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 Automotive Consulting Company
     Selecting a Reliable Direct Mail
     Provider That Produces Results
     Tony Cantrell

    Start 2005 Off Strong
    It’s Working Around the Country
    Direct Mail Delivers Results
    See What Proven Direct Mail Promotions Have Done For...
    Landmark Chevrolet - Houston, TX
    Bill Heard Chevrolet Dealerships - Nationwide
    Champion Toyota - Austin, TX
    Gurley Leep Automotive Group
    Planet Ford - Houston, TX
December 2004                                                    Selling Appointments, Not Cars
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                                                                    Selecting the Right Car 100
                                                                            Percent of the Time
                                                                        Get Rich Your Own Way
a division of Systems Marketing, Inc.
Tuesday, 12:35pm

          When your credit union’s out of reach,

           Chrysler Financial’s on hand.      With Chrysler Financial, what you get is a
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                                              your dealership. To learn more about our
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                                              Forty years of finance.
                                              Forty years of loyalty.

                                              F i n a n c i n g yo u r i nve s t m e n t .

                                              A member of the DaimlerChrysler Services Group
 8           Avoid America’s Favorite Pastime                                                                                                                                                                               Zig Ziglar
 9           Customer Retention                                                                                                                                                                                      Kirk Manzo
10           The MagniÞcent Game of Skill                                                                                                                                                                      Michael York
12           Proven Ways to be Unique
             and Innovative in Today’s Market                                                                                                                                                                 Chris Hanson
13           The Seven Golden Nuggets for Handling Objections
             & Selecting the Right Car 100 Percent of the Time                                                                                                                                                         Kyle Miller
14           Understand your Sales People,
             Before You Start to Train Them                                                                                                                                                                     Carol Martin
16           Selecting a Reliable Direct Mail
             Provider That Produces Results                                                                                                                                                                  Tony Cantrell
18           Selling Appointments, Not Cars                                                                                                                                                                   Anthony Hall
20           Getting Rich Your Own Way                                                                                                                                                                              Brian Tracy
21           How to Measure e-Newsletter Results                                                                                                                                                               David A. Fish
22           Character Counts                                                                                                                                                                       Sean WolÞngton
23           Packing GAP: A Big Risk for an Easy Sell                                                                                                                                              Tony Dupaquier
24           America’s Oldest Transportation Company
             The History of W. Hare & Son, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                   Patrick Luck
26           Make Every Conversation a Sales Call                                                                                                                                                           Peter deLisser

                                                                                                                                                  Psalms 145: 17 - 21
                                                                                                                                                  The Lord is just in all his ways,
                                                                                                                                                   and kind in all his doings.
                                    Success Driven Solutions                                                                                      The Lord is near to all who call upon
                                                                                                                                                   to all who call upon him in truth.
                                                                                                                                                  He fulfils the desire of all who fear
                                                                                                                                                   he also hears their cry, and saves
756 South 1st Street, Suite 202 Louisville, Kentucky 40202                                                                                           them.
        ! Toll Free: 877.818.6620 " Facsimile: 502.588.3170                                                                                       The Lord preserves all who love
Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher                                                            Courtney Hill
•                                                   Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                                                                                                   but all the wicked he will destroy
                                                                               •                                          My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord,
Susan Goodman, Vice President                                                                                                                        and let all flesh bless his holy name
•                                                                                                                         for ever and ever.
Thomas Williams, Creative Director

AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky, 40202; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or$75peryear.AutoSuccesswelcomesunsolicitededitorialsandgraphics(notresponsiblefortheirreturn).Allsubmittededitorialsandgraphicsaresubjecttoeditingforgrammar,content,andpagelength.AutoSuccess
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Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky 40202.
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                                   Amazing marketing “tool” helps Dealers and
                                General Managers who use direct mail increase
                                                their net profits 30% to 100%!
                         Are your direct       gives you huge marketing advantages           But J&L can, and J&L does. Our statistics
                         mail promotions       over all your competitors.                    tell us that for the last 3.5 million pieces
                         producing                                                           of mail delivered, the Response Analysis
                         consistent and        Now, you’ve heard the cliché…                 has helped our dealer clients sell an
                         improving             Information is what? Right. Information       average of 33 cars for every 10,000
results or are they falling short of your      is power. If you could look back upon         pieces of mail delivered!
expectations and declining with each           the history of thousands of promotions,
promotion? Most dealers who use direct         examine the mailing lists, read over the      The Response Analysis is the most
mail are still searching for the elusive       direct mail letters, track what worked,       powerful marketing tool in automotive
combination that produced record-              what didn’t, who bought, who didn’t,          advertising today. Find out why
breaking results like their Þrst direct mail   and why… would this be powerful               J&L’s dealership response rates
promotion.                                     information to you?                           have increased 72% in the last two
                                                                                             years. This combined with unequaled
The number one objection we hear when          The reality is every direct mail promotion    professionalism and customer support is
prospecting for new dealer clients is that     produces both good and bad results. The       why 94% of all J&L customers continue
direct mail doesn’t work anymore. When         problem is being able to easily recognize     their relationship with us for years.
we ask why most dealers say, “My market        which is which. That problem is solved!
is saturated” or “It only attracts gift        Now you can have all the information          Just ask them for yourself. Rick Hillman
seekers” or “The people who respond are        you need to ensure success at the touch of    from Hollingsworth Mazda says, “J&L
not buyers.”                                   a button.                                     Marketing’s direct mail program is the
                                                                                             most cost-efÞcient form of advertising
I agree with all these reasons because         Imagine being able to know immediately        that I have seen in the thirty years that
if a direct mail promotion is not well         which market areas produce results            I’ve been in the car business.”
thought out from start to Þnish it will not    that exceed your expectations and more
work. This brings up a question! And the       importantly which ones to avoid. Simply       Pat Fogerty from Classic Toyota says,
question is…                                   asking the computer… “How do we               “We have used J&L Marketing for years
                                               generate more trafÞc and sell more cars?”     because of their continual support and
How can you eliminate all the elements         J&L’s proprietary Response Analysis           excellent results. This is an invaluable
of a promotion that do not give you the        System directs us toward those activities     service.”
return on investment you need and at the       that bring success, and away from those
same time improve on the aspects that          that don’t. We reÞne the offers, prices,      Billy Gordon from Patrick Chevrolet
produce exactly what you want? That’s          strategies, locations, and even the days of   says, “We have been running with J&L
the real question isn’t it? If you could       the week that bring the highest return.       Marketing for four years, and we can
invest advertising dollars only where                                                        attribute more sales to them than any
you see great results and eliminate what       Our analysis allows us to produce ever-       other form of advertising. J&L is the most
doesn’t work, how many more cars could         increasing levels of success. Since the       professional company I’ve worked with
you sell? How much money would you             market is a lot smarter than we are,          since I began in the car business 18 years ago.”
make?                                          we don’t go by hunches, opinions, or
                                               gut feelings about how to improve             You too can start experiencing
I’ve invested a small fortune to develop       performance. We rely solely on the            consistent results from the most
the marketing “tool” that will provide         numbers to tell us “where to from here.”      professional marketing company
you the information that is necessary                                                        right now by contacting my ofÞce at
to produce the results you really want         How can anyone make recommendations           866.856.6782 and asking for Lisa Wilson.
and could quite possibly increase your         to you without the validation of facts,       Or e-mail her at: lwilson@jandlmarket
sales with each promotion from this day        statistics and numbers? How can anyone As soon as you contact us we
forward. J&L Marketing is the only Þrm         implement a growth strategy based             will begin to create a growth strategy
with this unique capability. It allows us      on hunches and guesses, rather than           unique to your organization, producing
to research and analyze your promotions        this powerful analysis program? It’s          more proÞt, more volume, and more
from over 100 different perspectives and       obvious…they can’t.                           satisÞed customers.

sts      ms        ls     fis       lr
    sales and training solution

                             Avoid America’s Favorite Pastime
                      What is America’s         them to schools and to seminars and to        world. We all need to avoid the pastime of
                      favorite pastime?         educate them. Once they are better, we will   transference of blame.
                                                get better. Once they are great, our lives
                      Some people would         will be great. No, I don’t think so.          If it is to be it is up to me.
                      have you think it is
                                                                                              Zig Ziglar is the Chairman of the Board of
                      baseball. Afterall, it    You know that it doesn’t work that way. We    ZiglarTraining Systems in Dallas, TX. He
is called the “National Pastime.” True, a       must stop blaming others. We must stand       can be contacted at 866.873.0026, or by
lot of people attend all types of baseball      on our own and make our own way in this       email at
games…from little league to major league
games. Some people think baseball is a bit
slow. Someone once said that baseball is 15
minutes of action packed into three hours!
Some people believe golf is the national
pastime. It certainly has continued to gain
popularity and participants over the years.
I am proud to say that recently I shot my
                                                       DEALERS MUST BE
age on the golf course. That’s not too
impressive until you realize that it only
took me 14 holes to do.                                 ON TELEVISION!
 We are                                                   See why over 100 dealers nationwide have
 responsible for
 our success and                                          INCREASED SALES MORE THAN 30% IN
 our mistakes.                                            LESS THAN 90 DAYS WITH TELEVISION!
There is another pastime that Americans are                                      We produce nearly 4,000 commercials
crazy about. And, sales people have it down
to a science. Despite its popularity, this
                                                                                 a year from our studios. We give you
pastime should be avoided at all times.                                          unlimited, high quality television campaigns
                                                                                 and promotions FREE. With computerized
It is called “transference of blame.” It is                                      media buying technology, we buy television as
easy to blame others for our condition, our
problems, our state in life. We do it all the
                                                                                 much as 30%-40% more effectively than any
time:                                                                            media buyer in the nation and give you

  “Boss, it’s not my fault the customer
                                                                                 UNLIMITED TV CAMPAIGNS
  didn’t buy. I showed up at 1:45 … for                                          AND PROMOTIONS!
  the 1:30 appointment.”                                                         Call for a FREE demo tape and information.
Of course it’s not our fault that we do this.
The blame goes to Adam and Eve. They
started it all. God asked Adam if he’d eaten
the fruit. Adam said, “Lord, let me tell you
                                                                       Larry John Wright, Inc.
about that woman you gave me.” Eve said it
was the serpent’s fault … and we all know                              Automotive Advertising
that the snake didn’t have a leg to stand on.
                                                        “America’s Premier Automotive Advertising Agency”
We are responsible for our thoughts and
our actions. We are responsible for our
hits and our misses. We are responsible for
our success and our mistakes. If others are
responsible for our success, then we need
to invest in those people. We need to send
   8                                                                             subscribe today at
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    sales and training solution

                                Customer Retention
                      How do your sales           but not exclusive. Buys from the
                      people stay in touch        competition as well as from you.
                      with their previously
                      sold customers?             Non-Participating:        Made        a
                                                  singular purchase. That’s it. No repeat
                     If they are like many        business nor any referrals.
sales people, their follow-up is suspect.
At best, sales people have an erratic           Once the customer base has been
and inconsistent approach. Consider a           reclassified into the above categories, sales
different way of looking at previously sold     people should start to re-contact the highest
customers.                                      category, Relationship Customers first. The
                                                intent should be to speak via telephone
If you needed to purchase additional life       with these customers three to four times
insurance, have your taxes done, or get your    annually.
suit cleaned and pressed, I would imagine
you don’t go running around looking for         In order to accomplish this let’s do some
a new insurance agent, accountant, or dry       quick math to determine what it will take to
cleaner. We all have people who cut our         accomplish this task.
lawns, clean our homes and offices, and
provide services for us on a regular basis.     Let’s use an average sales person that has
You don’t think about who will handle these     worked at the dealership for five years.
needs for us, we call our guy/gal, and he/she
takes care of it.                                  10-12 units per month would mean
                                                   approximately 500-600 customers.
Previously sold customers need to think of
their sales person as “their guy or gal” who       500     customers       times       four
takes care of helping them with purchasing         conversations      equals          2000
a new car. In order to elevate your sales          conversations annually.
people to that status with their customers,
they must stay in contact with them on a        Do you think in today’s busy society, a sales
regular and consistent basis. Even with the     person may need to call a previous customer
best of intentions for most customers, out of   more than once to actually get them on the
sight means out of mind.                        telephone and have a conversation? Would
                                                three to four times seem realistic? It should.
Many of you remember Joe Gerrard for his
World Record Sales achievements. One            Now we are talking about 6000-7000 calls
simple principle he used to stay in contact     per year. Monthly that would mean 500
with his customers was to send them a card      plus calls per month or approximately 25
every month. December was a Holiday             outbound calls every day (20 work days)
card, January Happy New Year, March St.         to have five to seven conversations per day.
Patrick’s, etc and each card read inside I      So ask yourself, how many of your sales
LIKE YOU, a simple yet effective gesture.       people are really staying in touch with their
He would send out upwards of 13,000 cards       previous customers?
each month.
                                                Realize if you have 10 and 15 year veterans
The best way to begin a reconnection            at your store the numbers are two to three
campaign for each sales person is to first       times this example.
classify all previously sold customers into
one of three categories.

  Relationship Customers: Exclusive,
                                                Kirk Manzo is the General Manager
  they call you first every time.                at Ziegler Supersystems. He can be
                                                contacted at 800.610.9047, or by email at
  Participating    Customers:      Repeat

december 2004                                                                                         9
sts       ms       ls      fis      lr
     sales and training solution

                                     The MagniÞcent Game of Skill
                       It’s a numbers game.      in a game, but makes home runs and big         top performers. Whether it’s golf, or
                       Ever hear that one? A     hits out of a select number of pitches. It’s   baseball, or selling. The skills, study, and
                       delivery truck driver     what he does with the quality of pitches,      commitment to becoming one of the best
                       or a car salesman,        not just the quantity. So that blows up the    and becoming known as a top performer.
                       each could say the        “just a numbers game” theory, right?           Someone (maybe you) the team counts on,
                       same thing. It’s all                                                     and has confidence in, to deliver.
about the numbers. But in neither case           We hear players called “students of the
would it be the truth.                           game.” And that gives us a big clue to         Let this be an encouragement to each of
                                                 becoming one of the best in any game.          you. To keep going. And a congratulations
Fact is, numbers are a part of every game.       Thinking and studying with a purpose,          to many of you. For raising the bar on your
It’s how we keep score. It’s how we count        and a focus on becoming better at your         expectations. For raising the level of your
the score and what we get credit for when        position. Improving in your position, and      commitment. For raising the level of your
we score, in most any game.                      how you contribute to the team. In his         performance and your production. And
                                                 book “Good to Great”, Jim Collins calls it,    for raising your status in the eyes of your
But in the profession of selling. It’s so much   “What you can do potentially better than       managers and your teammates and your
more than just a numbers game. Most would        anyone else.”                                  customers.
have you think it’s all about the numbers.
See more and be more and make more.              How do you individually feel about your        Big is available. Not everyone can be Tiger
Remember, our goal is not just the common        position? Good or great?                       Woods or Barry Bonds. But anyone can
and ordinary, but thinking differently and       How do you feel about the kind of              become a student of the game and raise
uncommon execution.                              contribution you make to the team? Is it       your personal level of performance.
                                                 your best effort? Your best performance?
If that were true then we could go out back      Are you a student of the game? A student       It’s not just a “numbers game” but there
with 10,000 balls and in a few days you’d        of the opponents you’ll face this week         are numbers that get us excited. Trends,
be Tiger Woods or Barry Bonds. We both           and how you can best win? Are you a            indicators,    movement,    improvement,
know how ridiculous it is to think that          competitor? Or are you just relying on         percentages…they all tell a story. The
simply hitting more balls makes you a            numbers or experience to get you through       excitement of a story builds, when the
better hitter.                                   the next at bat? How do your customers         numbers show momentum, an “above
                                                 feel about your performance?                   average” performance against the industry
 While many would                                And then, there’s the law of averages. The
                                                                                                and against the competition and yes, even
                                                                                                against ourselves.
 have us be judged on                            numbers game, part two.
 “results”, we Þrst have                                                                        While many would have us be judged on
 to look for evidence.                           The Law of Averages says that for any          results, we first have to look for evidence.
 Before radical results                          “average” calculated there must be both        Before radical results can occur, there must
                                                 a low number or under-performance, and         be a trend of evidence.
 can occur, there must                           a higher number. Above the average,
 be a trend of evidence.                         over and above typical or predictable          That good things are happening, that
                                                 achievement.Which one are you?                 performances       are   improving,    that
And it’s just as ridiculous to think that                                                       individuals are responding, and the numbers
making more calls makes you a better             Chances are you’re both. Every performer       are changing…for the better.
selling professional. Whether it’s 10,000        has highs and lows. Every home run hitter
balls or 10,000 calls the real improvement       strikes out. Every winning QB throws           Ask the question to each individual on your
is in the individual and their performance.      touchdowns and incompletions and               team,“How’s the becoming going?” As we
                                                 interceptions. But not every player can be     head into a brand new year…Take some
That’s the you equation. Sure the numbers        counted on to come through with the big        time to review what you are doing, and
make up a big part of that equation, but         hit or the big TD in the clutch.What’s your    how you’re doing it. Ask yourself, “What
not in the way most people think. The            reputation? Is there a confidence, spoken or    have I learned and how am I applying it?”
performance is not just in the numbers           unspoken, throughout the team that when        Schedule some time with your manager(s)
but in the how. In the approach you take to      you step up… “Hey, it’s Barry…we’re            to talk about what you could be doing
becoming better as a performer.                  gonna get this one.”                           to improve your performance, and your
                                                                                                reputation as a performer.The marketplace
How did Barry Bonds become a world-              Or does the team hang their head knowing       will notice and pay you well for it. OK…
class, Hall-of-Fame hitter?                      that the “law of averages” is not in their     you’re up!
Just by taking lots of batting practice,         favor if winning rests on your shoulders?
day after day? So did the rest of his            If it’s the end of the month, and we need      Michael York is an Author and
teammates…and the rest of the league…            someone to come through, is it going to        Professional Speaker. He can be
and lots of players who didn’t make it into      be you?                                        contacted at 800.668.5015, or by email
the league. So that can’t be the answer. In                                                     at, or visit
fact, Barry actually gets less chances to hit    The magnificent games of skill need   

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                                                Sample Programming
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING                                                       M   “Your Dealership Service Contract Program: Keeping it a Profit Center”
M   “How To Sell A Car And Keep It Sold Part 1 - Noncompliant Paperwork:      M   “Proper Use of Starter Interrupt Devices in a Motor Vehicle Transaction”
     The Greatest Area of Legal Exposure in a Dealership”
                                                                              M   “Warranty Issues in a Motor Vehicle Transaction: Back to the Basics”
M   “How To Sell A Car And Keep It Sold Part 2 - Commencing the
     Customer Relationship”                                                   SPECIAL FEATURES
M   “IRS Bank Secrecy Act and Form 8300”                                      M   2004 NIADA Leadership Awards
M   “Vehicle Remarketing: Auctions and the Dealer”                            M   2004 NIADA Quality Dealer Awards
M   Preview “How To Break A Car Deal”                                         M   Legal, Legislative, Regulatory Affairs Forum
M   “Standardized Dealer Accounting Part 1 - Standardized                     M   Being Uncommon
     Accounting and the Financial Statement”
                                                                              M   Discover From Within
M   “Information Technologies and the Auto Dealer”
                                                                              M   Manheim Drive Center
M   “The Garage Liability Insurance Crisis”
                                                                              M   National Remarketing Conference
M   “How To Attract Lenders To Your Dealership”
M   “Incoming Call Part 1 - Putting More Fun Back Into                        NEWS
     Your Business (What the Receptionist Should Be Saying)”                  M   “Driving Business” (Monthly Industry News With Michael York)
                                                                                   Featuring Brad Todd the President of AFC (Automotive Finance Group)
M   “How to Best Serve the Hispanic Customer”
                                                                              M   “Legal, Legislative, Regulatory Review” (Monthly Review with Keith
M   “Complying With The FTC Used Car Rule”                                         Whann)
M   “How to Establish and Operate a Related Finance Company”                  M   “The Power of Association” (Monthly Association News Update with
M   “Steps to a Motor Vehicle Sale: A Review of the Forms                          Michael Linn)
     Involved in a Motor Vehicle Transaction”                                 M   “Fuel For Thought” (Monthly Dealer Operations Insight with D.J. Harrington)
M   Certified Master Dealer (CMD) Program Preview
M   How To Break A Car Deal (Q & A Session)                                   INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT
                                                                              M   ADESA Vehicle Donation Ceremony
M   “How To Sell A Car And Keep It Sold Part 3 - The Customer’s Test Drive”
                                                                              M   2004 Expo Vendor Highlights
M   “How To Sell A Car And Keep It Sold Part 4 - Privacy, The Patriot Act
     and Your Dealership”                                                     M   2004 NIADA Convention Highlights: Behind the Scenes
M   “How To Sell A Car And Keep It Sold Part 5 - The FTC Used Car Rule        M   NIADA At The Columbus Fair Auto Auction
     (Buyers Guide) and Related Warranty Issues”                              M   2004 NABD Highlights
M   “Incoming Call Part 2 - Watch Which Ear and Words You Use”                M   Dealer Education Opportunities
M   “Standardized Dealer Accounting Part 2 - Internal Controls in             M   The Car Counselor (with Keith Whann)
     the Dealership”

                                      For advertising opportunities, contact NIADA at 800.682.3837.
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               marketing solution

                                               Proven Ways to be Unique
                                        and Innovative in Today’s Market
                       I’d like to share a      I’m sorry. I didn’t introduce myself. My         and ask them to stop back in and just by
                       few tips and ideas       name is Chris.” (if you need to, be ready to     doing so, I have a special gift for them. In
                       I’ve learned that have   say) “and yours”? By introducing yourself        conjunction with my be-back CD, I have a
                       helped me advance        after the greeting they will better remember     very specific step by step follow up process
                       my career. These are     your name and you will remember their’s.         as well. Very new and innovative.
                       things I do everyday
 and most importantly, they work. I have        ProÞling                                         Does it work? Of all the people that have
 one goal I’m trying to achieve with every      The next step is the most important. At this     returned so far, only one did not purchase
 customer: what is the best vehicle for them    point I look at their current vehicle and        a car! Can I keep that up forever? No,
 that will fit their needs, budget and wants.    find out what they did last time. “What do        probably not, but I know one thing: It
 It’s like a puzzle. If I take my time and      you like most about your current vehicle?”       works!
 listen to them I gather very small pieces      “What do you like least?” “Why are you
 that will help me piece together the puzzle.   looking to trade your vehicle in?” “What         Branding Yourself
 Some of them are very hard to find so I need    is your current payment?” Can you start          I have branded myself “The Car Guy
 to take my time and listen carefully. I want   to see the valuable information you can          – You’ve Got a Friend in the Business”. I
 a complete puzzle, a completely satisfied       gain from these questions? Read them over        have a caricature of me driving a car that
 customer.                                      again and think about what information you       I have on my business cards, website,
                                                will get from the answers. (I have a long list   magnet business cards, thank you cards and
 The Greeting                                   of questions I need answered to complete         my newsletter Chris’s Car News which I
 The greeting is what sets the stage. “Hi       the puzzle that I can send you if you e-mail     send out quarterly.
 folks, are you out beginning to look and       me.)
 shop around today? (yes we are) Perfect, we                                                     Personal Website
 have a great selection of new and used cars,   Be-back CD                                       My website has info about me, lots of
 trucks and vans. I’d be happy to show you      Not everybody buys the first time they’re in      powerful letters customers have sent me,
 whatever we have. I can point you toward       so what do I do then? Pull out my “be-back       car research, special of the week, past
 what we have on sale today. Would that be      CD”. My be-back CD is an audio CD that’s         newsletters, weekly newspaper ad, car
 o.k. with you? (yes, we would like to look     under 10 minutes long, it starts out with a      links, my work schedule and of course a
 at those) Are you looking for something        customer of mine giving a testimonial. I         link to the dealership where I work. The
 bigger or smaller than what your driving       then thank the customer for coming in and        purpose of my website is not to sell cars,
 now? (bigger, we have a new baby on the        have my wife read excerpts from letters          it’s a contact point. The Car Guy - Chris
 way) Fantastic, I can help you with that.      customers have sent me between me talking        Hanson. It’s also to provide information for
 What kind of car are you driving now? (a       about our great service, concerns they might     the customer and it backs up my claims and
 Dodge Intrepid and we need to get a van) As    have, their budget, and my commitment to         what I have told the customer.
 we are walking toward their vehicle I say:     them. I close with promoting my website
                                                                                                 Personal Newsletter
                                                                                                 Chris’s Car News is sent out quarterly to my
                                                                                                 customers and once again I’m not trying to
                                                                                                 sell cars. It’s another contact point. The Car


                                                                                                 Guy - Chris Hanson. I write an editorial of
                                                                                                 sorts, a new model review, new customers,
                                                                                                 quarterly quiz and free dinner give away
                                                                                                 and a story.

                                                                                                 I know that is a quick run through and there
                                                                                                 are so many more details in each process I
                                                                                                 told you about. If you would like complete
                                                                                                 information on anything I wrote about or
                                                                                                 would like more details on all of it, please
                                                                                                 e-mail me.

                                                                                                 Chris Hanson, with Hibbing Chrysler, can
                                                                                                 be contacted at 800.901.2862, or by email
 Visit AutoSuccess at NADA Booth #6055                                                           at

sts      ms        ls      fis      lr                                                                                         KyleMiller
    sales and training solution

                         The Seven Golden Nuggets for Handling Objections
                          & Selecting the Right Car 100 Percent of the Time
                       It does not matter        At our dealership we grew tired of seeing       ready for battle attitude.
                       if you live in a blue     the customer come in so defensive and the
                       state, red state, green   sales person act so nervous. We commited        Golden Nugget #2: BeneÞt
                       state or purple state.    to refining our sales and coaching process,      By using the “No Problem” the sales
                       It does not matter if     build the skills our sales staff needed to      person can regain control of the situation
                       you sell Kia, Ford        sell more cars and create the tightest run      and steer the customer back on track. The
or Mercedes. When the modern consumer            most non-confrontational sales floor in the      sales person can begin to uncover the
steps into your showroom two things are          world. We are able to accomplish this all       customer’s true wants and needs so they
certain: One, they would rather be sitting       with just Seven Golden Nuggets!                 can select the right vehicle to match those
in the dentist chair than dealing with a car                                                     wants and needs exactly. Regaining control
sales man and two, under no circumstance         Golden Nugget #1: No Problem!                   requires more information. To get more
are they buying a car today, period. If          I recently saw a book titled “386 Secrets       information from the customer, we need
you’ve been selling cars for one year or         to Overcoming Sales Resistance.” I don’t        to provide a benefit. The good news is that
twenty, I am sure you have heard every           know about your staff but my guys just          the customer actually provides us with that
objection known to man:                          aren’t that smart (even 10 is pushing it). We   benefit any time they throw us an objection.
“I just want your best price, (so I can go       learned that with the first Golden Nugget        To respond with a benefit to the objections
visit three of your competitors)”                they could handle every conceivable             listed previously, we simply lead in with
“I really don’t have much time, (even            objection. When a customer throws a             “So that I can …” and restate the customers
though I drove 20 miles to get here on my        potentially disruptive and distracting          request. For example:
day off).”                                       comment/objection at you, the last thing
“We’re just looking for some information,        they expect to hear is, “No problem …”            “So that I can give you our best price
(even though I know more about this car          We have found that responding with “No            …”
than you will ever know)”                        problem …” and a genuine desire to resolve        “So that I can save you some time …”
Fill in your own objection: ____                 the issue compels the customer to drop their      “So that I can get you all the
                                                                                                   information you are looking for …”

                                                                                                 Golden Nugget #3: Request

              Our Dealers                                    JW96HRSS sold
                                                              45% of our used
                                                                                                 “No problem” creates a climate where

              are having
                                                                                                 customers want to communicate with us;
                                                               car inventory in                  providing a benefit gives them a logical
                                                                 one weekend.                    reason for agreeing to your request, which

                                                             - MD GM Dealer                      is simply this:

                                                            With JW96HRSS                          “May I ask you a few quick
                  Weekends                                    we buy the right
                                                             cars and they sell
                                                                                                   “Follow me.”
                                                                them at $3833                      “Please have a seat.”
             How was your weekend?                                   per copy.
                                                                   - FL Dealer                   Golden Nugget #4: Guest Survey
                  Ask about our $100,000                                                         Now that you’ve disarmed the customer,
                  “Guaranteed” weekend!                    I used JW96HRSS                       slowed them down, regained control and
                                                              6 years ago, and                   have them seated in front of you, you
                                                              they are still the                 better have a plan. We recently threw away
             Eliminate half of your used-car
                                                                    best today!                  our ugly yellow worksheets and created
             inventory in just one weekend.                                                      a colorful, informative sheet called the
                                                                   - NJ Dealer
                                                                                                 Guest Survey. The Guest Survey provides
                  Jeff Weaver’s                             Offsite Events:                      our sales staff with an easy to use, non-
              96 Hour Super Sale Inc.                            Race Tracks
                                                                                                 confrontational method of gathering all
                                                                                                 the information needed to uncover the
                                                             Sports Stadiums                     customer’s true wants and needs. Some of
                                                              Shopping Malls                     the questions we like are:
                  Call Today to                                  Performance                       “Are you adding a vehicle or replacing
                reserve your next                               Compensated                        your vehicle? Would you like an
                   sales event!                                     Lowest                         estimate?”
                                                                 Commission                        “What do you love about your current

             800.723.2608                                  BEST RESULTS!
                                                                                                   vehicle? What are some things you’d
                                                                                                                         continued on page 28

december 2004                                                                                                                          13
sts      ms        ls      fis      lr                                                                                         CarolMartin
                        leadership solution

                                                   Understand Your Sales People,
                                                  Before You Start to Train Them
                       When managing a           to your well-honed presentation on the            seeming pushy when a prospect seems
                       team of sales people,     latest industry trends; with this in mind, try    uninterested.
                       it’s important to know    to employ a more creative approach when
                       them well enough          discussing serious, fact based sales topics. If   Hiring the wrong person for the job can be
                       to understand what        you’re speaking one language, and they’re         a painful and expensive mistake.
                       drives them, what         hearing another, your goal of bringing out
inspires them. The same things that motivate     their best will always be just that – a goal.     Will the new hires take on a consultative
you may do little for them, especially if your                                                     sales approach or a persuasive one?
personalities are on the opposite sides of the   Gregarious personalities need to be               How do you know whether your trainees
communication spectrum. You might be a           entertained while you train them. They            respond to bells and whistles or facts and
passionate cheerleader, but if your trainees     typically find straightforward lectures            objectivity? The answer to these questions
seem unmoved by your excitement, you’re          boring and like learning sessions that            lies in knowing more about whom you
simply expending a lot of unnecessary            involve two-way interaction, perhaps              are hiring before you show them to their
energy and wasting precious time.                some role-playing or the chance to earn           desk. Interviews may give you a clue, but
                                                 impressive rewards or prizes. They can            remember that many people can and will
Reserved types respond best to facts and         usually sell emotionally based products to        project the image they think you want, or
figures. They tend to take on a consultative      almost anyone.                                    say the things you like to hear, just to land
approach when selling and feel comfortable                                                         the job.
with a no-nonsense training approach.            Before attempting to connect with any of
They almost always disregard anything            your hires and mold them into successful          Fortunately, there are several hiring
flamboyant and may wince at the mere              sales people you must be certain they have        tools available that can tell more about
thought of playing team-building games.          all of the necessary equipment – copious          your potential new team members. One
They can sell technical products or              amounts of drive, determination and               of these is a written personality-based
intangibles and usually relate best to sedate,   ambition. Make sure the smooth-talker in          evaluation that underlines strengths, flags
bottom-line oriented prospects.                  your class is also assertive and competitive.     weaknesses, and provides management
                                                 Be on the lookout for faux sales types            advice. Assessments of this kind can also
Of course, you may have the opposite             – those who talk a bigger game than they          help restore cohesiveness within the sales
challenge. You might be the one who is           can actually play. An outgoing personality        department.
rather reserved and pragmatic while your         might be a plus in sales, but charm alone is
sales students seem annoyingly loud, garish      seldom enough to consistently close deals.        When developing a sales staff many other
and outspoken. These very sociable beings        Someone preoccupied with his or her own           factors come into play, including the pace
may be less than enthusiastic when listening     self-image may back away quickly to avoid         and sensitivity of the trainee. Someone who
                                                                                                   tends to be unhurried will become flustered
                                                                                                   if required to rush, while a very time-driven
                                                                                                   person may dislike working through long
                                                                                                   sales cycles. Thin-skinned business people
                                                                                                   often become deterred when their ideas or
                                                                                                   sales pitches are rebuffed, but those who
                                                                                                   are very resilient can sometimes disregard
                                                                                                   constructive criticism and be challenging
                                                                                                   to manage. Remember that your trainees’
                                                                                                   unique traits can bring about both positive
                                                                                                   and negative effects that should be
                                                                                                   considered when coaching.

                                                                                                   Being a successful trainer requires teaching
                                                                                                   effectively and bringing out the best in your
                                                                                                   new hires, because you need to know what
                                                                                                   motivates them and what stops them cold.
                                                                                                   Once you learn to use these triggers to your
                                                                                                   advantage, you can save time and money.
                                                                                                   You may realize that it wasn’t really them
                                                                                                   after all -- it was the old process, that didn’t
                                                                                                   work out.

                                                                                                   Carol Martin is a Senior Consultant
                                                                                                   with The Omnia Group. She can be
                                                                                                   contacted at 800.601.3216, or by email at

  14                                                                                 subscribe today at
fs       feature solution


                                Selecting a Reliable Direct
                       Mail Provider That Produces Results
What if you had the ability to know exactly       Once you are certain that the database from      with the manufacture logo on the return
which consumers are in the market for your        which you are pulling your list is current,      address portion or white #10 envelopes
product and spend your time targeting only        you need to decide whom you want to target       and a live stamp to look more personal.
them? Your dealership would never waste           for your campaign. Determine if you are          Both are offered with or without a window.
time and money with consumers who                 targeting consumers with particular credit       Envelopes alone have many options, which
aren’t interested or don’t have the ability       scores or demographics such as income,           can be tailored to fit your selected piece
to purchase your product. Direct mail can         age, or family status. Depending on the type     perfectly. Depending on what type of
give you an edge over your competition            of vehicles your dealership sells, you may       promotion you are planning to do, you may
because you can be certain you are targeting      want to pull Beacon scores from Equifax.         need a simple letter rather than some flashy
the right consumer, at the right time. A          For instance, if you are selling “affordable”    four-color mail piece. Once again, there are
dynamic direct mail campaign is completely        vehicles you should target single income         numerous options when creating your mail
measurable and that gives you the ability to      families, and if you are selling vans or         piece. First, select what size you want from
make improvements each time.                      sport utility vehicles, consider targeting       6 inch x 9 inch post card or 81/2 inch x 11
                                                  large families. Technology is available that     inch to an 81/2 inch x 14 inch or 11 inch
Some direct mail companies specialize in the      will lead you to consumers that already          x 17 inch trifold. Next, make sure that the
automotive industry, which can be a benefit        own the same type of vehicle and could           date of the sales promotion is stated clearly
since these companies are knowledgeable           possibly be in the market for another one.       along with the rest of the information such
about your industry. It is necessary to make      Another option is to target consumers who        as the address and phone number. Your
sure you are using accurate and up-to-date        are presently in a lease or loan with only a     selected direct mail provider will be able
data. Situations change within households         few months remaining. Many times when            to advise on which piece will work best.
and therefore data changes. Every month           you remind the consumer that their lease or      A unique mail piece can help keep their
people throughout the United States are           loan is almost up, you will get their business   attention. Remember that if you follow the
getting married, divorced, moving and             when they trade their current vehicle in. The    guidelines laid-out by your manufacture you
so on. Those factors, along with trade            right message and creativity follow.             could be eligible to receive full to partial
cycles, can cause a dealership’s database                                                          reimbursement through Co-Op. Ask your
to become outdated within a short period          Every    detail   counts.   Envelopes     are    direct mail provider for proven pieces.
of time. There is technology and resources        important because they must compel the
available to electronically keep up with          customer to open it. The mail piece should       A good direct mail company will provide
these changes. An accurate list is the starting   grab your consumers’ attention immediately       your dealership with quality direct mail plus
point to a successful campaign. Be sure to        and clearly convey the offer and time of         gifts/premiums and insurance for potential
ask your current direct mail provider how         your promotion. Some options you have            prizewinners. Any additional incentives
they manage the list they are providing you.      with envelopes are brown craft envelopes         offered will increase the potential for a

bigger response. Some gifts/premiums that         Other aspects to adding excitement to the
are small and have high-perceived value           atmosphere are putting balloons on the lot,     Just Ask The
are: Toy Shopping Certificates, Internet
Shopping     Sprees,    Vacations,    Cruises,
                                                  offering food/refreshments and some sort of
                                                  entertainment for the kids such as a moon
etc. Go beyond just offering free lunch           walk or face painting.                           Dealerships
on Saturdays and offer something the                                                              About Proven
consumer will attach value to. Keep in
mind that gifts will increase traffic across
                                                  Once you have all of the details of your
                                                  campaign settled you need to determine a
                                                                                                   Direct Mail
your show room floor but some people will          way to check the results. It is necessary to    Promotions:
only be there to receive their prize. While all   keep track of each and every person who
people responding to your mail piece may          responds to your direct mail promotion so
                                                                                                      Champion Toyota
                                                                                                         Austin, TX
not currently be in the market for a new car,     that you can monitor all aspects of your
                                                                                                         Kevin Hupp
your sales personnel still has the opportunity    campaign. From this you can learn your
to find out when they will be in the market        response rate and determine what can be
and make a good impression.                       altered in future promotions to increase it.       Bill Heard Chevrolet
Once you have determined all the aspects          Remember these key things:                            Mike Baches
of your direct mail piece and promotion,            • A properly planned and executed                   281.491.9000
get your entire staff involved. Getting your        direct mail campaign will generate
employees energized about the promotional           targeted qualified leads to produce
                                                                                                     Landmark Chevrolet
                                                                                                         Houston, TX
campaign      will     create   an    exciting      instant and future business.
                                                                                                        Roger Teague
atmosphere that even your customers will            • Always ask for a list of references
feel. Everyone should have a part in the            from the company and contact some
promotion from the receptionist to the              (references) randomly to verify how          Gurley Leep Automotive Group
sales people. Receptionists should make             they feel about them.                              Mishawaka, IN
everyone aware of the upcoming promotion            • Monitor your results so that you can             Dennis Carey
when they answer phone calls. Designate a           determine if it was profitable for your             574.272.0990
few sales people to call upon the manifest          dealership and what can be improved in
provided and schedule appointments during           future promotions.                                   Planet Ford
the sale. Your results will be higher if you
                                                                                                         Spring, TX
                                                  Tony Cantrell is the President and CEO
                                                  of Automotive Consulting Co. He can be
                                                                                                          Ron Ewer
contact your target consumers through both
                                                  contacted at 800.901.2859, or by email at             281.719.3700
the direct mail invitation and phone calls.

december 2004                                                                                                               17
sts       ms        ls      fis      lr
     sales and training solution

                                  Selling Appointments, Not Cars
                        We would all like to      be used with every incoming sales inquiry       “Great news. We have that exact vehicle.
                        improve our closing       coming into the dealership through the          When would you be available to come
                        ratios on a day-to-day    phone. Before you put the phone guide           in? Today or tomorrow? (Use the funnel
                        basis. The better the     together there are some simple things you       technique). Morning, afternoon, or evening?
                        closing ratio is, the     do and other things you don’t:                  Between what time”?
                        better the unit sales
numbers will be. The better the gross profit       Do:                                             Or, if you don’t have the exact vehicle, use
is, the better your income will be. To do this,     • Use proper verbage that will                this guide:
we have to change how we handle incoming              eliminate misunderstandings. ie
phone calls.                                          availability not inventory.                 “Great news, we have a pretty nice match or
                                                    • Always use enthusiasm.                      two. When would be a good time for you to
The phone is one of our best selling tools          • Be prepared.                                come by?” (Use Funnel down technique).
we have in our dealerships, however, we             • Get name and two phone numbers.
as sales people are misusing it. We try to                                                        Repeat the time and day back to the customer
sell cars over the phone first and then the        Don’t:                                          and say, “If you’re running a little late could
appointment. This is completely backwards           • Lie or deceive.                             you give me a courtesy call? I’ll do the same
and very rarely does this work. I will              • Answer the phone if you are                 if it happens on my end. By the way, if I
concede that once in a blue moon we do                preoccupied.                                can’t reach you at this number, what would
eventually sell a customer with this process,       • Give price or payments over the             be the next best number to reach you?”
but it does not mean this is an effective             phone.
selling method. It means you got lucky. We          • Get too exact with color or options.        Mr. Customer do you have a pen handy, I’ll
can’t depend on luck. What we can depend                                                          wait… Once the customer responds with
on is skill.                                      Do:                                             “yes” I have something to write with, tell
                                                    • Set exact time for appointment.             them to write down your name and two
                                                    • Get customer to write down your             phone numbers, your work and mobile
  Once the appointment                                name.                                       number. Spell it out for them. Mr. Customer,
  has been set, make a                              • Take control.                               when you get to ABC Motors, please ask the
                                                    • Create flexibility.                          receptionist to page me and I will be right
  copy of the customer                                                                            there to assist you.
  information and have                            Example of a phone guide:
  your manager conÞrm                             Sales Person: Thank you for calling ABC
                                                  Motors. This is John, how may I help you?
                                                                                                  Once the appointment has been set, make a
                                                                                                  copy of the customer information and have
  the appointment                                                                                 your manager confirm the appointment
  within a 15 minute                              Customer: Do you have any…make,                 within a 15 minute window. This alone will
                                                  model?                                          help increase the customer show ratio.
  window. This alone
  will help increase the                          Sales Person: Are you wanting a new             In today’s competitive market, dealerships
  customer show ratio.                            or used vehicle? What options were you
                                                  hoping for? (Get a minimum of five options.
                                                                                                  have two choices, either “grow or die.”
                                                                                                  Which choice would your dealership prefer?
                                                  Always offer either/or). Example: Cloth or      I think it is an easy decision.
When sales people get into a price decision       leather, automatic or manual, four wheel
over the phone, the only hope in the sales        drive or two wheel drive, CD, Cassette or       This is one of many effective ways to handle
person’s mind is to give a price low enough       both, etc. Lighter or darker shades?            incoming sales calls. The key is to put a
to entice a customer to come in. Even if the                                                      consistent process in place and to train the
customer comes in, what have you got? You         Sales Person: Repeat back all options at this   procedure until it becomes habitual. Then
have a low gross deal if any, or the customer     point to verify correct information, which      monitor the process for compliance. This
takes your number and shops it around town.       shows active listening. Then say: It’s going    will assure at least three or four additional
People cannot get excited about price.            to take five or 10 minutes for me to check       sales per sales person per month. Make it
                                                  our availability, no sense in you driving       happen!
How many true opportunities are lost daily        out here needlessly. Are you calling from
in your dealership through the use of this        home or work? The number there is? And
method? The following is one method that          your first and last name is? “ I just got an
can work if used correctly. Teach your sales      idea, can I put you on hold?” (Now put the
people to sell appointments and not cars          customer on hold for 20 seconds maximum)
over the phone.                                   Come back with excitement in your voice.        Anthony Hall is a Training Consultant
                                                                                                  at Ziegler Supersystems. He can be
Step 1.                                           If you have the exact vehicle, use the          contacted at 800.610.9047, or by email at
Put together a script or call guide that will     following guide:                      

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sts       ms        ls     fis       lr
     sales and training solution

                                                 Getting Rich Your Own Way
                      If you are really          worked hard; were promoted and paid             can charge high fees for their services.
                      serious          about     well; earned stock options, bonuses, and        These people earn their degrees, dedicate
                      becoming      wealthy,     profit sharing; and as a result of holding       themselves to becoming very good at what
                      there are five primary      on to that money, became millionaires and       they do, rise to the top of their professions,
                      ways that fortunes are     multimillionaires.                              earn high incomes, and then hold on to
                      made.                                                                      the money. Ten percent of self-made
                                                 Paul Allen started Microsoft with Bill          millionaires in the United States fall into
Become an Entrepreneur                           Gates, sold out when he became ill, took        this category.
The number one road to riches, at the head       much of his share of the company in
of the list and on the top of the hit parade     stock, and is now a multibillionaire. The       Get into Sales
throughout U.S. history, is entrepreneurship,    Seattle area is famous for having so many       An important source of self-made
starting and building a successful business.     “Microsoft millionaires,” people who            millionaires is sales people and sales
Entrepreneurship includes every kind of          went to work for Microsoft in the 1970s         consultants. Five percent of self-made
business, from farming and trucking to the       and 1980s, sometimes as secretaries and         millionaires in the United States are men
automotive and computer industries.              programmers, received stock options, and        and women who are experts and at the top
                                                 became wealthy when they exercised them.        of their fields in selling. They never started
Seventy-four percent of self-made                Many senior executives receive bonuses          their own businesses. Few of them went
millionaires in the United States, going         and profit sharing worth millions in a single    to college or earned professional degrees.
back 200 years, come from self-owned             year. Working for a large company that          Instead, they became very good at selling a
businesses. An individual starts with an         grows, pays well, and shares its profits is a    product or service, and were paid well for
idea for a product or service, turns it into a   major source of wealth.                         doing it. In addition, they managed their
business, builds it up from the ground floor,                                                     money well, invested it intelligently, and
and as a result becomes wealthy. Henry           Many executives have stayed with their          made it grow until they were millionaires
Ford, Andrew Carnegie, John Jacob Astor,         corporations for many years; have risen to      or better.
Cornelius Vanderbilt, Ross Perot, Sam            positions of seniority; are paid extremely
Walton, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Larry      well; are given stock options, profit sharing,   Fully 99 percent of self-made millionaires in
Ellison are all people who started with little   and bonuses; and as a result of holding on      America come from these four categories:
or nothing and built their own successful        to the money, they became millionaires.
businesses. And there are millions of            Not so long ago, Lee Iacocca, the chairman        1. Self-owned businesses             74
others.                                          of Chrysler Corporation, was paid $26.7           2. Senior executive positions        10
                                                 million for one year. Michael Eisner of           3. Doctors, lawyers, and other
Work Your Way Up                                 Disney earned a $150 million bonus.                  professionals                     10
Another way to become rich is as a highly        It’s not too hard to become a self-made           4. Sales people & sales consultants 5
paid executive of a successful company, or       millionaire if you’re making that kind of            Total                             99
as an employee of a company that awards          money in a year.
stock options that become valuable. Ten                                                          All the Others
percent of self-made millionaires in the         Become a Professional                           The final one percent of self-made
United States are men or women who have          A major source of self-made millionaires        millionaires includes all the people who
joined large corporations, or companies          consists of professional people; Doctors,       have made their money in the stock market,
that became large, and worked for these          dentists, lawyers, architects, engineers,       with inventions, in show business, through
companies for many years. They usually           and others with advanced degrees who            the authorship of books and songs, as
                                                                                                 lottery winners, and all other sources.
                                                                                                 Unfortunately, because this group gets so
                                                                                                 much publicity, many people think that they

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                             How to Measure e-Newsletter Results
                        There are definitive        fine-tune and tailor your subject matter so       content delivery can respond to individual
                        methods for tracking       that you can deliver the kind of information     subscribers with specific articles based on
                        and measuring an           customers want and value. That will keep         their previous reading behavior.
                        e-newsletter’s direct      your readership numbers high, stave off
                        impact on the bottom       attrition and build loyalty in between vehicle   While you’re measuring traffic to your
                        line. All you need to      purchases.                                       website, don’t overlook some basic ways
                        do is:                                                                      to measure your e-newsletter’s standalone
                                                   Mapping e-Newsletters to Website Activity        effectiveness. Assign it a unique 800
  • Establish your benchmark metrics               Use an e-newsletter to drive both new buyer      number. Then when the phone bill comes,
  • Put the appropriate tracking                   and repeat buyer traffic to your website.         you’ll know exactly how many readers
    mechanisms for measuring them in               How do you know if an e-newsletter is            responded to something they saw (an event
    place                                          driving website traffic?                          or promotion) in the e-newsletter. And make
  • Review and fine-tune to maximize                                                                 sure there is a unique “respond by email”
    your e-newsletter’s value                      An embedded link in your e-newsletter            address such as e-newsletter@yourdeale
                                                   enables a reader to click directly through so that you can separate direct
Two benchmark metrics that go above and            to your website. Be sure it’s displayed in       inquiries from the e-newsletter from general
beyond basic delivery and open rates and           the same place on every page (the way the        website inquiries.
help you determine your e-newsletter’s             catalog companies display their 800#s).
success are lifetime customer ROI and the          Then, install a tracking function that counts    Whether you choose to measure your e-
effectiveness of your e-newsletter in driving      click-throughs from the e-newsletter to the      newsletter effectiveness in terms of driving
traffic to your website.                            website. Mapping the number of website           down the cost of gaining lifetime customer
                                                   visitors that came from your e-newsletter to     value, or in terms of additional website traffic
The first is an efficiency measurement               the total number of site visitors will provide   and sales, start by setting your own benchmark
demonstrating the cost of maintaining an           you with a percentage of web-fed sales           ROI. Then, as time goes on, you can start
ongoing customer relationship. The second          driven by the e-newsletter.                      to deploy more sophisticated methods for
lets you map your e-newsletter more directly                                                        getting more marketing value out of your
to sales via your website.                         The sophistication of your tracking will         e-newsletter investment. In fact, our third
                                                   determine how granular, and ultimately how       and last article in this series will show you
Lifetime Customer ROI                              useful, the data will be. For example, some      how advanced, content-based tracking and
A recent analysis conducted by IBM                 third-party e-newsletter service providers       reporting enables you to use an e-newsletter
specifically for the automotive industry,           can show you on an article-by-article            to surface “buy signals” and prioritize leads
pegs individual lifetime customer value at         basis which content in your e-newsletter is      by determining where customers are in their
well over $100,000, and lifetime value per         compelling the most subscribers to click-        vehicle-purchasing cycle.
household at over $300,000. This includes          through to your site. This can help you bring
new vehicle sales to spouses and children          the content that is driving website traffic       David A. Fish is Chief Executive OfÞcer
as well as attendant service and aftermarket       “above the fold” where it’s more likely          of IMN (iMakeNews, Inc.) He can be
sales.                                             to be read by all recipients. E-newsletter       contacted as 800.871.0012, or by email at
                                                   services that offer high-levels of customized    dÞ
Make sure your e-newsletter content is
fresh, relevant and meaningful. Go heavy


on lifestyle content and light on the heavy
sell. Deliver information on those topics
that drive incremental sales (such as sales
to other family members and service) but
do it in an editorial versus a promotional
way. For example, consider a lifestyle article
on surviving a teenager’s first six months
behind the wheel or tips on how to winterize
a vehicle for different driving conditions.
The first pre-disposes the reader to buying
their teen’s first car from you; the second
encourages a visit to your service bays.

Determine the value of your e-newsletters
according to which articles and regular
content sections recipients read. Content-
tracking tools will help you continuously         Visit AutoSuccess at NADA Booth #6055
december 2004                                                                                                                               21
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AutoSuccess Dec04

  • 1. View this month’s and previous issues online at .biz Automotive Consulting Company Selecting a Reliable Direct Mail Provider That Produces Results Tony Cantrell Start 2005 Off Strong It’s Working Around the Country Direct Mail Delivers Results See What Proven Direct Mail Promotions Have Done For... Landmark Chevrolet - Houston, TX Bill Heard Chevrolet Dealerships - Nationwide Champion Toyota - Austin, TX Gurley Leep Automotive Group Planet Ford - Houston, TX PLUS! December 2004 Selling Appointments, Not Cars 756 South 1st Street Suite 202 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE The Seven Golden Nuggets for Handling Objections & Louisville, KY 40202 PAID LOUISVILLE KY PERMIT NO 879 Selecting the Right Car 100 Percent of the Time Get Rich Your Own Way a division of Systems Marketing, Inc.
  • 2.
  • 3. Tuesday, 12:35pm When your credit union’s out of reach, Chrysler Financial’s on hand. With Chrysler Financial, what you get is a partnership. One that’s focused on loyalty and includes consistent, flexible service aimed at driving your customers back to your dealership. To learn more about our commitment to customer retention and sales, call your Dealer Relations Manager. Forty years of finance. Forty years of loyalty. F i n a n c i n g yo u r i nve s t m e n t . A member of the DaimlerChrysler Services Group
  • 4. I N S I D E 8 Avoid America’s Favorite Pastime Zig Ziglar 9 Customer Retention Kirk Manzo 10 The MagniÞcent Game of Skill Michael York 12 Proven Ways to be Unique and Innovative in Today’s Market Chris Hanson 13 The Seven Golden Nuggets for Handling Objections & Selecting the Right Car 100 Percent of the Time Kyle Miller 14 Understand your Sales People, Before You Start to Train Them Carol Martin 16 Selecting a Reliable Direct Mail Provider That Produces Results Tony Cantrell 18 Selling Appointments, Not Cars Anthony Hall 20 Getting Rich Your Own Way Brian Tracy 21 How to Measure e-Newsletter Results David A. Fish 22 Character Counts Sean WolÞngton 23 Packing GAP: A Big Risk for an Easy Sell Tony Dupaquier 24 America’s Oldest Transportation Company The History of W. Hare & Son, Inc. Patrick Luck 26 Make Every Conversation a Sales Call Peter deLisser Psalms 145: 17 - 21 The Lord is just in all his ways, and kind in all his doings. Success Driven Solutions The Lord is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth. He fulfils the desire of all who fear him, he also hears their cry, and saves 756 South 1st Street, Suite 202 Louisville, Kentucky 40202 them. ! Toll Free: 877.818.6620 " Facsimile: 502.588.3170 The Lord preserves all who love him; Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher Courtney Hill • Sales-improvement Strategist but all the wicked he will destroy • My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, Susan Goodman, Vice President and let all flesh bless his holy name • for ever and ever. Thomas Williams, Creative Director • AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky, 40202; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or$75peryear.AutoSuccesswelcomesunsolicitededitorialsandgraphics(notresponsiblefortheirreturn).Allsubmittededitorialsandgraphicsaresubjecttoeditingforgrammar,content,andpagelength.AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions; views expressed are not necessarily those ofAutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees.Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures. © All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky 40202.
  • 5. Our consultants will help your dealership achieve: • Industry Leading Gross Profits • Sustainable Sales Process • Maximum, Compliant F&I PVR • Professional Management Systems • Power Negotiation Techniques • Professional Sales Skills • Accountability and Objective Tracking Give Ziegler and his team a call! 800-726-0510 You want warm and fuzzy? We got your warm and fuzzy right here. Ziegler Supersystems • • 800-726-0510 Call today to speak to a Ziegler Representative In-Store Consulting - Management Seminars - Video Sales Training - Support Products
  • 6. profit solution ADVERTISEMENT scott Scott Joseph By joseph Amazing marketing “tool” helps Dealers and General Managers who use direct mail increase their net profits 30% to 100%! Are your direct gives you huge marketing advantages But J&L can, and J&L does. Our statistics mail promotions over all your competitors. tell us that for the last 3.5 million pieces producing of mail delivered, the Response Analysis consistent and Now, you’ve heard the cliché… has helped our dealer clients sell an improving Information is what? Right. Information average of 33 cars for every 10,000 results or are they falling short of your is power. If you could look back upon pieces of mail delivered! expectations and declining with each the history of thousands of promotions, promotion? Most dealers who use direct examine the mailing lists, read over the The Response Analysis is the most mail are still searching for the elusive direct mail letters, track what worked, powerful marketing tool in automotive combination that produced record- what didn’t, who bought, who didn’t, advertising today. Find out why breaking results like their Þrst direct mail and why… would this be powerful J&L’s dealership response rates promotion. information to you? have increased 72% in the last two years. This combined with unequaled The number one objection we hear when The reality is every direct mail promotion professionalism and customer support is prospecting for new dealer clients is that produces both good and bad results. The why 94% of all J&L customers continue direct mail doesn’t work anymore. When problem is being able to easily recognize their relationship with us for years. we ask why most dealers say, “My market which is which. That problem is solved! is saturated” or “It only attracts gift Now you can have all the information Just ask them for yourself. Rick Hillman seekers” or “The people who respond are you need to ensure success at the touch of from Hollingsworth Mazda says, “J&L not buyers.” a button. Marketing’s direct mail program is the most cost-efÞcient form of advertising I agree with all these reasons because Imagine being able to know immediately that I have seen in the thirty years that if a direct mail promotion is not well which market areas produce results I’ve been in the car business.” thought out from start to Þnish it will not that exceed your expectations and more work. This brings up a question! And the importantly which ones to avoid. Simply Pat Fogerty from Classic Toyota says, question is… asking the computer… “How do we “We have used J&L Marketing for years generate more trafÞc and sell more cars?” because of their continual support and How can you eliminate all the elements J&L’s proprietary Response Analysis excellent results. This is an invaluable of a promotion that do not give you the System directs us toward those activities service.” return on investment you need and at the that bring success, and away from those same time improve on the aspects that that don’t. We reÞne the offers, prices, Billy Gordon from Patrick Chevrolet produce exactly what you want? That’s strategies, locations, and even the days of says, “We have been running with J&L the real question isn’t it? If you could the week that bring the highest return. Marketing for four years, and we can invest advertising dollars only where attribute more sales to them than any you see great results and eliminate what Our analysis allows us to produce ever- other form of advertising. J&L is the most doesn’t work, how many more cars could increasing levels of success. Since the professional company I’ve worked with you sell? How much money would you market is a lot smarter than we are, since I began in the car business 18 years ago.” make? we don’t go by hunches, opinions, or gut feelings about how to improve You too can start experiencing I’ve invested a small fortune to develop performance. We rely solely on the consistent results from the most the marketing “tool” that will provide numbers to tell us “where to from here.” professional marketing company you the information that is necessary right now by contacting my ofÞce at to produce the results you really want How can anyone make recommendations 866.856.6782 and asking for Lisa Wilson. and could quite possibly increase your to you without the validation of facts, Or e-mail her at: lwilson@jandlmarket sales with each promotion from this day statistics and numbers? How can anyone As soon as you contact us we forward. J&L Marketing is the only Þrm implement a growth strategy based will begin to create a growth strategy with this unique capability. It allows us on hunches and guesses, rather than unique to your organization, producing to research and analyze your promotions this powerful analysis program? It’s more proÞt, more volume, and more from over 100 different perspectives and obvious…they can’t. satisÞed customers.
  • 7.
  • 8. sts ms ls fis lr ZigZiglar sales and training solution Avoid America’s Favorite Pastime What is America’s them to schools and to seminars and to world. We all need to avoid the pastime of favorite pastime? educate them. Once they are better, we will transference of blame. get better. Once they are great, our lives Some people would will be great. No, I don’t think so. If it is to be it is up to me. have you think it is Zig Ziglar is the Chairman of the Board of baseball. Afterall, it You know that it doesn’t work that way. We ZiglarTraining Systems in Dallas, TX. He is called the “National Pastime.” True, a must stop blaming others. We must stand can be contacted at 866.873.0026, or by lot of people attend all types of baseball on our own and make our own way in this email at games…from little league to major league games. Some people think baseball is a bit slow. Someone once said that baseball is 15 minutes of action packed into three hours! Some people believe golf is the national pastime. It certainly has continued to gain popularity and participants over the years. I am proud to say that recently I shot my DEALERS MUST BE age on the golf course. That’s not too impressive until you realize that it only took me 14 holes to do. ON TELEVISION! We are See why over 100 dealers nationwide have responsible for our success and INCREASED SALES MORE THAN 30% IN our mistakes. LESS THAN 90 DAYS WITH TELEVISION! There is another pastime that Americans are We produce nearly 4,000 commercials crazy about. And, sales people have it down to a science. Despite its popularity, this a year from our studios. We give you pastime should be avoided at all times. unlimited, high quality television campaigns and promotions FREE. With computerized It is called “transference of blame.” It is media buying technology, we buy television as easy to blame others for our condition, our problems, our state in life. We do it all the much as 30%-40% more effectively than any time: media buyer in the nation and give you “Boss, it’s not my fault the customer UNLIMITED TV CAMPAIGNS didn’t buy. I showed up at 1:45 … for AND PROMOTIONS! the 1:30 appointment.” Call for a FREE demo tape and information. Of course it’s not our fault that we do this. The blame goes to Adam and Eve. They started it all. God asked Adam if he’d eaten the fruit. Adam said, “Lord, let me tell you Larry John Wright, Inc. about that woman you gave me.” Eve said it was the serpent’s fault … and we all know Automotive Advertising that the snake didn’t have a leg to stand on. “America’s Premier Automotive Advertising Agency” We are responsible for our thoughts and our actions. We are responsible for our hits and our misses. We are responsible for our success and our mistakes. If others are responsible for our success, then we need to invest in those people. We need to send 1-800-821-5068 8 subscribe today at
  • 9. sts ms ls fis lr KirkManzo sales and training solution Customer Retention How do your sales but not exclusive. Buys from the people stay in touch competition as well as from you. with their previously sold customers? Non-Participating: Made a singular purchase. That’s it. No repeat If they are like many business nor any referrals. sales people, their follow-up is suspect. At best, sales people have an erratic Once the customer base has been and inconsistent approach. Consider a reclassified into the above categories, sales different way of looking at previously sold people should start to re-contact the highest customers. category, Relationship Customers first. The intent should be to speak via telephone If you needed to purchase additional life with these customers three to four times insurance, have your taxes done, or get your annually. suit cleaned and pressed, I would imagine you don’t go running around looking for In order to accomplish this let’s do some a new insurance agent, accountant, or dry quick math to determine what it will take to cleaner. We all have people who cut our accomplish this task. lawns, clean our homes and offices, and provide services for us on a regular basis. Let’s use an average sales person that has You don’t think about who will handle these worked at the dealership for five years. needs for us, we call our guy/gal, and he/she takes care of it. 10-12 units per month would mean approximately 500-600 customers. Previously sold customers need to think of their sales person as “their guy or gal” who 500 customers times four takes care of helping them with purchasing conversations equals 2000 a new car. In order to elevate your sales conversations annually. people to that status with their customers, they must stay in contact with them on a Do you think in today’s busy society, a sales regular and consistent basis. Even with the person may need to call a previous customer best of intentions for most customers, out of more than once to actually get them on the sight means out of mind. telephone and have a conversation? Would three to four times seem realistic? It should. Many of you remember Joe Gerrard for his World Record Sales achievements. One Now we are talking about 6000-7000 calls simple principle he used to stay in contact per year. Monthly that would mean 500 with his customers was to send them a card plus calls per month or approximately 25 every month. December was a Holiday outbound calls every day (20 work days) card, January Happy New Year, March St. to have five to seven conversations per day. Patrick’s, etc and each card read inside I So ask yourself, how many of your sales LIKE YOU, a simple yet effective gesture. people are really staying in touch with their He would send out upwards of 13,000 cards previous customers? each month. Realize if you have 10 and 15 year veterans The best way to begin a reconnection at your store the numbers are two to three campaign for each sales person is to first times this example. classify all previously sold customers into one of three categories. Relationship Customers: Exclusive, Kirk Manzo is the General Manager they call you first every time. at Ziegler Supersystems. He can be contacted at 800.610.9047, or by email at Participating Customers: Repeat december 2004 9
  • 10. sts ms ls fis lr MichaelYork sales and training solution The MagniÞcent Game of Skill It’s a numbers game. in a game, but makes home runs and big top performers. Whether it’s golf, or Ever hear that one? A hits out of a select number of pitches. It’s baseball, or selling. The skills, study, and delivery truck driver what he does with the quality of pitches, commitment to becoming one of the best or a car salesman, not just the quantity. So that blows up the and becoming known as a top performer. each could say the “just a numbers game” theory, right? Someone (maybe you) the team counts on, same thing. It’s all and has confidence in, to deliver. about the numbers. But in neither case We hear players called “students of the would it be the truth. game.” And that gives us a big clue to Let this be an encouragement to each of becoming one of the best in any game. you. To keep going. And a congratulations Fact is, numbers are a part of every game. Thinking and studying with a purpose, to many of you. For raising the bar on your It’s how we keep score. It’s how we count and a focus on becoming better at your expectations. For raising the level of your the score and what we get credit for when position. Improving in your position, and commitment. For raising the level of your we score, in most any game. how you contribute to the team. In his performance and your production. And book “Good to Great”, Jim Collins calls it, for raising your status in the eyes of your But in the profession of selling. It’s so much “What you can do potentially better than managers and your teammates and your more than just a numbers game. Most would anyone else.” customers. have you think it’s all about the numbers. See more and be more and make more. How do you individually feel about your Big is available. Not everyone can be Tiger Remember, our goal is not just the common position? Good or great? Woods or Barry Bonds. But anyone can and ordinary, but thinking differently and How do you feel about the kind of become a student of the game and raise uncommon execution. contribution you make to the team? Is it your personal level of performance. your best effort? Your best performance? If that were true then we could go out back Are you a student of the game? A student It’s not just a “numbers game” but there with 10,000 balls and in a few days you’d of the opponents you’ll face this week are numbers that get us excited. Trends, be Tiger Woods or Barry Bonds. We both and how you can best win? Are you a indicators, movement, improvement, know how ridiculous it is to think that competitor? Or are you just relying on percentages…they all tell a story. The simply hitting more balls makes you a numbers or experience to get you through excitement of a story builds, when the better hitter. the next at bat? How do your customers numbers show momentum, an “above feel about your performance? average” performance against the industry While many would And then, there’s the law of averages. The and against the competition and yes, even against ourselves. have us be judged on numbers game, part two. “results”, we Þrst have While many would have us be judged on to look for evidence. The Law of Averages says that for any results, we first have to look for evidence. Before radical results “average” calculated there must be both Before radical results can occur, there must a low number or under-performance, and be a trend of evidence. can occur, there must a higher number. Above the average, be a trend of evidence. over and above typical or predictable That good things are happening, that achievement.Which one are you? performances are improving, that And it’s just as ridiculous to think that individuals are responding, and the numbers making more calls makes you a better Chances are you’re both. Every performer are changing…for the better. selling professional. Whether it’s 10,000 has highs and lows. Every home run hitter balls or 10,000 calls the real improvement strikes out. Every winning QB throws Ask the question to each individual on your is in the individual and their performance. touchdowns and incompletions and team,“How’s the becoming going?” As we interceptions. But not every player can be head into a brand new year…Take some That’s the you equation. Sure the numbers counted on to come through with the big time to review what you are doing, and make up a big part of that equation, but hit or the big TD in the clutch.What’s your how you’re doing it. Ask yourself, “What not in the way most people think. The reputation? Is there a confidence, spoken or have I learned and how am I applying it?” performance is not just in the numbers unspoken, throughout the team that when Schedule some time with your manager(s) but in the how. In the approach you take to you step up… “Hey, it’s Barry…we’re to talk about what you could be doing becoming better as a performer. gonna get this one.” to improve your performance, and your reputation as a performer.The marketplace How did Barry Bonds become a world- Or does the team hang their head knowing will notice and pay you well for it. OK… class, Hall-of-Fame hitter? that the “law of averages” is not in their you’re up! Just by taking lots of batting practice, favor if winning rests on your shoulders? day after day? So did the rest of his If it’s the end of the month, and we need Michael York is an Author and teammates…and the rest of the league… someone to come through, is it going to Professional Speaker. He can be and lots of players who didn’t make it into be you? contacted at 800.668.5015, or by email the league. So that can’t be the answer. In at, or visit fact, Barry actually gets less chances to hit The magnificent games of skill need 10 visit us online at
  • 11. Subscriptions for $1a Day! NIADA Member subscription rate only $368 year. Nonmember subscription rate only $468 year. Endless hours of education for franchise and independent dealers, sales people, auction executives and vendors. Sample Programming EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING M “Your Dealership Service Contract Program: Keeping it a Profit Center” M “How To Sell A Car And Keep It Sold Part 1 - Noncompliant Paperwork: M “Proper Use of Starter Interrupt Devices in a Motor Vehicle Transaction” The Greatest Area of Legal Exposure in a Dealership” M “Warranty Issues in a Motor Vehicle Transaction: Back to the Basics” M “How To Sell A Car And Keep It Sold Part 2 - Commencing the Customer Relationship” SPECIAL FEATURES M “IRS Bank Secrecy Act and Form 8300” M 2004 NIADA Leadership Awards M “Vehicle Remarketing: Auctions and the Dealer” M 2004 NIADA Quality Dealer Awards M Preview “How To Break A Car Deal” M Legal, Legislative, Regulatory Affairs Forum M “Standardized Dealer Accounting Part 1 - Standardized M Being Uncommon Accounting and the Financial Statement” M Discover From Within M “Information Technologies and the Auto Dealer” M Manheim Drive Center M “The Garage Liability Insurance Crisis” M National Remarketing Conference M “How To Attract Lenders To Your Dealership” M “Incoming Call Part 1 - Putting More Fun Back Into NEWS Your Business (What the Receptionist Should Be Saying)” M “Driving Business” (Monthly Industry News With Michael York) Featuring Brad Todd the President of AFC (Automotive Finance Group) M “How to Best Serve the Hispanic Customer” M “Legal, Legislative, Regulatory Review” (Monthly Review with Keith M “Complying With The FTC Used Car Rule” Whann) M “How to Establish and Operate a Related Finance Company” M “The Power of Association” (Monthly Association News Update with M “Steps to a Motor Vehicle Sale: A Review of the Forms Michael Linn) Involved in a Motor Vehicle Transaction” M “Fuel For Thought” (Monthly Dealer Operations Insight with D.J. Harrington) M Certified Master Dealer (CMD) Program Preview M How To Break A Car Deal (Q & A Session) INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT M ADESA Vehicle Donation Ceremony M “How To Sell A Car And Keep It Sold Part 3 - The Customer’s Test Drive” M 2004 Expo Vendor Highlights M “How To Sell A Car And Keep It Sold Part 4 - Privacy, The Patriot Act and Your Dealership” M 2004 NIADA Convention Highlights: Behind the Scenes M “How To Sell A Car And Keep It Sold Part 5 - The FTC Used Car Rule M NIADA At The Columbus Fair Auto Auction (Buyers Guide) and Related Warranty Issues” M 2004 NABD Highlights M “Incoming Call Part 2 - Watch Which Ear and Words You Use” M Dealer Education Opportunities M “Standardized Dealer Accounting Part 2 - Internal Controls in M The Car Counselor (with Keith Whann) the Dealership” For advertising opportunities, contact NIADA at 800.682.3837.
  • 12. sts ms ls fis lr ChrisHanson marketing solution Proven Ways to be Unique and Innovative in Today’s Market I’d like to share a I’m sorry. I didn’t introduce myself. My and ask them to stop back in and just by few tips and ideas name is Chris.” (if you need to, be ready to doing so, I have a special gift for them. In I’ve learned that have say) “and yours”? By introducing yourself conjunction with my be-back CD, I have a helped me advance after the greeting they will better remember very specific step by step follow up process my career. These are your name and you will remember their’s. as well. Very new and innovative. things I do everyday and most importantly, they work. I have ProÞling Does it work? Of all the people that have one goal I’m trying to achieve with every The next step is the most important. At this returned so far, only one did not purchase customer: what is the best vehicle for them point I look at their current vehicle and a car! Can I keep that up forever? No, that will fit their needs, budget and wants. find out what they did last time. “What do probably not, but I know one thing: It It’s like a puzzle. If I take my time and you like most about your current vehicle?” works! listen to them I gather very small pieces “What do you like least?” “Why are you that will help me piece together the puzzle. looking to trade your vehicle in?” “What Branding Yourself Some of them are very hard to find so I need is your current payment?” Can you start I have branded myself “The Car Guy to take my time and listen carefully. I want to see the valuable information you can – You’ve Got a Friend in the Business”. I a complete puzzle, a completely satisfied gain from these questions? Read them over have a caricature of me driving a car that customer. again and think about what information you I have on my business cards, website, will get from the answers. (I have a long list magnet business cards, thank you cards and The Greeting of questions I need answered to complete my newsletter Chris’s Car News which I The greeting is what sets the stage. “Hi the puzzle that I can send you if you e-mail send out quarterly. folks, are you out beginning to look and me.) shop around today? (yes we are) Perfect, we Personal Website have a great selection of new and used cars, Be-back CD My website has info about me, lots of trucks and vans. I’d be happy to show you Not everybody buys the first time they’re in powerful letters customers have sent me, whatever we have. I can point you toward so what do I do then? Pull out my “be-back car research, special of the week, past what we have on sale today. Would that be CD”. My be-back CD is an audio CD that’s newsletters, weekly newspaper ad, car o.k. with you? (yes, we would like to look under 10 minutes long, it starts out with a links, my work schedule and of course a at those) Are you looking for something customer of mine giving a testimonial. I link to the dealership where I work. The bigger or smaller than what your driving then thank the customer for coming in and purpose of my website is not to sell cars, now? (bigger, we have a new baby on the have my wife read excerpts from letters it’s a contact point. The Car Guy - Chris way) Fantastic, I can help you with that. customers have sent me between me talking Hanson. It’s also to provide information for What kind of car are you driving now? (a about our great service, concerns they might the customer and it backs up my claims and Dodge Intrepid and we need to get a van) As have, their budget, and my commitment to what I have told the customer. we are walking toward their vehicle I say: them. I close with promoting my website Personal Newsletter Chris’s Car News is sent out quarterly to my customers and once again I’m not trying to sell cars. It’s another contact point. The Car NADA AUTOSUCCESS Guy - Chris Hanson. I write an editorial of sorts, a new model review, new customers, quarterly quiz and free dinner give away and a story. I know that is a quick run through and there are so many more details in each process I told you about. If you would like complete information on anything I wrote about or would like more details on all of it, please e-mail me. Chris Hanson, with Hibbing Chrysler, can be contacted at 800.901.2862, or by email Visit AutoSuccess at NADA Booth #6055 at 12
  • 13. sts ms ls fis lr KyleMiller sales and training solution The Seven Golden Nuggets for Handling Objections & Selecting the Right Car 100 Percent of the Time It does not matter At our dealership we grew tired of seeing ready for battle attitude. if you live in a blue the customer come in so defensive and the state, red state, green sales person act so nervous. We commited Golden Nugget #2: BeneÞt state or purple state. to refining our sales and coaching process, By using the “No Problem” the sales It does not matter if build the skills our sales staff needed to person can regain control of the situation you sell Kia, Ford sell more cars and create the tightest run and steer the customer back on track. The or Mercedes. When the modern consumer most non-confrontational sales floor in the sales person can begin to uncover the steps into your showroom two things are world. We are able to accomplish this all customer’s true wants and needs so they certain: One, they would rather be sitting with just Seven Golden Nuggets! can select the right vehicle to match those in the dentist chair than dealing with a car wants and needs exactly. Regaining control sales man and two, under no circumstance Golden Nugget #1: No Problem! requires more information. To get more are they buying a car today, period. If I recently saw a book titled “386 Secrets information from the customer, we need you’ve been selling cars for one year or to Overcoming Sales Resistance.” I don’t to provide a benefit. The good news is that twenty, I am sure you have heard every know about your staff but my guys just the customer actually provides us with that objection known to man: aren’t that smart (even 10 is pushing it). We benefit any time they throw us an objection. “I just want your best price, (so I can go learned that with the first Golden Nugget To respond with a benefit to the objections visit three of your competitors)” they could handle every conceivable listed previously, we simply lead in with “I really don’t have much time, (even objection. When a customer throws a “So that I can …” and restate the customers though I drove 20 miles to get here on my potentially disruptive and distracting request. For example: day off).” comment/objection at you, the last thing “We’re just looking for some information, they expect to hear is, “No problem …” “So that I can give you our best price (even though I know more about this car We have found that responding with “No …” than you will ever know)” problem …” and a genuine desire to resolve “So that I can save you some time …” Fill in your own objection: ____ the issue compels the customer to drop their “So that I can get you all the information you are looking for …” Golden Nugget #3: Request Our Dealers JW96HRSS sold 45% of our used “No problem” creates a climate where are having customers want to communicate with us; car inventory in providing a benefit gives them a logical one weekend. reason for agreeing to your request, which $100,000+ - MD GM Dealer is simply this: With JW96HRSS “May I ask you a few quick Weekends we buy the right cars and they sell questions?” “Follow me.” them at $3833 “Please have a seat.” How was your weekend? per copy. - FL Dealer Golden Nugget #4: Guest Survey Ask about our $100,000 Now that you’ve disarmed the customer, “Guaranteed” weekend! I used JW96HRSS slowed them down, regained control and 6 years ago, and have them seated in front of you, you they are still the better have a plan. We recently threw away Eliminate half of your used-car best today! our ugly yellow worksheets and created inventory in just one weekend. a colorful, informative sheet called the - NJ Dealer Guest Survey. The Guest Survey provides Jeff Weaver’s Offsite Events: our sales staff with an easy to use, non- 96 Hour Super Sale Inc. Race Tracks confrontational method of gathering all the information needed to uncover the Sports Stadiums customer’s true wants and needs. Some of Shopping Malls the questions we like are: Call Today to Performance “Are you adding a vehicle or replacing reserve your next Compensated your vehicle? Would you like an sales event! Lowest estimate?” Commission “What do you love about your current 800.723.2608 BEST RESULTS! vehicle? What are some things you’d continued on page 28 december 2004 13
  • 14. sts ms ls fis lr CarolMartin leadership solution Understand Your Sales People, Before You Start to Train Them When managing a to your well-honed presentation on the seeming pushy when a prospect seems team of sales people, latest industry trends; with this in mind, try uninterested. it’s important to know to employ a more creative approach when them well enough discussing serious, fact based sales topics. If Hiring the wrong person for the job can be to understand what you’re speaking one language, and they’re a painful and expensive mistake. drives them, what hearing another, your goal of bringing out inspires them. The same things that motivate their best will always be just that – a goal. Will the new hires take on a consultative you may do little for them, especially if your sales approach or a persuasive one? personalities are on the opposite sides of the Gregarious personalities need to be How do you know whether your trainees communication spectrum. You might be a entertained while you train them. They respond to bells and whistles or facts and passionate cheerleader, but if your trainees typically find straightforward lectures objectivity? The answer to these questions seem unmoved by your excitement, you’re boring and like learning sessions that lies in knowing more about whom you simply expending a lot of unnecessary involve two-way interaction, perhaps are hiring before you show them to their energy and wasting precious time. some role-playing or the chance to earn desk. Interviews may give you a clue, but impressive rewards or prizes. They can remember that many people can and will Reserved types respond best to facts and usually sell emotionally based products to project the image they think you want, or figures. They tend to take on a consultative almost anyone. say the things you like to hear, just to land approach when selling and feel comfortable the job. with a no-nonsense training approach. Before attempting to connect with any of They almost always disregard anything your hires and mold them into successful Fortunately, there are several hiring flamboyant and may wince at the mere sales people you must be certain they have tools available that can tell more about thought of playing team-building games. all of the necessary equipment – copious your potential new team members. One They can sell technical products or amounts of drive, determination and of these is a written personality-based intangibles and usually relate best to sedate, ambition. Make sure the smooth-talker in evaluation that underlines strengths, flags bottom-line oriented prospects. your class is also assertive and competitive. weaknesses, and provides management Be on the lookout for faux sales types advice. Assessments of this kind can also Of course, you may have the opposite – those who talk a bigger game than they help restore cohesiveness within the sales challenge. You might be the one who is can actually play. An outgoing personality department. rather reserved and pragmatic while your might be a plus in sales, but charm alone is sales students seem annoyingly loud, garish seldom enough to consistently close deals. When developing a sales staff many other and outspoken. These very sociable beings Someone preoccupied with his or her own factors come into play, including the pace may be less than enthusiastic when listening self-image may back away quickly to avoid and sensitivity of the trainee. Someone who tends to be unhurried will become flustered if required to rush, while a very time-driven person may dislike working through long sales cycles. Thin-skinned business people often become deterred when their ideas or sales pitches are rebuffed, but those who are very resilient can sometimes disregard constructive criticism and be challenging to manage. Remember that your trainees’ unique traits can bring about both positive and negative effects that should be considered when coaching. Being a successful trainer requires teaching effectively and bringing out the best in your new hires, because you need to know what motivates them and what stops them cold. Once you learn to use these triggers to your advantage, you can save time and money. You may realize that it wasn’t really them after all -- it was the old process, that didn’t work out. Carol Martin is a Senior Consultant with The Omnia Group. She can be contacted at 800.601.3216, or by email at 14 subscribe today at
  • 15.
  • 16. fs feature solution TonyCantrell Selecting a Reliable Direct Mail Provider That Produces Results What if you had the ability to know exactly Once you are certain that the database from with the manufacture logo on the return which consumers are in the market for your which you are pulling your list is current, address portion or white #10 envelopes product and spend your time targeting only you need to decide whom you want to target and a live stamp to look more personal. them? Your dealership would never waste for your campaign. Determine if you are Both are offered with or without a window. time and money with consumers who targeting consumers with particular credit Envelopes alone have many options, which aren’t interested or don’t have the ability scores or demographics such as income, can be tailored to fit your selected piece to purchase your product. Direct mail can age, or family status. Depending on the type perfectly. Depending on what type of give you an edge over your competition of vehicles your dealership sells, you may promotion you are planning to do, you may because you can be certain you are targeting want to pull Beacon scores from Equifax. need a simple letter rather than some flashy the right consumer, at the right time. A For instance, if you are selling “affordable” four-color mail piece. Once again, there are dynamic direct mail campaign is completely vehicles you should target single income numerous options when creating your mail measurable and that gives you the ability to families, and if you are selling vans or piece. First, select what size you want from make improvements each time. sport utility vehicles, consider targeting 6 inch x 9 inch post card or 81/2 inch x 11 large families. Technology is available that inch to an 81/2 inch x 14 inch or 11 inch Some direct mail companies specialize in the will lead you to consumers that already x 17 inch trifold. Next, make sure that the automotive industry, which can be a benefit own the same type of vehicle and could date of the sales promotion is stated clearly since these companies are knowledgeable possibly be in the market for another one. along with the rest of the information such about your industry. It is necessary to make Another option is to target consumers who as the address and phone number. Your sure you are using accurate and up-to-date are presently in a lease or loan with only a selected direct mail provider will be able data. Situations change within households few months remaining. Many times when to advise on which piece will work best. and therefore data changes. Every month you remind the consumer that their lease or A unique mail piece can help keep their people throughout the United States are loan is almost up, you will get their business attention. Remember that if you follow the getting married, divorced, moving and when they trade their current vehicle in. The guidelines laid-out by your manufacture you so on. Those factors, along with trade right message and creativity follow. could be eligible to receive full to partial cycles, can cause a dealership’s database reimbursement through Co-Op. Ask your to become outdated within a short period Every detail counts. Envelopes are direct mail provider for proven pieces. of time. There is technology and resources important because they must compel the available to electronically keep up with customer to open it. The mail piece should A good direct mail company will provide these changes. An accurate list is the starting grab your consumers’ attention immediately your dealership with quality direct mail plus point to a successful campaign. Be sure to and clearly convey the offer and time of gifts/premiums and insurance for potential ask your current direct mail provider how your promotion. Some options you have prizewinners. Any additional incentives they manage the list they are providing you. with envelopes are brown craft envelopes offered will increase the potential for a 16
  • 17. bigger response. Some gifts/premiums that Other aspects to adding excitement to the are small and have high-perceived value atmosphere are putting balloons on the lot, Just Ask The are: Toy Shopping Certificates, Internet Shopping Sprees, Vacations, Cruises, offering food/refreshments and some sort of entertainment for the kids such as a moon Following etc. Go beyond just offering free lunch walk or face painting. Dealerships on Saturdays and offer something the About Proven consumer will attach value to. Keep in mind that gifts will increase traffic across Once you have all of the details of your campaign settled you need to determine a Direct Mail your show room floor but some people will way to check the results. It is necessary to Promotions: only be there to receive their prize. While all keep track of each and every person who people responding to your mail piece may responds to your direct mail promotion so Champion Toyota Austin, TX not currently be in the market for a new car, that you can monitor all aspects of your Kevin Hupp your sales personnel still has the opportunity campaign. From this you can learn your 512.440.4500 to find out when they will be in the market response rate and determine what can be and make a good impression. altered in future promotions to increase it. Bill Heard Chevrolet Nationwide Once you have determined all the aspects Remember these key things: Mike Baches of your direct mail piece and promotion, • A properly planned and executed 281.491.9000 get your entire staff involved. Getting your direct mail campaign will generate employees energized about the promotional targeted qualified leads to produce Landmark Chevrolet Houston, TX campaign will create an exciting instant and future business. Roger Teague atmosphere that even your customers will • Always ask for a list of references 281.820.8100 feel. Everyone should have a part in the from the company and contact some promotion from the receptionist to the (references) randomly to verify how Gurley Leep Automotive Group sales people. Receptionists should make they feel about them. Mishawaka, IN everyone aware of the upcoming promotion • Monitor your results so that you can Dennis Carey when they answer phone calls. Designate a determine if it was profitable for your 574.272.0990 few sales people to call upon the manifest dealership and what can be improved in provided and schedule appointments during future promotions. Planet Ford the sale. Your results will be higher if you Spring, TX Tony Cantrell is the President and CEO of Automotive Consulting Co. He can be Ron Ewer contact your target consumers through both contacted at 800.901.2859, or by email at 281.719.3700 the direct mail invitation and phone calls. december 2004 17
  • 18. sts ms ls fis lr AnthonyHall sales and training solution Selling Appointments, Not Cars We would all like to be used with every incoming sales inquiry “Great news. We have that exact vehicle. improve our closing coming into the dealership through the When would you be available to come ratios on a day-to-day phone. Before you put the phone guide in? Today or tomorrow? (Use the funnel basis. The better the together there are some simple things you technique). Morning, afternoon, or evening? closing ratio is, the do and other things you don’t: Between what time”? better the unit sales numbers will be. The better the gross profit Do: Or, if you don’t have the exact vehicle, use is, the better your income will be. To do this, • Use proper verbage that will this guide: we have to change how we handle incoming eliminate misunderstandings. ie phone calls. availability not inventory. “Great news, we have a pretty nice match or • Always use enthusiasm. two. When would be a good time for you to The phone is one of our best selling tools • Be prepared. come by?” (Use Funnel down technique). we have in our dealerships, however, we • Get name and two phone numbers. as sales people are misusing it. We try to Repeat the time and day back to the customer sell cars over the phone first and then the Don’t: and say, “If you’re running a little late could appointment. This is completely backwards • Lie or deceive. you give me a courtesy call? I’ll do the same and very rarely does this work. I will • Answer the phone if you are if it happens on my end. By the way, if I concede that once in a blue moon we do preoccupied. can’t reach you at this number, what would eventually sell a customer with this process, • Give price or payments over the be the next best number to reach you?” but it does not mean this is an effective phone. selling method. It means you got lucky. We • Get too exact with color or options. Mr. Customer do you have a pen handy, I’ll can’t depend on luck. What we can depend wait… Once the customer responds with on is skill. Do: “yes” I have something to write with, tell • Set exact time for appointment. them to write down your name and two • Get customer to write down your phone numbers, your work and mobile Once the appointment name. number. Spell it out for them. Mr. Customer, has been set, make a • Take control. when you get to ABC Motors, please ask the • Create flexibility. receptionist to page me and I will be right copy of the customer there to assist you. information and have Example of a phone guide: your manager conÞrm Sales Person: Thank you for calling ABC Motors. This is John, how may I help you? Once the appointment has been set, make a copy of the customer information and have the appointment your manager confirm the appointment within a 15 minute Customer: Do you have any…make, within a 15 minute window. This alone will model? help increase the customer show ratio. window. This alone will help increase the Sales Person: Are you wanting a new In today’s competitive market, dealerships customer show ratio. or used vehicle? What options were you hoping for? (Get a minimum of five options. have two choices, either “grow or die.” Which choice would your dealership prefer? Always offer either/or). Example: Cloth or I think it is an easy decision. When sales people get into a price decision leather, automatic or manual, four wheel over the phone, the only hope in the sales drive or two wheel drive, CD, Cassette or This is one of many effective ways to handle person’s mind is to give a price low enough both, etc. Lighter or darker shades? incoming sales calls. The key is to put a to entice a customer to come in. Even if the consistent process in place and to train the customer comes in, what have you got? You Sales Person: Repeat back all options at this procedure until it becomes habitual. Then have a low gross deal if any, or the customer point to verify correct information, which monitor the process for compliance. This takes your number and shops it around town. shows active listening. Then say: It’s going will assure at least three or four additional People cannot get excited about price. to take five or 10 minutes for me to check sales per sales person per month. Make it our availability, no sense in you driving happen! How many true opportunities are lost daily out here needlessly. Are you calling from in your dealership through the use of this home or work? The number there is? And method? The following is one method that your first and last name is? “ I just got an can work if used correctly. Teach your sales idea, can I put you on hold?” (Now put the people to sell appointments and not cars customer on hold for 20 seconds maximum) over the phone. Come back with excitement in your voice. Anthony Hall is a Training Consultant at Ziegler Supersystems. He can be Step 1. If you have the exact vehicle, use the contacted at 800.610.9047, or by email at Put together a script or call guide that will following guide: 18
  • 19. $100,000 to $450,000+ $450,000.00 in 4 Days (3 w/ Snow & Rain) Gross ProÞt in 4 Days! 03/2004! Record Sale for Karl Malone Toyota, UT with PDS, Inc. Set 40 Year Record at Duea Motor Co. Albia, IA PREFERRED DEALER SERVICES, INC. $211,000+ in 4 Days. “THE MOST EFFECTIVE STAFFED SALES & TRAINING EVENT IN 40 YEARS” Mike Duea - Dealer, Duea Motor Co. IA Would you be interested in delivering 30 to 70+ units in four days at $3200 - $4500+ per retail? $175,000.00 Gross ProÞt on Inventory We Would Have Lost $75,000.00+ at Auction! We Would you like to turn aged inventory with no Look Forward to our Next Sale need to wholesale for a loss? with a “Clean Inventory” Wade Nelson, Karl Malone Toyota, NM Would you like to consistently generate proÞts exceeding $200,000 in four days? We have Successfully concluded our 2nd “Acquisition Would you like to increase your proÞt per retail Sale” thanks in Large to Mark by $300 to $500 per retail after we leave? & Ann Proctor, They are Excellent! They maximized proÞt on every deal and integrated well with our staff. Mark & Ann Proctor, Alex Edwards - GM, Varsity Nationally Recognized Ford Springhill, LA Dealers with 25+ Years Experience...#1 CSI/QCP PDS, Inc. Provides the Highest Quality Management Preferred Dealer Services Teams in the Automotive Founded on Trust Industry Today... The Nations Built on Integrity. Leader in Automotive Sales Promotions. “Anytime, Anywhere a Product or Service is Call today to reserve your Provided...Someone Will Offer next event, scheduling is limited! it for Less! As Always, You Get 800.453.8217 What you Pay For and Pay for What You Get.” Anonymous. please visit our website for more details or to request a package.
  • 20. sts ms ls fis lr BrianTracy sales and training solution Getting Rich Your Own Way If you are really worked hard; were promoted and paid can charge high fees for their services. serious about well; earned stock options, bonuses, and These people earn their degrees, dedicate becoming wealthy, profit sharing; and as a result of holding themselves to becoming very good at what there are five primary on to that money, became millionaires and they do, rise to the top of their professions, ways that fortunes are multimillionaires. earn high incomes, and then hold on to made. the money. Ten percent of self-made Paul Allen started Microsoft with Bill millionaires in the United States fall into Become an Entrepreneur Gates, sold out when he became ill, took this category. The number one road to riches, at the head much of his share of the company in of the list and on the top of the hit parade stock, and is now a multibillionaire. The Get into Sales throughout U.S. history, is entrepreneurship, Seattle area is famous for having so many An important source of self-made starting and building a successful business. “Microsoft millionaires,” people who millionaires is sales people and sales Entrepreneurship includes every kind of went to work for Microsoft in the 1970s consultants. Five percent of self-made business, from farming and trucking to the and 1980s, sometimes as secretaries and millionaires in the United States are men automotive and computer industries. programmers, received stock options, and and women who are experts and at the top became wealthy when they exercised them. of their fields in selling. They never started Seventy-four percent of self-made Many senior executives receive bonuses their own businesses. Few of them went millionaires in the United States, going and profit sharing worth millions in a single to college or earned professional degrees. back 200 years, come from self-owned year. Working for a large company that Instead, they became very good at selling a businesses. An individual starts with an grows, pays well, and shares its profits is a product or service, and were paid well for idea for a product or service, turns it into a major source of wealth. doing it. In addition, they managed their business, builds it up from the ground floor, money well, invested it intelligently, and and as a result becomes wealthy. Henry Many executives have stayed with their made it grow until they were millionaires Ford, Andrew Carnegie, John Jacob Astor, corporations for many years; have risen to or better. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Ross Perot, Sam positions of seniority; are paid extremely Walton, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Larry well; are given stock options, profit sharing, Fully 99 percent of self-made millionaires in Ellison are all people who started with little and bonuses; and as a result of holding on America come from these four categories: or nothing and built their own successful to the money, they became millionaires. businesses. And there are millions of Not so long ago, Lee Iacocca, the chairman 1. Self-owned businesses 74 others. of Chrysler Corporation, was paid $26.7 2. Senior executive positions 10 million for one year. Michael Eisner of 3. Doctors, lawyers, and other Work Your Way Up Disney earned a $150 million bonus. professionals 10 Another way to become rich is as a highly It’s not too hard to become a self-made 4. Sales people & sales consultants 5 paid executive of a successful company, or millionaire if you’re making that kind of Total 99 as an employee of a company that awards money in a year. stock options that become valuable. Ten All the Others percent of self-made millionaires in the Become a Professional The final one percent of self-made United States are men or women who have A major source of self-made millionaires millionaires includes all the people who joined large corporations, or companies consists of professional people; Doctors, have made their money in the stock market, that became large, and worked for these dentists, lawyers, architects, engineers, with inventions, in show business, through companies for many years. They usually and others with advanced degrees who the authorship of books and songs, as lottery winners, and all other sources. Unfortunately, because this group gets so much publicity, many people think that they Up Unit Sales via Referrals! are typical of the people who get rich. The fact is that they are quite rare. Up Service Visits by 13x a person! To get wealthy, you don’t have to depend on luck, windfalls, or inheritances. It’s Would you like a cost effective way to increase your referrals? like trying to find anything else - the way Want to dramatically increase service visits you lose to is easier and the results more positive if Lube, Mufßer and Tire shops? you know where to look in the first place. Would you be interested in a program that pays for itself Now that you know where 99 percent of the hundreds of times over? wealth comes from, where are you going to AUTO look? Call today for a FREE Sample! 800.723.2590 Brian Tracy is the Chairman & CEO of Brian Tracy International. He can be C A S H C A R D S contacted at 866.300.9881, or by email at 20 successful solutions at
  • 21. sts ms ls fis lr DavidA.Fish marketing solution How to Measure e-Newsletter Results There are definitive fine-tune and tailor your subject matter so content delivery can respond to individual methods for tracking that you can deliver the kind of information subscribers with specific articles based on and measuring an customers want and value. That will keep their previous reading behavior. e-newsletter’s direct your readership numbers high, stave off impact on the bottom attrition and build loyalty in between vehicle While you’re measuring traffic to your line. All you need to purchases. website, don’t overlook some basic ways do is: to measure your e-newsletter’s standalone Mapping e-Newsletters to Website Activity effectiveness. Assign it a unique 800 • Establish your benchmark metrics Use an e-newsletter to drive both new buyer number. Then when the phone bill comes, • Put the appropriate tracking and repeat buyer traffic to your website. you’ll know exactly how many readers mechanisms for measuring them in How do you know if an e-newsletter is responded to something they saw (an event place driving website traffic? or promotion) in the e-newsletter. And make • Review and fine-tune to maximize sure there is a unique “respond by email” your e-newsletter’s value An embedded link in your e-newsletter address such as e-newsletter@yourdeale enables a reader to click directly through so that you can separate direct Two benchmark metrics that go above and to your website. Be sure it’s displayed in inquiries from the e-newsletter from general beyond basic delivery and open rates and the same place on every page (the way the website inquiries. help you determine your e-newsletter’s catalog companies display their 800#s). success are lifetime customer ROI and the Then, install a tracking function that counts Whether you choose to measure your e- effectiveness of your e-newsletter in driving click-throughs from the e-newsletter to the newsletter effectiveness in terms of driving traffic to your website. website. Mapping the number of website down the cost of gaining lifetime customer visitors that came from your e-newsletter to value, or in terms of additional website traffic The first is an efficiency measurement the total number of site visitors will provide and sales, start by setting your own benchmark demonstrating the cost of maintaining an you with a percentage of web-fed sales ROI. Then, as time goes on, you can start ongoing customer relationship. The second driven by the e-newsletter. to deploy more sophisticated methods for lets you map your e-newsletter more directly getting more marketing value out of your to sales via your website. The sophistication of your tracking will e-newsletter investment. In fact, our third determine how granular, and ultimately how and last article in this series will show you Lifetime Customer ROI useful, the data will be. For example, some how advanced, content-based tracking and A recent analysis conducted by IBM third-party e-newsletter service providers reporting enables you to use an e-newsletter specifically for the automotive industry, can show you on an article-by-article to surface “buy signals” and prioritize leads pegs individual lifetime customer value at basis which content in your e-newsletter is by determining where customers are in their well over $100,000, and lifetime value per compelling the most subscribers to click- vehicle-purchasing cycle. household at over $300,000. This includes through to your site. This can help you bring new vehicle sales to spouses and children the content that is driving website traffic David A. Fish is Chief Executive OfÞcer as well as attendant service and aftermarket “above the fold” where it’s more likely of IMN (iMakeNews, Inc.) He can be sales. to be read by all recipients. E-newsletter contacted as 800.871.0012, or by email at services that offer high-levels of customized dÞ Make sure your e-newsletter content is fresh, relevant and meaningful. Go heavy NADA AUTOSUCCESS on lifestyle content and light on the heavy sell. Deliver information on those topics that drive incremental sales (such as sales to other family members and service) but do it in an editorial versus a promotional way. For example, consider a lifestyle article on surviving a teenager’s first six months behind the wheel or tips on how to winterize a vehicle for different driving conditions. The first pre-disposes the reader to buying their teen’s first car from you; the second encourages a visit to your service bays. Determine the value of your e-newsletters according to which articles and regular content sections recipients read. Content- tracking tools will help you continuously Visit AutoSuccess at NADA Booth #6055 december 2004 21