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Digital Sustainability in
context of hybrid
Module 4 / Unit 1
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Post Pandemic Empowerment Programme ยฉ 2023 by Die Berater/
European E-Learning Institute/ BUPNET/ CATRO/ Momentum/
Smart Revolution/ Eurotraining is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Without sustainability, as leaders of SMEs, any gains we make from hybrid working will be short lived. With
careful management, we can contribute to change and better people โ€“planet-profit outcomes. This
module is structured in three learning units and aims to increase your understanding of digital
sustainability in context of hybrid working and motivate to you to instigate change.
The main focus of Module 4 Unit 1 is to serve as an introduction to the meaning and importance of
sustainability in the context of hybrid working. We introduce you to SDGs and focus on how three SDGs
3,8 and 13 have particular relevance to SMEs adopting hybrid working practices. We then deepen this
learning through introducing ESGs (environmental, social, and governance), the three key factors when
measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in business. Finally, we examine the
impact of hybrid working on the environment, and how we can make a difference. We learn from a case
study and the 5 ways to measure the environmental impact of hybrid working.
Table of Contents
Understand the meaning and importance of sustainability in context of hybrid
Analyse the contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESGs
Understand environmental sustainability in context of hybrid work
04 Self-Assessment
05 Transition to next unite
Learning Outcomes
Continuous learning mindset, the world of sustainability and digital tools is constantly
evolving, and SMEs need to be able to keep up with the latest developments and
Have a positive attitude towards sustainability approaches and be open to using new
tools and methods to improve sustainability performance of your SME though hybrid
working .
Sustainability skills in a digital context, SDGs and ESG skills environmental awareness
Sustainability approaches to suit a hybrid world: Professionals need to be familiar with
sustainability tools and understand how they can be used to contribute to SDGs and ESG.
Sustainability in
Context of Hybrid
What is Sustainability?
Sustainability: Meeting our present needs without
compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission
Woven with climate change
Climate change has become the challenge of a
generation and is a predominant theme throughout
media, from government reports to Hollywood films.
The science behind climate change can be daunting,
with 75% of young people stating they are frightened
about what the future holds.
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
I. Sustainability - Meaning
Find out more about Brundtland Commission (World Commission on
Environment and Development) | SpringerLink
How Do We Know Climate Change Is Real?
According to NASA, there is unequivocal evidence that
Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate. Human
activity is the principal cause.
Global Temperature + 1.1 ยฐC since preindustrial
Carbon Dioxide +419 parts per million(current)
Sea Level +4 inches since January 1992
Ocean Warming +345 zettajoules since 1955
Source: NASA Evidence | Facts โ€“ Climate Change: Vital Signs of
the Planet (
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
In the context of the PROSPER project, and as our planet is
now reaching a โ€˜code redโ€™ situation, sustainability refers to
the ability to maintain or support a process continuously
over time, IGI Global, What is Sustainability | IGI Global
The three pillars of sustainability are:
People Planet Profit
CFI, 2022, Sustainability - Definition, Three Pillars, and Five
Domains (
All three are vital to the health of our businesses, and also to
our wider community. Balancing these pillars is a
continuous work in progress particularly when the
business environment is changing at such pace.
Sustainability is the key to a better future!
We cannot maintain our Earthโ€™s ecosystems or
continue to function as we do if more
sustainable choices are not made. If harmful
processes are maintained with no change, it
is likely that we will run out of fossil fuels,
huge numbers of animal species will
become extinct, and the atmosphere will be
irreparably damaged.
In a sustainable society, humans live in
harmony with the natural environment,
conserving resources for their future
generations, so that everyone enjoys social
justice and a high quality of life.
Business has a key role to play. Everyone has a role to play
in the fight against climate change and to build back
better from COVID-19. As businesses, we must play a
leadership role in our communities in finding ways to
reduce emissions, use fewer resources, create
opportunities in the circular economy, and protect
biodiversity while striving for a more sustainable world.
Operating any business through COVID-
19, vastly increasing inflation and
energy costs and supply chain
challenges is making many simple
operations a harder task for everyone.
Legislation from the EU is also
mandating us to take action โ€“ and
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
II. Why Is Sustainability Important?
Reduction of carbon
footprints, water
usage, non-
packaging, and
wasteful processes
as part of a supply
Treating employees
fairly and ensuring
responsible, ethical,
and sustainable
treatment of
stakeholders, and
the community in
which a business
Being profitable and
producing enough
revenues to be
continued into the
future, and
generating profit in
accordance with
other elements of
Environmental Protection
Economic Development
Social Development
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
III. Three Pillars of Sustainability
TWI What is Sustainability and why is it so Important? - TWI (
There is a clear trend of going green. Companies at every maturity level report they have realised or expect
to realise a variety of benefits from sustainable practices in the form of improved efficiencies, improved
compliance, improved employee recruitment and/or retention, and reduced waste. Companies are
investing in people, process, and technology improvements because they understand that it takes a
multi-faceted approach to achieve sustainability progress and success.
Companies with more transparent sustainability strategies, which can demonstrate positive work to
address environmental issues, could win the loyalty of the customers. Environmental, social and
corporate governance (ESG) factors โ€” which measure the sustainability and societal impact of a
company โ€” are important (more later).
And then, there is a push by consumers โ€ฆ
โ€ข According to IBM, six out of ten shoppers are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce their
environmental impact.
โ€ข Search data from Amazon shows consumers are searching for environmentally friendly products more
than they were just a few years ago.
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
IV. Sustainability Incentives for SMEs
Source: IBM Report
There is no doubt about it, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated or moved to remote and hybrid work
arrangements. Many businesses were forced into adopting such models, without having policies or
strategies in place. We did not know how long working in remote and hybrid formats was going to last but
we adapted as we needed to, and it actually provided our SMEs with insight into the tangible benefits of
adopting a remote work and then a hybrid working model which has been very well received by employees.
These dramatic changes in mobility, production, and consumption patterns, temporarily reduced global CO2
emissions by 17% in April 2020 compared to peak 2019 levels. But what seemed like a promising trend soon
faded away: emissions are now almost back at pre-pandemic levels, even as employees arenโ€™t. 2020: Temporary reduction in daily global CO2 emissions during the COVID-19 forced confinement
| Nature Climate Change
Many assumed that remote work would lead to environmental sustainability gains, but this is not as
straightforward as it seems as we will see later in this unit. Thus, hybrid work can bring more advantageous
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
V. COVID-19 has been a game-changer
Why is hybrid working smart and sustainable for SMEs?
HSBC, 2021 Why the future of work is hybrid? ( tell us
that the incentives are happier employees lower overheads
increase your productivity what's not to love about the
hybrid workplace? The HSBC survey reveals that
โ€ข 77% of higher growth companies in the survey report higher
productivity levels
โ€ข 66% say it will help them expand into new markets
โ€ข 66% of businesses expect a shift in working patterns to boost
their environmental, social and governance ESG credentials
โ€ข 69% think hybrid working will be good for the environment
1. Sustainability in Context of
Hybrid Working
VI. Sustainability Incentives for SMEs
1. Energy Footprint
The impact of hybrid work on energy use is mixed, with some studies
finding a positive effect, while others indicating a neutral or even a
negative impact on energy use.
Ultimately, such impacts can vary substantially by employeeโ€™s individual
characteristics (e.g., awareness, attitudes, family size, wealth), home
infrastructure (e.g., building energy ratings, supplier), and even
situational factors (e.g., geographic location and season).
When companies craft remote work policies, for instance by subsidising
home energy bills, they also need to account for sustainability
impacts from residential energy emissions.
working and How Remote Working Contributes to Energy Conservation
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
1. Energy Footprint
According to a study by the International Energy
Agency (IEA), Working from home can save
energy and reduce emissions. But how much?
โ€“ Analysis - IEA , electricity consumption in
peopleโ€™s homes jumped by 15% in the days
after lockdown began.
This suggests that workers who usually use public
transportation or drive less than 6km each way
could actually be increasing their total
emissions when they are working from home.
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
Graphic courtesy of the FT. Link here.
2. Transportation Footprint
Reduced commuting when working from home will undoubtedly
yield environmental benefits, but there is emerging evidence of
rebound effects, including increased non-work travel and more
short trips.
For example, in a Californian sample of employees who shifted to
remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic, the decline in vehicle
miles travelled was accompanied by a 26% increase in the
average number of trips taken.
Apart from changes to the work commute, potential changes in
emissions arising from business-related travel in hybrid settings
(e.g., events and conferences) will also matter.
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
Source: Telework and Sustainable Travel During the COVID-19 Era
3. Technology Footprint
A key BBC study (BBC Future, 2020) suggests that a โ€œtypical businessโ€
user, albeit in the pre COVID-19 period, creates 135 kg CO2e from
sending emails every year which is the equivalent of driving 200 miles
in a family car.
The study highlights that the carbon footprint of our gadgets, the
Internet and system supporting them account for about 3.7% of
global greenhouse emissions according to some estimates. Dr. Mike
Hazas, formally at Lancaster University, contends this is a similar
amount produced by the airline industry globally, and these
emissions are predicted to double by 2025.
Additional reading: COVID-19 Lockdowns Lead to UK Tech Sales Boom
And Adds To E-waste Problem
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
4. Waste Footprint
There is a risk of increased electronic and electrical waste (e-waste)
โ€” an estimated 50 million tons a year globally, only 20% of which is
formally recycled. IT leaders know they need to consider the
impact of the number and types of required devices to power
remote working too. UN Report 2019 UN report: Time to seize
opportunity, tackle challenge of e-waste (
Computers, laptops and printers all invariably have their own
environmental footprint and as such, could contribute to rising
levels of electronic waste around the world.
According to a Blancco study on the rising tide of electronic waste (e-
waste), nearly all of the 600 global enterprises surveyed (97%) had
to purchase new laptops to accommodate the shift to remote
working during the pandemic.
Read more: The Rising Tide of E-waste
1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
Although hybrid work models has become much more prevalent,
there are lingering sustainability issues that need to be addressed.
This is the focus of our learning in this PROSPER Module 4, Unit 1
where we share learning and tactics to improve sustainability
through the transition to hybrid work with benefits for employers,
employees and the environment.
We need to be mindful that hybrid working could create a โ€œworst
case scenarioโ€ according to a study from the Carbon Trust and
Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications 2021 The
carbon savings potential of homeworking in Europe | The Carbon
โ€œThis split could cause could result and emitting more emissions as
both homes and offices are fully operating to enable teleworkers
and offers workers to do their jobsโ€ the report warned.
1. Sustainability in Context of
Hybrid Working
VII. Promoting Sustainability
Contribution of
hybrid working to
SDGs and ESG
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action
to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects
of everyone, everywhere.โ€‹
The Goals were adopted by all United Nations Member States in
September 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development which sets out a 15-year plan to achieve the Goals and
their related targets. Never before had world leaders pledged common
action across such a broad and universal policy agenda.โ€‹
The 17 Goals are interconnected, apply to all countries, and need to be
carried out by all stakeholders โ€“ governments, the private sector, civil
society, the United Nations system and others โ€“ in a collaborative
2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG
I. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Source: UN SDGs 17 Goals Transform World
It can help reduce stress and
improve the mental and physical
health of employees by providing
more flexibility and autonomy in
their work arrangements.
It can promote innovation
and the use of technology in
the workplace, leading to the
development of new
industries and infrastructure.
Hybrid working can contribute to 6 key SDGs
2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG
II. The SDGs that matter in context of hybrid working
Goal 3: Good
Health and
Well-being Goal 8: Decent
Work and
Goal 9:
Innovation and
It can help increase
productivity and reduce the
cost of office space, leading
to economic growth.
It can promote collaboration
and partnerships among
employees, businesses, and
communities, helping to
achieve the SDGs.
Goal 11:
Cities and
Goal 13:
Climate Action
Goal 17:
Partnerships for
the Goals
It can reduce the need for
commuting, leading to less traffic
congestion and air pollution, and
promoting sustainable cities and
It can reduce the carbon
footprint of transportation and
the energy consumption of office
buildings, helping to combat
climate change.
By promoting hybrid working, companies can contribute to a more sustainable future and help achieve
the SDGs.
2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG
ESG โ€“ Environmental, Social, and Governance is all about improving the
environmental and social sustainability of businesses and corporations.
Environmental, Social, and Governance stands for the three
components of a businessโ€™s sustainability performance. Without doubt,
ESG metrics are being taken more seriously by the business community.
If you are not at least looking at your ESG footprint, you could be
missing out, and not only on your corporate social responsibilities.
ESG performance will become increasingly important to attracting and
retaining talent as Millennials and Gen Z come to make up most of the
global workforce. By 2029, the Millennial and Gen Z generations will
make up 72 percent of the worldโ€™s workforce, compared to 52 percent
in 2019. These generations place greater importance on environmental
and social concerns than their predecessors do โ€“ and will expect more
from employers on these issues.
2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG
III. ESG Framework and Hybrid Work
Source: ESG As A Workforce Strategy
2. Contribution of hybrid working
to SDGs and ESG
IV. Environment and Hybrid Work
Considerations of Hybrid and Environment
โ€ข Fewer journeys = fewer emissions. Reduced waste with more meals
at home which means less lunch take-out waste, and offices
producing less paper waste if digitization is in place
โ€ข In office, consider energy usage by zoned space utilisation systems
that automatically group hot desks and office reservations into
energy-saving zones, and with smart building systems that reduce
lighting and HVAC consumption during unoccupied hours.
โ€ข At home, employees could also be encouraged to install smart meters
or insulate home offices in order to avoid unnecessary energy
โ€ข Carbon offset schemes may be worth exploring, as well as incentives
for employees to minimise their own carbon footprint.
2. Contribution of hybrid working
to SDGs and ESG
V. ESG Social and Hybrid Work
Considerations of Hybrid and Social
Hybrid work can have positive effects on employee wellbeing and mental
health. See Module 2 Unit 2 Assessing & Monitoring well-being in hybrid
settings. The main way to create a successful hybrid working model would
be by offering teammates plentiful opportunities to communicate,
collaborate and innovate across corporate and home offices
Hybrid work is an opportunity for employers to increase diversity and
retention, hire workers from other places, and give more flexibility and
freedom to working parents and disabled employees. It empowers teams
to communicate and collaborate in diverse environments and situations,
thus strengthening their bond and team spirit. In addition, hybrid work
means better employee work-life balance, flexibility and more personal
time to spend on their hobbies, aspirations and favorite activities.
2. Contribution of hybrid working
to SDGs and ESG
III. Governance and Hybrid Work
According to McKinsey, governance is the internal system of practices,
controls, and procedures your SME adopts in order to govern itself,
make effective decisions, comply with the law, and meet the needs
of external stakeholders. Getting your environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) proposition right links to higher value creation.
Hybrid work opens the opportunity for better governance in that it
mandates companies to sharpen their procedures, e.g., fresh
approaches to safety and health measures are needed in the hybrid
Read more: ESG framework | McKinsey
Impact of Hybrid
By becoming aware of the impact of hybrid working on the environment, we can make a difference. Even
though there are very evident benefits for the environment coming from hybrid work, this is only one side of
the coin. The use of electronic and digital tools can have a significant impact on the environment, particularly
in terms of carbon emissions from the energy used to power these devices. These emissions come from the
generation of electricity used to power the devices and the data centers that store and process the data.
The production and disposal of electronic devices also contribute to the carbon footprint. Production of
electronic devices requires significant amounts of energy, as well as the extraction of raw materials, and the
disposal of electronic waste can be a major environmental problem. The use of electronic devices and digital
tools can also lead to increased energy consumption in homes and offices. For example, employees who
work from home may use more energy for heating, cooling, and lighting.
It's important for companies to be aware of the environmental impact of the electronic and digital tools they
use and take steps to mitigate this impact. This can include investing in renewable energy sources, using
energy-efficient devices, implementing power management settings, and promoting sustainable practices
among employees.
Hybrid Working Impact On The Environment
Carbon Emissions From Office Equipment
Office equipment
such as computers,
printers, and servers
consume electricity,
which can generate
carbon emissions
depending on the
source of the
The production and
transportation of
office equipment
also generates
carbon emissions.
This includes the
extraction of raw
materials, the
process, and the
transportation of the
finished products.
The disposal of office
equipment at the
end of its life can
also generate carbon
particularly if it is not
recycled or disposed
of properly.
Electricity consumption Disposal
Manufacturing and
Carbon emissions from office equipment can come from several sources:
A large amount of
office equipment
today is connected
to the internet,
which means that
the data is stored
and processed in
data centers. These
data centers
consume a lot of
energy and generate
significant amount of
carbon emissions.
Office equipment
such as computers
and servers generate
heat, which needs to
be cooled. This
cooling process also
consumes energy
and generates
carbon emissions.
Office equipment
such as computers,
printers, and servers
consume energy
even when they are
turned off but still
plugged in, which is
known as standby
power consumption.
Carbon Emissions From Office Equipment
Data centers Standby power
Carbon Footprint Of Digitalisation
According to the Financial Times, Carbon
counter: hybrid working is a hot topic |
Financial Times ( , from a carbon
perspective, hybrid working is a hot
topic. A half empty office needs much
the same heating and air conditioning as
a full one.
By understanding the carbon emissions
associated with office equipment dash
Home Office equipment companies can
take steps to reduce their environmental
impact such as using energy efficient
equipment, purchasing renewable
energy and implementing power
management settings
An example of a company reducing carbon emissions of
office equipment is the software company Salesforce. In
2018, they set a goal to become carbon neutral by 2020
and reduce the carbon emissions of its office equipment
by 50% by 2022. To achieve this goal, they implemented
several strategies, detailed on the next slide.
Result: By implementing these strategies, Salesforce was
able to reduce the carbon emissions of its office
equipment by 50% by 2022, which helped the company to
achieve its goal of becoming carbon neutral.
This case study shows that it is possible for companies to
significantly reduce carbon emissions of office equipment
through a combination of energy-efficient equipment,
renewable energy, power management settings, data
center optimisation, and employee education.
Case Study: Company Reducing
Carbon Emissions of Office
Equipment โ€“ Salesforce
โœ” Energy-efficient equipment: Salesforce replaced older equipment with energy-efficient devices, such as laptops
and monitors that are Energy Star certified and enabled power management settings to reduce energy
โœ” Renewable energy: Salesforce invested in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to offset
the carbon emissions of its office equipment.
โœ” Power management settings: Salesforce implemented power management settings to reduce the energy
consumption of its office equipment during periods of low usage.
โœ” Data center optimisation: Salesforce optimized its data centers to reduce energy consumption and carbon
emissions by implementing more efficient cooling systems and power management settings.
โœ” Employee education: Salesforce provided education to employees on the importance of sustainable practices
and how to reduce the environmental impact of office equipment.
Case Study: Salesforce Strategies to Reduce Carbon
Emissions of Office Equipment
1. Carbon footprint calculation
This method involves calculating the total amount of greenhouse
gas emissions associated with hybrid working, including emissions
from transportation, energy consumption in homes and offices,
and emissions from the production and disposal of electronic
2. Energy consumption monitoring
This method involves monitoring the energy consumption of
equipment such as computers, servers, and heating and cooling
systems in both homes and offices.
5 Ways to Measuring the Environmental Impact of
Hybrid Working
3. Surveys and interviews
This method involves surveying employees about their work habits and
behaviors, such as transportation methods, energy consumption in
the home, and sustainable practices. This information can be used to
identify areas for improvement and track progress.
4. Case studies and best practices
This method involves researching and analyzing the experiences of
other companies that have implemented hybrid working, and
identifying best practices for reducing the environmental impact of
hybrid working.
5 Ways to Measuring the Environmental Impact of
Hybrid Working
5. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
This method involves assessing the environmental impact of a product,
service or activity throughout its entire life cycle, from the extraction
of raw materials to disposal or recycling, to identify the main
environmental impacts and the opportunities for improvement.
By using a combination of these methods, companies can gain a
comprehensive understanding of the environmental impact of
hybrid working and identify specific areas for improvement.
5 Ways to Measuring the Environmental Impact of
Hybrid Working
One of the difficulties companies encounter when switching
to a hybrid work model is maintaining optimal office
utilisation. In order to solve this problem, companies may
need a workplace management system to get an overview
of office usage, and then use this information to optimise
Solutions like Desk Buddy | Workplace Management
Software | Proxiad SEE can help you gather data about
how much office space is being used, so you can make
decisions on whether you can scale down by renting a
smaller place or reducing your current one.
Cost Optimisation
Module 4 Unit 1 has brought us on a learning journey
through sustainability in the context of hybrid working.
We've learned how sustainability is woven with climate
change, the importance of the three pillars of
sustainability being people planet and profit and had
the opportunity to understand that the incentives
behind hybrid working are happier employees lower
over overheads and greater productivity.
SMEs can take action, and we highlight how our energy
footprint our transportation footprint our technology
footprint and our waste footprint are great places to
start. And by doing so as assumes we can contribute to
six of the Sustainable Development Goals
(3,8,9,11,13,and 17) and ESG Improving the
environmental and social sustainability of businesses
and corporations. Finally, we look at the specific area of
carbon emissions and the office, the carbon footprint
of digitization and learn from a case study that is
reducing carbon emissions in a very powerful way.
We offer you a short questionnaire for
self-assessment of the extent to which
you have comprehended the content.
The goal is to check and reinforce what
you have learned.
You can take the quiz as many times as
you want. Remember, the quiz is just
part of the process of learning!
Question 1: Please share the three Ps that form the
three pillars of sustainability
Plants, Participatory, Positive
People, Planet, Profit
Potential, Perseverance, Picturesque
Question 2: In terms of the future of hybrid work,
what increased productivity levels are higher
growth companies reporting as a result of hybrid
less than 50%
51 to 70%
71 to 80%
80% +
Question 3: According to a BBC study, how much CO2
emissions does the average business user generate
by sending emails each year?
50 โ€“ 100kg
101kg โ€“ 150kg
151 kg โ€“ 200 kg
Question 4: How many of the sustainable
development goals does hyrbid working
contribute to?
Further Listening
โ— Reimagine Hybrid Work is a very interesting series of podcasts by
Maribel Lopez Founder and Principal of Lopez Research .
โ— Of interest to this Module is Healthy Buildings Are The Future of Work:
An Interview with Delos' CEO Paul Scialla.
โ— Reimagine Hybrid Work - Healthy Buildings Are The Future of Work: An
Interview with Delos' CEO Paul Scialla, (
โ— 75% of the Young People Around the World are Frightened of the Future
Because of Climate Change
โ— NASA How Do We Know Climate Change Is Real? Evidence | Facts โ€“ Climate Change:
Vital Signs of the Planet (
โ— CFI, 2022, Sustainability - Definition, Three Pillars, and Five Domains
( and TWI What is Sustainability and why is it so
Important? - TWI (
โ— 2020: Temporary reduction in daily global CO2 emissions during the
COVID-19 forced confinement Temporary reduction in daily global CO2 emissions
during the COVID-19 forced confinement | Nature Climate Change
โ— HSBC, 2021 , Why is hybrid working smart and sustainable for SMEs?, Why
the future of work is hybrid? (
โ— How Remote Working Contributes to Energy Conservation, How Remote
Working Contributes to Energy Conservation (
โ— International Energy Agency (IEA), Working from home can save energy and
reduce emissions. But how much? โ€“ Analysis - IEA
โ— Carbon counter: hybrid working is a hot topic Carbon counter: hybrid
working is a hot topic | Financial Times (
โ— SRRN: Telework and Sustainable Travel During the COVID-19 Era Telework and
Sustainable Travel During the COVID-19 Era
โ— BBC Future, 2020
โ— UN Report 2019 UN report: Time to seize opportunity, tackle challenge of e-waste
โ— Carbon Trust and Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications 2021 The
carbon savings potential of homeworking in Europe | The Carbon Trust.
โ— McKinsey 2019
โ— UN SDGs, UN SDGs 17 Goals Transform World
Now we have an understanding of digital
sustainability in the context of hybrid work, our
next unit, Module 4 Unit 2 focuses on digital
sustainability and taking action. In addition to
understanding company strategy in the content of
environmental responsibilities and new
environmental trends, you will learn key skills to
apply sustainability principles into action through
Top 10 Tips For Green Home Offices.
Without communicating our sustainability actions, we
are missing a key competitive advantage. In the
unit that follows, you will learn more about tactics
for focused communications.
Thank you for learning with
You can find us:

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Module 4/Unit 1 Digital Sustainability in context of hybrid working

  • 2. post pandemic empowerment programme Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Post Pandemic Empowerment Programme ยฉ 2023 by Die Berater/ European E-Learning Institute/ BUPNET/ CATRO/ Momentum/ Smart Revolution/ Eurotraining is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  • 3. post pandemic empowerment programme Introduction Without sustainability, as leaders of SMEs, any gains we make from hybrid working will be short lived. With careful management, we can contribute to change and better people โ€“planet-profit outcomes. This module is structured in three learning units and aims to increase your understanding of digital sustainability in context of hybrid working and motivate to you to instigate change. The main focus of Module 4 Unit 1 is to serve as an introduction to the meaning and importance of sustainability in the context of hybrid working. We introduce you to SDGs and focus on how three SDGs 3,8 and 13 have particular relevance to SMEs adopting hybrid working practices. We then deepen this learning through introducing ESGs (environmental, social, and governance), the three key factors when measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in business. Finally, we examine the impact of hybrid working on the environment, and how we can make a difference. We learn from a case study and the 5 ways to measure the environmental impact of hybrid working.
  • 4. post pandemic empowerment programme Table of Contents 01 02 03 Understand the meaning and importance of sustainability in context of hybrid working Analyse the contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESGs Understand environmental sustainability in context of hybrid work 04 Self-Assessment 05 Transition to next unite
  • 5. post pandemic empowerment programme KNOWLEDGE: Learning Outcomes SKILLS: BEHAVIOURS: ATTITUDES: Continuous learning mindset, the world of sustainability and digital tools is constantly evolving, and SMEs need to be able to keep up with the latest developments and updates. Have a positive attitude towards sustainability approaches and be open to using new tools and methods to improve sustainability performance of your SME though hybrid working . Sustainability skills in a digital context, SDGs and ESG skills environmental awareness Sustainability approaches to suit a hybrid world: Professionals need to be familiar with sustainability tools and understand how they can be used to contribute to SDGs and ESG.
  • 7. post pandemic empowerment programme What is Sustainability? Sustainability: Meeting our present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission 1987). Woven with climate change Climate change has become the challenge of a generation and is a predominant theme throughout media, from government reports to Hollywood films. The science behind climate change can be daunting, with 75% of young people stating they are frightened about what the future holds. 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working I. Sustainability - Meaning Source: change-anxiety/ Find out more about Brundtland Commission (World Commission on Environment and Development) | SpringerLink How Do We Know Climate Change Is Real? According to NASA, there is unequivocal evidence that Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate. Human activity is the principal cause. Global Temperature + 1.1 ยฐC since preindustrial Carbon Dioxide +419 parts per million(current) Sea Level +4 inches since January 1992 Ocean Warming +345 zettajoules since 1955 Source: NASA Evidence | Facts โ€“ Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet (
  • 8. post pandemic empowerment programme 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working In the context of the PROSPER project, and as our planet is now reaching a โ€˜code redโ€™ situation, sustainability refers to the ability to maintain or support a process continuously over time, IGI Global, What is Sustainability | IGI Global ( The three pillars of sustainability are: People Planet Profit CFI, 2022, Sustainability - Definition, Three Pillars, and Five Domains ( All three are vital to the health of our businesses, and also to our wider community. Balancing these pillars is a continuous work in progress particularly when the business environment is changing at such pace.
  • 9. post pandemic empowerment programme Sustainability is the key to a better future! We cannot maintain our Earthโ€™s ecosystems or continue to function as we do if more sustainable choices are not made. If harmful processes are maintained with no change, it is likely that we will run out of fossil fuels, huge numbers of animal species will become extinct, and the atmosphere will be irreparably damaged. In a sustainable society, humans live in harmony with the natural environment, conserving resources for their future generations, so that everyone enjoys social justice and a high quality of life. Business has a key role to play. Everyone has a role to play in the fight against climate change and to build back better from COVID-19. As businesses, we must play a leadership role in our communities in finding ways to reduce emissions, use fewer resources, create opportunities in the circular economy, and protect biodiversity while striving for a more sustainable world. Operating any business through COVID- 19, vastly increasing inflation and energy costs and supply chain challenges is making many simple operations a harder task for everyone. Legislation from the EU is also mandating us to take action โ€“ and quickly. 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working II. Why Is Sustainability Important?
  • 10. post pandemic empowerment programme Reduction of carbon footprints, water usage, non- decomposable packaging, and wasteful processes as part of a supply chain Treating employees fairly and ensuring responsible, ethical, and sustainable treatment of employees, stakeholders, and the community in which a business operates Being profitable and producing enough revenues to be continued into the future, and generating profit in accordance with other elements of sustainability Planet Environmental Protection Profit Economic Development People Social Development 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working III. Three Pillars of Sustainability TWI What is Sustainability and why is it so Important? - TWI (
  • 11. post pandemic empowerment programme There is a clear trend of going green. Companies at every maturity level report they have realised or expect to realise a variety of benefits from sustainable practices in the form of improved efficiencies, improved compliance, improved employee recruitment and/or retention, and reduced waste. Companies are investing in people, process, and technology improvements because they understand that it takes a multi-faceted approach to achieve sustainability progress and success. Companies with more transparent sustainability strategies, which can demonstrate positive work to address environmental issues, could win the loyalty of the customers. Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors โ€” which measure the sustainability and societal impact of a company โ€” are important (more later). And then, there is a push by consumers โ€ฆ โ€ข According to IBM, six out of ten shoppers are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce their environmental impact. โ€ข Search data from Amazon shows consumers are searching for environmentally friendly products more than they were just a few years ago. 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working IV. Sustainability Incentives for SMEs Source: IBM Report
  • 12. post pandemic empowerment programme There is no doubt about it, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated or moved to remote and hybrid work arrangements. Many businesses were forced into adopting such models, without having policies or strategies in place. We did not know how long working in remote and hybrid formats was going to last but we adapted as we needed to, and it actually provided our SMEs with insight into the tangible benefits of adopting a remote work and then a hybrid working model which has been very well received by employees. These dramatic changes in mobility, production, and consumption patterns, temporarily reduced global CO2 emissions by 17% in April 2020 compared to peak 2019 levels. But what seemed like a promising trend soon faded away: emissions are now almost back at pre-pandemic levels, even as employees arenโ€™t. 2020: Temporary reduction in daily global CO2 emissions during the COVID-19 forced confinement | Nature Climate Change Many assumed that remote work would lead to environmental sustainability gains, but this is not as straightforward as it seems as we will see later in this unit. Thus, hybrid work can bring more advantageous opportunities. 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working V. COVID-19 has been a game-changer
  • 13. post pandemic empowerment programme Why is hybrid working smart and sustainable for SMEs? HSBC, 2021 Why the future of work is hybrid? ( tell us that the incentives are happier employees lower overheads increase your productivity what's not to love about the hybrid workplace? The HSBC survey reveals that โ€ข 77% of higher growth companies in the survey report higher productivity levels โ€ข 66% say it will help them expand into new markets โ€ข 66% of businesses expect a shift in working patterns to boost their environmental, social and governance ESG credentials and โ€ข 69% think hybrid working will be good for the environment 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working VI. Sustainability Incentives for SMEs
  • 14. post pandemic empowerment programme 1. Energy Footprint The impact of hybrid work on energy use is mixed, with some studies finding a positive effect, while others indicating a neutral or even a negative impact on energy use. Ultimately, such impacts can vary substantially by employeeโ€™s individual characteristics (e.g., awareness, attitudes, family size, wealth), home infrastructure (e.g., building energy ratings, supplier), and even situational factors (e.g., geographic location and season). When companies craft remote work policies, for instance by subsidising home energy bills, they also need to account for sustainability impacts from residential energy emissions. Sources: working and How Remote Working Contributes to Energy Conservation ( 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
  • 15. post pandemic empowerment programme 1. Energy Footprint According to a study by the International Energy Agency (IEA), Working from home can save energy and reduce emissions. But how much? โ€“ Analysis - IEA , electricity consumption in peopleโ€™s homes jumped by 15% in the days after lockdown began. This suggests that workers who usually use public transportation or drive less than 6km each way could actually be increasing their total emissions when they are working from home. 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working Graphic courtesy of the FT. Link here.
  • 16. post pandemic empowerment programme 2. Transportation Footprint Reduced commuting when working from home will undoubtedly yield environmental benefits, but there is emerging evidence of rebound effects, including increased non-work travel and more short trips. For example, in a Californian sample of employees who shifted to remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic, the decline in vehicle miles travelled was accompanied by a 26% increase in the average number of trips taken. Apart from changes to the work commute, potential changes in emissions arising from business-related travel in hybrid settings (e.g., events and conferences) will also matter. 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working Source: Telework and Sustainable Travel During the COVID-19 Era
  • 17. post pandemic empowerment programme 3. Technology Footprint A key BBC study (BBC Future, 2020) suggests that a โ€œtypical businessโ€ user, albeit in the pre COVID-19 period, creates 135 kg CO2e from sending emails every year which is the equivalent of driving 200 miles in a family car. The study highlights that the carbon footprint of our gadgets, the Internet and system supporting them account for about 3.7% of global greenhouse emissions according to some estimates. Dr. Mike Hazas, formally at Lancaster University, contends this is a similar amount produced by the airline industry globally, and these emissions are predicted to double by 2025. Additional reading: COVID-19 Lockdowns Lead to UK Tech Sales Boom And Adds To E-waste Problem 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
  • 18. post pandemic empowerment programme 4. Waste Footprint There is a risk of increased electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) โ€” an estimated 50 million tons a year globally, only 20% of which is formally recycled. IT leaders know they need to consider the impact of the number and types of required devices to power remote working too. UN Report 2019 UN report: Time to seize opportunity, tackle challenge of e-waste ( Computers, laptops and printers all invariably have their own environmental footprint and as such, could contribute to rising levels of electronic waste around the world. According to a Blancco study on the rising tide of electronic waste (e- waste), nearly all of the 600 global enterprises surveyed (97%) had to purchase new laptops to accommodate the shift to remote working during the pandemic. Read more: The Rising Tide of E-waste 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working
  • 19. post pandemic empowerment programme Although hybrid work models has become much more prevalent, there are lingering sustainability issues that need to be addressed. This is the focus of our learning in this PROSPER Module 4, Unit 1 where we share learning and tactics to improve sustainability through the transition to hybrid work with benefits for employers, employees and the environment. We need to be mindful that hybrid working could create a โ€œworst case scenarioโ€ according to a study from the Carbon Trust and Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications 2021 The carbon savings potential of homeworking in Europe | The Carbon Trust. โ€œThis split could cause could result and emitting more emissions as both homes and offices are fully operating to enable teleworkers and offers workers to do their jobsโ€ the report warned. 1. Sustainability in Context of Hybrid Working VII. Promoting Sustainability
  • 21. post pandemic empowerment programme The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere.โ€‹ The Goals were adopted by all United Nations Member States in September 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which sets out a 15-year plan to achieve the Goals and their related targets. Never before had world leaders pledged common action across such a broad and universal policy agenda.โ€‹ The 17 Goals are interconnected, apply to all countries, and need to be carried out by all stakeholders โ€“ governments, the private sector, civil society, the United Nations system and others โ€“ in a collaborative partnership.โ€‹ 2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG I. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Source: UN SDGs 17 Goals Transform World
  • 22. post pandemic empowerment programme It can help reduce stress and improve the mental and physical health of employees by providing more flexibility and autonomy in their work arrangements. It can promote innovation and the use of technology in the workplace, leading to the development of new industries and infrastructure. Hybrid working can contribute to 6 key SDGs 2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG II. The SDGs that matter in context of hybrid working Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure It can help increase productivity and reduce the cost of office space, leading to economic growth.
  • 23. post pandemic empowerment programme It can promote collaboration and partnerships among employees, businesses, and communities, helping to achieve the SDGs. Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal 13: Climate Action Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals It can reduce the need for commuting, leading to less traffic congestion and air pollution, and promoting sustainable cities and communities. It can reduce the carbon footprint of transportation and the energy consumption of office buildings, helping to combat climate change. By promoting hybrid working, companies can contribute to a more sustainable future and help achieve the SDGs. 2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG
  • 24. post pandemic empowerment programme ESG โ€“ Environmental, Social, and Governance is all about improving the environmental and social sustainability of businesses and corporations. Environmental, Social, and Governance stands for the three components of a businessโ€™s sustainability performance. Without doubt, ESG metrics are being taken more seriously by the business community. If you are not at least looking at your ESG footprint, you could be missing out, and not only on your corporate social responsibilities. ESG performance will become increasingly important to attracting and retaining talent as Millennials and Gen Z come to make up most of the global workforce. By 2029, the Millennial and Gen Z generations will make up 72 percent of the worldโ€™s workforce, compared to 52 percent in 2019. These generations place greater importance on environmental and social concerns than their predecessors do โ€“ and will expect more from employers on these issues. 2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG III. ESG Framework and Hybrid Work Source: ESG As A Workforce Strategy
  • 25. post pandemic empowerment programme 2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG IV. Environment and Hybrid Work Considerations of Hybrid and Environment โ€ข Fewer journeys = fewer emissions. Reduced waste with more meals at home which means less lunch take-out waste, and offices producing less paper waste if digitization is in place โ€ข In office, consider energy usage by zoned space utilisation systems that automatically group hot desks and office reservations into energy-saving zones, and with smart building systems that reduce lighting and HVAC consumption during unoccupied hours. โ€ข At home, employees could also be encouraged to install smart meters or insulate home offices in order to avoid unnecessary energy consumption. โ€ข Carbon offset schemes may be worth exploring, as well as incentives for employees to minimise their own carbon footprint.
  • 26. post pandemic empowerment programme 2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG V. ESG Social and Hybrid Work Considerations of Hybrid and Social Hybrid work can have positive effects on employee wellbeing and mental health. See Module 2 Unit 2 Assessing & Monitoring well-being in hybrid settings. The main way to create a successful hybrid working model would be by offering teammates plentiful opportunities to communicate, collaborate and innovate across corporate and home offices simultaneously. Hybrid work is an opportunity for employers to increase diversity and retention, hire workers from other places, and give more flexibility and freedom to working parents and disabled employees. It empowers teams to communicate and collaborate in diverse environments and situations, thus strengthening their bond and team spirit. In addition, hybrid work means better employee work-life balance, flexibility and more personal time to spend on their hobbies, aspirations and favorite activities.
  • 27. post pandemic empowerment programme 2. Contribution of hybrid working to SDGs and ESG III. Governance and Hybrid Work Governance: According to McKinsey, governance is the internal system of practices, controls, and procedures your SME adopts in order to govern itself, make effective decisions, comply with the law, and meet the needs of external stakeholders. Getting your environmental, social, and governance (ESG) proposition right links to higher value creation. Hybrid work opens the opportunity for better governance in that it mandates companies to sharpen their procedures, e.g., fresh approaches to safety and health measures are needed in the hybrid environment. Read more: ESG framework | McKinsey
  • 29. post pandemic empowerment programme By becoming aware of the impact of hybrid working on the environment, we can make a difference. Even though there are very evident benefits for the environment coming from hybrid work, this is only one side of the coin. The use of electronic and digital tools can have a significant impact on the environment, particularly in terms of carbon emissions from the energy used to power these devices. These emissions come from the generation of electricity used to power the devices and the data centers that store and process the data. The production and disposal of electronic devices also contribute to the carbon footprint. Production of electronic devices requires significant amounts of energy, as well as the extraction of raw materials, and the disposal of electronic waste can be a major environmental problem. The use of electronic devices and digital tools can also lead to increased energy consumption in homes and offices. For example, employees who work from home may use more energy for heating, cooling, and lighting. It's important for companies to be aware of the environmental impact of the electronic and digital tools they use and take steps to mitigate this impact. This can include investing in renewable energy sources, using energy-efficient devices, implementing power management settings, and promoting sustainable practices among employees. Hybrid Working Impact On The Environment
  • 30. post pandemic empowerment programme Carbon Emissions From Office Equipment Office equipment such as computers, printers, and servers consume electricity, which can generate carbon emissions depending on the source of the electricity. The production and transportation of office equipment also generates carbon emissions. This includes the extraction of raw materials, the manufacturing process, and the transportation of the finished products. The disposal of office equipment at the end of its life can also generate carbon emissions, particularly if it is not recycled or disposed of properly. Electricity consumption Disposal Manufacturing and transportation Carbon emissions from office equipment can come from several sources:
  • 31. post pandemic empowerment programme A large amount of office equipment today is connected to the internet, which means that the data is stored and processed in data centers. These data centers consume a lot of energy and generate significant amount of carbon emissions. Office equipment such as computers and servers generate heat, which needs to be cooled. This cooling process also consumes energy and generates carbon emissions. Office equipment such as computers, printers, and servers consume energy even when they are turned off but still plugged in, which is known as standby power consumption. Carbon Emissions From Office Equipment Data centers Standby power consumption Cooling
  • 32. post pandemic empowerment programme Carbon Footprint Of Digitalisation According to the Financial Times, Carbon counter: hybrid working is a hot topic | Financial Times ( , from a carbon perspective, hybrid working is a hot topic. A half empty office needs much the same heating and air conditioning as a full one. By understanding the carbon emissions associated with office equipment dash Home Office equipment companies can take steps to reduce their environmental impact such as using energy efficient equipment, purchasing renewable energy and implementing power management settings
  • 33. post pandemic empowerment programme An example of a company reducing carbon emissions of office equipment is the software company Salesforce. In 2018, they set a goal to become carbon neutral by 2020 and reduce the carbon emissions of its office equipment by 50% by 2022. To achieve this goal, they implemented several strategies, detailed on the next slide. Result: By implementing these strategies, Salesforce was able to reduce the carbon emissions of its office equipment by 50% by 2022, which helped the company to achieve its goal of becoming carbon neutral. This case study shows that it is possible for companies to significantly reduce carbon emissions of office equipment through a combination of energy-efficient equipment, renewable energy, power management settings, data center optimisation, and employee education. Case Study: Company Reducing Carbon Emissions of Office Equipment โ€“ Salesforce
  • 34. post pandemic empowerment programme โœ” Energy-efficient equipment: Salesforce replaced older equipment with energy-efficient devices, such as laptops and monitors that are Energy Star certified and enabled power management settings to reduce energy consumption. โœ” Renewable energy: Salesforce invested in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to offset the carbon emissions of its office equipment. โœ” Power management settings: Salesforce implemented power management settings to reduce the energy consumption of its office equipment during periods of low usage. โœ” Data center optimisation: Salesforce optimized its data centers to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions by implementing more efficient cooling systems and power management settings. โœ” Employee education: Salesforce provided education to employees on the importance of sustainable practices and how to reduce the environmental impact of office equipment. Case Study: Salesforce Strategies to Reduce Carbon Emissions of Office Equipment
  • 35. post pandemic empowerment programme 1. Carbon footprint calculation This method involves calculating the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions associated with hybrid working, including emissions from transportation, energy consumption in homes and offices, and emissions from the production and disposal of electronic devices. 2. Energy consumption monitoring This method involves monitoring the energy consumption of equipment such as computers, servers, and heating and cooling systems in both homes and offices. 5 Ways to Measuring the Environmental Impact of Hybrid Working
  • 36. post pandemic empowerment programme 3. Surveys and interviews This method involves surveying employees about their work habits and behaviors, such as transportation methods, energy consumption in the home, and sustainable practices. This information can be used to identify areas for improvement and track progress. 4. Case studies and best practices This method involves researching and analyzing the experiences of other companies that have implemented hybrid working, and identifying best practices for reducing the environmental impact of hybrid working. 5 Ways to Measuring the Environmental Impact of Hybrid Working
  • 37. post pandemic empowerment programme 5. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) This method involves assessing the environmental impact of a product, service or activity throughout its entire life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials to disposal or recycling, to identify the main environmental impacts and the opportunities for improvement. By using a combination of these methods, companies can gain a comprehensive understanding of the environmental impact of hybrid working and identify specific areas for improvement. 5 Ways to Measuring the Environmental Impact of Hybrid Working
  • 38. post pandemic empowerment programme One of the difficulties companies encounter when switching to a hybrid work model is maintaining optimal office utilisation. In order to solve this problem, companies may need a workplace management system to get an overview of office usage, and then use this information to optimise costs. Solutions like Desk Buddy | Workplace Management Software | Proxiad SEE can help you gather data about how much office space is being used, so you can make decisions on whether you can scale down by renting a smaller place or reducing your current one. Cost Optimisation
  • 39. post pandemic empowerment programme Module 4 Unit 1 has brought us on a learning journey through sustainability in the context of hybrid working. We've learned how sustainability is woven with climate change, the importance of the three pillars of sustainability being people planet and profit and had the opportunity to understand that the incentives behind hybrid working are happier employees lower over overheads and greater productivity. SMEs can take action, and we highlight how our energy footprint our transportation footprint our technology footprint and our waste footprint are great places to start. And by doing so as assumes we can contribute to six of the Sustainable Development Goals (3,8,9,11,13,and 17) and ESG Improving the environmental and social sustainability of businesses and corporations. Finally, we look at the specific area of carbon emissions and the office, the carbon footprint of digitization and learn from a case study that is reducing carbon emissions in a very powerful way. SUMMARY
  • 40. post pandemic empowerment programme We offer you a short questionnaire for self-assessment of the extent to which you have comprehended the content. The goal is to check and reinforce what you have learned. You can take the quiz as many times as you want. Remember, the quiz is just part of the process of learning! SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE
  • 41. post pandemic empowerment programme Question 1: Please share the three Ps that form the three pillars of sustainability Answers: Plants, Participatory, Positive People, Planet, Profit Potential, Perseverance, Picturesque Question 2: In terms of the future of hybrid work, what increased productivity levels are higher growth companies reporting as a result of hybrid work? Answers: less than 50% 51 to 70% 71 to 80% 80% +
  • 42. post pandemic empowerment programme Question 3: According to a BBC study, how much CO2 emissions does the average business user generate by sending emails each year? Answers: 50 โ€“ 100kg 101kg โ€“ 150kg 151 kg โ€“ 200 kg Question 4: How many of the sustainable development goals does hyrbid working contribute to? Answers: None 2 6 10
  • 43. post pandemic empowerment programme Further Listening โ— Reimagine Hybrid Work is a very interesting series of podcasts by Maribel Lopez Founder and Principal of Lopez Research . โ— Of interest to this Module is Healthy Buildings Are The Future of Work: An Interview with Delos' CEO Paul Scialla. โ— Reimagine Hybrid Work - Healthy Buildings Are The Future of Work: An Interview with Delos' CEO Paul Scialla, (
  • 44. post pandemic empowerment programme โ— 75% of the Young People Around the World are Frightened of the Future Because of Climate Change change-anxiety/ โ— NASA How Do We Know Climate Change Is Real? Evidence | Facts โ€“ Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet ( โ— CFI, 2022, Sustainability - Definition, Three Pillars, and Five Domains ( and TWI What is Sustainability and why is it so Important? - TWI ( โ— 2020: Temporary reduction in daily global CO2 emissions during the COVID-19 forced confinement Temporary reduction in daily global CO2 emissions during the COVID-19 forced confinement | Nature Climate Change FURTHER READING
  • 45. post pandemic empowerment programme FURTHER READING โ— HSBC, 2021 , Why is hybrid working smart and sustainable for SMEs?, Why the future of work is hybrid? ( โ— How Remote Working Contributes to Energy Conservation, How Remote Working Contributes to Energy Conservation ( โ— International Energy Agency (IEA), Working from home can save energy and reduce emissions. But how much? โ€“ Analysis - IEA โ— Carbon counter: hybrid working is a hot topic Carbon counter: hybrid working is a hot topic | Financial Times (
  • 46. post pandemic empowerment programme โ— SRRN: Telework and Sustainable Travel During the COVID-19 Era Telework and Sustainable Travel During the COVID-19 Era โ— BBC Future, 2020 internet-habits-are-not-as-clean-as-you-think โ— UN Report 2019 UN report: Time to seize opportunity, tackle challenge of e-waste ( โ— Carbon Trust and Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications 2021 The carbon savings potential of homeworking in Europe | The Carbon Trust. โ— McKinsey 2019 finance/our-insights/five-ways-that-esg-creates-value โ— UN SDGs, UN SDGs 17 Goals Transform World FURTHER READING
  • 47. post pandemic empowerment programme Now we have an understanding of digital sustainability in the context of hybrid work, our next unit, Module 4 Unit 2 focuses on digital sustainability and taking action. In addition to understanding company strategy in the content of environmental responsibilities and new environmental trends, you will learn key skills to apply sustainability principles into action through Top 10 Tips For Green Home Offices. Without communicating our sustainability actions, we are missing a key competitive advantage. In the unit that follows, you will learn more about tactics for focused communications. TRANSITION TO THE NEXT UNIT
  • 48. post pandemic empowerment programme Thank you for learning with us! You can find us: โ— โ— โ—