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By Dr. Susan Blackmore

Synopsis of the book by M G Hariharan

Forward by Richard Dawkins
• Human beings are the only species that transfer knowledge    Go To
  by imitations. This book talks about this subject Memetics

Strange Creatures
• Why are humans so special. It cannot be explained by our     Go To
  Genetic . Development at all.

Selfish Gene so also Meme
• The Gene specializes in duplicating itself and also in       Go To
  changing to more advantageous position. But they are
Meme Vs Gene
• How Meme affects Gene                                        Go To

How Meme spreads
                                                               Go T0
• Understanding about the spread of Memes

What is not a Meme
• All copying are not memes                          Go To

Understanding Copying
• Lamarckism effect where acquired characteristics   Go To
  and genetic characteristics are separated

Meme on Gene
• The meme starts designing the gene to facilitate   Go To

Talking- Language
• All ideas ( Meme) are dead unless spoken           Go To

Meme unleashed
                                                     Go To
• Understanding about the spread of Memes
Go Back to Index

Forward by Richard Dawkins

We all imitate others
especially our parents. But
surprisingly the imitation
could become a basis for major theory
of evolution of human mind and
explosive inflation of human brain
even of what it means to be a conscious
Imitation is how child learns its
particular language rather than some
other language. Follow the religion of
our parents than some other religion.
This      entity   which    is   giving
consciousness and taking control over
us is called Meme. The subject of study
of this meme is called Memetics.
These memes travel horizontally
through genes and also laterally like
viruses in an epidemic.
Go Back to Index

                   The study of Genetics is a long standing subject of
                   study. But surprisingly the study of memes is also
                   turning out in same line and has many similarities.
                   It may not be one to one cogent. But it can give
                   many indications of the line of growth. Whereas
                   Gene is digital in nature and can replicate itself
Successfully Memes also have in many situation near clear
duplication capability and also mutate and form different verities of
mutants of the original meme. Dr. Blackmore in this books comes
out with many daring theories that are difficult to be challenged and
explains many anomalies in life that are otherwise in explicable.
Dawkins suggests that meme theory will give a better insight into the
working of Brain
Dawkins appreciates the courage skill and dedication with which Dr.
Susan has put the subject of Memetics into this book And strongly
recommends this book for one and all.
Go Back to Index

Strange Creatures
  1. Humans are evolved due to genetics
      selection process
  2. But differ in many ways from others.
  3. We speak
  4. We wage war
  5. Extraordinarily widespread.
  6. We have religion
  7. We are embarrassed about sex
  8. We cremate/burry our Dead
  9. We make technological progress.
  10. Watch TV
  11. Drive cars
  12. We seem to ruin the ecosystem on which
      we depend
  13. Biologically we are very near to other
      animals but behave very differently.
  14. What is the reason for this changes
      behavior? Our language, Intelligence, or
We are strange because we are

       Research in Artificial Intelligence has
       shown that Intelligence does not explain
       our behavior.
       Super intelligent computer Deep blue
       bet the world champion and proved that
       Intelligence does not explain our
       Simple house cleaning devices could not
       be made with artificial intelligence
                      Our consciousness was
                      presumed to make us what
                      we were. But science could
                      not explain Consciousness

        The answer was Clear No
First to
                         understand Replicators

Carbon    +     Hydrogen + Oxygen             from Atmosphere form DNA
The carbon Hydrogen and oxygen combine for form DNA. Which are initial forma
of living organisms . These organisms can replicate themselves. Thus they are
called living organisms. Though they are replicating themselves they sometimes
undergo change and then replicate. This is called mutations.. Some of the
mutants due to environment or external conditions become extinct. All living
organisms that we see are Replicators that have mutates from unicellular to
multicellular like animals and ultimately as Humans

                        From UniCellular to Humans
Go Back to Index

1. Tall Trees get more       2. The trees will compete with
sunlight. So Tall trees      each other and no tree will get
grow over short trees.       the benefit. Each one will be so
Genetically tall trees are   close by that all trees will be at
benefiting.? Correct? No!    disadvantage. But what if
Gene of tall trees are       ………………
befitted but trees itself     3. We put a rule that only one
cannot get the benefit,          tree should exist within
                              limited space. Then that tree
                                which breaks this rule will
                                   benefit over others.

                                                         4. That is
                                                         why men
                                                         who break
                                                         the rule
                                                         will rule
                                                         over us
Natural Selection?
     These genes are not evolving
     in any preordained
     direction. So also Memes are
     also not evolving in pre
     ordained pattern. No
     specific meme has any
     advantage over the other
     such as no gene has any
     advantage over the other.
     Extinction of particular
     Gene is a random possibility
     aided by external nature.
      A simple coffee wending machine
      follows algorithm. but Chaos
      theory states the end result of
      these algorithm is complex
      chaotic and unpredictable.

        Learn by imitation The word
        meme comes from mimicking .
        Man is the only animal that
        can imitate and learn and pass
        on this information from
        generation to generation. The
        information are ideas and are
        called memes. These memes
        are replicators and act as virus
        and replicate itself and have a
        life of their own

Hunting: is just 15Hrs per week with plenty of leisure time.
Farming : Did not make life easier nor did it improve nutrition nor reduce disease. It
is called the end of Eden. Early days (during agriculture era) skeletons show toes and
back are deformed. They show signs of rickets and abscesses in their jaw.

                      There was no genetic advantage

                                 Memetics says
Memes can spread because they appear to be of advantage even though they
are not. Because they are easily Immitatable. What we are calling as progress
from hammer to Xerox machine is directionless incremental imitations
For 3000 million years
                   this was the only replicator

 Meme is the next level of replicator
We shall study the effect of this on Gene
had a     As the gene went on developing it
            reached a stage where Brains
life of       could replicate ideas. Thus
 their    another set of Replicators were
  on           produced which started
             interacting with Genes and
              created complex situation.
Go Back to Index

Relation between Gene and

                  The relation between
                  Gene and Meme could
                  be through leash But
                  in the end Dog has a
                  life of its own and
                  leash has limited
Meme a Brain Virus

             Though we may feel that
           Our brain is well developed
           its performance is like early
               computer & is highly
               susceptible to Viruses
Go Back to Index

How Meme spread- Vehicle

     All thoughts
      are Memes
      But unless
     spoken they


TV      Drama
Go Back to Index

      These are not memes .
Parents shaping the child’s behavior


These are not memes. These are behaviors.
All imitations are not memes
                     Garden bird was once seen pecking at
                     milk bottles kept outside with mil Soon it
                     was noticed many such birds started
                     pecking at milk bottles. This is not case of
                     imitation as pecking is their habit and
                     only they noticed some fat available on
                     the bottle. There is not imitation and
                     learning in the process. Such examples
                     cannot be given for imitation

   What about some
birds copying the door
    bell. Yes this is
  imitation but birds
have very limited such
Bird migration and learning to
          Nest from their parents etc are
          not imitation because no new
         things are learned and they just
               follow their instinct.

Monkeys learn
to fear snake
from their
Go Back to Index

Biological characteristics are not Lamarckian but
social behaviors are.
Though Lamarckian process of transferring
acquired characteristics is not justified some
examples such as cutting the tail of the mice for
many generations is partially transferable to newer
So what exactly is Social characteristics transferred
but through meme.

Se the slide next where acquired characteristics and
genetic characteristics are compared to transfer of
soup making process through observations and
through written recipe.
Transfer of soup preparation through
Recipe or through observation
                Observed process are not like
                genetic transfer

              Recipe transfer
              are like
 Once the     Genetic
 process is   transfer
captured in
Recipe then
  it is not
Memes keep
between media
 and the brain
and replicating
  itself in the
Go Back to Index

              Huge Human Brain
              Due to natural selection?
   Ape        If so the selection pressure must be
              We seem to have brain surplus to
              Primitive hunters did not need this
              surplus brain but they still had it.
 3 times      Although our body was a product of
              continuous stages of development
the size of   sudden change in Brain size is not
              explicable. Our Brain size is too large for
  Ape’s       our body.
                               Growth of fetus of
                               primates (monkeys) in
  Brain                        early stages is same as
                               human but later only the
                               head/brain of human
                               fetus keeps growing
The head size started
                                                       increasing 2and half
                                                       million years ago when
                                                       stone tools started being

In last 5 million years there were many types of

                                                                                   Extinct 35000 years back
  humanoids but today there are only 1 type.
 In last 100000 years all humanoids had same
                    size brain.
It is said that though Brain consists of 2% of
body weight but consumes 20% of energy. This
figure is misleading. When we are running
after train with luggage the energy consumed
is very high

But our muscles rest but brain does
Fatty sheath                 The impulses
                                                                consists of wave of
                  Conducts                                      depolarization
                  Impulses                                      which sweeps
                   along                           HOW          along the Axon as
                                                                charged ions across
                                                                the membrane.
                                                                The brain uses
                                                                energy to maintain
                                     Axons                      chemical
                                                                differences so that
                                                                neurons are ready
                                                                to fire.
The Body’s energy budget must include the neurons firing at
low frequency all the time. So why should we have a big size
brain wasting energy like this. The building of brain is also
expensive. Fatty sheath along Axon increases the speed of
impulse. These sheaths are produced during fetal development.
The homo erectus began eating more meat than
australopithecines- and started making tools to cut it up.
prefrontal cortex

              Because of the Heavy
        Head the childbirth is very
   dangerous for both mother and
  the child. Also erect biped status
    of Homosapians is also against
                                         The prefrontal cortex
                           child birth
                                           is a very enlarged
The child born is also not fully            portion and its
formed. The main head is still           function is unknown
under developed and the skull is
not formed. Whereas many all                               This raises a
apes give birth to fully formed                          Question that
child humans alone give birth to                           Memes are
child which needs tending for                             forcing these
many years to come.                                      changes for its
                                                           own benefit
Talking is energy
                  consuming . You
                  will know it when
                     you are sick

    So Why has evolution
   produced such creatures
 consuming energy to speak.

Memes produce this pressure to keep Talking
Selection for Imitation
help in
    so              Some people quickly pick up the
                 technology of Tool making . So better
 better               imitators will rule the roost.
Selection for imitating the imitators

Man or Woman better imitators have better selection

        Now that dress has been invented you better get dressed
      Now that basket has been invented better carry it in Basket
    Now that computers have come better be a SW engineer. And so o.

           Initially the best memes are that which is good for Gene.
  People who copy survival relevant memes have better chance than who carry
                               irrelevant memes
Go Back to Index

One of the most important evidence of Meme is language. Human beings
are the only animals which has such wide communication skills which are
not only verbose but involves complicated grammar. Such complicated
grammar has no genetic advantage . Such skills are not actually taught but
acquired without much efforts by children. By the time they are taught
ABCD.. Etc they can communicate fluently and effortlessly. Even deaf and
dumb people use very complicated sign language which is very friendly.
Same time teaching to chimpanzees is very difficult and takes years for
just 3 word sentences.
Brain has not
                                                   been modified
                                                    for speaking

    Then what are the differences that make us speak
To override the mechanism of breathing while speaking cortical control mechanism is
   required; Base of the skull is different shape and Larynx is lower than other apes

     Cortical control and larynx do not leave fossils. The base of
               the skull is different only in Humanoids.
Successful Replicator ……by Dawkins
          • Accuracy
          • Accuracy ensures the success of spreading

          • How many copies
          • More copies More survival chances

          • How long Life
          • Longer the life longer the spread
Language ensures all the three
aspects of Meme spreading
                        • Accuracy of language like Sanskrit can
                          spread cultural dominance better

                        • More educated society can spread
                          Memes better

                        • Dominant Culture can spread its meme
                          for longer time period and dominate.
Thus High fidelity languages are born. In India English becomes dominant due
 its high fidelity and longevity. The comparative life of regional languages will
                                   become low
Gene Gene Interactions
 When genes compete their
 special advantage will win
       over the other.
  White wins over Brown

 Butter flies that have better
 camouflage compete with
 Birds with better eyesight.

                                 Microbes inside body
                                     Ivy and tree
                                  Ants and Aphids
                                     Co habit and
Selfish Genes

Beavers Dams, Spiders Webs and Snails shells are examples of how genes
    effect each other related or not related. In the case oh Snails and
  parasitic Flukes the relation is only mutually beneficial. There is no
      other relation and each is governed by its own requirements.
Gene vs Meme
   As long as meme is under the
control of Gene the dog is on leash
 Genes have biological advantage.
Liking for sex, sweets fear of snakes
 etc are in place. These are stuff of
 biology, ethology, sociology, and
      evolutionary psychology

                                        When the Dog is not on leash the
                                          situation cannot be predicted
                                         based on Biological advantage
                                         This subject is called mematics.
                                         The two examples discussed till
                                        now are Big Brain and Languages.
Go Back to Index

     Three Steps to Memes spreading

          Mimetic Driving
Survival of  GENETIC        MATING
some         Ability to
memes at    imitate the     With best
the cost of new Memes       imitators
Mimetic Selection
• Tools compete with better tools

• Pot making improves with better and better Pot
• Good dancers are imitated and dancing improves

• Good communication and better Languages
• Better Arts are appreciated and develops
Genetic Selection & Mating
   • Men with better imitating
     ability prosper and genes of
     such men Prosper

   • Women prefer to mate with
     better imitating men and thus
     propagate mimetic progress
Baldwin Effect
                                                       James Baldwin

                  Salamander               Intelligence, Imitation & Learning affect

 Salamanders catch flies by jumping. The one Salamander that jumps the highest
   will catch maximum flies and has better chance of survival. Salamander with
strong legs and the one s that jump high are better in the gene pool and they slowly
             tend to become like frogs. Perfectly   Darwinian effect.
  Now imagine there are two types of flies One
  spotted (edible)and one stripped. ( Inedible)
The frog lings that can know the difference are in
better genetic pool. But if Flies change faster that
 the froglings can then those froglings that learn
    to choose are better off than others. This
   advantage of learning is Baldwin Effect                Frogling
Gregorian Creatures
     • Memes are Intelligence Enhancers .Humans are the only
       creatures in this floor.

     • They can not only learn but imagine the outcome and solve
       the problems in their head.

     • These are animals that learn by Trial and Error. These
       animals can Learn

     • Ground Floor is occupied by Darwinian Creatures built on
       the natural selection of Genes

Tower of generate and test
Till now we saw the Gene Meme effect
   enhancing the Gene Co evolution        Baldwin Effect

                        Meme is the next level of replicator
                       We shall study the effect of this on Gene

                             When the
                             dog is not
                              in Leash
Slaves in Rebellion                        We are going to see that it
                                                  was not just dog
                          From the fourth     unleashed but Elephant
                         floor of Dennett’s           run amok
                         Tower the Memes
                          are unleashed on
                           its own course

  The Genes had no
 Foresight that They
were Cohabiting with
  another replicator
                                                It was Spartacus in Control
Super fast Brain growth that no way
helps the Genes and in fact caused
 Death to child and Mother is one
           such example

        Huge Energy Consumption

  Normally in all animals its close relations
   are existing in parallel But in the case of
  Humans all hominids have been destroyed
     and only one that is we are existing
       Probably designed by the memes
Continued in Meme machine II
   Still under development

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Meme machine

  • 1. By Dr. Susan Blackmore Synopsis of the book by M G Hariharan
  • 2. INDEX-I Forward by Richard Dawkins • Human beings are the only species that transfer knowledge Go To by imitations. This book talks about this subject Memetics Strange Creatures • Why are humans so special. It cannot be explained by our Go To Genetic . Development at all. Selfish Gene so also Meme • The Gene specializes in duplicating itself and also in Go To changing to more advantageous position. But they are selfish Meme Vs Gene • How Meme affects Gene Go To How Meme spreads Go T0 • Understanding about the spread of Memes
  • 3. INDEX-II What is not a Meme • All copying are not memes Go To Understanding Copying • Lamarckism effect where acquired characteristics Go To and genetic characteristics are separated Meme on Gene • The meme starts designing the gene to facilitate Go To itself Talking- Language • All ideas ( Meme) are dead unless spoken Go To Meme unleashed Go To • Understanding about the spread of Memes
  • 4. Go Back to Index Forward by Richard Dawkins We all imitate others especially our parents. But surprisingly the imitation could become a basis for major theory of evolution of human mind and explosive inflation of human brain even of what it means to be a conscious self. Imitation is how child learns its particular language rather than some other language. Follow the religion of our parents than some other religion. This entity which is giving consciousness and taking control over us is called Meme. The subject of study of this meme is called Memetics. These memes travel horizontally through genes and also laterally like viruses in an epidemic.
  • 5. Go Back to Index The study of Genetics is a long standing subject of study. But surprisingly the study of memes is also turning out in same line and has many similarities. It may not be one to one cogent. But it can give many indications of the line of growth. Whereas Gene is digital in nature and can replicate itself Successfully Memes also have in many situation near clear duplication capability and also mutate and form different verities of mutants of the original meme. Dr. Blackmore in this books comes out with many daring theories that are difficult to be challenged and explains many anomalies in life that are otherwise in explicable. Dawkins suggests that meme theory will give a better insight into the working of Brain Dawkins appreciates the courage skill and dedication with which Dr. Susan has put the subject of Memetics into this book And strongly recommends this book for one and all.
  • 6. Go Back to Index Strange Creatures 1. Humans are evolved due to genetics selection process 2. But differ in many ways from others. 3. We speak 4. We wage war 5. Extraordinarily widespread. 6. We have religion 7. We are embarrassed about sex 8. We cremate/burry our Dead 9. We make technological progress. 10. Watch TV 11. Drive cars 12. We seem to ruin the ecosystem on which we depend 13. Biologically we are very near to other animals but behave very differently. 14. What is the reason for this changes behavior? Our language, Intelligence, or consciousness
  • 7. We are strange because we are intelligent! Research in Artificial Intelligence has shown that Intelligence does not explain our behavior. Super intelligent computer Deep blue bet the world champion and proved that Intelligence does not explain our behavior. Simple house cleaning devices could not be made with artificial intelligence Our consciousness was presumed to make us what we were. But science could not explain Consciousness The answer was Clear No
  • 8. First to understand Replicators Carbon + Hydrogen + Oxygen from Atmosphere form DNA The carbon Hydrogen and oxygen combine for form DNA. Which are initial forma of living organisms . These organisms can replicate themselves. Thus they are called living organisms. Though they are replicating themselves they sometimes undergo change and then replicate. This is called mutations.. Some of the mutants due to environment or external conditions become extinct. All living organisms that we see are Replicators that have mutates from unicellular to multicellular like animals and ultimately as Humans From UniCellular to Humans
  • 9. Go Back to Index 1. Tall Trees get more 2. The trees will compete with sunlight. So Tall trees each other and no tree will get grow over short trees. the benefit. Each one will be so Genetically tall trees are close by that all trees will be at benefiting.? Correct? No! disadvantage. But what if Gene of tall trees are ……………… befitted but trees itself 3. We put a rule that only one cannot get the benefit, tree should exist within limited space. Then that tree which breaks this rule will benefit over others. 4. That is why men who break the rule will rule over us
  • 10. Natural Selection? These genes are not evolving in any preordained direction. So also Memes are also not evolving in pre ordained pattern. No specific meme has any advantage over the other such as no gene has any advantage over the other. Extinction of particular Gene is a random possibility aided by external nature. A simple coffee wending machine follows algorithm. but Chaos theory states the end result of these algorithm is complex chaotic and unpredictable.
  • 11. What Is Meme? Learn by imitation The word meme comes from mimicking . Man is the only animal that can imitate and learn and pass on this information from generation to generation. The information are ideas and are called memes. These memes are replicators and act as virus and replicate itself and have a life of their own
  • 12. Progress? Why ? Hunting: is just 15Hrs per week with plenty of leisure time. Farming : Did not make life easier nor did it improve nutrition nor reduce disease. It is called the end of Eden. Early days (during agriculture era) skeletons show toes and back are deformed. They show signs of rickets and abscesses in their jaw. There was no genetic advantage Memetics says Memes can spread because they appear to be of advantage even though they are not. Because they are easily Immitatable. What we are calling as progress from hammer to Xerox machine is directionless incremental imitations
  • 13. For 3000 million years this was the only replicator Only replicator Meme is the next level of replicator We shall study the effect of this on Gene
  • 14. These Memes had a As the gene went on developing it reached a stage where Brains life of could replicate ideas. Thus their another set of Replicators were on produced which started interacting with Genes and created complex situation.
  • 15. Go Back to Index Relation between Gene and Meme! The relation between Gene and Meme could be through leash But in the end Dog has a life of its own and leash has limited control
  • 16. Meme a Brain Virus Though we may feel that Our brain is well developed its performance is like early computer & is highly susceptible to Viruses
  • 17. Go Back to Index How Meme spread- Vehicle All thoughts are Memes But unless spoken they Die
  • 18. Radio Meme Carriers Films Target Books Pictures TV Drama
  • 19. Go Back to Index These are not memes . Parents shaping the child’s behavior
  • 20. coughing Contagious Behaviors These are not memes. These are behaviors.
  • 21. All imitations are not memes Garden bird was once seen pecking at milk bottles kept outside with mil Soon it was noticed many such birds started pecking at milk bottles. This is not case of imitation as pecking is their habit and only they noticed some fat available on the bottle. There is not imitation and learning in the process. Such examples cannot be given for imitation What about some birds copying the door bell. Yes this is imitation but birds have very limited such ability
  • 22. Bird migration and learning to Nest from their parents etc are not imitation because no new things are learned and they just follow their instinct. Monkeys learn to fear snake from their parents
  • 23. Go Back to Index Biological characteristics are not Lamarckian but social behaviors are. Though Lamarckian process of transferring acquired characteristics is not justified some examples such as cutting the tail of the mice for many generations is partially transferable to newer generations. So what exactly is Social characteristics transferred but through meme. Se the slide next where acquired characteristics and genetic characteristics are compared to transfer of soup making process through observations and through written recipe.
  • 24. Transfer of soup preparation through Recipe or through observation Observed process are not like genetic transfer Recipe transfer are like Once the Genetic process is transfer captured in Recipe then it is not changeable
  • 25. Memes keep travelling between media and the brain and replicating itself in the process
  • 26. Go Back to Index Huge Human Brain Due to natural selection? Ape If so the selection pressure must be identified. We seem to have brain surplus to requirements. Primitive hunters did not need this surplus brain but they still had it. 3 times Although our body was a product of continuous stages of development the size of sudden change in Brain size is not explicable. Our Brain size is too large for Ape’s our body. Growth of fetus of primates (monkeys) in Brain early stages is same as human but later only the head/brain of human fetus keeps growing
  • 27. The head size started increasing 2and half million years ago when stone tools started being discovered Neanderthals In last 5 million years there were many types of Extinct 35000 years back humanoids but today there are only 1 type. In last 100000 years all humanoids had same size brain. It is said that though Brain consists of 2% of Modern body weight but consumes 20% of energy. This Humanoids. figure is misleading. When we are running after train with luggage the energy consumed is very high But our muscles rest but brain does not
  • 28. Fatty sheath The impulses consists of wave of Conducts depolarization Impulses which sweeps along HOW along the Axon as charged ions across Axons the membrane. The brain uses energy to maintain Axons chemical differences so that neurons are ready to fire. The Body’s energy budget must include the neurons firing at low frequency all the time. So why should we have a big size brain wasting energy like this. The building of brain is also expensive. Fatty sheath along Axon increases the speed of impulse. These sheaths are produced during fetal development. The homo erectus began eating more meat than australopithecines- and started making tools to cut it up.
  • 29. prefrontal cortex Because of the Heavy Head the childbirth is very dangerous for both mother and the child. Also erect biped status of Homosapians is also against The prefrontal cortex child birth is a very enlarged The child born is also not fully portion and its formed. The main head is still function is unknown under developed and the skull is not formed. Whereas many all This raises a apes give birth to fully formed Question that child humans alone give birth to Memes are child which needs tending for forcing these many years to come. changes for its own benefit
  • 30.
  • 31. Talking is energy consuming . You will know it when you are sick So Why has evolution produced such creatures consuming energy to speak. Memes produce this pressure to keep Talking
  • 32. Selection for Imitation Better tools help in eating Bigger animals so Some people quickly pick up the technology of Tool making . So better better imitators will rule the roost. food.
  • 33. Selection for imitating the imitators Man or Woman better imitators have better selection Now that dress has been invented you better get dressed Now that basket has been invented better carry it in Basket Now that computers have come better be a SW engineer. And so o. Initially the best memes are that which is good for Gene. People who copy survival relevant memes have better chance than who carry irrelevant memes
  • 34. Go Back to Index Language One of the most important evidence of Meme is language. Human beings are the only animals which has such wide communication skills which are not only verbose but involves complicated grammar. Such complicated grammar has no genetic advantage . Such skills are not actually taught but acquired without much efforts by children. By the time they are taught ABCD.. Etc they can communicate fluently and effortlessly. Even deaf and dumb people use very complicated sign language which is very friendly. Same time teaching to chimpanzees is very difficult and takes years for just 3 word sentences.
  • 35. Brain has not been modified for speaking Then what are the differences that make us speak To override the mechanism of breathing while speaking cortical control mechanism is required; Base of the skull is different shape and Larynx is lower than other apes Cortical control and larynx do not leave fossils. The base of the skull is different only in Humanoids.
  • 36. Successful Replicator ……by Dawkins Fidelity • Accuracy • Accuracy ensures the success of spreading Fecundity • How many copies • More copies More survival chances Longevity • How long Life • Longer the life longer the spread
  • 37. Language ensures all the three aspects of Meme spreading Fidelity • Accuracy of language like Sanskrit can spread cultural dominance better Fecundity • More educated society can spread Memes better Longevity • Dominant Culture can spread its meme for longer time period and dominate. Thus High fidelity languages are born. In India English becomes dominant due its high fidelity and longevity. The comparative life of regional languages will become low
  • 38. Gene Gene Interactions Compete When genes compete their special advantage will win over the other. White wins over Brown Compete Butter flies that have better camouflage compete with Birds with better eyesight. Microbes inside body Ivy and tree Ants and Aphids Co habit and compliment
  • 39. Selfish Genes Beavers Dams, Spiders Webs and Snails shells are examples of how genes effect each other related or not related. In the case oh Snails and parasitic Flukes the relation is only mutually beneficial. There is no other relation and each is governed by its own requirements.
  • 40. Gene vs Meme As long as meme is under the control of Gene the dog is on leash Genes have biological advantage. Liking for sex, sweets fear of snakes etc are in place. These are stuff of biology, ethology, sociology, and evolutionary psychology When the Dog is not on leash the situation cannot be predicted based on Biological advantage This subject is called mematics. The two examples discussed till now are Big Brain and Languages.
  • 41. Go Back to Index Three Steps to Memes spreading Mimetic Driving SELECTION Survival of GENETIC MATING some Ability to memes at imitate the With best the cost of new Memes imitators others
  • 42. Mimetic Selection Tools • Tools compete with better tools Pots • Pot making improves with better and better Pot making Dancing • Good dancers are imitated and dancing improves Speech • Good communication and better Languages develop Art • Better Arts are appreciated and develops
  • 43. Genetic Selection & Mating Men • Men with better imitating ability prosper and genes of such men Prosper Women • Women prefer to mate with better imitating men and thus propagate mimetic progress
  • 44. Baldwin Effect James Baldwin Salamander Intelligence, Imitation & Learning affect Selection Salamanders catch flies by jumping. The one Salamander that jumps the highest will catch maximum flies and has better chance of survival. Salamander with strong legs and the one s that jump high are better in the gene pool and they slowly tend to become like frogs. Perfectly Darwinian effect. Now imagine there are two types of flies One spotted (edible)and one stripped. ( Inedible) The frog lings that can know the difference are in better genetic pool. But if Flies change faster that the froglings can then those froglings that learn to choose are better off than others. This advantage of learning is Baldwin Effect Frogling
  • 45. Gregorian Creatures • Memes are Intelligence Enhancers .Humans are the only creatures in this floor. Popperian • They can not only learn but imagine the outcome and solve the problems in their head. Skinnerian • These are animals that learn by Trial and Error. These animals can Learn Darwinian • Ground Floor is occupied by Darwinian Creatures built on the natural selection of Genes Tower of generate and test
  • 46. Till now we saw the Gene Meme effect enhancing the Gene Co evolution Baldwin Effect Meme is the next level of replicator We shall study the effect of this on Gene When the dog is not in Leash
  • 47. Slaves in Rebellion We are going to see that it was not just dog From the fourth unleashed but Elephant floor of Dennett’s run amok Tower the Memes are unleashed on its own course The Genes had no Foresight that They were Cohabiting with another replicator It was Spartacus in Control
  • 48. Super fast Brain growth that no way helps the Genes and in fact caused Death to child and Mother is one such example Huge Energy Consumption Normally in all animals its close relations are existing in parallel But in the case of Humans all hominids have been destroyed and only one that is we are existing Probably designed by the memes
  • 49. Continued in Meme machine II Still under development