show more content on ...
Indeed, even the individuals who demonstrate some enthusiasm for applying are not doing this as a
result of a few elements including a bulky enrollment handle, absence of yearning to be required out
in the open administration for quite a while and absence of familiarity with the advantages of joining
people in general administration.
This issue is exacerbated by the way that the kin of lawmakers, officials and private division are for
the most part not intrigued to join people in general administration.
This has a few ramifications. To begin with, open administration is not frequently getting the
administration of qualified individuals and the cream of the general public.
Second, the individuals who have great scholastic foundation in Nepal and abroad are likewise
without basic advancement encounters of working in the administration which at last sets them up
for all the more remunerating employments later on.
Without framework to energize youthful skilled individuals in the general population benefit, both
parties–the government and youngsters–are missing
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Public Services : Public Sector
This essay will provide an analysis of the public sector in public relations, identifying its key
concepts, challenges and an example of an organisation which follows its structure. The public
sector PR is described as "driven by the need for transparency in how an organisation carries out its
public duties, accountability to the public, on how money from taxes is spent and increasingly,
public consultation and involvement in the services provided" (Tench & Yeomans 2009). Public
sector organisations are those which are publicly funded – usually through taxes. This includes local
government, NHS, Police, Fire stations, and Ambulance service. Public relations in the public sector
widely focus on government and political communications which can be local, regional or central.
The audience within this public sector is essentially the public – those who pay taxes in order to
fund these public organisations as all of these services are paid for through either local or national
The role of a PR practitioner in the public sector requires an array of skills – including handling and
dealing with a crisis – and effective crisis communication itself is vital to a successful crisis
management effort. Crisis public relations management research brings important insights to
understanding what makes crisis communication effective and ineffective (Coombs 2010). The
organisations within the public sector organisations also include all emergency services however the
public sector also
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Essay on Public Service Broadcasting Within The Plural...
British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC] has played its role as a Public Service Broadcasting [PSB]
in England since 1926. It was set up on Baron Reith's hands as an educative media building public's
character by establishing and socializing cultural value to the society via its programs. Hitherto,
BBC's work focuses on the cultural connection among the society and plays a role as its guardian
rather than pays attention to the diversity among them (Curran & Seaton, 2003). However, some
critiques about its existence started raising in the end of 1980s as the appearance of the Sky Media
commercial–satellite television company which gave larger opportunity for public to choose what
they want to see. Recently, one of the most ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, its operation focuses more on fostering the civilization and democracy rather than to gain
revenue. Besides, it also must be willing for a limited autonomy in its operation since the
government has the authority to control its working mechanism.
The core objection of this form of broadcasting is to serve public by providing quality information
and facilitating public discourse to enforce democracy and advance civilization. In term of quality
information, PSB plays a role as socio–cultural agent whose duty is to perpetuate the high culture
and raise public awareness as an united national entity. Furthermore, in its role as a discursive arena,
PSB exists as a practice of Habermas' idea of public sphere where public as a political community
exercise their freedom of assembly and freedom of information to solve their social problem as well
as to reach an agreement about the 'common good' which is expected to affect the policy in a society
(Hauser, 1998).
To guarantee that this democratic function works well, PSB must guarantee that its operation is
impartially detached from either state or market interest. In this case, BBC is a good example.
Since it's mobilization from private company to public corporation, BBC operates as a form of
"quangos" (Butsch, 2007) which work as an independent organisation playing a governmental role.
Since 1946, its operational fund comes from the
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Public Health Services For Nhs England
Rehabilition services are there for many people suffering from mental health issues, drug or alcohol
abuse or even for servicemen and women who have been injured in the armed forces.
Public health services commissioned not only by the CCGs but also by PHE whom also works
closely with NHS England and the department of health to be provided. These services should aim
to provide efficient healthcare to people living within UK.
Primary care is what patients mainly look out for when they are in need of help– health wise. It is
delivered through GPs, dentists, pharamists, optometrists, walk–in centres and the NHS 111 number.
They are commissioned by NHS England who also commission some other specialist services. NHS
England is in charge of ... Show more content on ...
The are commissioned by both the department of England and public health England.
Monitor is a financial regulator of foundation trusts. They make sure that all NHS provisions are
running properly and that they provide quality care, that all the essential services provided by the
NHs are maintained especially if a provider gets into a difficult situation, that the payment system
endorses quality and efficiency and finally to make sure that patients are operated on their best
The care quality commission is also a regulator which is independent for the quality of both health
and social care in the UK. Similar to OFSTED, they examine and inspect as well as register health
provisions such as hospitals, care homes, GP surgeries, healthcare practices, dental practices etc.
The CQC have the right to give warnings, close down the practice, give a penalty notice, to suspend
registration or prosecute the provider if they feel as though the services are not meeting the
standards of quality and safety.
Healthwatch England is a consumer champion for both health and social care nationally. It makes
sure that the views and experiences of the public are taken into consideration when local needs
assessments are organised. It enables people to share their views about the
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Public Service Is A High Calling
Public service is a high calling. A calling that certain individuals who are compassionate and
enthusiastic about serving their communities at large are willing to dedicate their profession and
skills to. Although there are many challenges in managing a public organization, great leaders are
those who have taken this opportunity and have inspired their work to be bigger than themselves in
hopes to motivate those around them to do good work. The development of our societies depends on
the efforts of the public sector such as education, environmental services, health and social care, that
are fundamental to peoples lives. Therefore, it is important that an effective leader in the public
sector who is much more than knowing the job and how to manage workloads and staff. There are
many behaviors and traits that have been linked to successful leaders, and more specifically, those
who have dedicated their careers to the public.
Leadership is formally defined as "the exercise of authority, whether formal or informal, in directing
and coordinating the work of others" (Shafritz, Russell and Borick, 361). However, challenges
surfaced in the public sector such as overcoming political and governmental pressures, inadequate
training of staff, high employee turnover, and possibly weak management skills in lower levels
causes front–runners to jump through several more hoops than a leader working in a private
organization. That is why it takes a special individual who exuberates
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Statutory and Non-Statutory Public Services
A public service is a service that is funded by the government or by donations to help the
government deliver its actions as effectively as possible. There are two types of public services they
are statutory and non–statutory services. The difference between a statutory and a non–statutory
service is that a statutory service is paid by tax payers, funded by the government and is set up by
the law. They are usually uniformed and highly professional an example would be the Emergency
Services and the Armed Forces. A non–statutory service is a service that doesn't receive a lot of
government funding so they are paid by members or the public as they are registered as charities,
they are set up by individuals and not parliament and unlike ... Show more content on ...
Another example of an emergency service is the Fire and Rescue service. They work with the public
in many ways; one way is to make house calls to the elderly to make sure that they have the
necessary equipment like fire alarms to ensure safety in the home. Another form of support that the
fire service provides to the public is they have youth schemes an example of this the "Safe Drive
Stay Alive" program that they run for secondary schools and colleges. These youth schemes also
allow members of the fire service to go into schools and youth groups and talk to them about the
dangers of fires and how they can be prevented. Non–statutory services may not be put there by law
but they still play a vital role in helping the community and statutory public services. An example is
Help for Heroes although they are for ex–service personal they help support the families of the
wounded. They provide individual support to soldiers and their families, recovery centres like
Headley court (rehabilitation centre) and Fisher house (a home for wounded patients and their
families), sports recovery which helps the service personal regain confidence and independence.
They may not visibly help the community but they give the opportunity to get people of the public
involved and help out
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Public Health Services : Case Study Evaluation
10 Essential Public Health Services: Case Study Evaluation
Kyle Orr PUBH5050 Introduction to Dental Public Health Dr. Jaana Gold
Case number one discusses how communities must monitor the water fluoridation levels and report
these levels to the state health department. This case brings up several different parts of the ten
essential public health services. The first component is the mobilization of community partnerships
to identify and solve health problems. This is first because it utilizes the actual community to
conduct the water tests. Doing so allows the community to be involved and have some ownership of
their public health program. The actual idea of fluoridated water is a perfect example of developing
policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. There have been multiple
studies done, as early as the 1940's; showing fluoridated water lowers the incidence of caries
(Arnold Jr. 1956). These studies are why so many communities have these fluoridated water
programs and why those that do not have it can potentially get governmental resources to start a
program. The case also mentioned that these fluoridation measurements are also made available to
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which then would use this information in
their National Water Fluoridation Reporting System. This follows the essential public health service
of enforcing laws and regulations that protect health
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Public Service Vs Traditional Public Services Essay
Governments every were are seeking new ways of reinventing their personnel systems to meet rising
challenges in the way public service is delivered ,this need has given birth to a set of contemporary
systems and these new systems are impacting the traditional civil service system and the way public
services are delivered. The aim of these changes is to; Reduce the role of government and the
number of public employees by using alternative organizations or mechanisms for providing public
services and to increase the flexibility of employment relationships for the public employee that
remain . Although these alternatives are not new, they are however becoming common and these
new alternatives are taking over the traditional public system of the ... Show more content on ...
The increased use of temporary, part–time and seasonal workers and the increased hiring of exempt
employee through employment contracts. Employers are reducing cost and enhance flexibility by
meeting the minimal staffing requirements through permanent employees and hiring temporary,
seasonal and part–time workers to meet peak workload( these positions are usually low paid, no
benefit and are fired at will employees), which requires minimal skills, and when skills are required
such jobs are contracted out to avoid save money . Exempt positions means funds must be available
before such positions are filled, they are not classified within the civil service system, the terms and
conditions of these positions are specified through a contract listing pay and benefits and limiting
the terms of employment, they can be fired at will in the event of a change in management or
disagreement, this also means contract can be renewed or denied. This managerial flexibility allows
for agencies to reduce their overhead expenses without having to deal with civil service regulations
and collective bargaining and union issues.
2. Change in role of HR administration– In the civil service system the role of the HR administrator
is technical, record keeping and processing personnel issues but the alternative personnel system
have brought about a change in the job description of an administrator in that he is now involved in
brokering of deals and mediating of conflicts among competing personnel systems.
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Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements
Running Head: Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements
Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements
Submitted by
Your Name Goes Here
University Name
September, 2011
Introduction 2
Literature review 2
Research Question 3
Research Methodology 3
Conclusion 3
Works Cited 3
Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements
Celebrity endorsements are one of the most famous methods of marketing used today. Celebrity
endorsers are being used in about 25% of all the advertisements that we can see on the television.
Marketers are investing large sums of money to have a contract with the celebrities as they believe
that celebrities can affect the chances of success of a product. (Erica Weintraub Austina*, 2008)
Kiakati ... Show more content on ...
Petty and Cacioppo (1981) have developed the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion which
explains the peripheral route to persuasion and the central route. In the peripheral route, persuasive
influences are more tangential to the issues at hand. For egg– in a PSA targeted against smoking in
youth, the peripheral route will show the teenagers having a better sex life after quitting smoking.
(William G. Shadel, January 2009) Central processing occurs when the person at hand is aware
about the main message of the PSA and is motivated to consider its content. We will analyze the use
of celebrities for both these routes of persuasion and try to find out the effectiveness in each case.
A PSA is usually not presented to the audience at the time of action. A PSA is supposed to make the
audience think and act on the message later. Thus human memory plays a very important role in the
success of a PSA. (Shen, Monahan, Rhodes, & Roskos–Ewoldsen, 2009) If the audience is attracted
by a PSA, likes it but is not able to recollect it later the whole exercise ends in futility. Many
researchers have found that for the message to be effective, retained and used highly credible
sources of delivering the message have to be used and these sources of delivery should be able to
create a personal connect with the audience. (Joseph B. Walther1, 2010)In this context if we are
using a public celebrity; he has his own personality and a public image. We will try to
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Bureaucratic Discretion In Public Service
Extensive research has discussed the role of street–level bureaucrats in the administration of public
Few people in the public consciously give a name to what front line service providers such as police,
social workers, teachers, public health, legal–aid, city workers, and other public servants
subconsciously perform day in and day out bureaucrat discretion. Many of these public servants
themselves who are doling out bureaucratic discretion have not put a name to it because many times
it is a natural reaction and decided in a moment's response. Author, Michael Lipsky, brought
attention to the phenomenal and verbalized the concept. Since these public servants are literally in
the trenches and on the front line serving the ... Show more content on ...
This is why it is vitally important when discretionary calls are made it is done with the upmost
ethical conclusion. Human nature is wired to react from their own experiences be they good or bad.
It is important for citizens, all levels of government employees and the institutions they serve to
understand this concept of bureaucratic discretion. With education, nuances of the complexities of
the job, and proper policies and guidelines, when bureaucratic discretion are made by the street–
level worker they need to be balanced with ethics and integrity for the various situations they face.
There is such a broad spectrum of public servants that bureaucratic discretion will also have a very
broad range of definitions. A broad general definition of discretion is a perceived freedom of street–
level bureaucrats to make choices that concern the sort, quantity, and quality sanctions and rewards
that are offer when implementing a policy. The management style of different government entities
can have an adverse or beneficial effect when implementing the same policy because the public
servant(s) (1) possess more knowledge or loopholes on the rules, (2) the agency's operationalize the
policy somewhat differently, (3) employee/manager relationship is what enables them to adjust to
the circumstances, or (4) the personality of the street–level bureaucrat is more rule–following or
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Three Currents Affairs Affecting Public Services
|Course Tutor – Ali Calthorpe |Year – 2012/2013 |
|Unit – Unit 3 Citizenship and Diversity |Tutor – Ali Calthorpe |
|Assignment Title – The media, current affairs and support within the public services |
|Handout date – w/c 20/05/2013 |Submission date – w/c 03/06/2013 |
|Outcomes Covered |
|Outcome ... Show more content on ...
You must illustrate that you can |
|report on current affairs and their impact upon your police service in a balanced approach. You will
be required to attend an |
|assessment centre and complete various tasks in order to successfully be appointed in the role. |
| |
|Task One: (P7) (P8) |
|Your first task is to write a special news article where you must report on three examples of current
affairs that affect |
|public services and citizens (P7). In the final part of your article you should present information on
how the media reports |
|current affairs involving public services (P8).You should include in your article how the media have
reported these different |
|current affairs and the public services' response.Consider if the media coverage differs in different
newspapers or television|
|channels. For example, if some reports are favourable to the services and others not. |
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Public Service And Public Services
Firefighters, police officers, public officials, and health care personnel are some of the first careers
individuals think of when the phrase, "public service," is mentioned. Other people think of
philanthropists, teachers, or even nonprofit organizations; however, individuals in these positions are
not the only public servants throughout the world; and in some instances, the same individuals who
serve as your police officers, public officials, or in any "public servant" position, for that matter,
would not be considered a public servant due to bad outcomes from unethical behaviors. The real
questions, then, are: how to determine the public official that is, in fact, a public servant compared to
the one who is not; how to know what other jobs could be considered a public service and which
ones are not; or how to recognize the actual acts of public service from the phony ones? Questions
like these, as well as others, will be attempted to be answered in this paper, or at least provide a
framework to answer them through the attempt of clarifying what the definition of public service
incorporates into its jurisdiction. In my Foundations of Public Service class, at the Clinton School of
Public Service (2014), students were divided up in groups to discuss and agree upon a definition of
public service. To my recollection, the group receiving the most recognition from their peers
regarding their definition was Team #7, also known as the Seven Sevens of DiPippa. The team
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Public Services Research Paper
Mengyi ZHOU
Professor Christopher Reese
Spring 2017
Assignment #7
As a public service system, there is much more interactions going on between the organization and
the public. It is more complicated than sell–and–buy relationship in the market of private
companies. A public organization is more associated with obligation when delivering service and
goods. Not saying that the private organizations has no responsibility to the customers, however, in
addition to everything between sellers and buyer, it is also our liability to provide what the citizens
demand for since they've offered their trust and tax dollars.
In Chapter 7 of the PA Companion, the author mainly talks about the feasible method to understand
public opinion and dissatisfaction ... Show more content on ...
In the government, PERT is especially useful when the tasks are executed by multiple agencies or
independent divisions with specialized expertise while it usually points out the most effective way to
coordinate. Since time is the key issue of PERT, it relies on the subjective estimates of the managers
and the accuracy of timekeeping. The process of PERT has to clarify time commitments, outputs,
and interrelationships among participants for the comprehensive evaluation. Yet, a PERT network is
a graphic representation of simple process but it has limited capability to explain detailed
information. Hence, a flowchart, developed from PERT network is adopted to represent a process
with sequencing of steps and relative information and data. A complete flowchart may serve as a
tool for developing process with higher efficiency, and for improving coordination and
communication leading to better
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The Importance Of Public Service Announcements
No one gets up in the morning and says I think that I will drive distracted so that I can kill myself or
take the life of an innocent bystander today, but that is exactly what happens over nine times a day
in the United States because of distracted driving. Nine lives are cut short. The United States
Department of Transportation reports that cell phones are involved in 1.6 million auto crashes each
year that cause half million injuries. Individuals who drive while sending or reading text messages
are 23 percent more likely to be involved in a car crash than other drivers. There are many media
campaigns that have used Public Service Announcements with no effect on reducing the number of
distracted driving incidents because teens are overwhelmingly compelled to constantly monitor and
respond to their cell phones because they do not believe that anything bad will ever happen them.
So, wasting more dollars on Public Service Announcements will not reduce the number of distracted
driving incidents. Hopefully, technological advances can countermand the teen brain. Nevertheless,
some say that Public Service Announcements that make an emotional appeal utilizing convincingly
credible logical information do help reduce the number of distracted driving incidents by making
teens aware of the terrible consequences that can occur from distracted driving. Granted that, no one
sets out to take the life of another or their own, but the teenage mind can't wrap its self around the
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Evaluation Of The 10 Essential Public Health Services
This paper is about the evaluation of the 10 essential Public Health Services and how they can be
helpful in the prevention of HIV in communities across the nation. In addition, the paper depicts
how the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) has been able to incorporate the 10 essential
public health services in its fight against HIV disease. The paper will discuss the assessment of the
HIV disease situation in Chicago neighborhoods; policy development by the Chicago Department of
Public Health and the assurance that solutions to priority problems are based on scientific evidence.
Furthermore, the interconnection of the various essential public health service in the prevention and
treatment of HIV and the support the department has for the families of their resident that are
afflicted with HIV virus will be discussed. Finally, an inferred conclusion will be drawn from my
research about the efficiency of the Chicago Department of Public Health and their incorporation of
the 10 essential public health functions in their services to those HIV–positive residents in the city
of Chicago.
According to the CDC (2015), more than one million people are living with HIV in the United
States, and more than 50,000 become newly infected each year. Unfortunately, one in five
Americans living with HIV are unaware of their infection. I believe using the strategy which stresses
the use of the 10 essential services of public health will help reduce the incidence of HIV in our
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The Provision Of Public Health Services Essay
Introduction The author was hired as the new Vice President of Quality and Safety for a full–service
600–bed government healthcare organization. Within the first month on the job, the national security
threat level has been raised to Imminent, which means there is a credible, specific, and impending
terrorist threat against the United States and the facility may be directly impacted. Upon this report,
the Chief Executive Officer has requested an immediate six to eight (6–8) page report on a proposal
for handling such a situation. The author has to be very knowledgeable, factual, accurate, and
validated when presenting this proposal. The public health system takes into consideration "all
public, private, and voluntary entities that contribute to the delivery of essential public services
within a jurisdiction. Therefore this concept ensures that all entities' contributions to the health and
well–being of the community or state are recognized in assessing the provision of public health
Examine the existing procedures related to at least four (4) of the ten (10) essential health services.
Focus on the principal effects that these procedures will have on your hospital during the emergency.
The four existing procedures chosen from the ten essential health services that will be examine are:
Firstly, Monitor health status to identify and solve community health problems this aspect falls
under the Assessment section of the essential public health services.
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Health Of Public Health Services
In the United States. Public health infrastructures are set up to better serve and provide the necessary
public health services to the community. These Infrastructures are not only dictated by the Center
for Disease Control and Prevention, but by Public health agencies at the state and local level or by
private and public organizations. Every health agency must abide by three core functions in order to
promote health in the community. They must first assess by observing the health status of a
community, identifying the health issues and providing solutions. Next, they must develop policies
and plans that support individual and community health efforts, enforce law and regulations to
ensure health safety. Finally, they must assure that the people are informed and educated about
health issues. Under these functions, there are also ten essential health services that each agency
thrives to provide to the community to ensure proper and quality health care (The Public Health
System and the 10 Essential Public Health Services, 2014)
The Gwinnett, Rockdale and Newton county health departments collaboratively work to provide a
safe, healthy, and prepared community where all individuals have access to quality health care. They
strive to develop a healthy community by monitoring and preventing disease, educating and
promoting well–being and preparing for disasters. They are dedicated to providing services that are
easily accessible, affordable to all and without partiality. They are
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Social Service In Public Schools
The Merriam–Webster dictionary defines social service as "an activity to promote social well–being;
specifically: organized philanthropic assistance (as of the disabled or disadvantaged)" (Social
Service). In addition, most social service agencies' are categorized as a 501(c)(3), which suggests
"that a particular nonprofit organization has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service
(commonly known as the IRS) as a tax–exempt, charitable organization. 'Charitable' is broadly
defined as being established for purposes that are religious, educational, charitable, scientific,
literary, testing for public safety, fostering of national or international amateur sports, or prevention
of cruelty to animals and children"(What does it mean..?). Shadow ... Show more content on ...
This program is a partnership between SCML and a local high school club called Opportunity
Smiles; the program also encourages the organization's goal to develop social skills and self–esteem
within the special needs youth. To accomplish these goals, funds are needed; Shadow Creek Miracle
League gets most funds from individuals in the surrounding community who supports their cause.
These monetary funds are used to buy all the sports equipment, which includes players' uniforms
and safety gear, and the certificates, trophies and food at each end of season
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Public Services And Public Sector
Businesses vary. Schools, shops, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, banks, spas, and universities are all
businesses in the sense that they all have corporate missions or targets to deliver whilst, at the same
time being under constraints and pressures.
These businesses can be divided into 3 categories;
1. Private
2. Public
3. The Voluntary/Third Sector e.g. Charities and Co–Operatives.
Public Sector Companies are predominately focused on providing the best service that budget
allows to the communities or taxpayers. For example if the government–run bus service in a remote
area is not getting enough customers, the government may still continue this service as its main
objective is to provide and not to maximise profits. On the other hand, if this service was run by a
private sectors business, they may end it if they do not find it profitable, as their main priority is
predominately to increase revenue.
However, in recent years, the government has encouraged Public Sector Companies to focus on
commercial targets, whilst at the same time meeting government targets. This is due to budget cuts
and the reorganisation of government money as Public Companies are funded by the taxpayer, either
directly e.g. council tax; or indirectly e.g. income tax distributed by the Government.
Private sector objectives will often differ from objectives set in the public sector. Private Sector
Companies are normally owned by private individuals or families. However, they can also be owned
by other
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Australian Public Service And Code Of Conduct
Learning Problem 1 (620 Words)
Free speech is commonly assumed to be speech unrestricted by regulation, nevertheless legislators
may also enact legislation to protect the implicit right to free speech. This is presented in the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights article 19 section 1, stating 'everyone shall have
the right to hold opinions without interference.' This may be distinguished in this case as the
employee has entered both into an employment contract with an implied social media agreement,
and Commonwealth and State laws which are permitted to transcend this material. This implicit and
explicit notion of free speech transcends into the spectrum of social media, an instrument pertaining
a multitude of advantageous ... Show more content on ...
The objective of an open court is the right of public of admission for the public. This principle of
open justice is reflected in the aforementioned article 14(1) of the ICCPR. This factor of open justice
fashions a circumstance in which the media has no greater common law right to attend court than
any other member of the public. It may be noted that special privileges exists for journalist; seating,
note–taking and some access to documents. Access to documents is restricted due to the
aforementioned equality of journalists and general public, coinciding with the court not being a
public register with rights to access. The notion of open justice allows our journalists to enter and
report on cases, such as the 'Moreton Bay Killer'. Open justice is the key to accurate and
knowledgeable reporting in the public best interest. Nevertheless, situations exist in which an open
court may not be available, or even
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Public Services
UNDER the scheme, since the public funds are fairly easily available i.e 80 % of the project cost is
provided by central and 10 % by state government, hence it is also observed that most of the ULBs
are going in for long–distance expensive projects for water supply. For example in Khandwa and
Shivpuri towns of Madhya Pradesh, the ULBs have gone for projects costing Rs 106 crores and Rs
80 crores respectively for water supply augmentation.
The other fall–out of long–distance, capital–intensive projects is that investment–wise these are such
projects which the ULBs cannot afford to pay for. This has lead them to the doors of the private
companies who are eager to get a share of the urban water projects pie. UIDSSMT encourages
private participation ... Show more content on ...
The effect of such capital–intensive private water supply is people have to pay more for the water
supply. Under the private project like in Khandwa ,public stand posts would be disconnected and
removed. There would not be any other source of water from which the people would be allowed to
source water other than that of private operator. The private operator would have the right to stop the
use of even the handpumps, even those installed before the contract was signed.
Out of the total project cost of Rs 115.32 crores, KMC through the central and state government
sponsored scheme UIDSSMT, is providing the private company with a subsidy of Rs 93.25 crores to
execute the project.The remaining Rs 22.07 crores would be invested by the private company in lieu
of operating and earning profits from the water project for the period of the concession contract i.e.
25 years (including the period of
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A Reflection On Public Service
As students of Masters of Public Service degrees, it is imperative to develop a holistic and deep
understanding of what "public service" means. Our class discussions have shown us the ambiguity
of striking a balance between opposing forces: between intention and outcome, aid and
empowerment, intrinsic and extrinsic affirmation, and self–interest and altruism. How do we balance
these perspectives, when each has its benefits and pitfalls to the success of any project? In
determining my own definition of public service, my hope is to elucidate factors that optimize each
of these perspectives. In doing so, we can come closer to defining public service in a way that is
both operationally useful and ethically guiding. Considering course documents and class
discussions, I have defined the phrase as follows:
The "public" is a marginalized body unable or unexpected to monetarily repay servants for provided
goods. "Service" is an act that results in improved quality of life as reported by receiving
individuals. Therefore "public service" is defined by (1) actions resulting (2) in goods that improve
quality of life (3) as reported by marginalized recipients (4) who are unable or unexpected to
monetarily repay the servant.
By fragmenting the definition into four parts, I can address the issues of intention versus outcome,
aid versus empowerment, intrinsic versus extrinsic affirmation, and self–interest versus altruism in
public service. Applying the Formula of Universal Law
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Public Service Philosophy Essay : Public Services
Public Service Philosophy Essay
"Public service" is a very vague idea for me. To me, there isn't a definite definition that can
distinguish what is public service or not. From our reading, it was pointed out that what public
service used to mean, and what it now means has changed immeasurably. From Jobs That Matter,
Heather Krasna defines public service as significantly contributing "to solving problems in society
or the world." I think the idea of "significantly contributing" to society can be demoralizing to even
the most altruistic of citizens. If I had to pinpoint what public service is, I believe public service is
volunteering one's time and energy for the greater good of the society as a whole. It's the selfless
pursuit of ... Show more content on ...
Public service works can be found in both the public and private sector. Some obvious examples of
public service works would be a public school teacher, servicemen and women, and social workers.
These jobs tend to contribute to the public good. Intuitively, works that wouldn't be considered
public service would be jobs that principally intent to serve for the profit of private individuals and
conglomerates. With that said, I would consider private bankers and entrepreneurs as non–public
service work. I think there are apparent principle or a set of criteria by which we can distinguish
between public service work and non–public service work. The things to look out for are the
objective of the job and who it benefits.
On a different note, proponents of Capitalism would argue that non–public service work like an
entrepreneur would indirectly lead to public good. Their business endeavors can lead to many job
creation, and their products can benefit the public. This idea of an "invisible hand", coined by Adam
Smith, believes that an individual pursuing their own interest can ultimately benefit the public good
more than if the individual was pursuing the interest of the public. The same proponents would
argue that their work has contributed more to society than governmental, "public service" work.
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Public Service Personal Statement
Public Service is when you must act not because you expect anything in return–but simply because
you want to be of service and do what is right. Service is something that my parents instilled in me
since I was very little. Living next door to my grandparents' house, I would always remember my
mother saying, "Go help your grandfather because he is cutting the grass," or "Go help your
grandmother with the groceries." Eventually it became a natural thing to do; to go over to their
house and help with whatever they needed. My parents always encouraged me to make the most of
my free time. With that in mind, I started participating in events such as Clean Our Beach Day,
tutoring students in math afterschool, and reading to kindergarten students during "El Día del Nino."
As I grew older, my service to the community took on more responsibilities. During Thanksgiving
and Christmas break, I filled brown paper bags with food items and delivered them to church
members who were ... Show more content on ...
We sat down with Texas Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. and discussed three pertinent issues affecting
public schools in the Rio Grande Valley: school vouchers, age limits, and cyber bullying. Being a
young Hispanic, I felt it was my civic duty to participate in the student caucus and represent my
peers back home. In addition, I am also a 4H Health Ambassador where I get to help conduct
presentations on nutritional education, the importance of children having breakfast, and teaching
others how to read nutritional labels. Since both of my grandparents are diabetics, it is important for
me to be an advocate of healthy living at all ages. Furthermore, I am a member of Harlingen
Smokebusters, in which we talk to students regarding the dangers of tobacco and smoking. By
repeatedly voicing our concerns at city hall meetings, we were instrumental in making the City of
Harlingen become totally
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Public Service Announcements
PSAs, or public service announcements, are sent out by government or local institutions to help
reduce the number of incidents relating to a certain area. PSAs are often about public safety,
covering issues like bicycling protection, anti–drinking and drugs, and car safety. One big issue that
is given a lot of attention to by the Department of Transportation, highway safety, and police
departments are distracted driving incidents that they believe can be stopped. PSA's can help reduce
the number of distracted driving incidents because if they are presented effectively, they can make
the people think about their driving skills and habits, and make them think about it both out of
driving, and while driving. However, many people believe that PSAs ... Show more content on ...
On this other side of the argument, others claim that public service announcements actually do help.
Many say that they can help reduce the number of distracted driving incidents because if the
announcement is presented effectively, it can make the people think about their driving skills and
habits, and make them think about it both out of driving, and while driving, which could very well
lead a positive influence on their abilities. In a similar survey taken by AAA to the one about driving
distracted in 2012, they found that nearly 95% of drivers said texting while driving was a very
serious threat to their personal safety. In the AAA report, they say that researchers at MIT had
published results from a study that found that drivers who frequently used cell phones behind the
wheel were more likely than those who did not to be reported or observed engaging in other risky
behaviors, such as frequent lane changing, speeding, and hard acceleration. In order to try to curb all
of this, 46 states have enacted some sort of texting bans with penalties ranging from 20 dollars to ten
thousand and a year in prison. While this may not have all to do with public service announcements,
it's just as helpful. Recently in New Hampshire they passed a new phone and driving law, in which
they distributed the law to schools and posted them everywhere in
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Victorian Public Services Act 1992
Public service reform: After immediately the formation of government in October 1992, the new
government led a massive transformation of the Victorian public service. The government
introduced the Public Sector Management Act 1992 (Act no 68/1992, assented to 19 November
1992) on 30 October to replace the Public Service Act 1974. The key provisions of the legislation
the Premier became the employer of all department heads, who in turn became the employers of all
staff employed within their agencies;
the number of government departments was reduced from 22 to 13 through the process of
amalgamation and integration of existing structure;
the abolition of Public Service board and its replacement with a Public Service Commissioner. ...
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83/1992 s.4 conciliation, mediation and arbitration with the minimum of legal form and technicality;
(i) to provide for the observance and enforcement of dispute
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South Carolina Public Service Commission (ORS)
WHAT: The Office of Regulatory Staff is commonly referred to as ORS. ORS has singular
responsibility for the inspection, auditing and examination of all public utilities within the state of
South Carolina. By statute, ORS is directed to represent the public interest of South Carolina and all
South Carolinians in utility regulation for each major public industry including the electric, natural
gas, telecommunications, water, wastewater and transportation industries. ORS is authorized to
represent the state in front the Public Service Commission ("PSC"), the court system, the South
Carolina General Assembly and any federal regulatory body necessary to support the above
mentioned industries and the citizens of the state. In addition, perhaps ... Show more content on ...
Politically, companies that collect these fees are asking members of the General Assembly if this is
still necessary as there are multiple options beyond land lines. ORS is working on a report that is
due no later than 2018 on the necessity of Universal Service Fund. This report will likely set the
tone for legislation in the General Assembly.
KEY POINT: The universal Service Fund is going to continue to be a hot button item in the
legislature with little action before 2018. The governor could choose to lead or sit out this issue as
the General Assembly is going to be torn and divided over the issue of keeping, changing or killing
the fund. This is not a major issue for the general public at this time and unless picked up by the
media is likely to be a political issue and not a public
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A Public Service Announcement ( Psa ) Can Help Reduce The...
A Public Service Announcement (PSA) can help reduce the number of distracted driving accidents
by explaining the horrible effects of distracted driving and the best ways to prevent distracted
driving. Currently, the main source of distracted driving is cell phones. Cell phones cause a person
to text, call, and use social media while driving; all factors that can be a deadly distraction while
driving. A cell phone causes much distraction for the driver and may cause the driver to have a car
crash that not only affects themselves, but also the surrounding people. As a community, we should
be educating people about distracted driving in order to prevent the problem and decrease the
number of accidents. Public Service Announcements are important as they provide people with
evidence, resources to limit distraction while driving, and helpful/important information. Teenagers,
children, and even adults will be able to be informed. Even though educating people through a
Public Service Announcement is important, it might not be viewed by most people and will not be
effective towards the younger viewers. Teenagers and even adults might dismiss a Public Service
Announcement because the announcement does not grab their attention or because the person might
not care.
Over the past years, cell phones have completely transformed how Americans communicate.
Unavoidably, these wireless devices have made a huge impact on the nation's transportation system.
Cell phones are the leading cause of
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The Delivery Of Public Service
There are mistakes, maladministration and misunderstanding that may occur during the delivery of
public service in the United Kingdom (UK). The citizens have a right to complain if they feel
aggrieved. There are many citizens who normally complain not only for their benefit but to ensure
that the public service is improved so that it can cater for the needs of the citizens and so that the
same mistakes are not inflicted on others. However, there are instances when the complaints are not
resolved by the said service provider. In such an instance when an individual feels that the complaint
has not been fully addressed by the government agency, department or National Health Service
(NHS) in England, then that individual has a right of asking for the complaint to be referred to the
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) or the individual can personally refer the
matter to the PHSO. This paper seeks to discuss the single reform of the PHSO that would best
serve the interests of administrative justice. An Ombudsman may be defined as an officer appointed
to investigate citizen's complaints against injustice or maladministration by public officials. The
concept of the Ombudsman is anchored on the idea that citizens have a right of complaining against
specific actions of omission or commission by public officials. The Ombudsman therefore has
investigative powers vested on him and which include investigating the internal workings of
departments or entire organization.
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Public Services Privatization Essay
Youness Elhamidi
PADM – 610
Public Management
Research Paper (Week 8)
Privatization of Public Services
Dr. Timothy Bagwell
Department of Public Administration
American Public University
Author Note
Youness Elhamidi, Department of Public Administration, American Public University.
Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Youness Elhamidi, Department of
Public Administration, American Public University System, 111 W. Congress Street, Charles Town,
WV 25414. E–mail:
There two main means of providing and producing public services in the United States at the
different levels of government. The first mode is knows as in–house production by direct
government workforce and contracting out to the private sector, which we refer to as privatization.
Privatization in the United States mainly implies contracting out of public services to the public
sector. Examples are local governments like the city or the county contracting out services like street
cleaning, garbage pick up and a disposal, education, healthcare, etc.
During the last three decades, privatization has become increasingly popular in our government.
This noticeable growth of privatization of public services has generated lots of discussions and
debates among many scholars and left many of asking the questions.
In this paper, I will define privatization and explore different published articles that discuss
contracting out to the
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Policy And Its Effect On Public Services
Policy and its effect on Public services Economists employed by the government are involved in
implementing policies, which were especially established to meet government 's objectives that are
very often multidimensional. There are four very fundamental objectives for viable economy,
including decreasing the unemployment rates in certain regions, lower or stabilise the inflation,
constant economic growth and a satisfactory balance of payments position. The UK economy
continues to suffer from a number of underlying structural weaknesses. The government is now set
on providing the economic framework, which will enhance the opportunity to raise a sustainable
rate of economy growth, (Anderton, 2006). Economic growth also known as ... Show more content
on ...
There are many questions what arise from the topic of the economic growth. For instance, how can
nations speed up their economic growth? There are many successful strategies to self–sustained
economic growth. According to Keynesian policy prescriptions, long term growth can be achieved
through structural policies such as supply–side policies, which would improve the long term
performance of the economy. Supply–side policies emphasize incentives and tax cuts as a means of
increasing economic growth. Such policy was espoused by President Reagan in the USA, but also
Prime Minister Thatcher in Great Britain, (Nordhaus & Samuelson, 2005). Supply–side economists
argue, that high taxes lead people to reduce their labour and capital supply. Arthur Laffer has
suggested that the high tax rates might actually lower tax revenues, (Nordhaus & Samuelson, 2005).
This Laffer–curve preposition holds that high tax rates shrink the tax base because they reduce
economic activity. However, mainstream, economists doubt the Laffer preposition that cutting tax
rates would increase tax revenues, ref. They believed that there 's a need for a radical restructuring
of the tax system called supply–side tax cut, REF. According to this philosophy, reform should
improve incentives by lowering marginal tax rates . This would lead to lowering tax burden on
high–income individuals, but also encourage productivity and supply
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The 10 Essential Public Health Services
The 10 essential public health services are distributed under the three core functions of assurance,
assessment, and policy development. Every community and public health organization should
undertake activities that represent the 10 essential public health services. The American Heart
Association is a nonprofit agency that embodies some of the essential public health services.
Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, the AHA has many local offices that serve various communities
across the country. It is important for the AHA to be involved in building healthier communities
because heart disease and stroke are the number 1 and number 5, respectively, leading causes of
death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
(2015). The AHA was founded in 1924 by six cardiologists and is the nation's oldest and largest
organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. The AHA provides CPR education
training, science based treatment guidelines to healthcare professionals, and education to lawmakers,
policymakers, and the public to advocate for change that will improve the health of the community
(American Heart Association, 2015).
The mission and vision of the American Heart Association
The mission of the AHA is to "build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke".
Their "2020" vision is to "improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent, and
reduce deaths from cardiovascular diseases and
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Public Services And Social Care
Personalisation is when the public services and social care in an entirely different way. They do this
by starting with the person rather than the service; it will require the transformation of adult Social
Care. There is going to be new legislation brought in 2013 for mental health issues based on
autonomy, this is respecting the individual Capacity to decide and act on his own and his rights and
to subject to restraint by others. Justice, this is to the law is equal; therefore if a person with learning
disabilities or mental health disorder should retain the same rights and entitlement as others.
Benefits, this is a way of acting in the individual best interest and finally least harm this is when
treatment and care must be provided in ... Show more content on ...
Although personalisation can have some disadvantages, so therefore there needs to be a balanced
between care and control when helping an individual to make decisions in their life, as the Service
User would like to make their own decision, however some decisions may have to be made by the
Service Provider perspective which might not be in the Service Users best interests. Although some
areas have robust statement that personal budgets must be used for the purchase of illegal items,
such as alcohol or gambling, therefore this may prove difficult to regulate and enforce. Furthermore
the use of direct payment may also leave the individual open to financial abuse from carers or
family members. Also advocacy agencies and other third sectors organisations may leave the skills
to assist vulnerable people who are receiving personal budgets. Another worry is that the individual
budgets will pose a potential financial burden (Adam et al 2009). Individualised budgets that are
neglected will need to be sensitively managed. Through personalisation permits nurses to think more
resourcefully about needs of patients and encourage them to embrace the opportunity it affords. This
makes sure that the individual is the centre of their care plan and are supported to make decisions
promotes dignity and self–respect, enhancing
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The Effects Of Television On Public Service Advertising Essay
1. Introduction Public service advertisements are a type of advertisements that usually communicate
a certain idea not a mainly a product, they are used by Mass media to raise awareness and educate
publics about an issue in order to shift attitudes and motivate behavior change. PSAs mainly
communicate about health topics or social issues including alcohol and drug awareness,
environmental protection, obesity prevention and gun control. A PSA is generally sponsored by a not
for profit organization, trade association or political group. It is usually featured on television, radio
or print. The Public Service Advertisement should contain three types of messages to motivate
behavior change: Awareness, instruction, and persuasion. To create awareness, the messages of the
campaign must inform publics about the health topic. Instruction messages should tell the people
what to do and how to do it, and persuasion messages should give reasons to the public to adopt this
particular health behavior. 2. Literature Review: 2.1 Effects of Televised Public Service Ad The
effects of television are of particular interest because of this medium 's ability to reach a variety of
populations, including adolescents. Television is by far the most widely used means of
disseminating prevention messages, usually in the form of PSAs(Phillip Palmgreen, Lewis
Donohew N.D)1. Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign Studies generally suffer from mistakes in
campaign execution, including violating two of the main
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New Public Service

  • 1. New Public Service Thus far, it is apparent that there are no prescribed actions that a public administrator can take to stave off conflict amongst her constituency; conflict will occur, and all will look towards the public administrator to determine the resolution. In their book The New Public Service, Janet and Robert Denhardt outline several "practical lessons" for public administrators who serve in what they call the "new public service." First, they suggest that the public administrator must "serve citizens, not customers;" she must focus on the values shared by the citizens as a whole, not the interests of individual customers. Second, "seek the public interest: Public administrators must contribute to building a collective, shared notion of public interest," and then perform in a manner that is in collusion with this notion. It is important to note that some would argue this point, saying that while the public interest was an important factor in public administration, it is now "public value" that has moved to the ... Show more content on ... A good example of this is the legislation of new policy in California and many other states, requiring the use of hands–free devices when using a cell phone while driving; due to an increased number of accidents and deaths attributed to cell phone use while driving, public administrators determined that the new legislation would prove to be valuable to the public. The Denhardts continue their list with a third suggestion, "value citizenship over entrepreneurship." A public administrator should make policy based on the needs of the community, not on the whims of entrepreneurs. Currently, some believe the United States government has moved away from this belief by removing a century–old restriction of corporate spending in political campaigns; others say that this decision has once again given voice to a part of the electorate that had been unjustly ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Corruption in the Public Sector and Service Delivery CORRUPTION IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR AND SERVICE DELIVERY A Paper presentation at the ROUNDTABLE ON REVIEW OF GOVERNANCE INDEX AND SECURITY IN NIGERIA Held in THE NATIONAL DEFENCE COLLEGE, NIGERIA 22ND MAY, 2013 Protocol Introduction The Public Sector in Nigeria is charged with the responsibility of providing goods and services, otherwise referred to as "public goods" in economics, to the public vis–à–vis the mandate of the ruling government and its administrative system. It is expected by the public, of the government, and through the public sector to judiciously harness the nation's economic resources for the benefit of the public and the development of their communities particularly, and the nation ... Show more content on ... The public sector being an economic agent, acts on behalf of the public to judiciously harness all economic resources for the benefit of all. Comprising of the Executive, the Judiciary, the Legislative, the Armed Forces, the Para–Military Organisations, the Police, the Ministries, the Public Enterprises (collectively referred to as Ministries, Departments and Agencies), the public sector refers to a system of government employees, elected or appointed that serve members of the public through the provision of goods and service. The term is also a generic name for both the civil service and the parastatals or public enterprises combined. It equally encompasses undertakings that engage in the provision of goods and services which the private sector may not be able to invest in. It is generally recognized that the public sector, as an instrument for carrying out government policies, has a vital role to play in the social and economic development of a country. OVERVIEW OF THE EVOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR IN NIGERIA The evolution of the Public Service was described by Maduabum (2006) thus; * The transfer of the central administration of Lagos, Gambia, Gold Coast, Sierra Leone to Freetown, Sierra Leone (1866–1874) * Lagos Colony was administered from Gold Coast (1874–1886) * Moloney was
  • 6. appointed Governor of Lagos (1886) * The Niger Coast Protectorate was merged with the territories of the Royal Niger Company (1889) * The ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Modern System Of Public Health Services The concept of the public, health was once compromising as the only governmental public health agencies. However, modern system of technology and education has brought into today's green light that, the public health sector, such as Medicaid, schools as well the environmental protection agencies, plus that of the private sector organizations must be included in the concept. This is because they are believed to have a very significant role to play in the health of the public. The services of public health mainly have four components and they include mission, structure, process and outcomes. However, the services of the concepts entail a lot, and ten of which happens to be the most essential of it all will be discussed below. Public health services develop policies and plans that support the efforts of the community as well as the health of the individual ( And this practice or services include successful, emergency response and state improvement that comes with community planning, alignment of resources, which assures a successful planning versus policy development that protects and guide the health of the public. Secondly, studies show that, the system link the people in the community to the needed personal health services they need and assures them of the available provision of care and even when otherwise unavailable according to the centers for disease control and prevention (03/2014). This also means it will identify the number of people with barriers to care ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Urban Public Transportation : A Public Bus Service When envisioning urban public transportation many people commonly picture bus service. In the Bloomington–Normal urban area, the public bus service is Connect Transit, which recently embraced its new name, leaving behind the clunky name Bloomington–Normal Public Transportation System possibly in efforts to rebrand its entire image. The image of public transportation however, may not be able to be rebranded as there seems to be a certain stigma which is affiliated with relying on the bus service as a primary means of transportation. After riding Connect Transit around the cities for even just an hour however, it is easy to see that stigma may well be an issue of race and class, rather than simply utilizing public transportation. "Public transit situates is so that we are given license to accept what's right in front of us, but will likely arouse our desire to compare our narrative to someone else's, to give ourselves permission to speculate upon a person's private space, or life, with no fear of recourse or punishment" (Wilson, 2012). In order to take a deeper look into the barriers that low–income people face, as well as to attempt to learn about how inequality and social stratification are at work in the Bloomington–Normal community, riding the available public transportation allowed for detailed participant observation. Arriving at the Normal Uptown Station the intent was to take the Orange H bus which departed the station at 55 minutes past the hour, every hour. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. The Importance Of Public Service Advertisements Public service announcements, or PSA, are some of the most influential forms of advertisements. In a darker colored advertisement posted by Ekburg.RU called "Think of Both Sides", it depicts an inside view of a family in the car with the father driving and distracted on the phone. There are two passengers in the car– his wife who is distracted by a map and their child. The key component of this picture is that you can see their small child, who looks very innocent, in their rear–view mirror and a child in front of their car clearly filled with fear. The piece is very focused on the harms on the family's children and the child close to being hit, rather than the distracted parents. According to The Association of Psychological Science, getting hit by a vehicle is in the top three causes of deaths for children ages 5 to 9 (Why Kids Get Hit By Cars). The public service announcement not only displays the importance of paying attention to what is in front of you, but also being aware of how your actions can harm others. The first component, as well as the one that takes up the most space in the advertisement, is the parents. With both the husband on the phone, looking at his wife and his wife holding a map, reciprocating a look towards her husband, both are clueless to what is in front of them: a little kid with fear taking over his face. The reason why the parents are not focused on the road could be for the reasons that the man is on an important phone call as well as that they also needed directions. Regardless of the reason, both are blind to the harms they are putting everyone in this situation in. It is very clear that these adults did not consider their actions before doing them because they probably never considered that it could have been their child in the situation the little boy is in. The children are not at fault. The second, and considerably largest, component in the advertisement is the children: the one about to be struck by the car as well as the small child in the backseat of the car. It is safe to say that both of these children are innocent people in the situation as they cannot control that the man and woman are distracted. The child in front of the car is wearing a backpack and a nicer ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Public... SHAILENDRA SIGDEL PSC ought to present the idea of Public Service Trainee for a three–year time frame to youthful and splendid experts from various areas. The enrollment will be on an agreement premise and take after some cutting edge techniques A protest frequently heard in the common administration is that "quality" individuals are not having any significant bearing for the open rivalry opportunities of Public Service Commission. One of the issues in Nepal is that youthful and qualified individuals are pulled in to join INGOs and other improvement offices, yet these associations once in a while enroll new graduates. The fascination for them with INGOs and different organizations is better pay, working conditions, and so on. Be that as it may, in all actuality, government work ... Show more content on ... Indeed, even the individuals who demonstrate some enthusiasm for applying are not doing this as a result of a few elements including a bulky enrollment handle, absence of yearning to be required out in the open administration for quite a while and absence of familiarity with the advantages of joining people in general administration. This issue is exacerbated by the way that the kin of lawmakers, officials and private division are for the most part not intrigued to join people in general administration. This has a few ramifications. To begin with, open administration is not frequently getting the administration of qualified individuals and the cream of the general public. Second, the individuals who have great scholastic foundation in Nepal and abroad are likewise without basic advancement encounters of working in the administration which at last sets them up for all the more remunerating employments later on. Without framework to energize youthful skilled individuals in the general population benefit, both parties–the government and youngsters–are missing ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Public Services : Public Sector This essay will provide an analysis of the public sector in public relations, identifying its key concepts, challenges and an example of an organisation which follows its structure. The public sector PR is described as "driven by the need for transparency in how an organisation carries out its public duties, accountability to the public, on how money from taxes is spent and increasingly, public consultation and involvement in the services provided" (Tench & Yeomans 2009). Public sector organisations are those which are publicly funded – usually through taxes. This includes local government, NHS, Police, Fire stations, and Ambulance service. Public relations in the public sector widely focus on government and political communications which can be local, regional or central. The audience within this public sector is essentially the public – those who pay taxes in order to fund these public organisations as all of these services are paid for through either local or national taxes. The role of a PR practitioner in the public sector requires an array of skills – including handling and dealing with a crisis – and effective crisis communication itself is vital to a successful crisis management effort. Crisis public relations management research brings important insights to understanding what makes crisis communication effective and ineffective (Coombs 2010). The organisations within the public sector organisations also include all emergency services however the public sector also ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Essay on Public Service Broadcasting Within The Plural... Introduction British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC] has played its role as a Public Service Broadcasting [PSB] in England since 1926. It was set up on Baron Reith's hands as an educative media building public's character by establishing and socializing cultural value to the society via its programs. Hitherto, BBC's work focuses on the cultural connection among the society and plays a role as its guardian rather than pays attention to the diversity among them (Curran & Seaton, 2003). However, some critiques about its existence started raising in the end of 1980s as the appearance of the Sky Media commercial–satellite television company which gave larger opportunity for public to choose what they want to see. Recently, one of the most ... Show more content on ... Therefore, its operation focuses more on fostering the civilization and democracy rather than to gain revenue. Besides, it also must be willing for a limited autonomy in its operation since the government has the authority to control its working mechanism. The core objection of this form of broadcasting is to serve public by providing quality information and facilitating public discourse to enforce democracy and advance civilization. In term of quality information, PSB plays a role as socio–cultural agent whose duty is to perpetuate the high culture and raise public awareness as an united national entity. Furthermore, in its role as a discursive arena, PSB exists as a practice of Habermas' idea of public sphere where public as a political community exercise their freedom of assembly and freedom of information to solve their social problem as well as to reach an agreement about the 'common good' which is expected to affect the policy in a society (Hauser, 1998). To guarantee that this democratic function works well, PSB must guarantee that its operation is impartially detached from either state or market interest. In this case, BBC is a good example. Since it's mobilization from private company to public corporation, BBC operates as a form of "quangos" (Butsch, 2007) which work as an independent organisation playing a governmental role. Since 1946, its operational fund comes from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Public Health Services For Nhs England Rehabilition services are there for many people suffering from mental health issues, drug or alcohol abuse or even for servicemen and women who have been injured in the armed forces. Public health services commissioned not only by the CCGs but also by PHE whom also works closely with NHS England and the department of health to be provided. These services should aim to provide efficient healthcare to people living within UK. Primary care is what patients mainly look out for when they are in need of help– health wise. It is delivered through GPs, dentists, pharamists, optometrists, walk–in centres and the NHS 111 number. They are commissioned by NHS England who also commission some other specialist services. NHS England is in charge of ... Show more content on ... The are commissioned by both the department of England and public health England. Monitor is a financial regulator of foundation trusts. They make sure that all NHS provisions are running properly and that they provide quality care, that all the essential services provided by the NHs are maintained especially if a provider gets into a difficult situation, that the payment system endorses quality and efficiency and finally to make sure that patients are operated on their best interests. The care quality commission is also a regulator which is independent for the quality of both health and social care in the UK. Similar to OFSTED, they examine and inspect as well as register health provisions such as hospitals, care homes, GP surgeries, healthcare practices, dental practices etc. The CQC have the right to give warnings, close down the practice, give a penalty notice, to suspend registration or prosecute the provider if they feel as though the services are not meeting the standards of quality and safety. Healthwatch England is a consumer champion for both health and social care nationally. It makes sure that the views and experiences of the public are taken into consideration when local needs assessments are organised. It enables people to share their views about the ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Public Service Is A High Calling Public service is a high calling. A calling that certain individuals who are compassionate and enthusiastic about serving their communities at large are willing to dedicate their profession and skills to. Although there are many challenges in managing a public organization, great leaders are those who have taken this opportunity and have inspired their work to be bigger than themselves in hopes to motivate those around them to do good work. The development of our societies depends on the efforts of the public sector such as education, environmental services, health and social care, that are fundamental to peoples lives. Therefore, it is important that an effective leader in the public sector who is much more than knowing the job and how to manage workloads and staff. There are many behaviors and traits that have been linked to successful leaders, and more specifically, those who have dedicated their careers to the public. Leadership is formally defined as "the exercise of authority, whether formal or informal, in directing and coordinating the work of others" (Shafritz, Russell and Borick, 361). However, challenges surfaced in the public sector such as overcoming political and governmental pressures, inadequate training of staff, high employee turnover, and possibly weak management skills in lower levels causes front–runners to jump through several more hoops than a leader working in a private organization. That is why it takes a special individual who exuberates ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Statutory and Non-Statutory Public Services A public service is a service that is funded by the government or by donations to help the government deliver its actions as effectively as possible. There are two types of public services they are statutory and non–statutory services. The difference between a statutory and a non–statutory service is that a statutory service is paid by tax payers, funded by the government and is set up by the law. They are usually uniformed and highly professional an example would be the Emergency Services and the Armed Forces. A non–statutory service is a service that doesn't receive a lot of government funding so they are paid by members or the public as they are registered as charities, they are set up by individuals and not parliament and unlike ... Show more content on ... Another example of an emergency service is the Fire and Rescue service. They work with the public in many ways; one way is to make house calls to the elderly to make sure that they have the necessary equipment like fire alarms to ensure safety in the home. Another form of support that the fire service provides to the public is they have youth schemes an example of this the "Safe Drive Stay Alive" program that they run for secondary schools and colleges. These youth schemes also allow members of the fire service to go into schools and youth groups and talk to them about the dangers of fires and how they can be prevented. Non–statutory services may not be put there by law but they still play a vital role in helping the community and statutory public services. An example is Help for Heroes although they are for ex–service personal they help support the families of the wounded. They provide individual support to soldiers and their families, recovery centres like Headley court (rehabilitation centre) and Fisher house (a home for wounded patients and their families), sports recovery which helps the service personal regain confidence and independence. They may not visibly help the community but they give the opportunity to get people of the public involved and help out ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Public Health Services : Case Study Evaluation 10 Essential Public Health Services: Case Study Evaluation Kyle Orr PUBH5050 Introduction to Dental Public Health Dr. Jaana Gold 10/5/2014 Case number one discusses how communities must monitor the water fluoridation levels and report these levels to the state health department. This case brings up several different parts of the ten essential public health services. The first component is the mobilization of community partnerships to identify and solve health problems. This is first because it utilizes the actual community to conduct the water tests. Doing so allows the community to be involved and have some ownership of their public health program. The actual idea of fluoridated water is a perfect example of developing policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. There have been multiple studies done, as early as the 1940's; showing fluoridated water lowers the incidence of caries (Arnold Jr. 1956). These studies are why so many communities have these fluoridated water programs and why those that do not have it can potentially get governmental resources to start a program. The case also mentioned that these fluoridation measurements are also made available to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which then would use this information in their National Water Fluoridation Reporting System. This follows the essential public health service of enforcing laws and regulations that protect health ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Public Service Vs Traditional Public Services Essay Governments every were are seeking new ways of reinventing their personnel systems to meet rising challenges in the way public service is delivered ,this need has given birth to a set of contemporary systems and these new systems are impacting the traditional civil service system and the way public services are delivered. The aim of these changes is to; Reduce the role of government and the number of public employees by using alternative organizations or mechanisms for providing public services and to increase the flexibility of employment relationships for the public employee that remain . Although these alternatives are not new, they are however becoming common and these new alternatives are taking over the traditional public system of the ... Show more content on ... The increased use of temporary, part–time and seasonal workers and the increased hiring of exempt employee through employment contracts. Employers are reducing cost and enhance flexibility by meeting the minimal staffing requirements through permanent employees and hiring temporary, seasonal and part–time workers to meet peak workload( these positions are usually low paid, no benefit and are fired at will employees), which requires minimal skills, and when skills are required such jobs are contracted out to avoid save money . Exempt positions means funds must be available before such positions are filled, they are not classified within the civil service system, the terms and conditions of these positions are specified through a contract listing pay and benefits and limiting the terms of employment, they can be fired at will in the event of a change in management or disagreement, this also means contract can be renewed or denied. This managerial flexibility allows for agencies to reduce their overhead expenses without having to deal with civil service regulations and collective bargaining and union issues. 2. Change in role of HR administration– In the civil service system the role of the HR administrator is technical, record keeping and processing personnel issues but the alternative personnel system have brought about a change in the job description of an administrator in that he is now involved in brokering of deals and mediating of conflicts among competing personnel systems. ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements Running Head: Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements Submitted by Your Name Goes Here University Name September, 2011 Contents Introduction 2 Literature review 2 Research Question 3 Research Methodology 3 Conclusion 3 Works Cited 3 Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements Introduction Celebrity endorsements are one of the most famous methods of marketing used today. Celebrity endorsers are being used in about 25% of all the advertisements that we can see on the television. Marketers are investing large sums of money to have a contract with the celebrities as they believe that celebrities can affect the chances of success of a product. (Erica Weintraub Austina*, 2008) Kiakati ... Show more content on ... Petty and Cacioppo (1981) have developed the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion which explains the peripheral route to persuasion and the central route. In the peripheral route, persuasive influences are more tangential to the issues at hand. For egg– in a PSA targeted against smoking in youth, the peripheral route will show the teenagers having a better sex life after quitting smoking. (William G. Shadel, January 2009) Central processing occurs when the person at hand is aware about the main message of the PSA and is motivated to consider its content. We will analyze the use of celebrities for both these routes of persuasion and try to find out the effectiveness in each case. A PSA is usually not presented to the audience at the time of action. A PSA is supposed to make the
  • 55. audience think and act on the message later. Thus human memory plays a very important role in the success of a PSA. (Shen, Monahan, Rhodes, & Roskos–Ewoldsen, 2009) If the audience is attracted by a PSA, likes it but is not able to recollect it later the whole exercise ends in futility. Many researchers have found that for the message to be effective, retained and used highly credible sources of delivering the message have to be used and these sources of delivery should be able to create a personal connect with the audience. (Joseph B. Walther1, 2010)In this context if we are using a public celebrity; he has his own personality and a public image. We will try to ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Bureaucratic Discretion In Public Service Extensive research has discussed the role of street–level bureaucrats in the administration of public services. Few people in the public consciously give a name to what front line service providers such as police, social workers, teachers, public health, legal–aid, city workers, and other public servants subconsciously perform day in and day out bureaucrat discretion. Many of these public servants themselves who are doling out bureaucratic discretion have not put a name to it because many times it is a natural reaction and decided in a moment's response. Author, Michael Lipsky, brought attention to the phenomenal and verbalized the concept. Since these public servants are literally in the trenches and on the front line serving the ... Show more content on ... This is why it is vitally important when discretionary calls are made it is done with the upmost ethical conclusion. Human nature is wired to react from their own experiences be they good or bad. It is important for citizens, all levels of government employees and the institutions they serve to understand this concept of bureaucratic discretion. With education, nuances of the complexities of the job, and proper policies and guidelines, when bureaucratic discretion are made by the street– level worker they need to be balanced with ethics and integrity for the various situations they face. There is such a broad spectrum of public servants that bureaucratic discretion will also have a very broad range of definitions. A broad general definition of discretion is a perceived freedom of street– level bureaucrats to make choices that concern the sort, quantity, and quality sanctions and rewards that are offer when implementing a policy. The management style of different government entities can have an adverse or beneficial effect when implementing the same policy because the public servant(s) (1) possess more knowledge or loopholes on the rules, (2) the agency's operationalize the policy somewhat differently, (3) employee/manager relationship is what enables them to adjust to the circumstances, or (4) the personality of the street–level bureaucrat is more rule–following or ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Three Currents Affairs Affecting Public Services CURRENTS AFFAIRS |Course Tutor – Ali Calthorpe |Year – 2012/2013 | |Unit – Unit 3 Citizenship and Diversity |Tutor – Ali Calthorpe | |Assignment Title – The media, current affairs and support within the public services | |Handout date – w/c 20/05/2013 |Submission date – w/c 03/06/2013 | |Outcomes Covered | |Outcome ... Show more content on ... You must illustrate that you can | |report on current affairs and their impact upon your police service in a balanced approach. You will be required to attend an | |assessment centre and complete various tasks in order to successfully be appointed in the role. | | | |Task One: (P7) (P8) | |Your first task is to write a special news article where you must report on three examples of current affairs that affect | |public services and citizens (P7). In the final part of your article you should present information on how the media reports | |current affairs involving public services (P8).You should include in your article how the media have reported these different | |current affairs and the public services' response.Consider if the media coverage differs in different newspapers or television| |channels. For example, if some reports are favourable to the services and others not. | ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Public Service And Public Services Firefighters, police officers, public officials, and health care personnel are some of the first careers individuals think of when the phrase, "public service," is mentioned. Other people think of philanthropists, teachers, or even nonprofit organizations; however, individuals in these positions are not the only public servants throughout the world; and in some instances, the same individuals who serve as your police officers, public officials, or in any "public servant" position, for that matter, would not be considered a public servant due to bad outcomes from unethical behaviors. The real questions, then, are: how to determine the public official that is, in fact, a public servant compared to the one who is not; how to know what other jobs could be considered a public service and which ones are not; or how to recognize the actual acts of public service from the phony ones? Questions like these, as well as others, will be attempted to be answered in this paper, or at least provide a framework to answer them through the attempt of clarifying what the definition of public service incorporates into its jurisdiction. In my Foundations of Public Service class, at the Clinton School of Public Service (2014), students were divided up in groups to discuss and agree upon a definition of public service. To my recollection, the group receiving the most recognition from their peers regarding their definition was Team #7, also known as the Seven Sevens of DiPippa. The team defined ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Public Services Research Paper Mengyi ZHOU POSC497 Professor Christopher Reese Spring 2017 Assignment #7 As a public service system, there is much more interactions going on between the organization and the public. It is more complicated than sell–and–buy relationship in the market of private companies. A public organization is more associated with obligation when delivering service and goods. Not saying that the private organizations has no responsibility to the customers, however, in addition to everything between sellers and buyer, it is also our liability to provide what the citizens demand for since they've offered their trust and tax dollars. In Chapter 7 of the PA Companion, the author mainly talks about the feasible method to understand public opinion and dissatisfaction ... Show more content on ... In the government, PERT is especially useful when the tasks are executed by multiple agencies or independent divisions with specialized expertise while it usually points out the most effective way to coordinate. Since time is the key issue of PERT, it relies on the subjective estimates of the managers and the accuracy of timekeeping. The process of PERT has to clarify time commitments, outputs, and interrelationships among participants for the comprehensive evaluation. Yet, a PERT network is a graphic representation of simple process but it has limited capability to explain detailed information. Hence, a flowchart, developed from PERT network is adopted to represent a process with sequencing of steps and relative information and data. A complete flowchart may serve as a tool for developing process with higher efficiency, and for improving coordination and communication leading to better ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Importance Of Public Service Announcements No one gets up in the morning and says I think that I will drive distracted so that I can kill myself or take the life of an innocent bystander today, but that is exactly what happens over nine times a day in the United States because of distracted driving. Nine lives are cut short. The United States Department of Transportation reports that cell phones are involved in 1.6 million auto crashes each year that cause half million injuries. Individuals who drive while sending or reading text messages are 23 percent more likely to be involved in a car crash than other drivers. There are many media campaigns that have used Public Service Announcements with no effect on reducing the number of distracted driving incidents because teens are overwhelmingly compelled to constantly monitor and respond to their cell phones because they do not believe that anything bad will ever happen them. So, wasting more dollars on Public Service Announcements will not reduce the number of distracted driving incidents. Hopefully, technological advances can countermand the teen brain. Nevertheless, some say that Public Service Announcements that make an emotional appeal utilizing convincingly credible logical information do help reduce the number of distracted driving incidents by making teens aware of the terrible consequences that can occur from distracted driving. Granted that, no one sets out to take the life of another or their own, but the teenage mind can't wrap its self around the aftereffects ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Evaluation Of The 10 Essential Public Health Services This paper is about the evaluation of the 10 essential Public Health Services and how they can be helpful in the prevention of HIV in communities across the nation. In addition, the paper depicts how the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) has been able to incorporate the 10 essential public health services in its fight against HIV disease. The paper will discuss the assessment of the HIV disease situation in Chicago neighborhoods; policy development by the Chicago Department of Public Health and the assurance that solutions to priority problems are based on scientific evidence. Furthermore, the interconnection of the various essential public health service in the prevention and treatment of HIV and the support the department has for the families of their resident that are afflicted with HIV virus will be discussed. Finally, an inferred conclusion will be drawn from my research about the efficiency of the Chicago Department of Public Health and their incorporation of the 10 essential public health functions in their services to those HIV–positive residents in the city of Chicago. According to the CDC (2015), more than one million people are living with HIV in the United States, and more than 50,000 become newly infected each year. Unfortunately, one in five Americans living with HIV are unaware of their infection. I believe using the strategy which stresses the use of the 10 essential services of public health will help reduce the incidence of HIV in our ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. The Provision Of Public Health Services Essay Introduction The author was hired as the new Vice President of Quality and Safety for a full–service 600–bed government healthcare organization. Within the first month on the job, the national security threat level has been raised to Imminent, which means there is a credible, specific, and impending terrorist threat against the United States and the facility may be directly impacted. Upon this report, the Chief Executive Officer has requested an immediate six to eight (6–8) page report on a proposal for handling such a situation. The author has to be very knowledgeable, factual, accurate, and validated when presenting this proposal. The public health system takes into consideration "all public, private, and voluntary entities that contribute to the delivery of essential public services within a jurisdiction. Therefore this concept ensures that all entities' contributions to the health and well–being of the community or state are recognized in assessing the provision of public health services". Examine the existing procedures related to at least four (4) of the ten (10) essential health services. Focus on the principal effects that these procedures will have on your hospital during the emergency. The four existing procedures chosen from the ten essential health services that will be examine are: Firstly, Monitor health status to identify and solve community health problems this aspect falls under the Assessment section of the essential public health services. ... Get more on ...
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  • 87. Health Of Public Health Services In the United States. Public health infrastructures are set up to better serve and provide the necessary public health services to the community. These Infrastructures are not only dictated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, but by Public health agencies at the state and local level or by private and public organizations. Every health agency must abide by three core functions in order to promote health in the community. They must first assess by observing the health status of a community, identifying the health issues and providing solutions. Next, they must develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts, enforce law and regulations to ensure health safety. Finally, they must assure that the people are informed and educated about health issues. Under these functions, there are also ten essential health services that each agency thrives to provide to the community to ensure proper and quality health care (The Public Health System and the 10 Essential Public Health Services, 2014) The Gwinnett, Rockdale and Newton county health departments collaboratively work to provide a safe, healthy, and prepared community where all individuals have access to quality health care. They strive to develop a healthy community by monitoring and preventing disease, educating and promoting well–being and preparing for disasters. They are dedicated to providing services that are easily accessible, affordable to all and without partiality. They are ... Get more on ...
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  • 91. Social Service In Public Schools The Merriam–Webster dictionary defines social service as "an activity to promote social well–being; specifically: organized philanthropic assistance (as of the disabled or disadvantaged)" (Social Service). In addition, most social service agencies' are categorized as a 501(c)(3), which suggests "that a particular nonprofit organization has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service (commonly known as the IRS) as a tax–exempt, charitable organization. 'Charitable' is broadly defined as being established for purposes that are religious, educational, charitable, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering of national or international amateur sports, or prevention of cruelty to animals and children"(What does it mean..?). Shadow ... Show more content on ... This program is a partnership between SCML and a local high school club called Opportunity Smiles; the program also encourages the organization's goal to develop social skills and self–esteem within the special needs youth. To accomplish these goals, funds are needed; Shadow Creek Miracle League gets most funds from individuals in the surrounding community who supports their cause. These monetary funds are used to buy all the sports equipment, which includes players' uniforms and safety gear, and the certificates, trophies and food at each end of season ... Get more on ...
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  • 95. Public Services And Public Sector Businesses vary. Schools, shops, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, banks, spas, and universities are all businesses in the sense that they all have corporate missions or targets to deliver whilst, at the same time being under constraints and pressures. These businesses can be divided into 3 categories; 1. Private 2. Public 3. The Voluntary/Third Sector e.g. Charities and Co–Operatives. Public Sector Companies are predominately focused on providing the best service that budget allows to the communities or taxpayers. For example if the government–run bus service in a remote area is not getting enough customers, the government may still continue this service as its main objective is to provide and not to maximise profits. On the other hand, if this service was run by a private sectors business, they may end it if they do not find it profitable, as their main priority is predominately to increase revenue. However, in recent years, the government has encouraged Public Sector Companies to focus on commercial targets, whilst at the same time meeting government targets. This is due to budget cuts and the reorganisation of government money as Public Companies are funded by the taxpayer, either directly e.g. council tax; or indirectly e.g. income tax distributed by the Government. Private sector objectives will often differ from objectives set in the public sector. Private Sector Companies are normally owned by private individuals or families. However, they can also be owned by other ... Get more on ...
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  • 99. Australian Public Service And Code Of Conduct Learning Problem 1 (620 Words) Free speech is commonly assumed to be speech unrestricted by regulation, nevertheless legislators may also enact legislation to protect the implicit right to free speech. This is presented in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights article 19 section 1, stating 'everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.' This may be distinguished in this case as the employee has entered both into an employment contract with an implied social media agreement, and Commonwealth and State laws which are permitted to transcend this material. This implicit and explicit notion of free speech transcends into the spectrum of social media, an instrument pertaining a multitude of advantageous ... Show more content on ... The objective of an open court is the right of public of admission for the public. This principle of open justice is reflected in the aforementioned article 14(1) of the ICCPR. This factor of open justice fashions a circumstance in which the media has no greater common law right to attend court than any other member of the public. It may be noted that special privileges exists for journalist; seating, note–taking and some access to documents. Access to documents is restricted due to the aforementioned equality of journalists and general public, coinciding with the court not being a public register with rights to access. The notion of open justice allows our journalists to enter and report on cases, such as the 'Moreton Bay Killer'. Open justice is the key to accurate and knowledgeable reporting in the public best interest. Nevertheless, situations exist in which an open court may not be available, or even ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Public Services UNDER the scheme, since the public funds are fairly easily available i.e 80 % of the project cost is provided by central and 10 % by state government, hence it is also observed that most of the ULBs are going in for long–distance expensive projects for water supply. For example in Khandwa and Shivpuri towns of Madhya Pradesh, the ULBs have gone for projects costing Rs 106 crores and Rs 80 crores respectively for water supply augmentation. The other fall–out of long–distance, capital–intensive projects is that investment–wise these are such projects which the ULBs cannot afford to pay for. This has lead them to the doors of the private companies who are eager to get a share of the urban water projects pie. UIDSSMT encourages private participation ... Show more content on ... The effect of such capital–intensive private water supply is people have to pay more for the water supply. Under the private project like in Khandwa ,public stand posts would be disconnected and removed. There would not be any other source of water from which the people would be allowed to source water other than that of private operator. The private operator would have the right to stop the use of even the handpumps, even those installed before the contract was signed. Out of the total project cost of Rs 115.32 crores, KMC through the central and state government sponsored scheme UIDSSMT, is providing the private company with a subsidy of Rs 93.25 crores to execute the project.The remaining Rs 22.07 crores would be invested by the private company in lieu of operating and earning profits from the water project for the period of the concession contract i.e. 25 years (including the period of ... Get more on ...
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  • 107. A Reflection On Public Service As students of Masters of Public Service degrees, it is imperative to develop a holistic and deep understanding of what "public service" means. Our class discussions have shown us the ambiguity of striking a balance between opposing forces: between intention and outcome, aid and empowerment, intrinsic and extrinsic affirmation, and self–interest and altruism. How do we balance these perspectives, when each has its benefits and pitfalls to the success of any project? In determining my own definition of public service, my hope is to elucidate factors that optimize each of these perspectives. In doing so, we can come closer to defining public service in a way that is both operationally useful and ethically guiding. Considering course documents and class discussions, I have defined the phrase as follows: The "public" is a marginalized body unable or unexpected to monetarily repay servants for provided goods. "Service" is an act that results in improved quality of life as reported by receiving individuals. Therefore "public service" is defined by (1) actions resulting (2) in goods that improve quality of life (3) as reported by marginalized recipients (4) who are unable or unexpected to monetarily repay the servant. By fragmenting the definition into four parts, I can address the issues of intention versus outcome, aid versus empowerment, intrinsic versus extrinsic affirmation, and self–interest versus altruism in public service. Applying the Formula of Universal Law ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. Public Service Philosophy Essay : Public Services Public Service Philosophy Essay "Public service" is a very vague idea for me. To me, there isn't a definite definition that can distinguish what is public service or not. From our reading, it was pointed out that what public service used to mean, and what it now means has changed immeasurably. From Jobs That Matter, Heather Krasna defines public service as significantly contributing "to solving problems in society or the world." I think the idea of "significantly contributing" to society can be demoralizing to even the most altruistic of citizens. If I had to pinpoint what public service is, I believe public service is volunteering one's time and energy for the greater good of the society as a whole. It's the selfless pursuit of ... Show more content on ... Public service works can be found in both the public and private sector. Some obvious examples of public service works would be a public school teacher, servicemen and women, and social workers. These jobs tend to contribute to the public good. Intuitively, works that wouldn't be considered public service would be jobs that principally intent to serve for the profit of private individuals and conglomerates. With that said, I would consider private bankers and entrepreneurs as non–public service work. I think there are apparent principle or a set of criteria by which we can distinguish between public service work and non–public service work. The things to look out for are the objective of the job and who it benefits. On a different note, proponents of Capitalism would argue that non–public service work like an entrepreneur would indirectly lead to public good. Their business endeavors can lead to many job creation, and their products can benefit the public. This idea of an "invisible hand", coined by Adam Smith, believes that an individual pursuing their own interest can ultimately benefit the public good more than if the individual was pursuing the interest of the public. The same proponents would argue that their work has contributed more to society than governmental, "public service" work. Honestly, ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. Public Service Personal Statement Public Service is when you must act not because you expect anything in return–but simply because you want to be of service and do what is right. Service is something that my parents instilled in me since I was very little. Living next door to my grandparents' house, I would always remember my mother saying, "Go help your grandfather because he is cutting the grass," or "Go help your grandmother with the groceries." Eventually it became a natural thing to do; to go over to their house and help with whatever they needed. My parents always encouraged me to make the most of my free time. With that in mind, I started participating in events such as Clean Our Beach Day, tutoring students in math afterschool, and reading to kindergarten students during "El Día del Nino." As I grew older, my service to the community took on more responsibilities. During Thanksgiving and Christmas break, I filled brown paper bags with food items and delivered them to church members who were ... Show more content on ... We sat down with Texas Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. and discussed three pertinent issues affecting public schools in the Rio Grande Valley: school vouchers, age limits, and cyber bullying. Being a young Hispanic, I felt it was my civic duty to participate in the student caucus and represent my peers back home. In addition, I am also a 4H Health Ambassador where I get to help conduct presentations on nutritional education, the importance of children having breakfast, and teaching others how to read nutritional labels. Since both of my grandparents are diabetics, it is important for me to be an advocate of healthy living at all ages. Furthermore, I am a member of Harlingen Smokebusters, in which we talk to students regarding the dangers of tobacco and smoking. By repeatedly voicing our concerns at city hall meetings, we were instrumental in making the City of Harlingen become totally ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. Public Service Announcements PSAs, or public service announcements, are sent out by government or local institutions to help reduce the number of incidents relating to a certain area. PSAs are often about public safety, covering issues like bicycling protection, anti–drinking and drugs, and car safety. One big issue that is given a lot of attention to by the Department of Transportation, highway safety, and police departments are distracted driving incidents that they believe can be stopped. PSA's can help reduce the number of distracted driving incidents because if they are presented effectively, they can make the people think about their driving skills and habits, and make them think about it both out of driving, and while driving. However, many people believe that PSAs ... Show more content on ... On this other side of the argument, others claim that public service announcements actually do help. Many say that they can help reduce the number of distracted driving incidents because if the announcement is presented effectively, it can make the people think about their driving skills and habits, and make them think about it both out of driving, and while driving, which could very well lead a positive influence on their abilities. In a similar survey taken by AAA to the one about driving distracted in 2012, they found that nearly 95% of drivers said texting while driving was a very serious threat to their personal safety. In the AAA report, they say that researchers at MIT had published results from a study that found that drivers who frequently used cell phones behind the wheel were more likely than those who did not to be reported or observed engaging in other risky behaviors, such as frequent lane changing, speeding, and hard acceleration. In order to try to curb all of this, 46 states have enacted some sort of texting bans with penalties ranging from 20 dollars to ten thousand and a year in prison. While this may not have all to do with public service announcements, it's just as helpful. Recently in New Hampshire they passed a new phone and driving law, in which they distributed the law to schools and posted them everywhere in ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Victorian Public Services Act 1992 Public service reform: After immediately the formation of government in October 1992, the new government led a massive transformation of the Victorian public service. The government introduced the Public Sector Management Act 1992 (Act no 68/1992, assented to 19 November 1992) on 30 October to replace the Public Service Act 1974. The key provisions of the legislation were: the Premier became the employer of all department heads, who in turn became the employers of all staff employed within their agencies; the number of government departments was reduced from 22 to 13 through the process of amalgamation and integration of existing structure; the abolition of Public Service board and its replacement with a Public Service Commissioner. ... Show more content on ... 83/1992 s.4 conciliation, mediation and arbitration with the minimum of legal form and technicality; (i) to provide for the observance and enforcement of dispute ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. South Carolina Public Service Commission (ORS) WHAT: The Office of Regulatory Staff is commonly referred to as ORS. ORS has singular responsibility for the inspection, auditing and examination of all public utilities within the state of South Carolina. By statute, ORS is directed to represent the public interest of South Carolina and all South Carolinians in utility regulation for each major public industry including the electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, wastewater and transportation industries. ORS is authorized to represent the state in front the Public Service Commission ("PSC"), the court system, the South Carolina General Assembly and any federal regulatory body necessary to support the above mentioned industries and the citizens of the state. In addition, perhaps ... Show more content on ... Politically, companies that collect these fees are asking members of the General Assembly if this is still necessary as there are multiple options beyond land lines. ORS is working on a report that is due no later than 2018 on the necessity of Universal Service Fund. This report will likely set the tone for legislation in the General Assembly. KEY POINT: The universal Service Fund is going to continue to be a hot button item in the legislature with little action before 2018. The governor could choose to lead or sit out this issue as the General Assembly is going to be torn and divided over the issue of keeping, changing or killing the fund. This is not a major issue for the general public at this time and unless picked up by the media is likely to be a political issue and not a public ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. A Public Service Announcement ( Psa ) Can Help Reduce The... A Public Service Announcement (PSA) can help reduce the number of distracted driving accidents by explaining the horrible effects of distracted driving and the best ways to prevent distracted driving. Currently, the main source of distracted driving is cell phones. Cell phones cause a person to text, call, and use social media while driving; all factors that can be a deadly distraction while driving. A cell phone causes much distraction for the driver and may cause the driver to have a car crash that not only affects themselves, but also the surrounding people. As a community, we should be educating people about distracted driving in order to prevent the problem and decrease the number of accidents. Public Service Announcements are important as they provide people with evidence, resources to limit distraction while driving, and helpful/important information. Teenagers, children, and even adults will be able to be informed. Even though educating people through a Public Service Announcement is important, it might not be viewed by most people and will not be effective towards the younger viewers. Teenagers and even adults might dismiss a Public Service Announcement because the announcement does not grab their attention or because the person might not care. Over the past years, cell phones have completely transformed how Americans communicate. Unavoidably, these wireless devices have made a huge impact on the nation's transportation system. Cell phones are the leading cause of ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. The Delivery Of Public Service There are mistakes, maladministration and misunderstanding that may occur during the delivery of public service in the United Kingdom (UK). The citizens have a right to complain if they feel aggrieved. There are many citizens who normally complain not only for their benefit but to ensure that the public service is improved so that it can cater for the needs of the citizens and so that the same mistakes are not inflicted on others. However, there are instances when the complaints are not resolved by the said service provider. In such an instance when an individual feels that the complaint has not been fully addressed by the government agency, department or National Health Service (NHS) in England, then that individual has a right of asking for the complaint to be referred to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) or the individual can personally refer the matter to the PHSO. This paper seeks to discuss the single reform of the PHSO that would best serve the interests of administrative justice. An Ombudsman may be defined as an officer appointed to investigate citizen's complaints against injustice or maladministration by public officials. The concept of the Ombudsman is anchored on the idea that citizens have a right of complaining against specific actions of omission or commission by public officials. The Ombudsman therefore has investigative powers vested on him and which include investigating the internal workings of departments or entire organization. ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. Public Services Privatization Essay Youness Elhamidi PADM – 610 Public Management Research Paper (Week 8) Privatization of Public Services Dr. Timothy Bagwell Department of Public Administration American Public University Author Note Youness Elhamidi, Department of Public Administration, American Public University. Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Youness Elhamidi, Department of Public Administration, American Public University System, 111 W. Congress Street, Charles Town, WV 25414. E–mail: Abstract There two main means of providing and producing public services in the United States at the different levels of government. The first mode is knows as in–house production by direct government workforce and contracting out to the private sector, which we refer to as privatization. Privatization in the United States mainly implies contracting out of public services to the public sector. Examples are local governments like the city or the county contracting out services like street cleaning, garbage pick up and a disposal, education, healthcare, etc. During the last three decades, privatization has become increasingly popular in our government. This noticeable growth of privatization of public services has generated lots of discussions and debates among many scholars and left many of asking the questions. In this paper, I will define privatization and explore different published articles that discuss contracting out to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. Policy And Its Effect On Public Services Policy and its effect on Public services Economists employed by the government are involved in implementing policies, which were especially established to meet government 's objectives that are very often multidimensional. There are four very fundamental objectives for viable economy, including decreasing the unemployment rates in certain regions, lower or stabilise the inflation, constant economic growth and a satisfactory balance of payments position. The UK economy continues to suffer from a number of underlying structural weaknesses. The government is now set on providing the economic framework, which will enhance the opportunity to raise a sustainable rate of economy growth, (Anderton, 2006). Economic growth also known as ... Show more content on ... There are many questions what arise from the topic of the economic growth. For instance, how can nations speed up their economic growth? There are many successful strategies to self–sustained economic growth. According to Keynesian policy prescriptions, long term growth can be achieved through structural policies such as supply–side policies, which would improve the long term performance of the economy. Supply–side policies emphasize incentives and tax cuts as a means of increasing economic growth. Such policy was espoused by President Reagan in the USA, but also Prime Minister Thatcher in Great Britain, (Nordhaus & Samuelson, 2005). Supply–side economists argue, that high taxes lead people to reduce their labour and capital supply. Arthur Laffer has suggested that the high tax rates might actually lower tax revenues, (Nordhaus & Samuelson, 2005). This Laffer–curve preposition holds that high tax rates shrink the tax base because they reduce economic activity. However, mainstream, economists doubt the Laffer preposition that cutting tax rates would increase tax revenues, ref. They believed that there 's a need for a radical restructuring of the tax system called supply–side tax cut, REF. According to this philosophy, reform should improve incentives by lowering marginal tax rates . This would lead to lowering tax burden on high–income individuals, but also encourage productivity and supply ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. The 10 Essential Public Health Services The 10 essential public health services are distributed under the three core functions of assurance, assessment, and policy development. Every community and public health organization should undertake activities that represent the 10 essential public health services. The American Heart Association is a nonprofit agency that embodies some of the essential public health services. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, the AHA has many local offices that serve various communities across the country. It is important for the AHA to be involved in building healthier communities because heart disease and stroke are the number 1 and number 5, respectively, leading causes of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2015). The AHA was founded in 1924 by six cardiologists and is the nation's oldest and largest organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. The AHA provides CPR education training, science based treatment guidelines to healthcare professionals, and education to lawmakers, policymakers, and the public to advocate for change that will improve the health of the community (American Heart Association, 2015). The mission and vision of the American Heart Association The mission of the AHA is to "build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke". Their "2020" vision is to "improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent, and reduce deaths from cardiovascular diseases and ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. Public Services And Social Care Personalisation is when the public services and social care in an entirely different way. They do this by starting with the person rather than the service; it will require the transformation of adult Social Care. There is going to be new legislation brought in 2013 for mental health issues based on autonomy, this is respecting the individual Capacity to decide and act on his own and his rights and to subject to restraint by others. Justice, this is to the law is equal; therefore if a person with learning disabilities or mental health disorder should retain the same rights and entitlement as others. Benefits, this is a way of acting in the individual best interest and finally least harm this is when treatment and care must be provided in ... Show more content on ... Although personalisation can have some disadvantages, so therefore there needs to be a balanced between care and control when helping an individual to make decisions in their life, as the Service User would like to make their own decision, however some decisions may have to be made by the Service Provider perspective which might not be in the Service Users best interests. Although some areas have robust statement that personal budgets must be used for the purchase of illegal items, such as alcohol or gambling, therefore this may prove difficult to regulate and enforce. Furthermore the use of direct payment may also leave the individual open to financial abuse from carers or family members. Also advocacy agencies and other third sectors organisations may leave the skills to assist vulnerable people who are receiving personal budgets. Another worry is that the individual budgets will pose a potential financial burden (Adam et al 2009). Individualised budgets that are neglected will need to be sensitively managed. Through personalisation permits nurses to think more resourcefully about needs of patients and encourage them to embrace the opportunity it affords. This makes sure that the individual is the centre of their care plan and are supported to make decisions promotes dignity and self–respect, enhancing ... Get more on ...
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  • 155. The Effects Of Television On Public Service Advertising Essay 1. Introduction Public service advertisements are a type of advertisements that usually communicate a certain idea not a mainly a product, they are used by Mass media to raise awareness and educate publics about an issue in order to shift attitudes and motivate behavior change. PSAs mainly communicate about health topics or social issues including alcohol and drug awareness, environmental protection, obesity prevention and gun control. A PSA is generally sponsored by a not for profit organization, trade association or political group. It is usually featured on television, radio or print. The Public Service Advertisement should contain three types of messages to motivate behavior change: Awareness, instruction, and persuasion. To create awareness, the messages of the campaign must inform publics about the health topic. Instruction messages should tell the people what to do and how to do it, and persuasion messages should give reasons to the public to adopt this particular health behavior. 2. Literature Review: 2.1 Effects of Televised Public Service Ad The effects of television are of particular interest because of this medium 's ability to reach a variety of populations, including adolescents. Television is by far the most widely used means of disseminating prevention messages, usually in the form of PSAs(Phillip Palmgreen, Lewis Donohew N.D)1. Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign Studies generally suffer from mistakes in campaign execution, including violating two of the main ... Get more on ...