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Mozart Bach Research Paper
Seen today as one of the most influential and inspirational composers Bach's magnificence and brilliance was not truly recognized until a hundred
years after his death. Bach raised the bar for how music was composed and played. He strove for perfection in his pieces. This all started from his
childhood upbringing, be it his Lutheran faith or the tragedy that stuck when he was merely ten. These parts of his childhood shaped the master pieces
of Bach's work.
Bach was raised in a family full of composers, and his beautiful voice got him into the best musical schools as a child. Not only was he surrounded by
music at home and school but also in his religious life. Bach's family were devoted Lutherans and thanks to Martin Luther's German hymns and ... Show
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Just a few ways Bach revolutionized music was how he played the clavicle. Wanting more variety Bach tuned the clavicle differently creating what we
now call a Well–Tempered clavicle which allowed Bach to compose pieces in keys no one had really composed in before. Bach composed these
pieces as he said for the "profit of the musical young desirous of learning". Because of these pieces future composers like Mozart learned how to
compose music. A few more musical contributions from Bach was the counter points of his music. Each piece of Bach's works, even when played
separately, are beautiful but when woven all together much like a tapestry the true beauty of the piece shows. Bach's music is often seen as heavy,
this is partly because of dissonances and the emotions it conveys in his works. When it came to music Bach was a passionate man which
sometimes got him in conflict with his employers. Even as a young man he showed a desire to liven up his playing and/or composition. This carried
out into his life where he tirelessly persued excellence. Bach's works being extremely complex means that even performers must strive for a new
form of perfection to play the piece to its full potential. Bach composed his vocal and instrumental pieces the same which often meant the vocalists
would go for a long period of notes before being able to take a breath. All these components are what makes Bach's music so beautifully
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Bach Essay
A Great Contributor Of Music
Throughout the history of music, many great composers, theorists, and instrumentalists have left indelible marks and influences that people today look
back on to admire and aspire to. No exception to this idiom is Johann Sebastian Bach, whose impact on music was unforgettable to say the least. People
today look back to his writings and works to both learn and admire. He truly can be considered a music history great.
Bach, who came from a family of over 53 musicians, was nothing short of a virtuosic instrumentalist as well as a masterful composer. Born in Eisenach,
Germany, on March 21, 1685, he was the son of a masterful violinist, Johann Ambrosius Bach, who taught his son... Show more content on ...
A perfect example of this can be seen in Arnstadt. Previous accounts of history claim that Bach was upset with the performance of the church choir
for which he played for. He claimed that "the voices could never make the music soar to the sky as it should" (loosely translated). Here Bach realized
the high level of music and perfectionism that he wanted. In 1707, at the age of 22, Bach moved on from Arnstadt to another organist job, this time at
the St. Blasius Church in Muhlhausen. Once again he did not remain there too long, only a little over a year, when he moved again to Weimar where
he accepted the position of head concertmaster and organist in the Ducal Chapel. It was here that Bach settled himself and began to compose the first
collection of his finest early works which, included organ pieces and cantatas.
By this time Bach had been married for several years. He actually became married to his cousin Maria Barbara. They, for the most part, had a happy
marriage. He was happy. By this stage of his life he had "composed" for himself a wonderful reputation of being a brilliant musical talent. Along with
that his proficiency on the organ was unequaled in Europe by this time. In fact, he toured regularly as a solo virtuoso, and his growing mastery of
compositional forms, like the fugue and the canon, were already attracting interest from the musical establishment, which, in his day, was the Lutheran
church. The church began to
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Sebastian Bach Accomplishments
From 1600 to 1750, Western Europe music was known as the Baroque period. The most known composers of this era were Bach, Vivaldi and
Handle. Their music and styles inspired the people of their time and continue to do so 400 years later in the modern world. The Baroque era was
considered a time of flamboyant lifestyles; a style that "filled the space." When the church began to distance themselves from the political control of
Europe, composers began to come up with more radical styles to be used in their pieces that had not been seen before. For this reason, Baroque music
became known for its highly energetic and dramatic styles. Of course, behind this great music came amazingly talented composers who made it all
happen. Perhaps one of the ... Show more content on ...
The next two years were ones of sufficient production of original pieces for organ by Bach. His talent definitely did not go unnoticed. He was even
given a diamond ring by the Crown Prince Fredrick of Sweden when he heard Bach perform. His fame came from his amazing ability to play the
organ and not his compositions, yet. A few years later the Prince Leopold of Cothen Germany offered him a position to conduct the court orchestra.
Although Bach had to spend a month in jail before starting his job, this opportunity led to the prime years of not only his musical career but also his
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach Bach descended from a long line of distinguished musicians, and, after his death, several of his sons achieved musical
prominence. He received his first musical training from members of his family, including his father, who was also a musician. He learned a great deal
by studying the scores of other composers, assimilating the best musical practices of Germany, Italy, Austria, and France. Early on, he exhibited the
work ethic that made him an extremely prolific composer. One story illustrates the extent of his devotion to his craft: at the age of 20, he walked a
distance of 200 miles to hear Dietrich Buxtehude, Northern Europe's most renowned organist at the time, play the organ at LГјbeck. Throughout his
career,... Show more content on ...
He treats the voices of the chorus like instruments, emphasizing music over text. Though the emotional needs of the text are always considered, his
choral works lack the theatrical vocals of opera or the madrigal. The word that perhaps best describes all of Bach's music is reverent. His profound
sense of duty to his church and his God is apparent in his respectful approach to composition. Most of Bach's choral compositions took the form of the
Lutheran cantata, which appeared earlier in Italy, but reached its full potential in Germany. The cantata was a relatively new form that combined
biblical text and contemporary poetry. Composers set the text to the chorale melodies of early Lutheran tunes. The chorale melody might be sung by
the soprano voice in a hymn–like section of the cantata, also called the chorale. In other movements, the chorale tune might appear as a sort of cantus
firmus, a melodic fragment woven into the tapestry of multiple polyphonic lines. These movements would take the form of choral fugues, duets, or
arias. The content of the Sunday Mass influenced the composition of the cantata, varying from single movement works, to pieces with multiple
movements divided into choruses, instrumental passages, arias, and recitatives. Let's look at the Cantata No.80 Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott, for an
example of such a multi–movement work. This particular cantata has eight movements: Bach also perfected the Passion, a form
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Sebastian Bach Biography
Johann Sebastian Bach once said, "The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul." It is
known that Bach is classified as a musical genius who served the Lord, but how did his music influence later musicians? His prodigious talents
discovered during his early childhood brought him much success throughout the Baroque Era allowing him to write over one thousand compositions.
An exploration of his youth, his trials and struggles, and writing techniques will help outsiders gain a better understanding of the magnificent mind of
J.S. Bach. On March 21, 1685, the legendary Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Eisenach, Germany. The Bach family was one of several traditional
families of ... Show more content on ...
Prince Leopold was the son of a Calvinist, which was the enemy of the Lutherans, so no sacred music was written in Cöthen. However, Bach
devoted much of his time to instrumental music. He composed concertos for orchestras, dance suites, and secular sonatas for various instruments.
While traveling with the Prince on one of his extensive journeys, Bach's wife, Maria Barbra had died. Anna Magdalena Wicke, a singer for the court,
helped take care of Bach's children after their mother passed (Wolff). She and Johann Sebastian married in December of 1721. Together, they had
thirteen children, so once more, Bach decided to look for another position that would support him and his
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Comparing Handel And Bach
Bach versus Handel Two of the greatest Baroque Era composers that still influence music to this day with their compositions are Johan Sebastian Bach
and George Fredrick Handel. The influence of Bach and Handel's music is found in mainstream media throughout the world. Their compositions are
still played in modern times by tribute bands, television commercials, operas, concerts and even sound therapies by relaxation therapists. It is evident
that their music has touched the lives of many people throughout the centuries. Bach and Handel both have unique styles of music. Even though they
are similar in some ways, they are rather different in other ways. Handel and Bach composed music for similar types of instruments and composed
musical pieces and vocal works. They both wrote compositions for some of the same type of works such as Fugues, Preludes, and Suites. Although,
Handel wrote some operas, Bach wrote a large variety of church music. Majority of Bach's compositions were Cantatas and Passions. What made
Handel's music rather different then Bach was the fact that he used simple harmonic progression. Bach's music was written with sudden surprising
harmonic shifts and he also focused on adding extra ordinary chords throughout his works. Handel preferred using simple textures, by creating music
with three different melodies that were to be played at once, while several other instruments were being played at the same time. Bach on the other
hand creatively composed his music
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Johann Sebastian Bach
In the 17th century, Johann Sebastian Bach changed the music of the classical world forever. Growing up, he was a poor boy with several siblings,
and his father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was a musician who had been playing instruments all of his life. Young Bach soon followed in his father's
footsteps but instead of the violin, he played the organ everyday for hours on end. Bach was no stranger to the steps he would have to take to be a
musician, because of his father's career path, he knew how hard it would be to become a well–known musician. He started his musical path by playing
the organ for ceremonies and royals. He persevered until he eventually reached the best music halls in Europe. He taught at a music school to train
students to be ... Show more content on ...
Johann grew up in a large German home with five brothers and two sisters. However his family was different than other families, his family was known
as a musical family, "For over two centuries, the Bach's were a family of successful musicians, constituting an example that was exceptional even
among their contemporaries and has seemed increasingly spectacular to each succeeding age." Not only did his immediate family play an instrument,
but all of the generations of his family played a musical instrument. Musical talent in this family has been traced back to Bach's great grandfather.
Johann Ambrosius Bach, Bach's father, taught him and his siblings to learn and love two traditional instruments for the Baroque period: the violin and
the harpsichord. Bach had a natural talent for instruments, which had probably been passed on to him through his father's genes. While he was
still a child, Johann Ambrosius Bach died eight days after his belovГ©d wife, so now, "both his parents were dead, and he was looked after by his
eldest brother, also named Johann Christoph". Bach's brother followed a busy schedule, was in charge of his six brothers and sisters and he, "was
appointed town organist in Eisenach in 1665. He or his assistant was expected to be present for all services on all Sundays, feasts, and celebratory
days as well as weekdays and to play organ during the choraliter." During Bach's schooling years, his brother Johann Christoph Bach inspired him to
play, repair and tune the organ as a willing
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Bach Essay
Born in Eisenach, Germany, on March 21,1685; he was the son of a masterful violinist.
Throughout the history of music, many great composers, theorists, and instrumentalists have left indelible marks and influences that people today look
back on to admire and aspire to. No exception to this idiom is Johann Sebastian Bach, whose impact on music was unforgettable to say the least. People
today look back to his writings and works to both learn and admire. He truly can be considered a music history great.
Bach began to play the organ, which is the instrument he would later on be noted for in history.
He was instructed rather vigorously until his skills surpassed anyone's expectations for someone of such a young age.
After ... Show more content on ...
Another example is when a problem arose after Bach composed a piece full of strange new sounds for a church service. The Council decided to be
lenient with him until he refused to work with the boys' choir and was found to have a complaint against him for entertaining a young woman in the
organ loft of the church. A lot of this shows how Bach had a high regard for his music but didn't necessarily care what others wanted. His music was
considered a little ahead of its time when he created these strange sounds. It was one time stated that Bach was an unruly youth who greatly disliked
authority and had a mind of his own.
He then moved twice the second time to, Weimar where he accepted the position of head concertmaster and organist in the Ducal Chapel. It was here
that Bach settled himself and began to compose the first collection of his finest early works, which included organ pieces and cantatas.
He married his cousin Maria Barbara.
He developed a reputation as a brilliant, yet inflexible, musical talent. His talents on the organ were unequaled in Europe. He toured regularly as a solo
virtuoso, and his growing mastery of compositional forms, like the fugue and the canon were already attracting interest from the musical establishment,
which, in his day was the Lutheran church. The church liked his writings and wanted to use his music in their
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Bach Classical Style
During the Renaissance the focus shifted on Classical Antiquity (hence the name) and people tried emulate that in new art and architecture. While the
emphases, was still on formality and hierarchy just like during the Baroque, the focus was more on clear division, strong contrast, and a simpler style,
unlike the complex, ornamental style of the Baroque. In simple terms, the polyphony gave way to a single melody accompanied by subordinate
harmony. Revealing the shift in modulation, such as between the first and second theme of a sonata became increasingly important. The knowledge of
the older musicians with their technical expertise was needed, but the newer style came from the younger musicians. C.P.E. Bach proved a great
combination of these... Show more content on ...
The standardization that occurred during the classical period was tested and pushed to its limits, because each composer had his own, subjective
approach. consequently, free form styles such as nocturnes, rhapsodies and preludes became popular. A prime example of this is Frederick Chopin.
He incorporated elements of folk music in his Mazurkas, although they are meant for the concert hall. Musicians became free from nobility as
musicians could now operate independently or through various musical education organizations. One such way was through the increased interest in
music from the middle classes, and this provided an avenue in which composers could earn a regular income. Chopin, for example, only gave a few
concert performances. His income came from giving lessons and selling
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Comparison Of Vivaldi And Bach
Both Vivaldi and Bach were incredibly talented, and both have a distinct sound that is fairly simple to notice. If a teacher were to play one of
Vivaldi's works that had never been heard before, and a work of Bach that had never been heard before, the students could probably tell
immediately the composer of each one. Why would it be so easy o tell? Vivaldi had a habit of being more melodic, and focused on shifting rhythms.
His main works were concertos, a few choral works, some operas, and a few sonatas. While Bach wrote in a massive amount of genre, his work
focuses strongly on counterpoint and polyphony. Bach and Vivaldi composed theirmusic in different styles because of their influences. Some of their
work will be discussed so the ... Show more content on ...
Vivaldi grew up in a Catholic family. His father was a talented violinist and would be his first teacher. This allowed them to perform together. He
also took lessons from a choral teacher who knew violin. Vivaldi loves speed. At age 15, he began studying for the priesthood, which gave him 10
years to study and develop the musical and composing talents that is displayed in his works. Vivaldi spent his entire life, other than the last six or so
years, with his father. As a child, they toured Venice together. Then, later on as a man, he toured Italy and later Europe. Vivaldi and his father were a
pair and it seems that they held a good relationship. His father helped to write out some of the pieces that Vivaldi would think of. He preferred a
combination of the choral religious music, dramatic–operatic, and classics of Italy. His most influential works were written for the orchestra of a
Venetian girls' orphanage where he was music director. It was for them that he wrote his famous concertos. Vivaldi also invented the concerto
Vivaldi and Bach have a relationship that surpasses their skills. In this, surprisingly, Vivaldi was the teacher, and Bach the student. Bach really
appreciated Vivaldi because he transcribed several of his concertos. Vivaldi introduced a rhythmic liveliness and harmonic clarity that captivated Bach.
He added to the blend of French dance genres, ornamentation, and German counterpoint in his inscriptions of Baroque style.
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The Influence Of Bach
Carl Friedrich Zelter, the conductor of the Berlin Singakademie was another primary character in the 19th century revival of Bach's vocal music. He
performed some of Bach's motets and showed Bach's music to many of his colleagues and students. Zelter exposed Eduard Devrient and Mendelsshon
to the St. Matthew Passion and allowed Mendelssohn to conduct it in 1829. (Arnold, Bach, 89–90.)This time the audience reacted very well, in terms
of the music and its religious significance. Reports of the perfoamcne circulated throughout Germany. This began to transform the revival from a cult to
a popular movement. The St. Matthew Passion was produced in many German towns in the early 1830s. Then performed by the Berlin Singakademie
in 1833 and the... Show more content on ...
His popularity has waxed and waned in the 20th century, particularly around the two World Wars, but there's certainly no doubt that he has become a
steady part of the cultural society. The slow rise of his popularity during the end of the 18th century culminated in the 19th century Revival where he
finally received recognition for the originality and beautiful complexity of his music, the very qualities for which it was critized in his own
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Sebastian Bach Accomplishments
Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the greatest composers in the Baroque period, Bach stands tall above many outstanding figures in the Baroque in the
history of music. Among his many achievements, the most outstanding one is the "church music." Bach's Magnificat, BWV 243 was composed for
Christmas evening prayer service. The third movement "Quia respexit" is a prayer called "Mary's Song of Praise." Mary's prayer of thanks to God
out of joy when she found out through an angel of the Lord while she was visiting her relative Elizabeth that she had conceived.
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy was one of the great composers in the early romantic era. He influenced by Baroque and Classical composers. He
became the pioneer for reviving the music of Bach or Handel as well as one of the leading composers. The "Elijah" was the significant contribution to
religious music in the 19th century.
Hugo Wolf ... Show more content on ...
Ariettes Oubliees is composed of total six pieces of songs extracted from "Romances sansparoles," "Pasagesbelges," and "Aquarelles" by Paul Verlaine
(1844–1896), who is symbolist poets emphasized on the musical rhythm. Debussy set Paul Verlaine's poem more than any other poet. When
Verlaine wrote these six poems, he had hard time with his wife but had fallen in love with a new lover, Rimbaud; thus the lyrics are about the love
affair, his fascination with Rimbaud, and remorse over his wife and his feelings of depression and emptiness after his wife and Rimbaud left him. As
he wrote the poems based on his experiences and thoughts of life, the words of the poems are very delicate and sensitive. Debussy added
non–harmonic tones, numerous accidental marks, free rhythms, and musical ambiguity and elusiveness to make the most of the poems' atmosphere
and this distinguished his own music styles. These songs are his early master piece, and shows his rich and deep understandings of
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Components Of John Sebastian Bach
People create music in all kinds of different ways, if every piece of music sounded the same it would not be enjoyable. Many people reinvent older
composed music and take their own approach to it. There are plenty of instruments that people can use to make an old sound, sound new. People can
be very innovative and resourceful when it comes to recreating a new sound with an older composed piece. John Sebastian Bach is one of the many
composers whose music is being recreated in a new way. John Sebastian Bach was a composer born in 1685 in Germany. He built his reputation by
performing in churches, and after working his way up in the music field back then he was able to establish a career in composing. He created the
Well–Tempered Clavier and the Prelude No. 1 was the first piece of it. This piece was originally composed with a piano, like many pieces
composed at this time. A group of people, Les Objets Volants, used boomwhackers to recreate this piece in a new innovative way. Boomwhackers
are percussion tubes that people use to recreate music using various lengths of the tubes to make various sounds. The people who recreated this
piece with boowhackers were able to capture Bach's sound with a really peculiar instrument. Les Objets Volants were the group that used
boomwhackers to recreate Bach's piece. They are a group from France who do shows that involve juggling. They perform all kinds of different
skills they have in regard to juggling. They are very creative with their performances, so using an unfamiliar instrument to play a famous piece is
something that would not be out of character for them. Tzvi Erez is pianist who records classical performances. Niv Music is what Erez records his
music under. He is a very talented pianist who is able to capture the original composers' essence with his recordings of the major pieces he does. He has
various covers he has reordered, like Ludwig van Beethoven, Frederick Chopin, John Sebastian Bach, Franz Liszt, Erik Satie, Claude Debusssy, Edvard
Grieg, Mozart, and many others (Niv Music). This transcription, a transcription being a rewritten composition for new instruments, was truly
interesting. When clicking upon the video and seeing Les Objets Volants use a very
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Sebastian Bach Inspiration
Johann Sebastian Bach was an inspiration and influence to those of his time and those today. He was a German composer who played the violin,
organ, harpsichord, and sang. He was, arguably, one of the greatest composers in western musical history. Bach went through many obstacles in his
life to become successful, and that is why he is such an inspiration to me. Bach was born on March 31, 1865 in Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany into a
family of eight children. Only five of the eight survived; therefore, Bach had three brothers and a sister. He grew up into a very religious and musically
inclined family. Johann Amrosius Bach, who wasJohann Sebastian Bach's father, was the director of the town musicians, which was a teacher and a
leader of all ... Show more content on ...
Back then, they did not know why his eyes were failing, but now we can infer that he could have possibly had intractable secondary glaucoma.
Even when his eyes were failing, he played for the King of Prussia. In 1749, he had surgery to fix his eyesight, yet this surgery blinded him
completely. He pushed through his struggles and even played while he was blind, but he died of a stroke in 1750. We do not know what specific
pieces he wrote while he was blind; sources just say he continued to
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Bach And Baroque Ideas : Johann Sebastian Bach
Tyler Singery Matthew Leone MUS–M 401 7/2/2015 Bach and Baroque Ideas Johann Sebastian Bach was one of the most important figures in the
Baroque era of music. His music was a large part of the Baroque era and contains many musical principles of the time. The question is, what
specific ideas did Bach use in his music? Did he use different Baroque techniques based on what he was writing for? And how were these
techniques used in his music? In this paper, I will discover what Baroque era techniques Bach used in some of his music, what kind of
compositional models Bach used, and how Bach's Great Eighteen organ chorales were received. An example of one of these techniques is the
parody technique. The parody technique is when a composer takes an existing piece of music and creates a new piece based off of the original piece
(Mann, Alfred, Bach's parody techniques and its frontiers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, pg. 116). Alfred Mann argues that Bach
took ideas from his older works and transcribed them into new works for different instruments. There are many examples that Alfred Mann gives to
support his argument. In this book, he describes how Bach's Prelude and Fugue in A Minor can be traced to earlier compositions. Mann states that
Bach took the Adagio section of the organ trio BWV 527 and put it between the Prelude and Fugue in A Minor. He believes Bach did this because of
the challenges that the keyboard concertos posed at that time. Another
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Sebastian Bach Biography
Born in Eisenach on March, 21 1685, Johann Sebastian Bach was the youngest son of Johann Ambrosius Bach and Elizabeth Limmerhirt. His Father
was a prominent town musician from a highly respected musical family and at the time of his birth served as the director of municipal music in
Eisenach (Williams 9). He got his name Johann from his father's family as was the tradition and his middle name, Sebastian, was that of his
God–father, another musician in Eisenach. Nothing is written or known about his early musical education but, one could assume that he received
instruction from his father and various other relatives based on the musical accomplishments of his immediate and extended family.
When Sebastian's father died in 1695, he was sent to live with his oldest brother Christoph who was a student of Johann Pachelbel in Erfurt (Boyd 8).
Christoph eared his living as a church organist. While living with his brother, Sebastian, in his ambition for learning, copied his brothers most treasured
manuscripts by moonlight without permission and later had them confiscated. When there was no longer room for Sebastian with his brother's family,
he made his way to Luneburg where he was given a place in the Mettenchor (Mattins Choir) for his fine voice. While he was there , Sebastian would be
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As a court musician he would have the opportunity to perform a much larger repertoire and he would be able to engage in musical theatre and other
secular musical settings. He would also be required to compose a great deal more music as well as employ his skills as a violinist. While in service to
the court Bach formed relationships with many more skilled musicians and composers than he had been exposed to in his church positions. Bach spent
ten years as the court and chamber organist at Weimar where he matured and grew as both a composer and musician (Williams
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Sebastian Bach Accomplishments
Johann Sebastian Bach, a German composer in 16 through 1750. He was the youngest of eight children born in 1685 in Eisenach, Thuringia,
Germany. Bach was born into one of the greatest German musician families in the 17th and 18th century. It is said that his family writes for each
other. His father was a trumpet and violinist. The rest of his family like uncles and cousins had played the organ. His mother and father had died
when he was ten years old, Bach was alone. At this time, he moved in with his brother, where he has his first official lesson on the organ. Bach'smusic
is one of the greatest achievements in the history of music. Bch believed that the aim and final belief of music should be none else then the glory of
god and the recordation
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Analysis Of J. S. Bach Concerto Bach 593 No 3 No 2
J. S. Bach Concerto BWV 593A. Vivaldi Concerto op. 3 no 8, RV 522
Mov I(No description)Allegro
Mov IIAdagioLarghetto e spiritoso
Mov IIIAllegroAllegro
J. S. Bach Concerto BWV 978A. Vivaldi Concerto op. 3 no 3, RV 565
Mov IAllegroAllegro
Mov IILargoLargo
Mov IIIAllegroAllegro
J. S. Bach Concerto BWV 106A. Vivaldi Concerto op. 3 no 10, RV 580
Mov I(No description)Allegro
Mov IILargoLargo – Larghetto – Adagio – Largo
Mov IIIAllegroAllegro
No 2. the internal structure of the individual movements. We have a ritornello construction in the outer parts and a section of improvisation in the
No. 3 harmonic structure of the piece even when he transposes the piece to a new key.
No. 4 the melody of the subjects.
It ... Show more content on ...
Concerto RV 522 and BWV 593/III/137–141
Passages with big interval jumps that in the organ transcription become more linear.
EXAMPLE 2 Concerto RV 522 and BWV 593/III/105–107
Bach also changes the passages consisting of fast repeated notes that are impossible to perform on the organ.
EXAMPLE 3 Concerto RV 522 and BWV 593/I/72–75
We can also see Bach changing the way of notating to make it easier for the performer to play the particular section of the piece.
EXAMPLE 4 Concerto RV 522 and BWV 593/III/76–79
In a harpsichord concerto in F major BWV 978 there is only one section in which Bach modified the violin figure based on the repeated notes and
changed it to a more harpsichord–like figuration with the repeated note at the top. The short and airy tone of the harpsichord allows, unlike the organ,
to easily assimilate the violin parts.
EXAMPLE 5 (BWV 978 / III / 56–71)
Let's now talk about the most important changes – changes in the texture.
Bach made the texture more dense by using the motives more often. When it comes to the organ concerto, it meant adding extra voice in the middle
EXAMPLE 6 Concerto RV 522 and BWV 593/I/6–8
As we can see, Bach added a semiquaver motive that works as an imitation to the middle voice (marked with a) and also added a broken chord
motive in the middle voice that is followed by the original motive in the top voice (marked with b). Thanks to
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Luther Vs Bach
Quite otherwise, J. S. Bach composed for the German Protestant Reformation. One hundred years before, Martin Luther reclaimed the grace and mercy
of God in Jesus Christ.
And the Reformer's high regard for singing Scriptural texts in worship prepared the way for
Bach. Luther wrote, "I give music the next place after theology and the highest honor." And, he added, in his typically earthy way, "Whoever has no
desire or love for music and is not moved by such lovely wonders must surely be an uncouth clod." That was Martin Luther.
Young J. S. Bach began earning his own living at age fifteen as a church singer and violinist. He rose rapidly to various positions as organist, teacher,
composer and conductor, spending his last twenty–seven years in ... Show more content on ...
* * * *
When Bach began a musical composition, before even a note was written, he would inscribe at the top of the score two letters, "J. J." And then at the
end, after the last bar, he would write the letters "S D G." "J. J.," "Jesu Juvet," meaning Jesus help me. "S D G," "Soli
Deo Gloria," translating "to God alone the glory."
This is probably a naГЇve thought, but suppose the world ever came to comprehend that
Bach's greatest contribution was not his music, but rather the message that whatever we do – whatever vocation, whatever avocation, whatever play,
whatever we do – it is marked "S D G," to God alone the glory.
Imagine scribbled in the margins of the lawyer's brief the letters, "S D G;" or the architect's plans before pen is ever put to paper, "S D G;" or in the
corner of the chef's recipe; or the mechanic's work order; or the teacher's lesson, the preacher's sermon notes – "Soli Deo
Gloria," to God alone the glory. Just imagine, those of us who each morning look at the calendar to plan the day or the week, if somewhere on the
side were the letters, "S D G."
I rather think Brother Sebastian would like that. Because that is what his life was about:
"Soli Deo
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Johann Sebastian Bach Essay
Johann Sebastian Bach was born into a family of musicians. It was only natural for him to pick up an instrument and excel in it. His father taught
him how to play the violin and harpsichord at a very young age. All of Bach's uncles were professional musicians, one of them; Johann Christoph
Bach introduced him to the organ. Bach hit a turning point in his life when both of his parents died at the age of ten years old. Bach's older brother
Johann Christoph Bach took him in and immediately expanded his knowledge in the world of music. He taught him how to play the clavichord and
exposed him to great composers at the time. At the age of fourteen, Bach and his good friend George Erdmann were awarded a choral scholarship to
the prestigious... Show more content on ...
He began to write preludes for organs but did not cover large– scale organization, when two melodies interact at the same time. A few years after
playing for the church, Bach made a visit to Dieterich Buxtehude in Lubeck. This visit reinforced Bach's style in music with the works he has made. In
1706 Bach decided that he wanted to further his career in music and made the first change by leaving his organ playing position at the church and took
upon a new position in Munhlhausen at the St. Blasius as an organist there (Johann Sebastian BACH). This change was for the best because the church
was larger and located in a city that was important to the north. A few months after being an organist at the St. Blasius church he married his second
cousin Maria Barbara Bach. After a year of Bach being a organist for St. Blasius, he was offered a better position in Weimar. Bach took the offer with
pride and became their new court organist and concertmaster at the ducal court. Johann and Maria Bach decided to start their family, after their first
born child, Marias unwed sister moved into their home to help with raising their children. Maria and Johann Bach had a total of seven children. The
gifted musically talented family continued as two of Bach children, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach became vital composers
following the baroque period. Bach's position in Weimar
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Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach And Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Jonathan Hugendubler
Fugue Bach–Shostakovich
Comparative Fugal Analysis
The fugue is often regarded as a genre defined by strict procedural guidelines. It is notable that three historically important composers, Johann Sebastian
Bach (1685–1750), Georg Friedrich Handel (1685–1759), and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756–1791), all employed a closely related fugue subject in
three different works. An analysis of each of these works individually, and a comparison of these works collectively reveal numerous latent and salient
features, and a reflection of the composers' style within these works. Analyses also provide an outlook into the fluidity in certain aspects and rigidity
in others of the form itself, reflected historically. The three composers analyzed fall closely together in history. J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel were
contemporaries, whereas Mozart was born six years after Bach's death and three years before Handel's death. Analytically, the angularity of these
similar fugue subjects presupposes a treatment regardless of the composer. Because of the shared intervallic content among the subjects of these fugues,
despite being written by several different composers, a surprising number of similarities arise. Therefore, it is reasonable to assert that compositional
choices made in the construction of the fugue subjects limit the number of results possible.
This analysis will use the A minor fugue from of J.S. Bach's The Well
–Tempered Clavier, Book 2 G.F. Handel's "And
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Why Is Bach Important
If we are to evaluate Bach's significance as a tutor, should we then assess the success of his students? Bach had taught numerous pupils during his life,
particularly since c. 1706/7, where most primary sources are dated from. Johann Casper Vogler was one of Bach's 'successful' students who became a
nationally known organist and won an exclusive examination performance in the Markt–Kirche at Hanover. In 1721 he moved to take Bach's former
post as Organist for the Weimar Court. Vogler, previously known as "Anonymous 18", is of significance today through his hand copies of Bach's
works. His copy of Bach's Prelude and Fughetta in C Major, BWV 870a, is of particular influence, being highly regarded within performance study
practices for having the fingerings written out. It is seen that Bach's teaching methods went beyond the scope of influencing his direct pupils. Johann
Tobias Krebs was another of Bach's 'acclaimed' students who in 1721 accepted the post as Organist at Buttelstedt. Here he was expected to play the
organ of Michaeliskirche and instruct at the school. Although J. T. Krebs remained at Buttelstedt for the rest of his life, he is mostly acknowledged as
being the father of Johann Ludwig Krebs, also a student of Bach. Johann Ludwig Krebs became to be considered comparable to Bach; continuing the
genius particularly through his keyboard technique and counterpoint. The names of some other notable pupils of Bach include Johann Martin Schubart,
who in 1717 succeeded Bach at his organist post in Weimar. Another student was Johann Schneider who became organist of St.
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He was of significance to his pupils and contempory musical connoisseurs in a way that set the foundation for the rest of Western Artmusic to follow.
For many Bach is like coming home, in fact, " old Bach there is always something astonishing, and, what is the main thing, there is always
something to be learned from
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Bach 's Musical Gifts : Bach Essay
There 's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself," as spoken by the famous
composer johann seb. Bach. And indeed, in his case, he was correct, a statement made in regards to Bach's legendary musical gifts, whether it be his
emotionally triggering music that broke all language barriers or his intense passion and drive that inspired Beethoven and Mozart. Born in 1685's
Thuringia, Germany into a family of musicians, Bach was destined to take up instruments a love of music from a very young age. Bach began his
musical career playing the violin, but after his parents' deaths, Bach was sent to an orphanage at age ten. He did not return to the practice and study of
music until he was adopted by his eldest brother, Johann Christoph, a church organist, who housed Bach until he was fifteen.
As he grew, his amazing soprano singing voice grew with him, helping him get into a school in Luneburg. However, when his voice changed and
got deeper, he was forced to retreat back to violin. As time passed, Bach began to take jobs with royalty, his first being a musician for the court of
Duke Johann Ernst in Weimar, occasionally filling for organists as well. Bach's unique style of playing and composing enchanted many of those lucky
enough to be in his presence. Some, however, disagreed. Later in his career, he began playing for churches; in one of them, his music taste clashed
with the pastor, bringing
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J. S. Bach
Solo Pour la FlГ»te TraversiГЁre BW 1013 (1717–1723) J.S. Bach While a specific date for the piece's composition is unknown, it has been suggested
that J.S. Bach wrote the work during his tenure as music director at the Calvinist court of Cöthen, under the patronage of Prince Leopold of Andhalt.
During this period, Bach produced many secular chamber works, such as the first book of The Well–Tempered Clavier and other instrumental suites,
sonatas, and partitas. This focused output was due in part to the lack of formal church duties: Calvinists did not agree with the musical "excesses" of
the Lutheran tradition. This four–movement partita is based on the 18th century suite, composed of stylized dances. The first movernt, Allemande, is
difficult... Show more content on ...
It starts with this lyrical primary theme at the beginning, then moves to a rhythmically driving transitory section that leads into the second theme
defined by these dotted eight and sixteenth note patterns. The development begins with the flute playing these military sounding phrases before
playing around with some of the primary material. The recapitulation brings back the exposition, leading to a very gentle and delicate ending. Drawing
upon some of the livelier sections of the first movement, the second movement, Scherzo, zooms on by. Though it is written in a fast triple meter, the
placement of some accents create a cross rhythmic feel between the flute and piano, which only serves to heightened the driving nature of the piece.
There is a moment when all the running figures stop to give way to a slow and wafting melodic line, before jumping right back into the heat of action
till the end. The third movement, Andante, is very lyrical and serves to contrast the first two movements. The movement begins with a very expressive
melodic line played by the flute which transforms into these sensual sixteenth triplet passages that weave in and out of the piano part, and returns to the
opening character at the end. The fourth movement, Allegro con Brio, is fast and exciting. The most demanding of the movements, it calls for
precision in rhythm while also maintaining a driving character. The beauty of the movement
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Bach Essay
Johanna Sebastian Bach was a composer of the Baroque era, the most celebrated member of a large family of northern German musicians. Although
he was admired by his contemporaries primarily as an outstanding harpsichordist, organist, and expert on organ building. Bach is now generally
regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time and is celebrated as the creator of the Brandenburg Concertos, The Well–Tempered Clavier, the
Mass in B Minor, and numerous other masterpieces of church and instrumental music. Appearing at a propitious moment in thehistory of music, Bach
was able to survey and bring together the principal styles, forms, and national traditions that had developed during preceding generations and, by virtue
of his ... Show more content on ...
In June 1707 Bach obtained a post at the Blasius Church in Muhlhausen in Thuringia. He moved there soon after and married his cousin Maria
Barbara Bach at Dornheim on October 17. At Muhlhausen things seem, for a time, to have gone more smoothly. He produced several church
cantatas at this time; all of these works are cast in a conservative mold, based on biblical and chorale texts and displaying no influence of the
"modern" Italian operatic forms that were to appear in Bach's later cantatas. The famous organ Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, written in the
rhapsodic northern style, and the Prelude and Fugue in D Major may also have been composed during the Muhlhausen period, as well as the organ
Passacaglia in C Minor (BWV 582), an early example of Bach's instinct for large–scale organization. Cantata No. 71), God is my King, of Feb. 4, 1708,
was printed at the expense of the city council and was the first of Bach's compositions to be published. While at Muhlhausen, Bach copied music to
enlarge the choir library, tried to encourage music in the surrounding villages, and was in sufficient favor to be able to interest his employers in a
scheme for rebuilding the organ. His real reason for resigning on June 25, 1708, is not known. He himself said that his plans for a "church music" had
3 hindered by conditions in Muhlhausen and that his salary was inadequate. It is generally supposed that he had become involved in a theological
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Bach And Liszt Essay
Johann Sebastian Bach and Franz Liszt were both renowned for their keyboard proficiency and talent for composing. Bach was born in Germany and
influenced by the Baroque period when music was centered on religion. Liszt was Hungarian born and influenced by the Romantic period, a time when
composers began breaking away from the traditional and expressing themselves through music. Coming from different periods the two composers
exhibited vast differences and overlapping similarities. Johann Sebastian Bach was born to a musical family in the Duchy of Saxe–Eisenach in 1685.
The youngest of eight children, he received a classical education from an early age as well as being taught the violin and music theory by his father.
Bach was a devout Lutheran who composed many sacred works for the church including masterpiece, The St. Matthew Passion (Sherrane, 2015, para.
4). As a composer, Bach enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organization, and the adaptation of
rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France ... Show more content on ...
1). He was a Romantic composer and pianist who was renowned for his unprecedented technique composing complex music for the piano. His
Hungarian and religious upbringing as well as the expressive Romantic Era highly influenced work. Liszt is credited with the creation of the
symphonic poem also known as a tone poem, a musical composition for orchestras inspired by an extra–musical idea, story, or program. (Encyclopedia
Britannica, 2016, para. 1). Liszt uses music to freely express the emotions of a story such as his composition, Les
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The History Of Bach And The Baroque Era
Transitioning from the Renaissance Era to Baroque Era introduced a new approach musical styles, such as concerto and sonata. Coming from the
Portuguese term barroco, or "oddly shaped pearl", the Baroque Era was heavily influenced with the Catholic Church from the early 1600s to the
1700s. The Renaissance Era focuses on the exploration, discovery and rebirth; on the contrary, the Baroque Era focuses on the Catholic Church and
its exaggerated expressions. The Baroque Era came out with European Western compositions that most of us are familiar with today, such as
Pachelbel's Canon and Vivaldi's Four Season. Along with the eras well known compositions, the Baroque Era also included well known composers
like Vivaldi and Handel. However, J.S. Bach is perhaps the greatest composer of all times during the Baroque Era with famous pieces such as Toccata
and Fugue in D Minor, Mass in B Minor and Brandenburg Concerto. J.S. Bach, short for Johann Sebastian Bach, is a prominent composer during the
Baroque Era. Bach was born in Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany on March 31, 1685. He is the youngest son of his parents, Johann Ambrosius Bach and
Elizabeth Lammerhirt Bach. Because he came from seven generations of musicians, it was not unusual that Bach became a musician and composer
himself. In fact, Bach's father and brother are both church organist. Although Bach is well known for his organ skills, his musical career did not start
with an organ. In fact, it started with violin lessons with
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Bach Essay examples
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) was unlike most other composers of his time. "He wrote music for the glory of God, and to satisfy his own
burning curiosity, not for future fame." During the 1700s, people knew him as a talented musician, not as a composer, as we do today. He never
left his country to pursue bigger and better things. Bach was content as long as he could play music. Traditions were very important to him. He
wanted to carry on the musical tradition of his family, and never opted to change the traditional ways of composing, as did most composers. Bach's
work is vast and unique. Bach received his first big job at the age of 23. He was a court musician, and wrote many wonderful organ pieces, most of
which ... Show more content on ...
Around the year 1721, Bach wrote a book of music called the Well–Tempered Clavier, which was composed of 24 exercises. It had a prelude andfugue
for every major and minor key. Twenty years later, he produced a second volume that was just like the first [in format]. Bach's polyphonic music is
full of counterpoint, the combining of two or more melodic lines into a meaningful whole. He perfected the art of the fugue, a complex composition
usually written for four musical lines. "Bach's fugues involved incredibly complex melodies that, even though they started at different times, wound
up sounding good together." The one I chose to describe is the first prelude and fugue from Bach's second book, in the key of C major. This piece
includes a harpsichord, an ancestor to the piano. It begins with a pedal note, the low note that keeps ringing while others are played 'around it'. In this
case, the pedal note is a low C and lasts for 13 seconds. This gives the song stability, making this piece feel momentous. It's "as if Bach were throwing
open the big doors to some enormous building." As the song progresses, you can hear the counterpoint, including low and high notes. Once the prelude
ends, there is a pause, and the fugue begins. The fugue begins with the first melody, with no accompaniment. As the first changes, the second melody is
added at a slightly higher pitch. Again this
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The Joy of Bach Essay
The Joy of Bach
The Baroque period was filled with the new idea that every issue had two sides. Great thinkers and masterminds left behind the idea that the world was
either god– influenced or science–influenced. Most people embraced this notion, with the exception of a few. Johann Sebastian Bach was one of these
few people. Bach, although the greatest composer of the Baroque period, led a life based on tradition and past influence, which left him virtually
ignored for many years after his death.
Bach was born in 1685 in Germany amongst the turmoil of national reconstruction. He lived a quiet life with little musical influence, until the death of
his parents at age ten. After their death, Bach's older ... Show more content on ...
Bach also never published any of his music because he thought it was less than perfect. He wrote music for his enjoyment and self–fulfillment. He
never attempted to make himself known through his musical works (Herz 1).
Bach's peers did not understand his desire to preserve the past; therefore, they did not embrace his musical genius. His musical peers used the new
dynamic and elaborate idea of art expression in their works. They experimented with new styles and forms in their works. Bach's perfection in his
music was ignored because no one understood it. Bach, unlike his peers, chose to remain with traditional sounds from the past when he composed
music. Because of his modesty and the lack of interest from the people around him, Bach's creative works existed without influencing the world around
him for many years (Herz 2).
The only place that appreciated his works was the Lutheran church. Bach's chorales and cantatas held great admiration in the religious world. A devout
Lutheran, Bach remained true to the past musical heritage of his church. For him, the old Lutheran ways were perfect and sacred. This notion comes
through in his perfectly arranged church music. The harmonies and melodies are exact matches. There is little room for improvement in Bach's church
Although Bach dearly loved the
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Richard Bach Illusion
Questioning Reality in Richard Bach's Illusions
The message of Richard Bach's Illusions is based on the concept that the things we interpret in the world as reality are actually illusions. This is made
evident to one of the main characters, Richard, through his interactions with his newly found friend, Donald Shimoda. Donald Shimoda is a "messiah",
and he has gifts that he uses to help mankind. A quote that Richard reads is "Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're
alive, it isn't" (121). During the entire story, Don proves this quote to be true. Donald works to share his gifts and carry out his mission on earth.
Richard and Don are barnstormers. They live their lives flying from town to ... Show more content on ...
Then, the man disappears. Richard wakes to see Donald, wide awake, leaning against his airplane. Don tells Richard that this dream answered
questions that Richard had about Donald. Later, Richard learns of Donald's past.
Richard discovers that Don was once a "messiah". He was famous for giving advice and teaching people about life, and for performing miracles.
People flocked to him, seeking his wisdom and advice. However, after a while he saw that they no longer came to him to better their knowledge of
life and the world; they simply wanted to see the miracles that he could perform. Don became frustrated because the people did not care about the
good things that he had to offer them. After seeking God's advice, Don quit his "job" as a messiah. He disappeared and began doing things that he
enjoyed, like barnstorming.
Don begins to teach Richard about life. In a sense, he was passing on his gift as a messiah to Richard. He introduces to Richard the small bits of
wisdom in his handbook that he used when he had a question about life. The handbook answers questions that Richard had about his own life, and he
begins to learn the things that makes Don a messiah: the wisdom that helped him to give advice to people in need.
Don is able to do miracles that defy the rules of the world we live in. For example, he can make objects like the tools for his airplane float in the air or
move. He uses miracles to keep his plane clean and
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Bach And Telemann Critique
On April 2, 2017 at 2pm I went to watch the Baroque Chamber Music Series: Bach & Telemann's Coffeehouse: St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble at the
Brooklyn Museum. There were 5 performers: Krista Bennion Feeney, who played the violin; Naoko Tanaka, who also played the violin; David
Cerutti, who played the viola; Myron Lutzke, who played the cello; and Robert Wolinsky who played the harpsichord.
The first performer was Krista Bennion Feeney, she played Gigue from Fantasia No. 12 for Solo Violin by George Philipp Telemann. The next
performance was Trio Sonata in G Major, BWV 1039 byJohann Sebastian Bach, which included four movements: Adagio, Allegro ma non presto,
Adagio e piano, and Presto. This was performed by two violinists, a cello player and ... Show more content on ...
It started with a rather slow tempo that had a call and answer type of theme, with the call part being more loud and dramatic while the answer was soft
and then after a part that flowed without the call and answer theme, it was vice versa– so the call part was soft and the answer was louder and more
dramatic. This movement faded out and into a slightly more fast paced part, however it wasn't the end of that movement because it wasn't a complete
stop. The second movement was quicker and much shorter than the first movement. The third movement was very similar to the first, in that it was a
little slow and has very short pauses that fade into a different paced part of the same movement. This movement had variations to the first theme and
had a short harpsichord solo. The fourth movement, Menuetto alternativo– trio had a faster pace and sounded like a non imitative polyphony with the
violins and viola as the main melody and the cello and harpsichord as the second melody at most times and as the background accompaniment at other
times. The last movement was much louder, more dramatic and more lively than the rest of the movements.This movement had multiple parts that
sounded were crescendo and then decrescendo. They finished the song with crescendo and it was a very dramatic ending. Most of the movements in
this piece were played by the strings, and the harpsichord was rarely heard because the strings overpowered it and were much louder than the
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Essay on J.S. Bach
J.S. Bach Johann Sebastian Bach is probably one of the greatest composers of his time, as well as our time. As a boy he had a fantastic soprano
singing voice and always took the lead roles in the church and school choirs. He started composing fairly early on in his life and his first main
works, including the Preludes and Variations for the organ, were composed between the ages of 17 and 20. Bach loved church music and was
regarded as one of the finest organists of his day. Since he was raised up with strong ties to the church, he was always involved in church music both
as a singer and an organist. He wrote many of his marvelous series of cantatas for the Sunday services at the Church of St. Thomas in Leipzig, which
were... Show more content on ...
This turned into a four–month leave, causing trouble with Bach's employers when he returned. Not only had his presence been missed for four
consecutive months, but also he had come back writing in an advanced and unusual style that wasn't exactly what was required. It was great music
but it was just a little ahead of its time. So Bach moved on to the job in Weimar, which gave him greater musical freedom. His main duties were
court organist and chamber musician to the reigning Duke Wilhelm Ernst, and he afterwards attained the job of conductor to the court orchestra in
his last three years of service. It was at the beginning of this period of work that he wrote some of his most famous organ pieces, including the
marvelous Passacaglia. The top job at these various courts was always a conductor, and there was an opening in 1716 at Weimar. But Bach did not get
offered the job, so he immediately started looking for another position, ending up at the court of Prince Leopold of Cothen. Bach spent many years in
Cothen and created some of his finest music in this period: the Brandenburg Concertos, the violin concertos, and the suites for orchestra and much of
the chamber music. During the time that Bach was developing his talents as a composer, Germany was going through what most of the rest of Europe
was going through. It was going through the Industrial Revolution. This probably had some effect on his works, but probably nothing really
significant. A
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Qualities Of Benjamin Bach
Bach was a baroque composer who was known to be an outstanding, virtuoso organist. As a boy he learned to play the harpsichord, clavichord,
violin, viola, and organ, and spent a brief time as a vocalist in a monastery. Bach was quickly recognized as a nimble organist, displaying remarkable
technical dexterity in both hands and feet. He was soon offered a position as a church organist, and over the course of his career he held this position
in many churches. Upon obtaining a position in Leipzig where new music was required for services on a weekly basis, Bach began turning out sacred
works and cantatas like an industrial machine. Bach greatly admired and was inspired by Dietrich Buxtehude, who was not only a composer but also
one of the greatest organists of the time. ... Show more content on ...
He displayed this special talent both in his personal life as a caring and devoted father, husband and provider; and in his career, as an organist and
composer. As an organist, he showcased acute discipline in the preciseness and equality of strength in each of his fingers. He played with keen attention
to noted and necessary fingerings in the execution of highly contrapuntal pieces he often performed. Not only were his hands adept, but his feet also
worked harmoniously at the pedals. While this multitasking attribute is no doubt recognizable in all of his highly technical library of compositions, it
is especially evident in his fugues, and inventions. This effect is the result of Bach's relentless utilization of counterpoint, which is the art of playing
two or more coexisting melodies subsequently in coherence. Although this complex arrangement may appear somewhat daunting, Bach's music is not
at all invincible. Rather it requires first, a careful and meticulous analysis, and then the same approach in
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Johann Sebastian Bach Essay
Johann Sebastian Bach was one of the greatest composers in Western musical history. More than 1,000 of his compositions survive. Some examples are
the Art of Fugue, Brandenburg Concerti, the Goldberg Variations for Harpsichord, the Mass in B
–Minor, the motets, the Easter and Christmas
oratorios, Toccata in F Major, French Suite No 5, Fugue in G Major, Fugue in G Minor ("The Great"), St. Matthew Passion, and Jesu Der Du Meine
Seele. He came from a family of musicians. There were over 53 musicians in his family over a period of 300 years.<br><br>Johann Sebastian Bach was
born in Eisenach, Germany on March 21, 1685. His father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was a talented violinist, and taught his son the basic skills for
string playing. Another ... Show more content on ...
In Weimar, he assumed the post of organist and concertmaster in the chapel. He remained in Weimar for nine years, and there he composed his first
wave of major works, including organ showpieces and cantatas.<br><br>By this stage in his life, Bach had developed a reputation as a brilliant, yet
inflexible, musical talent. His qualities on the organ was unequaled in Europe, in fact, he toured regularly as a solo virtuoso. His growing mastery of
compositional forms, like the fugue and the canon, was already attracting interest from the musical establishment – which, in his day, was the Lutheran
church. But, like many people of great talent, he was never very good at playing the political game, and consequently suffered drawbacks in his
career. He was passed over for a major position, which was Kapellmeister (Chorus Master) of Weimar, in 1716. Partly in reaction to this situation, he
left Weimar the following year to take a job as court conductor in Anhalt–Cothen. There, he slowed his writings of church cantatas, and instead
concentrated on instrumental music. His time Anhalt–Cothen in period produced, along with other masterpieces, the Brandenburg
Concerti.<br><br>While at Cothen, Bach's wife, Maria Barbara, died. Bach remarried soon after to Anna Magdalena and went ahead with his work.
He also went ahead in the baby making department, producing 13 children with his new wife – six of which survived
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Bach And His Life Story Of Johann Sebastian Bach
Many people admire listening to music and enjoy watching operas. Composers have the main part in this activity and are the most important. Music
listeners know many composers, including old and new ones. There are many famous composers that have been well–known for the years in the past.
Some famous composers include Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Joseph Haydn, George Fredrick Handel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonio Vivaldi,
and Ludwig van Beethoven. The most well–known composer would have to be Johann Sebastian Bach. Do you know of Bach and his life story?
Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Central Germany in Eisenach on March 21, 1685(2). His father, grandfather, and great grandfather were
involved with music, which made Bach destined to take part in music(1). Before Bach was ten years old his parents has passed and he went to live
with his oldest brother(2). His brother had taught him how to play the harpsichord and the clavichord(2). At the age of fifteen Bach had left his
brother and supported himself by singing in church choir and playing the organ and the violin and by the age of eighteen he became an organist at
Arnstadt(1). A couple years later on October 17th, 1707, Bach had got married to Maria Barbara, his second cousin, and had seven children(1). About
thirteen years later Maria had passed (1720). Then, on December 3rd, 1721 he was remarried to a woman named Anna Magdalena, which they had 13
children(1). Moving on to Bach's music career he started out by first
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Benjamin Bach Biography
Arlyne Covarrubias Johann Sebastian Bach, as the world has come to know was a remarkable person. Terry states Bach's birth as March 21, 1685
the youngest child from his family born in the baroque era (20). He came from a lineage where many of his relatives were musicians. His father,
Johann Ambrosius Bach was a town's musician and it is suspected that he is the person whom thought Bach the arts of playing the violin. Bach's
family was of the higher class with good morals and good family traditions. Growing up in a family who very much enjoyed music, gatherings took
place annually so that the family could enjoy music festivities together. According to, Terry, Bach's "home was broken up by his father's death" and he
was sent to live with... Show more content on ...
His desire and need to put his skills to work later gave him the opportunity to work for the "household of Duke Johann Ernst" where he "served the
younger, music–loving prince, who maintained a small chamber orchestra" this job gave Bach the opportunity that he needed to start his career
(Terry 56). Bach had great success in later years of his life. It is a fact that few of Sebastian Bach work was printed even in his lifetime. Geck states
that among the handwritten surviving works is "Clavier–Гњbung" the longest and most significant work published in 1726 and 1742 (23). This is a
piece of his work that was not even printed but just handwritten. In Bach's success we have the privilege of having "six sonatas, and partitas for
solo violin and six cellos suites" all written in the handwriting of his first wife Anna Magdalena Bach (Geck 23). His magical world consisted of
many works that he perform for different kinds of events. There is evidence recorded stated by Wolf in the book The World of The Bach Cantatas
that he worked from weddings to council elections to even funerals and more (9). In recorded history there is about "1,000 of Bach's
compositions" something that is incredible for such a remarkable man (Wolff 45). From fugues that were more of private matters to for example,
his famous Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV 565 works. To this day are played in scary movies, ballets, dance routines, theater routines, videos
and enjoyed by anyone with an exquisite music taste. Kupferberg mentions in his book, Basically Bach A 300th birthday celebration, that there was
a production of about 300 church cantatas during his 27 years in Leipzig (81). To conclude, Bach's death came on July 28, 1750 being married and
remarried and having a total of 20 children with two women Bach left behind a splendid legacy for not just his family to be proud of but also for the
enjoyment of
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Johann Sebastian Bach Bio Bach Instruments
Although the clavichordf ell into relativeo bscurityb y the end of the nineteenthc en–tury,it had a long and distinguishedh istoryd atingb ack to the late
Middle Ages. Bach biog–rapherJ ohann Forkel claimed that the clavichord was Johann Sebastian Bach's preferred instrument; he was attractedb y its
abilityt o communicaten uances and subtleties, and con–sideredi t to be farm ore expressivet han the harpsichord. Bach was not alone in his
admira–tion for the clavichord; similar sentiments were expressed by numerous composers, performers,an d music lovers over those centuries,m any of
whom are quoted in this vol–ume. "Intimate"c omes to mind as a way of describingt he sound of a clavichord. At its loud–est the sound would be
described as soft,a nd its softests ounds are barely audible.
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Bach Fugue Analysis
For that reason, Bach used a fugue in solo organ pieces and in instrumental works and choral cantatas. This Fugue is the most famous of fugues by any
The difficult part to explain is how Bach created the Toccata's forceful organ effect. When Bach was in Arnstadt when he was younger, theorgan
ordinarily lacked a 16–foot register on the keyboard; consequently, it sounds an octave lower than the normal 8–foot register. Accordingly, in order to
create the effect, Bach used octave doubling; consequently, he continued the resounding effect of the opening bars; conversely, there is no octave
doubling in any of Bach's later organ works; moreover, the fugue sounds furious with its uninterrupted series of fast notes. Also, Bach felt ... Show more
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This section segues into the third and final section of the Toccata, which consists almost entirely of a passage doubled at the sixth and comprising
reiterations of the same three–note figure, similar to doubled passages in the first section; after a brief pedal flourish, the piece ends with a D minor
chord. In Bach's brilliance, he made the subject of the four–voice fugue up entirely of sixteenth notes with an implied pedal point set against a brief
melodic subject that first falls and then rises. Nevertheless, Baroque music frequently encountered Violinistic figures and that of Bach, both as fugue
subjects and as material in non–imitative pieces. The answer is in the subdominant key, rather than the dominant. Although it's a four–part fugue, there
are only three voices, and some of the interludes are in two or even one voice (notated as two); although Bach employed only one simple triadic
harmony throughout the fugue, there is an unexpected C minor subject entry and, furthermore, a solo pedal statement of the subject (a unique feature
for a Baroque fugue). After the final subject entry, the composition resolves to a sustained B flat major chord; a multi–sectional coda follows, which
Bach marked as Recitativo. Although it's only 17 bars long, it progresses through five tempo changes; in addition, Bach had the last bars played Molto
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Mozart Bach Research Paper

  • 1. Mozart Bach Research Paper Seen today as one of the most influential and inspirational composers Bach's magnificence and brilliance was not truly recognized until a hundred years after his death. Bach raised the bar for how music was composed and played. He strove for perfection in his pieces. This all started from his childhood upbringing, be it his Lutheran faith or the tragedy that stuck when he was merely ten. These parts of his childhood shaped the master pieces of Bach's work. Bach was raised in a family full of composers, and his beautiful voice got him into the best musical schools as a child. Not only was he surrounded by music at home and school but also in his religious life. Bach's family were devoted Lutherans and thanks to Martin Luther's German hymns and ... Show more content on ... Just a few ways Bach revolutionized music was how he played the clavicle. Wanting more variety Bach tuned the clavicle differently creating what we now call a Well–Tempered clavicle which allowed Bach to compose pieces in keys no one had really composed in before. Bach composed these pieces as he said for the "profit of the musical young desirous of learning". Because of these pieces future composers like Mozart learned how to compose music. A few more musical contributions from Bach was the counter points of his music. Each piece of Bach's works, even when played separately, are beautiful but when woven all together much like a tapestry the true beauty of the piece shows. Bach's music is often seen as heavy, this is partly because of dissonances and the emotions it conveys in his works. When it came to music Bach was a passionate man which sometimes got him in conflict with his employers. Even as a young man he showed a desire to liven up his playing and/or composition. This carried out into his life where he tirelessly persued excellence. Bach's works being extremely complex means that even performers must strive for a new form of perfection to play the piece to its full potential. Bach composed his vocal and instrumental pieces the same which often meant the vocalists would go for a long period of notes before being able to take a breath. All these components are what makes Bach's music so beautifully ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Bach Essay A Great Contributor Of Music Throughout the history of music, many great composers, theorists, and instrumentalists have left indelible marks and influences that people today look back on to admire and aspire to. No exception to this idiom is Johann Sebastian Bach, whose impact on music was unforgettable to say the least. People today look back to his writings and works to both learn and admire. He truly can be considered a music history great. Bach, who came from a family of over 53 musicians, was nothing short of a virtuosic instrumentalist as well as a masterful composer. Born in Eisenach, Germany, on March 21, 1685, he was the son of a masterful violinist, Johann Ambrosius Bach, who taught his son... Show more content on ... A perfect example of this can be seen in Arnstadt. Previous accounts of history claim that Bach was upset with the performance of the church choir for which he played for. He claimed that "the voices could never make the music soar to the sky as it should" (loosely translated). Here Bach realized the high level of music and perfectionism that he wanted. In 1707, at the age of 22, Bach moved on from Arnstadt to another organist job, this time at the St. Blasius Church in Muhlhausen. Once again he did not remain there too long, only a little over a year, when he moved again to Weimar where he accepted the position of head concertmaster and organist in the Ducal Chapel. It was here that Bach settled himself and began to compose the first collection of his finest early works which, included organ pieces and cantatas. By this time Bach had been married for several years. He actually became married to his cousin Maria Barbara. They, for the most part, had a happy marriage. He was happy. By this stage of his life he had "composed" for himself a wonderful reputation of being a brilliant musical talent. Along with that his proficiency on the organ was unequaled in Europe by this time. In fact, he toured regularly as a solo virtuoso, and his growing mastery of compositional forms, like the fugue and the canon, were already attracting interest from the musical establishment, which, in his day, was the Lutheran church. The church began to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Sebastian Bach Accomplishments From 1600 to 1750, Western Europe music was known as the Baroque period. The most known composers of this era were Bach, Vivaldi and Handle. Their music and styles inspired the people of their time and continue to do so 400 years later in the modern world. The Baroque era was considered a time of flamboyant lifestyles; a style that "filled the space." When the church began to distance themselves from the political control of Europe, composers began to come up with more radical styles to be used in their pieces that had not been seen before. For this reason, Baroque music became known for its highly energetic and dramatic styles. Of course, behind this great music came amazingly talented composers who made it all happen. Perhaps one of the ... Show more content on ... The next two years were ones of sufficient production of original pieces for organ by Bach. His talent definitely did not go unnoticed. He was even given a diamond ring by the Crown Prince Fredrick of Sweden when he heard Bach perform. His fame came from his amazing ability to play the organ and not his compositions, yet. A few years later the Prince Leopold of Cothen Germany offered him a position to conduct the court orchestra. Although Bach had to spend a month in jail before starting his job, this opportunity led to the prime years of not only his musical career but also his ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach Bach descended from a long line of distinguished musicians, and, after his death, several of his sons achieved musical prominence. He received his first musical training from members of his family, including his father, who was also a musician. He learned a great deal by studying the scores of other composers, assimilating the best musical practices of Germany, Italy, Austria, and France. Early on, he exhibited the work ethic that made him an extremely prolific composer. One story illustrates the extent of his devotion to his craft: at the age of 20, he walked a distance of 200 miles to hear Dietrich Buxtehude, Northern Europe's most renowned organist at the time, play the organ at LГјbeck. Throughout his career,... Show more content on ... He treats the voices of the chorus like instruments, emphasizing music over text. Though the emotional needs of the text are always considered, his choral works lack the theatrical vocals of opera or the madrigal. The word that perhaps best describes all of Bach's music is reverent. His profound sense of duty to his church and his God is apparent in his respectful approach to composition. Most of Bach's choral compositions took the form of the Lutheran cantata, which appeared earlier in Italy, but reached its full potential in Germany. The cantata was a relatively new form that combined biblical text and contemporary poetry. Composers set the text to the chorale melodies of early Lutheran tunes. The chorale melody might be sung by the soprano voice in a hymn–like section of the cantata, also called the chorale. In other movements, the chorale tune might appear as a sort of cantus firmus, a melodic fragment woven into the tapestry of multiple polyphonic lines. These movements would take the form of choral fugues, duets, or arias. The content of the Sunday Mass influenced the composition of the cantata, varying from single movement works, to pieces with multiple movements divided into choruses, instrumental passages, arias, and recitatives. Let's look at the Cantata No.80 Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott, for an example of such a multi–movement work. This particular cantata has eight movements: Bach also perfected the Passion, a form ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Sebastian Bach Biography Johann Sebastian Bach once said, "The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul." It is known that Bach is classified as a musical genius who served the Lord, but how did his music influence later musicians? His prodigious talents discovered during his early childhood brought him much success throughout the Baroque Era allowing him to write over one thousand compositions. An exploration of his youth, his trials and struggles, and writing techniques will help outsiders gain a better understanding of the magnificent mind of J.S. Bach. On March 21, 1685, the legendary Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Eisenach, Germany. The Bach family was one of several traditional families of ... Show more content on ... Prince Leopold was the son of a Calvinist, which was the enemy of the Lutherans, so no sacred music was written in CГ¶then. However, Bach devoted much of his time to instrumental music. He composed concertos for orchestras, dance suites, and secular sonatas for various instruments. While traveling with the Prince on one of his extensive journeys, Bach's wife, Maria Barbra had died. Anna Magdalena Wicke, a singer for the court, helped take care of Bach's children after their mother passed (Wolff). She and Johann Sebastian married in December of 1721. Together, they had thirteen children, so once more, Bach decided to look for another position that would support him and his ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Comparing Handel And Bach Bach versus Handel Two of the greatest Baroque Era composers that still influence music to this day with their compositions are Johan Sebastian Bach and George Fredrick Handel. The influence of Bach and Handel's music is found in mainstream media throughout the world. Their compositions are still played in modern times by tribute bands, television commercials, operas, concerts and even sound therapies by relaxation therapists. It is evident that their music has touched the lives of many people throughout the centuries. Bach and Handel both have unique styles of music. Even though they are similar in some ways, they are rather different in other ways. Handel and Bach composed music for similar types of instruments and composed musical pieces and vocal works. They both wrote compositions for some of the same type of works such as Fugues, Preludes, and Suites. Although, Handel wrote some operas, Bach wrote a large variety of church music. Majority of Bach's compositions were Cantatas and Passions. What made Handel's music rather different then Bach was the fact that he used simple harmonic progression. Bach's music was written with sudden surprising harmonic shifts and he also focused on adding extra ordinary chords throughout his works. Handel preferred using simple textures, by creating music with three different melodies that were to be played at once, while several other instruments were being played at the same time. Bach on the other hand creatively composed his music ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Johann Sebastian Bach In the 17th century, Johann Sebastian Bach changed the music of the classical world forever. Growing up, he was a poor boy with several siblings, and his father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was a musician who had been playing instruments all of his life. Young Bach soon followed in his father's footsteps but instead of the violin, he played the organ everyday for hours on end. Bach was no stranger to the steps he would have to take to be a musician, because of his father's career path, he knew how hard it would be to become a well–known musician. He started his musical path by playing the organ for ceremonies and royals. He persevered until he eventually reached the best music halls in Europe. He taught at a music school to train students to be ... Show more content on ... Johann grew up in a large German home with five brothers and two sisters. However his family was different than other families, his family was known as a musical family, "For over two centuries, the Bach's were a family of successful musicians, constituting an example that was exceptional even among their contemporaries and has seemed increasingly spectacular to each succeeding age." Not only did his immediate family play an instrument, but all of the generations of his family played a musical instrument. Musical talent in this family has been traced back to Bach's great grandfather. Johann Ambrosius Bach, Bach's father, taught him and his siblings to learn and love two traditional instruments for the Baroque period: the violin and the harpsichord. Bach had a natural talent for instruments, which had probably been passed on to him through his father's genes. While he was still a child, Johann Ambrosius Bach died eight days after his belovГ©d wife, so now, "both his parents were dead, and he was looked after by his eldest brother, also named Johann Christoph". Bach's brother followed a busy schedule, was in charge of his six brothers and sisters and he, "was appointed town organist in Eisenach in 1665. He or his assistant was expected to be present for all services on all Sundays, feasts, and celebratory days as well as weekdays and to play organ during the choraliter." During Bach's schooling years, his brother Johann Christoph Bach inspired him to play, repair and tune the organ as a willing ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Bach Essay Bach Born in Eisenach, Germany, on March 21,1685; he was the son of a masterful violinist. Throughout the history of music, many great composers, theorists, and instrumentalists have left indelible marks and influences that people today look back on to admire and aspire to. No exception to this idiom is Johann Sebastian Bach, whose impact on music was unforgettable to say the least. People today look back to his writings and works to both learn and admire. He truly can be considered a music history great. Bach began to play the organ, which is the instrument he would later on be noted for in history. He was instructed rather vigorously until his skills surpassed anyone's expectations for someone of such a young age. After ... Show more content on ... Another example is when a problem arose after Bach composed a piece full of strange new sounds for a church service. The Council decided to be lenient with him until he refused to work with the boys' choir and was found to have a complaint against him for entertaining a young woman in the organ loft of the church. A lot of this shows how Bach had a high regard for his music but didn't necessarily care what others wanted. His music was considered a little ahead of its time when he created these strange sounds. It was one time stated that Bach was an unruly youth who greatly disliked authority and had a mind of his own. He then moved twice the second time to, Weimar where he accepted the position of head concertmaster and organist in the Ducal Chapel. It was here that Bach settled himself and began to compose the first collection of his finest early works, which included organ pieces and cantatas. He married his cousin Maria Barbara. He developed a reputation as a brilliant, yet inflexible, musical talent. His talents on the organ were unequaled in Europe. He toured regularly as a solo virtuoso, and his growing mastery of compositional forms, like the fugue and the canon were already attracting interest from the musical establishment, which, in his day was the Lutheran church. The church liked his writings and wanted to use his music in their
  • 9. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Bach Classical Style During the Renaissance the focus shifted on Classical Antiquity (hence the name) and people tried emulate that in new art and architecture. While the emphases, was still on formality and hierarchy just like during the Baroque, the focus was more on clear division, strong contrast, and a simpler style, unlike the complex, ornamental style of the Baroque. In simple terms, the polyphony gave way to a single melody accompanied by subordinate harmony. Revealing the shift in modulation, such as between the first and second theme of a sonata became increasingly important. The knowledge of the older musicians with their technical expertise was needed, but the newer style came from the younger musicians. C.P.E. Bach proved a great combination of these... Show more content on ... The standardization that occurred during the classical period was tested and pushed to its limits, because each composer had his own, subjective approach. consequently, free form styles such as nocturnes, rhapsodies and preludes became popular. A prime example of this is Frederick Chopin. He incorporated elements of folk music in his Mazurkas, although they are meant for the concert hall. Musicians became free from nobility as musicians could now operate independently or through various musical education organizations. One such way was through the increased interest in music from the middle classes, and this provided an avenue in which composers could earn a regular income. Chopin, for example, only gave a few concert performances. His income came from giving lessons and selling ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Comparison Of Vivaldi And Bach Both Vivaldi and Bach were incredibly talented, and both have a distinct sound that is fairly simple to notice. If a teacher were to play one of Vivaldi's works that had never been heard before, and a work of Bach that had never been heard before, the students could probably tell immediately the composer of each one. Why would it be so easy o tell? Vivaldi had a habit of being more melodic, and focused on shifting rhythms. His main works were concertos, a few choral works, some operas, and a few sonatas. While Bach wrote in a massive amount of genre, his work focuses strongly on counterpoint and polyphony. Bach and Vivaldi composed theirmusic in different styles because of their influences. Some of their work will be discussed so the ... Show more content on ... Vivaldi grew up in a Catholic family. His father was a talented violinist and would be his first teacher. This allowed them to perform together. He also took lessons from a choral teacher who knew violin. Vivaldi loves speed. At age 15, he began studying for the priesthood, which gave him 10 years to study and develop the musical and composing talents that is displayed in his works. Vivaldi spent his entire life, other than the last six or so years, with his father. As a child, they toured Venice together. Then, later on as a man, he toured Italy and later Europe. Vivaldi and his father were a pair and it seems that they held a good relationship. His father helped to write out some of the pieces that Vivaldi would think of. He preferred a combination of the choral religious music, dramatic–operatic, and classics of Italy. His most influential works were written for the orchestra of a Venetian girls' orphanage where he was music director. It was for them that he wrote his famous concertos. Vivaldi also invented the concerto –grosso. Vivaldi and Bach have a relationship that surpasses their skills. In this, surprisingly, Vivaldi was the teacher, and Bach the student. Bach really appreciated Vivaldi because he transcribed several of his concertos. Vivaldi introduced a rhythmic liveliness and harmonic clarity that captivated Bach. He added to the blend of French dance genres, ornamentation, and German counterpoint in his inscriptions of Baroque style. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Influence Of Bach Carl Friedrich Zelter, the conductor of the Berlin Singakademie was another primary character in the 19th century revival of Bach's vocal music. He performed some of Bach's motets and showed Bach's music to many of his colleagues and students. Zelter exposed Eduard Devrient and Mendelsshon to the St. Matthew Passion and allowed Mendelssohn to conduct it in 1829. (Arnold, Bach, 89–90.)This time the audience reacted very well, in terms of the music and its religious significance. Reports of the perfoamcne circulated throughout Germany. This began to transform the revival from a cult to a popular movement. The St. Matthew Passion was produced in many German towns in the early 1830s. Then performed by the Berlin Singakademie in 1833 and the... Show more content on ... His popularity has waxed and waned in the 20th century, particularly around the two World Wars, but there's certainly no doubt that he has become a steady part of the cultural society. The slow rise of his popularity during the end of the 18th century culminated in the 19th century Revival where he finally received recognition for the originality and beautiful complexity of his music, the very qualities for which it was critized in his own ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Sebastian Bach Accomplishments Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the greatest composers in the Baroque period, Bach stands tall above many outstanding figures in the Baroque in the history of music. Among his many achievements, the most outstanding one is the "church music." Bach's Magnificat, BWV 243 was composed for Christmas evening prayer service. The third movement "Quia respexit" is a prayer called "Mary's Song of Praise." Mary's prayer of thanks to God out of joy when she found out through an angel of the Lord while she was visiting her relative Elizabeth that she had conceived. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy was one of the great composers in the early romantic era. He influenced by Baroque and Classical composers. He became the pioneer for reviving the music of Bach or Handel as well as one of the leading composers. The "Elijah" was the significant contribution to religious music in the 19th century. Hugo Wolf ... Show more content on ... Ariettes Oubliees is composed of total six pieces of songs extracted from "Romances sansparoles," "Pasagesbelges," and "Aquarelles" by Paul Verlaine (1844–1896), who is symbolist poets emphasized on the musical rhythm. Debussy set Paul Verlaine's poem more than any other poet. When Verlaine wrote these six poems, he had hard time with his wife but had fallen in love with a new lover, Rimbaud; thus the lyrics are about the love affair, his fascination with Rimbaud, and remorse over his wife and his feelings of depression and emptiness after his wife and Rimbaud left him. As he wrote the poems based on his experiences and thoughts of life, the words of the poems are very delicate and sensitive. Debussy added non–harmonic tones, numerous accidental marks, free rhythms, and musical ambiguity and elusiveness to make the most of the poems' atmosphere and this distinguished his own music styles. These songs are his early master piece, and shows his rich and deep understandings of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Components Of John Sebastian Bach People create music in all kinds of different ways, if every piece of music sounded the same it would not be enjoyable. Many people reinvent older composed music and take their own approach to it. There are plenty of instruments that people can use to make an old sound, sound new. People can be very innovative and resourceful when it comes to recreating a new sound with an older composed piece. John Sebastian Bach is one of the many composers whose music is being recreated in a new way. John Sebastian Bach was a composer born in 1685 in Germany. He built his reputation by performing in churches, and after working his way up in the music field back then he was able to establish a career in composing. He created the Well–Tempered Clavier and the Prelude No. 1 was the first piece of it. This piece was originally composed with a piano, like many pieces composed at this time. A group of people, Les Objets Volants, used boomwhackers to recreate this piece in a new innovative way. Boomwhackers are percussion tubes that people use to recreate music using various lengths of the tubes to make various sounds. The people who recreated this piece with boowhackers were able to capture Bach's sound with a really peculiar instrument. Les Objets Volants were the group that used boomwhackers to recreate Bach's piece. They are a group from France who do shows that involve juggling. They perform all kinds of different skills they have in regard to juggling. They are very creative with their performances, so using an unfamiliar instrument to play a famous piece is something that would not be out of character for them. Tzvi Erez is pianist who records classical performances. Niv Music is what Erez records his music under. He is a very talented pianist who is able to capture the original composers' essence with his recordings of the major pieces he does. He has various covers he has reordered, like Ludwig van Beethoven, Frederick Chopin, John Sebastian Bach, Franz Liszt, Erik Satie, Claude Debusssy, Edvard Grieg, Mozart, and many others (Niv Music). This transcription, a transcription being a rewritten composition for new instruments, was truly interesting. When clicking upon the video and seeing Les Objets Volants use a very ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Sebastian Bach Inspiration Johann Sebastian Bach was an inspiration and influence to those of his time and those today. He was a German composer who played the violin, organ, harpsichord, and sang. He was, arguably, one of the greatest composers in western musical history. Bach went through many obstacles in his life to become successful, and that is why he is such an inspiration to me. Bach was born on March 31, 1865 in Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany into a family of eight children. Only five of the eight survived; therefore, Bach had three brothers and a sister. He grew up into a very religious and musically inclined family. Johann Amrosius Bach, who wasJohann Sebastian Bach's father, was the director of the town musicians, which was a teacher and a leader of all ... Show more content on ... Back then, they did not know why his eyes were failing, but now we can infer that he could have possibly had intractable secondary glaucoma. Even when his eyes were failing, he played for the King of Prussia. In 1749, he had surgery to fix his eyesight, yet this surgery blinded him completely. He pushed through his struggles and even played while he was blind, but he died of a stroke in 1750. We do not know what specific pieces he wrote while he was blind; sources just say he continued to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Bach And Baroque Ideas : Johann Sebastian Bach Tyler Singery Matthew Leone MUS–M 401 7/2/2015 Bach and Baroque Ideas Johann Sebastian Bach was one of the most important figures in the Baroque era of music. His music was a large part of the Baroque era and contains many musical principles of the time. The question is, what specific ideas did Bach use in his music? Did he use different Baroque techniques based on what he was writing for? And how were these techniques used in his music? In this paper, I will discover what Baroque era techniques Bach used in some of his music, what kind of compositional models Bach used, and how Bach's Great Eighteen organ chorales were received. An example of one of these techniques is the parody technique. The parody technique is when a composer takes an existing piece of music and creates a new piece based off of the original piece (Mann, Alfred, Bach's parody techniques and its frontiers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, pg. 116). Alfred Mann argues that Bach took ideas from his older works and transcribed them into new works for different instruments. There are many examples that Alfred Mann gives to support his argument. In this book, he describes how Bach's Prelude and Fugue in A Minor can be traced to earlier compositions. Mann states that Bach took the Adagio section of the organ trio BWV 527 and put it between the Prelude and Fugue in A Minor. He believes Bach did this because of the challenges that the keyboard concertos posed at that time. Another ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Sebastian Bach Biography Born in Eisenach on March, 21 1685, Johann Sebastian Bach was the youngest son of Johann Ambrosius Bach and Elizabeth Limmerhirt. His Father was a prominent town musician from a highly respected musical family and at the time of his birth served as the director of municipal music in Eisenach (Williams 9). He got his name Johann from his father's family as was the tradition and his middle name, Sebastian, was that of his God–father, another musician in Eisenach. Nothing is written or known about his early musical education but, one could assume that he received instruction from his father and various other relatives based on the musical accomplishments of his immediate and extended family. When Sebastian's father died in 1695, he was sent to live with his oldest brother Christoph who was a student of Johann Pachelbel in Erfurt (Boyd 8). Christoph eared his living as a church organist. While living with his brother, Sebastian, in his ambition for learning, copied his brothers most treasured manuscripts by moonlight without permission and later had them confiscated. When there was no longer room for Sebastian with his brother's family, he made his way to Luneburg where he was given a place in the Mettenchor (Mattins Choir) for his fine voice. While he was there , Sebastian would be ... Show more content on ... As a court musician he would have the opportunity to perform a much larger repertoire and he would be able to engage in musical theatre and other secular musical settings. He would also be required to compose a great deal more music as well as employ his skills as a violinist. While in service to the court Bach formed relationships with many more skilled musicians and composers than he had been exposed to in his church positions. Bach spent ten years as the court and chamber organist at Weimar where he matured and grew as both a composer and musician (Williams ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Sebastian Bach Accomplishments Johann Sebastian Bach, a German composer in 16 through 1750. He was the youngest of eight children born in 1685 in Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany. Bach was born into one of the greatest German musician families in the 17th and 18th century. It is said that his family writes for each other. His father was a trumpet and violinist. The rest of his family like uncles and cousins had played the organ. His mother and father had died when he was ten years old, Bach was alone. At this time, he moved in with his brother, where he has his first official lesson on the organ. Bach'smusic is one of the greatest achievements in the history of music. Bch believed that the aim and final belief of music should be none else then the glory of god and the recordation ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Analysis Of J. S. Bach Concerto Bach 593 No 3 No 2 J. S. Bach Concerto BWV 593A. Vivaldi Concerto op. 3 no 8, RV 522 Mov I(No description)Allegro Mov IIAdagioLarghetto e spiritoso Mov IIIAllegroAllegro J. S. Bach Concerto BWV 978A. Vivaldi Concerto op. 3 no 3, RV 565 Mov IAllegroAllegro Mov IILargoLargo Mov IIIAllegroAllegro J. S. Bach Concerto BWV 106A. Vivaldi Concerto op. 3 no 10, RV 580 Mov I(No description)Allegro Mov IILargoLargo – Larghetto – Adagio – Largo Mov IIIAllegroAllegro No 2. the internal structure of the individual movements. We have a ritornello construction in the outer parts and a section of improvisation in the middle. No. 3 harmonic structure of the piece even when he transposes the piece to a new key. No. 4 the melody of the subjects. It ... Show more content on ... Concerto RV 522 and BWV 593/III/137–141 Passages with big interval jumps that in the organ transcription become more linear. EXAMPLE 2 Concerto RV 522 and BWV 593/III/105–107 Bach also changes the passages consisting of fast repeated notes that are impossible to perform on the organ. EXAMPLE 3 Concerto RV 522 and BWV 593/I/72–75
  • 20. We can also see Bach changing the way of notating to make it easier for the performer to play the particular section of the piece. EXAMPLE 4 Concerto RV 522 and BWV 593/III/76–79 In a harpsichord concerto in F major BWV 978 there is only one section in which Bach modified the violin figure based on the repeated notes and changed it to a more harpsichord–like figuration with the repeated note at the top. The short and airy tone of the harpsichord allows, unlike the organ, to easily assimilate the violin parts. EXAMPLE 5 (BWV 978 / III / 56–71) Let's now talk about the most important changes – changes in the texture. Bach made the texture more dense by using the motives more often. When it comes to the organ concerto, it meant adding extra voice in the middle EXAMPLE 6 Concerto RV 522 and BWV 593/I/6–8 As we can see, Bach added a semiquaver motive that works as an imitation to the middle voice (marked with a) and also added a broken chord motive in the middle voice that is followed by the original motive in the top voice (marked with b). Thanks to ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Luther Vs Bach Quite otherwise, J. S. Bach composed for the German Protestant Reformation. One hundred years before, Martin Luther reclaimed the grace and mercy of God in Jesus Christ. And the Reformer's high regard for singing Scriptural texts in worship prepared the way for Bach. Luther wrote, "I give music the next place after theology and the highest honor." And, he added, in his typically earthy way, "Whoever has no desire or love for music and is not moved by such lovely wonders must surely be an uncouth clod." That was Martin Luther. Young J. S. Bach began earning his own living at age fifteen as a church singer and violinist. He rose rapidly to various positions as organist, teacher, composer and conductor, spending his last twenty–seven years in ... Show more content on ... * * * * When Bach began a musical composition, before even a note was written, he would inscribe at the top of the score two letters, "J. J." And then at the end, after the last bar, he would write the letters "S D G." "J. J.," "Jesu Juvet," meaning Jesus help me. "S D G," "Soli Deo Gloria," translating "to God alone the glory." This is probably a naГЇve thought, but suppose the world ever came to comprehend that Bach's greatest contribution was not his music, but rather the message that whatever we do – whatever vocation, whatever avocation, whatever play, whatever we do – it is marked "S D G," to God alone the glory. Imagine scribbled in the margins of the lawyer's brief the letters, "S D G;" or the architect's plans before pen is ever put to paper, "S D G;" or in the corner of the chef's recipe; or the mechanic's work order; or the teacher's lesson, the preacher's sermon notes – "Soli Deo Gloria," to God alone the glory. Just imagine, those of us who each morning look at the calendar to plan the day or the week, if somewhere on the side were the letters, "S D G." I rather think Brother Sebastian would like that. Because that is what his life was about: "Soli Deo ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Johann Sebastian Bach Essay Johann Sebastian Bach was born into a family of musicians. It was only natural for him to pick up an instrument and excel in it. His father taught him how to play the violin and harpsichord at a very young age. All of Bach's uncles were professional musicians, one of them; Johann Christoph Bach introduced him to the organ. Bach hit a turning point in his life when both of his parents died at the age of ten years old. Bach's older brother Johann Christoph Bach took him in and immediately expanded his knowledge in the world of music. He taught him how to play the clavichord and exposed him to great composers at the time. At the age of fourteen, Bach and his good friend George Erdmann were awarded a choral scholarship to the prestigious... Show more content on ... He began to write preludes for organs but did not cover large– scale organization, when two melodies interact at the same time. A few years after playing for the church, Bach made a visit to Dieterich Buxtehude in Lubeck. This visit reinforced Bach's style in music with the works he has made. In 1706 Bach decided that he wanted to further his career in music and made the first change by leaving his organ playing position at the church and took upon a new position in Munhlhausen at the St. Blasius as an organist there (Johann Sebastian BACH). This change was for the best because the church was larger and located in a city that was important to the north. A few months after being an organist at the St. Blasius church he married his second cousin Maria Barbara Bach. After a year of Bach being a organist for St. Blasius, he was offered a better position in Weimar. Bach took the offer with pride and became their new court organist and concertmaster at the ducal court. Johann and Maria Bach decided to start their family, after their first born child, Marias unwed sister moved into their home to help with raising their children. Maria and Johann Bach had a total of seven children. The gifted musically talented family continued as two of Bach children, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach became vital composers following the baroque period. Bach's position in Weimar ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach And Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Jonathan Hugendubler Fugue Bach–Shostakovich 10/10/2017 Comparative Fugal Analysis The fugue is often regarded as a genre defined by strict procedural guidelines. It is notable that three historically important composers, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750), Georg Friedrich Handel (1685–1759), and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756–1791), all employed a closely related fugue subject in three different works. An analysis of each of these works individually, and a comparison of these works collectively reveal numerous latent and salient features, and a reflection of the composers' style within these works. Analyses also provide an outlook into the fluidity in certain aspects and rigidity in others of the form itself, reflected historically. The three composers analyzed fall closely together in history. J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel were contemporaries, whereas Mozart was born six years after Bach's death and three years before Handel's death. Analytically, the angularity of these similar fugue subjects presupposes a treatment regardless of the composer. Because of the shared intervallic content among the subjects of these fugues, despite being written by several different composers, a surprising number of similarities arise. Therefore, it is reasonable to assert that compositional choices made in the construction of the fugue subjects limit the number of results possible. This analysis will use the A minor fugue from of J.S. Bach's The Well –Tempered Clavier, Book 2 G.F. Handel's "And ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Why Is Bach Important If we are to evaluate Bach's significance as a tutor, should we then assess the success of his students? Bach had taught numerous pupils during his life, particularly since c. 1706/7, where most primary sources are dated from. Johann Casper Vogler was one of Bach's 'successful' students who became a nationally known organist and won an exclusive examination performance in the Markt–Kirche at Hanover. In 1721 he moved to take Bach's former post as Organist for the Weimar Court. Vogler, previously known as "Anonymous 18", is of significance today through his hand copies of Bach's works. His copy of Bach's Prelude and Fughetta in C Major, BWV 870a, is of particular influence, being highly regarded within performance study practices for having the fingerings written out. It is seen that Bach's teaching methods went beyond the scope of influencing his direct pupils. Johann Tobias Krebs was another of Bach's 'acclaimed' students who in 1721 accepted the post as Organist at Buttelstedt. Here he was expected to play the organ of Michaeliskirche and instruct at the school. Although J. T. Krebs remained at Buttelstedt for the rest of his life, he is mostly acknowledged as being the father of Johann Ludwig Krebs, also a student of Bach. Johann Ludwig Krebs became to be considered comparable to Bach; continuing the genius particularly through his keyboard technique and counterpoint. The names of some other notable pupils of Bach include Johann Martin Schubart, who in 1717 succeeded Bach at his organist post in Weimar. Another student was Johann Schneider who became organist of St. ... Show more content on ... He was of significance to his pupils and contempory musical connoisseurs in a way that set the foundation for the rest of Western Artmusic to follow. For many Bach is like coming home, in fact, " old Bach there is always something astonishing, and, what is the main thing, there is always something to be learned from ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Bach 's Musical Gifts : Bach Essay There 's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself," as spoken by the famous composer johann seb. Bach. And indeed, in his case, he was correct, a statement made in regards to Bach's legendary musical gifts, whether it be his emotionally triggering music that broke all language barriers or his intense passion and drive that inspired Beethoven and Mozart. Born in 1685's Thuringia, Germany into a family of musicians, Bach was destined to take up instruments a love of music from a very young age. Bach began his musical career playing the violin, but after his parents' deaths, Bach was sent to an orphanage at age ten. He did not return to the practice and study of music until he was adopted by his eldest brother, Johann Christoph, a church organist, who housed Bach until he was fifteen. As he grew, his amazing soprano singing voice grew with him, helping him get into a school in Luneburg. However, when his voice changed and got deeper, he was forced to retreat back to violin. As time passed, Bach began to take jobs with royalty, his first being a musician for the court of Duke Johann Ernst in Weimar, occasionally filling for organists as well. Bach's unique style of playing and composing enchanted many of those lucky enough to be in his presence. Some, however, disagreed. Later in his career, he began playing for churches; in one of them, his music taste clashed with the pastor, bringing ... Get more on ...
  • 26. J. S. Bach Solo Pour la FlГ»te TraversiГЁre BW 1013 (1717–1723) J.S. Bach While a specific date for the piece's composition is unknown, it has been suggested that J.S. Bach wrote the work during his tenure as music director at the Calvinist court of CГ¶then, under the patronage of Prince Leopold of Andhalt. During this period, Bach produced many secular chamber works, such as the first book of The Well–Tempered Clavier and other instrumental suites, sonatas, and partitas. This focused output was due in part to the lack of formal church duties: Calvinists did not agree with the musical "excesses" of the Lutheran tradition. This four–movement partita is based on the 18th century suite, composed of stylized dances. The first movernt, Allemande, is difficult... Show more content on ... It starts with this lyrical primary theme at the beginning, then moves to a rhythmically driving transitory section that leads into the second theme defined by these dotted eight and sixteenth note patterns. The development begins with the flute playing these military sounding phrases before playing around with some of the primary material. The recapitulation brings back the exposition, leading to a very gentle and delicate ending. Drawing upon some of the livelier sections of the first movement, the second movement, Scherzo, zooms on by. Though it is written in a fast triple meter, the placement of some accents create a cross rhythmic feel between the flute and piano, which only serves to heightened the driving nature of the piece. There is a moment when all the running figures stop to give way to a slow and wafting melodic line, before jumping right back into the heat of action till the end. The third movement, Andante, is very lyrical and serves to contrast the first two movements. The movement begins with a very expressive melodic line played by the flute which transforms into these sensual sixteenth triplet passages that weave in and out of the piano part, and returns to the opening character at the end. The fourth movement, Allegro con Brio, is fast and exciting. The most demanding of the movements, it calls for precision in rhythm while also maintaining a driving character. The beauty of the movement ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Bach Essay Johanna Sebastian Bach was a composer of the Baroque era, the most celebrated member of a large family of northern German musicians. Although he was admired by his contemporaries primarily as an outstanding harpsichordist, organist, and expert on organ building. Bach is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time and is celebrated as the creator of the Brandenburg Concertos, The Well–Tempered Clavier, the Mass in B Minor, and numerous other masterpieces of church and instrumental music. Appearing at a propitious moment in thehistory of music, Bach was able to survey and bring together the principal styles, forms, and national traditions that had developed during preceding generations and, by virtue of his ... Show more content on ... In June 1707 Bach obtained a post at the Blasius Church in Muhlhausen in Thuringia. He moved there soon after and married his cousin Maria Barbara Bach at Dornheim on October 17. At Muhlhausen things seem, for a time, to have gone more smoothly. He produced several church cantatas at this time; all of these works are cast in a conservative mold, based on biblical and chorale texts and displaying no influence of the "modern" Italian operatic forms that were to appear in Bach's later cantatas. The famous organ Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, written in the rhapsodic northern style, and the Prelude and Fugue in D Major may also have been composed during the Muhlhausen period, as well as the organ Passacaglia in C Minor (BWV 582), an early example of Bach's instinct for large–scale organization. Cantata No. 71), God is my King, of Feb. 4, 1708, was printed at the expense of the city council and was the first of Bach's compositions to be published. While at Muhlhausen, Bach copied music to enlarge the choir library, tried to encourage music in the surrounding villages, and was in sufficient favor to be able to interest his employers in a scheme for rebuilding the organ. His real reason for resigning on June 25, 1708, is not known. He himself said that his plans for a "church music" had been 3 hindered by conditions in Muhlhausen and that his salary was inadequate. It is generally supposed that he had become involved in a theological ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Bach And Liszt Essay Johann Sebastian Bach and Franz Liszt were both renowned for their keyboard proficiency and talent for composing. Bach was born in Germany and influenced by the Baroque period when music was centered on religion. Liszt was Hungarian born and influenced by the Romantic period, a time when composers began breaking away from the traditional and expressing themselves through music. Coming from different periods the two composers exhibited vast differences and overlapping similarities. Johann Sebastian Bach was born to a musical family in the Duchy of Saxe–Eisenach in 1685. The youngest of eight children, he received a classical education from an early age as well as being taught the violin and music theory by his father. Bach was a devout Lutheran who composed many sacred works for the church including masterpiece, The St. Matthew Passion (Sherrane, 2015, para. 4). As a composer, Bach enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organization, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France ... Show more content on ... 1). He was a Romantic composer and pianist who was renowned for his unprecedented technique composing complex music for the piano. His Hungarian and religious upbringing as well as the expressive Romantic Era highly influenced work. Liszt is credited with the creation of the symphonic poem also known as a tone poem, a musical composition for orchestras inspired by an extra–musical idea, story, or program. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2016, para. 1). Liszt uses music to freely express the emotions of a story such as his composition, Les ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The History Of Bach And The Baroque Era Transitioning from the Renaissance Era to Baroque Era introduced a new approach musical styles, such as concerto and sonata. Coming from the Portuguese term barroco, or "oddly shaped pearl", the Baroque Era was heavily influenced with the Catholic Church from the early 1600s to the 1700s. The Renaissance Era focuses on the exploration, discovery and rebirth; on the contrary, the Baroque Era focuses on the Catholic Church and its exaggerated expressions. The Baroque Era came out with European Western compositions that most of us are familiar with today, such as Pachelbel's Canon and Vivaldi's Four Season. Along with the eras well known compositions, the Baroque Era also included well known composers like Vivaldi and Handel. However, J.S. Bach is perhaps the greatest composer of all times during the Baroque Era with famous pieces such as Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, Mass in B Minor and Brandenburg Concerto. J.S. Bach, short for Johann Sebastian Bach, is a prominent composer during the Baroque Era. Bach was born in Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany on March 31, 1685. He is the youngest son of his parents, Johann Ambrosius Bach and Elizabeth Lammerhirt Bach. Because he came from seven generations of musicians, it was not unusual that Bach became a musician and composer himself. In fact, Bach's father and brother are both church organist. Although Bach is well known for his organ skills, his musical career did not start with an organ. In fact, it started with violin lessons with ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Bach Essay examples Bach Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) was unlike most other composers of his time. "He wrote music for the glory of God, and to satisfy his own burning curiosity, not for future fame." During the 1700s, people knew him as a talented musician, not as a composer, as we do today. He never left his country to pursue bigger and better things. Bach was content as long as he could play music. Traditions were very important to him. He wanted to carry on the musical tradition of his family, and never opted to change the traditional ways of composing, as did most composers. Bach's work is vast and unique. Bach received his first big job at the age of 23. He was a court musician, and wrote many wonderful organ pieces, most of which ... Show more content on ... Around the year 1721, Bach wrote a book of music called the Well–Tempered Clavier, which was composed of 24 exercises. It had a prelude andfugue for every major and minor key. Twenty years later, he produced a second volume that was just like the first [in format]. Bach's polyphonic music is full of counterpoint, the combining of two or more melodic lines into a meaningful whole. He perfected the art of the fugue, a complex composition usually written for four musical lines. "Bach's fugues involved incredibly complex melodies that, even though they started at different times, wound up sounding good together." The one I chose to describe is the first prelude and fugue from Bach's second book, in the key of C major. This piece includes a harpsichord, an ancestor to the piano. It begins with a pedal note, the low note that keeps ringing while others are played 'around it'. In this case, the pedal note is a low C and lasts for 13 seconds. This gives the song stability, making this piece feel momentous. It's "as if Bach were throwing open the big doors to some enormous building." As the song progresses, you can hear the counterpoint, including low and high notes. Once the prelude ends, there is a pause, and the fugue begins. The fugue begins with the first melody, with no accompaniment. As the first changes, the second melody is added at a slightly higher pitch. Again this ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Joy of Bach Essay The Joy of Bach The Baroque period was filled with the new idea that every issue had two sides. Great thinkers and masterminds left behind the idea that the world was either god– influenced or science–influenced. Most people embraced this notion, with the exception of a few. Johann Sebastian Bach was one of these few people. Bach, although the greatest composer of the Baroque period, led a life based on tradition and past influence, which left him virtually ignored for many years after his death. Bach was born in 1685 in Germany amongst the turmoil of national reconstruction. He lived a quiet life with little musical influence, until the death of his parents at age ten. After their death, Bach's older ... Show more content on ... Bach also never published any of his music because he thought it was less than perfect. He wrote music for his enjoyment and self–fulfillment. He never attempted to make himself known through his musical works (Herz 1). Bach's peers did not understand his desire to preserve the past; therefore, they did not embrace his musical genius. His musical peers used the new dynamic and elaborate idea of art expression in their works. They experimented with new styles and forms in their works. Bach's perfection in his music was ignored because no one understood it. Bach, unlike his peers, chose to remain with traditional sounds from the past when he composed music. Because of his modesty and the lack of interest from the people around him, Bach's creative works existed without influencing the world around him for many years (Herz 2). The only place that appreciated his works was the Lutheran church. Bach's chorales and cantatas held great admiration in the religious world. A devout Lutheran, Bach remained true to the past musical heritage of his church. For him, the old Lutheran ways were perfect and sacred. This notion comes through in his perfectly arranged church music. The harmonies and melodies are exact matches. There is little room for improvement in Bach's church compositions. Although Bach dearly loved the
  • 32. ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Richard Bach Illusion Questioning Reality in Richard Bach's Illusions The message of Richard Bach's Illusions is based on the concept that the things we interpret in the world as reality are actually illusions. This is made evident to one of the main characters, Richard, through his interactions with his newly found friend, Donald Shimoda. Donald Shimoda is a "messiah", and he has gifts that he uses to help mankind. A quote that Richard reads is "Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't" (121). During the entire story, Don proves this quote to be true. Donald works to share his gifts and carry out his mission on earth. Richard and Don are barnstormers. They live their lives flying from town to ... Show more content on ... Then, the man disappears. Richard wakes to see Donald, wide awake, leaning against his airplane. Don tells Richard that this dream answered questions that Richard had about Donald. Later, Richard learns of Donald's past. Richard discovers that Don was once a "messiah". He was famous for giving advice and teaching people about life, and for performing miracles. People flocked to him, seeking his wisdom and advice. However, after a while he saw that they no longer came to him to better their knowledge of life and the world; they simply wanted to see the miracles that he could perform. Don became frustrated because the people did not care about the good things that he had to offer them. After seeking God's advice, Don quit his "job" as a messiah. He disappeared and began doing things that he enjoyed, like barnstorming. Don begins to teach Richard about life. In a sense, he was passing on his gift as a messiah to Richard. He introduces to Richard the small bits of wisdom in his handbook that he used when he had a question about life. The handbook answers questions that Richard had about his own life, and he begins to learn the things that makes Don a messiah: the wisdom that helped him to give advice to people in need. Don is able to do miracles that defy the rules of the world we live in. For example, he can make objects like the tools for his airplane float in the air or move. He uses miracles to keep his plane clean and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Bach And Telemann Critique On April 2, 2017 at 2pm I went to watch the Baroque Chamber Music Series: Bach & Telemann's Coffeehouse: St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble at the Brooklyn Museum. There were 5 performers: Krista Bennion Feeney, who played the violin; Naoko Tanaka, who also played the violin; David Cerutti, who played the viola; Myron Lutzke, who played the cello; and Robert Wolinsky who played the harpsichord. The first performer was Krista Bennion Feeney, she played Gigue from Fantasia No. 12 for Solo Violin by George Philipp Telemann. The next performance was Trio Sonata in G Major, BWV 1039 byJohann Sebastian Bach, which included four movements: Adagio, Allegro ma non presto, Adagio e piano, and Presto. This was performed by two violinists, a cello player and ... Show more content on ... It started with a rather slow tempo that had a call and answer type of theme, with the call part being more loud and dramatic while the answer was soft and then after a part that flowed without the call and answer theme, it was vice versa– so the call part was soft and the answer was louder and more dramatic. This movement faded out and into a slightly more fast paced part, however it wasn't the end of that movement because it wasn't a complete stop. The second movement was quicker and much shorter than the first movement. The third movement was very similar to the first, in that it was a little slow and has very short pauses that fade into a different paced part of the same movement. This movement had variations to the first theme and had a short harpsichord solo. The fourth movement, Menuetto alternativo– trio had a faster pace and sounded like a non imitative polyphony with the violins and viola as the main melody and the cello and harpsichord as the second melody at most times and as the background accompaniment at other times. The last movement was much louder, more dramatic and more lively than the rest of the movements.This movement had multiple parts that sounded were crescendo and then decrescendo. They finished the song with crescendo and it was a very dramatic ending. Most of the movements in this piece were played by the strings, and the harpsichord was rarely heard because the strings overpowered it and were much louder than the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay on J.S. Bach J.S. Bach Johann Sebastian Bach is probably one of the greatest composers of his time, as well as our time. As a boy he had a fantastic soprano singing voice and always took the lead roles in the church and school choirs. He started composing fairly early on in his life and his first main works, including the Preludes and Variations for the organ, were composed between the ages of 17 and 20. Bach loved church music and was regarded as one of the finest organists of his day. Since he was raised up with strong ties to the church, he was always involved in church music both as a singer and an organist. He wrote many of his marvelous series of cantatas for the Sunday services at the Church of St. Thomas in Leipzig, which were... Show more content on ... This turned into a four–month leave, causing trouble with Bach's employers when he returned. Not only had his presence been missed for four consecutive months, but also he had come back writing in an advanced and unusual style that wasn't exactly what was required. It was great music but it was just a little ahead of its time. So Bach moved on to the job in Weimar, which gave him greater musical freedom. His main duties were court organist and chamber musician to the reigning Duke Wilhelm Ernst, and he afterwards attained the job of conductor to the court orchestra in his last three years of service. It was at the beginning of this period of work that he wrote some of his most famous organ pieces, including the marvelous Passacaglia. The top job at these various courts was always a conductor, and there was an opening in 1716 at Weimar. But Bach did not get offered the job, so he immediately started looking for another position, ending up at the court of Prince Leopold of Cothen. Bach spent many years in Cothen and created some of his finest music in this period: the Brandenburg Concertos, the violin concertos, and the suites for orchestra and much of the chamber music. During the time that Bach was developing his talents as a composer, Germany was going through what most of the rest of Europe was going through. It was going through the Industrial Revolution. This probably had some effect on his works, but probably nothing really significant. A ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Qualities Of Benjamin Bach Bach was a baroque composer who was known to be an outstanding, virtuoso organist. As a boy he learned to play the harpsichord, clavichord, violin, viola, and organ, and spent a brief time as a vocalist in a monastery. Bach was quickly recognized as a nimble organist, displaying remarkable technical dexterity in both hands and feet. He was soon offered a position as a church organist, and over the course of his career he held this position in many churches. Upon obtaining a position in Leipzig where new music was required for services on a weekly basis, Bach began turning out sacred works and cantatas like an industrial machine. Bach greatly admired and was inspired by Dietrich Buxtehude, who was not only a composer but also one of the greatest organists of the time. ... Show more content on ... He displayed this special talent both in his personal life as a caring and devoted father, husband and provider; and in his career, as an organist and composer. As an organist, he showcased acute discipline in the preciseness and equality of strength in each of his fingers. He played with keen attention to noted and necessary fingerings in the execution of highly contrapuntal pieces he often performed. Not only were his hands adept, but his feet also worked harmoniously at the pedals. While this multitasking attribute is no doubt recognizable in all of his highly technical library of compositions, it is especially evident in his fugues, and inventions. This effect is the result of Bach's relentless utilization of counterpoint, which is the art of playing two or more coexisting melodies subsequently in coherence. Although this complex arrangement may appear somewhat daunting, Bach's music is not at all invincible. Rather it requires first, a careful and meticulous analysis, and then the same approach in ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Johann Sebastian Bach Essay Johann Sebastian Bach was one of the greatest composers in Western musical history. More than 1,000 of his compositions survive. Some examples are the Art of Fugue, Brandenburg Concerti, the Goldberg Variations for Harpsichord, the Mass in B –Minor, the motets, the Easter and Christmas oratorios, Toccata in F Major, French Suite No 5, Fugue in G Major, Fugue in G Minor ("The Great"), St. Matthew Passion, and Jesu Der Du Meine Seele. He came from a family of musicians. There were over 53 musicians in his family over a period of 300 years.<br><br>Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Eisenach, Germany on March 21, 1685. His father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was a talented violinist, and taught his son the basic skills for string playing. Another ... Show more content on ... In Weimar, he assumed the post of organist and concertmaster in the chapel. He remained in Weimar for nine years, and there he composed his first wave of major works, including organ showpieces and cantatas.<br><br>By this stage in his life, Bach had developed a reputation as a brilliant, yet inflexible, musical talent. His qualities on the organ was unequaled in Europe, in fact, he toured regularly as a solo virtuoso. His growing mastery of compositional forms, like the fugue and the canon, was already attracting interest from the musical establishment – which, in his day, was the Lutheran church. But, like many people of great talent, he was never very good at playing the political game, and consequently suffered drawbacks in his career. He was passed over for a major position, which was Kapellmeister (Chorus Master) of Weimar, in 1716. Partly in reaction to this situation, he left Weimar the following year to take a job as court conductor in Anhalt–Cothen. There, he slowed his writings of church cantatas, and instead concentrated on instrumental music. His time Anhalt–Cothen in period produced, along with other masterpieces, the Brandenburg Concerti.<br><br>While at Cothen, Bach's wife, Maria Barbara, died. Bach remarried soon after to Anna Magdalena and went ahead with his work. He also went ahead in the baby making department, producing 13 children with his new wife – six of which survived ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Bach And His Life Story Of Johann Sebastian Bach Many people admire listening to music and enjoy watching operas. Composers have the main part in this activity and are the most important. Music listeners know many composers, including old and new ones. There are many famous composers that have been well–known for the years in the past. Some famous composers include Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Joseph Haydn, George Fredrick Handel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonio Vivaldi, and Ludwig van Beethoven. The most well–known composer would have to be Johann Sebastian Bach. Do you know of Bach and his life story? Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Central Germany in Eisenach on March 21, 1685(2). His father, grandfather, and great grandfather were involved with music, which made Bach destined to take part in music(1). Before Bach was ten years old his parents has passed and he went to live with his oldest brother(2). His brother had taught him how to play the harpsichord and the clavichord(2). At the age of fifteen Bach had left his brother and supported himself by singing in church choir and playing the organ and the violin and by the age of eighteen he became an organist at Arnstadt(1). A couple years later on October 17th, 1707, Bach had got married to Maria Barbara, his second cousin, and had seven children(1). About thirteen years later Maria had passed (1720). Then, on December 3rd, 1721 he was remarried to a woman named Anna Magdalena, which they had 13 children(1). Moving on to Bach's music career he started out by first ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Benjamin Bach Biography Arlyne Covarrubias Johann Sebastian Bach, as the world has come to know was a remarkable person. Terry states Bach's birth as March 21, 1685 the youngest child from his family born in the baroque era (20). He came from a lineage where many of his relatives were musicians. His father, Johann Ambrosius Bach was a town's musician and it is suspected that he is the person whom thought Bach the arts of playing the violin. Bach's family was of the higher class with good morals and good family traditions. Growing up in a family who very much enjoyed music, gatherings took place annually so that the family could enjoy music festivities together. According to, Terry, Bach's "home was broken up by his father's death" and he was sent to live with... Show more content on ... His desire and need to put his skills to work later gave him the opportunity to work for the "household of Duke Johann Ernst" where he "served the younger, music–loving prince, who maintained a small chamber orchestra" this job gave Bach the opportunity that he needed to start his career (Terry 56). Bach had great success in later years of his life. It is a fact that few of Sebastian Bach work was printed even in his lifetime. Geck states that among the handwritten surviving works is "Clavier–Гњbung" the longest and most significant work published in 1726 and 1742 (23). This is a piece of his work that was not even printed but just handwritten. In Bach's success we have the privilege of having "six sonatas, and partitas for solo violin and six cellos suites" all written in the handwriting of his first wife Anna Magdalena Bach (Geck 23). His magical world consisted of many works that he perform for different kinds of events. There is evidence recorded stated by Wolf in the book The World of The Bach Cantatas that he worked from weddings to council elections to even funerals and more (9). In recorded history there is about "1,000 of Bach's compositions" something that is incredible for such a remarkable man (Wolff 45). From fugues that were more of private matters to for example, his famous Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV 565 works. To this day are played in scary movies, ballets, dance routines, theater routines, videos and enjoyed by anyone with an exquisite music taste. Kupferberg mentions in his book, Basically Bach A 300th birthday celebration, that there was a production of about 300 church cantatas during his 27 years in Leipzig (81). To conclude, Bach's death came on July 28, 1750 being married and remarried and having a total of 20 children with two women Bach left behind a splendid legacy for not just his family to be proud of but also for the enjoyment of ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Johann Sebastian Bach Bio Bach Instruments Although the clavichordf ell into relativeo bscurityb y the end of the nineteenthc en–tury,it had a long and distinguishedh istoryd atingb ack to the late Middle Ages. Bach biog–rapherJ ohann Forkel claimed that the clavichord was Johann Sebastian Bach's preferred instrument; he was attractedb y its abilityt o communicaten uances and subtleties, and con–sideredi t to be farm ore expressivet han the harpsichord. Bach was not alone in his admira–tion for the clavichord; similar sentiments were expressed by numerous composers, performers,an d music lovers over those centuries,m any of whom are quoted in this vol–ume. "Intimate"c omes to mind as a way of describingt he sound of a clavichord. At its loud–est the sound would be described as soft,a nd its softests ounds are barely audible. ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Bach Fugue Analysis For that reason, Bach used a fugue in solo organ pieces and in instrumental works and choral cantatas. This Fugue is the most famous of fugues by any composer. The difficult part to explain is how Bach created the Toccata's forceful organ effect. When Bach was in Arnstadt when he was younger, theorgan ordinarily lacked a 16–foot register on the keyboard; consequently, it sounds an octave lower than the normal 8–foot register. Accordingly, in order to create the effect, Bach used octave doubling; consequently, he continued the resounding effect of the opening bars; conversely, there is no octave doubling in any of Bach's later organ works; moreover, the fugue sounds furious with its uninterrupted series of fast notes. Also, Bach felt ... Show more content on ... This section segues into the third and final section of the Toccata, which consists almost entirely of a passage doubled at the sixth and comprising reiterations of the same three–note figure, similar to doubled passages in the first section; after a brief pedal flourish, the piece ends with a D minor chord. In Bach's brilliance, he made the subject of the four–voice fugue up entirely of sixteenth notes with an implied pedal point set against a brief melodic subject that first falls and then rises. Nevertheless, Baroque music frequently encountered Violinistic figures and that of Bach, both as fugue subjects and as material in non–imitative pieces. The answer is in the subdominant key, rather than the dominant. Although it's a four–part fugue, there are only three voices, and some of the interludes are in two or even one voice (notated as two); although Bach employed only one simple triadic harmony throughout the fugue, there is an unexpected C minor subject entry and, furthermore, a solo pedal statement of the subject (a unique feature for a Baroque fugue). After the final subject entry, the composition resolves to a sustained B flat major chord; a multi–sectional coda follows, which Bach marked as Recitativo. Although it's only 17 bars long, it progresses through five tempo changes; in addition, Bach had the last bars played Molto ... Get more on ...