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MSLGROUP Crisis Network is a global network of 50+ MSLGROUP crisis experts,
with deep vertical expertise across industries and geographies, connected to each
other by our proprietary People’s Lab crowdsourcing platform. Our experts can not
only tap into each others insights in real time, but also leverage our proprietary crisis
toolkit including our crisis planning framework and our crisis simulation workshop
-- to help our clients plan for and respond to crisis situations effectively.


                                                           Olivier Fleurot
                                                           Chief Executive Officer, MSLGROUP

    As the world prepares for what could be a prolonged recession, business leaders also need to
    prepare for a “new normal”, or a fundamental reset in the dynamics between individuals, influencers
    and institutions around trust, power, risk and crisis.

    I am delighted to present to you our report on managing risk in a world where every crisis is global,
    social and viral. The report is a collection of insights and foresights from the MSLGROUP Crisis
    Network, a global network of 50+ MSLGROUP crisis experts, with deep vertical expertise across
    industries and geographies, connected to each other by our proprietary People’s Lab crowdsourcing
    platform. Our experts can not only tap into each other’s insights in real time, but also leverage our
    proprietary crisis toolkit to help our clients plan for and respond to crisis situations effectively.

    In the end, however, managing risk in the “new normal” is less about saying the right things and
    more about doing the right things. Corporations that are rooted in a shared purpose and have fully
    integrated corporate citizenship into their strategy are more likely to respond to a crisis situation with
    authenticity, transforming a potential crisis into an opportunity to reconnect with its stakeholders. So,
    in many ways, what you do before a crisis happens is more important than what you do when a crisis

    I hope that you’ll find value in both the insights and foresights in this report as well as in the
    innovative model of the MSLGROUP Crisis Network.

                                                                 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                           NOVEMBER 2011
Every Crisis is Global, Social
and Viral

Pascal Beucler                             Gaurav Mishra
SVP and Chief Strategy Officer,            Asia Director of Social Media,
MSLGROUP                                   MSLGROUP

The End of Trust
The decade has witnessed a profound erosion of trust in all types of institutions,
including governments and corporations.

Even as North America and Europe prepare for a prolonged double dip financial
crisis, we have seen social unrest in France, UK, Spain and Greece; a grassroots
movement to occupy public spaces across the United States to protest against
capitalism; right wing terrorist attacks in peaceful Norway; disclosure of state
secrets by Wikileaks; a series of regime changes across the Arab world; and a sex
scandal disgracing the IMF.

Even in the buoyant emerging economies of India, China and Brazil, the hitherto
silent middle class is beginning to raise its voice and take to the streets to protest
against chronic corruption that disproportionately rewards the entrenched elite
at the cost of the other 99%; and the low quality of life that persists in spite of
increased prosperity.

Trust in corporations, too, is at an all-time low, as a result of astronomical
executive salaries paid by banks and auto companies, even as they were being
bailed out by public funds; BP’s inability to either control the Gulf of Mexico oil
spill for almost nine months, or take full responsibility for it; and perceptions of
greenwashing by corporations, brought in sharp focus a series of viral campaigns
by Greenpeace.

We are also seeing anger against the inability of governments and corporations
to show the will to solve our most pressing problems: the short-sighted
dependence on fossil fuels that threatens to undermine our planet’s ecosystem;
the tradeoffs between economic progress and the good life, like urban pollution
and lifestyle diseases; and the barriers to achieve the full human potential, with
more than half the world’s population still struggling with poverty, malnutrition,
disease and illiteracy.

Crisis management in
             today’s fragile world is
            intrinsically interlinked
                   with global shifts
                  in trust and power
               between individuals,
                     influencers and

                         Phto by mugley on flickr

    Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                        NOVEMBER 2011
Power to the People
At the same time, people have new sources of power, as
individuals and communities.

First, people are beginning to believe that governments and
corporations have failed them and only they themselves can
come up with innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing

Second, people are leveraging social media platforms to create
new public spaces for discourse and dissent that are irrevocably
reshaping the global news ecosystem; organize themselves into
distributed communities with a shared purpose and a shared vision
for a better future; co-create new social innovation solutions and
sustainable business models; and collaborate across continents to
coordinate participation and action and act as catalysts for change.

Third, people are demanding that governments become
both more transparent and less intrusive with their citizens;
that government and corporations work together to create an
ecosystem that enables civic participation; that corporations not
only rediscover their social purpose but also put it at the core
of how they engage with people, as employees, consumers and

Facebook’s Marc Zuckerberg underlined these shifts during the
recent “e-G8” we organized in Paris: “People being empowered
is the trend for the next decade: that’s the core social dynamics…
People have the ability to voice their opinion, and it changes the
world, as it rewires it from the ground up”.

Unilever’s Paul Polman has also pointed to the new risks such
power creates for corporations: “If [social media activists] can bring
down the Egyptian regime in a few weeks, they can bring us down
in nanoseconds.”

Every Crisis is Global, Social and Viral
The social web is playing an important role in these shifts around
trust, power, risk and crisis.

Specifically, we need to master three interplays shaping crisis in
the “new normal”: the interplay between mainstream media and
social media, the interplay between local and global dynamics,
and the interplay between crisis planning and response.

First, the boundaries between mainstream media and social media
are blurring as online influencers are linking to media stories and
news organizations are quoting online influencers.

Second, no crisis is truly local in our interconnected world, as
memes or hashtags can spread globally in seconds on the social
web, yet local considerations must be factored into crisis planning
and response.

Third, it’s critical to plan and prepare for crisis scenarios, but it’s
even more important to respond to emergent crisis situations
authentically, without over-reliance on scripted messages and

Photo by Ben Chau on flickr

    Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                        NOVEMBER 2011
MSLGROUP Crisis Network
In a world where every crisis is global, social and viral, it’s critical to tap into
the tools and insights from across our global network, in real time.

MSLGROUP Crisis Network is a global network of 50+ MSLGROUP crisis
experts, with deep vertical expertise across industries and geographies,
connected to each other by our proprietary People’s Lab crowdsourcing
platform. Our experts can not only tap into each other’s insights in real time,
but also leverage our proprietary crisis toolkit – including our crisis planning
framework and our crisis simulation workshop -- to help our clients plan for
and respond to crisis situations effectively.

In a world where every crisis is global, social and viral, here’s a roadmap to
think about the interconnections between trust, power, risk and crisis, from
our experts at the MSLGROUP Crisis Network.

In the first section, we explore how social media is changing trust, power, risk
and crisis. We start by looking at the role of social media in societal upheavals
in the West, including the terrorist attack in Norway, the riots in London and
the Occupy Wall Street movement in the US. Then, we move to the East and
look at how social media is changing the news ecosystem in China, eroding
the wasta system of personal influence in the Middle East and uniting the
Indian middle class in a grassroots movement against corruption.

In the second section, we outline how corporations can leverage social media
to manage risk and reputation. We outline how social media can play a role at
each stage in the crisis curve, describe the art and science of crisis simulation,
recommend engaging third party influencers in crisis planning, share lessons
from managing the global Crisis Command Center for BP, provide a playbook
for handling a crisis on Facebook and end with tips and tricks on crisis
management from our network of senior trusted advisors.

In summary, here are the most important tips from our global network of
crisis experts that you will see across this report:

1. Proactively work on crisis preparedness, including crisis simulation
   workshops, crisis manuals, crisis collaboration wikis and dark crisis
2. Create local crisis plans in collaboration with key influencers, instead of
   merely localizing global crisis plans.
3. Train staff, including the C-suite, on the new news ecosystem and
   guidelines for social media engagement, before a crisis hits.
4. Specifically plan for communicating with all key influencers, including
   employees, as part of crisis planning.
5. Build trust assets, including the reputation of being rooted in a shared
   purpose, strong relationships with key influencers, and strong owned
   media channels like blogs and microblogs, before the crisis.
6. Respond to the crisis with authenticity, integrity and the will to do the right
   thing, not only say the right thing.

We sincerely hope that the insights and foresights we are bringing here will
be useful to you. To know more about the MSLGROUP Crisis Network, or to
subscribe to receive similar insights and foresights in the form of a quarterly
newsletter, please visit

In a world where every
                crisis is global, social
              and viral, it’s critical to
                tap into the tools and
                 insights from across
               our global network, in
                             real time.

                 Photo by alancleaver_2000 on flickr

    Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                           NOVEMBER 2011
Photo by h.koppdelaney on flickr


     12      SECTION 1
             How Social Media is Changing Trust, Power and Crisis
               14   Power to the People: When Main Street Occupies Wall Street
                    PASCAL BEUCLER

               16   The Norway Attacks and Social Media: Lessons in Crisis Management for
                    Governments and Corporations
                    JOHN INGE OGLAEND

               19   Lessons in Social Media and Crisis Management from the UK Riots
                    GARETH DAVIES

               24   How the Great Indian Middle Class Used Social Media to Create a Grassroots
                    Anti-Corruption Movement
                    JAIDEEP SHERGILL

               28   How Social Media is Changing the News Ecosystem in China
                    BENJAMIN TAN

               30   Wasta: How Power and Influence are Changing in the Middle East
                    FRAN MCELWAINE

     32      SECTION 2
             How to Leverage Social Media for Managing Risk and Reputation
               34   How Social Media is Changing News and Crisis: The Crisis Curve Framework
                    GAURAV MISHRA

               37   Crisis Simulation, Experiencing a Crisis First Hand, Before it Happens
                    ERIK NILSSON

               39   Engaging Third Party influencers in Crisis Planning
                    JACK YEO

               44   Managing a Crisis Command Center in the Social Media Age: Lessons from BP
                    STEVE MARINO

               46   The Role of the Community Manager in Managing the Crisis on Facebook

               48   In Summary: Being Trusted Advisors in a Turbulent World
                    ANDERS KEMPE

                                                           Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                       NOVEMBER 2011

     How Social Media
     is Changing Trust,
     Power, Risk and
     In this section, we explore how social
     media is changing trust, power and crisis.
     We start by looking at the role of social
     media in societal upheavals in the West,
     including the terrorist attack in Norway,
     the riots in London and the Occupy Wall
     Street movement that started in the US.
     Then, we move to the East and look at
     how social media is changing the news
     ecosystem in China, eroding the wasta
     system of personal influence in the
     Middle East and uniting the Indian middle
     class in a grassroots movement against

     Occupy Wall Street
     Pascal Beucler, Chief Strategy Officer of
     MSLGROUP, outlines how the Occupy
     Wall Street protests have grown into a
     global movement of the “indignants”, or
     “the other 99%”, against the excesses
     of capitalism, especially financial

     Norway Attacks
     John Inge Oglaend from JKLGROUP
     Norway outlines social media’s role in
     the recent terrorist attacks in Norway.
     John specifically focuses on how Prime
     Minister Jens Stoltenberg and journalist
     Rune Thomas Ege effectively used social
     media to engage with the public with
     empathy in the aftermath of the attacks.

     UK Riots
     Gareth Davies from MSL London talks
     about the role of social media during
     the recent London riots and argues that
     “there is no best practice for governments
     to use social media in such protests;
     instead, if you engage with communities
     and influencers on an ongoing basis, they
     will be more inclined to listen to you and
     to stand up for you in time of crisis”.

                           Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                  NOVEMBER 2011
Power to the People: When Main Street
Occupies Wall Street

                                         Pascal Beucler
                                         SVP & Chief Strategy Officer,

Occupy Wall Street                       Even if mistrust of governments and         The movement started in Southern
As we get used to the idea that the      corporations has been developing            Europe, particularly in Greece and
financial crisis is here to stay, it’s   over the past decade (Enron, the            Spain. Then the USA joined the
worth analyzing what’s happening         burst of the high-tech bubble, 9/11         movement, dubbed Occupy Wall
in various European countries,           etc.), the continued financial crisis, in   Street. Hundreds of Americans
and now in the USA, where the            combination with the emergence of           have been camping there for weeks,
crowds of “indignés” (the indignant,     a new mindset, in a context of social       and thousands are following their
the angry) are growing every day         media explosion, has dramatically           example across the country, from
and occupying public spaces. It’s        transformed public opinion. And, in         Boston and Chicago, to Houston
amazing to see how fast the game         fact, far beyond public opinion, we         and San Francisco. The protesters
has changed within a few months:         should probably start questioning           are using social networks, blogs
from celebrating regime changes in       the “public acceptance” of our socio-       and websites -- such as Occupy
the Middle East, the West has had        political and economic systems,             Wall Street, Occupy Together and
to deal with a series of revolutions     and be prepared to deal with bigger         Ad Busters -- to connect people all
at home, many of them triggered by       crises in the coming times.                 around the country.
the continuation of the crisis.

                                                                                            Photo by Nessy du Loch 2011 on flickr

The Occupy Wall Street
                                                                                         movement is a really
                                                                                         interesting hybrid of
The way Occupy Wall Street defines        working at all. We are getting nothing
itself is insightful. Occupy Wall         while the other 1 percent is getting        “traditional” and social
Street calls itself “a horizontally       everything. We are the 99 percent.”               media, “real” and
organized resistance movement                                                              virtual gatherings.
employing the revolutionary Arab          In terms of beliefs and values,
Spring tactic to restore democracy        whether American, Spanish or
in America”. It relies on an approach     French, in my view these young
                                                                                   3. They demand purpose, and shared
it calls a “people’s assembly” to         people have three things in
                                                                                      value. Financial institutions,
“facilitate collective decision making    common:
                                                                                      like other corporations, need to
in an open, participatory and non-
                                                                                      not only rediscover their social
binding manner” and welcomes              1. They don’t trust institutions
                                                                                      purpose but also put it at the core
people from all colors, genders and           anymore. Trust in corporations
                                                                                      of how they engage with their
beliefs to attend its daily assemblies.       is at an all-time low across
                                                                                      stakeholders. There is no value
It has also published a “quick guide          the world. The destruction of
                                                                                      creation without solid profits. But
on group dynamics in people’s                 wealth is rarely lethal. But the
                                                                                      profits cannot be the only criteria
assemblies“ for others who wish to            destruction of confidence, brand
                                                                                      of value creation. The “corporate”
start their own people’s assemblies           equity and reputation among
                                                                                      side of organizations is more and
to “organize local communities to             financial institutions and public
                                                                                      more important. People expect
fight back against social injustice.”         bodies is terribly damaging. In a
                                                                                      companies, brands, institutions,
                                              world where banks and financial
                                                                                      to commit to core values, among
                                              companies are seen as reckless,
Never have the ancient Agora                                                          which transparency, sustainability
                                              fraudulent and disconnected
(physical assembly, here and now)                                                     and accountability are central.
                                              from reality, whilst governments
and the digital one (each and every                                                   Value for All is the new mantra,
                                              around the world are blamed
social network, as well as the sum of                                                 everywhere.
                                              for their inaction, we shouldn’t
all of them) been so closely inter-           be surprised to see more and
connected. The Occupy Wall Street             more social outrage. Never have
movement is a really interesting              corporate reputations been so
hybrid of “traditional” and social            precious, and so fragile.
media, “real” and virtual gatherings.
                                          2. They have new power, and they
We are the 99%                               know how to use it. They are in
If the first “indignés” were activists,      control. And the more it goes, the
most of the newcomers are young              more they realize the power they
employees and graduates. It looks            have in their hands. Like Marc
like a whole generation is joining           Zuckerberg underlined it, during
a deep and wide “value-for-all”              the recent “e-G8” we organized in
movement here, best expressed by             Paris, “People being empowered
the “we are the 99%” group: “We are          is the trend for the next decade:
the 99 percent. We are getting kicked        that’s the core social dynamics…
out of our homes. We are forced to           People have the ability to voice
choose between groceries and rent.           their opinion, and it changes         When he published his short essay
We are denied quality medical care.          the world, as it rewires it from      Indignez-vous!, could Holocaust
                                             the ground up”. As a matter of        survivor and French resistance
We are suffering from environmental
                                             fact, what the crowds of people       leader Stéphane Hessel imagine the
pollution. We are working long hours
                                             gathering in San Francisco said       power of his call?
for little pay and no rights, if we’re
                                             is exactly that: “We just want our
                                             voice to be heard”.

                                                                             Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                    NOVEMBER 2011
The Norway Attacks and Social Media:
Lessons in Crisis Management for
Governments and Corporations

                                         John Inge Oglaend
                                         Senior Advisor, JKL GROUP Norway

Leadership in the time of                iPad looking at his newsfeed. The          For corporations, obvious lessons
crisis                                   entire press corps has praised his         can be drawn. If you do not have a
On the day of the Norway attacks,        leadership and his approval ratings        social presence, and you encounter
Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg          have gone through the roof.                a crisis, you will miss out on most
tweeted the following message:                                                      of the conversations about your
“Today, we have been hit by two          Mr. Stoltenberg’s seasoned use             company.
savage and cowardly attacks.             of Twitter shows not only that
Tonight, we all stand together, taking   leadership begins at the top but also      A Journalist’s Social
care of each other”. In another          how critical honesty, transparency         Influence
tweet, he acknowledged Russian           and timeliness are in crisis situations.   It’s been amazing to watch the
President Vladimir Medvedev who          Moreover, we can see how important         intersection of social media and
had expressed his support of the         social networks have become. This          traditional media in recent months.
Norwegian people. A few days             crisis intersects social media from all    For his part, Rune Thomas Ege, a
after the attacks, Mr. Stoltenberg       angles: from the killer’s motives to       journalist at VG, Norway’s largest
also posted a picture of himself on      people’s attempts to save lives and        newspaper, was among the first
Facebook: it showed him with his         remember those who perished.               to tweet eyewitness reports of

   Social Media: Another angle to the Norway Story
   Following the Norway attacks, Journalist Rune Thomas Ege tweeted and gave interviews on the
   growing number of people using social media to share information.

Elected officials, the police, corporations, activists and
everyday people can all use social media for good---
when they chose to do so.                                                                           Photo by OwlLens on flickr

the attack. He was tweeting in           Tweeting “Do Not Call                     Eyewitness Accounts and
Norwegian, but was soon asked            People on Utøya”                          Support Groups
by people in different countries to      The first signs that something was        Only one day after the killing on
tweet in English. Upon doing so, he      truly wrong on Utøya, where 69            Utøya the first eyewitness accounts
soon gathered more than 3,500 new        people were assassinated, came on         appeared on blogs. Prableen Kaurs,
followers.                               Twitter. People on the island used        the 18–year-old deputy leader
                                         Twitter, Facebook and SMS to inform       of the Oslo Labour Party youth
The websites of several foreign          their loved ones about the shooting       organization, wrote about the “Hell
newspapers picked up Rune’s tweets       as it happened. As it became              at Utøya”. Such blog posts gave
in their Twitter feeds. Even though he   clear what was going on, people           people the possibility to share
had been at the bombsite he quickly      started to call their loved ones on       thoughts, feelings and analysis—a
moved to Utøya and continued to          Utøya. The people on the island           critical activity for crisis recovery,
tweet from there, while writing for      tweeted, pleading for people not          according to Psychologist Anders
the newspaper. Due to his tweets         to call, because it would attract the     Skuterud in several media interviews.
he was soon contacted by news            attention of the killer, and reveal the
services from all over the world to      places where people were hiding.          In just a few days, people used
give comments and report on TV.          Others followed up and spread the         social media to organize gatherings
It can be argued that Rune, by his       message: “Do not call people on           and memorials, such as rose
use of social media, set the agenda      Utøya, they are hiding”. So action        marches in numerous towns across
for many of the world’s leading          created counter-action in the social      Norway. Online support groups
news agencies; He was used as a          media sphere.                             were established for victims who
reporter for news organizations in                                                 survived; even the killer’s mother
14 countries, including BBC World,                                                 and his lawyers got their own support
SKY, ABC, CBS, and as far as way as                                                groups. In the immediate aftermath,
Australia and Chile.                                                               the group “Light a candle for the
                                                                                      Photo credit: Twitter

                                                                            Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                    NOVEMBER 2011
Photo by OwlLens on flickr

dead and injured after the tragedies    have also been criticized for not        Moreover, due to pressure to
in Oslo and Utøya” got 500 new          participating in discussions on social   produce articles and be the first with
members per minute.                     networks. They have relied on the        new story angles, some journalists
                                        traditional media and used press         used any pictures they could get
Two Sides of the Coin                   statements and press conferences         their hands on without thinking that
While those are positive examples,      to communicate, thereby avoiding a       some of them were coming form the
hate groups also formed. On the         two-way dialogue with the public.        murderer himself. Some journalists
morning of 23 July more than 70                                                  unwittingly published photos that he
such groups appeared on Facebook,       The extensive use of social media as     himself wanted published.
with one totaling almost 12,000         a source for reporting isn’t without
members. Many of the groups             problems. As argued by journalist        Nevertheless, we can all learn from
named the killer and posted pictures    Emanuel Karsten in SVTV Debat,           what happened. Elected officials,
taken from his profile on Facebook,     the media acted as useful idiots         the police, corporations, activists
now removed.                            for a calculating mass murderer.         and everyday people can all use
                                        Furthermore, when journalists            social media for good---when they
Much of the criticism of how the        received the manifesto via email they    chose to do so. Like I said, it comes
police have handled the situation, in   were surprised to learn that it had      down to honesty, transparency, and
particular debates about how long       been available on Twitter for a long     timeliness. It’s what we all want to
it should have taken to get to the      time and had a massive circulation       see from people in a crisis.
island and by what means, has also      already. He achieved his goal of
taken place in social media. Many       circulating photos and manifesto to
prominent politicians remained quiet    a large audience by the use of social
for a long time, possibly sensing the   media.
strong emotions on the issue and
fearing how people would react to
their public statements. The police
                                                                                                    Photo credit: Youtube

Lessons in Social Media and
Crisis Management From the UK Riots

                                        Gareth Davies
                                        Head of Social Media, MSL London

Deconstructing the Role of              many have called out social media        you ask much younger generations
Social Media in the UK Riots            as a key factor in enabling the          they will simply say it is the focus
Since the London riots we’ve            widespread, coordinated chaos many       for blame because many still don’t
seen many individuals, groups,          of us witnessed firsthand over the       understand its usage or potential.
organizations and the media             summer.
dissecting every detail to understand                                            But either way, whilst you can’t
where it all went wrong and what        Whether it is right or wrong to blame    blame individual trees for a forest
drove so many people to “revolt”.       social media will never be decided,      fire, neither can you call out social
Amidst the many discussions and         as it really depends on whom you         media as the key “reason” that these
debates there has been much             ask. Pose the questions to politicians   riots happened in the first place.
finger pointing and unfortunately       and lawmakers and they may say
                                        technology is at fault, whereas if

                                                                                               Photo by mastermaq on flickr

                                                                          Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                  NOVEMBER 2011
Looking at recent history, in             So how should we look to “better         Being Social and Trustworthy in
particular the uprisings in Iran, Egypt   manage” the usage of social              Times of Non-Crisis, Like Lady Gaga
and Tunisia, these revolutions were       media in a time where protests           In my opinion, the true answer lies
formed on the back of a desire to         and demonstrations are becoming          in how governments and relevant
make a change. Whilst social media        increasingly prevalent across the        organizations use social media
didn’t create such desire, it did show    world?                                   in times of “non-crisis”. David
disparate groups and individuals that                                              Cameron has sung the praises of
they were not alone whilst helping        The answer is that there is no best      the new e-reform system allowing
them act “as one”. It enabled them        practice in how to use social media      UK citizens to propose new
to coordinate and deploy a much           in such situations. Restricting access   legislation and even Gordon Brown’s
wider, far-reaching effort.               in times of chaos is simply a knee-      government got No. 10 Downing
                                          jerk reaction that needs extensive       Street on Twitter. But how much
This, at its heart, is what has helped    consideration. Both Twitter and          of this is just show? How many
social media become so widespread         Facebook provide real-time, always-      politicians can readily say that they
so quickly - the ability to connect       on dialogue. If you switch off access    understand and regularly use social
with like-minded individuals over         in one country or region, others         media? Even Barack Obama, who set
shared goals and interests. But           would find out and that in turn would    the rules on how to use social media
more important is the fact that until     create a crisis for the government       for electioneering, is limited in how
governments and organizations             or organization enforcing the shut       much content he himself actually
understand this point, we will see        down.                                    publishes versus a team of publicists
many more knee-jerk reactions.                                                     who have the time to do it for him.

                                                                                                   Photo by renaissancechambara on flickr

Being Social and Trustworthy in Times of Non-Crisis, Like
Lady Gaga. The true answer lies in how governments and
relevant organizations use social media in times of “non-
                                                                                               Photo by JohnLucas1983 on flickr

In the social media space, credibility    We’re not recommending that               Think how different things could
and transparency are your greatest        Britain’s public officials use social     be if the government had used
assets you have to play. They can         media channels to broadcast more–         social media to listen to the growing
make or break a politician or an          they need to use social media for         concerns of the “disaffected youth”
organization just as they can make        better engagement, for igniting           that they blamed for fuelling the
or break a brand. But you need to         critical conversations with people        anger and aggression that was at the
be engaged with social media to           who matter: people in communities         heart of the riots. Think of how things
understand its power.                     that are highly active online;            could have changed had the UK
                                          commentators with the influence to        and London governments created a
Lady Gaga is considered one of the        affect policy and legislation; people     rallying cry to local communities via
most influential people in the world      who represent the voiceless and           social media to help stop or at least
– simply because of the size of her       those who have no inclination to          better manage those individuals
online, virtual following. Imagine if a   interact with government (based on        causing the chaos.
politician applied the same rules to      many factors but trust and credibility
his/her own personal “MP” brand?          probably being the most prevalent).       When plugged in, governments
She can call upon and rely upon her                                                 gain greater visibility and a better
fans to support her in whatever she       By spending time building up              understanding of what is happening
does simply because she has taken         credibility and acting in a transparent   at the grass roots. Subsequently they
a journey with them. She regularly        manner, governments will develop          will be better informed and more
posts, she answers questions (by          positive relationships with online        able to react in a way that benefits
herself and not via a publicist) and      influencers who will be willing to        all those involved. It’s clear that our
she shares content and access to          speak and act on the government’s         government needs to connect with
her life that has proved to be of real    behalf simply because they believe.       their “Little Monsters”.
value to her fans. Subsequently she
has an “army” who will stand by her

                                                                             Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                      NOVEMBER 2011
India’s Anti-Corruption
     Jaideep Shergill, CEO of
     Hanmer MSL in India, draws
     crisis communications lessons
     from the anti-corruption
     protests in India, led by 74-
     year old Gandhian activist
     Anna Hazare. Specifically, he
     highlights the importance of
     creating your campaign around
     an idea that resonates with
     people and using powerful
     symbolism and imagery to
     move people.

     China’s New Media
     Benjamin Tan, Client
     Engagement Director for
     MSLGROUP Greater China,
     talks about how social media,
     especially microblogging
     service Sina Weibo, is changing
     how news stories and crisis
     situations spread in China’s
     government controlled news
     environment. Benjamin says
     that citizens trust mainstream
     media for business-related
     crisis situations, but turn to
     social media for government-
     related crisis situations, like
     the recent train crash in

     Middle East, Jasmine
     Revolution and Wasta
     Fran McElwaine, Managing
     Director of Capital MSL in
     Dubai, says that social media
     is changing how governments
     and businesses manage crisis
     situations in the Middle East,
     as “wasta”, which means
     using your power to influence
     outcomes, does not work on
     social media. Fran says that
     social media has an invaluable
     role to play in financial
     communication, especially in
     situations that are time critical,
     like crisis situations and
     quarterly results.

                Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                          NOVEMBER 2011
How the Great Indian Middle Class
Used Social Media to Create a Grassroots
Anti-Corruption Movement

                                       Jaideep Shergill
                                       CEO of Hanmer MSL India

India’s Anti-Corruption                As the government resisted, Indians    social media (Facebook, Twitter,
Movement                               across geographies and communities     YouTube, apps), news media,
For over a week in August 2011,        rallied in support of Hazare and       television and mobile telephony.
New Delhi’s Ramlila ground took        forced Parliament to relent.
on the air of Cairo’s Tahrir Square.                                          The “Social” Revolution
Revolution was in the air.             What was astonishing about             The lessons were clear: A good
                                       the movement, which began in           product generates its own PR.
The agitation for a strong anti-       January, was the exceptional           Hazare’s Jan Lokpal Bill satisfies
corruption law and an independent      use of public relations tools and      the need to reduce corruption.
authority that would investigate       techniques without the help of a       Clear messaging and use of the
charges against ministers and the      communications agency.                 right communication tools for our
bureaucracy – launched by 74-year-                                            age (it was a social media-fueled
old Gandhian, Anna Hazare – had        The campaign made impressive use       stir, which is why it had such a
reached a crescendo.                   of symbolism (fasts and meditation),   large youth participation) made it

                                                                                               Photo by ssoosay on flickr

Photo credit:

a mass movement. In contrast, the          the bureaucracy, the judiciary and       it filled a media vacuum. Team
government goofed up repeatedly in         even the prime minister was an           Anna made sure the campaign
its crisis communications.                 idea whose time had come.                was centrestage in the media all
                                                                                    the time. Hazare himself refused
A team of IT experts ran the India       2. Create symbols, icons: Every            to leave Tihar Jail after his arrest.
Against Corruption campaign’s main          timeless brand has its symbols –        This created a larger impact than
website along with 14 city-centric          Nike and its swoosh, for instance.      any media interview could have
websites round-the-clock. They also         They also have their icons – Steve      had. There was another critical
monitored TV channels and posted            Jobs at Apple, for example.             aspect: the campaign had only
videos on the internet to create a          Similarly, Hazare and the Gandhi        three or four people speaking
buzz across the globe.                      cap became the icon and symbol          to the media. This was smart
                                            respectively of the anti-corruption     thinking. The fewer the voices, the
Another team ensured that the               fight. The movement’s slogan, “I        less scope there was for distortion
latest information about Hazare was         am Anna Hazare”, internalized the       of the message.
posted on social networking sites           struggle for millions of people. It
such as Facebook (nearly 514,000            made individuals want to act.         5. Use the right imagery: The image
likes by early September) and Twitter                                                of Hazare meditating at Rajghat
@janlokpal, (more than 140,000 by        3. Create a compelling experience:          (where Gandhi was cremated)
early September). His video from            Hazare chose the Ramlila ground          or of him lying down at Ramlila
Tihar jail has had 163,000 views.           for its size, allowing thousands to      ground and clapping along to
                                            take in the atmosphere. Having           devotional songs proved to be
What Hazare Taught Us                       experienced their own power,             iconic. With a giant image of
1. Have an idea that connects:              the people began to believe they         Mahatma Gandhi in the backdrop,
   Rocked by five major scams over          could change things.                     the message was not lost on
   the past year, India was angry with                                               anybody – “here is a frail 74-year-
   the government for its seeming        4. Make a media plan: The campaign          old taking on the establishment,
   lack of will to tackle corruption.       was timed perfectly. Launched            much as another frail old man had
   A strong, independent agency             between the cricket World Cup            done in the 1930s and 1940s, and
   that could investigate ministers,        and the Indian Premier League,           he deserves your support.”

                                                                            Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 2011
Photo credit: Youtube

How the government got it               corruption law, showing that it      2. It arrested Hazare: If arresting
wrong                                   was out of touch with the nation’s      Hazare was ill-advised, taking
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh           mood. Reeling from a wave of            him to Tihar jail was a PR disaster.
used to be known as the architect of    corruption scandals, it would have      Tihar is where those accused of
India’s economic reforms. Today, he’s   done better to start the process        some of the worst corruption in
the face of a discredited government.   for framing an effective law. As a      recent times were lodged. As a
                                        result, a perception was created        result, Hazare turned his arrest
1. It kept the blinkers on: The         that the government was trying          into victory by refusing to leave
   government steadfastly refused       to stall an effort to cleanse the       jail, even when allowed to, until his
   to accept the need for an anti-      country.                                demands were met. This shamed
                                                                                the government.

Photo credit: Facebook

3. It failed to communicate: Top           in July. A publicity blitzkrieg       In summary, the India Against
   leaders stubbornly refused to           would have done wonders for           Corruption movement is an
   engage with the media. This             its reputation, especially with       important case study, both on
   allowed the anti-graft crusaders        young middle-class Indians who        combining traditional control on
   drive the debate. Singh’s silence       benefited most from the reforms.      messaging with the virality of new
   gave the impression that he wasn’t      It is these people who heeded         media tools and on responding
   really in charge. Silence makes         Hazare’s call.                        to crisis situations catalyzed by
   you look guilty. The government                                               grassroots dissent on social media.
   should have been honest about         4. It sent out the wrong message:       While Indian politicians have surely
   its misgivings and communicated          When he did speak, Prime             learned much from the experience,
   like crazy. As a result, Team Anna       Minister Manmohan Singh said         there’s much that corporations in
   pushed its point of view, but there      all the wrong things: “There is no   India and elsewhere can learn from
   was no counter, cementing the            magic wand to curb corruption.”      it too.
   national mood. The government            He should have declared that
   should have seized the initiative        the battle against corruption was
   by moving aggressively on the            integral to the reforms process.
   unfinished economic reforms              As a result, people thought that
   agenda, but it did not even              Singh was not serious about
   celebrate 20 years of reforms            battling corruption.

                                                                           Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                  NOVEMBER 2011
How Social Media is Changing the News
Ecosystem in China

                                       Benjamin Tan
                                       Client Engagement Director,
                                       MSLGROUP Greater China

Microblogging is shaping a             on each. Many journalists are also         affecting personal safety, personal
new public space in China              present in social media, and they          grievances and perceived negligence
The prominence of social media,        often publish their stories on Weibo.      by authorities. One can see this in the
specifically on Weibo, the                                                        cases involving the milk scare, the
microblogging service similar to       While Chinese netizens pay                 train crash in Wenzhou, in eastern
Twitter, which is blocked in China,    considerable attention to corporate        China, and the scam with a furniture
is playing a huge role in how news     and non-profit scandals such as the        chain, whose Chinese owners
spreads in China. All the main         one with China Red Cross (a man            claimed that China-made goods
internet players in China, including   with ties to the organization funded       were imported from Italy.
Sina, Sohu and Tencent have weibos     his girlfriend’s lavish lifestyle), such
with more than 100 million users       issues pale in comparison to crises

                                                                                       Photo by davesamuel.20091965 on flickr

In general, for crisis situations involving public authorities,
people trust social media and ignore traditional media,
especially if the government is clamping down on part of
the story.

These crisis situations can originate      Corporations in China are                 crisis and building owned media
from a short news article and              using social media for crisis             assets online, so that they can be
spread to social media and back to         communications                            deployed during a crisis. Some
traditional media, and vice versa. In      As far as corporate crises are            corporations have even taken to
general, for crisis situations involving   concerned, the media tend to cover        SEO/SEM to manage their search
public authorities, people trust social    not only the actual event but also        engine rankings, making sure that
media and ignore traditional media,        previous issues or crises involving       their name is associated as much
especially if the government is            the company in question. This             as possible with positive news and
clamping down on part of the story.        has been made easier due to the           thought leadership.
                                           availability of historic news in the
In China, it’s not uncommon for            digital space, creating a negative        Specifically, B2C corporations are
government authorities to clamp            long-tail effect.                         focusing increasingly on social
down on government-related                                                           media to mitigate crises while
crisis news by leaning on the              Some corporations in China still          B2B companies are still focusing
traditional, local media channels          choose not to respond to crisis           on traditional media to get their
-- this happened with the Wenzhou          situations, hoping the situation will     message across. B2C companies are
train crash. It is harder, however, for    pass. When a crisis hits, they react to   investing in social media monitoring
officials to stop all the news and         the situation without a strategy and      systems and crisis strategy, focusing
opinion-sharing on social networks,        come off scared, or engage a PR           on the interplay between social
as they cannot control the entire          agency and go through the motions         media and traditional media.
digital sphere.                            but in reality don’t listen to counsel
                                           and simply use the PR firm as a           In summary, gone are the days
For crisis situations not related to       media buffer.                             when an executive could rely on
the government, the traditional news                                                 personal influence with a journalist
organizations have more leeway.            However, as social media is changing      and make the problem go away. The
Therefore, traditional media often         the public sphere and the news            Chinese netizens are less patient
provides more insights into such           ecosystem in China, it is also            with corporations, and less forgiving,
crisis situations (given journalists’      changing how corporations plan            if they perceive any response from
investigative nature) while social         for and respond to crisis situations.     corporations to be insincere.
media provides more timely updates.        More corporations are taking crisis
Social media also allows people to         preparation seriously, by training
share their comments and concerns,         their spokespeople to handle a
and in most cases, vent their

                                                                              Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                       NOVEMBER 2011
Wasta: How Power and Influence are
Changing in the Middle East

                                         Fran McElwaine
                                         Managing Director, Capital MSL

In the Middle East, the traditional      crisis containment plan in place, but   managing the social conversation.
reaction to a crisis has been to         it is still a long way from being the   The typical response is to “shut it
keep silent and wait out the issue.      accepted norm.                          down” with a big hammer, instead
However, the advent and fast                                                     of managing conflict in more subtle
adoption of social media among           Arab Spring and the end of              ways.
key influencer groups has meant          Wasta
that this is an even less satisfactory   The recent Arab Spring that relied      Generally speaking, negative
strategy than it was a few years         heavily on information-sharing          sentiment and information spread
ago. Following the 2009 financial        through social media is clear           extremely quickly on social media.
crash, our clients are beginning to      evidence of how “behind the curve”      Conversely, most companies and
recognize the value of having a solid    the establishment is with regard to     organizations are afraid to engage

                                                                                         Photo by Magharebia on flickr

Unfortunately wasta does not work with social media,
where it’s more difficult to influence outcomes by using
power or personal relationships.

Photo by Magharebia on flickr

with social media, as they are            crisis. Twitter is especially useful for   to reassure investors, employees,
uncomfortable with the mutual             alerting audiences about impending         clients and partners, to maintain
two-way dialogue that such networks       announcements and directing                a stable stock price. Capital MSL
impose. This means that companies         them to websites, blogs, videos or         created an email sent to clients
are usually slow to respond to issues     whitepapers with in-depth analysis.        and partners, updating them on the
and lose valuable time in containing                                                 developments and reassuring them
them.                                     For general financial                      of the bank’s commitment to working
                                          communications, which are not              with and serving them; relationship
There is a specific Arab word -           necessarily time-sensitive, and            managers called their contacts,
“wasta” - that means using your           where ongoing in-depth analysis and        following a message training from
power to influence outcomes. It is        factual support are essential, the use     Capital MSL. We also briefed the
generally considered a good thing         of digital media is often constrained      CEO for a townhall meeting to
to have lots of “wasta”. As most          to micro-sites where there is an           update and reinvigorate employees.
of the mainstream media in the            opportunity to provide detailed
region are heavily self-censored,         information that can be regularly          As a result, the stock price stabilized
most senior individuals are used          updated.                                   within 36 hours. The messages in the
to leveraging their wasta to ensure                                                  media and marketplace were almost
there is no negative coverage of          Social media engagement is very            entirely positive, with neither party
them in the media. Unfortunately          much the domain of the young,              being criticized. Anecdotal feedback
wasta does not work with social           educated and articulate in the             from people in the market, investors,
media, where it’s more difficult to       Middle East - all the more reason          partners and employees was also
influence outcomes by using power         for companies in this region to take       overwhelmingly positive.
or personal relationships. Again,         it seriously. The expertise here
for most organizations it requires a      is considerable and we have the            Today, social media will play an
cultural shift that is not comfortable.   capabilities to host, design and build     important role in managing all
                                          very sophisticated social media            aspects of such a crisis, from holding
Social Media and Financial                engagement programs that allow             townhall meetings from employees
Communications                            people to interact with brands and         on private community platforms, to
Within the realm of financial             companies.                                 using public social media channels
communications, social media has                                                     for communicating with external
an invaluable role to play, especially    As an example, when our banking            stakeholders in real time.
in situations that are time critical,     client started seeing signs that a
such as during the announcement of        merger deal might not go through,
quarterly results and in the event of     they realized that they would need

                                                                               Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                       NOVEMBER 2011

     How to Leverage Social
     Media for Managing Risk
     and Reputation
     In this section, we outline how corporations can leverage
     social media to manage risk and reputation. We outline
     how social media can play a role at each stage in the crisis
     curve, describe the art and science of crisis simulation,
     recommend engaging third party influencers in crisis
     planning, share lessons from managing the global Crisis
     Command Center for BP, provide a playbook for handling
     a crisis on Facebook and end with tips and tricks on crisis
     management from our network of senior trusted advisors.

     Crisis Curve
     Gaurav Mishra, Asia Director of Social Media for
     MSLGROUP, shares a framework to understand how
     social media is changing news and crisis. Gaurav outlines
     the four stages in the crisis curve: flash point, spotlight,
     blame game and resolution and highlights the role of
     social media at each stage. He then describes three types
     of crisis situations based on the interplay between social
     media and mainstream media: real world, slow burn
     and flash mob. Finally, he details a crisis planning and
     response toolkit, with tactics for each type of crisis and
     each stage of the crisis curve.

     Crisis Simulation
     Erik Nilsson from JKLGROUP Sweden believes that “that
     the best way to prepare for a crisis is to go through one.”
     Erik has run several crisis planning workshops with clients
     across Europe using MSLGROUP’s proprietary crisis
     simulation tool. The tool creates fictitious newspaper
     articles, TV broadcasts, interviews, blog posts, tweets
     and events etc. in a secure IT environment to stress test
     the organization’s readiness to manage a crisis. Apart
     from the workshops and the simulations, Erik has created
     crisis manuals and even crisis war rooms to help clients
     become better prepared for crisis situations.

     Mapping Your Key Influencers
     Jack Yeo, SVP at MSL Chicago, says that “third-
     party influencers play an important role in both how
     organizations prepare for crisis situations and how they
     are perceived during one.” Jack uses MSLGROUP’s
     proprietary IM MSL influencer mapping approach to
     identify an organization’s most important influencers and
     recommends that clients invite important influencers to
     share their perspectives in crisis planning workshops.

                                                                    Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                        NOVEMBER 2011
How Social Media is Changing News and
Crisis: The Crisis Curve Framework

                                             Gaurav Mishra
                                             Asia Director of Social Media,

Social media is playing an important         stage, opinions
role in shaping news stories in general      are shared and

and crisis situations in particular.         responsibility is
Specifically, even as social media           assigned. In the
makes it easy to track an emerging           archival stage, the                      2 Context                3 Analysis
crisis situation, it makes it difficult to   story goes off the                            Sharing links via         Sharing opinions
                                                                                           hashtags                    via blog posts
effectively manage the crisis situation.     newspaper front
                                             page, the website
Social media and the news                    homepage and
                                                                                1   Breaking news                        Archival   4
curve                                        the evening news                       Sharing stories via             Searching for
All news stories develop in a similar                                               retweets                   stories via Google
                                             on TV.
manner, following the news curve.                                                                                                       TIME
The news curve has four stages:              Social media
breaking news, context, analysis and         is playing an
archival. The breaking news stage is         important role in shaping the news                even in emerging economies. During
                                             curve. The news curve is becoming                 the 72-hour terrorist seize of India’s
                                             shorter in the “breaking news” and                financial capital, Twitter, Flickr and
Based on the interplay                       “context” stages, but longer in the               blogs became important tools for
                                             “analysis” and “archival” stages. The             citizen journalists to share original
between social media                         news curve is also becoming more                  reporting, news, and opinions.
and mainstream                               fragmented and news stories are                   Social media, especially Twitter,
media in the run up to                       becoming more viral. Different social             played an important role in shaping
                                             media behaviors play different roles              the mainstream media narrative
the crisis flash point,                      across the four stages of the news                during the crisis, both in India and
crisis situations can be                     curve. News stories are now being                 internationally.
categorized into three                       broken on the official Twitter channels
                                             of news organizations and shared                  Social media and the crisis
types, each needing a                        via retweets. Context is being added              curve
different approach: real                     by sharing links on Twitter using a               The four stages in the crisis curve
                                             hashtag. Blogs and video blogs are
world crisis, slow burn                                                                        correspond to the four stages in the
                                             playing an important role in shaping              news curve: flash point, spotlight,
crisis and flash mob                         opinion. Finally, search is making                blame game and resolution. Like
crisis.                                      it easier to find and share archived              the news curve, the crisis curve is
                                             stories that act as context for new               becoming shorter in the “flash point”
                                             stories.                                          and “spotlight” stages, but longer in
concerned with questions like: what                                                            the “blame game” and “resolution”
happened, with whom and where? In            The 26/11 Mumbai terror attack in                 stages. Like the news curve, the
the context stage, more information is       2009 is a good example of how social              crisis curve is also becoming more
added, as background. In the analysis        media is shaping the news ecosystem               fragmented and crisis stories are

Social media has a specific role to play at each stage of the crisis curve. MSLGROUP has created a crisis management
toolkit that includes workshops, tools and best practices to map out, plan for and respond to the specific demands of
the crisis situations at each stage in the crisis curve.

                                                                                          0   Before crisis: Map out alternate crisis scenarios in advance,
                                                                                              and plan for their best, worst and most likely cases, in order to

                                                                                              respond to them effectively.

                                                                                          1   Flash point: Track negative social media chatter, identify
                          2 Spotlight            3    Blame Game
                                                                                              early warning signals, isolate issues, and resolve them, before
                              Plot heat map of          Shape narrative
                                                          via owned media                     they turn into a crisis.
                              crisis flows

                                                                                          2   Spotlight: Plot a heat map of crisis flows between social
                                                                                              media and mainstream media, identify influencers who are
                  1    Flash Point                     Resolution      4                      acting as hubs and focus crisis management efforts on these
                       Track early                    Optimize for                            hubs.
                       warning signals               search results

                                                                                          3   Blame game: Shape the narrative by leveraging owned
                                                                            TIME              media channels like blog and YouTube to reframe the issue
              0   Before Crisis                                                               more positively and avert direct blame.
                  Plan for crisis scenarios

                                                                                          4   Resolution: Optimize owned media content for search
                                                                                              results, so that positive and neutral stories show up alongside
                                                                                              negative stories on keyword searches related to the brand.

becoming more viral. As a result, even                                Tony Hayward’s “I want my life back”               reputation for creating shared value
as social media makes it easy to track                                comment, and the online spoofs they                did not help during the crisis. In
an emerging crisis situation, it makes                                inspired, did not help BP’s cause.                 the end, Nestlé announced that it
it difficult to effectively manage the                                                                                   would stop procuring from suppliers
crisis situation.                                                     In the “slow burn” crisis, social                  associated with deforestation.
                                                                      media conversations (product
The interplay between social                                          quality, customer support, employee                Using social media to
media and mainstream media is an                                      discontent) build up into a crisis and             manage a crisis
important aspect of the crisis curve,                                 are picked up by influential bloggers              Social media has a specific role to
with online influencers linking to                                    and even mainstream media. For                     play at each stage of the crisis curve.
media stories and media quoting                                       instance, in 2005, influential blogger             MSLGROUP has created a crisis
online influencers.                                                   Jeff Jarvis blogged about a series of              management toolkit that includes
                                                                      bad customer service experiences                   tools and best practices for each stage
Three types of crisis                                                 with Dell, and became the focal                    in the crisis cycle.
situations                                                            point of the Dell Hell crisis. Dell Hell
Based on the interplay between social                                 forced Dell to recommit to creating a              In the flash-point stage, we track
media and mainstream media in the                                     positive customer experience and led               negative social media chatter, identify
run up to the crisis flash point, crisis                              to several remarkable social media                 early warning signals, isolate issues,
situations can be categorized into                                    initiatives including the Direct2Dell              and resolve them, before they turn
three types, each needing a different                                 blog, the Dell Ideastorm ideation                  into a crisis.
approach: real world crisis, slow burn                                community and Dell’s social media
crisis and flash mob crisis.                                          command center.                                    In the spotlight stage, we plot a heat
                                                                                                                         map of crisis flows between social
In the “real world” crisis, a real world                              In the “flash mob” crisis, a social                media and mainstream media, identify
incident (oil spill, financial scam,                                  media meme (Greenpeace campaign,                   influencers who are acting as hubs
sex scandal) precipitates the crisis.                                 anti-brand hashtag, anti-brand                     driving these flows and focus our crisis
Mainstream media puts a spotlight on                                  video) creates a flash mob, turns                  management efforts on these hubs.
the crisis while social media amplifies                               into a crisis, and is picked up by
the crisis. For instance, during the                                  mainstream media. For instance,                    In the blame-game stage, we
protracted BP Gulf of Mexico crisis in                                in 2010, Greenpeace created a                      help clients shape the narrative by
2010, the flash point was the oil spill                               viral video led campaign to protest                leveraging owned media channels
itself, but social media played a critical                            against Nestle procuring palm oil                  like blog and YouTube to reframe the
role in the spotlight, blame game and                                 from Indonesian rainforests and                    issue more positively and avert direct
resolution stages. BP’s crisis response                               endangering orangutans. Protestors                 blame.
was a textbook case study in terms                                    hijacked Nestle’s Facebook page and
of its scope and scale. However, a                                    filled it with abusive comments and                In the resolution stage, we optimize
series of failed attempts to control                                  Nestle Killer profile pics. Surprisingly,          owned media content for search
the oil spill over months, then-CEO                                   Nestle’s strong corporate citizenship              results, so that positive and neutral

                                                                                                              Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                                                                  NOVEMBER 2011
All news stories develop in a similar manner, creating a news curve, with four stages: breaking news, context, analysis
and archival.

The four stages in the crisis curve correspond to these: flash point, spotlight, blame game and resolution.
Social media plays an important role in shaping them, making it more difficult to control a crisis.

                                                                                                           1     What happened? With whom? Where?
                                                                                                                 Sharing stories via retweets

                                                                                                           2     Who is involved? Has it happened before?
                                                                                                                 Sharing links via hashtags
                                 2 Spotlight                  3     Blame Game
                                                                                                           3     Why did it happen? Who is responsible?
                                                         More                                                    Sharing opinions via blog posts
                                                         but more viral                                    4     Off the front page and the evening news.
                        1   Flash Point                              Resolution      4
                                                                                                                 Searching for stories via Google


                            Shorter head                             Longer tail

stories show up alongside negative                                         This toolkit include a workshop                     the right things and more about doing
stories on keyword searches related to                                     for scenario, keyword, influencer,                  the right things. So, corporations
the brand.                                                                 spokesperson and message mapping,                   that are rooted in purpose are likely
                                                                           and platforms like a wiki-based war                 to respond to crisis situations with
Most importantly, it’s critical to map                                     room for crisis collaboration and                   authenticity, and overcompensate
out and plan for crisis scenarios                                          a CMS-based dark site for crisis                    for mistakes, transforming potential
in advance, in order to respond to                                         response.                                           crises into opportunities to reconnect
them effectively. We have created                                                                                              with their stakeholders.
a toolkit for mapping out alternate                                        In the end, however, managing any
crisis scenarios and planning for their                                    crisis successfully, including a crisis
best, worst and most likely cases.                                         on social media, is less about saying

The interplay between social media and mainstream shapes the crisis curve, with online influencers linking to or
sharing media stories and media quoting online influencers.

Based on this interplay in the run up to the crisis flash point, crisis situations can be categorized into three types – real
world, slow burn and flash mob -- each needing a different approach.

                                                                                                 1   The ‘real world’ crisis
                                                                                                     A real world incident (oil spill, financial scam, sex scandal)

                                                                                                     precipitates the crisis. Mainstream media puts a spotlight on
                                                                                                     the crisis while social media amplifies the crisis. Example: BP
                                                                                                     Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
                             2                           3
                                                                                                 2   The ‘slow burn’ crisis
                                                                                                     Social media conversations (product quality, customer support,
                                                                                                     employee discontent) build up into a crisis and are picked up
                                                                                                     by influential bloggers and even mainstream media. Example:
                    1                                                        4                       Dell Hell.

                                                                                                 3   The ‘flash mob’ crisis
                                                                                                     A social media meme (Greenpeace video, anti-brand hashtag,
                                                                                   TIME              anti-brand video) creates a flash mob, turns into a crisis, and is
                   Newspapers/                 Blogs/                  Twitter/                      picked up by mainstream media. Example: Nestle Kit Kat
                   Television                  YouTube                 Facebook
                                                                                                     Greenpeace video.
            Each circle represents a story on mainstream media or social media.
            The size of the circle represents the influence of the story.

Crisis Simulation, Experiencing a Crisis First
Hand, Before it Happens

                                            Erik Nilsson
                                            Crisis Management, JKL GROUP

I wish I knew then what I                   spreads around the world in mere     Bringing Realism to Crisis
know now                                    seconds these days, more and more    Simulation
At JKL GROUP, our simulations are           companies and their top executives   The key to a successful simulation
based on the belief that the best way       are requesting programs to help      lies in the realism of the case. Our
to prepare for a crisis is to go through    them prepare for and avert crisis    simulation system allows for any
one. Indeed, after going through a          situations. Most executives today    type of organization to go through a
real crisis, our clients often say to us:   know the risks that come with        highly realistic scenario to prepare
“I wish I knew then what I know now.”       unprepared organizations. In our     for a future event, such as a crisis,
                                            experience, what separates good      major business transaction, bad
With the rise of social media,              crisis management from bad crisis    financial news or even an executive
increased media and consumer                management is mostly how well        kidnapping for companies working in
scrutiny and the fact that news             prepared the organizations are.      volatile parts of the world.

We have also built a unique crisis system that allows for
fake articles, broadcasts, interviews, blogs, tweets, and
events to occur in a secure IT environment housed on our
client’s servers.

                                                                           Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                  NOVEMBER 2011
Client’s Crisis Management Team             Simulation Management - JKL             The training itself usually lasts
                                                                                               between 2-3 hours, followed
                                             News                                              by an hour or so of feedback
                                                                                               and assessment of the team’s

                                                                                               Defining and Evaluating
               CMT GROUP                                          JKL monitors                 The follow-up covers all aspects
             works together                                     CMT and manage
             with the crisis in                                  development of
                                                                                               of the simulation, and is given on
               their normal                                        the case in                 both an individual and group basis.
              crisis situation                                      real time                  Feedback areas include:
                   room                                                                        » How did the crisis management
                                                                                                   group function as a team, did
                                                                                                   everyone have a designated role?
                      During the simulation, participants from the                                 Was there any expertise missing
                              CMT can be interviewed live                                          in the group, or anyone that was
                                                                                                   not needed?
                                                                                               » To what extent did the group use
Since the fall of 2009, we have                   might not even read the short one, to            manuals, policies and directives?
developed crisis-preparation                      be honest.)                                      Should they be changed in any
plans and media simulations                                                                        way?
for investment banks, financial                   In addition, the “war room” at the           » Did the group reach out to all
institutions, law firms, and energy               company is where all relevant                    relevant stakeholders? Internal
and infrastructure companies.                     individuals would gather to handle               audiences? Politicians?
Together with the client, we invent               the fictitious crisis during the training    » How did the group handle the
a realistic crisis situation. In fact,            and during an actual crisis. The room            crisis situation? Did they get off
several of the situations we have                 needs to have business equipment                 to a good start, what could have
“invented” have occurred later on.                such as phones with conference                   been done differently?
                                                  capability, high-speed and wi-fi             » Did the group have sufficient
We have also built a unique crisis                Internet connection, paper and pens,             information for decision-making?
system that allows for fake articles,             and a printer.                                   Did they initiate all the relevant
broadcasts, interviews, blogs, tweets,                                                             internal processes?
and events to occur in a secure IT                Of course, the people and
environment housed on our client’s                departments that need to be at the           A crisis simulation is a great way
servers.                                          ready include legal, operations,             to stress-test your organization’s
                                                  PR, HR etc. This process allows              readiness, to identify areas of
Once a client asks us for the                     us to develop deep insight                   improvement and to prepare the
training, we take between one to                  about the client’s organization,             crisis team for a real crisis situation.
three months to develop all the                   issues, opportunities and level of           In short, it’s an exercise that will put
materials, including: information                 preparedness.                                your organization through a crisis,
and background on the fictitious                                                               but on your terms.
crisis; scripts and key messages for
all spokespeople; pre-recorded TV
                                                             How do we win readers?                   How do we win readers?
broadcasts or fake articles, blogs
and tweets about the crisis; and crisis                       Media Team 1              Competition     Media Team 2
response content such as press                                    Client team 1                            Client team 2
releases, tweets, and Facebook

Building Crisis Preparedness
We also do a review of the company
in question to assess if corporate                                                Simulation Management
decision-makers have the tools and
people in place to handle a crisis.                                                  Business Event

These tools include a crisis manual,
which in our view should be very                                                        How to act?
short because in a real crisis no one
                                                                         Communication Management
will read a long document. (They
                                                                                      Client team 3

Engaging Third Party influencers in Crisis

                                          Jack Yeo
                                          SVP, MSL Chicago

The Power of Influencers                  initiated a better working relationship   Mapping Your Influencers
I once orchestrated a crisis              between the agency and my client          So who is an influencer? Third-
simulation for a meat-processing          going forward. This relationship          party influencers are high-profile
client to help the decision-              later proved to be invaluable when a      individuals or organizations with
makers prepare for a potential            separate and different strain of H1N1     the ability to change the perception
H1N1 outbreak. We asked the U.S.          first appeared in the United States a     of your company, organization or
Department of Agriculture’s Animal        year later.                               product, or affect the debate or
and Plant Health Inspection Service                                                 policy around a particular issue.
to review the scenario created for        Just goes to show that you can            Influencers can be regulators,
the simulation exercise and invited       never underestimate the power of          government officials, industry
the agency to participate in the drill.   influencers who can speak for you         leaders, academics, associations,
The agency’s input and feedback           when times get tough.                     NGO groups or members of
made the session more realistic and                                                 the media. They are regularly

                                                                                                 Photo by Danilo Prates on flickr

Mapping out, building relationships with and engaging
influencers can play a critical role in both crisis planning
and response.

                                                                             Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
                                                                                                      NOVEMBER 2011
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral
MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral

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MSLGROUP Crisis Network Report: Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral

  • 1.
  • 2. MSLGROUP Crisis Network is a global network of 50+ MSLGROUP crisis experts, with deep vertical expertise across industries and geographies, connected to each other by our proprietary People’s Lab crowdsourcing platform. Our experts can not only tap into each others insights in real time, but also leverage our proprietary crisis toolkit including our crisis planning framework and our crisis simulation workshop -- to help our clients plan for and respond to crisis situations effectively. 2
  • 3. Foreword Olivier Fleurot Chief Executive Officer, MSLGROUP As the world prepares for what could be a prolonged recession, business leaders also need to prepare for a “new normal”, or a fundamental reset in the dynamics between individuals, influencers and institutions around trust, power, risk and crisis. I am delighted to present to you our report on managing risk in a world where every crisis is global, social and viral. The report is a collection of insights and foresights from the MSLGROUP Crisis Network, a global network of 50+ MSLGROUP crisis experts, with deep vertical expertise across industries and geographies, connected to each other by our proprietary People’s Lab crowdsourcing platform. Our experts can not only tap into each other’s insights in real time, but also leverage our proprietary crisis toolkit to help our clients plan for and respond to crisis situations effectively. In the end, however, managing risk in the “new normal” is less about saying the right things and more about doing the right things. Corporations that are rooted in a shared purpose and have fully integrated corporate citizenship into their strategy are more likely to respond to a crisis situation with authenticity, transforming a potential crisis into an opportunity to reconnect with its stakeholders. So, in many ways, what you do before a crisis happens is more important than what you do when a crisis happens. I hope that you’ll find value in both the insights and foresights in this report as well as in the innovative model of the MSLGROUP Crisis Network. 3 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 4. Introduction: Every Crisis is Global, Social and Viral Pascal Beucler Gaurav Mishra SVP and Chief Strategy Officer, Asia Director of Social Media, MSLGROUP MSLGROUP The End of Trust The decade has witnessed a profound erosion of trust in all types of institutions, including governments and corporations. Even as North America and Europe prepare for a prolonged double dip financial crisis, we have seen social unrest in France, UK, Spain and Greece; a grassroots movement to occupy public spaces across the United States to protest against capitalism; right wing terrorist attacks in peaceful Norway; disclosure of state secrets by Wikileaks; a series of regime changes across the Arab world; and a sex scandal disgracing the IMF. Even in the buoyant emerging economies of India, China and Brazil, the hitherto silent middle class is beginning to raise its voice and take to the streets to protest against chronic corruption that disproportionately rewards the entrenched elite at the cost of the other 99%; and the low quality of life that persists in spite of increased prosperity. Trust in corporations, too, is at an all-time low, as a result of astronomical executive salaries paid by banks and auto companies, even as they were being bailed out by public funds; BP’s inability to either control the Gulf of Mexico oil spill for almost nine months, or take full responsibility for it; and perceptions of greenwashing by corporations, brought in sharp focus a series of viral campaigns by Greenpeace. We are also seeing anger against the inability of governments and corporations to show the will to solve our most pressing problems: the short-sighted dependence on fossil fuels that threatens to undermine our planet’s ecosystem; the tradeoffs between economic progress and the good life, like urban pollution and lifestyle diseases; and the barriers to achieve the full human potential, with more than half the world’s population still struggling with poverty, malnutrition, disease and illiteracy. 4
  • 5. Crisis management in today’s fragile world is intrinsically interlinked with global shifts in trust and power between individuals, influencers and institutions. Phto by mugley on flickr 5 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 6. Power to the People At the same time, people have new sources of power, as individuals and communities. First, people are beginning to believe that governments and corporations have failed them and only they themselves can come up with innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. Second, people are leveraging social media platforms to create new public spaces for discourse and dissent that are irrevocably reshaping the global news ecosystem; organize themselves into distributed communities with a shared purpose and a shared vision for a better future; co-create new social innovation solutions and sustainable business models; and collaborate across continents to coordinate participation and action and act as catalysts for change. Third, people are demanding that governments become both more transparent and less intrusive with their citizens; that government and corporations work together to create an ecosystem that enables civic participation; that corporations not only rediscover their social purpose but also put it at the core of how they engage with people, as employees, consumers and citizens. Facebook’s Marc Zuckerberg underlined these shifts during the recent “e-G8” we organized in Paris: “People being empowered is the trend for the next decade: that’s the core social dynamics… People have the ability to voice their opinion, and it changes the world, as it rewires it from the ground up”. Unilever’s Paul Polman has also pointed to the new risks such power creates for corporations: “If [social media activists] can bring down the Egyptian regime in a few weeks, they can bring us down in nanoseconds.” Every Crisis is Global, Social and Viral The social web is playing an important role in these shifts around trust, power, risk and crisis. Specifically, we need to master three interplays shaping crisis in the “new normal”: the interplay between mainstream media and social media, the interplay between local and global dynamics, and the interplay between crisis planning and response. First, the boundaries between mainstream media and social media are blurring as online influencers are linking to media stories and news organizations are quoting online influencers. Second, no crisis is truly local in our interconnected world, as memes or hashtags can spread globally in seconds on the social web, yet local considerations must be factored into crisis planning and response. Third, it’s critical to plan and prepare for crisis scenarios, but it’s even more important to respond to emergent crisis situations authentically, without over-reliance on scripted messages and workflows. 6
  • 7. Photo by Ben Chau on flickr 7 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 8. MSLGROUP Crisis Network In a world where every crisis is global, social and viral, it’s critical to tap into the tools and insights from across our global network, in real time. MSLGROUP Crisis Network is a global network of 50+ MSLGROUP crisis experts, with deep vertical expertise across industries and geographies, connected to each other by our proprietary People’s Lab crowdsourcing platform. Our experts can not only tap into each other’s insights in real time, but also leverage our proprietary crisis toolkit – including our crisis planning framework and our crisis simulation workshop -- to help our clients plan for and respond to crisis situations effectively. In a world where every crisis is global, social and viral, here’s a roadmap to think about the interconnections between trust, power, risk and crisis, from our experts at the MSLGROUP Crisis Network. In the first section, we explore how social media is changing trust, power, risk and crisis. We start by looking at the role of social media in societal upheavals in the West, including the terrorist attack in Norway, the riots in London and the Occupy Wall Street movement in the US. Then, we move to the East and look at how social media is changing the news ecosystem in China, eroding the wasta system of personal influence in the Middle East and uniting the Indian middle class in a grassroots movement against corruption. In the second section, we outline how corporations can leverage social media to manage risk and reputation. We outline how social media can play a role at each stage in the crisis curve, describe the art and science of crisis simulation, recommend engaging third party influencers in crisis planning, share lessons from managing the global Crisis Command Center for BP, provide a playbook for handling a crisis on Facebook and end with tips and tricks on crisis management from our network of senior trusted advisors. In summary, here are the most important tips from our global network of crisis experts that you will see across this report: 1. Proactively work on crisis preparedness, including crisis simulation workshops, crisis manuals, crisis collaboration wikis and dark crisis websites. 2. Create local crisis plans in collaboration with key influencers, instead of merely localizing global crisis plans. 3. Train staff, including the C-suite, on the new news ecosystem and guidelines for social media engagement, before a crisis hits. 4. Specifically plan for communicating with all key influencers, including employees, as part of crisis planning. 5. Build trust assets, including the reputation of being rooted in a shared purpose, strong relationships with key influencers, and strong owned media channels like blogs and microblogs, before the crisis. 6. Respond to the crisis with authenticity, integrity and the will to do the right thing, not only say the right thing. We sincerely hope that the insights and foresights we are bringing here will be useful to you. To know more about the MSLGROUP Crisis Network, or to subscribe to receive similar insights and foresights in the form of a quarterly newsletter, please visit 8
  • 9. In a world where every crisis is global, social and viral, it’s critical to tap into the tools and insights from across our global network, in real time. Photo by alancleaver_2000 on flickr 9 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 10. Photo by h.koppdelaney on flickr 10
  • 11. Index 12 SECTION 1 How Social Media is Changing Trust, Power and Crisis 14 Power to the People: When Main Street Occupies Wall Street PASCAL BEUCLER 16 The Norway Attacks and Social Media: Lessons in Crisis Management for Governments and Corporations JOHN INGE OGLAEND 19 Lessons in Social Media and Crisis Management from the UK Riots GARETH DAVIES 24 How the Great Indian Middle Class Used Social Media to Create a Grassroots Anti-Corruption Movement JAIDEEP SHERGILL 28 How Social Media is Changing the News Ecosystem in China BENJAMIN TAN 30 Wasta: How Power and Influence are Changing in the Middle East FRAN MCELWAINE 32 SECTION 2 How to Leverage Social Media for Managing Risk and Reputation 34 How Social Media is Changing News and Crisis: The Crisis Curve Framework GAURAV MISHRA 37 Crisis Simulation, Experiencing a Crisis First Hand, Before it Happens ERIK NILSSON 39 Engaging Third Party influencers in Crisis Planning JACK YEO 44 Managing a Crisis Command Center in the Social Media Age: Lessons from BP STEVE MARINO 46 The Role of the Community Manager in Managing the Crisis on Facebook DIMITRI GRANGER, ROMAIN VEZIRIAN 48 In Summary: Being Trusted Advisors in a Turbulent World ANDERS KEMPE 11 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 12. 12
  • 13. SECTION 1 How Social Media is Changing Trust, Power, Risk and Crisis In this section, we explore how social media is changing trust, power and crisis. We start by looking at the role of social media in societal upheavals in the West, including the terrorist attack in Norway, the riots in London and the Occupy Wall Street movement that started in the US. Then, we move to the East and look at how social media is changing the news ecosystem in China, eroding the wasta system of personal influence in the Middle East and uniting the Indian middle class in a grassroots movement against corruption. Occupy Wall Street Pascal Beucler, Chief Strategy Officer of MSLGROUP, outlines how the Occupy Wall Street protests have grown into a global movement of the “indignants”, or “the other 99%”, against the excesses of capitalism, especially financial institutions. Norway Attacks John Inge Oglaend from JKLGROUP Norway outlines social media’s role in the recent terrorist attacks in Norway. John specifically focuses on how Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and journalist Rune Thomas Ege effectively used social media to engage with the public with empathy in the aftermath of the attacks. UK Riots Gareth Davies from MSL London talks about the role of social media during the recent London riots and argues that “there is no best practice for governments to use social media in such protests; instead, if you engage with communities and influencers on an ongoing basis, they will be more inclined to listen to you and to stand up for you in time of crisis”. 13 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 14. Power to the People: When Main Street Occupies Wall Street Pascal Beucler SVP & Chief Strategy Officer, MSLGROUP Occupy Wall Street Even if mistrust of governments and The movement started in Southern As we get used to the idea that the corporations has been developing Europe, particularly in Greece and financial crisis is here to stay, it’s over the past decade (Enron, the Spain. Then the USA joined the worth analyzing what’s happening burst of the high-tech bubble, 9/11 movement, dubbed Occupy Wall in various European countries, etc.), the continued financial crisis, in Street. Hundreds of Americans and now in the USA, where the combination with the emergence of have been camping there for weeks, crowds of “indignés” (the indignant, a new mindset, in a context of social and thousands are following their the angry) are growing every day media explosion, has dramatically example across the country, from and occupying public spaces. It’s transformed public opinion. And, in Boston and Chicago, to Houston amazing to see how fast the game fact, far beyond public opinion, we and San Francisco. The protesters has changed within a few months: should probably start questioning are using social networks, blogs from celebrating regime changes in the “public acceptance” of our socio- and websites -- such as Occupy the Middle East, the West has had political and economic systems, Wall Street, Occupy Together and to deal with a series of revolutions and be prepared to deal with bigger Ad Busters -- to connect people all at home, many of them triggered by crises in the coming times. around the country. the continuation of the crisis. Photo by Nessy du Loch 2011 on flickr 14
  • 15. The Occupy Wall Street movement is a really interesting hybrid of The way Occupy Wall Street defines working at all. We are getting nothing itself is insightful. Occupy Wall while the other 1 percent is getting “traditional” and social Street calls itself “a horizontally everything. We are the 99 percent.” media, “real” and organized resistance movement virtual gatherings. employing the revolutionary Arab In terms of beliefs and values, Spring tactic to restore democracy whether American, Spanish or in America”. It relies on an approach French, in my view these young 3. They demand purpose, and shared it calls a “people’s assembly” to people have three things in value. Financial institutions, “facilitate collective decision making common: like other corporations, need to in an open, participatory and non- not only rediscover their social binding manner” and welcomes 1. They don’t trust institutions purpose but also put it at the core people from all colors, genders and anymore. Trust in corporations of how they engage with their beliefs to attend its daily assemblies. is at an all-time low across stakeholders. There is no value It has also published a “quick guide the world. The destruction of creation without solid profits. But on group dynamics in people’s wealth is rarely lethal. But the profits cannot be the only criteria assemblies“ for others who wish to destruction of confidence, brand of value creation. The “corporate” start their own people’s assemblies equity and reputation among side of organizations is more and to “organize local communities to financial institutions and public more important. People expect fight back against social injustice.” bodies is terribly damaging. In a companies, brands, institutions, world where banks and financial to commit to core values, among companies are seen as reckless, Never have the ancient Agora which transparency, sustainability fraudulent and disconnected (physical assembly, here and now) and accountability are central. from reality, whilst governments and the digital one (each and every Value for All is the new mantra, around the world are blamed social network, as well as the sum of everywhere. for their inaction, we shouldn’t all of them) been so closely inter- be surprised to see more and connected. The Occupy Wall Street more social outrage. Never have movement is a really interesting corporate reputations been so hybrid of “traditional” and social precious, and so fragile. media, “real” and virtual gatherings. 2. They have new power, and they We are the 99% know how to use it. They are in If the first “indignés” were activists, control. And the more it goes, the most of the newcomers are young more they realize the power they employees and graduates. It looks have in their hands. Like Marc like a whole generation is joining Zuckerberg underlined it, during a deep and wide “value-for-all” the recent “e-G8” we organized in movement here, best expressed by Paris, “People being empowered the “we are the 99%” group: “We are is the trend for the next decade: the 99 percent. We are getting kicked that’s the core social dynamics… out of our homes. We are forced to People have the ability to voice choose between groceries and rent. their opinion, and it changes When he published his short essay We are denied quality medical care. the world, as it rewires it from Indignez-vous!, could Holocaust the ground up”. As a matter of survivor and French resistance We are suffering from environmental fact, what the crowds of people leader Stéphane Hessel imagine the pollution. We are working long hours gathering in San Francisco said power of his call? for little pay and no rights, if we’re is exactly that: “We just want our voice to be heard”. 15 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 16. The Norway Attacks and Social Media: Lessons in Crisis Management for Governments and Corporations John Inge Oglaend Senior Advisor, JKL GROUP Norway Leadership in the time of iPad looking at his newsfeed. The For corporations, obvious lessons crisis entire press corps has praised his can be drawn. If you do not have a On the day of the Norway attacks, leadership and his approval ratings social presence, and you encounter Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg have gone through the roof. a crisis, you will miss out on most tweeted the following message: of the conversations about your “Today, we have been hit by two Mr. Stoltenberg’s seasoned use company. savage and cowardly attacks. of Twitter shows not only that Tonight, we all stand together, taking leadership begins at the top but also A Journalist’s Social care of each other”. In another how critical honesty, transparency Influence tweet, he acknowledged Russian and timeliness are in crisis situations. It’s been amazing to watch the President Vladimir Medvedev who Moreover, we can see how important intersection of social media and had expressed his support of the social networks have become. This traditional media in recent months. Norwegian people. A few days crisis intersects social media from all For his part, Rune Thomas Ege, a after the attacks, Mr. Stoltenberg angles: from the killer’s motives to journalist at VG, Norway’s largest also posted a picture of himself on people’s attempts to save lives and newspaper, was among the first Facebook: it showed him with his remember those who perished. to tweet eyewitness reports of Social Media: Another angle to the Norway Story Following the Norway attacks, Journalist Rune Thomas Ege tweeted and gave interviews on the growing number of people using social media to share information. 16
  • 17. Elected officials, the police, corporations, activists and everyday people can all use social media for good--- when they chose to do so. Photo by OwlLens on flickr the attack. He was tweeting in Tweeting “Do Not Call Eyewitness Accounts and Norwegian, but was soon asked People on Utøya” Support Groups by people in different countries to The first signs that something was Only one day after the killing on tweet in English. Upon doing so, he truly wrong on Utøya, where 69 Utøya the first eyewitness accounts soon gathered more than 3,500 new people were assassinated, came on appeared on blogs. Prableen Kaurs, followers. Twitter. People on the island used the 18–year-old deputy leader Twitter, Facebook and SMS to inform of the Oslo Labour Party youth The websites of several foreign their loved ones about the shooting organization, wrote about the “Hell newspapers picked up Rune’s tweets as it happened. As it became at Utøya”. Such blog posts gave in their Twitter feeds. Even though he clear what was going on, people people the possibility to share had been at the bombsite he quickly started to call their loved ones on thoughts, feelings and analysis—a moved to Utøya and continued to Utøya. The people on the island critical activity for crisis recovery, tweet from there, while writing for tweeted, pleading for people not according to Psychologist Anders the newspaper. Due to his tweets to call, because it would attract the Skuterud in several media interviews. he was soon contacted by news attention of the killer, and reveal the services from all over the world to places where people were hiding. In just a few days, people used give comments and report on TV. Others followed up and spread the social media to organize gatherings It can be argued that Rune, by his message: “Do not call people on and memorials, such as rose use of social media, set the agenda Utøya, they are hiding”. So action marches in numerous towns across for many of the world’s leading created counter-action in the social Norway. Online support groups news agencies; He was used as a media sphere. were established for victims who reporter for news organizations in survived; even the killer’s mother 14 countries, including BBC World, and his lawyers got their own support SKY, ABC, CBS, and as far as way as groups. In the immediate aftermath, Australia and Chile. the group “Light a candle for the Photo credit: Twitter 17 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 18. Photo by OwlLens on flickr dead and injured after the tragedies have also been criticized for not Moreover, due to pressure to in Oslo and Utøya” got 500 new participating in discussions on social produce articles and be the first with members per minute. networks. They have relied on the new story angles, some journalists traditional media and used press used any pictures they could get Two Sides of the Coin statements and press conferences their hands on without thinking that While those are positive examples, to communicate, thereby avoiding a some of them were coming form the hate groups also formed. On the two-way dialogue with the public. murderer himself. Some journalists morning of 23 July more than 70 unwittingly published photos that he such groups appeared on Facebook, The extensive use of social media as himself wanted published. with one totaling almost 12,000 a source for reporting isn’t without members. Many of the groups problems. As argued by journalist Nevertheless, we can all learn from named the killer and posted pictures Emanuel Karsten in SVTV Debat, what happened. Elected officials, taken from his profile on Facebook, the media acted as useful idiots the police, corporations, activists now removed. for a calculating mass murderer. and everyday people can all use Furthermore, when journalists social media for good---when they Much of the criticism of how the received the manifesto via email they chose to do so. Like I said, it comes police have handled the situation, in were surprised to learn that it had down to honesty, transparency, and particular debates about how long been available on Twitter for a long timeliness. It’s what we all want to it should have taken to get to the time and had a massive circulation see from people in a crisis. island and by what means, has also already. He achieved his goal of taken place in social media. Many circulating photos and manifesto to prominent politicians remained quiet a large audience by the use of social for a long time, possibly sensing the media. strong emotions on the issue and fearing how people would react to their public statements. The police Photo credit: Youtube 18
  • 19. Lessons in Social Media and Crisis Management From the UK Riots Gareth Davies Head of Social Media, MSL London Deconstructing the Role of many have called out social media you ask much younger generations Social Media in the UK Riots as a key factor in enabling the they will simply say it is the focus Since the London riots we’ve widespread, coordinated chaos many for blame because many still don’t seen many individuals, groups, of us witnessed firsthand over the understand its usage or potential. organizations and the media summer. dissecting every detail to understand But either way, whilst you can’t where it all went wrong and what Whether it is right or wrong to blame blame individual trees for a forest drove so many people to “revolt”. social media will never be decided, fire, neither can you call out social Amidst the many discussions and as it really depends on whom you media as the key “reason” that these debates there has been much ask. Pose the questions to politicians riots happened in the first place. finger pointing and unfortunately and lawmakers and they may say technology is at fault, whereas if Photo by mastermaq on flickr 19 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 20. Looking at recent history, in So how should we look to “better Being Social and Trustworthy in particular the uprisings in Iran, Egypt manage” the usage of social Times of Non-Crisis, Like Lady Gaga and Tunisia, these revolutions were media in a time where protests In my opinion, the true answer lies formed on the back of a desire to and demonstrations are becoming in how governments and relevant make a change. Whilst social media increasingly prevalent across the organizations use social media didn’t create such desire, it did show world? in times of “non-crisis”. David disparate groups and individuals that Cameron has sung the praises of they were not alone whilst helping The answer is that there is no best the new e-reform system allowing them act “as one”. It enabled them practice in how to use social media UK citizens to propose new to coordinate and deploy a much in such situations. Restricting access legislation and even Gordon Brown’s wider, far-reaching effort. in times of chaos is simply a knee- government got No. 10 Downing jerk reaction that needs extensive Street on Twitter. But how much This, at its heart, is what has helped consideration. Both Twitter and of this is just show? How many social media become so widespread Facebook provide real-time, always- politicians can readily say that they so quickly - the ability to connect on dialogue. If you switch off access understand and regularly use social with like-minded individuals over in one country or region, others media? Even Barack Obama, who set shared goals and interests. But would find out and that in turn would the rules on how to use social media more important is the fact that until create a crisis for the government for electioneering, is limited in how governments and organizations or organization enforcing the shut much content he himself actually understand this point, we will see down. publishes versus a team of publicists many more knee-jerk reactions. who have the time to do it for him. Photo by renaissancechambara on flickr 20
  • 21. Being Social and Trustworthy in Times of Non-Crisis, Like Lady Gaga. The true answer lies in how governments and relevant organizations use social media in times of “non- crisis”. Photo by JohnLucas1983 on flickr In the social media space, credibility We’re not recommending that Think how different things could and transparency are your greatest Britain’s public officials use social be if the government had used assets you have to play. They can media channels to broadcast more– social media to listen to the growing make or break a politician or an they need to use social media for concerns of the “disaffected youth” organization just as they can make better engagement, for igniting that they blamed for fuelling the or break a brand. But you need to critical conversations with people anger and aggression that was at the be engaged with social media to who matter: people in communities heart of the riots. Think of how things understand its power. that are highly active online; could have changed had the UK commentators with the influence to and London governments created a Lady Gaga is considered one of the affect policy and legislation; people rallying cry to local communities via most influential people in the world who represent the voiceless and social media to help stop or at least – simply because of the size of her those who have no inclination to better manage those individuals online, virtual following. Imagine if a interact with government (based on causing the chaos. politician applied the same rules to many factors but trust and credibility his/her own personal “MP” brand? probably being the most prevalent). When plugged in, governments She can call upon and rely upon her gain greater visibility and a better fans to support her in whatever she By spending time building up understanding of what is happening does simply because she has taken credibility and acting in a transparent at the grass roots. Subsequently they a journey with them. She regularly manner, governments will develop will be better informed and more posts, she answers questions (by positive relationships with online able to react in a way that benefits herself and not via a publicist) and influencers who will be willing to all those involved. It’s clear that our she shares content and access to speak and act on the government’s government needs to connect with her life that has proved to be of real behalf simply because they believe. their “Little Monsters”. value to her fans. Subsequently she has an “army” who will stand by her side. 21 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 22. 22
  • 23. India’s Anti-Corruption Movement Jaideep Shergill, CEO of Hanmer MSL in India, draws crisis communications lessons from the anti-corruption protests in India, led by 74- year old Gandhian activist Anna Hazare. Specifically, he highlights the importance of creating your campaign around an idea that resonates with people and using powerful symbolism and imagery to move people. China’s New Media Ecosystem Benjamin Tan, Client Engagement Director for MSLGROUP Greater China, talks about how social media, especially microblogging service Sina Weibo, is changing how news stories and crisis situations spread in China’s government controlled news environment. Benjamin says that citizens trust mainstream media for business-related crisis situations, but turn to social media for government- related crisis situations, like the recent train crash in Wenzhou. Middle East, Jasmine Revolution and Wasta Fran McElwaine, Managing Director of Capital MSL in Dubai, says that social media is changing how governments and businesses manage crisis situations in the Middle East, as “wasta”, which means using your power to influence outcomes, does not work on social media. Fran says that social media has an invaluable role to play in financial communication, especially in situations that are time critical, like crisis situations and quarterly results. 23 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 24. How the Great Indian Middle Class Used Social Media to Create a Grassroots Anti-Corruption Movement Jaideep Shergill CEO of Hanmer MSL India India’s Anti-Corruption As the government resisted, Indians social media (Facebook, Twitter, Movement across geographies and communities YouTube, apps), news media, For over a week in August 2011, rallied in support of Hazare and television and mobile telephony. New Delhi’s Ramlila ground took forced Parliament to relent. on the air of Cairo’s Tahrir Square. The “Social” Revolution Revolution was in the air. What was astonishing about The lessons were clear: A good the movement, which began in product generates its own PR. The agitation for a strong anti- January, was the exceptional Hazare’s Jan Lokpal Bill satisfies corruption law and an independent use of public relations tools and the need to reduce corruption. authority that would investigate techniques without the help of a Clear messaging and use of the charges against ministers and the communications agency. right communication tools for our bureaucracy – launched by 74-year- age (it was a social media-fueled old Gandhian, Anna Hazare – had The campaign made impressive use stir, which is why it had such a reached a crescendo. of symbolism (fasts and meditation), large youth participation) made it Photo by ssoosay on flickr 24
  • 25. Photo credit: a mass movement. In contrast, the the bureaucracy, the judiciary and it filled a media vacuum. Team government goofed up repeatedly in even the prime minister was an Anna made sure the campaign its crisis communications. idea whose time had come. was centrestage in the media all the time. Hazare himself refused A team of IT experts ran the India 2. Create symbols, icons: Every to leave Tihar Jail after his arrest. Against Corruption campaign’s main timeless brand has its symbols – This created a larger impact than website along with 14 city-centric Nike and its swoosh, for instance. any media interview could have websites round-the-clock. They also They also have their icons – Steve had. There was another critical monitored TV channels and posted Jobs at Apple, for example. aspect: the campaign had only videos on the internet to create a Similarly, Hazare and the Gandhi three or four people speaking buzz across the globe. cap became the icon and symbol to the media. This was smart respectively of the anti-corruption thinking. The fewer the voices, the Another team ensured that the fight. The movement’s slogan, “I less scope there was for distortion latest information about Hazare was am Anna Hazare”, internalized the of the message. posted on social networking sites struggle for millions of people. It such as Facebook (nearly 514,000 made individuals want to act. 5. Use the right imagery: The image likes by early September) and Twitter of Hazare meditating at Rajghat @janlokpal, (more than 140,000 by 3. Create a compelling experience: (where Gandhi was cremated) early September). His video from Hazare chose the Ramlila ground or of him lying down at Ramlila Tihar jail has had 163,000 views. for its size, allowing thousands to ground and clapping along to take in the atmosphere. Having devotional songs proved to be What Hazare Taught Us experienced their own power, iconic. With a giant image of 1. Have an idea that connects: the people began to believe they Mahatma Gandhi in the backdrop, Rocked by five major scams over could change things. the message was not lost on the past year, India was angry with anybody – “here is a frail 74-year- the government for its seeming 4. Make a media plan: The campaign old taking on the establishment, lack of will to tackle corruption. was timed perfectly. Launched much as another frail old man had A strong, independent agency between the cricket World Cup done in the 1930s and 1940s, and that could investigate ministers, and the Indian Premier League, he deserves your support.” 25 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 26. Photo credit: Youtube How the government got it corruption law, showing that it 2. It arrested Hazare: If arresting wrong was out of touch with the nation’s Hazare was ill-advised, taking Prime Minister Manmohan Singh mood. Reeling from a wave of him to Tihar jail was a PR disaster. used to be known as the architect of corruption scandals, it would have Tihar is where those accused of India’s economic reforms. Today, he’s done better to start the process some of the worst corruption in the face of a discredited government. for framing an effective law. As a recent times were lodged. As a result, a perception was created result, Hazare turned his arrest 1. It kept the blinkers on: The that the government was trying into victory by refusing to leave government steadfastly refused to stall an effort to cleanse the jail, even when allowed to, until his to accept the need for an anti- country. demands were met. This shamed the government. 26
  • 27. Photo credit: Facebook 3. It failed to communicate: Top in July. A publicity blitzkrieg In summary, the India Against leaders stubbornly refused to would have done wonders for Corruption movement is an engage with the media. This its reputation, especially with important case study, both on allowed the anti-graft crusaders young middle-class Indians who combining traditional control on drive the debate. Singh’s silence benefited most from the reforms. messaging with the virality of new gave the impression that he wasn’t It is these people who heeded media tools and on responding really in charge. Silence makes Hazare’s call. to crisis situations catalyzed by you look guilty. The government grassroots dissent on social media. should have been honest about 4. It sent out the wrong message: While Indian politicians have surely its misgivings and communicated When he did speak, Prime learned much from the experience, like crazy. As a result, Team Anna Minister Manmohan Singh said there’s much that corporations in pushed its point of view, but there all the wrong things: “There is no India and elsewhere can learn from was no counter, cementing the magic wand to curb corruption.” it too. national mood. The government He should have declared that should have seized the initiative the battle against corruption was by moving aggressively on the integral to the reforms process. unfinished economic reforms As a result, people thought that agenda, but it did not even Singh was not serious about celebrate 20 years of reforms battling corruption. 27 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 28. How Social Media is Changing the News Ecosystem in China Benjamin Tan Client Engagement Director, MSLGROUP Greater China Microblogging is shaping a on each. Many journalists are also affecting personal safety, personal new public space in China present in social media, and they grievances and perceived negligence The prominence of social media, often publish their stories on Weibo. by authorities. One can see this in the specifically on Weibo, the cases involving the milk scare, the microblogging service similar to While Chinese netizens pay train crash in Wenzhou, in eastern Twitter, which is blocked in China, considerable attention to corporate China, and the scam with a furniture is playing a huge role in how news and non-profit scandals such as the chain, whose Chinese owners spreads in China. All the main one with China Red Cross (a man claimed that China-made goods internet players in China, including with ties to the organization funded were imported from Italy. Sina, Sohu and Tencent have weibos his girlfriend’s lavish lifestyle), such with more than 100 million users issues pale in comparison to crises Photo by davesamuel.20091965 on flickr In general, for crisis situations involving public authorities, people trust social media and ignore traditional media, especially if the government is clamping down on part of the story. 28
  • 29. These crisis situations can originate Corporations in China are crisis and building owned media from a short news article and using social media for crisis assets online, so that they can be spread to social media and back to communications deployed during a crisis. Some traditional media, and vice versa. In As far as corporate crises are corporations have even taken to general, for crisis situations involving concerned, the media tend to cover SEO/SEM to manage their search public authorities, people trust social not only the actual event but also engine rankings, making sure that media and ignore traditional media, previous issues or crises involving their name is associated as much especially if the government is the company in question. This as possible with positive news and clamping down on part of the story. has been made easier due to the thought leadership. availability of historic news in the In China, it’s not uncommon for digital space, creating a negative Specifically, B2C corporations are government authorities to clamp long-tail effect. focusing increasingly on social down on government-related media to mitigate crises while crisis news by leaning on the Some corporations in China still B2B companies are still focusing traditional, local media channels choose not to respond to crisis on traditional media to get their -- this happened with the Wenzhou situations, hoping the situation will message across. B2C companies are train crash. It is harder, however, for pass. When a crisis hits, they react to investing in social media monitoring officials to stop all the news and the situation without a strategy and systems and crisis strategy, focusing opinion-sharing on social networks, come off scared, or engage a PR on the interplay between social as they cannot control the entire agency and go through the motions media and traditional media. digital sphere. but in reality don’t listen to counsel and simply use the PR firm as a In summary, gone are the days For crisis situations not related to media buffer. when an executive could rely on the government, the traditional news personal influence with a journalist organizations have more leeway. However, as social media is changing and make the problem go away. The Therefore, traditional media often the public sphere and the news Chinese netizens are less patient provides more insights into such ecosystem in China, it is also with corporations, and less forgiving, crisis situations (given journalists’ changing how corporations plan if they perceive any response from investigative nature) while social for and respond to crisis situations. corporations to be insincere. media provides more timely updates. More corporations are taking crisis Social media also allows people to preparation seriously, by training share their comments and concerns, their spokespeople to handle a and in most cases, vent their frustrations. 29 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 30. Wasta: How Power and Influence are Changing in the Middle East Fran McElwaine Managing Director, Capital MSL Dubai In the Middle East, the traditional crisis containment plan in place, but managing the social conversation. reaction to a crisis has been to it is still a long way from being the The typical response is to “shut it keep silent and wait out the issue. accepted norm. down” with a big hammer, instead However, the advent and fast of managing conflict in more subtle adoption of social media among Arab Spring and the end of ways. key influencer groups has meant Wasta that this is an even less satisfactory The recent Arab Spring that relied Generally speaking, negative strategy than it was a few years heavily on information-sharing sentiment and information spread ago. Following the 2009 financial through social media is clear extremely quickly on social media. crash, our clients are beginning to evidence of how “behind the curve” Conversely, most companies and recognize the value of having a solid the establishment is with regard to organizations are afraid to engage Photo by Magharebia on flickr Unfortunately wasta does not work with social media, where it’s more difficult to influence outcomes by using power or personal relationships. 30
  • 31. Photo by Magharebia on flickr with social media, as they are crisis. Twitter is especially useful for to reassure investors, employees, uncomfortable with the mutual alerting audiences about impending clients and partners, to maintain two-way dialogue that such networks announcements and directing a stable stock price. Capital MSL impose. This means that companies them to websites, blogs, videos or created an email sent to clients are usually slow to respond to issues whitepapers with in-depth analysis. and partners, updating them on the and lose valuable time in containing developments and reassuring them them. For general financial of the bank’s commitment to working communications, which are not with and serving them; relationship There is a specific Arab word - necessarily time-sensitive, and managers called their contacts, “wasta” - that means using your where ongoing in-depth analysis and following a message training from power to influence outcomes. It is factual support are essential, the use Capital MSL. We also briefed the generally considered a good thing of digital media is often constrained CEO for a townhall meeting to to have lots of “wasta”. As most to micro-sites where there is an update and reinvigorate employees. of the mainstream media in the opportunity to provide detailed region are heavily self-censored, information that can be regularly As a result, the stock price stabilized most senior individuals are used updated. within 36 hours. The messages in the to leveraging their wasta to ensure media and marketplace were almost there is no negative coverage of Social media engagement is very entirely positive, with neither party them in the media. Unfortunately much the domain of the young, being criticized. Anecdotal feedback wasta does not work with social educated and articulate in the from people in the market, investors, media, where it’s more difficult to Middle East - all the more reason partners and employees was also influence outcomes by using power for companies in this region to take overwhelmingly positive. or personal relationships. Again, it seriously. The expertise here for most organizations it requires a is considerable and we have the Today, social media will play an cultural shift that is not comfortable. capabilities to host, design and build important role in managing all very sophisticated social media aspects of such a crisis, from holding Social Media and Financial engagement programs that allow townhall meetings from employees Communications people to interact with brands and on private community platforms, to Within the realm of financial companies. using public social media channels communications, social media has for communicating with external an invaluable role to play, especially As an example, when our banking stakeholders in real time. in situations that are time critical, client started seeing signs that a such as during the announcement of merger deal might not go through, quarterly results and in the event of they realized that they would need 31 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 32. 32
  • 33. SECTION 2 How to Leverage Social Media for Managing Risk and Reputation In this section, we outline how corporations can leverage social media to manage risk and reputation. We outline how social media can play a role at each stage in the crisis curve, describe the art and science of crisis simulation, recommend engaging third party influencers in crisis planning, share lessons from managing the global Crisis Command Center for BP, provide a playbook for handling a crisis on Facebook and end with tips and tricks on crisis management from our network of senior trusted advisors. Crisis Curve Gaurav Mishra, Asia Director of Social Media for MSLGROUP, shares a framework to understand how social media is changing news and crisis. Gaurav outlines the four stages in the crisis curve: flash point, spotlight, blame game and resolution and highlights the role of social media at each stage. He then describes three types of crisis situations based on the interplay between social media and mainstream media: real world, slow burn and flash mob. Finally, he details a crisis planning and response toolkit, with tactics for each type of crisis and each stage of the crisis curve. Crisis Simulation Erik Nilsson from JKLGROUP Sweden believes that “that the best way to prepare for a crisis is to go through one.” Erik has run several crisis planning workshops with clients across Europe using MSLGROUP’s proprietary crisis simulation tool. The tool creates fictitious newspaper articles, TV broadcasts, interviews, blog posts, tweets and events etc. in a secure IT environment to stress test the organization’s readiness to manage a crisis. Apart from the workshops and the simulations, Erik has created crisis manuals and even crisis war rooms to help clients become better prepared for crisis situations. Mapping Your Key Influencers Jack Yeo, SVP at MSL Chicago, says that “third- party influencers play an important role in both how organizations prepare for crisis situations and how they are perceived during one.” Jack uses MSLGROUP’s proprietary IM MSL influencer mapping approach to identify an organization’s most important influencers and recommends that clients invite important influencers to share their perspectives in crisis planning workshops. 33 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 34. How Social Media is Changing News and Crisis: The Crisis Curve Framework Gaurav Mishra Asia Director of Social Media, MSLGROUP Social media is playing an important stage, opinions role in shaping news stories in general are shared and ATTENTION and crisis situations in particular. responsibility is Specifically, even as social media assigned. In the makes it easy to track an emerging archival stage, the 2 Context 3 Analysis crisis situation, it makes it difficult to story goes off the Sharing links via Sharing opinions hashtags via blog posts effectively manage the crisis situation. newspaper front page, the website Social media and the news homepage and 1 Breaking news Archival 4 curve the evening news Sharing stories via Searching for All news stories develop in a similar retweets stories via Google on TV. manner, following the news curve. TIME The news curve has four stages: Social media breaking news, context, analysis and is playing an archival. The breaking news stage is important role in shaping the news even in emerging economies. During curve. The news curve is becoming the 72-hour terrorist seize of India’s shorter in the “breaking news” and financial capital, Twitter, Flickr and Based on the interplay “context” stages, but longer in the blogs became important tools for “analysis” and “archival” stages. The citizen journalists to share original between social media news curve is also becoming more reporting, news, and opinions. and mainstream fragmented and news stories are Social media, especially Twitter, media in the run up to becoming more viral. Different social played an important role in shaping media behaviors play different roles the mainstream media narrative the crisis flash point, across the four stages of the news during the crisis, both in India and crisis situations can be curve. News stories are now being internationally. categorized into three broken on the official Twitter channels of news organizations and shared Social media and the crisis types, each needing a via retweets. Context is being added curve different approach: real by sharing links on Twitter using a The four stages in the crisis curve hashtag. Blogs and video blogs are world crisis, slow burn correspond to the four stages in the playing an important role in shaping news curve: flash point, spotlight, crisis and flash mob opinion. Finally, search is making blame game and resolution. Like crisis. it easier to find and share archived the news curve, the crisis curve is stories that act as context for new becoming shorter in the “flash point” stories. and “spotlight” stages, but longer in concerned with questions like: what the “blame game” and “resolution” happened, with whom and where? In The 26/11 Mumbai terror attack in stages. Like the news curve, the the context stage, more information is 2009 is a good example of how social crisis curve is also becoming more added, as background. In the analysis media is shaping the news ecosystem fragmented and crisis stories are 34
  • 35. SOCIAL MEDIA FOR CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS Social media has a specific role to play at each stage of the crisis curve. MSLGROUP has created a crisis management toolkit that includes workshops, tools and best practices to map out, plan for and respond to the specific demands of the crisis situations at each stage in the crisis curve. 0 Before crisis: Map out alternate crisis scenarios in advance, and plan for their best, worst and most likely cases, in order to ATTENTION respond to them effectively. 1 Flash point: Track negative social media chatter, identify 2 Spotlight 3 Blame Game early warning signals, isolate issues, and resolve them, before Plot heat map of Shape narrative via owned media they turn into a crisis. crisis flows 2 Spotlight: Plot a heat map of crisis flows between social media and mainstream media, identify influencers who are 1 Flash Point Resolution 4 acting as hubs and focus crisis management efforts on these Track early Optimize for hubs. warning signals search results 3 Blame game: Shape the narrative by leveraging owned TIME media channels like blog and YouTube to reframe the issue 0 Before Crisis more positively and avert direct blame. Plan for crisis scenarios 4 Resolution: Optimize owned media content for search results, so that positive and neutral stories show up alongside negative stories on keyword searches related to the brand. becoming more viral. As a result, even Tony Hayward’s “I want my life back” reputation for creating shared value as social media makes it easy to track comment, and the online spoofs they did not help during the crisis. In an emerging crisis situation, it makes inspired, did not help BP’s cause. the end, Nestlé announced that it it difficult to effectively manage the would stop procuring from suppliers crisis situation. In the “slow burn” crisis, social associated with deforestation. media conversations (product The interplay between social quality, customer support, employee Using social media to media and mainstream media is an discontent) build up into a crisis and manage a crisis important aspect of the crisis curve, are picked up by influential bloggers Social media has a specific role to with online influencers linking to and even mainstream media. For play at each stage of the crisis curve. media stories and media quoting instance, in 2005, influential blogger MSLGROUP has created a crisis online influencers. Jeff Jarvis blogged about a series of management toolkit that includes bad customer service experiences tools and best practices for each stage Three types of crisis with Dell, and became the focal in the crisis cycle. situations point of the Dell Hell crisis. Dell Hell Based on the interplay between social forced Dell to recommit to creating a In the flash-point stage, we track media and mainstream media in the positive customer experience and led negative social media chatter, identify run up to the crisis flash point, crisis to several remarkable social media early warning signals, isolate issues, situations can be categorized into initiatives including the Direct2Dell and resolve them, before they turn three types, each needing a different blog, the Dell Ideastorm ideation into a crisis. approach: real world crisis, slow burn community and Dell’s social media crisis and flash mob crisis. command center. In the spotlight stage, we plot a heat map of crisis flows between social In the “real world” crisis, a real world In the “flash mob” crisis, a social media and mainstream media, identify incident (oil spill, financial scam, media meme (Greenpeace campaign, influencers who are acting as hubs sex scandal) precipitates the crisis. anti-brand hashtag, anti-brand driving these flows and focus our crisis Mainstream media puts a spotlight on video) creates a flash mob, turns management efforts on these hubs. the crisis while social media amplifies into a crisis, and is picked up by the crisis. For instance, during the mainstream media. For instance, In the blame-game stage, we protracted BP Gulf of Mexico crisis in in 2010, Greenpeace created a help clients shape the narrative by 2010, the flash point was the oil spill viral video led campaign to protest leveraging owned media channels itself, but social media played a critical against Nestle procuring palm oil like blog and YouTube to reframe the role in the spotlight, blame game and from Indonesian rainforests and issue more positively and avert direct resolution stages. BP’s crisis response endangering orangutans. Protestors blame. was a textbook case study in terms hijacked Nestle’s Facebook page and of its scope and scale. However, a filled it with abusive comments and In the resolution stage, we optimize series of failed attempts to control Nestle Killer profile pics. Surprisingly, owned media content for search the oil spill over months, then-CEO Nestle’s strong corporate citizenship results, so that positive and neutral 35 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 36. THE NEWS CURVE AND THE CRISIS CURVE All news stories develop in a similar manner, creating a news curve, with four stages: breaking news, context, analysis and archival. The four stages in the crisis curve correspond to these: flash point, spotlight, blame game and resolution. Social media plays an important role in shaping them, making it more difficult to control a crisis. 1 What happened? With whom? Where? Sharing stories via retweets ATTENTION 2 Who is involved? Has it happened before? Sharing links via hashtags 2 Spotlight 3 Blame Game 3 Why did it happen? Who is responsible? More Sharing opinions via blog posts fragmented, but more viral 4 Off the front page and the evening news. 1 Flash Point Resolution 4 Searching for stories via Google TIME Shorter head Longer tail stories show up alongside negative This toolkit include a workshop the right things and more about doing stories on keyword searches related to for scenario, keyword, influencer, the right things. So, corporations the brand. spokesperson and message mapping, that are rooted in purpose are likely and platforms like a wiki-based war to respond to crisis situations with Most importantly, it’s critical to map room for crisis collaboration and authenticity, and overcompensate out and plan for crisis scenarios a CMS-based dark site for crisis for mistakes, transforming potential in advance, in order to respond to response. crises into opportunities to reconnect them effectively. We have created with their stakeholders. a toolkit for mapping out alternate In the end, however, managing any crisis scenarios and planning for their crisis successfully, including a crisis best, worst and most likely cases. on social media, is less about saying THREE TYPES OF CRISIS SITUATIONS The interplay between social media and mainstream shapes the crisis curve, with online influencers linking to or sharing media stories and media quoting online influencers. Based on this interplay in the run up to the crisis flash point, crisis situations can be categorized into three types – real world, slow burn and flash mob -- each needing a different approach. 1 The ‘real world’ crisis A real world incident (oil spill, financial scam, sex scandal) ATTENTION precipitates the crisis. Mainstream media puts a spotlight on the crisis while social media amplifies the crisis. Example: BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2 3 2 The ‘slow burn’ crisis Social media conversations (product quality, customer support, employee discontent) build up into a crisis and are picked up by influential bloggers and even mainstream media. Example: 1 4 Dell Hell. 3 The ‘flash mob’ crisis A social media meme (Greenpeace video, anti-brand hashtag, TIME anti-brand video) creates a flash mob, turns into a crisis, and is Newspapers/ Blogs/ Twitter/ picked up by mainstream media. Example: Nestle Kit Kat Television YouTube Facebook Greenpeace video. Each circle represents a story on mainstream media or social media. The size of the circle represents the influence of the story. 36
  • 37. Crisis Simulation, Experiencing a Crisis First Hand, Before it Happens Erik Nilsson Crisis Management, JKL GROUP Sweden I wish I knew then what I spreads around the world in mere Bringing Realism to Crisis know now seconds these days, more and more Simulation At JKL GROUP, our simulations are companies and their top executives The key to a successful simulation based on the belief that the best way are requesting programs to help lies in the realism of the case. Our to prepare for a crisis is to go through them prepare for and avert crisis simulation system allows for any one. Indeed, after going through a situations. Most executives today type of organization to go through a real crisis, our clients often say to us: know the risks that come with highly realistic scenario to prepare “I wish I knew then what I know now.” unprepared organizations. In our for a future event, such as a crisis, experience, what separates good major business transaction, bad With the rise of social media, crisis management from bad crisis financial news or even an executive increased media and consumer management is mostly how well kidnapping for companies working in scrutiny and the fact that news prepared the organizations are. volatile parts of the world. We have also built a unique crisis system that allows for fake articles, broadcasts, interviews, blogs, tweets, and events to occur in a secure IT environment housed on our client’s servers. 37 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011
  • 38. Client’s Crisis Management Team Simulation Management - JKL The training itself usually lasts between 2-3 hours, followed News by an hour or so of feedback Portal and assessment of the team’s performance. Defining and Evaluating Success CMT GROUP JKL monitors The follow-up covers all aspects works together CMT and manage with the crisis in development of of the simulation, and is given on their normal the case in both an individual and group basis. crisis situation real time Feedback areas include: room » How did the crisis management group function as a team, did everyone have a designated role? During the simulation, participants from the Was there any expertise missing CMT can be interviewed live in the group, or anyone that was not needed? » To what extent did the group use Since the fall of 2009, we have might not even read the short one, to manuals, policies and directives? developed crisis-preparation be honest.) Should they be changed in any plans and media simulations way? for investment banks, financial In addition, the “war room” at the » Did the group reach out to all institutions, law firms, and energy company is where all relevant relevant stakeholders? Internal and infrastructure companies. individuals would gather to handle audiences? Politicians? Together with the client, we invent the fictitious crisis during the training » How did the group handle the a realistic crisis situation. In fact, and during an actual crisis. The room crisis situation? Did they get off several of the situations we have needs to have business equipment to a good start, what could have “invented” have occurred later on. such as phones with conference been done differently? capability, high-speed and wi-fi » Did the group have sufficient We have also built a unique crisis Internet connection, paper and pens, information for decision-making? system that allows for fake articles, and a printer. Did they initiate all the relevant broadcasts, interviews, blogs, tweets, internal processes? and events to occur in a secure IT Of course, the people and environment housed on our client’s departments that need to be at the A crisis simulation is a great way servers. ready include legal, operations, to stress-test your organization’s PR, HR etc. This process allows readiness, to identify areas of Once a client asks us for the us to develop deep insight improvement and to prepare the training, we take between one to about the client’s organization, crisis team for a real crisis situation. three months to develop all the issues, opportunities and level of In short, it’s an exercise that will put materials, including: information preparedness. your organization through a crisis, and background on the fictitious but on your terms. crisis; scripts and key messages for all spokespeople; pre-recorded TV How do we win readers? How do we win readers? broadcasts or fake articles, blogs and tweets about the crisis; and crisis Media Team 1 Competition Media Team 2 response content such as press Client team 1 Client team 2 releases, tweets, and Facebook updates. Building Crisis Preparedness We also do a review of the company in question to assess if corporate Simulation Management decision-makers have the tools and people in place to handle a crisis. Business Event These tools include a crisis manual, which in our view should be very How to act? short because in a real crisis no one Communication Management will read a long document. (They Client team 3 38
  • 39. Engaging Third Party influencers in Crisis Planning Jack Yeo SVP, MSL Chicago The Power of Influencers initiated a better working relationship Mapping Your Influencers I once orchestrated a crisis between the agency and my client So who is an influencer? Third- simulation for a meat-processing going forward. This relationship party influencers are high-profile client to help the decision- later proved to be invaluable when a individuals or organizations with makers prepare for a potential separate and different strain of H1N1 the ability to change the perception H1N1 outbreak. We asked the U.S. first appeared in the United States a of your company, organization or Department of Agriculture’s Animal year later. product, or affect the debate or and Plant Health Inspection Service policy around a particular issue. to review the scenario created for Just goes to show that you can Influencers can be regulators, the simulation exercise and invited never underestimate the power of government officials, industry the agency to participate in the drill. influencers who can speak for you leaders, academics, associations, The agency’s input and feedback when times get tough. NGO groups or members of made the session more realistic and the media. They are regularly Photo by Danilo Prates on flickr Mapping out, building relationships with and engaging influencers can play a critical role in both crisis planning and response. 39 Every Crisis is Global, Social, Viral NOVEMBER 2011