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Importance Of
Mental Health
Presented by Hammad Wali
Areas We Cover
What is
Mental Health
Societal Views
on Mental
Disorders That
Cause Disruptive
Mental State
Worst Habits For
Your Mental
01 02 03 04
Mental Health
What Is Mental
Health ?
● “It is a state of well-being in
which the individual realizes his
or her own abilities, can cope
with the normal stresses of life,
can work productively and
fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to his or her
Why It Is Important?
● Mental health is integral to living a healthy, balanced life.
● Our mental health encompasses our psychological, emotional
and social well-being. This means it impacts how we feel, think
and behave each day.
● Our mental health also contributes to our decision making
process, how we cope with stress and how we relate to others
in our lives.
● Emotional and mental health is important because it’s a vital
part of our life and impacts our thoughts, behaviors and
emotions. Being healthy emotionally can promote productivity
and effectiveness in activities like work, school or caregiving.
● It plays an important part in the health of your relationships,
and allows you to adapt to changes in your life and cope with
How To Look After Mental Health
● Talk about your feelings
● Keep active
● Eat well
● Drink sensibly
● Keep in touch
● Ask for help
● Take a break
● Do something you are good at
● Accept who u are
● Care for others
Symptoms Of Mental
The symptoms of mental disorders can be managed
conservatively with medications and psychotherapy.
Mental illness is common, and one in every five
people may be affected. Mental illness can occur at
any age, as a child or as an adult.
The five main warning signs of mental illness are as
• Excessive paranoia, worry, or anxiety
• Long-lasting sadness or irritability
• Extreme changes in moods
• Social withdrawal
• Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping pattern
Many factors contribute to mental health
problems, including:
● Biological factors, such as genes or brain
● Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse
● Family history of mental health problems
Factors Contribute Mental
Societal Views On
Mental Health
Stigma And
● Stigma: a mark of disgrace
associated with a particular
circumstance, quality, or person.
● Discrimination: the unjust or
prejudicial treatment of different
categories of people, especially on
the grounds of race, age, gender, or
Media Portrayal Of Mental Illness
● Media portrayals of those with mental illness often
skew toward either stigmatization or trivialization.
● Media accounts tend to focus on the individual with
mental illness rather than framing mental illness as a
societal issue.
● The media depicts people with mental health issues as
violent, evil, criminals, deranges, and unable to live
normal fulfilled lives
● Overgeneralization of specific mental health condition.
● Eg: common depictions are that all people with
depression are suicidal, and all people
with schizophrenia hallucinate
—said dr. Syed Haroon Ahmed, president
of the PAMH
“The actual number of the people with
depression and other mental disorders is
much more than the recognized 37 per cent
aggregate and the same for Karachi is even
much worse”
People with
Recognized Mental
health proplems
People with no recognized
mental health proplems
The Harmful
Effects Of
Some of the effects of stigma include:
● Feelings of shame, hopelessness and isolation
● Reluctance to ask for help or to get treatment
● Lack of understanding by family, friends or others
● Fewer opportunities for employment or social
● Bullying, physical violence or harassment
● Self-doubt – the belief that you will never
overcome your illness or be able to achieve what
you want in life.
Challenging Stigma Associated With
Mental Illness
● Learning the facts about mental illness and sharing them with family,
friends, work colleagues and classmates
● Getting to know people with personal experiences of mental illness so
you learn to see them for the person they are rather than their illness.
● Not judging, label or discriminate when you meet people with mental
illness. Treat all people with respect and dignity.
● Avoiding using language that puts the illness first and the person
second. Say ‘a person with bipolar disorder’ rather than ‘that person is
● Saying something when you hear people around you making
stereotypical or inaccurate comments about mental illness.
● Sharing your own experience of mental illness (if you have experienced
it). This will help dispel myths and encourage others to do the same.
Disorders That Cause
Disruptive Mental State
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
Disorder - DMDD
What is Disruptive
Mood Dysregulation
Disorder – DMDD ?
-Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
Disorder is a condition in which children
or adolescents experience ongoing
irritability, anger and frequent, intense
- DMDD is often referred as to "Bad
Mood" but it goes beyond it.
What are the signs and
symptoms of DMDD ?
● DMDD symptoms typically begin before the age of 10, but
the diagnosis is not given to children under 6 or adolescents
over 18.
A child with DMDD experiences;
● Chronically irritable or angry mood most of the day, every
● Severe temper outbursts (verbal or behavioral), on average,
three or more times per week.
● Children suffering from DMDD show severe forms of
irritability which is quite different from typical irritability.
● Outburst and tantrums that have been ongoing four at least 12 months.
● Trouble functioning due to irritability in more than one place (at home,
at school and with peers).
● To be diagnosed with DMDD a child must have experienced symptoms
steadily for 12 or more months.
● Children suffering from DMDD show severe forms of irritability which
is quite different from typical irritability.
● All children can become irritable sometimes. It's a normal reaction to
● Children experiencing severe irritability as observed in DMDD have
difficulty tolerating frustration and have outbursts that are out of
proportion for the situation at hand.
● These outbursts are more severe than what you would typically expect
from a child this age.
● Overtime as children grow symptoms of DMDD may change or even
What are the
Risk Factors ?
● Adolescents or young adults may
experience fewer tantrums and less rage
as the time passes.
● But they begin to exhibit symptoms of
anxiety or depression.
● They may have difficulty in maintaining a
healthy lifestyle and may have hard times
in social settings.
How is DMDD Treated ?
• DMDD is a newly classified disorder, and few
DMDD specific treatment studies have been
conducted to date.
• Current treatments are primarily based on
research focused on other childhood disorders
associated with irritability such as anxiety an
• Fortunately, many of these treatments also
work for DMDD.
Treatment for DMDD
generally includes certain
types of psychotherapy
and medications
• Sometimes only psychotherapy
suggested by the doctor.
Other times medications
are added later on.
• Both may be prescribed at the same
time if symptoms are severe.
• Cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT) is used to help children and
adolescents learn how to cope
with thoughts and feelings that
contribute to their DMDD.
• Researchers are also studying the
use of dialectical behavior
therapy for DMDD. This type of
therapy may help children learn
to regulate their emotions and
avoid extreme or prolonged
outbursts and regulate their
moods and emotions.
• Currently, there are no
medications approved by the
health authorities specifically for
treating children or adolescent
with DMDD ,however health care
providers may prescribe certain
• These medications can be
stimulants, antidepressants and
certain atypical antipsychotic
medications to help relieve a
Childs DMDD symptoms.
Parent training and counseling
• Parent training teaches parents or
caregivers more effective ways to
respond to irritable behavior such
as anticipating events that might
lead a child to have a temper
outburst and working ahead to
avert it.
• Training also focuses on the
importance of predictability, being
consistent with children and
rewarding positive behavior and
counseling them at hard times.
What are eating
Eating disorders are a serious mental health
condition with high mortality rates.
These are marked by severe disturbance to a
person's eating behaviors.
There is a commonly held misconception
that eating disorder is a lifestyle choice.
Eating disorders are actually serious and
often fatal.
Eating disorders mainly refer to females not
because males don't suffer from them but
because these are abundant and more
common in females.
Who Is At Risk For Eating Disorders ?
Eating disorders can affect people of all ages, racial/ethnic backgrounds, body weights and
These disorders can affect patient physical and mental health; in some cases they can be
life threatening.
Although eating disorders often appear during teen years or young adulthood, they may
also develop during childhood or later in life (40 years and older).
Restriction of energy intake, causing significantly low body weight.
● Individuals with anorexia nervosa experience an obsessive fear of gaining weight,
persistent unhealthy behaviors to avoid weight gain under distorted view of ones body.
● Subtypes of anorexia include;
● Restrictive subtype (restrictive eating)
● Binge – Purge(restrictive eating alongside binging)
• Obsession over body image
• Excessive behaviors to lose
• Secretive behaviors around
• Sudden or rapid weight loss
• Fainting or dizziness
• Loss or disturbance of
menstruation cycles in women
Risk Factors
• In severe cases anorexia can
• A weakened heart
• Hypotension
• Arrhythmias
• Weaken immune system
• Anemia
• Kidney failure
• Potentially permanent fertility
● Recurrent episodes of binge eating,
immediately followed by purging,
overexercise, fasting or misuse of
● Individuals with bulimia consume an
abnormally large amount of food
within a short period of time followed
by the feelings off shame and guilt.
● This prompt unhealthy compensatory
● Ultimately the self harming cycle of
binge eating and self induced vomiting
goes on.
• Weight fluctuations
• Vomiting or excessive use of
weight loss supplements
• Eating in private and avoiding
meals with other people
• Overexercising
• Preoccupation with weight,
eating and body image
• Fainting or dizziness
• Irregular menstrual cycles
Risk Factors
• If left untreated, bulimia can
• Chronic sore throat
• Reflux and indigestion
• Risk of a ruptured esophagus or
• Stomach and intestinal ulcers
• Dental problems
What Is Binge – Eating Disorder ?
● Recurrent episodes of binge eating.
● Individuals with binge eating disorder
consume an abnormally large amount food
specified time and often report a sense of loss
of control during that episodes.
● Episodes occur on average at least once a
week for three months.
● Binge eating disorder is not associated with
the compensatory behaviors that are seen in
and anorexia and bulimia.
• Eating faster than normal
• Eating past the sense of
• Eating large amounts of food
in the lack of hunger cues
• Preferring to eat alone
• Consuming feelings of disgust,
shame or guilt after an
Risk Factors
• Severe binge eating disorder
• Increased risk of developing type
2 diabetes
• High blood pressure
• High cholesterol levels
• Increased chances of stroke or
heart disease
What Are The
Treatment Options ?
• If you recognize signs of an eating disorder in
yourself or loved one it is best to seek professional
medical treatment, eating disorders are
a treatable illness & recovery is possible. Recovery
• Restoring nutrition and a healthy weight.
• Psychologists administer psychological treatments
and strategies to combat low self esteem and
poor body image.
• Family therapy is specially useful for children
• Dietitians provide education around healthy
eating, so should be consulted.
• Psychiatrist should be consulted for therapy when
Depression And
What is depression ?
● Depression is a common but serious mental illness
that interferes with daily life .
● There are several types of depression.
● A general definition of depression:
“an illness that effects mood, thoughts, behaviour and
overall health”
Causes of depression:
● Biology- certain parts of the brain not working or
chemical changes.
● Genetics- family history of depression
● Abuse
● Age
● Changes and stressful events
● Medication and substances
Symptoms Of Depression
loss of interest in
day to day activities
weight change sleep changes
irritability Insomnia low of self esteem
01 02 03
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07 09
increased aches
and pain
loss of
thoughts of suicide
Can depression lead to
suicide ?
“Underrated depression can greatly
increase the risk of possible suicide”
Some warning signs of suicide with
• a switch from sad to calm
• always talking about death
• taking extreme risks
● Consult a doctor
● Possible treatment for depression is:
> medication
> Psychotherapy
> brain stimulant therapy
Treatment of Depression
Autism Spectrum Dysfunction
What is Autism ?
Autism is a developmental disability that affects the way people
communicate, behave or interact with others .
Autism can be a lot of things, this condition is now referred as autism
spectrum dysfunction because of its variety and diversity of
Some basic symptoms observed in all autistics:
● Social interaction challenge
● Difficulty in communication
● Cognitive dysfunction
● Tendency to engage in repetitive behaviour
● Extreme sensitivity to certain stimuli
What causes autism ?
It is still unknown that what really is the cause of autism.
It’s believed that a cocktail of genetics, environmental
and psychological factor contribute to autism.
How do we know that the infant is autistic ?
The symptoms start to manifest within the 3 years of birth.
Some early symptoms are:
• No smiling By 6 months
• Poor eye contact
• No one word communication by 18 month
• Not responding to sounds , voices or name
Can Autism Be Treated Or Cured ?
● There is no substantial cure for autism.
● No medication can help to improve
core signs of Disorder but certain
medicines can control symptoms .
● Recommendation of antidepressants
by physicians
● Physical and mental training for normal
Anxiety and PTSD
What is Anxiety ?
Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension,
worried thoughts
Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a
feeling of fear or apprehension
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are the most common form of emotional
disorder and can affect anyone at any age.
This type of anxiety may cause you to stop doing things
you enjoy.
● Anxiety disorders are a group of disorders in which
anxiety is the major element
Symptoms of Anxiety
Psychological symptoms
• Restlessness
• Hypervigilance
• Poor
• Worrying thoughts
• Irritability
• Fearful
Physical symptoms
• Dry mouth
• Difficulty
• Hypo-
• Sweating
• Dizziness
• Muscle
• Fatigue
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Post traumatic
stress disorder
anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is an anxiety disorder that develops “in response
to a stressful event” or situation of exceptionally
threatening or catastrophic nature
It is a serious condition that can develop after a person
has experienced or witnessed a traumatic or terrifying
event in which there was serious physical harm or
General Symptoms of PTSD
● Re-living the traumatic event
● Avoiding reminders of the traumatic event
● Negative thoughts and feelings
● Feeling wound-up
PTSD Symptoms In
According to the American Psychiatric
Association (APA), women are twice as
likely as men to get PTSD, and the
symptoms manifest slightly differently.
Women may feel more:
• anxious and depressed
• numb, with no emotions
• easily startled
• sensitive to reminders of the trauma
PTSD causes
PTSD starts in people who’ve been through or witnessed a
traumatic event like a natural disaster, military combat, or
● Serious accidents.
● Physical or sexual assault.
● Abuse, including childhood or domestic abuse.
● Exposure to traumatic events at work, including remote
● Loss of a loved one /someone dear to you etc.
How to Treat PTSD
● Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
● Exposure Therapy
● Let your loved one take the lead, rather than telling
them what to do
Our Role in Dealing with DMDD
Mental health conditions are pervasive around the
world. In addition, the burden of these conditions is
expected to grow over the next 20 years
Unfortunately, few individuals receive the psychiatric
treatment they need,
● Be patient with them
● Accept the state they are in
● Accept them socially and involve them in activities
● Show them Love and Support
Worst Habits For
Your Mental
Bad Sleep.
1 - W e a k I m m u n i t y .
2 - H e a r t a t t a c k r i s k i n c r e a s e .
3 - O b e s i t y , d e p r e s s i o n a n d m e m o r y
l o s s
4 - S h u t d o w n b r a i n m e m o r y i n b o x .
5 - l e a v e b a d i m p a c t o n
r e p r o d u c t i v e s y s t e m .
6 - R e p a i r i n g l o s s .
7 - A c c u m u l a t i o n o f t o x i c
p r o t e i n s ( B e t a A m y l o i d )
Social Media Use.
W h y s o c i a l m e d i a i s h a r m f u l f o r
o u r b r a i n ?
1- Addiction.(Social media is a drug)
2- Our attention is the product
being sold to advertiser.
3- Self esteem.
4- Anxiety, Depression and
5- It control us.
1 - M e m o r y d e f i c i e n c y .
2 - M o r e a d d i c t i v e t h a n d r u g .
3 - L e a v e d i s g u s t i n g i m p a c t o n
p a n c r e a s .
4 - D e c r e a s e t h e a b i l i t y o f b r a i n .
5 - D e p r e s s i o n ( H o r m o n a l
i m b a l a n c e )
6 - E x c e s s i v e i n t a k e o f s u g a r c a n k i l l
y o u r b r a i n c e l l .
Toxic People.
1 - T h e y A l w a y s r e v e a l y o u r
i n s e c u r i t i e s t o p r o v e t h e m s e l v e s
f u n n y .
2 - W o r t h .
1 - H a r d e n i n g o f b r a i n a r t e r i e s .
2 - D e c r e a s e m e n t a l p o w e r .
3 - C a u s e F r u s t r a t i o n .
4 - E n e r g y c o n s u m i n g .
Lacking in
1 - B r a i n S h r i n k a g e .
2 - N o P r o d u c t i v i t y .
3 - L a c k o f h e a l t h y t h o u g h t s .
Thank You For Listening!
The End

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Mental Health .pptx

  • 1. CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik. Importance Of Mental Health Presented by Hammad Wali .
  • 2. Areas We Cover What is Mental Health Societal Views on Mental Health Disorders That Cause Disruptive Mental State Worst Habits For Your Mental Health. 01 02 03 04
  • 4. What Is Mental Health ? ● “It is a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”
  • 5. Why It Is Important? ● Mental health is integral to living a healthy, balanced life. ● Our mental health encompasses our psychological, emotional and social well-being. This means it impacts how we feel, think and behave each day. ● Our mental health also contributes to our decision making process, how we cope with stress and how we relate to others in our lives. ● Emotional and mental health is important because it’s a vital part of our life and impacts our thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Being healthy emotionally can promote productivity and effectiveness in activities like work, school or caregiving. ● It plays an important part in the health of your relationships, and allows you to adapt to changes in your life and cope with adversity.
  • 6. How To Look After Mental Health ● Talk about your feelings ● Keep active ● Eat well ● Drink sensibly ● Keep in touch ● Ask for help ● Take a break ● Do something you are good at ● Accept who u are ● Care for others
  • 7. Symptoms Of Mental Disorder The symptoms of mental disorders can be managed conservatively with medications and psychotherapy. Mental illness is common, and one in every five people may be affected. Mental illness can occur at any age, as a child or as an adult. The five main warning signs of mental illness are as follows: • Excessive paranoia, worry, or anxiety • Long-lasting sadness or irritability • Extreme changes in moods • Social withdrawal • Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping pattern
  • 8. Many factors contribute to mental health problems, including: ● Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry ● Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse ● Family history of mental health problems Factors Contribute Mental Health
  • 10. Stigma And Discrimination ● Stigma: a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. ● Discrimination: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, gender, or disability.
  • 11. Media Portrayal Of Mental Illness ● Media portrayals of those with mental illness often skew toward either stigmatization or trivialization. ● Media accounts tend to focus on the individual with mental illness rather than framing mental illness as a societal issue. ● The media depicts people with mental health issues as violent, evil, criminals, deranges, and unable to live normal fulfilled lives ● Overgeneralization of specific mental health condition. ● Eg: common depictions are that all people with depression are suicidal, and all people with schizophrenia hallucinate
  • 12. 37% —said dr. Syed Haroon Ahmed, president of the PAMH “The actual number of the people with depression and other mental disorders is much more than the recognized 37 per cent aggregate and the same for Karachi is even much worse” 63% People with Recognized Mental health proplems People with no recognized mental health proplems
  • 13. The Harmful Effects Of Stigma Some of the effects of stigma include: ● Feelings of shame, hopelessness and isolation ● Reluctance to ask for help or to get treatment ● Lack of understanding by family, friends or others ● Fewer opportunities for employment or social interaction ● Bullying, physical violence or harassment ● Self-doubt – the belief that you will never overcome your illness or be able to achieve what you want in life.
  • 14. Challenging Stigma Associated With Mental Illness ● Learning the facts about mental illness and sharing them with family, friends, work colleagues and classmates ● Getting to know people with personal experiences of mental illness so you learn to see them for the person they are rather than their illness. ● Not judging, label or discriminate when you meet people with mental illness. Treat all people with respect and dignity. ● Avoiding using language that puts the illness first and the person second. Say ‘a person with bipolar disorder’ rather than ‘that person is bipolar’. ● Saying something when you hear people around you making stereotypical or inaccurate comments about mental illness. ● Sharing your own experience of mental illness (if you have experienced it). This will help dispel myths and encourage others to do the same.
  • 17. What is Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder – DMDD ? -Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder is a condition in which children or adolescents experience ongoing irritability, anger and frequent, intense outbursts. - DMDD is often referred as to "Bad Mood" but it goes beyond it.
  • 18. What are the signs and symptoms of DMDD ? ● DMDD symptoms typically begin before the age of 10, but the diagnosis is not given to children under 6 or adolescents over 18. A child with DMDD experiences; ● Chronically irritable or angry mood most of the day, every day. ● Severe temper outbursts (verbal or behavioral), on average, three or more times per week. ● Children suffering from DMDD show severe forms of irritability which is quite different from typical irritability.
  • 19. ● Outburst and tantrums that have been ongoing four at least 12 months. ● Trouble functioning due to irritability in more than one place (at home, at school and with peers). ● To be diagnosed with DMDD a child must have experienced symptoms steadily for 12 or more months. ● Children suffering from DMDD show severe forms of irritability which is quite different from typical irritability. ● All children can become irritable sometimes. It's a normal reaction to frustration. ● Children experiencing severe irritability as observed in DMDD have difficulty tolerating frustration and have outbursts that are out of proportion for the situation at hand. ● These outbursts are more severe than what you would typically expect from a child this age. ● Overtime as children grow symptoms of DMDD may change or even lessen.
  • 20. What are the Risk Factors ? ● Adolescents or young adults may experience fewer tantrums and less rage as the time passes. ● But they begin to exhibit symptoms of anxiety or depression. ● They may have difficulty in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and may have hard times in social settings.
  • 21. How is DMDD Treated ? • DMDD is a newly classified disorder, and few DMDD specific treatment studies have been conducted to date. • Current treatments are primarily based on research focused on other childhood disorders associated with irritability such as anxiety an ADHD. • Fortunately, many of these treatments also work for DMDD. Treatment for DMDD generally includes certain types of psychotherapy and medications • Sometimes only psychotherapy suggested by the doctor. Other times medications are added later on. • Both may be prescribed at the same time if symptoms are severe.
  • 22. Psychotherapies • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is used to help children and adolescents learn how to cope with thoughts and feelings that contribute to their DMDD. • Researchers are also studying the use of dialectical behavior therapy for DMDD. This type of therapy may help children learn to regulate their emotions and avoid extreme or prolonged outbursts and regulate their moods and emotions. Medications • Currently, there are no medications approved by the health authorities specifically for treating children or adolescent with DMDD ,however health care providers may prescribe certain medications. • These medications can be stimulants, antidepressants and certain atypical antipsychotic medications to help relieve a Childs DMDD symptoms. Parent training and counseling • Parent training teaches parents or caregivers more effective ways to respond to irritable behavior such as anticipating events that might lead a child to have a temper outburst and working ahead to avert it. • Training also focuses on the importance of predictability, being consistent with children and rewarding positive behavior and counseling them at hard times.
  • 24. What are eating disorders? Eating disorders are a serious mental health condition with high mortality rates. These are marked by severe disturbance to a person's eating behaviors. There is a commonly held misconception that eating disorder is a lifestyle choice. Eating disorders are actually serious and often fatal. Eating disorders mainly refer to females not because males don't suffer from them but because these are abundant and more common in females.
  • 25. Who Is At Risk For Eating Disorders ? Eating disorders can affect people of all ages, racial/ethnic backgrounds, body weights and gender. These disorders can affect patient physical and mental health; in some cases they can be life threatening. Although eating disorders often appear during teen years or young adulthood, they may also develop during childhood or later in life (40 years and older). COMMON TYPES What is ANNOREXIA NERVOSA? Restriction of energy intake, causing significantly low body weight. ● Individuals with anorexia nervosa experience an obsessive fear of gaining weight, persistent unhealthy behaviors to avoid weight gain under distorted view of ones body. ● Subtypes of anorexia include; ● Restrictive subtype (restrictive eating) ● Binge – Purge(restrictive eating alongside binging)
  • 26. Symptoms • Obsession over body image • Excessive behaviors to lose weight • Secretive behaviors around food • Sudden or rapid weight loss • Fainting or dizziness • Loss or disturbance of menstruation cycles in women Risk Factors • In severe cases anorexia can cause; • A weakened heart • Hypotension • Arrhythmias • Weaken immune system • Anemia • Kidney failure • Potentially permanent fertility issues
  • 27. What Is BULIMIA NERVOSA ? ● Recurrent episodes of binge eating, immediately followed by purging, overexercise, fasting or misuse of laxatives. ● Individuals with bulimia consume an abnormally large amount of food within a short period of time followed by the feelings off shame and guilt. ● This prompt unhealthy compensatory behaviors. ● Ultimately the self harming cycle of binge eating and self induced vomiting goes on.
  • 28. Symptoms • Weight fluctuations • Vomiting or excessive use of weight loss supplements • Eating in private and avoiding meals with other people • Overexercising • Preoccupation with weight, eating and body image • Fainting or dizziness • Irregular menstrual cycles Risk Factors • If left untreated, bulimia can cause; • Chronic sore throat • Reflux and indigestion • Risk of a ruptured esophagus or stomach • Stomach and intestinal ulcers • Dental problems
  • 29. What Is Binge – Eating Disorder ? ● Recurrent episodes of binge eating. ● Individuals with binge eating disorder consume an abnormally large amount food specified time and often report a sense of loss of control during that episodes. ● Episodes occur on average at least once a week for three months. ● Binge eating disorder is not associated with the compensatory behaviors that are seen in and anorexia and bulimia.
  • 30. Symptoms • Eating faster than normal • Eating past the sense of fullness • Eating large amounts of food in the lack of hunger cues • Preferring to eat alone • Consuming feelings of disgust, shame or guilt after an episode Risk Factors • Severe binge eating disorder causes; • Increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes • High blood pressure • High cholesterol levels • Increased chances of stroke or heart disease
  • 31. What Are The Treatment Options ? • If you recognize signs of an eating disorder in yourself or loved one it is best to seek professional medical treatment, eating disorders are a treatable illness & recovery is possible. Recovery includes; • Restoring nutrition and a healthy weight. • Psychologists administer psychological treatments and strategies to combat low self esteem and poor body image. • Family therapy is specially useful for children adolescents. • Dietitians provide education around healthy eating, so should be consulted. • Psychiatrist should be consulted for therapy when necessary.
  • 33. Depression What is depression ? ● Depression is a common but serious mental illness that interferes with daily life . ● There are several types of depression. ● A general definition of depression: “an illness that effects mood, thoughts, behaviour and overall health” Causes of depression: ● Biology- certain parts of the brain not working or chemical changes. ● Genetics- family history of depression ● Abuse ● Age ● Changes and stressful events ● Medication and substances
  • 34. Symptoms Of Depression loss of interest in day to day activities weight change sleep changes irritability Insomnia low of self esteem 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 07 09 increased aches and pain loss of concentration thoughts of suicide
  • 35. Can depression lead to suicide ? “Underrated depression can greatly increase the risk of possible suicide” Some warning signs of suicide with depression: • a switch from sad to calm • always talking about death • taking extreme risks
  • 36. ● Consult a doctor ● Possible treatment for depression is: > medication > Psychotherapy > brain stimulant therapy Treatment of Depression
  • 37. Autism Spectrum Dysfunction What is Autism ? Autism is a developmental disability that affects the way people communicate, behave or interact with others . Autism can be a lot of things, this condition is now referred as autism spectrum dysfunction because of its variety and diversity of symptoms. Some basic symptoms observed in all autistics: ● Social interaction challenge ● Difficulty in communication ● Cognitive dysfunction ● Tendency to engage in repetitive behaviour ● Extreme sensitivity to certain stimuli
  • 38. What causes autism ? It is still unknown that what really is the cause of autism. It’s believed that a cocktail of genetics, environmental and psychological factor contribute to autism. How do we know that the infant is autistic ? The symptoms start to manifest within the 3 years of birth. Some early symptoms are: • No smiling By 6 months • Poor eye contact • No one word communication by 18 month • Not responding to sounds , voices or name
  • 39. Can Autism Be Treated Or Cured ? ● There is no substantial cure for autism. ● No medication can help to improve core signs of Disorder but certain medicines can control symptoms . ● Recommendation of antidepressants by physicians ● Physical and mental training for normal behaviour
  • 41. Anxiety What is Anxiety ? Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension Anxiety Disorders Anxiety disorders are the most common form of emotional disorder and can affect anyone at any age. This type of anxiety may cause you to stop doing things you enjoy. ● Anxiety disorders are a group of disorders in which anxiety is the major element
  • 42. Symptoms of Anxiety Psychological symptoms • Restlessness • Hypervigilance • Poor concentration • Worrying thoughts • Irritability • Fearful anticipation Physical symptoms • Dry mouth • Difficulty swallowing • Hypo- Hypertension • Sweating • Dizziness • Muscle aches/tension • Fatigue
  • 43. Types of Anxiety Disorders 01 03 02 04 Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Generalized anxiety disorder Panic disorder
  • 44. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD is an anxiety disorder that develops “in response to a stressful event” or situation of exceptionally threatening or catastrophic nature It is a serious condition that can develop after a person has experienced or witnessed a traumatic or terrifying event in which there was serious physical harm or threat General Symptoms of PTSD ● Re-living the traumatic event ● Avoiding reminders of the traumatic event ● Negative thoughts and feelings ● Feeling wound-up
  • 45. PTSD Symptoms In Women According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), women are twice as likely as men to get PTSD, and the symptoms manifest slightly differently. Women may feel more: • anxious and depressed • numb, with no emotions • easily startled • sensitive to reminders of the trauma
  • 46. PTSD causes PTSD starts in people who’ve been through or witnessed a traumatic event like a natural disaster, military combat, or assault. ● Serious accidents. ● Physical or sexual assault. ● Abuse, including childhood or domestic abuse. ● Exposure to traumatic events at work, including remote exposure. ● Loss of a loved one /someone dear to you etc. How to Treat PTSD ● Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) ● Exposure Therapy ● Let your loved one take the lead, rather than telling them what to do
  • 47. Our Role in Dealing with DMDD Mental health conditions are pervasive around the world. In addition, the burden of these conditions is expected to grow over the next 20 years Unfortunately, few individuals receive the psychiatric treatment they need, ● Be patient with them ● Accept the state they are in ● Accept them socially and involve them in activities ● Show them Love and Support
  • 48. Worst Habits For Your Mental Health.
  • 49. Bad Sleep. 1 - W e a k I m m u n i t y . 2 - H e a r t a t t a c k r i s k i n c r e a s e . 3 - O b e s i t y , d e p r e s s i o n a n d m e m o r y l o s s 4 - S h u t d o w n b r a i n m e m o r y i n b o x . 5 - l e a v e b a d i m p a c t o n r e p r o d u c t i v e s y s t e m . 6 - R e p a i r i n g l o s s . 7 - A c c u m u l a t i o n o f t o x i c p r o t e i n s ( B e t a A m y l o i d )
  • 50. Social Media Use. W h y s o c i a l m e d i a i s h a r m f u l f o r o u r b r a i n ? 1- Addiction.(Social media is a drug) 2- Our attention is the product being sold to advertiser. 3- Self esteem. 4- Anxiety, Depression and loneliness. 5- It control us.
  • 51. Sugar. 1 - M e m o r y d e f i c i e n c y . 2 - M o r e a d d i c t i v e t h a n d r u g . 3 - L e a v e d i s g u s t i n g i m p a c t o n p a n c r e a s . 4 - D e c r e a s e t h e a b i l i t y o f b r a i n . 5 - D e p r e s s i o n ( H o r m o n a l i m b a l a n c e ) 6 - E x c e s s i v e i n t a k e o f s u g a r c a n k i l l y o u r b r a i n c e l l .
  • 52. Toxic People. 1 - T h e y A l w a y s r e v e a l y o u r i n s e c u r i t i e s t o p r o v e t h e m s e l v e s f u n n y . 2 - W o r t h .
  • 53. Overreacting. 1 - H a r d e n i n g o f b r a i n a r t e r i e s . 2 - D e c r e a s e m e n t a l p o w e r . 3 - C a u s e F r u s t r a t i o n . 4 - E n e r g y c o n s u m i n g .
  • 54. Lacking in stimulating thoughts.` 1 - B r a i n S h r i n k a g e . 2 - N o P r o d u c t i v i t y . 3 - L a c k o f h e a l t h y t h o u g h t s .
  • 55. Thank You For Listening! The End