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           New Mexico AMA – March 19, 2009
Dana VanDen Heuvel

               Dana is the founder of The
               MarketingSavant Group and a widely
               recognized specialist in thought
               leadership and emerging marketing
               technologies such as blogging, social
               media, RSS, Internet communities
               and interactive marketing trends and
               best practices and speaks regularly
               on these topics at industry events.
               Dana is the creator of the American
               Marketing Association
               “TechnoMarketing” training series
               and the author of the AMA
               Marketech ’08 guide to marketing
               Need help after the event? Email -
After-Event Slides & Resources
    The slides and resource links are available

    electronically after the event:
The Five Key Topics We’ll Explore:

1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in B2B Marketing
    Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice...

2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status – The Thought Leader’s Mindset
    Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes.

3 | Thought Leadership Cases & Companies
    Who’s using thought leadership marketing and how.

4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit
    The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers.

5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan
    How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.
What is Thought Leadership?

“Thought leadership centers on earning trust and
credibility. Thought leaders get noticed by offering
something different—information, insights, and
ideas, for instance. Thought leadership positions
you and your company as an industry authority and
resource and trusted advisor by establishing your
reputation as a generous contributor to your
Thought Leadership Marketing
                                                   Thought Leadership Marketing provides a sustainable
                                                   go-to-market strategy based on your competence and
                                                   point of view by developing intellectual capital
               Thought Leadership
                                                   employing elements of insurgent marketing principles

                                                   and creating clarity in the marketplace through a
                                                   balanced digital and traditional channel approach to
                                                   achieve market share and demand generation.
                                                    Thought Leadership Marketing turns organizational activity into
Insurgent/Underdog              Social Media &     intellectual capital that supports relevant advocacy positions, tacit domain
     Marketing                 Digital Marketing
                                                   expertise and point-of-view platforms to shape and influence market
                                                   perceptions and establish your organization a thought leader, knowledge
                                                   resource, subject matter expert and ultimately, a trusted client advisor

                                                    Social media and digital marketing combine with trusted, classical
                                                   marketing tools to form a foundation for sharing and relevant dialogue with
                                                   clients and markets that builds market capital and provides the insights,
                                                   access, and influence required to create demand generation

                                                    Effective Thought Leadership Marketing employs insurgent marketing
                                                   principles that deliver immediate and measurable lead and prospect
                                                   opportunity improvements and drives demand generation by focusing on
                                                   delivering wins and competing on higher ideals, not lower prices, in the age of
                                                   the empowered buyer.
The Thought Leadership
    Marketing Equation

                                 Strategic use of TLM
 Competence, purpose and                                     Thought leaders and trusted
                                tools and channels with
core market understanding                                         advisors occupy the
                                  media collaboration
inform the point of view &                                      greatest share of mind
                              garner your share voice in
     thought leadership                                         among business buyers.
                              the industry and spark the
 platform. Thought leaders                                      Share of mind predicts
                               industry dialogue around
 outshine their competitors                                    share of market. Thought
                                      your ideas.
who compete on price and                                         Leadership Marketing
                                As buyers seek out more
        advertising.                                         steadily increases your SOM
                              real market dialogue, SOV       with buyers, growing your
                              is an increasingly important
                                                                   share of market.
                                  factor contributing to
                                  marketplace success.
TLM Tops B2B Marketers Lists

           “Traditional approaches to B2B
           marketing are losing their impact.

           Today, B2B marketers are turning
           to thought leadership marketing
           as a way to differentiate their
           organization, products and
           services in an increasingly
           competitive market.”
                  Economist Intelligence Unit, 2008
Thought Leadership Marketing –
Tops for Marketers & Buyers
Thought Leadership
Gets Attention
    9 of the top 11 effective ways of getting a business
    buyer‟s attention of involve Thought Leadership
       How would you rate the effectiveness of the following marketing vehicles in getting your attention?
       Mean Rating (N~344)
                          Speech or presentation at a conference or trade show
          Case studies describing successful customer solution implementations
                                             Article in the business or trade press
                                   Invitation to a Webinar, seminar, or workshop
                  Analyst firm recommendation (such as Gartner/IDC/Forrester)
                    Search engine hits when doing research or surfing the Web
                                               White paper offered on the Internet
                                       Electronic newsletter from the service firm
                                                           Conference sponsorship
                                                               Direct mail brochure
                         Email from a sales representative from the service firm                  2.3
                    Phone call from a sales representative from the service firm                  2.3
                                                          TV or print advertisement               2.3
                                                                      Vendor's blog               2.3
                                                              Online advertisement               2.2
                                            Sporting or cultural event sponsorship             2.0

                                                                                      Source: ITSMA, How Customers Choose Study, North America, 2007
Thought Leadership Influences
    Eliminates buyer confusion about how to solve a
    business problem in their firm
     Creates   coherent conclusions amid market chaos
    Reduces the risk of choosing the wrong advisor

     Trusted advisors are 70% more likely to close deals than
      their competitors
    POV Frameworks illustrate your unique competence
    in addressing client issues
     Frameworks  are just tools for understanding problems &
      how to solve them
Thought Leadership Delivers
    Coherency out of marketplace chaos

    Diminished price resistance

    Valid and credible value proposition

    Self-qualified leads & opportunities

    Shortened sales cycles

    Value-forward marketing & selling platform

    Ongoing market dialogue

    Prospects experience your value before buying

    Buyers invested in your ideas before purchasing

    Growth in media placements & requests

    Search engine find-ability
The Five Key Topics We’ll Explore:

1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in B2B Marketing
    Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice...

2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status – The Thought Leader’s Mindset
    Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes.

3 | Thought Leadership Cases & Companies
    Who’s using thought leadership marketing and how.

4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit
    The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers.

5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan
    How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.
Thought Leadership is Attained

“Thought leadership is the recognition from the outside
world that the company deeply understands its business,
the needs of its customers and the broader marketplace in
which it operates.”
                                                       Elise Bauer

      Your customers grant you TL status

      You can influence using TLM tools & tactics

      It’s not about budget – it’s about Intellectual Capital
      and Content
      Set yourself apart through mandatory TLM attributes
Thought Leadership Marketing Mindset

1) They love what they do – energy & motivation
2) They have the drive to teach – no strings attached
3) They reach out and communicate – to everyone
4) They take risks with messaging – on the edge
5) They balance confidence with curiosity & learning –
   learn from everyone
6) They put in the time today (TLM activities) for
   tomorrow’s benefit
7) They never stop working, connecting and
   communicating – not drip marketing, but constant
Attributes: Thought Leadership Marketers

1)    Marketing
2)    Qualifications
3)    Body of Work (Activity Leadership)
4)    Body of Knowledge (Intellectual Capital)
5)    Continuous Improvement
6)    The Network
7)    The Physical Plant (staying fit – as a company)
8)    Self-Management
Guruship - Carl Friesen, Principal of Global Reach Communications
The Five Key Topics We’ll Explore:

1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in B2B Marketing
    Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice...

2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status – The Thought Leader’s Mindset
    Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes.

3 | Thought Leadership Cases & Companies
    Who’s using thought leadership marketing and how.

4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit
    The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers.

5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan
    How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.
Thought Leadership Marketer
       Entire senior management team is organized around the goal
       of promoting Cisco as a thought leader in the technology field
       Earning credibility by creating information that places

       company objectives second to the goal of educating
       Every Cisco executive must establish and nurture his or her

       own reputation for thought leadership, through blogging,
       public speaking, and writing articles
“When you look at thought leadership you can break it out into a
number of different areas. It must be visionary. It looks at the future.
It must be provocative, and it must put the our customer’s needs
first.”         Mark Peshoff, Senior Director of Cisco‟s Executive Thought Leadership
Thought Leadership Marketer
Thought Leadership Marketer
“Once thought leadership is established, the rest of the
industry, the media, academia, government policymakers
and the broader business community turn to that company
for ideas and for insights into where things are going.”

“The credibility we gain through thought leadership
contributes to a sustainable market leadership position.

“Cisco’s status in the technology field, and the business
world, and its dedication to thought leadership are
inseparable.”       Mark Peshoff, Senior Director of Cisco‟s Executive Thought Leadership
Thought Leadership Marketer
                 Small business focused credit card company is
                 changing the business financing discussion
                 through ideas
                     Created to stir the
                     conversation about what it stands
                     Positioning itself as the most
                     helpful credit card company to
                     small business
                     Involved in other small business
                     related causes to help developing
                     Online resources for small
                     business owners just getting
Thought Leadership Marketer
    Start the conversation &
    set the tone for a new
    First to market with data &
    Built on blogging &
    Strong media & speaking
    Over 50% of growth
    attributed to TLM
Thought Leadership Marketer
Thought Leadership Marketer
Crest Toothpaste
                In the 1950s, the Holy Grail of toothpaste was to
                create a product with therapeutic as well as
                cosmetic benefits. Crest got there first—and
                dominated for decades.
                    1960 recognition by the American
                    Dental Assoc.
                    Set the conversation for the entire
                    toothpaste industry
                    The Crest Dental Plan (Club Crest)

                    “Health Expressions” newsletter

                    Online resources for both dentists
                    and consumers (lessons, talking
                    points, chat)
                    Best-selling toothpaste in America
                    for more than three decades.
Thought Leadership Marketer
Indium Corporation
    25% reduction in marketing spend

    Major account wins

    Entire organization involved

    in the „community‟
Thought Leadership Marketer
    Indium Corporation
“[Being a Thought Leader] is
being considered the best, most
authoritative, trusted source. It
means being the “go to” people.
It means being given the first
look, being invited into a
development project and asked
for advice. It means being the
organization that others MUST
HAVE involved with a project.
And it all leads to increased sales,
profits, and image or it simply
didn’t matter..”
                                       Rick Short, Indium
Thought Leadership Marketer
Breakthrough Management Group, Inc.
                   Leader in Six Sigma consulting, training,
                   and software support tools
                       Media Availability & Expert
                       Commentary (hundreds of
                       column inches worth of
                       helpful press)
                       Keynote speakers, industry
                       event chairs
                       Cause Alignment

                       CEO Blog


                       Free Webinars
Thought Leadership Marketer
Breakthrough Management Group, Inc.
                   “Our thought leadership efforts
                   have become the flagship for
                   BMG’s reputation, which has
                   helped our global expansion
                   tremendously,” says Silverstein.
                   “It has been especially helpful in
                   Asia and Latin America, where
                   name recognition goes a long
                   way. My industry reputation has
                   helped BMG’s sales team get
                   their foot in the door in key
                   overseas markets.”
                  David Silverstein, CEO, BMGI
Thought Leadership is a Way of Being

“It‟s not about trying to pontificate on how great you
are, or just trying to edify yourself. In a lot of ways,
it‟s truly a way of being. It‟s something you can‟t say
about yourself… it‟s really what others say about
                                              Brian Carroll
The Five Key Topics We’ll Explore:

1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in B2B Marketing
    Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice...

2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status – The Thought Leader’s Mindset
    Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes.

3 | Thought Leadership Cases & Companies
    Who’s using thought leadership marketing and how.

4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit
    The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers.

5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan
    How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.
Mapping the Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit
Articles, Research & Whitepapers
    Weekly articles (trade,

    paper, web)

    Whitepapers (answer
    customer questions by
    Research reports &

Speaking, Workshops & Seminars
    Connect with audience

    Set your platform for the
    Engage, interact, get
    feedback, LEARN!
    Generate in-person leads

    Industry events,
    workshops, local opps,
    client symposium, etc.
    List ALL industry events

Get Blogging (Transparency)
    STILL a hot topic for marketers

    <10% of Fortune 500 on board

    Metaphor for:

     Transparent communication

     Authenticity

     Responsibility

     Reputation

    Blogosphere doubles: 5-7mos
Start a Cause
    Take a stand & deliver

    unique value (self
    reflection, knowledge
    of market,



Virtual Online Events + Webinars
    Add value without the travel

    Driven by:

     Content

     Connections

     Reputation

    Clean data collection & web 2.0 integration

    Leverage assets for SMO and U-Search

    Includes Second Life
Collaborative Idea Generation
    Leverage the wisdom of
    crowds/customers to
    improve the company
    Submit, vote, watch, see
    what gets put into action
    Integrate into other TLM



               Ask questions, get
               Great for corporate
               customer groups
               Cast a wide net for
               upcoming and acute-
               need talent
               Allows employees to
               connect with the rest of
               the world, and each
Custom Social Network
                    Customers gain access to
                    the significant corporate
                    Connect to current and ex-
                    employees with whom I feel
                    a real camaraderie
                    Endless opportunities for
                    doing business with other
                    employees regionally,
                    nationally, or globally.
                    Involvement in initiatives of
                    mutual interest such as
                    community projects
The Five Key Topics We’ll Explore:

1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in B2B Marketing
    Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice...

2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status – The Thought Leader’s Mindset
    Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes.

3 | Thought Leadership Cases & Companies
    Who’s using thought leadership marketing and how.

4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit
    The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers.

5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan
    How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.
Thought Leadership Marketing
                                                   MarketingSavant‟s Thought Leadership Marketing™
                                                   approach provides a sustainable go-to-market strategy
                                                   based on your organizational competence and
               Thought Leadership
                                                   intellectual capital employing elements of insurgent

                                                   marketing principles and delivering value to the
                                                   marketplace through a balanced digital and traditional
                                                   channel approach to create market capital and demand
Insurgent/Underdog              Social Media &
     Marketing                 Digital Marketing    Thought Leadership Marketing turns organizational activity into intellectual
                                                   capital that supports relevant advocacy positions, tacit domain expertise and point-of-
                                                   view platforms to shape and influence market perceptions and establish your
                                                   organization a thought leader, knowledge resource, subject matter expert and
                                                   ultimately, a trusted client advisor

                                                    Social media and digital marketing combine with trusted, classical marketing tools to
                                                   form a foundation for sharing and relevant dialogue with clients and markets that builds
                                                   market capital and provides the insights, access, and influence required to create
                                                   demand generation

                                                    Effective Thought Leadership Marketing employs insurgent marketing principles that
                                                   deliver immediate and measurable lead and prospect opportunity improvements
                                                   and drives demand generation by focusing on delivering wins and competing on
                                                   higher ideals, not lower prices, in the age of the empowered buyer.
The Thought Leadership
    Marketing Equation

                                 Strategic use of TLM
 Competence, purpose and                                     Thought leaders and trusted
                                tools and channels with
core market understanding                                         advisors occupy the
                                  media collaboration
inform the point of view &                                      greatest share of mind
                              garner your share voice in
     thought leadership                                         among business buyers.
                              the industry and spark the
 platform. Thought leaders                                      Share of mind predicts
                               industry dialogue around
 outshine their competitors                                    share of market. Thought
                                      your ideas.
who compete on price and                                         Leadership Marketing
                                As buyers seek out more
        advertising.                                         steadily increases your SOM
                              real market dialogue, SOV       with buyers, growing your
                              is an increasingly important
                                                                   share of market.
                                  factor contributing to
                                  marketplace success.
Thought Leaders
 Have a Point of
      Too often, firms
      capture their „thought
      leadership‟ expertise -
      articles, speeches,
      newsletters, books,
      press pitches and so
      on—without a point
      of view.
Source: The Bloom Group‟s 2006 survey “Attaining Thought
The 4 A‟s of
       Thought Leadership Marketing
                Assets – Attitude – Acceptance – Alignment

Read the entire article:
Are You Ready for Thought Leadership?

1) Do you love what you do?
  1) Passionate enough to push TL
  2) Sustain interest in years to come
2) Are you willing to teach?
  1) “Educate the market” mentality
  2) Do you “enjoy helping your customers & prospects”?
3) Are you comfortable with “reaching outside”?
  1) Expand beyond your existing network
4) Are you will to take a stand with your message?
  1) Do you have a unique position on industry issues?
  2) Can you frame & express those views?
  3) Can you get people to notice?
Are You Ready for Thought Leadership?

5) Are you a “confident learner”?
  1) Balance your positions with listening
  2) Ears to the ground for trend shifts & opportunities
6) Do you have a “long-term” perspective?
  1) Spend time today for reward tomorrow
  2) “Faith in the future”
7) Are you comfortable with “no end point” to TL?
  1) Willing to work a long time toward this goal
  2) Stay motivated!
Recognizing A Thought Leadership
Marketing Opportunity
    Significant shifts or changes in your industry or field

    Recognition that getting your ideas out ahead of

    your competitors is critical to success
    A mentor leads you to the opportunity

    No one‟s having the conversation you want to have

    in the industry or local area
    Facing a business crisis

    The desire to „attract‟ more of the right clients than

    to „hunt‟ the “right now” clients
Barriers to Overcome
In a survey of professional service firms, they identified
key barriers to pursuing a thought leadership marketing
1) Marketing Resources (time, money, people)
2) No Incentive (no reward for TL activities)
3) Lack of Process (ineffective approach to TL capture)
4) Secrecy (can’t talk about clients or ideas – no
5) No Skills (lack of know-how to capture IC)
6) Burdensome Approval Process (red tape)
7) No Recognition (firm doesn’t value TL)
   The Bloom Group, LLC
Five Keys to Successful TLM
    Be Generous With Your Knowledge

     Share   beyond the marketing speak
    Be Consistent

     Calendar   your activities – daily, weekly, monthly
    Always Deliver Value

     Listen, think,   revise, teach, repeat
    Take A Stand

     Take   your strong positions to market
    Focus On The Long-term Benefits

     Track   your results in months & years
Altruism Before Capitalism

“In short, this is simply an organization putting the
needs of its constituents ahead of its own needs. Or,
aligning itself with advancing the welfare of its
customers before (and while) advancing its own. “
                                        Dana VanDen Heuvel
Success Metrics

     How   many hear your message?

     Who’s   attention did you get?

     What information did you gather?
     Who can you contact as a “lead”?


     Who   follows you after the acquisition?
Watch for the Book!

Need help after the presentation? Email
Thought Leadership Marketing


Need help after the presentation? Email
Thought Leadership Marketing

                  Thank You!

Need help after the presentation? Email

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New Mexico AMA - Thought Leadership Marketing

  • 2. Dana VanDen Heuvel Dana is the founder of The MarketingSavant Group and a widely recognized specialist in thought leadership and emerging marketing technologies such as blogging, social media, RSS, Internet communities and interactive marketing trends and best practices and speaks regularly on these topics at industry events. Dana is the creator of the American Marketing Association “TechnoMarketing” training series and the author of the AMA Marketech ’08 guide to marketing technology. Need help after the event? Email -
  • 3. After-Event Slides & Resources The slides and resource links are available  electronically after the event:
  • 4. The Five Key Topics We’ll Explore: 1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in B2B Marketing Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice... 2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status – The Thought Leader’s Mindset Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes. 3 | Thought Leadership Cases & Companies Who’s using thought leadership marketing and how. 4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers. 5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.
  • 5. What is Thought Leadership? “Thought leadership centers on earning trust and credibility. Thought leaders get noticed by offering something different—information, insights, and ideas, for instance. Thought leadership positions you and your company as an industry authority and resource and trusted advisor by establishing your reputation as a generous contributor to your industry.”
  • 6. Thought Leadership Marketing Thought Leadership Marketing provides a sustainable go-to-market strategy based on your competence and point of view by developing intellectual capital Thought Leadership employing elements of insurgent marketing principles Marketing and creating clarity in the marketplace through a balanced digital and traditional channel approach to achieve market share and demand generation.  Thought Leadership Marketing turns organizational activity into Insurgent/Underdog Social Media & intellectual capital that supports relevant advocacy positions, tacit domain Marketing Digital Marketing expertise and point-of-view platforms to shape and influence market perceptions and establish your organization a thought leader, knowledge resource, subject matter expert and ultimately, a trusted client advisor  Social media and digital marketing combine with trusted, classical marketing tools to form a foundation for sharing and relevant dialogue with clients and markets that builds market capital and provides the insights, access, and influence required to create demand generation  Effective Thought Leadership Marketing employs insurgent marketing principles that deliver immediate and measurable lead and prospect opportunity improvements and drives demand generation by focusing on delivering wins and competing on higher ideals, not lower prices, in the age of the empowered buyer.
  • 7. The Thought Leadership Marketing Equation Strategic use of TLM Competence, purpose and Thought leaders and trusted tools and channels with core market understanding advisors occupy the media collaboration inform the point of view & greatest share of mind garner your share voice in thought leadership among business buyers. the industry and spark the platform. Thought leaders Share of mind predicts industry dialogue around outshine their competitors share of market. Thought your ideas. who compete on price and Leadership Marketing As buyers seek out more advertising. steadily increases your SOM real market dialogue, SOV with buyers, growing your is an increasingly important share of market. factor contributing to marketplace success.
  • 8. TLM Tops B2B Marketers Lists “Traditional approaches to B2B marketing are losing their impact. Today, B2B marketers are turning to thought leadership marketing as a way to differentiate their organization, products and services in an increasingly competitive market.” Economist Intelligence Unit, 2008
  • 9. Thought Leadership Marketing – Tops for Marketers & Buyers
  • 10. Thought Leadership Gets Attention 9 of the top 11 effective ways of getting a business  buyer‟s attention of involve Thought Leadership Marketing How would you rate the effectiveness of the following marketing vehicles in getting your attention? Mean Rating (N~344) 3.7 Speech or presentation at a conference or trade show 3.7 Case studies describing successful customer solution implementations 3.4 Article in the business or trade press 3.4 Invitation to a Webinar, seminar, or workshop 3.3 Analyst firm recommendation (such as Gartner/IDC/Forrester) 3.2 Search engine hits when doing research or surfing the Web 3.1 White paper offered on the Internet 2.9 Electronic newsletter from the service firm 2.8 Conference sponsorship 2.5 Direct mail brochure Email from a sales representative from the service firm 2.3 Phone call from a sales representative from the service firm 2.3 TV or print advertisement 2.3 Vendor's blog 2.3 Online advertisement 2.2 Sporting or cultural event sponsorship 2.0 Source: ITSMA, How Customers Choose Study, North America, 2007
  • 11. Thought Leadership Influences Eliminates buyer confusion about how to solve a  business problem in their firm  Creates coherent conclusions amid market chaos Reduces the risk of choosing the wrong advisor   Trusted advisors are 70% more likely to close deals than their competitors POV Frameworks illustrate your unique competence  in addressing client issues  Frameworks are just tools for understanding problems & how to solve them
  • 12. Thought Leadership Delivers Coherency out of marketplace chaos  Diminished price resistance  Valid and credible value proposition  Self-qualified leads & opportunities  Shortened sales cycles  Value-forward marketing & selling platform  Ongoing market dialogue  Prospects experience your value before buying  Buyers invested in your ideas before purchasing  Growth in media placements & requests  Search engine find-ability 
  • 13. The Five Key Topics We’ll Explore: 1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in B2B Marketing Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice... 2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status – The Thought Leader’s Mindset Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes. 3 | Thought Leadership Cases & Companies Who’s using thought leadership marketing and how. 4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers. 5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.
  • 14. Thought Leadership is Attained “Thought leadership is the recognition from the outside world that the company deeply understands its business, the needs of its customers and the broader marketplace in which it operates.” Elise Bauer Your customers grant you TL status  You can influence using TLM tools & tactics  It’s not about budget – it’s about Intellectual Capital  and Content Set yourself apart through mandatory TLM attributes 
  • 15. Thought Leadership Marketing Mindset 1) They love what they do – energy & motivation 2) They have the drive to teach – no strings attached 3) They reach out and communicate – to everyone 4) They take risks with messaging – on the edge 5) They balance confidence with curiosity & learning – learn from everyone 6) They put in the time today (TLM activities) for tomorrow’s benefit 7) They never stop working, connecting and communicating – not drip marketing, but constant education
  • 16. Attributes: Thought Leadership Marketers 1) Marketing 2) Qualifications 3) Body of Work (Activity Leadership) 4) Body of Knowledge (Intellectual Capital) 5) Continuous Improvement 6) The Network 7) The Physical Plant (staying fit – as a company) 8) Self-Management Guruship - Carl Friesen, Principal of Global Reach Communications
  • 17. The Five Key Topics We’ll Explore: 1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in B2B Marketing Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice... 2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status – The Thought Leader’s Mindset Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes. 3 | Thought Leadership Cases & Companies Who’s using thought leadership marketing and how. 4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers. 5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.
  • 18. Thought Leadership Marketer Cisco Entire senior management team is organized around the goal  of promoting Cisco as a thought leader in the technology field Earning credibility by creating information that places  company objectives second to the goal of educating prospects Every Cisco executive must establish and nurture his or her  own reputation for thought leadership, through blogging, public speaking, and writing articles “When you look at thought leadership you can break it out into a number of different areas. It must be visionary. It looks at the future. It must be provocative, and it must put the our customer’s needs first.” Mark Peshoff, Senior Director of Cisco‟s Executive Thought Leadership
  • 20. Thought Leadership Marketer Cisco “Once thought leadership is established, the rest of the industry, the media, academia, government policymakers and the broader business community turn to that company for ideas and for insights into where things are going.” “The credibility we gain through thought leadership contributes to a sustainable market leadership position. “Cisco’s status in the technology field, and the business world, and its dedication to thought leadership are inseparable.” Mark Peshoff, Senior Director of Cisco‟s Executive Thought Leadership
  • 21. Thought Leadership Marketer ADVANTA Small business focused credit card company is changing the business financing discussion through ideas Created to stir the  conversation about what it stands for Positioning itself as the most  helpful credit card company to small business Involved in other small business  related causes to help developing countries Online resources for small  business owners just getting started
  • 22. Thought Leadership Marketer Pheedo Start the conversation &  set the tone for a new industry First to market with data &  expectations Built on blogging &  community Strong media & speaking  presence Over 50% of growth  attributed to TLM activities
  • 24. Thought Leadership Marketer Crest Toothpaste In the 1950s, the Holy Grail of toothpaste was to create a product with therapeutic as well as cosmetic benefits. Crest got there first—and dominated for decades. 1960 recognition by the American  Dental Assoc. Set the conversation for the entire  toothpaste industry The Crest Dental Plan (Club Crest)  “Health Expressions” newsletter  Online resources for both dentists  and consumers (lessons, talking points, chat) Best-selling toothpaste in America  for more than three decades.
  • 25. Thought Leadership Marketer Indium Corporation 25% reduction in marketing spend  Major account wins  Entire organization involved  in the „community‟
  • 26. Thought Leadership Marketer Indium Corporation “[Being a Thought Leader] is being considered the best, most authoritative, trusted source. It means being the “go to” people. It means being given the first look, being invited into a development project and asked for advice. It means being the organization that others MUST HAVE involved with a project. And it all leads to increased sales, profits, and image or it simply didn’t matter..” Rick Short, Indium
  • 27. Thought Leadership Marketer Breakthrough Management Group, Inc. Leader in Six Sigma consulting, training, and software support tools Media Availability & Expert  Commentary (hundreds of column inches worth of helpful press) Keynote speakers, industry  event chairs Cause Alignment  CEO Blog  Newsletters  Free Webinars 
  • 28. Thought Leadership Marketer Breakthrough Management Group, Inc. “Our thought leadership efforts have become the flagship for BMG’s reputation, which has helped our global expansion tremendously,” says Silverstein. “It has been especially helpful in Asia and Latin America, where name recognition goes a long way. My industry reputation has helped BMG’s sales team get their foot in the door in key overseas markets.” David Silverstein, CEO, BMGI
  • 29. Thought Leadership is a Way of Being “It‟s not about trying to pontificate on how great you are, or just trying to edify yourself. In a lot of ways, it‟s truly a way of being. It‟s something you can‟t say about yourself… it‟s really what others say about you.” Brian Carroll
  • 30. The Five Key Topics We’ll Explore: 1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in B2B Marketing Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice... 2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status – The Thought Leader’s Mindset Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes. 3 | Thought Leadership Cases & Companies Who’s using thought leadership marketing and how. 4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers. 5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.
  • 31. Mapping the Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit
  • 32. Articles, Research & Whitepapers Weekly articles (trade,  paper, web) Blogs  Whitepapers (answer  customer questions by vertical) Research reports &  surveys
  • 33. Speaking, Workshops & Seminars Connect with audience  Set your platform for the  industry Engage, interact, get  feedback, LEARN! Generate in-person leads  Industry events,  workshops, local opps, client symposium, etc. List ALL industry events  Volunteer 
  • 34. Get Blogging (Transparency) STILL a hot topic for marketers  <10% of Fortune 500 on board  Metaphor for:   Transparent communication  Authenticity  Responsibility  Reputation Blogosphere doubles: 5-7mos 
  • 35. Start a Cause Take a stand & deliver  unique value (self reflection, knowledge of market, commitment) Starbucks  USPS  Advanta  UNICEF 
  • 36. Virtual Online Events + Webinars Add value without the travel  Driven by:   Content  Connections  Reputation Clean data collection & web 2.0 integration  Leverage assets for SMO and U-Search  Includes Second Life 
  • 37. Collaborative Idea Generation Leverage the wisdom of  crowds/customers to improve the company Submit, vote, watch, see  what gets put into action Integrate into other TLM  activities Dell  Oracle  Starbucks 
  • 38. LinkedIn Ask questions, get  recommended Great for corporate  customer groups Cast a wide net for  upcoming and acute- need talent Allows employees to  connect with the rest of the world, and each other
  • 39. Custom Social Network Customers gain access to  the significant corporate resources Connect to current and ex-  employees with whom I feel a real camaraderie Endless opportunities for  doing business with other employees regionally, nationally, or globally. Involvement in initiatives of  mutual interest such as community projects
  • 40. The Five Key Topics We’ll Explore: 1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in B2B Marketing Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice... 2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status – The Thought Leader’s Mindset Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes. 3 | Thought Leadership Cases & Companies Who’s using thought leadership marketing and how. 4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers. 5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.
  • 41. Thought Leadership Marketing MarketingSavant‟s Thought Leadership Marketing™ approach provides a sustainable go-to-market strategy based on your organizational competence and Thought Leadership intellectual capital employing elements of insurgent Marketing marketing principles and delivering value to the marketplace through a balanced digital and traditional channel approach to create market capital and demand generation. Insurgent/Underdog Social Media & Marketing Digital Marketing  Thought Leadership Marketing turns organizational activity into intellectual capital that supports relevant advocacy positions, tacit domain expertise and point-of- view platforms to shape and influence market perceptions and establish your organization a thought leader, knowledge resource, subject matter expert and ultimately, a trusted client advisor  Social media and digital marketing combine with trusted, classical marketing tools to form a foundation for sharing and relevant dialogue with clients and markets that builds market capital and provides the insights, access, and influence required to create demand generation  Effective Thought Leadership Marketing employs insurgent marketing principles that deliver immediate and measurable lead and prospect opportunity improvements and drives demand generation by focusing on delivering wins and competing on higher ideals, not lower prices, in the age of the empowered buyer.
  • 42. The Thought Leadership Marketing Equation Strategic use of TLM Competence, purpose and Thought leaders and trusted tools and channels with core market understanding advisors occupy the media collaboration inform the point of view & greatest share of mind garner your share voice in thought leadership among business buyers. the industry and spark the platform. Thought leaders Share of mind predicts industry dialogue around outshine their competitors share of market. Thought your ideas. who compete on price and Leadership Marketing As buyers seek out more advertising. steadily increases your SOM real market dialogue, SOV with buyers, growing your is an increasingly important share of market. factor contributing to marketplace success.
  • 43. Thought Leaders Have a Point of View Too often, firms capture their „thought leadership‟ expertise - articles, speeches, newsletters, books, press pitches and so on—without a point of view. Source: The Bloom Group‟s 2006 survey “Attaining Thought Leadership”
  • 44. The 4 A‟s of Thought Leadership Marketing Assets – Attitude – Acceptance – Alignment Read the entire article:
  • 45. Are You Ready for Thought Leadership? 1) Do you love what you do? 1) Passionate enough to push TL 2) Sustain interest in years to come 2) Are you willing to teach? 1) “Educate the market” mentality 2) Do you “enjoy helping your customers & prospects”? 3) Are you comfortable with “reaching outside”? 1) Expand beyond your existing network 4) Are you will to take a stand with your message? 1) Do you have a unique position on industry issues? 2) Can you frame & express those views? 3) Can you get people to notice?
  • 46. Are You Ready for Thought Leadership? 5) Are you a “confident learner”? 1) Balance your positions with listening 2) Ears to the ground for trend shifts & opportunities 6) Do you have a “long-term” perspective? 1) Spend time today for reward tomorrow 2) “Faith in the future” 7) Are you comfortable with “no end point” to TL? 1) Willing to work a long time toward this goal 2) Stay motivated!
  • 47. Recognizing A Thought Leadership Marketing Opportunity Significant shifts or changes in your industry or field  Recognition that getting your ideas out ahead of  your competitors is critical to success A mentor leads you to the opportunity  No one‟s having the conversation you want to have  in the industry or local area Facing a business crisis  The desire to „attract‟ more of the right clients than  to „hunt‟ the “right now” clients
  • 48. Barriers to Overcome In a survey of professional service firms, they identified key barriers to pursuing a thought leadership marketing strategy. 1) Marketing Resources (time, money, people) 2) No Incentive (no reward for TL activities) 3) Lack of Process (ineffective approach to TL capture) 4) Secrecy (can’t talk about clients or ideas – no “proof”) 5) No Skills (lack of know-how to capture IC) 6) Burdensome Approval Process (red tape) 7) No Recognition (firm doesn’t value TL) The Bloom Group, LLC
  • 49. Five Keys to Successful TLM Be Generous With Your Knowledge   Share beyond the marketing speak Be Consistent   Calendar your activities – daily, weekly, monthly routine Always Deliver Value   Listen, think, revise, teach, repeat Take A Stand   Take your strong positions to market Focus On The Long-term Benefits   Track your results in months & years
  • 50. Altruism Before Capitalism “In short, this is simply an organization putting the needs of its constituents ahead of its own needs. Or, aligning itself with advancing the welfare of its customers before (and while) advancing its own. “ Dana VanDen Heuvel
  • 51. Success Metrics Reach   How many hear your message? Acquisition   Who’s attention did you get? Conversion   What information did you gather?  Who can you contact as a “lead”? Retention   Who follows you after the acquisition?
  • 52.
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