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Windows Azure
                                   Customer Solution Case Study

                                   Combinatorial Auction Provider
                                   Scales Up Quickly, Saves Costs
                                   with Cloud Services

Overview                           “With Windows Azure, we’ve reduced …
Country or Region: Australia
Industry: Media and                capital expenditures from $60,000 to
                                   $1,000. This significantly lowers the barrier
Customer Profile                   for new customers and makes our
Based in Melbourne, Australia,
Tradeslot and Adslot bring         services more enticing.”
business-to-business buyers        Tradeslot specializes in designing and building
and sellers together through
their large scale combinatorial
                                   large scale business-to-business and
auction platform. They employ      government-to-business (G2B) auctions
10 people.
                                   platforms; its partner company, Adslot, uses the
Business Situation                 same auction platform to auction online
Tradeslot and Adslot sought a
solution that would enable them
                                   advertising space. The companies use
to scale up quickly, reduce        computation-heavy combinatorial auction
capital expenditures for
customers, and provide the
                                   algorithms to manage their complex conditional
compute power required for         bid processes. However, with a lack of compute
complex algorithms.
                                   power with its existing infrastructure, the
Solution                           companies found it necessary to manually add
After evaluating other
possibilities, Tradeslot and
                                   constraints to auctions. In addition, the companies
Adslot chose to use a cloud        wanted to reduce capital costs and IT resources
computing model and
developed solutions on
                                   required to set up new server hardware for
Windows Azure™.                    customers. Tradeslot and Adslot implemented
                                   Windows Azure™ and, as a result, reduced capital
•   Reduced capital costs—U.S.     costs for customers—from U.S.$60,000 to only
    $60,000 to $1,000
•   Improved ability to scale up
                                   $1,000 for each customer, improved their ability
•   Improved services for          to scale up and improve services for customers,
•   Saved IT resources
                                   saved critical IT resources, and delivered a
•   Delivered trustworthy          solution their customers can trust.
Situation                           and freight capacity,
Based in Australia and formed in    environmental commodities, and
2005, Tradeslot designs and         industrial commodities, Tradeslot
builds large scale business-to-     formed a partner company in
business and government-to-         2007, Adslot. Using the same
business auction platforms. The     intellectual property and
company has three main areas of     technologies as the Tradeslot
focus: port and freight capacity,   auctioning platform, Adslot is a
industrial commodities, and         foray into the advertising sales
environmental commodities. One      process—enabling media
of its largest customers is         publishers to sell premium ad
Consolidated Bulk Handling,         inventory to agencies and self-
which uses the Tradeslot auction    serve advertisers using its
platform to auction port capacity   proprietary ‘book&bid’ process.
for the 10-million ton West         Though Adslot is currently
Australian wheat export.            targeted at online media, the
Tradeslot also designed the         company plans to apply its
Australian government carbon        concepts and technology to
permit auction platform and has     traditional media, such as
facilitated more than U.S.$400      television and radio.
million in forest timber
transactions.                       The Tradeslot and Adslot
                                    auctioning platforms are built on
Unlike traditional price-only       the Microsoft® .NET Framework
auctions that are one-              3.5 and use the Windows Server®
dimensional, the Tradeslot          2003 operating system and
combinatorial auction platform      Microsoft SQL Server® 2005 data
allows bidders to place             management software. For each
expressive bids—critical for        of its customers, Tradeslot and
effective business-to-business      Adslot had to set up servers and
transactions. For instance,         hosting environments to run the
bidders can place price bids with   auctions—often at a frantic pace.
non-price conditions, such as       Setting up an auction with new
terms of trade, volume, and         servers often took up to two
unique lot packages. In addition,   months. For these small
the seller can add award            companies, with only 10
constraints and factor the bids     employees between Tradeslot
based on qualitative factors.       and Adslot, this was also a strain
Tradeslot uses large scale          on personnel resources.
“combinatorial auctioning”—a
complicated process that uses       In addition, the hardware cost of
complex mathematical algorithms     setting up an auction for the first
and requires significant            time is often a barrier for
computational resources.            customers. Costs associated with
                                    initial hardware setup and hosting
With its tremendous success in      fees could reach U.S.$60,000 in
combinatorial auctioning for port   some cases, depending on the
“Windows Azure         auction. “We have cases where          putting a strain on precious IT
                       customers say they’re prepared         resources, and that would also
gives us the ability   to try our service and we have to      require less capital expenditure
                       tell them that they have to set up     for customers.
to chase new deals     an entire infrastructure to handle
with the rock-solid    their auction,” says Anthony Du        Solution
                       Preez, Founder, Tradeslot and          As Tradeslot and Adslot
technology             Adslot. “It’s hard for them to dip     continued to identify unique
                       their toe in the water.” Not only      market opportunities to extend
infrastructure in      are some customers hesitant to         the auction platform to other
place already. We      use Tradeslot and Adslot for the       industries, the companies chose
                       first time because of the often        to move to a cloud solution—
can quickly scale      costly capital expenditures, for       hosting and managing their Web
                       some customers, whose auctions         applications and services on the
up and service         only run on a quarterly basis for      Internet through data centers.
customers around       two weeks, server investments          After comparing other cloud
                       are under-utilized for months at a     solutions, such as Amazon Elastic
the world with a       time.                                  Cloud Computing (EC2), the
                                                              companies chose Windows
                       The Tradeslot and Adslot auction       Azure™, a solution that provides
                       platforms were limited by the          application hosting by Microsoft
                       scalability of the hardware. In        and that is designed for high
                       some cases, the companies had          availability and powerful scaling to
                       to restrict the use of complex         match usage needs.
                       mathematical algorithms that
                       require compute-intensive              The companies chose Windows
                       processes and that allow highly        Azure, in part, because
                       expressive auction functionality.      developers can use their existing
                       “We had to put manual                  skills to develop new solutions
                       constraints on some of our             with technologies and tools they
                       auctions and limit how sellers         are already familiar with, such as
                       could sell and how bidders could       the .NET Framework 3.5 and the
                       bid,” explains Du Preez. “That         Microsoft Visual Studio® 2008
                       has a significant impact on            Professional Edition development
                       bidding flexibility which is the       system. In addition, Tradeslot and
                       driving factor for increased           Adslot found Amazon EC2 to be
                       revenue and cost reduction.”           far more complicated and time
                                                              consuming to develop on than
                       Tradeslot and Adslot needed a          Windows Azure. “One of the key
                       solution that would provide the        benefits of Windows Azure from a
                       compute processing power it            development perspective is that
                       required to run its auctions           the roles—such as Web roles and
                       without bid constraints in an effort   worker roles—are already
                       to optimize results for its            defined,” explains Michael Hart,
                       customers. In addition, the            System Architect and Developer
                       companies wanted a solution that       Lead at Tradeslot and Adslot.
                       they could scale quickly without
“With Amazon EC2, you’re              Adslot uses worker roles to host
                                 basically starting from scratch.”     and scale the compute-heavy
                                                                       combinatorial algorithms used in
                                 In addition, by continuing to use     their auction platform, as well as
                                 Microsoft products and                for managing a number of
                                 technologies, Tradeslot and           additional auction processes,
                                 Adslot can grow and scale their       such as sending e-mail or Short
                                 technology infrastructure with        Message Service messages.
                                 ease of deployment across             Windows Azure Web Roles are
                                 complementary products.               used for hosting AdSlot’s
                                                                       customer-facing web
                                 Adslot is developing three distinct   applications.
                                 solutions on Windows Azure using
                                 its proprietary combinatorial         To manage application data,
                                 auction technology:                   Adslot uses Windows Azure
                                                                       Tables, Blob Storage, and Queue
                                 •   Classified ad sales solution.     service. In addition, Adslot is
                                     This solution is an automated     evaluating Microsoft SQL Azure™
                                     auction-based platform that       for adding relational and
                                     enables classified publishers,    transactional storage capabilities
                                     such as ads for automobiles,      in the future.
Figure 1.Carsales application,
                                     jobs, real estate, and travel,
powered by Windows Azure.
                                     to sell search keywords for       Adslot has designed its solution
                                     online advertising.               to horizontally scale, allowing
                                                                       auction workloads to be broadly
                                 •   Display ad sales solution. This   distributed across a number of
                                     solution allows a general         Windows Azure instances. This
                                     display ad publisher to           means the solution can easily
                                     engage the buyers with two        accommodate more users than
                                     types of dynamic pricing:         was previously the case. “As the
                                     dynamic rate cards, where         needs come up, we can add
                                     the fixed price varies on real-   more servers and more roles in
                                     time demand projections, and      Windows Azure and take
                                     ‘book&bid,’ where ad              advantage of on-demand scaling
                                     buyers can buy at a fixed         to accommodate heavy usage,”
                                     price and bid for additional      explains Hart. Adslot ran
                                     inventory.                        simulations of its platform where
                                                                       it used 7,000 lots for bid and
                                 •   Video/television ad sales         4,000 bidders. It used 120 worker
                                     solution. This solution is an     roles and had all 4,000 users bid
                                     automated auction-based           on 20 lots at one time—putting
                                     sales platform that enables       maximum load on the system.
                                     television networks to sell ad    “What we found is that we’re
                                     spots in broadcast on online      able to handle that capacity
                                     television shows.                 better on Windows Azure than
                                                                       our previous infrastructure,”
                                                                       continues Hart.
time, the lean IT department is
Tradeslot and Adslot will continue    free to focus on more strategic
to develop solutions and expand       tasks, thanks to enterprise-class
their market reach, adapting their    service from Microsoft, and the
auction platform for other            company can focus on delivering
industries—something that was         new services instead of
difficult to achieve prior to         managing IT infrastructure.
implementing Windows Azure.
                                      Reduced Capital Costs, Lowered Barrier
Benefits                              for New Customers
As a result of implementing           By implementing Windows Azure,
Windows Azure, Tradeslot and          Tradeslot and Adslot have
Adslot can efficiently implement a    eliminated the need to procure,
scalable solution for their auction   set up, and configure new
platform. The companies               servers, as well as the need to
decreased the capital                 arrange for hosting services for
expenditures required to set up       new customers. Instead, the
an auction, which lowered the         companies can rely on data
entry-barrier for new customers.      centers hosted by Microsoft.
Tradeslot and Adslot can quickly      Previously, it cost up to U.S.
scale up the solutions and extend     $60,000 in hardware, licensing,
service offerings to customers,       and hosting costs to set up a new
while also improving services with    auction—a cost that is passed on
the powerful compute and              to customers without a margin for
storage resources offered by          Tradeslot and Adslot. “With
Windows Azure. At the same            Windows Azure, we’ve reduced
                                      those capital expenditures from
                                      $60,000 to $1,000,” says Du
                                      Preez. “This significantly lowers
                                      the barrier for new customers
                                      and makes our services more

                                      Improved Ability to Scale Up and Extend
                                      Service Offerings
                                      Tradeslot and Adslot are always
                                      looking for new opportunities to
                                      extend their auction platform to
                                      new markets. With Windows
                                      Azure, the companies can take
                                      their intellectual property and
                                      adapt their auction platform to
                                      new industries, new
                                      commodities, and new
                                      geographies using existing
                                      infrastructure. “Windows Azure
                                      gives us the ability to chase new
“What used to        deals with the rock-solid              Tradeslot and Adslot run lean
                     technology infrastructure in place     operations—only 10 employees—
take two months to   already,” explains Du Preez.           and efficiency is critical to
                     “We can quickly scale up and           success. With Windows Azure,
set up can now be    service customers around the           the companies are able to
done in only one     world with a single                    streamline management of the IT
                     infrastructure.”                       infrastructure that supports their
week and we can                                             auction platform, and do not have
                     Improved Services for Customers with   to expend critical IT resources on
use those precious   Powerful Computing                     setting up and managing a server
IT resources to      The mathematical algorithms that       environment for each customer.
                     the auction platform uses are          “All of the work that goes into
focus on more        complex and require significant        setting up an auction—buying,
                     compute and storage resources—         configuring, and maintaining
strategic tasks,     sometimes beyond what its              hardware—is huge overhead for
such as developing   previous infrastructure could          us,” says Hart. “What used to
                     manage. As a result, Tradeslot         take two months to set up can
new services.”       and Adslot had to manually add         now be done in only one week
                     constraints to its auction             and we can use those precious IT
                     systems, limiting some of their        resources to focus on more
                     functionality. With the powerful       strategic tasks, such as
                     processing capability of Windows       developing new services.”
                     Azure, Tradeslot and Adslot can
                     set up auctions for its customers      Delivered a Trustworthy Solution
                     without constraints, creating          Because Tradeslot and Adslot
                     highly expressive combinatorial        work with government agencies
                     auctions to better meet                and large enterprises, having a
                     customers’ needs.                      reliable solution that its
                                                            customers could trust was a key
                     In addition, the companies can         concern for the companies. By
                     add new services to its robust         using Windows Azure, with
                     offering, thanks to the CPU and        hosting provided by Microsoft
                     storage power offered by               data centers, Tradeslot and
                     Windows Azure. “The power of           Adslot have the enterprise-class
                     Windows Azure gives us the             service they need and the
                     ability to do things that we could     confidence of working with a
                     only do with a significant             partner that has deep expertise in
                     investment in building and             online services. “We win
                     managing our own data center,          business because of our
                     such as data mining and business       business-to-business auction
                     intelligence,” says Du Preez.          expertise, and because we have
                     “We see this as a wonderful            the most capable solution
                     growth opportunity for our             available,” explains Du Preez.
                     business and what we’re able to        “Then, we have to prove that we
                     offer customers.”                      can deliver the scalability that
                                                            large businesses need—that’s
                     Saved Critical IT Resources            not always easy as a relatively
For More Information                   small company. But with                 Windows Azure Platform
For more information about             Windows Azure, we have the              The Windows Azure platform
Microsoft products and                 credibility that comes with the         provides an excellent foundation
services, call the Microsoft           Microsoft brand and customers           for expanding online product and
Sales Information Center at            just know that it’s going to            service offerings. The main
(800) 426-9400. In Canada, call        work.”                                  components include:
the Microsoft Canada                                                           •   Windows Azure. Windows Azure
Information Centre at (877)                                                         is the development, service
568-2495. Customers in the                                                          hosting, and service
United States and Canada who                                                        management environment for
are deaf or hard-of-hearing can                                                     the Windows Azure platform.
reach Microsoft text telephone                                                      Windows Azure provides
(TTY/TDD) services at (800)                                                         developers with on-demand
892-5234. Outside the 50                                                            compute and storage to host,
United States and Canada,                                                           scale, and manage Web
please contact your local                                                           applications on the Internet
Microsoft subsidiary. To access                                                     through Microsoft data
information using the World                                                         centers. In addition, Windows
Wide Web, go to:                                                                    Azure serves developers’                                                                   connectivity needs through
                                                                                    the following services.
For more information about                                                          〉   The Service Bus connects
Tradeslot and Adslot products
                                                                                        services and applications
and services, call (61) 3 9621                                                          across network
1511 or visit the Web sites at:                                                         boundaries to help or                                                                    developers build                                                                          distributed applications.
                                                                                    〉   The Access Control Service
                                                                                        provides federated,
Additional Resources:                                                                   claims-based access
Download: Windows Azure                                                                 control for REST Web
Platform Training Kit                                                                   services.
View: Architecting and
Developing for Windows Azure
                                                                               •    Microsoft SQL Azure. Microsoft
                                                                                    SQL Azure offers the first
                                                                                    cloud-based relational and

                                        Software and Services              •       Microsoft Server Product
                                        •   Windows Azure Platform                 Portfolio
                                        •   Windows Azure                  •       Windows Server 2003
                                        •   Microsoft SQL Azure                    Enterprise Edition
                                        •   Technologies                   •       Microsoft SQL Server 2005
                                        •   Microsoft .NET Framework               Enterprise Edition
                                            3.5                            •       ‘Solutions
                                        •   Microsoft Visual Studio        •       Software-plus-services
                                        •   Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
                                            Professional Edition
This case study is for informational
                                                                                    self-managed database
purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO

Document published November 2009
service built on Microsoft SQL
   Server 2008 technologies.

To learn more about the Windows
Azure platform, visit:

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Microsoft Windows Azure - Adslot Media & Entertainment Saves Costs Case Study

  • 1. Windows Azure Customer Solution Case Study Combinatorial Auction Provider Scales Up Quickly, Saves Costs with Cloud Services Overview “With Windows Azure, we’ve reduced … Country or Region: Australia Industry: Media and capital expenditures from $60,000 to entertainment—Advertising $1,000. This significantly lowers the barrier Customer Profile for new customers and makes our Based in Melbourne, Australia, Tradeslot and Adslot bring services more enticing.” business-to-business buyers Tradeslot specializes in designing and building and sellers together through their large scale combinatorial large scale business-to-business and auction platform. They employ government-to-business (G2B) auctions 10 people. platforms; its partner company, Adslot, uses the Business Situation same auction platform to auction online Tradeslot and Adslot sought a solution that would enable them advertising space. The companies use to scale up quickly, reduce computation-heavy combinatorial auction capital expenditures for customers, and provide the algorithms to manage their complex conditional compute power required for bid processes. However, with a lack of compute complex algorithms. power with its existing infrastructure, the Solution companies found it necessary to manually add After evaluating other possibilities, Tradeslot and constraints to auctions. In addition, the companies Adslot chose to use a cloud wanted to reduce capital costs and IT resources computing model and developed solutions on required to set up new server hardware for Windows Azure™. customers. Tradeslot and Adslot implemented Benefits Windows Azure™ and, as a result, reduced capital • Reduced capital costs—U.S. costs for customers—from U.S.$60,000 to only $60,000 to $1,000 • Improved ability to scale up $1,000 for each customer, improved their ability • Improved services for to scale up and improve services for customers, customers • Saved IT resources saved critical IT resources, and delivered a • Delivered trustworthy solution their customers can trust. solution
  • 2.
  • 3. Situation and freight capacity, Based in Australia and formed in environmental commodities, and 2005, Tradeslot designs and industrial commodities, Tradeslot builds large scale business-to- formed a partner company in business and government-to- 2007, Adslot. Using the same business auction platforms. The intellectual property and company has three main areas of technologies as the Tradeslot focus: port and freight capacity, auctioning platform, Adslot is a industrial commodities, and foray into the advertising sales environmental commodities. One process—enabling media of its largest customers is publishers to sell premium ad Consolidated Bulk Handling, inventory to agencies and self- which uses the Tradeslot auction serve advertisers using its platform to auction port capacity proprietary ‘book&bid’ process. for the 10-million ton West Though Adslot is currently Australian wheat export. targeted at online media, the Tradeslot also designed the company plans to apply its Australian government carbon concepts and technology to permit auction platform and has traditional media, such as facilitated more than U.S.$400 television and radio. million in forest timber transactions. The Tradeslot and Adslot auctioning platforms are built on Unlike traditional price-only the Microsoft® .NET Framework auctions that are one- 3.5 and use the Windows Server® dimensional, the Tradeslot 2003 operating system and combinatorial auction platform Microsoft SQL Server® 2005 data allows bidders to place management software. For each expressive bids—critical for of its customers, Tradeslot and effective business-to-business Adslot had to set up servers and transactions. For instance, hosting environments to run the bidders can place price bids with auctions—often at a frantic pace. non-price conditions, such as Setting up an auction with new terms of trade, volume, and servers often took up to two unique lot packages. In addition, months. For these small the seller can add award companies, with only 10 constraints and factor the bids employees between Tradeslot based on qualitative factors. and Adslot, this was also a strain Tradeslot uses large scale on personnel resources. “combinatorial auctioning”—a complicated process that uses In addition, the hardware cost of complex mathematical algorithms setting up an auction for the first and requires significant time is often a barrier for computational resources. customers. Costs associated with initial hardware setup and hosting With its tremendous success in fees could reach U.S.$60,000 in combinatorial auctioning for port some cases, depending on the
  • 4. “Windows Azure auction. “We have cases where putting a strain on precious IT customers say they’re prepared resources, and that would also gives us the ability to try our service and we have to require less capital expenditure tell them that they have to set up for customers. to chase new deals an entire infrastructure to handle with the rock-solid their auction,” says Anthony Du Solution Preez, Founder, Tradeslot and As Tradeslot and Adslot technology Adslot. “It’s hard for them to dip continued to identify unique their toe in the water.” Not only market opportunities to extend infrastructure in are some customers hesitant to the auction platform to other place already. We use Tradeslot and Adslot for the industries, the companies chose first time because of the often to move to a cloud solution— can quickly scale costly capital expenditures, for hosting and managing their Web some customers, whose auctions applications and services on the up and service only run on a quarterly basis for Internet through data centers. customers around two weeks, server investments After comparing other cloud are under-utilized for months at a solutions, such as Amazon Elastic the world with a time. Cloud Computing (EC2), the companies chose Windows The Tradeslot and Adslot auction Azure™, a solution that provides platforms were limited by the application hosting by Microsoft scalability of the hardware. In and that is designed for high some cases, the companies had availability and powerful scaling to to restrict the use of complex match usage needs. mathematical algorithms that require compute-intensive The companies chose Windows processes and that allow highly Azure, in part, because expressive auction functionality. developers can use their existing “We had to put manual skills to develop new solutions constraints on some of our with technologies and tools they auctions and limit how sellers are already familiar with, such as could sell and how bidders could the .NET Framework 3.5 and the bid,” explains Du Preez. “That Microsoft Visual Studio® 2008 has a significant impact on Professional Edition development bidding flexibility which is the system. In addition, Tradeslot and driving factor for increased Adslot found Amazon EC2 to be revenue and cost reduction.” far more complicated and time consuming to develop on than Tradeslot and Adslot needed a Windows Azure. “One of the key solution that would provide the benefits of Windows Azure from a compute processing power it development perspective is that required to run its auctions the roles—such as Web roles and without bid constraints in an effort worker roles—are already to optimize results for its defined,” explains Michael Hart, customers. In addition, the System Architect and Developer companies wanted a solution that Lead at Tradeslot and Adslot. they could scale quickly without
  • 5. “With Amazon EC2, you’re Adslot uses worker roles to host basically starting from scratch.” and scale the compute-heavy combinatorial algorithms used in In addition, by continuing to use their auction platform, as well as Microsoft products and for managing a number of technologies, Tradeslot and additional auction processes, Adslot can grow and scale their such as sending e-mail or Short technology infrastructure with Message Service messages. ease of deployment across Windows Azure Web Roles are complementary products. used for hosting AdSlot’s customer-facing web Adslot is developing three distinct applications. solutions on Windows Azure using its proprietary combinatorial To manage application data, auction technology: Adslot uses Windows Azure Tables, Blob Storage, and Queue • Classified ad sales solution. service. In addition, Adslot is This solution is an automated evaluating Microsoft SQL Azure™ auction-based platform that for adding relational and enables classified publishers, transactional storage capabilities such as ads for automobiles, in the future. Figure 1.Carsales application, jobs, real estate, and travel, powered by Windows Azure. to sell search keywords for Adslot has designed its solution online advertising. to horizontally scale, allowing auction workloads to be broadly • Display ad sales solution. This distributed across a number of solution allows a general Windows Azure instances. This display ad publisher to means the solution can easily engage the buyers with two accommodate more users than types of dynamic pricing: was previously the case. “As the dynamic rate cards, where needs come up, we can add the fixed price varies on real- more servers and more roles in time demand projections, and Windows Azure and take ‘book&bid,’ where ad advantage of on-demand scaling buyers can buy at a fixed to accommodate heavy usage,” price and bid for additional explains Hart. Adslot ran inventory. simulations of its platform where it used 7,000 lots for bid and • Video/television ad sales 4,000 bidders. It used 120 worker solution. This solution is an roles and had all 4,000 users bid automated auction-based on 20 lots at one time—putting sales platform that enables maximum load on the system. television networks to sell ad “What we found is that we’re spots in broadcast on online able to handle that capacity television shows. better on Windows Azure than our previous infrastructure,” continues Hart.
  • 6. time, the lean IT department is Tradeslot and Adslot will continue free to focus on more strategic to develop solutions and expand tasks, thanks to enterprise-class their market reach, adapting their service from Microsoft, and the auction platform for other company can focus on delivering industries—something that was new services instead of difficult to achieve prior to managing IT infrastructure. implementing Windows Azure. Reduced Capital Costs, Lowered Barrier Benefits for New Customers As a result of implementing By implementing Windows Azure, Windows Azure, Tradeslot and Tradeslot and Adslot have Adslot can efficiently implement a eliminated the need to procure, scalable solution for their auction set up, and configure new platform. The companies servers, as well as the need to decreased the capital arrange for hosting services for expenditures required to set up new customers. Instead, the an auction, which lowered the companies can rely on data entry-barrier for new customers. centers hosted by Microsoft. Tradeslot and Adslot can quickly Previously, it cost up to U.S. scale up the solutions and extend $60,000 in hardware, licensing, service offerings to customers, and hosting costs to set up a new while also improving services with auction—a cost that is passed on the powerful compute and to customers without a margin for storage resources offered by Tradeslot and Adslot. “With Windows Azure. At the same Windows Azure, we’ve reduced those capital expenditures from $60,000 to $1,000,” says Du Preez. “This significantly lowers the barrier for new customers and makes our services more enticing.” Improved Ability to Scale Up and Extend Service Offerings Tradeslot and Adslot are always looking for new opportunities to extend their auction platform to new markets. With Windows Azure, the companies can take their intellectual property and adapt their auction platform to new industries, new commodities, and new geographies using existing infrastructure. “Windows Azure gives us the ability to chase new
  • 7. “What used to deals with the rock-solid Tradeslot and Adslot run lean technology infrastructure in place operations—only 10 employees— take two months to already,” explains Du Preez. and efficiency is critical to “We can quickly scale up and success. With Windows Azure, set up can now be service customers around the the companies are able to done in only one world with a single streamline management of the IT infrastructure.” infrastructure that supports their week and we can auction platform, and do not have Improved Services for Customers with to expend critical IT resources on use those precious Powerful Computing setting up and managing a server IT resources to The mathematical algorithms that environment for each customer. the auction platform uses are “All of the work that goes into focus on more complex and require significant setting up an auction—buying, compute and storage resources— configuring, and maintaining strategic tasks, sometimes beyond what its hardware—is huge overhead for such as developing previous infrastructure could us,” says Hart. “What used to manage. As a result, Tradeslot take two months to set up can new services.” and Adslot had to manually add now be done in only one week constraints to its auction and we can use those precious IT systems, limiting some of their resources to focus on more functionality. With the powerful strategic tasks, such as processing capability of Windows developing new services.” Azure, Tradeslot and Adslot can set up auctions for its customers Delivered a Trustworthy Solution without constraints, creating Because Tradeslot and Adslot highly expressive combinatorial work with government agencies auctions to better meet and large enterprises, having a customers’ needs. reliable solution that its customers could trust was a key In addition, the companies can concern for the companies. By add new services to its robust using Windows Azure, with offering, thanks to the CPU and hosting provided by Microsoft storage power offered by data centers, Tradeslot and Windows Azure. “The power of Adslot have the enterprise-class Windows Azure gives us the service they need and the ability to do things that we could confidence of working with a only do with a significant partner that has deep expertise in investment in building and online services. “We win managing our own data center, business because of our such as data mining and business business-to-business auction intelligence,” says Du Preez. expertise, and because we have “We see this as a wonderful the most capable solution growth opportunity for our available,” explains Du Preez. business and what we’re able to “Then, we have to prove that we offer customers.” can deliver the scalability that large businesses need—that’s Saved Critical IT Resources not always easy as a relatively
  • 8. For More Information small company. But with Windows Azure Platform For more information about Windows Azure, we have the The Windows Azure platform Microsoft products and credibility that comes with the provides an excellent foundation services, call the Microsoft Microsoft brand and customers for expanding online product and Sales Information Center at just know that it’s going to service offerings. The main (800) 426-9400. In Canada, call work.” components include: the Microsoft Canada • Windows Azure. Windows Azure Information Centre at (877) is the development, service 568-2495. Customers in the hosting, and service United States and Canada who management environment for are deaf or hard-of-hearing can the Windows Azure platform. reach Microsoft text telephone Windows Azure provides (TTY/TDD) services at (800) developers with on-demand 892-5234. Outside the 50 compute and storage to host, United States and Canada, scale, and manage Web please contact your local applications on the Internet Microsoft subsidiary. To access through Microsoft data information using the World centers. In addition, Windows Wide Web, go to: Azure serves developers’ connectivity needs through the following services. For more information about 〉 The Service Bus connects Tradeslot and Adslot products services and applications and services, call (61) 3 9621 across network 1511 or visit the Web sites at: boundaries to help or developers build distributed applications. 〉 The Access Control Service provides federated, Additional Resources: claims-based access Download: Windows Azure control for REST Web Platform Training Kit services. View: Architecting and Developing for Windows Azure • Microsoft SQL Azure. Microsoft SQL Azure offers the first cloud-based relational and Software and Services • Microsoft Server Product • Windows Azure Platform Portfolio • Windows Azure • Windows Server 2003 • Microsoft SQL Azure Enterprise Edition • Technologies • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 • Microsoft .NET Framework Enterprise Edition 3.5 • ‘Solutions • Microsoft Visual Studio • Software-plus-services • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition This case study is for informational self-managed database purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published November 2009
  • 9. service built on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 technologies. To learn more about the Windows Azure platform, visit: