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Hong Kong


London                                      Network Effectiveness:
Los Angeles

Madrid                            An Interactive Working Session for Packard

                                             Foundation Grantees

                                                                                     May 27, 2009
New York

Palo Alto

                                                                                      Heather Grant
San Francisco                                                      
São Paulo                                                                             Diana Scearce




Zurich This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Network Basics

Networks Are Changing the Way the World Works

Source for Network Graphic:

Obama Used Networks to Mobilize 13 M Supporters

 “One of my fundamental beliefs…is that real change comes from the
bottom up. And there’s no more powerful tool for grass-roots organizing
                          than the Internet.”
                                 – Barack Obama

10K+ Activists Protested Elections in Moldova

   “…six people, 10 minutes for brainstorming and decision-making,
several hours of disseminating information through networks, Facebook,
                       blogs, SMSs and e-mail.”
                    –Natalia Morar, ThinkMoldova

We’re Witnessing the Death of Old Models…

   “While newspaper circulation has long been in decline, the latest
figures show the drop is accelerating…Weekday circulation declined
   7.1% for the six months that ended March 31, compared with the
                            previous year.”
                          – New York Times, April 27,2009

…And New Models Are Emerging

As a Result, the Way Our Work Gets Done Is Changing

Many Nonprofits Need to Find Ways to Leverage Networks

                                         Increasing Number of Nonprofits

                                          More Competition for Resources

                                             Many Nonprofits Not at Scale
                       (82% of nonprofits operate on annual budgets of
                                                             under $1 million)

                     Networks are one answer for increasing
                             efficiency and impact
Source: “The Non-Profit Sector in Brief,” National Center for Charitable Statistics, 2008.

What Do We Mean by Networks?

       •    Groups of individuals or organizations
       •    Connected around a common purpose
       •    Lots of participants
       •    Ability to self-organize
       •    Fueled by new technologies

Source for Network Graphic:

Networks Have Been Around for a Long Time…

There Are New Technologies for Sharing Content…

…and new online spaces for building relationships

Advances in the Science of Networks and Complexity

Source for Network Graphic:

Combined with Established Practices for Engaging Groups

Source for Network Graphic:

The Result = “Working Wikily”

                   “… wikis and other social media tools are
                engendering a new, networked mindset—a way
                  of working wikily—that is characterized by
                    principles of openness, transparency,
                     decentralized decision-making, and
                              distributed action. quot;
                                              - Working Wikily 2.0

Source for Network Graphic:

What Do We Mean by “Working Wikily”?

 Established Ways of
                                      Working Wikily

 Centralized                      Decentralized

 Firmly   controlled              Loosely   controlled
 Planned                          Emergent

 Proprietary                      Public

 One-way                          Two-way

 communication                      conversation

 Where are you on these continuums? The answer will be
             different for different situations

Working Wikily Can Address Diverse Challenges

                Problem                            Working Wikily Potential

   Isolation                                  Build community

   Unmet needs                                Engage people

   Lack of power                              Advocate for policy change

   Duplication and fragmentation of           Coordinate resources and services

   Lack of shared knowledge                   Develop and share knowledge

   Untapped talent and wisdom                 Innovate

   Suboptimal impact and                      Get to scale
    challenges with growth

Build Community

        1980:                  2008:
    205 Members          22,000 Members
                       attending each week

Engage People

        1985:                2008: 400,000
   Single-site Effort         Volunteers in
        in US                104 Countries

Advocate for Policy Change

    1998: Email to            2008: 3.2 Million
     100 friends                 Members

Coordinate Resources and Services

     Total Loans                      Total Loans
   2006: $1 million                 2009: $66 million

Develop and Share Knowledge

                                       14 Countries
                                1,300 Trained Volunteers
                                  Interagency Program
                              Integrated Fire Management


        Internal,         “Open Sourcing
       Proprietary            Social
        R&D Labs            Solutions”

Get to Scale

                                                                                               - EGYPT-
                                                                                 communities through
                                                                          collaborations to address root
                                                                                     causes of poverty and

         Typical HFH country                                              In Egypt, HFH builds 1,000
        programs produce 200                                                  houses a year, on
          houses each year                                                          average

Source: Jane Wei-Skillern and Kerry Herman, “Habitat for Humanity—Egypt,” Harvard Business School Cases, October 3, 2006.

Working Wikily Isn’t Easy…

      Common Challenges Faced by Network Leaders:
          Communicating the value of networks
          Designing and catalyzing networks
          Determining network boundaries
          Building trust among participants
          Participant engagement and communications
          Managing and adapting to evolution and growth
          Tracking and evaluating impact
          Letting go of control
Source for Network Graphic:

Eight Lessons We’re Learning About “Working Wikily”

  1. Design your experiments around a problem to solve, not
     the tools
  2. Experiment a lot, invest in understanding what works and
     what doesn’t, and make only new mistakes
  3. Set appropriate expectations for time and effort required
  4. Prioritize human elements like trust and fun
  5. Understand your position within networks and act on this
  6. Push power to the edges
  7. Balance bottom-up and top-down strategies for
     organizing people and effort
  8. Be open and transparent; share what you are
     doing and learning as a matter of course

Understanding Your Network

Source for Network Graphic:

How Are Networks Structured?

A Few Helpful Definitions

  Cluster             Periphery



               Link               Node
Network Structures Can Take Many Forms

Source for Network Graphics:

A Typology of Organizing Structures

                     Centralized                          Nonprofit organizations
                                                           (without explicit network

                                                          Membership
                                                           (Organizations with
                                                           network component)
                                                          Nonprofits with explicit
                                                           network strategy and

                                                          Coalition / Alliance
                                                           (network of organizations)

                                                          Networks of networks

                                                          Ad hoc networks
                            Note: These categories often overlap. Most of the examples fit in to multiple categories.
Developed from: Plastrik, Taylor, “Net Gains,” (2006); Anklam, “Net Work,” (2007); Krebs, Holley. “Building Smart Communities,” (2006).Source for Network Graphics:

Nonprofits without Explicit Network Structure

Good for:
• Speed of execution, efficiency
• Quality control, reliability
• Service-delivery
• Accountability

Membership Organizations

Good for:
   Engaging, mobilizing large
   Fundraising
   Question: Is the nature of
    membership changing?

Nonprofits with Explicit Network Structure (Hub-Spoke)

Good for:
   Coordination of activity
   Controlled knowledge transfer
   Resource sharing

Nonprofits with Explicit Network Structure (Multi-Hub)

Good for:
   Rapid diffusion of knowledge
   Rapid mobilization
   Efficient access to knowledge or local

Coalition / Alliance

Good for:
    Complex coordination & co-
    Contained knowledge transfer
    Organizing around joint goals

Networks of Networks—Organizations

     Good for:
           Innovation
           Environment scanning
           Movement building
           Resilient & adaptive action

Source for Network Graphic:

Ad Hoc Networks—Individuals

     Good for:
           Connecting people/ info across
           Spontaneous, quick action
           Aggregating small gifts/ actions

Source for Network Graphic:

Social Network Mapping:
A Tool for Visualizing Your Network

What’s Possible from Network Mapping?

          Visualize the network: see connections within
           the system
          Make visible network resources, and see flow
           of resources
          Spark a conversation among participants
          Assess the “health” of a network, diagnose
          Assess change in network over time

Source for Network Graphic: June Holley

Network Mapping Can Be Simple and Low-Tech…

Source: June Holley

…Or More High-Tech

How Is Network Mapping Done?

     Frame                                                                  Validate &      Identify
                                 Collect                    Analyze
     the                                                                    Discuss         Next
                                 Data                       Data
     Problem                                                                Results         Steps

    • Goal                   •   Surveys               • Specialized       • Preliminary    • Planning
    • Problem/               •   Interviews              network             review         • Training
      Opportunity            •   Focus groups            mapping           • One-on-one     • Organizational
    • Hypotheses             •   Data mining             software helps      interviews       Changes
    • Who/                                               to understand     • Interactive    • Specific
      Boundaries                                         data:               feedback         interventions
    • Relationships/                                   • Visually (Maps)     session
      Flows                                            • Quantitatively    • Formal
    • Demographics                                       (Metrics)           presentation

                                                             Follow up
Framework developed by Roberto Cremonini, Barr Foundation

Using Network Maps to Increase Service Coordination

Process Used to Map the Youth Development Network

    Identified community to map; bounded the network
    Sent out survey to collect data; entered data into software
    Produced maps with ability to sort by inputs; gathered missing data
    Analyzed maps to identify network development opportunities
    Group continues to meet; on-going network coaching

Maps Were Used to Analyze the Network

      A map of the different networks shows fairly loose connections

                                                    Network by Organization Type

Now, you’re going to map your
 Choose which network you want
 to focus on

 Clarify
       if it is “unbounded” or

Making Sense of Your Network Structure
       Decide what network you want to focus on today.
       Draw a map of your network.
       Reflect on the questions below.

       1. What type of structure does your network most closely resemble?

       2. How did you get to this structure?

       3. How’s it working? Does it match your purpose?

       4. How might your structure evolve / improve?

Source for Network Graphics:

Network Diagnosis:
Characteristics of Healthy Networks

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Overview
                                                      Clearly articulated purpose
                     Purpose                          Delivers value/ outcomes to members

                                                      Trust
                 Participation                        Diversity
                                                      High engagement

                 Strategy and                         Balance of top-down and bottom-up logic
                  Structure                           Space for self-organized action

                                                      Leadership with “network mindset”
                  Leadership                          Distributed leadership

                                                      Governance by a group representative of the network’s diversity
                  Governance                          Openness

            Communications &                          Strategic IT
               Technology                             Ample shared space: on-line and in-person

                  Resource                            Ability surface network talent
                 Management                           Ability to tap excess capacity

                                                      Learning-capture
                                                      Ability to gather and act on feedback

Helpful Sources: M. Kearns and K. Showalter; J. Holley and V. Krebs; P. Plastrik and M. Taylor; J. W. Skillern; C. Shirky

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Purpose

               Clearly articulated purpose
 Purpose       Delivers value / outcomes to members

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Participation

                   Trust: strong relationships
Participation      Diversity: bridging and valuing differences
                   High level of voluntary engagement

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Strategy, Structure

Strategy and      Balance of top-down and bottom-up logic
 Structure        Space for self-organized action

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Leadership

                                           Leadership with “network mindset” (e.g., opportunity seeking,
         Leadership                         facilitative, shares responsibility, connector)
                                           Distributed leadership

               “Oppenheimer [the
               founder] was eager to
               help [other potential
               interactive museums]
               beg, borrow, and steal
               his ideas.”
Source: Heather McLeod Grant and Leslie R. Crutchfield, “Forces for Good,” (2007).

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Governance

                Governance by a group representative of network’s diversity
Governance      Openness to new ideas and new participation

                                                               16 as of 3/21/09

                                                               37 as of 3/3/09

                                                               29 active as of

                                                                 1,648 as of

                                                              Registered Users
                                                               9,540,944 as of

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Communications, IT

Communications      Strategic IT
 & Technology       Ample space: on-line and in-person

                                                          What’s your connection
                                                          to mountaintop

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Communications, IT

Communications      Strategic IT
 & Technology       Ample shared space: on-line and in-person

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Resource Mgt.

  Resource       Ability to surface network talent
 Management      Ability to tap excess capacity – talent, access, money

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Assessment

                Mechanisms for learning-capture / storytelling
Assessment      Ability to gather and act on feedback

                                   Hawaii Island                      Success: Youth have the capacity to malama the next
                      Goal: All youth are surrounded             Goal: Youth are part of and                   Goal: Youth have expanded                 Goal: Youth are prepared for
                         by effective, integrated             contribute to a thriving community             opportunities for family sustaining           meaningful work, higher
                       community and relationship                                                                    work/occupation                      education and/or traditional
                     based support they can count on                                                                                                              practices
                          Action: All      Action: Youth        Action: Youth       Action: Adults are       Action: Public and    Action: Efforts are       Action:               Action:
                     systems serving      receive support            create           responsible to           private sectors     made to diversify       Teachers           Teachers have
                       youth exert a     from parents and      opportunities to        malama the              collaborate to       the economy in         create an          the necessary
                        positive and        other caring      belong, learn new     process of growth            create high            Hawaii           environment in         training and
                       strengthening           adults         skills, grow, lead,    by being easily          demand sectors                                  their            resources to
                        influence on                           receive support,      accessible and                where job                              classrooms           allow kids to
                      youth and their                            participate in      modeling these           numbers, wages                             where kids can           succeed
                           families                            decision making      positive behaviors       and advancement                                succeed
                                                              and contribute to                               opportunities are                                               Action: Ensure
                                                                    civic life                                    increasing                                   Action:            multiple
                        Action: Community organizations                                                                                                                        opportunities
                     actively work with community members                                                                                                Teachers have
                                                                Action: Youth         Action: Youth            Action: Youth obtain help to develop          training &         and diverse
                     to find and engage disconnected youth    have the capacity         create and                                                                              avenues to
                         in hopes of continuing a positive                                                    financial literacy, manage money and        mentors that
                                                               for commitment        convey positive                         build assets                 allow them to           acquire
                                   relationship               and self discipline       images of                                                                                academic,
                                                                                       themselves                                                             effective          vocational,
                                                                                                                                                                              social, life and
                                                                                                                                                                              resiliency skills

                       Indicator: % of    Indicator: % of       Indicator: % of      Indicator: High          Indicator: Youth        Indicator:             Indicator:           Indicator:
                       youth reporting      youth with at          youth who             level of              employment in         Increase in             Number of            Teachers
                            close           least 1 adult         volunteer or         interaction              high growth             youth              teachers with          with family
                        neighborhood      they can turn to          mentor           between school             sectors and        employment and            classroom            supporting
                             ties                for                                 and community              geographies        average salaries         competence              wages
                                           support/advise                               members
                                                                   Indicator:                                                                              Indicator: %           Indicator:
                                                               Number of youth                                  Indicator: # of      Indicator: New
                                                                                                                                                           students who          Youth with
                        Indicator: %      Indicator: % of       who age out of                                 new businesses       jobs created by
                                                                                                                                                         meet and exceed        basic literacy
                        parents who       youth reporting         foster care                                    in sustainable        sector and
                                                                                                                                                         expectation in 3rd     and numeric
                           actively       close family ties      annually with                                     agriculture,        geography
                                                                                                                                                              Grade                 skills
                        participate in                           employment,                                       renewable
                        public school                             housing or                                    energy, green                                                  Indicator: % of
                                                                   schooling                                      architecture      Indicator: # of                               high school
                                                                                                                                     public/private      Indicator: Good        students going
                                                                                                                                    partnerships in        teachers and            to college
                                                                                                                                    new industries       principals with 5+      and/or trade
                                                                                                                                                           years exp. In        apprenticeship
                                                                                                                                                            same school
                                            Work in Progress                                             2

How healthy is your

Network Communications

Network Leadership and Mindset

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Overview
                                                      Clearly articulated purpose
                                                      Delivers value/ outcomes to members

                                                      Trust
                 Participation                        Diversity
                                                      High engagement

                 Strategy and                         Balance of top-down and bottom-up logic
                  Structure                           Space for self-organized action

                                                      Leadership with “network mindset”
                  Leadership                          Distributed leadership

                                                      Governance by a group representative of the network’s diversity
                  Governance                          Openness

            Communications &                          Strategic IT
               Technology                             Ample shared space: on-line and in-person

                  Resource                            Ability surface network talent
                 Management                           Ability to tap excess capacity

                                                      Learning-capture
                                                      Ability to gather and act on feedback

Helpful Sources: M. Kearns and K. Showalter; J. Holley and V. Krebs; P. Plastrik and M. Taylor; J. W. Skillern; C. Shirky

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Leadership

                                           Leadership with “network mindset” (e.g., opportunity seeking,
         Leadership                         facilitative, shares responsibility, connector)
                                           Distributed leadership

               “Oppenheimer [the
               founder] was eager to
               help [other potential
               interactive museums]
               beg, borrow, and steal
               his ideas.”
Source: Heather McLeod Grant and Leslie R. Crutchfield, “Forces for Good,” (2007).

The Network Mindset

                                          Organization Orientation                   Network Orientation

              Mindset                               Competition                         Collaboration

              Strategy                     Grow the organization                     Grow the network

                                            Compete for resources                      Share resources
                                              Protect knowledge                        Open source IP
                                            Competitive advantage                    Develop competitors
                                                 Hoard talent                        Cultivate leadership

Source: Heather McLeod Grant and Leslie R. Crutchfield, “Forces for Good,” (2007).
Source: Forces for Good by Heather McLeod Grant and Leslie R. Crutchfield (2007)
Network Leadership Roles
       Network Leadership could be one person doing many things, or many
       people each doing one thing.

                                                    Establishes purpose and value propositions
                                                    Establishes first links to participants

                     Funder                         Provides initial resources for organizing the network

                     Weaver                         Works to increase connections among participants
                                                    May focus on growing the network by connecting to new participants

                   Facilitator                      Helps network participants negotiate collective action plans

                                                    Helps participants to undertake collective action
                                                    Ensures flow of information and other resources

                     Coach                          Advises organizers, weavers, facilitators, and coordinators

                    Steward                         Informally helps to build the network without a formal role

Source: Peter Plastrik and Madeleine Taylor, “Net Gains: a Handbook for Network Builders Seeking Social Change.” (2006)
Source: Building the Field of Dreams by Stephanie Lowell (2007)
Tasks of Network Leadership: What Network Leaders Do

                                                         Building and Developing
                                                                the Network

                    Connecting                                                                               Capacity Building/
                     Members                                                                                     Coaching

          Allocating                                                                                                           Catalyzing
          Resources                                                                                                             Action


                                                Managing                              Facilitating
                                               Technology                              Process

Helpful Sources: Peter Plastrik and Madeleine Taylor, “Net Gains: a Handbook for Network Builders Seeking Social Change.” (2006) and June Holley, “Network
Weaver Checklist,” (2006).

Competencies of Network Leadership

      •      People oriented / natural connector
      •      Comfortable with ambiguity
      •      Humility / low ego
      •      Systems thinking / see patterns
      •      Ability to identify talents in others
      •      Skilled at group processes /
             facilitation (good listening)
      •      Conflict resolution skills
      •      Comfort with technology
      •      Adaptive
      •      Seeks opportunity to share and
             spread responsibility

Source: Building the Field of Dreams by Stephanie Lowell (2007)

Working Wikily Isn’t Easy…

      Challenges Faced by Individuals / Network Leaders:
          Unlearning past behaviors and frameworks
           (organizational mindset)
          Letting go of control
          Managing time and network expectations
          Setting boundaries around work
          Dealing with information overload
          Learning and leveraging new technologies
          Measuring your success
Source for Network Graphic:

Network Weaver Checklist

          What did you learn? Where did score yourself hi/ low?
          What are your priority goals for development?
          What are three tangible things you can do to
           strengthen your network leadership?
          What would help you achieve these goals?
          Is there a correlation between network / leadership

Source for Network Graphic:

Strengthening Your Network

Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Overview
                                                      Clearly articulated purpose
                     Purpose                          Delivers value/ outcomes to members

                                                      Trust
                 Participation                        Diversity
                                                      High engagement

                 Strategy and                         Balance of top-down and bottom-up logic
                  Structure                           Space for self-organized action

                                                      Leadership with “network mindset”
                  Leadership                          Distributed leadership

                                                      Governance by a group representative of the network’s diversity
                  Governance                          Openness

            Communications &                          Strategic IT
               Technology                             Ample shared space: on-line and in-person

                  Resource                            Ability surface network talent
                 Management                           Ability to tap excess capacity

                                                      Learning-capture
                                                      Ability to gather and act on feedback

Helpful Sources: M. Kearns and K. Showalter; J. Holley and V. Krebs; P. Plastrik and M. Taylor; J. W. Skillern; C. Shirky

How Networks Progress and Evolve

              1.       Scattered Clusters                                                               2.        Hub and Spoke

              3.       Multi-Hub Small World                                                            4.          Core Periphery

Source: Valdis Krebs and June Holley, “Building Smart Communities through Network Weaving,” (2006). Source for Network Graphics:

A Few Strategies for Strengthening Your Network

                                                                                 Nurture quality connections so projects
                                                                                 can be high risk & high impact

                                                                                 Bridge difference. Connect people and
                                                                                 ideas that normally don’t go together

                                                                                 Support overlapping projects or
                                                                                 collaborations, many very small,
                                                                                 initiated by many

                                                                                 Map the network in order to visualize
                                                                                 structure, diagnose strengths and
                                                                                 weaknesses, and identify strategies for
                                                                                 growing the network

                                                                                 Grow and engage periphery to bring in
                                                                                 new resources and innovation

Source: Adapted from June Holley, Source for Network Graphic:

The Green and Healthy Building Network: 2005

Source: Barr Foundation “Green and Healthy Building Network Case Study” by Beth Tener, Al Neirenberg, Bruce Hoppe

The Green and Healthy Building Network: 2007

Source: Barr Foundation “Green and Healthy Building Network Case Study” by Beth Tener, Al Neirenberg, Bruce Hoppe


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  • 1. Beijing Cambridge Chicago Delhi Dubai Hong Kong Johannesburg London Network Effectiveness: Los Angeles Madrid An Interactive Working Session for Packard Manila Moscow Foundation Grantees Mumbai Munich May 27, 2009 New York Palo Alto Paris Heather Grant San Francisco São Paulo Diana Scearce Seoul Shanghai Singapore Tokyo Toronto Zurich This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. 1
  • 3. Networks Are Changing the Way the World Works Source for Network Graphic: 3
  • 4. Obama Used Networks to Mobilize 13 M Supporters “One of my fundamental beliefs…is that real change comes from the bottom up. And there’s no more powerful tool for grass-roots organizing than the Internet.” – Barack Obama 4
  • 5. 10K+ Activists Protested Elections in Moldova “…six people, 10 minutes for brainstorming and decision-making, several hours of disseminating information through networks, Facebook, blogs, SMSs and e-mail.” –Natalia Morar, ThinkMoldova 5
  • 6. We’re Witnessing the Death of Old Models… “While newspaper circulation has long been in decline, the latest figures show the drop is accelerating…Weekday circulation declined 7.1% for the six months that ended March 31, compared with the previous year.” – New York Times, April 27,2009 6
  • 7. …And New Models Are Emerging 7
  • 8. As a Result, the Way Our Work Gets Done Is Changing 8
  • 9. Many Nonprofits Need to Find Ways to Leverage Networks Increasing Number of Nonprofits More Competition for Resources Many Nonprofits Not at Scale (82% of nonprofits operate on annual budgets of under $1 million) Networks are one answer for increasing efficiency and impact Source: “The Non-Profit Sector in Brief,” National Center for Charitable Statistics, 2008. 9
  • 10. What Do We Mean by Networks? • Groups of individuals or organizations • Connected around a common purpose • Lots of participants • Ability to self-organize • Fueled by new technologies Source for Network Graphic: 10
  • 11. Networks Have Been Around for a Long Time… 11
  • 12. There Are New Technologies for Sharing Content… …and new online spaces for building relationships 12
  • 13. Advances in the Science of Networks and Complexity Source for Network Graphic: 13
  • 14. Combined with Established Practices for Engaging Groups Source for Network Graphic: 14
  • 15. The Result = “Working Wikily” “… wikis and other social media tools are engendering a new, networked mindset—a way of working wikily—that is characterized by principles of openness, transparency, decentralized decision-making, and distributed action. quot; - Working Wikily 2.0 Source for Network Graphic: 15
  • 16. What Do We Mean by “Working Wikily”? Established Ways of Working Wikily Working  Centralized  Decentralized  Firmly controlled  Loosely controlled  Planned  Emergent  Proprietary  Public  One-way  Two-way communication conversation Where are you on these continuums? The answer will be different for different situations 16
  • 17. Working Wikily Can Address Diverse Challenges Problem Working Wikily Potential  Isolation  Build community  Unmet needs  Engage people  Lack of power  Advocate for policy change  Duplication and fragmentation of  Coordinate resources and services effort  Lack of shared knowledge  Develop and share knowledge  Untapped talent and wisdom  Innovate  Suboptimal impact and  Get to scale challenges with growth 17
  • 18. Build Community 1980: 2008: 205 Members 22,000 Members attending each week 18
  • 19. Engage People 1985: 2008: 400,000 Single-site Effort Volunteers in in US 104 Countries 19
  • 20. Advocate for Policy Change 1998: Email to 2008: 3.2 Million 100 friends Members 20
  • 21. Coordinate Resources and Services Total Loans Total Loans 2006: $1 million 2009: $66 million 21
  • 22. Develop and Share Knowledge 14 Countries 1,300 Trained Volunteers Interagency Program Integrated Fire Management 22
  • 23. Innovate Internal, “Open Sourcing Proprietary Social R&D Labs Solutions” 23
  • 24. Get to Scale - EGYPT- …transforming communities through collaborations to address root causes of poverty and homelessness Typical HFH country In Egypt, HFH builds 1,000 programs produce 200 houses a year, on houses each year average Source: Jane Wei-Skillern and Kerry Herman, “Habitat for Humanity—Egypt,” Harvard Business School Cases, October 3, 2006. 24
  • 25. Working Wikily Isn’t Easy… Common Challenges Faced by Network Leaders:  Communicating the value of networks  Designing and catalyzing networks  Determining network boundaries  Building trust among participants  Participant engagement and communications  Managing and adapting to evolution and growth  Tracking and evaluating impact  Letting go of control Source for Network Graphic: 25
  • 26. Eight Lessons We’re Learning About “Working Wikily” 1. Design your experiments around a problem to solve, not the tools 2. Experiment a lot, invest in understanding what works and what doesn’t, and make only new mistakes 3. Set appropriate expectations for time and effort required 4. Prioritize human elements like trust and fun 5. Understand your position within networks and act on this knowledge 6. Push power to the edges 7. Balance bottom-up and top-down strategies for organizing people and effort 8. Be open and transparent; share what you are doing and learning as a matter of course 26
  • 27. Understanding Your Network Source for Network Graphic: 27
  • 28. How Are Networks Structured? 28
  • 29. A Few Helpful Definitions Cluster Periphery Core Hub Link Node 29
  • 30. Network Structures Can Take Many Forms Source for Network Graphics: 30
  • 31. A Typology of Organizing Structures Centralized  Nonprofit organizations (without explicit network structure)  Membership organizations (Organizations with network component)  Nonprofits with explicit network strategy and structure  Coalition / Alliance (network of organizations)  Networks of networks  Ad hoc networks Decentralized Note: These categories often overlap. Most of the examples fit in to multiple categories. Developed from: Plastrik, Taylor, “Net Gains,” (2006); Anklam, “Net Work,” (2007); Krebs, Holley. “Building Smart Communities,” (2006).Source for Network Graphics: 31
  • 32. Nonprofits without Explicit Network Structure Good for: • Speed of execution, efficiency • Quality control, reliability • Service-delivery • Accountability 32
  • 33. Membership Organizations Good for:  Engaging, mobilizing large groups  Fundraising  Question: Is the nature of membership changing? 33
  • 34. Nonprofits with Explicit Network Structure (Hub-Spoke) Good for:  Coordination of activity  Controlled knowledge transfer  Resource sharing 34
  • 35. Nonprofits with Explicit Network Structure (Multi-Hub) Good for:  Rapid diffusion of knowledge  Rapid mobilization  Efficient access to knowledge or local relationships 35
  • 36. Coalition / Alliance Good for:  Complex coordination & co- creation  Contained knowledge transfer  Organizing around joint goals 36
  • 37. Networks of Networks—Organizations Good for:  Innovation  Environment scanning  Movement building  Resilient & adaptive action Source for Network Graphic: 37
  • 38. Ad Hoc Networks—Individuals Good for:  Connecting people/ info across networks  Spontaneous, quick action  Aggregating small gifts/ actions Source for Network Graphic: 38
  • 39. Social Network Mapping: A Tool for Visualizing Your Network 39
  • 40. What’s Possible from Network Mapping?  Visualize the network: see connections within the system  Make visible network resources, and see flow of resources  Spark a conversation among participants  Assess the “health” of a network, diagnose  Assess change in network over time Source for Network Graphic: June Holley 40
  • 41. Network Mapping Can Be Simple and Low-Tech… Source: June Holley 41
  • 43. How Is Network Mapping Done? Frame Validate & Identify Collect Analyze the Discuss Next Data Data Problem Results Steps • Goal • Surveys • Specialized • Preliminary • Planning • Problem/ • Interviews network review • Training Opportunity • Focus groups mapping • One-on-one • Organizational • Hypotheses • Data mining software helps interviews Changes • Who/ to understand • Interactive • Specific Boundaries data: feedback interventions • Relationships/ • Visually (Maps) session Flows • Quantitatively • Formal • Demographics (Metrics) presentation Follow up Framework developed by Roberto Cremonini, Barr Foundation 43
  • 44. Using Network Maps to Increase Service Coordination 44
  • 45. Process Used to Map the Youth Development Network  Identified community to map; bounded the network  Sent out survey to collect data; entered data into software  Produced maps with ability to sort by inputs; gathered missing data  Analyzed maps to identify network development opportunities  Group continues to meet; on-going network coaching 45
  • 46. Maps Were Used to Analyze the Network A map of the different networks shows fairly loose connections Network by Organization Type Government Foundation Non-Profit For-Profit School Unknown Religious Other 46
  • 47. Now, you’re going to map your networks  Choose which network you want to focus on  Clarify if it is “unbounded” or “bounded” 47
  • 48. Making Sense of Your Network Structure Directions: Decide what network you want to focus on today. Draw a map of your network. Reflect on the questions below. 1. What type of structure does your network most closely resemble? 2. How did you get to this structure? 3. How’s it working? Does it match your purpose? 4. How might your structure evolve / improve? Source for Network Graphics: 48
  • 50. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Overview  Clearly articulated purpose Purpose  Delivers value/ outcomes to members  Trust Participation  Diversity  High engagement Strategy and  Balance of top-down and bottom-up logic Structure  Space for self-organized action  Leadership with “network mindset” Leadership  Distributed leadership  Governance by a group representative of the network’s diversity Governance  Openness Communications &  Strategic IT Technology  Ample shared space: on-line and in-person Resource  Ability surface network talent Management  Ability to tap excess capacity  Learning-capture Assessment  Ability to gather and act on feedback Helpful Sources: M. Kearns and K. Showalter; J. Holley and V. Krebs; P. Plastrik and M. Taylor; J. W. Skillern; C. Shirky 50
  • 51. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Purpose  Clearly articulated purpose Purpose  Delivers value / outcomes to members 51
  • 52. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Participation  Trust: strong relationships Participation  Diversity: bridging and valuing differences  High level of voluntary engagement 52
  • 53. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Strategy, Structure Strategy and  Balance of top-down and bottom-up logic Structure  Space for self-organized action 53
  • 54. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Leadership  Leadership with “network mindset” (e.g., opportunity seeking, Leadership facilitative, shares responsibility, connector)  Distributed leadership “Oppenheimer [the founder] was eager to help [other potential interactive museums] beg, borrow, and steal his ideas.” Source: Heather McLeod Grant and Leslie R. Crutchfield, “Forces for Good,” (2007). 54
  • 55. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Governance  Governance by a group representative of network’s diversity Governance  Openness to new ideas and new participation Arbitration Committee 16 as of 3/21/09 Stewards 37 as of 3/3/09 Bureaucrats 29 active as of 12/22/08 Administrators 1,648 as of 4/29/09 Registered Users 9,540,944 as of 4/29/09 55
  • 56. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Communications, IT Communications  Strategic IT & Technology  Ample space: on-line and in-person What’s your connection to mountaintop removal? 56
  • 57. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Communications, IT Communications  Strategic IT & Technology  Ample shared space: on-line and in-person 57
  • 58. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Resource Mgt. Resource  Ability to surface network talent Management  Ability to tap excess capacity – talent, access, money 58
  • 59. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Assessment  Mechanisms for learning-capture / storytelling Assessment  Ability to gather and act on feedback Hawaii Island Success: Youth have the capacity to malama the next generation Goal: All youth are surrounded Goal: Youth are part of and Goal: Youth have expanded Goal: Youth are prepared for by effective, integrated contribute to a thriving community opportunities for family sustaining meaningful work, higher community and relationship work/occupation education and/or traditional based support they can count on practices Action: All Action: Youth Action: Youth Action: Adults are Action: Public and Action: Efforts are Action: Action: systems serving receive support create responsible to private sectors made to diversify Teachers Teachers have youth exert a from parents and opportunities to malama the collaborate to the economy in create an the necessary positive and other caring belong, learn new process of growth create high Hawaii environment in training and strengthening adults skills, grow, lead, by being easily demand sectors their resources to influence on receive support, accessible and where job classrooms allow kids to youth and their participate in modeling these numbers, wages where kids can succeed families decision making positive behaviors and advancement succeed and contribute to opportunities are Action: Ensure civic life increasing Action: multiple Action: Community organizations opportunities actively work with community members Teachers have Action: Youth Action: Youth Action: Youth obtain help to develop training & and diverse to find and engage disconnected youth have the capacity create and avenues to in hopes of continuing a positive financial literacy, manage money and mentors that for commitment convey positive build assets allow them to acquire relationship and self discipline images of academic, become themselves effective vocational, social, life and resiliency skills Indicator: % of Indicator: % of Indicator: % of Indicator: High Indicator: Youth Indicator: Indicator: Indicator: youth reporting youth with at youth who level of employment in Increase in Number of Teachers close least 1 adult volunteer or interaction high growth youth teachers with with family neighborhood they can turn to mentor between school sectors and employment and classroom supporting ties for and community geographies average salaries competence wages support/advise members Indicator: Indicator: % Indicator: Number of youth Indicator: # of Indicator: New students who Youth with Indicator: % Indicator: % of who age out of new businesses jobs created by meet and exceed basic literacy parents who youth reporting foster care in sustainable sector and expectation in 3rd and numeric actively close family ties annually with agriculture, geography Grade skills participate in employment, renewable public school housing or energy, green Indicator: % of schooling architecture Indicator: # of high school public/private Indicator: Good students going partnerships in teachers and to college new industries principals with 5+ and/or trade years exp. In apprenticeship same school Work in Progress 2 59
  • 60. How healthy is your network? 60
  • 62. Network Leadership and Mindset 62 62
  • 63. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Overview  Clearly articulated purpose Purpose  Delivers value/ outcomes to members  Trust Participation  Diversity  High engagement Strategy and  Balance of top-down and bottom-up logic Structure  Space for self-organized action  Leadership with “network mindset” Leadership  Distributed leadership  Governance by a group representative of the network’s diversity Governance  Openness Communications &  Strategic IT Technology  Ample shared space: on-line and in-person Resource  Ability surface network talent Management  Ability to tap excess capacity  Learning-capture Assessment  Ability to gather and act on feedback Helpful Sources: M. Kearns and K. Showalter; J. Holley and V. Krebs; P. Plastrik and M. Taylor; J. W. Skillern; C. Shirky 63
  • 64. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Leadership  Leadership with “network mindset” (e.g., opportunity seeking, Leadership facilitative, shares responsibility, connector)  Distributed leadership “Oppenheimer [the founder] was eager to help [other potential interactive museums] beg, borrow, and steal his ideas.” Source: Heather McLeod Grant and Leslie R. Crutchfield, “Forces for Good,” (2007). 64
  • 65. The Network Mindset Organization Orientation Network Orientation Mindset Competition Collaboration Strategy Grow the organization Grow the network Compete for resources Share resources Protect knowledge Open source IP Behaviors Competitive advantage Develop competitors Hoard talent Cultivate leadership Source: Heather McLeod Grant and Leslie R. Crutchfield, “Forces for Good,” (2007). Source: Forces for Good by Heather McLeod Grant and Leslie R. Crutchfield (2007) 65
  • 66. Network Leadership Roles Network Leadership could be one person doing many things, or many people each doing one thing.  Establishes purpose and value propositions Organizer  Establishes first links to participants Funder  Provides initial resources for organizing the network Weaver  Works to increase connections among participants  May focus on growing the network by connecting to new participants Facilitator  Helps network participants negotiate collective action plans  Helps participants to undertake collective action Coordinator  Ensures flow of information and other resources Coach  Advises organizers, weavers, facilitators, and coordinators Steward  Informally helps to build the network without a formal role Source: Peter Plastrik and Madeleine Taylor, “Net Gains: a Handbook for Network Builders Seeking Social Change.” (2006) Source: Building the Field of Dreams by Stephanie Lowell (2007) 66
  • 67. Tasks of Network Leadership: What Network Leaders Do Building and Developing the Network Connecting Capacity Building/ Members Coaching Allocating Catalyzing Resources Action Building Communicating Consensus Managing Facilitating Technology Process Helpful Sources: Peter Plastrik and Madeleine Taylor, “Net Gains: a Handbook for Network Builders Seeking Social Change.” (2006) and June Holley, “Network Weaver Checklist,” (2006). 67
  • 68. Competencies of Network Leadership • People oriented / natural connector • Comfortable with ambiguity • Humility / low ego • Systems thinking / see patterns • Ability to identify talents in others • Skilled at group processes / facilitation (good listening) • Conflict resolution skills • Comfort with technology • Adaptive • Seeks opportunity to share and spread responsibility Source: Building the Field of Dreams by Stephanie Lowell (2007) 68
  • 69. Working Wikily Isn’t Easy… Challenges Faced by Individuals / Network Leaders:  Unlearning past behaviors and frameworks (organizational mindset)  Letting go of control  Managing time and network expectations  Setting boundaries around work  Dealing with information overload  Learning and leveraging new technologies  Measuring your success Source for Network Graphic: 69
  • 70. Network Weaver Checklist  What did you learn? Where did score yourself hi/ low?  What are your priority goals for development?  What are three tangible things you can do to strengthen your network leadership?  What would help you achieve these goals?  Is there a correlation between network / leadership diagnostics? Source for Network Graphic: 70
  • 72. Characteristics of Healthy Networks: Overview  Clearly articulated purpose Purpose  Delivers value/ outcomes to members  Trust Participation  Diversity  High engagement Strategy and  Balance of top-down and bottom-up logic Structure  Space for self-organized action  Leadership with “network mindset” Leadership  Distributed leadership  Governance by a group representative of the network’s diversity Governance  Openness Communications &  Strategic IT Technology  Ample shared space: on-line and in-person Resource  Ability surface network talent Management  Ability to tap excess capacity  Learning-capture Assessment  Ability to gather and act on feedback Helpful Sources: M. Kearns and K. Showalter; J. Holley and V. Krebs; P. Plastrik and M. Taylor; J. W. Skillern; C. Shirky 72
  • 73. How Networks Progress and Evolve 1. Scattered Clusters 2. Hub and Spoke 3. Multi-Hub Small World 4. Core Periphery Source: Valdis Krebs and June Holley, “Building Smart Communities through Network Weaving,” (2006). Source for Network Graphics: 73
  • 74. A Few Strategies for Strengthening Your Network Nurture quality connections so projects can be high risk & high impact Bridge difference. Connect people and ideas that normally don’t go together Support overlapping projects or collaborations, many very small, initiated by many Map the network in order to visualize structure, diagnose strengths and weaknesses, and identify strategies for growing the network Grow and engage periphery to bring in new resources and innovation Source: Adapted from June Holley, Source for Network Graphic: 74
  • 75. The Green and Healthy Building Network: 2005 Source: Barr Foundation “Green and Healthy Building Network Case Study” by Beth Tener, Al Neirenberg, Bruce Hoppe 75
  • 76. The Green and Healthy Building Network: 2007 Source: Barr Foundation “Green and Healthy Building Network Case Study” by Beth Tener, Al Neirenberg, Bruce Hoppe 76