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My daily
Meenakshi Roy
Welcome to
your Journey
of Self-
In this book, I have collated my thoughts on empowerment, confidence,
goal achievement, success, spirituality, happiness and more. As I tread the
path of my journey, experiencing and enjoying every phase, the ups and
downs, the tasks that I have been put on, the tests that I had to go
through, I realized every step that I took, only made me emerge stronger
than before.
I am sharing my learnings and thoughts here and I hope these quotes or
thoughts, whatever you may call them, will show you the way to
empowerment. They will make you stronger by each day and you will be
able to excel in everything that you do.
I encourage you to read one daily. Wherever you feel connected, put it in
practice. Make a board / calendar / poster of your favorite ones and read
them aloud, at least once daily.
I am sure they will help you feel motivated to ready take action!
"Every King was once a crying baby,
Every great building was once a map,
it is not important where you are today, but….
where you will reach tomorrow is important.”!!!!
Leadership is a journey of self-discovery. The discovery of a leader
and the leadership within ourselves.
It's now more about your passion for excellence and making a
By being self-aware and fully responsible, you can build deeper and
more meaningful relationships.
A leader is only as good as their team. We’ll explore strategies that
help you turn your team into a high performing one.
Spend more time with your team, building relationship and loyalty.
When you are in the sea and you see a hole in your boat. Try to fix
the hole rather bailing water out of the boat.
Nothing can defeat you unless you defeat yourself.
Success comes to those who recognize and accept it.
"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to
make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of
others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the
equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent." ~ Douglas
"Leadership is no longer about your position, It is an action.
Every new day brings with it, a new challenge,
It could be big enough to break you,
Or small enough to go un-noticed.
How we react to the challenges will either make or break us.
To grow and achieve success, you have to face the
challenges that come to you with a smile on your face and
hope in your heart.
Remember, there is sunshine after dark, don't break to
your challenges, don't let them out win you.
Live life to the fullest, welcome every challenge with a new
step closer to your goal.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s
Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results
of other people’s thinking.
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own
inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart
and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly
want to become.
Everything else is secondary.
Passion is enough ..... micro learnings / upgrading skill set /
continuous improvement / internships and mentoring ..... the
speed at which things are changing, what we really need to
learn is, how to cope and adapt.
With google / Utube and us entering Information Age or
rather overdose of Information Age, knowledge today is
available at the click of a button ... application of knowledge
is where we need to use our intelligence.....
As I create coaches every month I tell them ..... use
everything I’ve shared ..... all of my content is for u to go
and use to help this world ..... the mission has to be greater
than your desire to hold onto your packaging of knowledge
because the truth is universe does not belong to any one
person ..... yes how u say it can be copyrighted.... let it go
...... let everyone ‘s progress become our goal ..... grow your
heart, celebrate success, no matter who is at the receiving
This world is full of 2 types of people …..
1) who believe it’s all going to work out just fine …. They trust the divine ways of
life and know that the universe is always having their back . They are never
alone and are being guided towards their best destiny
2) those who believe the opposite to be true - for them, the world is a bad
place, no one should be trusted . The universe brings them bad luck and they are
jinxed and no matter how hard they try, something will always go wrong . They
often wonder if this universal consciousness even exists or is it... just a hoax .
Law of attraction is a nice marketable theory .
The question is not what’s true, the question is which one helps you live a better
life ….. for the one who has faith no explanation is necessary and the one
without faith no explanation is worth.
My take is.... build your courage, clarity and consistency in things u can do and
trust, faith and surrender in what, only god can do.
Work on the process
And allow god to give you the results.
They say faith can move mountains.
I believe all miracles in life are proof of the energy above.
Start counting things that go your way ….. stop faking it start faithing it…..
Once u tap into that energy, nothing remains impossible, for faith, is to believe
what you do not see.... the reward of this faith.... is to see what you believe
Today comment below _your favourite affirmation out of these 10 :
I live by faith, not by sight
God is with me always
The universe naturally takes care of me and my needs
All my actions, thoughts and words are guided by a divine power
I listen to the divine guidance I am given
I have true, divine purpose
I am immensely loved by God
I am exactly who God wanted me to be
I may fail, but I am not a failure
Step by step, I am blessed deeply
Come on just writing it out here in the comments section - you will feel your
connectedness … if u do.... add feeling connected already to whatever u
wrote ….
I don’t live in either my past or my future.
I’m interested only in the present.
If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a
happy man.
Life will be a party for you, a grand festival because life is
the moment we’re living now.”
Choose your battles means to be selective of the problems,
arguments, and confrontations that you get involved in.
Instead of fighting every problem, you save your time only
for the things that matter. This means fighting the most
important battles and letting go of the rest.
Today onwards forget the need and desire to be right but
more come from a place of no point talking to someone who
does not have the bandwidth of knowing that both opinions
can be right .... when looked upon from different point of
view .....
Say this out loud
“I quit u win” and then walk away with a smile knowing
He / she won this battle but u won the war !!!
Everyday walk away from atleast one persons drama and u
will start to get your life back ......
What’s your go to line when u are arguing :
Not my monkeys not my circus
Arguing with a fool means there are two
Emotional Mastery
Emotional Mastery should be the aim & objective for soul
growth …..
You are as evolved as your control over your emotions
Today take any negative incident of your life and ask
If I could NOT change anything from the outside …. Not
the incident the person what was said what I said but I had
to RETURN TO PEACE …. How do I need to think
Recently I had gotten hurt -
And I tried this and did two things
❤️�what was my expectation that created this hurt &
What can I have as my new expectation now that I know
better ….
❤️�Secondly - I reminded myself
Everyone is doing their best in their capacity … With the
information experience and understanding they have - hurt
people hurt people
Type below if u are willing to say this everytime u choose to
return to peace ….
-Dont give it away so easily to any xyz person !!!
“Never worry for the delay in your SUCCESS
as compared to others because ....
construction of “Wonders” takes more time
than ordinary structures…!!!”
Let your life be… like a pair of walking feet,
The one walking in front, does not feel pride,
The one walking behind, does not feel ashamed,
As they both know that…..
The situations will soon change.
Never stop to take that step,
Every step is taking you to success,
Grow 1% every day.
There are so many people who are not even realising that
they are in quicksand. They think they're stable but they'll
never know when it's too late.
Wake up because if you don't then you'll be drowned.
That's why you must have a coach or mastermind buddies
because they'll remind you to focus and get back on your
Is your life getting too comfortable? Are you too
complacent with what you have? Well, that's your warning
sign that you might be in quicksand.. Get out now. Comfort
isn't going to get you anywhere.
Life is magical when we move into a space of courage to stop
letting our doubts and fears control us ....
Start walking towards your MAGICAL ZONE ..... that lives
outside of your comfort zone .....
Comment below what are you going to do today that will
take you one step closer to your dream life ......start small
but start today !!!
This is my secret ..... everyday every day for the last 10
years .... I’ve designed my life using the power of
visualisation..... I don’t want you to believe me .....just try to
prove me wrong ...... I would love that
Every morning....... I sit in a comfortable position and day
dream with a purpose ....
You are more productive by doing fifteen minutes of
visualization than from sixteen hours of hard labor
Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary
people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather
what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they
begin to see it as possible
The higher the detail of your visualization, the deeper the
impact will be on your subconscious mind.
So choose your favourite affirmation and type below
something you are willing to say daily
“ I AM the creator of my life experience.What I visualise
daily starts to materialise into my life easily. This is so
much fun “
Stop giving away your power to people who have nothing better to do than be
critical of people who have the courage to do something ....
Some people have so little going on in their lives, they would rather discuss
How you react to the critics decides how far you will go ......
You have 5 options :
Feel bad overthink and stop ( they win )
Feel bad overthink but don’t stop ( damage control )
Respond & justify explain (shifts your focus)
Ignore & Carry on ( maturity )
Smile in wisdom ( knowing where u are going there is no place for such people )
You cannot become someone without someone having a negative judgement on
you ,your skill set ,your business or your personality-
Learn to use the criticism as fuel and you will never run out of energy.
The question is who will win
You or them
Remember -You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your
biggest miracle.
My suggestion :
10 ways to take your power back
Know your value
Avoid negative self talk
Don’t waste energy worrying about the past
Establish healthy boundaries
Say This too shall pass
Stop complaining
Stop discussing them
Stop apologising for being you
Increase self appreciation
If u can :
Send them love
Hurt people hurt people
Pray they heal soon
And protect yourself
Your success needs you to focus
Don’t let any person come in between
Wish all your enemies a long life, so they can see you succeed in life.
Work hard on not taking things personally
It’s a superpower worth spending time building
I meet the smartest of people complaining to me how the lady in the saloon
didn’t treat her well
How dare the dash speak like that to them
I honestly get amused by the fact of how fragile we have become that anyone
can come and say anything to us and can ruin our day our peace of mind and our
Become protective about your peace .....
Don’t keep it so available that anyone can take it away from you whenever they
I learnt this lesson from my friend
He is UN-INSULTABLE ..... he has a mechanism in his brain that moves into
What is this person going through because which he is reacting this way
Will my responding / reacting help this situation
Should I deal with this another time once the person is able to handle himself
What can I do to help this person
Can I love / sympathise/ empathise so this person feels heard
To remember it’s not about me
But people only reveal their hurt pain ego jealousy control unacceptance
negativity when they behave in that manner
Allow them knowing it not u it’s them
And if u do a good job of your response trust me they will normally come back to
make it upto u
Play these situations like a BAAZIGAR - lose the battle win the war
Haar ke jeetne wale ko baazigar kehte hai
Michele Obama said
When they go low we go high
Choose your calm no matter what .... your fight is not against that person but
your AIM of the game is .... not to lose your peace ....
Shift your focus and watch yourself truly become - supernatural
Is it HARD - VERY !!!!
Is it WORTH IT - TRULY !!!
You become the average of the 5 people u most spend time
with .... choose wisely ..... look around ... make a list of people
that inspire & one of people that expire you .... and start
spending more time with the first and avoid or protect
yourself from energy vampires ..... and watch your life
improve automatically and so wonderfully ....
5 Reasons why people fail.....
1. They are not sure where to start.
2. They are overwhelmed with the information available.
3. They don't have the money and the resources.
4. They implement the wrong way.
5. They don't have a bigger vision / intention.
Always having been a people pleaser
Being liked was important to me
Thus Learning to say NO was a massive turning point in my life ....
I remember I rehearsed sentences to be firm yet polite -
I'm honoured but I can't.
I wish there were two of me. ...
Sorry, I'm booked into something else right now. ...
Sadly, I have something else. ...
No, thank you but it sounds lovely, so next time. ...
I'm not taking anything else right now
Damn, not able to fit this one in! Thank you so much for thinking
of me, but I can't!
Over time NO became a complete sentence .... and my sense of self
worth grew .....
Yet every month I make a list of things of who and what do I need
to say a lot more NO to and because of which I will be able to say a
lot more yeses to things that give me JOY .....
Setting boundaries is self care !!
I’d rather be guilty and compensate later then be bitter towards
someone because I said yes
Comment below “ I know my next NO “ if u have the courage to
identify and be able to deliver it today
You have to grow
From the Inside out.
None can teach you,
None can make you.
There is no other teacher but,
Your soul.
Follow Your intuition,
It will always take you to the right
Self-talk is one way to deal with stress. We all talk to
ourselves; sometimes we talk out loud but usually we
keep self-talk in our heads. Self-talk can be positive ("I
can do this" or "Things will work out") or negative ("I'll
never get well" or "I'm so stupid").
Negative self-talkincreasesstress.Positiveself-talkhelpsyoucalmdownandcontrol stress.With
practice,youcan learnto turn negative thoughtsintopositiveones.
To help you feel better, practice positive self-talk every
day — in the car, at your desk, before you go to bed or
whenever you notice negative thoughts.

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Motivational quotes

  • 2. Introduction Welcome to your Journey of Self- Empowerment. In this book, I have collated my thoughts on empowerment, confidence, goal achievement, success, spirituality, happiness and more. As I tread the path of my journey, experiencing and enjoying every phase, the ups and downs, the tasks that I have been put on, the tests that I had to go through, I realized every step that I took, only made me emerge stronger than before. I am sharing my learnings and thoughts here and I hope these quotes or thoughts, whatever you may call them, will show you the way to empowerment. They will make you stronger by each day and you will be able to excel in everything that you do. I encourage you to read one daily. Wherever you feel connected, put it in practice. Make a board / calendar / poster of your favorite ones and read them aloud, at least once daily. I am sure they will help you feel motivated to ready take action!
  • 3. 1) "Every King was once a crying baby, Every great building was once a map, it is not important where you are today, but…. where you will reach tomorrow is important.”!!!!
  • 4. 2) Leadership is a journey of self-discovery. The discovery of a leader and the leadership within ourselves. It's now more about your passion for excellence and making a difference By being self-aware and fully responsible, you can build deeper and more meaningful relationships. A leader is only as good as their team. We’ll explore strategies that help you turn your team into a high performing one. Spend more time with your team, building relationship and loyalty. When you are in the sea and you see a hole in your boat. Try to fix the hole rather bailing water out of the boat. Nothing can defeat you unless you defeat yourself. Success comes to those who recognize and accept it. "A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent." ~ Douglas MacArthur "Leadership is no longer about your position, It is an action.
  • 5.
  • 6. 3) Every new day brings with it, a new challenge, It could be big enough to break you, Or small enough to go un-noticed. How we react to the challenges will either make or break us. To grow and achieve success, you have to face the challenges that come to you with a smile on your face and hope in your heart. Remember, there is sunshine after dark, don't break to your challenges, don't let them out win you. Live life to the fullest, welcome every challenge with a new step closer to your goal.
  • 7.
  • 8. 4) Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
  • 9.
  • 10. 5) Passion is enough ..... micro learnings / upgrading skill set / continuous improvement / internships and mentoring ..... the speed at which things are changing, what we really need to learn is, how to cope and adapt. With google / Utube and us entering Information Age or rather overdose of Information Age, knowledge today is available at the click of a button ... application of knowledge is where we need to use our intelligence..... As I create coaches every month I tell them ..... use everything I’ve shared ..... all of my content is for u to go and use to help this world ..... the mission has to be greater than your desire to hold onto your packaging of knowledge because the truth is universe does not belong to any one person ..... yes how u say it can be copyrighted.... let it go ...... let everyone ‘s progress become our goal ..... grow your heart, celebrate success, no matter who is at the receiving end
  • 11.
  • 12. 6)
  • 13. 7) This world is full of 2 types of people ….. 1) who believe it’s all going to work out just fine …. They trust the divine ways of life and know that the universe is always having their back . They are never alone and are being guided towards their best destiny 2) those who believe the opposite to be true - for them, the world is a bad place, no one should be trusted . The universe brings them bad luck and they are jinxed and no matter how hard they try, something will always go wrong . They often wonder if this universal consciousness even exists or is it... just a hoax . Law of attraction is a nice marketable theory . The question is not what’s true, the question is which one helps you live a better life ….. for the one who has faith no explanation is necessary and the one without faith no explanation is worth. My take is.... build your courage, clarity and consistency in things u can do and trust, faith and surrender in what, only god can do. Work on the process And allow god to give you the results. They say faith can move mountains. I believe all miracles in life are proof of the energy above. Start counting things that go your way ….. stop faking it start faithing it….. Once u tap into that energy, nothing remains impossible, for faith, is to believe what you do not see.... the reward of this faith.... is to see what you believe Today comment below _your favourite affirmation out of these 10 : I live by faith, not by sight God is with me always The universe naturally takes care of me and my needs All my actions, thoughts and words are guided by a divine power I listen to the divine guidance I am given I have true, divine purpose I am immensely loved by God I am exactly who God wanted me to be I may fail, but I am not a failure Step by step, I am blessed deeply Come on just writing it out here in the comments section - you will feel your connectedness … if u do.... add feeling connected already to whatever u wrote ….
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  • 16. I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival because life is the moment we’re living now.”
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  • 19. Choose your battles means to be selective of the problems, arguments, and confrontations that you get involved in. Instead of fighting every problem, you save your time only for the things that matter. This means fighting the most important battles and letting go of the rest. Today onwards forget the need and desire to be right but more come from a place of no point talking to someone who does not have the bandwidth of knowing that both opinions can be right .... when looked upon from different point of view ..... Say this out loud “I quit u win” and then walk away with a smile knowing He / she won this battle but u won the war !!! Everyday walk away from atleast one persons drama and u will start to get your life back ...... What’s your go to line when u are arguing : Not my monkeys not my circus Arguing with a fool means there are two
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  • 21. Emotional Mastery Emotional Mastery should be the aim & objective for soul growth ….. You are as evolved as your control over your emotions Today take any negative incident of your life and ask yourself If I could NOT change anything from the outside …. Not the incident the person what was said what I said but I had to RETURN TO PEACE …. How do I need to think Recently I had gotten hurt - And I tried this and did two things ❤️�what was my expectation that created this hurt & disappointment What can I have as my new expectation now that I know better …. ❤️�Secondly - I reminded myself Everyone is doing their best in their capacity … With the information experience and understanding they have - hurt people hurt people Type below if u are willing to say this everytime u choose to return to peace …. “ IF THEY KNEW BETTER THEY WOULD HAVE DONE BETTER “ PS - Remember your PEACE IS YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY -Dont give it away so easily to any xyz person !!!
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  • 25. “Never worry for the delay in your SUCCESS as compared to others because .... construction of “Wonders” takes more time than ordinary structures…!!!”
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  • 27. Let your life be… like a pair of walking feet, The one walking in front, does not feel pride, The one walking behind, does not feel ashamed, As they both know that….. The situations will soon change. Never stop to take that step, Every step is taking you to success, Grow 1% every day.
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  • 30. There are so many people who are not even realising that they are in quicksand. They think they're stable but they'll never know when it's too late. Wake up because if you don't then you'll be drowned. That's why you must have a coach or mastermind buddies because they'll remind you to focus and get back on your mission. Is your life getting too comfortable? Are you too complacent with what you have? Well, that's your warning sign that you might be in quicksand.. Get out now. Comfort isn't going to get you anywhere.
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  • 33. Life is magical when we move into a space of courage to stop letting our doubts and fears control us .... Start walking towards your MAGICAL ZONE ..... that lives outside of your comfort zone ..... Comment below what are you going to do today that will take you one step closer to your dream life ......start small but start today !!!
  • 34. This is my secret ..... everyday every day for the last 10 years .... I’ve designed my life using the power of visualisation..... I don’t want you to believe me .....just try to prove me wrong ...... I would love that Every morning....... I sit in a comfortable position and day dream with a purpose .... You are more productive by doing fifteen minutes of visualization than from sixteen hours of hard labor Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible The higher the detail of your visualization, the deeper the impact will be on your subconscious mind. So choose your favourite affirmation and type below something you are willing to say daily “ I AM the creator of my life experience.What I visualise daily starts to materialise into my life easily. This is so much fun “
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  • 37. Stop giving away your power to people who have nothing better to do than be critical of people who have the courage to do something .... Some people have so little going on in their lives, they would rather discuss yours. How you react to the critics decides how far you will go ...... You have 5 options : Feel bad overthink and stop ( they win ) Feel bad overthink but don’t stop ( damage control ) Respond & justify explain (shifts your focus) Ignore & Carry on ( maturity ) Smile in wisdom ( knowing where u are going there is no place for such people ) You cannot become someone without someone having a negative judgement on you ,your skill set ,your business or your personality- Learn to use the criticism as fuel and you will never run out of energy. The question is who will win You or them Remember -You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle. My suggestion : 10 ways to take your power back Know your value Avoid negative self talk Forgive Don’t waste energy worrying about the past Establish healthy boundaries Say This too shall pass Stop complaining Stop discussing them Stop apologising for being you Increase self appreciation If u can : Send them love Hurt people hurt people Pray they heal soon And protect yourself Your success needs you to focus Don’t let any person come in between Wish all your enemies a long life, so they can see you succeed in life.
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  • 41. Work hard on not taking things personally It’s a superpower worth spending time building I meet the smartest of people complaining to me how the lady in the saloon didn’t treat her well How dare the dash speak like that to them I honestly get amused by the fact of how fragile we have become that anyone can come and say anything to us and can ruin our day our peace of mind and our mood Become protective about your peace ..... Don’t keep it so available that anyone can take it away from you whenever they like I learnt this lesson from my friend He is UN-INSULTABLE ..... he has a mechanism in his brain that moves into What is this person going through because which he is reacting this way Will my responding / reacting help this situation Should I deal with this another time once the person is able to handle himself better What can I do to help this person Can I love / sympathise/ empathise so this person feels heard To remember it’s not about me But people only reveal their hurt pain ego jealousy control unacceptance negativity when they behave in that manner Allow them knowing it not u it’s them And if u do a good job of your response trust me they will normally come back to make it upto u Play these situations like a BAAZIGAR - lose the battle win the war Haar ke jeetne wale ko baazigar kehte hai Michele Obama said When they go low we go high Choose your calm no matter what .... your fight is not against that person but your AIM of the game is .... not to lose your peace .... Shift your focus and watch yourself truly become - supernatural Is it HARD - VERY !!!! Is it WORTH IT - TRULY !!! Today just type - I COMMIT TO PROTECTING MY PEACE !!
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  • 43. You become the average of the 5 people u most spend time with .... choose wisely ..... look around ... make a list of people that inspire & one of people that expire you .... and start spending more time with the first and avoid or protect yourself from energy vampires ..... and watch your life improve automatically and so wonderfully ....
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  • 46. HAVE A VISION BEYOND U. 5 Reasons why people fail..... 1. They are not sure where to start. 2. They are overwhelmed with the information available. 3. They don't have the money and the resources. 4. They implement the wrong way. 5. They don't have a bigger vision / intention.
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  • 49. Always having been a people pleaser Being liked was important to me Thus Learning to say NO was a massive turning point in my life .... I remember I rehearsed sentences to be firm yet polite - I'm honoured but I can't. I wish there were two of me. ... Sorry, I'm booked into something else right now. ... Sadly, I have something else. ... No, thank you but it sounds lovely, so next time. ... I'm not taking anything else right now Damn, not able to fit this one in! Thank you so much for thinking of me, but I can't! Over time NO became a complete sentence .... and my sense of self worth grew ..... Yet every month I make a list of things of who and what do I need to say a lot more NO to and because of which I will be able to say a lot more yeses to things that give me JOY ..... Setting boundaries is self care !! I’d rather be guilty and compensate later then be bitter towards someone because I said yes Comment below “ I know my next NO “ if u have the courage to identify and be able to deliver it today
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  • 54. You have to grow From the Inside out. None can teach you, None can make you. There is no other teacher but, Your soul. Follow Your intuition, It will always take you to the right DIRECTION.
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  • 57. Self-talk is one way to deal with stress. We all talk to ourselves; sometimes we talk out loud but usually we keep self-talk in our heads. Self-talk can be positive ("I can do this" or "Things will work out") or negative ("I'll never get well" or "I'm so stupid"). Negative self-talkincreasesstress.Positiveself-talkhelpsyoucalmdownandcontrol stress.With practice,youcan learnto turn negative thoughtsintopositiveones. To help you feel better, practice positive self-talk every day — in the car, at your desk, before you go to bed or whenever you notice negative thoughts.
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