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                                                                               Becky Hubble
                                                                        Technology ROI:
                                                                      Maximizing Return
                                                                      Means Maximizing
                                                                      Systems Utilization

                                                                            Telling is Not Selling

                                                                                 Words That Sell

                                                                           Body Language Speaks
                                                                             Louder Than Words

                                                                            Consulting vs. Selling

                                                                             I Am a Professional:
May 2004                                                                       Daily AfÞrmations
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                                                                                   I N S I D E

                                                                                                                                                        driventeam operation
                                                                                                                                                      uccessrevenue automobil
   8       Telling is Not Selling                                                                                                                                                                 Zig Ziglar
   9       The Power of Now                                                                                                                                                            Mark Tewart

10         The Online “Wholetail” Used-Vehicle Option                                                                                                                        Simon Rothman

12         New Ideas to Boost Sales                                                                                                                               Dennis McDonough
13         Light the Fire                                                                                                                                     Timothy J. McCarthy
14         Professional Persistence                                                                                                                                                  Terry L. Isaac
16         Technology ROI: Maximizing Return
           Means Maximizing Systems Utilization                                                                                                                                     Becky Hubble
18         Words That Sell                                                                                                                                                 Dawn Josephson
20         Consulting vs. Selling                                                                                                                                                         Brian Tracy
21         Building Relationships                                                                                                                                                            Steve Hiatt
22                                                                                                                                                  Sean WolÞngton
24         Handwritten and Software Menus                                                                                                                                      George Jackson
25         Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words                                                                                                                                   Lydia Ramsey
26         I Am a Professional; Daily AfÞrmations                                                                                                                                            Jim Adams
28         How to Create a Long Lasting Impression                                                                                                                        Brady Pevehouse

          Proverbs 3: 5,6                                                                                                                                               Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher
  Trust in the Lord with all your
               heart,                                                                                                                                                 Susan Goodman, Vice President
and do not rely on your own insight.
                                                                           756 South 1st Street, Suite 202
  In all your ways acknowledge him,                                        Louisville, Kentucky 40202                                                             Thomas Williams, Creative Director
    and he will make straight your
                paths.                                                     Toll Free: 877.818.6620
                                                                                                                                                                   Courtney Hill, Advertising Services
                                                                           Facsimile: 502.588.3170                                                                      •
God Bless America                                                          Success Driven Solutions
                                                                                                                                                                Kelley Humkey, Advertising Services

AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky, 40202; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $75 per year. AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials
and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content, and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions; views
expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures.
© All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess
may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA.
Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky 40202.
       Motivating your Sales Team to
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sts      ms        ls     fis      lr
    sales and training solution                                                                                zig ziglar
                                                                                                                 By Zig Ziglar

                                                                  Telling is Not Selling
                       As       a      sales   Closed Questions                               identify buying criteria, you may want to
                       professional do you     These are questions that have one-word or      use: “What are your top criteria in making
                       spend more time         “closed” answers. At the beginning of the      this type of purchase?” The answer to this
                       telling or more time    sales call, these should be seldom used, as    question gives you more than just facts. It
                       asking? If you were     the sales person is not giving the customer    gives you insight into “why” these criteria
                       to record your sales    an opportunity to expand on the answers.       are important.
interview, you’d probably find you spend        Closed questions usually uncover facts but
much more time talking than you do asking      rarely uncover any additional information.     Open questions are important because they
questions and listening.                       Let’s say you are trying to identify the       give you vital information. You will start
                                               buying criteria of a customer. You can         to identify how receptive the customer is
During a sales interview, the sales person     ask: “In purchasing a car, is the monthly      to your sales approach. Is he/she eager or
must identify the issues and concerns of the   payment important to you? The answer           hesitant to give you information? Open
customer. The best way to achieve this is      may be “Yes.” The customer has just            questions allow you to gauge this.
to ask questions, listen to the answers, and   responded with a fact. You may have to ask
connect them to the needs of the individual    another question to identify other important   Reßective Questions
and to your product and services. A line       criteria. It may prove better if you ask an    These are questions that “reflect” on
of questions is the starting point in all      open question. Let’s take a look at open       previous answers and give the customer a
successful sales.                              questions.                                     chance to expand on something mentioned
                                                                                              earlier. The customer may have passed
There are several kinds of questioning         Open Questions                                 by a very important matter that you will
techniques. Let’s cover four types of          These questions solicit “open” information.    want to go back and address. You can
questions that you can implement today,        You not only gain facts, but you also gain     use a reflective question to gain vital
called C.O.R.D. questions, which stands for    information. These questions usually           information. In the above conversation,
closed questions, open questions, reflective    begin with “who, what, why, when, where        the customer may have mentioned a “good,
questions, and direct-agreement questions.     and how.” For example, when trying to          quality service department.” You can now
                                                                                              go back and gain additional information
                                                                                              with a reflective question. For example,
                                                                                              “Mr. Customer, what did you mean by
                                                                                              good, quality service?”

                                                                                              Reflective questions give you additional
                                                                                              information. By using them, you are also
                                                                                              indicating to your customers that you are

                                                                                              Direct Agreement Questions
                                                                                              These questions gain “agreement” from
                                                                                              the customer. These should be used when
                                                                                              you are sure of the answer. They are
                                                                                              usually answered with one word, which is
                                                                                              usually “Yes.” After you have shown the
                                                                                              customer that you can save money, retain
                                                                                              value, or that a feature is easy to use, you
                                                                                              can ask a direct-agreement question. For
                                                                                              example, “Mr. Customer, if we can meet
                                                                                              your demand for fair trade-in amount, will
                                                                                              we have a deal?” If the answer is yes, the
                                                                                              customer is agreeing he’ll do business with
                                                                                              you if you can meet his criteria.

                                                                                              Questions are a sales professional’s greatest
                                                                                              asset. Learn to ask the right questions in the
                                                                                              right way. Good luck and good selling.

                                                                                              Zig Ziglar is the Chairman of the Board of
                                                                                              Ziglar Training Systems in Dallas, TX. He
                                                                                              can be contacted at 866.873.0026, or by
                                                                                              email at

   8                                                                             subscribe today at
sts      ms        ls     fis      lr
    sales and training solution                                                                mark Mark Tewart
                                                                                                  By tewart

                              The Power of Now
                      The intention of goal     and failure. Reasons to lower standards or
                      setting is to look        to quit can become a reality.
                      toward the future
                      and think of and plan     True power comes from knowing “you are
                      for what you desire.      who you decide to be at any given moment.”
                      Goals provide hope.       It doesn’t require jumping hurdles; it only
My definition of hope is, Having Optimistic      takes deciding to become the person you
Predictions & Emotions. However, goals          desire. At that moment, by not seeing the
can create your biggest stumbling block to      how-to hurdles as obstacles, you will begin
getting what you desire.                        to think, act and become your desires. You
                                                may not know exactly how and when this is
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only thing       occurring, but you must trust that it is.
that will grow is that which you give energy
to.” To focus your mind on what you desire      The root of the word decide means “to cut
is a great thing. Concentrate on the why?       off.” Thus, to decide is to cut off from all
“When the why gets strong the how gets          other possibilities. This decision and power
easy.”                                          of intention for your desires will propel
                                                your actions toward a much higher level.
                                                The people who succeed at such levels

“Decide, accept
                                                simply operate at greater consciousness
                                                than people who do not.

and act with                                    Understanding the power and process
                                                of your mind helps create exactly what
the power of                                    you desire. Set goals and focus on what
                                                you want to happen, which will put into
now.”                                           motion the energy, and through the Law
                                                of Attraction, will bring to you the people,
                                                things and events to match that energy.

The Law of Attraction will bring to you         You can eliminate self-sabotage and get
what you think about. Your thoughts are         what you desire when you learn to relax.
impressed into your subconscious mind.          When relaxed, you move toward your
“What you impress, you express.” All            desires and are open to receive the answers,
thoughts and actions will attract similar       some of which may be right in front of
people and events that support your thought     you.
and action patterns. The Law of Attraction
is an irrefutable universal law of nature,      The key to getting what you want is
supported by Meta-Physics and Quantum           realizing the power of now. To get what
Physics.                                        you desire for the future, you must realize
                                                and accept that the creation and cultivation
Failure in goal setting comes in trying to      of your desire is this very moment. Decide,
get something rather than attracting it.        accept and act with the power of now.
You constantly hear people define their
process of achieving goals as, simply, hard
work. Usually the obstacles anticipated
when plotting to get something, rather
than asking why you want it, create
subconscious messages of struggle and
difficulty. A person with the best of
                                                Mark Tewart is the President of Tewart
intentions can quickly tire of struggling and   Enterprises. He can be contacted
simply quit. This let down begins a pattern     at 866.429.6844, or by email at
in the subconscious: struggle, frustration

may 2004                                                                                                    9
sts      ms         ls        fis     lr
              marketing solution                                                                       simon rothman
                                                                                                            By Simon Rothman

                                                                              The Online “Wholetail”
                                                                                Used-Vehicle Option
                      On average, cars that           Online sales are neither a replacement for       opportunity for finance and insurance sales,
                      spend more than 45              the traditional wholesale auction process,       an opportunity usually lost in a wholesale
                      days in inventory               nor for retail lot sales. These sales are a      auction.
                      are     money-losers            third option dealerships can use to ensure
                      on     the      books           their used cars are sold for a fair price that
                      when        eventually
wholesaled. More than 90 days on the lot
                                                      covers the dealer costs and potentially
                                                      includes a healthy profit.
                                                                                                       “The Internet
before being wholesaled, and dealerships
lose as much as $900 on that car.                     A standard dealers’ process is to take every
The choice has traditionally been
                                                      car in inventory that reaches 45 days, set
                                                      the reserve price in an online auction at the
                                                                                                       expands the
deceptively simple: wholesale at auction
early for fairly predictable (though) low
                                                      amount the car would bring at a traditional
                                                      wholesale auction, and let web site visitors
                                                                                                       pool of potential
profits, or take a chance on retail with
risky, but potentially higher profits. Once
                                                      do the work themselves.                          buyers.”
the retail route is chosen, the clock starts          While the car itself may not necessarily
ticking on the potential for profit.                   sell for more than it would in a traditional     Online sales also provide other valuable
                                                      auction, the cost structure is weighted more     benefits. For example, the Internet allows
The Internet has created a third option.              on behalf of the dealer – the listing fees are   unparalleled access to a large national
Online “wholetail” vehicle sales combine              low and the buyer pays shipping. Inventory       audience of buyers. Trying to unload a
the predictable price of wholesale with the           turns are fast, reducing further exposure        convertible in Minneapolis in January?
potential for profit of retail, and they do so         to carrying costs and depreciation. Plus,        Good luck, unless your pool of potential
with a significantly reduced cost structure.           a retail buyer over the Internet is a new        buyers includes people in Tucson, Orlando,
                                                                                                       San Jose and other sunny, top-down-in-
                                                                                                       the-winter locales. Trying to sell an SUV
                                                                                                       in Houston? Midwesterners love used cars
                                                                                                       that haven’t been abused by road salt for
                                                                                                       four winters straight.
            Log 200-500% more opportunities!                                                           The Internet dramatically expands the
                                                                                                       pool of potential buyers. Increasing your
                                          Leader in Showroom Traffic,                                  audience increases your chances of finding
                                          Lead Management,                                             the one person in a nation-wide audience
                                                                                                       for whom your car is the perfect car.
                                          and CRM Software
                                             real-time showroom & desking control                      The reputation of the Internet being what it
               Track all outgoing
                 phone activity                                                                        is, here’s a quick word on doing business
                                             internet lead tracking system                             with customers online: Escrow, inspection,
                                                                                                       shipping, and other critical matters, can
                                             2-way active DMS integration                              all be handled safely and securely by both
                                                                                                       buyer and seller.
                                             complete in-store training
              Minimize data entry
              with license scanner                                                                     There is little doubt that wholesale
                                             drivers license scan, worksheets
                                                                                                       auctions are an efficient and cost effective
                                                & credit bureaus                                       method for selling aged inventory. The
                                                                                                       Internet can provide a channel for finding
                                                                                                       a new, untapped audience for dealer-aged
           track more                                                                                  inventory before giving up and accepting a
                                                                                                       wholesale loss.
                                          The Higher Gear Group, Inc.
             bring back                   Hoffman Estates, IL 60195
                  more                    tel 866.873.0029
                                          fax 847.310.3196
                                                                                                       Simon Rothman is the Vice President
             more                         call for a FREE consultation and demonstration               and General Manager of eBay Motors.
                                                                                                       For more information, please visit

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Belinda Wortherspoon, Wolfington Group Call Center Operator

ASK YOUR 20 GROUP!                                                                                  800.331.9361

DURAND                                                                               DURAND CHEVROLET, INC.

To Whom It May Concern:

        It is with great pleasure that I write this endorsement for the Wolfington Group and specifically the team run by
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financially and as a motivational tool for our sales staff. In fact, two of our most profitable months in the 80 year history
of our company have come during a Wolfington promotional event month.

Every activity during these events is performed by a seasoned staff of professionals with both
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Group’s attitude and cooperation in making our events a great success.

In my opinion, you have everything to gain by an association with The Wolfington Group and will see a much greater
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friends and have been thanked many many times for the referral.

Sincerely, Richard G Durand Jr., Executive Manager
sts       ms        ls     fis       lr
              marketing solution                                                        dennis By Dennis McDonough

                                                        New Ideas to Boost Sales
                     Undoubtedly,      the        dealership to play straight through, while       site elements with Flash, such as a banner
                     Internet has changed         the presentation on the process of buying        across the top of your site or a pop-up that
                     some aspects of              a car would be more interactive since it         advertises a monthly special. Like a Flash
                     your business, most          involves several steps.                          presentation, these will require that your
                     notably in how                                                                            visitors have the Flash plug-in
                     people shop for                                                                           installed on their computers.
cars. Yet you also provide other types of                                                                      Your site should explain that
service where person-to-person interaction                                                                     the plug-in is required to view
is necessary.                                                                                                  certain content.

The services you provide support products                                                                      Animated .gif Files – Small
that have four wheels and move. So it                                                                          animated graphic files (or
makes sense for your web site to feature                                                                       animated .gifs) are an easy
some kind of movement. There are many                                                                          way to add motion, and fun,
things to consider when adding motion to                                                                       to your web site. For example,
a web site, and only a few cost-effective                                                                      you might want an animated
ways to skirt the use of video.                                                                                .gif of one of your models to
                                                                                                               roll across the screen pulling a
Not Just a Flash in the Pan                                                                                    banner behind it. That banner
One extremely cost-effective way to                                                                            could be about a special sale
create motion for your web site is to use         What’s more, Flash has the capacity to           or could mention the top sales person for
movie files. In its early days, Flash was          showcase some slick features, including          that month. You also have the option of
used strictly for creating animation of           functions like finance calculators. For           an animated .gif “slide show” that cycles
text, pictures, and other elements for web        instance, you could include a payment            through pictures of cars available at your
sites. Over the years it has grown into a         calculator in the presentation about buying      dealership, pictures of satisfied customers,
program that can incorporate video and            your first car.                                   sales people, or any set of appropriate
other features.                                                                                    images that relate to your dealership.
                                                  In addition to a presentation you
One benefit to using Flash movies is                                                                Keep in mind that too much animation can
                                                  could incorporate your dealership or
that it requires no additional computer                                                            annoy and turn away visitors.
                                                  manufacturer’s latest commercial into a
hardware to run. The only requirement is
                                                  Flash movie for your site. To do that, you
that your customers must have the Flash                                                            The key is to use all motion – whether it
                                                  will first need to convert the commercial to
plug-in installed on their machines. This                                                          is animation, video or a full presentation –
                                                  one of two computer video formats: Apple
download is free and available from                                                                strategically and in moderation. Regardless
                                                  QuickTime or Windows Media. Once the In addition, you                                                               of the solution you use, motion on your web
                                                  video is converted, it is imported into the
should also place a notice on your web                                                             site will keep a visitor’s interest. It adds a
                                                  Flash program and then converted into a
site that portions of it will require the Flash                                                    human touch and will help drive customers
                                                  Flash movie ready for viewing on your
plug-in.                                                                                           to your dealership, and help increase sales.
                                                  web site.
Overall, you could use a Flash movie to                                                            Image 2: Below is an example of a graphic
make short presentations of:                      Flash has many capabilities you can
                                                                                                   that can be animated to roll across the
    • The history of your dealership              utilize. If you don’t want to include a full
                                                                                                   screen. The text portion can be changed to
    • The process of buying a car                 presentation on your site, there are still
                                                                                                   say anything: a monthly special, rebate or
    • Finding financing                            other ways to incorporate motion to make
                                                                                                   financing offers, sales person/staff member
    • Buying your first car                        your site lively and draw customers into
                                                                                                   of the month, etc.
                                                  your business.
Furthermore, you have the option of letting
a Flash presentation run on its own or            Other Low-Cost Motion Solutions                  Dennis McDonough is the President of
have it require user interaction. Take one        Flash Elements – As stated above, Flash          Bit-Concepts. He can be contacted at
of the suggested presentations above: you         has many capabilities and is not limited to      877.354.1998, ext. 202, or by email at
would probably want the history of your           presentations or interactivity. Create smaller

Image 2

   12                                                                                    check us out at
sts      ms        ls      fis      lr
              marketing solution                                                      timothy j. mccarthy
                                                                                            By Timothy J. McCarthy

                                            Light the Fire
                        “Creating a sense of     you’re receiving new shipments from the
                        urgency.” What does      factory, maybe there’s new manufacturer
                        it mean? How can         incentives being offered, maybe there was
                        it be accomplished?      a flood, hail, or a tornado. If it’s a limited
                        In the automotive        selection or limited inventory that must
                        industry, there is       go, give it a number. “500 must be sold.”
a need to drive business by creating an          Details gain trust. Make your sale make
atmosphere in which sales are made.              sense to your buyers. Gain the public trust
Creating a sense of urgency within the           by leveling with them and by appealing to
public perception is critical in driving         their interests. Turn the sense of urgency
traffic to your dealership. You must build        on yourself. Appear desperate to sell and
a strategy that relays the message, “If you      willing to bargain.
miss this weekend’s sales event, you’re
doing a disservice to your family.” Nobody       Dictate Perception
wants to miss out on a one-time only event,      The ultimate goal in any area of selling is
especially in regards to big-ticket items,       to change your buyer’s perception. It might
like a new car for the family. Therefore,        be a detachment from false preconceptions
it’s imperative that your potential buyers       of the product, or it might be a reverse
understand that this specific event will          in their perception of their own financial
not be repeated. Don’t just show them the        abilities. Whatever the change might be,
dealership; pull them into the dealership.       it is important that your sales message
Guide them, probe them, sell them. You can       is dictating the direction of change. The
sell them if you give them a reason to buy       public must know the urgency involved,
now. Light the fire.                              not just feel it. Don’t allude or imply, show
                                                 them the deal. Be concrete in your offers
Make Distinct Termination Points                 and specific in your sales approach. Always
Set sale dates and make sure those dates are     have a sales event that is the biggest event
clear in each public message you produce.        of the year. Strive to outdo yourself. You
You’re telling prospective shoppers that         control the size of the event and the urgency
you’re opening a “window to purchase.”           of the sale.
End dates create urgency. Closing the
window urges people to flock to beat the          Believe Your Own Lines
clock. “Offer ends, inventories are sold,        Another key in creating urgency is
you won’t get this opportunity again”            believing it for yourself. As a dealership,
…whatever you have to say to get the point       you and your sales staff must be invigorated
across, now is the time to say it. Deliver       with the same urgency that you’ve called
your call to action. Attack the market with      for in your sales messages. Set sales goals
limited-time incentives. Drive traffic with       for event weekends. Build urgency around
the expiration date. Keep your sales events      your sales event from all sides. You’ve been
short: weekend events where Monday               working hard in your sales message to build
signifies a return to “business as usual” are     trust. Shoppers can’t walk in to find the
ideal. Shorter events give less opportunity      same old car dealership they could’ve gone
for procrastination and provide a greater        to across the street. If you said that 500 cars
sense of urgency.                                must be sold, look like you’re on track to
                                                 sell 500 cars. Sell yourself before trying to
Give Reasons for Urgency                         sell anyone else.
Every automotive dealer in the country
is having a sale this weekend. Everyone
is overstocked. Everyone needs to meet           Timothy J. McCarthy is the Chairman and
                                                 CEO of The McCarthy Companies. He can
quarterly sales goals. Don’t just have a sale,   be contacted at 800.871.9695, or by email
sell your sale. Advertise in a way that they     at, or visit
can see the logic behind the sale. Maybe

may 2004                                                                                                      13
sts      ms        ls     fis       lr
    sales and training solution                                                                    terry Terryisaac
                                                                                                       By l. L. Isaac

                                                          Professional Persistence
                        The process sales       should get you more write-ups and increase   should be able to gauge. Customers respect
                        people     use    to    your opportunity to negotiate to agreeable   professional persistence.
                        achieve professional    terms with a commitment.
                        persistence works                                                    Terry L. Isaac is the Corporate Sales
                        best when they          How far do you push for the commitment?      Trainer for the Neil Huffman Auto Group.
                        have achieved the       This depends on the level of rapport with    He can be contacted at 866.265.4680, or
                                  following:    the customer, which a good sales person      by email at

  • A positive professional greet.
  • Build a working relationship.
  • The selection of the vehicle to meet
  their wants and needs.
  • A professional walk-through of the
  features and benefits.
  • A feature and benefit demo ride.

If these steps are achieved with every
customer, then the sales person has
increased his/her odds of getting the
customer to the write-up. A sale is achieved
through a negotiation process. The goal is
to ask the customer, in a professional way,
to allow you to continue to work for them.

On the feature and benefit demo, when
the sales person is a block away from the
dealership, try this, address the customer
with the following “Bob and Sally, if I
can work out the terms to your satisfaction
would you buy and take delivery today?” If
the customer says, “Maybe” or “Let’s see,”
you do not have a commitment.

At this point you need to ask a closed
question to get the customer to say yes.
Address them with the following: “So
what you’re telling me is that if the terms
are agreeable with you, you will buy and
take delivery today, is that correct?” If
no is the response, ask, “Are we not on
the right vehicle?” If the customer says,
“Yes, we are,” then ask if all parties in the
buying decision are present. If they are not,
ask when and where they are available. If
you take the vehicle to the other decision-
maker, you must present the vehicle to them
and ask for the commitment again.

If the customer says no, uncover what
is stopping them through the following
questions: “Are you concerned with the
price of the vehicle?” and, “Are you
concerned with your trade-in amount?”
or, “Are you concerned with your budget
range?” If you get a yes to any of these
questions, then you need to respond with,
“We can work together on these terms, and
if we cannot come to a solution, then we’ll
part as friends, is that fair?” This process

  14                                                                                   contact us at
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                                                                                                       beckyBecky Hubble
                                                                                                           By hubble

                                                       Technology ROI:
                                              Maximizing Return Means
                                          Maximizing Systems Utilization
Maximizing        return    on     technology   Are employees getting the right training         to help your employees develop better
investments is a matter that often frustrates   allowing them to make use of in-place            customer service, and sales and Microsoft
and perplexes dealer management. Acquiring      technology? Matching employees with the          skills, etc.
a new application or system is only the first    right training sounds like a simple task,
step. What happens after the install is what    but it involves an array of questions and        The more options, the better
determines the true ROI of any technology       observations, including a skills assessment      The best programs will be both broad and
investment. After the initial training that     of individual employees and an extensive         deep and offer a variety of delivery methods
precedes and accompanies installation,          knowledge of available training -be it off-      (web-based, classroom, on-site, remote
managers are often left wondering, “What        the-shelf, specific to the software you’ve        instructor via the Internet and customized
now?” Dealership decision-makers aren’t         purchased, or customized to the way you          options) to help you increase productivity
always aware of the breadth of training and     want your employees trained.                     and system utilization as well as address
utilization offerings available to them.                                                         immediate training situations, such as when
                                                Look for a training partner that will be there   you lose a service manager.
Some technology companies make training         to provide you with all your training needs
more of a priority than others. The message     including:                                       Increasing system utilization (and boosting
for dealership management? Ask smart              1. Specific training road maps or               the ROI on your technology investment)
questions about training and utilization,         curriculums for the variety of job             means reaching employees in the right place,
and look for a technology partner who             functions in your dealership.                  at the right time, and with the right training.
supports their solutions with a broad             2. Multiple training methods and               Look for programs with the capability to
array of learning tools that are easily           services that specifically focus on             deliver training and education in ways that
accessible and designed to drive ROI.             helping your employees increase their          are both convenient and tailored to meet
                                                  system utilization.                            employee needs.
So where do you begin?                            3. Various     in-dealership training
                                                  offerings to save you the expense of           Some key training options to look for in a
Find a training partner                           travel and the productivity loss of            vendor include:
The first step in maximizing ROI on                having your employees out of the office
a technology investment is finding a               for one or more days.                            1. On-site training
training partner. A good training partner         4. Training that can be customized for           Trainers come to your location(s) and
will be one who can formally assess your          your dealership’s needs instead of just          either train your employees directly
dealership’s training needs by employee and       one-size-fits-all.                                or perform “train the trainer” sessions
department.                                       5. Online tools to help manage and               for your own designated training staff.
                                                  track employees’ training progress.              These trainers should be well-versed
Nearly all technology solution providers          6. Multiple skill levels of training             with your specific system utilization
offer training, some more robust than             to address new hire needs as well as             (data input, report generation, etc.) and
others. Look for one that provides a “course      ongoing employee development.                    be able to address the specific needs
catalog” outlining key offerings and that                                                          required of various departments or
can customize the various training types        Finally, you should look for a turnkey             employee skill levels.
with your dealership business processes         training provider who can provide training
so that the training is both relevant to the    for all your non-DMS related needs, such           2. Interactive training via Internet
applications and the way you want to run        as networking courses for your system              Instead of a traditional classroom
your business.                                  administrator, professional skills training        setting, online or virtual training

“Look for programs with the capability to deliver training and education in
   ways that are both convenient and tailored to meet employee needs”

 allows for interactive sessions using           business needs. Such training should          skills assessments, and system utilization
 the Internet. An online coach can lead          demonstrate how newly-acquired                services. This package is good for dealers
 sessions for groups of employees.               technology integrates with your               with greater numbers of turnover and new
 Other sessions can be one-on-one with           dealership’s specific processes and            hires.
 an instructor dialed-in to your DMS             conforms to OEM policies and
 system. This allows for a live instructor       procedures. Customizable options              Top-of-the-line packages include the
 to work with employees step-by-step to          should be available for any type of           greatest number of training sessions and
 address their issues or to walk through         training whether they be web-based or         options including more in-dealership
 system set-ups.                                 classroom training.                           training. This is the ideal package for
                                                                                               expanding dealerships and for ones with the
 3. System utilization services                While weighing training options, you’ll         highest level of turnover/new hire issues.
 Most dealerships utilize only a               also be relying on your technology partner
 small fraction of their DMS’s true            to provide guidance on choosing classes         So, what’s the bottom-line on the when,
 capabilities. With the addition of            and curriculums appropriate for department      where and how of training? To truly
 providing skills assessments of your          staff and individual employees. The road        maximize your investment you can’t just
 employees, a good training partner can        map generated from the system and skills        install the system, let your team run with
 identify what aspects of the technology       assessment is the critical ingredient in        it, then look at your sales at the end of the
 are being underutilized, help you             choosing right-fit training.                     month. Training needs to be comprehensive
 implement a plan for training on these                                                        and ongoing.
 features, evaluate your processes, and        Your vendor should offer free basic training
 help you implement the best practices         that covers the fundamentals of operating       Training must go beyond the initial training
 - all helping your dealership run more        the system. However, all employees              and basic classroom courses. After the
 efficiently. Like a tune-up, this helps        need ongoing training to improve their          install, some employees get into a routine
 ensure that dealerships are maximizing        performance and to help them increase their     of doing just enough to get their jobs done.
 their technology ROI.                         productivity by maximizing their use of the     Applications available today have advanced
                                               technology. Your best value will be to select   functions and tools to streamline and
 4. Classroom training                         the appropriate add-on bundled training         automate many time-consuming repetitive
 Most solutions providers offer travel-to      package. Such packages are often combined       tasks. Comprehensive training services and
 classroom training. This training, while      in three tiers:                                 tools can help employees take advantage of
 more time consuming for employees                                                             these functions and substantially increase
 than online or on-site training, can          An entry-level package contains unlimited       their performance. Ask your technology
 deliver      cost-effective       sessions,   use of various training options and             provider if they provide real training
 specific to the applications, with a live      incorporates some of the training services      services and tools that can help you
 instructor. The best programs offer           with additional options. These help a dealer    increase your system utilization and begin
 local or regional training on specific         use their DMS and other systems more fully      maximizing the investment you make in
 topics for targeted skill levels.             than with free basic training alone.            your technology solutions.

 5. Customized training                        Mid-level packages frequently offer
                                                                                               Becky Hubble is the Director of Training
 Increasingly, dealers are searching for       additional numbers of courses and coach-        Services at ADP Dealer Services. She can
 customized training solutions with            led sessions, including training customized     be contacted at 800.452..4498, or by email
 content adapted to fit their particular        for the dealer’s specific needs, in dealership   at

may 2004                                                                                                                             17
sts       ms       ls     fis      lr
             marketing solution                                                                   dawnByjosephson
                                                                                                         Dawn Josephson

                                                                                   Words That Sell
                      The          English      or service. For example: “This model is            in town to buy a car.”
                      language contains         rated the safest in crash tests,” or “Safety is
                      hundreds          of      a big concern here.”                               9.    Benefit: Most written marketing pieces
                      thousands of words.                                                          state the benefit of the product or service;
                      21 of them can            4.   Guarantee/guaranteed: By nature,              however, they neglect to actually use the
                      easily sell your          most people are not risk takers. They want         word benefit. When people read the word
clients. When you know what these proven        assurance that they’re not wasting their           benefit, they subconsciously perk up. They
words are, and how to use them to your          money and that your product or service can         know they’re about to learn something that
dealership’s benefit, you’ll save both time      live up to its claims. By giving some sort         will impact their life, so they want to know
and money when selling to prospects. In         of guarantee, you put prospects at ease and        more. For example, “As an added benefit to
fact, once you master the use of these 21       make them trust you. For example: “The             this car, you get __________.”
words, your business will quickly get the       manufacturer is so confident that this model
results it desires. (Hint: this paragraph       will work for you, they offer this incredible      10. Person’s name: People love to hear
contains 10 of the 21 words. Do you know        warranty.”                                         the sound of their own names and love
which ones are which?)                                                                             to read their names in print. That’s why
                                                5.   Easy/easily: Between 40+ hour                 so many souvenir shops sell personalized
What’s in a Word?                               workweeks and increasing demands at                items. Including the prospect’s name in a
The exact words used in your dealership’s       home, people want things that are easy.            marketing piece, especially in the middle
marketing materials can make the                They don’t want products or services that          of the sentence, boosts attention levels. For
difference between success and failure.         are going to make their lives more difficult.       example, “As you can see, Steve, coming to
Choose the right words and your prospects       Always state how easy your dealership              our dealership makes perfect sense for your
will find you and your company irresistible.     makes things. For example: “Our finance             needs.”
When it comes to writing marketing pieces,      department makes it easy for you to…”
choose your words wisely and watch your         Or, “Our service department’s courtesy             The Remaining 11
marketing response rates soar.                  van makes it easy for you to get your car          The other 11 words that sell are love, results,
                                                serviced while you’re at work.”                    health/healthy, proven, fun, new, save,
The Top 10 Words that Sell                                                                         now, how-to, solution and more. While
1. You/your: You is the most powerful           6.   Free:     Everyone     loves      getting     synonyms to these 21 words are acceptable,
word in the English language. It’s more         something for nothing. That’s why the word         they are not as powerful as the actual word
powerful than the word money; it’s more         free continues to be one of the top selling        itself. In order not to appear redundant in
powerful than the word sex. Prospects           words of all time. Realize that the free offer     your marketing piece, use the appropriate
want to feel like you’re talking to them        doesn’t have to have high monetary value,          words wisely, but don’t overdo it.
directly, and you accomplishes just that. So    just a high perceived value. Some freebies
instead of writing, “Our customers report       that work include: “Free credit check,”            As your writing prowess increases,
high levels of satisfaction when they buy       “Free estimate on your trade-in,” “Free            consider combining words that sell in the
a car from our dealership,” write: “You         report,” and “Free car wash.”                      same sentence. For example, maybe buying
will experience high levels of satisfaction                                                        from your dealership is quick and easy. Or,
when you buy a car from our dealership.”        7.   Yes: Face it, you love being told yes         perhaps your service department waiting
Keep every sentence in your prospect’s          because it means you have permission, you          area makes an oil change easy and fun. Or,
perspective.                                    were right, or you can get what you want.          are your “proven results guaranteed?” You
                                                Yes is one of the most pleasing words to the       get the idea. Since short marketing pieces
2.   Money: Ask people what they wish           human ear, so tell your prospects yes often.       are more powerful than long ones, make
they had more of, and chances are they’ll       For example, in your marketing materials,          sure every sentence packs a punch.
say money. People love to save money            you can ask a series of positive yes/no
just as much as the love to earn it. So, if     questions, and then write, “If you answered        When you use these 21 words in every
a benefit of your product or service is that     ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then the          marketing piece, you quickly increase your
it saves people money or helps them earn        new ___________ is what you’ve been                prospect’s interest in what you write, which
more money, state it along with a monetary      searching for.”                                    ultimately leads to more money for you. So
figure people can grasp. For example:                                                               master the use of these proven words now.
“Using our service department saves you         8.   Quick/quickly: In today’s microwave-          Doing so gives you the easy solution to
money - over $500 per year!”                    age society, people want things quickly.           low marketing response rates you’ve been
                                                They don’t want to wait weeks, or even             waiting for. You’re going to love the results.
3.   Safe/safely: Humans instinctively          days, for what they’re buying. They want           Guaranteed!
want to protect themselves and their            it now. So while the perception of quick
families. Like a mother bear who’ll fight to     results may vary from person to person, as
the death to protect her cubs, people will go   long as you know that your sales or service        Dawn Josephson is the President and
out of their way and often pay more money       department is quicker than others, state it.       Founder of Cameo Publications. She can
for a confirmed safe product. Always             For example: “Loans approved quickly,”             be contacted at 800.452.4806, or by email
emphasize the safety factor of your product     “Quick oil changes,” and “Quickest place           at

     18                                                                              subscribe today at
- Bob Tasca III, Tasca Auto Group

            Before BZ   With BZ                                 Before BZ With BZ                              Before BZ With BZ
30 TO 85 INTERNET UNITS PER MONTH                    80 TO 270 INTERNET UNITS PER MONTH                400 TO 1300 LEADS PER MONTH
   “We have spent a lot less money
       to sell a lot more cars.                      “BZ nearly tripled our Internet business     “We sold 268 cars online and went from 400
 Our cost per sale is only $135/unit.”               in less than 30 days and we went from            to 1300 Internet leads per month!”
           - Robert Revere,                                 80 to 200 Internet units!”                           - Roy Reutter
       BDC & Internet Director                                    - Rad Weaver                               E-Business Director
          Courtesy Chevrolet                                      Red McCombs                                Sheehy Auto Stores

 CRM tool to conduct, manage & measure mail & multi-media                                 The CRM customer management tool helps you manage,
 email campaigns.                                                                            measure & follow-up with all of your incoming leads.

 Automated phone campaigns for less than a stamp!                                               Your new showroom kiosk helps your salespeople
 (Promotions, Sold Follow-Ups, Service & Renewals)                                              build value in your dealership, people & products.

 High-end custom websites that drive revenue                                                 This online training system gives on-demand training
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 Multi-media emails that present an animated                                                                        Measures and monitors your
 tour and walk-around for every vehicle you sell.                                                               advertising returns automatically.

sts      ms        ls     fis       lr
    sales and training solution                                                                            brian tracy
                                                                                                              By Brian Tracy

                                                                   Consulting vs. Selling
                      One particular self-      must be experts, authorities in their field.     with helping their prospects than with
                      image possessed by        They know their products and services           selling their products and services. Their
                      high-achieving sales      from one end to the other. They invest          customers often feel that they care more
                      people is that they       many hours familiarizing themselves with        about them than about making a sale. And
                      see themselves as         every single detail of what they sell, and of   it’s true.
                      consultants rather        what their competitors sell as well. They
than as sales people. They see themselves       know the strengths and weaknesses, the          Now, here are two things you can do
as problem solvers with their products          advantages and shortcomings, the features       immediately to put these ideas into action.
or services rather than as vendors. They        and benefits of what they are offering.
do not approach their customers, hat in         They have excellent product knowledge,          First, see yourself as a problem-solver
hand, hoping for a sale. They approach          which their customers can sense, giving         rather than as a sales person. Take sufficient
hopeful clients with the attitude that they     both their customers and themselves             time to understand the prospect’s real need
are consultants calling on the prospect to      greater confidence throughout the sales          before you start selling.
help him or her solve a problem or achieve      conversation.
a goal.                                                                                         Secondly, think of ways to tailor your
                                                Top sales people, positioned as consultants,    product or service to your customer’s
Seeing themselves as consultants, they ask      make themselves resources for their             needs so that he/she sees what you sell as
questions carefully and listen intently. They   clients. They carry themselves as advisors,     the ideal solution for him/her.
focus all of their energies on understanding    mentors and friends. They become
the customer’s situation so that they can       emotionally involved in their transactions
make intelligent recommendations based          and are generally concerned that their
on what the customer really wants and           product or service be the ideal solution to     Brian Tracy is the Chairman & CEO of
needs.                                          the needs of the prospects they are dealing     Brian Tracy International. He can be
                                                with. They differentiate themselves from        contacted at 866.300.9881, or by email at
As consultants, they recognize that they        their competitors by being more concerned


  20                                                                         successful solutions at
sts      ms        ls     fis       lr
    sales and training solution                                                                 steve hiatt
                                                                                                   By Steve Hiatt

                        Here are a few          will eventually lead the agents to refer
                        areas that you can      business to you. Many insurance companies
                        build sales by going    now offer financing, so this is an extremely
                        out      consistently   good place to build relationships.
                        and          building
                        relationships.          New Housing Developments
                                                Many times you see new cars in the
Consistency is the key. Ask your sales          driveways of new housing developments.
manager how you should present to               Three out of 10 people buy a new car within
potential customers. And do it on your day      six months of the closing on their new
off and when you’re not on the floor.            home. One reason is because people have to
                                                keep their debt load down before buying a
Banks and Credit Unions                         home, and once that step is completed, they
Where do many people go to get pre-             can shop for a new car. Seek out services
qualified for a loan? Many times to the loan     where you can be included in welcome
officer at their local bank or credit union.     packets when people purchase a new home.
Drop in with a box of donuts and say ‘Hi’       You can buy lists and create marketing
to these people. When you’ve dropped            campaigns.
by enough and become friends you will
become their “go to” guy/gal.                   Real Estate OfÞces
                                                Real estate agents commit a great deal of
                                                time driving to and showing houses and
“Three out of                                   property. They also want to make a good

10 people buy a
                                                first impression when meeting new clients.
                                                Stop in and see the brokers who own the
new car within                                  real estate offices. Ask them, if during one
                                                of their weekly meetings, you can come in
six months of the                               and do a short workshop on the benefits of

closing on their                                leasing a new car and offer a special for the
                                                agents. The broker will love this because
new home.”                                      the image of his or her staff will go up,
                                                and with the new debt, they will be more
                                                motivated to sell homes.
Body Shops
Stop in and get to know the people at the       Start with your dealership’s service
counter. Let them know where you work           customers and orphan owners in your own
and what you sell. Explain that you know        store.
that from all the cars and trucks coming in,
some must be irreparable. Just ask to be        These relationships take time and effort.
referred to those customers, and when they      If you are in this business as a career,
purchase, do something to reward your           it’s worth your time to build a long-term
contact at the body shop. Think about the       pipeline which will eliminate the need for
endless supply of needs being generated:        waiting at the door for your next up.
People, unfortunately, get in car accidents
all the time. A few will even want to trade
after the car is repaired.

Insurance OfÞces
Don’t customers often get a quote from their
                                                Steve Hiatt is the General Manager
local agent prior to going out and getting a    at Five Star Mitsubishi. He can be
new car? Again, this is a relationship you      contacted at 866.265.5616, or by email
build by dropping in over and again, which      at

may 2004                                                                                                     21
sts      ms        ls     fis      lr
             marketing solution                                                                 sean wolfiWolfington
                                                                                                     By Sean ngton

                        Paragon Honda has       our web site generated 765 leads and sold       drives work on a low speed 56k dial up
                        improved their sales    106 units. We got many more leads than          connection.” This is a very important point
                        by more than 125-       we’d anticipated, so our closing ratio was      because many dealerships have great multi-
                        150 vehicles a month    only 13.8%, but we’ve since geared up to        media content on their web site but many
                        by changing their       improve our closing ratio so we can get it to   people cannot view it because they are not
                        marketing and sales     20-25%. In addition, we got a lot of phone      on a high speed connection. Therefore, it
strategy. “We are sick and tired of spending    and showroom traffic from our marketing          is important to make sure that whatever
a lot of money on mass advertising that is      strategy.”                                      you put on your site is fast and does not
giving us diminishing returns and is very                                                       require downloads. “Our virtual test
hard to measure,” said Brian Benstock from      The Virtual Showroom                            drives are powered by an application that
Paragon Honda. Benstock continued, “We          Paragon’s web site won the Golden Web           comes standard with Microsoft Explorer
decided that we were going to adjust our        Award for its design. “Our website is           so our customers do not have to download
marketing strategy to target customers on       incredible! When customers visit our            anything to view it” said Benstock. This
the Internet since the majority of our buyers   website they can research product info,         is also important because most customers
begin their shopping online. More of our        comparisons, positive 3rd party vehicle         don’t want to download anything because
customers’ research for their next car on the   reviews, trade-in information, vehicle          they’re afraid of viruses and don’t want to
web than on TV, radio or print and we want      reports, tutorials, inventory, specials,        wait.
to be where the majority of our customers       parts, service appointments and more.
are.” Within 2 months Paragon not only          Our customers love our site,” said Brian        The most important component of a web
established a dominant presence on the web      Benstock, the Internet manager at Paragon       site is that it generates results and, at
but they also set up a complete customer        Honda. Benstock continued to explain,           the same time, promotes all of the profit
relationship center in their dealership to      “Our web site stats package shows that          centers including New, Used, F&I, Service
handle all of the Internet and phone leads      most of our customers visit the site to find     & Parts.
that resulted from their marketing strategy.    a vehicle or a special. One of the problems
The end-result was 125 extra vehicles sold      we had with our old web site is that when       The Virtual Service Department
the first month they were up and running.        customers visited our old site to find a         While most dealerships focus solely on
                                                vehicle, it would qualify them out of stock     sales, Paragon has had success using
The Digital Marketing System                    by telling them that we did not have the        their site to promote their service and
The key to Paragon’s success is that            vehicle they were looking for. Our new          parts departments. For example, they’ve
the leadership of the dealership was            site promotes every vehicle available and       integrated Honda’s personal web site
completely committed to their strategy          never qualifies the customer out of stock. In    into their virtual dealerships. By visiting
and that commitment began right from            addition, when a customer inquires on one       Paragons web site, customers can get
the start. “We began by evaluating our          of our new vehicles the site automatically      their own personal site that gives them
advertising budget to see what fat we could     emails the customer a virtual test drive        detailed information that is unique to
cut. We were amazed to find more than            on the vehicle they inquired about. These       their vehicle VIN number, including
enough waste to fund our strategy. The          virtual test drives give the customer a         their owner’s manual, recommended
system gave us the tools and training we        multi-media tour and product presentation       maintenance schedule, recalls, service
needed to set up a complete eCommerce           on all of the unique features in the vehicle.   updates and more. Paragon also uses
and CRM department. After the first month        The best part is that these virtual test        their virtual service department inside
                                                                                                their dealership. Benstock expands, “We
                                                                                                make sure we introduce our guests to our
                                                                                                virtual service department after they buy
                                                                                                their vehicle and while they wait for us to
                                                                                                complete their finance paperwork. We sign
                                                                                                them up for their first service appointment
                                                                                                online and at the same time we show the
                                                                                                customer a tutorial on how their personal
                                                                                                web site works so we can sign them up
      THE #1 SALES-IMPROVEMENT MAGAZINE FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE PROFESSIONAL                         before they leave the dealership. Even if a
                                                                                                sales consultant forgets to sign them up we

     Subscribe today & get                                                                      have an automated multi-media buzzmail
                                                                                                that we send out to the customer with in

    two for the price of one!
                                                                                                the first month that gives them a review
                                                                                                of their personal web site and encourages
                                                                                                them to sign up. In addition, our system
                                                                                                automatically sends out service reminder

                                                                                                buzzmails every 90 days and other service
                                                                                                related buzzmails to bring the customer
      now                                                                                       back for service.”
                                                                                                                      continued on page 29

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sts      ms        ls     fis       lr
                              f&i solution                                                       georgeGeorge Jackson
                                                                                                     By jackson

                                 Handwritten and Software Menus
                        Handwritten Menus       cannot sell products unless they are actually   clean, and attractive looking menus, with
                          One of the best       offered to your consumer.                       calculations completed instantly. This
                          things    about   a                                                   also reduces the amount of time needed to
                          handwritten menu      Finally, there are managers that like to show   create and print the menu. One of the new
                          is that anyone with   different product options such as a 6-year/     features of many menu software programs
                          knowledge of Excel    100,000-mile service contract in one plan       is that they allow you to reprint the menu,
Spreadsheet can do one. Simply layout           and a 5-year/ 75,000-mile plan in another.      once the customer has decided on his level
the format, add pictures or icons for effect,   This is much harder to do on a menu             of coverage, with the products selected on
and you have will have created a very           software program than on a handwritten          one side and the products declined on the
nice visual presentation. Using Excel also      paper menu.                                     other. With this menu stapled to the original
provides your business manager with the                                                         menu, it provides a dealership with very
ability to create and re-create the menu        Software Menu Programs                          strong legal protection.
format until it is just right.                  As for software menu programs, the
                                                technology is advanced but most are still       Ultimately, the person using the menu has
Another advantage to Excel is that it’s         simple to use. Some are a Windows-              to be comfortable and have input, but the
much easier to accommodate specialty            based application and others are Web-           dealer should also be involved. The look,
menus. For example, when a lender               based. However, they all seem to have           layout, and format of the menu should be
qualifies an application and/or gives a          the same advantages. When a customer            a mutual decision between the dealer and
payment call, most software programs            is not eligible for some of the products        business manager with involvement from
cannot accommodate this. A paper menu           because he is too old (Credit Life), has        your main fact and information provider.
allows a business manager to show the           poor health (disability), or a significant       Whether handwritten or software, make
same payment on each plan and the desired       down payment (GAP), those products              sure any menu utilized is legally compliant
initial investment (cash down) needed           can be easily omitted. The customer is          with Federal Regulation Z and has term,
to get each plan. The same thing can be         only shown products that he is eligible to      APR, and the base payment visibly
said of lease menus when the capitalized        enroll in. It avoids confusion, streamlines     displayed.
cost has already been maximized and the         the presentation, and is more professional
customer needs to put additional cash down      than simply striking through the ineligible     George Jackson is the Director of
to purchase any of the products. One of         products. One downside of this is that it can   F&I Training for American Financial &
the reasons that menus are successful is        violate the 100% rule listed above.             Automotive Services, Inc. He can be
that they offer 100% of the products to                                                         contacted at 866.280.0301, or by email at
100% of the people, 100% of the time. You       Most menu programs produce four-color,

          34 years experience in Automotive Radio & TV Spots. We
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  • 4. manager I N S I D E driventeam operation uccessrevenue automobil solutions 8 Telling is Not Selling Zig Ziglar 9 The Power of Now Mark Tewart profitprofessional 10 The Online “Wholetail” Used-Vehicle Option Simon Rothman sales 12 New Ideas to Boost Sales Dennis McDonough 13 Light the Fire Timothy J. McCarthy 14 Professional Persistence Terry L. Isaac 16 Technology ROI: Maximizing Return Means Maximizing Systems Utilization Becky Hubble 18 Words That Sell Dawn Josephson 20 Consulting vs. Selling Brian Tracy 21 Building Relationships Steve Hiatt 22 Sean WolÞngton 24 Handwritten and Software Menus George Jackson 25 Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words Lydia Ramsey 26 I Am a Professional; Daily AfÞrmations Jim Adams 28 How to Create a Long Lasting Impression Brady Pevehouse Proverbs 3: 5,6 Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher • Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Susan Goodman, Vice President and do not rely on your own insight. 756 South 1st Street, Suite 202 • inventory In all your ways acknowledge him, Louisville, Kentucky 40202 Thomas Williams, Creative Director • and he will make straight your paths. Toll Free: 877.818.6620 Courtney Hill, Advertising Services Facsimile: 502.588.3170 • Web: God Bless America Success Driven Solutions Kelley Humkey, Advertising Services • dealer AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky, 40202; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $75 per year. AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content, and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions; views expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures. © All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky 40202.
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  • 8. sts ms ls fis lr sales and training solution zig ziglar By Zig Ziglar Telling is Not Selling As a sales Closed Questions identify buying criteria, you may want to professional do you These are questions that have one-word or use: “What are your top criteria in making spend more time “closed” answers. At the beginning of the this type of purchase?” The answer to this telling or more time sales call, these should be seldom used, as question gives you more than just facts. It asking? If you were the sales person is not giving the customer gives you insight into “why” these criteria to record your sales an opportunity to expand on the answers. are important. interview, you’d probably find you spend Closed questions usually uncover facts but much more time talking than you do asking rarely uncover any additional information. Open questions are important because they questions and listening. Let’s say you are trying to identify the give you vital information. You will start buying criteria of a customer. You can to identify how receptive the customer is During a sales interview, the sales person ask: “In purchasing a car, is the monthly to your sales approach. Is he/she eager or must identify the issues and concerns of the payment important to you? The answer hesitant to give you information? Open customer. The best way to achieve this is may be “Yes.” The customer has just questions allow you to gauge this. to ask questions, listen to the answers, and responded with a fact. You may have to ask connect them to the needs of the individual another question to identify other important Reßective Questions and to your product and services. A line criteria. It may prove better if you ask an These are questions that “reflect” on of questions is the starting point in all open question. Let’s take a look at open previous answers and give the customer a successful sales. questions. chance to expand on something mentioned earlier. The customer may have passed There are several kinds of questioning Open Questions by a very important matter that you will techniques. Let’s cover four types of These questions solicit “open” information. want to go back and address. You can questions that you can implement today, You not only gain facts, but you also gain use a reflective question to gain vital called C.O.R.D. questions, which stands for information. These questions usually information. In the above conversation, closed questions, open questions, reflective begin with “who, what, why, when, where the customer may have mentioned a “good, questions, and direct-agreement questions. and how.” For example, when trying to quality service department.” You can now go back and gain additional information with a reflective question. For example, “Mr. Customer, what did you mean by good, quality service?” Reflective questions give you additional information. By using them, you are also indicating to your customers that you are listening. Direct Agreement Questions These questions gain “agreement” from the customer. These should be used when you are sure of the answer. They are usually answered with one word, which is usually “Yes.” After you have shown the customer that you can save money, retain value, or that a feature is easy to use, you can ask a direct-agreement question. For example, “Mr. Customer, if we can meet your demand for fair trade-in amount, will we have a deal?” If the answer is yes, the customer is agreeing he’ll do business with you if you can meet his criteria. Questions are a sales professional’s greatest asset. Learn to ask the right questions in the right way. Good luck and good selling. Zig Ziglar is the Chairman of the Board of Ziglar Training Systems in Dallas, TX. He can be contacted at 866.873.0026, or by email at 8 subscribe today at
  • 9. sts ms ls fis lr sales and training solution mark Mark Tewart By tewart The Power of Now The intention of goal and failure. Reasons to lower standards or setting is to look to quit can become a reality. toward the future and think of and plan True power comes from knowing “you are for what you desire. who you decide to be at any given moment.” Goals provide hope. It doesn’t require jumping hurdles; it only My definition of hope is, Having Optimistic takes deciding to become the person you Predictions & Emotions. However, goals desire. At that moment, by not seeing the can create your biggest stumbling block to how-to hurdles as obstacles, you will begin getting what you desire. to think, act and become your desires. You may not know exactly how and when this is Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only thing occurring, but you must trust that it is. that will grow is that which you give energy to.” To focus your mind on what you desire The root of the word decide means “to cut is a great thing. Concentrate on the why? off.” Thus, to decide is to cut off from all “When the why gets strong the how gets other possibilities. This decision and power easy.” of intention for your desires will propel your actions toward a much higher level. The people who succeed at such levels “Decide, accept simply operate at greater consciousness than people who do not. and act with Understanding the power and process of your mind helps create exactly what the power of you desire. Set goals and focus on what you want to happen, which will put into now.” motion the energy, and through the Law of Attraction, will bring to you the people, things and events to match that energy. The Law of Attraction will bring to you You can eliminate self-sabotage and get what you think about. Your thoughts are what you desire when you learn to relax. impressed into your subconscious mind. When relaxed, you move toward your “What you impress, you express.” All desires and are open to receive the answers, thoughts and actions will attract similar some of which may be right in front of people and events that support your thought you. and action patterns. The Law of Attraction is an irrefutable universal law of nature, The key to getting what you want is supported by Meta-Physics and Quantum realizing the power of now. To get what Physics. you desire for the future, you must realize and accept that the creation and cultivation Failure in goal setting comes in trying to of your desire is this very moment. Decide, get something rather than attracting it. accept and act with the power of now. You constantly hear people define their process of achieving goals as, simply, hard work. Usually the obstacles anticipated when plotting to get something, rather than asking why you want it, create subconscious messages of struggle and difficulty. A person with the best of Mark Tewart is the President of Tewart intentions can quickly tire of struggling and Enterprises. He can be contacted simply quit. This let down begins a pattern at 866.429.6844, or by email at in the subconscious: struggle, frustration may 2004 9
  • 10. sts ms ls fis lr marketing solution simon rothman By Simon Rothman The Online “Wholetail” Used-Vehicle Option On average, cars that Online sales are neither a replacement for opportunity for finance and insurance sales, spend more than 45 the traditional wholesale auction process, an opportunity usually lost in a wholesale days in inventory nor for retail lot sales. These sales are a auction. are money-losers third option dealerships can use to ensure on the books their used cars are sold for a fair price that when eventually wholesaled. More than 90 days on the lot covers the dealer costs and potentially includes a healthy profit. “The Internet before being wholesaled, and dealerships lose as much as $900 on that car. A standard dealers’ process is to take every dramatically The choice has traditionally been car in inventory that reaches 45 days, set the reserve price in an online auction at the expands the deceptively simple: wholesale at auction early for fairly predictable (though) low amount the car would bring at a traditional wholesale auction, and let web site visitors pool of potential profits, or take a chance on retail with risky, but potentially higher profits. Once do the work themselves. buyers.” the retail route is chosen, the clock starts While the car itself may not necessarily ticking on the potential for profit. sell for more than it would in a traditional Online sales also provide other valuable auction, the cost structure is weighted more benefits. For example, the Internet allows The Internet has created a third option. on behalf of the dealer – the listing fees are unparalleled access to a large national Online “wholetail” vehicle sales combine low and the buyer pays shipping. Inventory audience of buyers. Trying to unload a the predictable price of wholesale with the turns are fast, reducing further exposure convertible in Minneapolis in January? potential for profit of retail, and they do so to carrying costs and depreciation. Plus, Good luck, unless your pool of potential with a significantly reduced cost structure. a retail buyer over the Internet is a new buyers includes people in Tucson, Orlando, San Jose and other sunny, top-down-in- the-winter locales. Trying to sell an SUV in Houston? Midwesterners love used cars that haven’t been abused by road salt for four winters straight. Log 200-500% more opportunities! The Internet dramatically expands the pool of potential buyers. Increasing your Leader in Showroom Traffic, audience increases your chances of finding Lead Management, the one person in a nation-wide audience for whom your car is the perfect car. and CRM Software real-time showroom & desking control The reputation of the Internet being what it Track all outgoing phone activity is, here’s a quick word on doing business internet lead tracking system with customers online: Escrow, inspection, shipping, and other critical matters, can 2-way active DMS integration all be handled safely and securely by both buyer and seller. complete in-store training Minimize data entry with license scanner There is little doubt that wholesale drivers license scan, worksheets auctions are an efficient and cost effective & credit bureaus method for selling aged inventory. The Internet can provide a channel for finding a new, untapped audience for dealer-aged track more inventory before giving up and accepting a wholesale loss. The Higher Gear Group, Inc. bring back Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 more tel 866.873.0029 fax 847.310.3196 close Simon Rothman is the Vice President more call for a FREE consultation and demonstration and General Manager of eBay Motors. For more information, please visit 10 successful solutions at
  • 11. Belinda Wortherspoon, Wolfington Group Call Center Operator THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY! ASK YOUR 20 GROUP! 800.331.9361 DURAND DURAND CHEVROLET, INC. To Whom It May Concern: It is with great pleasure that I write this endorsement for the Wolfington Group and specifically the team run by Dan Freeman. Our Dealership has run six promotions with the Wolfington Group and all have been worthwhile both financially and as a motivational tool for our sales staff. In fact, two of our most profitable months in the 80 year history of our company have come during a Wolfington promotional event month. Every activity during these events is performed by a seasoned staff of professionals with both profit and customer satisfaction in mind. From the set up by the advance people (great job Ross) to the after-event meeting and wrap up, I have been thoroughly satisfied with the Wolfington Group’s attitude and cooperation in making our events a great success. In my opinion, you have everything to gain by an association with The Wolfington Group and will see a much greater return on investment than you ever will with conventional advertising. I have recommended them many times to dealer friends and have been thanked many many times for the referral. Sincerely, Richard G Durand Jr., Executive Manager
  • 12. sts ms ls fis lr marketing solution dennis By Dennis McDonough mcdonough New Ideas to Boost Sales Undoubtedly, the dealership to play straight through, while site elements with Flash, such as a banner Internet has changed the presentation on the process of buying across the top of your site or a pop-up that some aspects of a car would be more interactive since it advertises a monthly special. Like a Flash your business, most involves several steps. presentation, these will require that your notably in how visitors have the Flash plug-in people shop for installed on their computers. cars. Yet you also provide other types of Your site should explain that service where person-to-person interaction the plug-in is required to view is necessary. certain content. The services you provide support products Animated .gif Files – Small that have four wheels and move. So it animated graphic files (or makes sense for your web site to feature animated .gifs) are an easy some kind of movement. There are many way to add motion, and fun, things to consider when adding motion to to your web site. For example, a web site, and only a few cost-effective you might want an animated ways to skirt the use of video. .gif of one of your models to roll across the screen pulling a Not Just a Flash in the Pan banner behind it. That banner One extremely cost-effective way to could be about a special sale create motion for your web site is to use What’s more, Flash has the capacity to or could mention the top sales person for movie files. In its early days, Flash was showcase some slick features, including that month. You also have the option of used strictly for creating animation of functions like finance calculators. For an animated .gif “slide show” that cycles text, pictures, and other elements for web instance, you could include a payment through pictures of cars available at your sites. Over the years it has grown into a calculator in the presentation about buying dealership, pictures of satisfied customers, program that can incorporate video and your first car. sales people, or any set of appropriate other features. images that relate to your dealership. In addition to a presentation you One benefit to using Flash movies is Keep in mind that too much animation can could incorporate your dealership or that it requires no additional computer annoy and turn away visitors. manufacturer’s latest commercial into a hardware to run. The only requirement is Flash movie for your site. To do that, you that your customers must have the Flash The key is to use all motion – whether it will first need to convert the commercial to plug-in installed on their machines. This is animation, video or a full presentation – one of two computer video formats: Apple download is free and available from strategically and in moderation. Regardless QuickTime or Windows Media. Once the In addition, you of the solution you use, motion on your web video is converted, it is imported into the should also place a notice on your web site will keep a visitor’s interest. It adds a Flash program and then converted into a site that portions of it will require the Flash human touch and will help drive customers Flash movie ready for viewing on your plug-in. to your dealership, and help increase sales. web site. Overall, you could use a Flash movie to Image 2: Below is an example of a graphic make short presentations of: Flash has many capabilities you can that can be animated to roll across the • The history of your dealership utilize. If you don’t want to include a full screen. The text portion can be changed to • The process of buying a car presentation on your site, there are still say anything: a monthly special, rebate or • Finding financing other ways to incorporate motion to make financing offers, sales person/staff member • Buying your first car your site lively and draw customers into of the month, etc. your business. Furthermore, you have the option of letting a Flash presentation run on its own or Other Low-Cost Motion Solutions Dennis McDonough is the President of have it require user interaction. Take one Flash Elements – As stated above, Flash Bit-Concepts. He can be contacted at of the suggested presentations above: you has many capabilities and is not limited to 877.354.1998, ext. 202, or by email at would probably want the history of your presentations or interactivity. Create smaller Image 2 12 check us out at
  • 13. sts ms ls fis lr marketing solution timothy j. mccarthy By Timothy J. McCarthy Light the Fire “Creating a sense of you’re receiving new shipments from the urgency.” What does factory, maybe there’s new manufacturer it mean? How can incentives being offered, maybe there was it be accomplished? a flood, hail, or a tornado. If it’s a limited In the automotive selection or limited inventory that must industry, there is go, give it a number. “500 must be sold.” a need to drive business by creating an Details gain trust. Make your sale make atmosphere in which sales are made. sense to your buyers. Gain the public trust Creating a sense of urgency within the by leveling with them and by appealing to public perception is critical in driving their interests. Turn the sense of urgency traffic to your dealership. You must build on yourself. Appear desperate to sell and a strategy that relays the message, “If you willing to bargain. miss this weekend’s sales event, you’re doing a disservice to your family.” Nobody Dictate Perception wants to miss out on a one-time only event, The ultimate goal in any area of selling is especially in regards to big-ticket items, to change your buyer’s perception. It might like a new car for the family. Therefore, be a detachment from false preconceptions it’s imperative that your potential buyers of the product, or it might be a reverse understand that this specific event will in their perception of their own financial not be repeated. Don’t just show them the abilities. Whatever the change might be, dealership; pull them into the dealership. it is important that your sales message Guide them, probe them, sell them. You can is dictating the direction of change. The sell them if you give them a reason to buy public must know the urgency involved, now. Light the fire. not just feel it. Don’t allude or imply, show them the deal. Be concrete in your offers Make Distinct Termination Points and specific in your sales approach. Always Set sale dates and make sure those dates are have a sales event that is the biggest event clear in each public message you produce. of the year. Strive to outdo yourself. You You’re telling prospective shoppers that control the size of the event and the urgency you’re opening a “window to purchase.” of the sale. End dates create urgency. Closing the window urges people to flock to beat the Believe Your Own Lines clock. “Offer ends, inventories are sold, Another key in creating urgency is you won’t get this opportunity again” believing it for yourself. As a dealership, …whatever you have to say to get the point you and your sales staff must be invigorated across, now is the time to say it. Deliver with the same urgency that you’ve called your call to action. Attack the market with for in your sales messages. Set sales goals limited-time incentives. Drive traffic with for event weekends. Build urgency around the expiration date. Keep your sales events your sales event from all sides. You’ve been short: weekend events where Monday working hard in your sales message to build signifies a return to “business as usual” are trust. Shoppers can’t walk in to find the ideal. Shorter events give less opportunity same old car dealership they could’ve gone for procrastination and provide a greater to across the street. If you said that 500 cars sense of urgency. must be sold, look like you’re on track to sell 500 cars. Sell yourself before trying to Give Reasons for Urgency sell anyone else. Every automotive dealer in the country is having a sale this weekend. Everyone is overstocked. Everyone needs to meet Timothy J. McCarthy is the Chairman and CEO of The McCarthy Companies. He can quarterly sales goals. Don’t just have a sale, be contacted at 800.871.9695, or by email sell your sale. Advertise in a way that they at, or visit can see the logic behind the sale. Maybe may 2004 13
  • 14. sts ms ls fis lr sales and training solution terry Terryisaac By l. L. Isaac Professional Persistence The process sales should get you more write-ups and increase should be able to gauge. Customers respect people use to your opportunity to negotiate to agreeable professional persistence. achieve professional terms with a commitment. persistence works Terry L. Isaac is the Corporate Sales best when they How far do you push for the commitment? Trainer for the Neil Huffman Auto Group. have achieved the This depends on the level of rapport with He can be contacted at 866.265.4680, or following: the customer, which a good sales person by email at • A positive professional greet. • Build a working relationship. • The selection of the vehicle to meet their wants and needs. • A professional walk-through of the features and benefits. • A feature and benefit demo ride. If these steps are achieved with every customer, then the sales person has increased his/her odds of getting the customer to the write-up. A sale is achieved through a negotiation process. The goal is to ask the customer, in a professional way, to allow you to continue to work for them. On the feature and benefit demo, when the sales person is a block away from the dealership, try this, address the customer with the following “Bob and Sally, if I can work out the terms to your satisfaction would you buy and take delivery today?” If the customer says, “Maybe” or “Let’s see,” you do not have a commitment. At this point you need to ask a closed question to get the customer to say yes. Address them with the following: “So what you’re telling me is that if the terms are agreeable with you, you will buy and take delivery today, is that correct?” If no is the response, ask, “Are we not on the right vehicle?” If the customer says, “Yes, we are,” then ask if all parties in the buying decision are present. If they are not, ask when and where they are available. If you take the vehicle to the other decision- maker, you must present the vehicle to them and ask for the commitment again. If the customer says no, uncover what is stopping them through the following questions: “Are you concerned with the price of the vehicle?” and, “Are you concerned with your trade-in amount?” or, “Are you concerned with your budget range?” If you get a yes to any of these questions, then you need to respond with, “We can work together on these terms, and if we cannot come to a solution, then we’ll part as friends, is that fair?” This process 14 contact us at
  • 15. Quality Leads | Superior Service | Dealer Control Features 58,000 LEADS TESTED. 627 OF THE TOP INTERNET DEALERS SURVEYED: DEALIX LEADS ARE THE BEST. QUALITY STUDY (2003) QUALITY STUDY (2002) • Start receiving the best leads in the 1 Dealix Dealix business within 24 hours. 2 AutoNation AutoVantage 3 eBay Motors AutoTrader • Get the very best Lead Scrubbing(SM) technology and service. 4 AutoTrader MSN Autos 5 AutoVantage AutoWeb • Get a free lead volume estimate: try 5, 6 10, 20 or any mile radius. 7 CarsDirect Vehix 8 AutoBytel StoneAge • Call us today and ask about our new 9 Edmunds CarSmart lead pricing. 10 AutoWeb Autobytel Visit us online at today or call our sales director, Rao Wu, at (866) 253-5125. DEALIX DRIVES SUCCESS.
  • 16. fs feature solution beckyBecky Hubble By hubble Technology ROI: Maximizing Return Means Maximizing Systems Utilization Maximizing return on technology Are employees getting the right training to help your employees develop better investments is a matter that often frustrates allowing them to make use of in-place customer service, and sales and Microsoft and perplexes dealer management. Acquiring technology? Matching employees with the skills, etc. a new application or system is only the first right training sounds like a simple task, step. What happens after the install is what but it involves an array of questions and The more options, the better determines the true ROI of any technology observations, including a skills assessment The best programs will be both broad and investment. After the initial training that of individual employees and an extensive deep and offer a variety of delivery methods precedes and accompanies installation, knowledge of available training -be it off- (web-based, classroom, on-site, remote managers are often left wondering, “What the-shelf, specific to the software you’ve instructor via the Internet and customized now?” Dealership decision-makers aren’t purchased, or customized to the way you options) to help you increase productivity always aware of the breadth of training and want your employees trained. and system utilization as well as address utilization offerings available to them. immediate training situations, such as when Look for a training partner that will be there you lose a service manager. Some technology companies make training to provide you with all your training needs more of a priority than others. The message including: Increasing system utilization (and boosting for dealership management? Ask smart 1. Specific training road maps or the ROI on your technology investment) questions about training and utilization, curriculums for the variety of job means reaching employees in the right place, and look for a technology partner who functions in your dealership. at the right time, and with the right training. supports their solutions with a broad 2. Multiple training methods and Look for programs with the capability to array of learning tools that are easily services that specifically focus on deliver training and education in ways that accessible and designed to drive ROI. helping your employees increase their are both convenient and tailored to meet system utilization. employee needs. So where do you begin? 3. Various in-dealership training offerings to save you the expense of Some key training options to look for in a Find a training partner travel and the productivity loss of vendor include: The first step in maximizing ROI on having your employees out of the office a technology investment is finding a for one or more days. 1. On-site training training partner. A good training partner 4. Training that can be customized for Trainers come to your location(s) and will be one who can formally assess your your dealership’s needs instead of just either train your employees directly dealership’s training needs by employee and one-size-fits-all. or perform “train the trainer” sessions department. 5. Online tools to help manage and for your own designated training staff. track employees’ training progress. These trainers should be well-versed Nearly all technology solution providers 6. Multiple skill levels of training with your specific system utilization offer training, some more robust than to address new hire needs as well as (data input, report generation, etc.) and others. Look for one that provides a “course ongoing employee development. be able to address the specific needs catalog” outlining key offerings and that required of various departments or can customize the various training types Finally, you should look for a turnkey employee skill levels. with your dealership business processes training provider who can provide training so that the training is both relevant to the for all your non-DMS related needs, such 2. Interactive training via Internet applications and the way you want to run as networking courses for your system Instead of a traditional classroom your business. administrator, professional skills training setting, online or virtual training 16
  • 17. “Look for programs with the capability to deliver training and education in ways that are both convenient and tailored to meet employee needs” allows for interactive sessions using business needs. Such training should skills assessments, and system utilization the Internet. An online coach can lead demonstrate how newly-acquired services. This package is good for dealers sessions for groups of employees. technology integrates with your with greater numbers of turnover and new Other sessions can be one-on-one with dealership’s specific processes and hires. an instructor dialed-in to your DMS conforms to OEM policies and system. This allows for a live instructor procedures. Customizable options Top-of-the-line packages include the to work with employees step-by-step to should be available for any type of greatest number of training sessions and address their issues or to walk through training whether they be web-based or options including more in-dealership system set-ups. classroom training. training. This is the ideal package for expanding dealerships and for ones with the 3. System utilization services While weighing training options, you’ll highest level of turnover/new hire issues. Most dealerships utilize only a also be relying on your technology partner small fraction of their DMS’s true to provide guidance on choosing classes So, what’s the bottom-line on the when, capabilities. With the addition of and curriculums appropriate for department where and how of training? To truly providing skills assessments of your staff and individual employees. The road maximize your investment you can’t just employees, a good training partner can map generated from the system and skills install the system, let your team run with identify what aspects of the technology assessment is the critical ingredient in it, then look at your sales at the end of the are being underutilized, help you choosing right-fit training. month. Training needs to be comprehensive implement a plan for training on these and ongoing. features, evaluate your processes, and Your vendor should offer free basic training help you implement the best practices that covers the fundamentals of operating Training must go beyond the initial training - all helping your dealership run more the system. However, all employees and basic classroom courses. After the efficiently. Like a tune-up, this helps need ongoing training to improve their install, some employees get into a routine ensure that dealerships are maximizing performance and to help them increase their of doing just enough to get their jobs done. their technology ROI. productivity by maximizing their use of the Applications available today have advanced technology. Your best value will be to select functions and tools to streamline and 4. Classroom training the appropriate add-on bundled training automate many time-consuming repetitive Most solutions providers offer travel-to package. Such packages are often combined tasks. Comprehensive training services and classroom training. This training, while in three tiers: tools can help employees take advantage of more time consuming for employees these functions and substantially increase than online or on-site training, can An entry-level package contains unlimited their performance. Ask your technology deliver cost-effective sessions, use of various training options and provider if they provide real training specific to the applications, with a live incorporates some of the training services services and tools that can help you instructor. The best programs offer with additional options. These help a dealer increase your system utilization and begin local or regional training on specific use their DMS and other systems more fully maximizing the investment you make in topics for targeted skill levels. than with free basic training alone. your technology solutions. 5. Customized training Mid-level packages frequently offer Becky Hubble is the Director of Training Increasingly, dealers are searching for additional numbers of courses and coach- Services at ADP Dealer Services. She can customized training solutions with led sessions, including training customized be contacted at 800.452..4498, or by email content adapted to fit their particular for the dealer’s specific needs, in dealership at may 2004 17
  • 18. sts ms ls fis lr marketing solution dawnByjosephson Dawn Josephson Words That Sell The English or service. For example: “This model is in town to buy a car.” language contains rated the safest in crash tests,” or “Safety is hundreds of a big concern here.” 9. Benefit: Most written marketing pieces thousands of words. state the benefit of the product or service; 21 of them can 4. Guarantee/guaranteed: By nature, however, they neglect to actually use the easily sell your most people are not risk takers. They want word benefit. When people read the word clients. When you know what these proven assurance that they’re not wasting their benefit, they subconsciously perk up. They words are, and how to use them to your money and that your product or service can know they’re about to learn something that dealership’s benefit, you’ll save both time live up to its claims. By giving some sort will impact their life, so they want to know and money when selling to prospects. In of guarantee, you put prospects at ease and more. For example, “As an added benefit to fact, once you master the use of these 21 make them trust you. For example: “The this car, you get __________.” words, your business will quickly get the manufacturer is so confident that this model results it desires. (Hint: this paragraph will work for you, they offer this incredible 10. Person’s name: People love to hear contains 10 of the 21 words. Do you know warranty.” the sound of their own names and love which ones are which?) to read their names in print. That’s why 5. Easy/easily: Between 40+ hour so many souvenir shops sell personalized What’s in a Word? workweeks and increasing demands at items. Including the prospect’s name in a The exact words used in your dealership’s home, people want things that are easy. marketing piece, especially in the middle marketing materials can make the They don’t want products or services that of the sentence, boosts attention levels. For difference between success and failure. are going to make their lives more difficult. example, “As you can see, Steve, coming to Choose the right words and your prospects Always state how easy your dealership our dealership makes perfect sense for your will find you and your company irresistible. makes things. For example: “Our finance needs.” When it comes to writing marketing pieces, department makes it easy for you to…” choose your words wisely and watch your Or, “Our service department’s courtesy The Remaining 11 marketing response rates soar. van makes it easy for you to get your car The other 11 words that sell are love, results, serviced while you’re at work.” health/healthy, proven, fun, new, save, The Top 10 Words that Sell now, how-to, solution and more. While 1. You/your: You is the most powerful 6. Free: Everyone loves getting synonyms to these 21 words are acceptable, word in the English language. It’s more something for nothing. That’s why the word they are not as powerful as the actual word powerful than the word money; it’s more free continues to be one of the top selling itself. In order not to appear redundant in powerful than the word sex. Prospects words of all time. Realize that the free offer your marketing piece, use the appropriate want to feel like you’re talking to them doesn’t have to have high monetary value, words wisely, but don’t overdo it. directly, and you accomplishes just that. So just a high perceived value. Some freebies instead of writing, “Our customers report that work include: “Free credit check,” As your writing prowess increases, high levels of satisfaction when they buy “Free estimate on your trade-in,” “Free consider combining words that sell in the a car from our dealership,” write: “You report,” and “Free car wash.” same sentence. For example, maybe buying will experience high levels of satisfaction from your dealership is quick and easy. Or, when you buy a car from our dealership.” 7. Yes: Face it, you love being told yes perhaps your service department waiting Keep every sentence in your prospect’s because it means you have permission, you area makes an oil change easy and fun. Or, perspective. were right, or you can get what you want. are your “proven results guaranteed?” You Yes is one of the most pleasing words to the get the idea. Since short marketing pieces 2. Money: Ask people what they wish human ear, so tell your prospects yes often. are more powerful than long ones, make they had more of, and chances are they’ll For example, in your marketing materials, sure every sentence packs a punch. say money. People love to save money you can ask a series of positive yes/no just as much as the love to earn it. So, if questions, and then write, “If you answered When you use these 21 words in every a benefit of your product or service is that ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then the marketing piece, you quickly increase your it saves people money or helps them earn new ___________ is what you’ve been prospect’s interest in what you write, which more money, state it along with a monetary searching for.” ultimately leads to more money for you. So figure people can grasp. For example: master the use of these proven words now. “Using our service department saves you 8. Quick/quickly: In today’s microwave- Doing so gives you the easy solution to money - over $500 per year!” age society, people want things quickly. low marketing response rates you’ve been They don’t want to wait weeks, or even waiting for. You’re going to love the results. 3. Safe/safely: Humans instinctively days, for what they’re buying. They want Guaranteed! want to protect themselves and their it now. So while the perception of quick families. Like a mother bear who’ll fight to results may vary from person to person, as the death to protect her cubs, people will go long as you know that your sales or service Dawn Josephson is the President and out of their way and often pay more money department is quicker than others, state it. Founder of Cameo Publications. She can for a confirmed safe product. Always For example: “Loans approved quickly,” be contacted at 800.452.4806, or by email emphasize the safety factor of your product “Quick oil changes,” and “Quickest place at 18 subscribe today at
  • 19. - Bob Tasca III, Tasca Auto Group Before BZ With BZ Before BZ With BZ Before BZ With BZ 30 TO 85 INTERNET UNITS PER MONTH 80 TO 270 INTERNET UNITS PER MONTH 400 TO 1300 LEADS PER MONTH “We have spent a lot less money to sell a lot more cars. “BZ nearly tripled our Internet business “We sold 268 cars online and went from 400 Our cost per sale is only $135/unit.” in less than 30 days and we went from to 1300 Internet leads per month!” - Robert Revere, 80 to 200 Internet units!” - Roy Reutter BDC & Internet Director - Rad Weaver E-Business Director Courtesy Chevrolet Red McCombs Sheehy Auto Stores CRM tool to conduct, manage & measure mail & multi-media The CRM customer management tool helps you manage, email campaigns. measure & follow-up with all of your incoming leads. Automated phone campaigns for less than a stamp! Your new showroom kiosk helps your salespeople (Promotions, Sold Follow-Ups, Service & Renewals) build value in your dealership, people & products. High-end custom websites that drive revenue This online training system gives on-demand training to all of your profit centers. any time, place or pace. Multi-media emails that present an animated Measures and monitors your tour and walk-around for every vehicle you sell. advertising returns automatically. 298.6657
  • 20. sts ms ls fis lr sales and training solution brian tracy By Brian Tracy Consulting vs. Selling One particular self- must be experts, authorities in their field. with helping their prospects than with image possessed by They know their products and services selling their products and services. Their high-achieving sales from one end to the other. They invest customers often feel that they care more people is that they many hours familiarizing themselves with about them than about making a sale. And see themselves as every single detail of what they sell, and of it’s true. consultants rather what their competitors sell as well. They than as sales people. They see themselves know the strengths and weaknesses, the Now, here are two things you can do as problem solvers with their products advantages and shortcomings, the features immediately to put these ideas into action. or services rather than as vendors. They and benefits of what they are offering. do not approach their customers, hat in They have excellent product knowledge, First, see yourself as a problem-solver hand, hoping for a sale. They approach which their customers can sense, giving rather than as a sales person. Take sufficient hopeful clients with the attitude that they both their customers and themselves time to understand the prospect’s real need are consultants calling on the prospect to greater confidence throughout the sales before you start selling. help him or her solve a problem or achieve conversation. a goal. Secondly, think of ways to tailor your Top sales people, positioned as consultants, product or service to your customer’s Seeing themselves as consultants, they ask make themselves resources for their needs so that he/she sees what you sell as questions carefully and listen intently. They clients. They carry themselves as advisors, the ideal solution for him/her. focus all of their energies on understanding mentors and friends. They become the customer’s situation so that they can emotionally involved in their transactions make intelligent recommendations based and are generally concerned that their on what the customer really wants and product or service be the ideal solution to Brian Tracy is the Chairman & CEO of needs. the needs of the prospects they are dealing Brian Tracy International. He can be with. They differentiate themselves from contacted at 866.300.9881, or by email at As consultants, they recognize that they their competitors by being more concerned 4 20 successful solutions at
  • 21. sts ms ls fis lr sales and training solution steve hiatt By Steve Hiatt Building Relationships Here are a few will eventually lead the agents to refer areas that you can business to you. Many insurance companies build sales by going now offer financing, so this is an extremely out consistently good place to build relationships. and building relationships. New Housing Developments Many times you see new cars in the Consistency is the key. Ask your sales driveways of new housing developments. manager how you should present to Three out of 10 people buy a new car within potential customers. And do it on your day six months of the closing on their new off and when you’re not on the floor. home. One reason is because people have to keep their debt load down before buying a Banks and Credit Unions home, and once that step is completed, they Where do many people go to get pre- can shop for a new car. Seek out services qualified for a loan? Many times to the loan where you can be included in welcome officer at their local bank or credit union. packets when people purchase a new home. Drop in with a box of donuts and say ‘Hi’ You can buy lists and create marketing to these people. When you’ve dropped campaigns. by enough and become friends you will become their “go to” guy/gal. Real Estate OfÞces Real estate agents commit a great deal of time driving to and showing houses and “Three out of property. They also want to make a good 10 people buy a first impression when meeting new clients. Stop in and see the brokers who own the new car within real estate offices. Ask them, if during one of their weekly meetings, you can come in six months of the and do a short workshop on the benefits of closing on their leasing a new car and offer a special for the agents. The broker will love this because new home.” the image of his or her staff will go up, and with the new debt, they will be more motivated to sell homes. Body Shops Stop in and get to know the people at the Start with your dealership’s service counter. Let them know where you work customers and orphan owners in your own and what you sell. Explain that you know store. that from all the cars and trucks coming in, some must be irreparable. Just ask to be These relationships take time and effort. referred to those customers, and when they If you are in this business as a career, purchase, do something to reward your it’s worth your time to build a long-term contact at the body shop. Think about the pipeline which will eliminate the need for endless supply of needs being generated: waiting at the door for your next up. People, unfortunately, get in car accidents all the time. A few will even want to trade after the car is repaired. Insurance OfÞces Don’t customers often get a quote from their Steve Hiatt is the General Manager local agent prior to going out and getting a at Five Star Mitsubishi. He can be new car? Again, this is a relationship you contacted at 866.265.5616, or by email build by dropping in over and again, which at may 2004 21
  • 22. sts ms ls fis lr marketing solution sean wolfiWolfington By Sean ngton Paragon Honda has our web site generated 765 leads and sold drives work on a low speed 56k dial up improved their sales 106 units. We got many more leads than connection.” This is a very important point by more than 125- we’d anticipated, so our closing ratio was because many dealerships have great multi- 150 vehicles a month only 13.8%, but we’ve since geared up to media content on their web site but many by changing their improve our closing ratio so we can get it to people cannot view it because they are not marketing and sales 20-25%. In addition, we got a lot of phone on a high speed connection. Therefore, it strategy. “We are sick and tired of spending and showroom traffic from our marketing is important to make sure that whatever a lot of money on mass advertising that is strategy.” you put on your site is fast and does not giving us diminishing returns and is very require downloads. “Our virtual test hard to measure,” said Brian Benstock from The Virtual Showroom drives are powered by an application that Paragon Honda. Benstock continued, “We Paragon’s web site won the Golden Web comes standard with Microsoft Explorer decided that we were going to adjust our Award for its design. “Our website is so our customers do not have to download marketing strategy to target customers on incredible! When customers visit our anything to view it” said Benstock. This the Internet since the majority of our buyers website they can research product info, is also important because most customers begin their shopping online. More of our comparisons, positive 3rd party vehicle don’t want to download anything because customers’ research for their next car on the reviews, trade-in information, vehicle they’re afraid of viruses and don’t want to web than on TV, radio or print and we want reports, tutorials, inventory, specials, wait. to be where the majority of our customers parts, service appointments and more. are.” Within 2 months Paragon not only Our customers love our site,” said Brian The most important component of a web established a dominant presence on the web Benstock, the Internet manager at Paragon site is that it generates results and, at but they also set up a complete customer Honda. Benstock continued to explain, the same time, promotes all of the profit relationship center in their dealership to “Our web site stats package shows that centers including New, Used, F&I, Service handle all of the Internet and phone leads most of our customers visit the site to find & Parts. that resulted from their marketing strategy. a vehicle or a special. One of the problems The end-result was 125 extra vehicles sold we had with our old web site is that when The Virtual Service Department the first month they were up and running. customers visited our old site to find a While most dealerships focus solely on vehicle, it would qualify them out of stock sales, Paragon has had success using The Digital Marketing System by telling them that we did not have the their site to promote their service and The key to Paragon’s success is that vehicle they were looking for. Our new parts departments. For example, they’ve the leadership of the dealership was site promotes every vehicle available and integrated Honda’s personal web site completely committed to their strategy never qualifies the customer out of stock. In into their virtual dealerships. By visiting and that commitment began right from addition, when a customer inquires on one Paragons web site, customers can get the start. “We began by evaluating our of our new vehicles the site automatically their own personal site that gives them advertising budget to see what fat we could emails the customer a virtual test drive detailed information that is unique to cut. We were amazed to find more than on the vehicle they inquired about. These their vehicle VIN number, including enough waste to fund our strategy. The virtual test drives give the customer a their owner’s manual, recommended system gave us the tools and training we multi-media tour and product presentation maintenance schedule, recalls, service needed to set up a complete eCommerce on all of the unique features in the vehicle. updates and more. Paragon also uses and CRM department. After the first month The best part is that these virtual test their virtual service department inside their dealership. Benstock expands, “We make sure we introduce our guests to our virtual service department after they buy their vehicle and while they wait for us to complete their finance paperwork. We sign them up for their first service appointment online and at the same time we show the customer a tutorial on how their personal web site works so we can sign them up THE #1 SALES-IMPROVEMENT MAGAZINE FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE PROFESSIONAL before they leave the dealership. Even if a sales consultant forgets to sign them up we Subscribe today & get have an automated multi-media buzzmail that we send out to the customer with in two for the price of one! the first month that gives them a review of their personal web site and encourages them to sign up. In addition, our system automatically sends out service reminder Call 800.452.5641 buzzmails every 90 days and other service related buzzmails to bring the customer now back for service.” continued on page 29 22 contact us at
  • 23. THE #1 SALES-IMPROVEMENT MAGAZINE FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE PROFESSIONAL PLEASE HELP! If you wish to continue to receive AutoSuccess magazine... check YES! and sign here: Dealership Title Address City State Zip then fax back toll-free 866.665.7936 Thank you for your help!
  • 24. sts ms ls fis lr f&i solution georgeGeorge Jackson By jackson Handwritten and Software Menus Handwritten Menus cannot sell products unless they are actually clean, and attractive looking menus, with One of the best offered to your consumer. calculations completed instantly. This things about a also reduces the amount of time needed to handwritten menu Finally, there are managers that like to show create and print the menu. One of the new is that anyone with different product options such as a 6-year/ features of many menu software programs knowledge of Excel 100,000-mile service contract in one plan is that they allow you to reprint the menu, Spreadsheet can do one. Simply layout and a 5-year/ 75,000-mile plan in another. once the customer has decided on his level the format, add pictures or icons for effect, This is much harder to do on a menu of coverage, with the products selected on and you have will have created a very software program than on a handwritten one side and the products declined on the nice visual presentation. Using Excel also paper menu. other. With this menu stapled to the original provides your business manager with the menu, it provides a dealership with very ability to create and re-create the menu Software Menu Programs strong legal protection. format until it is just right. As for software menu programs, the technology is advanced but most are still Ultimately, the person using the menu has Another advantage to Excel is that it’s simple to use. Some are a Windows- to be comfortable and have input, but the much easier to accommodate specialty based application and others are Web- dealer should also be involved. The look, menus. For example, when a lender based. However, they all seem to have layout, and format of the menu should be qualifies an application and/or gives a the same advantages. When a customer a mutual decision between the dealer and payment call, most software programs is not eligible for some of the products business manager with involvement from cannot accommodate this. A paper menu because he is too old (Credit Life), has your main fact and information provider. allows a business manager to show the poor health (disability), or a significant Whether handwritten or software, make same payment on each plan and the desired down payment (GAP), those products sure any menu utilized is legally compliant initial investment (cash down) needed can be easily omitted. The customer is with Federal Regulation Z and has term, to get each plan. The same thing can be only shown products that he is eligible to APR, and the base payment visibly said of lease menus when the capitalized enroll in. It avoids confusion, streamlines displayed. cost has already been maximized and the the presentation, and is more professional customer needs to put additional cash down than simply striking through the ineligible George Jackson is the Director of to purchase any of the products. One of products. One downside of this is that it can F&I Training for American Financial & the reasons that menus are successful is violate the 100% rule listed above. Automotive Services, Inc. He can be that they offer 100% of the products to contacted at 866.280.0301, or by email at 100% of the people, 100% of the time. You Most menu programs produce four-color, 34 years experience in Automotive Radio & TV Spots. We provide HIGH IMPACT-LOW COST spots!!! Visit our website to see the latest ideas! also... 1 We specialize in DEALER DELIVERY Tape's & CD's!! Inform customers about Service Hours, Dealership Benefits, or just THANK them for their business!! or 1-800-905-4790 Jingles* Video Radio * On-Hold Messages * Tremendous Voice Talent 24 check us out at