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Sacandaga SunComplimentary Digest
December 2014/January 2015 Issue
Law Talk
Mother's Nature
In-Tuit with Shelley
Cup of Soup
N.etwork of
Communication, Education, Sharing & Vitality
Editor's Notes
Where has this year gone? Time sure does fly when you are having fun
doesn’t it? December arrives with some fresh changes for the upcoming New Year.
We’ve fine-tuned our vision for what Sacandaga Sun will encompass. Soon you will
learn about our revamped website ( and the expanded topic
range we have planned for the digest. Communication, education, sharing and vitality
and what brings them all together as we turn our eyes towards the holiday season and
trying to master the art of stress-free lives with our family or friends.
Our feature writers this edition are Kathy Brown, Intuitive, who shares with us
how to see a positive in every situation. Bethany Schumann-McGhee, Esq. helps us
with our financial fitness with sensible solutions. Gina Gausman, Akasha Artistic
Healing, shares with us her anecdote, food for thought in empowerment. Jim Kopec, a
local business owner of, The Cobblestone Cottage, shares with us his passion on his
handcrafted line of doll furniture. My Executive Editor, Heather Mattioni will be
introducing you to our newest segment within the digest, our “mini mags” as we call
them. Here you can create your very own business magazine within the digest.
Heather shares her Mother’s Nature with us too! And as always, my own take with
Intuit with Shelley on manifesting your dreams.
As we grow closer to the Christmas season and the New Year, remember
that the real star of the holiday is gratitude and we at Sacandaga Sun Holistic Digest,
wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Shelley D Brienza
Kathy Brown
Heather Mattioni
Bethany Schumann-McGhee
Gina Gausman
Shelley Brienza
Shelley Brienza, Publisher, Editor -in-Chief
Heather Mattioni, Executive Editor and
Graphic Design Layout
Statement of Purpose
Sacandaga Digest Publishing accepts no liability, expressed or implied, for any
advertisements, editorials, or products contained within. The information is not
intended for treatment or self-diagnosis. Opinions expressed in this digest are those of
the authors and not necessarily those of the publisher or advertisers. Information
contained within the digest does not constitute medical advice.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission from the publisher. Sacandaga Digest Publishing reserves the right to refuse
advertising or editorial material for any reason. Advertisers and contributors must assume all
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handling charges may apply.
Sacandaga Digest Publishing
61 Elmwood Ave., PMB 181
Gloversville, NY 12078
Phone: 518-705-2521 (Shelley) or 518-573-6080 (Heather)
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Sacandaga Sun Subscriptions
Subscriptions are available for a
donation of $10.95 per year for 6
issues. Send check or money order
made payable and addressed to:
Shelley Brienza
Sacandaga Sun Digest
61 Elmwood Ave., PMB 181
Gloversville, NY 12078
Welcome to In-Tuit with Shelley
What if you could make your dreams, the good ones you like, come true or manifest?
What if you went along in your daily life, thinking that what you dreamed of happening
will happen? Will it? Or could it? A number of people believe this to be true. I think it is
key that you "believe" something can come true for it to actually come true. We all
dream of all kinds of things to happen to us. Some might seem utterly ridiculous to
yourself but it's "your dream". You own it.
I have a few dreams that I have dreamed and wanted to manifest. Some have come
true already. I think that you need to dream it and yes as cliché as it sounds, believe it
and then help yourself achieve it. You can't sit still and wait for things to fall in your lap.
You've got to help yourself for yourself; and I think staying true to who you are, never
minding what everyone else says about you or your dreams is good too. Sometimes
as much as others mean to mean well, they just don't get it.
So let me teach you how to manifest your dreams. You will need to believe in yourself
first. It's best not to work on this from a state of depression or anger. You need some
self-love. Believe you are worthy of making your dreams come true. It's hard
sometimes to create a state of mind that emits love and joy, but you can do it. What
things out there just make you ooze with love? Think of that feeling and remember
how it feels and use it. It's like having a positive thought instead of a negative one.
The positive one will make you feel better and help the manifestation of your dream
happen. One thing I keep telling a friend of mine is to "keep the faith" even if it is just a
tiny thread of it. Keep it. Hang on to it. That's all you need to start to believe. Doing
just that is an "action" which will work towards the manifestation.
Grab a pen and paper or get online and begin to type. What is it that you truly want for
your life? Or maybe you don't want it for your life at all and you want to make
someone else's dream come true. Write it down. Tuck it away somewhere, like in your
wallet or your sock drawer or somewhere where you will know where it is, as you will
come back to it later on. On another paper or online write down one affirmation for
yourself. Let's say mine is going to be, "I can do this." It's really simple. Just write
yourself a positive note and hang it somewhere where you will read it every day. And
when you get stressed out as we all do, say it over and over. It just helps even if you
think it isn't. Don't give up! Sometimes it takes time to happen but you will see, it can
Now every night before you go to bed or where ever or whenever you find that quiet
time to reflect on what you want, just let yourself "be". Think the thoughts of how you
wish the "dream" to come true. Think about it. Feel it. Know it. Own it. Don't attach
your feelings to the outcome. This is where that tiny thread of faith comes in. Don't try
to control it. Just trust it to be. Say your affirmation. Accept where you are at in this
moment and carry on. That's it. Anyone can practice this.
I know it's one thing to "teach" you this and another to put it in use. Therefore, I am
going to use myself as the "test" subject and report back if it is working again. There is
no time line for this. It could happen in a day or a month or longer. All I've heard this
year from everyone I know is, "to have patience". Well, I am trying my best to do that
and it isn't an easy task for some of us. Then others have said, "Time will tell." I hated
that one too. I am tired of being patient in the ways that I am not proactively doing
Inspirational 5
something to make the dreams come true. And sure "time will tell," and so will I. Learn
to love yourself as this sets the foundation for your dreams to come true.
I want to hear from you readers on how you feel about this method of receiving. Do
you think this is just another methodical way to produce an outcome you desire or is it
something spiritual that you feel can happen with a hand "from above"? Or is it
something else all together different for you. Tell me.
Shelley Brienza
By Rev. Corbie Mitleid
Spirit guides are one of the most blessed and important parts of our life's toolbox.
Your guides are always there. But sometimes, because they know that growth and
spiritual understanding are most important for any incarnation, they will sit things out
— not give us any particular guidance. Why? Sometimes the most valuable part of a
life lesson is figuring out how to get the answer we seek, even more than the answer
itself. However, they are ALWAYS there on the sidelines: loving us, cheering us on,
and giving us strength and courage. The trick is to know the difference between
guidance and using them as crutches. And there are times when all of us depend on
them more than is good for us. That’s when our guides go silent, waiting for us to
access our own Inner Knowing, because they know we have our own answers in
there. It just needs a little digging to unearth them.
Rev. Corbie Mitleid
CROSS THE BRIDGE from fear to fearlessness -- and fly!
I was completely honored when I was asked to contribute to this amazing publication.
My head was swimming with ideas, and therein lays the problem. What should I write
about that would make this column stand out and ignite your curiosity for more? How
can I pass along brilliant tidbits of advice that not only represent my ideals of
positivity, encouragement, empowerment, healing, and love while still maintaining a
light sense of humor? Suddenly, it hit me while standing in the lunch line at work!
Sometimes you get the steak and lobster tails and other times you're left with the
ketchup packets at the bottom of your purse. So it is from this last realization that I will
draw my inspiration and insights. Come share an anecdotal "cup of soup" with me as
we journey through the mysteries of life, lunch, and laughter! Through this column I
hope that you find your inner "soul" chef and turn your lemons into crème Brule, your
grilled cheese into caviar, and your ketchup packets into cherries jubilee! You are the
master chef of your own life! And just like my own home style cooking, I will pour in
my own secret ingredients and always end this column with zest and flavorful wisdom!
-In love, light, and lavender -
Gina Gausman,
214 S Peterboro St
Canastota, New York 13032
Phone: (315) 264-2551
Mini Mags! Your own mini
catalog, published with us.
Sacandaga Sun introduces our brand
new segment of “Mini Mags” in our
next edition. These mini catalogs
showcase your business, product
line, calender of events, your articles
and much more. Choose from a four
or eight page Mini Mag, that will be
published within Sacandaga Sun for
your fans to see. No need to
distribute, we've got that covered!
There is a Positive in Every Situation!
By Kathy Brown
So ok you are thinking, really, there is a positive in every situation? Yes, there really
is, but you have to look for it because it is not always going to be right in front of you,
nor are you really looking for it. The truth is, it’s hard to want to see especially when
you are hurting and your world feels like it has crashed down around you.
So in order to understand why we don’t see the positive as adults we have to go back
to the beginning to when we were born. We came into the physical world innocent
with no sense of wrong doing, anger, hardship, or negativity. We learn all of those
things through the people and things that surround us as we grow up. So, basically as
little kids we see the positives of life, and we can easily move on from the negatives
because we have the shield of innocence blocking a negative way of thinking.
Then we become adults and the disappointments come with a price, but they also
come with a deep misunderstanding of why bad things had to happen. We don’t know
how to dismiss the negative anymore because we now have grown and matured. We
hear the phrase “everything happens for a reason” so many times, but yet we ignore
the magnitude of the meaning behind that. Let me explain how you can find your
positive by remembering those five little words.
Take the situation, for instance, job loss, failed marriage, failed interview, loss of a
loved one etc…think about why those things happened and what role they played in
your life. Think about the alternative positive outcome and scenarios and why they
didn’t work out. Maybe at this time of your life you weren’t meant to have that job, or
that marriage was meant for a different person for you. As far as losing a loved one,
well there is no controlling that, when it’s our time we will go home no matter when it
is. Positive thinking, leads to a positive life. Many blessings!
Psychic Medium, Kathy Brown
Intuitive, Sensitive
Jim began selling his doll furniture at this consignment shop and from that
point on he said, “It’s all amazing. I used to take my things down to this store to sell
and by the time I got back home there were messages on my answering machine with
orders.” I asked Jim what would be the most expensive piece of doll furniture he will
create? He said, “I think that would be our doll armoire for $95. The quality is there. I
will be taking these up to Lynne’s Candles & Inspirations store located at 102 Milton
Ave (Rt. 50) Ballston Spa to sell. I just want to build and sell my doll furniture.”
I asked Jim when did he figure out he had this skill set to make doll furniture?
He replied, ”I don’t look at it that way. It’s like if you are a ball player and you’re good,
you are good. With this I have a passion for it and I am good at it. It’s a passion and if
you love what you do, you are good at it. I love cutting trees down. I love burning the
wood. There is absolutely no waste from a board of wood when I am done with it. All
the scraps come into the house to burn for heat. I just love doing it. Most of the wood I
use comes right off my own property. I love building things. I love wood. It’s just a
passion. I love it.”
Jim’s long-term goals are to retire some day but he says he won’t retire from
building doll furniture. He also makes a line of children’s furniture that will match some
of the doll furniture pieces, like a matching set of rocking chairs or a school desk for
child and doll together. “I am going to keep building it. I plan on showing my doll
furniture line at shows, consignment shops etc. just to get it out there. I will be having
some of my doll furniture being sold in Bennington, Vermont at the Vine & Branches
Gallery in April 2015. I will market it on the Internet, or in Sacandaga Sun Digest,
whatever it takes. I plan on succeeding in doing what I do in building doll furniture.”
Jim’s motto is, “Dream, Believe, Achieve” and that he will!
Learn more about The Cobblestone Cottage doll furniture that fits 18” dolls
like the American Girl doll collection, but handcrafted right here in the Great
Sacandaga Lake region or on his website found at:
or call Jim directly at: 518-332-4212.
The Cobblestone Cottage
By Shelley Brienza
Every now and then again I stumble across a
unique business that seems to really touch my heart. I
have found such a business model in Jim Kopec, owner
and creator of handcrafted doll furniture, located in
Broadalbin, NY.
I went out to The Cobblestone Cottage workshop
and talked with Jim about what the doll furniture line is all
about. What inspired Jim to begin creating a line of
handcrafted wooden doll furniture was when he was
visiting a local consignment craft store that was just
starting up. In talking to that store owner, Jim was asked if
he’d be interested in creating doll furniture much like the
American Girl doll collection that fit 18” dolls? Jim said,
yes and ever since then he has continued and found this
to be his passion.
Just Dance!
By Heather Mattioni
Carol's Cameos/Studio 184
A dance and fitness studio celebrating over 30 years in business!
Where the love of dance begins and grows!!
Owner, Carol Mattioni has been dancing her entire life. She first started when she
was six years old taking classes at a local dance studio. She then started student
teaching at the studio to help her instructor. As time went on, she began teaching at
various venues, including FMCC and the Fulton County JCC. She first opened her
own studio June 1, 1981 on North Main Street in Gloversville. In the winter of 1982,
she moved the studio to her new home. The present location of her studio is 184
West Fulton street in Gloversville, which was built in 1988. Her motto has been to
instruct dance with love and compassion, supporting each student to their best ability.
Today, the studio stays strong, with students of all ages, ranging from 3 years old to
seniors in high school. We hope to see you dance your way through life. Be happy
and healthy!
C.A.R.E Holistic Center is NOW joining Studio 184, creating a complete
wellness and creative center for our community!
The Center of Aromatherapy, Reiki and Enlightenment is pleased to share with the
local community and beyond, these amazing methods of holistic therapy,
aromatherapy with Young Living Essential Oils, Reiki (touch, laying on of hands
therapy) and creative wellness workshops and spiritual counseling. Our ministry
provides all forms of holistic services and organic/eco-friendly coaching, creating a
well mind, body and of course soul! We also strive towards neighborhood and park
revitalization and childrens classes, supporting their creative minds and need for play.
C.A.R.E. Holistic Center is a 501c3, ministry/nonsectarian religious institution,
teaching and educating the soul searching, healing powers that already exist within
Reiki, Raindrop Technique ®, Aromatherapy with Young Living Essential Oils,
Spiritual Counseling, Intuitive Readings, Creative workshops, Community
wellness support.
Located at 184 West Fulton Street, Gloversville NY
Law Talk
by Bethany Schumann-McGhee, Esq.
Know your finances!
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”—Benjamin Franklin
“Know what you own, and know why you own it.”—Peter Lynch
Who is in charge of the finances in your household?
Nearly every person I know, friend or client handles them differently. If married or
partnered, some share the responsibility of paying bills and managing expenses with
a joint account; others have separate accounts and are responsible for different
payments. Often, when funds are combined into joint accounts, one spouse/partner is
essentially saddled with the task of managing the household finances. We all know
that money is one of the biggest triggers for arguments in relationships—and if you
have a system that’s working I don’t want to tell you that you are doing it wrong!
There are a million reasons you should be aware of what you collectively have and
owe. Well, maybe there aren’t a million, but there are plenty.
Unexpected illness, or even death.
If you were to somehow become incapacitated, does your spouse know the login and
password to the bank account, or the ATM’s PIN number? Does he or she know what
accounts exist and at what banks? Certainly if the accounts are joint, he or she could
walk in to the bank and make a withdrawal, but what if the accounts are separate?
What if the spouse with the separate account pays the mortgage, and you can’t write
a check on their account? What if they pass away—depending on your legal
relationship, you may never have access to their funds, but you may share debt
together (like a mortgage) that will survive the death. I’ve seen situations where a
widow has absolutely no idea how much money is in the bank—and they have to wait
for a statement to come in the mail to ascertain their future financial security. These
situations are stressful enough without adding financial concerns to the mix. The New
York State Comptroller is currently holding over $13 billion dollars in unclaimed funds.
More than half of these funds come from dormant savings accounts (accounts that
have been inactive for 3 years or more). Don’t take the chance of your money being
held by the state because you didn’t share your financial information with your family
—they may need it!
Many people have heard the term marital property, but what about marital debt? If
you are in a position where you think that the two that have become one, should
become two again—you may have some homework to do. Too often I talk to
individuals that had absolutely no idea that the household finances were as good (or
as dismal) as they ended up to be. In some cases, that means a spouse may have
been staying in a relationship believing they needed the financial security, and others
may have left, only to realize they will be taking only significant debt with them. If you
don’t know what the income/assets/liabilities are before you file for divorce or
separate, you may be in for an unexpected surprise—this can be incredibly difficult if
you will need to rely upon child support or maintenance to help get by, but you don’t
know what the figures are to estimate them. (If you have started an action there will
Law Talk
be the opportunity for financial disclosure, but a few months into the divorce is a
difficult time to see the figures for the first time.) As most divorces don’t come as a
surprise to either party, financial transparency can help couples plan how they will be
able to live independently after separation.
College planning.
If you have children, odds are they will be applying to college one of these days. And
you’ll be filling out a FAFSA (free application for federal student aid). If you’re married,
you have to supply all the household financial information (even if your spouse is not
the parent of the applicant). Having an idea of your spouse’s finances will help you
better plan for college—and will help you complete the application accurately and on
time. Knowing what your financial picture looks like well in advance will also help you
to start to plan how to pay for college years in advance.
Everyone wants a gift this
holiday season from
Extended Holiday Hours
No matter what system you have in your
household to manage assets and debts,
making sure that both of you know what you
have, what you earn, and what you owe, is
critically important.
Bethany Schumann-McGhee has a general
legal practice primarily located at 1230
Riverfront Center in Amsterdam. She also has
offices in Niskayuna. She may be reached at
Custom-made jewelry and exquisite colored stones that you won't see
elsewhere! Diamond rings to fit any budget...hundreds already set up,
or thousands of loose stones to "design your own"!
Master Jeweler
Wind and
Bracelets189 Fifth Ave.
Gloversville, NY
J Fine Jewelry
The areas only Jewelry Store with a Gemological Institute of America
Accredited Jewelry Professional and Diamond Grading Graduate,
Abby Jones
Mother's Nature; Did you know... All About Perchloroethylene
by Rev. Heather Mattioni (C.A.R.E. Holistic Center)
Did you know....
Perchloroethylene, a common household toxin, is an industry made chemical
used as a cleaning agent in spot removers and carpet and upholstery cleaners. PERC
is a nonflammable and colorless chemical, which can easily enter the body through
breathing in the vapors. Cleaning your carpets with products which contain PERC, or
even getting your clothes dry cleaned and bringing them back into your home, can be
possible exposure to this toxic chemical. You can also be exposed to this by eating or
drinking from a container which has been contaminated. Once in the body, these
vapors are stored in your fat tissue for a long period of time. Long term effects of
breathing it’s vapors could possibly cause memory loss, liver damage, kidney
damage, and an excessive amount of exposure can possibly cause cancer.
In my opinion, like all other chemicals, these are simply unwanted by my
family and I. As a holistic advocate and minister practitioner, I do everything I possibly
can to use chemical-free and toxin-free materials and cleaners. I make sure to read all
labels, looking for phrases such as, “phthalate free”, “paraben free”, “organic” or even
“preservative free”. Also keep an eye out for the words “fragrance free”, for those
words are a good indicator that the product is lacking those harmful chemicals we all
fear so much.
You may have learned that I am a Young Living Essential Oils independent
distributor, educating so many families on this issue, and teaching them ways to rid
the unwanted chemicals that are simply polluting their inside air. Fist of all, the air
inside of your home is far more polluted (most likely) then the air outside. Your home
is an enclosed building, where you clean with chemicals, cook with chemicals, bathe
with chemicals... and so on. Unless you have your windows open all day, everyday,
these toxins have no way to escape And you and your loved ones are breathing them
in. Young Living Essential Oils is a company, whom have been around for twenty
years, promoting chemical free products including, household cleaners, essential oils,
cooking products, pet products and so much more. These are great alternatives for
your everyday needs, and they smell fantastic too.
Doing a little research on purchasing chemical free products is truly vital for
your health, inside of your home and out, for your entire family.
Blessings; Rev. Heather Mattioni
Distribution Locations
Care Holistic Center & Studio 184,
Mike’s Dog’s, Gloversville
Jfine Jewelry, Gloversville
Bethany Schumann-McGhee, Esq.,
Riverfront Center, Amsterdam
Silver Mist Connections, Little Falls
Just for the Health of It, Johnstown
Denise E. Allen, Art Gallery & Store,
Beau Monde Hair Salon, Gloversville
Dani Barmen's Hair Salon, Fonda
Mohawk Harvest Co Op Market, Gloversville
Fuller’s Corner Store & Deli, Edinburg
Crossroads Gifts & Wellness, Schenectady
House of Pizza, Gloversville
Kadú - Dennis H'Avila, Amsterdam
Spa Virgo at Svengali Studio, Albany
Grandma Millies, Johnstown
Ernesto Morales Jewelry & Repair, Amsterdam
Yoga with Dori, Gloversville/Mayfield
Sharon Hoorwitz Real Estate, c/o Laurie Tambasco,
Purdy’s Junction, Broadalbin
Akasha Healing, Sylvan Beach
The Tire Center, Johnstown
Adirondack Tire Express Lube, Gloversville
Adirondack Chiropractic Center, Gloversville
Beauty and Beyond Hair Salon, Gloversville
Core Fit, Mayfield
Christmas season, holiday cheer.
Sacandaga Sun thanks YOU for
being here!
Reiki and Animals
By Rev. Heather Mattioni
All animals respond just the same to Reiki therapy as people do. The benefits are the
same, maintaining their body's natural functions and balance. Reiki is great for all
types of animals, dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, and the list continues, supporting well
being and improving their quality of life.
“I have been taking my Doberman to Heather to help with her some issues she is
having, we are on our second session and have noticed a change. She will never be
100% but we will do anything for her. She currently goes to Dr. Akawai at Greenfield
Animal Hospital for acupuncture, dry & electric, also laser therapy. I have had Reiki
done and it has helped me a great deal.”
Cindi B. / Sept. 2013
This beautiful Doberman, Shasta, is a ten
year old pup with chronic pain due to an
injury. Her owner, Cindi B. from Broadalbin,
New York, found me at a vendor show the
summer of 2013. I immediately began
working on her with Reiki and some
aromatherapy a few times per month.
Shasta was very receptive to her sessions
and progressed well. When I would begin
the session, her body was limp and you
could tell she was in pain. During the
session, she could feel the energy flowing
through her because she would move and
then relax more towards the end. I knew
that she had received the amount of
energy that she wanted, for she would
nudge me with her nose as a “thank you”
and walk away. Shasta loved her Reiki.
After months of doing this, we took a break
from her sessions, though still, today, I am
great friends with Cindi and see Shasta
regularly. 15
N.etwork of
Did you know that not “everyone” is a member of the T.H.I.N.K. network? Why not you
ask? That would be because we want to offer our event vendors and advertisers V.I.P.
As soon as you become a paid vendor or advertiser you have the option to join our
network! We have many perks to help you grow your business. Here is what you can
access if you so choose to:
Join us for our quarterly T.H.I.N.K. network members meeting! Here we receive a
number of inquiries annually, and when people call our offices or request information
through the Sacandaga Sun/T.H.I.N.K. websites about local businesses, only
T.H.I.N.K. members are referred. This service ensures that your business has an
edge over your competitors. Networking opportunities and seminars are the perfect
way to meet new contacts and expand your business.
All members are listed on the T.H.I.N.K. network websites,
and and have the benefit of a free hyperlink to their
own site from the network’s, as well as a mini web page ($100 year) that can be
updated and personalized to that business. There is an opportunity for network
members to list job postings for their businesses, as well as any specials/events you
are holding that can be accessed by anyone visiting our websites.
You are invited to advertise in our bi-monthly newsletter emailed to our ever-growing
membership contacts bi-monthly, on our websites, in print or in the online membership
directory. This is a great, cost-effective way to promote your business.
We will provide you with our special discount savings kit when you become a paid
vendor at our events. We provide you with flyers and other signage or special savings
programs that you can use online or in your own email blasts to promote where you
will be attending to bring in new clientele via our events.
You will receive 6 free issues of Sacandaga Sun Digest to enjoy, complimentary!
Holistic Center
Bringing enlightenment to the community on
social and spiritual needs and providing
education on embracing an organic, holistic
lifestyle, while creating an abundance of
wellness for each individual as their "whole"
selves: mind, body, and spirit.
Focusing on holistic motherhood, organic
households, and empowering YOU to discover your
TRUE self as a WHOLE.
Meditation, Reiki, Wellness Workshops, Intuitive
Readings, Aromatherapy, and Sharing Holistic
Knowledge... throughout OUR community with
goals of neighborhood restoration and children
activities for positive, creative expression.
Two Locations! Gloversville and Amsterdam
Center of
Aromatherapy, Reiki
and Enlightenment

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  • 1. Sacandaga SunComplimentary Digest December 2014/January 2015 Issue Law Talk Mother's Nature In-Tuit with Shelley Cup of Soup And MORE! T.H.I.N.K. T.he H.olistic I.nterconnected N.etwork of K.nowledge Communication, Education, Sharing & Vitality
  • 2. 2
  • 3. Editor's Notes Where has this year gone? Time sure does fly when you are having fun doesn’t it? December arrives with some fresh changes for the upcoming New Year. We’ve fine-tuned our vision for what Sacandaga Sun will encompass. Soon you will learn about our revamped website ( and the expanded topic range we have planned for the digest. Communication, education, sharing and vitality and what brings them all together as we turn our eyes towards the holiday season and trying to master the art of stress-free lives with our family or friends. Our feature writers this edition are Kathy Brown, Intuitive, who shares with us how to see a positive in every situation. Bethany Schumann-McGhee, Esq. helps us with our financial fitness with sensible solutions. Gina Gausman, Akasha Artistic Healing, shares with us her anecdote, food for thought in empowerment. Jim Kopec, a local business owner of, The Cobblestone Cottage, shares with us his passion on his handcrafted line of doll furniture. My Executive Editor, Heather Mattioni will be introducing you to our newest segment within the digest, our “mini mags” as we call them. Here you can create your very own business magazine within the digest. Heather shares her Mother’s Nature with us too! And as always, my own take with Intuit with Shelley on manifesting your dreams. As we grow closer to the Christmas season and the New Year, remember that the real star of the holiday is gratitude and we at Sacandaga Sun Holistic Digest, wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! Shelley D Brienza Contributors: Kathy Brown Heather Mattioni Bethany Schumann-McGhee Gina Gausman Shelley Brienza Staff: Shelley Brienza, Publisher, Editor -in-Chief Heather Mattioni, Executive Editor and Graphic Design Layout Statement of Purpose Sacandaga Digest Publishing accepts no liability, expressed or implied, for any advertisements, editorials, or products contained within. The information is not intended for treatment or self-diagnosis. Opinions expressed in this digest are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the publisher or advertisers. Information contained within the digest does not constitute medical advice. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher. Sacandaga Digest Publishing reserves the right to refuse advertising or editorial material for any reason. Advertisers and contributors must assume all responsibility and liability for claims arising from their ads and contributions. Sacandaga Digest Publishing will not be held liable for errors or omissions resulting from non-camera read ad submissions. To receive bulk shipments of the Sacandaga Sun Digest to distribute to your clients, please contact our office. Shipping and handling charges may apply. Sacandaga Digest Publishing 61 Elmwood Ave., PMB 181 Gloversville, NY 12078 Phone: 518-705-2521 (Shelley) or 518-573-6080 (Heather) Email: or Sacandaga Sun Subscriptions Subscriptions are available for a donation of $10.95 per year for 6 issues. Send check or money order made payable and addressed to: Shelley Brienza Sacandaga Sun Digest 61 Elmwood Ave., PMB 181 Gloversville, NY 12078
  • 4. 4 Welcome to In-Tuit with Shelley What if you could make your dreams, the good ones you like, come true or manifest? What if you went along in your daily life, thinking that what you dreamed of happening will happen? Will it? Or could it? A number of people believe this to be true. I think it is key that you "believe" something can come true for it to actually come true. We all dream of all kinds of things to happen to us. Some might seem utterly ridiculous to yourself but it's "your dream". You own it. I have a few dreams that I have dreamed and wanted to manifest. Some have come true already. I think that you need to dream it and yes as cliché as it sounds, believe it and then help yourself achieve it. You can't sit still and wait for things to fall in your lap. You've got to help yourself for yourself; and I think staying true to who you are, never minding what everyone else says about you or your dreams is good too. Sometimes as much as others mean to mean well, they just don't get it. So let me teach you how to manifest your dreams. You will need to believe in yourself first. It's best not to work on this from a state of depression or anger. You need some self-love. Believe you are worthy of making your dreams come true. It's hard sometimes to create a state of mind that emits love and joy, but you can do it. What things out there just make you ooze with love? Think of that feeling and remember how it feels and use it. It's like having a positive thought instead of a negative one. The positive one will make you feel better and help the manifestation of your dream happen. One thing I keep telling a friend of mine is to "keep the faith" even if it is just a tiny thread of it. Keep it. Hang on to it. That's all you need to start to believe. Doing just that is an "action" which will work towards the manifestation. Grab a pen and paper or get online and begin to type. What is it that you truly want for your life? Or maybe you don't want it for your life at all and you want to make someone else's dream come true. Write it down. Tuck it away somewhere, like in your wallet or your sock drawer or somewhere where you will know where it is, as you will come back to it later on. On another paper or online write down one affirmation for yourself. Let's say mine is going to be, "I can do this." It's really simple. Just write yourself a positive note and hang it somewhere where you will read it every day. And when you get stressed out as we all do, say it over and over. It just helps even if you think it isn't. Don't give up! Sometimes it takes time to happen but you will see, it can happen. Now every night before you go to bed or where ever or whenever you find that quiet time to reflect on what you want, just let yourself "be". Think the thoughts of how you wish the "dream" to come true. Think about it. Feel it. Know it. Own it. Don't attach your feelings to the outcome. This is where that tiny thread of faith comes in. Don't try to control it. Just trust it to be. Say your affirmation. Accept where you are at in this moment and carry on. That's it. Anyone can practice this. I know it's one thing to "teach" you this and another to put it in use. Therefore, I am going to use myself as the "test" subject and report back if it is working again. There is no time line for this. It could happen in a day or a month or longer. All I've heard this year from everyone I know is, "to have patience". Well, I am trying my best to do that and it isn't an easy task for some of us. Then others have said, "Time will tell." I hated that one too. I am tired of being patient in the ways that I am not proactively doing Inspirational
  • 5. 5 something to make the dreams come true. And sure "time will tell," and so will I. Learn to love yourself as this sets the foundation for your dreams to come true. I want to hear from you readers on how you feel about this method of receiving. Do you think this is just another methodical way to produce an outcome you desire or is it something spiritual that you feel can happen with a hand "from above"? Or is it something else all together different for you. Tell me. Shelley Brienza Publisher/Editor-in-Chief FIRE THROUGH SPIRIT By Rev. Corbie Mitleid Spirit guides are one of the most blessed and important parts of our life's toolbox. Your guides are always there. But sometimes, because they know that growth and spiritual understanding are most important for any incarnation, they will sit things out — not give us any particular guidance. Why? Sometimes the most valuable part of a life lesson is figuring out how to get the answer we seek, even more than the answer itself. However, they are ALWAYS there on the sidelines: loving us, cheering us on, and giving us strength and courage. The trick is to know the difference between guidance and using them as crutches. And there are times when all of us depend on them more than is good for us. That’s when our guides go silent, waiting for us to access our own Inner Knowing, because they know we have our own answers in there. It just needs a little digging to unearth them. Rev. Corbie Mitleid FIRE THROUGH SPIRIT 518-275-9575 877-321-CORBIE CROSS THE BRIDGE from fear to fearlessness -- and fly!
  • 6. 6 CUP OF SOUP" with Gina from AKASHA ARTISTIC HEALING I was completely honored when I was asked to contribute to this amazing publication. My head was swimming with ideas, and therein lays the problem. What should I write about that would make this column stand out and ignite your curiosity for more? How can I pass along brilliant tidbits of advice that not only represent my ideals of positivity, encouragement, empowerment, healing, and love while still maintaining a light sense of humor? Suddenly, it hit me while standing in the lunch line at work! Sometimes you get the steak and lobster tails and other times you're left with the ketchup packets at the bottom of your purse. So it is from this last realization that I will draw my inspiration and insights. Come share an anecdotal "cup of soup" with me as we journey through the mysteries of life, lunch, and laughter! Through this column I hope that you find your inner "soul" chef and turn your lemons into crème Brule, your grilled cheese into caviar, and your ketchup packets into cherries jubilee! You are the master chef of your own life! And just like my own home style cooking, I will pour in my own secret ingredients and always end this column with zest and flavorful wisdom! SO FOR TODAY: BE BRAVE! BE STRONG! BE FREE!! BECAUSE IT TAKES A GREAT DEAL OF COURAGE TO THINK DIFFERENTLY! -In love, light, and lavender - Akasha Gina Gausman, 214 S Peterboro St Canastota, New York 13032 Phone: (315) 264-2551 Email: Mini Mags! Your own mini catalog, published with us. Sacandaga Sun introduces our brand new segment of “Mini Mags” in our next edition. These mini catalogs showcase your business, product line, calender of events, your articles and much more. Choose from a four or eight page Mini Mag, that will be published within Sacandaga Sun for your fans to see. No need to distribute, we've got that covered!
  • 7. There is a Positive in Every Situation! By Kathy Brown So ok you are thinking, really, there is a positive in every situation? Yes, there really is, but you have to look for it because it is not always going to be right in front of you, nor are you really looking for it. The truth is, it’s hard to want to see especially when you are hurting and your world feels like it has crashed down around you. So in order to understand why we don’t see the positive as adults we have to go back to the beginning to when we were born. We came into the physical world innocent with no sense of wrong doing, anger, hardship, or negativity. We learn all of those things through the people and things that surround us as we grow up. So, basically as little kids we see the positives of life, and we can easily move on from the negatives because we have the shield of innocence blocking a negative way of thinking. Then we become adults and the disappointments come with a price, but they also come with a deep misunderstanding of why bad things had to happen. We don’t know how to dismiss the negative anymore because we now have grown and matured. We hear the phrase “everything happens for a reason” so many times, but yet we ignore the magnitude of the meaning behind that. Let me explain how you can find your positive by remembering those five little words. Take the situation, for instance, job loss, failed marriage, failed interview, loss of a loved one etc…think about why those things happened and what role they played in your life. Think about the alternative positive outcome and scenarios and why they didn’t work out. Maybe at this time of your life you weren’t meant to have that job, or that marriage was meant for a different person for you. As far as losing a loved one, well there is no controlling that, when it’s our time we will go home no matter when it is. Positive thinking, leads to a positive life. Many blessings! Psychic Medium, Kathy Brown Intuitive, Sensitive 315-575-7089
  • 8. Arts 8 Jim began selling his doll furniture at this consignment shop and from that point on he said, “It’s all amazing. I used to take my things down to this store to sell and by the time I got back home there were messages on my answering machine with orders.” I asked Jim what would be the most expensive piece of doll furniture he will create? He said, “I think that would be our doll armoire for $95. The quality is there. I will be taking these up to Lynne’s Candles & Inspirations store located at 102 Milton Ave (Rt. 50) Ballston Spa to sell. I just want to build and sell my doll furniture.” I asked Jim when did he figure out he had this skill set to make doll furniture? He replied, ”I don’t look at it that way. It’s like if you are a ball player and you’re good, you are good. With this I have a passion for it and I am good at it. It’s a passion and if you love what you do, you are good at it. I love cutting trees down. I love burning the wood. There is absolutely no waste from a board of wood when I am done with it. All the scraps come into the house to burn for heat. I just love doing it. Most of the wood I use comes right off my own property. I love building things. I love wood. It’s just a passion. I love it.” Jim’s long-term goals are to retire some day but he says he won’t retire from building doll furniture. He also makes a line of children’s furniture that will match some of the doll furniture pieces, like a matching set of rocking chairs or a school desk for child and doll together. “I am going to keep building it. I plan on showing my doll furniture line at shows, consignment shops etc. just to get it out there. I will be having some of my doll furniture being sold in Bennington, Vermont at the Vine & Branches Gallery in April 2015. I will market it on the Internet, or in Sacandaga Sun Digest, whatever it takes. I plan on succeeding in doing what I do in building doll furniture.” Jim’s motto is, “Dream, Believe, Achieve” and that he will! Learn more about The Cobblestone Cottage doll furniture that fits 18” dolls like the American Girl doll collection, but handcrafted right here in the Great Sacandaga Lake region or on his website found at: or call Jim directly at: 518-332-4212. The Cobblestone Cottage By Shelley Brienza Every now and then again I stumble across a unique business that seems to really touch my heart. I have found such a business model in Jim Kopec, owner and creator of handcrafted doll furniture, located in Broadalbin, NY. I went out to The Cobblestone Cottage workshop and talked with Jim about what the doll furniture line is all about. What inspired Jim to begin creating a line of handcrafted wooden doll furniture was when he was visiting a local consignment craft store that was just starting up. In talking to that store owner, Jim was asked if he’d be interested in creating doll furniture much like the American Girl doll collection that fit 18” dolls? Jim said, yes and ever since then he has continued and found this to be his passion.
  • 9. 9 Just Dance! By Heather Mattioni Carol's Cameos/Studio 184 A dance and fitness studio celebrating over 30 years in business! Where the love of dance begins and grows!! Owner, Carol Mattioni has been dancing her entire life. She first started when she was six years old taking classes at a local dance studio. She then started student teaching at the studio to help her instructor. As time went on, she began teaching at various venues, including FMCC and the Fulton County JCC. She first opened her own studio June 1, 1981 on North Main Street in Gloversville. In the winter of 1982, she moved the studio to her new home. The present location of her studio is 184 West Fulton street in Gloversville, which was built in 1988. Her motto has been to instruct dance with love and compassion, supporting each student to their best ability. Today, the studio stays strong, with students of all ages, ranging from 3 years old to seniors in high school. We hope to see you dance your way through life. Be happy and healthy! C.A.R.E Holistic Center is NOW joining Studio 184, creating a complete wellness and creative center for our community! The Center of Aromatherapy, Reiki and Enlightenment is pleased to share with the local community and beyond, these amazing methods of holistic therapy, aromatherapy with Young Living Essential Oils, Reiki (touch, laying on of hands therapy) and creative wellness workshops and spiritual counseling. Our ministry provides all forms of holistic services and organic/eco-friendly coaching, creating a well mind, body and of course soul! We also strive towards neighborhood and park revitalization and childrens classes, supporting their creative minds and need for play. C.A.R.E. Holistic Center is a 501c3, ministry/nonsectarian religious institution, teaching and educating the soul searching, healing powers that already exist within you. Reiki, Raindrop Technique ®, Aromatherapy with Young Living Essential Oils, Spiritual Counseling, Intuitive Readings, Creative workshops, Community wellness support. Located at 184 West Fulton Street, Gloversville NY
  • 10. 10
  • 11. 11 Law Talk by Bethany Schumann-McGhee, Esq. Know your finances! “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”—Benjamin Franklin “Know what you own, and know why you own it.”—Peter Lynch Who is in charge of the finances in your household? Nearly every person I know, friend or client handles them differently. If married or partnered, some share the responsibility of paying bills and managing expenses with a joint account; others have separate accounts and are responsible for different payments. Often, when funds are combined into joint accounts, one spouse/partner is essentially saddled with the task of managing the household finances. We all know that money is one of the biggest triggers for arguments in relationships—and if you have a system that’s working I don’t want to tell you that you are doing it wrong! But… There are a million reasons you should be aware of what you collectively have and owe. Well, maybe there aren’t a million, but there are plenty. Unexpected illness, or even death. If you were to somehow become incapacitated, does your spouse know the login and password to the bank account, or the ATM’s PIN number? Does he or she know what accounts exist and at what banks? Certainly if the accounts are joint, he or she could walk in to the bank and make a withdrawal, but what if the accounts are separate? What if the spouse with the separate account pays the mortgage, and you can’t write a check on their account? What if they pass away—depending on your legal relationship, you may never have access to their funds, but you may share debt together (like a mortgage) that will survive the death. I’ve seen situations where a widow has absolutely no idea how much money is in the bank—and they have to wait for a statement to come in the mail to ascertain their future financial security. These situations are stressful enough without adding financial concerns to the mix. The New York State Comptroller is currently holding over $13 billion dollars in unclaimed funds. More than half of these funds come from dormant savings accounts (accounts that have been inactive for 3 years or more). Don’t take the chance of your money being held by the state because you didn’t share your financial information with your family —they may need it! Divorce/separation. Many people have heard the term marital property, but what about marital debt? If you are in a position where you think that the two that have become one, should become two again—you may have some homework to do. Too often I talk to individuals that had absolutely no idea that the household finances were as good (or as dismal) as they ended up to be. In some cases, that means a spouse may have been staying in a relationship believing they needed the financial security, and others may have left, only to realize they will be taking only significant debt with them. If you don’t know what the income/assets/liabilities are before you file for divorce or separate, you may be in for an unexpected surprise—this can be incredibly difficult if you will need to rely upon child support or maintenance to help get by, but you don’t know what the figures are to estimate them. (If you have started an action there will Law Talk
  • 12. be the opportunity for financial disclosure, but a few months into the divorce is a difficult time to see the figures for the first time.) As most divorces don’t come as a surprise to either party, financial transparency can help couples plan how they will be able to live independently after separation. College planning. If you have children, odds are they will be applying to college one of these days. And you’ll be filling out a FAFSA (free application for federal student aid). If you’re married, you have to supply all the household financial information (even if your spouse is not the parent of the applicant). Having an idea of your spouse’s finances will help you better plan for college—and will help you complete the application accurately and on time. Knowing what your financial picture looks like well in advance will also help you to start to plan how to pay for college years in advance. 12 Everyone wants a gift this holiday season from 725-4367 Extended Holiday Hours No matter what system you have in your household to manage assets and debts, making sure that both of you know what you have, what you earn, and what you owe, is critically important. Bethany Schumann-McGhee has a general legal practice primarily located at 1230 Riverfront Center in Amsterdam. She also has offices in Niskayuna. She may be reached at 842-4228. Custom-made jewelry and exquisite colored stones that you won't see elsewhere! Diamond rings to fit any budget...hundreds already set up, or thousands of loose stones to "design your own"! Full-time Master Jeweler Wind and Fire Bracelets189 Fifth Ave. Gloversville, NY J Fine Jewelry The areas only Jewelry Store with a Gemological Institute of America Accredited Jewelry Professional and Diamond Grading Graduate, Abby Jones
  • 13. Wellness 13 Mother's Nature; Did you know... All About Perchloroethylene by Rev. Heather Mattioni (C.A.R.E. Holistic Center) Did you know.... Perchloroethylene, a common household toxin, is an industry made chemical used as a cleaning agent in spot removers and carpet and upholstery cleaners. PERC is a nonflammable and colorless chemical, which can easily enter the body through breathing in the vapors. Cleaning your carpets with products which contain PERC, or even getting your clothes dry cleaned and bringing them back into your home, can be possible exposure to this toxic chemical. You can also be exposed to this by eating or drinking from a container which has been contaminated. Once in the body, these vapors are stored in your fat tissue for a long period of time. Long term effects of breathing it’s vapors could possibly cause memory loss, liver damage, kidney damage, and an excessive amount of exposure can possibly cause cancer. In my opinion, like all other chemicals, these are simply unwanted by my family and I. As a holistic advocate and minister practitioner, I do everything I possibly can to use chemical-free and toxin-free materials and cleaners. I make sure to read all labels, looking for phrases such as, “phthalate free”, “paraben free”, “organic” or even “preservative free”. Also keep an eye out for the words “fragrance free”, for those words are a good indicator that the product is lacking those harmful chemicals we all fear so much. You may have learned that I am a Young Living Essential Oils independent distributor, educating so many families on this issue, and teaching them ways to rid the unwanted chemicals that are simply polluting their inside air. Fist of all, the air inside of your home is far more polluted (most likely) then the air outside. Your home is an enclosed building, where you clean with chemicals, cook with chemicals, bathe with chemicals... and so on. Unless you have your windows open all day, everyday, these toxins have no way to escape And you and your loved ones are breathing them in. Young Living Essential Oils is a company, whom have been around for twenty years, promoting chemical free products including, household cleaners, essential oils, cooking products, pet products and so much more. These are great alternatives for your everyday needs, and they smell fantastic too. Doing a little research on purchasing chemical free products is truly vital for your health, inside of your home and out, for your entire family. Blessings; Rev. Heather Mattioni Distribution Locations Care Holistic Center & Studio 184, Gloversville Mike’s Dog’s, Gloversville Jfine Jewelry, Gloversville Bethany Schumann-McGhee, Esq., Riverfront Center, Amsterdam Silver Mist Connections, Little Falls Just for the Health of It, Johnstown Denise E. Allen, Art Gallery & Store, Palatine Beau Monde Hair Salon, Gloversville Dani Barmen's Hair Salon, Fonda Mohawk Harvest Co Op Market, Gloversville Fuller’s Corner Store & Deli, Edinburg Crossroads Gifts & Wellness, Schenectady House of Pizza, Gloversville Kadú - Dennis H'Avila, Amsterdam Spa Virgo at Svengali Studio, Albany Grandma Millies, Johnstown Ernesto Morales Jewelry & Repair, Amsterdam Yoga with Dori, Gloversville/Mayfield Sharon Hoorwitz Real Estate, c/o Laurie Tambasco, Latham/Broadalbin Purdy’s Junction, Broadalbin Akasha Healing, Sylvan Beach The Tire Center, Johnstown Adirondack Tire Express Lube, Gloversville Adirondack Chiropractic Center, Gloversville Beauty and Beyond Hair Salon, Gloversville Core Fit, Mayfield
  • 14. 14 Christmas season, holiday cheer. Sacandaga Sun thanks YOU for being here! Reiki and Animals By Rev. Heather Mattioni All animals respond just the same to Reiki therapy as people do. The benefits are the same, maintaining their body's natural functions and balance. Reiki is great for all types of animals, dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, and the list continues, supporting well being and improving their quality of life. “I have been taking my Doberman to Heather to help with her some issues she is having, we are on our second session and have noticed a change. She will never be 100% but we will do anything for her. She currently goes to Dr. Akawai at Greenfield Animal Hospital for acupuncture, dry & electric, also laser therapy. I have had Reiki done and it has helped me a great deal.” Cindi B. / Sept. 2013 This beautiful Doberman, Shasta, is a ten year old pup with chronic pain due to an injury. Her owner, Cindi B. from Broadalbin, New York, found me at a vendor show the summer of 2013. I immediately began working on her with Reiki and some aromatherapy a few times per month. Shasta was very receptive to her sessions and progressed well. When I would begin the session, her body was limp and you could tell she was in pain. During the session, she could feel the energy flowing through her because she would move and then relax more towards the end. I knew that she had received the amount of energy that she wanted, for she would nudge me with her nose as a “thank you” and walk away. Shasta loved her Reiki. After months of doing this, we took a break from her sessions, though still, today, I am great friends with Cindi and see Shasta regularly.
  • 15. 15 T.he H.olistic I.nterconnected N.etwork of K.nowledge Did you know that not “everyone” is a member of the T.H.I.N.K. network? Why not you ask? That would be because we want to offer our event vendors and advertisers V.I.P. treatment! As soon as you become a paid vendor or advertiser you have the option to join our network! We have many perks to help you grow your business. Here is what you can access if you so choose to: REFERRALS Join us for our quarterly T.H.I.N.K. network members meeting! Here we receive a number of inquiries annually, and when people call our offices or request information through the Sacandaga Sun/T.H.I.N.K. websites about local businesses, only T.H.I.N.K. members are referred. This service ensures that your business has an edge over your competitors. Networking opportunities and seminars are the perfect way to meet new contacts and expand your business. WEB SITE LISTINGS All members are listed on the T.H.I.N.K. network websites, and and have the benefit of a free hyperlink to their own site from the network’s, as well as a mini web page ($100 year) that can be updated and personalized to that business. There is an opportunity for network members to list job postings for their businesses, as well as any specials/events you are holding that can be accessed by anyone visiting our websites. ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES You are invited to advertise in our bi-monthly newsletter emailed to our ever-growing membership contacts bi-monthly, on our websites, in print or in the online membership directory. This is a great, cost-effective way to promote your business. MEDIA KITS FOR OUR EVENTS We will provide you with our special discount savings kit when you become a paid vendor at our events. We provide you with flyers and other signage or special savings programs that you can use online or in your own email blasts to promote where you will be attending to bring in new clientele via our events. FREE SUBSCRIPTION You will receive 6 free issues of Sacandaga Sun Digest to enjoy, complimentary!
  • 16. Holistic Center Bringing enlightenment to the community on social and spiritual needs and providing education on embracing an organic, holistic lifestyle, while creating an abundance of wellness for each individual as their "whole" selves: mind, body, and spirit. Focusing on holistic motherhood, organic households, and empowering YOU to discover your TRUE self as a WHOLE. Meditation, Reiki, Wellness Workshops, Intuitive Readings, Aromatherapy, and Sharing Holistic Knowledge... throughout OUR community with goals of neighborhood restoration and children activities for positive, creative expression. Two Locations! Gloversville and Amsterdam 518.573.6080 Center of Aromatherapy, Reiki and Enlightenment