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Meridian	3	–
Autonomous	highway,	rural	and	
parking	test	facilities	
Competition	Scope
• Background	&	general	aspects
• Requirements,	recommendations	and	suggestions	for	each	of	the	4	streams
• Common	requirements	&	preferences
• What	is	out	of	scope
• Project	business	plans
• Data	management	&	IT
• Funding
• Meridian
• Other	requirements
• Value	for	money
Please	read	the	Scope	and	the	Guidance	for	Applicants	documents	carefully.	
Note	that	this	competition	has	its	own	Guidance	for	Applicants	which	differs	from	
that	of	the	original	test	bed	competition	and	differs	from	the	Meridian	2	GfA.	
Content	of	presentation
• CCAV	is	to	invest	up	to	£25	million	in	projects	to	develop	connected	and	
autonomous	vehicle	(CAV)	testing	infrastructure	for	highway,	rural	and	parking	
test	facilities.
• Aim:	To	produce	the	world’s	most	effective	CAV	testing	ecosystem	in	the	UK
• Proposals	should	integrate	existing	proving	grounds	and	/	or	public	road	test	sites	
across	the	UK’s	existing	automotive	and	technology	heartlands,	improving	
current	capabilities	and	creating	new	ones.	
Competition	Scope	
Phased	approach	– this	competition	supports	part	of	Phase	2
• The	competition	will	support	up	to	6	projects	across	4 streams:	
• Stream	1:	we	are	looking	to	fund	one	controlled	test	environment	project	for	
highway	intersections
• Stream	2:	we	are	looking	to	fund	up	to	2	continuous	public	test	environment	
projects	including	highway	and	rural	sections
• Stream	3:	we	are	looking	to	fund	one	controlled	parking	test	facility	project.
• Stream	4: we	are	looking	to	fund	up	to	2	public	parking	test	environment	
Competition	Phases	and	Streams	
Environment Public	Environment Virtual	Environment
security	(cyber,	
management	&	
urban	and/or	
highly	dense	city
Phase	1 Phase	1 Other	funding
Parking Phase	2 Phase	2 Other	funding
Interurban Phase	2 Phase	2 Other	funding
High	Speed	/	
Limit	Handling
Phase	1 Not	appropriate Other	funding
Inbuilt	by	
default	in	each	
Phase	2 Other	funding
• Test	facility	sites	should	be	located	within	the	defined	region
• Projects	outside	the	scope	must	consult	with	Innovate	UK	
before	submission
Test	Facility	Location
• For	each	of	the	streams,	we	are	looking	to	fund	globally	significant	projects that	
allow	for:
- testing	of	autonomous	vehicles	(AVs)	in	an	appropriate	and	realistic	environment.	
- testing	vehicle	to	everything	(V2X)	connectivity	capabilities	and	methodologies.
- testing	of	equipment	that	may	interact	with	CAVs,	for	example,	roadside	infrastructure.
• We	expect	projects	to	provide	core	infrastructure	that	can	support	modular	units	
to	test	different	equipment.
• The	core	infrastructure	system	should	be	‘future	proofed’	as	far	as	possible.	
• Proposals	should	detail	how	the	test	facility	will	allow	testing	in	as	many	
scenarios	as	possible.
• The	bid	team	must	propose	test	scenarios	supported	by	a	business	model.	
Test	Facility	Scope	- General
• Preference	will	be	given	to	proposals	that	use	existing	test	facilities.	This	will	
minimise	costs	and	give	confidence	in	the	proposed	business	model.	
• Projects	must	provide	evidence	of	board-level	support	from	chosen	test	facilities.
• Facilities	that	support	ultra	low	emission	vehicle	(ULEV)	compatibility	with	
features	such	as	non-manual	charging	will	be	preferred.	These	features	should	
require	no	more	than	5%	of	the	total	grant	requested.	
- Additional	private	funding	can	be	used	for	ULEV	facilities	but	should	not	form	part	of	the	
grant	request.	This	funding	is	for	the	CAV	testing	capability.	
Test	Facility	Scope	- General
• CCAV	are	expecting	to	invest	up	to	£4	million	of	funding	to	support	one	
controlled	test	environment	project	for	highway	intersection	upgrades.	
• We	expect	the	facility	to	add	highway	junction	features	to	an	existing	test	track	
facility	representative	of	a	highway.	Such	features	may	include:
- Slip	roads	at	grade
- Slip	road	ramps	up	/	down,	with	associated	visibility	issues
- Converging	/	diverging	lanes
• Proposals	should	identify	which	features	will	be	created	and	the	reasons	for	
those	choices.	
• We	also	anticipate	the	ability	to	recreate	other plausible	highway	obstructions,	
contraflows,	rolling	road-blocks,	etc.
• Supporting	connectivity	infrastructure	should	be	provided	as	appropriate.
In	summary,	we	expect	the	facility	to	be	able	to	recreate	conditions	known	to	cause	
perturbations	in	highway	traffic	flow,	to	evaluate	the	behaviour	of	autonomous	
vehicles	under	those	conditions	in	a	repeatable	manner.
Stream	1	- Controlled	test	environment	- Highway	intersections
• CCAV	are	expecting	to	invest	up	to	£16	million	of	funding	to	support	up	to	2	
public	test	environments,	each	with	a	continuous	route	along	highways	and	a	
rural	section.
• We	expect	each	facility	to	be	able	to	monitor	any	test	vehicle	and	nearby	road	
partners	throughout	the	route	of	the	facility.	This	will	most	likely	be	by	video	
camera	coverage	but	other	suitable	technologies	may	used.
• We	expect	the	facility	to	be	able	to	relay	live	information	to	test	vehicles	
regarding	variables	around	the	route.	This	may	include	the	status	of	variable	
message	signs,	variable	speed	limit	signs	and	traffic	lights	(on	the	rural	sections)
• The	rural	sections	should	represent	challenging,	poor	or	minimal	infrastructure	
conditions.	These	may	include	poorly	defined	road	edges	(no	kerbs	or	lines,	etc),	
sharp	bends,	humpback	bridges,	unusual	road	junctions	with	poor	visibility	
angles,	fords,	level	crossings,	overhanging	trees	to	attenuate	GNSS	signals,	etc.
• Supporting	connectivity	infrastructure	should	be	provided	as	appropriate.
• Projects	utilising	parts	of	the	Strategic	Road	Network	must	work	with	Highways	
England	and	provide	evidence	of	H.E.	support	of	the	proposed	facility.
In	summary,	we	expect	the	facility	to	be	able	to	provide	realistic,	challenging	
conditions	with	the	ability	to	determine	and	quantify	any	circumstance	or											
condition	with	sufficient	accuracy	to	enable	recreation	in	a	computer										
Stream	2	- Public	test	environment	- Highway	&	rural
• CCAV	are	expecting	to	invest	up	to	£2	million	of	funding	to	support	a	single	
realistic,	controlled	parking	test	facility.
• We	expect	the	facility	to	have	areas	representing	roadside,	off	road	and	multi-
storey	parking.	Features	may	include:
- Parallel,	perpendicular	and	herringbone	pattern	parking	bays.
- Problematic	bay	delineation,	such	as	faded,	broken	lines,	kerbs,	posts,	hedges,	
ditches,	etc.
- Complex	entries	/	exits	such	as	height	restrictions,	rising	barriers,	rising	kerbs,	
flow	plates,	etc.
- Multi-storey	area	should	include	challenging	ramps:	straight	and	spiral	types,	
challenging	natural	and	artificial	lighting	conditions,	support	pillar	obstructions.
- Bay	marking	&	signage	to	allow	/	disallow	parking	of	vehicle	types	(disabled	/	
parent	&	child	/	EV	charging,	etc.)	should	be	considered	for	next	generation	
parking	systems	which	may	obey	such	signage.
• Automated	EV	charging	systems	(induction,	robotic,	etc.)	may	be	provided	but	
must	not	exceed	5%	of	the	project	value.	
In	summary,	the	facility	should	challenge	current	and	future	automated	parking	
systems	in	as	many	realistic	ways	as	possible in	a	repeatable	manner.
Stream	3	- Controlled	test	environment	- Parking
• CCAV	are	expecting	to	invest	up	to	£3	million	of	funding	to	support	up	to	2	public	
parking	test	facilities
• We	expect	the	facilities	to	be	built	upon	existing	public	car	parking	facilities,	but	
would	consider	funding	the	additions	to	make	a	new	public	car	park	suitable	as	a	
test	facility.
• We	would	expect	the	ability	to	remotely	monitor	and	accurately	track	test	vehicles	
around	the	entire	facility.
Features	which	may	be	desirable	could	include:
- Sensor	and	communications	to	determine	and	relay	bay	vacancy	information
- Fully	automated	EV	charging	(induction,	robot	plug-in,	etc.)	for	autonomous	
- A	valet	parking	drop-off	area	for	facilities	where	occupants	are	expected	to	be	
- A	location	to	support	intermodality (at	an	airport,	station,	etc)
In	summary,	the	facility	should	challenge	current	and	future	automated	parking	
systems	in	as	many	realistic	ways	as	possible	with	the	ability	to	determine	and	
quantify	any	circumstance	or	condition	with	sufficient	accuracy	to	enable	
recreation	in	a	computer	simulation.
Stream	4	- Public	test	environment	- Parking
• Each	facility	must	make	available	to	the	user	all	transient	environment	data	
necessary	to	reconstruct	scenarios,	tests	and	incidents	in	a	computer	simulation.	
This	will	include	weather	and	light	conditions.
• It	is	mandatory	to	provide	a	digital	twin	(computer	model)	or	sufficient	
topographical	data of	the	facility	to	allow	such	a	computer	model	to	be	
generated.	Such	models	must	be	made	available	to	users	at	a	reasonable	
commercial	rate.	It	is	expected	that	projects	will	work	with	Meridian	to	ensure	
similar	and	common	format	digital	twins	with	the	other	test	bed	projects.
• See	specific	data	requirements	section
Common	technical	requirements	and	preferences	for	all	
• Each	controlled	facility	must	be	safe	and	secure.	
• It	should	allow	‘corner	case’	testing,	when	multiple	variables	are	reproduced	
simultaneously	at	extreme	levels,	which	is	hard	to	do	outside	dedicated	facilities.
• It	should	replicate	real-world	conditions	and	be	demonstrably	representative	of	
the	target	environment	in	the	UK,	and	other	appropriate	target	CAV	markets.
• The	facility	should	also	make	available	suitable	supporting	test	equipment	such	
as	other	vehicles	(CAV	or	non-CAV)	and	the	ability	to	physically	simulate	other	
road	users	or	objects,	for	example,	pedestrians,	cyclists,	for	higher	risk	test	
• The	facility	should	also	include	options	to	anticipate	and	test	faults	in	vehicle				
and	infrastructure	systems.
Common	requirements	and	preferences	for	controlled	
test	facilities
• Each	public	facility	must	be	safe	and	suitable	systems	must	be	in	place	to	ensure	
the	safety	of	both	the	testing	personnel	and	the	general	public.
• Preference	will	be	given	to	projects	which	join	to	existing	public	test	facilities.	
These	may	or	may	not	be	facilities	funded	by	CCAV	through	Innovate	UK.
• Each	public	test	facility	should	make	available	to	the	user	all	transient	
environment	data	necessary	to	reconstruct	any	event	in	a	virtual	environment.	In	
addition	to	weather	and	light	conditions,	this	should	include	information	such	as	
location,	velocity	and	the	basic	nature	of	any	interacting	road	user	or	transient	
object	on	or	close	to	the	roadway.
• Users	of	the	test	facility	should	be	made	aware	of	any	local	conditions	or	
incidents	around	the	facility	which	may	affect	the	safety	or	behaviour	of	the	
• Where	the	test	facility	utilises	public	roads,	suitable	agreement	and	approval	of	
the	appropriate	road	authority	should	be	demonstrated.
Common	requirements	and	preferences	for	public	test	
• Preference	will	be	given	to	projects	that	can	deliver	operational	facilities	in	12	to	
18	months	and	be	open	for	business.
• Projects	with	industry	match	funding	within	the	investment	stage	of	the	project	
(i.e.	12-18	month	build	phase)	will	be	preferred.
• Linked	proposals	will	be	considered	favourably	if	they	save	costs	and	improve	
• A	business	or	a	research	organisation	must	lead	the	project.	Organisations	must	
work	with	others,	but	consortia	should	contain	no	more	than	5	partners	(lead	
organisation	plus	4	others).
- projects	outside	the	number	of	partners	listed	must	agree	this	with	Innovate	UK	before	
the	registration	close	date.
• All	projects	must	submit	a	collaboration	agreement	with	their	proposal	
All	Streams
In	this	competition,	we	are	not	funding:
• Urban	or	campus	type	facilities	(except	the	public	parking	facility	which	may	be	
in	an	urban	environment)
• Facilities	which	duplicate	or	replicate	existing	facilities	in	the	UK	
• Crash,	extreme	handling	facilities
• Emissions	testing	facilities.
Out	of	Scope
• All	projects	will	be	expected	to	demonstrate	good	value	for	money.	Proposals	
must	include	a	schedule	detailing	milestone	costs	and	public	investment	sought.
• Projects	will	also	be	judged	on	their	business	model	and	realistic	plan	for	creating	
and	committing	to	a	long-term	operational	facility.	Business	models	must	include	
marketing,	operation	and	maintenance	for	at	least	10	years	beyond	the	end	of	
the	initial	investment	period	of	the	project.	
• Completed	facilities	must	operate	commercially,	with	users	paying	a	market	rate.	
It	must	be	open	to	several	users	on	a	transparent	and	non-discriminatory	basis,	
including	SMEs.	
• Business	plans	must	demonstrate	how	the	facility	is	‘customer	friendly’	for	all,	
including	international	customers.	Facilities	such	as	secure	garages	and	general	
logistics	to	support	testing	should	be	identified.
Project	Business	Plans
• Each	facility	must	deploy	protective	security	(cyber,	physical,	and	personnel)	by	
• Facilities	must	use	consistent	and	secure	data	management	and	communication	
tools	and	processes.	
• Public	environments	and	controlled	facilities	funded	through	this	competition	
should	make	generic	data	collected	during	testing,	discoverable	and	available	
(but	not	necessarily	free)	to	third	party	researchers	and	developers.
• Meridian	2	competition	funding	supports	a	data	exchange	to	provide	
comprehensive	data	collection,	storage	and	management.	Each	funded	facility	
could	work	with	the	data	exchange	and	contribute	towards	a	national	CAV	
• Proposals	should	detail	which	data	and	technology	standards	they	have	chosen	
and	why.	Justification	could	include	matches	to	national	or	international	
standards,	or	other	industry	facilities	and	this	should	be	evidenced.	You	must	
also	show	how	you	will	obtain	any	appropriate	licences	or	approvals	for	
• If	5G	is	part	of	a	proposal,	projects	must	work	with	the	5G	Testbeds	and	Trials	
Programme	managed	by	the	Department	for	Culture,	Media	&	Sport
Data	Management	and	IT
• Your	project	is	expected	to	focus	on	“investment	aid	for	research	infrastructures”	
• Support	given	for	construction	or	upgrade	of	research	infrastructures	that	
perform	economic	activities	is	considered	state	aid
• You	may	apply	for	funding	support:
• up	to	50%	of	your	eligible	project	costs	if	you	are	a	business	of	any	size
• up	to	100%	of	your	eligible	project	costs	if	you	are	a	non-profit	distributing	
research	organisation	and	if	your	activities	allow	this	under	the	Article	26	state	
aid	rules.	
- In	this	case,	you	must	demonstrate	how	the	match	funding	for	investment	in	the	facility	
will	be	contributed	after	the	project.	This	must	be	a	minimum	of	the	grant	value	
requested	and	might	include	areas	such	as	maintenance	costs,	and	so	on
• We	expect	projects	to	have:
• at	least	a	30%	industry	contribution	to	the	initial	project	costs	
• at	least	a	50%	industry	contribution	to	the	lifetime	costs	of	the	facility
• For	example,	if	your	total	project	costs	during	the	project	are	£10	million,	then	
you	can	get	up	to	£7	million	grant	(70%),	with	£3	million	industry	contribution	
(30%).	However,	you	would	need	to	invest	at	least	a	further	£4	million	during	the	
first	10	years	of	operation	of	the	facility. This	would	bring	the	industry	
investment	to	a	total	of	£7	million	to	match	the	grant	value.	
Funding	- What	does	that	mean?
• Meridian	Mobility	UK	Ltd	has	been	established	by	CCAV	as	the	hub	to	support	
the	UK	CAV	ecosystem	both	in	the	UK	and	on	the	international	stage.	There	is	a	
charter outlining	the	principles	by	which	Meridian	and	the	projects	will	
collaborate.	The	project	lead	must	sign	up	to	this	charter.	Other	partners	are	
encouraged	to	do	so.
• The	organisation	is	jointly	funded	by	government	and	industry.	The	financial	
contribution	from	industry	consists	of	4%	of	the	value	of	the	grant	payments	to	
each	partner.	This	is	mandatory	for	all	project	partners.	In	order	to	comply	with	
state	aid	regulations,	the	industry	contribution	cannot	be	provided	by	
government	so	it	is	not	eligible	for	grant	funding.	Meridian	will	invoice	all	
project	partners	for	4%	of	their	grant	payment	value	each	time	a	grant	payment	
is	made.
• If	a	partner	is	unable	to	fund	the	contribution	to	Meridian	for	good	reason,	the	
other	project	partners	must	provide	the	shortfall.	It	is	expected	that	such	
arrangements	would	be	agreed	by	the	consortium	and	covered	in	the	
consortium	agreement.
• Innovate	UK	and	Meridian	have	a	data	sharing	agreement	to	support	this.
Meridian	- The	UK	CAV	Hub
To	be	part	of	a	project,	you	must:
• work	in	collaboration	with	others
- Minimum	2	partners,	maximum	5	(but	talk	to	us	if	you	need	to	on	this!)
• carry	out	your	project	in	the	UK
- conduct	your	work	through	a	UK	subsidiary	(not	a	branch	office	or	non	UK	office)
- demonstrate	that	work	will	be	done	in	the	UK	(utilising	UK	staff	etc.)
• If	you	are	doing	work	outside	of	the	UK	this	is	great	but	it	cannot	be	funded	
through	this	competition
• is	allowed,	and	some	money	can	go	out	of	the	UK
• Bids	must	justify	why	the	sub	contractor	isn’t	part	of	the	consortium
• Assessors	look	for	value	for	money	for	the	UK	taxpayer	in	collaborative projects
• Large	sub	contracts	aren’t	often	perceived	as	collaborative	so	often	cause	
assessors	concern
• If	going	outside	of	the	UK,	bids	must	clearly	justify	why	work	can’t	be	done	in	the	UK
Competition	Scope:	Other
• Value	for	Money	aspect	of	each	application	will	also	be	reviewed	by	CCAV	
• They	will	be	looking	at	value	for	money,	or	cost	benefit	ratio,	in	this	case	is	
defined	as:
• The	VfM process	has	been	developed	specifically	for	these	CAV	infrastructure	
competitions	due	to	the	nature	of	the	projects.
• Please	consult	the	guidance	for	applicants	for	any	special	requirements
• In	this	competition	we	have	relaxed	the	requirement	that	no	partner	should	have	
more	than	70%	of	costs.	We	recommend	that	this	limit	is	observed	but	
appreciate	that	in	some	cases,	best	value	for	money	may	be	achieved	with	one	
partner	incurring	a	greater	proportion	of	the	costs.	In	this	case,	we	recommend	
that	both	the	collaborative	aspects	and	the	reasons	why	this	provides	better	
value	for	money	are	made	clear	in	the	application.
Value	for	Money	- VfM
• The	scope	for	this	competition	has	been	developed	based	on	best	available	
• If	you	develop	a	project	idea	and	it	doesn’t	match	what	is	stated	here,	please	
come	and	talk	to	us
• We	want	to	work	with	the	community	to	find	the	best	projects	for	UK	Plc
Disclaimer:	Variations	from	Scope
Thank	you
• Questions,	comments,	feedback,	please	contact	the	competition	helpline	
on	0300	321	4357	or	email	us	at

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