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                                                  Knowledge. Passion. Innovation.

VisionMobile Research

Mobile Megatrends 2010
                                                      updated: 4 May 2010
                                        Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Knowledge. Passion. Innovation.

    Mobile Megatrends 2010

                                                       Andreas Constantinou, Ph.D.
                                                                Research Director,
                                                          follow me on twitter: @andreascon

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (
You are free to Share or Remix any part of this work as long as you attribute this work to VisionMobile (

                                                                                            Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Distiling market noise into market sense
Analysis                             + Mapping                       + Strategy

 Business Intelligence                 Market maps                     Strategy definition
 competitive analysis,                 visual maps of who's who in     strategy design, ecosystem
 commissioned research,                the mobile industry             positioning, product definition
 company due diligence

                Active Idle Screen
                Who will own the

  GPLv2 vs GPLv3
  White Paper                          Mobile Industry Atlas           Mobile Megatrends
                                       1,100+ companies, 70
                                       sectors (Jan 2010 update)

                                                                       Thought leadership
                                                                       we coined industry terms like on-
                                                                       device portals, active idle screens,
                Mobile Operating                                       customised design manufacturers
                Systems: The New                                       and introduced new strategy tools:

  Top-100 analyst blog            100 million club                 mobile industry
  2,800+ subscribers                   tracking successful              evolution            centres of
  90% mobile industry insiders         businesses in mobile                                  gravity

                                                                             Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Trusted by industry brands

  VisionMobile clients

                             Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Mobile Megatrends 2010

Vertical propositions                    Web platforms                                    OEM monetisation
a one-way street or a quick detour?      future paradigm for building phones or fad?      products, services or distribution?

Evolution of revenue models              Open is the new closed                            Operator futures
How revenue models are changing in the   how companies are using open                      bit-pipes or supermarkets?
mobile industry                          source to further their own agendas               new smart pipe strategies at the
                                                                                           junction of brands+consumers

App Stores                               Recommendations
the long-tail future of app stores and   reaching into every corner
the untapped retailing opportunity       of the mobile services world
                                                                                       Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
1   Vertical propositions:
    a one-way street or a quick detour?

                                          Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
The Double Helix
   Industries move between horizontal and vertical structures

                  Horizontal industry structure                                                Vertical industry structure

                                  modular components                                             integrated components
                                  standardised interfaces                                        proprietary interfaces
                                  low barriers to entry                                          high barriers to entry
                                  mix and match                                                  all or nothing

                               Maturing product markets                                         Emerging product markets
                               which focus in flexibility, customisation                        which focus in performance, functionality

based on: Charles Fine: Clockspeed and Clayton Christensen: Skate to Where The Money Will Be                              Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Evolution of the network business
 from vertical to horizontal

Horizontal industry structure                                                           Vertical industry structure

                       2009               2004         2003
       open to social networks      end of walled IT operations
           open network APIs             gardens    outsourced

                             2008 2005
          2011                 service   basestation
     operators as      delivery opens    sharing
   micropayment             up to s/w
       providers           developers
                                                                                                     the mobile industry
                                                                                                          was born here

               2015?                                                   1999                     1990-8
         convergence of                                           first MVNOs     standardisation of radio
        operator fixed +                                                 appear        and SIM interfaces
        mobile products

                                                                                        Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Evolution of the handset OEM business
     from vertical to horizontal and back

   Horizontal industry structure                                                          Vertical industry structure

                                2003       2002
                             outsourced    first MNO               2008-9                  2010
                      operating systems    customised devices                              Apple:
                                                                   RIM, Apple:
                                                                                           ‘experience’ products
                                                                                           from chipsets to
                2005                                                                       ad networks
manufacturing for 1 in 3
    phones outsourced

       open source
      browsers and                                                                                                  1980s
  operating systems                                                                                    the mobile industry
             2009                                                                                           was born here
                                             Product leap
    OEM app stores
                                             Apple, RIM
  OEM sync services

               Club Nokia                                          1999                           1990-8
                                                     2010       first ODMs          standardisation of radio
                                                     Windows         appear              and SIM interfaces
                                      2007-8         Phone
                                       Nokia Ovi
                           service shopping spree

                                                                                          Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Clock-speeds differ
Handset OEMs move 2x as fast as network operators

          Network operators:            Handset OEMs:
              50 years/cycle            25 years/cycle
                     slow-moving        agile
                            rigid       fragile

                                                     Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Vertical propositions: where are we today?
   players are at different stages towards verticalisation or horizontalisation

  Horizontal player structure                                                              Vertical player structure

                       2009                 tier-2/3 decline of walled
MNOs open to social networks                operators gardens
         open network APIs

      tier-1                     2008    2005
                         MNO service     MNO
  operators             delivery opens   basestation
               2005          up to s/w   sharing
    manufacturing           developers
  for 1 in 3 phones
         outsourced                                                                                            1980s
                                                                                                  the mobile industry
              2007                                                                                     was born here
      open source
OEM browsers and
 operating systems

          handset OEMs                                                  1999                    1990-8
                                                               first MVNOs     standardisation of radio
                                                                 and ODMs           and SIM interfaces
                                  chipset                             appear

                                                                                        Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Centres of Gravity are being formed
by integrating all value layers under one roof
and creating thriving ecosystems around them


             software            Service delivery
                                 Service distribution
                                 Device design
                                 UI design
                                 Core apps
                                 Operating system
                                 Hardware platform
                                 Chipset IP


                                                            Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Centres of Gravity
 moving to capture value across the stack

                         Apple              Nokia   RIM   HTC   Google       Qualcomm Mediatek

Service delivery

Service distribution

Device design

UI design

Core apps

App environment

Operating system

Hardware platform

Chipset IP


             denotes where player started

                                                                         Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
 - Operators/carriers are moving at half the clockspeed of handset OEMs
 - T1 OEMs are approaching fully-formed verticals, led by Apple
 - Chipset vendors are the a-la-carte assemblers (DELLs) of mobile
 - Both players are creating gravity centers and developer ecosystems
 - Sounds like the PC business?

Open questions
 - Where will Apple make money in 5 years?
 (applications, services or hardware?)

 - Does vertical integration imply greater profits?
 (Clayton Christensen: biggest profits are at the points of proprietary integration)

                                                                            Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
2   The evolution of revenue models
    How revenue models are changing in the mobile industry

                                               Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Introducing Value Quadrants
                                                              value created
                                                              in the cloud

                                               the when
pre-load                                  of value creation                                               post-sales

value created before the handset is shipped                                                value created at point of sale
                                                                                                  and during in-life use
                                                               of value creation

                                                              value created
                                                              on the device

                                                                                   Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Distinct value in each quadrant
 Value                                                       Value

  - content dev. tools                                         - voice & msg services
  - service design tools                                       - VAS and SDPs
  - developer tools                                            - advertising
  - OEM production tools                                       - content & app stores
                                .. distinct
                               value areas

pre-load                                                                      post-sales

value created before the handset is shipped                    value created at point of sale
                                                                      and during in-life use

 Value                                                       Value

  - software IP & services                                     - service distribution
  - hardware IP                                                - inventory leasing
  - integration services                                       - on-device analytics
  - industrial design                                          - device management

                                                       Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
..and distinct revenue models
Value                       Revenue models                                Revenue models                   Value

 - content dev. tools       - per developer seat                          - per usage                        - voice & msg services
 - service design tools     - per module                                  - per active user                  - VAS and SDPs
 - developer tools          - per site                                    - CPA/CPC/CPM                      - advertising
 - OEM production tools                                                   - revenue share                    - content & app stores
                                              .. with distinct
                                             revenue models

pre-load                                                                                                                    post-sales

Value                       Revenue models                                Revenue models                   Value

 - software IP & services   - per unit                                    - per activation/install           - service distribution
 - hardware IP              - per platform                                - per week                         - inventory leasing
 - integration services     - per model                                   - per unit/user segment            - on-device analytics
 - industrial design        - per site                                    - per update                       - device management

                                                                                                     Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
The evolution of revenue models
Value                         Revenue models                       Revenue models                    Value

 - content dev. tools           - per developer seat                - per user, CPC/CPM                - VAS and SDPs
 - service design tools         - per module                        - revenue share                    - advertising
 - developer tools              - per site                          - per segment/reach                - content & app stores
 - OEM production tools                                             - per follower                     - network capabilities

                   untapped value in
                   modular design tools
                                                                from hardware                                upstream monetisation
                                                                to services revenues                         (two-sided platform)

pre-load                                                                                                              post-sales

                      from horizontal royalties                   from pre-load royalties to                 long term evolution:
                      to vertical productisation                  post-sales activation                      from services to distribution

Value                         Revenue models                       Revenue models                    Value

 - software IP & services       - per unit                          - per activation                   - service distribution
 - hardware IP                  - per platform                      - per update                       - inventory leasing
 - systemware                   - per model/design                  - per inventory/day                - on-device analytics
 - industrial design            - per site                          - per user segment                 - service management

                                                                                               Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
 - pre-load value moving from software IP to systemware & productisation
 - services value: from downstream to upstream; and from services to
 - post-sales value: inventory leasing, analytics, service distribution and
 service management

Key questions
 - what % of device value will be in software vs systemware in 2015?
 (software = platform royalties, systemware = productised software+hardware)

 - what % of MNO revenues will come from upstream/downstream in 2015?
 (downstream=end-users, upstream = media publishers, app developers, advertisers)

                                                                        Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
3   App Stores: the long-tail future
    why App Stores will take retailing where it’s never been before
                                                  Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Top-5 App Stores
No one has been able to copy Apple’s recipe. Is it that hard?

App Store comparative analysis (end- 2009). Source: VisionMobile
                                                                   Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
The App Store recipe
    The App Store recipe needs end-to-end control of all 5 ingredients:

(mastered by)   mobile software   mobile operators &   handset OEMs   platform vendors   brands and retailers
                          firms    payments brokers

    Each ingredient is mastered by different players in the value chain,
    and requires different technical know-how and commercial relationships.
    ... no wonder Apple is the most successful cook!
                                                                                         Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
The 2-year future of App Stores
To predict the future you need to know your history

             everyone wants to    rev share best-practices      operators seize   sophisticated in-life       app retailing takes
             get their hands on     become standardised      their addressable      app management            on a life of its own
                     developers                                        market
                                                                                          Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Key predictions for App Stores (2010-2012)
1. Abundance: 100+ App Stores will exist in 2012;
Every single tier-1 OEM and MNO is launching their own App Store - enabled by white label App Store
solutions from Amdocs, Cellmania, Comverse, Ericsson, Everypoint, GetJar, Handango, Handmark,
Ideaworks Labs, Javaground, Mobango, Ondeego, OnMobile, PocketGear, Qualcomm, SlideME and Sun.

2. Diversity: App Stores will cater to diverse segments;
OEM, MNO or platform-centric stores, lifestyle-centric stores (e.g. sports or clothes brands), specialist
content (e.g. adult or enterprise), region-centric stores (e.g. Seattle apps)

3. Co-existence: several App Stores will co-exist within a handset
Case in point: LG and Samsung phones which shipped in 4Q09 in Korea came with four (!) app stores co-existing
within the same handset; one from the OEM, one from the platform provider (Windows Mobile) and two from the
South Korean operator SK Telecom.

4. Low barriers: App Malls will enable low-cost shops-in-shop setups
SDP vendors will offer the infrastructure, catalogue and recommendations technology allowing wannabe
app retailers to be setup at very low cost, with proven revenue models (setup fee + rent + sales commission)

                                                                                    Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Key predictions for App Stores (2010-2012)
5. Retailing will triumph
- app retailing has been a bottleneck up to 2009
Case in point: the Apple App Store top-25 is the main channel by which apps have been able to grab user
attention. This has resulted in price erosion, as app developers drop prices to bubble up to the top-25.

- flurry of startups to capitalise on untapped retailing opportunity
Apppopular, Appolicious, Appsfire, Chomp, Chorus, Flurry, I use this, Mplayit, Yappler using voting,
automated recommendations, in-app promotions and other techniques to capitalise on retailing opportunity.

- app stores will take retailing where it’s never been before
App Malls (shops-in-shop), friend endorsements, inventory micro-targeting, gift/beg options, second-hand
app reselling and other features will spring up, taking retailing to new levels of sophistication.

- retailing will grab a large chunk of revenues, as in the FMCG business
In the book business, retailers get between 25% (online stores) to 55% (bookstore chains) of the retail price.
Mobile app developers will take 70% of revenues, but will spend another 20% or more in app promotions.

                                                                                   Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
 - The App Store recipe requires diverse ingredients sourced from
 across the value chain materialising an App Store needs multiple partnerships
 - App Stores will follow the FMCG route; abundance, diversity, co-
 existence and low barriers to entry.
 - Retailing is the most untapped and biggest opportunity in App Stores
 - App Stores will take retailing to new levels of sophistication

Open questions
 - How many apps will operator stores attract in 2012?
 (1,000s, 10,000s, 100,000s? So far operator app stores number around 1,000 apps each)

 - Who will be the mega-retailers of the mobile apps world in 2012?
 (e.g. Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, Handango, ESPN?)

                                                                       Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
4   Web platforms
    and why the future of software development is still elusive

                                                   Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Web platforms: future of mobile development?
  Many signs pointing to web development as a one-way street for mobile:
  - from WAP to full HTML 4.0 on mobile browsers and Flash
  - from web on high-end phones to the web on every phone (Opera Mini)
  - from HTML apps to on-device widgets for delivering services
  - from widgets to Palm’s WebOS where every app is web-based
  - open source WebKit becoming a de facto standard (170M shipments as of June 2009)

  - web platforms address the needs of 3rd party devs, not handset OEMs
  - the landscape is much more complex, as we shall see..

                                                             Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Which platform?
Many platform choices for application developers and handset OEMs

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For what player?
   Differences between 3rd parties and 2nd parties

               3rd parties                                     2nd parties

     any software developer without a                 software developers and service providers
     commercial relationship to handset OEMs          supplying directly to handset OEMs

Developer profile

     - 10,000s of developers                           - 300-400 software houses
     - selling software to end consumers               - licensing to OEMs or MNOs
     - familiar with common languages and tools        - with access to proprietary toolchains

Application profile

     - 100,000s of applications, few variants         - 1000s of applications, many variants
     - downloadable to the device post-sales          - often embedded to the device pre-load
     - games, entertainment, utilities, e-books, ..   - middleware, apps or client-server solutions
     - accessed through (often deep) menus            - or integration and customisation services

                                                                         Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
The platform chasm

platforms for 3rd parties                    vs   platforms for 2nd parties
(any developer)                                   (OEMs, MNOs, and partners)

- designed for building apps                      - designed for building phones
- aimed at any application developer              - aimed at an inner circle of OEM trustees
- using modern platforms and low cost SDKs        - using legacy C/C++ platforms and toolchains
- intended for downloadable apps                  - intended for core (embedded) apps

                                                                   Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Platform needs differ greatly

  3rd party developers want to:
  Develop             +   Deploy              +     Monetise
  Simplify development    Distribute app            Sell
  Integrate w/ device     Update app                Promote
  Integrate w/ cloud
  Reduce time to market

  2nd party handset OEMs want to:
  Build               +   Differentiate +           Customise
  Fast chipset port       Social core apps          Few regional cores
  Accelerate perf.        Differentiate w/ UI       10s of MNO variants
  Reuse expertise         Fast core app developm.   Fast variant creation
  Max. battery life       Win MNO business
                          3rd party ecosystem

                                                         Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
How do                    cater to these needs?

 3rd party developers want to:
 Develop             +   Deploy              +     Monetise
 Simplify development    Distribute app            Sell
 Integrate w/ device     Update app                Promote
 Integrate w/ cloud
 Reduce time to market

 2nd party handset OEMs want to:
 Build               +   Differentiate +           Customise
 Fast chipset port       Social core apps          Few regional cores
 Accelerate perf.        Differentiate w/ UI       10s of MNO variants
 Reuse expertise         Fast core app developm.   Fast variant creation
 Max. battery life       Win MNO business
                         3rd party ecosystem

                                                        Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
 - The needs of 2nd parties and 3rd parties are worlds apart
 - Web platforms level obstacles for 3rd party development
 - But.. they do very little in addressing handset OEM needs
 - Android addresses OEM phone development and differentiation
 - But.. no platform yet addresses OEM customisation needs
 - No platform yet to replace legacy RTOSes

Open questions
 - Which platform will have disappeared by 2015?
 (S60, Qt, BREW, LiMo, Windows, Java or Flash? choose only one)

 - What percentage of phones will run legacy RTOSes in 5 years?
 (from 85% today to ??% in 5 years)
                                                                  Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
5   Open is the new closed
    how companies are using open source to further own agendas

                                              Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
What is open source? quick refresher

  What is open source?
  - A tactical product move, not a strategy
  - a middle ground between build and buy

  - Shares cost and risk of developing software building blocks
  - Speeds up innovation via third party contributions

  - Lack of education and best-practices in mobile OSS
  - Does not change how much you spend, but where you spend it

                                                         Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Licenses vs Governance models
in mobile, licenses converge but governance models diverge
                                                                                                                 license type
                                                                                                                 community license

                                                                                                                dual license
                                              Funambol Rhomobile                                                (commercial + copyleft)

                                                                                                                strong copyleft
                         Linux kernel

                                                                                                                weak copyleft
                             GTK+                                                                               (LGPL, MPL, EPL,..)
 different governance

                                          platform                     Foundation
                            GTK+                                                               Qt
 similar license

                                                                                                                (APL, BSD, MIT, ...)
                                                                                       Chrome Android

                        trust community      managed community       members only      single company

                                                       governance model (simplified)
                                                                                                        Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Control points in open source
Control points can detract the freedoms open source is meant to bestow

Open source freedoms              Control points
Users should be free to run the   - Incomplete software: Sponsor can retain key building blocks as closed source, meaning that users will not
software                          be able to create fully functional derivatives
Software source code can be       - Private codelines: Sponsor can use private codelines which are feature-wise very advanced compared to the
accessed freely and easily        public codeline, meaning that anyone using the public codeline is losing features or bug fixes.
Software can be modified          - Ownership of contributors: Sponsor can control all contributions into the main codeline (the tip of the
freely                            tree), meaning users need to maintain a parallel patched codeline which can easily diverge and become very
                                  costly to merge back.
                                  - Gravity of contributions: sponsor can dedicate the largest body of engineers to the project (compared to any
                                  single other participant), meaning any other contributions will be ‘drowned’ by sponsor-led contributions

No discrimination against any     - Private visibility: Sponsor can make the product roadmap or strategy available only to members of a paid-for
person or group of persons        or invite-only club.
                                  - Timezone-limited forums: Sponsor can setup rules to operate the project forums (e.g. IRC channel) only
                                  during working hours, meaning it disadvantages users in other continents (e.g. US vs Europe vs Asia timezones).

No discrimination against         - Trademarks: Sponsor can secure Trademarks on the project name, meaning that any users wishing to create
fields of endeavour               derivatives named after the project will need a separate agreement with the sponsor.
                                  - Distribution of bolt-ons: Sponsor can create a developer community for software bolt-ons so as to own the
                                  distribution gateway for these bolt-ons onto derivatives of the software.

                                                                                                           Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Examples of closed governance
  How mobile industry uses control points within open source projects:
  -Symbian Foundation: open source capitalism
  99% of reviewers still work for Nokia. No long tail contributions and complex contribution process
  Long term Nokia has most influence over roadmap due to gravity of contributions
  OPEX costs of circa $5M per OEM seat; expensive CAPEX for members and unsustainable

  - Android: “you can have any colour as long as it’s black”
  Invite-only membership. Google-owned private codeline which is 6-8 months ahead of public SDK.
  All code reviewers work for Google. Google owns Android Market distribution channel (closed source).
  Google has a trademark on Android so that you cannot call it an Android phone unless it passes CTS.
  CTS is very demanding certification process involving API tests, performance tests and hardware reqs.

  -LiMo Foundation: OEM community source
  $20K entry-level membership needed to access source code. SDKs to be launched publicly in 1H10
  A community of OEMs driven by operator requirements
  Zero external community contributions since 2007; process established in 2009

                                                                             Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
6   Recommendations everywhere
    raising the bar for mobile services

                                          Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Recommendations: an underhyped market
 - Behind-the-scenes adoption in mobile
 What started as ‘people who bought this also bought that’ has found its way into 10s of mobile operator
 portals, not to mention 1,000s of mobile websites. None of this has received mainstream media coverage.

 - Right technology at the right time
 In 2009-10, recommendations are the differentiator (the cherry on the cake) for App Stores. This has
 prompted several mobile operators (including Vodafone, O2 Telefonica and T-Mobile) to issue RFIs/RFQs.

 - Growing academic research
 Recommendations research is moving into its third phase of evolution. The Recommender Systems 09
 conference gathered 50% more paper submissions than last year from 35 countries – making this a rare
 case of synchronicity between commercial and academic worlds.

 - Underhyped potential
 Recommendations technology is essential to help users navigate the terabytes of service content from a 2-
 inch screen. Recommendations will find their way into every service, from App Stores to Customer Support

                                                                              Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Reaching every niche of mobile services
very wide scope of applications

   - Mobile Portal Personalization adaptation of navigational elements, content listed, ads served
   and personalised search results (e.g. Changing Worlds, Choice Stream, Media Unbound and Leiki)
   - Content Discovery
   pure content discovery and recommendations across content types (e.g. Xiam, FAST)

   - Subscriber segment targeting
   user profiling and segmentation as part of an online marketing campaign (e.g. Coremetrics and Pontis)

   - Influencer targeting
   profiling and identification of influential subscribers (e.g. Xtract and Strands)
   - Mobile advertising solutions
   inventory targeting (e.g. Jumptap, Aggregate Knowledge, Velti/Ad Infuse, Medio and Wunderloop)
   - Product/Content Personalization cross-channel product and content recommendations
   optimised for retailers, web and media (e.g. ChoiceStream, Loomia, Aggregate Knowledge)
   - Business analytics product/offer bundle recommendations based on user segmentation and real-
   time behaviour analysis (e.g. Olista, Oracle, ThinkAnalytics and Coremetrics)

                                                                                       Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Wealth of technology supply
  40+ recommendation solutions packaged in a variety of forms
  - From vertical pre-integration into a service (e.g. App Store) towards operators to horizontal engine with
  connections to multiple touch points (e.g. mobile, broadband, web, retail) towards media brands.
  - Most of these vendors have come from the IT/web side, with few pure mobile-domain vendors

  8 key vendors we researched: Xiam, Changing Worlds, Ericsson, Loomia,
  Pontis, July Systems, Olista and Choice Stream

  For full analysis see
                                                                                 Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Outlook for recommendation solutions
 - Academic research moves in parallel to commercial adoption
 Academic research focusing on interfaces in/out of recommendation engine and context adaptation
 Commercials focusing on live clickstream processing, content optimisation and market penetration

 - Scope of recommendation technology in mobile is rapidly expanding
 Recommendations are being applied to App Stores in 2009-10 and moving to business analytics,
 advanced CRM and product/service recommendations in 2010-12.

 - Specialist vendors will endure
 Recommendations need to be highly tuned to channel & content during launch and continually during
 the in-life phase. Moreover, vertical solutions won’t be readily extensible to multiple touchpoints.

 - M&A of recommendation vendors to ensue
 The incumbent VAS and SDP vendors will need to buy in (rather than build) technology, due to the
 content- and context- specific know-how that recommendations require. We expect this will lead to
 M&As thanks to the abundant technology startups out there.
 (e.g. see Qualcomm + Xiam, Amdocs + Changing Worlds acquisitions in 2008)

                                                                            Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
 - Recommendations is one of the most underhyped mobile tech sectors
 - Seeing rapid adoption in 2010-12 to add differentiation to every service
 - 40+ vendors of recommendations solutions, mostly from web
 - Multitude of academic and commercial optimisation issues to solve
 - M&A of recommendation vendors to ensue

Open questions
 - Will consumers shun portals without personalisation features?
 (consumers will expect to see personalised recommendations in mobile portals as they do in Amazon)

 - Can reco solutions measurably improve churn or service adoption?
 (lack of measurable benefits hampers adoption of recommendation solutions)

                                                                       Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
7   OEM monetisation
    products, services or distribution?

                                          Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
The telecoms value stack
 and how value is shared across the stack from 1990 to 2015

Value                  Description                                                    Value     Boundaries    Boundaries                  Value
                                                                                                  1990          2010                     in 2015

Services               e.g. voice, messaging, IM, Facebook, Zyb, 3rd party apps ..                                                     NaaS, mbilling


                                                                                      70% of
Service delivery       e.g. voice, text, web, WAP, software, on-device integration   industry                                          widgets, OSGi
Service distribution   which device and where on the device                                                                          service inventory

Device design

                       industrial design, packaging design

UI design              design of the entire user interface

Core apps              core apps (dialler, call logs, menus, idle screen, inbox)

                                                                                      15% of
Operating system                                                                     industry

                       software middleware and hardware interfaces                                                                      optimisation
Hardware platform      integrated hardware reference designs                                                                             scalability

Chipset IP             for apps processors, radio processors, graphics, etc                                                             performance

Manufacturing          component sourcing and assembly                                                                              supply chain mngmt

                                                                                                              Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Value areas and boundaries
for MNOs, OEMs and chipset manufacturers

   Value                  MNO value           OEM value           Chipset value

   Services                NaaS, mbilling
                                                                                                               flat rate data
   Service delivery        widgets, OSGi
                                                                                                               open gardens
   Service distribution   service inventory   service inventory
                                                                                                               RF standards
   Device design
                                                   cross-                                                      OEM-dependent
   UI design
                                                  optimise                                                     OEM-dependent
   Core apps
   Operating system                                                  optimisation
   Hardware platform                                                  scalability
   Chipset IP                                                        performance
   Manufacturing                                                  supply chain mngmt

                           (see MNO theme)        (see next)        (analysis omitted)

                                                                                         Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
OEM value
where OEMs can add and extract value (1/2)

                                    - The best services will be run by someone else
                                    - No unique OEM value-add
    Service delivery       (commoditising due to open gardens - including open on-device services)
    Service distribution
                                    Service distribution
    Device design
                                    - Distribution is a *unique* OEM asset
    UI design
                                    Distribution = which device and where on the device a service is deployed
    Core apps                       (distribution is OEM-proprietary due to pre-load software boundaries)
    App environment
    Operating system                - In commoditised industries (e.g. books), distribution is 25-55% of revenues
                                    - OEM distribution across 1,000 million devices/year is unmatched
    Hardware platform
                                    - Service distribution is like Google’s business: managing & selling inventory
    Chipset IP
                                    (which is why Android moves distribution control from OEMs to Google)

                                                                                      Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
OEM value
where OEMs can add and extract value (2/2)

                           Device design + UI design
    Services               - Device design is most exclusive OEM value-add (and most tightly-kept secret)
    Service delivery       - yet today UI design is monolithic due to horizontal integration of core apps
    Service distribution
    Device design          Defendable long-term OEM value add is in:
                           - Device design which can be mass-customised (think deep fascias, aka Modu)
    UI design
                           - Device design which matches UI design and target customer segment at PoS
    Core apps
                           - UI design which allows ‘personality change’ during in-life use
    App environment        (downloadable personalities) enabling a new premium content market
    Operating system
    Hardware platform      Manufacturing
    Chipset IP             - Supply chain management is unique value add
    Manufacturing          - but only for Tier-0 OEMs (Nokia)
                           - and mega hardware vendors (Qualcomm, Mediatek, etc)

                                                                             Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
 - Commoditised service delivery opens up services to anyone
 - Distribution (which device and where on the device) is unique value add
 - Device design and matched UI design are unique value-adds,
 especially if mass-customised across global reach and customer segments

Key questions
 - How will Nokia (tier-0) make money in 5 years?
 (hardware, services or distribution?)

 - How far can mass-customised designs go in 5 years?
 (1,000, 1 million or 1 billion unique designs?)

 - Is there a new market to be created from premium ‘UI personalities’ ?

                                                      Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
    Operator futures: bit-pipes or supermarkets?
    New smart pipe strategies at the junction of brands+consumers

                                               Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
The operator business is breaking up
  From the supermarkets of the 1990’s, operators are breaking up:
  - outsourcing marketing & retailing (see MVNOs)
  - sharing basestations
  - outsourcing core network expansion
  - outsourcing value-added services to 3rd party SDPs
  - reselling bandwidth to OEMs (see Kindle)
 - billing relationship diluted through App Stores

Are operators destined to become bit-pipes?
 - not if they don’t choose to

                                                         Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Value layers in telecoms
 and boundaries between OEMs and MNOs

To add:
Radio spectrum
Network infrastructure - analytics, network APIs
Payment and authentication - mbilling
Voice/text/data - resell data via OEMs, etc
Value-added services - brand deliverables

                                                   Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
How can you build a smart pipe strategy?
   Three sustainable areas where MNOs can add value:

 Value                  MNO value           OEM value           Chipset value

 Services                NaaS, mbilling
                                                                                                             flat rate data
 Service delivery        widgets, OSGi
                                                                                                             open gardens
 Service distribution   service inventory   service inventory
                                                                                                             RF standards
 Device design
 UI design
                                                optimise                                                     OEM-dependent
 Core apps
 Operating system                                                  optimisation
 Hardware platform                                                  scalability
 Chipset IP                                                        performance
 Manufacturing                                                  supply chain mngmt

                         (see MNO theme)        (see next)        (analysis omitted)

                                                                                       Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
How can you build a smart pipe strategy?
Seven pillars for a sustainable smart pipe strategy

   Services                 1. Focus services only on unique brand deliverables

   Service delivery         2. Expose Network APIs as a Service, but monetise as a matchmaker
                            and marketing channel
   Service distribution
                            3. Reach where VISA doesn’t, but at VISA-like commission rates
   Device design            4. Explore customer & service Analytics
   UI design
                            5. Control the in-the-hands experience via on-device service management
   Core apps
                            6. Create, broker and monetise idle-screen real-estate to 3rd parties
   Operating system
                            7. Let App Stores divide and conquer, but offer best-in-class billing and
   Hardware platform        merchandising as a service to all App Stores
   Chipset IP


                                                                       Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Focus where the brand value is
Designing a smart pipe strategy (1/7)

                                             Mobile                  PC                            STB

     Services               Services
                            1. Focus only on unique brand deliverables
     Service delivery       e.g. piece of mind, the brand that brings you other brands, in the palm of your
                            hand, choice, traveler-friendly, always-in-touch, always-first-to-know
     Service distribution
                            2. Use these unique brand deliverables to drive service strategy
     Device design
     UI design              - Piece of mind: sync contacts/SMSs to network, replace lost phones within 24h
     Core apps              - Choice: offer shortcuts to favourite services (from Facebook to flowers) from
                            the idle screen
     Operating system
                            - In the palm of your hand: offer local device access to
     Hardware platform      a) core network services like voicemail, self-help, phone bill, phone use and
                            b) widgetise the 100s of SMS/WAP-only services to boost adoption and provide
     Chipset IP             consistency of service experience and management


                                                                           Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Network as a Service
Designing a smart pipe strategy (2/7)

                                             Mobile                   PC                            STB

     Services               - Making $$ from network APIs is hard:
                            users will not pay more for a network-enabled app, there’s little unique to it
     Service delivery

     Service distribution
                            1. Monetise as a matchmaker
     Device design          - deliver dynamic profiling info per subscriber segment
     UI design              - leverage customer segments for promos (aka white label Blyk)
                            - outsource new brand creation and co-own derivate brands
     Core apps

     Operating system       2. Monetise as a marketing channel

     Hardware platform      - offer a marketing backchannel for app developers through app store
                            - offer recommendation services by tapping into users’ social graphs
     Chipset IP

     Manufacturing          3. Offer network APIs via on-device widget environment
                            for consistency of experience, device integration, in-life service maangement
                            and inventory management

                                                                            Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Reach where VISA doesn’t
Designing a smart pipe strategy (3/7)

                                            Mobile                   PC                           STB

     Services               1. offer micro-billing at VISA-like commission to mobile, PC, STB environments
                            a) via web-activated billing with MT SMS confirmation
     Service delivery
                            b) NFC-activated billing with free NFC reader terminals
     Service distribution

     Device design          2. Extend billing beyond VISA capabilities
                            through recurring payments, in-app purchases, DoesUser HaveCredit()
     UI design

     Core apps

     Operating system

     Hardware platform

     Chipset IP


                                                                          Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Customer & service analytics
Designing a smart pipe strategy (4/7)

                                              Mobile                     PC                            STB

     Services               Customer & Service Analytics
                            Install network and device probes to develop new intelligence:
     Service delivery
                            1. Understand customer behaviour and enable behavioural targeting
     Service distribution
                            2. Monitor and fine tune service performance (A/B testing)
     Device design          3. Identify influencers and improve lifetime value metrics
     UI design              4. Understand device performance and leverage in OEM deals pre- and post-sales
                            5. Monetise by reselling analytics to OEMs, ISVs (i.e. become the Nielsen of mobile)
     Core apps

     Operating system

     Hardware platform

     Chipset IP


                                                                               Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Service lifecycle management
Designing a smart pipe strategy (5/7)

                                             Mobile                  PC                            STB

     Services               In-hands experience is more important the out-of-the-box experience.

     Service delivery
                            Implement on-device service management to:
     Service distribution
                            1. Reduce ‘runtime age’ for existing content
     Device design          2. Multiply addressable market for new content and services
     UI design              3. Monetise from 3rd party software management with ‘per install’ and
                            ‘per activation’ revenue models
     Core apps              4. Multiply customer touchpoints and opportunities for customer
     Operating system

     Hardware platform

     Chipset IP


                                                                           Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Service retailing
Designing a smart pipe strategy (6/7)

                                              Mobile                    PC                            STB

     Services               Networks buy the most terminals in Europe/US and hence control
                            distribution and retailing (‘which device and where on the device’)
     Service delivery

     Service distribution   1. Create new real-estate through the idle screen (aka home screen, desktop)
     Device design
                            2. Broker real-estate to 3rd parties and own services using innovative
     UI design              revenue models (per-widget, per-time slot, per action)
     Core apps
                            3. Implication: focus on a single app to be provisioned on all terminals
     Operating system
                            - idle screen for real estate management with widget runtime
     Hardware platform      - idle screen can encompass address book and any other functionality
     Chipset IP             - leave all other apps to 3rd parties! (and monetise upstream through
                            distribution deals)

                                                                              Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
App Stores
Designing a smart pipe strategy (7/7)

                                             Mobile                 PC                            STB

     Services               Networks add unique value in billing, distribution and network APIs
                            but NOT in developer support and on-device storefronts
     Service delivery
                            (or any other aspect of app stores!)
     Service distribution

     Device design          Networks can only extract value where they add value. Consequently:
     UI design              1. Let app stores fight amongst themselves and evolve
                            2. Monetise as a billing platform and on-device inventory platform
     Core apps
                            3. Authorise network API access only for apps within pre-approved app
     Operating system       stores -> creates new control point in application distribution!

     Hardware platform

     Chipset IP


                                                                          Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
 - MNO value is in matchmaking, micro-billing, analytics and service

Open questions
 - How will operators make money in 5 years?
 (access pipe, MVNO enabler, smart pipe, supermarket or closed garden?)

 - How will operators position themselves in micro-billing?
 (premium payment gateway, VISA of mobile, or bank?)

 - What % of MNO revenue will come from up vs downstream in 5 years?
 (10%, 40%, 80% ?)

                                                                          Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
Thanks for listening!

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                Mobile Industry Atlas
 The who’s who mobile with 1,100+ companies

                       100 Million Club           Open Source for Leaders
       tracking successful businesses in mobile   Workshop covering economics, licensing,
               communities, competitive landscape & strategies.
                                                                   Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010

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Mobile Megatrends 2010 (VisionMobile)

  • 1. knowledge. passion. innovation Knowledge. Passion. Innovation. VisionMobile Research Mobile Megatrends 2010 updated: 4 May 2010 Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 2. Knowledge. Passion. Innovation. Mobile Megatrends 2010 Andreas Constantinou, Ph.D. Research Director, VisionMobile follow me on twitter: @andreascon Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License ( You are free to Share or Remix any part of this work as long as you attribute this work to VisionMobile ( Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 3. Distiling market noise into market sense Analysis + Mapping + Strategy Business Intelligence Market maps Strategy definition competitive analysis, visual maps of who's who in strategy design, ecosystem commissioned research, the mobile industry positioning, product definition company due diligence Active Idle Screen Who will own the screen? GPLv2 vs GPLv3 White Paper Mobile Industry Atlas Mobile Megatrends 1,100+ companies, 70 sectors (Jan 2010 update) Thought leadership we coined industry terms like on- device portals, active idle screens, Mobile Operating customised design manufacturers Systems: The New and introduced new strategy tools: Generation Top-100 analyst blog 100 million club mobile industry 2,800+ subscribers tracking successful evolution centres of 90% mobile industry insiders businesses in mobile gravity Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 4. Trusted by industry brands Clients selected VisionMobile clients Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 5. Mobile Megatrends 2010 Vertical propositions Web platforms OEM monetisation a one-way street or a quick detour? future paradigm for building phones or fad? products, services or distribution? Evolution of revenue models Open is the new closed Operator futures How revenue models are changing in the how companies are using open bit-pipes or supermarkets? mobile industry source to further their own agendas new smart pipe strategies at the junction of brands+consumers App Stores Recommendations the long-tail future of app stores and reaching into every corner the untapped retailing opportunity of the mobile services world Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 6. 1 Vertical propositions: a one-way street or a quick detour? Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 7. The Double Helix Industries move between horizontal and vertical structures Horizontal industry structure Vertical industry structure modular components integrated components standardised interfaces proprietary interfaces low barriers to entry high barriers to entry mix and match all or nothing Maturing product markets Emerging product markets which focus in flexibility, customisation which focus in performance, functionality based on: Charles Fine: Clockspeed and Clayton Christensen: Skate to Where The Money Will Be Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 8. Evolution of the network business from vertical to horizontal Horizontal industry structure Vertical industry structure 2009 2004 2003 open to social networks end of walled IT operations open network APIs gardens outsourced 2010 outsourced sub-brands 2008 2005 2011 service basestation operators as delivery opens sharing micropayment up to s/w providers developers 1980s the mobile industry was born here 2015? 1999 1990-8 convergence of first MVNOs standardisation of radio operator fixed + appear and SIM interfaces mobile products Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 9. Evolution of the handset OEM business from vertical to horizontal and back Horizontal industry structure Vertical industry structure 2003 2002 outsourced first MNO 2008-9 2010 operating systems customised devices Apple: RIM, Apple: best-in-class service+device ‘experience’ products propositions from chipsets to 2005 ad networks manufacturing for 1 in 3 phones outsourced 2007 open source browsers and 1980s operating systems the mobile industry 2009 was born here Product leap OEM app stores Apple, RIM OEM sync services 2002 Club Nokia 1999 1990-8 2010 first ODMs standardisation of radio Windows appear and SIM interfaces 2007-8 Phone Nokia Ovi service shopping spree Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 10. Clock-speeds differ Handset OEMs move 2x as fast as network operators Network operators: Handset OEMs: 50 years/cycle 25 years/cycle slow-moving agile rigid fragile Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 11. Vertical propositions: where are we today? players are at different stages towards verticalisation or horizontalisation Horizontal player structure Vertical player structure 2004 2009 tier-2/3 decline of walled MNOs open to social networks operators gardens open network APIs tier-1 2008 2005 MNO service MNO operators delivery opens basestation 2005 up to s/w sharing manufacturing developers for 1 in 3 phones outsourced 1980s the mobile industry 2007 was born here open source OEM browsers and operating systems handset OEMs 1999 1990-8 first MVNOs standardisation of radio and ODMs and SIM interfaces chipset appear OEMS Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 12. Centres of Gravity are being formed by integrating all value layers under one roof and creating thriving ecosystems around them services vendors Services software Service delivery developers Service distribution Device design UI design Core apps Operating system Hardware platform Chipset IP Manufacturing advertisers Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 13. Centres of Gravity moving to capture value across the stack Apple Nokia RIM HTC Google Qualcomm Mediatek Components Services Service delivery Service distribution Device design UI design Core apps App environment Operating system Hardware platform Chipset IP Manufacturing denotes where player started Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 14. Takeaways - Operators/carriers are moving at half the clockspeed of handset OEMs - T1 OEMs are approaching fully-formed verticals, led by Apple - Chipset vendors are the a-la-carte assemblers (DELLs) of mobile - Both players are creating gravity centers and developer ecosystems - Sounds like the PC business? Open questions - Where will Apple make money in 5 years? (applications, services or hardware?) - Does vertical integration imply greater profits? (Clayton Christensen: biggest profits are at the points of proprietary integration) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 15. 2 The evolution of revenue models How revenue models are changing in the mobile industry Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 16. Introducing Value Quadrants cloud value created in the cloud the when pre-load of value creation post-sales value created before the handset is shipped value created at point of sale and during in-life use the where of value creation device value created on the device Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 17. Distinct value in each quadrant Value Value cloud - content dev. tools - voice & msg services - service design tools - VAS and SDPs - developer tools - advertising - OEM production tools - content & app stores .. distinct value areas pre-load post-sales value created before the handset is shipped value created at point of sale and during in-life use Value Value - software IP & services - service distribution - hardware IP - inventory leasing - integration services - on-device analytics - industrial design - device management device Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 18. ..and distinct revenue models Value Revenue models Revenue models Value cloud - content dev. tools - per developer seat - per usage - voice & msg services - service design tools - per module - per active user - VAS and SDPs - developer tools - per site - CPA/CPC/CPM - advertising - OEM production tools - revenue share - content & app stores .. with distinct revenue models pre-load post-sales Value Revenue models Revenue models Value - software IP & services - per unit - per activation/install - service distribution - hardware IP - per platform - per week - inventory leasing - integration services - per model - per unit/user segment - on-device analytics - industrial design - per site - per update - device management device Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 19. The evolution of revenue models Value Revenue models Revenue models Value cloud - content dev. tools - per developer seat - per user, CPC/CPM - VAS and SDPs - service design tools - per module - revenue share - advertising - developer tools - per site - per segment/reach - content & app stores - OEM production tools - per follower - network capabilities untapped value in modular design tools from hardware upstream monetisation to services revenues (two-sided platform) pre-load post-sales from horizontal royalties from pre-load royalties to long term evolution: to vertical productisation post-sales activation from services to distribution Value Revenue models Revenue models Value - software IP & services - per unit - per activation - service distribution - hardware IP - per platform - per update - inventory leasing - systemware - per model/design - per inventory/day - on-device analytics - industrial design - per site - per user segment - service management device Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 20. Takeaways - pre-load value moving from software IP to systemware & productisation - services value: from downstream to upstream; and from services to distribution - post-sales value: inventory leasing, analytics, service distribution and service management Key questions - what % of device value will be in software vs systemware in 2015? (software = platform royalties, systemware = productised software+hardware) - what % of MNO revenues will come from upstream/downstream in 2015? (downstream=end-users, upstream = media publishers, app developers, advertisers) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 21. 3 App Stores: the long-tail future why App Stores will take retailing where it’s never been before Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 22. Top-5 App Stores No one has been able to copy Apple’s recipe. Is it that hard? App Store comparative analysis (end- 2009). Source: VisionMobile Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 23. The App Store recipe The App Store recipe needs end-to-end control of all 5 ingredients: (mastered by) mobile software mobile operators & handset OEMs platform vendors brands and retailers firms payments brokers Each ingredient is mastered by different players in the value chain, and requires different technical know-how and commercial relationships. ... no wonder Apple is the most successful cook! Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 24. The 2-year future of App Stores To predict the future you need to know your history everyone wants to rev share best-practices operators seize sophisticated in-life app retailing takes get their hands on become standardised their addressable app management on a life of its own developers market Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 25. Key predictions for App Stores (2010-2012) 1. Abundance: 100+ App Stores will exist in 2012; Every single tier-1 OEM and MNO is launching their own App Store - enabled by white label App Store solutions from Amdocs, Cellmania, Comverse, Ericsson, Everypoint, GetJar, Handango, Handmark, Ideaworks Labs, Javaground, Mobango, Ondeego, OnMobile, PocketGear, Qualcomm, SlideME and Sun. 2. Diversity: App Stores will cater to diverse segments; OEM, MNO or platform-centric stores, lifestyle-centric stores (e.g. sports or clothes brands), specialist content (e.g. adult or enterprise), region-centric stores (e.g. Seattle apps) 3. Co-existence: several App Stores will co-exist within a handset Case in point: LG and Samsung phones which shipped in 4Q09 in Korea came with four (!) app stores co-existing within the same handset; one from the OEM, one from the platform provider (Windows Mobile) and two from the South Korean operator SK Telecom. 4. Low barriers: App Malls will enable low-cost shops-in-shop setups SDP vendors will offer the infrastructure, catalogue and recommendations technology allowing wannabe app retailers to be setup at very low cost, with proven revenue models (setup fee + rent + sales commission) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 26. Key predictions for App Stores (2010-2012) 5. Retailing will triumph - app retailing has been a bottleneck up to 2009 Case in point: the Apple App Store top-25 is the main channel by which apps have been able to grab user attention. This has resulted in price erosion, as app developers drop prices to bubble up to the top-25. - flurry of startups to capitalise on untapped retailing opportunity Apppopular, Appolicious, Appsfire, Chomp, Chorus, Flurry, I use this, Mplayit, Yappler using voting, automated recommendations, in-app promotions and other techniques to capitalise on retailing opportunity. - app stores will take retailing where it’s never been before App Malls (shops-in-shop), friend endorsements, inventory micro-targeting, gift/beg options, second-hand app reselling and other features will spring up, taking retailing to new levels of sophistication. - retailing will grab a large chunk of revenues, as in the FMCG business In the book business, retailers get between 25% (online stores) to 55% (bookstore chains) of the retail price. Mobile app developers will take 70% of revenues, but will spend another 20% or more in app promotions. Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 27. Takeaways - The App Store recipe requires diverse ingredients sourced from across the value chain materialising an App Store needs multiple partnerships - App Stores will follow the FMCG route; abundance, diversity, co- existence and low barriers to entry. - Retailing is the most untapped and biggest opportunity in App Stores - App Stores will take retailing to new levels of sophistication Open questions - How many apps will operator stores attract in 2012? (1,000s, 10,000s, 100,000s? So far operator app stores number around 1,000 apps each) - Who will be the mega-retailers of the mobile apps world in 2012? (e.g. Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, Handango, ESPN?) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 28. 4 Web platforms and why the future of software development is still elusive Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 29. Web platforms: future of mobile development? Many signs pointing to web development as a one-way street for mobile: - from WAP to full HTML 4.0 on mobile browsers and Flash - from web on high-end phones to the web on every phone (Opera Mini) - from HTML apps to on-device widgets for delivering services - from widgets to Palm’s WebOS where every app is web-based - open source WebKit becoming a de facto standard (170M shipments as of June 2009) But.. - web platforms address the needs of 3rd party devs, not handset OEMs - the landscape is much more complex, as we shall see.. Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 30. Which platform? Many platform choices for application developers and handset OEMs Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 31. For what player? Differences between 3rd parties and 2nd parties 3rd parties 2nd parties Definition any software developer without a software developers and service providers commercial relationship to handset OEMs supplying directly to handset OEMs Developer profile - 10,000s of developers - 300-400 software houses - selling software to end consumers - licensing to OEMs or MNOs - familiar with common languages and tools - with access to proprietary toolchains Application profile - 100,000s of applications, few variants - 1000s of applications, many variants - downloadable to the device post-sales - often embedded to the device pre-load - games, entertainment, utilities, e-books, .. - middleware, apps or client-server solutions - accessed through (often deep) menus - or integration and customisation services Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 32. The platform chasm platforms for 3rd parties vs platforms for 2nd parties (any developer) (OEMs, MNOs, and partners) - designed for building apps - designed for building phones - aimed at any application developer - aimed at an inner circle of OEM trustees - using modern platforms and low cost SDKs - using legacy C/C++ platforms and toolchains - intended for downloadable apps - intended for core (embedded) apps Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 33. Platform needs differ greatly 3rd party developers want to: Develop + Deploy + Monetise Simplify development Distribute app Sell Integrate w/ device Update app Promote Integrate w/ cloud Reduce time to market 2nd party handset OEMs want to: Build + Differentiate + Customise Fast chipset port Social core apps Few regional cores Accelerate perf. Differentiate w/ UI 10s of MNO variants Reuse expertise Fast core app developm. Fast variant creation Max. battery life Win MNO business 3rd party ecosystem Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 34. How do cater to these needs? 3rd party developers want to: Develop + Deploy + Monetise Simplify development Distribute app Sell Integrate w/ device Update app Promote Integrate w/ cloud Reduce time to market 2nd party handset OEMs want to: Build + Differentiate + Customise Fast chipset port Social core apps Few regional cores Accelerate perf. Differentiate w/ UI 10s of MNO variants Reuse expertise Fast core app developm. Fast variant creation Max. battery life Win MNO business 3rd party ecosystem Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 35. Takeaways - The needs of 2nd parties and 3rd parties are worlds apart - Web platforms level obstacles for 3rd party development - But.. they do very little in addressing handset OEM needs - Android addresses OEM phone development and differentiation - But.. no platform yet addresses OEM customisation needs - No platform yet to replace legacy RTOSes Open questions - Which platform will have disappeared by 2015? (S60, Qt, BREW, LiMo, Windows, Java or Flash? choose only one) - What percentage of phones will run legacy RTOSes in 5 years? (from 85% today to ??% in 5 years) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 36. 5 Open is the new closed how companies are using open source to further own agendas Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 37. What is open source? quick refresher What is open source? - A tactical product move, not a strategy - a middle ground between build and buy Advantages: - Shares cost and risk of developing software building blocks - Speeds up innovation via third party contributions Disadvantages: - Lack of education and best-practices in mobile OSS - Does not change how much you spend, but where you spend it Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 38. Licenses vs Governance models in mobile, licenses converge but governance models diverge license type Proprietary community license dual license Funambol Rhomobile (commercial + copyleft) OKL4 strong copyleft (GPL) Linux kernel Foundation weak copyleft GTK+ (LGPL, MPL, EPL,..) different governance platform Foundation GTK+ Qt similar license WebKit permissive (APL, BSD, MIT, ...) Chrome Android trust community managed community members only single company governance model (simplified) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 39. Control points in open source Control points can detract the freedoms open source is meant to bestow Open source freedoms Control points Users should be free to run the - Incomplete software: Sponsor can retain key building blocks as closed source, meaning that users will not software be able to create fully functional derivatives Software source code can be - Private codelines: Sponsor can use private codelines which are feature-wise very advanced compared to the accessed freely and easily public codeline, meaning that anyone using the public codeline is losing features or bug fixes. Software can be modified - Ownership of contributors: Sponsor can control all contributions into the main codeline (the tip of the freely tree), meaning users need to maintain a parallel patched codeline which can easily diverge and become very costly to merge back. - Gravity of contributions: sponsor can dedicate the largest body of engineers to the project (compared to any single other participant), meaning any other contributions will be ‘drowned’ by sponsor-led contributions No discrimination against any - Private visibility: Sponsor can make the product roadmap or strategy available only to members of a paid-for person or group of persons or invite-only club. - Timezone-limited forums: Sponsor can setup rules to operate the project forums (e.g. IRC channel) only during working hours, meaning it disadvantages users in other continents (e.g. US vs Europe vs Asia timezones). No discrimination against - Trademarks: Sponsor can secure Trademarks on the project name, meaning that any users wishing to create fields of endeavour derivatives named after the project will need a separate agreement with the sponsor. - Distribution of bolt-ons: Sponsor can create a developer community for software bolt-ons so as to own the distribution gateway for these bolt-ons onto derivatives of the software. Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 40. Examples of closed governance How mobile industry uses control points within open source projects: -Symbian Foundation: open source capitalism 99% of reviewers still work for Nokia. No long tail contributions and complex contribution process Long term Nokia has most influence over roadmap due to gravity of contributions OPEX costs of circa $5M per OEM seat; expensive CAPEX for members and unsustainable - Android: “you can have any colour as long as it’s black” Invite-only membership. Google-owned private codeline which is 6-8 months ahead of public SDK. All code reviewers work for Google. Google owns Android Market distribution channel (closed source). Google has a trademark on Android so that you cannot call it an Android phone unless it passes CTS. CTS is very demanding certification process involving API tests, performance tests and hardware reqs. -LiMo Foundation: OEM community source $20K entry-level membership needed to access source code. SDKs to be launched publicly in 1H10 A community of OEMs driven by operator requirements Zero external community contributions since 2007; process established in 2009 Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 41. 6 Recommendations everywhere raising the bar for mobile services Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 42. Recommendations: an underhyped market - Behind-the-scenes adoption in mobile What started as ‘people who bought this also bought that’ has found its way into 10s of mobile operator portals, not to mention 1,000s of mobile websites. None of this has received mainstream media coverage. - Right technology at the right time In 2009-10, recommendations are the differentiator (the cherry on the cake) for App Stores. This has prompted several mobile operators (including Vodafone, O2 Telefonica and T-Mobile) to issue RFIs/RFQs. - Growing academic research Recommendations research is moving into its third phase of evolution. The Recommender Systems 09 conference gathered 50% more paper submissions than last year from 35 countries – making this a rare case of synchronicity between commercial and academic worlds. - Underhyped potential Recommendations technology is essential to help users navigate the terabytes of service content from a 2- inch screen. Recommendations will find their way into every service, from App Stores to Customer Support Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 43. Reaching every niche of mobile services very wide scope of applications - Mobile Portal Personalization adaptation of navigational elements, content listed, ads served and personalised search results (e.g. Changing Worlds, Choice Stream, Media Unbound and Leiki) - Content Discovery pure content discovery and recommendations across content types (e.g. Xiam, FAST) - Subscriber segment targeting user profiling and segmentation as part of an online marketing campaign (e.g. Coremetrics and Pontis) - Influencer targeting profiling and identification of influential subscribers (e.g. Xtract and Strands) - Mobile advertising solutions inventory targeting (e.g. Jumptap, Aggregate Knowledge, Velti/Ad Infuse, Medio and Wunderloop) - Product/Content Personalization cross-channel product and content recommendations optimised for retailers, web and media (e.g. ChoiceStream, Loomia, Aggregate Knowledge) - Business analytics product/offer bundle recommendations based on user segmentation and real- time behaviour analysis (e.g. Olista, Oracle, ThinkAnalytics and Coremetrics) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 44. Wealth of technology supply 40+ recommendation solutions packaged in a variety of forms - From vertical pre-integration into a service (e.g. App Store) towards operators to horizontal engine with connections to multiple touch points (e.g. mobile, broadband, web, retail) towards media brands. - Most of these vendors have come from the IT/web side, with few pure mobile-domain vendors 8 key vendors we researched: Xiam, Changing Worlds, Ericsson, Loomia, Pontis, July Systems, Olista and Choice Stream For full analysis see Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 45. Outlook for recommendation solutions - Academic research moves in parallel to commercial adoption Academic research focusing on interfaces in/out of recommendation engine and context adaptation Commercials focusing on live clickstream processing, content optimisation and market penetration - Scope of recommendation technology in mobile is rapidly expanding Recommendations are being applied to App Stores in 2009-10 and moving to business analytics, advanced CRM and product/service recommendations in 2010-12. - Specialist vendors will endure Recommendations need to be highly tuned to channel & content during launch and continually during the in-life phase. Moreover, vertical solutions won’t be readily extensible to multiple touchpoints. - M&A of recommendation vendors to ensue The incumbent VAS and SDP vendors will need to buy in (rather than build) technology, due to the content- and context- specific know-how that recommendations require. We expect this will lead to M&As thanks to the abundant technology startups out there. (e.g. see Qualcomm + Xiam, Amdocs + Changing Worlds acquisitions in 2008) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 46. Takeaways - Recommendations is one of the most underhyped mobile tech sectors - Seeing rapid adoption in 2010-12 to add differentiation to every service - 40+ vendors of recommendations solutions, mostly from web - Multitude of academic and commercial optimisation issues to solve - M&A of recommendation vendors to ensue Open questions - Will consumers shun portals without personalisation features? (consumers will expect to see personalised recommendations in mobile portals as they do in Amazon) - Can reco solutions measurably improve churn or service adoption? (lack of measurable benefits hampers adoption of recommendation solutions) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 47. 7 OEM monetisation products, services or distribution? Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 48. The telecoms value stack and how value is shared across the stack from 1990 to 2015 Value Description Value Boundaries Boundaries Value 1990 2010 in 2015 Services e.g. voice, messaging, IM, Facebook, Zyb, 3rd party apps .. NaaS, mbilling MNOs MNOs 70% of Service delivery e.g. voice, text, web, WAP, software, on-device integration industry widgets, OSGi revenues Service distribution which device and where on the device service inventory Device design OEMs industrial design, packaging design cross- UI design design of the entire user interface optimise Core apps core apps (dialler, call logs, menus, idle screen, inbox) OEMs 15% of Operating system industry chipsets software middleware and hardware interfaces optimisation revenues Hardware platform integrated hardware reference designs scalability Chipset IP for apps processors, radio processors, graphics, etc performance Manufacturing component sourcing and assembly supply chain mngmt Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 49. Value areas and boundaries for MNOs, OEMs and chipset manufacturers Boundaries Value MNO value OEM value Chipset value Services NaaS, mbilling flat rate data Service delivery widgets, OSGi open gardens Service distribution service inventory service inventory RF standards Device design cross- OEM-dependent UI design optimise OEM-dependent Core apps standard Operating system optimisation chipset-dependent Hardware platform scalability ARM Chipset IP performance outsourced Manufacturing supply chain mngmt (see MNO theme) (see next) (analysis omitted) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 50. OEM value where OEMs can add and extract value (1/2) Services - The best services will be run by someone else - No unique OEM value-add Services Service delivery (commoditising due to open gardens - including open on-device services) Service distribution Service distribution Device design - Distribution is a *unique* OEM asset UI design Distribution = which device and where on the device a service is deployed Core apps (distribution is OEM-proprietary due to pre-load software boundaries) App environment Operating system - In commoditised industries (e.g. books), distribution is 25-55% of revenues - OEM distribution across 1,000 million devices/year is unmatched Hardware platform - Service distribution is like Google’s business: managing & selling inventory Chipset IP (which is why Android moves distribution control from OEMs to Google) Manufacturing Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 51. OEM value where OEMs can add and extract value (2/2) Device design + UI design Services - Device design is most exclusive OEM value-add (and most tightly-kept secret) Service delivery - yet today UI design is monolithic due to horizontal integration of core apps Service distribution Device design Defendable long-term OEM value add is in: - Device design which can be mass-customised (think deep fascias, aka Modu) UI design - Device design which matches UI design and target customer segment at PoS Core apps - UI design which allows ‘personality change’ during in-life use App environment (downloadable personalities) enabling a new premium content market Operating system Hardware platform Manufacturing Chipset IP - Supply chain management is unique value add Manufacturing - but only for Tier-0 OEMs (Nokia) - and mega hardware vendors (Qualcomm, Mediatek, etc) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 52. Takeaways - Commoditised service delivery opens up services to anyone - Distribution (which device and where on the device) is unique value add - Device design and matched UI design are unique value-adds, especially if mass-customised across global reach and customer segments Key questions - How will Nokia (tier-0) make money in 5 years? (hardware, services or distribution?) - How far can mass-customised designs go in 5 years? (1,000, 1 million or 1 billion unique designs?) - Is there a new market to be created from premium ‘UI personalities’ ? Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 53. 8 Operator futures: bit-pipes or supermarkets? New smart pipe strategies at the junction of brands+consumers Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 54. The operator business is breaking up From the supermarkets of the 1990’s, operators are breaking up: - outsourcing marketing & retailing (see MVNOs) - sharing basestations - outsourcing core network expansion - outsourcing value-added services to 3rd party SDPs - reselling bandwidth to OEMs (see Kindle) - billing relationship diluted through App Stores Are operators destined to become bit-pipes? - not if they don’t choose to Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 55. Value layers in telecoms and boundaries between OEMs and MNOs To add: Radio spectrum Network infrastructure - analytics, network APIs Payment and authentication - mbilling Voice/text/data - resell data via OEMs, etc Value-added services - brand deliverables Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 56. How can you build a smart pipe strategy? Three sustainable areas where MNOs can add value: Boundaries Value MNO value OEM value Chipset value Services NaaS, mbilling flat rate data Service delivery widgets, OSGi open gardens Service distribution service inventory service inventory RF standards Device design OEM-dependent cross- UI design optimise OEM-dependent Core apps standard Operating system optimisation chipset-dependent Hardware platform scalability ARM Chipset IP performance outsourced Manufacturing supply chain mngmt (see MNO theme) (see next) (analysis omitted) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 57. How can you build a smart pipe strategy? Seven pillars for a sustainable smart pipe strategy Services 1. Focus services only on unique brand deliverables Service delivery 2. Expose Network APIs as a Service, but monetise as a matchmaker and marketing channel Service distribution 3. Reach where VISA doesn’t, but at VISA-like commission rates Device design 4. Explore customer & service Analytics UI design 5. Control the in-the-hands experience via on-device service management Core apps 6. Create, broker and monetise idle-screen real-estate to 3rd parties Operating system 7. Let App Stores divide and conquer, but offer best-in-class billing and Hardware platform merchandising as a service to all App Stores Chipset IP Manufacturing Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 58. Focus where the brand value is Designing a smart pipe strategy (1/7) Mobile PC STB Services Services 1. Focus only on unique brand deliverables Service delivery e.g. piece of mind, the brand that brings you other brands, in the palm of your hand, choice, traveler-friendly, always-in-touch, always-first-to-know Service distribution 2. Use these unique brand deliverables to drive service strategy Device design e.g. UI design - Piece of mind: sync contacts/SMSs to network, replace lost phones within 24h Core apps - Choice: offer shortcuts to favourite services (from Facebook to flowers) from the idle screen Operating system - In the palm of your hand: offer local device access to Hardware platform a) core network services like voicemail, self-help, phone bill, phone use and b) widgetise the 100s of SMS/WAP-only services to boost adoption and provide Chipset IP consistency of service experience and management Manufacturing Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 59. Network as a Service Designing a smart pipe strategy (2/7) Mobile PC STB Services - Making $$ from network APIs is hard: users will not pay more for a network-enabled app, there’s little unique to it Service delivery Service distribution 1. Monetise as a matchmaker Device design - deliver dynamic profiling info per subscriber segment UI design - leverage customer segments for promos (aka white label Blyk) - outsource new brand creation and co-own derivate brands Core apps Operating system 2. Monetise as a marketing channel Hardware platform - offer a marketing backchannel for app developers through app store - offer recommendation services by tapping into users’ social graphs Chipset IP Manufacturing 3. Offer network APIs via on-device widget environment for consistency of experience, device integration, in-life service maangement and inventory management Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 60. Reach where VISA doesn’t Designing a smart pipe strategy (3/7) Mobile PC STB Services 1. offer micro-billing at VISA-like commission to mobile, PC, STB environments a) via web-activated billing with MT SMS confirmation Service delivery b) NFC-activated billing with free NFC reader terminals Service distribution Device design 2. Extend billing beyond VISA capabilities through recurring payments, in-app purchases, DoesUser HaveCredit() UI design Core apps Operating system Hardware platform Chipset IP Manufacturing Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 61. Customer & service analytics Designing a smart pipe strategy (4/7) Mobile PC STB Services Customer & Service Analytics Install network and device probes to develop new intelligence: Service delivery 1. Understand customer behaviour and enable behavioural targeting Service distribution 2. Monitor and fine tune service performance (A/B testing) Device design 3. Identify influencers and improve lifetime value metrics UI design 4. Understand device performance and leverage in OEM deals pre- and post-sales 5. Monetise by reselling analytics to OEMs, ISVs (i.e. become the Nielsen of mobile) Core apps Operating system Hardware platform Chipset IP Manufacturing Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 62. Service lifecycle management Designing a smart pipe strategy (5/7) Mobile PC STB Services In-hands experience is more important the out-of-the-box experience. Service delivery Implement on-device service management to: Service distribution 1. Reduce ‘runtime age’ for existing content Device design 2. Multiply addressable market for new content and services UI design 3. Monetise from 3rd party software management with ‘per install’ and ‘per activation’ revenue models Core apps 4. Multiply customer touchpoints and opportunities for customer conversations Operating system Hardware platform Chipset IP Manufacturing Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 63. Service retailing Designing a smart pipe strategy (6/7) Mobile PC STB Services Networks buy the most terminals in Europe/US and hence control distribution and retailing (‘which device and where on the device’) Service delivery Service distribution 1. Create new real-estate through the idle screen (aka home screen, desktop) Device design 2. Broker real-estate to 3rd parties and own services using innovative UI design revenue models (per-widget, per-time slot, per action) Core apps 3. Implication: focus on a single app to be provisioned on all terminals Operating system - idle screen for real estate management with widget runtime Hardware platform - idle screen can encompass address book and any other functionality Chipset IP - leave all other apps to 3rd parties! (and monetise upstream through distribution deals) Manufacturing Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 64. App Stores Designing a smart pipe strategy (7/7) Mobile PC STB Services Networks add unique value in billing, distribution and network APIs but NOT in developer support and on-device storefronts Service delivery (or any other aspect of app stores!) Service distribution Device design Networks can only extract value where they add value. Consequently: UI design 1. Let app stores fight amongst themselves and evolve 2. Monetise as a billing platform and on-device inventory platform Core apps 3. Authorise network API access only for apps within pre-approved app Operating system stores -> creates new control point in application distribution! Hardware platform Chipset IP Manufacturing Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 65. Takeaways - MNO value is in matchmaking, micro-billing, analytics and service distribution Open questions - How will operators make money in 5 years? (access pipe, MVNO enabler, smart pipe, supermarket or closed garden?) - How will operators position themselves in micro-billing? (premium payment gateway, VISA of mobile, or bank?) - What % of MNO revenue will come from up vs downstream in 5 years? (10%, 40%, 80% ?) Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010
  • 66. Thanks for listening! Say hello: andreas@visionmo r: Follow me on twitte @andreascon Mobile Industry Atlas The who’s who mobile with 1,100+ companies 100 Million Club Open Source for Leaders tracking successful businesses in mobile Workshop covering economics, licensing, communities, competitive landscape & strategies. Copyright VisionMobile 2007-2010