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AutoSuccess Best Practices Summit VI • May 15th & 16th in Las Vegas
             The Sales-Improvement Event of the Year
                                                                      Volume 5   •   Issue 11
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Perform at the Highest Level
                                                                                                                                                                                                           8           BrianTracy

                                                                                            Making the Most of Your Media Interview
                                                                                                                     Getting the Radio or Webcast Phone Interviews                                         9           PattiWood

                                                                                                                         Making Powerful Connections                                                                   TomHopkins
                                                                                                                             The Spirit of Determination:
                                                                                                                                       Troy Aikman Ford                                                  12            CoreyByrd

                                                                                                                        Want to Sell More Online -
                                                                                                                 Just Follow Your Customers Lead
                                                                                                                                                                                                         14            DavidKain

                                                                          Common Objections and What to Do With Them
                                                                                                                                                                                                         16            JeffMorrill

                                                                                             Endless Learning - The Key to Anti-Aging
                                                                                                                                                                                                          17           CraigCriswell

                                                                                                              How We Used Centralized
                                                                                                                                                                                                         21            TonyRimas

                         12                                                                       Marketing to Quadruple Closing Ratios
                                                                                                                                                                                                         22            JoeShuster

                                                                       Listening: A Valuable Tactic for Selling to Women
                                                                                                                                                                                                         26            DeliaPassi

                                                                                                                                                  Will You Forgive Me
                                                                                                                                                                                                         28            SeanWolfington

                                                                                                                                              Increasing Mindshare
                                                                                                        You Can’t Hit One Out of the Park With Just Awareness                                            29            AllenCheek

                                                                                                                       The Truth is...Numbers                                                Lie
                                                                                                                                                                                                         32            DeniseRichardson

                                                                                                                                    Your Biggest Opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                                         33            DavidThomas

                                                                               ‘Breaking the Rules:’ To Serve is to Lead Part II
                                                                                                                                                                                                         34            JesseBiter

                                                                                     Customer Loyalty Starts in Fixed Operations
                                                                                                                                                                                                         35            RandyMcPherson

                                                      Sales and Part Inventory...What About Service Inventory
                                                                                                                        Customer Pay Labor and Parts Profit Training                                     36            SteveLaPenta

                                                                                                           How to Keep Your Best Sales People
                                                                                                                                                                                                         40            KarlaFriede

                                                                                                                                    What Business Are You In
                                                                                                                                                                                                         41            MarkTewart

                                                                                                                                     Super Sizing Your Upside
                                                                                                                                                                                                         42            RalphRoberts

                                                                                          The E-Mail Capturing Machine: Employees
                                                                                                                                                                                                         43            PaulLong

                                                                                                                                                          Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher                                      Brian Ankney, Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                                                                                                          Susan Givens, Vice President                                          Brian Balash, Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                             3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive                                                  Thomas Williams, Creative Director                                    Cori Frye, Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                             Louisville, Kentucky 40245                                                                      

                                                                             toll free: 877.818.6620                                                      Dave Davis, Creative Strategist & Editor
                                                                             facsimile: 502.588.3170
                                                                             helping to promote...
                                                                                                                                                             Leviticus, 8:28
                                                                                                                                                             And Moses took them from off their hands, and burnt them on the altar upon the
                                                                                                                                                             burnt offering: they were consecrations for a sweet savour: it is an offering made by
                     God is the source of all supply                                                                                                         fire unto the LORD.

AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky, 40245; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $75 per year.
AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions;
views expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. AutoSuccess accepts no liability in respect of the content of any third party material appearing in this magazine or in respect of the content of any other magazine to which this
magazine may be linked from time to time. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures.© All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in
whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that
names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40245.
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                              Perform at the Highest Level
                       The turning point in              is the most powerful tool you can use to                         compromise on your personal dreams. Create
                       my life came when                 achieve any goal you set for yourself. You                       your daily personal growth and development
                       I discovered the law              can move yourself from wherever you are                          activity schedule.
                       of cause and effect               to wherever you want to go by learning how
                       - the great law of the            others have done it before you and then by                       There are seven disciplines you must develop
                       universe and human                following the paths they have already blazed.                    if you want to achieve all that is possible for
destiny. Everything happens for a reason.                Abraham Maslow said that the story of the                        you. You can learn these disciplines through
Success is not an accident. Failure is not               human race is the story of men and women                         practice and repetition until they become
an accident, either. The people who are                  “selling themselves short.” Most people                          automatic. They are:
successful in any area are usually those                 settle for far less than they are truly capable                    1. Daily goal setting
who have learned the cause and effect                    of achieving. Most people create all kinds                         2. Daily planning and organizing
relationship between what they want and                  of justifications and rationalizations for poor                     3. Daily priority setting
how to get it. They then did repeatedly what             performance. They convince themselves or                           4. Daily concentration on your highest-
other successful people did in a particular              allow themselves to be convinced, on the                              value activities
area until they got the same results.                    flimsiest evidence, that they lack the potential                    5. Daily exercise and proper nutrition
                                                         and ability of other people who are doing                          6. Daily learning and growth
Many people delude themselves into                       better than they are. They settle for a mediocre                   7. Daily time for the important people in
thinking that they can do what failures do and           existence rather than committing themselves                           your life
somehow, by some miracle, get the results                to breaking their own mental shackles and
successful people get. Even worse, they think            escaping from their own mental prisons.                          These seven disciplines will ensure that
they can do little or nothing at all and, by                                                                              you perform at the highest level and get
some great stroke of luck, all their problems            Each person has the potential to do something                    the greatest satisfaction and results from
will be solved and their dreams will come                wonderful with his or her life. Within every                     everything you do.
true. This is not the way the world works.               person, there is a giant waiting to come
Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote, “To have                 out. Everyone can do much more than they
more, you must first be more.” To achieve                 have ever done before, if only they learn
more in your outer world, you must go to                 how. Create a long-term vision for yourself
work on your inner world, on developing                  in the area of personal growth. Project
yourself. There is no lasting shortcut. There            forward five or 10 years, and imagine that
                                                                                                                          Brian Tracy is the chairman and CEO
is no other way.                                         you are developed fully in every important                       of Brian Tracy International. He can be
                                                         part of your life. Idealize and see yourself                     contacted at 866.300.9881, or by e-mail
Personal     and       professional       development    as outstanding in every respect. Refuse to                       at

                                                   SUMMIT VI
                                                                          BEST PRACTICES

                                                   LEADERSHIP   •   INTERNET   •   CRM   •   MARKETING   •   BDC   •   SALES

                                   See more details about speakers and case studies starting on page 18

   Call today to register. Seating is limited.    Speakers and times subject to change.            toll free: 866.432.8718              web:

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                                                                            Making the Most
   sales and training solution

                                                                     of Your Media Interview
                                                                           Getting the Radio or Webcast Phone Interviews
                      Being in the spotlight        led to more than 20 radio interviews, and    Next time, we’ll look at ways to prepare to
                      means      you    gain        entry to mass-market magazines.              give a good interview and make the most of
                      recognition for your                                                       the opportunity.
                      knowledge,     talents        4. Offer – For Free – Something You Have
                      or skills, and it’s a         Written That They Could Use on the Air       Patti Wood, MA, CSP is a professional
                      way for you to teach          For example, create a quiz with 10 things    speaker, author and coach at
others about your field. In order to share           people want to know about your topic and     Communications Dynamics. She can be
your expertise with the public, you need to         send it out to media lists. Make it short,   contacted at 800.849.3651, or by e-mail at
                                                    content-rich and fun.              
spend some time becoming media-savvy.
If you can be dazzling in a media interview
and then learn how to follow up, you’ll find
opportunities will keep knocking.

Over the next few issues, we’ll be going over
some tips and checklists to help you get the
interview, prepare for the interview, handle
the set up phone call, conduct the interview
and then follow up afterwards.

Getting an Interview
You may be one of the top experts in your field,
but if there is no access to information about
you, then you won’t be the one the media seek
out when they need expert information. Here
are few ways to get your name out there where
members of the media can find you:

1. List Yourself in the Expert Directories, Which
You Can Find by Browsing the Internet
For example, The Yearbook Of Experts (www. offers a listing in their
“hard copy” bound directory and their online
site, as well as special online press releases
for a yearly flat fee.

2. Send Out Press Releases
Can you link your expertise to a newsworthy
event? Are you hosting a special event? Are
you speaking at a prestigious institution? Have
you recently written a book or an article? When
ABC and CBS radio news asked me to analyze
the body language of former congressman
Gary Condit in the famous Connie Chung
interview, I followed up those interviews
with a press release to 500 media contacts. I
got 27 more interviews, most of them with a
nationwide listenership. Suddenly, magazines
became interested as well.

3. Apply Your Expertise to Something New
For years I got interviewed about political
speeches and interviews with political
figures, but I wasn’t meeting my goal of being
interviewed by the popular magazines. It
wasn’t until I hit upon the idea of using my
body language expertise to analyze a national
entertainment event – the Oscars – that I
received the national magazine coverage I
wanted. We sent out a press release saying I
could analyze the body language of the stars
on the red carpet or during the awards. That

the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional
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                       Making Powerful Connections
                        No matter how good         want to have a good, solid relationship with     service. Believe me, people talk and your
                        you get, no matter         everyone in your network. A network is no        career is most definitely influenced by word-
                        how well you master        good unless you work it. Treat your network      of-mouth advertising. Go out of your way
                        your selling skills, you   as you would an expensive, finely-crafted         to find ways to support your network. Don’t
                        cannot do it all alone.    instrument and it will provide you with          wait for someone to ask for your help. Make a
                        Somewhere          along   enjoyment beyond your wildest dreams.            point of contacting members of your network
the line you will need a friend, a contact,                                                         when you don’t need anything. Just check in
an introduction, someone to urge you on or         Here are six ideas for maintaining a strong      to see if you can be of service to them. Even
someone just to have an understanding heart        network:                                         if there’s no particular need at that time,
to listen to you. These are the primary reasons    1. Stay in Touch                                 they’ll certainly appreciate the thought and
you need to build a network.                       This one is pretty obvious, but it’s also        you will have further cemented a valuable
                                                   where many average networkers fall down.         relationship.
Many people think networks are only for            When an interesting bit of information
high-level business professionals who use          comes your way, don’t just evaluate it for       4. Follow Up
them to arrange special golf outings, front-       yourself, pass it along to others who may        If someone in your network provides you with
row tickets to sporting or cultural events or to   also benefit from it. Other ways to keep in       a referred lead, handle it immediately. Then,
make special introductions. I hope you’re not      touch include birthdays, business or personal    get back to the referrer to let them know the
one of those people.                               anniversaries. Dropping a card in the mail,      outcome and thank them a second time.
                                                   sending one via e-mail or making a quick
The fact is that most people have networks,        call is easy compared with how much harder       5. Maintain Your Focus
but they just don’t keep very good track of        you’d have to work if you didn’t have this       A network is a living entity. Once or twice a
them or they don’t use them as well as they        person’s knowledge and resources to draw         year, evaluate the effectiveness of the people
could. A network is simply a group of people       from. Keep an eye out for others in the news.    in your group to see if you need to add more
helping each other get to where each wants         Send them the clipping or at least recognize     support in a particular area. If you’re all give
to go as quickly, as easily and as efficiently      that you saw them. Making others feel good       and get nothing back, you need to correct the
as possible.                                       strengthens your relationship. Go out of your    situation or find new links for your network.
                                                   way to share a meal with the key players in      The opposite holds true, too. Honestly
There are networks involving soccer moms,          your network. These contacts don’t need to       evaluate your own effectiveness to the other
car pool groups, church organizations, social      be lengthy or take on the appearance of an       group members as well.
clubs, and community service groups. The           obligation; in fact, spontaneity often makes
most successful people in life and in business     the contact more enjoyable. The point is to      6. Make Networking an Integral Part of
keep track of the people they meet through         make the contact.                                Your Lifestyle
their various activities and build their own                                                        Don’t think of networking as an activity
custom networks.                                   2. Ask for Help                                  to be scheduled. “Today, I will network
                                                   If you’ve been good about staying in contact,    all morning.” A champion realizes that
For those of us in selling careers, a network is   don’t hesitate to seek support when you need     virtually every waking moment can offer an
a powerful way to get to qualified prospects        it. People want to help others. Asking for       opportunity to use, build or assist the network.
in the least amount of time and with the           assistance helps you and reinforces the fact     Never hesitate to start a friendly conversation
least amount of difficulty. Beware not to           that when the other party needs something,       with someone. You never know where it may
fall into the trap and think of networking in      you’ll be there for them.                        lead — to a prospect, a sale or even a new
terms of receiving something from others:                                                           valuable member of your network.
leads, prospects, customers, guidance, hints,      When you ask for help, keep two things in
techniques, or moral support. Start your           mind:                                            By making your network more successful,
network by first considering others.                a. Say What You Really Mean                      you make yourself more successful. As
                                                   Phrase your request in words that allow          the individuals within the network grow,
Always remember this: Success is determined        the other party to understand your real          succeed and prospect, your range of contacts
by the service you provide others, not by what     needs. “We’ve just added a new line of           increases. Your connections with successful
others do to further your goals. Take some time    whatchamacallits. Who do you know that           people connect you with an ever-growing
to carefully examine what you have to offer        may need a new one?” That’s a lot more           circle of more successful people. The depth
someone in your network. What capabilities,        effective than “Got any leads for me?”           of your support group increases as does your
skills, information, talents, connections and                                                       access to more and more powerful resources.
words of wisdom can you provide that can           b. Be Polite                                     All of this leads directly to more and more
help build someone else’s career? Almost           “I need you to help me” may be a little strong   prospects.
everything is useful to someone.                   and even border on being rude. Instead,
                                                   say, “I’m in need of a little help and was
For example, the fact that you’re on a first-       wondering if you can spare a few moments”        World-renowned master sales trainer Tom
name basis with the owner of the local service     is warmer and less demanding.                    Hopkins is the chairman of Tom Hopkins
station, flower shop or antique mall may be a                                                        International. He can be contacted at
valuable asset at some point to someone in         3. Volunteer to Help                             866.347.6148, or by e-mail at
your network. Just as links in a chain, you        Become known for the excellence of your

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                        Spirit of
                         The                                                                                                                         ...we needed our employees and vendors to not only understand these values
                                                                                                                                                     and this philosophy, but to fully embrace it.

                      Determination: Troy Aikman Ford
At Troy Aikman Ford, our goal is to              But there were several steps involved with       from Troy Aikman, where he personally               2. Establish CSI Accountability                 We spend a lot of time and effort driving           than at the end of the transaction). We follow
continuously improve our people, process         implementing this technology, and it started     thanks them for their vehicle purchase and          at All Levels                                   traffic to our Web site which has produced           these two simple rules when selling a car:
and culture. As general manager, it is my        with E-MAIL.                                     introduces them to the service drive.               Troy Aikman and I share the same approach       an unbelievably high number of Web site
job to ensure that we enforce Troy Aikman’s
spirit - the will to win, and the will to
succeed.                                         Collecting E-mail Addresses:
                                                 43 Percent of Customer Base         8            Increase in Overall Gross Profit          $
                                                                                                  Our loyalty programs have also contributed
                                                                                                                                                      to customer retention: Try to do what we say
                                                                                                                                                      we are going to do. If we do this, our CSI
                                                                                                                                                      scores will reflect this approach. In March,
                                                                                                                                                      our “Voice of the Customer” Score (i.e. - CSI
                                                                                                                                                                                                      hits. This is done through search engine
                                                                                                                                                                                                      optimization, effective e-mail campaigns and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      dealership reputation (I’ll admit that having
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Troy Aikman’s photo on our site also helps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1. Find a car that fits the customers’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2. Make it affordable for them to
When I was hired in the summer of 2005           In June of 2005, we had less than 100 e-mails    to our increase in overall gross profit. We          score) was 95 percent. We believe this was      drive traffic).
as the general manager, I had some big           in our database. In just under two years, we     believe that you must communicate with each         because of our follow-up program with our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          My mission to ensure that we are constantly
shoes to fill and some high expectations to       now have over 43% of our customer’s e-mail       customer individually and create marketing          customers:                                      We believe that this approach has helped us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          evaluating our operations and continuously
meet. Troy Aikman had always maintained          addresses. We attribute this to three factors:   campaigns to meet their unique needs.                                                               hit our numbers over the past several years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          making improvements in our people, process
a positive image throughout his career, and                                                                                                            1. E-mail Survey                               We were up 26 percent in sales revenue in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and culture is ongoing, and upholds the
it was very important that his dealership          1. E-mail Collection Accountability -          For example, a person who used to be a loyal         2. Paper Letter                                the first two months of 2007, while the Dallas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          pure determination to succeed. In short, we
maintain that same image. His “brand” – the          Holding service writers accountable          customer and then stopped coming to the                                                             market was up only six percent.
                                                                                                                                                       3. Follow-up Phone Call                                                                            firmly believe that that by implementing
Troy Aikman Brand, was one of a positive             for collecting e-mails using an E-mail       dealership, needs to be treated differently
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          loyalty programs, and by creating a culture
attitude and strong values that was so well          Tracking Report which shows who is           than a loyal customer. We recognize that                                                            So, how did we turn Web site hits to sales?
                                                                                                                                                      We feel that it is extremely important to                                                           of accountability with regard to CSI and by
known throughout the Dallas area, that if            collecting e-mails in the dealership.        they haven’t been in the dealership in                                                              Here is our approach:
                                                                                                                                                      survey our customers immediately after                                                              revolutionizing the car buying experience –
someone made a mistake at Troy Aikman                                                             awhile – so we’ll send a piece directly to
                                                   2. We also use an “E-mail Discovery”                                                               they leave the dealership so we can address                                                         we are showing the true spirit of determination
Ford, it was common for a customer to say,                                                        them to try to “win back” their business.

                                                     solution - finding e-mails for our                                                                any issues quickly. We send surveys to our                                                          at Troy Aikman Ford.
“I’m going to take this up with Mr. Aikman.”                                                      We do this through an automated campaign                                                            Continuous E-mail Marketing
                                                     customers in the DMS by their name                                                               customers as soon as we sell a vehicle or
So, it has been my No. 1 priority to ensure                                                       system. Our marketing partner sets up the                                                           We have learned that customers appreciate           And while we continue to find ways to
                                                     and address and continuing to search                                                             close an RO. We receive the survey results by
that we represent Troy Aikman by upholding                                                        campaigns, runs the queries and constantly                                                          monthly e-mail marketing communications             improve our dealership and our numbers,
                                                     for updates.                                                                                     e-mail in real time, which allows us to take
those values at our dealership.                                                                   communicates with these customers. We                                                               from our dealership. We work with our e-mail        we also continue to rely on employees and
                                                   3. Consistency   and Visibility into           have “rediscovered” customers who hadn’t            action immediately. Through this process,       marketing company (MarketView360) to                vendors that portray the image and goals of
Naturally – we needed our employees and              ongoing e-mail collection - Using            stepped foot in our service drive in 25             we are able to identify problems, address       create high-end pieces that focus on driving        our dealership - the spirit, the will to win, and
vendors to not only understand these values          e-mail addresses to constantly               months. These rediscovered customers                concerns and resolve them effectively. It       traffic to our Web site. They always include         the will to succeed of Troy Aikman.
and this philosophy, but to fully embrace it.        communicate sales and service                are also the ones who are more likely to            has been my experience that if you resolve a    a “click to call” button that allows a customer
In order to maintain the brand and create            messages, so those e-mail addresses          purchase a vehicle from our dealership. In          customer’s problem in a timely manner, they     to call us directly from the e-mail marketing       Corey Byrd grew up in Houston, TX and
a culture of success, we needed three key            never go stale. Service and sales            every message, we insert several links to our       become your most loyal customers.               piece. Now, the pieces are interactive and we       graduated from The University of Texas at
strategies to meet our business objectives:          personnel are much more likely to ask        Web site which ultimately drives more traffic                                                        can encourage the customer to come by our           Austin in 1993 with a B.A. He went straight
                                                     for an e-mail if they know you will          to our Web site (which equates to more car          We have found that if you hold employees        dealership and view the vehicles.                   into the automotive industry. He’s been
 1. Implement    Cutting-Edge Loyalty                use those addresses to make them             sales).                                             accountable to these numbers, you will see                                                          on board at Troy Aikman since May 2005
    Programs                                         more money.                                                                                      an overall lift in CSI. Two years ago, we                                                           as general manager and he is now general
 2. Establish CSI Accountability at All                                                           One of the best response rates comes from           implemented a policy where one-third of the     The “Restaurant Style” Close                        manager and partner.
 3. Revolutionize the Car Buying
                                                 No. 1 in District for First
                                                 Appointment Setting
                                                                                         1        our text message service reminders. We have
                                                                                                  received great customer feedback from using
                                                                                                  this form of communication. Our dealership
                                                                                                                                                      pay of our staff is based on CSI scores. This
                                                                                                                                                      approach has encouraged our staff to treat
                                                                                                                                                      every customer as they would want to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Once we get them into our dealership, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                      continue our “hands-on approach” with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      customer. We call this the “Restaurant Style”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MarketView360 (
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          is a division of MarketQuiz. MarketView360

                                                 Our automated campaigns have contributed         tries to be on the cutting-edge of technology,      treated. The staff WANTS to collect e-mail      approach. You know you are in a well-run            helps their clients communicate to their
                                                 to us being No. 1 in first appointment            and we believe that using text messaging            addresses of our customers so we can send       restaurant when a manager walks around              customers automatically and intelligently
1. Cutting-Edge Loyalty Programs                 retainer in our district (we have an 84          communication is at the top of the list of          them an e-mail survey, find the problems,        and gets the pulse of his customers. Troy           using e-mail, voice broadcasts, text messaging
In order for our loyalty programs to work,       percent success rate at first appointment         innovative marketing strategies. If someone         and solve the problems before the OEM           Aikman and I believe this same “Restaurant          and direct mail.
they needed to be on the cutting-edge of         retainer). This is because we immediately        wants to get a hold of me, they send me a text      survey. We also believe that our high CSI       Style” approach is critical in the car-buying
technology. We needed a solution that            send a video e-mail of Troy Aikman after         message. If this is true for me, wouldn’t my        has contributed to our higher than average      experience. Our management team will                Corey Byrd is the general manager of
would help us to effectively and intelligently   someone buys a vehicle. Imagine buying a         customers want to be treated the same way? It       gross per car.                                  introduce themselves at the beginning of            Troy Aikman Ford in Dallas, Texas. He
communicate with all our customers.              car and getting a video from the owner of the    is the wave of the future. We only get about one                                                    the sale to let the customer know they are          can be contacted at 866.469.9756, or by
Our marketing partner’s multi-channel            dealership introducing your service drive.       complaint every two months – but ultimately                                                         accessible at any time in the transaction (rather   e-mail at
marketing approach using video e-mail,           We experienced strong penetration from           it’s an opportunity to communicate with that        3. Revolutionize the Car
voice broadcasting and text messaging has        this “intro to service” campaign. Customers      customer and get them into the dealership.          Buying Experience
helped us hit several milestones by enabling     for whom we don’t have an e-mail address         The majority of our customers appreciate this       A dealership’s Web site hits can be a huge
us to touch all of our customers.                are sent a pre-recorded voice broadcast          non-intrusive approach.                             contributor to total sales in the dealership.

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                                Want to Sell More Online -
                         Just Follow Your Customers Lead
                      One certain aspect           managers would suggest that discrediting           to schedule a test drive then we are missing
                      of the Internet is the       these online sources is not a fruitful approach.   the mark and frustrating the consumer. Many
                      fact that it is a highly     It is far better to acknowledge that you would     consumers suggest that their frustration with
                      personal        medium       do the same thing if you were shopping for         automotive shopping online is that the sales
                      which allows the             a vehicle, and that you respect the fact that      person did not answer their questions. The
                      user to customize the        they were trying to gain knowledge about the       Cobalt Group released a major study in 2006
experience to their specific needs. Unlike          vehicle they were interested in.                   that suggested that response times were down
television, which presents programming in                                                             but fewer customers were satisfied with the
preset time slots unless you have TiVo or          Be glad that they visited these sites and still    responses from dealers in the study because
DVR capability, the Internet allows you to         submitted a request or called you about your       they did not answer their questions.
select the activity you want when you want         vehicle because it means your brand survived
it. When you want to watch or read the             the first cut in the shopping process and is        It is important to remember that not every
news, you may do so at the time you prefer         still under consideration. I like to use the       online shopper is looking for a price quote.
through a multitude of sources. If you want        phrase, “Great, I am glad you were wise and        With used vehicles, most listings already
entertainment, you can watch videos or read        used those sources to learn more about the         provide a selling price and the typical
stories; if you want to view sports or study       vehicle. Please bring that information with        questions are “do you still have it?” and
history, you can do so with just a few clicks.     you when you come in for your appointment          “does it have the options I am looking for?”
The Internet has become what I like to call        and we can go over it together.” The key           When you receive an electronic lead, be
“MeTV.” The Internet user has all the options      is to use the information to your advantage        sure to read the details and then go online
and freely exercises them. No more do they         and get the customer to come in to the             and follow the path that your customer
have to wait for “details at 11.”                  dealership. You would be surprised at the          took so you can understand what prompted
                                                   quality of the information on these sites if       them to click submit. This will give you the
Following Your Customers Lead                      you clicked around on them yourself and,           knowledge you need to formulate a customer
Understanding      and    respecting    how        more surprising, is the fact that they actually    focused response that meets their needs and,
automotive shoppers use the Internet will          price vehicles at a level that most dealers        ultimately, meets your needs. This can be
give you a tremendous advantage when you           would be glad to accept. Some dealers use          done in a matter of seconds and will make
respond to their inquiry. Web site statistics      the Kelley Blue Book or Edmunds price as           you stand out in the crowd of other sales
will show that most automotive prospects           an advantage and let the customer know their       people who may not be willing to understand
shop for vehicles using a variety of sources,      vehicles are in line with these online sources.    what the customer is asking.
but most customers eventually touch base           What is most important is that you do not
with the leading consumer education Web            just dismiss these sources as irrelevant and       The Internet provides many clues for sales
sites. These consumer education Web sites          inaccurate because most online shoppers            people if they are willing to use them. I used
are set up to provide automotive shoppers          appreciate what they offer and if you talk bad     to ask my customers to “tell me how you like
with all the information they need to make         about them it only hurts your opportunity.         to purchase a vehicle and then I will meet
informed buying decisions.                                                                            your needs.” This worked more often than
                                                   Where Did the Lead Come From?                      not and allowed them to know that I had their
Often times, I hear sales people criticize         When responding to a lead that came in via         best interest in mind. The Internet shopper is
shoppers for visiting these sites, and             the Web, one of the first things you need to        telling you what is most important to them
sometimes the reaction, even to the customer       check is where it came from. This important        with their online shopping path and all you
by phone or in person, is that the sites are not   step will allow you to understand what was         need to do is take a few moments to research
credible and the information they provide          on your prospect’s mind when they clicked          their clicks. Give it a try next time. I promise
is not correct. Before there was the Internet      the submit key and sent their personal             it will help you sell more vehicles.
there were banks, credit unions, libraries,        contact information your way. I like to find
consumer magazines and even “advisors.”            out if they clicked “request a quote,” “more
                                                                                                      David Kain is the automotive Internet
All of these sources provided insight to the       information,” “value my trade,” “schedule a        training specialist at Kain Automotive, Inc.
consumer to assist them the same way the           test drive,” or even “make an offer” because       He can be contacted at 800.385.0095, or by
Internet sources do today. My experience and       it determines how I respond. If we respond         e-mail at, or
the experience of many successful Internet         with a price quote to someone who wanted           visit

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   sales and training solution

                                                          Common Objections and
                                                           What to Do With Them
                              Here’s the technique,               2. Ask questions to understand the objection.     the gap between our monthly payment and
                              with the example “I                 “When you say that you want to think about        your monthly budget, would that allow you
                              want to think about it”:            it, what will you be considering?”                to write an order with us today?”

                              1. Acknowledge. “I can              3. Isolate the objection. “Other than the cost,   Suggestions for Other Common Objections:
                       understand why you                         is there any other reason that would hold you
feel the need to think on it overnight. Buying                    back from writing an order with us today?”        1. This is the first place I’ve looked and I
a car is a big purchase and, if I were you, I                                                                       don’t want to rush in. “If you lost your keys
wouldn’t want to make a mistake.”                                 4. Be a problem solver. “If we could narrow       and you found them in the first place you
                                                                                                                    looked, would you keep looking? (Thanks to
                                                                                                                    Joe Verde, the Jedi Master, for this one.)

      COMMUNICATE WITH                                                                                              2. I need a day to consider all this. “It sounds
                                                                                                                    like what you’re saying is that you want to
                                                                                                                    own the car but you don’t want to wake
      YOUR CUSTOMERS                                                                                                up and feel bad about it tomorrow. What
                                                                                                                    could we do today so you didn’t feel bad
      EASILY AND EFFECTIVELY                                                                                        3. I just need to think about it. “Most
                                                                                                                    everybody feels anxiety when they’re on the
      With Marketview360’s innovative and emerging applications:
                                                                                                                    edge of a big decision. One of the reasons I’m
      • Target Mail                                                                                                 here is to help you work through the anxiety
                                                                                                                    today so you can begin enjoying your new
      • Target Voice                                                                                                car and end all the worrying about what to
      • Target Text                                                                                                 do. What’s on your mind? What would make
                                                                                                                    you feel more comfortable?
      • Target Email
                                                                                                                    4. I need to check with my credit union.
      • Email Discovery and more…                                                                                   “What do you need to check on? We have
                                                                                                                    much of that information here, and excellent
      THIS MONTH TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EMAIL                                                                            financing through a variety of lenders. With
      DISCOVERY AT A SPECIAL DISCOUNT.                                                                              that information, would you be able to write
                                                                                                                    an order with us?”
      WORK SMARTER, MARKET SMARTER                                                                                  Tips:
                                                                                                                    1. Let the customer talk, listen carefully and
                                                                                                                    ask clarifying questions. It’s much easier to
      The Most Intelligent Multi-channel Marketing System On The Planet
                                                                                                                    solve a price objection, for instance, if you
                                                                                                                    know whether you have a new car price
      1.866.591.4238                                                                                                issue, a trade issue or a payment issue.
                                                                                                                    2. Remember that it takes multiple closing
                                                                                                                    questions before most customers finally agree
                                                                                                                    to buy, so don’t be afraid to be professionally
                                                                                                                    persistent. If someone just took two hours of
                                                                                                                    your time, you’re entitled to some answers
                                                                                                                    about why they don’t feel comfortable
                                                                                                                    buying yet.

                                                                                                                    3. After you overcome an objection, ask for
                                                                                                                    the order. Don’t wait for the customer to
                                                                                                                    come up with additional objections.

                                                                                                                    Jeff Morrill is co-owner of Planet Subaru
                                                                                                                    in Hanover, Mass., and Planet Chrysler
                                                                                                                    Jeep Dodge in Franklin, Mass. He can be
                                                                                                                    contacted at 866.872.8699, or by e-mail at

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   sales and training solution

                          Endless Learning -
                       The Key to Anti-Aging
                     Never stopping the             effects on the brain were inevitable.
                     learning        process,       However, these recent findings offer
                     always keeping the             hope to maintaining lifelong mental
                     mind open to new               health. The Alzheimer’s Association
                     ideas and keeping that         now sponsors “Maintain Your Brain”
                     thirst for discovering         workshops throughout the country,
something new could be a key to staying             encouraging people to stay physically
young. There are numerous articles and              and intellectually active. The workshop
studies out now validating this very idea.          advises people to “enroll in courses
                                                    at your local adult education center,
  The degeneration of the brain is far from         community college or other community
  inevitable. “Its design features are such         group.”
  that it should continue to function for           Ongoing Learning Increases Longevity,
  a lifetime,” says Zaven Khachaturian,             Gabby Hyman
  Ph.D., director of the Alzheimer’s
  Association’s Ronald and Nancy                  One should never stop learning. Keeping
  Reagan Research Institute. . . So what’s        your mind open to options does not mean you
  the secret to keeping our brains agile          have to take every thought and act upon it.
  and fit? Activity seems to be the key.           But by spending the time, effort and money
  In fact, mental and physical challenges         to learn, to educate oneself on the new and
  are both strongly connected to cerebral         different will allow for more intelligent
  fitness. Education also seems to enhance         decisions about the direction to take. Chance
  brain function.                                 favors the prepared mind. One can research
  Making our Minds Last, Katherine                new ideas, new ways of doing business, new
  Grieder, Jill Niemark, Psychology               methods for attacking everyday challenges
  Today                                           so that when an opportunity does present
                                                  itself, they will be ready.
  The brain is like a muscle: Use it or
  lose it. Today’s research offers evidence       Think about how this applies to your
  showing that taking steps to protect your       business. If you have reached a sense of
  brain can prevent a decreased memory            comfort in your position or your business it
  and slowed wit. Mental exercise is              may keep you from learning and expanding.
  crucial. It begins when parents read to         Remember, chance favors the prepared
  their children. But it is never too late to     mind.
  stimulate the brain.
  Medical World Search, Ifay Chang,               As an example, what do you know about the
  Ph.D                                            following Internet marketing topics:
                                                    • Blogging – Do you blog? Maybe you
How often in the automotive world have we             should.
become complacent in our belief we have             • Podcasting – Ready for primetime?
a thorough knowledge of our business? Do            • RSS Feeds – The wick has been lit.
we challenge ourselves by trying to learn           • Viral Marketing – One to many, not
more about that which is unfamiliar to us             one to one.
– such as uses for the Internet, how an online      • White Hat – An ethical hacker?
customer thinks, what it takes to be at the top
of a search engine or a myriad of other topics    Find an Internet topic, an online skill, an
related to the new online world?                  area of virtual knowledge unfamiliar to you
                                                  and do the research to learn more about it.
  Education may be the long-sought-after          Expand your mind and keep yourself young.
  fountain of youth. After decades of
  studies, researchers continue to find that
  those who keep their minds engaged in
  active education live longer and stave
                                                  Craig Criswell is the Internet director for
  off the ravages of aging, such as memory        O’Rielly Chevrolet in Tucson, AZ and the
  loss and lethargy. . . Only two decades         president of Internet Certified Dealer. He
  ago, most physicians and researchers            can be contacted at 866.440.4301, or by e-
  felt that aging and its deleterious             mail at

the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional
                       BEST PRACTICES

LEADERSHIP   •   INTERNET    •   CRM     •   MARKETING        •   BDC     •   SALES

                     Todd Bennett - General Manager, Bruce Bennett Nissan                                                                                                                      Red McCombs Automotive Group -                  Tony Rimas
                     Connecticut’s #1 volume Nissan Dealer will share best practices for BDC process, Internet process, sales process,         You will learn how to expand your Internet department through creative inventory presentation, strategic pricing, and
                     the best trained sales and service team, customer relationships and a passion for making money. Nissan Owner              aggregation techniques. Then convert this added demand to sales through tactical lead allocation, superior staffing
                     First Award dealer since 2000 and three times in that time period won the most prestigious Circle of Excellence                      and recruiting. Last, you will be advised on vendor selection to satisfy your dealership and market needs.
                     award both based on customer satisfaction. We have out sold every Nissan dealer in Connecticut, and the
                     surrounding New York counties for the last 4 years doing business out of Georgetown, Connecticut. I will show you
                     how we do it and answer your questions.

                     David Thomas - Owner, Subaru of Dallas                                                                                                                                     Vice President of Sales, BZ Results -             Eric Stuttz
                     Power Prospecting covers 4 key areas. The 4 W’s...When, What, Who and Where, to effectively prospect in                            Sell more cars, keep more customers PROFITABLY! You will learn how to use technology and training that
                     today’s super competitive market. When is the best, most effective time to contact a prospect, a be back, and/or a             works together to attract, sell and keep customers loyal to the dealership. I will talk about systems that include
                     referral for maximum results. There is a right and a wrong time to call a prospect! What is the most effective style          automated marketing tools for direct mail, bulk e-mail, multi-media e-mails, automated phone campaigns, Web
                     and way to communicate as well as tips to get past the “gatekeepers”. Who are our best prospects, and how to                  site development, virtual test drives, and marketing campaigns that include high-end custom presentations that
                     identify them and their sphere of influence, who has the best chance of buying from you? Where do we get our                   highlight the reasons why your customers should be doing business with you instead of the competition. These
                     best prospects and referral opportunities? Where are they working, dining, living and relaxing? Where will your            systems will help dealers customize their business plan, strategy, people and processes to ensure that the system
                     time be best spent? Now that the Internet has changed our entire business model, we must get back to some                                                                                                              gets the results they want.
                     “grass roots marketing” to stay competitive. I preach the basics. This coupled with an effective Internet strategy will
                     keep your sales growing.

                     Joe Shuster - General Manager, Hillside Honda in Queens, New York                                                                                                           Co-founder and Chairman, vAuto - Dale                     Pollak
                     A dominant BDC is one of the best tools your dealership can have to pull customers into your showroom and                            Every dealer knows a car bought right is a car half sold. Dale will discuss the methods many of the most
                     increase your bottom line. Joe Shuster, general manager of the highly successful Hillside Honda of Queens, New                 successful dealerships across America have used to improve pre-owned vehicle department profitability. This
                     York, will discuss how he and his staff have implemented Hillside’s business development system, and what kind            session will illustrate the underlying principle that profit is dependent on turn, and turn is sensitive to “equity” or how
                     of growth it has generated. Joe will discuss the importance of your BDC, how to implement a BDC quickly and                                                  you own your vehicles. By managing equity, pre-owned inventory turn will increase.
                     effectively, hiring and training the right people for your BDC and setting up the proper processes and systems to                          Dale will discuss the importance of financial awareness during the acquisition, wholesale disposition,
                     give your dealership and edge over your competitors.                                                                         reconditioning, pricing and desking processes along with three killer strategies for improving pre-owned sales in
                                                                                                                                                 the internet era. In this session you will learn how to: Apply financial discipline; Price for today’s consumer; Adopt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                cutting-edge merchandising techniques.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Attend this session and you’ll never manage age again.

                            Call today to register. Seating is limited.                   Speakers and times subject to change.                toll free: 866.432.8718                    web:
                       BEST PRACTICES

LEADERSHIP   •   INTERNET    •   CRM     •    MARKETING       •   BDC    •   SALES

                      Howard Polirer - Director of Industry Relations,
                      Director of industry relations,, Howard Polirer will teach you how to market and sell more cars
                      online in this Best Practices Summit VI workshop. It’s time to get back into the car business. Don’t let technology
                      dictate how you do your business, rather let technology help you to sell more cars and make more money. Today’s
                      consumers are all considered Internet consumers and are armed with more information. However, if they can’t see
                      your cars online, they won’t click on them. And if they don’t click on them, they won’t buy them.
                      It’s time to get online. Advertising online is less expensive, but that doesn’t mean you need to abandon all other
                      mediums. Take a holistic approach – when advertising in newspapers, TV or radio, be sure to direct consumers to
                      your online, virtual showroom. It’s time to move shoppers from your virtual showroom to your real showroom. After
                      all, people still buy cars from people. Entice shoppers through your ads – use multiple photos, tell the car’s story
                      through ad copy, and include an action item. Use measurement tools like a Webtrends report to evaluate the clicks
                      on your inventory or the activity on your site. This Best Practices Summit VI will teach you about today’s consumer,
                      incorporating the Internet in your advertising mix, your in-store processes, and how to sell more cars and make
                      more money.

                     Michael York - Author and Professional Speaker
                     Welcome to the most sophisticated marketplace the world has ever known!
                     How will you win? In this “show” you’ll find out why MOTIVATION is one of the biggest wastes of time and energy
                     for selling organizations, and what you should be focused on to win.
                     Plus…Why sales training doesn’t work! The “BIG LIE” of selling! The 3 WAYS to grow YOUR selling revenues!
                     Why so many talented people are BROKE and what to do about it! Why “time management” is a waste of time!
                     Why 98 percent of sales people don’t really know how to set goals (until NOW)! Why “informal education” is
                     available to EVERYONE who wants to win!
                     And what does BECOMING UNCOMMON really mean? Find out why COMMON is well, common. And how you
                     and your organization can stand out in this economy as UNCOMMON simply by doing a few things better than you
                     are now! Don’t miss this session packed with UNCOMMON wisdom as only the entertaining MICHAEL YORK can
                     deliver it!

                      Bryan Hopkins - BDC/Internet Director, Hare Auto Group
                      You will learn how the Hare Auto Group in one month increased Internet sales 438 percent. Sales went from 18
                      to 79 in one month. You will learn how Hare increased its closing ratio from 7 percent to 15 percent in just that
                      one month. You will learn how Hare Auto uses a well-trained and dedicated Internet staff to set appointments
                      on 28 percent of its leads. You will learn how builds value in their products and dealership,
                      generating a 53 percent close ratio on appointments that show. You will learn strategies on how to keep customers
                      on your Web site and how to generate leads from customers from your Web site. You will learn how to find your
                      best Internet process, and create a process-driven team. You will learn the importance of having daily, weekly, and
                      monthly goals. You will learn how to increase your lead conversion rates from your Web site. You will learn how to
                      customize your Web site to your market conditions. How to use innovative technology to identify, attract and retain
                      loyal customers. How to use your Virtual Dealership to create a profit center from sales to F&I to service and parts.
                      Learn how to use your Web site to help increase your sales and service CSI.

                                             toll free: 866.432.8718                    web:
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                        marketing solution

                                         How We Used Centralized
                             Marketing to Quadruple Closing Ratios
                         Red           McCombs      effectiveness of each medium and campaign,         capabilities. We can easily identify which
                         is    capitalizing    on   deliver a consistent advertising message in        tactics are attracting the most visitors and
                         centralized marketing      all of our ad copy, and, most importantly,         whether or not the visitors request additional
                         strategies to increase     we were able to reduce advertising costs.          information and eventually enter the buying
                         closing ratios from        Our newspaper, television, radio and direct        process. With our fully automated CRM
                         three percent up to 19     mail campaigns now include our URL as the          BuzzTrak tool, we are able to integrate and
percent and to sell up to 500 online vehicles per   primary point of contact. Through our web of       measure all of our marketing mediums and
month. With the evolution of both marketing         microsites and landing pages, we are able to       centralize the entire process.
and technology, Red McCombs needed to find           channel and direct consumers to our Web site
a means to leverage the full potential of both in   which enables us to more effectively analyze       All dealerships, regardless of size, are driven by
order to maintain our top position in our region.   and manage our leads. We also enhanced             the need to maintain a competitive edge and to
There were many reasons for our dealership to       our search marketing campaigns, and have           more profitably manage customer interaction
consolidate our marketing strategies in order to    seen immediate and significant results. By          and customer experience. By centralizing all of
create a centralized marketing approach. With       centralizing our marketing strategies we are       our marketing mediums, we channeled all leads
the help of our digital marketing consultants,      able to measure and track results and ROI of       to our Web site marketing hub, RedMcCombs.
Red McCombs was able to customize a                 marketing with our CRM lead management             com, to effectively manage, measure and track
centralized approach that incorporated the          tool. We have seen an increase in traffic, but      their profitability while reducing advertising
traditional media of advertising along with our     most importantly an increase in the amount         costs. Our digital marketing system, working
eCommerce strategy.                                 of visitors we are converting to leads and         with our traditional marketing, continues to
                                                    subsequently into sales.                           provide Red McCombs with everything we
This strategy was the solution for Red                                                                 need to attract, sell and keep loyal customers.
McCombs to efficiently manage and measure            With our management tool we are able to            The proof is in our results.
our marketing campaigns. Centralized                effectively track all of our advertising efforts
marketing provides a central point of               by assigning a unique toll-free number to all      Tony Rimas is the eCommerce director at
connection between marketing efforts and            advertising campaigns. Each campaign is            Red McCombs. He can be contacted at
sales. By centralizing our marketing strategy,      assigned a unique tracking number, which           866.439.4672, or by e-mail at
we were able to accurately track and measure        provides us with instant tracking and reporting

the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional
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                   leadership solution

                       About 10 years ago,       were successful, you understand the concept        for them. It’s your responsibility to convey
                       I had the opportunity     of believing: believing in yourself, in your       that to them, and if you can’t, you won’t lead
                       to catch up with my       team and in the philosophy.                        for long. I believe one of the reasons Hillside
                       high school basketball                                                       has bucked many trends over the years is
                       coach. We had a great     Every business book I have ever read has           because of our family-type environment.
                       time reminiscing about    described the best investment you can make is      People in this store care for each other and
great victories, tough losses and the team       investing in yourself. At Hillside Honda, we       do what they can to be helpful.
that to this day has a special place in my       stress that daily. There is no stock, property,
heart. We talked for a good hour or so before    mutual fund or anything else that can              Finally, believing in the system is especially
my coach asked me a question that made me        outperform you. At Hillside we stress mind,        important when it comes to your career. At
think. He asked me what the most important       body and soul. Are you feeding your head           Hillside Honda our daily training includes
lesson I learned was from playing with that      with good information, or are you caught up        sales philosophy training. Over the years,
team. I’ve never been one to be tongue-tied      worrying about everyone else’s business?           I have heard many retail automobile sales
but I was thrown off a bit. After careful        Are you reading positive material so you           people and leaders referring to the “tire
thought, I answered, “to win.” I did not fully   can move forward in life, professionally and       kicker.” After 16 years in this business,
understand then but I could tell the answer      personally? Are you taking care of your            I still can honestly say I have not met this
didn’t satisfy my coach.                         body - exercising daily, feeding it good           person. At Hillside Honda we stress and
                                                 stuff, not smoking, drinking, using drugs,         train, people come to this store for one
There are a lot of ingredients involved in       etc.? The body has been compared to a              reason and one reason only: to find a sales
winning. At Hillside Honda, one of our keys      temple, and I like that analogy. Finally, your     person to sell them a car. That’s it - not to
to success is our belief system. The store       soul - are you a happy individual, are your        look, not to tire you out and not to waste
has a tremendous history and a winning           relationships pure, are you an individual          your time. They are looking for someone
track record. Training is a religion at          that can sleep comfortably at night because        to sell them the car they want. In addition,
Hillside Honda. So much so, many talented        you know you’ve conducted yourself as a            our daily training reminds retail automobile
individuals have gone on and graduated from      gentleman or lady? Are your relationships          sales people that customers come here 99
this system to become leaders throughout the     with your wife, husband, kids, family and          percent of the time because they want a car,
industry. The philosophy of believing is a       friends healthy and positive, or are they filled    not need a car. The American public loves
three-part initiative. If you have ever played   with problems, lies and deceit? Life is too        automobiles. That knowledge is extremely
team sports in high school or college and        short to live this way. Invest in you on every     important for sale reps to know but, more
                                                 level. At Hillside Honda we firmly believe it       importantly, to understand. Understanding
                                                 is our responsibility to stress that there is no   that and believing in the system your leaders
                                                 better investment than the one you make in         have set up will do you wonders.
                                                                                                    Hillside Honda is a great place to learn,
                                                 I loved playing team ball because it taught        make money and enjoy the car business. In
                                                 me that I needed people in my life to win. As      addition, it’s the belief of the leaders in our
                                                 a retail automobile sales man, believing in        corporation that makes sure that everyone
                                                 the leadership is paramount to your success.       understands what the best investment is, how
                                                 At Hillside Honda, we are fortunate that the       important teammates are and the positive
                                                 sales reps understand that management’s sole       philosophy that guides us every day.
                                                 function is to help them. I recently told one
                                                 of my newest leaders in the sales department
                                                 that sales people have to feel that you care
                                                                                                    Joe Shuster is the general manager
                                                 about them. They have to know that you will        of Hillside Honda, located in Queens,
From left to right - Jeremy Abramson, Sales      protect them, assist them and are there for        New York. He can be contacted at
Manager; Joe Shuster, General Manager;           them when they need you. It’s imperative;          866.440.3445, or by e-mail at
and Peter Petito, Sales Manager                  they have to know you would lay it down  

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AutoSuccess Apr07

  • 1. AutoSuccess Best Practices Summit VI • May 15th & 16th in Las Vegas The Sales-Improvement Event of the Year Volume 5 • Issue 11
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  • 3. NEED AN EVENT THAT PAYS? The Hottest Do-it -Yourself SALES EVENTS IN THE NATION OUR DEALERS AVERAGE 410% MORE UPS WITH OUR EVENTS THAN LEADING SALES. NO TEAMS, NO COMMISIONS, JUST TRAFFIC!! IN MARCH 2007, THE AVERAGE RESPONSE PER EVENT WAS 529 UPS AND HOT LEADS POWERFUL EVENTS • REAL BIG RESULTS • REALLY INEXPENSIVE Plus, we include everything for you... Direct Mailer or Parcel • Video Sales Event Website • Balloons • Mirror Tags Registration Cards • Incentives • Grand Prize Insurance • BDC Scripts and more! CALL FOR A FREE MARKET REPORT. The Driving Force Behind EVENT SPECIALISTS ARE STANDING BY Automotive Advertising 866-665-5504 Copyright © 2007 Turn-Key Events and it’s licensors.
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  • 6. Perform at the Highest Level 8 BrianTracy Making the Most of Your Media Interview Getting the Radio or Webcast Phone Interviews 9 PattiWood Making Powerful Connections TomHopkins 10 The Spirit of Determination: Troy Aikman Ford 12 CoreyByrd Want to Sell More Online - Just Follow Your Customers Lead 14 DavidKain Common Objections and What to Do With Them 16 JeffMorrill Endless Learning - The Key to Anti-Aging 17 CraigCriswell How We Used Centralized 21 TonyRimas 12 Marketing to Quadruple Closing Ratios Believe 22 JoeShuster Listening: A Valuable Tactic for Selling to Women 26 DeliaPassi Will You Forgive Me 28 SeanWolfington Increasing Mindshare You Can’t Hit One Out of the Park With Just Awareness 29 AllenCheek The Truth is...Numbers Lie 32 DeniseRichardson Your Biggest Opportunity 33 DavidThomas ‘Breaking the Rules:’ To Serve is to Lead Part II 34 JesseBiter Customer Loyalty Starts in Fixed Operations 35 RandyMcPherson Sales and Part Inventory...What About Service Inventory Customer Pay Labor and Parts Profit Training 36 SteveLaPenta How to Keep Your Best Sales People 40 KarlaFriede What Business Are You In 41 MarkTewart Super Sizing Your Upside 42 RalphRoberts The E-Mail Capturing Machine: Employees 43 PaulLong Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher Brian Ankney, Sales-improvement Strategist Susan Givens, Vice President Brian Balash, Sales-improvement Strategist 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive Thomas Williams, Creative Director Cori Frye, Sales-improvement Strategist Louisville, Kentucky 40245 toll free: 877.818.6620 Dave Davis, Creative Strategist & Editor facsimile: 502.588.3170 web: helping to promote... Leviticus, 8:28 And Moses took them from off their hands, and burnt them on the altar upon the burnt offering: they were consecrations for a sweet savour: it is an offering made by God is the source of all supply fire unto the LORD. AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky, 40245; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $75 per year. AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions; views expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. AutoSuccess accepts no liability in respect of the content of any third party material appearing in this magazine or in respect of the content of any other magazine to which this magazine may be linked from time to time. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures.© All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40245.
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  • 8. sts fos ls ms sf fis BrianTracy sales and training solution Perform at the Highest Level The turning point in is the most powerful tool you can use to compromise on your personal dreams. Create my life came when achieve any goal you set for yourself. You your daily personal growth and development I discovered the law can move yourself from wherever you are activity schedule. of cause and effect to wherever you want to go by learning how - the great law of the others have done it before you and then by There are seven disciplines you must develop universe and human following the paths they have already blazed. if you want to achieve all that is possible for destiny. Everything happens for a reason. Abraham Maslow said that the story of the you. You can learn these disciplines through Success is not an accident. Failure is not human race is the story of men and women practice and repetition until they become an accident, either. The people who are “selling themselves short.” Most people automatic. They are: successful in any area are usually those settle for far less than they are truly capable 1. Daily goal setting who have learned the cause and effect of achieving. Most people create all kinds 2. Daily planning and organizing relationship between what they want and of justifications and rationalizations for poor 3. Daily priority setting how to get it. They then did repeatedly what performance. They convince themselves or 4. Daily concentration on your highest- other successful people did in a particular allow themselves to be convinced, on the value activities area until they got the same results. flimsiest evidence, that they lack the potential 5. Daily exercise and proper nutrition and ability of other people who are doing 6. Daily learning and growth Many people delude themselves into better than they are. They settle for a mediocre 7. Daily time for the important people in thinking that they can do what failures do and existence rather than committing themselves your life somehow, by some miracle, get the results to breaking their own mental shackles and successful people get. Even worse, they think escaping from their own mental prisons. These seven disciplines will ensure that they can do little or nothing at all and, by you perform at the highest level and get some great stroke of luck, all their problems Each person has the potential to do something the greatest satisfaction and results from will be solved and their dreams will come wonderful with his or her life. Within every everything you do. true. This is not the way the world works. person, there is a giant waiting to come Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote, “To have out. Everyone can do much more than they more, you must first be more.” To achieve have ever done before, if only they learn more in your outer world, you must go to how. Create a long-term vision for yourself work on your inner world, on developing in the area of personal growth. Project yourself. There is no lasting shortcut. There forward five or 10 years, and imagine that Brian Tracy is the chairman and CEO is no other way. you are developed fully in every important of Brian Tracy International. He can be part of your life. Idealize and see yourself contacted at 866.300.9881, or by e-mail Personal and professional development as outstanding in every respect. Refuse to at SUMMIT VI BEST PRACTICES LEADERSHIP • INTERNET • CRM • MARKETING • BDC • SALES YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS EVENT! See more details about speakers and case studies starting on page 18 Call today to register. Seating is limited. Speakers and times subject to change. toll free: 866.432.8718 web: 8
  • 9. sts fos ls ms sf fis PattiWood Making the Most sales and training solution of Your Media Interview Getting the Radio or Webcast Phone Interviews Being in the spotlight led to more than 20 radio interviews, and Next time, we’ll look at ways to prepare to means you gain entry to mass-market magazines. give a good interview and make the most of recognition for your the opportunity. knowledge, talents 4. Offer – For Free – Something You Have or skills, and it’s a Written That They Could Use on the Air Patti Wood, MA, CSP is a professional way for you to teach For example, create a quiz with 10 things speaker, author and coach at others about your field. In order to share people want to know about your topic and Communications Dynamics. She can be your expertise with the public, you need to send it out to media lists. Make it short, contacted at 800.849.3651, or by e-mail at content-rich and fun. spend some time becoming media-savvy. If you can be dazzling in a media interview and then learn how to follow up, you’ll find opportunities will keep knocking. Over the next few issues, we’ll be going over some tips and checklists to help you get the interview, prepare for the interview, handle the set up phone call, conduct the interview and then follow up afterwards. Getting an Interview You may be one of the top experts in your field, but if there is no access to information about you, then you won’t be the one the media seek out when they need expert information. Here are few ways to get your name out there where members of the media can find you: 1. List Yourself in the Expert Directories, Which You Can Find by Browsing the Internet For example, The Yearbook Of Experts (www. offers a listing in their “hard copy” bound directory and their online site, as well as special online press releases for a yearly flat fee. 2. Send Out Press Releases Can you link your expertise to a newsworthy event? Are you hosting a special event? Are you speaking at a prestigious institution? Have you recently written a book or an article? When ABC and CBS radio news asked me to analyze the body language of former congressman Gary Condit in the famous Connie Chung interview, I followed up those interviews with a press release to 500 media contacts. I got 27 more interviews, most of them with a nationwide listenership. Suddenly, magazines became interested as well. 3. Apply Your Expertise to Something New For years I got interviewed about political speeches and interviews with political figures, but I wasn’t meeting my goal of being interviewed by the popular magazines. It wasn’t until I hit upon the idea of using my body language expertise to analyze a national entertainment event – the Oscars – that I received the national magazine coverage I wanted. We sent out a press release saying I could analyze the body language of the stars on the red carpet or during the awards. That the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional 9
  • 10. sts fos ls ms sf fis TomHopkins sales and training solution Making Powerful Connections No matter how good want to have a good, solid relationship with service. Believe me, people talk and your you get, no matter everyone in your network. A network is no career is most definitely influenced by word- how well you master good unless you work it. Treat your network of-mouth advertising. Go out of your way your selling skills, you as you would an expensive, finely-crafted to find ways to support your network. Don’t cannot do it all alone. instrument and it will provide you with wait for someone to ask for your help. Make a Somewhere along enjoyment beyond your wildest dreams. point of contacting members of your network the line you will need a friend, a contact, when you don’t need anything. Just check in an introduction, someone to urge you on or Here are six ideas for maintaining a strong to see if you can be of service to them. Even someone just to have an understanding heart network: if there’s no particular need at that time, to listen to you. These are the primary reasons 1. Stay in Touch they’ll certainly appreciate the thought and you need to build a network. This one is pretty obvious, but it’s also you will have further cemented a valuable where many average networkers fall down. relationship. Many people think networks are only for When an interesting bit of information high-level business professionals who use comes your way, don’t just evaluate it for 4. Follow Up them to arrange special golf outings, front- yourself, pass it along to others who may If someone in your network provides you with row tickets to sporting or cultural events or to also benefit from it. Other ways to keep in a referred lead, handle it immediately. Then, make special introductions. I hope you’re not touch include birthdays, business or personal get back to the referrer to let them know the one of those people. anniversaries. Dropping a card in the mail, outcome and thank them a second time. sending one via e-mail or making a quick The fact is that most people have networks, call is easy compared with how much harder 5. Maintain Your Focus but they just don’t keep very good track of you’d have to work if you didn’t have this A network is a living entity. Once or twice a them or they don’t use them as well as they person’s knowledge and resources to draw year, evaluate the effectiveness of the people could. A network is simply a group of people from. Keep an eye out for others in the news. in your group to see if you need to add more helping each other get to where each wants Send them the clipping or at least recognize support in a particular area. If you’re all give to go as quickly, as easily and as efficiently that you saw them. Making others feel good and get nothing back, you need to correct the as possible. strengthens your relationship. Go out of your situation or find new links for your network. way to share a meal with the key players in The opposite holds true, too. Honestly There are networks involving soccer moms, your network. These contacts don’t need to evaluate your own effectiveness to the other car pool groups, church organizations, social be lengthy or take on the appearance of an group members as well. clubs, and community service groups. The obligation; in fact, spontaneity often makes most successful people in life and in business the contact more enjoyable. The point is to 6. Make Networking an Integral Part of keep track of the people they meet through make the contact. Your Lifestyle their various activities and build their own Don’t think of networking as an activity custom networks. 2. Ask for Help to be scheduled. “Today, I will network If you’ve been good about staying in contact, all morning.” A champion realizes that For those of us in selling careers, a network is don’t hesitate to seek support when you need virtually every waking moment can offer an a powerful way to get to qualified prospects it. People want to help others. Asking for opportunity to use, build or assist the network. in the least amount of time and with the assistance helps you and reinforces the fact Never hesitate to start a friendly conversation least amount of difficulty. Beware not to that when the other party needs something, with someone. You never know where it may fall into the trap and think of networking in you’ll be there for them. lead — to a prospect, a sale or even a new terms of receiving something from others: valuable member of your network. leads, prospects, customers, guidance, hints, When you ask for help, keep two things in techniques, or moral support. Start your mind: By making your network more successful, network by first considering others. a. Say What You Really Mean you make yourself more successful. As Phrase your request in words that allow the individuals within the network grow, Always remember this: Success is determined the other party to understand your real succeed and prospect, your range of contacts by the service you provide others, not by what needs. “We’ve just added a new line of increases. Your connections with successful others do to further your goals. Take some time whatchamacallits. Who do you know that people connect you with an ever-growing to carefully examine what you have to offer may need a new one?” That’s a lot more circle of more successful people. The depth someone in your network. What capabilities, effective than “Got any leads for me?” of your support group increases as does your skills, information, talents, connections and access to more and more powerful resources. words of wisdom can you provide that can b. Be Polite All of this leads directly to more and more help build someone else’s career? Almost “I need you to help me” may be a little strong prospects. everything is useful to someone. and even border on being rude. Instead, say, “I’m in need of a little help and was For example, the fact that you’re on a first- wondering if you can spare a few moments” World-renowned master sales trainer Tom name basis with the owner of the local service is warmer and less demanding. Hopkins is the chairman of Tom Hopkins station, flower shop or antique mall may be a International. He can be contacted at valuable asset at some point to someone in 3. Volunteer to Help 866.347.6148, or by e-mail at your network. Just as links in a chain, you Become known for the excellence of your 10
  • 11.
  • 12. fs feature solution CoreyByrd Spirit of The ...we needed our employees and vendors to not only understand these values and this philosophy, but to fully embrace it. Determination: Troy Aikman Ford At Troy Aikman Ford, our goal is to But there were several steps involved with from Troy Aikman, where he personally 2. Establish CSI Accountability We spend a lot of time and effort driving than at the end of the transaction). We follow continuously improve our people, process implementing this technology, and it started thanks them for their vehicle purchase and at All Levels traffic to our Web site which has produced these two simple rules when selling a car: and culture. As general manager, it is my with E-MAIL. introduces them to the service drive. Troy Aikman and I share the same approach an unbelievably high number of Web site job to ensure that we enforce Troy Aikman’s spirit - the will to win, and the will to succeed. Collecting E-mail Addresses: 43 Percent of Customer Base 8 Increase in Overall Gross Profit $ Our loyalty programs have also contributed to customer retention: Try to do what we say we are going to do. If we do this, our CSI scores will reflect this approach. In March, our “Voice of the Customer” Score (i.e. - CSI hits. This is done through search engine optimization, effective e-mail campaigns and dealership reputation (I’ll admit that having Troy Aikman’s photo on our site also helps 1. Find a car that fits the customers’ needs 2. Make it affordable for them to purchase When I was hired in the summer of 2005 In June of 2005, we had less than 100 e-mails to our increase in overall gross profit. We score) was 95 percent. We believe this was drive traffic). as the general manager, I had some big in our database. In just under two years, we believe that you must communicate with each because of our follow-up program with our My mission to ensure that we are constantly shoes to fill and some high expectations to now have over 43% of our customer’s e-mail customer individually and create marketing customers: We believe that this approach has helped us evaluating our operations and continuously meet. Troy Aikman had always maintained addresses. We attribute this to three factors: campaigns to meet their unique needs. hit our numbers over the past several years. making improvements in our people, process a positive image throughout his career, and 1. E-mail Survey We were up 26 percent in sales revenue in and culture is ongoing, and upholds the it was very important that his dealership 1. E-mail Collection Accountability - For example, a person who used to be a loyal 2. Paper Letter the first two months of 2007, while the Dallas pure determination to succeed. In short, we maintain that same image. His “brand” – the Holding service writers accountable customer and then stopped coming to the market was up only six percent. 3. Follow-up Phone Call firmly believe that that by implementing Troy Aikman Brand, was one of a positive for collecting e-mails using an E-mail dealership, needs to be treated differently loyalty programs, and by creating a culture attitude and strong values that was so well Tracking Report which shows who is than a loyal customer. We recognize that So, how did we turn Web site hits to sales? We feel that it is extremely important to of accountability with regard to CSI and by known throughout the Dallas area, that if collecting e-mails in the dealership. they haven’t been in the dealership in Here is our approach: survey our customers immediately after revolutionizing the car buying experience – someone made a mistake at Troy Aikman awhile – so we’ll send a piece directly to 2. We also use an “E-mail Discovery” they leave the dealership so we can address we are showing the true spirit of determination Ford, it was common for a customer to say, them to try to “win back” their business. 8 solution - finding e-mails for our any issues quickly. We send surveys to our at Troy Aikman Ford. “I’m going to take this up with Mr. Aikman.” We do this through an automated campaign Continuous E-mail Marketing customers in the DMS by their name customers as soon as we sell a vehicle or So, it has been my No. 1 priority to ensure system. Our marketing partner sets up the We have learned that customers appreciate And while we continue to find ways to and address and continuing to search close an RO. We receive the survey results by that we represent Troy Aikman by upholding campaigns, runs the queries and constantly monthly e-mail marketing communications improve our dealership and our numbers, for updates. e-mail in real time, which allows us to take those values at our dealership. communicates with these customers. We from our dealership. We work with our e-mail we also continue to rely on employees and 3. Consistency and Visibility into have “rediscovered” customers who hadn’t action immediately. Through this process, marketing company (MarketView360) to vendors that portray the image and goals of Naturally – we needed our employees and ongoing e-mail collection - Using stepped foot in our service drive in 25 we are able to identify problems, address create high-end pieces that focus on driving our dealership - the spirit, the will to win, and vendors to not only understand these values e-mail addresses to constantly months. These rediscovered customers concerns and resolve them effectively. It traffic to our Web site. They always include the will to succeed of Troy Aikman. and this philosophy, but to fully embrace it. communicate sales and service are also the ones who are more likely to has been my experience that if you resolve a a “click to call” button that allows a customer In order to maintain the brand and create messages, so those e-mail addresses purchase a vehicle from our dealership. In customer’s problem in a timely manner, they to call us directly from the e-mail marketing Corey Byrd grew up in Houston, TX and a culture of success, we needed three key never go stale. Service and sales every message, we insert several links to our become your most loyal customers. piece. Now, the pieces are interactive and we graduated from The University of Texas at strategies to meet our business objectives: personnel are much more likely to ask Web site which ultimately drives more traffic can encourage the customer to come by our Austin in 1993 with a B.A. He went straight for an e-mail if they know you will to our Web site (which equates to more car We have found that if you hold employees dealership and view the vehicles. into the automotive industry. He’s been 1. Implement Cutting-Edge Loyalty use those addresses to make them sales). accountable to these numbers, you will see on board at Troy Aikman since May 2005 Programs more money. an overall lift in CSI. Two years ago, we as general manager and he is now general 2. Establish CSI Accountability at All One of the best response rates comes from implemented a policy where one-third of the The “Restaurant Style” Close manager and partner. Levels 3. Revolutionize the Car Buying Experience RESULTS: No. 1 in District for First Appointment Setting # 1 our text message service reminders. We have received great customer feedback from using this form of communication. Our dealership pay of our staff is based on CSI scores. This approach has encouraged our staff to treat every customer as they would want to be Once we get them into our dealership, we continue our “hands-on approach” with the customer. We call this the “Restaurant Style” MarketView360 ( is a division of MarketQuiz. MarketView360 ✁ Our automated campaigns have contributed tries to be on the cutting-edge of technology, treated. The staff WANTS to collect e-mail approach. You know you are in a well-run helps their clients communicate to their to us being No. 1 in first appointment and we believe that using text messaging addresses of our customers so we can send restaurant when a manager walks around customers automatically and intelligently 1. Cutting-Edge Loyalty Programs retainer in our district (we have an 84 communication is at the top of the list of them an e-mail survey, find the problems, and gets the pulse of his customers. Troy using e-mail, voice broadcasts, text messaging In order for our loyalty programs to work, percent success rate at first appointment innovative marketing strategies. If someone and solve the problems before the OEM Aikman and I believe this same “Restaurant and direct mail. they needed to be on the cutting-edge of retainer). This is because we immediately wants to get a hold of me, they send me a text survey. We also believe that our high CSI Style” approach is critical in the car-buying technology. We needed a solution that send a video e-mail of Troy Aikman after message. If this is true for me, wouldn’t my has contributed to our higher than average experience. Our management team will Corey Byrd is the general manager of would help us to effectively and intelligently someone buys a vehicle. Imagine buying a customers want to be treated the same way? It gross per car. introduce themselves at the beginning of Troy Aikman Ford in Dallas, Texas. He communicate with all our customers. car and getting a video from the owner of the is the wave of the future. We only get about one the sale to let the customer know they are can be contacted at 866.469.9756, or by Our marketing partner’s multi-channel dealership introducing your service drive. complaint every two months – but ultimately accessible at any time in the transaction (rather e-mail at marketing approach using video e-mail, We experienced strong penetration from it’s an opportunity to communicate with that 3. Revolutionize the Car voice broadcasting and text messaging has this “intro to service” campaign. Customers customer and get them into the dealership. Buying Experience helped us hit several milestones by enabling for whom we don’t have an e-mail address The majority of our customers appreciate this A dealership’s Web site hits can be a huge us to touch all of our customers. are sent a pre-recorded voice broadcast non-intrusive approach. contributor to total sales in the dealership. 12 13
  • 13. sts fos ls ms sf fis DavidKain marketing solution Want to Sell More Online - Just Follow Your Customers Lead One certain aspect managers would suggest that discrediting to schedule a test drive then we are missing of the Internet is the these online sources is not a fruitful approach. the mark and frustrating the consumer. Many fact that it is a highly It is far better to acknowledge that you would consumers suggest that their frustration with personal medium do the same thing if you were shopping for automotive shopping online is that the sales which allows the a vehicle, and that you respect the fact that person did not answer their questions. The user to customize the they were trying to gain knowledge about the Cobalt Group released a major study in 2006 experience to their specific needs. Unlike vehicle they were interested in. that suggested that response times were down television, which presents programming in but fewer customers were satisfied with the preset time slots unless you have TiVo or Be glad that they visited these sites and still responses from dealers in the study because DVR capability, the Internet allows you to submitted a request or called you about your they did not answer their questions. select the activity you want when you want vehicle because it means your brand survived it. When you want to watch or read the the first cut in the shopping process and is It is important to remember that not every news, you may do so at the time you prefer still under consideration. I like to use the online shopper is looking for a price quote. through a multitude of sources. If you want phrase, “Great, I am glad you were wise and With used vehicles, most listings already entertainment, you can watch videos or read used those sources to learn more about the provide a selling price and the typical stories; if you want to view sports or study vehicle. Please bring that information with questions are “do you still have it?” and history, you can do so with just a few clicks. you when you come in for your appointment “does it have the options I am looking for?” The Internet has become what I like to call and we can go over it together.” The key When you receive an electronic lead, be “MeTV.” The Internet user has all the options is to use the information to your advantage sure to read the details and then go online and freely exercises them. No more do they and get the customer to come in to the and follow the path that your customer have to wait for “details at 11.” dealership. You would be surprised at the took so you can understand what prompted quality of the information on these sites if them to click submit. This will give you the Following Your Customers Lead you clicked around on them yourself and, knowledge you need to formulate a customer Understanding and respecting how more surprising, is the fact that they actually focused response that meets their needs and, automotive shoppers use the Internet will price vehicles at a level that most dealers ultimately, meets your needs. This can be give you a tremendous advantage when you would be glad to accept. Some dealers use done in a matter of seconds and will make respond to their inquiry. Web site statistics the Kelley Blue Book or Edmunds price as you stand out in the crowd of other sales will show that most automotive prospects an advantage and let the customer know their people who may not be willing to understand shop for vehicles using a variety of sources, vehicles are in line with these online sources. what the customer is asking. but most customers eventually touch base What is most important is that you do not with the leading consumer education Web just dismiss these sources as irrelevant and The Internet provides many clues for sales sites. These consumer education Web sites inaccurate because most online shoppers people if they are willing to use them. I used are set up to provide automotive shoppers appreciate what they offer and if you talk bad to ask my customers to “tell me how you like with all the information they need to make about them it only hurts your opportunity. to purchase a vehicle and then I will meet informed buying decisions. your needs.” This worked more often than Where Did the Lead Come From? not and allowed them to know that I had their Often times, I hear sales people criticize When responding to a lead that came in via best interest in mind. The Internet shopper is shoppers for visiting these sites, and the Web, one of the first things you need to telling you what is most important to them sometimes the reaction, even to the customer check is where it came from. This important with their online shopping path and all you by phone or in person, is that the sites are not step will allow you to understand what was need to do is take a few moments to research credible and the information they provide on your prospect’s mind when they clicked their clicks. Give it a try next time. I promise is not correct. Before there was the Internet the submit key and sent their personal it will help you sell more vehicles. there were banks, credit unions, libraries, contact information your way. I like to find consumer magazines and even “advisors.” out if they clicked “request a quote,” “more David Kain is the automotive Internet All of these sources provided insight to the information,” “value my trade,” “schedule a training specialist at Kain Automotive, Inc. consumer to assist them the same way the test drive,” or even “make an offer” because He can be contacted at 800.385.0095, or by Internet sources do today. My experience and it determines how I respond. If we respond e-mail at, or the experience of many successful Internet with a price quote to someone who wanted visit 14
  • 14.
  • 15. sts fos ls ms sf fis JeffMorrill sales and training solution Common Objections and What to Do With Them Here’s the technique, 2. Ask questions to understand the objection. the gap between our monthly payment and with the example “I “When you say that you want to think about your monthly budget, would that allow you want to think about it”: it, what will you be considering?” to write an order with us today?” 1. Acknowledge. “I can 3. Isolate the objection. “Other than the cost, Suggestions for Other Common Objections: understand why you is there any other reason that would hold you feel the need to think on it overnight. Buying back from writing an order with us today?” 1. This is the first place I’ve looked and I a car is a big purchase and, if I were you, I don’t want to rush in. “If you lost your keys wouldn’t want to make a mistake.” 4. Be a problem solver. “If we could narrow and you found them in the first place you looked, would you keep looking? (Thanks to Joe Verde, the Jedi Master, for this one.) COMMUNICATE WITH 2. I need a day to consider all this. “It sounds like what you’re saying is that you want to own the car but you don’t want to wake YOUR CUSTOMERS up and feel bad about it tomorrow. What could we do today so you didn’t feel bad tomorrow?” EASILY AND EFFECTIVELY 3. I just need to think about it. “Most everybody feels anxiety when they’re on the With Marketview360’s innovative and emerging applications: edge of a big decision. One of the reasons I’m • Target Mail here is to help you work through the anxiety today so you can begin enjoying your new • Target Voice car and end all the worrying about what to • Target Text do. What’s on your mind? What would make you feel more comfortable? • Target Email 4. I need to check with my credit union. • Email Discovery and more… “What do you need to check on? We have much of that information here, and excellent THIS MONTH TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EMAIL financing through a variety of lenders. With DISCOVERY AT A SPECIAL DISCOUNT. that information, would you be able to write an order with us?” WORK SMARTER, MARKET SMARTER Tips: 1. Let the customer talk, listen carefully and ask clarifying questions. It’s much easier to The Most Intelligent Multi-channel Marketing System On The Planet solve a price objection, for instance, if you know whether you have a new car price 1.866.591.4238 issue, a trade issue or a payment issue. 2. Remember that it takes multiple closing questions before most customers finally agree to buy, so don’t be afraid to be professionally persistent. If someone just took two hours of your time, you’re entitled to some answers about why they don’t feel comfortable buying yet. 3. After you overcome an objection, ask for the order. Don’t wait for the customer to come up with additional objections. Jeff Morrill is co-owner of Planet Subaru in Hanover, Mass., and Planet Chrysler Jeep Dodge in Franklin, Mass. He can be contacted at 866.872.8699, or by e-mail at 16
  • 16. sts fos ls ms sf fis CraigCriswell sales and training solution Endless Learning - The Key to Anti-Aging Never stopping the effects on the brain were inevitable. learning process, However, these recent findings offer always keeping the hope to maintaining lifelong mental mind open to new health. The Alzheimer’s Association ideas and keeping that now sponsors “Maintain Your Brain” thirst for discovering workshops throughout the country, something new could be a key to staying encouraging people to stay physically young. There are numerous articles and and intellectually active. The workshop studies out now validating this very idea. advises people to “enroll in courses at your local adult education center, The degeneration of the brain is far from community college or other community inevitable. “Its design features are such group.” that it should continue to function for Ongoing Learning Increases Longevity, a lifetime,” says Zaven Khachaturian, Gabby Hyman Ph.D., director of the Alzheimer’s Association’s Ronald and Nancy One should never stop learning. Keeping Reagan Research Institute. . . So what’s your mind open to options does not mean you the secret to keeping our brains agile have to take every thought and act upon it. and fit? Activity seems to be the key. But by spending the time, effort and money In fact, mental and physical challenges to learn, to educate oneself on the new and are both strongly connected to cerebral different will allow for more intelligent fitness. Education also seems to enhance decisions about the direction to take. Chance brain function. favors the prepared mind. One can research Making our Minds Last, Katherine new ideas, new ways of doing business, new Grieder, Jill Niemark, Psychology methods for attacking everyday challenges Today so that when an opportunity does present itself, they will be ready. The brain is like a muscle: Use it or lose it. Today’s research offers evidence Think about how this applies to your showing that taking steps to protect your business. If you have reached a sense of brain can prevent a decreased memory comfort in your position or your business it and slowed wit. Mental exercise is may keep you from learning and expanding. crucial. It begins when parents read to Remember, chance favors the prepared their children. But it is never too late to mind. stimulate the brain. Medical World Search, Ifay Chang, As an example, what do you know about the Ph.D following Internet marketing topics: • Blogging – Do you blog? Maybe you How often in the automotive world have we should. become complacent in our belief we have • Podcasting – Ready for primetime? a thorough knowledge of our business? Do • RSS Feeds – The wick has been lit. we challenge ourselves by trying to learn • Viral Marketing – One to many, not more about that which is unfamiliar to us one to one. – such as uses for the Internet, how an online • White Hat – An ethical hacker? customer thinks, what it takes to be at the top of a search engine or a myriad of other topics Find an Internet topic, an online skill, an related to the new online world? area of virtual knowledge unfamiliar to you and do the research to learn more about it. Education may be the long-sought-after Expand your mind and keep yourself young. fountain of youth. After decades of studies, researchers continue to find that those who keep their minds engaged in active education live longer and stave Craig Criswell is the Internet director for off the ravages of aging, such as memory O’Rielly Chevrolet in Tucson, AZ and the loss and lethargy. . . Only two decades president of Internet Certified Dealer. He ago, most physicians and researchers can be contacted at 866.440.4301, or by e- felt that aging and its deleterious mail at the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional 17
  • 17. SUMMIT VI BEST PRACTICES LEADERSHIP • INTERNET • CRM • MARKETING • BDC • SALES Todd Bennett - General Manager, Bruce Bennett Nissan Red McCombs Automotive Group - Tony Rimas Connecticut’s #1 volume Nissan Dealer will share best practices for BDC process, Internet process, sales process, You will learn how to expand your Internet department through creative inventory presentation, strategic pricing, and the best trained sales and service team, customer relationships and a passion for making money. Nissan Owner aggregation techniques. Then convert this added demand to sales through tactical lead allocation, superior staffing First Award dealer since 2000 and three times in that time period won the most prestigious Circle of Excellence and recruiting. Last, you will be advised on vendor selection to satisfy your dealership and market needs. award both based on customer satisfaction. We have out sold every Nissan dealer in Connecticut, and the surrounding New York counties for the last 4 years doing business out of Georgetown, Connecticut. I will show you how we do it and answer your questions. David Thomas - Owner, Subaru of Dallas Vice President of Sales, BZ Results - Eric Stuttz Power Prospecting covers 4 key areas. The 4 W’s...When, What, Who and Where, to effectively prospect in Sell more cars, keep more customers PROFITABLY! You will learn how to use technology and training that today’s super competitive market. When is the best, most effective time to contact a prospect, a be back, and/or a works together to attract, sell and keep customers loyal to the dealership. I will talk about systems that include referral for maximum results. There is a right and a wrong time to call a prospect! What is the most effective style automated marketing tools for direct mail, bulk e-mail, multi-media e-mails, automated phone campaigns, Web and way to communicate as well as tips to get past the “gatekeepers”. Who are our best prospects, and how to site development, virtual test drives, and marketing campaigns that include high-end custom presentations that identify them and their sphere of influence, who has the best chance of buying from you? Where do we get our highlight the reasons why your customers should be doing business with you instead of the competition. These best prospects and referral opportunities? Where are they working, dining, living and relaxing? Where will your systems will help dealers customize their business plan, strategy, people and processes to ensure that the system time be best spent? Now that the Internet has changed our entire business model, we must get back to some gets the results they want. “grass roots marketing” to stay competitive. I preach the basics. This coupled with an effective Internet strategy will keep your sales growing. Joe Shuster - General Manager, Hillside Honda in Queens, New York Co-founder and Chairman, vAuto - Dale Pollak A dominant BDC is one of the best tools your dealership can have to pull customers into your showroom and Every dealer knows a car bought right is a car half sold. Dale will discuss the methods many of the most increase your bottom line. Joe Shuster, general manager of the highly successful Hillside Honda of Queens, New successful dealerships across America have used to improve pre-owned vehicle department profitability. This York, will discuss how he and his staff have implemented Hillside’s business development system, and what kind session will illustrate the underlying principle that profit is dependent on turn, and turn is sensitive to “equity” or how of growth it has generated. Joe will discuss the importance of your BDC, how to implement a BDC quickly and you own your vehicles. By managing equity, pre-owned inventory turn will increase. effectively, hiring and training the right people for your BDC and setting up the proper processes and systems to Dale will discuss the importance of financial awareness during the acquisition, wholesale disposition, give your dealership and edge over your competitors. reconditioning, pricing and desking processes along with three killer strategies for improving pre-owned sales in the internet era. In this session you will learn how to: Apply financial discipline; Price for today’s consumer; Adopt cutting-edge merchandising techniques. Attend this session and you’ll never manage age again. Call today to register. Seating is limited. Speakers and times subject to change. toll free: 866.432.8718 web:
  • 18. SUMMIT VI BEST PRACTICES LEADERSHIP • INTERNET • CRM • MARKETING • BDC • SALES Howard Polirer - Director of Industry Relations, Director of industry relations,, Howard Polirer will teach you how to market and sell more cars online in this Best Practices Summit VI workshop. It’s time to get back into the car business. Don’t let technology dictate how you do your business, rather let technology help you to sell more cars and make more money. Today’s consumers are all considered Internet consumers and are armed with more information. However, if they can’t see your cars online, they won’t click on them. And if they don’t click on them, they won’t buy them. It’s time to get online. Advertising online is less expensive, but that doesn’t mean you need to abandon all other mediums. Take a holistic approach – when advertising in newspapers, TV or radio, be sure to direct consumers to your online, virtual showroom. It’s time to move shoppers from your virtual showroom to your real showroom. After all, people still buy cars from people. Entice shoppers through your ads – use multiple photos, tell the car’s story through ad copy, and include an action item. Use measurement tools like a Webtrends report to evaluate the clicks on your inventory or the activity on your site. This Best Practices Summit VI will teach you about today’s consumer, incorporating the Internet in your advertising mix, your in-store processes, and how to sell more cars and make more money. Michael York - Author and Professional Speaker Welcome to the most sophisticated marketplace the world has ever known! How will you win? In this “show” you’ll find out why MOTIVATION is one of the biggest wastes of time and energy for selling organizations, and what you should be focused on to win. Plus…Why sales training doesn’t work! The “BIG LIE” of selling! The 3 WAYS to grow YOUR selling revenues! Why so many talented people are BROKE and what to do about it! Why “time management” is a waste of time! Why 98 percent of sales people don’t really know how to set goals (until NOW)! Why “informal education” is available to EVERYONE who wants to win! And what does BECOMING UNCOMMON really mean? Find out why COMMON is well, common. And how you and your organization can stand out in this economy as UNCOMMON simply by doing a few things better than you are now! Don’t miss this session packed with UNCOMMON wisdom as only the entertaining MICHAEL YORK can deliver it! Bryan Hopkins - BDC/Internet Director, Hare Auto Group You will learn how the Hare Auto Group in one month increased Internet sales 438 percent. Sales went from 18 to 79 in one month. You will learn how Hare increased its closing ratio from 7 percent to 15 percent in just that one month. You will learn how Hare Auto uses a well-trained and dedicated Internet staff to set appointments on 28 percent of its leads. You will learn how builds value in their products and dealership, generating a 53 percent close ratio on appointments that show. You will learn strategies on how to keep customers on your Web site and how to generate leads from customers from your Web site. You will learn how to find your best Internet process, and create a process-driven team. You will learn the importance of having daily, weekly, and monthly goals. You will learn how to increase your lead conversion rates from your Web site. You will learn how to customize your Web site to your market conditions. How to use innovative technology to identify, attract and retain loyal customers. How to use your Virtual Dealership to create a profit center from sales to F&I to service and parts. Learn how to use your Web site to help increase your sales and service CSI. toll free: 866.432.8718 web:
  • 19. sts fos ls ms sf fis TonyRimas marketing solution How We Used Centralized Marketing to Quadruple Closing Ratios Red McCombs effectiveness of each medium and campaign, capabilities. We can easily identify which is capitalizing on deliver a consistent advertising message in tactics are attracting the most visitors and centralized marketing all of our ad copy, and, most importantly, whether or not the visitors request additional strategies to increase we were able to reduce advertising costs. information and eventually enter the buying closing ratios from Our newspaper, television, radio and direct process. With our fully automated CRM three percent up to 19 mail campaigns now include our URL as the BuzzTrak tool, we are able to integrate and percent and to sell up to 500 online vehicles per primary point of contact. Through our web of measure all of our marketing mediums and month. With the evolution of both marketing microsites and landing pages, we are able to centralize the entire process. and technology, Red McCombs needed to find channel and direct consumers to our Web site a means to leverage the full potential of both in which enables us to more effectively analyze All dealerships, regardless of size, are driven by order to maintain our top position in our region. and manage our leads. We also enhanced the need to maintain a competitive edge and to There were many reasons for our dealership to our search marketing campaigns, and have more profitably manage customer interaction consolidate our marketing strategies in order to seen immediate and significant results. By and customer experience. By centralizing all of create a centralized marketing approach. With centralizing our marketing strategies we are our marketing mediums, we channeled all leads the help of our digital marketing consultants, able to measure and track results and ROI of to our Web site marketing hub, RedMcCombs. Red McCombs was able to customize a marketing with our CRM lead management com, to effectively manage, measure and track centralized approach that incorporated the tool. We have seen an increase in traffic, but their profitability while reducing advertising traditional media of advertising along with our most importantly an increase in the amount costs. Our digital marketing system, working eCommerce strategy. of visitors we are converting to leads and with our traditional marketing, continues to subsequently into sales. provide Red McCombs with everything we This strategy was the solution for Red need to attract, sell and keep loyal customers. McCombs to efficiently manage and measure With our management tool we are able to The proof is in our results. our marketing campaigns. Centralized effectively track all of our advertising efforts marketing provides a central point of by assigning a unique toll-free number to all Tony Rimas is the eCommerce director at connection between marketing efforts and advertising campaigns. Each campaign is Red McCombs. He can be contacted at sales. By centralizing our marketing strategy, assigned a unique tracking number, which 866.439.4672, or by e-mail at we were able to accurately track and measure provides us with instant tracking and reporting the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional 21
  • 20. sts fos ls ms sf fis leadership solution JoeShuster Believe About 10 years ago, were successful, you understand the concept for them. It’s your responsibility to convey I had the opportunity of believing: believing in yourself, in your that to them, and if you can’t, you won’t lead to catch up with my team and in the philosophy. for long. I believe one of the reasons Hillside high school basketball has bucked many trends over the years is coach. We had a great Every business book I have ever read has because of our family-type environment. time reminiscing about described the best investment you can make is People in this store care for each other and great victories, tough losses and the team investing in yourself. At Hillside Honda, we do what they can to be helpful. that to this day has a special place in my stress that daily. There is no stock, property, heart. We talked for a good hour or so before mutual fund or anything else that can Finally, believing in the system is especially my coach asked me a question that made me outperform you. At Hillside we stress mind, important when it comes to your career. At think. He asked me what the most important body and soul. Are you feeding your head Hillside Honda our daily training includes lesson I learned was from playing with that with good information, or are you caught up sales philosophy training. Over the years, team. I’ve never been one to be tongue-tied worrying about everyone else’s business? I have heard many retail automobile sales but I was thrown off a bit. After careful Are you reading positive material so you people and leaders referring to the “tire thought, I answered, “to win.” I did not fully can move forward in life, professionally and kicker.” After 16 years in this business, understand then but I could tell the answer personally? Are you taking care of your I still can honestly say I have not met this didn’t satisfy my coach. body - exercising daily, feeding it good person. At Hillside Honda we stress and stuff, not smoking, drinking, using drugs, train, people come to this store for one There are a lot of ingredients involved in etc.? The body has been compared to a reason and one reason only: to find a sales winning. At Hillside Honda, one of our keys temple, and I like that analogy. Finally, your person to sell them a car. That’s it - not to to success is our belief system. The store soul - are you a happy individual, are your look, not to tire you out and not to waste has a tremendous history and a winning relationships pure, are you an individual your time. They are looking for someone track record. Training is a religion at that can sleep comfortably at night because to sell them the car they want. In addition, Hillside Honda. So much so, many talented you know you’ve conducted yourself as a our daily training reminds retail automobile individuals have gone on and graduated from gentleman or lady? Are your relationships sales people that customers come here 99 this system to become leaders throughout the with your wife, husband, kids, family and percent of the time because they want a car, industry. The philosophy of believing is a friends healthy and positive, or are they filled not need a car. The American public loves three-part initiative. If you have ever played with problems, lies and deceit? Life is too automobiles. That knowledge is extremely team sports in high school or college and short to live this way. Invest in you on every important for sale reps to know but, more level. At Hillside Honda we firmly believe it importantly, to understand. Understanding is our responsibility to stress that there is no that and believing in the system your leaders better investment than the one you make in have set up will do you wonders. yourself. Hillside Honda is a great place to learn, I loved playing team ball because it taught make money and enjoy the car business. In me that I needed people in my life to win. As addition, it’s the belief of the leaders in our a retail automobile sales man, believing in corporation that makes sure that everyone the leadership is paramount to your success. understands what the best investment is, how At Hillside Honda, we are fortunate that the important teammates are and the positive sales reps understand that management’s sole philosophy that guides us every day. function is to help them. I recently told one of my newest leaders in the sales department that sales people have to feel that you care Joe Shuster is the general manager about them. They have to know that you will of Hillside Honda, located in Queens, From left to right - Jeremy Abramson, Sales protect them, assist them and are there for New York. He can be contacted at Manager; Joe Shuster, General Manager; them when they need you. It’s imperative; 866.440.3445, or by e-mail at and Peter Petito, Sales Manager they have to know you would lay it down Muzak? Come on...get SIRIUS! BUSINESS 69 channels from just $24.95 per month. 800.741.AMTC(2682) No commercials. No contract. 22