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Ganoderma – Outstanding Medicinal Mushroom
NOVEMBER 24, 2011

Article by Lynne Fish

In the event you take only 1 medicinal mushroom, allow it to be Ganoderma. Also
known as Red Reishi in Japan or Lingzhi in China, Ganoderma Lucidum is really a
kind of mushroom that???s renowned because of its fantastic medicinal properties and
it has been utilized in conventional medicine throughout Asia for hundreds of years.

Documents confirm it???s been in use for more than 2000 years.You will find two
parts to the mushroom, the red fruit physique, and the root method.Reishi Gano or RG
capsules contain pure Ganoderma Lucidum powder from the fruit (that???s the red
disc-like component within the picture).Ganocelium or GL capsules include pure
Ganoderma Mycelium powder from the root (they???re the long straggly bits).RG
contains more than 400 different nutrients, whilst GL contains over 200. So we???re
talking about some very power-packed capsules.And just why is this specific
mushroom so great for you?Speak to any practitioner of herbal, traditional and
Chinese medicine, or any nutritionalist or naturopath. In their wealthy armoury,
medicinal mushrooms function strongly. There???s grounds for this. Firstly, they???re
a natural product (well, that stands to reason).But mostly it???s simply because the
nutrient-rich Ganoderma Lucidum medicinal mushroom is the most nutrient-rich of
all of the medicinal mushrooms.Ganoderma contains a vast array of Polysaccharides,
Organic Germanium, Adenosine, Tripterpines, proteins, ganoderic acids, anti-
oxidants, proteins, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It???s also classed as an
adaptogen, which means it can enter and clean toxic cells. Phew. That???s a lot for a
single plant. You are able to see why practitioners and users sing its praises.The
important advantages of Ganoderma reach all parts of the bodyMore and more clinical
analysis into Ganoderma is confirming exactly what the practitioners of old already
knew. That Ganoderma can assist reduce the incidence and the effects of numerous
major illnesses and types of conditions.Here???s a snapshot of some of these
studies.??? Cardiovascular illness ??? in inhibiting platelet aggregation and decreasing
hypertension.??? Immune system ??? in specific, in cancer research, recording
positive immune-modulating effects and reduced side-effects from chemotherapy and
radiation.??? Blood sugar balance ??? with a blood sugar levels lowering effect,
elevation of plasma insulin levels, and enhanced liver metabolism of glucose.???
Anti-inflammatory effects ??? showing comparable effects to hydrocortisone.???
Liver protector – studies with Hepatitis B Patients discovered Ganoderma decreased
the elevated levels of liver enzymes to regular range.??? Oxygenation ??? a reduction
in altitude sickness by oxygenating the blood.And here???s great news especially
when you have a busy lifestyle.Ganoderma will be the most alkaline food within the
world. You most likely didn???t know this, but most of us have bodies that are in a
condition of acidosis. Sadly, that???s not good news. In short, we eat too numerous
acidic foods and drinks too many acidic drinks (although they may not taste tart).The
body operates at its very best and most effective when in a slightly alkaline state. But
acidosis means that rather than being in a peak fighting state, it???s fighting with 1
hand tied behind its back.Ganoderma helps restore the body???s pH balance to it???s
preferred alkaline condition. With regular use, it???s back to a fair fight. And with
some 150 illness that can???t survive in an alkaline body, it???s a fight you truly wish
to win.You might really feel fit and healthy now, but what happens when lifestyle
catches up?You???d be living under a rock not to know that chronic disease is on the
rise. And also the seeds are sown early on. It???s just that we don???t see it
coming.Diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, obesity and many other conditions are by
and big a result of the body???s own immune system below stress. The major organs
that clean our cells become overloaded with a toxic mass simply because of lifestyle
and consuming options and can???t cope. This happens over numerous years. It???s
disease by stealth.So the organs have to shop those toxins in our cells until they are
able to get around to dealing with them all. Envision it???s a bit like rubbish bins on
the street. Unemptied, the bins overflow, and turn nasty. Prior to you know it,
you???re dodging and weaving about mess. And also the smell! Well, envision your
poor body having to storing up its waste in various parts of you and how inefficient
that makes its functioning!And once the cleaning functions are impaired, there???s
only 1 way to go, and that???s downhill.But a lot of this is reversible. Just because
you‟ve chronic disease, doesn???t necessarily mean you???re condemned to have it
forever. An alter of attitude, diet and way of life, along with regular use of
Ganoderma can and it has been shown to reverse many conditions.So now you realize
much more about Ganoderma, do you think it could assist you to too?

If you want more information
on“>Ganoderma Lucidum, don‟t
read just rehashed articles online to avoid getting ripped off. Go here: Ganoderma
The Most Deficient Mineral in the American Diet is Not Calcium
NOVEMBER 24, 2011
Article by Paul Blake

That is right the most common mineral deficient in the U.S. diet is magnesium not
calcium. Of the American population 95% are deficient in magnesium. Of all the
minerals our body needs magnesium is the most important, not calcium; without
enough magnesium our bodies cannot even assimilate calcium. Calcium that is not
assimilated into your body can lead to arthritis, gallstones, kidney stones, artery
plaque, brittle bones, and calcium spurs. All of these have been known to disappear
after taking extra magnesium supplements which assists in their absorption.

Some of the conditions where magnesium may be useful in prevention are:

Premature Aging, Arthritis, Aggressive Behavior, Alcoholism, Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis, Alzheimer‟s Disease, Heart Arrhythmia, Asthma, Attention Deficit
Disorder, Autism, Brain Damage, Cancer, Cerebral Palsy, Cerebrovascular, Chemical
Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue, Cluster Headaches, Cocaine-related Stroke,
Constipation, Cramps, Diabetes. Fibromyalgia, Fluoride Toxicity, Head Injuries,
Central Nervous System Injuries, Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Atherosclerosis,
Cardiovascular Disease, HIV, AIDS, Hypertension, Kidney Stones, Magnesium
Deficiency, Menopause, Migraine Headache, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Multiple
Sclerosis, Nystagmus, Osteoporosis, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Pregnancy-related
Problems, Eclampsia, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Psychiatric Disorders,
Repetitive Strain Injury, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sickle Cell Disease, SIDS, Sports-
related Problems, Stress, Stuttering, Tetanus, Tinnitis, Sound Sensitivity, TMJ, Toxic
Shock, Violence

Are You Being Treated for a Disease That is a Just a Magnesium Deficiency.

Magnesium deficiencies have been found to occur in around 11% of hospitalized
patients; it was found that 52% of patients in coronary care units, 42% of
hypokalemic patients, 65% of ICU patients, and between 25%-39% of patients with
diabetes have inadequate levels of magnesium. “The higher percentage of fat and
sugar in the American diet requires greater emphasis on magnesium-rich Foods”

Look For These Symptoms of a Magnesium Deficiency:
Arthritis, Insomnia, Fatigue, Body tension, Headaches, Heart-Disorders, Low Energy,
High Blood Pressure, PMS, Backaches, Constipation, Kidney Stones, Osteoporosis,
Irregular-Heartbeat, Anxiety, Muscle Cramps or Spasms, Irritability, Confusion, Poor
digestion, Rapid heartbeat, Seizures, Can be synonymous with diabetes, Cause cardiac
arrhythmia, Hypertension, Asthma, Chronic fatigue, Chronic pain syndrome,
Formation of kidney stones.

Do you have trouble sleeping, do you wake up with muscle cramps and spasms, or
feel too tense to sleep? Your sleep problem may be as simple as a Magnesium
deficiency. Are you startled easily by noises, are you highly nervous, overly sensitive,
on edge all the time, do lights seem too bright? Do you suffer from muscle spasms,
muscle cramps, muscle jerks, muscle tics, eye tics, do you have hiccups? These are all
caused by a deficiency of and can be solved by taking Magnesium. These are signs
that your nervous system lacks Magnesium, which is essential for its proper

Do you suffer form low energy, chronic fatigue, do you become easily fatigued and
weak; you may have a Magnesium deficiency. Each cell in your body uses
Magnesium as a key to energy production. Magnesium can restore higher energy

Yes. Excess calcium in the diet can deplete magnesium from your body. Milk is one
of the worst culprits, the ratio of calcium to magnesium is eight parts calcium to one
part magnesium; impossible for the body to utilize the calcium, excess calcium
depletes the magnesium in the body even more.

After oxygen, water, and basic foods, Magnesium may be the most important element
needed by our bodies. Magnesium is responsible for activating over 300 different
biochemical reactions necessary for our body to properly function.

Magnesium is essential in the regulation and use in your body of the following
minerals calcium, potassium and sodium. When you do not have enough magnesium
in your body to regulate these minerals you may experience the following problems.
Low energy, poor bone formation, muscular difficulties (such as cramping, ticks,
spasms etc.), poor activation of B vitamins (and all the problems associated with each
of them), irregular heart beat, problems with your kidney, adrenals, brain. inability to
physically relax. This is how essential magnesium is to maintaining a normal
functioning healthy body.

Your heart is a muscle that is constantly tensing and relaxing. All your muscles
including your heart use calcium to tense up and Magnesium to relax. Without a
proper balance of Magnesium your heart may suffer from an irregular beat or even go
into a spasm called a heart attack. What can Magnesium do for your heart? It can
lower blood pressure, stabilize irregular heart beat, enable the heart to pump a larger
volume, relax constricted blood vessels, decrease the frequency of angina pains, keep
blood platelets from clumping together, and increase beneficial HDL cholesterol.

Some allergies may be due to a need for magnesium for instance if you have an
allergy to wheat, it may be relieved by adding more magnesium to your diet.

Do you suffer from PMS, too much calcium and not enough Magnesium can cause
PMS. Without enough Magnesium, you can feel as though you are living your life
with the brakes on. Add Magnesium to your diet and you will feel as though you
accelerated your whole life.

Warning Note:

The majority of magnesium supplements are rock minerals and we cannot absorb
minerals in that form it must be from food to be absorbed by our bodies. It is a basic
law of nature that humans cannot absorb anything that has not been through a living
plant first.

If your magnesium supplement says the following it is a rock mineral and you cannot
absorb it.

Magnesium Carbonate A component of soil/ an antacid and laxative. Magnesium
Chloride Ammonium chloride processed with HCL/ fireproofs wood; cathartic

Magnesium Citrate carbonate processed with acids/ a cathartic

Magnesium Oxide Soil often concentrated by high heat/ an antacid, cement, and
To get your magnesium from a supplement it must say this on the label. Food
Magnesium from Enzymatically processed plant material/ only used as Food.

Magnesium in Produce in the United States

Since the Industrial Revolution food processing has refined out a large portion of
magnesium (and many other important minerals and vitamins). Eating these processed
foods like sugar, flour, white rice, causes magnesium loss via urination. Drinking soft
drinks that have caffeine and phosphoric acid in them and coffee increases the
magnesium loss. Other factors that can deplete your body‟s levels of magnesium are
mental stress, high perspiration, and medical drugs of all types, diabetes, chronic pain,
diuretics, and a diet too high in calcium.

Poor U.S.A. Farming Methods

Farming methods in the U.S.A. have also done little to help you obtain enough
magnesium in your diet. See the chart below from the statistics of the Department of
Agriculture showing the drop in minerals like magnesium from our produce due to
poor farming methods from 1919 onward.

Food Sources: (as I said above most of the magnesium has been stripped out of
commercial produce by poor farming methods)

Apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, blackstrap molasses, brewer‟s yeast, brown rice,
cantaloupe, dulse, figs, garlic, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, kelp, lemons, lima
beans, millet, nuts, peaches, black-eyed peas, salmon, sesame seeds, soybeans, tofu,
tortula yeast, watercress, wheat and whole grains.

Paul Blake is a doctor of herbal medicine and a master herbalist. He used naturopathic
medicine to treat his own case of cancer eighteen years ago. Visit Paul‟s website
on Herbal Remedies, Natural Healing Herbs for more interesting information on
improving your health, or visit Paul‟s Health Blog for additional articles and
commentary on nutritional healing.

Vitamin Importance-Why Women Should Take a Multivitamin
THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 24, 2011 @ 05:26
Article by Vivian Waterman
In a perfect world women would get all their vitamins from the food they eat.
Although it is not impossible for most of us it is improbable. The fact of the matter is
that we live busy high paced lives. We don't always eat the right foods and therefore
don't always get the vitamins that we need.

Vitamin importance is extreme for women and that means that if you aren't getting the
vitamins from the food you eat you should be taking a multivitamin to supplement

Women are especially susceptible to vitamin deficiency as many of us tend to put
everyone and everything before ourselves. This means that we tend to our spouses,
children, household chores, and work before we take the time out to take care of
ourselves. Vitamin importance takes a backseat to these things as a result. What is the
answer to the loss of vitamins in our busy life? Take a multivitamin.

Multivitamins can play a big role in restoring the vitamins that you are missing.
Vitamin importance no longer needs to be ignored. There are many vitamins available
today and it is good to even take a general multivitamin. It may be more beneficial if
you take vitamins specifically for women as these will contain the vitamins that you
need most. There are even multivitamins available for different stages of life. You
may not think that it makes a difference but you actually need different vitamins more
at certain points of your life.

A multivitamin will provide you with much needed vitamins and minerals. For
example calcium is found in vitamins and is important to prevent osteoporosis. It also
helps to build and maintain healthy teeth and bones. Most women don’ t get enough
calcium in their diet which makes a multivitamin very important.

A multivitamin will also include other vitamins that are crucial to women. Vitamin C
is needed for healthy cells and muscles among other things. Vitamin B complex is
needed to regulate your body’ s functions and also helps to reduce stress. Vitamin
importance for women can easily be addressed with the right multivitamin.

Remember that it is best to get your vitamins from the food you eat. However if you
are super busy and know that your not getting the vitamins you need find a good
multivitamin supplement to keep yourself healthy.
Are you one of the millions of women that don‟t get enough vitamins from your diet?
If you dont get enough you can get some great information on the importance of
vitamins atWomenLivingHealthy for tips and information.And don‟t forget to check
out VitaPal for great deals on tons of vitamin supplements.

Pecan, the Healthy Nut
NOVEMBER 21, 2011
Most people don‟t realize it but pecans are used in a wide variety of ways. These
delicious meaty nuts are mainly eaten whole but can also be used in delectable recipes
that tempt the palate. Here are a few of the great benefits, besides the great taste, of
making pecans the number one addition to your holiday and every day dishes.

Pecans are probably the least touted of all healthy nuts, simply because they do not
grow as widely as most other nuts do. However, it has been scientifically proven that
they are as good, if not better, for your health than most other typically touted nuts.
Pecans contain a very high level of anti-oxidants, substances that help boost your
natural immunity. About a handful (five to ten pecan halves per day), are enough to
make your body stronger and healthier. Pecans also contain “good fats”, which may
help raise good cholesterol and lower the bad cholesterol which could damage your

Pecans are also very rich in oleic acid, which is considered to be one of the best
natural substances for defending women against breast cancer.

Studies have shown that women who included pecans in their diet were much less
prone to having breast cancer than those who did not. Women are not the only ones to
benefit; pecans are also considered valuable in aiding men with good prostrate health.
What a great excuse for having another slice of that pecan pie this Thanksgiving!

Pecans are also one of the richest sources of protein in the plant-based food world.
This makes them an excellent replacement for meat, especially for those who follow
or prefer a vegetarian eating style. The newest dietary guidelines from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture state that eating 4 to 5 servings of nuts each week (and that
includes pecans) will bring you one step closer to putting your diet in line with current
healthy eating recommendations and a trimmer waistline.
Although the research proving the pecan‟s tremendous health benefits may be recent,
pecan-producing trees dotted the landscape long before the discovery of the “New
World” and enriched the diets of the native tribes living in the central and southern
regions of the United States.

Today, pecans are available from coast to coast in nearly every supermarket and
experts have confirmed the variety of benefits pecans have to offer. So enjoy some
pecans at your next holiday gathering, at the office party, or even while you watch the

Victoria Gates is a proud supporter of small American businesses such as the 5-
Generation family run Pearson Farm. Pearson Farm has met the audit standards
established under the Georgia GP Food Safety Program. You can find out more about
their operations and location by visiting on the web.

Coenzyme Q10 promotes heart and whole body health
NOVEMBER 20, 2011
Article by Stefania Constantin

Coenzyme Q10 was discovered in 1957 and is a liposoluble substance with the
characteristics of vitamin, present in every cell of the body, which fulfills two major
functions: the production of energy and the powerful antioxidant.

Coenzyme Q10 is part of ubiquinones class, group of liposoluble compounds with a
wide distribution in nature that are present in all animals and plants organisms, as well
as in aerobic microorganisms. Coenzyme Q10 is a compound naturally synthesized by
the body, being present in all cells and tissues. It is absolutely essential for cell
function. In humans, coenzyme Q10 may be intracellular biosynthesised, but may also
have exogenous origin of food intake. As food sources high in coenzyme Q10 we can
remember meat, fish, soy, nuts, almonds, peanuts, mentioning that approximately 14-
32% of coenzimatic content is lost during processing by burning food, but remains
unchanged if these products are boiled.

Normal values of CoQ10 in blood and tissues have been well established by
numerous researchers around the world (when its level drops by 25% below normal,
there are diseases). CoQ10 deficiency can be caused by insufficient dietary intake,
difficulties of endogenous synthesis, excessive use of it by the body or any
combination of these three factors.

Coenzyme Q10 present in food is absorbed from the intestine into lymph and then
passes into the bloodstream. Its absorption is poor, 60% of the oral dose being
excreted in feces. Moreover, because of liposolubility, digestive absorption of CoQ10
is highly dependent on lipid absorption present in food. In blood, CoQ10 is distributed
in lipoproteins: VLDL (very low density lipoprotein), 58% in LDL (low density
lipoprotein), 26% in HDL (high density lipoprotein) and 16% in other lipoproteins.
CoQ10 plasma levels are higher in men than in women. Component of mitochondrial
respiratory chain, CoQ10 is the only mobile component, not fixed to the internal
mitochondrial membrane structure.

Clinical studies show that this substance is very effective in the fight against free
radicals and protects against damaging effects of UV rays on the cell membrane. As a
powerful antioxidant, coenzyme Q10 is able to reduce the size of cancerous tumors, to
minimize the consequences of stroke and vascular, and applied to the skin, penetrate
the cell layers of it and protects it from oxidative degradation and thus the appearance
of wrinkles.

What is Coenzyme Q10 With Sublingual Lemon Flavor?

CaliVita proved innovation in this field and made a new type of Coenzyme Q10,
Sublingual CoQlO with a fast and effective absorption avoiding gastric barrier.
Tablets have a pleasant lemon flavor in a dose of 30 mg, dissolving in a few minutes
under the tongue and directly entering in the bloodstream through blood vessels under
the tongue, being so completely absorbed by the body.The product is recommended in
any situation where digestion and absorption of lower tract digestive system are
damaged, blocked or reduced.

What benefits brings Coenzyme Q10 from Calivita? 1. Significantly improves the
immune system. 2. Improves symptoms in heart disease. 3. Stimulates metabolism
and promotes weight loss weight. 4. Positive influence on male fertility. 5.
Significantly reduce hypertension.6. Has positive action on the stomach and
duodenum. 7. Has beneficial effects in respiratory disease, in asthma and allergies. 8.
Acts effectively in psychiatric disorders, especially schizophrenia and Alzheimer‟s
disease.9. Slows down the aging process. 10. Combats infections caused by Candida
albicans. 11. Useful in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, diabetes and some dental
diseases.12. Reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.13. Because it is a powerful
antioxidant, can reduce cancerous tumors.

Difference between coenzyme Q10 and other vitamins is that the former is
synthesized in the body, while traditional vitamins must be obtained through dietary
intake. After the age of 20 years, the production of coenzyme Q10 in the body is
reduced, and its requirements are growing. Therefore we need to supply either from
food or from supplements.

Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Pregnant women and nursing
mothers should not consume CoQlO without medical advice in advance.

Stefania write blog articles for Romanian Calivita blogs where you can find Coenzima
Q10 Sublingual and Coenzima Q10 Sublingual at lowest price online.
Rev up your cleansing with raw foods and juicing
NOVEMBER 24, 2011
Article by

All nutritionists agree on the benefits of eating raw foods. The only thing they differ
on is how much. Dr Bernard Jensen, one of the pioneers in colon health, suggests
including 60% raw food in your diet. Need some motivation to implement this? Read

Firstly, what is raw food? Raw food is any plant based foods that has not been heated
above 47C. A wide variety of food including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs,
flowers, leaves, seaweeds, superfoods and sprouts can be eaten this way.

Eating raw food ensures that you get the full nutritional benefit of your food. Cooking
can destroy up to 80% of food‟s nutritional value. Heat sensitive nutrients like vitamin
C, the B vitamins and most anti-oxidants are lost. Good, healthy fats are converted
into bad fats and trans fats. Proteins co-agulate and the bioavailabilty of protein foods
are diminished.

Raw food is full of life giving enzymes! All work done on a cellular level in your
body is carried out by enzymes. Large quantities of enzymes are needed for digestion.
Eating foods high in enzymes puts less burden on your body to produce its own
enzymes and can assist with the digestion process.

One of the key factors in maintaining a healthy bowel is ensuring that you have
sufficient fibre in your diet. Fibre provides the bulk that is needed to put enough
pressure on the bowel wall to stimulate bowel movement. One of the best forms of
natural fibre is the cellulose found in fruit and vegetables. Cooking destroys the fibre
in food so that the remaining amount may be insufficient to stimulate the bowels into

Raw foods are great for cleansing. The reason for this is that they provide your body
with a vast amount of nutrients without introducing toxins. The majority of raw foods,
especially green foods, are also highly alkalizing. This helps your body correct its
internal pH balance and empowers your body to get rid of acidic wastes that may have
build up in your tissues over the years.

Some of the advantages that raw foodists report include: increased energy, clear
thinking, improvement in acute-chronic health conditions, improved appearance of
hair/skin/nails, loss of excess weight, better quality sleep, improved immunity, stable
moods, better stamina in exercise and an increase in the size of your compost heap

The easiest way to increase the amount of raw food in your diet is by drinking freshly
vegetable and fruit juices daily. Besides being delicious, the nutrients in vegetable
juices are easy to absorb and easy to consume. This is particularly valuable for people
with digestive troubles. As an added bonus you achieve all of the benefits from eating
raw foods listed above.

Motivated? Here is how you can get started. If you are used to eating mostly cooked
diet it is recommended that you move over to raw foods slowly. The reason for this is
two-fold. Firstly, raw foods are high in fibre and any increase in fibre needs to be
introduced slowly to allow your body the chance to adjust. The high fibre content also
means raw foods must be properly chewed in order to ensure the break down and
proper digestion of these foods. You know you have chewed enough when you tongue
no longer feels solid particles in between your food. Secondly, raw foods are very
cleansing. If the rate of cleansing happens to fast you may feel discomfort commonly
referred to as the „healing crisis‟. If this happens you can either push through it or
decrease the amount of raw foods in your diet.
For delicious, mouth watering raw food ideas that will feed the whole family, along
with practical advice, tips, recipes and „cooking‟ courses
visit Some raw food favourites include raw pizzas, raw
pasta, berry smoothies, butternut soup, sushi, essene bread, chocolate brownies,
mango cheesecake… mmm. As this is a new topic for many people we have added
some pictures of raw food below to tempt your appetite.
To your health,Tracy
Tracy Venter ( Hons.Biochem. Stellenbosch University

Online Organic Food Buying Guides
NOVEMBER 7, 2011
For any people who do not get the organic things they need from the local market,
online organic food works fine as well recepies for organic food. I am certain that
even the most committed organic food consumers have sometimes failed to place
online organic food purchases because of the high costs. Yes, organic goods are not
cheap, and in the event you include the shipping costs, the expenditures may be also
high for your spending budget. Nevertheless, I encourage you not to give up around
the opportunity to switch for an organic diet plan and enjoy the advantages of clear
food. Right here are a few things that you simply can do.

You can purchase online organic food with each other with some friends, neighbours
or co-workers so that you split the shipping costs, you purchase in bulk and therefore
enjoy some special discounts. That would decrease the sum you spend on organic

But, you should meet and discuss things ahead of time so that you have the list ready
for that purchase.

If the shopping team fails, and you have limited access to fresh online organic food,
here is exactly what you can perform. Try to make a list of essentials, foods that you
simply can purchase at lesser costs, and that are not heavy and costly to ship. You can
therefore obtain organic nuts, raisins, almonds, raw seeds, pastas and herbs. All these
ought to be portion of one‟s diet plan, and if they‟re organic, that‟s all the better. Even
little nutritional changes issue around the long term. Perhaps, your diet plan would
only be partially organic, yet at least you restrict the quantity of chemicals you ingest
from foods.
Within the meantime, don‟t rely exclusively on online organic food suppliers alone,
simply because you will find restrictions and drawbacks to Internet buying. Try the
local market regularly. Make some connections with people who generally sell there
so that you find local suppliers. There may be some amongst these who‟ve organic
goods like fresh eggs, fresh meat and the like. I know you might not have that much
time to spend just looking around for your food, however your health and also the
health of your family is really worth the effort.

On the long term, you might also think about shifting to another portion of your
country, in a much less polluted area, exactly where you are closer to nature. There,
you would have the ability to even grow some organic foods, or access to natural
goods would be simpler. Online organic food orders would no longer be essential

The Author is a literary master and have written tons of books on love and romance.
He is involved in all sorts of websites and niches. He loves to write so he writes
everything on his websites. Check out his latest article about Pregnancy After 40 on
his website. Yes, his website is all about Pregnancy After 40 Risks. See you there!
{ Comments on this entry are closed }
Organizing Organic Food Sales
NOVEMBER 6, 2011
Stock clearance is the reason why we have organic food sales; in fact, there is no
coincidence, because a drop in price ensures that no products are wasted. The problem
with organic food is that it does not last for too long, it quickly loses freshness and
decays. The factors that make organic food so healthy, are the ones responsible for
quick decay: the all natural structure means that there are no preservers to make the
food last.

Without the use of preservatives, organic food can only be kept fresh with special
packaging, and even so, the solution is for a very short term. Therefore, organic food
sales are the right way to prevent food decay and make money. Therefore, if you want
to buy organic food at lower prices, you should keep an eye on hypermarkets or local
markets and see when there are notes with organic food sales.

You have to be smart to shop well at stock clearance, because of the need to save
Organic food is normally a bit more expensive than non-organic products, and during
the sales periods, there is usually a price balanced between these two food categories.
Therefore, the financial advantage becomes a shopping opportunity. Yet, there is one
trick you need to be aware of: quality status.

When you buy something at the organic food sales, you may have to consume the
product right away, as the expiry date is probably very close. Even if they are still
fresh when you buy them, their condition could rapidly decay. Consequently, organic
food sales should not encourage you to buy in bulk, on the contrary. Then, online
organic food sales are often tricky, because of the same possibility of lower quality
when a whole day is lost with the delivery.

Online orders are fine, only if you can have the items delivered the same day.

All in all, organic food sales are are an event to enjoy more in supermarkets than in
local markets. In markets, small quantities are supplied by local farms without stock
creation, whereas large stores buy in bulk and store the products for a limited period
of time. Shoppers have two options: buy discounted items that are no longer 100%
fresh at lower prices or go for more expensive top quality. Follow your own judgment
to decide which is more convenient!

If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article‟s
author on cash registers for sale and cash register POS.

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Medicinal mushrooms article article # 4

  • 1. Ganoderma – Outstanding Medicinal Mushroom NOVEMBER 24, 2011 Article by Lynne Fish In the event you take only 1 medicinal mushroom, allow it to be Ganoderma. Also known as Red Reishi in Japan or Lingzhi in China, Ganoderma Lucidum is really a kind of mushroom that???s renowned because of its fantastic medicinal properties and it has been utilized in conventional medicine throughout Asia for hundreds of years. Documents confirm it???s been in use for more than 2000 years.You will find two parts to the mushroom, the red fruit physique, and the root method.Reishi Gano or RG capsules contain pure Ganoderma Lucidum powder from the fruit (that???s the red disc-like component within the picture).Ganocelium or GL capsules include pure Ganoderma Mycelium powder from the root (they???re the long straggly bits).RG contains more than 400 different nutrients, whilst GL contains over 200. So we???re talking about some very power-packed capsules.And just why is this specific mushroom so great for you?Speak to any practitioner of herbal, traditional and Chinese medicine, or any nutritionalist or naturopath. In their wealthy armoury, medicinal mushrooms function strongly. There???s grounds for this. Firstly, they???re a natural product (well, that stands to reason).But mostly it???s simply because the nutrient-rich Ganoderma Lucidum medicinal mushroom is the most nutrient-rich of all of the medicinal mushrooms.Ganoderma contains a vast array of Polysaccharides, Organic Germanium, Adenosine, Tripterpines, proteins, ganoderic acids, anti- oxidants, proteins, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It???s also classed as an adaptogen, which means it can enter and clean toxic cells. Phew. That???s a lot for a single plant. You are able to see why practitioners and users sing its praises.The important advantages of Ganoderma reach all parts of the bodyMore and more clinical analysis into Ganoderma is confirming exactly what the practitioners of old already knew. That Ganoderma can assist reduce the incidence and the effects of numerous major illnesses and types of conditions.Here???s a snapshot of some of these studies.??? Cardiovascular illness ??? in inhibiting platelet aggregation and decreasing hypertension.??? Immune system ??? in specific, in cancer research, recording positive immune-modulating effects and reduced side-effects from chemotherapy and radiation.??? Blood sugar balance ??? with a blood sugar levels lowering effect, elevation of plasma insulin levels, and enhanced liver metabolism of glucose.??? Anti-inflammatory effects ??? showing comparable effects to hydrocortisone.???
  • 2. Liver protector – studies with Hepatitis B Patients discovered Ganoderma decreased the elevated levels of liver enzymes to regular range.??? Oxygenation ??? a reduction in altitude sickness by oxygenating the blood.And here???s great news especially when you have a busy lifestyle.Ganoderma will be the most alkaline food within the world. You most likely didn???t know this, but most of us have bodies that are in a condition of acidosis. Sadly, that???s not good news. In short, we eat too numerous acidic foods and drinks too many acidic drinks (although they may not taste tart).The body operates at its very best and most effective when in a slightly alkaline state. But acidosis means that rather than being in a peak fighting state, it???s fighting with 1 hand tied behind its back.Ganoderma helps restore the body???s pH balance to it???s preferred alkaline condition. With regular use, it???s back to a fair fight. And with some 150 illness that can???t survive in an alkaline body, it???s a fight you truly wish to win.You might really feel fit and healthy now, but what happens when lifestyle catches up?You???d be living under a rock not to know that chronic disease is on the rise. And also the seeds are sown early on. It???s just that we don???t see it coming.Diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, obesity and many other conditions are by and big a result of the body???s own immune system below stress. The major organs that clean our cells become overloaded with a toxic mass simply because of lifestyle and consuming options and can???t cope. This happens over numerous years. It???s disease by stealth.So the organs have to shop those toxins in our cells until they are able to get around to dealing with them all. Envision it???s a bit like rubbish bins on the street. Unemptied, the bins overflow, and turn nasty. Prior to you know it, you???re dodging and weaving about mess. And also the smell! Well, envision your poor body having to storing up its waste in various parts of you and how inefficient that makes its functioning!And once the cleaning functions are impaired, there???s only 1 way to go, and that???s downhill.But a lot of this is reversible. Just because you‟ve chronic disease, doesn???t necessarily mean you???re condemned to have it forever. An alter of attitude, diet and way of life, along with regular use of Ganoderma can and it has been shown to reverse many conditions.So now you realize much more about Ganoderma, do you think it could assist you to too? If you want more information on“>Ganoderma Lucidum, don‟t read just rehashed articles online to avoid getting ripped off. Go here: Ganoderma Lucidum
  • 3. The Most Deficient Mineral in the American Diet is Not Calcium NOVEMBER 24, 2011 Article by Paul Blake That is right the most common mineral deficient in the U.S. diet is magnesium not calcium. Of the American population 95% are deficient in magnesium. Of all the minerals our body needs magnesium is the most important, not calcium; without enough magnesium our bodies cannot even assimilate calcium. Calcium that is not assimilated into your body can lead to arthritis, gallstones, kidney stones, artery plaque, brittle bones, and calcium spurs. All of these have been known to disappear after taking extra magnesium supplements which assists in their absorption. Some of the conditions where magnesium may be useful in prevention are: Premature Aging, Arthritis, Aggressive Behavior, Alcoholism, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer‟s Disease, Heart Arrhythmia, Asthma, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Brain Damage, Cancer, Cerebral Palsy, Cerebrovascular, Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue, Cluster Headaches, Cocaine-related Stroke, Constipation, Cramps, Diabetes. Fibromyalgia, Fluoride Toxicity, Head Injuries, Central Nervous System Injuries, Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Disease, HIV, AIDS, Hypertension, Kidney Stones, Magnesium Deficiency, Menopause, Migraine Headache, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Multiple Sclerosis, Nystagmus, Osteoporosis, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Pregnancy-related Problems, Eclampsia, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Psychiatric Disorders, Repetitive Strain Injury, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sickle Cell Disease, SIDS, Sports- related Problems, Stress, Stuttering, Tetanus, Tinnitis, Sound Sensitivity, TMJ, Toxic Shock, Violence Are You Being Treated for a Disease That is a Just a Magnesium Deficiency. Magnesium deficiencies have been found to occur in around 11% of hospitalized patients; it was found that 52% of patients in coronary care units, 42% of hypokalemic patients, 65% of ICU patients, and between 25%-39% of patients with diabetes have inadequate levels of magnesium. “The higher percentage of fat and sugar in the American diet requires greater emphasis on magnesium-rich Foods” Look For These Symptoms of a Magnesium Deficiency:
  • 4. Arthritis, Insomnia, Fatigue, Body tension, Headaches, Heart-Disorders, Low Energy, High Blood Pressure, PMS, Backaches, Constipation, Kidney Stones, Osteoporosis, Irregular-Heartbeat, Anxiety, Muscle Cramps or Spasms, Irritability, Confusion, Poor digestion, Rapid heartbeat, Seizures, Can be synonymous with diabetes, Cause cardiac arrhythmia, Hypertension, Asthma, Chronic fatigue, Chronic pain syndrome, Formation of kidney stones. Do you have trouble sleeping, do you wake up with muscle cramps and spasms, or feel too tense to sleep? Your sleep problem may be as simple as a Magnesium deficiency. Are you startled easily by noises, are you highly nervous, overly sensitive, on edge all the time, do lights seem too bright? Do you suffer from muscle spasms, muscle cramps, muscle jerks, muscle tics, eye tics, do you have hiccups? These are all caused by a deficiency of and can be solved by taking Magnesium. These are signs that your nervous system lacks Magnesium, which is essential for its proper functioning. Do you suffer form low energy, chronic fatigue, do you become easily fatigued and weak; you may have a Magnesium deficiency. Each cell in your body uses Magnesium as a key to energy production. Magnesium can restore higher energy levels. Yes. Excess calcium in the diet can deplete magnesium from your body. Milk is one of the worst culprits, the ratio of calcium to magnesium is eight parts calcium to one part magnesium; impossible for the body to utilize the calcium, excess calcium depletes the magnesium in the body even more. After oxygen, water, and basic foods, Magnesium may be the most important element needed by our bodies. Magnesium is responsible for activating over 300 different biochemical reactions necessary for our body to properly function. Magnesium is essential in the regulation and use in your body of the following minerals calcium, potassium and sodium. When you do not have enough magnesium in your body to regulate these minerals you may experience the following problems. Low energy, poor bone formation, muscular difficulties (such as cramping, ticks, spasms etc.), poor activation of B vitamins (and all the problems associated with each of them), irregular heart beat, problems with your kidney, adrenals, brain. inability to
  • 5. physically relax. This is how essential magnesium is to maintaining a normal functioning healthy body. Your heart is a muscle that is constantly tensing and relaxing. All your muscles including your heart use calcium to tense up and Magnesium to relax. Without a proper balance of Magnesium your heart may suffer from an irregular beat or even go into a spasm called a heart attack. What can Magnesium do for your heart? It can lower blood pressure, stabilize irregular heart beat, enable the heart to pump a larger volume, relax constricted blood vessels, decrease the frequency of angina pains, keep blood platelets from clumping together, and increase beneficial HDL cholesterol. Some allergies may be due to a need for magnesium for instance if you have an allergy to wheat, it may be relieved by adding more magnesium to your diet. Do you suffer from PMS, too much calcium and not enough Magnesium can cause PMS. Without enough Magnesium, you can feel as though you are living your life with the brakes on. Add Magnesium to your diet and you will feel as though you accelerated your whole life. Warning Note: The majority of magnesium supplements are rock minerals and we cannot absorb minerals in that form it must be from food to be absorbed by our bodies. It is a basic law of nature that humans cannot absorb anything that has not been through a living plant first. If your magnesium supplement says the following it is a rock mineral and you cannot absorb it. Magnesium Carbonate A component of soil/ an antacid and laxative. Magnesium Chloride Ammonium chloride processed with HCL/ fireproofs wood; cathartic Magnesium Citrate carbonate processed with acids/ a cathartic Magnesium Oxide Soil often concentrated by high heat/ an antacid, cement, and laxative
  • 6. To get your magnesium from a supplement it must say this on the label. Food Magnesium from Enzymatically processed plant material/ only used as Food. Magnesium in Produce in the United States Since the Industrial Revolution food processing has refined out a large portion of magnesium (and many other important minerals and vitamins). Eating these processed foods like sugar, flour, white rice, causes magnesium loss via urination. Drinking soft drinks that have caffeine and phosphoric acid in them and coffee increases the magnesium loss. Other factors that can deplete your body‟s levels of magnesium are mental stress, high perspiration, and medical drugs of all types, diabetes, chronic pain, diuretics, and a diet too high in calcium. Poor U.S.A. Farming Methods Farming methods in the U.S.A. have also done little to help you obtain enough magnesium in your diet. See the chart below from the statistics of the Department of Agriculture showing the drop in minerals like magnesium from our produce due to poor farming methods from 1919 onward. Food Sources: (as I said above most of the magnesium has been stripped out of commercial produce by poor farming methods) Apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, blackstrap molasses, brewer‟s yeast, brown rice, cantaloupe, dulse, figs, garlic, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, kelp, lemons, lima beans, millet, nuts, peaches, black-eyed peas, salmon, sesame seeds, soybeans, tofu, tortula yeast, watercress, wheat and whole grains. Paul Blake is a doctor of herbal medicine and a master herbalist. He used naturopathic medicine to treat his own case of cancer eighteen years ago. Visit Paul‟s website on Herbal Remedies, Natural Healing Herbs for more interesting information on improving your health, or visit Paul‟s Health Blog for additional articles and commentary on nutritional healing. Vitamin Importance-Why Women Should Take a Multivitamin THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 24, 2011 @ 05:26 Article by Vivian Waterman
  • 7. In a perfect world women would get all their vitamins from the food they eat. Although it is not impossible for most of us it is improbable. The fact of the matter is that we live busy high paced lives. We don't always eat the right foods and therefore don't always get the vitamins that we need. Vitamin importance is extreme for women and that means that if you aren't getting the vitamins from the food you eat you should be taking a multivitamin to supplement them. Women are especially susceptible to vitamin deficiency as many of us tend to put everyone and everything before ourselves. This means that we tend to our spouses, children, household chores, and work before we take the time out to take care of ourselves. Vitamin importance takes a backseat to these things as a result. What is the answer to the loss of vitamins in our busy life? Take a multivitamin. Multivitamins can play a big role in restoring the vitamins that you are missing. Vitamin importance no longer needs to be ignored. There are many vitamins available today and it is good to even take a general multivitamin. It may be more beneficial if you take vitamins specifically for women as these will contain the vitamins that you need most. There are even multivitamins available for different stages of life. You may not think that it makes a difference but you actually need different vitamins more at certain points of your life. A multivitamin will provide you with much needed vitamins and minerals. For example calcium is found in vitamins and is important to prevent osteoporosis. It also helps to build and maintain healthy teeth and bones. Most women don’ t get enough calcium in their diet which makes a multivitamin very important. A multivitamin will also include other vitamins that are crucial to women. Vitamin C is needed for healthy cells and muscles among other things. Vitamin B complex is needed to regulate your body’ s functions and also helps to reduce stress. Vitamin importance for women can easily be addressed with the right multivitamin. Remember that it is best to get your vitamins from the food you eat. However if you are super busy and know that your not getting the vitamins you need find a good multivitamin supplement to keep yourself healthy.
  • 8. Are you one of the millions of women that don‟t get enough vitamins from your diet? If you dont get enough you can get some great information on the importance of vitamins atWomenLivingHealthy for tips and information.And don‟t forget to check out VitaPal for great deals on tons of vitamin supplements. Pecan, the Healthy Nut NOVEMBER 21, 2011 Most people don‟t realize it but pecans are used in a wide variety of ways. These delicious meaty nuts are mainly eaten whole but can also be used in delectable recipes that tempt the palate. Here are a few of the great benefits, besides the great taste, of making pecans the number one addition to your holiday and every day dishes. Pecans are probably the least touted of all healthy nuts, simply because they do not grow as widely as most other nuts do. However, it has been scientifically proven that they are as good, if not better, for your health than most other typically touted nuts. Pecans contain a very high level of anti-oxidants, substances that help boost your natural immunity. About a handful (five to ten pecan halves per day), are enough to make your body stronger and healthier. Pecans also contain “good fats”, which may help raise good cholesterol and lower the bad cholesterol which could damage your heart. Pecans are also very rich in oleic acid, which is considered to be one of the best natural substances for defending women against breast cancer. Studies have shown that women who included pecans in their diet were much less prone to having breast cancer than those who did not. Women are not the only ones to benefit; pecans are also considered valuable in aiding men with good prostrate health. What a great excuse for having another slice of that pecan pie this Thanksgiving! Pecans are also one of the richest sources of protein in the plant-based food world. This makes them an excellent replacement for meat, especially for those who follow or prefer a vegetarian eating style. The newest dietary guidelines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture state that eating 4 to 5 servings of nuts each week (and that includes pecans) will bring you one step closer to putting your diet in line with current healthy eating recommendations and a trimmer waistline.
  • 9. Although the research proving the pecan‟s tremendous health benefits may be recent, pecan-producing trees dotted the landscape long before the discovery of the “New World” and enriched the diets of the native tribes living in the central and southern regions of the United States. Today, pecans are available from coast to coast in nearly every supermarket and experts have confirmed the variety of benefits pecans have to offer. So enjoy some pecans at your next holiday gathering, at the office party, or even while you watch the game! Victoria Gates is a proud supporter of small American businesses such as the 5- Generation family run Pearson Farm. Pearson Farm has met the audit standards established under the Georgia GP Food Safety Program. You can find out more about their operations and location by visiting on the web. Coenzyme Q10 promotes heart and whole body health NOVEMBER 20, 2011 Article by Stefania Constantin Coenzyme Q10 was discovered in 1957 and is a liposoluble substance with the characteristics of vitamin, present in every cell of the body, which fulfills two major functions: the production of energy and the powerful antioxidant. Coenzyme Q10 is part of ubiquinones class, group of liposoluble compounds with a wide distribution in nature that are present in all animals and plants organisms, as well as in aerobic microorganisms. Coenzyme Q10 is a compound naturally synthesized by the body, being present in all cells and tissues. It is absolutely essential for cell function. In humans, coenzyme Q10 may be intracellular biosynthesised, but may also have exogenous origin of food intake. As food sources high in coenzyme Q10 we can remember meat, fish, soy, nuts, almonds, peanuts, mentioning that approximately 14- 32% of coenzimatic content is lost during processing by burning food, but remains unchanged if these products are boiled. Normal values of CoQ10 in blood and tissues have been well established by numerous researchers around the world (when its level drops by 25% below normal, there are diseases). CoQ10 deficiency can be caused by insufficient dietary intake,
  • 10. difficulties of endogenous synthesis, excessive use of it by the body or any combination of these three factors. Coenzyme Q10 present in food is absorbed from the intestine into lymph and then passes into the bloodstream. Its absorption is poor, 60% of the oral dose being excreted in feces. Moreover, because of liposolubility, digestive absorption of CoQ10 is highly dependent on lipid absorption present in food. In blood, CoQ10 is distributed in lipoproteins: VLDL (very low density lipoprotein), 58% in LDL (low density lipoprotein), 26% in HDL (high density lipoprotein) and 16% in other lipoproteins. CoQ10 plasma levels are higher in men than in women. Component of mitochondrial respiratory chain, CoQ10 is the only mobile component, not fixed to the internal mitochondrial membrane structure. Clinical studies show that this substance is very effective in the fight against free radicals and protects against damaging effects of UV rays on the cell membrane. As a powerful antioxidant, coenzyme Q10 is able to reduce the size of cancerous tumors, to minimize the consequences of stroke and vascular, and applied to the skin, penetrate the cell layers of it and protects it from oxidative degradation and thus the appearance of wrinkles. What is Coenzyme Q10 With Sublingual Lemon Flavor? CaliVita proved innovation in this field and made a new type of Coenzyme Q10, Sublingual CoQlO with a fast and effective absorption avoiding gastric barrier. Tablets have a pleasant lemon flavor in a dose of 30 mg, dissolving in a few minutes under the tongue and directly entering in the bloodstream through blood vessels under the tongue, being so completely absorbed by the body.The product is recommended in any situation where digestion and absorption of lower tract digestive system are damaged, blocked or reduced. What benefits brings Coenzyme Q10 from Calivita? 1. Significantly improves the immune system. 2. Improves symptoms in heart disease. 3. Stimulates metabolism and promotes weight loss weight. 4. Positive influence on male fertility. 5. Significantly reduce hypertension.6. Has positive action on the stomach and duodenum. 7. Has beneficial effects in respiratory disease, in asthma and allergies. 8. Acts effectively in psychiatric disorders, especially schizophrenia and Alzheimer‟s disease.9. Slows down the aging process. 10. Combats infections caused by Candida
  • 11. albicans. 11. Useful in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, diabetes and some dental diseases.12. Reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.13. Because it is a powerful antioxidant, can reduce cancerous tumors. Difference between coenzyme Q10 and other vitamins is that the former is synthesized in the body, while traditional vitamins must be obtained through dietary intake. After the age of 20 years, the production of coenzyme Q10 in the body is reduced, and its requirements are growing. Therefore we need to supply either from food or from supplements. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not consume CoQlO without medical advice in advance. Stefania write blog articles for Romanian Calivita blogs where you can find Coenzima Q10 Sublingual and Coenzima Q10 Sublingual at lowest price online. Rev up your cleansing with raw foods and juicing NOVEMBER 24, 2011 Article by All nutritionists agree on the benefits of eating raw foods. The only thing they differ on is how much. Dr Bernard Jensen, one of the pioneers in colon health, suggests including 60% raw food in your diet. Need some motivation to implement this? Read on! Firstly, what is raw food? Raw food is any plant based foods that has not been heated above 47C. A wide variety of food including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, flowers, leaves, seaweeds, superfoods and sprouts can be eaten this way. Eating raw food ensures that you get the full nutritional benefit of your food. Cooking can destroy up to 80% of food‟s nutritional value. Heat sensitive nutrients like vitamin C, the B vitamins and most anti-oxidants are lost. Good, healthy fats are converted into bad fats and trans fats. Proteins co-agulate and the bioavailabilty of protein foods are diminished. Raw food is full of life giving enzymes! All work done on a cellular level in your body is carried out by enzymes. Large quantities of enzymes are needed for digestion.
  • 12. Eating foods high in enzymes puts less burden on your body to produce its own enzymes and can assist with the digestion process. One of the key factors in maintaining a healthy bowel is ensuring that you have sufficient fibre in your diet. Fibre provides the bulk that is needed to put enough pressure on the bowel wall to stimulate bowel movement. One of the best forms of natural fibre is the cellulose found in fruit and vegetables. Cooking destroys the fibre in food so that the remaining amount may be insufficient to stimulate the bowels into action. Raw foods are great for cleansing. The reason for this is that they provide your body with a vast amount of nutrients without introducing toxins. The majority of raw foods, especially green foods, are also highly alkalizing. This helps your body correct its internal pH balance and empowers your body to get rid of acidic wastes that may have build up in your tissues over the years. Some of the advantages that raw foodists report include: increased energy, clear thinking, improvement in acute-chronic health conditions, improved appearance of hair/skin/nails, loss of excess weight, better quality sleep, improved immunity, stable moods, better stamina in exercise and an increase in the size of your compost heap The easiest way to increase the amount of raw food in your diet is by drinking freshly vegetable and fruit juices daily. Besides being delicious, the nutrients in vegetable juices are easy to absorb and easy to consume. This is particularly valuable for people with digestive troubles. As an added bonus you achieve all of the benefits from eating raw foods listed above. Motivated? Here is how you can get started. If you are used to eating mostly cooked diet it is recommended that you move over to raw foods slowly. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, raw foods are high in fibre and any increase in fibre needs to be introduced slowly to allow your body the chance to adjust. The high fibre content also means raw foods must be properly chewed in order to ensure the break down and proper digestion of these foods. You know you have chewed enough when you tongue no longer feels solid particles in between your food. Secondly, raw foods are very cleansing. If the rate of cleansing happens to fast you may feel discomfort commonly referred to as the „healing crisis‟. If this happens you can either push through it or decrease the amount of raw foods in your diet.
  • 13. For delicious, mouth watering raw food ideas that will feed the whole family, along with practical advice, tips, recipes and „cooking‟ courses visit Some raw food favourites include raw pizzas, raw pasta, berry smoothies, butternut soup, sushi, essene bread, chocolate brownies, mango cheesecake… mmm. As this is a new topic for many people we have added some pictures of raw food below to tempt your appetite. To your health,Tracy Tracy Venter ( Hons.Biochem. Stellenbosch University )Website: Online Organic Food Buying Guides NOVEMBER 7, 2011 For any people who do not get the organic things they need from the local market, online organic food works fine as well recepies for organic food. I am certain that even the most committed organic food consumers have sometimes failed to place online organic food purchases because of the high costs. Yes, organic goods are not cheap, and in the event you include the shipping costs, the expenditures may be also high for your spending budget. Nevertheless, I encourage you not to give up around the opportunity to switch for an organic diet plan and enjoy the advantages of clear food. Right here are a few things that you simply can do. You can purchase online organic food with each other with some friends, neighbours or co-workers so that you split the shipping costs, you purchase in bulk and therefore enjoy some special discounts. That would decrease the sum you spend on organic groceries. But, you should meet and discuss things ahead of time so that you have the list ready for that purchase. If the shopping team fails, and you have limited access to fresh online organic food, here is exactly what you can perform. Try to make a list of essentials, foods that you simply can purchase at lesser costs, and that are not heavy and costly to ship. You can therefore obtain organic nuts, raisins, almonds, raw seeds, pastas and herbs. All these ought to be portion of one‟s diet plan, and if they‟re organic, that‟s all the better. Even little nutritional changes issue around the long term. Perhaps, your diet plan would only be partially organic, yet at least you restrict the quantity of chemicals you ingest from foods.
  • 14. Within the meantime, don‟t rely exclusively on online organic food suppliers alone, simply because you will find restrictions and drawbacks to Internet buying. Try the local market regularly. Make some connections with people who generally sell there so that you find local suppliers. There may be some amongst these who‟ve organic goods like fresh eggs, fresh meat and the like. I know you might not have that much time to spend just looking around for your food, however your health and also the health of your family is really worth the effort. On the long term, you might also think about shifting to another portion of your country, in a much less polluted area, exactly where you are closer to nature. There, you would have the ability to even grow some organic foods, or access to natural goods would be simpler. Online organic food orders would no longer be essential then! The Author is a literary master and have written tons of books on love and romance. He is involved in all sorts of websites and niches. He loves to write so he writes everything on his websites. Check out his latest article about Pregnancy After 40 on his website. Yes, his website is all about Pregnancy After 40 Risks. See you there! { Comments on this entry are closed } Organizing Organic Food Sales NOVEMBER 6, 2011 Stock clearance is the reason why we have organic food sales; in fact, there is no coincidence, because a drop in price ensures that no products are wasted. The problem with organic food is that it does not last for too long, it quickly loses freshness and decays. The factors that make organic food so healthy, are the ones responsible for quick decay: the all natural structure means that there are no preservers to make the food last. Without the use of preservatives, organic food can only be kept fresh with special packaging, and even so, the solution is for a very short term. Therefore, organic food sales are the right way to prevent food decay and make money. Therefore, if you want to buy organic food at lower prices, you should keep an eye on hypermarkets or local markets and see when there are notes with organic food sales. You have to be smart to shop well at stock clearance, because of the need to save money.
  • 15. Organic food is normally a bit more expensive than non-organic products, and during the sales periods, there is usually a price balanced between these two food categories. Therefore, the financial advantage becomes a shopping opportunity. Yet, there is one trick you need to be aware of: quality status. When you buy something at the organic food sales, you may have to consume the product right away, as the expiry date is probably very close. Even if they are still fresh when you buy them, their condition could rapidly decay. Consequently, organic food sales should not encourage you to buy in bulk, on the contrary. Then, online organic food sales are often tricky, because of the same possibility of lower quality when a whole day is lost with the delivery. Online orders are fine, only if you can have the items delivered the same day. All in all, organic food sales are are an event to enjoy more in supermarkets than in local markets. In markets, small quantities are supplied by local farms without stock creation, whereas large stores buy in bulk and store the products for a limited period of time. Shoppers have two options: buy discounted items that are no longer 100% fresh at lower prices or go for more expensive top quality. Follow your own judgment to decide which is more convenient! If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article‟s author on cash registers for sale and cash register POS.