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                                                      Volume 5   •   Issue 12
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The Top Ten Sales Killers
                                                                                                                                                                                                           8           TomHopkins

                                                                                Three Powerful Words to Sell More Effectively
                                                                                                                                                                                                         10            BrianTracy

                                                                                                                                           Sincerity Wins the Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                          11           DavidJacobson

                                                                                       Three Dealers Who Are Hitting the Ball Out
                                                                                           of the Park with Their Pre-Owned Sales
                                                                             Online Used Car Marketing: Three Leading Dealers Share Best Practices
                                                                                                                                                                                                         12            DeanL.Evans

                                                                                     The Road to ‘Customers for Life’ Starts With
                                                                                                            ‘Employees for Life’
                                                                                                                                                                                                         14            RandyMcPherson

                                                                                                                  Let Your Fantasy Be Your Reality
                                                                                                                                                                                                         15            MarkTewart

                                                                                                                                                               Brand Yourself
                                                                                                                                                                                                         18            DavidThomas

                                                                                                                                        Don’t Forget the Waiver
                                                                                                                                                                                                         19            TonyDupaquier

                         12                                                                             The Art of Shameless Self Promotion
                                                                                                                                                                                                         20            RalphR.Roberts

                                                                        Fraud, Scams, Identity Theft and Data Breaches...
                                                                                                                                                      Who’s Got Time for all This                        24            DeniseRichardson

                                                                          Making the Most of Your Media Interview, Part 2
                                                                                                                       Getting the Radio or Webcast Phone Interview                                      26            PattiWood

                                                                                                                    Accountable to a Higher Calling
                                                                                                                                                                                                         28            JesseBiter

                                                                  ‘I’ll Sell My Trade Myself and Come Back Later.’ Not
                                                                                                                                                                                                         29            JeffMorrill

                                                                                                           How to Hire, Train, and Develop 20
                                                                                                             Car-A-Month Sales People, Part 1                                                            30            BobCarmack

                                                                                                                                   Your Dealership Web Site:
                                                                            Know How Customers Find You and What Their Shopping Experience Is                                                            32            JonathanG.Edwards

                                                                                                                    The Leading Edge of Leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                                         34            MichaelYork

                                                                                                                                                      A Line in the Sand
                                                                                                                                                                                                         36            SeanWolfington

                                                        How to Heal the Sting of a Customer Service ‘Challenge’
                                                                                                                                                                                                         37            AllenCheek

                                                                                                                             Training Key to Dealership’s
                                                                                                                                      20 Years of Success
                                                                                                                                                                                                         38            PatrickLuck

                                                                           Working and Thriving in a Constructive Culture
                                                                                                                                                                                                         40            TeresaBordenet

                                                                                                                                                           Take a Free Ride
                                                                                Co-op Advertising Aids in Reducing Cost per Sale by Over 50 Percent                                                      41            RalphPaglia

                                                                                                                                                          Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher                                      Brian Ankney, Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                                                                                                          Susan Givens, Vice President                                          Brian Balash, Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                             3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive                                                  Thomas Williams, Creative Director                                    Rachel Bussone, Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                             Louisville, Kentucky 40245                                                                      

                                                                             toll free: 877.818.6620                                                      Dave Davis, Creative Strategist & Editor
                                                                             facsimile: 502.588.3170
                                                                             helping to promote...
                                                                                                                                                             II Corinthians 9:7
                                                                                                                                                             Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under
                                                                                                                                                             compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
                     God is the source of all supply

AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky, 40245; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $75 per year.
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sts    fos     ls    ms     sf     fis                                                                                          TomHopkins
   sales and training solution

                         The Top Ten Sales Killers
                    Any veteran in the              business to avoid using the word “contract”      signs out of your eyes when you’re with
                    automotive business             when handling the financial details of a          clients. If they suspect you’re pushing the
                    can tell you a story            vehicle sale. We all know that contracts are     sale because of what’s in it for you instead
                    about the one that got          legally binding documents and require legal      of what’s in their best interests, they’ll find
                    away. If you’ve been            efforts to get out of them. Call your contract   another dealership to do business with.
                    in the business more            an “agreement,” “form,” or “paperwork.”
than three months, you may already have             The mental image is less threatening. Think      Sales Killer No. 8 – Not Knowing
your own story.                                     about the words you use and replace any          How to Close
                                                    negative word-picture images with gentler,       In many cases, all you have to do is ask a
However, veterans who are successful in             more positive ones.                              direct question in order to close a sale. “Do
this business today learned valuable lessons                                                         you have your own financing or would you
from those situations and, hopefully, never         Sales Killer No. 4 – Not Investing               like us to assist you with that?”
repeated them. The same should go for you,          Time in Building Rapport
as well.                                            Good rapport builds trust. No one will want      Sales Killer No. 9 – Not Paying
                                                    to make a purchase from someone they don’t       Attention to Details
As challenging as the business of selling           like and trust. Don’t just jump right into a     If you skim over details or shortcut your
vehicles might be for some, losing sales            presentation on your product. Get to know        presentation because you’ve done it so many
can be unbelievably easy. Learn from the            your client a bit.                               times that you’re bored with it, you’ll lose
mistakes of others so you won’t have many                                                            sales. Remember, every presentation is new
of the sad stories to tell. Here is a list of the   Sales Killer No. 5 – Lack of a                   to your client. So give it with enthusiasm and
top ten sales killers to avoid.                     Qualification System                              without shortcuts unless your client indicates
                                                    A certain percentage of the people you           that certain details you would normally
Sales Killer No. 1 – Lack of                        talk with will not be good candidates for        cover aren’t of interest to them. This carries
Professional Appearance                             ownership. If they don’t have the need or the    over to your paperwork and ability to handle
If you want people to listen to you and heed        money for a vehicle, there is no sale. Your      a computer (if your orders are entered that
your advice, you have to come across both in        challenge is to figure this out as early in       way). Any missing information can cause
appearance and demeanor as a professional           your communication with them as possible.        clients to quickly lose faith in their decision
automotive expert. This means that you              Come up with at least three or four questions    and walk away.
are appropriately groomed. You walk with            the answers to which will tell you if they’re
confidence. People will buy from you based           qualified to own.                                 Sales Killer No. 10 – Poor Fulfillment
more on your own conviction and enthusiasm                                                           This ties into paying attention to details. If
for your product than they will your product        Sales Killer No. 6 - Not Knowing                 you or your dealership does not have the
knowledge.                                          When to Stop Presenting and Close                practices and policies in place to properly
                                                    the Sale                                         fulfill the expectations of your clients, you
Sales Killer No. 2 – Talking Too Much               Too many sales people think they have to         will find yourself working harder and harder
When you’re talking, you’re telling. When           tell potential clients everything they know      to get new business. Invest some time and
you ask questions to get clients talking about      about the vehicle. Even after a client has       effort in understanding the proper procedures
their needs, you’re selling. You’re finding          indicated that it’s right for them, the sales    for delivery and follow up on new purchases.
out what they want to own. Only then can            person keeps talking. Doing so could easily      Do not promise anything above or beyond
you guide them to the right car, truck, van         turn the client off about working with you       the company standard. Yet, strive to exceed
or SUV.                                             and cost you the sale.                           the client’s expectations in all areas.

Sales Killer No. 3 – Your Vocabulary                Sales Killer No. 7 – Ego                         World-renowned master sales trainer Tom
                                                                                                     Hopkins is the chairman of Tom Hopkins
Words create pictures in our minds. Certain         Selling is a service business. You must set      International. He can be contacted at
words that are inherent to selling turn             aside your wants and needs to serve the          866.347.6148, or by e-mail at
people off. For example, I caution people in        wants and needs of others. Get the dollar

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sts    fos    ls   ms     sf   fis                                                                                        BrianTracy
   sales and training solution

                                        Three Powerful Words to
                                            Sell More Effectively
                     There     are     three   sometimes a bit more hesitant to answer a      Once a person has stated their opinion on a
                     powerful words and        “think” question but they are much firmer in    subject, they are locked into it. They almost
                     phrases that you can      defending their position once they have.       always will defend and justify their decision
                     use as you proceed                                                       rather than change it. Carefully phrased
                     through the sales                                                        questions are powerful tools in every part
                     conversation in order        Carefully                                   of the sales process. The more of them you
                     to have the most
                     successful results.
                                                  phrased                                     have and the better you use them, the more
                                                                                              competent you will appear and feel, and the
                                                  questions are                               more sales you will make.
The first is the word “feel.” For example,
“How do you feel about that?” is a very easy
                                                  powerful tools in                           Use “feel” during the early part of your
question to answer. It is almost impossible       every part of the                           sales conversation. Focus on getting good
not to express a feeling when asked for one.
A few other questions to gain an emotional
                                                  sale process.                               information rather than trying to sell.
                                                                                              Second, move to asking questions using the
response from your prospect are, “How do                                                      words “think” and “in your opinion” later in
you feel about shopping for a new vehicle?”    The third expression is “in your opinion.”     the conversation when you want a definite
or “How do you feel about leasing?”            The word “feel” is soft, the word “think” is   answer or you are moving to close the sale.
                                               harder, and the words “in your opinion” are
The second and even more significant word       the most definite and specific of all. When
is “think”. When you ask, “Do you think this   you ask, “In your opinion, is this the best
                                                                                              Brian Tracy is the chairman and CEO
would be better than what you’re currently     choice of vehicle for what you want?” you      of Brian Tracy International. He can be
driving?” you are asking the person to take    are asking the prospect to take a definite      contacted at 866.300.9881, or by e-mail
a much more definite stand. People are          stand.                                         at

sts    fos    ls    ms     sf    fis                                   DavidJacobson
   sales and training solution

                                           Sincerity Wins
                                                  the Day
                      How often do we             would look forward to, for making you happy
                      communicate        with     with this price? Future business. Please
                      people and feel the         send me customers. That is how I will benefit
                      lack of sincerity?          from giving you this price. Does that sound
Nothing is more of a turn-off to a customer
than this. Your customer is anticipating this     Customers will usually         respond    with
from the beginning. They’re looking for the       something like this:
plaid jacket, used car sales person or maybe
slick politician type. Be careful that you’re     “Oh, I sure will, you can count on it.”
not in these categories.
                                                  All they will do at this point is start selling     we’re this close to a cure
In most instances, sales people seem insincere    you on the reasons you will benefit from
when they try too hard, use clichés or pitches    giving them the price you did, which firms
they recently learned, or when they’re being      up your deal. This is exactly what you want
superficial. On the other hand, when you           to happen.
say something with sincerity, it melts into
your presentation like butter. It solidifies any   Two sales people can attempt to make the
point you’re trying to make.                      same point and yet, one will seem so sincere,
                                                  while the other comes across as shallow.
Can sales people have the ability to
consciously choose to be sincere? Yes,            Do you believe you sound sincere? If not,
because that sincerity can be learned. One        try this. Look in the mirror. Find something
of the ways to learn sincerity is to take the     you like about yourself. Give yourself a
pressure off you. This is accomplished            compliment and notice how you feel. You
by being confident, which dovetails from           should feel good about yourself. Now find
knowledge and allows you to be real and           something you do not like about yourself and
honest when dealing with the customer.            still compliment yourself. You will probably
                                                  feel bad. This works. You will see and feel
The key points of sincerity are eye contact,      the difference.
body language and body contact.                                                                                              Juvenile        Diabetes
                                                  Do you know why you feel the difference?                                   affects     millions
Let’s say you’re trying to make the point that    Because if you lie, you will not convince         Mary Tyler Moore
                                                                                                    International Chairman   and causes long-
the customer is being given a rare, special       yourself otherwise. Don’t practice being
price. It helps to lean over the desk, lower      sincere by lying. This is not your goal. There    term complications like blindness
your voice and say it with eye contact.           is enough to work with by being honorable.        and kidney failure. Not to mention
                                                  Besides, customers will see through you.          pain and worry no kid should have
“There is no reason to have to sell this car                                                        to live with. But we’re closer than
at this price; however, I understand that it is   Does this mean that if you have a high gross
                                                                                                    ever to a cure. Your help makes
necessary if I want to earn your business. The    profit you are lying to them about getting a
only thing I ask is that you refer customers      good deal? No, because, ultimately, people        life-saving research possible. Call
to me, and please don’t discuss prices with       will pay what they believe something is           1.800.533.CURE                      or      visit
them. I will treat them fairly.”                  worth. If you and your service come with the
                                                  package, then it is probably worth more to
Was that a strong statement? You bet. Look        them than your competitor’s product.
at the messages you have given the customer.
They are the only one getting this deal. Not      Sincerity is the glue that binds you to your
even their friends can get it.                    word and your customer to you.

You must use the correct body language when
delivering these messages to your customer
- all the time. Even when delivering a simple
                                                  David Jacobson is the founder and
message, such as the following:                   president of GrooveCar Inc. He can be
                                                  contacted at 866.663.9038, or by e-mail at
“Mr. Customer, do you know the only thing I

the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional
fs    feature solution


                       Three Dealers Who Are Hitting                                                                                                      Online Used Car Marketing:
                             the Ball Out of the Park                                                                                                     Three Leading Dealers
                         with Their Pre-Owned Sales                                                                                                       Share Best Practices
You probably don’t need anyone to tell you            Ashley leapt into the world of automotive        information up front - including photos of         The Most Visibility Money Can Buy                                                                          used cars more heavily online was our

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Reuben Muinos
that the Internet can help your used vehicle          retailing four years ago, after graduating       flaws - will win buyers’ trust and business         “From our perspective, the primary value of                                                                experience in the sub-prime lending market.
business - in this day and age, it’s pretty           from Colgate with a degree in English.           in the end.”                                       the Internet for used car sales lies in visibility.                                                        Many customers with poor credit think that
much a given. But finding the most effective           She began in sales at Paragon Acura and                                                             There’s no other way to make your entire                                                                   they can’t qualify for a new car loan. That
way to use your Internet investment to sell           was quickly promoted to Internet manager.        As Many Leads as the                               inventory as visible to such a large audience                                                              may not be the case, but the fact that they
more used cars in your particular market              After stints managing a floor sales team          Process Can Handle                                 of car buyers, and the cost is quite low. With                                                             expect to buy a used vehicle makes them
may not be so straightforward.                        and the Business Development Center, she         “Our fundamental strategy isn’t very               other media, you might highlight one or two                                                                more receptive to our marketing. And the
                                                      is now marketing director for this two-store     complicated: we acquire as many quality            special vehicles, but the Internet gives you                                                               fact that many sub-prime customers are
We recently spoke with three dealers who              business.                                        used car leads as possible. We buy leads           the chance to make every used vehicle on                                                                   eager to apply for credit online gives us a
have blazed their own paths and are enjoying                                                           from third parties, we obtain them from            your lot stand out for the people who might                                                                great opportunity to expose them to our used
great success in this area. They were eager to        Constantly Fine-Tuning                           Honda and we take a number of approaches           be interested in it.”
share their stories with AutoSuccess.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                car inventory.”
                                                      “Paragon Honda is the No. 1 ‘Certified Used’      - including search engine marketing, print,
                                                      Honda dealership in the country, and both        and radio - to drive used car buyers to our        Be Careful Not to Blow It                                                                                  Selling More Than Just the Car
As you’ll see, some of their advice
                                                      stores do very well with used vehicles of all    own Web site. One reason this works is             “Given this opportunity, you have to be                                                                    “Most dealers understand that selling a new
overlaps and applies directly to virtually
all dealerships. By contrast, some is more            different makes - so we’re definitely doing       our strong Internet sales process, which           careful not to blow it. The biggest mistake                                                                car involves selling the dealership itself,
specific to characteristics that define their           something right here. But to say ‘something’     can handle the volume and convert leads at         I’ve made in this part of our business has                                                                 the sales experience, the service, and so on.
                                                      is really a simplification. We’re successful      higher-than-average rates.”                        been to post inventory on our Web site and                 Business Alliances Manager,                     But sometimes they leave that out of the
respective businesses. But even here there
are lessons to be drawn. There may be no              because we’re doing a lot of things right, and                                                      not revisit it regularly. It has to be current,                  Galpin Motors,                            equation when selling a used car. We make
reason for you to translate your Web site into        constantly fine-tuning to find the right mix of                                                       it has to be detailed and the pricing needs                     San Fernando, CA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     it a point to provide multiple photos and a

                                                                                                                                           Barry Mandel
Spanish, for example, but the underlying              approaches.”                                                                                        to be competitive with what other dealers                                                                  detailed description of every used vehicle,
point Reuben Muinos of Galpin Motors in                                                                                                                   are doing. You also have to keep an eye on            Galpin Motors was founded in 1946, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     but we also stress our long history, our
San Fernando, CA makes is important: Pay              Biggest Mistake                                                                                     how your competition is merchandising their           it’s a powerhouse: it’s been the No. 1 volume
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     integrity, our warranties and our extensive
attention to how the demographics in your             “Early on, I made the mistake of assuming                                                           products. Falling behind in this regard is a          Ford dealer for 17 years straight. Reuben
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     reconditioning program - all of which help
market may be changing.                               that quality used cars would sell themselves.                                                       sure way to lose business.”                           has been with Galpin for most of the past
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     us close more sales.”
                                                      In reality, it takes a combination of precise                                                                                                             15 years, moving from sales to Internet
Here’s what Reuben Muinos, Barry Mandel               pricing and strong merchandising. That’s true                                                       Benefits of Centralization                             manager to his current position. In between,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Speaking the Right Language
of Schaefer and Strohminger Automotive,               for all dealers, but especially so at Paragon.                                                      “We carry a total of nine brands at eight             he worked for a CRM company, spending
                                                                                                                                                                                                                nearly three years traveling the country and         “Here in the Los Angeles area, we obviously
and Ashley Antonio of Paragon Honda and               Real estate in the New York metro area is                                                           stores. Because our Internet department is
Paragon Acura had to say about increasing                                                                                                                 part of a centralized BDC, we’re better able          training dealerships on effective CRM and            have an enormous Hispanic market. We’re
                                                      incredibly expensive, and we get by with
your pre-owned vehicle sales.                                                                                                                             to manage the complexities of marketing               Internet sales processes.                            about to launch a Spanish-language version
                                                      very little space. If a used car sits unsold,
                                                                                                                                                          inventory that’s spread out over all these                                                                 of our Web site, and we expect it to have a
                                                      it’s taking up room and getting in the way of
                                                      other sales. Again, the stakes may be higher                                                        locations. And centralization is making it            A Big Leap Upward - And Outward                      big impact on our business, both new and
                                     Ashley Antonio

                                                      for us, but any dealer with any limitations on                                                      more feasible for us to investigate advanced          “The Internet has been an important part of          used. The number of dealerships that could
                                                      lot size should think this way.”                                                                    merchandising techniques, including video.            our new car operation since Galpin went              benefit by taking this step is far greater today
                                                                                                               Marketing Manager,                         But the biggest advantage of a centralized            online in 1997. But we really began to use it        than five years ago, and it will be bigger
                                                      No Such Thing as                                      Schaefer and Strohminger                      effort is that we’re able to keep improving           to drive used car sales only about a year ago.       still five years down the road. I definitely
                                                      Too Much Information                                  Automotive, Baltimore, MD,                    our online sales process, so that we make the         The turning point came when we discovered            recommend that dealers stay on top of
                                                      “If you’re posting used cars on your Web site               Metro Area                              most of the leads that come in.”                      that 75 percent of our used car customers came       changing demographics and think about
                                                      without mileage or pricing or good photos -                                                                                                               from within a 10-mile radius. True, this is a        how they can use their Web sites to address a
                                                      and I mean more than one or two - you’re         Automotive is a second career for Barry,           Sifting Data for Solutions                            very dense area, but there was no reason for         changing market.”
                                                      wasting your time, and you’re squandering        who retired several years ago from his job         “For dealers who are willing to dig deep,             our business to be that local. Simply making
                                                      the savings and higher profits that Internet      as senior VP for a publicly traded health spa      there’s a tremendous amount that can be               sure that all of our used car inventory was on
                                                      merchandising and marketing make possible.       company. He wanted to see if he could apply        learned from the behavior of visitors who             our Web site and up to date made an immediate
                                                      There’s no such thing as posting too much        his sales experience in a new area, and he         look at used car inventory online. It can be          difference. Sales increased between 10 to 20
                                                      information. Some dealers think that a buyer     sold cars for two different dealers before         very revealing to see how often each car              percent, depending on the franchise, and most
                                                      will call if they want to know more, but the     signing with Schaefer and Strohminger, the         was viewed, how many leads it generated,              of the increase came from buyers outside of
                                                      fact is that it takes a lot of information to    oldest automotive organization in Maryland.        the ultimate disposition of those leads,              the 10-mile radius.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dean L. Evans is the vice president of
 Marketing Director, Paragon Honda                    bring a buyer to the point of making contact.    As marketing manager for the eight-store           and so on. I’m always looking at our data,                                                                 field marketing for The Cobalt Group. He
  and Paragon Acura, Queens, NY                       Buyers shop a number of different dealer         group, he heads the BDC, which includes the        trying to find ways to improve how we do               Alternative Points of Entry                          can be reached at 866.406.4309, or by e-
         and Woodside, NY                             Web sites, and the dealers that offer the most   Internet Department, CRM, and CSI.                 things here.”                                         “Another factor that led us to market our            mail at

sts     fos    ls    ms     sf    fis                                                                           RandyMcPherson
            fixed operations solution

                                   The Road to ‘Customers for Life’
                                    Starts With ‘Employees for Life’
                       How happy are your         2. Take the time to hire the right               thrown to the wolves. Make sure that
                       employees? Knowing           person, even if it means holding the           they know how every customer is to be
                       the answer to that           position open for some time. We all get        treated, the same way they are valued
                       question is a good           anxious to hire someone when we need           by you.
                       indication of how happy      to fill a position quickly. Many existing
                       your customers are. To       employees may have to shoulder more         6. Seek constant feedback from your
take care of our customers, we have to have         of a work load for a while, but it is          employees on what can be done better.
happy and motivated employees, but good             better than hiring the wrong person            Get out of your office and walk around
employees are hard to come by and “happy”           who won’t be able to contribute                talking with your people. Many times
is relative. As business owners we are not just     effectively to the team. We will never         they are much closer to the action, they
running a “Happy Club.” We are running real         be better than the people we hire. Don’t       can tell you what’s going on and what
businesses with real-world demands and ever-        stop until you find the right fit.               can be done better. It shows you value
increasing customer expectations.                                                                  them when you ask for their opinion
                                                  3. Do background checks and drug                 and suggestions. You will be amazed at
There can be many reasons why employees             screening. Many companies are doing            what you find out.
may be unhappy. Their skills may not fit the         this now to make sure they are hiring
job they are trying to do or they may not have      the right people. For $42 you can do        7. Publicly recognize your employees
been adequately trained. They may not be            criminal, driving and credit reports           every time they have a personal best.
receiving regular feedback on how they are          on all potential hires. Credit reports         You cannot overdo it. They will love
doing. They may feel like a “number,” or            will tell a lot about the person you’re        the recognition which will help foster a
feel they may not be valued by management           considering for hire. If they don’t            mentality of continuous improvement.
and co-workers. They may have personal              handle their own finances well, they
                                                                                               These are just a few ideas how to develop an
problems in their lives that make their whole       normally don’t make good employees.
                                                                                               “Employees for Life,” game plan. Most people
world seem unhappy, or just have a poor work        Visit for more
                                                                                               like to work in environments that challenge
ethic that doesn’t lend well to a demanding         info on background checks.
                                                                                               them to perform at their best and they feel
                                                  4. Get referrals. Ask your top employees     rewarded and appreciated when they do. By
The following are some ideas on how you can         for leads of people that they know that    valuing your employees, you will teach them
attract and keep, “Employees for Life.”             might fit current openings. Your best       how to value your customers.
                                                    employees normally hang around
 1. Write thorough job descriptions.                                                           “Employees for Life = Customers for Life”
                                                    people like themselves. Some of you’re
      Hire the right people. Set the standard       best new employees will come from          E-mail me for three ways you can increase
      high. Develop a profile of the ideal           referrals from my existing employees.      employee loyalty today.
      candidate for each position based on
      past experiences and skill-sets needed      5. Train well. Once you have hired the       Randy McPherson is the CEO of the
      for the job. Put it in writing and make       right employee, make sure you have an      re:member group. He can be contacted
      sure the people you interview “fit” the        in-depth training program that does not    at 866.467.3861, or by e-mail at
      job. Do not compromise on this.               leave them feeling like they have been

sts    fos    ls    ms     sf    fis                                                                                            MarkTewart

                                                       Let Your Fantasy Be
   sales and training solution

                                                              Your Reality
                      “In the mind of the         you want to be. Your subconscious does not as if they have already occurred. Don’t let
                      beginner there are          reject any images or messages. Therefore, anyone detract from your mission.
                      many       possibilities,   what you impress, you express. The dominant
                      and in the mind of the      messages and images win out, good or bad.
                      expert there are few.”      Write down what you desire. Write it again Mark Tewart is the president of Tewart
                                                                                                   Enterprises. He can be contacted at
                               -Suzuki Roshi      and again until you can see it in your mind’s 866.429.6844, or by e-mail at
                                                    12/11/06  2:01:10 PM
                                                  eye. Picture your desires in present tense,
What would you do in your sales career if
you did not have limitations? Everyone has
self-imposed limitations. These limitations
can stem from several strong forces
– environment, childhood experiences,
workplace profiling, etc. Never allow anyone
to pigeonhole you into who you supposedly
are or who you are not.

People in your work environment continually
judge you as to what your strengths and
weaknesses are, and what you can or
cannot do. You must realize that all of these
evaluations are subjective. Opinions of you
are simply that, opinions. What someone
thinks of you does not necessarily have to
have anything to do with who you are. The
opinion that matters most is your own.

      What someone
      thinks of you does
                                                     OUR NEW LINE UP
      not necessarily
      have to have
                                                    Will Have You Seeing Stars.
      anything to do                                         The   MOST FLEXIBLE SERVICE CONTRACTS in the INDUSTRY
      with who you are.
      The opinion that
      matters most is
      your own.
                                                                           WE’RE SHOOTING FOR THE STARS, WHY AREN’T YOU?
You create your own reality. Who you believe                               Call Interstate National Dealer Services today to join
you are is who you will become. You are who
                                                                           ranks with hundreds of agents and dealers who have successfully
you decide to be at any given moment. You
really don’t need anything that you might                                  aimed for the stars for over 26 years and reaped the benefits
be telling yourself you need. I call this the
“When – Then” syndrome. Example – When
I get this, then I will do this.” Imagine your
limitations are written on a dry erase board.
                                                                                  WE WARRANTY THE BIG THINGS IN LIFE
Simply erase them and then take action.

You must continually feed your subconscious
mind with the images and messages of who

the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional
sts    fos    ls   ms     sf   fis                                                                                      DavidThomas
   sales and training solution

                    How would you like
                                                         Brand Yourself
                                               3. During Social Events, Etc                     their referrals and that you need them.
                    to brand yourself as       Buy a couple of extra shirts and give them to
                    the “Honda Guy,” the       key centers of influence to promote you and       8. Budget for Self-Promotion
                    “Mercedes Lady” or         your product.                                    Set aside $50 to $100 per month for personal
                    the “Ford Truck Guy”?                                                       advertising and self-promotion expenses.
                    How would you like to      4. Drive What You Sell                           Some examples are:
be recognized and mentioned everywhere         Consider using valet parking at key social        • Ad in community bulletin
you go as “The Car Person,” the automotive     functions and tipping a little extra to park      • Ad in high school program
“go to” guy/gal?                               your car in front for some great exposure.        • Ad in church, PTA or alumni newsletter
                                               It’s a rolling billboard.                         • Classified ad
Branding yourself can make you more                                                              • Radio traffic spot sponsor
                                               5. You Must Enjoy Talking About Cars              • Charitable event or auction
money than your name ever will. But do you
                                               Even after a 12-hour day at the dealership,
know how to brand yourself? How do you
                                               be enthusiastic and ready to discuss cars at     Ask yourself, “What group can I identify
become the expert? How do you become the
                                               dinner and social functions. This could be       with, that I will gain from repeated
topic of conversation at social events? Here
                                               your best source of prospects and referrals.     association with?”
are some tips.
                                               6. Get Involved                                  Make an investment in your future sales.
1. Be Proud of Your Product and                Give back to your community. Volunteer.          Above all, ask yourself every day, “What
Occupation                                     Choose to involve yourself in an organization    can I do to meet new people and promote my
If you don’t believe in your product and       that you will enjoy participating in. You will   love of selling cars today?”
yourself, no one else will.                    be rewarded for your energy and efforts with
                                               exposure and recognition.                        David Thomas is the owner of Subaru
2. Eat, Breathe and Wear Your Logo                                                              of Dallas. He can be contacted at
Do you proudly wear your company brand         7. Show Appreciation                             866.429.6803, or by e-mail at
on your leisure time?                          Let everyone know that you really appreciate

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                                                                             we have a leads solution for every prospect so you
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sts    fos    ls    ms     sf    fis                                                                                     TonyDupaquier
                                    f&i solution

                           Don’t Forget the Waiver
                      The waiver can be a         wouldn’t you rather have the coverage?”           will not close the customer.
                      useful tool in selling
                      products, if used           The key to utilizing this very powerful tool is   Tony Dupaquier is the director of F&I
                                                                                                    Training for the Automotive Training
                      properly.                   justifying the product you are attempting to      Academy. He can be contacted
                                                  sell. You must find the benefit that interests      at 866.856.6754, or by e-mail at
Once a customer has agreed to purchase            the customer. Otherwise, the waiver alone
the products he or she needs, begin having
the customer finish the paperwork. This
includes all the forms that are required by the
government, state, dealership and factory.
Doing so enables the customer to relax, as the
“selling” has ended. Once this has occurred,
the customer becomes more receptive to
hearing what you have to say, making it
easier to go back and ask for additional
products – if they are justified. The very last
form to be signed in this grouping should be
the product waiver.

When presenting the waiver, explain the
products and benefits the customer will
be forfeiting. Also explain how he or she
must sign off on the waiver to denote that
the products have been offered and were

There is a very specific legal reason every
customer should sign a waiver. It is the
dealership’s responsibility to prove that it
offers every customer every product. In the
event a customer disputes the fact that all
products were offered, the burden of proof
falls on the dealership. The courts will not
rely on the business manager’s word; there
needs to be substantial proof.

Based off your needs analysis, pick one
product you believe the customer needs
most. Do not attempt to close more than one
product. Instead, simply restate the benefits
of the one product you choose. Do not
become greedy. Another item to touch upon
is how much the product would cost, based
off a monthly amount.

Use something along the lines of, “Mr./ Ms.
Customer, this waiver states that you have
been offered these products and benefits and
have elected not to purchase these products.
Based off what you told me earlier, though, I
am surprised you didn’t purchase the vehicle
service contract. You told me you did not
want to pay for repairs once the factory
warranty expires. For only $23.83 a month,

the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional
sts    fos    ls    ms     sf    fis                                                                                  RalphR.Roberts
   sales and training solution

                                                   The Art of
                                    Shameless Self Promotion
                     Close your eyes and         Everyone knows where to find me, no matter        online, you are missing a huge opportunity
                     try to visualize the        where in the world I am and what company I       to boost sales and revenue and gather more
                     president of the United     am working for.                                  lifelong customers.
                     States. You probably
                     get a pretty clear image    Find Something Unique to Promote                 I have more than 200 Web sites and blogs of
of George W. in your head. Now, repeat the       In 2003, I discovered an 11-foot tall, 500-      my very own, which I refer to as my personal
exercise trying to envision other famous         pound nail that was being auctioned off on       spider web. These Web sites and blogs
people you know - perhaps Martin Luther          eBay and bought it for $3,000. The “Big Nail”    work separately and together to promote
King, Jr., Martha Stewart or Jerry Seinfeld.     was a recognizable symbol in the Detroit area    one another. I am not suggesting that you
These faces are probably branded on your         where I sell real estate. When I purchased the   immediately try to launch 200 Web sites, but
brain cells. Why? Because the media keeps        Big Nail, I had no idea what I was going to      I do highly recommend that you have at least
reminding you of these people.                   do with it, but it has since become the center   one blog or Web site of your very own.
                                                 of my marketing campaign. You can visit it
This is exactly what you should be shooting      at                                  Make the News
for when you market yourself. You want                                                            Even though the news may not always report
everyone in your area to know who you are        The Big Nail has been in local parades,          the facts, appearing on the news or in the
and what you do, so when they think of a         attended major fundraising events, and           news as the resident expert in your field
product or service you sell, your face pops      has even managed to appear in the local          instantly boosts your credibility.
up first and foremost in their minds.             newspapers… with me standing right there
                                                 next to it.                                      Contact the media in your area, and let
Remember, you are not just a sales person.                                                        them know that you are ready, willing and
You are a business. Consider yourself “You,      You may not be a Big Nail guy or gal, but you    able to be interviewed. Remember, they
Inc.” You are the President, CEO and CFO         need to find some equivalent, something that      have columns and air time they have to fill
of You, Inc., and you want everyone in your      you and others around you can get excited        every single day. You can obtain a great deal
neighborhood, across the nation and around       about, and then promote it.                      of positive, free exposure just by making
the world to know it. And the best way to                                                         yourself available.
accomplish that goal is to create for yourself   Design a Consistent Look and Feel
a strong brand presence.                         The more creative you are, the more              If you are a fairly good writer, offer to
                                                 variation you probably enjoy. When it comes      write an article or commentary for the
Advertise Yourself                               to branding yourself, however, variation is      local newspaper or for magazines or online
You may be so busy advertising your products     your sworn enemy. All of your marketing          publications. In addition to boosting your
and your company that you have forgotten         materials should have plenty of snap, crackle    credibility and your visibility, articles may
the single most important asset you should       and pop, but they should all do it through a     lead to other media opportunities.
be advertising - yourself. Remember, before      consistent look and feel that “brands” your
customers are going to buy from you, they        name and face on prospective and current         Remember, good sales people target markets
have to buy into you as an individual.           customers.                                       and customers. Great sales people make
                                                                                                  themselves the target.
If your company encourages you to set up         Establish a Presence on the Internet
a Web page or blog on its site, doing so is      Even if your customers do not normally
perfectly acceptable, but you should really      purchase the types of products or services       Ralph R. Roberts is a nationally
have your own Web site or blog, as well, with    you sell online, you can be sure that many of    recognized sales coach, author and
your name or nickname or however people          your customers and prospective customers         the official spokesperson for Guthy-
                                                                                                  Renker Home. He can be contacted at
know you as the domain name. I have several      do their research on the Internet when           866.470.5181, or by e-mail at
Web sites, one of which is       making a purchase decision. If you are not

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                   e of one                              o

         your choic ribbean cruise, las in cancun, mexic

               a ca
            or a vacati
                        on of a lifetime                                                                                                 years to generate buyer traffic is running travel incentive
                                                                                                                                         promotions offered by Travel America. They also offered me
                                                                                 a ca
                                                                                       of on
                                                                                            e of
                                                                                                                                         the right travel incentive for the season I was selling cars.
                                                                             or a va ribbean cr  luxury
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                                                                                                                                         Garrett Willoughby, Whitby Mazda
                                            M     AT E L U           CHO
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                                                                                                                                         Travel America have the finest quality incentive offerings,
                           E IS TH
                                                                                 IS T
                 CHOIC                                                                     U LT I
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                                                                                                                                         their attention to detail is second to none. Their unique point-
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  Your choice of one of 3 luxury vacations including a                                                                                   Matthew Page-Hanify, Shaw GMC
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sts    fos     ls    ms      sf    fis                                                                                 DeniseRichardson

                                                    Fraud, Scams, Identity Theft
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                                                            and Data Breaches...
                                                                                                            Who’s Got Time for all This
                     With      news       of           their credit reports.                          Filled with skepticism, and driven to the brink
                     corporate          data         • Implement identity theft policies and          of emotional exhaustion, I set out to find, and
                     breaches and identity             procedures with specific written steps          hire, a company that would actually take on
                     theft    hitting    the           to be taken, when identity theft or a          the responsibility of protecting my name.
                     papers every day,                 data breach occurs.
                     the odds are pretty             • Conduct background checks on                   I found a company called LifeLock that had an
good that a hacker, thief or con-artist will           employees and vendors who handle               interesting pledge, one they referred to as their
eventually find you, your employees or                 sensitive data.                                “million dollar guarantee.” Here’s what caught
clients. But, if you take proactive steps            • Review policies designed to safeguard          my eye... ”We prevent it from happening to
now, you just might spare yourself some                in-house, out-sourced and online data          you in the first place. If your Identity is stolen
major headaches down the road.                         storage operations, and determine              while you are our client, we’re going to fix
                                                       what type of data may be taken off the         the problem. Period. If you lose money, we’re
“What can I do to protect myself?” is a                premises, stored on laptops and who            going to reimburse you. If we need lawyers,
question I hear almost daily.                          has access to sensitive data.                  investigators or accountants, we’re going to
                                                     • Implement strict guidelines for                hire and pay for them.”
My answer? Be Proactive.                               those employees who have access
Anyone who has been a victim of identity               to vulnerable files and passwords               It sounded too good to be true. I didn’t want
theft will tell you that the worst part is the         to financial, personnel and sensitive           to subscribe to, or endorse any company,
time and frustration involved in cleaning up           accounts.                                      without fully researching their services.
the resulting credit mess. The Federal Trade         • Make sure the people applying for              I flew to Phoenix and toured Lifelock’s
Commission says that it takes anywhere from            credit are who they say they are. Ask          facilities. I wanted to know if those four little
170 to 300 hours to deal with the ramifications         questions that only those individuals          words that piqued my curiosity, “We will fix
of this crime. If it happens to one of your            would know – look for red flags.                it,” were words I could trust. Would someone
employees or customers, you will likely feel         • Offer your employees and clientele             really be there to turn to if my identity was
it too, since one person’s identity theft can          educational materials and information          stolen? Would they really take on the burden
have a domino effect. Employees often must             on available services that will prevent        of cleaning up the mess that an ID thief can
spend numerous work hours trying to rectify            identity theft from occurring in their         dump in my lap at any given moment?
the problems caused by identity theft, which           lives.
can hurt productivity. Victims’ lives are                                                             Yes. According to CEO, Todd Davis…, “As
suddenly turned upside down; basic rights                                                             a LifeLock client, you will NEVER have
such as the ability to obtain credit, purchase                                                        to fear ID theft.” More music to my ears.
a new home or finance a car can no longer be            Victims’ lives are                             If someone did steal my identity, Lifelock
taken for granted.                                                                                    would do whatever was necessary to make
                                                       suddenly turned                                things right, including covering my expenses,
Your business files contain a treasure trove            upside down; basic                             lost wages, attorney and accountants’ fees, up
of personal information for identity thieves;
names, addresses, mothers’ maiden names,
                                                       rights such as the                             to $1 million.” That was all I needed to hear.

insurance information, social security                 ability to obtain                              Without having to provide them with any
numbers, credit card and bank account                  credit, purchase                               account information, it took less than three
information. This information is as good as                                                           minutes for me to subscribe to their services.
gold to a potential thief. Employers are being         a new home or                                  For the first time in years, I found peace
held liable for identity theft that occurs in the      finance a car can                               of mind. Someone else is now in charge
workplace and companies must be prepared
to defend the procedures they’ve adopted
                                                       no longer be taken                             of guarding my identity and if a theft does
                                                                                                      occur while they’re in charge, they’ll fix it…
to protect the personal data stored in their           for granted.                                   on their time –and their dime!
files. Taking the necessary precautions now
will go a long way towards minimizing the                                                             To receive an instant 20 percent discount,
likelihood of identity theft, and limiting an                                                         call 1-877-Lifelock or visit their Web site at
employer’s liability when an identity thief         If you don’t want to go it alone, find a , click on enroll and enter the
strikes or a data breach occurs.                    company that offers services to protect           promotional code: asuccess.
                                                    your employees’ and customers’ data.
What should you do to protect your business,
your customers, your employees and                  After spending the better part of 15 years        Denise Richardson is a member of
                                                                                                      the National Association of Consumer
yourself? Be proactive.                             disputing, correcting and re-claiming my          Advocates and an author. She can be
 • Educate employees and customers                  credit identity, I recently decided I no longer   contacted at 866.439.9242, or by e-mail at
   about the importance of reviewing                wanted to carry this heavy burden alone.


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  • 5. The Top Ten Sales Killers 8 TomHopkins Three Powerful Words to Sell More Effectively 10 BrianTracy Sincerity Wins the Day 11 DavidJacobson Three Dealers Who Are Hitting the Ball Out of the Park with Their Pre-Owned Sales Online Used Car Marketing: Three Leading Dealers Share Best Practices 12 DeanL.Evans The Road to ‘Customers for Life’ Starts With ‘Employees for Life’ 14 RandyMcPherson Let Your Fantasy Be Your Reality 15 MarkTewart Brand Yourself 18 DavidThomas Don’t Forget the Waiver 19 TonyDupaquier 12 The Art of Shameless Self Promotion 20 RalphR.Roberts Fraud, Scams, Identity Theft and Data Breaches... Who’s Got Time for all This 24 DeniseRichardson Making the Most of Your Media Interview, Part 2 Getting the Radio or Webcast Phone Interview 26 PattiWood Accountable to a Higher Calling 28 JesseBiter ‘I’ll Sell My Trade Myself and Come Back Later.’ Not 29 JeffMorrill How to Hire, Train, and Develop 20 Car-A-Month Sales People, Part 1 30 BobCarmack Your Dealership Web Site: Know How Customers Find You and What Their Shopping Experience Is 32 JonathanG.Edwards The Leading Edge of Leadership 34 MichaelYork A Line in the Sand 36 SeanWolfington How to Heal the Sting of a Customer Service ‘Challenge’ 37 AllenCheek Training Key to Dealership’s 20 Years of Success 38 PatrickLuck Working and Thriving in a Constructive Culture 40 TeresaBordenet Take a Free Ride Co-op Advertising Aids in Reducing Cost per Sale by Over 50 Percent 41 RalphPaglia Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher Brian Ankney, Sales-improvement Strategist Susan Givens, Vice President Brian Balash, Sales-improvement Strategist 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive Thomas Williams, Creative Director Rachel Bussone, Sales-improvement Strategist Louisville, Kentucky 40245 toll free: 877.818.6620 Dave Davis, Creative Strategist & Editor facsimile: 502.588.3170 web: helping to promote... II Corinthians 9:7 Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. God is the source of all supply AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky, 40245; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $75 per year. AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions; views expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. AutoSuccess accepts no liability in respect of the content of any third party material appearing in this magazine or in respect of the content of any other magazine to which this magazine may be linked from time to time. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures.© All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40245.
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  • 7. sts fos ls ms sf fis TomHopkins sales and training solution The Top Ten Sales Killers Any veteran in the business to avoid using the word “contract” signs out of your eyes when you’re with automotive business when handling the financial details of a clients. If they suspect you’re pushing the can tell you a story vehicle sale. We all know that contracts are sale because of what’s in it for you instead about the one that got legally binding documents and require legal of what’s in their best interests, they’ll find away. If you’ve been efforts to get out of them. Call your contract another dealership to do business with. in the business more an “agreement,” “form,” or “paperwork.” than three months, you may already have The mental image is less threatening. Think Sales Killer No. 8 – Not Knowing your own story. about the words you use and replace any How to Close negative word-picture images with gentler, In many cases, all you have to do is ask a However, veterans who are successful in more positive ones. direct question in order to close a sale. “Do this business today learned valuable lessons you have your own financing or would you from those situations and, hopefully, never Sales Killer No. 4 – Not Investing like us to assist you with that?” repeated them. The same should go for you, Time in Building Rapport as well. Good rapport builds trust. No one will want Sales Killer No. 9 – Not Paying to make a purchase from someone they don’t Attention to Details As challenging as the business of selling like and trust. Don’t just jump right into a If you skim over details or shortcut your vehicles might be for some, losing sales presentation on your product. Get to know presentation because you’ve done it so many can be unbelievably easy. Learn from the your client a bit. times that you’re bored with it, you’ll lose mistakes of others so you won’t have many sales. Remember, every presentation is new of the sad stories to tell. Here is a list of the Sales Killer No. 5 – Lack of a to your client. So give it with enthusiasm and top ten sales killers to avoid. Qualification System without shortcuts unless your client indicates A certain percentage of the people you that certain details you would normally Sales Killer No. 1 – Lack of talk with will not be good candidates for cover aren’t of interest to them. This carries Professional Appearance ownership. If they don’t have the need or the over to your paperwork and ability to handle If you want people to listen to you and heed money for a vehicle, there is no sale. Your a computer (if your orders are entered that your advice, you have to come across both in challenge is to figure this out as early in way). Any missing information can cause appearance and demeanor as a professional your communication with them as possible. clients to quickly lose faith in their decision automotive expert. This means that you Come up with at least three or four questions and walk away. are appropriately groomed. You walk with the answers to which will tell you if they’re confidence. People will buy from you based qualified to own. Sales Killer No. 10 – Poor Fulfillment more on your own conviction and enthusiasm This ties into paying attention to details. If for your product than they will your product Sales Killer No. 6 - Not Knowing you or your dealership does not have the knowledge. When to Stop Presenting and Close practices and policies in place to properly the Sale fulfill the expectations of your clients, you Sales Killer No. 2 – Talking Too Much Too many sales people think they have to will find yourself working harder and harder When you’re talking, you’re telling. When tell potential clients everything they know to get new business. Invest some time and you ask questions to get clients talking about about the vehicle. Even after a client has effort in understanding the proper procedures their needs, you’re selling. You’re finding indicated that it’s right for them, the sales for delivery and follow up on new purchases. out what they want to own. Only then can person keeps talking. Doing so could easily Do not promise anything above or beyond you guide them to the right car, truck, van turn the client off about working with you the company standard. Yet, strive to exceed or SUV. and cost you the sale. the client’s expectations in all areas. Sales Killer No. 3 – Your Vocabulary Sales Killer No. 7 – Ego World-renowned master sales trainer Tom Hopkins is the chairman of Tom Hopkins Words create pictures in our minds. Certain Selling is a service business. You must set International. He can be contacted at words that are inherent to selling turn aside your wants and needs to serve the 866.347.6148, or by e-mail at people off. For example, I caution people in wants and needs of others. Get the dollar 8
  • 8. America’s Preferred E-Commerce Customer Provider. There’s no question about it: 20% more AutoUSA leads turn into buyers than any other 3rd party lead source. And a recent study using vehicle registration data proves it. That means you get the lowest cost per sale in the business. No wonder AutoUSA is the preferred Increase your sales today! source of e-comm leads for AutoNation. AutoUSA is even the priority distributor for leads. 1-888-208-8764 Any questions?
  • 9. sts fos ls ms sf fis BrianTracy sales and training solution Three Powerful Words to Sell More Effectively There are three sometimes a bit more hesitant to answer a Once a person has stated their opinion on a powerful words and “think” question but they are much firmer in subject, they are locked into it. They almost phrases that you can defending their position once they have. always will defend and justify their decision use as you proceed rather than change it. Carefully phrased through the sales questions are powerful tools in every part conversation in order Carefully of the sales process. The more of them you to have the most successful results. phrased have and the better you use them, the more competent you will appear and feel, and the questions are more sales you will make. The first is the word “feel.” For example, “How do you feel about that?” is a very easy powerful tools in Use “feel” during the early part of your question to answer. It is almost impossible every part of the sales conversation. Focus on getting good not to express a feeling when asked for one. A few other questions to gain an emotional sale process. information rather than trying to sell. Second, move to asking questions using the response from your prospect are, “How do words “think” and “in your opinion” later in you feel about shopping for a new vehicle?” The third expression is “in your opinion.” the conversation when you want a definite or “How do you feel about leasing?” The word “feel” is soft, the word “think” is answer or you are moving to close the sale. harder, and the words “in your opinion” are The second and even more significant word the most definite and specific of all. When is “think”. When you ask, “Do you think this you ask, “In your opinion, is this the best Brian Tracy is the chairman and CEO would be better than what you’re currently choice of vehicle for what you want?” you of Brian Tracy International. He can be driving?” you are asking the person to take are asking the prospect to take a definite contacted at 866.300.9881, or by e-mail a much more definite stand. People are stand. at 10
  • 10. sts fos ls ms sf fis DavidJacobson sales and training solution Sincerity Wins the Day How often do we would look forward to, for making you happy communicate with with this price? Future business. Please people and feel the send me customers. That is how I will benefit lack of sincerity? from giving you this price. Does that sound fair?” Nothing is more of a turn-off to a customer than this. Your customer is anticipating this Customers will usually respond with from the beginning. They’re looking for the something like this: plaid jacket, used car sales person or maybe slick politician type. Be careful that you’re “Oh, I sure will, you can count on it.” not in these categories. All they will do at this point is start selling we’re this close to a cure In most instances, sales people seem insincere you on the reasons you will benefit from when they try too hard, use clichés or pitches giving them the price you did, which firms they recently learned, or when they’re being up your deal. This is exactly what you want superficial. On the other hand, when you to happen. say something with sincerity, it melts into your presentation like butter. It solidifies any Two sales people can attempt to make the point you’re trying to make. same point and yet, one will seem so sincere, while the other comes across as shallow. Can sales people have the ability to consciously choose to be sincere? Yes, Do you believe you sound sincere? If not, because that sincerity can be learned. One try this. Look in the mirror. Find something of the ways to learn sincerity is to take the you like about yourself. Give yourself a pressure off you. This is accomplished compliment and notice how you feel. You by being confident, which dovetails from should feel good about yourself. Now find knowledge and allows you to be real and something you do not like about yourself and honest when dealing with the customer. still compliment yourself. You will probably feel bad. This works. You will see and feel The key points of sincerity are eye contact, the difference. body language and body contact. Juvenile Diabetes Do you know why you feel the difference? affects millions Let’s say you’re trying to make the point that Because if you lie, you will not convince Mary Tyler Moore International Chairman and causes long- the customer is being given a rare, special yourself otherwise. Don’t practice being price. It helps to lean over the desk, lower sincere by lying. This is not your goal. There term complications like blindness your voice and say it with eye contact. is enough to work with by being honorable. and kidney failure. Not to mention Besides, customers will see through you. pain and worry no kid should have “There is no reason to have to sell this car to live with. But we’re closer than at this price; however, I understand that it is Does this mean that if you have a high gross ever to a cure. Your help makes necessary if I want to earn your business. The profit you are lying to them about getting a only thing I ask is that you refer customers good deal? No, because, ultimately, people life-saving research possible. Call to me, and please don’t discuss prices with will pay what they believe something is 1.800.533.CURE or visit them. I will treat them fairly.” worth. If you and your service come with the package, then it is probably worth more to Was that a strong statement? You bet. Look them than your competitor’s product. at the messages you have given the customer. They are the only one getting this deal. Not Sincerity is the glue that binds you to your even their friends can get it. word and your customer to you. You must use the correct body language when delivering these messages to your customer - all the time. Even when delivering a simple David Jacobson is the founder and message, such as the following: president of GrooveCar Inc. He can be contacted at 866.663.9038, or by e-mail at “Mr. Customer, do you know the only thing I the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional 11
  • 11. fs feature solution DeanL.Evans Three Dealers Who Are Hitting Online Used Car Marketing: the Ball Out of the Park Three Leading Dealers with Their Pre-Owned Sales Share Best Practices You probably don’t need anyone to tell you Ashley leapt into the world of automotive information up front - including photos of The Most Visibility Money Can Buy used cars more heavily online was our Reuben Muinos that the Internet can help your used vehicle retailing four years ago, after graduating flaws - will win buyers’ trust and business “From our perspective, the primary value of experience in the sub-prime lending market. business - in this day and age, it’s pretty from Colgate with a degree in English. in the end.” the Internet for used car sales lies in visibility. Many customers with poor credit think that much a given. But finding the most effective She began in sales at Paragon Acura and There’s no other way to make your entire they can’t qualify for a new car loan. That way to use your Internet investment to sell was quickly promoted to Internet manager. As Many Leads as the inventory as visible to such a large audience may not be the case, but the fact that they more used cars in your particular market After stints managing a floor sales team Process Can Handle of car buyers, and the cost is quite low. With expect to buy a used vehicle makes them may not be so straightforward. and the Business Development Center, she “Our fundamental strategy isn’t very other media, you might highlight one or two more receptive to our marketing. And the is now marketing director for this two-store complicated: we acquire as many quality special vehicles, but the Internet gives you fact that many sub-prime customers are We recently spoke with three dealers who business. used car leads as possible. We buy leads the chance to make every used vehicle on eager to apply for credit online gives us a have blazed their own paths and are enjoying from third parties, we obtain them from your lot stand out for the people who might great opportunity to expose them to our used great success in this area. They were eager to Constantly Fine-Tuning Honda and we take a number of approaches be interested in it.” share their stories with AutoSuccess. car inventory.” “Paragon Honda is the No. 1 ‘Certified Used’ - including search engine marketing, print, Honda dealership in the country, and both and radio - to drive used car buyers to our Be Careful Not to Blow It Selling More Than Just the Car As you’ll see, some of their advice stores do very well with used vehicles of all own Web site. One reason this works is “Given this opportunity, you have to be “Most dealers understand that selling a new overlaps and applies directly to virtually all dealerships. By contrast, some is more different makes - so we’re definitely doing our strong Internet sales process, which careful not to blow it. The biggest mistake car involves selling the dealership itself, specific to characteristics that define their something right here. But to say ‘something’ can handle the volume and convert leads at I’ve made in this part of our business has the sales experience, the service, and so on. is really a simplification. We’re successful higher-than-average rates.” been to post inventory on our Web site and Business Alliances Manager, But sometimes they leave that out of the respective businesses. But even here there are lessons to be drawn. There may be no because we’re doing a lot of things right, and not revisit it regularly. It has to be current, Galpin Motors, equation when selling a used car. We make reason for you to translate your Web site into constantly fine-tuning to find the right mix of it has to be detailed and the pricing needs San Fernando, CA it a point to provide multiple photos and a Barry Mandel Spanish, for example, but the underlying approaches.” to be competitive with what other dealers detailed description of every used vehicle, point Reuben Muinos of Galpin Motors in are doing. You also have to keep an eye on Galpin Motors was founded in 1946, and but we also stress our long history, our San Fernando, CA makes is important: Pay Biggest Mistake how your competition is merchandising their it’s a powerhouse: it’s been the No. 1 volume integrity, our warranties and our extensive attention to how the demographics in your “Early on, I made the mistake of assuming products. Falling behind in this regard is a Ford dealer for 17 years straight. Reuben reconditioning program - all of which help market may be changing. that quality used cars would sell themselves. sure way to lose business.” has been with Galpin for most of the past us close more sales.” In reality, it takes a combination of precise 15 years, moving from sales to Internet Here’s what Reuben Muinos, Barry Mandel pricing and strong merchandising. That’s true Benefits of Centralization manager to his current position. In between, Speaking the Right Language of Schaefer and Strohminger Automotive, for all dealers, but especially so at Paragon. “We carry a total of nine brands at eight he worked for a CRM company, spending nearly three years traveling the country and “Here in the Los Angeles area, we obviously and Ashley Antonio of Paragon Honda and Real estate in the New York metro area is stores. Because our Internet department is Paragon Acura had to say about increasing part of a centralized BDC, we’re better able training dealerships on effective CRM and have an enormous Hispanic market. We’re incredibly expensive, and we get by with your pre-owned vehicle sales. to manage the complexities of marketing Internet sales processes. about to launch a Spanish-language version very little space. If a used car sits unsold, inventory that’s spread out over all these of our Web site, and we expect it to have a it’s taking up room and getting in the way of other sales. Again, the stakes may be higher locations. And centralization is making it A Big Leap Upward - And Outward big impact on our business, both new and Ashley Antonio for us, but any dealer with any limitations on more feasible for us to investigate advanced “The Internet has been an important part of used. The number of dealerships that could lot size should think this way.” merchandising techniques, including video. our new car operation since Galpin went benefit by taking this step is far greater today Marketing Manager, But the biggest advantage of a centralized online in 1997. But we really began to use it than five years ago, and it will be bigger No Such Thing as Schaefer and Strohminger effort is that we’re able to keep improving to drive used car sales only about a year ago. still five years down the road. I definitely Too Much Information Automotive, Baltimore, MD, our online sales process, so that we make the The turning point came when we discovered recommend that dealers stay on top of “If you’re posting used cars on your Web site Metro Area most of the leads that come in.” that 75 percent of our used car customers came changing demographics and think about without mileage or pricing or good photos - from within a 10-mile radius. True, this is a how they can use their Web sites to address a and I mean more than one or two - you’re Automotive is a second career for Barry, Sifting Data for Solutions very dense area, but there was no reason for changing market.” wasting your time, and you’re squandering who retired several years ago from his job “For dealers who are willing to dig deep, our business to be that local. Simply making the savings and higher profits that Internet as senior VP for a publicly traded health spa there’s a tremendous amount that can be sure that all of our used car inventory was on merchandising and marketing make possible. company. He wanted to see if he could apply learned from the behavior of visitors who our Web site and up to date made an immediate There’s no such thing as posting too much his sales experience in a new area, and he look at used car inventory online. It can be difference. Sales increased between 10 to 20 information. Some dealers think that a buyer sold cars for two different dealers before very revealing to see how often each car percent, depending on the franchise, and most will call if they want to know more, but the signing with Schaefer and Strohminger, the was viewed, how many leads it generated, of the increase came from buyers outside of fact is that it takes a lot of information to oldest automotive organization in Maryland. the ultimate disposition of those leads, the 10-mile radius.” Dean L. Evans is the vice president of Marketing Director, Paragon Honda bring a buyer to the point of making contact. As marketing manager for the eight-store and so on. I’m always looking at our data, field marketing for The Cobalt Group. He and Paragon Acura, Queens, NY Buyers shop a number of different dealer group, he heads the BDC, which includes the trying to find ways to improve how we do Alternative Points of Entry can be reached at 866.406.4309, or by e- and Woodside, NY Web sites, and the dealers that offer the most Internet Department, CRM, and CSI. things here.” “Another factor that led us to market our mail at 12 13
  • 12. sts fos ls ms sf fis RandyMcPherson fixed operations solution The Road to ‘Customers for Life’ Starts With ‘Employees for Life’ How happy are your 2. Take the time to hire the right thrown to the wolves. Make sure that employees? Knowing person, even if it means holding the they know how every customer is to be the answer to that position open for some time. We all get treated, the same way they are valued question is a good anxious to hire someone when we need by you. indication of how happy to fill a position quickly. Many existing your customers are. To employees may have to shoulder more 6. Seek constant feedback from your take care of our customers, we have to have of a work load for a while, but it is employees on what can be done better. happy and motivated employees, but good better than hiring the wrong person Get out of your office and walk around employees are hard to come by and “happy” who won’t be able to contribute talking with your people. Many times is relative. As business owners we are not just effectively to the team. We will never they are much closer to the action, they running a “Happy Club.” We are running real be better than the people we hire. Don’t can tell you what’s going on and what businesses with real-world demands and ever- stop until you find the right fit. can be done better. It shows you value increasing customer expectations. them when you ask for their opinion 3. Do background checks and drug and suggestions. You will be amazed at There can be many reasons why employees screening. Many companies are doing what you find out. may be unhappy. Their skills may not fit the this now to make sure they are hiring job they are trying to do or they may not have the right people. For $42 you can do 7. Publicly recognize your employees been adequately trained. They may not be criminal, driving and credit reports every time they have a personal best. receiving regular feedback on how they are on all potential hires. Credit reports You cannot overdo it. They will love doing. They may feel like a “number,” or will tell a lot about the person you’re the recognition which will help foster a feel they may not be valued by management considering for hire. If they don’t mentality of continuous improvement. and co-workers. They may have personal handle their own finances well, they These are just a few ideas how to develop an problems in their lives that make their whole normally don’t make good employees. “Employees for Life,” game plan. Most people world seem unhappy, or just have a poor work Visit for more like to work in environments that challenge ethic that doesn’t lend well to a demanding info on background checks. them to perform at their best and they feel environment. 4. Get referrals. Ask your top employees rewarded and appreciated when they do. By The following are some ideas on how you can for leads of people that they know that valuing your employees, you will teach them attract and keep, “Employees for Life.” might fit current openings. Your best how to value your customers. employees normally hang around 1. Write thorough job descriptions. “Employees for Life = Customers for Life” people like themselves. Some of you’re Hire the right people. Set the standard best new employees will come from E-mail me for three ways you can increase high. Develop a profile of the ideal referrals from my existing employees. employee loyalty today. candidate for each position based on past experiences and skill-sets needed 5. Train well. Once you have hired the Randy McPherson is the CEO of the for the job. Put it in writing and make right employee, make sure you have an re:member group. He can be contacted sure the people you interview “fit” the in-depth training program that does not at 866.467.3861, or by e-mail at job. Do not compromise on this. leave them feeling like they have been 14
  • 13. sts fos ls ms sf fis MarkTewart Let Your Fantasy Be sales and training solution Your Reality “In the mind of the you want to be. Your subconscious does not as if they have already occurred. Don’t let beginner there are reject any images or messages. Therefore, anyone detract from your mission. many possibilities, what you impress, you express. The dominant and in the mind of the messages and images win out, good or bad. expert there are few.” Write down what you desire. Write it again Mark Tewart is the president of Tewart Enterprises. He can be contacted at -Suzuki Roshi and again until you can see it in your mind’s 866.429.6844, or by e-mail at 12/11/06 2:01:10 PM eye. Picture your desires in present tense, What would you do in your sales career if you did not have limitations? Everyone has self-imposed limitations. These limitations can stem from several strong forces – environment, childhood experiences, workplace profiling, etc. Never allow anyone to pigeonhole you into who you supposedly are or who you are not. People in your work environment continually judge you as to what your strengths and weaknesses are, and what you can or cannot do. You must realize that all of these evaluations are subjective. Opinions of you are simply that, opinions. What someone thinks of you does not necessarily have to have anything to do with who you are. The opinion that matters most is your own. What someone thinks of you does OUR NEW LINE UP not necessarily have to have Will Have You Seeing Stars. anything to do The MOST FLEXIBLE SERVICE CONTRACTS in the INDUSTRY with who you are. The opinion that matters most is your own. WE’RE SHOOTING FOR THE STARS, WHY AREN’T YOU? You create your own reality. Who you believe Call Interstate National Dealer Services today to join you are is who you will become. You are who ranks with hundreds of agents and dealers who have successfully you decide to be at any given moment. You really don’t need anything that you might aimed for the stars for over 26 years and reaped the benefits be telling yourself you need. I call this the “When – Then” syndrome. Example – When I get this, then I will do this.” Imagine your 866-515-INDS limitations are written on a dry erase board. WE WARRANTY THE BIG THINGS IN LIFE Simply erase them and then take action. You must continually feed your subconscious mind with the images and messages of who the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional 15
  • 14.
  • 15. sts fos ls ms sf fis DavidThomas sales and training solution How would you like Brand Yourself 3. During Social Events, Etc their referrals and that you need them. to brand yourself as Buy a couple of extra shirts and give them to the “Honda Guy,” the key centers of influence to promote you and 8. Budget for Self-Promotion “Mercedes Lady” or your product. Set aside $50 to $100 per month for personal the “Ford Truck Guy”? advertising and self-promotion expenses. How would you like to 4. Drive What You Sell Some examples are: be recognized and mentioned everywhere Consider using valet parking at key social • Ad in community bulletin you go as “The Car Person,” the automotive functions and tipping a little extra to park • Ad in high school program “go to” guy/gal? your car in front for some great exposure. • Ad in church, PTA or alumni newsletter It’s a rolling billboard. • Classified ad Branding yourself can make you more • Radio traffic spot sponsor 5. You Must Enjoy Talking About Cars • Charitable event or auction money than your name ever will. But do you Even after a 12-hour day at the dealership, know how to brand yourself? How do you be enthusiastic and ready to discuss cars at Ask yourself, “What group can I identify become the expert? How do you become the dinner and social functions. This could be with, that I will gain from repeated topic of conversation at social events? Here your best source of prospects and referrals. association with?” are some tips. 6. Get Involved Make an investment in your future sales. 1. Be Proud of Your Product and Give back to your community. Volunteer. Above all, ask yourself every day, “What Occupation Choose to involve yourself in an organization can I do to meet new people and promote my If you don’t believe in your product and that you will enjoy participating in. You will love of selling cars today?” yourself, no one else will. be rewarded for your energy and efforts with exposure and recognition. David Thomas is the owner of Subaru 2. Eat, Breathe and Wear Your Logo of Dallas. He can be contacted at Do you proudly wear your company brand 7. Show Appreciation 866.429.6803, or by e-mail at on your leisure time? Let everyone know that you really appreciate CREDIT REPORTS LEAD SOLUTIONS COMPLIANCE TOOLS ID VERIFICATION Lead Prospector Solutions Know ‘em. Reach ‘em. Close ‘em. First Advantage CREDCO, the leading provider of specialized credit reports, offers Lead Prospector Solutions – a powerful suite of lead generation tools. From highly-motivated bankruptcy and subprime leads, to targeted demographic and Internet leads, we have a leads solution for every prospect so you can close more deals! Visit us at NABD, Booth #705, May 14 - 16 866.745.2485 • Delivers Lead Prospector READY-TO-BUY INTERNET Online Consumer Leads 18
  • 16. sts fos ls ms sf fis TonyDupaquier f&i solution Don’t Forget the Waiver The waiver can be a wouldn’t you rather have the coverage?” will not close the customer. useful tool in selling products, if used The key to utilizing this very powerful tool is Tony Dupaquier is the director of F&I Training for the Automotive Training properly. justifying the product you are attempting to Academy. He can be contacted sell. You must find the benefit that interests at 866.856.6754, or by e-mail at Once a customer has agreed to purchase the customer. Otherwise, the waiver alone the products he or she needs, begin having the customer finish the paperwork. This includes all the forms that are required by the government, state, dealership and factory. Doing so enables the customer to relax, as the “selling” has ended. Once this has occurred, the customer becomes more receptive to hearing what you have to say, making it easier to go back and ask for additional products – if they are justified. The very last form to be signed in this grouping should be the product waiver. When presenting the waiver, explain the products and benefits the customer will be forfeiting. Also explain how he or she must sign off on the waiver to denote that the products have been offered and were declined. There is a very specific legal reason every customer should sign a waiver. It is the dealership’s responsibility to prove that it offers every customer every product. In the event a customer disputes the fact that all products were offered, the burden of proof falls on the dealership. The courts will not rely on the business manager’s word; there needs to be substantial proof. Based off your needs analysis, pick one product you believe the customer needs most. Do not attempt to close more than one product. Instead, simply restate the benefits of the one product you choose. Do not become greedy. Another item to touch upon is how much the product would cost, based off a monthly amount. Use something along the lines of, “Mr./ Ms. Customer, this waiver states that you have been offered these products and benefits and have elected not to purchase these products. Based off what you told me earlier, though, I am surprised you didn’t purchase the vehicle service contract. You told me you did not want to pay for repairs once the factory warranty expires. For only $23.83 a month, the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional 19
  • 17. sts fos ls ms sf fis RalphR.Roberts sales and training solution The Art of Shameless Self Promotion Close your eyes and Everyone knows where to find me, no matter online, you are missing a huge opportunity try to visualize the where in the world I am and what company I to boost sales and revenue and gather more president of the United am working for. lifelong customers. States. You probably get a pretty clear image Find Something Unique to Promote I have more than 200 Web sites and blogs of of George W. in your head. Now, repeat the In 2003, I discovered an 11-foot tall, 500- my very own, which I refer to as my personal exercise trying to envision other famous pound nail that was being auctioned off on spider web. These Web sites and blogs people you know - perhaps Martin Luther eBay and bought it for $3,000. The “Big Nail” work separately and together to promote King, Jr., Martha Stewart or Jerry Seinfeld. was a recognizable symbol in the Detroit area one another. I am not suggesting that you These faces are probably branded on your where I sell real estate. When I purchased the immediately try to launch 200 Web sites, but brain cells. Why? Because the media keeps Big Nail, I had no idea what I was going to I do highly recommend that you have at least reminding you of these people. do with it, but it has since become the center one blog or Web site of your very own. of my marketing campaign. You can visit it This is exactly what you should be shooting at Make the News for when you market yourself. You want Even though the news may not always report everyone in your area to know who you are The Big Nail has been in local parades, the facts, appearing on the news or in the and what you do, so when they think of a attended major fundraising events, and news as the resident expert in your field product or service you sell, your face pops has even managed to appear in the local instantly boosts your credibility. up first and foremost in their minds. newspapers… with me standing right there next to it. Contact the media in your area, and let Remember, you are not just a sales person. them know that you are ready, willing and You are a business. Consider yourself “You, You may not be a Big Nail guy or gal, but you able to be interviewed. Remember, they Inc.” You are the President, CEO and CFO need to find some equivalent, something that have columns and air time they have to fill of You, Inc., and you want everyone in your you and others around you can get excited every single day. You can obtain a great deal neighborhood, across the nation and around about, and then promote it. of positive, free exposure just by making the world to know it. And the best way to yourself available. accomplish that goal is to create for yourself Design a Consistent Look and Feel a strong brand presence. The more creative you are, the more If you are a fairly good writer, offer to variation you probably enjoy. When it comes write an article or commentary for the Advertise Yourself to branding yourself, however, variation is local newspaper or for magazines or online You may be so busy advertising your products your sworn enemy. All of your marketing publications. In addition to boosting your and your company that you have forgotten materials should have plenty of snap, crackle credibility and your visibility, articles may the single most important asset you should and pop, but they should all do it through a lead to other media opportunities. be advertising - yourself. Remember, before consistent look and feel that “brands” your customers are going to buy from you, they name and face on prospective and current Remember, good sales people target markets have to buy into you as an individual. customers. and customers. Great sales people make themselves the target. If your company encourages you to set up Establish a Presence on the Internet a Web page or blog on its site, doing so is Even if your customers do not normally perfectly acceptable, but you should really purchase the types of products or services Ralph R. Roberts is a nationally have your own Web site or blog, as well, with you sell online, you can be sure that many of recognized sales coach, author and your name or nickname or however people your customers and prospective customers the official spokesperson for Guthy- Renker Home. He can be contacted at know you as the domain name. I have several do their research on the Internet when 866.470.5181, or by e-mail at Web sites, one of which is making a purchase decision. If you are not 20
  • 18. INTRODUCING… …the BEST premium of the year! Increase your sales today! Thousands of Satisfied Clients! Steve Charlton, City Ford Your incentive programs are low maintenance. Any customer issues we have had over the years of buying your incentives have been dealt with in a timely and professional manor— that’s one of the many reasons we are on our 19th incentive V ation C ac re-order with Travel America. When we run your incentives, elebration we sell 20 – 30% more cars on a monthly basis. Your ti on incentives have helped make me the #1 Ford dealership in n Celebra V catio the country! a your choice of one of  luxur a caribbean y vacations inclu ding or a vacation cruise, las vegas getaway, of a lifetime in cancun, mexic o Gord Pidde, Clarkedale Motors As a Dealer Principle, I have guided 4 separate car dealerships to sell record numbers of both new and used s including V ca a t ion C y vacation vehicles. One of the effective tools I have used over the of  luxur vegas getaway, elebr e of one o at your choic ribbean cruise, las in cancun, mexic ion a ca or a vacati on of a lifetime years to generate buyer traffic is running travel incentive promotions offered by Travel America. They also offered me your choice a ca of on e of the right travel incentive for the season I was selling cars. or a va ribbean cr  luxury catio uise, la vacatio CHOICE IS n of s ve ns in T H E U L TaIlifetime in gas getawa cluding M AT E Lcanc U X U R Y y, un, me xico Cam Geddes, Millennium Ford Every time we gave away trips, we had a sharp increase in sales. That’s why we’re on our 12th re-order with Travel America. We will continue to use your customer sought after travel incentives in the future. XUR Y Garrett Willoughby, Whitby Mazda M AT E L U CHO E U LT I ICE Travel America have the finest quality incentive offerings, E IS TH IS T HE CHOIC U LT I M AT E LU XU RY their attention to detail is second to none. Their unique point- of-sales materials have made a big difference in generating more traffic and vehicle purchases. The be-back cards have been a highly effective tool for our sales representatives to Vacation Celebration–Diamond Getaway Package secure more car sales. Your choice of one of 3 luxury vacations including a Matthew Page-Hanify, Shaw GMC Caribbean Cruise, Las Vegas Getaway, or a vacation of a Travel America’s travel incentives are the most effective lifetime in Cancun, Mexico! closing tools our sales representatives have ever used. We have ordered from Travel America 12 times in the last two years and have current plans to buy a higher quantity of their incentives in the near future to help us close even more car deals. We make one simple call to our representative with the required number of incentives and our order is to us within 1 – 2 days. 159 Brent Preuss, Acura of Lynnwood $ 00 Travel America has been a tremendous addition to our sales campaigns. We used the Platinum Passport program as an incentive to our car sales. When we first launched the campaign, we noticed a $215,000 difference in our profit over the same time period from the previous year. We liked it so much that we purchased more for this year and plan to use Travel America in the future! Dealer Benefits •Increase sales by 30% •Increased ad response Call today for your free information package •Generate Excitement •User friendly 1 866 443 9874 •Exclusive Territories
  • 19. GENERATE LEADS ➞ FILTER LEADS ➞ MANAGE LEADS FOLLOW UP LEADS ➞ FINANCE LEADS ➞ SELL MORE CARS!® SHOWROOM Dan Warren, Finance Director Whitten Brothers, Jeep Chrysler Mazda The first thing I noticed when we started using FUEL was the amount of customers walking in the door. The second thing I noticed was that we were closing 85% of the FUEL appointments. Interactive Financial’s FUEL, DOLLAR, and BDC programs are a great asset to our dealership. I receive quality leads and I have a great way to keep them organized. Three Time Consecutive Winner of a Dealers’ Choice Award Your Goal Is Our Mission... SELL MORE CARS! ® Call now to speak with an IFMG representative today. 1-888-905-1002
  • 20. sts fos ls ms sf fis DeniseRichardson Fraud, Scams, Identity Theft sales and training solution and Data Breaches... Who’s Got Time for all This With news of their credit reports. Filled with skepticism, and driven to the brink corporate data • Implement identity theft policies and of emotional exhaustion, I set out to find, and breaches and identity procedures with specific written steps hire, a company that would actually take on theft hitting the to be taken, when identity theft or a the responsibility of protecting my name. papers every day, data breach occurs. the odds are pretty • Conduct background checks on I found a company called LifeLock that had an good that a hacker, thief or con-artist will employees and vendors who handle interesting pledge, one they referred to as their eventually find you, your employees or sensitive data. “million dollar guarantee.” Here’s what caught clients. But, if you take proactive steps • Review policies designed to safeguard my eye... ”We prevent it from happening to now, you just might spare yourself some in-house, out-sourced and online data you in the first place. If your Identity is stolen major headaches down the road. storage operations, and determine while you are our client, we’re going to fix what type of data may be taken off the the problem. Period. If you lose money, we’re “What can I do to protect myself?” is a premises, stored on laptops and who going to reimburse you. If we need lawyers, question I hear almost daily. has access to sensitive data. investigators or accountants, we’re going to • Implement strict guidelines for hire and pay for them.” My answer? Be Proactive. those employees who have access Anyone who has been a victim of identity to vulnerable files and passwords It sounded too good to be true. I didn’t want theft will tell you that the worst part is the to financial, personnel and sensitive to subscribe to, or endorse any company, time and frustration involved in cleaning up accounts. without fully researching their services. the resulting credit mess. The Federal Trade • Make sure the people applying for I flew to Phoenix and toured Lifelock’s Commission says that it takes anywhere from credit are who they say they are. Ask facilities. I wanted to know if those four little 170 to 300 hours to deal with the ramifications questions that only those individuals words that piqued my curiosity, “We will fix of this crime. If it happens to one of your would know – look for red flags. it,” were words I could trust. Would someone employees or customers, you will likely feel • Offer your employees and clientele really be there to turn to if my identity was it too, since one person’s identity theft can educational materials and information stolen? Would they really take on the burden have a domino effect. Employees often must on available services that will prevent of cleaning up the mess that an ID thief can spend numerous work hours trying to rectify identity theft from occurring in their dump in my lap at any given moment? the problems caused by identity theft, which lives. can hurt productivity. Victims’ lives are Yes. According to CEO, Todd Davis…, “As suddenly turned upside down; basic rights a LifeLock client, you will NEVER have such as the ability to obtain credit, purchase to fear ID theft.” More music to my ears. a new home or finance a car can no longer be Victims’ lives are If someone did steal my identity, Lifelock taken for granted. would do whatever was necessary to make suddenly turned things right, including covering my expenses, Your business files contain a treasure trove upside down; basic lost wages, attorney and accountants’ fees, up of personal information for identity thieves; names, addresses, mothers’ maiden names, rights such as the to $1 million.” That was all I needed to hear. insurance information, social security ability to obtain Without having to provide them with any numbers, credit card and bank account credit, purchase account information, it took less than three information. This information is as good as minutes for me to subscribe to their services. gold to a potential thief. Employers are being a new home or For the first time in years, I found peace held liable for identity theft that occurs in the finance a car can of mind. Someone else is now in charge workplace and companies must be prepared to defend the procedures they’ve adopted no longer be taken of guarding my identity and if a theft does occur while they’re in charge, they’ll fix it… to protect the personal data stored in their for granted. on their time –and their dime! files. Taking the necessary precautions now will go a long way towards minimizing the To receive an instant 20 percent discount, likelihood of identity theft, and limiting an call 1-877-Lifelock or visit their Web site at employer’s liability when an identity thief If you don’t want to go it alone, find a, click on enroll and enter the strikes or a data breach occurs. company that offers services to protect promotional code: asuccess. your employees’ and customers’ data. What should you do to protect your business, your customers, your employees and After spending the better part of 15 years Denise Richardson is a member of the National Association of Consumer yourself? Be proactive. disputing, correcting and re-claiming my Advocates and an author. She can be • Educate employees and customers credit identity, I recently decided I no longer contacted at 866.439.9242, or by e-mail at about the importance of reviewing wanted to carry this heavy burden alone. 24