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Menachem Begin Research Paper
While there are many outstanding individuals discussed during the time period after 1957, I chose Menachem Begin, the Prime Minister of Israel from
1977 – 1983. Early in Begin's life, he was inducted into the Zionist Movement through his father. Becoming a devoted member of Betar, a Zionist
Revisionists Youth Movement as a teen, he also later headed the organization. During World War II, he had an opportunity to flee to Palestine with his
wife, but gave up his ticket to a friend. He was captured by the Soviets and sent to a Siberian labor camp accused of being a Zionist spy. After being
released he eventually went to work with the British as a translator with their Palestinian units. During this time or shortly thereafter, he became
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Alzheimer's Disease Book Review
Brill Targ, Marlene. Alzheimer's Disease. Tarrytown: Marshell Cavendish Corporation, 2005.
The article, Alzheimer's Disease, is about a lot of meaningful topics. Some things that this book includes is what it is like to have the disease, dealing
with the disease in families, treatments to help them and how you can care and support them through this hard process. It also included the history
behind the disease and how much more scientist have learned about Alzheimer's over the year's. The main reason this book was created was to help
families who have a someone with the disease to understand it more and to be more informed about all the effects and background knowledge of
Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's Disease, also contains how children ... Show more content on ...
It is about how apathy, lack of interest, occurs in Alzheimer's patients and how people such asfamily or caregiver's could push away because of it. It
also contains what not to do and what to do with a person who has Alzheimer's and signs of apathy in Alzheimer's patients. It includes lots of signs of
apathy and what apathy can do to a patient with Alzheimer's. This is a reliable source to use for any type of project or essay. This website is a reliable
source because it contains no opinions and only definitions and facts. Since this website is a ".com", you could say that it is unreliable because
anyone can make a website. But, it is reliable because it has sources at the bottom and more websites that could help you if needed and it looked
like a very professional source. It would be a very good source to use in an essay or project because it gives definitions of signs, which could be
helpful with explaining something. It also is helpful due to the fact that is giving real examples of what could happen and what has already
happened. This is also very useful because it concludes a lot about how it affects families and how it could affect the self. Even though the topic is
not apathy, it does give more of a basic understanding of the effects of the disease Alzheimer's. The website was a very good source full of important
facts, details, and examples of what could
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Essay about Exposing the Hoax of
Information literacy is an important skill, and unfortunately one that many people lack. Recently, I evaluated the website Although
most of the information available on the website has merit, it was created as a hoax to bring light to the subject of information literacy in todays'
society. My evaluation of the website will prove that the website masks itself as a reputable source of information, but by researching the website
itself, it becomes evident that it is in fact nothing more than a hoax. According to the criteria for evaluating a website set forth by the University of
California Berkeley, the URL makes this website appear legitimate. There are no indicators that the website is published by an outside source. It also...
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Although most of the information available may be true, there are other indicators that the website may not have the most reliable information. There
are no footnotes contained on any of the webpages, nor are there links to reliable sources of information. In fact, nearly all of the links on the site will
redirect you to another page under the same domain. This, to me, is a good indicator that there are no other sources to justify that the information
contained are from a quality source. One link on the site's main page that I found particularly deceptive was the US Environmental Assessment Center
logo. A search of the name resulted in a top hit for the US Environmental Protection Agency's US Environmental Assessment Center. Upon
closer examination, I realized the logo's for the USEPA and the logo for the US Environmental Assessment Center on the website were very
similar, but not the same. Lastly, and most importantly, when I first started reading the information on I wasn't even sure what dihydrogen
monoxide was. However, a search of the name turned up a newspaper article that told of a California town that had attempted to pass legislature after
hearing about the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide (Wan, 2004). Luckily, the city council discovered that the term
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A. Lunsford's Book Easy Writer
In Andrea A. Lunsford 's book Easy Writer, she describes how to conduct research and evaluate source material. In addition to informing the reader of
the proper ways to incorporate source materials into an article, and concludes with how to write a researched paper. Lunsford begins chapter 37
"Conducting Research", with a detailed explanation of how a writer should start to the research process. First, Lunsford informs the reader to analyze
the research assignment, research a question to answer, and then to form a hypothesis. Then, Lunsford details how to perform each of these steps,
beginning with the questions a writer need to ask themselves vital to the research process. These questions include information on the purpose of the
research project, the target audience, and the interests or assumptions of the audience. After that, the author asks the reader to question their own
attitude, feelings, and influences on the topic. Some other questions Lunsford advises the reader to answer before beginning a research project include
the amount and types of evidence needed to influence their audience. As well as, questions related to the time and length of the research project. Next,
Lunsford explains to the reader how to formulate a question and hypothesis for a research project. This process is begun by finding a topic and, then
narrowing it down to an issue from which a question and hypothesis can be generated. Lunsford recommends that writers also plan out their research
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English Reflection
In my previous English courses, I had no knowledge of writing an essay, or even a proper sentence. Writing did not seem like anything important
in my life, or that it would affect me anyway in the future. I had despised my own writing and loathed having to write essays for any of my classes.
When I had enrolled in Composition I, I had no idea what I was going to do to pass. However, in class, we had done collaborative work, which had
helped me progress myself. Collaborative work had consisted of multiple students helping each other, sharing ideas, and peer–reviews. This was a
change of pace for me since I had not done that before. In previous classes, I had done individual work, which was solely myself correcting and
working on my work. Between collaborative work and individual work, I enjoyed working with partners and sharing each other's experiences to
benefit ourselves. Over this class I have developed my writing skills, learned from my previous mistakes, and understood the writing process.
To begin with, before taking this class I would have grammar errors, low level word choices, sentence fragments, contractions, and no sentence
variety. The grammar in my essays would be something that I had never worked on or learned from. My word choices were that of a middle schooler
and would sound childish at times. I had never taken the time to learn about the sentence variety and combinations that were possible. My knowledge
of sentence variety was limited to only compound and
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The Importance Of Finding Useful And Strong Evidence
Finding useful and strong evidence is always one of the most difficult, yet one of the most important aspectpart of writing an essay. Evidence is the
foundationbase of an essay and all the essay's content relies on the evidence to support it and make a powerful statement. Most college students are
familiar with the concept of finding and using evidence to support their arguments in their essays. It has been something that we have learned in grade
school that we have all executed on all of our essays. Evidence is used in order to make all statements and arguments deemed correct. It is always
difficult to refute someone when they have strong evidence. With good evidence, the author is able to convince the reader to believe what the author is
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In many parts of the article, I will either include a lot of my own analysis or a lot of quotes from other articles. I need to find a perfect balance
between the two so i have the perfect amount of my own work and analysis and the evidence I need to include in order to justify my analysis. Another
weakness I think is the way I cite my sources. I'm not completely sure the best way to cite my source. I know that I need to have a works cited part but
I struggle with incorporating my citation into the actual text. Some strengths that I have are my organization. I was able to split my article into
separate sections and each section describes a different factor that students should take account of when finding sources and evidence for their
writings. I also think a strength of mine was relating to the audience because I know that my audience is college students, so incorporated different
scenarios and situations that they would relate to more. For example, I know that college students are typically very experienced in social media, so I
incorporated a section about social media because I know that many college students may not know that using social media as a new source is not
How to Find Reliable Sources as Evidence
The concept of using evidence to support your words is a concept that most people are familiar with and is constantly used everyday. It could be
something as simple as proving to
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Israel's Involvement In The 1967 June War
The nature of Israel's involvement in the 1967 June War can be aptly portrayed as both a prime example of pre–emptive self–defence of the nation and
as a rapacious campaign of self–interested opportunism. A central tenet of the Israeli position that Arab encroachment posed a danger to the continued
existence of Israel is that the short and long term consequences of Israel not acting decisively were disastrous and had to be avoided. The partisan
essence of the Six–Day War is exemplified through the Arab narrative's empathetic denial that Israel acted defensively and their testimony that the
actual aggressor in this conflict was Israel. Primary source documents, particularly declassified intelligence reports, provide a unique prism through
which one can deconstruct some of the underlying principles that steer Israel's justifications of war against its foes. Likewise, the rejection of elements
of Israel's narrative by esteemed Israeli's such as Yitzhak Rabin and Abba Eban indicates that certain facets of its conduct in the June War cannot be
reasonably understood as being defensive. International law, which has a chief objective of resolving global ... Show more content on ...
M. A. El Kony, who served as the United Arab Republic's ambassador to the United Nations, succinctly summarised the Arab narrative by stating 'Israel
has committed a treacherous premeditated aggression against the United Arab Republic'. The notion that Israel had explicitly planned the Six–Day War
as a land–grabbing maneuverer is utterly contradictory to the principles encapsulated within the ideology of defensive warfare. Consequently, it
becomes vital to analyse contemporary source material to determine the veracity of the Arab narrative as doing so will enable an unbiased observer to
form a more nuanced position that could deviate considerably from the Israeli
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The Dark Knight Analysis
When you think of psychology what is the the first name that comes to mind? My guess is that you thought of Sigmund Freud. Even though none of
his theories of dreams or sexuality have any empirical evidence, he is still one of the most influential figures in all of philosophy. One of Freud's ideas
that does have substance is the idea that our minds are dynamic and contain both conscious and unconscious memories, thoughts, and desires. Freud
labeled these phenomena the id, ego, and superego. While the nuances of this theory are complex and somewhat monotonous, they are brought to life
in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. The chaotic and childish joker (id), the pure and valiant Harvey Dent (superego), and the one responsible for
finding a balance between the two, Batman (ego).
"The id is the completely unconscious, impulsive, childlike portion of the psyche that operates on the "pleasure principle" and is the source of
basic impulses and drives; it seeks immediate pleasure and gratification." (Boundless, par. 5) The most memorable scenes in The Dark Knight begin
with the Joker asking, "You wanna know how I got these scars?" (Nolan) and every time he gives a different reason. The first is that "My father, was
a drinker, and a fiend. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One.
Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me and says, 'Why so
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Militancy In The Pre-Independence
Adam Pollack
English 110
Bruce Allen Heggen
Israeli Militancy in the Pre–Independence
The origins of the present day Israeli Defence forces and israeli politics run very far back in the history of the jewish homeland, even predating the
state of israel itself. In the beginning the defence forces were very unorganized and had goals solely of protection. Through time the jewish militias
developed into different tranches with different purposes and goals. Many times these militias actually found conflict with each other. There were
many changes in the region from the late 19th century into the mid 20th century. Two world wars, the largest genocide in human history the 1880–1948
held massive significance to the jewish people and eventually ... Show more content on ...
Zionists became less and less cooperative with the british as the underground militias gained power through the years. In 1940 a new organization
arose as a branch of the Irgun. The Lehi which means Fighters for Freedom in Israel is a group that sought to fight the british during World War II.
Along with fighting against the british they sought to ally themselves with the German Nazis. The Nazi's were intrested in getting rid of their
jewish population and so the Lehi offered to have them evacuated to Israel in exchange for alliance in fighting the British. In the weeks before the
Independence war The Irgun and Lehi groups entered neIghborhood Deir Yassin and killed 254 arab residents. This event would be knows as the
Deir Yassin Massacre. The founder of the Lehi as Avraham Stern a long time friend of Abraham Thomas. A notable commander of Lehi was Yitzhak
Shamir, He had a long history of defying british rule. Arrested many times for undercover work by the british, and a member of Lehi he was a
villain to the british and exiled to Africa. After independence He joined the Mossad, an intelligence agency in the Israeli Defence Forces. He served as
prime minister of Israel in 1986–
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Sources Of Diversity In Films
When doing research for my topic, Diversity in Films, I came across many sources. The first source that I found was a scholarly journal named,
Teaching Sociology. The journal, that was written by Mari Dagaz and Brent Harger, had a short segment about diversity in films. One of the main
points that stood out was one about how women and minorities are portrayed in films. It stated that women and minorities in film are usually
"underrepresented and based on traditional stereotypes." This point is what I believe is one of the strengths of this source. This is because that short
segment allowed me to think about my topic more and opened my eyes to what I really needed to look for. Although, the fact that it did not
specify a certain minority nor give examples would be a weakness of the source. The fact that the journal did not give good examples of the lack of
diversity in films, would be considered the sources "weak" trait. If the journal would have given an example of a stereotype that is used or an
example of how women and minorities are portrayed, it would have made the journal a lot stronger. But, since it did not, it caused me to have to look
to other sources that would give me some kind of example. So the article basically forced me to have to look to other places that provided the
information that it ... Show more content on ...
The source, written by Scott Collins, is from The Los Angeles Times and the title is "More diversity in films and TV?" The article was about how
minorities and women are falling behind at the box office. What is meant is that they are not being represented as much in big blockbusters. A strength
from this article is that it actually gave statistical information about the topic it was presenting. For example, when talking about a minority lead in
feature films, it states that in 2013 it dropped from 16.7% to 12.3%. Even though it features good statistical values, that article did have a downside to
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Hillary Clinton Email Summary
Many of the views and actions of society and politics today are centered around the media, which keeps the public well informed on current events so
that the public can make educated decisions based on the information they have accrued to make change in the functions of our society, whether small
or large. However, misinterpreted bias in mass media causes the creation and spread of misinformation to the public, which causes members of society
to have a skewed vision of what is fact and what isn't. This can cause members of society to make decisions based on incorrect information, which
affects the running of our society as a whole. WikiLeaks, a media organization that supposedly hacks into servers and websites to find material that they
then... Show more content on ...
His audience, who seems to be the news programs and American government, is encouraged to be honest about their reportings and dealings with each
other, as the reporting of honest information that is not misleading will undermine the plan of the Russians. Bias is heavily inserted into this article, as
the author uses loaded and persuasive language to appeal to American sentiment. The very first sentence in the article states, "You sure have to hand it
to the Russians." This sentence introduces the informal and sarcastic tone that is used throughout the article, as well as informs the reader that this is
not an informational piece. The reader knows all of this when they read the first sentence, and must then decide whether or not they should continue.
Often, ignorant readers will continue to read the entirety of the piece, even though they know that the presented information will be biased and might
not even be correct. As the article continues, the author follows a slippery slope of claims, connecting each effect back to the hypothetical cause
before it. All of these events hyFor this reason, the reader is mostly at fault, as their failure to educate themselves properly on the topic
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Analysis Of The Film 'The Dark Knight'
A literary convention is a specific pattern like a repetition of a word, phrase, character, or setting. They are recurring patterns in particular literary
genres and are present in many novels, short stories, plays, and sonnets. There are many different literary conventions or tropes in the stories that we
have read, but I am choosing to write about the film The Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan. There are also many within the film, but the one that
stuck out most to me was Jokers famous saying, "why so serious?". When he says this his tone of voice is almost angry, or he may even sound
mentally insane. There are two stories from where The Joker says that the saying "why so serious" originates from. The most notable one is that his
father was a drunk and killed his mother. Then his father asks him "why so serious", and decides he should have a smile, so he put a knife in his
mouth and cut his face from ear to ear. This phrase and the way that he says it ends up making people of Gotham more scared then they maybe
normally would be. The phrase could also mean that order will never be contained, that somehow someway chaos will always rise. I think that by the
different stories about his scar, his actions throughout the film, and by his famous "why so serious?" phrase, Joker is a psychopath who is mentally
deranged, yet maybe not insane, and somehow he is very intelligent. The phrase is something that occurs very frequently in the movie. It has also
become a very popular saying
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Historical Fiction Book Report of The Hope by Herman Wouk
Historical Fiction Book Report:
The Hope by: Herman Wouk
The book The Hope is the story of Zev Barak, Benny Luria, Sam Pasternak, Kishote, four of Israel's army officers during the major battles and
struggles of Israel from 1948 until 1967. The War of Independence, The Six Day War, and the 1956 Sinai Campaigns were all major events that had
major effects on Israel.
The book starts out with the war of independence in the town of Latrun with the Haganah 7th brigade. The battle of Latrun was a battle that took place
in beginning phases of the war. This battle was a failure to the Haganah 7th brigade, which was newer formed unit. The main road between Tel Aviv and
Jerusalem which was commanded by the Latrun fortress. Arab forces were trying to take over the fortress and deny jews from entering into
Jerusalem. This particular battle and the events depicted around and about the battle in the book are events and occurrences of actual history but it
is a simplified version of the events, of course. But the things that are not actual or real things in history are the characters. Sam Pasternak is the
fictional character used to illustrate the tasks of Colonel Chaim Herzog which was a Israeli army officer who became an army general, later a
popular historian of the military, and then took on Israel's envoy to the UN, he even took on two terms as President of Israel. The story of "Burma
Road" in the book, like the battle of Latrun, is simplified. All though, in the
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Sources Of Credibility
Research papers are a part of every student's life. Some students may like the research papers but the others may not. But in the end a decent
research paper would be the sources that make the paper credible. A lot of articles are not credible due to some areas. The areas include: the
credibility of the author, the sources that were cited throughout the paper, how reliable the content is and a reliable publisher also how current and
how accessible the article is. The author would be credible by being knowledgeable about the topic being spoken about. Furthermore, for the author to
be credible, the author would have to be adding some outside sources that will give the article more credibility. Not only would the sources would
make the paper credible... Show more content on ...
The last source is about the Eavesdropping law that went into motion in 2006. Although the article is from 2006, the article was written about the law
that went into motion. The author of the law was from the government. The website that the article is on is a government affiliated. With this law
being presents on a government affiliated website it shows that this law that was written was credible. Also it makes the website reliable. There were
no sources to the website because the article is law that was overruled
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Black Friday Essay
How far do sources 11 & 12 challenge the view presented in source 10 about the conduct of the police on Black Friday?
The three sources to be compared are all in relation to the events that occurred on "Black Friday", particularly surrounding the conduct of the
metropolitan police. Source 10, taken from "The Times" newspaper presents the view that the police were more victims of the women and raiders that
they were trying to control, and that it took some effort to restrain the women that were protesting on that day. Whereas source 11, taken from a
memorandum that was sent to the home office after 'Black Friday" gives the view that the police were acting violently towards the women protesting
and that the women in this situation were ... Show more content on ...
Source 11 on the other hand disagrees with the view presented in source source 10. It is an extract from a memorandum by the Parliamentary
Conciliation Committee for Women's Suffrage send to the Home Office after "Black Friday". It agrees with the source ten in the sense that it admits
a "relentless struggle" occurred between the police and the suffragettes, but it disagrees with source 10 because it presents the view that it was the
police acting violently towards the women, who it says were "flung hither and thither amid moving traffic, and into the hands of a crows which was
sometimes rough and indecent". This opinion is presented because the purpose of the memorandum sent to the home office was to request a public
inquiry into the conduct of the police on "Black Friday", because they did not follow their "usual course of action" which "would have been to arrest
the women on a charge of obstruction" but they "had been instructed to avoid, as far as possible, making any arrests" which is why, the women argue
that the police were so violent. Also, this
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The Dark Knight Dilogy Part 1
Hal Freeland 10/26/16 The Dark Knight Dilogy Part 1 Bruce Wayne, the Batman, leaned against one of the many high reaching, cold, damp, and
rocky walls of the Batcave. Not suited up, but wearing khakis and an undershirt, he felt the cold of the wall while waiting for some crime information
to process. There was a particular robbery that he could not be the first responder to. But of course, the Gotham Police are on a different level of skill
in the crime–stopping field, therefore, the offenders escaped the scene. Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne's butler, enters the Batcave in his typical
dress, a tuxedo. "Any updates on the robbery, Master Bruce?" asked Alfred with his sophisticated English accent. Bruce says with a sigh, "I'm afraid
not, Alfred." "Well, I brought you some coffee in case you are down here for a while more." The butler said. "Thanks Alfred." Said Bruce. "Always
welcome, Master Bruce." Then the butler strolled into the industrial looking steel–grate elevator, and exited the Batcave. About 15 minutes later, the
report had been fully processed. The report read: No sizable threat. Suggestions: Let GCPD handle it. Bruce let out an exhausted sigh of relief. He
concluded he had gotten about three hours of sleep in the last week. Suddenly, he remembered with a startle that three hours is the minimum amount
of sleep for a person over the course of a week. The next morning, after seven hours of sleep, Alfred woke him with a spinach smoothie and a protein
bar in hand.
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The Dark Knight Analysis
The Dark Knight is a superhero movie and is part of a sequel. It comes second after Batman Begins. It is a fantastic movie directed by Christopher
Nolan. The main Theme of this movie is Faith. The plot and Characters develop this theme in a few ways. When the film opens up we have a bank
robbery scene in the city of gotham and we encounter the joker, our antagonist. Because of this we see a chain of crimes happening around the city and
the people of Gotham turn their faith toward the Batman. This is the basic plot of the film where the protagonists are trying to restore people's faith
back into the city and the police force. The characters develop this theme by carrying out the plot of the film and helping restore faith back into the
city. The visual design plays a big role in developing the film's theme. A majority of the time the films color is dark and the colors palate that is used
is to the darker side. The setting of this movie is determiner of character because it takes place in a setting that Batman doesn't have too much control
over and he is working to protect that and survive in that place. We also see a setting for sheer visual impact at times such as when we see a deep
focus camera shot of the entire city and see how much chaos is going on and what the protagonists are trying to do to restore faith back into the city.
The functions of the setting in this film also have symbolic significance to the theme and it impacts it very much. We mostly see this in the
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The Dark Knight Figures In 'The Dark Knight Rises'
Monica Yip
Carrie Jean Schroeder
English 1C
30 August 2017
(WORKING TITLE) Batman's duality as hero and hazard reflect how the capitalism present in America is both the problem and solution. As the third
installment in the Batman trilogy, a different tone is used when the hero is introduced in the beginning scene. In the preceding films, the hero has been
seen righting wrongs and serving justice by banishing the manipulative, toxic and evil villains Gotham is infested with. In the opening scene of The
Dark Knight Rises, Commissioner Gordon delivers a speech to honor the late Harvey Dent, former Gotham mayor, and his major contribution in ridding
the city's criminal activity. Dent was a symbol of hope and restoration from the economic decline Gotham faced and the gang activity that terrorized the
streets. Batman 2: The Dark Knight introduced the villainous Joker and his psychotic madness which led to Dent's own decline when the madman kills
Dent's lover. This sparked Dent's own madness and list of homicides. Wanting to preserve the hope Dent instilled onto the people and prevent chaos,
Batman takes the blame for Dent's transgression. And so, begins the duality of Batman.
Batman is the alter ego of wealthy and successful business man, Bruce Wayne. Wayne's parents were tragically murdered right in front of him when he
was young by an armed robber. This was the moment Wayne took an oath to himself that he would rid his city of the injustice and crime that killed his
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Sadat And Carter Essay
Carter firmly believed in self–determination for all people. Carter wished for the United States to take lead of law in global undertakings.Additionally,
he needed the United States to lead the pack in advancing all inclusive human rights. Carter trusted that American power ought to be practiced sparingly
and that the United States ought to evade military interventions as much as they could. He trusted that American relations with the Soviet Union would
proceed to enhance and that the two countries could come to monetary and arms control understandings that would unwind Cold War strains. Carter
concluded that he required specialists around him to assist him in directing foreign affairs, He named Columbia University teacher Zbigniew
Brzezinski as his national security... Show more content on ...
Begin made a few concessions to Carter, including consenting to the rule of Egyptians over the whole Sinai, and finish Israeli withdrawal from all
military offices and settlements. Consequently, Carter consented to give Israel assets to remake Israeli army installations in the Negev Desert. Since
Sadat and Carter had positions that were very close, the two men turned out to be great companions as the gathering advanced. Sadat likewise made a
few concessions to Carter, which distanced some of his own delegation. His prime minister resigned toward the end, trusting that Sadat had been
defeated by the Americans and Israelis.
The Camp David Accords, initialed on September 17, 1978 and formally marked in Washington on March 26, 1979, were the most critical remote
approach accomplishment of the Carter organization, and supporters trusted it would resuscitate his battling administration. In spite of the fact that
Begin and Sadat got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for this activity, Carter got no huge political advantage from this
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Some People Have the View That British Generals Like Haig...
Some people have the view that British generals like Haig were incompetent leaders.
How far does the sources support or contradict this interpretation?
Some people have the view that British generals such as Haig were useless leaders. Famous sources like 'O What a lovely War', 'Blackadder' and 'The
Trench' support this. However from the 1980s many military historians have challenged this interpretation and states that under Haigs leadership,
Britain and her allies won the war from encouraging new weapons and military tactics. After Haigs death in 1918, historians blamed him for needless
laughter of nearly 750,000 British soldiers on the Western Front and biographers pilloned him for his overconfidence, insensitivity and logical ... Show
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Another source which supports the interpretation that British generals were incompetent is source B1. John Laffin worked as a tour guide in
Australia. His parents both served witht he Australians in Gallipoli and France as nursing cops. Even though he didn't have a history degree, he was a
military historian who earned his living taking people on battlefield tours. He researched the war from the soldier's viewpoint and wrote a successful
history book titled "British Butchers and Bunglers of World War One"– a very emotive polemic title – which released to the public in 2003. The book
aims to expose the guilt of 'uncaring and stupid' generals. The passage from the book says that Haig and other stupid generals must be blamed for
'wilful blunders and wicked butchery' and that there can never be forgiveness for their 'sheer incompetence'. This source lacks reliability as it has been
written in confidence with other sources he has researched online. Laffin only presents one side of the argument and doesn't discuss the situation in
Verdun. The passage of the book was written in 2003– 80 years later from World War 1. However, his job as a tour guide in battlefields gives him an
advantage over other historians. This source is supported by other historians (B8 an B1) and soldiers (B2). This interpretation is contradicted by
sources like (B14).
David Lloyd George (B4) also supports the interpretation that British generals
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Importance Of Credible Sources
A source is the place or resource in which knowledge has been obtained. When looking for sources to use in a research paper you need to be able to
determine whether or not a source is reliable and credible. It is important to use reliable and credible sources so that the information you use in a
document you are writing is accurate and will not affect you in a negative way, by either getting a bad grade in school or just looking unintelligent to a
A credible source is a source of good quality that a reader can trust to be truthful and believable, otherwise known as convincing or plausible. It is
important to use credible sources to prove points because it enhances your own credibility as a writer by contributing to the effect of ... Show more
content on ...
When using ethos you create a sense of authority to the reader that what you are saying is reliable. For example, in commercials athletes advertise
athletic products, while models advertise beauty products. This shows a reader that professional people in a certain field backup a product in a
positive way. Ethos is also used when someone uses actions that a person has completed in the past, to help persuade people that they have
experience and are reliable. When using logos you can cite statistics, analogies, and historical context about a topic to show you are a credible
source and that the information you are using can be proven with evidence. It enhances a rational and fact based reasoning on a topic. If you use
pathos and appeal to the more emotional side of a topic, a reader could immediately identify your source as bias, as it uses a human's sense of emotion
to get someone to agree with a topic.
A credible and reliable source can be determined through characteristics in spelling/grammar, citations and examples used within a document, and
the author. Once a reliable and credible source has been identified you can use it in any research paper that will help improve your skills as a writer,
and make your writing as reliable as the sources that allowed you to write it. When creating a reliable and credible source use ethos and logos to help
support your claim, to enhance your authority and provide logical
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Is The Overuse Of Technology And / Or Social Media...
Reliance on/ Overuse of Technology and/ or Social Media: An Annotated Bibliography "More Technology Use Linked to Mental Health Issues in
At–Risk Adolescents." Duke Today,
–technology–use–linked–mental–health–issues–riskadolescents ".23 Oct.2017.
Technology and social media are used every day by hundreds of millions of people.
The use of these applications provides a more effective outcome of everyday lives. However, the overuse of the technology and social media has
negatively impacted those who abuse their time on technology and the use of social media platforms. The first source explains why the overuse of
technology negatively effects adolescents and gives data to support their idea. The point of this article is to promote awareness for the younger
generation and their abuse of technology. The author gives statistics and multiple studies to back up their argument. The article explains that the
overuse of technology can eventually lead to mental health issues and irregular behavior and can lead to depression and mental anxiety.
This article combines logic, evidence, and statistics to make good points about the turmoil modern society faces. The source was useful and gave
reliable evidence which was very helpful. The author substantiates their claim by using reliable sources and proper evidence to elucidate the fact that
abusing these applications can affect many adolescents' brains. This source was reliable because the author included
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Menachem Begin Influence
Menachem Begin, the prime minister of Israel, changed Israel because he made peace with Anwar el–Sadat, sacrificed the Sinai Peninsula, and shared
the Nobel Peace Prize with Egyptian President, Anwar el–Sadat. Before he became prime minister, he was a serious zionist, or someone who supports
the movement of the recreation of a Jewish nation in Israel, and even joined a Zionist Revisionists' youth movement, converting into their leader by the
age of 25 years old. He even was imprisoned for supporting the Zionist movement and being a Zionist.
In the beginning of his ministry, Menachem led Israel with political change and a new look by signing a peace treaty. However, in order for him to
prove that Israel was an actual country, he needed to
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The Dark Knight Trilogy Hero's Journey
The Dark Knight Trilogy 1. Call To Adventure A key part of the Batman movies is that when Bruce was young, he fell into an empty well filled
with bats and developed a major phobia of them. Bruce Wayne witnessed his parents get murdered by a mugger by the name of Joe Chill when he
was young. After years of being raised by his butler, Alfred, he decides that he is going to kill Joe Chill before he testifies against Mob Boss Falcone.
At the courthouse, Bruce stands and waits, gun in hand. He is too late, for one of Falcone's goons kill Chill before Bruce gets a chance. Bruce
decides to pay Falcone a visit and gets more than he bargains for when he is insulted and told that his father "Begged like a dog" before he was killed.
This... Show more content on ...
Our hero has decided to stick to his moral compass and keep fighting crime, which unfortunately leads to Rachels death. The Joker has kidnapped
Rachel and Harvey in two separate buildings strapped to a warehouse sized bomb. Batman has to decide between love and law, and he chooses to
save Harvey, as Rachel dies in the timed explosion. 7. Apostasies Batman, having faced death numerous amounts of times, has become more than
just a human. He is able to fight evil, like never before and he is rewarded, often by glorification. However, this is where the story plot messes with
our minds a little bit, because it isn't Bruce Wayne who receives the reward of glorification; it is Harvey who attains that feeling. The Joker issues
an ultimatum that people will die each day unless Batman reveals his identity; as a result, Bruce plans to reveal his identity, but Harvey Dent instead
names himself as Batman to protect the truth. Batman encounters more decisions to make; he must sacrifice himself to the city he loves. He merely
must become the villain, in order for true peace to exist in Gotham. 8. Refusal Of Return Having reached his goals, having saved his people, Batman
doesn't see a need to return to normal life and pain. When "The Dark Knight Rises" story begins, Bruce Wayne is now a deep hiding in his manor. A
source of stories and tales suggest tales of him being messed up and disfigured. John Blake
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How far do these sources suggest that young Henry VIII was...
How far do these sources suggest that young Henry VIII was an impressive figure as a king?
In the 16th century an impressive figure of a king would mean that he demonstrated power both physically and economically and a good education.
However as source two suggests, Henry might be considered less than impressive as he shows insecurities. A stronger argument though is that Henry
did demonstrate the features of an impressive king as he had all the attributes listed above which is clear from all three sources.
It might be inferred that Henry was less than impressive as he was clearly insecure. Source two shows Henry seeking to compare favourability with his
rival king Francis I of France. He persistently asks the Venetian ambassador... Show more content on ...
Source one implies that Henry is a very rich and powerful king as it shows us spending time practicing his archery with his guards. "The king was
practicing archery in the garden with the archers of the guard." It could be inferred from this that Henry has free recreational time as he is already
in control of everything else. The argument that he is an impressive king gains weight from this because he has power over everyone, and that he
gets people to do the jobs he would normally have to do. This can be inferred from source one as Henry spends his time in the garden "practicing
archery with the archers of the guards." This suggests that Henry has appointed other people to do the jobs he would have to do whilst he is in the
garden practicing archery. It could also be inferred that he is wealthy because he would be paying these people to do jobs for him. The source is a
written document taken from a personal diary of the king's Chaplin, John Taylor in 1513; he was also a royal official. The source is likely to be
accurate and reliable as it is a personal diary. John Taylor would have been recording what he sees and as it is personal, there is no need to lie.
Therefore we can infer that source one is a reliable source, this lends weight to the strongest argument that Henry VII was an impressive figure as king.
Henry tried to portray himself as a warrior king during his early
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General Studies Writing Class Analysis
At the beginning of the semester I entered General Studies Writing 1110, not knowing what to expect. I knew the class was solely based on writing
and perfecting personal style, but I never anticipated the valuable information I would learn throughout the course of the year. The only advanced
English class I have taken in high school was English Honors in eighth grade. That class gave me the base knowledge of writing, grammar and form
that has helped me through my four essays in this class. Starting out, I was not sure what the standard for passing was; even though it was unclear to
me what passing was, I strove for perfection. By the time the second essay came around I realized my writing was never perfect. Peer editors and family
played a ... Show more content on ...
It is important to keep the audience in mind when writing the essay to state the proper things, address the right points and point out valid
counterarguments. In my first essay I was not entirely sure how to write to my desired audience or how to say the right things to appeal to them. I
had never heard of or used logos, pathos or ethos in an essay until this class. Now I understand the importance of incorporating them. They add an
element of realness and honesty to the essay that one would not have had before using these strategies. One essay that shows the growth of this skill
is my Analyzing a Visual; in this essay I write to environmental activists and society as a whole. When writing this essay, knowing my audience was
mainly environmental activists, I had to make sure I appealed to their passionate, caring side by using the rhetorical strategy pathos. Using pathos in
an essay makes people feel intense emotions, such as sadness or grief, which makes them want to take further actions and do anything they can to
help the cause being presented. Being able to address specific audiences will never stop being a valuable skill. I can use it in my future college classes,
community and career. It is important to address the audience when making speeches for the community so they feel a connection with the speech.
Connecting with people will allow
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Hillary Clinton Dishonest Analysis
One source used to evaluate Hillary Clinton comes from an article titled "Hillary Clinton emails – what's it all about?" by Anthony Zurcher, a North
American reporter. It is published by BBC News and the purpose of the publication was to inform people about the issue with Clinton's emails. The
information in this source comes from quotes from Clinton herself, reports from The State Department, and FBI directors from an investigation. It is
valid information because it is supported by evidence from a variety of places and it is also very well researched as seen by the amount of detail in
the article. Zurcher is an active reporter who covers US politics and writes about current happenings in the world. The content on this website is a
secondary ... Show more content on ...
The source was published to present an opinion on a political issue and the author's intention is to address Trump's tax returns in a negative
manner. It is written from a first person perspective and words such as "bogus" suggest a high level of bias. The information in the article comes
from claims made by Trump himself that are analyzed and interpreted, making it a secondary source. Eichenwald is an American journalist who is
a senior writer for Newsweek and he has also worked for The New York Times. This shows that he is knowledgeable in his work, but he still did
not use a lot of research or evidence to back up his opinions in this article. The source was published on September 6th, 2016 which demonstrates that
it is current. In this article, the main points are addressed clearly in a logical manner and it is easy to read. However, the author was a little repetitive
mainly to create a strong argument and make a
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UMAT Assessment Essay
As a current student striving to be accepted into medicine I will be required to undertake the UMAT examination. I have always been interested in the
relevance of the examination, how it is perceived by people and whether students are the key people it 'serves'. To gain a basic understanding of the
purpose of the UMAT I conducted preliminary research, utilising the ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) website, who were the
developers and write the examination every year. I obtained sources through the use of google scholar to locate relevant and highly reliable sources.
The majority of my sources were secondary obtained from websites, journals and articles. I had emailed multiple professionals to conduct interviews
but received no responses, hence, I was unable to obtain primary data on my topic. However, sources from the Medical Journal of Australia provided
sufficient information on my topic, providing me with facts and statistics which I utilised throughout my report. I was assured that information
obtained from this journal was highly reliable as the articles are all peer reviewed and also by the reputation of the journal. Other information was
sourced from either the Adelaide University or the ACER website, which I believe... Show more content on ...
I organised my information and report in informative language. Informative in the informational genre, I did not want a balanced point of view but
one which describes my findings. Due to the fact that I was writing an investigation I utilised objective language, ensuring that I elaborated my points
out clearly. This will assist in presenting findings in a clear, concise and professional manner, it was also vital that I structured my report in a manner
that was easy to follow and logical. This will ensure that readers will be able to understand information and examples utilised, and easily comprehend
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The Dark Knight And Inception
There are many successful directors who have produced at least one blockbuster film that is critically acclaimed, and Christopher Nolan has been able
to do this several times. Christopher Nolan began directing movies in 1998 and has directed fourteen movies since 1998. The film critic Alissa
Wilkinson notes in her article The films of Christopher Nolan, explained, "Nolan has shown himself to be interested in both entertaining audiences and
making them think, in pushing the boundaries of what they believe a movie can and should be". Christopher Nolan also often deals with the subjects
of time, memory, and life philosophies that drive movies and characters. Two of Nolan's most prominent films through his whole career have beenthe
Dark Knight(2008) and Inception(2010). Both of the films show how Nolan's movies end ambiguously and how each protagonists in his films has an
antagonist with opposite philosophies and beliefs.
Inception is a film that contains a protagonist and antagonists with opposing philosophical views and beliefs. The movie includes examples of the
belief that the world is real conflicting with the belief that the world is a dream with death as the only way out. For instance in one part of the
movie Dom is argueing with Mal that they are in the real world as they both stand on the window ledge of opposing buildings. Mal begs Dom to
come with her as she says this world is a dream and that the only way to wake up is by jumping.Dom tries to tell her that they are
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A Central Repository Collecting Structured Data Via...
[[Wikidata, and the problem]]
Wikidata is a central repository collecting structured data via collaborative online communities. It has provided sup– port for the content of Wikipedia
and as well as other sites1. Like many other projects that rely on contributions from volunteer users, Wikidata content are largely edited by vol– unteers
(more than fifteen thousand active users2) from di– verse locations, backgrounds and skill levels. It is inevitable there is demand in understanding the
quality and trustwor– thiness of Wikidata. One thing sets Wikidata apart from other linked open data repository is its focus on curating sourced data
which makes each statement verifiable. How– ever, the reality is not only there are a large number of statements without any references, but also there
is no over– all view of how good the sources are for the statements with references.
[[Our focus]]
Our focus in this paper is to investigate the trustworthi– ness of the statements by looking at how good the exist– ing sources are and explore using
crowdsourcing paid mi– cro tasks to curate source data for the statements whose
2 TablesWikipediaWIKIDATA.htm#editor_activity_levels
Qiong Bu
School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton reference are missing. The trustworthiness of statement is
defined as the degree to which the data deserves of trust or
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Annotated Bibliography On Video Games
Annotated Bibliography I decided to research the negative effect video games have on people.Video games, especially violent ones, have become
increasingly popular over the last several years. Kids will sit in front of a television for hours straight playing the same game. In these games, they
kill humans, zombie, animals, and more. I've always wonder what effect these violent games have on people. Staring at these aggressive video
games for so long can't be a good thing. Kids find video games so addictive; they can't put them down. This is why I decided to research this topic. To
find out the different ways these games can affect people.
Once I started researching this topic, I found out that video games can affect people's moods making them more aggressive and irritable. People
become obsessed with video games and often withdraw from normal life (work, school, and family). They can acquire social anxiety or depression
from the lack of daily socialization. Some people become very unproductive and only care about their game. It's like the video game takes over people's
I found articles, books, and reports relating to my topic that each gave me more information on the topic. All of them included facts backing up their
ideas and many stated the same ideas. I found these sources by using a database, that way I knew they were reliable. The most useful sources were the
books. They provides the most information while staying unbiased. These sources make me think about
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The Duality Within People By Christopher Nolan 's The Dark...
The Duality Within People The eternal struggle between good and evil is seen within human nature, as it is one of the most complex and controversial
topics analyzed by many philosophers since the Ancient Greeks. The confrontation and differences of good and evil are displayed in Christopher
Nolan's The Dark Knight, through the character of Harvey Dent, who becomes Two–Face. Two–Face plays a crucial role for the understanding of
human nature, as he is a manifestation of the inner turmoil of good versus evil that resides within people. Two–Face's corrupted and evil environment,
Gotham City, contributes to the cultivation of his inner evil. The sad and negative situations that Two–Face experiences are also a cause to the
development of his dark side. Furthermore, the evil desires and feelings that Two–Face has, add to his evil persona. In The Dark Knight, Two–Face
portrays the close connection between good and evil, and how certain elements that dominate in an individual's nature can make their evil outweigh
their goodness. The environment, and the people that have influence on one's life, have an impact upon whether one is good or evil. In The Dark
Knight, Harvey Dent, the attorney of Gotham, possesses the desire to do good in the city, by fighting to make Gotham a better place. He is known as
"The White Knight," thus people look up to him as he lives a life within the bounds of law, and only believes in what is the right thing to do. Hence,
during this time Dent's inner
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The Dark Knight Rises Film
Even to this day, many have failed to replicate what has been known to be the most successful superhero trilogy of all time. With awards totaling south
of over seventy total wins and over 100 nominations, the Dark Knight Rises remains to be everything a film needs to be to always remain a timeless
classic. The method the team used to overwhelm the world with this immaculate trilogy was to create the last installment as more than just a film, but
as a piece of art as well. Many methods were used to reach this profound approach to filmmaking, however it was the brilliant cinematography, the
acting that brought the characters to life, and the director's genius ending that transitioned the Dark Knight Rises from an ordinary film, into an admired
piece of art to all.
One of the major reasons for the success of the Dark Knight Rises film is because of its award winning cinematography that the brilliant Mr. Wally
Pfister orchestrated throughout the vigorous 3–hour film. Without a doubt, the vividness portrayed from the gritty lightening aids the goal of achieving
timeless art through the process of using natural light to depict the different array of natural colors to create beauty. Another method of the brilliant
cinematography that this film contains is the directing of the action sequences. Christopher Nolan constructed a scene prop that allows him to film night
scenes during the day. This allows him to overexpose the lightening during the actual fighting that gives those
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Plagiarism Essay Examples
Taking someone's words and using them without a proper citation is a problem. Without being taught the correct way, this problem is not going to
correct itself and will continue to become a bigger problem. There are major consequences for plagiarising, but these can be avoided with a simple
citation. Tying together the definition of plagiarism, reasons for using documentation, and an explanation of MLA 8 and APA citations will all be
brought together. Learning what kind of citation, and what needs a citation is a very important concept in becoming a successful writer. Citing a source
correctly will save you time and problems.
There are many different definitions of the word plagiarism. Merriam–Webster's dictionary definition, also ... Show more content on ...
These students were taught a life lesson, something that they will never do again. Being taught, the correct way, at a young age will solve many of
the problems that we have today. Becoming aware of the consequences that this could lead to would be worth the extra time citing a document, or
writing your own paper. Taking someone's words or writing could lead to loss of job/school, fines, and so much more. To avoid these problems, a
simple citation will help anyone become aware that you did give credit to the author. Jim Carnett published an article in the Los Angeles Times stating
that he had tried to submit a column to an editor but they sent it back because it contained plagiarised material. Carnett said, "I lifted a portion of one
of my columns and inserted it in the Daily Pilot piece without attribution." He hadn't cited his own work and now what he did was plagiarism. To
Carnett, this was a total accident, but this shows that you should cite any information that you use. Although there are arguments that there is no such
thing as plagiarism, "If a novelist uses a non–fiction book for research, how is that stealing? Non–fiction promises facts, there is no copyright in facts,
ergo no stealing..." ( it is always best to give credit to the source that you received the information from; thus not having a chance of
Having a correct citation for a source is very
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Evaluating Credibility And Its Impact On The Society Of...
When a person reads a source for information the reader wants that information to be reliable so they could trust the source meaning the reader needs
their information source to be credible. Credibility is important because everyone on the planet could write on a topic, but that does not mean that
what they wrote is true and should be believed in. People who write more often than not have an agenda. To make the reader feel a certain way or to
make them believe in what the author told them too. Evaluating credibility means looking into the author and their agenda, the publisher to see where
the information comes from, evidence of bias, uses of sources to support their information, verifiability to see if it still holds context, ... Show more
content on ...
Objective Summaries & Source Credibility Analysis
The article "Rehabilitate or punish?" written by Etienne Benson on–the website of the American Psychological Association–provides insight on
the topic of the concept of rehabilitating prisoners especially the mentally ill or to continue following the "get tough on crime" method. The article also
factors in how psychology can better help even non–mentally ill prisoners to better be able to transition into citizen life without re–imprisonment than
go hard core on the prisoners to prove a point. Rating the article while evaluating on a six–point scale. I gave the article a score of (). In the category of
author, I give the article a five since he has a proficient writing experience, but not particularly in the field of psychology. He is a historian in the
field of science, technology, and the environment (). For the publisher, I give the score of six because the source is an educational professional site
in the field of psychology which is what the article is about. In the evidence of bias category, I give the article a three. The author has a strong
preference to giving the prisoners the mental help they need instead of just punishing them. Going on to explain why he believes that people should
help them, but not really going into the other side of the argument. For the use of sources, I give
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“the Evacuation of Children in World War Two Was a Great...
"The evacuation of children in World War Two was a great success." How far do the sources you have used support this interpretation of evacuation in
World War Two? (25 marks)
Before the War in September 1939, the government understood the risk of air raids and the danger they bring upon major cities in England. Plans for
evacuation started as early as 15 years before in 1924; the Air Raid Precaution Committee (ARPC) identified London as the main target, with children
as the biggest concern. The government identified, after the ARPC produced a report on the potential disasters of air raid attacks in 1925, that
maintaining civilian morale was a priority, and that the fear of bombing would bring it down. So, to prevent low morale (and also ... Show more content
on ...
To further justify evacuation and therefore show its success in keeping evacuees safe, source six shows casualties in Liverpool. It shows that the death
rate was generally over 100 and even in May 1941, at 1453. Again, this justifies the need to evacuate and the safety achieved through evacuation.
Finally, sources three shows the success in evacuation as the sources show effectiveness and good organisation as a success of evacuation. This
encompasses overall efficiency and pre–evacuation planning. To be able to transport the huge amount of 1million (intended 4million) to the
countryside required this efficiency and overall, sources three and source two mention the efficiency and order of the transport (trains) and
organisation in the countryside. In source three, a newspaper article from Kent, says that the departures were efficient, reflecting that it was seen to
that 'each child got milk and food', and followed up with 'no confusion'. Even source two, though showing evacuation in a negative way, also
comments that the trains 'ran to time' and that evacuation came 'complete with teachers'. Having teachers is shown in sources one, three and four as
well. In source one, it is shown as a teacher with a group of children, in three there are mentioned 'teachers in charge' and in four, the graph shows
about 103,000 teachers were evacuated. The fact that they were able to organise having teachers for the children,
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The Differences Of Fake News And The Media In The Media
Recently, there has been much fake news and unreliable sources online. The term "fake news," as President Trump believes, is any story that
damages the reputation of a certain group, but the most commonly used definition of fake news is any report or article based on lies. As for unreliable
sources, these are sources that cannot be trusted because the authors do not have the through knowledge or credentials to discuss the topic they are
writing about. The main difference between fake news and unreliable sources is that fake news is stories that are untrue; however, for unreliable
sources, the articles written might not be necessarily false, but the people who write the stories are not certified to write about the topic.
In addition, bias has always played a large role in the media. Media bias occurs when a source reports a news story or article in a prejudiced manner.
Yet, whether the source is more conservative or liberal, this bias does not make the source is any less reliable because there will always be bias in
the media. For example, The New York Times has a more liberal approach when writing its stories, but this does not mean this is an unreliable
source. If the news The New York Times gives are factual and are written by certified people, it is still a reliable source. Nevertheless, there are
unbiased sources in the media, too. When I say unbiased, I mean news sources that show no prejudice for or against a topic. This means news sources
such as ABC, BBC, USA Today,
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Battle Of The Somme: Source Analysis
Finally, Source E also disagrees with the statement. In this source we can see British soldiers holding fixed bayonets, attacking the Germans at
Thiepval–Chateau .We can also notice soldiers who have been shot, explosions going on in the background and barbed wire between no mans land and
the trenches; these all create an accurate representation of the circumstances whilst fighting the battle. Most importantly, we can see a German man on
the right, standing with his arms raised, surrendering. This is a key reason why this source does not portray the battle as a disaster. It is because a man
giving up and essentially handing the win to the other side, shows Britain had done something which caused Germany's plan to 'bleed France white', to
backfire. ... Show more content on ...
Four out of the five sources disagree with the statement even though Source C is quite open to interpretation. In my opinion the most useful source
was Source D. This is because it gave information which speaks about the first day from a perspective that we don't usually see. Though this could be
seen as bias, it is actually the most informative regarding how it went for the British. The source uses specific details which cannot be picked up in the
other sources and it also shows reasoning as the battle went in our favour. On the other hand, we have Source C which to me was the least useful.
This is because it was a propaganda film which made it unreliable. It was also not very trustworthy because when compared to other sources prior
knowledge, there are so many inaccuracies within it. Even then, unlike Source E which may also be a form of propaganda, there is not much that
can be deduced from Source C. This source has an inaccurate portrayal of the battle conditions and it only shows soldiers 'going over the top'. Each
one of the sources tells us different things as a result of their origin, nature and purpose. I think that it is mainly the purpose which impacts they
content of each source however all the factors do contribute. If we look into purpose in all of the sources we can see how it does make some sort of
impact on the points mentioned. For example in source A, the purpose is to show
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Essay On Robert Smalls
"Robert Smalls was an enslaved African American who, during and after the American Civil War, gained freedom and became a ship's pilot,
sea–captain, and politician." (Wikipedia). People wonder whether Wikipedia is actually a reliable source or not. Others just assume it is because
there is a lot of information about the topic they looked up. The Wikipedia article on Robert Smalls is one example of explaining whether it is a reliable
source of information or not, and why. Also, this research helps understand what exactly is a reliable source of information.
The Wikipedia article on Robert Smalls is not a reliable source of information. Simply because Wikipedia is a form of online Encyclopedia; and you
cannot cite Encyclopedia's to begin with. That being said, I do not think students or the general user should dismiss the source completely because it
does have a lot of valuable information in it. Wikipedia is there as a first step in your research, to inform you and give you a good solid background of
information you are looking for before you start your deeper research. Personally, I really enjoy Wikipedia because it helps me look for certain points
in my research and it makes it a little bit easier. Some people assume that any website is reliable or that only .Edu, .Gov, and .Org are. Even... Show
more content on ...
It helps get a better understanding about a certain topic without having to look hard for it. It is also very simple for many people to understand
while reading. Though it is not a reliable source of information, it is a very good first step in getting knowledge if a topic you know nothing about
and need a start getting basic information. The Robert small's topic was a very good one for explaining this. Reliable sources are not very hard to
find once you get the idea of what they are and should be. They state facts and have sources from other places too not just what the author's biased
opinion is on the
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Menachem Begin Research Paper

  • 1. Menachem Begin Research Paper While there are many outstanding individuals discussed during the time period after 1957, I chose Menachem Begin, the Prime Minister of Israel from 1977 – 1983. Early in Begin's life, he was inducted into the Zionist Movement through his father. Becoming a devoted member of Betar, a Zionist Revisionists Youth Movement as a teen, he also later headed the organization. During World War II, he had an opportunity to flee to Palestine with his wife, but gave up his ticket to a friend. He was captured by the Soviets and sent to a Siberian labor camp accused of being a Zionist spy. After being released he eventually went to work with the British as a translator with their Palestinian units. During this time or shortly thereafter, he became ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Alzheimer's Disease Book Review Brill Targ, Marlene. Alzheimer's Disease. Tarrytown: Marshell Cavendish Corporation, 2005. Print. The article, Alzheimer's Disease, is about a lot of meaningful topics. Some things that this book includes is what it is like to have the disease, dealing with the disease in families, treatments to help them and how you can care and support them through this hard process. It also included the history behind the disease and how much more scientist have learned about Alzheimer's over the year's. The main reason this book was created was to help families who have a someone with the disease to understand it more and to be more informed about all the effects and background knowledge of Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's Disease, also contains how children ... Show more content on ... It is about how apathy, lack of interest, occurs in Alzheimer's patients and how people such asfamily or caregiver's could push away because of it. It also contains what not to do and what to do with a person who has Alzheimer's and signs of apathy in Alzheimer's patients. It includes lots of signs of apathy and what apathy can do to a patient with Alzheimer's. This is a reliable source to use for any type of project or essay. This website is a reliable source because it contains no opinions and only definitions and facts. Since this website is a ".com", you could say that it is unreliable because anyone can make a website. But, it is reliable because it has sources at the bottom and more websites that could help you if needed and it looked like a very professional source. It would be a very good source to use in an essay or project because it gives definitions of signs, which could be helpful with explaining something. It also is helpful due to the fact that is giving real examples of what could happen and what has already happened. This is also very useful because it concludes a lot about how it affects families and how it could affect the self. Even though the topic is not apathy, it does give more of a basic understanding of the effects of the disease Alzheimer's. The website was a very good source full of important facts, details, and examples of what could ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay about Exposing the Hoax of Information literacy is an important skill, and unfortunately one that many people lack. Recently, I evaluated the website Although most of the information available on the website has merit, it was created as a hoax to bring light to the subject of information literacy in todays' society. My evaluation of the website will prove that the website masks itself as a reputable source of information, but by researching the website itself, it becomes evident that it is in fact nothing more than a hoax. According to the criteria for evaluating a website set forth by the University of California Berkeley, the URL makes this website appear legitimate. There are no indicators that the website is published by an outside source. It also... Show more content on ... Although most of the information available may be true, there are other indicators that the website may not have the most reliable information. There are no footnotes contained on any of the webpages, nor are there links to reliable sources of information. In fact, nearly all of the links on the site will redirect you to another page under the same domain. This, to me, is a good indicator that there are no other sources to justify that the information contained are from a quality source. One link on the site's main page that I found particularly deceptive was the US Environmental Assessment Center logo. A search of the name resulted in a top hit for the US Environmental Protection Agency's US Environmental Assessment Center. Upon closer examination, I realized the logo's for the USEPA and the logo for the US Environmental Assessment Center on the website were very similar, but not the same. Lastly, and most importantly, when I first started reading the information on I wasn't even sure what dihydrogen monoxide was. However, a search of the name turned up a newspaper article that told of a California town that had attempted to pass legislature after hearing about the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide (Wan, 2004). Luckily, the city council discovered that the term ... Get more on ...
  • 4. A. Lunsford's Book Easy Writer In Andrea A. Lunsford 's book Easy Writer, she describes how to conduct research and evaluate source material. In addition to informing the reader of the proper ways to incorporate source materials into an article, and concludes with how to write a researched paper. Lunsford begins chapter 37 "Conducting Research", with a detailed explanation of how a writer should start to the research process. First, Lunsford informs the reader to analyze the research assignment, research a question to answer, and then to form a hypothesis. Then, Lunsford details how to perform each of these steps, beginning with the questions a writer need to ask themselves vital to the research process. These questions include information on the purpose of the research project, the target audience, and the interests or assumptions of the audience. After that, the author asks the reader to question their own attitude, feelings, and influences on the topic. Some other questions Lunsford advises the reader to answer before beginning a research project include the amount and types of evidence needed to influence their audience. As well as, questions related to the time and length of the research project. Next, Lunsford explains to the reader how to formulate a question and hypothesis for a research project. This process is begun by finding a topic and, then narrowing it down to an issue from which a question and hypothesis can be generated. Lunsford recommends that writers also plan out their research ... Get more on ...
  • 5. English Reflection In my previous English courses, I had no knowledge of writing an essay, or even a proper sentence. Writing did not seem like anything important in my life, or that it would affect me anyway in the future. I had despised my own writing and loathed having to write essays for any of my classes. When I had enrolled in Composition I, I had no idea what I was going to do to pass. However, in class, we had done collaborative work, which had helped me progress myself. Collaborative work had consisted of multiple students helping each other, sharing ideas, and peer–reviews. This was a change of pace for me since I had not done that before. In previous classes, I had done individual work, which was solely myself correcting and working on my work. Between collaborative work and individual work, I enjoyed working with partners and sharing each other's experiences to benefit ourselves. Over this class I have developed my writing skills, learned from my previous mistakes, and understood the writing process. To begin with, before taking this class I would have grammar errors, low level word choices, sentence fragments, contractions, and no sentence variety. The grammar in my essays would be something that I had never worked on or learned from. My word choices were that of a middle schooler and would sound childish at times. I had never taken the time to learn about the sentence variety and combinations that were possible. My knowledge of sentence variety was limited to only compound and ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Importance Of Finding Useful And Strong Evidence Finding useful and strong evidence is always one of the most difficult, yet one of the most important aspectpart of writing an essay. Evidence is the foundationbase of an essay and all the essay's content relies on the evidence to support it and make a powerful statement. Most college students are familiar with the concept of finding and using evidence to support their arguments in their essays. It has been something that we have learned in grade school that we have all executed on all of our essays. Evidence is used in order to make all statements and arguments deemed correct. It is always difficult to refute someone when they have strong evidence. With good evidence, the author is able to convince the reader to believe what the author is ... Show more content on ... In many parts of the article, I will either include a lot of my own analysis or a lot of quotes from other articles. I need to find a perfect balance between the two so i have the perfect amount of my own work and analysis and the evidence I need to include in order to justify my analysis. Another weakness I think is the way I cite my sources. I'm not completely sure the best way to cite my source. I know that I need to have a works cited part but I struggle with incorporating my citation into the actual text. Some strengths that I have are my organization. I was able to split my article into separate sections and each section describes a different factor that students should take account of when finding sources and evidence for their writings. I also think a strength of mine was relating to the audience because I know that my audience is college students, so incorporated different scenarios and situations that they would relate to more. For example, I know that college students are typically very experienced in social media, so I incorporated a section about social media because I know that many college students may not know that using social media as a new source is not resourceful. How to Find Reliable Sources as Evidence Introduction The concept of using evidence to support your words is a concept that most people are familiar with and is constantly used everyday. It could be something as simple as proving to ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Israel's Involvement In The 1967 June War The nature of Israel's involvement in the 1967 June War can be aptly portrayed as both a prime example of pre–emptive self–defence of the nation and as a rapacious campaign of self–interested opportunism. A central tenet of the Israeli position that Arab encroachment posed a danger to the continued existence of Israel is that the short and long term consequences of Israel not acting decisively were disastrous and had to be avoided. The partisan essence of the Six–Day War is exemplified through the Arab narrative's empathetic denial that Israel acted defensively and their testimony that the actual aggressor in this conflict was Israel. Primary source documents, particularly declassified intelligence reports, provide a unique prism through which one can deconstruct some of the underlying principles that steer Israel's justifications of war against its foes. Likewise, the rejection of elements of Israel's narrative by esteemed Israeli's such as Yitzhak Rabin and Abba Eban indicates that certain facets of its conduct in the June War cannot be reasonably understood as being defensive. International law, which has a chief objective of resolving global ... Show more content on ... M. A. El Kony, who served as the United Arab Republic's ambassador to the United Nations, succinctly summarised the Arab narrative by stating 'Israel has committed a treacherous premeditated aggression against the United Arab Republic'. The notion that Israel had explicitly planned the Six–Day War as a land–grabbing maneuverer is utterly contradictory to the principles encapsulated within the ideology of defensive warfare. Consequently, it becomes vital to analyse contemporary source material to determine the veracity of the Arab narrative as doing so will enable an unbiased observer to form a more nuanced position that could deviate considerably from the Israeli ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Dark Knight Analysis When you think of psychology what is the the first name that comes to mind? My guess is that you thought of Sigmund Freud. Even though none of his theories of dreams or sexuality have any empirical evidence, he is still one of the most influential figures in all of philosophy. One of Freud's ideas that does have substance is the idea that our minds are dynamic and contain both conscious and unconscious memories, thoughts, and desires. Freud labeled these phenomena the id, ego, and superego. While the nuances of this theory are complex and somewhat monotonous, they are brought to life in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. The chaotic and childish joker (id), the pure and valiant Harvey Dent (superego), and the one responsible for finding a balance between the two, Batman (ego). "The id is the completely unconscious, impulsive, childlike portion of the psyche that operates on the "pleasure principle" and is the source of basic impulses and drives; it seeks immediate pleasure and gratification." (Boundless, par. 5) The most memorable scenes in The Dark Knight begin with the Joker asking, "You wanna know how I got these scars?" (Nolan) and every time he gives a different reason. The first is that "My father, was a drinker, and a fiend. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me and says, 'Why so ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Militancy In The Pre-Independence Adam Pollack 4–25–17 English 110 Bruce Allen Heggen Israeli Militancy in the Pre–Independence The origins of the present day Israeli Defence forces and israeli politics run very far back in the history of the jewish homeland, even predating the state of israel itself. In the beginning the defence forces were very unorganized and had goals solely of protection. Through time the jewish militias developed into different tranches with different purposes and goals. Many times these militias actually found conflict with each other. There were many changes in the region from the late 19th century into the mid 20th century. Two world wars, the largest genocide in human history the 1880–1948 held massive significance to the jewish people and eventually ... Show more content on ... Zionists became less and less cooperative with the british as the underground militias gained power through the years. In 1940 a new organization arose as a branch of the Irgun. The Lehi which means Fighters for Freedom in Israel is a group that sought to fight the british during World War II. Along with fighting against the british they sought to ally themselves with the German Nazis. The Nazi's were intrested in getting rid of their jewish population and so the Lehi offered to have them evacuated to Israel in exchange for alliance in fighting the British. In the weeks before the Independence war The Irgun and Lehi groups entered neIghborhood Deir Yassin and killed 254 arab residents. This event would be knows as the Deir Yassin Massacre. The founder of the Lehi as Avraham Stern a long time friend of Abraham Thomas. A notable commander of Lehi was Yitzhak Shamir, He had a long history of defying british rule. Arrested many times for undercover work by the british, and a member of Lehi he was a villain to the british and exiled to Africa. After independence He joined the Mossad, an intelligence agency in the Israeli Defence Forces. He served as prime minister of Israel in 1986– ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Sources Of Diversity In Films When doing research for my topic, Diversity in Films, I came across many sources. The first source that I found was a scholarly journal named, Teaching Sociology. The journal, that was written by Mari Dagaz and Brent Harger, had a short segment about diversity in films. One of the main points that stood out was one about how women and minorities are portrayed in films. It stated that women and minorities in film are usually "underrepresented and based on traditional stereotypes." This point is what I believe is one of the strengths of this source. This is because that short segment allowed me to think about my topic more and opened my eyes to what I really needed to look for. Although, the fact that it did not specify a certain minority nor give examples would be a weakness of the source. The fact that the journal did not give good examples of the lack of diversity in films, would be considered the sources "weak" trait. If the journal would have given an example of a stereotype that is used or an example of how women and minorities are portrayed, it would have made the journal a lot stronger. But, since it did not, it caused me to have to look to other sources that would give me some kind of example. So the article basically forced me to have to look to other places that provided the information that it ... Show more content on ... The source, written by Scott Collins, is from The Los Angeles Times and the title is "More diversity in films and TV?" The article was about how minorities and women are falling behind at the box office. What is meant is that they are not being represented as much in big blockbusters. A strength from this article is that it actually gave statistical information about the topic it was presenting. For example, when talking about a minority lead in feature films, it states that in 2013 it dropped from 16.7% to 12.3%. Even though it features good statistical values, that article did have a downside to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Hillary Clinton Email Summary Many of the views and actions of society and politics today are centered around the media, which keeps the public well informed on current events so that the public can make educated decisions based on the information they have accrued to make change in the functions of our society, whether small or large. However, misinterpreted bias in mass media causes the creation and spread of misinformation to the public, which causes members of society to have a skewed vision of what is fact and what isn't. This can cause members of society to make decisions based on incorrect information, which affects the running of our society as a whole. WikiLeaks, a media organization that supposedly hacks into servers and websites to find material that they then... Show more content on ... His audience, who seems to be the news programs and American government, is encouraged to be honest about their reportings and dealings with each other, as the reporting of honest information that is not misleading will undermine the plan of the Russians. Bias is heavily inserted into this article, as the author uses loaded and persuasive language to appeal to American sentiment. The very first sentence in the article states, "You sure have to hand it to the Russians." This sentence introduces the informal and sarcastic tone that is used throughout the article, as well as informs the reader that this is not an informational piece. The reader knows all of this when they read the first sentence, and must then decide whether or not they should continue. Often, ignorant readers will continue to read the entirety of the piece, even though they know that the presented information will be biased and might not even be correct. As the article continues, the author follows a slippery slope of claims, connecting each effect back to the hypothetical cause before it. All of these events hyFor this reason, the reader is mostly at fault, as their failure to educate themselves properly on the topic ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Analysis Of The Film 'The Dark Knight' A literary convention is a specific pattern like a repetition of a word, phrase, character, or setting. They are recurring patterns in particular literary genres and are present in many novels, short stories, plays, and sonnets. There are many different literary conventions or tropes in the stories that we have read, but I am choosing to write about the film The Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan. There are also many within the film, but the one that stuck out most to me was Jokers famous saying, "why so serious?". When he says this his tone of voice is almost angry, or he may even sound mentally insane. There are two stories from where The Joker says that the saying "why so serious" originates from. The most notable one is that his father was a drunk and killed his mother. Then his father asks him "why so serious", and decides he should have a smile, so he put a knife in his mouth and cut his face from ear to ear. This phrase and the way that he says it ends up making people of Gotham more scared then they maybe normally would be. The phrase could also mean that order will never be contained, that somehow someway chaos will always rise. I think that by the different stories about his scar, his actions throughout the film, and by his famous "why so serious?" phrase, Joker is a psychopath who is mentally deranged, yet maybe not insane, and somehow he is very intelligent. The phrase is something that occurs very frequently in the movie. It has also become a very popular saying ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Historical Fiction Book Report of The Hope by Herman Wouk Historical Fiction Book Report: The Hope by: Herman Wouk The book The Hope is the story of Zev Barak, Benny Luria, Sam Pasternak, Kishote, four of Israel's army officers during the major battles and struggles of Israel from 1948 until 1967. The War of Independence, The Six Day War, and the 1956 Sinai Campaigns were all major events that had major effects on Israel. The book starts out with the war of independence in the town of Latrun with the Haganah 7th brigade. The battle of Latrun was a battle that took place in beginning phases of the war. This battle was a failure to the Haganah 7th brigade, which was newer formed unit. The main road between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem which was commanded by the Latrun fortress. Arab forces were trying to take over the fortress and deny jews from entering into Jerusalem. This particular battle and the events depicted around and about the battle in the book are events and occurrences of actual history but it is a simplified version of the events, of course. But the things that are not actual or real things in history are the characters. Sam Pasternak is the fictional character used to illustrate the tasks of Colonel Chaim Herzog which was a Israeli army officer who became an army general, later a popular historian of the military, and then took on Israel's envoy to the UN, he even took on two terms as President of Israel. The story of "Burma Road" in the book, like the battle of Latrun, is simplified. All though, in the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Sources Of Credibility Research papers are a part of every student's life. Some students may like the research papers but the others may not. But in the end a decent research paper would be the sources that make the paper credible. A lot of articles are not credible due to some areas. The areas include: the credibility of the author, the sources that were cited throughout the paper, how reliable the content is and a reliable publisher also how current and how accessible the article is. The author would be credible by being knowledgeable about the topic being spoken about. Furthermore, for the author to be credible, the author would have to be adding some outside sources that will give the article more credibility. Not only would the sources would make the paper credible... Show more content on ... The last source is about the Eavesdropping law that went into motion in 2006. Although the article is from 2006, the article was written about the law that went into motion. The author of the law was from the government. The website that the article is on is a government affiliated. With this law being presents on a government affiliated website it shows that this law that was written was credible. Also it makes the website reliable. There were no sources to the website because the article is law that was overruled ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Black Friday Essay How far do sources 11 & 12 challenge the view presented in source 10 about the conduct of the police on Black Friday? The three sources to be compared are all in relation to the events that occurred on "Black Friday", particularly surrounding the conduct of the metropolitan police. Source 10, taken from "The Times" newspaper presents the view that the police were more victims of the women and raiders that they were trying to control, and that it took some effort to restrain the women that were protesting on that day. Whereas source 11, taken from a memorandum that was sent to the home office after 'Black Friday" gives the view that the police were acting violently towards the women protesting and that the women in this situation were ... Show more content on ... Source 11 on the other hand disagrees with the view presented in source source 10. It is an extract from a memorandum by the Parliamentary Conciliation Committee for Women's Suffrage send to the Home Office after "Black Friday". It agrees with the source ten in the sense that it admits a "relentless struggle" occurred between the police and the suffragettes, but it disagrees with source 10 because it presents the view that it was the police acting violently towards the women, who it says were "flung hither and thither amid moving traffic, and into the hands of a crows which was sometimes rough and indecent". This opinion is presented because the purpose of the memorandum sent to the home office was to request a public inquiry into the conduct of the police on "Black Friday", because they did not follow their "usual course of action" which "would have been to arrest the women on a charge of obstruction" but they "had been instructed to avoid, as far as possible, making any arrests" which is why, the women argue that the police were so violent. Also, this ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Dark Knight Dilogy Part 1 Hal Freeland 10/26/16 The Dark Knight Dilogy Part 1 Bruce Wayne, the Batman, leaned against one of the many high reaching, cold, damp, and rocky walls of the Batcave. Not suited up, but wearing khakis and an undershirt, he felt the cold of the wall while waiting for some crime information to process. There was a particular robbery that he could not be the first responder to. But of course, the Gotham Police are on a different level of skill in the crime–stopping field, therefore, the offenders escaped the scene. Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne's butler, enters the Batcave in his typical dress, a tuxedo. "Any updates on the robbery, Master Bruce?" asked Alfred with his sophisticated English accent. Bruce says with a sigh, "I'm afraid not, Alfred." "Well, I brought you some coffee in case you are down here for a while more." The butler said. "Thanks Alfred." Said Bruce. "Always welcome, Master Bruce." Then the butler strolled into the industrial looking steel–grate elevator, and exited the Batcave. About 15 minutes later, the report had been fully processed. The report read: No sizable threat. Suggestions: Let GCPD handle it. Bruce let out an exhausted sigh of relief. He concluded he had gotten about three hours of sleep in the last week. Suddenly, he remembered with a startle that three hours is the minimum amount of sleep for a person over the course of a week. The next morning, after seven hours of sleep, Alfred woke him with a spinach smoothie and a protein bar in hand. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Dark Knight Analysis The Dark Knight is a superhero movie and is part of a sequel. It comes second after Batman Begins. It is a fantastic movie directed by Christopher Nolan. The main Theme of this movie is Faith. The plot and Characters develop this theme in a few ways. When the film opens up we have a bank robbery scene in the city of gotham and we encounter the joker, our antagonist. Because of this we see a chain of crimes happening around the city and the people of Gotham turn their faith toward the Batman. This is the basic plot of the film where the protagonists are trying to restore people's faith back into the city and the police force. The characters develop this theme by carrying out the plot of the film and helping restore faith back into the city. The visual design plays a big role in developing the film's theme. A majority of the time the films color is dark and the colors palate that is used is to the darker side. The setting of this movie is determiner of character because it takes place in a setting that Batman doesn't have too much control over and he is working to protect that and survive in that place. We also see a setting for sheer visual impact at times such as when we see a deep focus camera shot of the entire city and see how much chaos is going on and what the protagonists are trying to do to restore faith back into the city. The functions of the setting in this film also have symbolic significance to the theme and it impacts it very much. We mostly see this in the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Dark Knight Figures In 'The Dark Knight Rises' Monica Yip Carrie Jean Schroeder English 1C 30 August 2017 (WORKING TITLE) Batman's duality as hero and hazard reflect how the capitalism present in America is both the problem and solution. As the third installment in the Batman trilogy, a different tone is used when the hero is introduced in the beginning scene. In the preceding films, the hero has been seen righting wrongs and serving justice by banishing the manipulative, toxic and evil villains Gotham is infested with. In the opening scene of The Dark Knight Rises, Commissioner Gordon delivers a speech to honor the late Harvey Dent, former Gotham mayor, and his major contribution in ridding the city's criminal activity. Dent was a symbol of hope and restoration from the economic decline Gotham faced and the gang activity that terrorized the streets. Batman 2: The Dark Knight introduced the villainous Joker and his psychotic madness which led to Dent's own decline when the madman kills Dent's lover. This sparked Dent's own madness and list of homicides. Wanting to preserve the hope Dent instilled onto the people and prevent chaos, Batman takes the blame for Dent's transgression. And so, begins the duality of Batman. Batman is the alter ego of wealthy and successful business man, Bruce Wayne. Wayne's parents were tragically murdered right in front of him when he was young by an armed robber. This was the moment Wayne took an oath to himself that he would rid his city of the injustice and crime that killed his ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Sadat And Carter Essay Carter firmly believed in self–determination for all people. Carter wished for the United States to take lead of law in global undertakings.Additionally, he needed the United States to lead the pack in advancing all inclusive human rights. Carter trusted that American power ought to be practiced sparingly and that the United States ought to evade military interventions as much as they could. He trusted that American relations with the Soviet Union would proceed to enhance and that the two countries could come to monetary and arms control understandings that would unwind Cold War strains. Carter concluded that he required specialists around him to assist him in directing foreign affairs, He named Columbia University teacher Zbigniew Brzezinski as his national security... Show more content on ... Begin made a few concessions to Carter, including consenting to the rule of Egyptians over the whole Sinai, and finish Israeli withdrawal from all military offices and settlements. Consequently, Carter consented to give Israel assets to remake Israeli army installations in the Negev Desert. Since Sadat and Carter had positions that were very close, the two men turned out to be great companions as the gathering advanced. Sadat likewise made a few concessions to Carter, which distanced some of his own delegation. His prime minister resigned toward the end, trusting that Sadat had been defeated by the Americans and Israelis. The Camp David Accords, initialed on September 17, 1978 and formally marked in Washington on March 26, 1979, were the most critical remote approach accomplishment of the Carter organization, and supporters trusted it would resuscitate his battling administration. In spite of the fact that Begin and Sadat got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for this activity, Carter got no huge political advantage from this ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Some People Have the View That British Generals Like Haig... Some people have the view that British generals like Haig were incompetent leaders. How far does the sources support or contradict this interpretation? Some people have the view that British generals such as Haig were useless leaders. Famous sources like 'O What a lovely War', 'Blackadder' and 'The Trench' support this. However from the 1980s many military historians have challenged this interpretation and states that under Haigs leadership, Britain and her allies won the war from encouraging new weapons and military tactics. After Haigs death in 1918, historians blamed him for needless laughter of nearly 750,000 British soldiers on the Western Front and biographers pilloned him for his overconfidence, insensitivity and logical ... Show more content on ... Another source which supports the interpretation that British generals were incompetent is source B1. John Laffin worked as a tour guide in Australia. His parents both served witht he Australians in Gallipoli and France as nursing cops. Even though he didn't have a history degree, he was a military historian who earned his living taking people on battlefield tours. He researched the war from the soldier's viewpoint and wrote a successful history book titled "British Butchers and Bunglers of World War One"– a very emotive polemic title – which released to the public in 2003. The book aims to expose the guilt of 'uncaring and stupid' generals. The passage from the book says that Haig and other stupid generals must be blamed for 'wilful blunders and wicked butchery' and that there can never be forgiveness for their 'sheer incompetence'. This source lacks reliability as it has been written in confidence with other sources he has researched online. Laffin only presents one side of the argument and doesn't discuss the situation in Verdun. The passage of the book was written in 2003– 80 years later from World War 1. However, his job as a tour guide in battlefields gives him an advantage over other historians. This source is supported by other historians (B8 an B1) and soldiers (B2). This interpretation is contradicted by sources like (B14). David Lloyd George (B4) also supports the interpretation that British generals ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Importance Of Credible Sources A source is the place or resource in which knowledge has been obtained. When looking for sources to use in a research paper you need to be able to determine whether or not a source is reliable and credible. It is important to use reliable and credible sources so that the information you use in a document you are writing is accurate and will not affect you in a negative way, by either getting a bad grade in school or just looking unintelligent to a colleague. A credible source is a source of good quality that a reader can trust to be truthful and believable, otherwise known as convincing or plausible. It is important to use credible sources to prove points because it enhances your own credibility as a writer by contributing to the effect of ... Show more content on ... When using ethos you create a sense of authority to the reader that what you are saying is reliable. For example, in commercials athletes advertise athletic products, while models advertise beauty products. This shows a reader that professional people in a certain field backup a product in a positive way. Ethos is also used when someone uses actions that a person has completed in the past, to help persuade people that they have experience and are reliable. When using logos you can cite statistics, analogies, and historical context about a topic to show you are a credible source and that the information you are using can be proven with evidence. It enhances a rational and fact based reasoning on a topic. If you use pathos and appeal to the more emotional side of a topic, a reader could immediately identify your source as bias, as it uses a human's sense of emotion to get someone to agree with a topic. A credible and reliable source can be determined through characteristics in spelling/grammar, citations and examples used within a document, and the author. Once a reliable and credible source has been identified you can use it in any research paper that will help improve your skills as a writer, and make your writing as reliable as the sources that allowed you to write it. When creating a reliable and credible source use ethos and logos to help support your claim, to enhance your authority and provide logical ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Is The Overuse Of Technology And / Or Social Media... Reliance on/ Overuse of Technology and/ or Social Media: An Annotated Bibliography "More Technology Use Linked to Mental Health Issues in At–Risk Adolescents." Duke Today, –technology–use–linked–mental–health–issues–riskadolescents ".23 Oct.2017. Technology and social media are used every day by hundreds of millions of people. The use of these applications provides a more effective outcome of everyday lives. However, the overuse of the technology and social media has negatively impacted those who abuse their time on technology and the use of social media platforms. The first source explains why the overuse of technology negatively effects adolescents and gives data to support their idea. The point of this article is to promote awareness for the younger generation and their abuse of technology. The author gives statistics and multiple studies to back up their argument. The article explains that the overuse of technology can eventually lead to mental health issues and irregular behavior and can lead to depression and mental anxiety. This article combines logic, evidence, and statistics to make good points about the turmoil modern society faces. The source was useful and gave reliable evidence which was very helpful. The author substantiates their claim by using reliable sources and proper evidence to elucidate the fact that abusing these applications can affect many adolescents' brains. This source was reliable because the author included ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Menachem Begin Influence Menachem Begin, the prime minister of Israel, changed Israel because he made peace with Anwar el–Sadat, sacrificed the Sinai Peninsula, and shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Egyptian President, Anwar el–Sadat. Before he became prime minister, he was a serious zionist, or someone who supports the movement of the recreation of a Jewish nation in Israel, and even joined a Zionist Revisionists' youth movement, converting into their leader by the age of 25 years old. He even was imprisoned for supporting the Zionist movement and being a Zionist. In the beginning of his ministry, Menachem led Israel with political change and a new look by signing a peace treaty. However, in order for him to prove that Israel was an actual country, he needed to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Dark Knight Trilogy Hero's Journey The Dark Knight Trilogy 1. Call To Adventure A key part of the Batman movies is that when Bruce was young, he fell into an empty well filled with bats and developed a major phobia of them. Bruce Wayne witnessed his parents get murdered by a mugger by the name of Joe Chill when he was young. After years of being raised by his butler, Alfred, he decides that he is going to kill Joe Chill before he testifies against Mob Boss Falcone. At the courthouse, Bruce stands and waits, gun in hand. He is too late, for one of Falcone's goons kill Chill before Bruce gets a chance. Bruce decides to pay Falcone a visit and gets more than he bargains for when he is insulted and told that his father "Begged like a dog" before he was killed. This... Show more content on ... Our hero has decided to stick to his moral compass and keep fighting crime, which unfortunately leads to Rachels death. The Joker has kidnapped Rachel and Harvey in two separate buildings strapped to a warehouse sized bomb. Batman has to decide between love and law, and he chooses to save Harvey, as Rachel dies in the timed explosion. 7. Apostasies Batman, having faced death numerous amounts of times, has become more than just a human. He is able to fight evil, like never before and he is rewarded, often by glorification. However, this is where the story plot messes with our minds a little bit, because it isn't Bruce Wayne who receives the reward of glorification; it is Harvey who attains that feeling. The Joker issues an ultimatum that people will die each day unless Batman reveals his identity; as a result, Bruce plans to reveal his identity, but Harvey Dent instead names himself as Batman to protect the truth. Batman encounters more decisions to make; he must sacrifice himself to the city he loves. He merely must become the villain, in order for true peace to exist in Gotham. 8. Refusal Of Return Having reached his goals, having saved his people, Batman doesn't see a need to return to normal life and pain. When "The Dark Knight Rises" story begins, Bruce Wayne is now a deep hiding in his manor. A source of stories and tales suggest tales of him being messed up and disfigured. John Blake ... Get more on ...
  • 25. How far do these sources suggest that young Henry VIII was... How far do these sources suggest that young Henry VIII was an impressive figure as a king? In the 16th century an impressive figure of a king would mean that he demonstrated power both physically and economically and a good education. However as source two suggests, Henry might be considered less than impressive as he shows insecurities. A stronger argument though is that Henry did demonstrate the features of an impressive king as he had all the attributes listed above which is clear from all three sources. It might be inferred that Henry was less than impressive as he was clearly insecure. Source two shows Henry seeking to compare favourability with his rival king Francis I of France. He persistently asks the Venetian ambassador... Show more content on ... Source one implies that Henry is a very rich and powerful king as it shows us spending time practicing his archery with his guards. "The king was practicing archery in the garden with the archers of the guard." It could be inferred from this that Henry has free recreational time as he is already in control of everything else. The argument that he is an impressive king gains weight from this because he has power over everyone, and that he gets people to do the jobs he would normally have to do. This can be inferred from source one as Henry spends his time in the garden "practicing archery with the archers of the guards." This suggests that Henry has appointed other people to do the jobs he would have to do whilst he is in the garden practicing archery. It could also be inferred that he is wealthy because he would be paying these people to do jobs for him. The source is a written document taken from a personal diary of the king's Chaplin, John Taylor in 1513; he was also a royal official. The source is likely to be accurate and reliable as it is a personal diary. John Taylor would have been recording what he sees and as it is personal, there is no need to lie. Therefore we can infer that source one is a reliable source, this lends weight to the strongest argument that Henry VII was an impressive figure as king. Henry tried to portray himself as a warrior king during his early ... Get more on ...
  • 26. General Studies Writing Class Analysis At the beginning of the semester I entered General Studies Writing 1110, not knowing what to expect. I knew the class was solely based on writing and perfecting personal style, but I never anticipated the valuable information I would learn throughout the course of the year. The only advanced English class I have taken in high school was English Honors in eighth grade. That class gave me the base knowledge of writing, grammar and form that has helped me through my four essays in this class. Starting out, I was not sure what the standard for passing was; even though it was unclear to me what passing was, I strove for perfection. By the time the second essay came around I realized my writing was never perfect. Peer editors and family played a ... Show more content on ... It is important to keep the audience in mind when writing the essay to state the proper things, address the right points and point out valid counterarguments. In my first essay I was not entirely sure how to write to my desired audience or how to say the right things to appeal to them. I had never heard of or used logos, pathos or ethos in an essay until this class. Now I understand the importance of incorporating them. They add an element of realness and honesty to the essay that one would not have had before using these strategies. One essay that shows the growth of this skill is my Analyzing a Visual; in this essay I write to environmental activists and society as a whole. When writing this essay, knowing my audience was mainly environmental activists, I had to make sure I appealed to their passionate, caring side by using the rhetorical strategy pathos. Using pathos in an essay makes people feel intense emotions, such as sadness or grief, which makes them want to take further actions and do anything they can to help the cause being presented. Being able to address specific audiences will never stop being a valuable skill. I can use it in my future college classes, community and career. It is important to address the audience when making speeches for the community so they feel a connection with the speech. Connecting with people will allow ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Hillary Clinton Dishonest Analysis One source used to evaluate Hillary Clinton comes from an article titled "Hillary Clinton emails – what's it all about?" by Anthony Zurcher, a North American reporter. It is published by BBC News and the purpose of the publication was to inform people about the issue with Clinton's emails. The information in this source comes from quotes from Clinton herself, reports from The State Department, and FBI directors from an investigation. It is valid information because it is supported by evidence from a variety of places and it is also very well researched as seen by the amount of detail in the article. Zurcher is an active reporter who covers US politics and writes about current happenings in the world. The content on this website is a secondary ... Show more content on ... The source was published to present an opinion on a political issue and the author's intention is to address Trump's tax returns in a negative manner. It is written from a first person perspective and words such as "bogus" suggest a high level of bias. The information in the article comes from claims made by Trump himself that are analyzed and interpreted, making it a secondary source. Eichenwald is an American journalist who is a senior writer for Newsweek and he has also worked for The New York Times. This shows that he is knowledgeable in his work, but he still did not use a lot of research or evidence to back up his opinions in this article. The source was published on September 6th, 2016 which demonstrates that it is current. In this article, the main points are addressed clearly in a logical manner and it is easy to read. However, the author was a little repetitive mainly to create a strong argument and make a ... Get more on ...
  • 28. UMAT Assessment Essay As a current student striving to be accepted into medicine I will be required to undertake the UMAT examination. I have always been interested in the relevance of the examination, how it is perceived by people and whether students are the key people it 'serves'. To gain a basic understanding of the purpose of the UMAT I conducted preliminary research, utilising the ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) website, who were the developers and write the examination every year. I obtained sources through the use of google scholar to locate relevant and highly reliable sources. The majority of my sources were secondary obtained from websites, journals and articles. I had emailed multiple professionals to conduct interviews but received no responses, hence, I was unable to obtain primary data on my topic. However, sources from the Medical Journal of Australia provided sufficient information on my topic, providing me with facts and statistics which I utilised throughout my report. I was assured that information obtained from this journal was highly reliable as the articles are all peer reviewed and also by the reputation of the journal. Other information was sourced from either the Adelaide University or the ACER website, which I believe... Show more content on ... I organised my information and report in informative language. Informative in the informational genre, I did not want a balanced point of view but one which describes my findings. Due to the fact that I was writing an investigation I utilised objective language, ensuring that I elaborated my points out clearly. This will assist in presenting findings in a clear, concise and professional manner, it was also vital that I structured my report in a manner that was easy to follow and logical. This will ensure that readers will be able to understand information and examples utilised, and easily comprehend the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Dark Knight And Inception There are many successful directors who have produced at least one blockbuster film that is critically acclaimed, and Christopher Nolan has been able to do this several times. Christopher Nolan began directing movies in 1998 and has directed fourteen movies since 1998. The film critic Alissa Wilkinson notes in her article The films of Christopher Nolan, explained, "Nolan has shown himself to be interested in both entertaining audiences and making them think, in pushing the boundaries of what they believe a movie can and should be". Christopher Nolan also often deals with the subjects of time, memory, and life philosophies that drive movies and characters. Two of Nolan's most prominent films through his whole career have beenthe Dark Knight(2008) and Inception(2010). Both of the films show how Nolan's movies end ambiguously and how each protagonists in his films has an antagonist with opposite philosophies and beliefs. Inception is a film that contains a protagonist and antagonists with opposing philosophical views and beliefs. The movie includes examples of the belief that the world is real conflicting with the belief that the world is a dream with death as the only way out. For instance in one part of the movie Dom is argueing with Mal that they are in the real world as they both stand on the window ledge of opposing buildings. Mal begs Dom to come with her as she says this world is a dream and that the only way to wake up is by jumping.Dom tries to tell her that they are ... Get more on ...
  • 30. A Central Repository Collecting Structured Data Via... 1. INTRODUCTION [[Wikidata, and the problem]] Wikidata is a central repository collecting structured data via collaborative online communities. It has provided sup– port for the content of Wikipedia and as well as other sites1. Like many other projects that rely on contributions from volunteer users, Wikidata content are largely edited by vol– unteers (more than fifteen thousand active users2) from di– verse locations, backgrounds and skill levels. It is inevitable there is demand in understanding the quality and trustwor– thiness of Wikidata. One thing sets Wikidata apart from other linked open data repository is its focus on curating sourced data which makes each statement verifiable. How– ever, the reality is not only there are a large number of statements without any references, but also there is no over– all view of how good the sources are for the statements with references. [[Our focus]] Our focus in this paper is to investigate the trustworthi– ness of the statements by looking at how good the exist– ing sources are and explore using crowdsourcing paid mi– cro tasks to curate source data for the statements whose 1 2 TablesWikipediaWIKIDATA.htm#editor_activity_levels Qiong Bu School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton reference are missing. The trustworthiness of statement is defined as the degree to which the data deserves of trust or ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Annotated Bibliography On Video Games Annotated Bibliography I decided to research the negative effect video games have on people.Video games, especially violent ones, have become increasingly popular over the last several years. Kids will sit in front of a television for hours straight playing the same game. In these games, they kill humans, zombie, animals, and more. I've always wonder what effect these violent games have on people. Staring at these aggressive video games for so long can't be a good thing. Kids find video games so addictive; they can't put them down. This is why I decided to research this topic. To find out the different ways these games can affect people. Once I started researching this topic, I found out that video games can affect people's moods making them more aggressive and irritable. People become obsessed with video games and often withdraw from normal life (work, school, and family). They can acquire social anxiety or depression from the lack of daily socialization. Some people become very unproductive and only care about their game. It's like the video game takes over people's lives. I found articles, books, and reports relating to my topic that each gave me more information on the topic. All of them included facts backing up their ideas and many stated the same ideas. I found these sources by using a database, that way I knew they were reliable. The most useful sources were the books. They provides the most information while staying unbiased. These sources make me think about ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Duality Within People By Christopher Nolan 's The Dark... The Duality Within People The eternal struggle between good and evil is seen within human nature, as it is one of the most complex and controversial topics analyzed by many philosophers since the Ancient Greeks. The confrontation and differences of good and evil are displayed in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight, through the character of Harvey Dent, who becomes Two–Face. Two–Face plays a crucial role for the understanding of human nature, as he is a manifestation of the inner turmoil of good versus evil that resides within people. Two–Face's corrupted and evil environment, Gotham City, contributes to the cultivation of his inner evil. The sad and negative situations that Two–Face experiences are also a cause to the development of his dark side. Furthermore, the evil desires and feelings that Two–Face has, add to his evil persona. In The Dark Knight, Two–Face portrays the close connection between good and evil, and how certain elements that dominate in an individual's nature can make their evil outweigh their goodness. The environment, and the people that have influence on one's life, have an impact upon whether one is good or evil. In The Dark Knight, Harvey Dent, the attorney of Gotham, possesses the desire to do good in the city, by fighting to make Gotham a better place. He is known as "The White Knight," thus people look up to him as he lives a life within the bounds of law, and only believes in what is the right thing to do. Hence, during this time Dent's inner ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Dark Knight Rises Film Even to this day, many have failed to replicate what has been known to be the most successful superhero trilogy of all time. With awards totaling south of over seventy total wins and over 100 nominations, the Dark Knight Rises remains to be everything a film needs to be to always remain a timeless classic. The method the team used to overwhelm the world with this immaculate trilogy was to create the last installment as more than just a film, but as a piece of art as well. Many methods were used to reach this profound approach to filmmaking, however it was the brilliant cinematography, the acting that brought the characters to life, and the director's genius ending that transitioned the Dark Knight Rises from an ordinary film, into an admired piece of art to all. One of the major reasons for the success of the Dark Knight Rises film is because of its award winning cinematography that the brilliant Mr. Wally Pfister orchestrated throughout the vigorous 3–hour film. Without a doubt, the vividness portrayed from the gritty lightening aids the goal of achieving timeless art through the process of using natural light to depict the different array of natural colors to create beauty. Another method of the brilliant cinematography that this film contains is the directing of the action sequences. Christopher Nolan constructed a scene prop that allows him to film night scenes during the day. This allows him to overexpose the lightening during the actual fighting that gives those ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Plagiarism Essay Examples Taking someone's words and using them without a proper citation is a problem. Without being taught the correct way, this problem is not going to correct itself and will continue to become a bigger problem. There are major consequences for plagiarising, but these can be avoided with a simple citation. Tying together the definition of plagiarism, reasons for using documentation, and an explanation of MLA 8 and APA citations will all be brought together. Learning what kind of citation, and what needs a citation is a very important concept in becoming a successful writer. Citing a source correctly will save you time and problems. There are many different definitions of the word plagiarism. Merriam–Webster's dictionary definition, also ... Show more content on ... These students were taught a life lesson, something that they will never do again. Being taught, the correct way, at a young age will solve many of the problems that we have today. Becoming aware of the consequences that this could lead to would be worth the extra time citing a document, or writing your own paper. Taking someone's words or writing could lead to loss of job/school, fines, and so much more. To avoid these problems, a simple citation will help anyone become aware that you did give credit to the author. Jim Carnett published an article in the Los Angeles Times stating that he had tried to submit a column to an editor but they sent it back because it contained plagiarised material. Carnett said, "I lifted a portion of one of my columns and inserted it in the Daily Pilot piece without attribution." He hadn't cited his own work and now what he did was plagiarism. To Carnett, this was a total accident, but this shows that you should cite any information that you use. Although there are arguments that there is no such thing as plagiarism, "If a novelist uses a non–fiction book for research, how is that stealing? Non–fiction promises facts, there is no copyright in facts, ergo no stealing..." ( it is always best to give credit to the source that you received the information from; thus not having a chance of plagiarism. Having a correct citation for a source is very ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Evaluating Credibility And Its Impact On The Society Of... Introduction When a person reads a source for information the reader wants that information to be reliable so they could trust the source meaning the reader needs their information source to be credible. Credibility is important because everyone on the planet could write on a topic, but that does not mean that what they wrote is true and should be believed in. People who write more often than not have an agenda. To make the reader feel a certain way or to make them believe in what the author told them too. Evaluating credibility means looking into the author and their agenda, the publisher to see where the information comes from, evidence of bias, uses of sources to support their information, verifiability to see if it still holds context, ... Show more content on ... Objective Summaries & Source Credibility Analysis The article "Rehabilitate or punish?" written by Etienne Benson on–the website of the American Psychological Association–provides insight on the topic of the concept of rehabilitating prisoners especially the mentally ill or to continue following the "get tough on crime" method. The article also factors in how psychology can better help even non–mentally ill prisoners to better be able to transition into citizen life without re–imprisonment than go hard core on the prisoners to prove a point. Rating the article while evaluating on a six–point scale. I gave the article a score of (). In the category of author, I give the article a five since he has a proficient writing experience, but not particularly in the field of psychology. He is a historian in the field of science, technology, and the environment (). For the publisher, I give the score of six because the source is an educational professional site in the field of psychology which is what the article is about. In the evidence of bias category, I give the article a three. The author has a strong preference to giving the prisoners the mental help they need instead of just punishing them. Going on to explain why he believes that people should help them, but not really going into the other side of the argument. For the use of sources, I give ... Get more on ...
  • 36. “the Evacuation of Children in World War Two Was a Great... "The evacuation of children in World War Two was a great success." How far do the sources you have used support this interpretation of evacuation in World War Two? (25 marks) Before the War in September 1939, the government understood the risk of air raids and the danger they bring upon major cities in England. Plans for evacuation started as early as 15 years before in 1924; the Air Raid Precaution Committee (ARPC) identified London as the main target, with children as the biggest concern. The government identified, after the ARPC produced a report on the potential disasters of air raid attacks in 1925, that maintaining civilian morale was a priority, and that the fear of bombing would bring it down. So, to prevent low morale (and also ... Show more content on ... To further justify evacuation and therefore show its success in keeping evacuees safe, source six shows casualties in Liverpool. It shows that the death rate was generally over 100 and even in May 1941, at 1453. Again, this justifies the need to evacuate and the safety achieved through evacuation. Finally, sources three shows the success in evacuation as the sources show effectiveness and good organisation as a success of evacuation. This encompasses overall efficiency and pre–evacuation planning. To be able to transport the huge amount of 1million (intended 4million) to the countryside required this efficiency and overall, sources three and source two mention the efficiency and order of the transport (trains) and organisation in the countryside. In source three, a newspaper article from Kent, says that the departures were efficient, reflecting that it was seen to that 'each child got milk and food', and followed up with 'no confusion'. Even source two, though showing evacuation in a negative way, also comments that the trains 'ran to time' and that evacuation came 'complete with teachers'. Having teachers is shown in sources one, three and four as well. In source one, it is shown as a teacher with a group of children, in three there are mentioned 'teachers in charge' and in four, the graph shows about 103,000 teachers were evacuated. The fact that they were able to organise having teachers for the children, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Differences Of Fake News And The Media In The Media Recently, there has been much fake news and unreliable sources online. The term "fake news," as President Trump believes, is any story that damages the reputation of a certain group, but the most commonly used definition of fake news is any report or article based on lies. As for unreliable sources, these are sources that cannot be trusted because the authors do not have the through knowledge or credentials to discuss the topic they are writing about. The main difference between fake news and unreliable sources is that fake news is stories that are untrue; however, for unreliable sources, the articles written might not be necessarily false, but the people who write the stories are not certified to write about the topic. In addition, bias has always played a large role in the media. Media bias occurs when a source reports a news story or article in a prejudiced manner. Yet, whether the source is more conservative or liberal, this bias does not make the source is any less reliable because there will always be bias in the media. For example, The New York Times has a more liberal approach when writing its stories, but this does not mean this is an unreliable source. If the news The New York Times gives are factual and are written by certified people, it is still a reliable source. Nevertheless, there are unbiased sources in the media, too. When I say unbiased, I mean news sources that show no prejudice for or against a topic. This means news sources such as ABC, BBC, USA Today, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Battle Of The Somme: Source Analysis Finally, Source E also disagrees with the statement. In this source we can see British soldiers holding fixed bayonets, attacking the Germans at Thiepval–Chateau .We can also notice soldiers who have been shot, explosions going on in the background and barbed wire between no mans land and the trenches; these all create an accurate representation of the circumstances whilst fighting the battle. Most importantly, we can see a German man on the right, standing with his arms raised, surrendering. This is a key reason why this source does not portray the battle as a disaster. It is because a man giving up and essentially handing the win to the other side, shows Britain had done something which caused Germany's plan to 'bleed France white', to backfire. ... Show more content on ... Four out of the five sources disagree with the statement even though Source C is quite open to interpretation. In my opinion the most useful source was Source D. This is because it gave information which speaks about the first day from a perspective that we don't usually see. Though this could be seen as bias, it is actually the most informative regarding how it went for the British. The source uses specific details which cannot be picked up in the other sources and it also shows reasoning as the battle went in our favour. On the other hand, we have Source C which to me was the least useful. This is because it was a propaganda film which made it unreliable. It was also not very trustworthy because when compared to other sources prior knowledge, there are so many inaccuracies within it. Even then, unlike Source E which may also be a form of propaganda, there is not much that can be deduced from Source C. This source has an inaccurate portrayal of the battle conditions and it only shows soldiers 'going over the top'. Each one of the sources tells us different things as a result of their origin, nature and purpose. I think that it is mainly the purpose which impacts they content of each source however all the factors do contribute. If we look into purpose in all of the sources we can see how it does make some sort of impact on the points mentioned. For example in source A, the purpose is to show ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay On Robert Smalls "Robert Smalls was an enslaved African American who, during and after the American Civil War, gained freedom and became a ship's pilot, sea–captain, and politician." (Wikipedia). People wonder whether Wikipedia is actually a reliable source or not. Others just assume it is because there is a lot of information about the topic they looked up. The Wikipedia article on Robert Smalls is one example of explaining whether it is a reliable source of information or not, and why. Also, this research helps understand what exactly is a reliable source of information. The Wikipedia article on Robert Smalls is not a reliable source of information. Simply because Wikipedia is a form of online Encyclopedia; and you cannot cite Encyclopedia's to begin with. That being said, I do not think students or the general user should dismiss the source completely because it does have a lot of valuable information in it. Wikipedia is there as a first step in your research, to inform you and give you a good solid background of information you are looking for before you start your deeper research. Personally, I really enjoy Wikipedia because it helps me look for certain points in my research and it makes it a little bit easier. Some people assume that any website is reliable or that only .Edu, .Gov, and .Org are. Even... Show more content on ... It helps get a better understanding about a certain topic without having to look hard for it. It is also very simple for many people to understand while reading. Though it is not a reliable source of information, it is a very good first step in getting knowledge if a topic you know nothing about and need a start getting basic information. The Robert small's topic was a very good one for explaining this. Reliable sources are not very hard to find once you get the idea of what they are and should be. They state facts and have sources from other places too not just what the author's biased opinion is on the ... Get more on ...