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                     Volume 6   •   Issue 5
                                                                TO SAY WE’VE
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                                                                COMPLETELY NEW.
                                                               “Highest in Dealer Satisfaction With Online
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©2007, Inc. All Rights Reserved. “” is a registered trademark of TPI Holdings, Inc. used under exclusive license. received the
highest numerical score for used vehicle leads in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2006–2007 Dealer Satisfaction with Online Buying Services Studies. 2007 study

based on 1,758 dealer evaluations in May–June 2007. received the highest numerical score for new vehicle leads in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates
2007 Dealer Satisfaction with Online Buying Services Study. Study based on 1,758 dealer evaluations in May–June 2007. Your experiences may vary. Visit
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Eliminate Enemies of Success and Happiness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  8           BrianTracy

                                                                                                                                      Step Back and Look Forward
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  9           DaymondDecker

    on the cover
                                                                                                                                       Body Language Buying Signs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 10           TomHopkins

                                                                                                               The Search for the Optimal Internet Marketing Mix
                                                                                                                                                                        Getting it Right:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 12           KevinHunt

                                                                                              Making the Most of Your Media Interview, Part 6
                                                                                                          Tips and Checklist for Radio and Webcast Interviews                                                    16           PattiWood

                                                                                               What is Your Online Value Package Proposition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 18           SeanV.Bradley

                                                                                                                                    Weaving Your Own Spider Web
                                                                                                                                                                                                                20            RalphR.Roberts

                                                                                                                              Talk-Talk-Tell-Tell is No Way to Sell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                24            MichaelYork

                                                                                            Power Your Dealership Through the Next Decade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                26            MichaelNealy

                                                                                                         Micro Site Generates Major League Results
                                                                                                                                                  Landing 25,000 Unique Visitors                                 27           RalphPaglia

                                                                                                                                   Business Development Centers:
                                                                                         The Misunderstood “Blank Check” In the Automotive Retailing                                                            28            MichaelOvery

                                                             How Will Radio-Frequency Identification Technology Affect Us
                                                                                                                               Find Out Why You Need to Know About It                                           30            DeniseRichardson

                                                                                                                              Keep Things in Order: Sequencing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                32            PaulH.Webb

                                                                                                                                                        I Want to Think About It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                33            MarkTewart

                                                                                                                             Beware of Best Business Practices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                34            JimmyVee & TravisMiller

                                                                                                                     Trigger Enthusiasm for Every Prospect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                36            DebbieAllen

                                                                                                                                                                               helping to support...                           God is the source of all supply

Hebrews 12:1 - Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher                                            Susan Givens, Vice President                                                 Brian Ankney, Sales-improvement Strategist                                  Brian Balash, Sales-improvement Strategist                                                                                                        
Thomas Williams, Creative Director                                          Dave Davis, Creative Strategist & Editor                                     Scott Schaeffer, Sales-improvement Strategist                                                             God is the source of all supply                                                                       

3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive | Louisville Kentucky 40245 | phone: 877.818.6620 | fax: 502.588.3170 |
AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky, 40245; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $75 per year. AutoSuccess welcomes
unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions; views expressed are not necessarily those of
AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. AutoSuccess accepts no liability in respect of the content of any third party material appearing in this magazine or in respect of the content of any other magazine to which this magazine may be linked from time to time. Always confer with legal counsel
before implementing changes in procedures.© All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names
available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40245.

                                                       Eliminate Enemies
                                                of Success and Happiness
                                             The greatest enemies      explanation for an otherwise socially             way other people speak to them, talk to or
                                             of     success   and      unacceptable act.” You rationalize to explain     about them, or look at them. They have little
                     happiness are negative emotions. Negative         away or put a favorable light on something        sense of personal value or self-worth apart
                     emotions hold you down, tire you out and          that you have done that you feel bad or           from the opinions of others. If those opinions
                     take away all your joy in life. Negative          unhappy about. You excuse your actions by         are negative for any reason, real or imagined,
                     emotions, from the beginning of time, have        creating an explanation that sounds good,         the “victim” immediately experiences
                     done more harm to individuals and societies       even though you know that you were an             anger, embarrassment, shame, feelings
                     than all the plagues of history.                  active agent in whatever occurred. You often      of inferiority, depression, self pity and/or
                                                                       create complex ways of putting yourself in        despair. This explains why psychologists say
                     One of your most important goals, if you          the right by explaining that your behavior was    that almost everything you do is to earn the
                     want to be truly happy and successful, is         really quite acceptable, all things considered.   respect of others or at least to avoid losing
                     to free yourself from negative emotions.          Rationalization keeps your negative emotions      their respect.
                     Fortunately, you can do this if you learn how.    alive. Rationalization and justification always
                     The negative emotions of fear, self pity, envy,   require that you make someone or something        Realize That
                     jealousy, inferiority and anger are mostly        else the source or cause of your problem. You     No One Else is Responsible
                     caused by four factors. Once you identify and     cast yourself in the role of the victim, and      The fourth cause of negative emotions, and
                     remove these factors from your thinking, your     you make the other person or organization         the worst of all, is blaming. Imagine negative
                     negative emotions stop automatically. When        into the oppressor or the “bad guy.”              emotion as a tree. The trunk of the tree is the
                     your negative emotions stop, the positive                                                           propensity to blame other people for your
                     emotions of love, peace, joy and enthusiasm                                                         problems. Once you cut down the trunk
                     flow in to replace them, and your whole life         When your                                       of the tree, all the fruits of the tree (all the
                     changes for the better, sometimes in a matter
                     of minutes or even seconds.                         negative                                        other negative emotions) die immediately,
                                                                                                                         just as the lights go out instantly when you
                                                                         emotions stop                                   jerk the plug out of the socket that lights up
                     Stop Justifying                                                                                     the bulbs on a Christmas tree. The antidote
                     The first of the four root causes of negative        ... your whole                                  for negative emotions is for you to accept
                     emotions is justification. You can be
                     negative only as long as you can justify to
                                                                         life changes                                    complete responsibility for your situation.
                                                                                                                         You cannot say the words, “I am responsible”
                     yourself and others that you are entitled to be     for the better,                                 and still feel angry. The very act of accepting
                     angry or upset for some reason. This is why
                     angry people are continually explaining and
                                                                         sometimes in a                                  responsibility short-circuits and cancels
                                                                                                                         out any negative emotions you may be
                     elaborating on the reasons for their negative       matter of minutes                               experiencing.
                     feelings. However, if you cannot justify your
                     negativity, you cannot be angry.                    or even seconds.
                     Refuse to Rationalize and                         Rise Above the Opinions of Others
                     Make Excuses                                      The third cause of negative emotions is an        Brian Tracy is the chairman and CEO
                     The second cause of negative emotions             over concern or a hypersensitivity about the      of Brian Tracy International. He can be
                     is rationalization. When you rationalize,         way other people treat you. For some people,      contacted at 866.300.9881, or by e-mail
                     you attempt to give a “socially acceptable        their entire self-image is determined by the      at

                                               Step Back and
                                               Look Forward
                                              Have you ever been       example, in this business it’s easy to go from
                                              told that you needed     hero to zero. We tend to get caught up in just
                     to step back and take a look at the bigger        making the next sale rather than focusing on
                     picture? You don’t need to be a nuclear           building customers for life.
                     physicist to be a big picture thinker. Any
                     individual in any profession can benefit           Thank goodness for the intuitive and broad-
                     from it. It’s the ability to see trends as they   minded vision of the likes of Leonard
                     form — instead of in the rearview mirror.         Kleinrock, J. Licklider, Larry Roberts,
                                                                       Bob Kahn and Vint Cert, who possessed
                     When a dealer tells a dealership employee         the mentality to “think outside the box,”
                     that the development of the ongoing               resulting in the creation of a global network
                     relationship with the customer is just as         from the evolutionary technology that would
                     — if not more — important than the profit          eventually become the basis for the Internet.
                     on the deal or the sale itself, he’s instilling   Successful “big picture thinkers” have the
                     the bigger picture into the employee’s mind.      ability to see trends as they are forming,
                     The underlying goal is to maximize revenue        instead of in the rearview mirror.
                     by taking profitable customers and turning
                     them into more loyal customers.                   Let’s test your ability to see the bigger
                                                                       picture. Take a look at the illustration in the
                     There are many big picture thinkers in this       middle of this page. Count the number of
                     world that are not leaders, but there are very    squares that you see. Do you see 16, maybe
                     few successful leaders in this world who are      17, or even 21?
                     not big picture thinkers. Having the wisdom
                     to see the broad spectrum is a crucial element
                     of leadership. Becoming a big picture
                     thinker allows you to lead by helping you
                     to clearly formulate a vision for your team
                     and keep them on target to accomplish your
                     organization’s desired results. By enlarging
                     the window through which you see things,
                     you not only expand what you can see, but
                     what you are able to do with it. Donald
                     Trump once commented, “You have to think
                     anyway, so why not think big?”

                      We tend to
                      get caught up in                                 In his book, Thinking for a Change, author

                      just making the                                  John C. Maxwell contends that big picture
                                                                       thinkers never lack ideas that can build an
                      next sale rather                                 organization, and they always have hope
                                                                       for a better future. Average leaders focus
                      than focusing                                    on maintenance — successful leaders focus

                      on building                                      on progress. A person who knows how
                                                                       may always have a job; but the person who
                      customers                                        knows why will always be his boss.

                      for life.                                        By the way, if you saw past the obvious
                                                                       and counted 30 squares through multiple
                                                                       combinations     that  actually   exist,
                     The expression “can’t see the forest for the      congratulations.
                     trees” means that most people focus on the
                     short term. We tend to get overwhelmed by
                     all the little things in our workday — all        Daymond Decker can be contacted at
                     of the trees around us — that the long-           866.507.9577, or by e-mail at
                     term bigger picture gets away from us. For

                                                                                      the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional

                                                                                   Body Language

                                                                                      Buying Signs
                                                 When it comes to           talking by asking questions about their past     enjoyed so much on the lot or test drive.
                                                 recognizing       body     car buying experiences. Relate your desire
                         language clues from your prospective               to fulfill their needs and to make them happy     If they suddenly sit back in their chairs or
                         clients, you must be like a detective. You         with their vehicle purchase.                     cross their arms, you need to brace for an
                         ask questions relating to their situation, their                                                    objection. Sit back yourself, relieve pressure
                         needs, their likes and dislikes. But it is so      If you notice that your clients tend to lean     and ask questions about the point you just
                         important that you not only listen to what         on the vehicles you’re showing them or lean      covered. It could be they don’t like the
                         they are saying and how they are saying it,        against an outside wall or railing, adopt a      numbers. It could just be that they don’t
                         but are also aware of what they’re telling         similar posture of relaxation. There are times   understand some of the terminology you just
                         you with their body language as you talk           we can mirror our potential clients in order     used. It’s so critical that you watch to “hear”
                         with them.                                         to relate to him or her. It has been proven to   what they’re saying.
                                                                            be a simple method for connecting with your
                         In selling, body language works in both            clients — a posture of common ground, if         If the clients are facing you directly and
                         directions. You “speak” with it, using your        you will.                                        intently, following what you’re saying, even
                         own body language to get your message                                                               if they tilt their heads or touch their chins,
                         across and you “hear with your eyes” when                                                           they’re with you. They’re taking it all in.
                         you watch the body language of the clients.          The more you look                              When you see these body language cues,
                                                                              around and away                                don’t change your pacing or abruptly move
                         In using it to speak, for example, when                                                             on to closing. Just smoothly transition to a
                         you want to be listened to, make strong              from the client, the                           test closing question directed at the more
                         eye contact. If you look at a person eye-to-         more they’ll do                                favorable party, if there are two parties in the
                         eye, he or she will intently focus on what
                         you are saying. Many people in sales don’t
                                                                              the same. Without                              decision. For example, you might say, “John,
                                                                                                                             how are you feeling about all of this so far?”
                         have good eye contact. The more you look             that eye-to-eye                                If John is excited and is ready to own the
                         around and away from the client, the more            connection, few                                vehicle, Mary will either go along with him
                                                                                                                             or try to slow things down with a question or
                         they’ll do the same. Without that eye-to-eye
                         connection, few sales will be made.                  sales will be made.                            comment. Either way, you’re still in charge
                                                                                                                             and moving toward the sale.
                         In establishing eye contact, if you have two       It’s critical to your demonstration of any
                         people at the vehicle or at your desk, be sure     vehicle to get your clients’ hands on it.        Body language plays a big part in the selling
                         you are not giving one of them too much            This includes opening and closing the            process. We might not be experts in that field,
                         attention — or too much eye contact. Spread        doors, hatches, windows; adjusting the           but by studying and trying to understand
                         the eye contact between both parties. In most      seats and mirrors; playing with the radio or     people’s emotions through body language,
                         cases, you need “buy in” from both parties         “experiencing the sound system.” A buying        we can help them overcome or work through
                         before a purchase decision can be made.            cue is when they do it a second or third time.   any areas of concern they may be having,
                         If you alienate one by giving too much             Their actions are telling you that they’re       but not expressing verbally.
                         attention to the other, no matter how much         trying to get comfortable in the vehicle. If
                         they like the vehicle, they may not like you       they do eventually settle, that’s a buying       Mastery of body language will help you put
                         well enough to consummate the sale.                sign.                                            more bodies into the vehicles you sell.

                         What if the person does not make eye contact?      What do you think the body language cue          Hear how to build new clients’ trust right
                         What’s happening is that he or she either          is if the client who is now sitting in a chair   from the beginning in your initial greeting at
                         doesn’t like you, doesn’t like something           at the table scoots their chair in closer?
                         you’ve just said, or you’ve struck a nerve         What if they put their elbows on the desk or
                         which may have triggered a past fear.              table? What’s happening is that their trust is   World-renowned master sales trainer
                                                                            increasing. He or she is ready to come to an     Tom Hopkins is the chairman of Tom
                         What should you do about it? Smile. Try to         agreement. It’s time to review the financial      Hopkins International. He can be
                         gain eye contact and reiterate the last point      details of exactly what needs to happen          contacted at 866.347.6148, or by e-mail
                         by asking if it bothers him or her. Get them       for them to drive away in that vehicle they      at

                                                                           Getting it

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Moving away
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               from traditional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               requires some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               courage and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               guidance, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               it’s obvious that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               making this
                                             KevinHunt                                                                                                                                                                                                         leap marks the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               beginning of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               careful analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and decision-
                                                                                     The Search for the Optimal                                                                                                                                                making, not
                                                                                       Internet Marketing Mix                                                                                                                                                  the end.
                  Both statistically and anecdotally, it’s clear   examine some basic principles for finding       will fail. Two, it means picking the low-        vital to your dealership’s Internet success        find a dealer using an independent resource.       online marketing practices,” he said. “The
                  that many dealers are diverting portions of      the perfect Internet advertising mix.          hanging fruit before climbing the tree.          but can be easily integrated into your             Paid search can deliver a lot of leads, but       ones that prove themselves will remain in
                  the money they had targeted for traditional                                                                                                      dealership. They can also quickly bring in         it simply doesn’t touch a big piece of the        play as long as these dealers still have cars
                  media — radio, TV and print — to the             The Secret: There’s No Secret                  The main benefit is that the most basic           sales while you craft other aspects of your        population. A dealer who drops third-party        to sell, and the resources to sell them.”
                  Internet. This makes perfect sense: Most         The first thing to emphasize: There’s no        Internet marketing practices can pay off         overall approach to online automotive sales.       leads in favor of paid search is leaving plenty
                  online marketing practices offer a higher        one secret recipe for success. That’s the      right away, while more advanced techniques       They should not be viewed as temporary or          of money on the table.” With the majority of      Some Reassurance
                  ROI along with greater certainty about its       conclusion Jared Hamilton and Trevor           — even if they’re perfectly implemented          stop-gap measures.                                 automotive Internet shoppers visiting third       If you are disappointed that there’s no single
                  accuracy. What’s more, dealers are making        Hill reached in making their forthcoming       — may take months to gain traction.                                                                 party sites during the buying process, there      way to achieve the right Internet marketing
                  these revisions to their advertising budgets     documentary, entitled The Master’s Series:     Hamilton and Hill identify two practices as      Principle 3: No One Lead Source                    are few — if any — dealers in the US who          mix, take comfort in the fact that you have
                  with greater and greater confidence, as online    Automotive eCommerce. The product of           no-brainers for absolutely any dealership:       Represents All Potential Customers                 find that paid search can give them all the        room to address your dealership’s particular
                  marketing continues to grow in effectiveness,    Accelerate Automotive, which Hamilton          (1) buying third-party leads, and (2) listing    This is a very important principle and             sales volume that they can handle.                needs and strengths.
                  and successful models for online marketing       and Hill founded, the film focuses on the       inventory on a Web site that aggregates and      underscores why you need a mix of tactics,
                  become more commonplace.                         structures and practices driving the online    publishes inventory for many dealers. The        not just one effort. If there were an online       Principle 4: Use the Right                        If you are worried that the Internet seems
                                                                   success of the nation’s most accomplished      first requires only a solid lead-management       marketing practice that gave you effective         Perspective for Evaluating Cost                   too complex and constantly changing, take
                  Look deeper into the Internet ad spend itself,   dealerships.                                   process — something you should have in           access to all your potential customers, it         It’s ironic. Dealers who spend, month             comfort in the fact that your strategy will
                  however, and things become murkier. Online                                                      place, and if you don’t, you need to build       would be perfectly reasonable to build             after month, $500 per sale on traditional         always be a work in progress, with various
                  marketing is an evolving field comprised          “Everywhere we looked,” says Hamilton,         that as soon as possible. And, the second        towards it and ultimately rely on it alone.        advertising can bristle at the thought of         components operating smoothly while
                  of many different practices — some quite         “we found highly successful dealers            doesn’t require anything that a well-run         But the fact is that different practices capture   spending half that on third-party leads. This     others are still being thought out.
                  familiar, such as third-party leads and          employing a wide range of approaches to        dealership doesn’t already have.                 different groups of customers — something          phenomenon is really just a reflection of
                  organic and paid search; others, new and not     Internet marketing.” These conversations                                                        that doesn’t seem to be changing. As long          how attached we can be to what’s familiar,        Most importantly, if you are concerned
                  yet fully established, such as dealer blogging   lead Hamilton and Hill to identify a number    Principle 2: Remember, You’re                    as this is the case, its imperative that you       even after it ceases making economic sense.       about cost, sit down and calculate your
                  and customer reviews. Some dealers venture       of key principles and insights into Internet   Building a Strategy                              evaluate and choose techniques based on            While it is true that generating leads via        cost-per-sale for traditional advertising.
                  only so far into this field, unsure of how to     marketing within a dealership.                 The object of the game isn’t to reach the final   their ability to connect you with these            your Web site can result in the lowest cost-      By integrating online marketing into your
                  move beyond the basics; others hop from                                                         practice on the list of Internet marketing       different groups.                                  per-sale, both online sources will cost you       strategy, you can reach more customers,
                  trend to trend without achieving real success    Principle 1: Start at the Beginning            practices. Instead, it’s to build a strategy                                                        50 percent less than newspaper, television        achieve greater ROI and be reminded that
                  with any one practice.                           Sounds too obvious to mention, doesn’t         comprised of the practices that make sense for   According to Hamilton, a common                    and radio advertising, and they should be         things can continue to get better and better.
                                                                   it? But “starting at the beginning” means      your market and your dealership. This means      misconception among dealers is that they can       evaluated accordingly.
                  Moving away from traditional advertising         a couple of different things, both very        mastering a collection of these practices and    eventually drop third-party leads in favor of
                  requires some courage and guidance, but          important. One, it means not getting ahead     making them work together, not discarding        paid search and still connect with the same        According to Hamilton, “The most
                  it’s obvious that making this leap marks the     of yourself. If you dive into a complex        old ones in favor of new ones.                   consumer base. But this isn’t the case, he         successful dealerships take cost-per-             Kevin Hunt is the vice president of sales
                  beginning of careful analysis and decision-      Internet technique before establishing basic                                                    says: “The customers dealers reach through         sale very seriously, and track return on          for Dealix. He can be contacted by e-mail
                  making, not the end. In this article, we         processes and a sound structure, your effort   Third-party leads, for example, are not only     third-party leads are the ones who prefer to       investment carefully for each of their            at

12                                                                                                                                                                                                         the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional
                            BEST PRACTICES

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   Call today to register. Seating is limited.       Speakers and times subject to change.   toll free: 866.739.2096   web:
                                                         Making the Most of

                                                   Your Media Interview, Part 6
                                                                                              Tips and Checklist for Radio and Webcast Interviews

                                                 Being interviewed            press release. Now that you have                      5. Keep your contact list updated. As
                                                 as an expert in your         been on one show, you are more                           you add to the list of contacts, make
                         field is a great way of getting your name             marketable to others, especially if                      sure you keep them updated with
                         out to the public, and it gives you the              you’re on a nationwide show or on                        notices of what you’re up to. Contact
                         opportunity to educate the public on topics          one in a big market.                                     them only two or three times a year.
                         you are passionate about. In this series,                                                                     That way, your mail is a treat.
                         we’ve looked at the ways to prepare for
                         radio and Webcast phone interviews. In this       Evaluate yourself.                                       6. Evaluate yourself. Honestly critique
                         final installment, we’ll look at what to do                                                                    how you did, and write down the
                         after the interview is over.                      Honestly critique                                           questions you were asked, especially
                                                                           how you did, and                                            if you are asked an unusual question.
                         Follow up After the Interview
                         So you’ve had a great interview. Now what?
                                                                           write down the                                              For example, I know I will be asked
                                                                                                                                       if, as a body language expert, I make
                         You can rest on your laurels, or you can          questions you were                                          people nervous. So I have a few
                         use this success to your advantage. Here
                         are some ideas for making the most of your
                                                                           asked, especially if                                        short anecdotes about that, including
                                                                                                                                       a funny story about my boyfriend.
                         success:                                          you are asked an
                           1. Send a two- or three-sentence                unusual question.                                        7. Ask a media coach to listen to one
                              thank you note (using the contact                                                                        of your tapes. You’ll get better over
                              information you gleaned previously                                                                       time by following the advice of
                              from e-mails). If the show went              4. Send outs bits of your recording to                      someone who teaches people how to
                              well and you have ideas for other               prospects and clients, or put sound                      be great interviewees.
                              interviews, make a few suggestions,             bites on your Web site. If it was a
                              saying you would like to talk again             particularly great interview, you                     8. Celebrate your success. When you’re
                              sometime.                                       may want to mail copies of parts of                      done with your interview, treat
                                                                              the recording (as long as you have                       yourself to something special. You
                          2. Consider sending a small gift to                 written permission from the station)                     have worked hard. Congratulations
                             your contact and the interviewer. It             to other top venues with a suggestion                    on making the most of your media
                             shouldn’t be much — a book, if you               that they consider booking you as                        interview.
                             have one, or a box of candy. Don’t               well. Make sure you always give
                             include a marketing piece, let it                full credit, including the name of the             Patti Wood, MA, CSP is a professional
                             simply be a gift. Attach your business           station, its location, the interviewer’s           speaker, author and coach at
                             card with a handwritten “thanks!”                name and the name of the shows.                    Communications Dynamics. She can be
                                                                              Finally, you may want to send a copy               contacted at 800.849.3651, or by e-mail
                          3. Mention the interview in your next               to your mom.                                       at

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                                                   What is Your Online
                                             Value Package Proposition
                                            You       need   to      and it’s a heck of a lot more than just price.         in sales, service and management that are
                                            differentiate  your      They are armed with multiple resources                 available for them. Very strong, indeed.
                    dealership from all of the competitors that      of information, from pricing, their trade,
                    are out there. On average, more than 87          financing, aftermarket and other value ads.             The point here is that you want to understand
                    percent of America goes online before they       For example, please take a look at these               what your value is to a customer, and clearly
                    ever step foot into a dealership.                Web sites:                                             be able to articulate it to them. Because if
                                                                                                                            you can’t, why in the world would you ever
                    Of these customers, 46 percent are visiting                            expect them to?
                    three to five other Web sites, and 22 percent     
                    of these prospects visit seven to nine Web                                  Most dealerships say the same old and exact
                    sites, before they ever decide on your                                                                  thing that every other dealership says: “We
                    dealership.                                      What do all of these Web sites have in                 are family owned for X years” or “we have
                                                                     common? They paint a vivid picture of why              a great service department,” “we have the
                    The average window period of an Internet         to purchase from them, they talk about more            lowest prices,” “we have good customer
                    customer is about 45 to 55 days. So, please      than just price and payments. They give                service,” “We are Blue Oval,” or “Blah,
                    think about this and what it means for your      multiple upon multiple of reasons why a                Blah Blah certified”…. No offense — I am
                    dealership. Take a look at your dealership’s     person should consider their dealership.               sure you are very proud of your certification
                    Web site. What does it say or do to                                                                     or that you are No. 1 in the region or you
                    differentiate yourself from your competition     Let’s take a look at Continental Audi.                 have the highest volume in the country or
                    and everyone else in the market? What is         On their site, they have a button that says            whatever. But, do your prospects really
                    your unique value package?                       “VIP” program; when someone clicks it,                 care? Maybe. Maybe not. I would at least
                                                                     it then tells all of the amazing things that           consider what they do care about. What is
                    You need to understand that today’s              they would receive as a valued client of that          on their minds? As Covey says, “Seek first
                    prospect is armed with a lot of information,     dealership.                                            to understand before being understood.”
                                                                                                                            In business, we try to strive to exceed our
                                                                                               Crevier     BMW              customers’ expectations. But, first we need
                                                                                               makes it clear as            to know what their wants, wishes and
                                                                                               day with their               expectations are.
                                                                                               button “Why Us.”
                                                                                               You click that and           Here are the top five reasons why people are
                                                                                               they build value in          going online:
                                                                                               Crevier, not just             • Price
                                                                                               the BMW.                      • Availability
                                                                                                                             • Convenience
                                                                                               Duval           Honda,        • They hate car salesmen, or are looking
                                                                                               knowing              that        for a different type of experience
                                 > Scott Haynes, Penske Chevrolet and Honda
                                                                                               women have over               • Research
                                                                                               70 percent buying
                        IMN Loyalty Driver™ is a turnkey e-marketing service that drives       power for their              I suggest that you create a value package
                                                                                               Honda products,              for your Internet prospects that takes those
                        interest, sales and customer loyalty. Customized, trackable email
                                                                                               basically created            things into consideration. And once you
                        communications provide tangible results for dealerships across
                                                                                               a button on the              have created your online value package, post
                        the country. A couple of examples:
                                                                                               left side of their           it on your Web site, create e-mail templates
                          •   15 test drives scheduled within the first hour after             navigation            for    with your value package and incorporate
                              an IMN Loyalty Driver e-newsletter was sent.                     “Ladies          Only.”      your value package into your phone script
                                                                                               When         someone         and voicemail script. You want to make sure
                          •   Web traffic spiked to 2.5 times its normal rate                  clicks that button,          that you have a powerful message and that
                              after a dealership’s first e-newsletter.                         it goes on to                that message is being delivered effectively.
                                                                                               explain             how
                        Looking for results like these? Call 866.964.6397, ext. 214 or         they value and               For free examples of value packages, e-mail
                        email                                             respect the female           me.
                                              Drive customers in…For sales, for life.          s h o p p e r / b u y e r,
                                                                                               and — to make it
                                                                                               more convenient
                                                                                               for those ladies
                                                                                               that prefer to               Sean V. Bradley is the CEO and founder
                                                                                               work with another            of Dealer Synergy. He can be contacted

                                                                                               female — here are            at 866.893.1394, or by e-mail at
                                                                                               a list of females  

                                                                              Weaving Your

                                                                             Own Spider Web
                                                 Regardless of what      to reach out and appeal to them through           out of “mass marketing.” With social media,
                                                 you sell and to whom,   different media.                                  you reach niche markets, where people
                         the Internet — particularly the Web — is                                                          gather to share very focused interests, such
                         becoming a more critical tool to your sales     Blogging                                          as automobiles, real estate investing, home
                         success. You cannot simply erect a static       One of the first steps to take in order to         theater, and so on.
                         Web site any more and expect it to begin        establish yourself as a trusted resource on
                         generating sales. Once your Web site is up      the Web is to create your own blog. A blog        TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers are
                         and running, you need to start driving traffic   (short for “Web log”) is an online diary of       no longer the media that rule the roost.
                         to it from other sites where your clients and   sorts that allows you to post content simply      Online video, podcasting, blogs, e-mail drip
                         prospective clients are likely to spend time.   by filling out and submitting a form. The          campaigns, Wikipedia, and Second Life are
                         You essentially have to weave your own          blog handles all the formatting to make your      the media of choice.
                         mini spider web on the global Web to snare      content look attractive and consistent. All
                         clients.                                        you have to do is supply content.                 To reach out to prospective clients, you
                                                                                                                           no longer run an ad on TV or in the local
                         It’s all about making contacts — building       Several companies offer their own blogging        newspaper. You get involved in online
                         strategic contact points on the Internet        software and services that are industry-          communities, such as:
                         wherever your clients and promising             specific; for example, Blogging Systems             • MySpace (
                         prospects tend to gather, and then cross-       ( offers blogs             • Facebook (
                         promoting these contact points (your Web        specifically for real estate professionals.         • ActiveRain (
                         sites, blogs, and social networking pages).                                                          for real estate professionals
                         As you spin your web within the Web, your       You don’t need a premium service to set up         • CarSpace ( or
                         mini web begins to expand organically           and maintain your blog, however. Several             MotorAddicts (www.MotorAddicts.
                         and exponentially. The most effective           companies can host your blog and provide             com) for automobile aficionados
                         salespeople create multiple participation       the software you need to set it up in a
                         points — places where clients and prospects     hurry. At Bluehost (,            Tip: Your prospects and clients need to
                         want to interact and engage.                    for example, you can purchase your own            feel empowered to search and find the
                                                                         domain name, such as www.yourname.                information they are looking for without
                         Grasping the Social                             com, install the blogging software (using         being pressured. They need interaction,
                         Networking Concept                              a tool called “Fantastico”), and have your        participation, and the approval of the online
                         As a salesperson, you are already well          blog up and running in a matter of minutes        community to buy your products from you.
                         aware of the fact that relationships generate   rather than hours.                                Social networking provides them with all
                         sales. If you have a strong reputation in                                                         this and more.
                         your industry as the go-to guy or gal for       Promoting Your Blog
                         a particular service or product, you are        As long as you post fresh, interesting            Building Credibility and Trust
                         going to be much more successful than           content to your blog once or twice a week,        In a way, little has changed in the world of
                         another salesperson who is just starting out.   it promotes itself. Web search engines, such      sales. Salespeople have always been in the
                         In fact, once you have established strong       as Google, automatically identify your            business of selling themselves first and their
                         relationships, the products and services        blog and add it to their search results. As       products and services second. Think about
                         seem to sell themselves.                        visitors post comments in response to your        it: Would you rather purchase products and
                                                                         posts, your blog naturally rises in the search    services from an expert you trust or from
                         The same is true, and perhaps even more so,     rankings and becomes more prominent.              someone you never met?
                         on the Internet. With so many companies
                         and individuals peddling their products         Tip: Although search engines are going to         Keep this in mind when marketing yourself
                         and services, you can never be sure which       discover your blog, you can speed up the          and your products and services on the
                         merchants are legitimate. Some companies        process by registering your blog with blog        Internet, especially when you’re marketing
                         may be set up solely to steal credit card       directories, including Technorati (at www.        through social media and networking sites.
                         information and other sensitive data. This and Blogarama (www.               Your goal is to establish yourself as the
                         is why people flock to well-known online                                   trustworthy expert. Once you do that, your
                         merchants, such as, even                                                               products and services will practically sell
                         though they may have to pay more for the        Another excellent way to promote your blog        themselves.
                         same products.                                  is to add links from your blog to other related
                                                                         Web sites and blogs and request that they
                         To gain an edge on the Web, you can use         offer the same courtesy to you. This not only
                         social networking to establish yourself as a    raises your blog’s search ranking, but it also
                         trusted source in various online communities    drives traffic from other blogs to yours.          Ralph R. Roberts is a nationally
                         that are likely to buy your product or                                                            recognized sales coach, author and official
                         service. In terms of a consumer base, these     Rubbing Elbows on                                 spokesperson for Guthy-Renker Home. He

                         communities are no less real than brick-        Social Networking Sites                           can be contacted at 866.470.5181, or by e-
                         and-mortar communities. You simply have         Social media and networking take the “mass”       mail at


                                                         Tell is No Way to Sell
                                               Questions SELL.          wish I could…” Pulleezze. Snap out of it.        closed behind him and a large curtain was
                                                                        You have right now at your disposal the          drawn across the cell so as not to give away
                         Better questions have radically increased      same amount of time as anyone you consider       his master escape.
                         revenues, and can redefine your business.       wealthy, or successful, or special: 24/7.
                         Here is wisdom: Selling is NOT about           That’s it; you can’t get anymore time. Why       Unknown to the onlookers, Houdini had
                         CLOSING. It’s NOT about having all             aren’t you learning how to get more life and     secreted away in his belt a long piece of
                         the ANSWERS, which can often lead to           results from the time you have now?              steel. Flexible, durable, practically a key
                         ARROGANCE (know anyone like this?).                                                             in the hands of this locksmith, and he went
                                                                        Personal development is personal. And            to work on the iron lock of the cell. A few
                         Selling today is art and science; it is        commitment is the key. You personally must       minutes passed and nothing. Ten, then 20
                         philosophy and credibility and hospitality     commit to improving some of the conditions       minutes and Houdini began to perspire and
                         and more, all rolled into what amounts to      that you feel you’ve been locked into.           become more frantic in his movements.
                         a single objective. MAKING THE SALE?
                         NO. It’s helping someone to buy. And while     One of my favorite stories is of Harry           This had never happened before. He began
                         most common practices in the profession of     Houdini. Most everyone who has heard             to question his skill, his ability. Was this
                         selling focus on “statements” or prepared      of Houdini might think of him first as a          the one lock from which he could not free
                         scripts or presentations, very few focus on    magician. It is less-known that Houdini          himself? After almost 45 minutes, his
                         better questions.                              was actually a master locksmith. So much         clothes drenched, his strength almost gone
                                                                        so that he made the bold claim that no jail      he could feel himself giving up. Mentally
                         “Let me EDUCATE you about our products         cell in the world could hold him. If allowed     first, and then the fatigue becoming more
                         or service or quality or…”                     to enter in only his street clothes, it would    and more physical which in turn sapped his
                         Ever heard this one? Ever said it? How do      be but a matter of minutes before he would       confidence and his concentration.
                         you ask more engaging questions and put        free himself.
                         the prospect at ease in the first 30 seconds?                                                    Finally near exhaustion he collapsed against
                                                                                                                         the door of the cell — and the door opened!
                         More wisdom: Education is for YOU, not           Personal                                       Because, in reality, the door had never
                         for the prospective buyer. After 30 years
                         of buying and selling, I no longer have          development is                                 been locked. In Houdini’s mind, the door
                                                                                                                         was chained, bound, a fortress worthy of
                         the inclination or the patience of being         personal. And                                  his master skills. But, in reality, even you
                         EDUCATED about YOUR PRODUCT. I                                                                  or I could have escaped from that cell with
                         want you to ask some better questions and        commitment                                     simply a push of the door.
                         the ultimate objective for us both should be     is the key. You
                         to MAKE MY LIFE EASIER.                                                                         What a great lesson for us all: Always to try.
                                                                          personally                                     To attempt, even in the simplest ways.
                         I speak and write and encourage others to        must commit to                                 And even for the most complex challenges.
                         become STUDENTS of life and work and                                                            Often, the simple basic fundamentals are the
                         your profession and (fill in the blank). You      improving some of                              answers to the biggest questions. Likewise
                         can engage in the learning (more) process
                         about most anything you want.
                                                                          the conditions that                            the answers to the biggest questions can
                                                                                                                         be found in asking better, even smaller
                                                                          you feel you’ve                                questions, along the way. And doing so with
                         My friend and legendary author and speaker
                         Charlie “Tremendous” Jones will tell you
                                                                          been locked into.                              positive expectations.

                         it matters little what you have LEARNED,                                                        Want to find the combination for the vault?
                         but what you are LEARNING is what’s            So came the day a small town in the British      Want to know where the treasure is buried?
                         most important. Whatever anyone tells you      Isles had built a new facility they were         Then get busy LEARNING to ask better
                         about the NEW economy is old by the time       extremely proud of and issued the challenge      questions. That’s where all the answers lie.
                         it’s published or makes the rounds. What’s     to Houdini that they now had the cell that
                         important is what’s happening in the “NOW      not even the great Houdini could free            If you’d like my short list of UNCOMMON
                         Economy.” How can you win NOW? What            himself from.                                    QUESTIONS to help you get started, e-mail
                         are you LEARNING NOW?                                                                           me at the address below.
                                                                        Surprising many, he accepted the challenge
                         Most people can’t answer that question         and the big day came. It was, for that time
                         because they’re too busy trying to tell you    in history, a “media event” that had attracted
                         what they KNOW, blah, blah, blah… Be           throngs of people from near and far.
                         still (grandma would just say SHUT UP) and                                                      Michael York is an author and
                         listen; you might actually learn something.    At the appointed time, Harry Houdini was         professional speaker. He can be
                                                                        escorted under heavy guard through the           contacted at 800.668.5015, or by e-mail

                         There is so much whining about “I’m so         massive crowd and in nothing but his street      at, or
                         busy” and “I don’t have the time” and “I       clothes he was placed in the cell, the door      visit
New Revenue Stream Increases Illinois
  Dealers Net Profit by Over $700,000!
Yes, it’s true. My name is Mark                                           I Guarantee the Following…
Tewart and I am a consultant and                                          • No Contracts
trainer for many top perform-                                             • No Up-Front Money
ing dealerships nationwide. I                                             • You Don’t Have to Sell Any
have discovered a new revenue                                                Additional Vehicles to
stream for dealerships that I                                                Experience the Profits
guarantee to increase your net                                            • You Don’t Have to Service
profit by $250,000 or more or I                                              Any Additional Vehicles to
will pay you $10,000!                                                        Experience the Profits
                                                                          • You Will Increase Your
I wish I could tell you that I was                                           Bottom Line by $250,000 or
smart enough to know that                      MARK TEWART                   more or I Will Pay You
when I discovered this revenue               Industry Consultant             $10,000!
stream that I knew that it would
work as well as it has, but I can’t.   has started to get out about the   “I love this new revenue stream.
                                       results we have had. Because of    It’s the best way to immedi-
Simply, this amazing new rev-          this we have been receiving lots   ately increase front end gross
enue stream has created results        of inquiries.                      I have ever seen. On top of the
far exceeding my expectations                                             gross profit increase, we have
and those of my clients as well.     Because of the rush of new           increased our bottom line net
Many of my private clients have      clients I can only select 10 new     profit from between $40,000-
seen shocking results with huge      clients for the rest of the year.    $60,000 per month that is
increases to their bottom lines.     Because we spend lots of time        directly attributed to this pro-
                                     and effort to make sure this         gram. I wish I would have had
Now here’s where it gets             revenue stream is very successful    the program years ago.”
even better…                         we can only choose 10 dealers.       Seth Silger, General Manager
After having tested this new         These dealerships will be select-    - Ward Chrysler – Carbondale, IL
revenue stream with my private       ed based upon criteria that we
clients, I am ready to roll this new have determined match the best               Mark Tewart, President
profit center out to selected deal- profile for success for this new              Tewart Enterprises Inc &
erships nationwide. The word         revenue stream.                       Tewart Management Group Inc.

                                            To Dealers Only
    Call 888 2TEWART (888 283-9278) or 513 932-9526 or email us at
                             to receive more information.

P.S. Respond by November 30 and receive my Free eBook – “How to Become a Sales Superstar”
                                          See my article on page 33

                                                       Power Your Dealership
                                                     Through the Next Decade
                                             In              today’s   the correctly targeted consumer with the right   person to search out the most innovative
                                             marketplace, we are       offer works.                                     marketing tools available. Are you employing
                    dealing with a smarter, more conservative                                                           the most innovative marketing measurement
                    consumer, and it takes being a lot more            Know Your Primary Market                         tools available? What lists are you using for
                    resourceful and creative to get them to            When was the last time you took a look at        conquest mailings? Did you know that 24
                    respond. There are some powerful, creative         your customer database to find out which          states have made their vehicle registration
                    tools that can help you turn the tide in a tough   ZIP codes have been the most effective and       lists available again for marketing? What do
                    retail climate. To tap into those powerful,        produced the most return on your investment?     you know about variable data marketing? Do
                    creative tools, start with a plan.                 Do you have a local ZIP code map posted on       some research. It’s one of the most powerful
                                                                       your wall? If you don’t, get one. Focus your     marketing techniques you can use today.
                    Be sure you are targeting the right consumer       “conquest” efforts in those areas with the       Does your online marketing plan include
                    with the right product. Is your offer right? Did   right client profile.                             more than your Web site? The majority of
                    you have time to run that ad past your legal       Demand New Creative                              consumers are now online shoppers. Is your
                    counsel? Is your ad compliant in the eyes of       Challenge your ad agency or marketing            Web site a wimpy electronic brochure, or is it
                    your local Attorney General? Is it compliant       person to have 90 days worth of “creative”       a powerful consumer sales tool?
                    with your manufacturer?                            campaigns ready for you. Again, knowing
                                                                       your campaigns in advance allows you to          For a list of the 24 states that have made their
                    Plan at Least 90 Days in Advance                   purchase the right inventory and adjust          vehicle registration lists available again for
                    Sounds easy, but it takes some work. The           schedules to make the most of the increased      marketing, e-mail me.
                    actual budget is just a small part of the plan.    traffic. Buy a subscription to an idea source.
                    Call your banks. Line up innovative finance         Avoid getting stuck in a rut of the “same old
                    terms. Sit with your used car buyer. Find out      ad.” Keep your message fresh and consistent.     Michael Nealy is the president at Big Ideas
                    what used cars sell well for you and plan                                                           Direct. He can be contacted at
                    your used vehicle purchases around your            Utilize New Technology Tools                     866.492.9373, or by e-mail at
                    marketing. Advertising the right vehicle to        Challenge your ad agency or marketing  

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AutoSuccess Nov07

  • 1. Plan Yes, Worry No Volume 6 • Issue 5
  • 2. WE’RE PROUD TO SAY WE’VE DONE SOMETHING COMPLETELY NEW. “Highest in Dealer Satisfaction With Online Buying Services For New Vehicle Leads” OF COURSE, WE HAVEN’T FORGOTTEN WHAT GOT US HERE. “Highest in Dealer Satisfaction With Online Buying Services For Used Vehicle Leads, Two Years in a Row” This honor says a lot. It says that car dealers appreciate our service. It says that we help generate business. And as the only company to earn these awards for both new and used car services, it says that we keep improving our service. That’s something we will continue to do. We want to thank our dealers for helping us earn these awards. They’re more examples that show What We Do Works. For information, call 877-261-9418 or visit today. ©2007, Inc. All Rights Reserved. “” is a registered trademark of TPI Holdings, Inc. used under exclusive license. received the highest numerical score for used vehicle leads in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2006–2007 Dealer Satisfaction with Online Buying Services Studies. 2007 study SM based on 1,758 dealer evaluations in May–June 2007. received the highest numerical score for new vehicle leads in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2007 Dealer Satisfaction with Online Buying Services Study. Study based on 1,758 dealer evaluations in May–June 2007. Your experiences may vary. Visit SM
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Eliminate Enemies of Success and Happiness 8 BrianTracy Step Back and Look Forward 9 DaymondDecker on the cover Body Language Buying Signs 10 TomHopkins The Search for the Optimal Internet Marketing Mix Getting it Right: 12 KevinHunt Making the Most of Your Media Interview, Part 6 Tips and Checklist for Radio and Webcast Interviews 16 PattiWood What is Your Online Value Package Proposition 18 SeanV.Bradley Weaving Your Own Spider Web 20 RalphR.Roberts Talk-Talk-Tell-Tell is No Way to Sell 24 MichaelYork Power Your Dealership Through the Next Decade 26 MichaelNealy Micro Site Generates Major League Results Landing 25,000 Unique Visitors 27 RalphPaglia Business Development Centers: The Misunderstood “Blank Check” In the Automotive Retailing 28 MichaelOvery How Will Radio-Frequency Identification Technology Affect Us Find Out Why You Need to Know About It 30 DeniseRichardson Keep Things in Order: Sequencing 32 PaulH.Webb I Want to Think About It 33 MarkTewart Beware of Best Business Practices 34 JimmyVee & TravisMiller Trigger Enthusiasm for Every Prospect 36 DebbieAllen helping to support... God is the source of all supply Hebrews 12:1 - Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher Susan Givens, Vice President Brian Ankney, Sales-improvement Strategist Brian Balash, Sales-improvement Strategist Thomas Williams, Creative Director Dave Davis, Creative Strategist & Editor Scott Schaeffer, Sales-improvement Strategist God is the source of all supply 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive | Louisville Kentucky 40245 | phone: 877.818.6620 | fax: 502.588.3170 | AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky, 40245; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $75 per year. AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions; views expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. AutoSuccess accepts no liability in respect of the content of any third party material appearing in this magazine or in respect of the content of any other magazine to which this magazine may be linked from time to time. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures.© All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40245.
  • 7.
  • 8. LS BrianTracy leadershipsolution Eliminate Enemies of Success and Happiness The greatest enemies explanation for an otherwise socially way other people speak to them, talk to or of success and unacceptable act.” You rationalize to explain about them, or look at them. They have little happiness are negative emotions. Negative away or put a favorable light on something sense of personal value or self-worth apart emotions hold you down, tire you out and that you have done that you feel bad or from the opinions of others. If those opinions take away all your joy in life. Negative unhappy about. You excuse your actions by are negative for any reason, real or imagined, emotions, from the beginning of time, have creating an explanation that sounds good, the “victim” immediately experiences done more harm to individuals and societies even though you know that you were an anger, embarrassment, shame, feelings than all the plagues of history. active agent in whatever occurred. You often of inferiority, depression, self pity and/or create complex ways of putting yourself in despair. This explains why psychologists say One of your most important goals, if you the right by explaining that your behavior was that almost everything you do is to earn the want to be truly happy and successful, is really quite acceptable, all things considered. respect of others or at least to avoid losing to free yourself from negative emotions. Rationalization keeps your negative emotions their respect. Fortunately, you can do this if you learn how. alive. Rationalization and justification always The negative emotions of fear, self pity, envy, require that you make someone or something Realize That jealousy, inferiority and anger are mostly else the source or cause of your problem. You No One Else is Responsible caused by four factors. Once you identify and cast yourself in the role of the victim, and The fourth cause of negative emotions, and remove these factors from your thinking, your you make the other person or organization the worst of all, is blaming. Imagine negative negative emotions stop automatically. When into the oppressor or the “bad guy.” emotion as a tree. The trunk of the tree is the your negative emotions stop, the positive propensity to blame other people for your emotions of love, peace, joy and enthusiasm problems. Once you cut down the trunk flow in to replace them, and your whole life When your of the tree, all the fruits of the tree (all the changes for the better, sometimes in a matter of minutes or even seconds. negative other negative emotions) die immediately, just as the lights go out instantly when you emotions stop jerk the plug out of the socket that lights up Stop Justifying the bulbs on a Christmas tree. The antidote The first of the four root causes of negative ... your whole for negative emotions is for you to accept emotions is justification. You can be negative only as long as you can justify to life changes complete responsibility for your situation. You cannot say the words, “I am responsible” yourself and others that you are entitled to be for the better, and still feel angry. The very act of accepting angry or upset for some reason. This is why angry people are continually explaining and sometimes in a responsibility short-circuits and cancels out any negative emotions you may be elaborating on the reasons for their negative matter of minutes experiencing. feelings. However, if you cannot justify your negativity, you cannot be angry. or even seconds. Refuse to Rationalize and Rise Above the Opinions of Others Make Excuses The third cause of negative emotions is an Brian Tracy is the chairman and CEO The second cause of negative emotions over concern or a hypersensitivity about the of Brian Tracy International. He can be is rationalization. When you rationalize, way other people treat you. For some people, contacted at 866.300.9881, or by e-mail you attempt to give a “socially acceptable their entire self-image is determined by the at 8
  • 9. LS DaymondDecker leadershipsolution Step Back and Look Forward Have you ever been example, in this business it’s easy to go from told that you needed hero to zero. We tend to get caught up in just to step back and take a look at the bigger making the next sale rather than focusing on picture? You don’t need to be a nuclear building customers for life. physicist to be a big picture thinker. Any individual in any profession can benefit Thank goodness for the intuitive and broad- from it. It’s the ability to see trends as they minded vision of the likes of Leonard form — instead of in the rearview mirror. Kleinrock, J. Licklider, Larry Roberts, Bob Kahn and Vint Cert, who possessed When a dealer tells a dealership employee the mentality to “think outside the box,” that the development of the ongoing resulting in the creation of a global network relationship with the customer is just as from the evolutionary technology that would — if not more — important than the profit eventually become the basis for the Internet. on the deal or the sale itself, he’s instilling Successful “big picture thinkers” have the the bigger picture into the employee’s mind. ability to see trends as they are forming, The underlying goal is to maximize revenue instead of in the rearview mirror. by taking profitable customers and turning them into more loyal customers. Let’s test your ability to see the bigger picture. Take a look at the illustration in the There are many big picture thinkers in this middle of this page. Count the number of world that are not leaders, but there are very squares that you see. Do you see 16, maybe few successful leaders in this world who are 17, or even 21? not big picture thinkers. Having the wisdom to see the broad spectrum is a crucial element of leadership. Becoming a big picture thinker allows you to lead by helping you to clearly formulate a vision for your team and keep them on target to accomplish your organization’s desired results. By enlarging the window through which you see things, you not only expand what you can see, but what you are able to do with it. Donald Trump once commented, “You have to think anyway, so why not think big?” We tend to get caught up in In his book, Thinking for a Change, author just making the John C. Maxwell contends that big picture thinkers never lack ideas that can build an next sale rather organization, and they always have hope for a better future. Average leaders focus than focusing on maintenance — successful leaders focus on building on progress. A person who knows how may always have a job; but the person who customers knows why will always be his boss. for life. By the way, if you saw past the obvious and counted 30 squares through multiple combinations that actually exist, The expression “can’t see the forest for the congratulations. trees” means that most people focus on the short term. We tend to get overwhelmed by all the little things in our workday — all Daymond Decker can be contacted at of the trees around us — that the long- 866.507.9577, or by e-mail at term bigger picture gets away from us. For 9 the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional
  • 10. STS Body Language TomHopkins sales&trainingsolution Buying Signs When it comes to talking by asking questions about their past enjoyed so much on the lot or test drive. recognizing body car buying experiences. Relate your desire language clues from your prospective to fulfill their needs and to make them happy If they suddenly sit back in their chairs or clients, you must be like a detective. You with their vehicle purchase. cross their arms, you need to brace for an ask questions relating to their situation, their objection. Sit back yourself, relieve pressure needs, their likes and dislikes. But it is so If you notice that your clients tend to lean and ask questions about the point you just important that you not only listen to what on the vehicles you’re showing them or lean covered. It could be they don’t like the they are saying and how they are saying it, against an outside wall or railing, adopt a numbers. It could just be that they don’t but are also aware of what they’re telling similar posture of relaxation. There are times understand some of the terminology you just you with their body language as you talk we can mirror our potential clients in order used. It’s so critical that you watch to “hear” with them. to relate to him or her. It has been proven to what they’re saying. be a simple method for connecting with your In selling, body language works in both clients — a posture of common ground, if If the clients are facing you directly and directions. You “speak” with it, using your you will. intently, following what you’re saying, even own body language to get your message if they tilt their heads or touch their chins, across and you “hear with your eyes” when they’re with you. They’re taking it all in. you watch the body language of the clients. The more you look When you see these body language cues, around and away don’t change your pacing or abruptly move In using it to speak, for example, when on to closing. Just smoothly transition to a you want to be listened to, make strong from the client, the test closing question directed at the more eye contact. If you look at a person eye-to- more they’ll do favorable party, if there are two parties in the eye, he or she will intently focus on what you are saying. Many people in sales don’t the same. Without decision. For example, you might say, “John, how are you feeling about all of this so far?” have good eye contact. The more you look that eye-to-eye If John is excited and is ready to own the around and away from the client, the more connection, few vehicle, Mary will either go along with him or try to slow things down with a question or they’ll do the same. Without that eye-to-eye connection, few sales will be made. sales will be made. comment. Either way, you’re still in charge and moving toward the sale. In establishing eye contact, if you have two It’s critical to your demonstration of any people at the vehicle or at your desk, be sure vehicle to get your clients’ hands on it. Body language plays a big part in the selling you are not giving one of them too much This includes opening and closing the process. We might not be experts in that field, attention — or too much eye contact. Spread doors, hatches, windows; adjusting the but by studying and trying to understand the eye contact between both parties. In most seats and mirrors; playing with the radio or people’s emotions through body language, cases, you need “buy in” from both parties “experiencing the sound system.” A buying we can help them overcome or work through before a purchase decision can be made. cue is when they do it a second or third time. any areas of concern they may be having, If you alienate one by giving too much Their actions are telling you that they’re but not expressing verbally. attention to the other, no matter how much trying to get comfortable in the vehicle. If they like the vehicle, they may not like you they do eventually settle, that’s a buying Mastery of body language will help you put well enough to consummate the sale. sign. more bodies into the vehicles you sell. What if the person does not make eye contact? What do you think the body language cue Hear how to build new clients’ trust right What’s happening is that he or she either is if the client who is now sitting in a chair from the beginning in your initial greeting at doesn’t like you, doesn’t like something at the table scoots their chair in closer? you’ve just said, or you’ve struck a nerve What if they put their elbows on the desk or which may have triggered a past fear. table? What’s happening is that their trust is World-renowned master sales trainer increasing. He or she is ready to come to an Tom Hopkins is the chairman of Tom What should you do about it? Smile. Try to agreement. It’s time to review the financial Hopkins International. He can be gain eye contact and reiterate the last point details of exactly what needs to happen contacted at 866.347.6148, or by e-mail by asking if it bothers him or her. Get them for them to drive away in that vehicle they at 10
  • 11.
  • 12. FS Getting it featuresolution Moving away from traditional advertising requires some courage and Right: guidance, but it’s obvious that making this KevinHunt leap marks the beginning of careful analysis and decision- The Search for the Optimal making, not Internet Marketing Mix the end. Both statistically and anecdotally, it’s clear examine some basic principles for finding will fail. Two, it means picking the low- vital to your dealership’s Internet success find a dealer using an independent resource. online marketing practices,” he said. “The that many dealers are diverting portions of the perfect Internet advertising mix. hanging fruit before climbing the tree. but can be easily integrated into your Paid search can deliver a lot of leads, but ones that prove themselves will remain in the money they had targeted for traditional dealership. They can also quickly bring in it simply doesn’t touch a big piece of the play as long as these dealers still have cars media — radio, TV and print — to the The Secret: There’s No Secret The main benefit is that the most basic sales while you craft other aspects of your population. A dealer who drops third-party to sell, and the resources to sell them.” Internet. This makes perfect sense: Most The first thing to emphasize: There’s no Internet marketing practices can pay off overall approach to online automotive sales. leads in favor of paid search is leaving plenty online marketing practices offer a higher one secret recipe for success. That’s the right away, while more advanced techniques They should not be viewed as temporary or of money on the table.” With the majority of Some Reassurance ROI along with greater certainty about its conclusion Jared Hamilton and Trevor — even if they’re perfectly implemented stop-gap measures. automotive Internet shoppers visiting third If you are disappointed that there’s no single accuracy. What’s more, dealers are making Hill reached in making their forthcoming — may take months to gain traction. party sites during the buying process, there way to achieve the right Internet marketing these revisions to their advertising budgets documentary, entitled The Master’s Series: Hamilton and Hill identify two practices as Principle 3: No One Lead Source are few — if any — dealers in the US who mix, take comfort in the fact that you have with greater and greater confidence, as online Automotive eCommerce. The product of no-brainers for absolutely any dealership: Represents All Potential Customers find that paid search can give them all the room to address your dealership’s particular marketing continues to grow in effectiveness, Accelerate Automotive, which Hamilton (1) buying third-party leads, and (2) listing This is a very important principle and sales volume that they can handle. needs and strengths. and successful models for online marketing and Hill founded, the film focuses on the inventory on a Web site that aggregates and underscores why you need a mix of tactics, become more commonplace. structures and practices driving the online publishes inventory for many dealers. The not just one effort. If there were an online Principle 4: Use the Right If you are worried that the Internet seems success of the nation’s most accomplished first requires only a solid lead-management marketing practice that gave you effective Perspective for Evaluating Cost too complex and constantly changing, take Look deeper into the Internet ad spend itself, dealerships. process — something you should have in access to all your potential customers, it It’s ironic. Dealers who spend, month comfort in the fact that your strategy will however, and things become murkier. Online place, and if you don’t, you need to build would be perfectly reasonable to build after month, $500 per sale on traditional always be a work in progress, with various marketing is an evolving field comprised “Everywhere we looked,” says Hamilton, that as soon as possible. And, the second towards it and ultimately rely on it alone. advertising can bristle at the thought of components operating smoothly while of many different practices — some quite “we found highly successful dealers doesn’t require anything that a well-run But the fact is that different practices capture spending half that on third-party leads. This others are still being thought out. familiar, such as third-party leads and employing a wide range of approaches to dealership doesn’t already have. different groups of customers — something phenomenon is really just a reflection of organic and paid search; others, new and not Internet marketing.” These conversations that doesn’t seem to be changing. As long how attached we can be to what’s familiar, Most importantly, if you are concerned yet fully established, such as dealer blogging lead Hamilton and Hill to identify a number Principle 2: Remember, You’re as this is the case, its imperative that you even after it ceases making economic sense. about cost, sit down and calculate your and customer reviews. Some dealers venture of key principles and insights into Internet Building a Strategy evaluate and choose techniques based on While it is true that generating leads via cost-per-sale for traditional advertising. only so far into this field, unsure of how to marketing within a dealership. The object of the game isn’t to reach the final their ability to connect you with these your Web site can result in the lowest cost- By integrating online marketing into your move beyond the basics; others hop from practice on the list of Internet marketing different groups. per-sale, both online sources will cost you strategy, you can reach more customers, trend to trend without achieving real success Principle 1: Start at the Beginning practices. Instead, it’s to build a strategy 50 percent less than newspaper, television achieve greater ROI and be reminded that with any one practice. Sounds too obvious to mention, doesn’t comprised of the practices that make sense for According to Hamilton, a common and radio advertising, and they should be things can continue to get better and better. it? But “starting at the beginning” means your market and your dealership. This means misconception among dealers is that they can evaluated accordingly. Moving away from traditional advertising a couple of different things, both very mastering a collection of these practices and eventually drop third-party leads in favor of requires some courage and guidance, but important. One, it means not getting ahead making them work together, not discarding paid search and still connect with the same According to Hamilton, “The most it’s obvious that making this leap marks the of yourself. If you dive into a complex old ones in favor of new ones. consumer base. But this isn’t the case, he successful dealerships take cost-per- Kevin Hunt is the vice president of sales beginning of careful analysis and decision- Internet technique before establishing basic says: “The customers dealers reach through sale very seriously, and track return on for Dealix. He can be contacted by e-mail making, not the end. In this article, we processes and a sound structure, your effort Third-party leads, for example, are not only third-party leads are the ones who prefer to investment carefully for each of their at 13 12 the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional
  • 13. SUMMIT VII BEST PRACTICES LEADERSHIP • INTERNET • CRM • MARKETING • BDC • SALES Call today to register. Seating is limited. Speakers and times subject to change. toll free: 866.739.2096 web:
  • 14. STS Making the Most of PattiWood sales&trainingsolution Your Media Interview, Part 6 Tips and Checklist for Radio and Webcast Interviews Being interviewed press release. Now that you have 5. Keep your contact list updated. As as an expert in your been on one show, you are more you add to the list of contacts, make field is a great way of getting your name marketable to others, especially if sure you keep them updated with out to the public, and it gives you the you’re on a nationwide show or on notices of what you’re up to. Contact opportunity to educate the public on topics one in a big market. them only two or three times a year. you are passionate about. In this series, That way, your mail is a treat. we’ve looked at the ways to prepare for radio and Webcast phone interviews. In this Evaluate yourself. 6. Evaluate yourself. Honestly critique final installment, we’ll look at what to do how you did, and write down the after the interview is over. Honestly critique questions you were asked, especially how you did, and if you are asked an unusual question. Follow up After the Interview So you’ve had a great interview. Now what? write down the For example, I know I will be asked if, as a body language expert, I make You can rest on your laurels, or you can questions you were people nervous. So I have a few use this success to your advantage. Here are some ideas for making the most of your asked, especially if short anecdotes about that, including a funny story about my boyfriend. success: you are asked an 1. Send a two- or three-sentence unusual question. 7. Ask a media coach to listen to one thank you note (using the contact of your tapes. You’ll get better over information you gleaned previously time by following the advice of from e-mails). If the show went 4. Send outs bits of your recording to someone who teaches people how to well and you have ideas for other prospects and clients, or put sound be great interviewees. interviews, make a few suggestions, bites on your Web site. If it was a saying you would like to talk again particularly great interview, you 8. Celebrate your success. When you’re sometime. may want to mail copies of parts of done with your interview, treat the recording (as long as you have yourself to something special. You 2. Consider sending a small gift to written permission from the station) have worked hard. Congratulations your contact and the interviewer. It to other top venues with a suggestion on making the most of your media shouldn’t be much — a book, if you that they consider booking you as interview. have one, or a box of candy. Don’t well. Make sure you always give include a marketing piece, let it full credit, including the name of the Patti Wood, MA, CSP is a professional simply be a gift. Attach your business station, its location, the interviewer’s speaker, author and coach at card with a handwritten “thanks!” name and the name of the shows. Communications Dynamics. She can be Finally, you may want to send a copy contacted at 800.849.3651, or by e-mail 3. Mention the interview in your next to your mom. at 260 Print Ads Shipped On 4 DVD’s With All Art Elements (except fonts) And Easy To Use A Full 5 Years Worth Reference Guide. Ads Built In Quark 6.0 & InDesign CS3 For Easy $795 Customization For Your Local Newspaper Or Agency! One Time Fee. No Renewal Charges. No Monthly Charges. Unlimited Usage. One Time Fee. No Renewal Charges. No Monthly Charges. Unlimited Usage. We Accept Checks, VISA or Mastercard! Order On-Line NOW at 16
  • 15.
  • 16. MS SeanV.Bradley marketingsolution What is Your Online Value Package Proposition You need to and it’s a heck of a lot more than just price. in sales, service and management that are differentiate your They are armed with multiple resources available for them. Very strong, indeed. dealership from all of the competitors that of information, from pricing, their trade, are out there. On average, more than 87 financing, aftermarket and other value ads. The point here is that you want to understand percent of America goes online before they For example, please take a look at these what your value is to a customer, and clearly ever step foot into a dealership. Web sites: be able to articulate it to them. Because if you can’t, why in the world would you ever Of these customers, 46 percent are visiting expect them to? three to five other Web sites, and 22 percent of these prospects visit seven to nine Web Most dealerships say the same old and exact sites, before they ever decide on your thing that every other dealership says: “We dealership. What do all of these Web sites have in are family owned for X years” or “we have common? They paint a vivid picture of why a great service department,” “we have the The average window period of an Internet to purchase from them, they talk about more lowest prices,” “we have good customer customer is about 45 to 55 days. So, please than just price and payments. They give service,” “We are Blue Oval,” or “Blah, think about this and what it means for your multiple upon multiple of reasons why a Blah Blah certified”…. No offense — I am dealership. Take a look at your dealership’s person should consider their dealership. sure you are very proud of your certification Web site. What does it say or do to or that you are No. 1 in the region or you differentiate yourself from your competition Let’s take a look at Continental Audi. have the highest volume in the country or and everyone else in the market? What is On their site, they have a button that says whatever. But, do your prospects really your unique value package? “VIP” program; when someone clicks it, care? Maybe. Maybe not. I would at least it then tells all of the amazing things that consider what they do care about. What is You need to understand that today’s they would receive as a valued client of that on their minds? As Covey says, “Seek first prospect is armed with a lot of information, dealership. to understand before being understood.” In business, we try to strive to exceed our Crevier BMW customers’ expectations. But, first we need makes it clear as to know what their wants, wishes and day with their expectations are. button “Why Us.” You click that and Here are the top five reasons why people are they build value in going online: Crevier, not just • Price the BMW. • Availability • Convenience Duval Honda, • They hate car salesmen, or are looking knowing that for a different type of experience > Scott Haynes, Penske Chevrolet and Honda women have over • Research 70 percent buying IMN Loyalty Driver™ is a turnkey e-marketing service that drives power for their I suggest that you create a value package Honda products, for your Internet prospects that takes those interest, sales and customer loyalty. Customized, trackable email basically created things into consideration. And once you communications provide tangible results for dealerships across a button on the have created your online value package, post the country. A couple of examples: left side of their it on your Web site, create e-mail templates • 15 test drives scheduled within the first hour after navigation for with your value package and incorporate an IMN Loyalty Driver e-newsletter was sent. “Ladies Only.” your value package into your phone script When someone and voicemail script. You want to make sure • Web traffic spiked to 2.5 times its normal rate clicks that button, that you have a powerful message and that after a dealership’s first e-newsletter. it goes on to that message is being delivered effectively. explain how Looking for results like these? Call 866.964.6397, ext. 214 or they value and For free examples of value packages, e-mail email respect the female me. Drive customers in…For sales, for life. s h o p p e r / b u y e r, and — to make it more convenient for those ladies that prefer to Sean V. Bradley is the CEO and founder work with another of Dealer Synergy. He can be contacted 866-964-6397 18 female — here are at 866.893.1394, or by e-mail at a list of females
  • 17.
  • 18. STS Weaving Your RalphR.Roberts sales&trainingsolution Own Spider Web Regardless of what to reach out and appeal to them through out of “mass marketing.” With social media, you sell and to whom, different media. you reach niche markets, where people the Internet — particularly the Web — is gather to share very focused interests, such becoming a more critical tool to your sales Blogging as automobiles, real estate investing, home success. You cannot simply erect a static One of the first steps to take in order to theater, and so on. Web site any more and expect it to begin establish yourself as a trusted resource on generating sales. Once your Web site is up the Web is to create your own blog. A blog TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers are and running, you need to start driving traffic (short for “Web log”) is an online diary of no longer the media that rule the roost. to it from other sites where your clients and sorts that allows you to post content simply Online video, podcasting, blogs, e-mail drip prospective clients are likely to spend time. by filling out and submitting a form. The campaigns, Wikipedia, and Second Life are You essentially have to weave your own blog handles all the formatting to make your the media of choice. mini spider web on the global Web to snare content look attractive and consistent. All clients. you have to do is supply content. To reach out to prospective clients, you no longer run an ad on TV or in the local It’s all about making contacts — building Several companies offer their own blogging newspaper. You get involved in online strategic contact points on the Internet software and services that are industry- communities, such as: wherever your clients and promising specific; for example, Blogging Systems • MySpace ( prospects tend to gather, and then cross- ( offers blogs • Facebook ( promoting these contact points (your Web specifically for real estate professionals. • ActiveRain ( sites, blogs, and social networking pages). for real estate professionals As you spin your web within the Web, your You don’t need a premium service to set up • CarSpace ( or mini web begins to expand organically and maintain your blog, however. Several MotorAddicts (www.MotorAddicts. and exponentially. The most effective companies can host your blog and provide com) for automobile aficionados salespeople create multiple participation the software you need to set it up in a points — places where clients and prospects hurry. At Bluehost (, Tip: Your prospects and clients need to want to interact and engage. for example, you can purchase your own feel empowered to search and find the domain name, such as www.yourname. information they are looking for without Grasping the Social com, install the blogging software (using being pressured. They need interaction, Networking Concept a tool called “Fantastico”), and have your participation, and the approval of the online As a salesperson, you are already well blog up and running in a matter of minutes community to buy your products from you. aware of the fact that relationships generate rather than hours. Social networking provides them with all sales. If you have a strong reputation in this and more. your industry as the go-to guy or gal for Promoting Your Blog a particular service or product, you are As long as you post fresh, interesting Building Credibility and Trust going to be much more successful than content to your blog once or twice a week, In a way, little has changed in the world of another salesperson who is just starting out. it promotes itself. Web search engines, such sales. Salespeople have always been in the In fact, once you have established strong as Google, automatically identify your business of selling themselves first and their relationships, the products and services blog and add it to their search results. As products and services second. Think about seem to sell themselves. visitors post comments in response to your it: Would you rather purchase products and posts, your blog naturally rises in the search services from an expert you trust or from The same is true, and perhaps even more so, rankings and becomes more prominent. someone you never met? on the Internet. With so many companies and individuals peddling their products Tip: Although search engines are going to Keep this in mind when marketing yourself and services, you can never be sure which discover your blog, you can speed up the and your products and services on the merchants are legitimate. Some companies process by registering your blog with blog Internet, especially when you’re marketing may be set up solely to steal credit card directories, including Technorati (at www. through social media and networking sites. information and other sensitive data. This and Blogarama (www. Your goal is to establish yourself as the is why people flock to well-known online trustworthy expert. Once you do that, your merchants, such as, even products and services will practically sell though they may have to pay more for the Another excellent way to promote your blog themselves. same products. is to add links from your blog to other related Web sites and blogs and request that they To gain an edge on the Web, you can use offer the same courtesy to you. This not only social networking to establish yourself as a raises your blog’s search ranking, but it also trusted source in various online communities drives traffic from other blogs to yours. Ralph R. Roberts is a nationally that are likely to buy your product or recognized sales coach, author and official service. In terms of a consumer base, these Rubbing Elbows on spokesperson for Guthy-Renker Home. He 20 communities are no less real than brick- Social Networking Sites can be contacted at 866.470.5181, or by e- and-mortar communities. You simply have Social media and networking take the “mass” mail at
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. STS Talk-Talk-Tell- MichaelYork sales&trainingsolution Tell is No Way to Sell Questions SELL. wish I could…” Pulleezze. Snap out of it. closed behind him and a large curtain was You have right now at your disposal the drawn across the cell so as not to give away Better questions have radically increased same amount of time as anyone you consider his master escape. revenues, and can redefine your business. wealthy, or successful, or special: 24/7. Here is wisdom: Selling is NOT about That’s it; you can’t get anymore time. Why Unknown to the onlookers, Houdini had CLOSING. It’s NOT about having all aren’t you learning how to get more life and secreted away in his belt a long piece of the ANSWERS, which can often lead to results from the time you have now? steel. Flexible, durable, practically a key ARROGANCE (know anyone like this?). in the hands of this locksmith, and he went Personal development is personal. And to work on the iron lock of the cell. A few Selling today is art and science; it is commitment is the key. You personally must minutes passed and nothing. Ten, then 20 philosophy and credibility and hospitality commit to improving some of the conditions minutes and Houdini began to perspire and and more, all rolled into what amounts to that you feel you’ve been locked into. become more frantic in his movements. a single objective. MAKING THE SALE? NO. It’s helping someone to buy. And while One of my favorite stories is of Harry This had never happened before. He began most common practices in the profession of Houdini. Most everyone who has heard to question his skill, his ability. Was this selling focus on “statements” or prepared of Houdini might think of him first as a the one lock from which he could not free scripts or presentations, very few focus on magician. It is less-known that Houdini himself? After almost 45 minutes, his better questions. was actually a master locksmith. So much clothes drenched, his strength almost gone so that he made the bold claim that no jail he could feel himself giving up. Mentally “Let me EDUCATE you about our products cell in the world could hold him. If allowed first, and then the fatigue becoming more or service or quality or…” to enter in only his street clothes, it would and more physical which in turn sapped his Ever heard this one? Ever said it? How do be but a matter of minutes before he would confidence and his concentration. you ask more engaging questions and put free himself. the prospect at ease in the first 30 seconds? Finally near exhaustion he collapsed against the door of the cell — and the door opened! More wisdom: Education is for YOU, not Personal Because, in reality, the door had never for the prospective buyer. After 30 years of buying and selling, I no longer have development is been locked. In Houdini’s mind, the door was chained, bound, a fortress worthy of the inclination or the patience of being personal. And his master skills. But, in reality, even you EDUCATED about YOUR PRODUCT. I or I could have escaped from that cell with want you to ask some better questions and commitment simply a push of the door. the ultimate objective for us both should be is the key. You to MAKE MY LIFE EASIER. What a great lesson for us all: Always to try. personally To attempt, even in the simplest ways. I speak and write and encourage others to must commit to And even for the most complex challenges. become STUDENTS of life and work and Often, the simple basic fundamentals are the your profession and (fill in the blank). You improving some of answers to the biggest questions. Likewise can engage in the learning (more) process about most anything you want. the conditions that the answers to the biggest questions can be found in asking better, even smaller you feel you’ve questions, along the way. And doing so with My friend and legendary author and speaker Charlie “Tremendous” Jones will tell you been locked into. positive expectations. it matters little what you have LEARNED, Want to find the combination for the vault? but what you are LEARNING is what’s So came the day a small town in the British Want to know where the treasure is buried? most important. Whatever anyone tells you Isles had built a new facility they were Then get busy LEARNING to ask better about the NEW economy is old by the time extremely proud of and issued the challenge questions. That’s where all the answers lie. it’s published or makes the rounds. What’s to Houdini that they now had the cell that important is what’s happening in the “NOW not even the great Houdini could free If you’d like my short list of UNCOMMON Economy.” How can you win NOW? What himself from. QUESTIONS to help you get started, e-mail are you LEARNING NOW? me at the address below. Surprising many, he accepted the challenge Most people can’t answer that question and the big day came. It was, for that time because they’re too busy trying to tell you in history, a “media event” that had attracted what they KNOW, blah, blah, blah… Be throngs of people from near and far. still (grandma would just say SHUT UP) and Michael York is an author and listen; you might actually learn something. At the appointed time, Harry Houdini was professional speaker. He can be escorted under heavy guard through the contacted at 800.668.5015, or by e-mail 24 There is so much whining about “I’m so massive crowd and in nothing but his street at, or busy” and “I don’t have the time” and “I clothes he was placed in the cell, the door visit
  • 22. New Revenue Stream Increases Illinois Dealers Net Profit by Over $700,000! Yes, it’s true. My name is Mark I Guarantee the Following… Tewart and I am a consultant and • No Contracts trainer for many top perform- • No Up-Front Money ing dealerships nationwide. I • You Don’t Have to Sell Any have discovered a new revenue Additional Vehicles to stream for dealerships that I Experience the Profits guarantee to increase your net • You Don’t Have to Service profit by $250,000 or more or I Any Additional Vehicles to will pay you $10,000! Experience the Profits • You Will Increase Your I wish I could tell you that I was Bottom Line by $250,000 or smart enough to know that MARK TEWART more or I Will Pay You when I discovered this revenue Industry Consultant $10,000! stream that I knew that it would work as well as it has, but I can’t. has started to get out about the “I love this new revenue stream. results we have had. Because of It’s the best way to immedi- Simply, this amazing new rev- this we have been receiving lots ately increase front end gross enue stream has created results of inquiries. I have ever seen. On top of the far exceeding my expectations gross profit increase, we have and those of my clients as well. Because of the rush of new increased our bottom line net Many of my private clients have clients I can only select 10 new profit from between $40,000- seen shocking results with huge clients for the rest of the year. $60,000 per month that is increases to their bottom lines. Because we spend lots of time directly attributed to this pro- and effort to make sure this gram. I wish I would have had Now here’s where it gets revenue stream is very successful the program years ago.” even better… we can only choose 10 dealers. Seth Silger, General Manager After having tested this new These dealerships will be select- - Ward Chrysler – Carbondale, IL revenue stream with my private ed based upon criteria that we clients, I am ready to roll this new have determined match the best Mark Tewart, President profit center out to selected deal- profile for success for this new Tewart Enterprises Inc & erships nationwide. The word revenue stream. Tewart Management Group Inc. To Dealers Only Call 888 2TEWART (888 283-9278) or 513 932-9526 or email us at to receive more information. P.S. Respond by November 30 and receive my Free eBook – “How to Become a Sales Superstar” See my article on page 33
  • 23. MS MichaelNealy marketingsolution Power Your Dealership Through the Next Decade In today’s the correctly targeted consumer with the right person to search out the most innovative marketplace, we are offer works. marketing tools available. Are you employing dealing with a smarter, more conservative the most innovative marketing measurement consumer, and it takes being a lot more Know Your Primary Market tools available? What lists are you using for resourceful and creative to get them to When was the last time you took a look at conquest mailings? Did you know that 24 respond. There are some powerful, creative your customer database to find out which states have made their vehicle registration tools that can help you turn the tide in a tough ZIP codes have been the most effective and lists available again for marketing? What do retail climate. To tap into those powerful, produced the most return on your investment? you know about variable data marketing? Do creative tools, start with a plan. Do you have a local ZIP code map posted on some research. It’s one of the most powerful your wall? If you don’t, get one. Focus your marketing techniques you can use today. Be sure you are targeting the right consumer “conquest” efforts in those areas with the Does your online marketing plan include with the right product. Is your offer right? Did right client profile. more than your Web site? The majority of you have time to run that ad past your legal Demand New Creative consumers are now online shoppers. Is your counsel? Is your ad compliant in the eyes of Challenge your ad agency or marketing Web site a wimpy electronic brochure, or is it your local Attorney General? Is it compliant person to have 90 days worth of “creative” a powerful consumer sales tool? with your manufacturer? campaigns ready for you. Again, knowing your campaigns in advance allows you to For a list of the 24 states that have made their Plan at Least 90 Days in Advance purchase the right inventory and adjust vehicle registration lists available again for Sounds easy, but it takes some work. The schedules to make the most of the increased marketing, e-mail me. actual budget is just a small part of the plan. traffic. Buy a subscription to an idea source. Call your banks. Line up innovative finance Avoid getting stuck in a rut of the “same old terms. Sit with your used car buyer. Find out ad.” Keep your message fresh and consistent. Michael Nealy is the president at Big Ideas what used cars sell well for you and plan Direct. He can be contacted at your used vehicle purchases around your Utilize New Technology Tools 866.492.9373, or by e-mail at marketing. Advertising the right vehicle to Challenge your ad agency or marketing CREDIT REPORTS LEAD SOLUTIONS COMPLIANCE TOOLS ID VERIFICATION There are a lot of potential customers out there, but only certain prospects are online and actively shopping for a car right now. Doesn’t it make sense to market to them? First Advantage CREDCO’s Lead Prospector Internet delivers in-market online consumer leads – conveniently accessed through your Dealer Management System! Ask About our Special Promotion for Internet Leads!* Call Today! 866.745.2485 Order Now and Lead Prospector SAVE 22% OFF INTERNET the Standard Price! 26 * Savings is 22% off per lead. Call for details. Promo Code: PPC07015