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Dr / Ahmed Salah Ashour(Ph.D.)
Associate professor of human anatomy
USMLE Clinical Anatomy
Case report
A term female infant of 9 days old was
born with a big head. There was no history
of a decrease or increase in size. She had
neither convulsions nor fever.
No abnormalities were noted except for
the mucous vaginal discharge which is not
unusual for a female baby.
On examination, anterior and posterior
fontanelle had widen.
Anthropometric measurement;
Occipitofrontal Circumference 49.5cm,
(normal 32-35cm conclusion,
Hydrocephalus) Length 49cm.
Cranial US, bilateral ventriculomegally
The diagnosis was made after, cranial ultrasound scan (US) revealing huge
hydrocephalus with bilateral ventriculomegally merging into one probably due to
atresia of the aqueduct of Sylvius.
The baby kept warm with daily monitor
of the respiratory rate, heart rate,
temperature, Hypoxic Ischaemic
The treatment of hydrocephalus was
done as a shunt of the CSF fluid to
peritoneum (ventrricoloperitoneal
• Understanding the stages of CNS development
• Recognizing the key cellular mechanisms involved in CNS development,
such as neurogenesis, migration, and synaptogenesis.
• Explaining the significance of critical periods in CNS development for
establishing neural circuits and functions.
• Understanding the implications of disruptions in CNS development for
neurological disorders and developmental disabilities.
• Applying knowledge of CNS development to understand and potentially
intervene in neurodevelopmental disorders.
The development of the CNS is a
fascinating process that occurs during
embryonic development and continues
into early childhood.
Disruptions or abnormalities during this
process can lead to a wide range of
neurological disorders and
developmental disabilities.
Understanding the mechanisms
underlying CNS development is critical
for advancing our knowledge of brain
development and for developing new
therapies for neurological disorders.
sperm Ovum
Fertilization is the fusion between a single sperm & ovum to form a zygote. It could
be considered the actual beginning of intrauterine life.
Embryonic disc
The embryo well develop into a flattened, unilamellar disc
Tri-lamellar- Embryonic disc
By Gastrulation, the unilamellar embryonic disc is transformed into a trilaminar
(three-layered) disc formed of three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm).
Cranial side of
The primitive streak is a critical structure in early vertebrate embryonic
development, specifically during gastrulation with enlarged anterior end (primitive
node – knot- ). The primitive streak appears as a thickened band of cells on the
surface of the ectoderm in the dorsal + caudal half of the embryonic disc.
Primitive streak
Primitive streak
Buried in the mesoderm
The notochord is indeed a fascinating structure found in the embryos of humans. It's
a flexible rod-like structure that provides support during embryonic development.
During early embryonic development, the notochord is formed as ectodermal cells
(primitive node - knot- ) that migrate and buried itself inside the mesoderm.
Cranial side of
Primitive streak
Buried in the mesoderm
Neural plate
The notochord induces the embryonic ectoderm over it to thicken & form the
neural plate. The neural plate is located dorsal to the notochord
Primitive streak
Buried in the mesoderm
Neural groove
Neural folds
The neural plate is formed in the middle; after acquiring neural folds, neural plate is
transformed into neural groove.
Primitive streak
Buried in the mesoderm
Neural tube
Neural folds begin to fuse together forming the neural tube with anterior and
posterior neuropores.
Anterior neuropore
Posterior neuropore
Neural tube
Neural tube Neural crest cells
The neural tube soon
separates from the surface
ectoderm with neural crest
cells appears dorsal to the
neural tube
• Definition:
Neurulation means formation of the neural
• Timing :
It is started by the 18th day & completed by
the end of the 4th week (28th day).
• Stages :
1. Formation of neural plate
2. Formation of neural folds
3. Formation of neural groove
4. Fusion of neural folds
5. Formation of neural tube.
neural folds
neural groove
• Development:
ü The notochord induces the embryonic ectoderm over it to thicken & form the
neural plate.
ü The plate is located dorsal to the notochord
Neural plate
neural groove
neural folds
Primitive streak
Fused neural folds
neural tube
ü The neural plate invaginates in the middle to form a neural groove which has
neural folds on each side.
ü Neural folds begin to fuse together. The (anterior neuropore) closes on 26th day
Neural plate
neural groove
neural folds
Primitive streak
Fused neural folds
neural tube
Caudal neuropore
Cranial neuropore
Neural plate
neural groove
neural folds
Primitive streak
Fused neural folds
neural tube
Cranial neuropore
Fused neural folds
Caudal neuropore
ü The neural tube soon separates from the surface ectoderm with neural crest cells
in between
ü The neural tube lies between the surface ectoderm & notochord.
surface ectoderm
neural crest cells
neural tube
ü The cranial part of the tube gives rise to the brain the caudal part gives rise to
spinal cord.
Spinal cord
brain vesicle
Neural tube
Spinal cord
brain hemispheres
Spinal cord
• Neural crest cells are Ectodermal cells related to the neural tube.
• It lies between the neural tube & the overlying surface ectoderm.
Neural crest
Neural tube will form [Neurons inside the CNS]:
• Neurons of brain.
• Neurons of spinal cord.
The neural crest will give rise to [Neurons out side the CNS]:
• Neurons of peripheral nervous system (PNS) of nerves, Sheaths of peripheral
nerves (Schwann cells), ganglia, and plexuses
• Cells covering CNS (arachnoid and pia mater of meninges). N.B., (dura mater
from mesoderm).
Neural crest cells as well migrate venrally & differentiate into
various cell types in the body:
• Medulla of suprarenal gland
• Melanocytes of the skin epidermis.
• Participate in the development of the face Face
Medulla of suprarenal gland
Melanocytes of epidermis.
Treacher Collin’s syndrome
Full facial development does
not occur because the neural
crest cells fail to migrate
properly to the facial region.
Manifested by bilateral
downward slanting eyes,
underdeveloped cheekbones,
and a small jaw
Clinical Insight
During early embryonic development,
the neural tube forms, which eventually
differentiates into the brain and spinal
• The caudal (tail) end of the neural
tube elongates to form the spinal cord.
• The cranial (head) end develops into
the brain.
This process is crucial for the formation
of the central nervous system.
Neural tube
The neuroepithelium of caudal part of
neural tube gives rise to three layers:
• The inner (ependymal) zone
become the ependymal lining of the
spinal cord central canal.
• The intermediate (mantle) zone
develop into the gray matter of the
spinal cord.
• The outer (marginal) zone
become white matter of the spinal cord.
Neural crest cells
Neural tube
The sulcus limitans is a longitudinal groove on each side of the neural tube dividing
the mantle and marginal zones into a dorsal alar plate and ventral basal plate.
• The alar plate develops into the dorsal horn of gray matter of spinal cord.
• The ventral basal plate develops into the ventral and lateral horns of gray matter
of spinal cord.
Neural crest cells
Neural tube
dorsal alar plate
sulcus limitans
ventral basal plate
Dorsal horn
Lateral horn
Ventral horn
The spinal cord and vertebral column are approximately the same length at the end
of the embryonic period.
The vertebral column grows at a relatively faster rate through the fetal and postnatal
periods of growth.
• At embryo, it fills the whole length of the vertebral canal
• At birth: it ends at the L3
• At adult: ends at the level of L1 & L2 intervertebral disc.
This fast growth of vertebral column will cause the lower thoracic, lumbar and
sacral spinal nerve roots are crowded inferiorly in the vertebral canal (as the cauda
equina, or “horse’s tail”) to reach their appropriate level of exit from the vertebral
Relationships in
fetus at 2–3 months
Relationships at
Relationships at
Spinal cord
terminates at
Spinal cord
terminates at
Spinal cord
near the end
of vertebral
Lumbar puncture
A lumbar puncture, also known as a spinal tap, is typically performed between the
third and fourth lumbar vertebrae (L3-L4) or between the fourth and fifth lumbar
vertebrae (L4-L5). This is below the level of the lower end of the spinal cord, which
typically ends at the level of the first or second lumbar vertebra (L1-L2) in adults.
Clinical Insight
• Diagnostic uses:
Obtaining C.S.F sample for analysis.
• Therapeutic uses:
Injection of local anesthetics and antibiotics.
C.S.F withdrawal to decrease intra-cranial pressure.
Clinical Insight
Spina Bifida
A birth defect in the baby that occurs when the bony vertebral column and the spinal
cord do not develop completely. It could be either occulta or cystica.
Clinical Insight
1- Spina bifida occulta
• It is a defect in the vertebral column
• Covered by skin
• Usually does not involve underlying neural tissue.
• Occurs in L5 or S1.
• Only evidence a small dimple .
• Produces no clinical symptoms
Clinical Insight
Small dimple
Clinical Insight
2- Spina bifida cystica
• The baby has cyst like sac.
• Meningo-cele: Sac contains [meninges and CSF]
• Myelo-meningo-ocele: Sac contains [meninges, CSF] + [spinal cord, nerve
Clinical Insight
Near end of the 1st month, brain
begins to develop from cranial
part of neural tube.
Flexures and swellings
• forebrain (prosencephalon)
• midbrain (mesencephalon)
• hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
Large optic vesicles extend from
the forebrain, will develop into
the optic nerves and retina of the
forebrain (prosencephalon)
midbrain (mesencephalon)
hindbrain (rhombencephalon).
Spinal cord
By 5 weeks the forebrain
(prosencephalon) has two
• Telencephalon
• Diencephalon
hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
midbrain (mesencephalon)
forebrain (prosencephalon)
Spinal cord
• Telencephalon
• Diencephalon
By 5 weeks the midbrain
(mesencephalon) has no
significant subdivisions
hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
midbrain (mesencephalon)
forebrain (prosencephalon)
Spinal cord
By 5 weeks the hindbrain
(rhombencephalon has two
• Metencephalon
• Myelencephalon.
hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
midbrain (mesencephalon)
forebrain (prosencephalon)
Spinal cord
• Myelencephalon
• Metencephalon
By 3 months the major regions, structures, and features of the brain are
• The telencephalon differentiate into [cerebral hemispheres, lentiform nucleus
and caudate nucleus].
Telencephalon cerebral hemispheres
By 3 months the major regions, structures, and features of the brain are
• The diencephalon differentiate into thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, and
Diencephalon thalamus
By 3 months the major regions, structures, and features of the brain are
• The mesencephalon differentiate into midbrain.
mesencephalon midbrain
By 3 months the major regions, structures, and features of the brain are
• The metencephalon differentiate into cerebellum and pons
By 3 months the major regions, structures, and features of the brain are
• The myelencephalon is now the medulla oblongata.
myelencephalon medulla oblongata
The development of cerebral hemispheres changes dramatically from 3 months of
the intrauterine life to birth with the rapid enlargement of the cerebral hemispheres
and the elaboration of their frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes.
The surface of the hemispheres becomes convoluted sulci separating a number of
irregular, folded gyri. This greatly increases the surface area of the cerebral cortex.
The growth of the human
brain does continue beyond
birth and into childhood and
adolescence. At old age, there
is a decline in the number of
neurons due to apoptosis
Serious birth defect in which a baby
is born without parts of the brain and
skull. This condition typically occurs
during early development when the
neural tube fails to close completely,
resulting in the absence of a major
portion of the brain, skull, and scalp.
Babies born with anencephaly are
usually unable to survive for more
than a few hours or days after birth.
It's a heartbreaking condition that can
have profound emotional effects on
Clinical Insight
The cavity of the neural tube enlarges to form:
• Lateral ventricles
• 3rd ventricle
• Cerebral aqueduct
• 4th ventricle
Lateral ventricle
3rd ventricle
Cerebral aqueduct
4th ventricle
Cavity of neural tube
Formative Quiz
Q1 A newborn baby is brought to the pediatrician due to difficulty moving the lower
limbs. Physical examination reveals absent reflexes in the legs and flaccid paralysis
below the waist. MRI shows a small, fluid-filled sac protruding from the lower
Which of the following conditions is most likely present in this patient?
A) Arnold-Chiari malformation
B) Spina bifida occulta
C) Anencephaly
D) Myelomeningocele
E) Dandy-Walker syndrome
Q2 A 3-month-old infant presents with failure to thrive and developmental delays.
On examination, the infant has a small head circumference, wide fontanelles, and
poor muscle tone. MRI shows an absence of the cerebral hemispheres, with
rudimentary brain tissue replaced by cerebrospinal fluid.
Which of the following conditions is the most likely diagnosis?
A) Holoprosencephaly
B) Microcephaly
C) Encephalocele
D) Anencephaly
E) Dandy-Walker syndrome
Q3 A 26-year-old female presents to her primary care physician for a routine check-
up. During the physical examination, the physician notices a tuft of hair over the
lower lumbar region. Further examination reveals no other abnormalities.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A) Spina bifida occulta
B) Spina bifida cystica
C) Meningomyelocele
D) Myelomeningocele
E) Sacral agenesis
Q4 A 34-year-old male presents with lower back pain and occasional leg weakness.
MRI of the lumbar spine reveals a bony defect in the posterior elements of the
lumbar vertebrae with no herniation of spinal cord or meninges. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A) Spina bifida cystica
B) Meningomyelocele
C) Spina bifida occulta
D) Myelomeningocele
E) Sacral agenesis
Q5 A 50-year-old male is admitted to the hospital with symptoms suggestive of
Guillain-Barré syndrome. The physician decides to perform a lumbar puncture to
confirm the diagnosis.
Which of the following landmarks should guide the physician in identifying the
appropriate lumbar vertebral level for the procedure?
A) Inferior angle of the scapula
B) Iliac crest
C) Superior border of the iliac crests
D) 12th rib
E) Anterior superior iliac spine
Q1 Myelomeningocele
Q2 Anencephaly
Q3 Spina bifida occulta
Q4 Spina bifida occulta
Q5 Superior border of the iliac crests
List of Texts and Recommended Readings
• Last's Anatomy, Regional and Applied. Chummy S. Sinnatamby. 12th edition 2011, ISBN:13 - 978 0 7020
3394 0 (Available in ClinicalKey:!/browse/book/3-s2.0- C2009060533X)
• Estomih Mtui, Gregory Gruener and Peter Dockery. Fitzgerald's Clinical Neuroanatomy and
Neuroscience. 7th edition; 2016, ISBN: 13 - 978-0-7020- 6727-3 (Available in ClinicalKey:!/browse/book/3-s2.0- C20130134113
• Drake, Richard L. Gray's Anatomy for Students, Third Edition, Elsevier Saunders 2015. ISBN-13: 978-
0702051319 (Available in ClinicalKey:!/browse/book/3- s2.0-
• Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy. F. Paulsen. Vol.1, 15th Edition; 2013, ISBN: 9780702052514 (Available in
ClinicalKey:!/content/book/3- s2.0-B9780702052514500067)
• Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy. F. Paulsen. Vol.2, 15th Edition; 2013, ISBN:13 - 978-0-7020-5252-1
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  • 1. Dr / Ahmed Salah Ashour(Ph.D.) Associate professor of human anatomy USMLE Clinical Anatomy
  • 3. A term female infant of 9 days old was born with a big head. There was no history of a decrease or increase in size. She had neither convulsions nor fever. No abnormalities were noted except for the mucous vaginal discharge which is not unusual for a female baby. On examination, anterior and posterior fontanelle had widen. Anthropometric measurement; Occipitofrontal Circumference 49.5cm, (normal 32-35cm conclusion, Hydrocephalus) Length 49cm.
  • 4. Cranial US, bilateral ventriculomegally The diagnosis was made after, cranial ultrasound scan (US) revealing huge hydrocephalus with bilateral ventriculomegally merging into one probably due to atresia of the aqueduct of Sylvius.
  • 5. The baby kept warm with daily monitor of the respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature, Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy. The treatment of hydrocephalus was done as a shunt of the CSF fluid to peritoneum (ventrricoloperitoneal shunting).
  • 7. ILOs • Understanding the stages of CNS development • Recognizing the key cellular mechanisms involved in CNS development, such as neurogenesis, migration, and synaptogenesis. • Explaining the significance of critical periods in CNS development for establishing neural circuits and functions. • Understanding the implications of disruptions in CNS development for neurological disorders and developmental disabilities. • Applying knowledge of CNS development to understand and potentially intervene in neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • 8. The development of the CNS is a fascinating process that occurs during embryonic development and continues into early childhood. Disruptions or abnormalities during this process can lead to a wide range of neurological disorders and developmental disabilities. Understanding the mechanisms underlying CNS development is critical for advancing our knowledge of brain development and for developing new therapies for neurological disorders.
  • 9.
  • 11. sperm Ovum Fertilization is the fusion between a single sperm & ovum to form a zygote. It could be considered the actual beginning of intrauterine life. Zygote
  • 12. Embryonic disc The embryo well develop into a flattened, unilamellar disc
  • 13. Tri-lamellar- Embryonic disc Endoderm Mesoderm Ectoderm By Gastrulation, the unilamellar embryonic disc is transformed into a trilaminar (three-layered) disc formed of three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm).
  • 14. Cranial side of Ectoderm The primitive streak is a critical structure in early vertebrate embryonic development, specifically during gastrulation with enlarged anterior end (primitive node – knot- ). The primitive streak appears as a thickened band of cells on the surface of the ectoderm in the dorsal + caudal half of the embryonic disc. Primitive streak
  • 16.
  • 17. Primitive streak Notochord Buried in the mesoderm The notochord is indeed a fascinating structure found in the embryos of humans. It's a flexible rod-like structure that provides support during embryonic development. During early embryonic development, the notochord is formed as ectodermal cells (primitive node - knot- ) that migrate and buried itself inside the mesoderm. Cranial side of Ectoderm
  • 18. Ectoderm Primitive streak Notochord Buried in the mesoderm Neural plate The notochord induces the embryonic ectoderm over it to thicken & form the neural plate. The neural plate is located dorsal to the notochord
  • 19. Ectoderm Primitive streak Notochord Buried in the mesoderm Neural groove Neural folds The neural plate is formed in the middle; after acquiring neural folds, neural plate is transformed into neural groove.
  • 20. Ectoderm Primitive streak Notochord Buried in the mesoderm Neural tube Neural folds begin to fuse together forming the neural tube with anterior and posterior neuropores. Anterior neuropore Posterior neuropore
  • 21. Ectoderm Neural tube Neural tube Neural crest cells The neural tube soon separates from the surface ectoderm with neural crest cells appears dorsal to the neural tube
  • 22.
  • 23. • Definition: Neurulation means formation of the neural tube. • Timing : It is started by the 18th day & completed by the end of the 4th week (28th day).
  • 24. • Stages : 1. Formation of neural plate 2. Formation of neural folds 3. Formation of neural groove 4. Fusion of neural folds 5. Formation of neural tube. neural folds neural groove notochord Ectoderm Mesoder m endoderm
  • 25. • Development: ü The notochord induces the embryonic ectoderm over it to thicken & form the neural plate. ü The plate is located dorsal to the notochord Neural plate neural groove neural folds Primitive streak Fused neural folds neural tube
  • 26. ü The neural plate invaginates in the middle to form a neural groove which has neural folds on each side. ü Neural folds begin to fuse together. The (anterior neuropore) closes on 26th day Neural plate neural groove neural folds Primitive streak Fused neural folds neural tube Caudal neuropore Cranial neuropore
  • 27. Neural plate neural groove neural folds Primitive streak Fused neural folds neural tube Cranial neuropore closed Fused neural folds Caudal neuropore closed
  • 28. ü The neural tube soon separates from the surface ectoderm with neural crest cells in between ü The neural tube lies between the surface ectoderm & notochord. surface ectoderm neural crest cells neural tube notochord
  • 29. ü The cranial part of the tube gives rise to the brain the caudal part gives rise to spinal cord. Brain Spinal cord
  • 30. brain vesicle Neural tube Spinal cord brain hemispheres Cerebellum Spinal cord
  • 31. • Neural crest cells are Ectodermal cells related to the neural tube. • It lies between the neural tube & the overlying surface ectoderm. Neural crest cells
  • 32. Neural tube will form [Neurons inside the CNS]: • Neurons of brain. • Neurons of spinal cord. The neural crest will give rise to [Neurons out side the CNS]: • Neurons of peripheral nervous system (PNS) of nerves, Sheaths of peripheral nerves (Schwann cells), ganglia, and plexuses • Cells covering CNS (arachnoid and pia mater of meninges). N.B., (dura mater from mesoderm).
  • 33. Neural crest cells as well migrate venrally & differentiate into various cell types in the body: • Medulla of suprarenal gland • Melanocytes of the skin epidermis. • Participate in the development of the face Face Medulla of suprarenal gland Melanocytes of epidermis.
  • 34. Treacher Collin’s syndrome Full facial development does not occur because the neural crest cells fail to migrate properly to the facial region. Manifested by bilateral downward slanting eyes, underdeveloped cheekbones, and a small jaw Clinical Insight
  • 36. During early embryonic development, the neural tube forms, which eventually differentiates into the brain and spinal cord. • The caudal (tail) end of the neural tube elongates to form the spinal cord. • The cranial (head) end develops into the brain. This process is crucial for the formation of the central nervous system. Neural tube
  • 37. The neuroepithelium of caudal part of neural tube gives rise to three layers: • The inner (ependymal) zone become the ependymal lining of the spinal cord central canal. • The intermediate (mantle) zone develop into the gray matter of the spinal cord. • The outer (marginal) zone become white matter of the spinal cord. Inner (ependymal) zone Intermediate (mantle) zone Outer (marginal) zone Ectoderm Neural crest cells Neural tube
  • 38. The sulcus limitans is a longitudinal groove on each side of the neural tube dividing the mantle and marginal zones into a dorsal alar plate and ventral basal plate. • The alar plate develops into the dorsal horn of gray matter of spinal cord. • The ventral basal plate develops into the ventral and lateral horns of gray matter of spinal cord. Ectoderm Neural crest cells Neural tube dorsal alar plate sulcus limitans ventral basal plate Dorsal horn Lateral horn Ventral horn
  • 39. The spinal cord and vertebral column are approximately the same length at the end of the embryonic period. The vertebral column grows at a relatively faster rate through the fetal and postnatal periods of growth. • At embryo, it fills the whole length of the vertebral canal • At birth: it ends at the L3 • At adult: ends at the level of L1 & L2 intervertebral disc. This fast growth of vertebral column will cause the lower thoracic, lumbar and sacral spinal nerve roots are crowded inferiorly in the vertebral canal (as the cauda equina, or “horse’s tail”) to reach their appropriate level of exit from the vertebral column.
  • 40. Relationships in fetus at 2–3 months Relationships at birth Relationships at adult Spinal cord terminates at L1 Spinal cord terminates at L3 Spinal cord terminates near the end of vertebral canal L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 L1
  • 41. Lumbar puncture A lumbar puncture, also known as a spinal tap, is typically performed between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae (L3-L4) or between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (L4-L5). This is below the level of the lower end of the spinal cord, which typically ends at the level of the first or second lumbar vertebra (L1-L2) in adults. Clinical Insight
  • 42. Uses • Diagnostic uses: Obtaining C.S.F sample for analysis. • Therapeutic uses: Injection of local anesthetics and antibiotics. C.S.F withdrawal to decrease intra-cranial pressure. Clinical Insight
  • 43. Spina Bifida A birth defect in the baby that occurs when the bony vertebral column and the spinal cord do not develop completely. It could be either occulta or cystica. Clinical Insight
  • 44. 1- Spina bifida occulta • It is a defect in the vertebral column • Covered by skin • Usually does not involve underlying neural tissue. • Occurs in L5 or S1. • Only evidence a small dimple . • Produces no clinical symptoms Clinical Insight
  • 46. 2- Spina bifida cystica • The baby has cyst like sac. • Meningo-cele: Sac contains [meninges and CSF] • Myelo-meningo-ocele: Sac contains [meninges, CSF] + [spinal cord, nerve roots] Clinical Insight
  • 48. Near end of the 1st month, brain begins to develop from cranial part of neural tube. Flexures and swellings distinguish: • forebrain (prosencephalon) • midbrain (mesencephalon) • hindbrain (rhombencephalon) Large optic vesicles extend from the forebrain, will develop into the optic nerves and retina of the eyes. Cranial part of neural tube Caudal part of neural tube forebrain (prosencephalon) midbrain (mesencephalon) hindbrain (rhombencephalon). Spinal cord
  • 49. DEVELOPMENT OF FOREBRAIN By 5 weeks the forebrain (prosencephalon) has two subdivisions • Telencephalon • Diencephalon Cranial part of neural tube Caudal part of neural tube hindbrain (rhombencephalon) midbrain (mesencephalon) forebrain (prosencephalon) Spinal cord • Telencephalon • Diencephalon
  • 50. DEVELOPMENT OF MIDBRAIN By 5 weeks the midbrain (mesencephalon) has no significant subdivisions Cranial part of neural tube Caudal part of neural tube hindbrain (rhombencephalon) midbrain (mesencephalon) forebrain (prosencephalon) Spinal cord
  • 51. DEVELOPMENT OF HIND BRAIN By 5 weeks the hindbrain (rhombencephalon has two parts • Metencephalon • Myelencephalon. Cranial part of neural tube Caudal part of neural tube hindbrain (rhombencephalon) midbrain (mesencephalon) forebrain (prosencephalon) Spinal cord • Myelencephalon • Metencephalon
  • 52. By 3 months the major regions, structures, and features of the brain are recognizable. • The telencephalon differentiate into [cerebral hemispheres, lentiform nucleus and caudate nucleus]. Telencephalon cerebral hemispheres
  • 53. By 3 months the major regions, structures, and features of the brain are recognizable. • The diencephalon differentiate into thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, and subthalamus. Diencephalon thalamus
  • 54. By 3 months the major regions, structures, and features of the brain are recognizable. • The mesencephalon differentiate into midbrain. mesencephalon midbrain
  • 55. By 3 months the major regions, structures, and features of the brain are recognizable. • The metencephalon differentiate into cerebellum and pons metencephalon Cerebellum pons pons Cerebellum
  • 56. By 3 months the major regions, structures, and features of the brain are recognizable. • The myelencephalon is now the medulla oblongata. myelencephalon medulla oblongata
  • 57. The development of cerebral hemispheres changes dramatically from 3 months of the intrauterine life to birth with the rapid enlargement of the cerebral hemispheres and the elaboration of their frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. The surface of the hemispheres becomes convoluted sulci separating a number of irregular, folded gyri. This greatly increases the surface area of the cerebral cortex.
  • 58.
  • 59. The growth of the human brain does continue beyond birth and into childhood and adolescence. At old age, there is a decline in the number of neurons due to apoptosis
  • 60. Anencephaly Serious birth defect in which a baby is born without parts of the brain and skull. This condition typically occurs during early development when the neural tube fails to close completely, resulting in the absence of a major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp. Babies born with anencephaly are usually unable to survive for more than a few hours or days after birth. It's a heartbreaking condition that can have profound emotional effects on families. Clinical Insight
  • 61. The cavity of the neural tube enlarges to form: • Lateral ventricles • 3rd ventricle • Cerebral aqueduct • 4th ventricle Lateral ventricle 3rd ventricle Cerebral aqueduct 4th ventricle Cavity of neural tube
  • 63. Q1 A newborn baby is brought to the pediatrician due to difficulty moving the lower limbs. Physical examination reveals absent reflexes in the legs and flaccid paralysis below the waist. MRI shows a small, fluid-filled sac protruding from the lower back. Which of the following conditions is most likely present in this patient? A) Arnold-Chiari malformation B) Spina bifida occulta C) Anencephaly D) Myelomeningocele E) Dandy-Walker syndrome
  • 64. Q2 A 3-month-old infant presents with failure to thrive and developmental delays. On examination, the infant has a small head circumference, wide fontanelles, and poor muscle tone. MRI shows an absence of the cerebral hemispheres, with rudimentary brain tissue replaced by cerebrospinal fluid. Which of the following conditions is the most likely diagnosis? A) Holoprosencephaly B) Microcephaly C) Encephalocele D) Anencephaly E) Dandy-Walker syndrome
  • 65. Q3 A 26-year-old female presents to her primary care physician for a routine check- up. During the physical examination, the physician notices a tuft of hair over the lower lumbar region. Further examination reveals no other abnormalities. What is the most likely diagnosis? A) Spina bifida occulta B) Spina bifida cystica C) Meningomyelocele D) Myelomeningocele E) Sacral agenesis
  • 66. Q4 A 34-year-old male presents with lower back pain and occasional leg weakness. MRI of the lumbar spine reveals a bony defect in the posterior elements of the lumbar vertebrae with no herniation of spinal cord or meninges. What is the most likely diagnosis? A) Spina bifida cystica B) Meningomyelocele C) Spina bifida occulta D) Myelomeningocele E) Sacral agenesis
  • 67. Q5 A 50-year-old male is admitted to the hospital with symptoms suggestive of Guillain-Barré syndrome. The physician decides to perform a lumbar puncture to confirm the diagnosis. Which of the following landmarks should guide the physician in identifying the appropriate lumbar vertebral level for the procedure? A) Inferior angle of the scapula B) Iliac crest C) Superior border of the iliac crests D) 12th rib E) Anterior superior iliac spine
  • 68. Q1 Myelomeningocele Q2 Anencephaly Q3 Spina bifida occulta Q4 Spina bifida occulta Q5 Superior border of the iliac crests
  • 69. List of Texts and Recommended Readings • Last's Anatomy, Regional and Applied. Chummy S. Sinnatamby. 12th edition 2011, ISBN:13 - 978 0 7020 3394 0 (Available in ClinicalKey:!/browse/book/3-s2.0- C2009060533X) • Estomih Mtui, Gregory Gruener and Peter Dockery. Fitzgerald's Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience. 7th edition; 2016, ISBN: 13 - 978-0-7020- 6727-3 (Available in ClinicalKey:!/browse/book/3-s2.0- C20130134113 • Drake, Richard L. Gray's Anatomy for Students, Third Edition, Elsevier Saunders 2015. ISBN-13: 978- 0702051319 (Available in ClinicalKey:!/browse/book/3- s2.0- C20110061707). • Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy. F. Paulsen. Vol.1, 15th Edition; 2013, ISBN: 9780702052514 (Available in ClinicalKey:!/content/book/3- s2.0-B9780702052514500067) • Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy. F. Paulsen. Vol.2, 15th Edition; 2013, ISBN:13 - 978-0-7020-5252-1
  • 71. Recap