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AutoSuccess Best of the Best Companies NADA Map, Page 4
she’s gone

                           you missed him

                                        say bye to another sale


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          you missed her

     he’s gone
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                                                                                           too late
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The Four Factors of Risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                          8            BrianTracy

                                                                                                    Being Aware of Unique Cultural Needs
                                                                                                                                                                                                         10            TomHopkins

                                                                                              Voyages of the eCRM Dealers of the Year
                                                                                                                    How They Did It                                                                      12            PatrickLuck

                                                                                       Four Characteristics of Top Sales Producers
                                                                                                                                                                                                         16            DirkZeller

                                                                                            Getting the Picture: A Setting That Works
                                                                                                                                                                                                         18            DeliaPassi

                                                                       Targeted Web Video and Your Ad Strategy, Part 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                         20            PhilSura

                                                                                                                                                                  The Interview
                                                                                                                                                                                                         24            EricMélon

                         12                                                How to Increase Your High Quality Lead Volume
                                                                                                                                                                                                         26            DavidKain

                                                                              Marketing to Women: Female Consumer Power
                                                                                                                                                                                                         28            TeresaBordenet

                                                                                                                                         Would You Believe You?
                                                                                                                                                                                                         32            DixonJudd

                                                                                                                                                               Hillside Honda
                                                                                                                         Limited Space, Unlimited Talent and Success
                                                                                                                                                                                                         34            PatrickLuck

                                                                          What Happens Here, Does Not Have to Stay Here
                                                                                                                                                                                                         38            JesseBiter

                                                                                                                                                          The Higher Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                         39            SeanWolfington

                                                                                                                                                     Success or Failure?
                                                                                                                                                                                                         40            MarkTewart

                                                                                                            Educate and Train Your Customers
                                                                                                                        Customer Pay Labor and Parts Profit Training
                                                                                                                                                                                                         42            SteveLaPenta

                                                                                          Background Music Drives Showroom Sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                         44            MattHolden

                                          Six Steps to a Great Presentation at Your Next Meeting, Part 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                         46            PattiWood

                                                                                                                                                                                                         47            TonyDupaquier

                                                                                    Tuning Your Web Site for High-Performance:
                                                                                       Using Key Performance Indicators, Part 6
                                                                                                                                                                                                         50            HeatherConary

                                                                                                                                                      To BE or Not to BE
                                                                                                                                                 The Answer is in the Becoming
                                                                                                                                                                                                         52            MichaelYork

                                                                                                               Change Your Life by Setting Goals
                                                                                                                                                                                                         54            JeffMorrill

                                                                                                                                                          Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher                                      Brian Ankney, Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                                                                                                          Susan Givens, Vice President                                          Brian Balash, Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                             3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive                                                  Thomas Williams, Creative Director                                    Toni Stephens, Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                             Louisville, Kentucky 40245                                                                      
                                                                                                                                                          Dave Davis, Creative Strategist & Editor                              Cori Frye, Sales-improvement Strategist
                                                                             toll free: 877.818.6620
                                                                             facsimile: 502.588.3170
                                                                             helping to promote...

                                                                                                                                                             Psalm 23:4 - Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

                     God is the source of all supply

AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky, 40245; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $75 per year.
AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions;
views expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. AutoSuccess accepts no liability in respect of the content of any third party material appearing in this magazine or in respect of the content of any other magazine to which this
magazine may be linked from time to time. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures.© All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in
whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that
names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40245.
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   sales and training solution

                         The Four Factors of Risk
                       The critical factor in     invite a group of business customers to a          your product or service. A first-time buyer,
                       selling today is risk.     restaurant to discuss a large transaction, the     one who has not bought the product or service
                       Because of continuous      risk factor can be very high.                      before, or who has not bought it from you,
                       change and rapid                                                              is often nervous and requires a lot of hand-
                       obsolescence, the risk     Almost every complex buying decision               holding. Anything new or different makes
of buying the wrong product or service            involves several people. There are the             the average customer tense and uneasy. This
becomes greater as change intensifies. Our         people who must use the product or service,        is why new products or services, or new
greatest single need is for security of all       the people who must pay for the product            business relationships with your company,
kinds, and any buying decision that puts us       or service, the results expected from the          have to be presented as a natural extension
out on a limb triggers the feeling of risk and    installation of the product or service, and        of what the customer is already doing.
threatens that security.                          the reputation of the person making the final
                                                  buying decision. If a person is extremely          Now, here are two things you can do
There are four main factors that contribute       sensitive to the opinions of others, this factor   immediately to put these ideas into action:
to the perception of risk in the mind and         alone can cause him or her to put off a buying
heart of the customer. The first is the size       decision indefinitely.                              First, demonstrate and prove to your
of the sale. The larger the sale, the more                                                           customer that the people affected by this
money involved, the greater the risk. If a        The third factor contributing to the risk          purchase will be happy and satisfied. Tell
person is buying a package of Lifesavers,         perception is the length of life of the product.   stories about other happy customers.
the risk of satisfaction or dissatisfaction is    A product or service that, once installed, is
insignificant. But if a person is buying a         meant to last for several years generates the      Second, show the customer that this
computer system for their company, the risk       feeling of risk. The customer thinks, “What        purchase, even if it is new or unfamiliar, is
factor is magnified by hundreds or thousands       if it doesn’t work and I’m stuck with it?”         a logical extension of what the customer is
of times. Whenever you are selling a product                                                         already doing. Show the customer it makes
that has a high price on it, you must recognize   How many times have you bought something           perfect sense.
that risk enters into the buyer’s calculations    personally that turned out to be the wrong
almost immediately.                               item and you were stuck with it? You
                                                  couldn’t replace it with something more
The second factor contributing to the             appropriate because of the amount you had
perception of risk is the number of people        already paid.
who will be affected by the buying decision.                                                         Brian Tracy is the chairman and CEO
                                                                                                     of Brian Tracy International. He can be
If you go out for lunch alone to a new            The fourth major risk factor is the customer’s     contacted at 866.300.9881, or by e-mail at
restaurant, the risk is very low. But if you      unfamiliarity with you, your company and 

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   sales and training solution

                                                         Being Aware of
                                                  Unique Cultural Needs
                       If you do business with    studying a culture, you’re creating specialized    • Avoid slang, buzzwords, idioms,
                       people from cultural       service for a niche market in your area.             jargon and lingo
                       groups different from      Don’t just learn how to sell vehicles to these       These can all be easily misunderstood
                       your own, you would        different cultures; learn how they like to be        by those who may not speak your
                       be wise to invest some     served after the sale. Providing courteous           language as their primary language. Just
                       time      understanding    contact and consistent follow-up will cause          use simple language until you can get
their cultures, as well as their needs in terms   them to send their friends and relatives to you      an idea of what level of your language
of your vehicles and services. You may not        for their vehicles, as well.                         they understand.
necessarily be doing business with people
in another country, but with those from           The most important aspect of doing business        • If you’re using an interpreter, make
other countries who have relocated to your        with someone from a culture other than ours in       sure the interpreter meets with the
community. If you want their business, you        the good ol’ U.S.A. is to beware of the words        people for whom they are interpreting
have to understand their needs on many            you use. Some American words and phrases             before you actually begin to sell them
levels.                                           just don’t translate well. They don’t have the       This will allow the interpreter to
                                                  meaning that you may wish to impart; thus,           determine if there are any dialect
This isn’t difficult to do. There’s a vast array   they are likely to confuse potential clients.        challenges between what they speak and
of information available for free online          Or, worse, the translation may be something          what the client is most familiar with.
about nearly every culture on the planet.         offensive. So, when speaking to folks from
Set aside 15 minutes to look under the            other cultures, watch your words. Speak at         • Pay attention to nonverbal interaction
topics of “protocol,” “diversity” or “cultural    your highest level of language rather than           cues
awareness.” If you pick up just one key point     using casual or slang terms.                         The word “yes” or an affirmative nod
that makes your next client from another                                                               often means “Yes, I hear you” in Asian
culture feel comfortable with you, it is well     You may also want to stop periodically and           cultures, not, “Yes, I agree.” If you see
worth your while.                                 ask if the potential clients understand what         a nod and move on to closing the sale,
                                                  you’ve just told them. If they don’t, assure         you may frighten them off with what
Depending on how much business you                them that’s okay and that you’re there to help       appears to them as over-zealousness.
might be doing with clients from cultures         them to understand so they can find a vehicle
unfamiliar to you, a good source can be           that best serves their particular needs.          Culture is as much an influence on people as
found at This where                                                            their personal experiences, so knowing about
you’ll find the handbook for U.S. diplomats        A Few Other Things to be Aware of:                your clients’ customs and traditions only
on proper etiquette and protocol for meetings      • Be patient when building trust and             makes sense. That way, neither you nor your
with people from diverse cultures around the         establishing relationships                     client will be made to feel uncomfortable and
world.                                               People from countries other than               selling can be done.
                                                     the U.S. generally need more than a
There are many other good books written              handshake to build trust. It is important      If you’re in doubt about how to properly
on proper protocol for doing business with           to observe a greater degree of formality       work with people of another culture, don’t be
people of different cultures. With a quick call      when becoming acquainted than you              afraid to ask them. Ask as you would with
or visit to your local library, you can have a       would use with a client who was born           any client what their past experiences have
wealth of information to review while waiting        and raised locally.                            been when purchasing a vehicle. Ask what
for clients to come into your dealership.                                                           they liked and disliked about the service, the
                                                   • Speak more slowly than you normally            folks they dealt with at the dealership and
Take a moment now to consider what                   do, but don’t raise your voice                 the vehicle itself. This is all a normal part of
cultural groups are represented within a 50-         because you think the other person             qualifying during any sales process.
mile radius of your dealership. If you’re not        can’t understand you
sure, call your local Chamber of Commerce.           Volume doesn’t usually increase
They’ll have demographics of the population          comprehension. Also, don’t speak down          World-renowned master sales trainer Tom
in the area and be able to provide you with          to them as if they are children. Simply        Hopkins is the chairman of Tom Hopkins
good information.                                    speak clearly and include appropriate          International. He can be contacted at
                                                     gestures to ensure they’re following           866.347.6148, or by e-mail at
Once you have that information and begin             what you’re pointing out.            

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Their Mission: To seek out new leads; To          the quality of customer service available                                                            understand the car business, it builds value
explore innovative new marketing worlds; To       to the new-frontier, generation-tech auto                                                            in our dealership. As a result, our Web site
boldly go where no dealer has gone before.        consumers.                                                                                           has consistently converted five to six times
                                                                                                                                                       more visitors into leads over our previous
The Voyage                                        In this issue, we will share with you how                                                            site.” When seeking a consultant, ask for
Last month we announced the Top 10 eCRM           the award-winning eCRM Dealers of the                                                                references and referrals of current clients to
Dealers of the Year for 2007. In reviewing        Year achieved their phenomenal results,                                                              find out about their satisfaction and results.
the data from the recipients of the award, I      selling from 70 to 700 additional units per                                                                                                            Our Virtual Test Drives are excellent tools that are great for
reflected on the tremendous phenomenon the         month, through exploration of the innovative                                                         • Build a Detailed Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                         populating our e-mail databases. Customers love receiving these
Internet has become as a marketing medium.        technology of eCommerce. By unleashing the                                                           All of the top eCRM dealers shared the
I was reminded of the science-fiction-based        potential of the Internet, these dealers have                                                        belief that a good Web site is important, but     interactive multi-media tours loaded with information.
series Star Trek which debuted in the 1960s.      discovered an ingenious solution to promote                                                          won’t generate extra sales without a detailed,                                                 – Ralph Paglia,
In its fictional universe, humans were able to     all profit centers within their dealership (New,                                                      innovative marketing strategy, detailed
overcome many boundaries and limitations          Used, F&I, Subprime, Service, Parts) while                                                           processes to turn leads into appointments,
to improve the quality of life. This fictional     improving customer satisfaction. Success                                                             well-trained people to turn appointments into     leads with fewer people. Brian Benstock, of        that can work fast even on a low-speed
vision of the future had a huge impact on our     like theirs is possible for all dealers who have                                                     sales, and a solid pricing policy to protect a explains, “Automation             connection. Dealers with award-winning
culture, most notably on the development of       the desire to implement it; however, as with                                                         fair profit to hold it all together. Dave Smith,   makes it easier to follow our process, allows      sites offer innovative features like Virtual
technology. The series is believed to have        any industry, new technology always presents                                                         founder of Dave Smith Motors, developed           us to handle more leads with fewer people          Test Drives, Online Auctions, Online Credit
motivated the design of many current gizmos       challenges within the dealership. In an effort                                                       a one-price system in the early 1980s and         and allows our sales specialists to focus on       Applications, Trade Appraisals and more.
including the mobile phone, Tablet PC, and        to share the knowledge gained and lessons                                                            successfully continues today to offer this        what they do best: sell cars. It’s a big part of   Effective Web sites entice the customer to
other personal digital devices, and set the bar   learned, we’re publishing a compilation of the                                                       “hassle-free” buying philosophy.                  why we’re selling an additional 200 cars a         submit a lead, pick up the phone, or drive
for developing technology such as “virtual        top 10 pitfalls commonly hindering today’s                                                                                                             month. Today we have more than 80,000 e-           straight to the dealership. Rick Case offers
reality.” An entire subculture has grown up       eDealers. By avoiding and correcting these                                                           • Implement Processes                             mail addresses and if we were attempting to        information on their site, “
around the show. Trek fan or not, we find          common pitfalls, your dealership will save                                                           Top eCRM dealers tell us that having the          manage that database without automation, it        is more than just a web site; it’s a Virtual
ourselves – 40 years later – utilizing similar,   valuable time and money while improving                                                              dealer and general manager heavily involved       would be overwhelming.”                            Dealership which serves as our own
previously unfathomable, concepts to break        results and sales.                                                                                   in initial planning, strategy sessions, and                                                          regional buying service. Our site, along with
through marketing barriers and improve                                                                                                                 decision making process is crucial to             Tony Rimas, from                    innovative Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
                                                  Charting New Territory                                                                               successful implementation. Continued              echoes the sentiment that automation allows        strategies, drives more quality traffic to the
                                                  Our industry has successfully navigated                                                              support and involvement determines the            you to do more with less, “Our CRM tool            dealership which increases leads, reduces
                                                  into new territory by leveraging the power                                                           success or failure of any eCRM initiative.        automates so many of our phone and e-mail          reliance on third-party lead providers, and
                                                  and technology of the Internet. In an effort                                                         Andrew Walser, owner of Walser Auto Group         processes that we can manage thousands of          lowers costs.”
                                                  to share best practices with our readers, we                                                         sums it up: “We understand the importance of      additional leads without adding staff.”
                                                  have compiled a consensus of various best                                                            process and execution. We have centralized a                                                         E-mail Marketing: E-mail marketing is the
                                                  practices and strategies from this year’s                                                            consistent process in all of our 12 franchises,   • Generate Traffic                                  most cost-effective, measurable method of
                                                  award-winning dealers:                                                                               and as a result have built a great foundation     Web site: All of the top eCRM dealers define        advertising. Brian Benstock, of ParagonCars.
                                                                                                                                                       in terms of percentages and closing ratios.       a great Web site as one that generates leads.      com explains, “We sold 36 vehicles in three
                                                  • Consult a Professional                                                                             Currently we are setting appointments on          They are reducing their dependency on              days with one of our campaigns and it
                                                  Nine of the 10 top eCRM dealers agreed             Many have been exposed to companies that          32 percent of our leads with an 80 percent        hard-to-close third party leads and costly         didn’t cost me a dime. We have collected
                                                  that the constantly evolving technology of         offer marketing tools and CRM technology,         show-up rate.”                                    traditional advertising and are relying on         over 100,000 e-mail addresses and we
                                                  the Internet requires the knowledge and            but are unable to provide valuable expertise                                                        their state-of-the-art Web sites as their lead     send out a minimum of one multi-media e-
                                                  experience of professionals who constantly         on industry trends. Gloria Williams at            • Automate Processes                              generator. Dealers know that a Web site will       mail campaign a month. We’ve had a lot of
                                                  monitor state-of-the-art technology and,           Harvey Autos adds this for consideration,         The top eCRM dealers agree that with the          get results if it is simple, easy to use, quick    success with our e-mail marketing
                                                  most importantly, know the auto industry.          “Because our site was created by experts who      right technology, you can handle more             to load, and has highly engaging content                                  Continued on page 14                                                                                    

fs    feature solution

                                                                                                   incoming leads. Bob Tasca III is passionate
                                                                                                   about people, “We have a recruiting,
                                                                                                   hiring and training process that we use
                                                                                                   whenever we’re hiring for any position in
                                                                                                   the dealership and we like to say that we
                                                                                                   hire out of inspiration, not desperation. That
                                                                                                   means that we’re always on the lookout
                                                                                                   for energetic, talented people with a good
                                                                                                   work ethic and an eagerness to learn. A new
                                                                                                   candidate doesn’t necessarily need to have
                                                                                                   automotive experience because our new hire
                                                                                                   training program and on-going training are
                                                                                                   so extensive. We have a training company
                                                                                                   that we bring in for two days every month to
                                                                                                   help with our training needs.”

                                                                                                   • Track & Measure
                                                                                                   To truly maximize the profitability of every
                                                                                                   customer relationship, you need a marketing
                                                                                                   automation solution that supports your entire
                                                                                                   marketing team and provides management
                                                                                                   with crucial metrics to improve efficiency and
                                                                                                   effectiveness at every stage of the marketing
                                                                                                   process. Jay Gubala of
                                                                                                   asserts, “Our Virtual BDC Manager is fully
                                                                                                   automated. We measure everything and hold
                                                                                                   regular meetings to discuss our progress and
                                                                                                   to find ways to fine-tune our processes. The
                                                                                                   customized reports give us the information
                                                                                                   we need, the number of leads by source,
                                                                                                   response rates, appointment percentages,
                                                                                                   show percentages, closing percentages and
                                                                                                   cost per sale.”

Continued from page 13                                                                             Captain’s Log:
campaigns, so we focus on gathering e-mails       found that award-winning dealers are also        The Internet will shortly be under the care
from our parts, service and sales customers       capitalizing on the more immediate and           of another generation. To them and their
to fuel the e-mail database for future digital    measurable benefits of Search Engine              posterity will we commit the future of our
marketing.” Bob Tasca III of            Marketing to maximize placement in               digital marketing. They will continue the
gives another powerful example, “If Ford          search engine results. As Tony Rimas of          voyages we have begun, and journey through
comes out with an Explorer incentive, I can tells us, “Our Digital            all the previously unexplored lead generating
send an e-mail to everyone who has been in        Marketing System, complete with an               possibilities; boldly going where no man -
on an Explorer, and I can select just our lease   advanced Search Engine Marketing strategy,       where no dealer - has gone before.
renewal customers who are currently in an         allows us to dominate search engine results
Explorer or even customers who were in to         in our region, continuing to provide us          Congratulations to the Top 10 eCRM Dealers
service their current Explorer. There’s no        with consistent results, increased sales, and    of 2007, and thank you for sharing your
limit to how I can target my campaigns.”          customer satisfaction at a lower cost per        insight on what it takes to effectively leverage
                                                  sale.” Many of the top eCRM dealers concur       the technology of the Internet and CRM to
Search Engine Optimization: Search                that Search Engine Marketing generates a         increase profits and create loyal customers in
Engine Optimization (SEO), also known             higher return on investment by boosting          the process. As Mr. Spock would put it: With
as “organic,” is fundamental to any digital       traffic and increasing sales. These dealers are   results like these, to not continue to explore
marketing strategy. Through a process of          doing a great job integrating their online and   the limitless opportunities of eCommerce
including key words and phrases, dealers are      offline marketing strategies to maximize the      would be...illogical.
able to better position their Web site ahead of   return on all their advertising.
the competition. Roy Reutter, from Sheehy.                                                         If you have any questions regarding any of
com tells us, “Search Engine Optimization         • Prepare and Train                              the best practices discussed in this article,
combined with our multimedia e-mail               Even though the Web and CRM have made an         please feel free to visit the dealers’ Web sites
campaigns has enabled us to increase traffic       incredible impact on the automotive industry,    or send me an e-mail.
and sales at a lower cost than ever.”             this still is - and always will be - a people
                                                  business, so nothing is more important than
Search Engine Marketing: Most dealers with        quality people who are well-trained.             Patrick Luck is the publisher and editor
eCommerce Departments have marketing                                                               for SellingSuccess Magazines. He can be
strategies that encompass the art of Search       All dealers express the importance of having     contacted at 866.239.3698, or by e-mail at
Engine Optimization; however, we have             a well-trained, dedicated staff to handle

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                                                   Four Characteristics
                                                of Top Sales Producers
                     People who craft a       everybody who could help them to reach              than money. The ultimate accomplishment is
                     fabulous lifestyle and   the next level for direction. The next level        to be an explorer who explores for the joy that
                     are also financially      is not always a financial level. It could be a       growth and creation bring.
                     successful share four    better relationship with a spouse, a higher
                     common traits.           level of physical fitness or deeper spiritual        Jim Rohn had a wonderful saying: “It’s
                                              convictions. The truth is there are many            not the money that makes the millionaire,
First, They Are the Explorers                 things more attractive at the next level than       it’s what that person had to become.” That
They explore everything and question          money. These things also carry more meaning         millionaire could lose the money tomorrow.
                                                                                                  The money carries little importance in the
                                                                                                  long run. What matters is how a person had
                                                                                                  to change to become the person who had the

                   DOWN                                                                           value of a millionaire.

                                                                                                  The opposite of an explorer is a cynic. The
                                                                                                  cynic looks for reasons why it will not
                                                                                                  work, for ways to maintain the status quo

      MARKETVIEW360                                                                               and continue to do nothing. The explorer is
                                                                                                  seeking new information and ideas that will
                                                                                                  lead to the next level.

                                                                                                  Second, the Successful Producers
      MarketView360 will change the way you talk to your customers                                are Investors
                                                                                                  Successful producers invest in their most
                                     ONE SOLUTION, ONE PROVIDER                                   important asset: themselves. Realizing your
                                                                                                  true value requires that you invest in yourself.
                                                                                                  You need to work continually to find the
                                                                                                  best path to achievement, and then put in
                                                                                                  what it takes in order to start down that path.
                                                  DROP IT LIKE IT’S HOT                           Investors buy the best deal, the best book and
                                                 WITH MARKETVIEW360                               the best tape series. They are the people who
                                               AT NADA (BOOTH #6439)                              are constantly reading, who are listening to
                                                                                                  CDs in their cars. They look for others who
                                                and enter to win a Zune™ every
                                                                                                  have been where they want to go, or who are

      EMAIL                                       hour! Get ready to shake your
                                              money maker while we make some
                                                                                                  going in their direction but are farther down
                                                                                                  the path. They stop and ask for directions
  TEXT                                                money in your dealership!                   when they get lost in life.

   VOICE                                                                                          The opposite of an investor is an excuse
                                                                                                  maker. Excuse makers are always looking
                                                                                                  back and covering their tracks. Their
DIRECT                                                                                            vocabularies are littered with “if only”
                                                                                                  and “but.” Being successful is far more
MAIL                                                         The Most Intelligent Multi-channel
                                                              Marketing System On The Planet
                                                                                                  rewarding than achieving mediocrity while
                                                                                                  having a good excuse. We all have the choice
                                                                                                  to have what we want in life, being all that
                                                                                                  God created us to be, or to spend our lives
                                                                                                  coming up with excuses for having fallen
                                                                                                  short. The choice is up to you.

                                                                                                  Third, the Most Successful People
                                                                                                  are Implementors
                                                                                                  Exploring and investing do not produce
                                                                                                  success       without         implementation.
                                                                                                  Implementation draws the bold line between
                                                                                                  massive success and failure. We all have found
                                                                                                  great ideas and done nothing with them. We
                                                                                                  have all implemented a few small changes


and seen staggering results. Resolve today           vacation home some three hours away
to implement one idea that you have been             in Bend, Oregon, and we had to be on
thinking about, researching and evaluating.          site every Friday to check the progress.
Do it now. The implementor is the only one           Joan was the general contractor, so
who achieves massive success. How many               there was no reneging over the eight-
ideas or thoughts have you had in your sales         month construction schedule. The
career that would have been windfalls if you         amazing outcome? Once the home
had just disciplined yourself to implement           was done, I saw no need to revert to a
them?                                                five-day workweek.

Finally, the Most Successful People Spend         • Take Away Your Time-Wasting
Less Time to Accomplish More                         Options:
Many sales people invest too much time               Commit to time off and force yourself
and too little urgency in their businesses.          to work during established, reasonable
They commit well over 40 hours to the job,           work hours. Automatically, you’ll force
and they put themselves on call seven days           yourself to eliminate time-wasting
a week. They spread themselves thin, and             activities.
then, in order to sustain themselves over this
endless schedule, they dilute their intensity.    • Give Yourself No Option to Add
No other professional works so many hours;           Hours Back to Your Workweek:
even doctors have a lighter on-call schedule         If you allow yourself the option to add
than most sales people choose to accept.             time back to your workweek, you leave
                                                     yourself open to time-wasting choices.
Commit right now to become more effective
in much less time each week. Try this:           Begin to treat time as your most valuable
                                                 asset. The most successful sales people
 • Set Aside at Least One Day a Week             are not casual with their time. This leads
    to Recharge and Refresh Yourself:            to career, relationship and bank account
    Before you say you can’t afford the day      abundances by treating time as the most
    off, realize this truth: Work expands to     precious resource in life.
    fill the time you give it. Reduce your
    work hours, and you’ll automatically         A resource is something that is available in
    squeeze more productivity into shorter       a limited or finite supply. Money and energy
    spans of time.                               are among your personal resources, but time
                                                 is your most precious resource of all. You can
 • Increase Your Productivity by                 judge your resource supply in all other areas.
    Increasing Your Intensity:                   You know or can easily learn how much
    Give yourself deadlines with no              money is in your accounts. You know or
    procrastination options. If you know         sense your energy levels and what you have
    you need to accomplish a lineup              left to use. But there are no guarantees on the
    of goals over the course of a five-           86,400 seconds in each day. I defer absolute
    day workweek, your focus will                control of my time to the guy upstairs, and,
    automatically zoom in. You’ll sweep          in the meantime, I increase the probability
    away distractions, and you’ll get the        of longevity through healthy eating, physical
    job done in the time allowed.                exercise and adequate amounts of rest, and I
                                                 increase the probability of productive use of
    I watched my own focus and                   my day through careful time management.
    productivity intensify as I went from
    a seven-day workweek to a six-day            You may need to commit right now to a new
    workweek to a five-day workweek.              path, or you may need only to commit to
    The largest production increase I            following your current path farther toward
    experienced, though, was when I              implementation. In either case, begin by
    moved to a schedule of four days of          making the commitment now to explore,
    work followed by three days off, with        invest, implement and spend your time
    no correlating reduction in my income        wisely. If you do these things daily, your life
    or success objectives. Given my goals,       will never be the same.
    I knew I had to work with incredibly
    high intensity and no options for
    procrastination. What’s more, I              Dirk Zeller is the CEO of Real Estate
    couldn’t change my mind and add a            Champions. He can be contacted at
    work day to my schedule because my           866.883.9314, or by e-mail at
    wife, Joan, and I were constructing a

february 2007
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                                                     Getting the Picture:
   sales and training solution

                                                   A Setting That Works
                      You have probably            relegated to the role of listener. Rather, this     at least one visit to a higher-end salon, where
                      heard the old saying,        set-up says the conversation is meant to “go        you can develop a good look for yourself—
                      “Perception           is     around” - everybody is equally positioned for       and then learn how to maintain it.
                      everything.” Well, I         participation. A round table also promotes a
                      would bet that insight       sense of collaboration.                             The Finer Points: Attention to Detail
                      was     most      likely                                                         Women notice all the little things. Women
written by a woman. Women tend to notice           A sofa and chair at a 90-degree angle is            notice those simple touches that bring an
more details about their surroundings - and        another good play - that is, if you play it         office together: a plant, a rug, a photo. These
they draw important information from these         right: She gets the sofa; you take the chair.       may seem like little niceties, but they have
observations. Meanwhile, men, focusing on          It is important that you never sit on the sofa      substantial value and meaning to many women
goals, keep surroundings on the sidelines.         with her. That tends to be a little too close       customers. In the end, these small items can
                                                   for a woman’s comfort, especially on a first         help create a warm environment that makes a
But women see the setting as an integral piece     encounter. Also if she comes with a partner,        woman feel secure and comfortable enough to
of the pie; it is not peripheral. They develop a   colleague or her husband, they should be able       move forward. Even a low-maintenance cactus
picture about you and your business, noticing      to share the communal sofa space.                   will lend some warmth to your workspace.
almost every single detail possible.
                                                   Your Desk                                           Bathrooms are a key area for women. Dirty
In the negotiating and selling process, it is      You should consider your desk as the heart          bathrooms will hurt your sale and will
the picture that really speaks a thousand          of your workspace. Is it ready and waiting          generally send a woman heading towards the
words. Since a woman buyer is likely to            to focus on her, or is it in disarray, piled high   exit sign - immediately. For men, bathrooms
consult with at least two sales people before      with distractions and baggage? Keep your            register near zero on the significance scale.
a major purchase, you want to make sure your       desk neat, clean and ready to do business with      Your restroom should always be clean, well-
surroundings “say” the things she needs to         her. Do not put your clutter behind you where       lit and kept up. “Empty” should be for the
hear. Are you telling her you are disorganized     you can’t see it… and she can.                      garbage can—not the toilet tissue.
and lack focus? Or that you are:
                                                   Yourself                                            Local Color: Show Your Personal Side
   • Smart                • Knowledgeable
                                                   You do not have to look fancy while                 Women want a connection whenever they do
   • Helpful              • Understanding
                                                   conducting business transactions with               business. If you put yourself out there as a
   • Considerate          • Reliable
                                                   women, but you do have to look professional         person who cares about your overall personal
   • Trustworthy
                                                   and put together. Your professionalism makes        and surrounding presentation, more than just
Your Office                                         a woman feel more respected, and therefore          business, you will set a tone of collaboration
Starting from the front door, you need to          more at ease. The overall goal should be to         and establish a connection that will inspire her
think of your office as a reflection of you; she     look like someone she wants to talk to, and         to buy. And that is the ultimate goal.
certainly does. Is the entry clean, safe, well     most importantly, wants to work with.               Start by placing some sort of decoration on
marked, well lit and easy to negotiate? Is the                                                         your desk or an end table in the meeting
waiting area warm and welcoming, or worn           Keep your hair neat. If you have a beard or
                                                   mustache, keep it trimmed. Do not go to work        area. Something that speaks, something
and cluttered? Are there any magazines or                                                              that is yours. Perhaps you have a trophy or
brochures for her to look at? Is there anything    with missing buttons, spots on your clothes, or
                                                   dryer wrinkles, even if you think that they will    something your child made. It is always
that adds color or a sense of attention to the                                                         effective to display family photos or a picture
area? How about the first people she sees -         probably be hidden underneath your jacket. If
                                                   there is a flaw to be seen on your clothing,         of yourself with friends. These bring you to
does a receptionist make her feel that everyone                                                        life beyond business in her eyes.
is glad she came in?                               somewhere, somehow, she will spot them.
                                                                                                       To sum it up, it is all about making her feel
Your Meeting Space                                 But whatever you do choose to wear, wear
                                                                                                       comfortable. You want to be able to meet her
There are two proven set-ups that provide for      it well. Hey, even older clothes can be
                                                                                                       in her comfort zone. That will facilitate the
ease and success when engaging in business         freshened up with a new shirt or tie and clean
                                                                                                       sale and get you on your way to building a
with women. Remember these options:                or polished shoes. When in doubt, do what it
                                                   takes to just dress nicely. If you find yourself     relationship.
“round” and “90 degrees.”
                                                   having trouble defining this, consider a trip        Delia Passi is the president and CEO at
A round table with chairs suggests equality        to a department store that offers personal          MedeliaCommunications. She can be
and unity. Nobody sits at the head, so nobody      shoppers. They can help you develop a style         contacted at 866.883.4953, or by e-mail at
is dubbed as the talker while the other is         that works. For personal grooming, consider

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                       marketing solution

                                          Targeted Web Video and
                                          Your Ad Strategy, Part 2
                      Last     month        in   e-mail addresses. A customer’s biggest fear       this percentage of the market? Don’t
                      AutoSuccess,         we    in releasing an e-mail address is that they       take their word for it; test it out yourself
                      looked at ideas for        will receive an e-mail every week from the        on a dial-up connection.
                      driving      customers     dealership. If you commit to only sending
                      to your Web site           relevant information that could include         • Find a company that will perform
                      using Search Engine        service specials, you are more likely to be       individual connection diagnostics. Make
Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine             successful in collecting these addresses.         it as easy as possible for the customer
Marketing (SEM), as well as moving               Other relevant information would include          to view the video in order to serve the
customers from a passive position to an active   manufacturer recalls, dealership specials and     best possible video viewing experience
party using video content. This month, let’s     key events. Every dealership cashier, service     for each user. Don’t use a company that
take a look at using video to drive customer     advisor, sales person and finance manager          makes your customer answer questions
loyalty.                                         should be trained on getting customer e-mail      or select a video speed themselves since
                                                 addresses. E-mail addresses are gold.             often their selection will be the wrong
Once a customer visits your operation, what                                                        speed for their actual environment at the
then? Do you send a thank-you card or an         So, summing up, here are some key points to       time. Never use a company that forces
e-mail? Why not send a video message from        look for when interviewing Web hosting and        the customer to download a certain type
the owner thanking him/her for the visit? The    video streaming companies:                        of media player to watch a video.
same approach can take place when a customer      • The key when interviewing a video-
buys a car. E-mail addresses of customers are       streaming company is to work with a          • Work with a company that provides
gold. This database of e-mail addresses can         nationally recognized company.                 online reporting (number of streams per
be used to maintain contact for future events.                                                     video and the average viewing time).
Dealers have the ability to include video        • Make certain that the company hosting
links on these e-mail campaigns. Video e-          and streaming your videos can deliver         • Finally, work with a video company
mail campaigns are more effective than the         on a national basis, not just to your local     with people who understand the retail
campaigns without video content. Dealers           market.                                         automotive space.
have enjoyed as high as a 15 percent click-
through rate when video content is added to      • Work with a video-streaming company           Video streaming, SEO, SEM and video e-
an e-mail campaign. Your results will vary         that has the ability to reach a wide          mail campaigns have become a key focus
widely depending on the quality of the list        audience of users. Over 30 percent of         of most national dealer groups and many
you use, but it is clear that video content        online users still connect on a dial-up       progressive dealerships.
should be included in at least some of your e-     connection (not because they don’t want
campaign efforts in the future if you wish to      to connect faster, but because often,         Phil Sura is the vice president of the
get the most bang for your marketing buck.         even on a broadband connection, the           automotive division of UnityWorks!
                                                   bandwidth pipe is full and the actual         Media. He can be contacted at
Some dealerships have struggled with how           connection is only at a dial-up speed).       866.647.0468, or by e-mail at
to get customers to provide their personal         Can the video streaming company reach

move the crowd.                         crush the competition.                                      count the money.

        J&L Marketing knows that every dealership                                      Contact one of our Business Growth Strategist
                                                                                                                                                                     Increase Your Showroom Traffic By 50%!
        reaches it’s potential in a different way. That is                              at 800.861.5461 to discuss how each of these
        why we offer three different roads to success                                    programs and others can be used in your
                                                                                                                                                                     John Lennon once wrote a beautiful song. It is called “Imagine.” Please do that for a couple of minutes.
        - all with intense benefits!                                                    dealership to produce amazing results!

              1 2
                                                                                                                                                                     Just imagine – imagine you could deal with a direct mail company that was the best in the world.

                              Events                                                        Weekly Campaigns                                                         Imagine that this direct mail company was so good that:

                                                                                                                                                                                  • It was able to pinpoint at the touch of a button exactly what produces the highest response, the most traffic
Case Study: Missouri Chevrolet Dealership                                               Case Study: Pennsylvania Hyundai Dealership                                                 and the most sales for your dealership. More importantly, it could pinpoint what does not work (I mean
                                                                                                                                                                                    know exactly what does not work) so you could remove “the unsuccessful elements” from all your ads.
  • 3-Day, high impact sales promotion (no outside sales teams).                         • Appointment-based sales strategy where customers call to set a
  • As an appreciation of past business, previous customers were invited                   60- minute presentation with a member of the sales team.                               • It took this information and invested more time researching your advertisements (what works and what
    to the dealership to take advantage of year-end savings.                             • Dynamic website created for each customer.                                               does not) so you produced more consistent results and did NOT just watch your return on investment
  • Dynamic website created for each customer.                                               • Allowed customers to schedule appointments on their own
                                                                                                                                                                                    decline with every promotion.
      • Increased response rate                                                                time, increasing response rates
      • Gathered valuable data for future mailings                                           • Built database with customer information for future
      • Built credibility and provided additional information                                  mailings                                                                           • It attracted buyers – NOT a bunch of “Gift Seekers.”
      • Produced instant internet leads with qualifying                                      • Produced instant internet leads with qualifying information
         information                                                                     • Drives quality appointments into the dealership during the slowest                     • It created a process to guarantee your sales staff talks to the most motivated buyers thus assuring their
  • E-mail blast                                                                           times of the week.                                                                       attitude was always positive. Because of this, they maximized their potential and sold more cars.
      • Increased response rate
                                                                                        1,501 mailed                                                                 And finally, imagine the company was so good that:
7,500 mailed                                                                            25 respondents (1.67%)
93 respondents (1.24% during three days)                                                10 sold (40%)                                                                             • It increased your showroom traffic by 50%! That’s right, this incredible new program was run through
24 sold (25.81% during three days)                                                                                                                                                  two years’ worth of pilot tests with various dealers around the United States.

Numbers do not include additional responses and number of vehicles sold from the
Internet and phone prior to event dates.
                                                                                                                                                                     Well, IF there was a company that did that, it would make sense to use them, wouldn’t it? Or at least hear what they
                                                                                                                                                                     have to say, right?

                                                                 Hybrid Events                                                                                       There is one. And it’s called J&L Marketing.

                                                                                                                                                                     Call Sarah Amburn now at 800.861.5461 or e-mail her at to find out more about
                                                             Case Study: Tennessee Honda Dealership                                                                  this exciting new program.

  • Pre-registration program for previous customers that utilized direct                11,267 mailed                                                                Sincerely,
    mail and personalized dynamic websites.                                             108 respondents (.96% during three days)
  • Dynamic website created for each customer.                                          21 sold directly from mail piece, prior to event date
     • Captured customer’s buying interests                                             (19.44%)                                                                     Scott T. Joseph
  • Follow-up postcard
                                                                                        60 sold during event dates (55.56%)                                          President
     • Used as a reminder to customer of appointment.
  • Follow-up 3D mailer                                                                 81 total sold, not including follow-up
     • Used as a reminder to customer of appointment.                                                                                                                P.S. We are so confident you will see the value in this program we are willing to pay you $100 on the spot just
  • HTML E-mail confirmations                                                                                                                                         for scheduling an appointment with one of our Business Growth Strategists. Call Sarah Amburn now at
     • Used to repeat customer’s information back to them                                                                                                            800.861.5461 or e-mail her at for more details.
        and remind them of appointment.

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                   leadership solution

                      Here      are    some
                                                              The Interview
                                                  has been in business. Let them know what         2. Are You More Interested in Money or
                      guidelines         for      your company philosophy is, whether there’s      Doing a Job Well?
                      interviewing that may       room in the company to grow, etc. You need       This is a tricky one. When asked, most
                      help you in making the      to give a brief outline of what the job has      applicants will try and second guess that you
                      best selection.             to offer. People are interested in benefits,      are looking for someone who takes pride in
                                                  vacations, employee discounts, working           doing a job well. Certainly you want this type
When Conducting an Interview, Have a              hours, pay schedules, etc.                       of person, but you must also remember that
Logical Sequence:                                                                                  you are in the sales business and you need
                                                  Interview Questions                              people who want to make money. If money
1. Make the Applicant Feel Comfortable:           The following list will provide you with         isn’t important, why would someone want to
One of the keys to an effective interview         some ideas:                                      be in a sales position? You will always be
is getting the applicant to open up. Do                                                            better off with someone who wants to sell
everything possible to make the applicant          1. Tell me about your last (current) job?       and make money than someone who takes
feel very relaxed.                                 2. Why did you leave (want to leave)?           more interest in doing operational tasks.
                                                   3. What previous job have you enjoyed
Make sure you have a private place in which           the most? Why?                               3. What Do You Think Determines a
to hold the interview. Don’t sit behind a desk.                                                    Person’s Progress in a Good Company?
                                                   4. If you had to pick one, what previous        Think about the information this question
Don’t cross your arms or sit back in your
chair. If you’re going to be taking notes, let        job did you dislike the most? Why?           can get you. The applicant may respond
them know. Don’t make the applicant wait           5. How did you feel about your last             with things like, “doing a good job,”
too long. If he or she showed up on time,             supervisor or boss?                          “dependability,” “work well with customers,”
you at least owe the applicant the courtesy of     6. How do you think previous employers          etc. Those things are all well and good, but
seeing him or her at the agreed time. Don’t           would respond if asked to identify your      you’re looking for the performance-oriented
have the attitude that if they want the job,          strengths and weaknesses?                    person with this question ... the type of
they’ll wait.                                      7. Why do you think you might like to           people who respond with answers that ring
                                                      work for our company?                        of accountability for sales performance.
2. Get the Applicant to Talk:                      8. What types of people seem to rub you
As a general rule, your end of the conversation       the wrong way?                               4. This Application Tells Me a Great Deal
should only take up about 25 percent of the                                                        About Your Work Experience; What Isn’t
                                                   9. What do you want in your next job that
time. Use open-ended questions to avoid                                                            on the Application That You Would Like
                                                      you are not getting now?
“yes” or “no” responses. If the applicant                                                          Me to Know in Order to Make a Final
gives you short responses, ask for details.       10. What aspects of your last job did you        Decision?
Talking about the job and its requirements            like most? Least?                            This is a great question. With all of the limits
should not be the only topic of conversation.     11. What do you think might set you apart        put on an interviewer legally, in terms of
Find a non-business related topic to talk             from other candidates for this job?          what you can and can’t ask, this allows the
about. What interests did the applicant list on   12. What has been your biggest failure?          applicant to tell you just about anything he
the application? When you get applicants to           Your biggest success?                        or she wants ... and sometimes, the responses
talk about non-business related topics, you’ll                                                     are quite interesting.
see the real person.                              Here are four key questions to ask that do not
                                                  usually draw out pat answers:                    There you have it, with all things in life, the
Occasionally you’ll run across an applicant                                                        more you do it the better you are at doing it.
who is more interested in asking you              1. Do You Make Mistakes?                         Let’s have a great year.
questions than letting you do the interviewing.   If the applicant answers “no,” beware.
If this happens, just say, “I appreciate your     Everyone makes mistakes once in awhile.
questions, but first I’d like to know more         People who can’t admit to making a               Eric Mélon is the vice president of First
about you. Then I’ll address any and all          mistake are probably people who don’t            Dealer Resources LLC and corporate
questions you have about the job.”                take responsibility for their mistakes           trainer for Millennium Automotive
                                                  either. People who admit that they make          Protection. He can be contacted at
3. Sell the Company:                              mistakes are more likely to learn from           866.652.3969, or by e-mail at
Tell the applicants how long your dealership      them, as well.                         

Put Your Dealership On Top

     If you’re spending more than
 $250.00 per unit sold on your current
advertising strategy, call today for your                        ™

   The only thing you have to lose is
       those valuable ad dollars!
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AutoSuccess Feb07 (1)

  • 1. AutoSuccess Best of the Best Companies NADA Map, Page 4 February
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  • 4.
  • 5. The Four Factors of Risk 8 BrianTracy Being Aware of Unique Cultural Needs 10 TomHopkins Voyages of the eCRM Dealers of the Year How They Did It 12 PatrickLuck Four Characteristics of Top Sales Producers 16 DirkZeller Getting the Picture: A Setting That Works 18 DeliaPassi Targeted Web Video and Your Ad Strategy, Part 2 20 PhilSura The Interview 24 EricMélon 12 How to Increase Your High Quality Lead Volume 26 DavidKain Marketing to Women: Female Consumer Power 28 TeresaBordenet Would You Believe You? 32 DixonJudd Hillside Honda Limited Space, Unlimited Talent and Success 34 PatrickLuck What Happens Here, Does Not Have to Stay Here 38 JesseBiter The Higher Road 39 SeanWolfington Success or Failure? 40 MarkTewart Educate and Train Your Customers Customer Pay Labor and Parts Profit Training 42 SteveLaPenta Background Music Drives Showroom Sales 44 MattHolden Six Steps to a Great Presentation at Your Next Meeting, Part 2 46 PattiWood E-Volution 47 TonyDupaquier Tuning Your Web Site for High-Performance: Using Key Performance Indicators, Part 6 50 HeatherConary To BE or Not to BE The Answer is in the Becoming 52 MichaelYork Change Your Life by Setting Goals 54 JeffMorrill Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher Brian Ankney, Sales-improvement Strategist Susan Givens, Vice President Brian Balash, Sales-improvement Strategist 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive Thomas Williams, Creative Director Toni Stephens, Sales-improvement Strategist Louisville, Kentucky 40245 Dave Davis, Creative Strategist & Editor Cori Frye, Sales-improvement Strategist toll free: 877.818.6620 facsimile: 502.588.3170 web: helping to promote... Psalm 23:4 - Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. God is the source of all supply AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky, 40245; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $75 per year. AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions; views expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. AutoSuccess accepts no liability in respect of the content of any third party material appearing in this magazine or in respect of the content of any other magazine to which this magazine may be linked from time to time. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures.© All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 3411 Pinnacle Gardens Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40245.
  • 6.
  • 7. sts fos ls ms sf fis BrianTracy sales and training solution The Four Factors of Risk The critical factor in invite a group of business customers to a your product or service. A first-time buyer, selling today is risk. restaurant to discuss a large transaction, the one who has not bought the product or service Because of continuous risk factor can be very high. before, or who has not bought it from you, change and rapid is often nervous and requires a lot of hand- obsolescence, the risk Almost every complex buying decision holding. Anything new or different makes of buying the wrong product or service involves several people. There are the the average customer tense and uneasy. This becomes greater as change intensifies. Our people who must use the product or service, is why new products or services, or new greatest single need is for security of all the people who must pay for the product business relationships with your company, kinds, and any buying decision that puts us or service, the results expected from the have to be presented as a natural extension out on a limb triggers the feeling of risk and installation of the product or service, and of what the customer is already doing. threatens that security. the reputation of the person making the final buying decision. If a person is extremely Now, here are two things you can do There are four main factors that contribute sensitive to the opinions of others, this factor immediately to put these ideas into action: to the perception of risk in the mind and alone can cause him or her to put off a buying heart of the customer. The first is the size decision indefinitely. First, demonstrate and prove to your of the sale. The larger the sale, the more customer that the people affected by this money involved, the greater the risk. If a The third factor contributing to the risk purchase will be happy and satisfied. Tell person is buying a package of Lifesavers, perception is the length of life of the product. stories about other happy customers. the risk of satisfaction or dissatisfaction is A product or service that, once installed, is insignificant. But if a person is buying a meant to last for several years generates the Second, show the customer that this computer system for their company, the risk feeling of risk. The customer thinks, “What purchase, even if it is new or unfamiliar, is factor is magnified by hundreds or thousands if it doesn’t work and I’m stuck with it?” a logical extension of what the customer is of times. Whenever you are selling a product already doing. Show the customer it makes that has a high price on it, you must recognize How many times have you bought something perfect sense. that risk enters into the buyer’s calculations personally that turned out to be the wrong almost immediately. item and you were stuck with it? You couldn’t replace it with something more The second factor contributing to the appropriate because of the amount you had perception of risk is the number of people already paid. who will be affected by the buying decision. Brian Tracy is the chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International. He can be If you go out for lunch alone to a new The fourth major risk factor is the customer’s contacted at 866.300.9881, or by e-mail at restaurant, the risk is very low. But if you unfamiliarity with you, your company and 8
  • 8.
  • 9. sts fos ls ms sf fis TomHopkins sales and training solution Being Aware of Unique Cultural Needs If you do business with studying a culture, you’re creating specialized • Avoid slang, buzzwords, idioms, people from cultural service for a niche market in your area. jargon and lingo groups different from Don’t just learn how to sell vehicles to these These can all be easily misunderstood your own, you would different cultures; learn how they like to be by those who may not speak your be wise to invest some served after the sale. Providing courteous language as their primary language. Just time understanding contact and consistent follow-up will cause use simple language until you can get their cultures, as well as their needs in terms them to send their friends and relatives to you an idea of what level of your language of your vehicles and services. You may not for their vehicles, as well. they understand. necessarily be doing business with people in another country, but with those from The most important aspect of doing business • If you’re using an interpreter, make other countries who have relocated to your with someone from a culture other than ours in sure the interpreter meets with the community. If you want their business, you the good ol’ U.S.A. is to beware of the words people for whom they are interpreting have to understand their needs on many you use. Some American words and phrases before you actually begin to sell them levels. just don’t translate well. They don’t have the This will allow the interpreter to meaning that you may wish to impart; thus, determine if there are any dialect This isn’t difficult to do. There’s a vast array they are likely to confuse potential clients. challenges between what they speak and of information available for free online Or, worse, the translation may be something what the client is most familiar with. about nearly every culture on the planet. offensive. So, when speaking to folks from Set aside 15 minutes to look under the other cultures, watch your words. Speak at • Pay attention to nonverbal interaction topics of “protocol,” “diversity” or “cultural your highest level of language rather than cues awareness.” If you pick up just one key point using casual or slang terms. The word “yes” or an affirmative nod that makes your next client from another often means “Yes, I hear you” in Asian culture feel comfortable with you, it is well You may also want to stop periodically and cultures, not, “Yes, I agree.” If you see worth your while. ask if the potential clients understand what a nod and move on to closing the sale, you’ve just told them. If they don’t, assure you may frighten them off with what Depending on how much business you them that’s okay and that you’re there to help appears to them as over-zealousness. might be doing with clients from cultures them to understand so they can find a vehicle unfamiliar to you, a good source can be that best serves their particular needs. Culture is as much an influence on people as found at This where their personal experiences, so knowing about you’ll find the handbook for U.S. diplomats A Few Other Things to be Aware of: your clients’ customs and traditions only on proper etiquette and protocol for meetings • Be patient when building trust and makes sense. That way, neither you nor your with people from diverse cultures around the establishing relationships client will be made to feel uncomfortable and world. People from countries other than selling can be done. the U.S. generally need more than a There are many other good books written handshake to build trust. It is important If you’re in doubt about how to properly on proper protocol for doing business with to observe a greater degree of formality work with people of another culture, don’t be people of different cultures. With a quick call when becoming acquainted than you afraid to ask them. Ask as you would with or visit to your local library, you can have a would use with a client who was born any client what their past experiences have wealth of information to review while waiting and raised locally. been when purchasing a vehicle. Ask what for clients to come into your dealership. they liked and disliked about the service, the • Speak more slowly than you normally folks they dealt with at the dealership and Take a moment now to consider what do, but don’t raise your voice the vehicle itself. This is all a normal part of cultural groups are represented within a 50- because you think the other person qualifying during any sales process. mile radius of your dealership. If you’re not can’t understand you sure, call your local Chamber of Commerce. Volume doesn’t usually increase They’ll have demographics of the population comprehension. Also, don’t speak down World-renowned master sales trainer Tom in the area and be able to provide you with to them as if they are children. Simply Hopkins is the chairman of Tom Hopkins good information. speak clearly and include appropriate International. He can be contacted at gestures to ensure they’re following 866.347.6148, or by e-mail at Once you have that information and begin what you’re pointing out. 10
  • 10.
  • 11. fs feature solution PatrickLuck Their Mission: To seek out new leads; To the quality of customer service available understand the car business, it builds value explore innovative new marketing worlds; To to the new-frontier, generation-tech auto in our dealership. As a result, our Web site boldly go where no dealer has gone before. consumers. has consistently converted five to six times more visitors into leads over our previous The Voyage In this issue, we will share with you how site.” When seeking a consultant, ask for Last month we announced the Top 10 eCRM the award-winning eCRM Dealers of the references and referrals of current clients to Dealers of the Year for 2007. In reviewing Year achieved their phenomenal results, find out about their satisfaction and results. the data from the recipients of the award, I selling from 70 to 700 additional units per Our Virtual Test Drives are excellent tools that are great for reflected on the tremendous phenomenon the month, through exploration of the innovative • Build a Detailed Strategy populating our e-mail databases. Customers love receiving these Internet has become as a marketing medium. technology of eCommerce. By unleashing the All of the top eCRM dealers shared the I was reminded of the science-fiction-based potential of the Internet, these dealers have belief that a good Web site is important, but interactive multi-media tours loaded with information. series Star Trek which debuted in the 1960s. discovered an ingenious solution to promote won’t generate extra sales without a detailed, – Ralph Paglia, In its fictional universe, humans were able to all profit centers within their dealership (New, innovative marketing strategy, detailed overcome many boundaries and limitations Used, F&I, Subprime, Service, Parts) while processes to turn leads into appointments, to improve the quality of life. This fictional improving customer satisfaction. Success well-trained people to turn appointments into leads with fewer people. Brian Benstock, of that can work fast even on a low-speed vision of the future had a huge impact on our like theirs is possible for all dealers who have sales, and a solid pricing policy to protect a explains, “Automation connection. Dealers with award-winning culture, most notably on the development of the desire to implement it; however, as with fair profit to hold it all together. Dave Smith, makes it easier to follow our process, allows sites offer innovative features like Virtual technology. The series is believed to have any industry, new technology always presents founder of Dave Smith Motors, developed us to handle more leads with fewer people Test Drives, Online Auctions, Online Credit motivated the design of many current gizmos challenges within the dealership. In an effort a one-price system in the early 1980s and and allows our sales specialists to focus on Applications, Trade Appraisals and more. including the mobile phone, Tablet PC, and to share the knowledge gained and lessons successfully continues today to offer this what they do best: sell cars. It’s a big part of Effective Web sites entice the customer to other personal digital devices, and set the bar learned, we’re publishing a compilation of the “hassle-free” buying philosophy. why we’re selling an additional 200 cars a submit a lead, pick up the phone, or drive for developing technology such as “virtual top 10 pitfalls commonly hindering today’s month. Today we have more than 80,000 e- straight to the dealership. Rick Case offers reality.” An entire subculture has grown up eDealers. By avoiding and correcting these • Implement Processes mail addresses and if we were attempting to information on their site, “ around the show. Trek fan or not, we find common pitfalls, your dealership will save Top eCRM dealers tell us that having the manage that database without automation, it is more than just a web site; it’s a Virtual ourselves – 40 years later – utilizing similar, valuable time and money while improving dealer and general manager heavily involved would be overwhelming.” Dealership which serves as our own previously unfathomable, concepts to break results and sales. in initial planning, strategy sessions, and regional buying service. Our site, along with through marketing barriers and improve decision making process is crucial to Tony Rimas, from innovative Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Charting New Territory successful implementation. Continued echoes the sentiment that automation allows strategies, drives more quality traffic to the Our industry has successfully navigated support and involvement determines the you to do more with less, “Our CRM tool dealership which increases leads, reduces into new territory by leveraging the power success or failure of any eCRM initiative. automates so many of our phone and e-mail reliance on third-party lead providers, and and technology of the Internet. In an effort Andrew Walser, owner of Walser Auto Group processes that we can manage thousands of lowers costs.” to share best practices with our readers, we sums it up: “We understand the importance of additional leads without adding staff.” have compiled a consensus of various best process and execution. We have centralized a E-mail Marketing: E-mail marketing is the practices and strategies from this year’s consistent process in all of our 12 franchises, • Generate Traffic most cost-effective, measurable method of award-winning dealers: and as a result have built a great foundation Web site: All of the top eCRM dealers define advertising. Brian Benstock, of ParagonCars. in terms of percentages and closing ratios. a great Web site as one that generates leads. com explains, “We sold 36 vehicles in three • Consult a Professional Currently we are setting appointments on They are reducing their dependency on days with one of our campaigns and it Nine of the 10 top eCRM dealers agreed Many have been exposed to companies that 32 percent of our leads with an 80 percent hard-to-close third party leads and costly didn’t cost me a dime. We have collected that the constantly evolving technology of offer marketing tools and CRM technology, show-up rate.” traditional advertising and are relying on over 100,000 e-mail addresses and we the Internet requires the knowledge and but are unable to provide valuable expertise their state-of-the-art Web sites as their lead send out a minimum of one multi-media e- experience of professionals who constantly on industry trends. Gloria Williams at • Automate Processes generator. Dealers know that a Web site will mail campaign a month. We’ve had a lot of monitor state-of-the-art technology and, Harvey Autos adds this for consideration, The top eCRM dealers agree that with the get results if it is simple, easy to use, quick success with our e-mail marketing most importantly, know the auto industry. “Because our site was created by experts who right technology, you can handle more to load, and has highly engaging content Continued on page 14 12 13
  • 12. fs feature solution incoming leads. Bob Tasca III is passionate about people, “We have a recruiting, hiring and training process that we use whenever we’re hiring for any position in the dealership and we like to say that we hire out of inspiration, not desperation. That means that we’re always on the lookout for energetic, talented people with a good work ethic and an eagerness to learn. A new candidate doesn’t necessarily need to have automotive experience because our new hire training program and on-going training are so extensive. We have a training company that we bring in for two days every month to help with our training needs.” • Track & Measure To truly maximize the profitability of every customer relationship, you need a marketing automation solution that supports your entire marketing team and provides management with crucial metrics to improve efficiency and effectiveness at every stage of the marketing process. Jay Gubala of asserts, “Our Virtual BDC Manager is fully automated. We measure everything and hold regular meetings to discuss our progress and to find ways to fine-tune our processes. The customized reports give us the information we need, the number of leads by source, response rates, appointment percentages, show percentages, closing percentages and cost per sale.” Continued from page 13 Captain’s Log: campaigns, so we focus on gathering e-mails found that award-winning dealers are also The Internet will shortly be under the care from our parts, service and sales customers capitalizing on the more immediate and of another generation. To them and their to fuel the e-mail database for future digital measurable benefits of Search Engine posterity will we commit the future of our marketing.” Bob Tasca III of Marketing to maximize placement in digital marketing. They will continue the gives another powerful example, “If Ford search engine results. As Tony Rimas of voyages we have begun, and journey through comes out with an Explorer incentive, I can tells us, “Our Digital all the previously unexplored lead generating send an e-mail to everyone who has been in Marketing System, complete with an possibilities; boldly going where no man - on an Explorer, and I can select just our lease advanced Search Engine Marketing strategy, where no dealer - has gone before. renewal customers who are currently in an allows us to dominate search engine results Explorer or even customers who were in to in our region, continuing to provide us Congratulations to the Top 10 eCRM Dealers service their current Explorer. There’s no with consistent results, increased sales, and of 2007, and thank you for sharing your limit to how I can target my campaigns.” customer satisfaction at a lower cost per insight on what it takes to effectively leverage sale.” Many of the top eCRM dealers concur the technology of the Internet and CRM to Search Engine Optimization: Search that Search Engine Marketing generates a increase profits and create loyal customers in Engine Optimization (SEO), also known higher return on investment by boosting the process. As Mr. Spock would put it: With as “organic,” is fundamental to any digital traffic and increasing sales. These dealers are results like these, to not continue to explore marketing strategy. Through a process of doing a great job integrating their online and the limitless opportunities of eCommerce including key words and phrases, dealers are offline marketing strategies to maximize the would be...illogical. able to better position their Web site ahead of return on all their advertising. the competition. Roy Reutter, from Sheehy. If you have any questions regarding any of com tells us, “Search Engine Optimization • Prepare and Train the best practices discussed in this article, combined with our multimedia e-mail Even though the Web and CRM have made an please feel free to visit the dealers’ Web sites campaigns has enabled us to increase traffic incredible impact on the automotive industry, or send me an e-mail. and sales at a lower cost than ever.” this still is - and always will be - a people business, so nothing is more important than Search Engine Marketing: Most dealers with quality people who are well-trained. Patrick Luck is the publisher and editor eCommerce Departments have marketing for SellingSuccess Magazines. He can be strategies that encompass the art of Search All dealers express the importance of having contacted at 866.239.3698, or by e-mail at Engine Optimization; however, we have a well-trained, dedicated staff to handle 14
  • 13. of coming Door... ired its T nt rof n the Fro P i ing k? lippBac en S the out Sell Millennium Products Auto Perfect by Millennium W NE With Millennium’s new Auto Perfect program, you’ve got the and Hold On to Your Profits! ultimate package of services for delivering higher front-end Only Millennium delivers everything you’ve been looking for – sales AND increased back-end profits that won’t slip away. superior after-market products, more profit opportunities, greater customer satisfaction and FREE sales training to sell even more. FREE TRAINING! Sell Millennium products and for a limited time receive free F&I and Dealership training in our national training institute by Eric "Frenchy" Mèlon. CALL NOW TO FIND OUT HOW! Other services offered by Millennium: Millennium Etch • Millennium Tire and Wheel • Millennium VSC • Millennium GAP Dealers Call Direct Advance VSC • Centennial VSC • Salesperson “Road to the Sale” • F&I Training Management Boot Camp • BDC Training • Professional Sales Training (866) 652-3944 Agent territories still available, inquiries welcome.
  • 14. sts fos ls ms sf fis DirkZeller sales and training solution Four Characteristics of Top Sales Producers People who craft a everybody who could help them to reach than money. The ultimate accomplishment is fabulous lifestyle and the next level for direction. The next level to be an explorer who explores for the joy that are also financially is not always a financial level. It could be a growth and creation bring. successful share four better relationship with a spouse, a higher common traits. level of physical fitness or deeper spiritual Jim Rohn had a wonderful saying: “It’s convictions. The truth is there are many not the money that makes the millionaire, First, They Are the Explorers things more attractive at the next level than it’s what that person had to become.” That They explore everything and question money. These things also carry more meaning millionaire could lose the money tomorrow. The money carries little importance in the long run. What matters is how a person had to change to become the person who had the BOOGIESALES UP WITH AND GET YOUR DOWN value of a millionaire. The opposite of an explorer is a cynic. The cynic looks for reasons why it will not work, for ways to maintain the status quo MARKETVIEW360 and continue to do nothing. The explorer is seeking new information and ideas that will lead to the next level. AND YOUR NEW ZUNE TM Second, the Successful Producers MarketView360 will change the way you talk to your customers are Investors Successful producers invest in their most ONE SOLUTION, ONE PROVIDER important asset: themselves. Realizing your true value requires that you invest in yourself. You need to work continually to find the best path to achievement, and then put in what it takes in order to start down that path. DROP IT LIKE IT’S HOT Investors buy the best deal, the best book and WITH MARKETVIEW360 the best tape series. They are the people who AT NADA (BOOTH #6439) are constantly reading, who are listening to CDs in their cars. They look for others who and enter to win a Zune™ every have been where they want to go, or who are EMAIL hour! Get ready to shake your money maker while we make some going in their direction but are farther down the path. They stop and ask for directions TEXT money in your dealership! when they get lost in life. VOICE The opposite of an investor is an excuse maker. Excuse makers are always looking back and covering their tracks. Their DIRECT vocabularies are littered with “if only” and “but.” Being successful is far more MAIL The Most Intelligent Multi-channel Marketing System On The Planet rewarding than achieving mediocrity while having a good excuse. We all have the choice to have what we want in life, being all that 1.866.591.4238 God created us to be, or to spend our lives coming up with excuses for having fallen short. The choice is up to you. Third, the Most Successful People are Implementors Exploring and investing do not produce success without implementation. Implementation draws the bold line between massive success and failure. We all have found great ideas and done nothing with them. We have all implemented a few small changes 16
  • 15. continued and seen staggering results. Resolve today vacation home some three hours away to implement one idea that you have been in Bend, Oregon, and we had to be on thinking about, researching and evaluating. site every Friday to check the progress. Do it now. The implementor is the only one Joan was the general contractor, so who achieves massive success. How many there was no reneging over the eight- ideas or thoughts have you had in your sales month construction schedule. The career that would have been windfalls if you amazing outcome? Once the home had just disciplined yourself to implement was done, I saw no need to revert to a them? five-day workweek. Finally, the Most Successful People Spend • Take Away Your Time-Wasting Less Time to Accomplish More Options: Many sales people invest too much time Commit to time off and force yourself and too little urgency in their businesses. to work during established, reasonable They commit well over 40 hours to the job, work hours. Automatically, you’ll force and they put themselves on call seven days yourself to eliminate time-wasting a week. They spread themselves thin, and activities. then, in order to sustain themselves over this endless schedule, they dilute their intensity. • Give Yourself No Option to Add No other professional works so many hours; Hours Back to Your Workweek: even doctors have a lighter on-call schedule If you allow yourself the option to add than most sales people choose to accept. time back to your workweek, you leave yourself open to time-wasting choices. Commit right now to become more effective in much less time each week. Try this: Begin to treat time as your most valuable asset. The most successful sales people • Set Aside at Least One Day a Week are not casual with their time. This leads to Recharge and Refresh Yourself: to career, relationship and bank account Before you say you can’t afford the day abundances by treating time as the most off, realize this truth: Work expands to precious resource in life. fill the time you give it. Reduce your work hours, and you’ll automatically A resource is something that is available in squeeze more productivity into shorter a limited or finite supply. Money and energy spans of time. are among your personal resources, but time is your most precious resource of all. You can • Increase Your Productivity by judge your resource supply in all other areas. Increasing Your Intensity: You know or can easily learn how much Give yourself deadlines with no money is in your accounts. You know or procrastination options. If you know sense your energy levels and what you have you need to accomplish a lineup left to use. But there are no guarantees on the of goals over the course of a five- 86,400 seconds in each day. I defer absolute day workweek, your focus will control of my time to the guy upstairs, and, automatically zoom in. You’ll sweep in the meantime, I increase the probability away distractions, and you’ll get the of longevity through healthy eating, physical job done in the time allowed. exercise and adequate amounts of rest, and I increase the probability of productive use of I watched my own focus and my day through careful time management. productivity intensify as I went from a seven-day workweek to a six-day You may need to commit right now to a new workweek to a five-day workweek. path, or you may need only to commit to The largest production increase I following your current path farther toward experienced, though, was when I implementation. In either case, begin by moved to a schedule of four days of making the commitment now to explore, work followed by three days off, with invest, implement and spend your time no correlating reduction in my income wisely. If you do these things daily, your life or success objectives. Given my goals, will never be the same. I knew I had to work with incredibly high intensity and no options for procrastination. What’s more, I Dirk Zeller is the CEO of Real Estate couldn’t change my mind and add a Champions. He can be contacted at work day to my schedule because my 866.883.9314, or by e-mail at wife, Joan, and I were constructing a february 2007 17
  • 16. sts fos ls ms sf fis DeliaPassi Getting the Picture: sales and training solution A Setting That Works You have probably relegated to the role of listener. Rather, this at least one visit to a higher-end salon, where heard the old saying, set-up says the conversation is meant to “go you can develop a good look for yourself— “Perception is around” - everybody is equally positioned for and then learn how to maintain it. everything.” Well, I participation. A round table also promotes a would bet that insight sense of collaboration. The Finer Points: Attention to Detail was most likely Women notice all the little things. Women written by a woman. Women tend to notice A sofa and chair at a 90-degree angle is notice those simple touches that bring an more details about their surroundings - and another good play - that is, if you play it office together: a plant, a rug, a photo. These they draw important information from these right: She gets the sofa; you take the chair. may seem like little niceties, but they have observations. Meanwhile, men, focusing on It is important that you never sit on the sofa substantial value and meaning to many women goals, keep surroundings on the sidelines. with her. That tends to be a little too close customers. In the end, these small items can for a woman’s comfort, especially on a first help create a warm environment that makes a But women see the setting as an integral piece encounter. Also if she comes with a partner, woman feel secure and comfortable enough to of the pie; it is not peripheral. They develop a colleague or her husband, they should be able move forward. Even a low-maintenance cactus picture about you and your business, noticing to share the communal sofa space. will lend some warmth to your workspace. almost every single detail possible. Your Desk Bathrooms are a key area for women. Dirty In the negotiating and selling process, it is You should consider your desk as the heart bathrooms will hurt your sale and will the picture that really speaks a thousand of your workspace. Is it ready and waiting generally send a woman heading towards the words. Since a woman buyer is likely to to focus on her, or is it in disarray, piled high exit sign - immediately. For men, bathrooms consult with at least two sales people before with distractions and baggage? Keep your register near zero on the significance scale. a major purchase, you want to make sure your desk neat, clean and ready to do business with Your restroom should always be clean, well- surroundings “say” the things she needs to her. Do not put your clutter behind you where lit and kept up. “Empty” should be for the hear. Are you telling her you are disorganized you can’t see it… and she can. garbage can—not the toilet tissue. and lack focus? Or that you are: Yourself Local Color: Show Your Personal Side • Smart • Knowledgeable You do not have to look fancy while Women want a connection whenever they do • Helpful • Understanding conducting business transactions with business. If you put yourself out there as a • Considerate • Reliable women, but you do have to look professional person who cares about your overall personal • Trustworthy and put together. Your professionalism makes and surrounding presentation, more than just Your Office a woman feel more respected, and therefore business, you will set a tone of collaboration Starting from the front door, you need to more at ease. The overall goal should be to and establish a connection that will inspire her think of your office as a reflection of you; she look like someone she wants to talk to, and to buy. And that is the ultimate goal. certainly does. Is the entry clean, safe, well most importantly, wants to work with. Start by placing some sort of decoration on marked, well lit and easy to negotiate? Is the your desk or an end table in the meeting waiting area warm and welcoming, or worn Keep your hair neat. If you have a beard or mustache, keep it trimmed. Do not go to work area. Something that speaks, something and cluttered? Are there any magazines or that is yours. Perhaps you have a trophy or brochures for her to look at? Is there anything with missing buttons, spots on your clothes, or dryer wrinkles, even if you think that they will something your child made. It is always that adds color or a sense of attention to the effective to display family photos or a picture area? How about the first people she sees - probably be hidden underneath your jacket. If there is a flaw to be seen on your clothing, of yourself with friends. These bring you to does a receptionist make her feel that everyone life beyond business in her eyes. is glad she came in? somewhere, somehow, she will spot them. To sum it up, it is all about making her feel Your Meeting Space But whatever you do choose to wear, wear comfortable. You want to be able to meet her There are two proven set-ups that provide for it well. Hey, even older clothes can be in her comfort zone. That will facilitate the ease and success when engaging in business freshened up with a new shirt or tie and clean sale and get you on your way to building a with women. Remember these options: or polished shoes. When in doubt, do what it takes to just dress nicely. If you find yourself relationship. “round” and “90 degrees.” having trouble defining this, consider a trip Delia Passi is the president and CEO at A round table with chairs suggests equality to a department store that offers personal MedeliaCommunications. She can be and unity. Nobody sits at the head, so nobody shoppers. They can help you develop a style contacted at 866.883.4953, or by e-mail at is dubbed as the talker while the other is that works. For personal grooming, consider 18
  • 17. America’s Preferred E-Commerce Customer Provider. There’s no question about it: 20% more AutoUSA leads turn into buyers than any other 3rd party lead source. And a recent study using vehicle registration data proves it. That means you get the lowest cost per sale in the business. No wonder AutoUSA is the preferred Increase your sales today! source of e-comm leads for AutoNation. AutoUSA is even the priority distributor for leads. 1-888-208-8764 Any questions?
  • 18. sts fos ls ms sf fis PhilSura marketing solution Targeted Web Video and Your Ad Strategy, Part 2 Last month in e-mail addresses. A customer’s biggest fear this percentage of the market? Don’t AutoSuccess, we in releasing an e-mail address is that they take their word for it; test it out yourself looked at ideas for will receive an e-mail every week from the on a dial-up connection. driving customers dealership. If you commit to only sending to your Web site relevant information that could include • Find a company that will perform using Search Engine service specials, you are more likely to be individual connection diagnostics. Make Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine successful in collecting these addresses. it as easy as possible for the customer Marketing (SEM), as well as moving Other relevant information would include to view the video in order to serve the customers from a passive position to an active manufacturer recalls, dealership specials and best possible video viewing experience party using video content. This month, let’s key events. Every dealership cashier, service for each user. Don’t use a company that take a look at using video to drive customer advisor, sales person and finance manager makes your customer answer questions loyalty. should be trained on getting customer e-mail or select a video speed themselves since addresses. E-mail addresses are gold. often their selection will be the wrong Once a customer visits your operation, what speed for their actual environment at the then? Do you send a thank-you card or an So, summing up, here are some key points to time. Never use a company that forces e-mail? Why not send a video message from look for when interviewing Web hosting and the customer to download a certain type the owner thanking him/her for the visit? The video streaming companies: of media player to watch a video. same approach can take place when a customer • The key when interviewing a video- buys a car. E-mail addresses of customers are streaming company is to work with a • Work with a company that provides gold. This database of e-mail addresses can nationally recognized company. online reporting (number of streams per be used to maintain contact for future events. video and the average viewing time). Dealers have the ability to include video • Make certain that the company hosting links on these e-mail campaigns. Video e- and streaming your videos can deliver • Finally, work with a video company mail campaigns are more effective than the on a national basis, not just to your local with people who understand the retail campaigns without video content. Dealers market. automotive space. have enjoyed as high as a 15 percent click- through rate when video content is added to • Work with a video-streaming company Video streaming, SEO, SEM and video e- an e-mail campaign. Your results will vary that has the ability to reach a wide mail campaigns have become a key focus widely depending on the quality of the list audience of users. Over 30 percent of of most national dealer groups and many you use, but it is clear that video content online users still connect on a dial-up progressive dealerships. should be included in at least some of your e- connection (not because they don’t want campaign efforts in the future if you wish to to connect faster, but because often, Phil Sura is the vice president of the get the most bang for your marketing buck. even on a broadband connection, the automotive division of UnityWorks! bandwidth pipe is full and the actual Media. He can be contacted at Some dealerships have struggled with how connection is only at a dial-up speed). 866.647.0468, or by e-mail at to get customers to provide their personal Can the video streaming company reach 20
  • 19.
  • 20. move the crowd. crush the competition. count the money. J&L Marketing knows that every dealership Contact one of our Business Growth Strategist Increase Your Showroom Traffic By 50%! reaches it’s potential in a different way. That is at 800.861.5461 to discuss how each of these why we offer three different roads to success programs and others can be used in your John Lennon once wrote a beautiful song. It is called “Imagine.” Please do that for a couple of minutes. - all with intense benefits! dealership to produce amazing results! 1 2 Just imagine – imagine you could deal with a direct mail company that was the best in the world. Events Weekly Campaigns Imagine that this direct mail company was so good that: • It was able to pinpoint at the touch of a button exactly what produces the highest response, the most traffic Case Study: Missouri Chevrolet Dealership Case Study: Pennsylvania Hyundai Dealership and the most sales for your dealership. More importantly, it could pinpoint what does not work (I mean know exactly what does not work) so you could remove “the unsuccessful elements” from all your ads. • 3-Day, high impact sales promotion (no outside sales teams). • Appointment-based sales strategy where customers call to set a • As an appreciation of past business, previous customers were invited 60- minute presentation with a member of the sales team. • It took this information and invested more time researching your advertisements (what works and what to the dealership to take advantage of year-end savings. • Dynamic website created for each customer. does not) so you produced more consistent results and did NOT just watch your return on investment • Dynamic website created for each customer. • Allowed customers to schedule appointments on their own decline with every promotion. • Increased response rate time, increasing response rates • Gathered valuable data for future mailings • Built database with customer information for future • Built credibility and provided additional information mailings • It attracted buyers – NOT a bunch of “Gift Seekers.” • Produced instant internet leads with qualifying • Produced instant internet leads with qualifying information information • Drives quality appointments into the dealership during the slowest • It created a process to guarantee your sales staff talks to the most motivated buyers thus assuring their • E-mail blast times of the week. attitude was always positive. Because of this, they maximized their potential and sold more cars. • Increased response rate 1,501 mailed And finally, imagine the company was so good that: 7,500 mailed 25 respondents (1.67%) 93 respondents (1.24% during three days) 10 sold (40%) • It increased your showroom traffic by 50%! That’s right, this incredible new program was run through 24 sold (25.81% during three days) two years’ worth of pilot tests with various dealers around the United States. 3 Numbers do not include additional responses and number of vehicles sold from the Internet and phone prior to event dates. Well, IF there was a company that did that, it would make sense to use them, wouldn’t it? Or at least hear what they have to say, right? Hybrid Events There is one. And it’s called J&L Marketing. Call Sarah Amburn now at 800.861.5461 or e-mail her at to find out more about Case Study: Tennessee Honda Dealership this exciting new program. • Pre-registration program for previous customers that utilized direct 11,267 mailed Sincerely, mail and personalized dynamic websites. 108 respondents (.96% during three days) • Dynamic website created for each customer. 21 sold directly from mail piece, prior to event date • Captured customer’s buying interests (19.44%) Scott T. Joseph • Follow-up postcard 60 sold during event dates (55.56%) President • Used as a reminder to customer of appointment. • Follow-up 3D mailer 81 total sold, not including follow-up • Used as a reminder to customer of appointment. P.S. We are so confident you will see the value in this program we are willing to pay you $100 on the spot just • HTML E-mail confirmations for scheduling an appointment with one of our Business Growth Strategists. Call Sarah Amburn now at • Used to repeat customer’s information back to them 800.861.5461 or e-mail her at for more details. and remind them of appointment. 800.861.5461
  • 21. sts fos ls ms sf fis EricMélon leadership solution Here are some The Interview has been in business. Let them know what 2. Are You More Interested in Money or guidelines for your company philosophy is, whether there’s Doing a Job Well? interviewing that may room in the company to grow, etc. You need This is a tricky one. When asked, most help you in making the to give a brief outline of what the job has applicants will try and second guess that you best selection. to offer. People are interested in benefits, are looking for someone who takes pride in vacations, employee discounts, working doing a job well. Certainly you want this type When Conducting an Interview, Have a hours, pay schedules, etc. of person, but you must also remember that Logical Sequence: you are in the sales business and you need Interview Questions people who want to make money. If money 1. Make the Applicant Feel Comfortable: The following list will provide you with isn’t important, why would someone want to One of the keys to an effective interview some ideas: be in a sales position? You will always be is getting the applicant to open up. Do better off with someone who wants to sell everything possible to make the applicant 1. Tell me about your last (current) job? and make money than someone who takes feel very relaxed. 2. Why did you leave (want to leave)? more interest in doing operational tasks. 3. What previous job have you enjoyed Make sure you have a private place in which the most? Why? 3. What Do You Think Determines a to hold the interview. Don’t sit behind a desk. Person’s Progress in a Good Company? 4. If you had to pick one, what previous Think about the information this question Don’t cross your arms or sit back in your chair. If you’re going to be taking notes, let job did you dislike the most? Why? can get you. The applicant may respond them know. Don’t make the applicant wait 5. How did you feel about your last with things like, “doing a good job,” too long. If he or she showed up on time, supervisor or boss? “dependability,” “work well with customers,” you at least owe the applicant the courtesy of 6. How do you think previous employers etc. Those things are all well and good, but seeing him or her at the agreed time. Don’t would respond if asked to identify your you’re looking for the performance-oriented have the attitude that if they want the job, strengths and weaknesses? person with this question ... the type of they’ll wait. 7. Why do you think you might like to people who respond with answers that ring work for our company? of accountability for sales performance. 2. Get the Applicant to Talk: 8. What types of people seem to rub you As a general rule, your end of the conversation the wrong way? 4. This Application Tells Me a Great Deal should only take up about 25 percent of the About Your Work Experience; What Isn’t 9. What do you want in your next job that time. Use open-ended questions to avoid on the Application That You Would Like you are not getting now? “yes” or “no” responses. If the applicant Me to Know in Order to Make a Final gives you short responses, ask for details. 10. What aspects of your last job did you Decision? Talking about the job and its requirements like most? Least? This is a great question. With all of the limits should not be the only topic of conversation. 11. What do you think might set you apart put on an interviewer legally, in terms of Find a non-business related topic to talk from other candidates for this job? what you can and can’t ask, this allows the about. What interests did the applicant list on 12. What has been your biggest failure? applicant to tell you just about anything he the application? When you get applicants to Your biggest success? or she wants ... and sometimes, the responses talk about non-business related topics, you’ll are quite interesting. see the real person. Here are four key questions to ask that do not usually draw out pat answers: There you have it, with all things in life, the Occasionally you’ll run across an applicant more you do it the better you are at doing it. who is more interested in asking you 1. Do You Make Mistakes? Let’s have a great year. questions than letting you do the interviewing. If the applicant answers “no,” beware. If this happens, just say, “I appreciate your Everyone makes mistakes once in awhile. questions, but first I’d like to know more People who can’t admit to making a Eric Mélon is the vice president of First about you. Then I’ll address any and all mistake are probably people who don’t Dealer Resources LLC and corporate questions you have about the job.” take responsibility for their mistakes trainer for Millennium Automotive either. People who admit that they make Protection. He can be contacted at 3. Sell the Company: mistakes are more likely to learn from 866.652.3969, or by e-mail at Tell the applicants how long your dealership them, as well. 24
  • 22. Put Your Dealership On Top TOTAL MARKET DOMINATION If you’re spending more than $250.00 per unit sold on your current advertising strategy, call today for your ™ FREE IN DEPTH MARKET ANALYSIS. 1-866-462-9447 The only thing you have to lose is those valuable ad dollars!