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Prepared by:
  Gagarin, Rovigail
Magsumbol, Jessica
  Siman, Venn Jou
Ylagan, Jose Gabriel
Schizophrenia was vastly misunderstood by the
public for decades. People often attach violent
outbursts and wild disturbances with this condition.

 It is not an illness, but a syndrome resulted from
varieties of causes and presenting different sets of
symptoms. This leads to bizarre thoughts,
movements, emotions, perceptions and behavior
Name: Patient X
Age: 49 years old
Gender: Female
Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Place of Admission: Cavite Center for
Mental Health
Principal Diagnosis: Schizophrenia
a. Chief Complaint: sleeplessness, self-
   talking, systemic pain and loss of appetite

b. Perceived Impact: The patient was thinking
that she was weak due to her condition. She
felt tired and helpless especially that no one is
capable and available to help her during those
The patient seen talking to herself appear tired
and restless, and found dancing and dancing
in the street. The patient is not sleeping for
days and so become weak and restless. The
patient inflicted danger to her mother and the
people around her. The bishops found her and
decided to bring her at the Cavite Center for
Mental Health where the patient is being
treated     with    medications    and    order
management procedures.
The patient doesn’t have any allergies
and had completed vaccine. She never
experienced being hospitalized due to medical
condition even if she suffered from asthma
before and fell from a tree resulting to back
ache and fever lasted for four days. She often
got cough and cold and resolve these through
drinking plenty of water.
The patient’s mother suffered from
Schizophrenia going in and out of Cavite Center
for Mental Health.
                                                De ceased
                  HF,36            SCZD,7       Male
                                   1            Female
                                             HF Heart Failure
                          SCZ,49             SCZD Schizophrenia
General Assessments:
    The patient was awake, conscious and
    Often stare blankly and seldom directly look
in the eyes.
    Seemed tired without energy to talk.
Body parts     Technique       Actual         Interpre-
 examined       performed      findings         tations

Integumentary Inspection    Color: fair      The patient
              Palpation     Temperature:     may
                            36.5 degree
                            Texture: rough   dehydration as
                            and dry          evidenced by a
                            Turgor: poor     rough, dry skin
                            Rashes: none     and a poor skin
                            Lesions: none    turgor upon
Body parts     Technique   Actual findings          Interpre-
  examined       performed                             tations
HAIR           INSPECTION     Texture: Dry and    The Patient’s hair
               PALPATION     frizzy               is normal. Dry and
                             Loss of hair: None   frizzy hair is a
                             Head lice: None      normal finding in a
                             Lesions: None        hot environment.
                             Distribution: Even

HEAD           INSPECTION    Shape: Round and The patient’s head
               PALPATION     symmetrical      is normal. There
                             Masses: None     are no masses or
                             Lesions: None    any lesions
                                              present upon
Body parts    Technique        Actual             Interpre-
 examined      performed       findings             tations
NAILS         INSPECTION   Shape: Round          The patient’s nail
              PALPATION    Clubbing: None        upon assessment
                           Capillary refill: 1-3
                                                 is normal. There is
                                                 a trace amount of
                                                 dirt/soil in the
                                                 patient’s nails.

NECK          PALPATION                        The patient’s neck
                           Masses: None
                           Mobility: Normal    is normal upon
                           Stiffness: None     assessment
Body parts    Technique        Actual             Interpre-
 examined      performed       findings             tations
EYES          INSPECTION   Pupil Color: Black    The patient’s
                           Symmetry:            eyes are normal
                           symmetrical          but with minimal
                           Pupil equally        signs of stress. No
                           round responsive     astigmatism
                           to light and         noted.
                           Eye bags noted.

EARS          INSPECTION   Symmetrical: Size, The patient’s Ears
              PALPATION    location and       are clean an
                           shape are all      normal. Auditory
                           equal.             abilities are good
                           Ear wax: Traces upon assessment.
                           Tenderness: None
Body parts    Technique       Actual             Interpre
 examined      performed      findings             Tations

              INSPECTION   NOSE               The patient’s teeth
              PALPATION    Symmetry:          is at poor
THROAT                     Symmetrical        condition upon
                           Discharges: None   assessment.
                           Blood: None
                           Puss: None

                           Mouth And Throat
                           Teeth: Decayed,
                           Spaces in
                           Dentures: None
Body parts    Technique         Actual             Interpre
 examined      performed        findings             Tations

 LUNGS AND    INSPECTION     Shape of chest:     The patient’s
THORAX        PALPATION      Symmetrical         respiratory status
              AUSCULTATION   Use of accessory    is normal upon
              PERCUSSION     muscles: None
                                                 assessment. No
                             Retractions: None
                             Lung sounds:        tumors or masses
                             None                was palpated and
                             Chest pain: None    noted. Respiratory
                                                 rate 18 breaths
                                                 per minute from
                                                 the normal range
                                                 of 12-20 breaths
                                                 per minute.
Body parts    Technique         Actual               Interpre
 examined      performed        findings               Tations
CARDIO-       INSPECTION     Pulse:              The patient’s
VASCULAR      PALPATION      Nomocardic (90      Cardiovascular status
              AUSCULTATION   beats per minute)   is poor as evidenced
                             Chest pain: None    by a varicose veins
                             Distended leg       on the left leg.
                             Paleness: None

ABDOMEN       INSPECTION     Shape: Bulging      The patient’s
              PALPATION      abdomen.            abdomen is slightly
              AUSCULTATION   Presence of bowel   bulged. The patient
                             sounds.             can be constipated
                                                 upon assessment.
Body parts    Technique      Actual        Interpre-
 examined      performed     findings        tations
EXTREMITIES   INSPECTION   Amputations:   The patient’s
LOWER)                                    extremities are
                           Edema: None
                                          normal and are
                           None           movable
                           Swellings:     without pain or
                           None           any discomfort
                           Mobility:      mentioned.
DIFFERENT              PREVIOUS                    CURRENT
Health Perception- The patient believed that Upon being admitted in
Health Management she was fine and nothing’s CCMH          and       taking
                   wrong with her.           antipsychotics,            she
                                             understands that she is
                                             suffering from mental illness.

                    The patient loss her
Nutritional and                                  Although she still appears
                    appetite because of too
metabolic pattern                                weak due to poor muscle
                    much depression making
                                                 tone, she is starting to
                    her pale and thin. She
                                                 regain her appetite.
                    became too weak unable
                    to perform daily activities.
DIFFERENT              PREVIOUS                  CURRENT
Elimination Pattern The    patient  has  no There is no problem in terms
                    problems with urinating of patient’s elimination.
                    and defecating.
                    The patient seemed tardy The patient is now an active
Activity-Exercise   of doing tasks assigned to helper in the ward and is
Pattern             her maybe because of also serves in the nurse’s
                    weak feeling.              home.

Sleep-Rest Pattern The patient was unable to
                                                There were few nights that
                   continuously     sleep    or the patient cannot sleep very
                   experienced        prolonged well but not as intense or as
                   time     without    sleeping long with the previous
                   resulting to deprivation.    sleeping pattern problems.
DIFFERENT                 PREVIOUS                       CURRENT

Cognitive-           The      patient     strongly The patient is still delusional
Perceptual Pattern   believed that she has a regarding her husband and
                     husband and children even children she keeps on
                     if she really have not.       talking about.

Self-Perception/   The patient belittled herself The patient sees herself as
Self-      Concept and kept saying that she a productive, helpful and
Pattern            was unable to finish her industrious helper capable
                   studies attending only the of doing household chores,
                   first grade.
DIFFERENT               PREVIOUS                      CURRENT
Role-Relationship   She’s not close with The patient found a family
Pattern             anyone of her family, figure in the person who
                    making her feel that she adopted her thus creating a
                    was almost abandoned.    harmonious relationship with

Coping-Stress                                    The patient tells her problem
                    Whenever                she
Tolerance Pattern                                to the person who adopted her
                    experienced           family
                                                 and treated her as one true
                    problem, she just cried or
                                                 member of their family.
                    walked out because of
                    vulnerable attitude to face
                    those problems.
        The pathophysiology of schizophrenia has long
    remained a mystery and still today, even with
    various hypotheses, remains somewhat uncertain:
    there are too many variants; not enough consistency
    in findings; and, despite research, a lack of
    documented proof. The most well-known and
    respected hypothesis with regards to the
    pathophysiology of schizophrenia began in the
    1990s and consisted primarily of the notion there is
    a problem with the dopamine levels in the brain of
 Dopamine      is    both    a    hormone      and    a
  neurotransmitter, which means that it activates five
  different receptors in the brain, aptly named
  D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5. That said, it may not be the
  only neurotransmitter involved in the pathophysiology
  of schizophrenia. Glutamate and Serotonin have also
  been implicated.
 Contributing to this hypothesis is the fact that drugs
  administered to aid dopaminergic activity bring on
  schizophrenic characteristics such as psychosis, in a
  patient, whereas drugs administered to block them
  help reduce, or eliminate symptoms of schizophrenia
 Additional studies affecting the pathophysiology of
 schizophrenia include suggestions that maternal
 factors such as infection, malnutrition, location of
 birth, season of birth, and delivery, may play a
 significant part in the formation and subsequent
 appearance of schizophrenia. Studies have shown
 that the worldwide rate of births affected with
 schizophrenia is up to 8% higher when occurring in
 spring or winter, though no explanation for this can
 be offered.
           Another aspect of the pathophysiology of
    schizophrenia that has been explored in relative detail is
    that of genetics, and their relation to the likelihood of
    immediate relatives being born with the disease.
    Shockingly, it has been found that 10% of all immediate
    family members of an infected person will be struck down
    with the disease. This is specifically in relation to parents,
    siblings, and children. With regards to twins or other
    multiple births, the chances they will share the disease is
    50%. Genetic reports suggest that it is the X
    chromosome which determines whether or not a person
    is infected with schizophrenia, specifically, chromosomes
    1, 3, 5, and 11, however further studies are needed in
    order to prove this theory.
NURSING PROBLEMS                           JUSTIFICATION
Altered nutrition less than body    This will be our top priority because
         requirements                physiologic alteration may directly
                                    impaired an individual’s functioning
                                        which affects everyday living.
        Chronic sorrow               Several complications may follow
                                        due to extreme and pervasive
                                     sadness. Although chronic sorrow
                                       might be difficult to manage and
                                     eliminate, better resolve this right
                                   after altered nutrition since this is the
                                            root of all the patient’s
  Disturbed thought process        Because of repetitive thinking of the
                                      loss of her loved one, the patient
                                       experienced disturbed thought
  Sleep Deprivation      Because of intermittent presence of
                         disruption in cognitive operations the
                          client was unable to rest and even
                           sleeping hours are compromised.
Impaired socialization     Socialization may be attained and
                         desired if and only an individual has
                           the energy to do so. A patient with
                            altered nutrition, chronic sorrow,
                         disturbed thinking and compromised
                            sleep will definitely has impaired
                          socialization. Correcting the above
                              nursing problems first makes
                          impaired socialization least priority.
Objective:       Imbalanced          Long term goal:    After a week of
Poor muscle tone nutrition less than After a week of    nursing intervention
Poor skin turgor body requirements nursing              the patient was able
Weakness         related to          intervention the   to be free of signs
                 depressed mood as patient will be      of malnutrition.
                 evidenced by poor free of signs of     Goal met if attained
                 muscle tone, poor malnutrition.        at least 2 of the
                 skin turgor and                        following nursing
                 weakness                               outcomes:
                                                        Normal skin turgor
                                                        Normal muscle tone
                                                        Well hydrated
INTERVENTIONS                          RATIONALE
1. Determine client’s ability to chew, 1. All factors that can affect ingestion
swallow, and taste food.               and/or digestion of nutrients.
2. Ascertain understanding of          2. To determine informational needs of
individual nutritional needs.          client/SO
3. Evaluate the impact of              3. These factors may affect food
cultural/ethnic/religious desires and choices
4. Note occurrence of Amenorrhea, 4. These factors affect the patient’s
tooth decay, swollen salivary          ability to eat.
glands, an constant sore throat.
5. Administer pharmaceutical           5. To prevent the complications of
agents, as indicated. E.g.,            malnutrition.
Multivitamins, digestive enzymes.
6. Consult                       6. To implement inter
dietician/nutritional team, as   disciplinary team management.
7. Consult with dietician/       7. For long term needs.
nutritional support team, as
8. Refer to social               8. For possible assistance with
services/other community         client’s limitations in
resources                        buying/preparing food.
ASSESSMENT       NURSING               PLANNING              EVALUATION
Subjective:      Chronic sorrow        Short term goal:      After the
“Iniisip ko kung related to death of                         shift the patient
baket hindi ako loved one as           After the             was able to
                  manifested by        shift the patient     demonstrate
pinag-aral ng
                 frustration.          will be able          progress in
tatay ko.”                             demonstrate           dealing with grief.
Objective:                             progress in
-Anger                                 dealing with grief.
-Low self esteem
-Express feeling
of sadness
INTERVENTIONS                                RATIONALE
1.Determine conditions contributing to 1. To assess causative/
client state of mind.                        contributing factors.
2. Encourage verbalization about             2. To assist client to move
situation. Active-listen feelings and be         through sorrow.
available for support.
3. Acknowledge reality of feelings of        3. When feelings
guilt including hospitality toward spiritual  are validated, client is free to
power.                                       take steps toward acceptance.
4. Discuss use of medication when            4. Client may be benefit from the
depression is interfering with ability to    short term use of an
manage life.                                 antidepressant medication to help
                                             with dealing with situation.
5. Discuss healthy way of dealing with 5. To promote wellness.
difficulty situations.
INTERVENTIONS                            RATIONALE
6. Encourage involvement in usual        6. Maintaining usual activities
activities, exercise and socialization   may keep individuals from
within limits of physical and            deepening sorrow/depression.
psychosocial state.
                                         7. Chronic sorrow has a cyclical
7.Look for cues of sadness(e.g.,         effect, ranging from times of
sighing, faraway look, unkempt           deepening sorrow to times of
appearance, inattention to               feeling somewhat better.
                                         8. To assist client to move
8. Discuss ways individual has dealt     through sorrow.
with previous losses. Reinforce use of
previously effective copping skills
ASSESSMENT           NURSING              PLANNING               EVALUATION

SUBJECTIVE:          Disturbed thought    Short term goal:       After 6 hours of
“May dalwa akong     processes r/t        After 6 hours of       nursing
anak, 21 ang         psychological        nursing                interventions, the
panganay at 15       conflicts a.m.b.     interventions, the     client will:
ang bunso”, as       nonrealistic-based   client will:           -be free from
verbalized by the    thinking.            -be free from          delusions or
patient.                                  delusions or           demonstrate the
                                          demonstrate the        ability to function
OBJECTIVE:                                ability to function    without responding
                                          without responding     to persistent
-inappropriate/                           to persistent          delusional thoughts
nonrealistic-based                        delusional thoughts.   as evidenced by;
thinking.                                                        - recalling the past of
                                                                 her life.
                                                                 -verbalization of
                                                                 acceptance of
INTERVENTION                                    RATIONALE

1. Be sincere and honest when 1.Delusional client are extremely sensitive
communicating with the client. Avoid about others and can recognize sincerity.
vague or evasive remarks.                     Evasive comments or hesitation reinforces
                                              mistrust or delusions.
2. Be consistent in setting expectations, 2.Clear, consistent limits provide a secure
enforcing rules and so forth.                 structure for the client.
3. Encourage the client to talk, but do 3. Probing increases the client’s suspicion
not pry for information.                      and     interferes     with    the therapeutic
4. Give positive feedback for the client 4.Positive feedback for genuine success
successes.                                    enhances the client’s sense of well-being and
                                              helps to make nondelusional reality a more
                                              positive situation for the client.
5. Initially, do not argue with the client or 5.Logical argument does not dispel
try to convince the client that the delusional ideas and can interfere with the
delusions are false or unreal.                development of trust.
INTERVENTION                            RATIONALE
6. Interact with the client on the 6.Interacting about reality is healthy for
basis of real things; do not dwell the client.
on the delusional materials.
7. Do not be judgmental or belittle 7. The client’s delusions and feelings
or joke about the client’s beliefs. are not funny to him or her. The client
                                    may not understand or may feel
                                    rejected by attempts at humor.
8. Never convey to the client that 8. Indicating belief in the delusions
you accept the delusional as reinforces the client’s illness.
ASSESSMENT                   NURSING          PLANNING          EVALUATION
SUBJECTIVE              Sleep deprivation   Long term goal:     After 2 days of
“Hindi             ako related to                               Nursing
makatulog.iniisip prolonged                 After 2 days of     Interventions, the
ko kung baket psychological                 nursing             patient
hindi ako pinag discomfort as               interventions, the report
aral ng tatay ko.” manifested by            patient will report feeling rested and
OBJECTIVE:              restlessness and    improvement in      show
   restlessness         irritability        his sleep/rest      improvement in
   noted                                    pattern.            sleep/rest
   dark         circles                                         pattern.
   under eyes
   irritability noted
   change of affect
INTERVENTIONS                                RATIONALE
1. Assess past patterns of sleep in           1. Sleep patterns are unique to
   normal environment: amount, bedtime           each individual.
   rituals, depth, length, positions, aids,
   and interfering agents.
2. Document nursing or caregiver              2. Often, the patient’s perception of
   observations of sleeping and wakeful       the problem may differ from
   behaviors. Record number of sleep          objective evaluation.
   hours. Note physical (e.g., noise, pain
   or discomfort, urinary frequency)
   and/or psychological (e.g., fear,
   anxiety) circumstances that interrupt      3. To assess causative/ contributing
   sleep.                                     factors.
3. Note medical diagnoses that affect
   sleep(e.g., brain injury, depression.).    4. Enhances expenditure of
4. Promote adequate physical exercise         energy/release of tension so that
   activity during the day                    clients feels ready for sleep/rest.
INTERVENTIONS                              RATIONALE
5. Provide calm, quite environment, and 5. To reduce need for reducing
    manage controllable sleep-disrupting during prime sleep hour.
    factor.                                   6. This promotes regulation of the
6. Instruct patient to follow as consistent a circadian rhythm, and reduces the
    daily schedule for retiring and arising energy required for adaptation to
    as possible.                              changes.
7. Avoid including in the meal alcohol or 7. Gastric digestion and
    caffeine as well as heavy meal            stimulation from caffeine and
8. Increase daytime physical activities as nicotine can disturb sleep.
    indicated.                                8. This reduces stress and
9. Recommend an environment                   promotes sleep.
    conducive to sleep or rest (e.g., quiet, 9.To promote sleep
    comfortable temperature, ventilation, 10.Different drugs
    darkness, closed door).                    are prescribed depending on
COLLABORATIVE                                 whether the patient has
10. Administer sedatives as ordered.          trouble falling
                                               asleep or staying asleep.
ASSESSMENT           NURSING               PLANNING             EVALUATION
Objective:           Impaired social       Short term Goal:     After 8 hours of
Use of               interaction related   After 8 hours of     nursing
unsuccessful         to therapeutic        nursing              intervention the
social interaction   isolation as          intervention the     patient was able
behaviors            manifested by         patient will be      to identify feelings
Blunted affect       unsatisfied social    able to identify     that lead to poor
Absence of           interaction and       feelings that lead   social interaction.
specific others      relationships to      to poor social       Goal met if
                     Specific Others.      interaction          attained at least 2
                                                                of the following
                                                                Low self esteem
INTERVENTIONS                                       RATIONALE
1. Ascertain ethnic/ Cultural or religious          1. These impact choice of behaviors/ may
implications for the client.                        even script interactions with others.
                                                    2. To note prevalent interaction patterns.
2. Observe client while relating to family/SO(s).
                                                    3. Affects ability to be involved in social
3.Determine client’s use of coping skills and       situations.
defense mechanisms.
4. Have client list behaviors that cause            4. Once recognized, client can choose to
discomfort.                                         change as he or she learns to listen and
5. Role play changes and discuss impact.            communicate in socially acceptable ways
Include family/ So(s) as indicated.                 5. Enhances comfort with new behaviors.
                                                    6. These social behaviors and interpersonal
6. Refer for family therapy, as indicated.
                                                    relationships involve more than the
7. Refer for occasional follow up.                  individual.
8. Refer to/involve Psychiatric clinical nurse      8. For reinforcement of positive behaviors
specialist for additional assistance when           after professional relationship has ended.
indicated.                                          To improve patient’s condition and wellness.
DRUG             DOSAGE        INDICATION            CONTRA
chlorpromazine   HANDBOOK      Management of         Comatose states,
                 BASE:         manifestations of     presence of large
                 Severe        psychotic disorders, amounts of CNS
                 behavior      to control nausea     depressants,
                 disorder or   and vomiting, relief presence of bone
                 psychotic     restlessness.         marrow depression.
                 conditions,   Control               Hypersensitivity.
                 higher        manifestations of
                 dosages 50-   manic type of manic
                 100 daily.    depressive illness,
                               relief of intractable
SIDE EFFECTS                                ADVERSE REACTIONS
Drowsiness, blank facial expression,        Drowsiness,        jaundice,
shuffling walk, restlessness, agitation,    postural      hypotension,
nervousness, unusual, slowed, or            extrapyramidal effects.
uncontrollable movements of any part        Persistent        abnormal
of the body, difficulty falling asleep or   movement,           cerebral
staying asleep, increased appetite,         edema,         hematologic
weight gain, breast milk production,        disorders.
breast enlargement, missed menstrual
periods, decreased sexual ability,
changes in skin color, dry mouth,
stuffed nose, difficulty urinating,
widening or narrowing of the pupils
(black circles in the middle of the eyes)
1.Assess for mental status: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech,
disorganized or catatonic behavior, and negative symptoms; before initial therapy
and monthly thereafter.
2.Assess any potentially reversible cause of behavior problems .
3.Check for swallowing of oral administration medication; check for giving of
medication to other patient.
4. Monitor input-output ratio; palpate bladder if low urinary output occurs.
5.Assess affect, orientation, LOC, reflexes, gait, coordination, sleep pattern
6. Monitor BP with patient sitting, standing, and lying; take pulse and RR every four
hours during initial treatment.
7.Check dizziness, faintness, palpitations, tachycardia on rising; severe orthostatic
hypotension is common.
8. Identify for NMS; hyperpyrexia, muscle rigidity; increased CPK, altered mental
status: should discontinue drug.
9. Assess EPS including akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, pseudoparkinsonism; an
antiparkinsonian drug should be prescribed.
10. assess for constipation, urinary retention daily; if these occur, increased bulk and
water in diet.
fluphenizine   Initial 2.5-10
                            Used to treat        Coma or severe CNS
               mg/d div q6- schizophrenia        depression, bone marrow
               8hr PO       and psychotic        depression, blood dyscrasia,
               Maint: 1-5   symptoms such        circulatory collapse,
               mg PO/IM     as hallucinations,   subcortical brain damage,
               q6-8hr       delusions, and       Parkinson's disease, liver
               No more than hostility.           damage, cerebral
               40 mg/d                           arteriosclerosis, coronary
                                                 disease, severe hypotension
                                                 or hypertension; pregnancy.
Upset stomach,           Hypotension, orthostatic
drowsiness, weakness hypotension
or tiredness, excitement
or anxiety, insomnia,
nightmares, dry mouth,
skin more sensitive to
sunlight than usual,
changes in appetite or
1.Arrange for discontinuation of drug if serum creatinine, BUN become
abnormal or if WBC count is depressed.
2.Monitor elderly patients for dehydration, institute remedial measures
promptly. Sedation and decreased sensation of thirst related to CNS effects
can lead to severe dehydration.
3.Report physician regarding appropriate warning of patient or patient's
guardian about tardive dyskinesias.
4.Consult physician about dosage reduction, use of anticholinergic
antiparkinsonian drugs (controversial) if extrapyramidal effects occur.
5. Administer drug exactly as prescribed.
6. Maintain fluid intake, and use precautions against heatstroke in hot
7.Report sore throat, fever, unusual bleeding or bruising, rash, weakness,
tremors, impaired vision, dark urine (pink or reddish brown urine is
expected), pale stools, yellowing of skin or eyes.
Categories                                        Result
General appearance Patient X was well-            The patient dressed appropriately to
and Motor Behavior groomed and dressed            location, weather and age thus
                   There were no signs of         showing good appearance.
                   tremors. She was               Motor behavior is not so good as
                   cooperative during             shown by frequent eye movements
                   interview, however, unable     and inability to sit straight.
                   to maintain direct eye         Speech pattern is comprehensible
                   contact especially when        although there are some pauses in
                   remembering the history        between statements.
                   of her father’s death. The
                   patient seldom smiles and
                   was unable to sit still with
                   straight body. She
                   answered questions at
                   slow rate, soft voice with
                   observable pauses.
Categories                                      Result
Mood and Affect The patient seldom smiles       Patient X shows blunted affect or
                and frowns. She usually         few observable facial expressions.
                stares blankly even when        She appeared depressed and
                talking and sharing stories.    frustrated when talking about her
Thought Process The patient seems like not      The patient has disorganized
and Content     preoccupied because she         thought process and content as
                was able to answer questions shown by delusions. She is
                spontaneously. However, she consistent of saying that she has a
                suddenly stops talking in the husband and two children, even
                middle of the sentence and      mentioned their ages.
                remain silent for several
                seconds when asked about
                family background. When she
                continues, there is a flight of
                idea. She showed delusion
                believing that she has a
                husband and two kids where
                in fact she she has not.
Sensorium and Orientation: The patient is         Orientation: x3
Intellectual  oriented with time, place and       Memory: Good. Patient X is able to
Processes     person.                             answer questions such as “Kailan ka
              Memory: The patient is able to      huling nagpunta kina Mommy
              remember her last actions few       Mherly?Anon’g ginawa mo
              days ago and even several           doon?”with “Nung isang lingo, nag-
              years passed.                       Walter kame, namili”, and “Anon’g
              Abstract Thinking and               dahilan at nag away kayo ng nanay
              Intellectual Ability: The patient   mo nung 13 ka pa lang?” with “Ayaw
              is able to explain given proverb    kong maglaba, pinagalitan ako kaya
              and solve given mathematical        naglayas ako.”
              problem even lack with formal
Abstract Thinking and
Intellectual Ability: The
patient’s abstract thinking
abilities were intact as evidenced
by her interpretation of the
proverb “Kapag may isinuksok,
may madudukot” as “Kapag ang
tao marunong mag ipon, magtabi
ng perang kanyang kinita,
mayroon syang magagamit sa
oras na kailanganin nya ng
pera”. She even answered
Mathematical equation correctly
as 20 divided by 5 equals 4.
Categories                            Result
Sensory-       The patient does not   There is no problem or alteration
Perceptual     experience any         in patient’s sensory perceptions.
Alterations    hallucination involving
               the five senses
Judgment and   Patient X cannot justify Judgment and insight are poor
Insight        her answer when asked when the patient is asked “Ano
               with situational problem ang gagawin mo kapag
               requiring her to choose dumating si Nanay Diding
               between two significant (relative) para kuhanin ka kay
               people in her life.      Mommy Mherly? Sasama ka
                                        ba?” and she answered
                                        “Sasama. Iiwan ko si Mommy
                                        Mherly dahil gusto ko lang.
                                        ganun lang.”
Categories                                  Result
Self- Concept   Patient X described         The patient viewed herself
                herself as poorly educated negatively especially in terms of
                who attended only grade educational attainment.
                one. Upon asking the        She also showed weakness in
                patient of what she would resolving problems thinking that she
                do in times of problems     cannot do anything to handle the
                she always answered that situation.
                she cries.
Roles and       The patient is living away Her roles and relationship with her
Relationships   from her family. She is not biological family is poor. But her
                that close with her mother. current relationship with whom she
                She does not have           called Mommy Mherly seems
                siblings, husband nor       harmonious, helping and assisting
                child.Almost abandoned each other in their own little ways.
                by her own family but
                fortunately adopted by
                CCMH head nurse
                Mommy Mherly.

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  • 1. Prepared by: Gagarin, Rovigail Magsumbol, Jessica Siman, Venn Jou Ylagan, Jose Gabriel
  • 2. Schizophrenia was vastly misunderstood by the public for decades. People often attach violent outbursts and wild disturbances with this condition. It is not an illness, but a syndrome resulted from varieties of causes and presenting different sets of symptoms. This leads to bizarre thoughts, movements, emotions, perceptions and behavior (Videbeck,2008).
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Name: Patient X Age: 49 years old Gender: Female Status: Single Nationality: Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic Place of Admission: Cavite Center for Mental Health Principal Diagnosis: Schizophrenia
  • 7.
  • 8. a. Chief Complaint: sleeplessness, self- talking, systemic pain and loss of appetite b. Perceived Impact: The patient was thinking that she was weak due to her condition. She felt tired and helpless especially that no one is capable and available to help her during those times.
  • 9. The patient seen talking to herself appear tired and restless, and found dancing and dancing in the street. The patient is not sleeping for days and so become weak and restless. The patient inflicted danger to her mother and the people around her. The bishops found her and decided to bring her at the Cavite Center for Mental Health where the patient is being treated with medications and order management procedures.
  • 10. The patient doesn’t have any allergies and had completed vaccine. She never experienced being hospitalized due to medical condition even if she suffered from asthma before and fell from a tree resulting to back ache and fever lasted for four days. She often got cough and cold and resolve these through drinking plenty of water.
  • 11. The patient’s mother suffered from Schizophrenia going in and out of Cavite Center for Mental Health. LEGEND: Patient De ceased HF,36 SCZD,7 Male 1 Female HF Heart Failure SCZ,49 SCZD Schizophrenia
  • 12. General Assessments: The patient was awake, conscious and coherent. Often stare blankly and seldom directly look in the eyes. Seemed tired without energy to talk.
  • 13. Body parts Technique Actual Interpre- examined performed findings tations Integumentary Inspection Color: fair The patient Palpation Temperature: may 36.5 degree experience celsius Texture: rough dehydration as and dry evidenced by a Turgor: poor rough, dry skin Rashes: none and a poor skin Lesions: none turgor upon assessment.
  • 14. Body parts Technique Actual findings Interpre- examined performed tations HAIR INSPECTION Texture: Dry and The Patient’s hair PALPATION frizzy is normal. Dry and Loss of hair: None frizzy hair is a Head lice: None normal finding in a Lesions: None hot environment. Distribution: Even HEAD INSPECTION Shape: Round and The patient’s head PALPATION symmetrical is normal. There Masses: None are no masses or Lesions: None any lesions present upon assessment.
  • 15. Body parts Technique Actual Interpre- examined performed findings tations NAILS INSPECTION Shape: Round The patient’s nail PALPATION Clubbing: None upon assessment Capillary refill: 1-3 is normal. There is seconds. a trace amount of dirt/soil in the patient’s nails. NECK PALPATION The patient’s neck Masses: None Mobility: Normal is normal upon Stiffness: None assessment
  • 16. Body parts Technique Actual Interpre- examined performed findings tations EYES INSPECTION Pupil Color: Black The patient’s Symmetry: eyes are normal symmetrical but with minimal Pupil equally signs of stress. No round responsive astigmatism to light and noted. accommodation. Eye bags noted. EARS INSPECTION Symmetrical: Size, The patient’s Ears PALPATION location and are clean an shape are all normal. Auditory equal. abilities are good Ear wax: Traces upon assessment. Tenderness: None
  • 17. Body parts Technique Actual Interpre examined performed findings Tations INSPECTION NOSE The patient’s teeth NOSE PALPATION Symmetry: is at poor MOUTH THROAT Symmetrical condition upon Discharges: None assessment. Blood: None Puss: None Mouth And Throat Teeth: Decayed, Spaces in between, yellowish. Dentures: None
  • 18. Body parts Technique Actual Interpre examined performed findings Tations LUNGS AND INSPECTION Shape of chest: The patient’s THORAX PALPATION Symmetrical respiratory status AUSCULTATION Use of accessory is normal upon PERCUSSION muscles: None assessment. No Retractions: None Lung sounds: tumors or masses None was palpated and Chest pain: None noted. Respiratory rate 18 breaths per minute from the normal range of 12-20 breaths per minute.
  • 19. Body parts Technique Actual Interpre examined performed findings Tations CARDIO- INSPECTION Pulse: The patient’s VASCULAR PALPATION Nomocardic (90 Cardiovascular status AUSCULTATION beats per minute) is poor as evidenced Chest pain: None by a varicose veins Distended leg on the left leg. veins Paleness: None ABDOMEN INSPECTION Shape: Bulging The patient’s PALPATION abdomen. abdomen is slightly AUSCULTATION Presence of bowel bulged. The patient sounds. can be constipated upon assessment.
  • 20. Body parts Technique Actual Interpre- examined performed findings tations EXTREMITIES INSPECTION Amputations: The patient’s ( UPPER AND PALPATION None LOWER) extremities are Edema: None normal and are Deformities: None movable Swellings: without pain or None any discomfort Mobility: mentioned. Normal
  • 21. DIFFERENT PREVIOUS CURRENT PATTERNS Health Perception- The patient believed that Upon being admitted in Health Management she was fine and nothing’s CCMH and taking wrong with her. antipsychotics, she understands that she is suffering from mental illness. The patient loss her Nutritional and Although she still appears appetite because of too metabolic pattern weak due to poor muscle much depression making tone, she is starting to her pale and thin. She regain her appetite. became too weak unable to perform daily activities.
  • 22. DIFFERENT PREVIOUS CURRENT PATTERNS Elimination Pattern The patient has no There is no problem in terms problems with urinating of patient’s elimination. and defecating. The patient seemed tardy The patient is now an active Activity-Exercise of doing tasks assigned to helper in the ward and is Pattern her maybe because of also serves in the nurse’s weak feeling. home. Sleep-Rest Pattern The patient was unable to There were few nights that continuously sleep or the patient cannot sleep very experienced prolonged well but not as intense or as time without sleeping long with the previous resulting to deprivation. sleeping pattern problems.
  • 23. DIFFERENT PREVIOUS CURRENT PATTERNS Cognitive- The patient strongly The patient is still delusional Perceptual Pattern believed that she has a regarding her husband and husband and children even children she keeps on if she really have not. talking about. Self-Perception/ The patient belittled herself The patient sees herself as Self- Concept and kept saying that she a productive, helpful and Pattern was unable to finish her industrious helper capable studies attending only the of doing household chores, first grade. family.
  • 24. DIFFERENT PREVIOUS CURRENT PATTERNS Role-Relationship She’s not close with The patient found a family Pattern anyone of her family, figure in the person who making her feel that she adopted her thus creating a was almost abandoned. harmonious relationship with them. Coping-Stress The patient tells her problem Whenever she Tolerance Pattern to the person who adopted her experienced family and treated her as one true problem, she just cried or member of their family. walked out because of vulnerable attitude to face those problems.
  • 25.
  • 26. The pathophysiology of schizophrenia has long remained a mystery and still today, even with various hypotheses, remains somewhat uncertain: there are too many variants; not enough consistency in findings; and, despite research, a lack of documented proof. The most well-known and respected hypothesis with regards to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia began in the 1990s and consisted primarily of the notion there is a problem with the dopamine levels in the brain of schizophrenics.
  • 27.  Dopamine is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter, which means that it activates five different receptors in the brain, aptly named D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5. That said, it may not be the only neurotransmitter involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Glutamate and Serotonin have also been implicated.  Contributing to this hypothesis is the fact that drugs administered to aid dopaminergic activity bring on schizophrenic characteristics such as psychosis, in a patient, whereas drugs administered to block them help reduce, or eliminate symptoms of schizophrenia altogether.
  • 28.  Additional studies affecting the pathophysiology of schizophrenia include suggestions that maternal factors such as infection, malnutrition, location of birth, season of birth, and delivery, may play a significant part in the formation and subsequent appearance of schizophrenia. Studies have shown that the worldwide rate of births affected with schizophrenia is up to 8% higher when occurring in spring or winter, though no explanation for this can be offered.
  • 29. Another aspect of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia that has been explored in relative detail is that of genetics, and their relation to the likelihood of immediate relatives being born with the disease. Shockingly, it has been found that 10% of all immediate family members of an infected person will be struck down with the disease. This is specifically in relation to parents, siblings, and children. With regards to twins or other multiple births, the chances they will share the disease is 50%. Genetic reports suggest that it is the X chromosome which determines whether or not a person is infected with schizophrenia, specifically, chromosomes 1, 3, 5, and 11, however further studies are needed in order to prove this theory.
  • 30.
  • 31. NURSING PROBLEMS JUSTIFICATION Altered nutrition less than body This will be our top priority because requirements physiologic alteration may directly impaired an individual’s functioning which affects everyday living. Chronic sorrow Several complications may follow due to extreme and pervasive sadness. Although chronic sorrow might be difficult to manage and eliminate, better resolve this right after altered nutrition since this is the root of all the patient’s manifestations, Disturbed thought process Because of repetitive thinking of the loss of her loved one, the patient experienced disturbed thought
  • 32. NURSING PROBLEMS JUSTIFICATION Sleep Deprivation Because of intermittent presence of disruption in cognitive operations the client was unable to rest and even sleeping hours are compromised. Impaired socialization Socialization may be attained and desired if and only an individual has the energy to do so. A patient with altered nutrition, chronic sorrow, disturbed thinking and compromised sleep will definitely has impaired socialization. Correcting the above nursing problems first makes impaired socialization least priority.
  • 33.
  • 34. ASSESSMENT NURSING PLANNING EVALUATION DIAGNOSIS Objective: Imbalanced Long term goal: After a week of Poor muscle tone nutrition less than After a week of nursing intervention Poor skin turgor body requirements nursing the patient was able Weakness related to intervention the to be free of signs depressed mood as patient will be of malnutrition. evidenced by poor free of signs of Goal met if attained muscle tone, poor malnutrition. at least 2 of the skin turgor and following nursing weakness outcomes: Normal skin turgor Energetic Normal muscle tone Well hydrated
  • 35. INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE INDEPENDENT: 1. Determine client’s ability to chew, 1. All factors that can affect ingestion swallow, and taste food. and/or digestion of nutrients. 2. Ascertain understanding of 2. To determine informational needs of individual nutritional needs. client/SO 3. Evaluate the impact of 3. These factors may affect food cultural/ethnic/religious desires and choices influences. 4. Note occurrence of Amenorrhea, 4. These factors affect the patient’s tooth decay, swollen salivary ability to eat. glands, an constant sore throat. DEPENDENT: 5. Administer pharmaceutical 5. To prevent the complications of agents, as indicated. E.g., malnutrition. Multivitamins, digestive enzymes.
  • 36. INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE COLLABORATIVE: 6. Consult 6. To implement inter dietician/nutritional team, as disciplinary team management. indicated. 7. Consult with dietician/ 7. For long term needs. nutritional support team, as necessary 8. Refer to social 8. For possible assistance with services/other community client’s limitations in resources buying/preparing food.
  • 37. ASSESSMENT NURSING PLANNING EVALUATION DIAGNOSIS Subjective: Chronic sorrow Short term goal: After the “Iniisip ko kung related to death of shift the patient baket hindi ako loved one as After the was able to manifested by shift the patient demonstrate pinag-aral ng frustration. will be able progress in tatay ko.” demonstrate dealing with grief. Objective: progress in -Anger dealing with grief. -Confusion -Low self esteem -Express feeling of sadness -frustration
  • 38. INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE 1.Determine conditions contributing to 1. To assess causative/ client state of mind. contributing factors. 2. Encourage verbalization about 2. To assist client to move situation. Active-listen feelings and be through sorrow. available for support. 3. Acknowledge reality of feelings of 3. When feelings guilt including hospitality toward spiritual are validated, client is free to power. take steps toward acceptance. 4. Discuss use of medication when 4. Client may be benefit from the depression is interfering with ability to short term use of an manage life. antidepressant medication to help with dealing with situation. 5. Discuss healthy way of dealing with 5. To promote wellness. difficulty situations.
  • 39. INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE 6. Encourage involvement in usual 6. Maintaining usual activities activities, exercise and socialization may keep individuals from within limits of physical and deepening sorrow/depression. psychosocial state. 7. Chronic sorrow has a cyclical 7.Look for cues of sadness(e.g., effect, ranging from times of sighing, faraway look, unkempt deepening sorrow to times of appearance, inattention to feeling somewhat better. conversation). 8. To assist client to move 8. Discuss ways individual has dealt through sorrow. with previous losses. Reinforce use of previously effective copping skills
  • 40. ASSESSMENT NURSING PLANNING EVALUATION DIAGNOSIS SUBJECTIVE: Disturbed thought Short term goal: After 6 hours of “May dalwa akong processes r/t After 6 hours of nursing anak, 21 ang psychological nursing interventions, the panganay at 15 conflicts a.m.b. interventions, the client will: ang bunso”, as nonrealistic-based client will: -be free from verbalized by the thinking. -be free from delusions or patient. delusions or demonstrate the demonstrate the ability to function OBJECTIVE: ability to function without responding without responding to persistent -inappropriate/ to persistent delusional thoughts nonrealistic-based delusional thoughts. as evidenced by; thinking. - recalling the past of her life. -verbalization of acceptance of reality.
  • 41. INTERVENTION RATIONALE 1. Be sincere and honest when 1.Delusional client are extremely sensitive communicating with the client. Avoid about others and can recognize sincerity. vague or evasive remarks. Evasive comments or hesitation reinforces mistrust or delusions. 2. Be consistent in setting expectations, 2.Clear, consistent limits provide a secure enforcing rules and so forth. structure for the client. 3. Encourage the client to talk, but do 3. Probing increases the client’s suspicion not pry for information. and interferes with the therapeutic relationship. 4. Give positive feedback for the client 4.Positive feedback for genuine success successes. enhances the client’s sense of well-being and helps to make nondelusional reality a more positive situation for the client. 5. Initially, do not argue with the client or 5.Logical argument does not dispel try to convince the client that the delusional ideas and can interfere with the delusions are false or unreal. development of trust.
  • 42. INTERVENTION RATIONALE 6. Interact with the client on the 6.Interacting about reality is healthy for basis of real things; do not dwell the client. on the delusional materials. 7. Do not be judgmental or belittle 7. The client’s delusions and feelings or joke about the client’s beliefs. are not funny to him or her. The client may not understand or may feel rejected by attempts at humor. 8. Never convey to the client that 8. Indicating belief in the delusions you accept the delusional as reinforces the client’s illness. reality.
  • 43. ASSESSMENT NURSING PLANNING EVALUATION DIAGNOSIS SUBJECTIVE Sleep deprivation Long term goal: After 2 days of “Hindi ako related to Nursing makatulog.iniisip prolonged After 2 days of Interventions, the ko kung baket psychological nursing patient hindi ako pinag discomfort as interventions, the report aral ng tatay ko.” manifested by patient will report feeling rested and OBJECTIVE: restlessness and improvement in show restlessness irritability his sleep/rest improvement in noted pattern. sleep/rest dark circles pattern. under eyes irritability noted frequent change of affect noted
  • 44. INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE INDEPENDENT 1. Assess past patterns of sleep in 1. Sleep patterns are unique to normal environment: amount, bedtime each individual. rituals, depth, length, positions, aids, and interfering agents. 2. Document nursing or caregiver 2. Often, the patient’s perception of observations of sleeping and wakeful the problem may differ from behaviors. Record number of sleep objective evaluation. hours. Note physical (e.g., noise, pain or discomfort, urinary frequency) and/or psychological (e.g., fear, anxiety) circumstances that interrupt 3. To assess causative/ contributing sleep. factors. 3. Note medical diagnoses that affect sleep(e.g., brain injury, depression.). 4. Enhances expenditure of 4. Promote adequate physical exercise energy/release of tension so that activity during the day clients feels ready for sleep/rest.
  • 45. INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE 5. Provide calm, quite environment, and 5. To reduce need for reducing manage controllable sleep-disrupting during prime sleep hour. factor. 6. This promotes regulation of the 6. Instruct patient to follow as consistent a circadian rhythm, and reduces the daily schedule for retiring and arising energy required for adaptation to as possible. changes. 7. Avoid including in the meal alcohol or 7. Gastric digestion and caffeine as well as heavy meal stimulation from caffeine and 8. Increase daytime physical activities as nicotine can disturb sleep. indicated. 8. This reduces stress and 9. Recommend an environment promotes sleep. conducive to sleep or rest (e.g., quiet, 9.To promote sleep comfortable temperature, ventilation, 10.Different drugs darkness, closed door). are prescribed depending on COLLABORATIVE whether the patient has 10. Administer sedatives as ordered. trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • 46. ASSESSMENT NURSING PLANNING EVALUATION DIAGNOSIS Objective: Impaired social Short term Goal: After 8 hours of Use of interaction related After 8 hours of nursing unsuccessful to therapeutic nursing intervention the social interaction isolation as intervention the patient was able behaviors manifested by patient will be to identify feelings Blunted affect unsatisfied social able to identify that lead to poor Absence of interaction and feelings that lead social interaction. specific others relationships to to poor social Goal met if Specific Others. interaction attained at least 2 of the following nursing outcomes: Low self esteem Depression Anxiety
  • 47. INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE INDEPENDENT 1. Ascertain ethnic/ Cultural or religious 1. These impact choice of behaviors/ may implications for the client. even script interactions with others. 2. To note prevalent interaction patterns. 2. Observe client while relating to family/SO(s). 3. Affects ability to be involved in social 3.Determine client’s use of coping skills and situations. defense mechanisms. 4. Have client list behaviors that cause 4. Once recognized, client can choose to discomfort. change as he or she learns to listen and 5. Role play changes and discuss impact. communicate in socially acceptable ways Include family/ So(s) as indicated. 5. Enhances comfort with new behaviors. COLLABORATIVE: 6. These social behaviors and interpersonal 6. Refer for family therapy, as indicated. relationships involve more than the 7. Refer for occasional follow up. individual. 8. Refer to/involve Psychiatric clinical nurse 8. For reinforcement of positive behaviors specialist for additional assistance when after professional relationship has ended. indicated. To improve patient’s condition and wellness.
  • 48.
  • 49. DRUG DOSAGE INDICATION CONTRA INDICATION chlorpromazine HANDBOOK Management of Comatose states, BASE: manifestations of presence of large Severe psychotic disorders, amounts of CNS behavior to control nausea depressants, disorder or and vomiting, relief presence of bone psychotic restlessness. marrow depression. conditions, Control Hypersensitivity. higher manifestations of dosages 50- manic type of manic 100 daily. depressive illness, relief of intractable hiccups.
  • 50. SIDE EFFECTS ADVERSE REACTIONS Drowsiness, blank facial expression, Drowsiness, jaundice, shuffling walk, restlessness, agitation, postural hypotension, nervousness, unusual, slowed, or extrapyramidal effects. uncontrollable movements of any part Persistent abnormal of the body, difficulty falling asleep or movement, cerebral staying asleep, increased appetite, edema, hematologic weight gain, breast milk production, disorders. breast enlargement, missed menstrual periods, decreased sexual ability, changes in skin color, dry mouth, stuffed nose, difficulty urinating, widening or narrowing of the pupils (black circles in the middle of the eyes)
  • 51. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS 1.Assess for mental status: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, and negative symptoms; before initial therapy and monthly thereafter. 2.Assess any potentially reversible cause of behavior problems . 3.Check for swallowing of oral administration medication; check for giving of medication to other patient. 4. Monitor input-output ratio; palpate bladder if low urinary output occurs. 5.Assess affect, orientation, LOC, reflexes, gait, coordination, sleep pattern disturbances. 6. Monitor BP with patient sitting, standing, and lying; take pulse and RR every four hours during initial treatment. 7.Check dizziness, faintness, palpitations, tachycardia on rising; severe orthostatic hypotension is common. 8. Identify for NMS; hyperpyrexia, muscle rigidity; increased CPK, altered mental status: should discontinue drug. 9. Assess EPS including akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, pseudoparkinsonism; an antiparkinsonian drug should be prescribed. 10. assess for constipation, urinary retention daily; if these occur, increased bulk and water in diet.
  • 52. DRUG DOSAGE INDICATION CONTRAINDICATION fluphenizine Initial 2.5-10 Used to treat Coma or severe CNS mg/d div q6- schizophrenia depression, bone marrow 8hr PO and psychotic depression, blood dyscrasia, Maint: 1-5 symptoms such circulatory collapse, mg PO/IM as hallucinations, subcortical brain damage, q6-8hr delusions, and Parkinson's disease, liver No more than hostility. damage, cerebral 40 mg/d arteriosclerosis, coronary disease, severe hypotension or hypertension; pregnancy.
  • 53. SIDE EFFECTS ADVERSE REACTIONS Upset stomach, Hypotension, orthostatic drowsiness, weakness hypotension or tiredness, excitement or anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, dry mouth, skin more sensitive to sunlight than usual, changes in appetite or weight
  • 54. NURSING CONSIDERATIONS 1.Arrange for discontinuation of drug if serum creatinine, BUN become abnormal or if WBC count is depressed. 2.Monitor elderly patients for dehydration, institute remedial measures promptly. Sedation and decreased sensation of thirst related to CNS effects can lead to severe dehydration. 3.Report physician regarding appropriate warning of patient or patient's guardian about tardive dyskinesias. 4.Consult physician about dosage reduction, use of anticholinergic antiparkinsonian drugs (controversial) if extrapyramidal effects occur. 5. Administer drug exactly as prescribed. 6. Maintain fluid intake, and use precautions against heatstroke in hot weather. 7.Report sore throat, fever, unusual bleeding or bruising, rash, weakness, tremors, impaired vision, dark urine (pink or reddish brown urine is expected), pale stools, yellowing of skin or eyes.
  • 55. Categories Result General appearance Patient X was well- The patient dressed appropriately to and Motor Behavior groomed and dressed location, weather and age thus There were no signs of showing good appearance. tremors. She was Motor behavior is not so good as cooperative during shown by frequent eye movements interview, however, unable and inability to sit straight. to maintain direct eye Speech pattern is comprehensible contact especially when although there are some pauses in remembering the history between statements. of her father’s death. The patient seldom smiles and was unable to sit still with straight body. She answered questions at slow rate, soft voice with observable pauses.
  • 56. Categories Result Mood and Affect The patient seldom smiles Patient X shows blunted affect or and frowns. She usually few observable facial expressions. stares blankly even when She appeared depressed and talking and sharing stories. frustrated when talking about her family. Thought Process The patient seems like not The patient has disorganized and Content preoccupied because she thought process and content as was able to answer questions shown by delusions. She is spontaneously. However, she consistent of saying that she has a suddenly stops talking in the husband and two children, even middle of the sentence and mentioned their ages. remain silent for several seconds when asked about family background. When she continues, there is a flight of idea. She showed delusion believing that she has a husband and two kids where in fact she she has not.
  • 57. Sensorium and Orientation: The patient is Orientation: x3 Intellectual oriented with time, place and Memory: Good. Patient X is able to Processes person. answer questions such as “Kailan ka Memory: The patient is able to huling nagpunta kina Mommy remember her last actions few Mherly?Anon’g ginawa mo days ago and even several doon?”with “Nung isang lingo, nag- years passed. Walter kame, namili”, and “Anon’g Abstract Thinking and dahilan at nag away kayo ng nanay Intellectual Ability: The patient mo nung 13 ka pa lang?” with “Ayaw is able to explain given proverb kong maglaba, pinagalitan ako kaya and solve given mathematical naglayas ako.” problem even lack with formal education.
  • 58. Abstract Thinking and Intellectual Ability: The patient’s abstract thinking abilities were intact as evidenced by her interpretation of the proverb “Kapag may isinuksok, may madudukot” as “Kapag ang tao marunong mag ipon, magtabi ng perang kanyang kinita, mayroon syang magagamit sa oras na kailanganin nya ng pera”. She even answered Mathematical equation correctly as 20 divided by 5 equals 4.
  • 59. Categories Result Sensory- The patient does not There is no problem or alteration Perceptual experience any in patient’s sensory perceptions. Alterations hallucination involving the five senses Judgment and Patient X cannot justify Judgment and insight are poor Insight her answer when asked when the patient is asked “Ano with situational problem ang gagawin mo kapag requiring her to choose dumating si Nanay Diding between two significant (relative) para kuhanin ka kay people in her life. Mommy Mherly? Sasama ka ba?” and she answered “Sasama. Iiwan ko si Mommy Mherly dahil gusto ko lang. ganun lang.”
  • 60. Categories Result Self- Concept Patient X described The patient viewed herself herself as poorly educated negatively especially in terms of who attended only grade educational attainment. one. Upon asking the She also showed weakness in patient of what she would resolving problems thinking that she do in times of problems cannot do anything to handle the she always answered that situation. she cries. Roles and The patient is living away Her roles and relationship with her Relationships from her family. She is not biological family is poor. But her that close with her mother. current relationship with whom she She does not have called Mommy Mherly seems siblings, husband nor harmonious, helping and assisting child.Almost abandoned each other in their own little ways. by her own family but fortunately adopted by CCMH head nurse Mommy Mherly.