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Monitoring visit for kitchen
                                                                           gardening program in 20/2.L

      Monthly Report March2009
      Animation and Development Program

      Animation and Development Program



      Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening program in follow up area
      20/2.L Renala khurd by agriculture coordinator Caritas Faisalabad.

                 Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
Introduction summary

In March2009 I am working on these activities in follow up area 20/2.L and target area 15/1.L
Renala khurd okara. For Lenten campaign I did work with parish team for Easter posters and
money boxes. In this month I worked on these activities in different areas of Renala khurd parish.
With it in follow up area agriculture coordinator from caritas Faisalabad Mr.Iqbal Victor did a
monitoring visit in 20/2.L Renala khurd for kitchen gardening follow up in this area. Twenty seven
families of this village are growing vegetable in houses and they are happy from this activity and
getting training from agriculture staff of Caritas Faisalabad.

    1.    Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening.
    2.    House visit for kitchen gardening with LDC members.
    3.    Collection for Recovery with Recovery team.
    4.    Follow up for small business in follow up area.
    5.    Visit and meeting with children for Child labor program.
     6.   Lenten campaign2009.
     7.   Survey in target area and meeting with community members.
     8.   Recovery deposit in Bank account of cooperative society.

In March2009 I am in Renala khurd for Lenten campaign and I put a meeting with parish team for
Lenten material .In this Lenten material we have Lenten posters and these Lenten posters I am
selling in Renala khurd. With it I am working in two areas one is a target area and other is a follow
up area. Target area name is 15/1.L this is a rural area and in this area Christian and Muslims living
together and Caritas is working for total human development of all the communities in this village.
More people and children’s are uneducated and unskilled in this village and children’s are working
in factories and vegetable market. Women and girls work in field and earn money because they
have no skill and no education. Christian community of this village is no united and they have no
group no LDC no cooperative no youth, children’s and women group. This is my target area and I
am completing CO process in this target community. We are searching local leaders which has
positive think for development and social change. So with the help of these leaders we shall
organize different groups between children youth women and male. We are searching local
resources and for improvement. We are motivating people for cooperative and collect saving in a
society. We shall promote to skill in young girls and boys with the help of Non-Formal Education.
We shall open a child working school in this village for those children’s which are not going to
school but are working in different places . So Child Labor program will work for this area. People
have not business but they want to start his small business.

             Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
In follow up area 20/2.L Renala khurd we have NRCS cooperative society. In this society (30)
members have his saving and they are getting loan from cooperative society. Working children
school is working in follow up area and thirty children are getting education from this school. Now
their parents have his own business and they are giving installments every month to cooperative
society. Area animator Asher is giving every month activities report to caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
in every animation meeting.


   1.    Social investigation in target area 15/1.L
   2.    Lenten campaign 2009.
   3.    Monthly Report and plan shared with animation coordinator.
   4.    House visit in follow up area for kitchen gardening.
   5.    Meeting with parish priest about Lenten campaign 2009.
   6.     Recovery collection in follow area.
   7.    Introduction house visit in target area for survey.
   8.    Recovery deposit in Bank account of cooperative society.
   9.    Visit for small Business with Cooperative (NRCS) in follow up area.
   10.    Promotion for growing vegetable in follow up area.
   11.   Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening in follow up area.
   12.   Working for children to promote education.


   1.    To meet parish priest for sharing plan and activities Report.
   2.    To meet working children school teacher in follow up.
   3.    Meeting with LDC in follow up for monitoring visit of agriculture.
   4.    Networking with other NGOs for community training and project.
   5.    Introduction in target area for social investigation.
   6.    Recovery deposit in Bank.
   7.    Meeting with Cooperative about recovery collection.
   8.     Monthly Report and Plan shearing with animation coordinator.
   9.    Meeting with parish team about Lenten campaign 2009.
   10.   Planning for new Loan in April2009.
   11.   Meeting with LDC about Lenten campaign 2009.

            Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad

1. Monthly meeting in Caritas office Faisalabad.

2. Meeting with parish priest for plan and Report sharing.

3. House visit in target area for social investigation.

4. Meeting with cooperative society in follow up area.

5. Visit for small business in follow up area.

6. Meeting with working children school in follow up .

7. Meeting with parish priest about Lenten campaign 2009.

8. Meeting with E-body of Cooperative (NRCS) in 20/2.L.

9. Visit for children’s working school in target area.

10. Recovery deposit in Bank account of cooperative society.

11. House visit for kitchen gardening in follow up area.

12. Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening program in follow up area.

         Integration (Program and Project)

    1.   Animation and Development.
    2.   Non-Formal Education Department
    3.   Child Labor program.
    4.   Agriculture.
    5.   Disaster management program.
    6.   Cooperative

           Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad

    1.    PRSP.
    2.    Kashaff
    3.    Social Welfare Okara.
    4.    Abadat.
    5.    National Commission for Justice and Peace.
    6.    Noor ministry.
    7.    Lamp fellowship

             Outcomes (Results)

    1.    Twenty seven families are growing vegetable in their houses.
    2.    Better relation with parish priest and parish team.
    3.    Shared monthly report and plan in caritas office Faisalabad.
    4.    Agriculture coordinator did monitoring visit for kitchen gardening in follow up area.
    5.     Written information about survey of target area.
    6.    Cooperative (NRCS) Recovery deposit in Bank account of society.
    7.    Visit complete in follow up area for small Business with cooperative members.
    8.    Meeting and visit for working children school in target area.
    9.    Meeting with NRCS cooperative society in follow up about Recovery and loan.
    10.   (50) Posters of Lenten campaign 2009 sold to community.
    11.   (96000) Recovery of cooperative is present in Bank.
    12.   Bank statement of NRCS cooperative society 20/2.L Renala khurd.

            Cooperative (NRCS)
Visit Executive secretary of Caritas Faisalabad and child labor coordinator for cooperative society.

In March2009 Executive secretary of caritas Pakistan Faisalabad and child labor coordinator visited
Naya Rasta cooperative society in follow up area for recovery Bank statement for recovery and
present balance. So in this visit they went in united bank Renala khurd and they met to the Bank
manger for account statement. In this visit area animator and president of cooperative society
were with them. Area animator Asher told them about recovery and again loaning for cooperative
society in April2009.

             Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
Target area 20/2.L Naya Rasta Cooperative Society (NRCS) is working against poverty and
improvement for economically position. Naya Rasta Cooperative Society has 30 permanent

Members which are giving his saving and taking loan for small business. Before eight month we
gave 1.50.000 amount to cooperative members for small loan between 15 members. Now in
cooperative account we have eight installments amount. Now members of cooperative are
earning money from his small business and giving installment in cooperative. In September 2008
we gave again loan for (9) members of cooperative. They have to complete six installments in
Naya Rasta Cooperative Society and now their business are running and they are earning money
from their business in follow up area Renala Khurd.

In March2009 in target area 20/2.L Renala khurd we are collecting recovery and we are completing
our first phase on Loan and now we are planning for new Loan in April2009 for (15) members and
each member will take Loan (20,000) from Nara Rasta Cooperative Society. In this cooperative
society more members are women and they are earning money from business which they have in
follow area. (12) Installments of loan they have returned to cooperative and now they can get new
loan form Nara Rasta Cooperative Society for second phase his business.

   Monthly meeting for animation staff

In caritas office Faisalabad monthly meeting for animation staff held on 18th this
meeting all animators from three regions were present and they shared monthly reports and
monthly plans in animation meeting. Animation coordinator Mr. Sadquat sardar said welcome to
all animation staff and talked on agenda. All animators listen reports and did questions to another
reports .animation coordinator take a session on reports writing and ten steps process. In this
monthly meeting more animators prepared his report in English writing and they adopt track of
report writing. Survey in target area and Lenten campaign2009 is the main points in this
meeting.Execative secretary of caritas Faisalabad said in the last of the meeting that every parish
will gave his Lenten campaign contribution and every caritas staff members will gave his one day
salary to caritas office Faisalabad. She said that I am going in every parish for the meeting with
parish priest and parish team for Lenten campaign contribution. So every animator met to parish
priest and parish team for this contribution. In the last of meeting all animators gave his monthly
plans and monthly reports to animation coordinators for the office records.

     Lenten campaign 2009
In March 2008 in Lenten season I am worked on this campaign and first I met to parish team and I
put a meeting with them about this activities and I talk on Lenten material 2009 and contribution
of Lenten campaign for Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad. Parish priest Fr.Samson peter said that Lenten

           Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
campaign poster is better because calendar also with it father said that we have money box and
we shall give these boxes also. After this meeting in target area and follow up areas I met to
community leaders and I told about Lenten campaign 2009. I have Sold (50) posters of Lenten
campaign to community members in the areas of Renala khurd.

    Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening program

Agriculture coordinator from caritas Faisalabad Mr. Iqbal came in follow up area 20/2.L Renala
khurd for monitoring visit of kitchen gardening program. Agriculture coordinator came on 24 th
March2009 for this monitoring. Naya Rasta cooperative society members and LDC members said
welcome to agriculture coordinator and then they took a visit together house to house for kitchen
gardening promotion in this monitoring visit agriculture coordinator met those families which are
working on kitchen gardening program. He saw that members are growing vegetable in their
houses and they are happy from this activity. Some family said that our vegetable seed are
growing and some said that our vegetable seed can not grow bur we worked on it but we can not
success. In the last of this monitoring agriculture coordinator said in a meeting that some technical
skill is remembers that which you got from kitchen gardening training is that.

    1. Preparation of land.

    2. Selection for good seed.

    3. Grow on time and season.

    4. Selection for place.

    5. Timely look after.

In the last of the meeting area animator Asher Nazir said that we are thankful to caritas Faisalabad
and agriculture department because the guideline of agriculture department we are working on
kitchen gardening promotion and now (27) families are working on kitchen gardening program
and they got training from caritas Faisalabad and now they are growing vegetable in our houses
and for this activity they are working together and getting skill about kitchen gardening and now
we have (27) expert members which are working in this follow area . Animator said we hope that
agriculture coordinator will come regular for this follow up in this area.

           Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
Visit for survey in target area.

In target area 15/1.L Renala khurd I am completing survey this is a rural area and in this village and
this is not Christian village in this village Muslims are Christians living together. In this visit I have
completing (94) families and I am preparing area profile for this village in March2009 this survey
will be completed. In future we shall work on sewing center for this area because more women
and girls are unskilled and they want to learn skill. With it we shall work on child labor and
cooperative and CCB in this area.

          Meeting with cooperative (NRCS)

Follow up area 20/2.L Renala khurd Naya Rasta Cooperative Society are working against poverty
and before one year they have no saving and now loan for small business and no cooperative
members in this village. After animation (co) process we organize cooperative in this society more
members are women and they are giving saving and they are taking loan from this cooperative
society in 20/2.L. we had been given (1.50000) loan to this cooperative society before one year
and we are taking installments every month from cooperative members regularly. So now we
have been completed for cooperative members (12) installments and now we are planning for
new loan in follow up area 20/2.L.

      Meeting with LDC in follow up area

In follow up area we have LDC which is working for animation and development with caritas
Faisalabad. Members in this LDC are (8) and they are from different group with are working with
different department of caritas Faisalabad. So we put a meeting with these members for different
points as

1. Lenten campaign2009.

2. Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening program for follow up area.

3. Loan for small business in follow up area.

           Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
4. Recovery collocation of cooperative.

5. Child labor program.

So for these points we shared with LDC members and informed all these things and took
suggestions from them

    Preparation of monitoring visit for kitchen gardening

In follow up area we are working with agriculture department caritas Faisalabad on kitchen
gardening. Members of Naya Rasta Cooperative Society are working and after this training they
are growing vegetable in his houses in different things. (27) Members of Naya Rasta Cooperative
Society are working with caritas Faisalabad for kitchen gardening. So for it I visited these members
in their houses for kitchen gardening and saw how they are growing vegetable. In this visit I saw
that they are happy for this program and now they have vegetable plants in his houses and
vegetable plants are growing.

So in March2009 agriculture coordinator was coming for monitoring of kitchen gardening program
so this is a preparation for this monitoring visit. Our members are satisfied that twenty seven
members of cooperative are growing vegetable in their houses. Kitchen gardening program is
more effective in follow up area because before it community members are not working on it and
now they are giving interest for growing vegetable

       Shops Visit for small Business

In follow up area 20/2.L we are working on small business and we have cooperative in follow up
which are working with the parents of working children in this area. (27) working children are in
our working children school and their parents are members of Naya Rasta Cooperative Society and
first they took membership and after they are giving saving to cooperative and cooperative gave
loan to these members are small business in this area. Now they these members are working on
their business and earning money and they are returning installments to cooperative .these
installments were (12) and in March2009 these

           Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
Installments will be completed and I visited these members business in this month. In April2009
we are giving second phase of loan for these members.

Future Plan

   1. Meeting with parish team about caritas activities.

   2. Prepared area profile for new target area.

  3. Shops visit for small business in follow up area.

   4. Recovery collection in follow up area.

   5. Recovery deposit in bank of cooperative.

   6. Lenten campaign2009.

   7. Planning with NRCS cooperative for new loan.

   8. Meeting with school teacher in follow up area.

   9. Participation in Holy week with parish team.

  10. Participation in monthly meeting.

      Report prepared by

  Animator    Asher Nazir


           Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
Monitoring visit in follow up area for kitchen gardening
 Agriculture coordinator Mr.Iqbal Victor came form caritas Faisalabad on 24th March2009 for this
visit. In this visit area animator Asher Nazir and cooperative members were also with him.

Agriculture coordinator said that in this visit for growing vegetable our selection for land and seed
should be better and before growing vegetable seed preparation of land is more must and for it you
should use organic fertilizer if land is not good and water is not good.

In this visit agriculture coordinator visit house to house those families which are working on kitchen
gardening and they are growing vegetable in their houses. So agriculture coordinator appreciated
these action which community members took for kitchen gardening and growing vegetable with
area animator and with caritas Faisalabad. Twenty seven (27) families are working and growing
vegetable so in this visit agriculture coordinator visited (17) families which are growing vegetable.

In the last of this monitoring agriculture coordinator said that I am happy to see this activity because
you are working on kitchen gardening and members are growing vegetable so for his own
development this is a good action so this is a big change for this community. He appreciated to
caritas area animator who is working with this community for kitchen gardening and for this team
work he is very satisfied.

           Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad

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Monthly Report March2009

  • 1. Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening program in 20/2.L Monthly Report March2009 Animation and Development Program Animation and Development Program CARITAS FAISALABAD ANIMATOR ASHER NAZIR ] Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening program in follow up area 20/2.L Renala khurd by agriculture coordinator Caritas Faisalabad. Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
  • 2. Introduction summary In March2009 I am working on these activities in follow up area 20/2.L and target area 15/1.L Renala khurd okara. For Lenten campaign I did work with parish team for Easter posters and money boxes. In this month I worked on these activities in different areas of Renala khurd parish. With it in follow up area agriculture coordinator from caritas Faisalabad Mr.Iqbal Victor did a monitoring visit in 20/2.L Renala khurd for kitchen gardening follow up in this area. Twenty seven families of this village are growing vegetable in houses and they are happy from this activity and getting training from agriculture staff of Caritas Faisalabad. 1. Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening. 2. House visit for kitchen gardening with LDC members. 3. Collection for Recovery with Recovery team. 4. Follow up for small business in follow up area. 5. Visit and meeting with children for Child labor program. 6. Lenten campaign2009. 7. Survey in target area and meeting with community members. 8. Recovery deposit in Bank account of cooperative society. In March2009 I am in Renala khurd for Lenten campaign and I put a meeting with parish team for Lenten material .In this Lenten material we have Lenten posters and these Lenten posters I am selling in Renala khurd. With it I am working in two areas one is a target area and other is a follow up area. Target area name is 15/1.L this is a rural area and in this area Christian and Muslims living together and Caritas is working for total human development of all the communities in this village. More people and children’s are uneducated and unskilled in this village and children’s are working in factories and vegetable market. Women and girls work in field and earn money because they have no skill and no education. Christian community of this village is no united and they have no group no LDC no cooperative no youth, children’s and women group. This is my target area and I am completing CO process in this target community. We are searching local leaders which has positive think for development and social change. So with the help of these leaders we shall organize different groups between children youth women and male. We are searching local resources and for improvement. We are motivating people for cooperative and collect saving in a society. We shall promote to skill in young girls and boys with the help of Non-Formal Education. We shall open a child working school in this village for those children’s which are not going to school but are working in different places . So Child Labor program will work for this area. People have not business but they want to start his small business. Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
  • 3. In follow up area 20/2.L Renala khurd we have NRCS cooperative society. In this society (30) members have his saving and they are getting loan from cooperative society. Working children school is working in follow up area and thirty children are getting education from this school. Now their parents have his own business and they are giving installments every month to cooperative society. Area animator Asher is giving every month activities report to caritas Pakistan Faisalabad in every animation meeting. Objective 1. Social investigation in target area 15/1.L 2. Lenten campaign 2009. 3. Monthly Report and plan shared with animation coordinator. 4. House visit in follow up area for kitchen gardening. 5. Meeting with parish priest about Lenten campaign 2009. 6. Recovery collection in follow area. 7. Introduction house visit in target area for survey. 8. Recovery deposit in Bank account of cooperative society. 9. Visit for small Business with Cooperative (NRCS) in follow up area. 10. Promotion for growing vegetable in follow up area. 11. Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening in follow up area. 12. Working for children to promote education. Target 1. To meet parish priest for sharing plan and activities Report. 2. To meet working children school teacher in follow up. 3. Meeting with LDC in follow up for monitoring visit of agriculture. 4. Networking with other NGOs for community training and project. 5. Introduction in target area for social investigation. 6. Recovery deposit in Bank. 7. Meeting with Cooperative about recovery collection. 8. Monthly Report and Plan shearing with animation coordinator. 9. Meeting with parish team about Lenten campaign 2009. 10. Planning for new Loan in April2009. 11. Meeting with LDC about Lenten campaign 2009. Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
  • 4. Activities 1. Monthly meeting in Caritas office Faisalabad. 2. Meeting with parish priest for plan and Report sharing. 3. House visit in target area for social investigation. 4. Meeting with cooperative society in follow up area. 5. Visit for small business in follow up area. 6. Meeting with working children school in follow up . 7. Meeting with parish priest about Lenten campaign 2009. 8. Meeting with E-body of Cooperative (NRCS) in 20/2.L. 9. Visit for children’s working school in target area. 10. Recovery deposit in Bank account of cooperative society. 11. House visit for kitchen gardening in follow up area. 12. Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening program in follow up area. Integration (Program and Project) 1. Animation and Development. 2. Non-Formal Education Department 3. Child Labor program. 4. Agriculture. 5. Disaster management program. 6. Cooperative Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
  • 5. Networking. 1. PRSP. 2. Kashaff 3. Social Welfare Okara. 4. Abadat. 5. National Commission for Justice and Peace. 6. Noor ministry. 7. Lamp fellowship Outcomes (Results) 1. Twenty seven families are growing vegetable in their houses. 2. Better relation with parish priest and parish team. 3. Shared monthly report and plan in caritas office Faisalabad. 4. Agriculture coordinator did monitoring visit for kitchen gardening in follow up area. 5. Written information about survey of target area. 6. Cooperative (NRCS) Recovery deposit in Bank account of society. 7. Visit complete in follow up area for small Business with cooperative members. 8. Meeting and visit for working children school in target area. 9. Meeting with NRCS cooperative society in follow up about Recovery and loan. 10. (50) Posters of Lenten campaign 2009 sold to community. 11. (96000) Recovery of cooperative is present in Bank. 12. Bank statement of NRCS cooperative society 20/2.L Renala khurd. Cooperative (NRCS) Visit Executive secretary of Caritas Faisalabad and child labor coordinator for cooperative society. In March2009 Executive secretary of caritas Pakistan Faisalabad and child labor coordinator visited Naya Rasta cooperative society in follow up area for recovery Bank statement for recovery and present balance. So in this visit they went in united bank Renala khurd and they met to the Bank manger for account statement. In this visit area animator and president of cooperative society were with them. Area animator Asher told them about recovery and again loaning for cooperative society in April2009. Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
  • 6. Target area 20/2.L Naya Rasta Cooperative Society (NRCS) is working against poverty and improvement for economically position. Naya Rasta Cooperative Society has 30 permanent Members which are giving his saving and taking loan for small business. Before eight month we gave 1.50.000 amount to cooperative members for small loan between 15 members. Now in cooperative account we have eight installments amount. Now members of cooperative are earning money from his small business and giving installment in cooperative. In September 2008 we gave again loan for (9) members of cooperative. They have to complete six installments in Naya Rasta Cooperative Society and now their business are running and they are earning money from their business in follow up area Renala Khurd. In March2009 in target area 20/2.L Renala khurd we are collecting recovery and we are completing our first phase on Loan and now we are planning for new Loan in April2009 for (15) members and each member will take Loan (20,000) from Nara Rasta Cooperative Society. In this cooperative society more members are women and they are earning money from business which they have in follow area. (12) Installments of loan they have returned to cooperative and now they can get new loan form Nara Rasta Cooperative Society for second phase his business. Monthly meeting for animation staff In caritas office Faisalabad monthly meeting for animation staff held on 18th this meeting all animators from three regions were present and they shared monthly reports and monthly plans in animation meeting. Animation coordinator Mr. Sadquat sardar said welcome to all animation staff and talked on agenda. All animators listen reports and did questions to another reports .animation coordinator take a session on reports writing and ten steps process. In this monthly meeting more animators prepared his report in English writing and they adopt track of report writing. Survey in target area and Lenten campaign2009 is the main points in this meeting.Execative secretary of caritas Faisalabad said in the last of the meeting that every parish will gave his Lenten campaign contribution and every caritas staff members will gave his one day salary to caritas office Faisalabad. She said that I am going in every parish for the meeting with parish priest and parish team for Lenten campaign contribution. So every animator met to parish priest and parish team for this contribution. In the last of meeting all animators gave his monthly plans and monthly reports to animation coordinators for the office records. Lenten campaign 2009 In March 2008 in Lenten season I am worked on this campaign and first I met to parish team and I put a meeting with them about this activities and I talk on Lenten material 2009 and contribution of Lenten campaign for Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad. Parish priest Fr.Samson peter said that Lenten Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
  • 7. campaign poster is better because calendar also with it father said that we have money box and we shall give these boxes also. After this meeting in target area and follow up areas I met to community leaders and I told about Lenten campaign 2009. I have Sold (50) posters of Lenten campaign to community members in the areas of Renala khurd. Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening program Agriculture coordinator from caritas Faisalabad Mr. Iqbal came in follow up area 20/2.L Renala khurd for monitoring visit of kitchen gardening program. Agriculture coordinator came on 24 th March2009 for this monitoring. Naya Rasta cooperative society members and LDC members said welcome to agriculture coordinator and then they took a visit together house to house for kitchen gardening promotion in this monitoring visit agriculture coordinator met those families which are working on kitchen gardening program. He saw that members are growing vegetable in their houses and they are happy from this activity. Some family said that our vegetable seed are growing and some said that our vegetable seed can not grow bur we worked on it but we can not success. In the last of this monitoring agriculture coordinator said in a meeting that some technical skill is remembers that which you got from kitchen gardening training is that. 1. Preparation of land. 2. Selection for good seed. 3. Grow on time and season. 4. Selection for place. 5. Timely look after. In the last of the meeting area animator Asher Nazir said that we are thankful to caritas Faisalabad and agriculture department because the guideline of agriculture department we are working on kitchen gardening promotion and now (27) families are working on kitchen gardening program and they got training from caritas Faisalabad and now they are growing vegetable in our houses and for this activity they are working together and getting skill about kitchen gardening and now we have (27) expert members which are working in this follow area . Animator said we hope that agriculture coordinator will come regular for this follow up in this area. Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
  • 8. Visit for survey in target area. In target area 15/1.L Renala khurd I am completing survey this is a rural area and in this village and this is not Christian village in this village Muslims are Christians living together. In this visit I have completing (94) families and I am preparing area profile for this village in March2009 this survey will be completed. In future we shall work on sewing center for this area because more women and girls are unskilled and they want to learn skill. With it we shall work on child labor and cooperative and CCB in this area. Meeting with cooperative (NRCS) Follow up area 20/2.L Renala khurd Naya Rasta Cooperative Society are working against poverty and before one year they have no saving and now loan for small business and no cooperative members in this village. After animation (co) process we organize cooperative in this society more members are women and they are giving saving and they are taking loan from this cooperative society in 20/2.L. we had been given (1.50000) loan to this cooperative society before one year and we are taking installments every month from cooperative members regularly. So now we have been completed for cooperative members (12) installments and now we are planning for new loan in follow up area 20/2.L. Meeting with LDC in follow up area In follow up area we have LDC which is working for animation and development with caritas Faisalabad. Members in this LDC are (8) and they are from different group with are working with different department of caritas Faisalabad. So we put a meeting with these members for different points as 1. Lenten campaign2009. 2. Monitoring visit for kitchen gardening program for follow up area. 3. Loan for small business in follow up area. Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
  • 9. 4. Recovery collocation of cooperative. 5. Child labor program. So for these points we shared with LDC members and informed all these things and took suggestions from them Preparation of monitoring visit for kitchen gardening In follow up area we are working with agriculture department caritas Faisalabad on kitchen gardening. Members of Naya Rasta Cooperative Society are working and after this training they are growing vegetable in his houses in different things. (27) Members of Naya Rasta Cooperative Society are working with caritas Faisalabad for kitchen gardening. So for it I visited these members in their houses for kitchen gardening and saw how they are growing vegetable. In this visit I saw that they are happy for this program and now they have vegetable plants in his houses and vegetable plants are growing. So in March2009 agriculture coordinator was coming for monitoring of kitchen gardening program so this is a preparation for this monitoring visit. Our members are satisfied that twenty seven members of cooperative are growing vegetable in their houses. Kitchen gardening program is more effective in follow up area because before it community members are not working on it and now they are giving interest for growing vegetable Shops Visit for small Business In follow up area 20/2.L we are working on small business and we have cooperative in follow up which are working with the parents of working children in this area. (27) working children are in our working children school and their parents are members of Naya Rasta Cooperative Society and first they took membership and after they are giving saving to cooperative and cooperative gave loan to these members are small business in this area. Now they these members are working on their business and earning money and they are returning installments to cooperative .these installments were (12) and in March2009 these Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
  • 10. Installments will be completed and I visited these members business in this month. In April2009 we are giving second phase of loan for these members. Future Plan 1. Meeting with parish team about caritas activities. 2. Prepared area profile for new target area. 3. Shops visit for small business in follow up area. 4. Recovery collection in follow up area. 5. Recovery deposit in bank of cooperative. 6. Lenten campaign2009. 7. Planning with NRCS cooperative for new loan. 8. Meeting with school teacher in follow up area. 9. Participation in Holy week with parish team. 10. Participation in monthly meeting. Report prepared by Animator Asher Nazir Email Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad
  • 11. Monitoring visit in follow up area for kitchen gardening Agriculture coordinator Mr.Iqbal Victor came form caritas Faisalabad on 24th March2009 for this visit. In this visit area animator Asher Nazir and cooperative members were also with him. Agriculture coordinator said that in this visit for growing vegetable our selection for land and seed should be better and before growing vegetable seed preparation of land is more must and for it you should use organic fertilizer if land is not good and water is not good. In this visit agriculture coordinator visit house to house those families which are working on kitchen gardening and they are growing vegetable in their houses. So agriculture coordinator appreciated these action which community members took for kitchen gardening and growing vegetable with area animator and with caritas Faisalabad. Twenty seven (27) families are working and growing vegetable so in this visit agriculture coordinator visited (17) families which are growing vegetable. In the last of this monitoring agriculture coordinator said that I am happy to see this activity because you are working on kitchen gardening and members are growing vegetable so for his own development this is a good action so this is a big change for this community. He appreciated to caritas area animator who is working with this community for kitchen gardening and for this team work he is very satisfied. Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad