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Apps Challenges
 Ivonne Jansen,
          Waag Society
How many apps does a
  challenge produce
How much effort does a
   challenge cost
Is it worth it?
•   Ivonne Jansen Dings
    Project manager, Waag Society

•   Apps for Amsterdam, Apps for Noord-Holland, Apps
    voor Nederland, Open Cities, Commons4EU

Waag Society
Apps for Democracy
•   47 apps in 30 days

•   cost 50.000,-, created value estimated: 2.300.000,-

•   20.000,- prize money divided over 60 prizes

•   6 days launching time with social media

•   Make as much raw data as possible available

•   Set as few rules as possible

•   Define registration, submission and judging

•   Give lots and lots of prizes

•   Don’t let the contest run to long
Apps contest
Quality of Apps
Quality of Data
Apps for Development
Nationale Databank
< 18 jaar
Developers about Apps4
•   A need for services in their own lives, like information for people with a disability.

•   Expanding professional network by participation in events

•   Talking to policymakers gave inspiration to make Apps

•   Many Apps (or app ideas) were born during the ‘hackathon’ coding event

•   Getting experience with open datasets

•   Creative outlet (hobby)

•   Curiosity about the datasets

•   The contest puts the developer in the spotlight

•   Opportunity to expand existing app with new data

•   Being a part of the global “Apps” movement •

•   Closing the gap between government and ICT entrepreneurs
Apps for Amsterdam
•   Amsterdam has ca. 780,000 residents • Of these, ca. 45,000 work in the IT
    sector and ca. 48,000 in the creative industries

•   Total out of pocket costs for kickoff event, hackathon event and award
    ceremony: Euro 16,000.-

•   Total hours spent on preparation and execution of the contest: ca. 900
    (between the three partners)

•   Total cost of the price money: Euro 14,500.-, divided over 21 prizes

•   Funding throught Open Cities (project co-funded by European Union) plus
    Economic Affairs Amsterdam

•   22 data sets made available by city of Amsterdam

•   Total of 48 Apps submitted
City of Amsterdam 2011
•   22 data sets

•   Open Data Council initiative accepted Centre District

•   ACAM Accountancy en Advies                 •   Dienst Stadstoezicht

•   Afval en Energie Bedrijf                   •   Dienst Werk en Inkomen

•   Bestuursdienst                             •   Dienst Wonen, Zorg en Samenleven

•   Brandweer Amsterdam-Amstelland             •   Dienst Zuidas

•   Bureau Monumenten & Archeologie            •   Economische Zaken

•   Coordinatiestelsel Werken aan de weg       •   GGD Amsterdam

•   Dienst Advies en Onderzoek                 •   Haven Amsterdam

•   Dienst Basisinformatie                     •   Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam

•   Dienst Belastingen                         •   Ontwikkelingsbedrijf

•   Dienst ICT                                 •   Projectbureau Noordwaarts

•   Dienst Infrastructuur Verkeer en Vervoer   •   Projectmanagement Bureau

•   Dienst Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling       •   Servicehuis Personeel

•   Dienst Milieu en Bouwtoezicht              •   Stadsarchief Amsterdam

•   Dienst Noord/Zuidlijn                      •   Stadsbank van Lening

•   Dienstverlening en Facilitair Management   •   VGA Verzekeringen

•   Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening                •   Waternet
City of Amsterdam 2012
•   Contest together with AIM, Amsterdam Innovation Motor

•   Goal is 50+ sustainable data sets

•   ACAM Accountancy en Advies                 •   Dienst Stadstoezicht

•   Afval en Energie Bedrijf                   •   Dienst Werk en Inkomen

•   Bestuursdienst                             •   Dienst Wonen, Zorg en Samenleven

•   Brandweer Amsterdam-Amstelland             •   Dienst Zuidas

•   Bureau Monumenten & Archeologie            •   Economische Zaken

•   Coordinatiestelsel Werken aan de weg       •   GGD Amsterdam

•   Dienst Advies en Onderzoek                 •   Haven Amsterdam

•   Dienst Basisinformatie                     •   Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam

•   Dienst Belastingen                         •   Ontwikkelingsbedrijf

•   Dienst ICT                                 •   Projectbureau Noordwaarts

•   Dienst Infrastructuur Verkeer en Vervoer   •   Projectmanagement Bureau

•   Dienst Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling       •   Servicehuis Personeel

•   Dienst Milieu en Bouwtoezicht              •   Stadsarchief Amsterdam

•   Dienst Noord/Zuidlijn                      •   Stadsbank van Lening

•   Dienstverlening en Facilitair Management   •   VGA Verzekeringen

•   Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening                •   Waternet
Applications as
a source of information
Amsterdam Analytics
City: Amsterdam

Amsterdam Analytics shows on a map view
the dynamic of traffic flow in the city of
Amsterdam. Camera's in the city monitor
the traffic , where it comes from, where it
is going. The routes most active 'drivers' in
the city (probably busses and taxis) can be
viewed, giving insight in the mobility of
Open Spending
Currently data on 25 countries throughout
the world

Open Spending is about Mapping the
Money. The aim is to track every (public)
government and corporate financial
transaction across the world and present it
in useful and engaging forms for everyone.
We're exploring, structuring and mapping
out different kinds of public finance from
all around the world - state budgets,
spending reports, grants and subsidy data.
The goal is to create an interactive platform
similar to OpenStreetMap: it's your local
government spend.
OCO Scholenzoeker
City: Amsterdam

The OCO-scholenzoeker is a useful app for
anybody trying to find a school in
Amsterdam. It gives the user different search
criteria, like type of school, level, educational
principles, distance, size of school etc. Using
a map interface the information is displayed
in a clear manner. Also parents (and children)
can give their evaluations about the school
using a rating system.
Available for the Netherlands

Solar energy from your own roof is a hot
topic. Durable energy for the future is
important. But not cheap. Does it pay off to
put solar panels on your roof? Which roof is
the best? How much energy would they
produce? Are any subsidies available? Sola
shows the consumer how much he can save in
energy costs by installing solar cells. Simply
place your phone on your roof and Sola
calculates the incline, angle and sun hours
and possible subsidies you can receive.
Available for over 30 cities worldwide

Showing the current state of bike share
systems in over 30 cities around the world -
from London to Barcelona, from Bordeaux to
Vienna from and Washington DC to
Melbourne. This application will make the
difference between arriving late and stressed
or calm and composed after cycling into work
by the river.
City: London

LinkBarcode is an Android application that
allows you to check by scanning a barcode if a
product contains ingredients you do not want
to eat. If you are allergic, vegetarian,
environmentalist or just a concerned citizen,
LinkBarcode will check whether a product
contains ingredients that do not suit you, and
if a scanned product isn't in the database the
user will be able to add it on the fly directly
from his phone.
Nomen est Omen
Available in Finland

Nomen est Omen allows the user to analyse
the commonness, origin and social status of
Finnish surnames. This application utilizes a
wide range of public data sources, and using it
is easy.
Available in Germany

Different sources of energy throughout
Germany are shown in the E11 map. With the
discussion on nuclear energy being an
ongoing issue, this map shows citizens where
their power comes from and gives them the
knowledge to make an informed decision.
Live London
City: London

The app plots the current positions of all
London Underground trains on a map, and
updates the map in real time. It provides a
stunning visualisation of the sheer amount
going on in the Underground network, the
constant movement, and a great overview of
one of the most famous transport networks in
the world. It also provides great interest
when compared to Harry Beck's iconic Tube
Map, by showing the network's geographic
Available in the Netherland

Buurkaart combines geografic, democrafic,
political and economic data, showing
citizens how their neighborhood compares
to others and which municipalities are much
like your own.
Berliner Wahlkarte
City: Berlin

When in september 2011 there were elections
for city council, the details voting habbits
were made public in the Berlin Wahlkarte the
same night of the elections. Being able to link
the data to unemployment en immigration
data the map gave great insight in the voting
in different areas.
Visualizing information
In The Air
City: Madrid

The project proposes a platform for
individual and collective awareness and
decision making, where the interpretation of
results can be used for real time navigation
through the city, opportunistic selection of
locations according to their air conditions and
a base for political action. In the Air is a
visualization project which aims to make
visible the microscopic and invisible agents of
Madrid´s air (gases, particles, pollen,
diseases, etc), to see how they perform, react
and interact with the rest of the city.
Where does my
money go
Available in the UK

Where Does My Money Go? is an independent
non-partisan project run by the Open
Knowledge Foundation. The website tries to
make government finances much easier to
explore and understand - so you can see where
every pound of your taxes gets spent. A
beautiful and intuitive interface shows the
citizens exactly what they are getting for their
Cursa De La Merce
City: Barcelona

Visualizing data in the ""cursa de la Mercè""
2009 on the map of Barcelona. The
municipality of Barcelona gives access to any
person to the data of all participants. The
visualization shows the path of all
participants (approximately 8500) with
accelerated time, doing rollover on any of
them shows their name, gender, final
position in the race, and travel time. Upon
reaching the goal (marked as A) it shows up
the Gaussian distribution (typical) based on
the number of arrivals per minute.
Game Of Life
Available worldwide

The developers wanted to see if it was
possible to translate the information from
the World Bank datasets into a playable
game to create awareness of different
countries while also keeping it accessible for
children, encouraging them to play and learn
at the same time. The game generates a
virtual random life based on all World Bank
data and challenges the user to make it
Applications that
 engage citizens
Open Elm Project
Available in the UK

The Open Elm Project is an Isle of Man based
public crowdsourcing project to enable the
public to contribute valuable data on the
location an health of the Island's elm trees.
Between 1968 and 1988 England lost 75% of
its elms, and even though Dutch Elm Disease
has reached the Isle of Man, effective control
has meant that we have lost less than 1% of
our elms. However, we need your help to
ensure it stays under control.
Adopt a Hydrant
City: Boston, USA

During the winter, storms often hide fire
hydrants under piles of snow making them
impossible to find quickly. Once they are
found, fire fighters must spend precious
minutes shoveling out hydrants before they
can starting putting out the fire. The Adopt
a Hydrant application was designed to
coordinate the effort of citizens to help, to
ensure that every hydrant in the city has a
“parent” to care for it.
Fix My Street
Available in the Netherland

FixMyStreet is a site to help people report,
view, or discuss local problems they’ve
found to their local council by simply
locating them on a map. It launched in early
February 2007. After entering a postcode or
location, you are presented with a map of
that area. You can view problems already
reported in that area, or report ones of your
own simply by clicking on the map at the
location of the problem
Available worldwide

Public art can define the spirit of a city. It
connects people with a sense of history and
place. A mobile app can give people access
to information that helps them better
understand the world around them.
MuralApp helps you to not only find art, but
to get to know it. Who was the artist? What
was their thinking behind the piece? Was
there a different mural beneath the one you
see today and what did it look like? The
mural app is a way for city dwellers and
visitors to explore the art in their towns –
and discover the history of the art around
Applications that
empower citizens
Citizen Connect
City: Boston

Citizens Connect is the City of Boston's
award-winning effort to empower Boston
residents to be the City's "eyes and ears"
throughout our neighborhoods. Through this
program, you can now use your mobile phone
in five different ways to alert the City of
Boston to neighborhood issues such as
potholes and graffiti.
City: Eindhoven, Tilburg, Haarlem, Zeewolde,
Huizen, Schiedam

There are many problems in streets and
neighborhoods that can be spotted by
citizens. Like a broken streetlight, a dirty bus
stop, or garbage that has been dumped.
BuitenBeter gives them the opportunity to
report the problem using their smartphone.
And helps the city to create a clean, safe and
healthy living environment.
Available in Czech Republic

MapyHazardu is a crowdsourcing platform
showing open data on the location of public
buildings and asking citizens to map the
location of gambling slot machines. Within
the Czech Republic these slot machines are
not allowed within 100 meters from public
buildings. The application uses the helpful
information of citizens to help law officials to
enforce the law.
City: Amsterdam

The simple principle of the site is to show
information on trees in the city that are in
the permit process of being cut. Many
people care a great deal about keeping their
city green. It gives them the opportunity to
see what is happening in their neighborhood.
Illegal Dump Site
Available in Slovenia

Application recording of illegal dump site
locations, managing the logistics for their
field data collection and cleanup. By exposing
the locations of illegal dump sites, people can
force responsible institutions to clean the
data Government - it can use these data to
manage the process of illegal dump sites
cleanups, to educate the public and to
penalize the violations of the law.
Makkie Klauwe
City: Amsterdam

This demo app confronts citizens with the
safety of their own property. The apps shows
thieves where in the city they can best steal
specific items. Combining data on income
numbers and charges being pressed per area
Applications that make
  government more
Politiek Inzicht
Available in the Netherland

The app Political Insight shows what the
politicians of the dutch parliament are saying
by showing word clouds of the most important
words said (per period) per politician.
Politicians talk a lot. It is often hard to keep
track of opinions and discussions in the
parliament. Our visualization makes it crystal
clear what the politician's most important
topics are. Also, it gives a good representation
of how the seats of the current politicians are
distributed in the parliament (who sits where).
Real Time Congress
Available for the USA

Real Time Congress puts the U.S. legislative
process at your fingertips. Have key updates,
schedules, and key policy documents
delivered to your iPhone the moment they
are released by Congress and the White
Available in the Netherlands

Politwoops saves deleted twitter messages from
politicians. This tools follows about 2200
politicians in the Netherlands and not only
promotes transparency, but also shows that the
memory of internet is extremely strong. Even
after you remove something, it often can still be
found. Politwoops has received much interest
from the international community which has
resulted in similar initiatives being started
throughout the world.
Available in Slovakia

ZNasichDani uncovers who are influential
persons (owners, managers, statutories)
standing behind companies successful in
securing contracts with the state, thus helping
uncover conflicts of interest; it also shows
how large are the sums of contracts obtained
in this way.
Agent 34
Available in the Netherlands

Agent 34 gives citizens a tool to find out if
they have been part of any secret
investigations by the Dutch Secret Service.
The site is currently a demo, but promises to
provide this information in a safe way,
according to the the article 34 of the law on
notification, so citizens can see if they have
been bugged or otherwise investigated.
Open Cities Challenge

•   Pan European Open Data Challenge


•   Datasets from 7 European cities

•   30th of June submission deadline
Parallel track A2

•   15.00 - 15.30

•   In depth about Apps for Amsterdam
    Lessons learned and plans for 2012
Thank You

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Nationaal Open Data Congres 2012

  • 1. Apps Challenges Ivonne Jansen, Waag Society
  • 2. How many apps does a challenge produce
  • 3. How much effort does a challenge cost
  • 5. Ivonne Jansen Dings Project manager, Waag Society • Apps for Amsterdam, Apps for Noord-Holland, Apps voor Nederland, Open Cities, Commons4EU •
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Apps for Democracy • 47 apps in 30 days • cost 50.000,-, created value estimated: 2.300.000,- • 20.000,- prize money divided over 60 prizes • 6 days launching time with social media • Make as much raw data as possible available • Set as few rules as possible • Define registration, submission and judging • Give lots and lots of prizes • Don’t let the contest run to long
  • 13. Quality of Apps = Quality of Data
  • 21. Developers about Apps4 • A need for services in their own lives, like information for people with a disability. • Expanding professional network by participation in events • Talking to policymakers gave inspiration to make Apps • Many Apps (or app ideas) were born during the ‘hackathon’ coding event • Getting experience with open datasets • Creative outlet (hobby) • Curiosity about the datasets • The contest puts the developer in the spotlight • Opportunity to expand existing app with new data • Being a part of the global “Apps” movement • • Closing the gap between government and ICT entrepreneurs
  • 22. Apps for Amsterdam • Amsterdam has ca. 780,000 residents • Of these, ca. 45,000 work in the IT sector and ca. 48,000 in the creative industries • Total out of pocket costs for kickoff event, hackathon event and award ceremony: Euro 16,000.- • Total hours spent on preparation and execution of the contest: ca. 900 (between the three partners) • Total cost of the price money: Euro 14,500.-, divided over 21 prizes • Funding throught Open Cities (project co-funded by European Union) plus Economic Affairs Amsterdam • 22 data sets made available by city of Amsterdam • Total of 48 Apps submitted
  • 23. City of Amsterdam 2011 • 22 data sets • Open Data Council initiative accepted Centre District • ACAM Accountancy en Advies • Dienst Stadstoezicht • Afval en Energie Bedrijf • Dienst Werk en Inkomen • Bestuursdienst • Dienst Wonen, Zorg en Samenleven • Brandweer Amsterdam-Amstelland • Dienst Zuidas • Bureau Monumenten & Archeologie • Economische Zaken • Coordinatiestelsel Werken aan de weg • GGD Amsterdam • Dienst Advies en Onderzoek • Haven Amsterdam • Dienst Basisinformatie • Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam • Dienst Belastingen • Ontwikkelingsbedrijf • Dienst ICT • Projectbureau Noordwaarts • Dienst Infrastructuur Verkeer en Vervoer • Projectmanagement Bureau • Dienst Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling • Servicehuis Personeel • Dienst Milieu en Bouwtoezicht • Stadsarchief Amsterdam • Dienst Noord/Zuidlijn • Stadsbank van Lening • Dienstverlening en Facilitair Management • VGA Verzekeringen • Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening • Waternet
  • 24. City of Amsterdam 2012 • Contest together with AIM, Amsterdam Innovation Motor • Goal is 50+ sustainable data sets • ACAM Accountancy en Advies • Dienst Stadstoezicht • Afval en Energie Bedrijf • Dienst Werk en Inkomen • Bestuursdienst • Dienst Wonen, Zorg en Samenleven • Brandweer Amsterdam-Amstelland • Dienst Zuidas • Bureau Monumenten & Archeologie • Economische Zaken • Coordinatiestelsel Werken aan de weg • GGD Amsterdam • Dienst Advies en Onderzoek • Haven Amsterdam • Dienst Basisinformatie • Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam • Dienst Belastingen • Ontwikkelingsbedrijf • Dienst ICT • Projectbureau Noordwaarts • Dienst Infrastructuur Verkeer en Vervoer • Projectmanagement Bureau • Dienst Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling • Servicehuis Personeel • Dienst Milieu en Bouwtoezicht • Stadsarchief Amsterdam • Dienst Noord/Zuidlijn • Stadsbank van Lening • Dienstverlening en Facilitair Management • VGA Verzekeringen • Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening • Waternet
  • 25.
  • 26. Applications as a source of information
  • 27. Amsterdam Analytics City: Amsterdam Amsterdam Analytics shows on a map view the dynamic of traffic flow in the city of Amsterdam. Camera's in the city monitor the traffic , where it comes from, where it is going. The routes most active 'drivers' in the city (probably busses and taxis) can be viewed, giving insight in the mobility of Amsterdam.
  • 28. Open Spending Currently data on 25 countries throughout the world Open Spending is about Mapping the Money. The aim is to track every (public) government and corporate financial transaction across the world and present it in useful and engaging forms for everyone. We're exploring, structuring and mapping out different kinds of public finance from all around the world - state budgets, spending reports, grants and subsidy data. The goal is to create an interactive platform similar to OpenStreetMap: it's your local government spend.
  • 29. OCO Scholenzoeker City: Amsterdam The OCO-scholenzoeker is a useful app for anybody trying to find a school in Amsterdam. It gives the user different search criteria, like type of school, level, educational principles, distance, size of school etc. Using a map interface the information is displayed in a clear manner. Also parents (and children) can give their evaluations about the school using a rating system.
  • 30. Sola Available for the Netherlands Solar energy from your own roof is a hot topic. Durable energy for the future is important. But not cheap. Does it pay off to put solar panels on your roof? Which roof is the best? How much energy would they produce? Are any subsidies available? Sola shows the consumer how much he can save in energy costs by installing solar cells. Simply place your phone on your roof and Sola calculates the incline, angle and sun hours and possible subsidies you can receive.
  • 31. Bikesharemap Available for over 30 cities worldwide Showing the current state of bike share systems in over 30 cities around the world - from London to Barcelona, from Bordeaux to Vienna from and Washington DC to Melbourne. This application will make the difference between arriving late and stressed or calm and composed after cycling into work by the river.
  • 32. LinkBarcode City: London LinkBarcode is an Android application that allows you to check by scanning a barcode if a product contains ingredients you do not want to eat. If you are allergic, vegetarian, environmentalist or just a concerned citizen, LinkBarcode will check whether a product contains ingredients that do not suit you, and if a scanned product isn't in the database the user will be able to add it on the fly directly from his phone.
  • 33. Nomen est Omen Available in Finland Nomen est Omen allows the user to analyse the commonness, origin and social status of Finnish surnames. This application utilizes a wide range of public data sources, and using it is easy.
  • 34. E11 Available in Germany Different sources of energy throughout Germany are shown in the E11 map. With the discussion on nuclear energy being an ongoing issue, this map shows citizens where their power comes from and gives them the knowledge to make an informed decision.
  • 35. Live London Underground City: London The app plots the current positions of all London Underground trains on a map, and updates the map in real time. It provides a stunning visualisation of the sheer amount going on in the Underground network, the constant movement, and a great overview of one of the most famous transport networks in the world. It also provides great interest when compared to Harry Beck's iconic Tube Map, by showing the network's geographic nature.
  • 36. Buurtkaart Available in the Netherland Buurkaart combines geografic, democrafic, political and economic data, showing citizens how their neighborhood compares to others and which municipalities are much like your own.
  • 37. Berliner Wahlkarte City: Berlin When in september 2011 there were elections for city council, the details voting habbits were made public in the Berlin Wahlkarte the same night of the elections. Being able to link the data to unemployment en immigration data the map gave great insight in the voting in different areas.
  • 39. In The Air City: Madrid The project proposes a platform for individual and collective awareness and decision making, where the interpretation of results can be used for real time navigation through the city, opportunistic selection of locations according to their air conditions and a base for political action. In the Air is a visualization project which aims to make visible the microscopic and invisible agents of Madrid´s air (gases, particles, pollen, diseases, etc), to see how they perform, react and interact with the rest of the city.
  • 40. Where does my money go Available in the UK Where Does My Money Go? is an independent non-partisan project run by the Open Knowledge Foundation. The website tries to make government finances much easier to explore and understand - so you can see where every pound of your taxes gets spent. A beautiful and intuitive interface shows the citizens exactly what they are getting for their pounds.
  • 41. Cursa De La Merce City: Barcelona Visualizing data in the ""cursa de la Mercè"" 2009 on the map of Barcelona. The municipality of Barcelona gives access to any person to the data of all participants. The visualization shows the path of all participants (approximately 8500) with accelerated time, doing rollover on any of them shows their name, gender, final position in the race, and travel time. Upon reaching the goal (marked as A) it shows up the Gaussian distribution (typical) based on the number of arrivals per minute.
  • 42. Game Of Life Available worldwide The developers wanted to see if it was possible to translate the information from the World Bank datasets into a playable game to create awareness of different countries while also keeping it accessible for children, encouraging them to play and learn at the same time. The game generates a virtual random life based on all World Bank data and challenges the user to make it through.
  • 44. Open Elm Project Available in the UK The Open Elm Project is an Isle of Man based public crowdsourcing project to enable the public to contribute valuable data on the location an health of the Island's elm trees. Between 1968 and 1988 England lost 75% of its elms, and even though Dutch Elm Disease has reached the Isle of Man, effective control has meant that we have lost less than 1% of our elms. However, we need your help to ensure it stays under control.
  • 45. Adopt a Hydrant City: Boston, USA During the winter, storms often hide fire hydrants under piles of snow making them impossible to find quickly. Once they are found, fire fighters must spend precious minutes shoveling out hydrants before they can starting putting out the fire. The Adopt a Hydrant application was designed to coordinate the effort of citizens to help, to ensure that every hydrant in the city has a “parent” to care for it.
  • 46. Fix My Street Available in the Netherland FixMyStreet is a site to help people report, view, or discuss local problems they’ve found to their local council by simply locating them on a map. It launched in early February 2007. After entering a postcode or location, you are presented with a map of that area. You can view problems already reported in that area, or report ones of your own simply by clicking on the map at the location of the problem
  • 47. Muralapp Available worldwide Public art can define the spirit of a city. It connects people with a sense of history and place. A mobile app can give people access to information that helps them better understand the world around them. MuralApp helps you to not only find art, but to get to know it. Who was the artist? What was their thinking behind the piece? Was there a different mural beneath the one you see today and what did it look like? The mural app is a way for city dwellers and visitors to explore the art in their towns – and discover the history of the art around them.
  • 49. Citizen Connect City: Boston citizensconnect.asp Citizens Connect is the City of Boston's award-winning effort to empower Boston residents to be the City's "eyes and ears" throughout our neighborhoods. Through this program, you can now use your mobile phone in five different ways to alert the City of Boston to neighborhood issues such as potholes and graffiti.
  • 50. BuitenBeter City: Eindhoven, Tilburg, Haarlem, Zeewolde, Huizen, Schiedam There are many problems in streets and neighborhoods that can be spotted by citizens. Like a broken streetlight, a dirty bus stop, or garbage that has been dumped. BuitenBeter gives them the opportunity to report the problem using their smartphone. And helps the city to create a clean, safe and healthy living environment.
  • 51. MapyHazardu Available in Czech Republic MapyHazardu is a crowdsourcing platform showing open data on the location of public buildings and asking citizens to map the location of gambling slot machines. Within the Czech Republic these slot machines are not allowed within 100 meters from public buildings. The application uses the helpful information of citizens to help law officials to enforce the law.
  • 52. Bomenkap City: Amsterdam The simple principle of the site is to show information on trees in the city that are in the permit process of being cut. Many people care a great deal about keeping their city green. It gives them the opportunity to see what is happening in their neighborhood.
  • 53. Illegal Dump Site Available in Slovenia Application recording of illegal dump site locations, managing the logistics for their field data collection and cleanup. By exposing the locations of illegal dump sites, people can force responsible institutions to clean the data Government - it can use these data to manage the process of illegal dump sites cleanups, to educate the public and to penalize the violations of the law.
  • 54. Makkie Klauwe City: Amsterdam This demo app confronts citizens with the safety of their own property. The apps shows thieves where in the city they can best steal specific items. Combining data on income numbers and charges being pressed per area
  • 55. Applications that make government more transparant
  • 56. Politiek Inzicht Available in the Netherland The app Political Insight shows what the politicians of the dutch parliament are saying by showing word clouds of the most important words said (per period) per politician. Politicians talk a lot. It is often hard to keep track of opinions and discussions in the parliament. Our visualization makes it crystal clear what the politician's most important topics are. Also, it gives a good representation of how the seats of the current politicians are distributed in the parliament (who sits where).
  • 57. Real Time Congress Available for the USA Real Time Congress puts the U.S. legislative process at your fingertips. Have key updates, schedules, and key policy documents delivered to your iPhone the moment they are released by Congress and the White House.
  • 58. Politwoops Available in the Netherlands Politwoops saves deleted twitter messages from politicians. This tools follows about 2200 politicians in the Netherlands and not only promotes transparency, but also shows that the memory of internet is extremely strong. Even after you remove something, it often can still be found. Politwoops has received much interest from the international community which has resulted in similar initiatives being started throughout the world.
  • 59. ZNasichDani Available in Slovakia ZNasichDani uncovers who are influential persons (owners, managers, statutories) standing behind companies successful in securing contracts with the state, thus helping uncover conflicts of interest; it also shows how large are the sums of contracts obtained in this way.
  • 60. Agent 34 Available in the Netherlands Agent 34 gives citizens a tool to find out if they have been part of any secret investigations by the Dutch Secret Service. The site is currently a demo, but promises to provide this information in a safe way, according to the the article 34 of the law on notification, so citizens can see if they have been bugged or otherwise investigated.
  • 61. Open Cities Challenge • Pan European Open Data Challenge • • Datasets from 7 European cities • 30th of June submission deadline
  • 62. Parallel track A2 • 15.00 - 15.30 • In depth about Apps for Amsterdam Lessons learned and plans for 2012