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Win a FREE trip for two to the Kentucky Derby! pg.19

                                                                      March 2004

Leland Glynn
Get Your Dealership
Ready For Event Marketing!
RedeÞne Success: Simple
Strategies for FulÞllment
Contract Disclosure Made Easy
The Power of Pausing
Talk Their Talk

                                      Joel DeNooyer,
                                      President of DeNooyer Auto Group,
                                      Albany, New York
Thursday, 3:15pm

        When your bank’s going out of business,

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           Redefine Success: Simple Strategies for Fulfillment                                                                                                                       Anthony Robbins
 8         Contract Disclosure Made Easy                                                                                                                                             George Jackson

10         It’s a Numbers Game                                                                                                                                                                   Jim Adams

           The Power of Pausing                                                                                                                                                                  Brian Tracy
13         Talk Their Talk                                                                                                                                                                    Patrick Luck
14         Get in Position to Play Your Best                                                                                                                                            Brian Manzella
16         Get Your Dealership Ready For Event Marketing!                                                                                                                                    Leland Glynn
18         Have No Fear of Public Speaking                                                                                                                                                        Joe Takash
21         The Power of Appreciation                                                                                                                                                             Steve Hiatt
22         Driven to Perfection                                                                                                                                                          Ricardo Weitz
24         New Ideas to Boost Sales                                                                                                                                         Dennis McDonough
26         Does Size Matter                                                                                                                                             Timothy J. McCarthy
28         12 Solutions for Being a Better Leader                                                                                                                                            Mark Tewart
29         The Top 10 Best Practices                                                                                                                                               Sean Wolfington

 “You are who you decide to be, at any given moment. It doesn’t take
 money, education, experience or anything else. It simply takes deciding.”
                                                                                                                                                                                  - Mark Tewart

                                                                                                                                                                        Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher
           Acts 10:34-35                                                                                                                                                         •
    And Peter opened his mouth                                                                                                                                    Susan Goodman, VP of Operations
   and said: “Truly I perceive that
                                                                           756 South 1st Street, Suite 202                                                        Thomas Williams, Creative Director
   God shows no partiality, but in
   every nation any one who fears
                                                                           Louisville, Kentucky 40202                                                                   •
                                                                                                                                                                                Liz Presler, Media Director
    him and does what is right is                                          Toll Free: 877.818.6620
        acceptable to him...”                                              Facsimile: 502.588.3170                                                                 Courtney Hill, Advertising Services
  In God We Trust                                                          Success Driven Solutions
                                                                                                                                                                Kelley Humkey, Advertising Services

AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky, 40202; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or
                                                                                                                                                                                      dealer Subscription rate is $75 per year. AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials
and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content, and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions; views
expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures.
© All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess
may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA.
Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky 40202.

  Jim Ziegler Presents:
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                        leadership solution                                                     anthony robbins
                                                                                                     By Anthony Robbins

                                              RedeÞne Success:
                               Simple Strategies for FulÞllment
                       People are always         the direction of your life, dramatically.          not keeping score; they are not focusing on
                       searching for a way       The good news is that you can change it,           what they have achieved, how they have
                       to be successful.         instantly. All you need to do is identify          grown. You need to find a definition for
                       But, what is success,     what you associate pain and pleasure to,           success that gives you pleasure when you
                       really? And how           and adjust your focus onto things that             win, and when you lose (that is, when you
                       can you find ways          empower you and serve you in your life.            don’t give your all or produce your best)
to be more successful, every day and in          The rules that you have in your life, what         it motivates you to make your life even
everything that you do? While it might           you attach pain to and pleasure to, also           better.
seem a little overwhelming sometimes, it         affect your ability to truly feel success in
doesn’t have to be. The truth is that success    your life.                                         For some people, their definition virtually
is defined differently by each and every                                                             guarantees them the pain of feeling
one of us. And the key to being able to          The main reasons that most people do not           unsuccessful. For example, in your
truly achieve and be fulfilled at the highest     succeed in life are: 1) they have forgotten        dealership, if your rules for success are:
level lies in how you define it for yourself.     what success really means to them; and/or          that you must never experience challenges
Once you realize what your rules for             2) their rules for success are so strict that it   with your staff, you must always retain
success are, you can then focus on making        becomes difficult, or even impossible, for          your clients throughout their life, you must
them more empowering, and suddenly you           them to ever feel successful. What made            never get frustrated with your accounting,
will begin to see a shift in how successful      you want to work where you do? Was it              you must never feel tired or worry about
you are—and this will change every single        so that you could help people, contribute          the future of your business or the number
thing in your life.                              to their overall quality of life? Did you          of sales that have been made…how often
                                                 pick a certain location so that you could          do you think you will get to experience
What you first need to recognize is this          serve your community or so you could               feeling successful? How about, in contrast,
one idea: What you link pain to and what         guarantee a better quality of life for your        if you know you are successful every
you link pleasure to will determine your         family? Was it because you like interacting        day you walk out of the house and take a
destiny. People link pain and pleasure to        with people, spending time talking to              breath of fresh air? How would that change
a myriad of experiences (money, family,          others? Whatever the reason, take some             your life? Chances are that your personal
relationships, learning, working, giving,        time to think about it and get yourself            definition is somewhere in between. But,
exercise) and you probably know people           re-associated to it. Just focusing on what         how could you define your success in a
who attach pain to one of these things           your end goal is, the thing that is most           way that is more empowering for you, and
that other people attach pleasure to! A          important to you, will aid you in feeling          allows you to experience success on a daily
marathon runner, for example, associates         successful, because it will allow you to re-       basis? Write it down, live it, and you will
pleasure to running—to the exercise, to          focus your energy on accomplishing what            experience an immediate improvement in
the exertion; another person attaches pain       it is that you really want.                        the fulfillment that you enjoy in your life
to running, having to wake up early, get                                                            every day.
dirty and sore, and therefore chooses to         The first step in truly experiencing success
lounge on the couch and stare at the TV,         is to define what success really means to           Once you know what success really is for
shuddering at the idea of even walking           you in clear, achievable terms. In most            you, the next step is to measure it daily.
one mile! However, a change in what you          cases, people are succeeding in life, but          Look at your definition of success and
associate pain or pleasure to will change        they do not feel like they are. They are           realize all the ways you can feel successful
                                                                                                    about your day. Ask yourself questions and
                                                                                                    set up a system that allows you to measure
                                                                                                    your success daily.

                                                AT T E N T I O N :                                  Here’s an example, let’s look at the
                                                                                                    definition of success that I use in my life: “I
                                      •Automotive Dealers                                           am successful when I experience joy while
                                                                                                    I contribute and produce results.”
                                         •Ad Agencies
                                    •Automotive Marketers!!                                           1. Did I learn something? It is
                                                                                                      impossible to not learn something,
   Automotive Ad Planner Kit On Interactive CD-ROM                                                    whether or not you achieve your
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                     24 Campaigns Included!!                                                          something.
                                 (Limited Supply Offer)                                               2. Did I grow? The fact that I’m alive,
                                                                                                      for me, means I’m going to grow. If                                                                        I’ve learned anything, I will use it, and
                                                                                                      as I use it, I grow.

   6                                                                                  subscribe today at

  3. Did I make a difference? I have a         temporarily happy, but when you realize       to success, you’ll get the means, but you’ll
  simple definition for this one: Have I        that by getting that one thing done, you      miss out on the very meaning of your life.
  made a difference in the way people          made it possible for a customer to buy the    You’ll find yourself achieving ends, but
  feel about themselves? I can do that by      car of their dreams, you may find a more       then asking yourself, “Is this all there is?”
  asking questions, giving a compliment,       sustainable feeling of joy is created. You    Make sure you focus on what you really
  or just by encouraging someone to do         didn’t just fill out a piece of paper; you     want in your life, and be flexible on how
  something, such as read a book.              contributed beyond yourself and helped a      you go about getting it.
  4. Did I enjoy? I finally realized            fellow human being.
  that no matter what I’m doing, I                                                           Success is something different for each
  could choose to enjoy it, whether it’s       When you are done reading this, set aside     and every one of us. The important thing
  washing dishes or doing a seminar for        some time and discover what success has       is to find a definition of success that
  10,000 people. At any moment in time,        meant to you in the past, and see if there    allows you to achieve more in ways that
  I can enjoy what I’m experiencing if I       are more empowering decisions you can         are truly meaningful to you. Set yourself
  simply choose to.                            make right now that will allow you to         up to measure your achievements and
                                               experience emotions of joy, gratitude, and    monitor them daily. Once you have rules
When you set up your system for measuring      fulfillment. How do you define success in       that empower you, you will find that your
success in this way, you create a way to       your life? What are your rules for success?   quality of life will improve and, because
win every day, regardless of what you are      Are these rules appropriate? Have you         you are now focused on the things that truly
involved in, who you are with, and even        set yourself up for failure because you       matter to you, you will begin to have a life
with all the challenges that do arise in any   haven’t found a way to measure whether        that is more meaningful and fulfilled.
given circumstance. You begin to focus on      or not you’re succeeding, or worse—do
the ends and not the means and this will       you measure your success in a way that’s
change your life. You will experience more     totally inappropriate, contradictory, or      Anthony Robbins is Founder and
joy, more love, and more passion because       impossible to reach?                          Chairman of the Board of The Anthony
you are focusing on what it truly takes to                                                   Robbins Companies. He can be
make you happy and fulfilled. Getting           Remember: Whatever you focus on, you          contacted at 866.766.7153, or visit
one thing done in your day may make you        will experience. If you focus on the means

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march 2004                                                                                                                          7
sts      ms         ls    fis       lr
                              f&i solution                                                      georgeGeorge Jackson
                                                                                                    By jackson

                                  Contract Disclosure Made Easy
                       Upon completing          2. Customer, dealership,                       insurance, and this is your GAP coverage.
                       a         successful     and vehicle information.                       In other words, this is the Value Plan that
                       presentation, many       Once the payment has been reviewed, the        you chose to enroll in earlier.” Remind
                       F&I professionals        next area of the contract to disclose is the   the customer that he or she enrolled in the
                       leave the customer       name and address of the customer and           programs and that it is part of the payment
                       with a bad last          the dealership, followed by the vehicle        that he or she agreed to earlier.
impression by performing a poor                 year, make, model, and VIN. This is done
contract disclosure. Failing to deliver the     by saying, “Ms. Jones, you are listed as       4. Truth-in-Lending boxes.
paperwork properly can overshadow a             the buyer and this is your name as it is       The last line of the itemization of the
great presentation. To avoid this, simply       to appear on your title and your current       disclosure sequence is the Amount to
follow the following five steps, and your        address. We are listed as the seller and       Finance, which is also the center box
contract disclosure will become one of the      here is our dealership name and address.       of the Truth-in-Lending boxes. This is
easiest parts of your presentation.             Here is your 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee          a natural transition to the TIL Boxes.
                                                Laredo for personal use and here is the        Review the APR, the Finance Charge,
1. Start with payment.                          Vehicle Identification Number.”                 the Total of Payments, and the Total Sales
Many F&I professionals start at the top                                                        Price. There is not a legal obligation to
of the contract and work their way to the       3. Itemization of the amount to Þnance.        read any of the numbers in these boxes,
bottom. If you have a variety of lenders,       Next, on your disclosure sequence, you         but it is recommended. At this point of
all with their own contracts, this means        should thoroughly cover the Itemization        the process, again, there is nothing to fear
that you are doing a different disclosure       of the Amount to Finance, line by line.        because you have done your job well.
sequence for each lender. Also, when you        Go over the sales price, the trade equity,     Occasionally, a customer will be surprised
start at the top of the contract, you usually   cash down, unpaid balance, and all of the      at the amount in the Total Sales price box.
do not have the customer’s attention until      itemized fees, including the products that     Simply explain that it is the total of the
you reach the payment box. Start with           the customer chose on the menu. Doing          payments that he/she already agreed to,
the payment because you will take away          so intimidates most F&I professionals,         plus the down payment they agreed to
the customer’s stress. Generally, this is       but if you did your job well to this point,    with the sales person.
the most important part of the contract         what is there to fear? Sure, the customer
for customers. In addition, the monthly         is seeing the product costs for the first       5. Back to payment.
payment is the last thing that you and          time (note: always disclose the retail         Finally, before asking the customer to
the customer discussed on the menu,             installment contract before the individual     sign the contract, review the payment
so it is a natural transition. Simply say,      product forms), yet if there is a reaction,    once again to ensure to the customer,
“Ms. Jones, this is your retail installment     it will be more of a ‘sticker-shock’ than      now having seen the product costs for the
contract and, as you agreed, you will           an objection. However, you can alleviate       first time, that his or her payment has not
have 60 payments of $475.11 per month           this by saying something like, “This is        changed. This will also reinforce that the
beginning on April 15th.”                       your service contract, this is your credit     payment that he or she agreed to is the
                                                                                               same payment that appears on the contract
                                                                                               that is about to be signed.

                                                                                               There are many legal issues to also
                                                                                               consider that will be reviewed in a future
                                                                                               editorial. For now, follow this sequence
                                                                                               and you will undoubtedly minimize your
                                                                                               chargebacks and increase your customer
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                                                                                                        scott Scott Joseph
                                                                                                           By joseph

                                   Amazing marketing “tool” helps Dealers and
                                General Managers who use direct mail increase
                                                their net profits 30% to 100%!
                        Are your direct        gives you huge marketing advantages           But J&L can, and J&L does. Our statistics
                        mail promotions        over all your competitors.                    tell us that for the last 3.5 million pieces
                        producing                                                            of mail delivered, the Response Analysis
                        consistent and         Now, you’ve heard the cliché…                 has helped our dealer clients sell an
improving results or are they falling          Information is what? Right. Information       average of 33 cars for every 10,000
short of your expectations and declining       is power. If you could look back upon         pieces of mail delivered!
with each promotion? Most dealers who          the history of thousands of promotions,
use direct mail are still searching for the    examine the mailing lists, read over the      The Response Analysis is the most
elusive combination that produced record-      direct mail letters, track what worked,       powerful marketing tool in automotive
breaking results like their Þrst direct mail   what didn’t, who bought, who didn’t,          advertising today. Find out why
promotion.                                     and why… would this be powerful               J&L’s dealership response rates
                                               information to you?                           have increased 72% in the last two
The number one objection we hear when                                                        years. This combined with unequaled
prospecting for new dealer clients is that     The reality is every direct mail promotion    professionalism and customer support is
direct mail doesn’t work anymore. When         produces both good and bad results. The       why 94% of all J&L customers continue
we ask why most dealers say, “My market        problem is being able to easily recognize     their relationship with us for years.
is saturated” or “It only attracts gift        which is which. That problem is solved!
seekers” or “The people who respond are        Now you can have all the information          Just ask them for yourself. Rick
not buyers.”                                   you need to ensure success at the touch of    Hillman from Hollingsworth Mazda
                                               a button.                                     says, “J&L Marketing’s direct mail
I agree with all these reasons because                                                       program is the most cost-efÞcient form of
if a direct mail promotion is not well         Imagine being able to know immediately        advertising that I have seen in the thirty
thought out from start to Þnish it will not    which market areas produce results            years that I’ve been in the car business.”
work. This brings up a question! And the       that exceed your expectations and more
question is…                                   importantly which ones to avoid. Simply       Pat Fogerty from Classic Toyota says,
                                               asking the computer… “How do we               “We have used J&L Marketing for years
How can you eliminate all the elements         generate more trafÞc and sell more cars?”     because of their continual support and
of a promotion that do not give you the        J&L’s proprietary Response Analysis           excellent results. This is an invaluable
return on investment you need and at the       System directs us toward those activities     service.”
same time improve on the aspects that          that bring success, and away from those
produce exactly what you want? That’s          that don’t. We reÞne the offers, prices,      Billy Gordon from Patrick Chevrolet
the real question isn’t it? If you could       strategies, locations, and even the days of   says, “We have been running with J&L
invest advertising dollars only where          the week that bring the highest return.       Marketing for four years, and we can
you see great results and eliminate what                                                     attribute more sales to them than any
doesn’t work, how many more cars could         Our analysis allows us to produce ever-       other form of advertising. J&L is the most
you sell? How much money would you             increasing levels of success. Since           professional company I’ve worked with
make?                                          the market is a lot smarter than we           since I began in the car business 18 years ago.”
                                               are, we don’t go by hunches, opinions,
I’ve invested a small fortune to develop       or gut feelings about how to improve          You too can start experiencing
the marketing “tool” that will provide         performance. We rely solely on the            consistent results from the most
you the information that is necessary          numbers to tell us “where to from here.”      professional marketing company
to produce the results you really want                                                       right now by contacting my ofÞce at
and could quite possibly increase your         How can anyone make recommendations           866.856.6782 and asking for Lisa Wilson.
sales with each promotion from this day        to you without the validation of facts,       Or e-mail her at: lwilson@jandlmarket
forward. J&L Marketing is the only Þrm         statistics and numbers? How can anyone As soon as you contact us we
with this unique capability. It allows us      implement a growth strategy based             will begin to create a growth strategy
to research and analyze your promotions        on hunches and guesses, rather than           unique to your organization, producing
from over 100 different perspectives and       this powerful analysis program? It’s          more proÞt, more volume, and more
                                               obvious…they can’t.                           satisÞed customers.
sts       ms       ls      fis      lr
    sales and training solution                                                                               jimByadams
                                                                                                                    Jim Adams

                                                                 It’s a Numbers Game
                         Sales        follow     numbers of everyone they know (friends,           10,000 names that you can contact about
                         opportunities           relatives, social and business contacts, etc.).   owner loyalty programs, service and parts
                         everywhere      they                                                      specials, general follow up, etc.
                         go—it’s a numbers       It is important to note that your staff
                         game.    Therefore,     understands that you are not asking them
                         you must teach your     to hound their friends and relatives to buy       Jim Adams is the General Sales
sales staff to prospect before you ever try to   cars. What they are doing is informing            Manager at Roper Kia in Joplin, MO. He
teach the first selling skill to them. Why?       these people that they are currently selling      can be contacted at 800.905.0627, or
Because:                                         cars for a living. Help them understand           by email at
                                                 that people would rather do business with
  • 10 - 12% is the average closing ratio        people they know, not to mention the
  of a fresh up. They are harder to close,       fact that the average closing ratio on new
  make less money, and are the least             business contacts is above 50%.
  loyal of any source of business.
  • One half of repeat owners and                Assign every sales person a sales code.
  referrals will buy from you if you have        Your prospect file is sorted into three
  a personal follow up system in place.          categories. “C” which is circle of influence.
  However, 80% of customers cannot               “P” is for prospect, and “S” is for sold.
  remember their sales person’s name a           From this file you can build a master file
  year after their purchase.                     of every single opportunity that either
  • Each sales person has a circle of            knows your sales person, has shopped at
  influence of over 500 people, friends,          your dealership, or has bought from your
  relatives, and social and business             dealership. With your master prospect file,
  contacts that would do business with           your sales person can use this information
  them if asked.                                 in conjunction with their daily planners to
                                                 do owner follow-up, host prospect calls,
Stop focusing on monthly sales objectives        and make general phone contacts.
and start demanding that your sales people
have monthly opportunity objectives.             You must demand an accurate log sheet.
(See chart)                                      If your focus is on opportunity generation
                                                 instead of unit production, then sales
What is your sales person’s daily activity?      people will be more inclined to make sure
How many opportunities per day are               that the log sheet has accurate information
they expected to generate? This is a key         which includes name, address, work, home
to success. Five generated opportunities         and cell number, and email.
equal one sale. Manage the activity not the
result. The sales will come if your focus        With your master prospect file you can have
is on generating a monthly dealership            immediate contact with your customer base
opportunity goal not a unit goal.                sorted by unit, interest, ownership, etc. It
                                                 is important that one person be responsible
If you have a simple spreadsheet program         for data entry and deletion of return mail.
(like Excel), then you have the tools needed
to develop a professional follow up system.      A store that has 300 opportunities a month
Before your new hire ever takes an up,           with a staff of eight to ten sales people
require them to create a ‘circle of influence’    could easily have over 8,000 to 10,000
list of names, addresses, and telephone          prospects in the first year alone. That is

 Opportunities        Demonstrations (80%)           Write Up (50%)          Delivery (50%)
        5                         4                          2                       1
       10                         8                          4                       2
       20                        16                          8                       4
      100                        80                         40                      20
      500                       400                        200                     100              800.864.5971
  10                                                                                     visit us today at
Walter F. Hamlin                                                                          Shane Westbrook
                                                                         Michael W. Novel
                                                                         Dawn M. Hamlin     Hamlin, Novel & Reaves                                                  Bryce Rosene
                                                                                                                                                                     Linda Borst
                                                                         Howard J. Reaves       4481 Ash Grove Drive ~ SpringÞeld, IL 62707                         Paula Groves
                                                                           Marie South                                                                              William Ladd

                                                                 July 13, 2004

                                                                 Sample A. Sample
                                                                 1234 Any Street
                                                                 Anytown, ST 00000

                                                                 Dear Sample:

                                                                 Our Þrm has been retained by ABC Motors to eliminate a massive amount of unsold inventory. ABC Motors
                                                                 is overstocked with new and pre-owned cars, trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles that must be eliminated

                                                                 As a preferred customer, you may take advantage of over 300 new vehicles that have been slated for
                                                                 immediate elimination. In addition, you may choose from over $1 Million in pre-owned vehicles. Our Þrm
                                                                 will conduct this event on Saturday, July 28th ONLY.

                                                                                   As a preferred customer, your credit has been virtually pre-approved.**

                                                                 Special elimination prices will be in effect on all vehicles. NO NEGOTIATION WILL BE NECESSARY.

 We have been creating results for
                                                                 These discounts PLUS rebates up to $3000* or Þnancing rates as low as 0.0% APR* will save you literally
                                                                 thousands of dollars.

                                                                 By agreeing to eliminate this excess inventory, ABC Motors is authorized to offer trade-in allowances over

 over 14 years, our clients range
                                                                 book value, no matter how much you owe! Special appraisers will be on duty.

                                                                 Sample, please bring this letter along with your title or payment book. Due to anticipated response, we urge
                                                                 you to call for an appointment to preview the inventory prior to notiÞcation of the general public.

 from small markets to top dealers                               This drastic inventory elimination will be held at ABC Motors, located at 1234 Anystreet in Any Town on
                                                                 Saturday, July 28th from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM.

 in the country. We use a no-gift,
                                                                                                    All telephone inquiries must be directed to
                                                                                                            800-991-9356, extension 99

 no-gimmick approach to direct

 mail, targeting the dealerships past                            Wally Hamlin

 customers, as well as the friends                                *On select models with approved credit; length of contract may be restricted; see dealer for details. ** Severity
                                                                      of credit may affect rate, term and down payment; some restrictions may apply; see dealer for details.

 and neighbors of those customers
 during our events.
 “I have used HNR to help us accomplish our goal of being the largest volume Chevrolet Oldsmobile dealer
 in Indiana. We have also broke our single day, week and month sales record with their events.”
 Courtney Cole, Owner
 Hare Chevrolet Oldsmobile, Noblesville, IN

 “I’ve done over 40 events with them over the years and continue to get results by following their
 recommendations on planning, preparation and execution.”
 Alan Vines, Co-Owner
 Gary Mathews in Jackson, Jackson, TN

 “Cable Dahmer Chevrolet worked with the same research manager for 8 years which is rare with a direct
 mail marketing company. They know what works and they always do what they say they’re going to do.”
 Carlos Ledezma, Owner
 Cable Dahmer Chevrolet, Independence, MO

 Call today for your FREE Market Analysis!

sts       ms       ls      fis       lr
    sales and training solution                                                                              brian tracy
                                                                                                                By Brian Tracy

                                                              The Power of Pausing
                         All of the top sales    specific benefits. The first is that you            the prospect feel more valuable with your
                         people ask good         avoid the risk of interrupting the prospect      silence. You raise his/her self-esteem and
                         questions and listen    if he/she has just stopped to gather his/her     make him/her feel better.
                         carefully to the        thoughts. Remember, your primary job
                         answers. One of         in the sales conversation is to build and
                         the most important
skills of listening is simply to pause before
                                                 maintain a high level of trust, and listening
                                                 builds trust. When you pause for a few           “By extension,
replying. When the prospect finishes
talking, rather than jumping in with the first
                                                 seconds, you often find the prospect will
                                                 continue speaking. He will give you more
                                                                                                  you become a
thing that you can think of, take three to five
seconds to pause quietly and wait.
                                                 information and further opportunity to
                                                 listen, enabling you to gather more of the
                                                                                                  more valuable
Become a master of the pause.
                                                 information you need to make the sale.           person to do
All excellent listeners are masters of the
pause. They are comfortable with silences.
                                                 Carefully consider what you just heard.
                                                 The second benefit of pausing is that your
                                                                                                  business with.”
When the other person finishes speaking,          silence tells the prospect that you are giving
they take a breath, relax and smile before       careful consideration to what he/she has         Understanding with greater clarity.
saying anything. They know that the pause        just said. By carefully considering the other    The third benefit of pausing before replying
is a key part of good communications.            person’s words, you are paying him/her a         is that you will actually hear and understand
                                                 compliment. You are implicitly saying that       the prospect better if you give his/her words
Three beneÞts of pausing.                        you consider what was said to be important       a few seconds to soak into your mind. The
Pausing before you speak has three               and worthy of quiet reflection. You make          more time you take to reflect upon what
                                                                                                  has just been said, the more conscious you
                                                                                                  will be of the their real meaning. You will
                                                                                                  be more alert to how his/her words can
                                                                                                  connect with other things you know about
                                                                                                  the prospect in relation to your product or

                                                                                                  The message you send.
                                                                                                  When you pause, not only do you become a
                                                                                                  more thoughtful person, but you convey this
                                                                                                  to the customer. By extension, you become
                                                                                                  a more valuable person to do business with.
                                                                                                  And you achieve this by simply pausing for
                                                                                                  a few seconds before you reply after your
                                                                                                  prospect or customer has spoken.

                                                                                                  Action Steps.
                                                                                                  Here are two things you can do immediately
                                                                                                  to put these ideas into action.

                                                                                                  First, take time to carefully consider what
                                           DON’T LET PROFITS                                      the customer just said and what he might
                                          WALK OFF YOUR LOT.                                      mean by it. Pausing allows you to read
                        Partnering with J.D. Byrider opens a new                                  between the lines.
                       market to new car dealers. Our franchise
                    gives you more than the most recognized name                                  Second, show the customer that you really
                     in Dealer Carried Finance. From targeted site                                value what they have said by reflecting for
                    selection and building design, to our innovative                              a few moments before you reply.
                    Discover softwareTM and solid CNAC financing
                          support, J.D. Byrider works with you to
                              ensure success. To learn more about
                         J.D. Byrider franchising opportunities visit
                    or call (800) 947-4532.                                Brian Tracy is the Chairman & CEO of
                                                                                                  Brian Tracy International. He can be
                                                                                                  contacted at 866.300.9881, or by email

  12                                                                                    check us out at
sts      ms       ls     fis       lr
    sales and training solution                                                                   patrick luck
                                                                                                     By Patrick Luck

                                  Talk Their Talk
                      An easy way to           out if they are internal or external decision
                      gain instant and         makers. To do this ask, “At the time you
                      deep rapport with        made the decision to buy your last vehicle,
                      your customer is         how did you know you made the right
                      to present to them       decision when you made it?” When they
                      in a way that they       answer, “I just knew it,” or, “ I could feel
can process information comfortably. The       it in my gut,” this customer is an internal
first thing to do is ask, “For you, what’s      decision maker. An internal decision
most important about your next vehicle?”       maker does not want or need advice or to
Follow their answer with, “What else?”         be pushed (a great way to end a sentence
Their answers will be their criteria for       with an internal decision maker is to say,
purchase. This is the language that will       “…and ultimately, it’s up to you…”).
motivate them to buy. So, if the answer        However, when the customer answers,               we’re this close to a cure
were, “ I would have to get a great price,     “I checked at eight dealerships, I asked
and I need a dependable car,” then the         my brother-in-law who sells cars in New
customer’s motivating language is “great       York, and the three leading consumer-
price” and “dependable car.” Input these       watch magazines said it was the best
power words into your presentation             buy,” this person is an external decision
immediately and often. You will begin          maker. They need references to make
to see the customer warm up to you,            sure; they want advice or confirmation.
because you are speaking their language.       External decision makers can be spotted
You can establish instant and deep rapport     easily when they ask, “What do you think
with customers using these power words.        I should do?”
Always speak to your customers in a way
that is most appealing to them.                Not everyone is always toward-type/away-
                                               type or internal decision maker/external
Another way to do this is to find out if        decision maker in every situation. They
the customer is a toward-type person or        could be toward for one thing and away
an away-type person. To do this, simply        in another. When you ask the question, the
ask, “What is getting a great price really     hot button words will leap out, and then
going to do for you?” When they answer,        use the information you learn to speak in                                Juvenile        Diabetes
“Well, I’ll have more money to do other        terms most comfortable to the customer.                                  affects     millions
things,” they are answering how getting a      The same for the internal and external.         Mary Tyler Moore
                                                                                               International Chairman   and causes long-
great price on this vehicle will help them     Practice asking these questions in different
get other things as well. They are moving      situations with coworkers, friends, and         term complications like blindness
toward something. When they answer,            family, and you will get good at it.            and kidney failure. Not to mention
“Well, then I don’t have to worry if I have                                                    pain and worry no kid should have
enough money for my other bills.” They         Don’t hesitate to repeat the question if the    to live with. But we’re closer than
are answering how getting a great price is     customer looks puzzled for a moment, or
                                                                                               ever to a cure. Your help makes
going to help them to avoid something, a       says “what?”. They are not familiar with
possible problem. They are moving away.        these questions, so just repeat it. And         life-saving research possible. Call
Neither is right or wrong, just how you        don’t paraphrase it.                            1.800.533.CURE                      or      visit
present to these customers from now on                                               
is. If they are a toward-type, speak to them   Gaining instant and deep rapport and
about how this vehicle, the financing, the      speaking in terms that puts your customers
warranty, the service is going to help move    at ease can eliminate the response, “Well,
toward things and get more. If they are an     I just need to think about it,” when it
away-type, then speak in terms of how          seemed you were giving the customer just
this vehicle, the financing, the warranty,      what they’d asked for.
the service etc. is going to help them avoid
problems, or worrying.                         Patrick Luck is the Editor and Publisher
                                               of AutoSuccess Magazine. He can be
Another way to speak in terms of how           contacted at 800.331.9507, or by email
customers process information is to find        at

march 2004                                                                                                                                         13
sts      ms        ls     fis      lr
                                       leisure & recreation                                     brianBy Brian Manzella

                             Get in Position to Play Your Best
                     When I give put-           players who had some outstanding success        always present on the most nonchalant of
                     ting lessons-which         as golfers (and putters): Jay Sigel and Don     putting strokes: the ‘rake-in.’ You know,
                     golfers take far too       Pooley.                                         when you have missed your putt slightly
                     few of-it amazes me                                                        wide and long and you reach the putter out
                     how little golfers         A good way to practice this is to place         (usually with one arm) and rake/stroke the
                     know about what            four quarters on the ground behind the ball     ball in the hole. It always amazed me how
the putter should do during the putting         (PIC 2). Either address the ball by hover-      many of these ‘putts’ go in as compared
stroke. Regardless of how you grip it, or       ing the putter slightly above the quarters      to the ‘knuckle-down’ two to three footer
how you stand to it, the putter should do       or by placing the putter on the ground          that meant something. But it is obvious
five very important things.                      behind the quarters. Then make your             why this is in the context of what we have
                                                stroke, hitting the ball without contacting     just discussed on ideal contact.
Solid contact is the most important ele-        the quarters.
ment. The middle of the putter face should                                                      The ‘rake-in’ impact (PIC 4) contacts the
contact the middle of the ball (or slightly     Getting the putter the right height at im-      ball above center with forward lean where
above the middle). 99.9% of all putters on      pact is all for naught if the putter shaft is   the ‘knuckle-down’ putt that is ‘yipped’
the market today are what are called ‘low-      not leaning slightly forward at impact. If      and missed is often contacted below center
profile’ putters. What this means is that the    you have the shaft vertical at impact you       with the clubshaft ‘laying back’ (PIC 3).
putter face height is lower than the height     had better have a putter with next to no loft
of the ball. By a lot. (PIC 1) That means       on it to get the solid strike we are seeking.   The third must is for the ‘path’ of the stroke
that for the middle of the putter face to       If the putter shaft is leaning backward and     to be ‘on-plane.’ There are two camps of
contact the middle of the ball, the putter      the putter head is on the ‘upswing’ at im-      putting paths these days. Camp one lead
head MUST be raised at impact.                  pact, the middle of the face will miss the      by Dave Pelz believes the putter head
                                                middle of the ball (PIC 3). The proper ap-      should travel straight back and straight
There are two options for this to occur.        plication is slight forward lean of the shaft   through during the stroke. Pelz and others
You either have to pull inward with your        at impact (PIC 2).                              have been the dominant ‘authorities’ with
arms or elbows during the stroke or you                                                         this methodology for nearly 20 years. The
can start with the putter at the proper         These first two important elements-for-          other camp teaches that the putter should
height. As radical as the latter seems, it is   ward leaning shaft and center or above          make a curved path that swings back to the
employed by two current Champions Tour          contact on the ball-are interestingly nearly    inside, returns to the ball and then swings

                             1                                   2                                   3                                    4

    Win a FREE trip for two
    to the          Kentucky Derby.
  14                                                                                     contact us at

               5     through to the inside.
                     This camp is led by                                                6      Combined with the perfect contact of
                                                                                               the middle of the putter face contact the
                     new putting ‘guru’                                                        middle (or slightly higher) of the ball with
                     Stan Utley. I have                                                        a forward leaning shaft on the sweetspot,
                     long known that this                                                      and you will ‘roll-the-rock’ with the best
                     is the most effective                                                     of them.
                     stroke, because the
                     shaft is on an incline
                     at address and it
                                                                                               Brian Manzella is a PGA Teaching
                     should swing back                                                         Professional. He can be contacted
                     and through on this         assure that when the ball leaves the putter   at 866.873.0036, or by email at
                     incline just like any       (when the shaft is vertical) the ball will, or visit
                     other golf stroke chip      travel perfectly on the intended line.
                     to full drive.

                     There are many new
                     devices that are on the

                                                      DEALERS MUST BE
                     market to assist you
                     in making a curved
                     stroke with your
                     putter, but a simple

                                                       ON TELEVISION!
                     understanding of why
the putter head curves to the starting line
of the putt will allow you to construct a
homemade training aid for this type of
stroke in a few seconds.

If the putter (or any other club) rests on
an imaginary inclined plane, like a roof,
                                                         See why over 100 dealers nationwide have
and the ball is in the gutter, the putter will
swing back --up the roof-- to the inside of
                                                         INCREASED SALES MORE THAN 30% IN
the gutter-line. As it returns to the ball it
will get back on that line and through the
                                                         LESS THAN 90 DAYS WITH TELEVISION!
ball again swing up the roof and inside the
gutter. So an overhead view of this ‘path’                                       We produce nearly 4,000 commercials
would show the putter making a curved                                            a year from our studios. We give you
                                                                                 unlimited, high quality television campaigns
To practice this on-plane motion, simply                                         and promotions FREE. With computerized
find a flat board and rest the putter head                                         media buying technology, we buy television as
against the board at address. Place the ball
opposite the ‘sweetspot’ of the putter. This                                     much as 30%-40% more effectively than any
sweetspot is the small area on the face that                                     media buyer in the nation and give you
if the ball is struck on the face will not
twist. You can test for this spot by hold-                                       UNLIMITED TV CAMPAIGNS
ing the putter in the air at the grip with
two fingers and tapping the putter head
                                                                                 AND PROMOTIONS!
with your finger until the ‘no-twist- spot                                        Call for a FREE demo tape and information.
is found (PIC 5). Hitting the ball on this
no-twist area is the fourth key element to
great putting.

The on-plane stroke is made by lightly
                                                                      Larry John Wright, Inc.
scraping the heel of the putter against
the ‘plane board.’ (PIC 6)Your putter will
make the perfect curved path every time.
                                                                      Automotive Advertising
Practice makes permanent.                              “America’s Premier Automotive Advertising Agency”

The final must is to have the face of the
putter perpendicular to the plane at all
times during the stroke. If your puter has
a ‘square’ heel area, make sure this stays
completely on the board (PIC 6). This will

march 2004                                                                                                                          15
fs       feature solution

                                                                                                          leland glynn
                                                                                                              By Leland Glynn

                                       Get Your Dealership
                                Ready For Event Marketing!
Direct mail should be an integral part of         a mail vendor, and remember one thing,          per piece against the quality and services
any dealer’s advertising plan. There are          price should not always be the determining      you need in your market.
two strong types of direct mail, institutional    factor. Ask the vendor these questions:
or event focused, and a multitude of                                                              Finally, what other services will you receive
blends. Institutional advertising reinforces      Will the mail be first-class or bulk? Studies    from your mail vendor? Some companies
your dealership’s name and reputation with        have shown that first-class mail is more         offer a low price, bare bones service, while
the public. Consumers base their shopping         likely to be opened and read than bulk          others will provide much more. Think
habits on name recognition and perception         mail. Remember that many decisions are          about mirror hangers and registration forms
of quality. Institutional advertising places      based on the perception of quality, and that    at least. Other firms will provide a ‘soup to
your name and message in front of                 an addressed, first-class letter will carry      nuts’ event with all materials and forms, as
consumers who may not be in the market            more credibility than a bulk post card or       well as staff.
today, but will think of you when they            ‘resident’ address.
are. Event advertising is self-explanatory;                                                       Inventory and product mix.
it drives traffic to your dealership for a one-    What is the return rate? How many pieces        This should be a good opportunity to move
time promotion. Of course, it also carries        of mail will go undelivered is a fair           some of that aging used vehicle inventory,
the benefit of being institutional for the         question to ask. Some companies will not        so be sure to spice it up with some fresh
consumers that don’t attend your event.           perform some basic but costly ‘merges’          faces as well. For example, many used
                                                  that will purify your list against postal       car departments are heavy with the same
Some basic truths about direct mail.              records for deliverable addresses. Does the     models as the new car department. If you
First of all, with direct mail, the odds are      company have the ability to remove names        are a Ford store, you may be missing the
stacked against you. Will the letter be           from the list that do not wish to receive       boat by not stocking enough GM or import
opened? If it is opened, will it be read? If it   offers by mail? The vendor you select           used models. Take a look at your mix
is read, will the customer come in or call?       should use the U.S. Postal Service to verify    and be prepared to put some competitive
If they do, will what they hear be consistent     accurate addresses, and cross reference that    inventory out front. Give your entire used
with what they read? And when they                data against 911 address change software        operation a walk through and update your
come in to the store, will they be handled        to start with the best deliverable addresses.   inspection stickers, repair the minor issues
properly?                                         Additionally, the vendor should work with       and get it all ready to move.
                                                  any returns to remove those names and
This industry is now beginning to see a           addresses from the master list used for any     Consult the wholesalers and vendors that
revolution in event marketing; the staffed        future mailings. Some companies realize a       service your store on what they think is ‘hot’
event is becoming more popular with               return of 1% and less. Also, any customer       in your market. Vendors have the advantage
dealerships. At a staffed event, a vendor will    that calls or writes and wants to be removed    of being in more than one store each day,
supply direct mail advice and guidance, as        should be taken off the list promptly. You      and they will provide some insight into
well as additional staff to effectively handle    don’t need angry consumers calling the          trends that you may not notice.
the increased floor traffic. Dealerships            dealership because they continue to receive
nationwide are beginning to use this type of      unwanted mail from you. It’s a waste of         Prior to your event date.
event to drive traffic to the showroom while       your ad dollars and fosters ill will against    Cut your advertising. Let this event be your
utilizing the vendor for quality staffing to       your dealership.                                advertising for the week. If you are under
make the events more successful.                                                                  contract with your print or broadcast, shift
                                                  Beyond zip codes, what selection criteria       the dollars to other weeks. This promotion
The blueprint for event marketing.                will be used? You understand your market        will be the most effective medium; so, don’t
Generally, a weekend event will deliver           better than someone located across the          tip off your competitors by announcing or
the best returns. The selection of a mix          country from you. Be sure to stipulate          promoting your event in the local media.
of a couple of weekdays as well as at             things like average household income,
least one Saturday or Sunday will insure          beacon scores, and home ownership to            Prepare your staff.
that all potential customers will have an         get your shot at the best, able-to-purchase     Typically, the event hours will be longer
opportunity to visit your store. Now, pick        consumers. Then carefully weigh the cost        than your normal workday. A cooperative

“Your 20 group is a great resource for Þnding these companies.”

and flexible schedule the week prior or         that this is the time to stick to the basics,   to guide you through the process, benefit
following your event will give your troops     selection, test drive, negotiations, and        from their knowledge, and insure the
a chance to catch their breath. Encourage      delivery. Keep one of your managers free        success of your event.
them to pitch in and make the event not        to be the ‘go to’ person for assistance.
only successful, but fun as well. Think                                                        Selecting a vendor for your staffed event.
about offering a barbeque or refreshments.     Staffed or unstaffed event.                     The ideal situation in selecting a vendor
This will eliminate the need to chase          Faced with the additional costs incurred        is to find a company who does little or
individual lunches and dinners during          by bringing in an outside staffing company       no outsourcing to produce their event. It
the event, and will add to the festive         many dealers decide to run a direct mail        stands to reason that advertisers, although
atmosphere of the day.                         event without the assistance of an outside      effective in what they do, have not worked
                                               firm. Depending on the individual dealer’s       in the trenches and behind the sales desk
Prepare your shop.                             experience and abilities, the event may or      to have a full scope as to how a dealership
You will need extra reconditioning staff       may not be successful. Event production         functions on a day to day basis. It is also
and used car department personnel for          companies generally charge 25% to as            fair to say that automobile personnel, who
longer hours during the event. Most of         high as 29% of the gross profit generated        are also very effective in what they do, may
your deliveries should be ‘spots’ and it       during the event as their fee. While this       or may not have the skills in marketing to
is important to deliver them in a timely       seems high to dealers, the end results          drive quality traffic into your showroom.
manner with as few returns for service as      can be so much higher with a competent          We have said for years that salespeople are
possible.                                      vendor that the results more than make          not necessarily the best people to handle
                                               up for the percentage paid. Consider the        incoming phone traffic. It is imperative to
Freshen your lot.                              following:                                      have people handling these prospects who
Now is the time to make sure that the                                                          enjoy working on the phones and who
inventory is neatly lined and arranged. You    Staffed event companies will provide the        do it effectively. Finding a vendor that
want the place to look alive. Fresh flags,      extra personnel to effectively manage           encompasses all of the above is not easy,
banners, or better yet balloon displays will   your traffic. Most will offer greeters,          although they do exist. Your 20 group is a
grab attention and enliven the outside look.   desk assistance, supplemental F&I staff,        great resource for finding these companies.
Be sure that anyone driving by knows there     closers, sales people, and entertainers.        After selecting a vendor, be sure to obtain
is an event going on.                          These additional people will bring their        at least ten references before you invite
                                               varied talents to your store. Keep in mind      anyone into your dealership that is going
Empty your showroom to change the              that these people have probably been in a       to have contact with your customers and
feel of the store. Fill the showroom with      different store each week, learning fresh       your staff. High volume sales are not
neat, round tables; these can be rented        ideas and strategies that your sales staff      the only definition of a successful event.
from wedding supply companies. Have            will see, hear, and learn. The benefits of       How your customers and staff are treated
your sales staff work from the tables so       using these companies will pay benefits          is obviously of the utmost importance.
that customers see others making buying        to your dealership long after they have         Finding a vendor that understands that
decisions. You will improve your success       completed the event and left. Your staff        they are guests in your dealership and have
with this one suggestion.                      will interact with the vendor’s staff,          been given the opportunity to work with
                                               making the event a profitable training           your customers and your staff is exactly
Schedule a sales meeting.                      experience for the store.                       what you will be looking for!
The afternoon prior to your event is a great
time to discuss the mechanics of the sale.     Secondly, the staffed event vendor will be
Decide who will be appraising, where the       more experienced in producing successful
keys to trades will be kept, and when to       events and will lend that knowledge and
call for payoffs. Have a simple strategy       background to your event. Many dealers          Leland Glynn is the Vice President
for processing the clients, from greeting      find on the first day of their event that a       of the WolÞngton Group. He can be
to desking, to delivery, and make it clearly   few curveballs are limiting the success         contacted at 800.331.9361, or by email
defined. Discuss with your sales staff          of the sale. Use a staffed event producer       at

march 2004                                                                                                                          17
sts      ms         ls     fis     lr
                         leadership solution                                                                joeBytakash
                                                                                                                  Joe Takash

                             Have No Fear of Public Speaking
                       The      ability  to    beyond standing in front of a group and        number of names you remember, which
                       successfully            sharing information. Speaking effectively      will help you to further relax.
                       communicate       in    is about showing a natural enthusiasm
                       public is a key         and connecting with every group you            • Include everyone.
                       determinant in the      encounter.                                     Now that you are familiar with your
                       success of many                                                        audience, try to involve everyone in your
careers, not just those in the speaking        The following ideas are the ‘little things     presentation. Communicate that they are
industry. Whether you are addressing the       that make a big difference’ in speaking        all integral parts of the learning process.
boardroom at corporate headquarters or         to a group of people. Incorporate these        Make eye contact with everyone, and
answering your boss’s question at a weekly     into your approach with every group you        do so with a combination of confidence,
staff meeting, it’s time to get some public    address, and you will elevate your success     courtesy, and respect.
speaking experience.                           to a much higher level.
                                                                                              • Tune in.
Let it go.                                     • Smile.                                       Read the body language of the audience.
The first thing you must realize is that        A warm and genuine smile has the power         Try to get a feel for what they want. How
you have zero control over the audience’s      to loosen up any atmosphere. When you          do they feel? Are they absorbing your
response, so do not worry about it.            smile, you communicate that you are            presentation? Ask questions and refer
                                               happy to be in front of the group to whom      questions to other audience members.
It is natural to want the audience to accept   you are speaking. No matter how serious        Again, engage everyone, so that everyone
and respect you. However, fretting about       the subject matter of your presentation, a     feels significant.
this deepest human desire is as fruitless      pleasant smile is an outstanding tool for
as worrying about the weather. What can        disarming every audience. Keep this in         • Use your creativity.
you really do about the weather? The same      mind from the time you enter the room to       Everyone is creative. Take some chances
thing you can do about the perception of       the time you leave. You will be amazed at      and break the monotony of the everyday
those around you: absolutely nothing. Do       the difference a smile makes.                  monotone approach. Tell personal stories
not let it bother you.                                                                        and take chances on humor. Make it fun
                                               • Network beforehand.                          for your most important audience member:
                                               Prior to your presentation, introduce          you!
“People learn                                  yourself to attendees and thank them for
                                               coming. Network with as many people            • Be yourself.
the fastest                                    as possible and learn about who they are
                                               and what they do. If you already know
                                                                                              Incorporating these skills does not entail
                                                                                              changing who you are. There is no
through                                        your audience, for instance in a staff
                                               meeting, take some time to chat with
                                                                                              substitute for authenticity. If a certain
                                                                                              approach feels too forced or contrary

practice and                                   your colleagues. Remember, they are
                                               people, just like you. Familiarity with your
                                                                                              to your general nature, then consider a
                                                                                              different tactic that fits better with your

                                               listeners will help you to relax and improve   character
                                               your effectiveness as a speaker.
                                                                                              Get experience.
                                               • Learn and remember names.                    People learn the fastest through
Speaking and presenting to a group of          Focus more energy on learning names than       practice and experience. Nothing beats
people can be much easier than you think.      you ever have before. Learning names           it. Consider joining Toastmasters or
Act confident, and the audience will think      will accomplish a number of things: it         another professional speaking group; do
that you are confident. When you see that       increases your confidence, humanizes your       your research, though, to make sure the
they are confident in you, you will become      audience, and makes others feel great. It’s    financial investment is worthwhile. Also,
more confident in yourself. Once you            more personal to say to a group, “Joan,        volunteer for a committee, speak at your
grasp this mindset and drill it into your      what do you think?” as opposed to, “That       church, participate in the school board,
head, a tremendous feeling of relief and       lady in the red dress with the big glasses     coach a team, or teach a class. Force
satisfaction will follow.                      has a question.”                               yourself into situations where you can get
                                                                                              repetition before groups. Familiarity is the
You may also want to consider practicing       When you engage in your pre-speaking           fastest way to beat the demon of fear and
some relaxation exercises for added peace      networking, try to develop associations        ensure effective communication with any
of mind. When you adjust the important         and hooks that help you remember people’s      audience.
part of your approach to public speaking—      names. For instance, let’s pretend you meet
your attitude—you can focus on honing          Ben Edwards, a gentleman who happens
your craft.                                    to have blue ballpoint pen behind his ear.     Joe Takash is the President of Victory
                                               In your mind, repeat something catchy,         Consulting. He can be contacted
Solid strategies.                              like “Blue Pen Ben.” If you practice this      at 800.215.4776, or by email at
Successful presentation skills extend far      technique, you’ll greatly increase the

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                                               KY 40202. Must be a dealership employee to enter, one entry per person.

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  • 1. Win a FREE trip for two to the Kentucky Derby! pg.19 .biz March 2004 Leland Glynn Get Your Dealership Ready For Event Marketing! RedeÞne Success: Simple Strategies for FulÞllment Contract Disclosure Made Easy The Power of Pausing Talk Their Talk Joel DeNooyer, President of DeNooyer Auto Group, Albany, New York
  • 2.
  • 3. Thursday, 3:15pm When your bank’s going out of business, Chrysler Financial’s on track. With Chrysler Financial, what you get is a plan. One that’s focused on growing your business by providing the right tools for wholesale floorplanning, renovation, expansion, acquisition and more. To learn more about our vision for your dealership’s future, call your Dealer Relations Manager. Forty years of finance. Forty years of growth. Financing your investment. A member of the DaimlerChrysler Services Group
  • 4. manager I N S I D E driventeam operation uccessrevenue automobil 6 solutions Redefine Success: Simple Strategies for Fulfillment Anthony Robbins 8 Contract Disclosure Made Easy George Jackson profitprofessional 10 It’s a Numbers Game Jim Adams 12 sales The Power of Pausing Brian Tracy 13 Talk Their Talk Patrick Luck 14 Get in Position to Play Your Best Brian Manzella 16 Get Your Dealership Ready For Event Marketing! Leland Glynn 18 Have No Fear of Public Speaking Joe Takash 21 The Power of Appreciation Steve Hiatt 22 Driven to Perfection Ricardo Weitz 24 New Ideas to Boost Sales Dennis McDonough 26 Does Size Matter Timothy J. McCarthy 28 12 Solutions for Being a Better Leader Mark Tewart 29 The Top 10 Best Practices Sean Wolfington “You are who you decide to be, at any given moment. It doesn’t take money, education, experience or anything else. It simply takes deciding.” - Mark Tewart Patrick Luck, Editor & Publisher Acts 10:34-35 • And Peter opened his mouth Susan Goodman, VP of Operations • and said: “Truly I perceive that 756 South 1st Street, Suite 202 Thomas Williams, Creative Director God shows no partiality, but in every nation any one who fears Louisville, Kentucky 40202 • inventory Liz Presler, Media Director • him and does what is right is Toll Free: 877.818.6620 acceptable to him...” Facsimile: 502.588.3170 Courtney Hill, Advertising Services • Web: In God We Trust Success Driven Solutions Kelley Humkey, Advertising Services • AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky, 40202; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or dealer Subscription rate is $75 per year. AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content, and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice and solutions; views expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures. © All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville, Kentucky 40202.
  • 5. TM Jim Ziegler Presents: The most powerful tools to prepare your sales team for “FOLLOWING THE ROAD TO THE SALE” SALES MANAGER FORUM: Motivating your Sales Team to Higher Profitability Taught By James A. Ziegler Las Vegas, NV March 17 - 18, 2004 Atlantic City, NJ April 13 - 14, 2004 Denver, CO April 20 - 21, 2004 Atlanta, GA May 11 - 12, 2004 Chicago, IL May 19 - 20, 2004 THE COMPLETE F&I MENU SELLING SYSTEM Present 100% of your products 100% of the time! Taught By Becky Chernek Sponsored By Jim Ziegler & Ziegler Supersystems, Inc. Atlanta, GA March 16 - 18, 2004 Average Chicago, IL April 13 - 15, 2004 with great people Las Vegas, NV May 11 - 13, 2004 can do inc procedures red BATTLE PLAN Call today ible things! for Immediately increase profits! informatio a FREE n kit. Taught By James A. Ziegler 8000-726-051 Chicago, IL March 3, 2004 0 Dates and locations subject to change IN-STORE CONSULTING! What sets our consultants apart from the others...Synergy! Have Ziegler's Professional Consulting Team... COME TO YOUR DEALERSHIP! Our trainers will: For more information: ✔ Focus on BOTH the Sales and F & I departments to integrate the entire dealership into ONE cohesive team! ✔ Identify your strengths and your weaknesses. 1-800-726-0510 ✔ Put a game plan in place for your improvement. Call today to speak with a consultant or to schedule a visit to your dealership.
  • 6. sts ms ls fis lr leadership solution anthony robbins By Anthony Robbins RedeÞne Success: Simple Strategies for FulÞllment People are always the direction of your life, dramatically. not keeping score; they are not focusing on searching for a way The good news is that you can change it, what they have achieved, how they have to be successful. instantly. All you need to do is identify grown. You need to find a definition for But, what is success, what you associate pain and pleasure to, success that gives you pleasure when you really? And how and adjust your focus onto things that win, and when you lose (that is, when you can you find ways empower you and serve you in your life. don’t give your all or produce your best) to be more successful, every day and in The rules that you have in your life, what it motivates you to make your life even everything that you do? While it might you attach pain to and pleasure to, also better. seem a little overwhelming sometimes, it affect your ability to truly feel success in doesn’t have to be. The truth is that success your life. For some people, their definition virtually is defined differently by each and every guarantees them the pain of feeling one of us. And the key to being able to The main reasons that most people do not unsuccessful. For example, in your truly achieve and be fulfilled at the highest succeed in life are: 1) they have forgotten dealership, if your rules for success are: level lies in how you define it for yourself. what success really means to them; and/or that you must never experience challenges Once you realize what your rules for 2) their rules for success are so strict that it with your staff, you must always retain success are, you can then focus on making becomes difficult, or even impossible, for your clients throughout their life, you must them more empowering, and suddenly you them to ever feel successful. What made never get frustrated with your accounting, will begin to see a shift in how successful you want to work where you do? Was it you must never feel tired or worry about you are—and this will change every single so that you could help people, contribute the future of your business or the number thing in your life. to their overall quality of life? Did you of sales that have been made…how often pick a certain location so that you could do you think you will get to experience What you first need to recognize is this serve your community or so you could feeling successful? How about, in contrast, one idea: What you link pain to and what guarantee a better quality of life for your if you know you are successful every you link pleasure to will determine your family? Was it because you like interacting day you walk out of the house and take a destiny. People link pain and pleasure to with people, spending time talking to breath of fresh air? How would that change a myriad of experiences (money, family, others? Whatever the reason, take some your life? Chances are that your personal relationships, learning, working, giving, time to think about it and get yourself definition is somewhere in between. But, exercise) and you probably know people re-associated to it. Just focusing on what how could you define your success in a who attach pain to one of these things your end goal is, the thing that is most way that is more empowering for you, and that other people attach pleasure to! A important to you, will aid you in feeling allows you to experience success on a daily marathon runner, for example, associates successful, because it will allow you to re- basis? Write it down, live it, and you will pleasure to running—to the exercise, to focus your energy on accomplishing what experience an immediate improvement in the exertion; another person attaches pain it is that you really want. the fulfillment that you enjoy in your life to running, having to wake up early, get every day. dirty and sore, and therefore chooses to The first step in truly experiencing success lounge on the couch and stare at the TV, is to define what success really means to Once you know what success really is for shuddering at the idea of even walking you in clear, achievable terms. In most you, the next step is to measure it daily. one mile! However, a change in what you cases, people are succeeding in life, but Look at your definition of success and associate pain or pleasure to will change they do not feel like they are. They are realize all the ways you can feel successful about your day. Ask yourself questions and set up a system that allows you to measure your success daily. AT T E N T I O N : Here’s an example, let’s look at the definition of success that I use in my life: “I •Automotive Dealers am successful when I experience joy while I contribute and produce results.” •Ad Agencies •Automotive Marketers!! 1. Did I learn something? It is impossible to not learn something, Automotive Ad Planner Kit On Interactive CD-ROM whether or not you achieve your goals or not, you are always learning 24 Campaigns Included!! something. (Limited Supply Offer) 2. Did I grow? The fact that I’m alive, for me, means I’m going to grow. If I’ve learned anything, I will use it, and as I use it, I grow. 6 subscribe today at
  • 7. continued 3. Did I make a difference? I have a temporarily happy, but when you realize to success, you’ll get the means, but you’ll simple definition for this one: Have I that by getting that one thing done, you miss out on the very meaning of your life. made a difference in the way people made it possible for a customer to buy the You’ll find yourself achieving ends, but feel about themselves? I can do that by car of their dreams, you may find a more then asking yourself, “Is this all there is?” asking questions, giving a compliment, sustainable feeling of joy is created. You Make sure you focus on what you really or just by encouraging someone to do didn’t just fill out a piece of paper; you want in your life, and be flexible on how something, such as read a book. contributed beyond yourself and helped a you go about getting it. 4. Did I enjoy? I finally realized fellow human being. that no matter what I’m doing, I Success is something different for each could choose to enjoy it, whether it’s When you are done reading this, set aside and every one of us. The important thing washing dishes or doing a seminar for some time and discover what success has is to find a definition of success that 10,000 people. At any moment in time, meant to you in the past, and see if there allows you to achieve more in ways that I can enjoy what I’m experiencing if I are more empowering decisions you can are truly meaningful to you. Set yourself simply choose to. make right now that will allow you to up to measure your achievements and experience emotions of joy, gratitude, and monitor them daily. Once you have rules When you set up your system for measuring fulfillment. How do you define success in that empower you, you will find that your success in this way, you create a way to your life? What are your rules for success? quality of life will improve and, because win every day, regardless of what you are Are these rules appropriate? Have you you are now focused on the things that truly involved in, who you are with, and even set yourself up for failure because you matter to you, you will begin to have a life with all the challenges that do arise in any haven’t found a way to measure whether that is more meaningful and fulfilled. given circumstance. You begin to focus on or not you’re succeeding, or worse—do the ends and not the means and this will you measure your success in a way that’s change your life. You will experience more totally inappropriate, contradictory, or Anthony Robbins is Founder and joy, more love, and more passion because impossible to reach? Chairman of the Board of The Anthony you are focusing on what it truly takes to Robbins Companies. He can be make you happy and fulfilled. Getting Remember: Whatever you focus on, you contacted at 866.766.7153, or visit one thing done in your day may make you will experience. If you focus on the means Killer instinct. It’s what makes The McCarthy Companies the premier agency for premier dealers. By providing strategic advertising and marketing solutions, our high profile clients hold top U.S. positions with every factory, including Chevrolet, Ford, Nissan, Honda, Volvo and Kia. • Separation branding • State-of-the-art production • Aggressive media buying • Qualitative research • Online phone call tracking • Real-time electronic radio tracking • $2.2M average client billing Do more than survive. Dominate your market. march 2004 7
  • 8. sts ms ls fis lr f&i solution georgeGeorge Jackson By jackson Contract Disclosure Made Easy Upon completing 2. Customer, dealership, insurance, and this is your GAP coverage. a successful and vehicle information. In other words, this is the Value Plan that presentation, many Once the payment has been reviewed, the you chose to enroll in earlier.” Remind F&I professionals next area of the contract to disclose is the the customer that he or she enrolled in the leave the customer name and address of the customer and programs and that it is part of the payment with a bad last the dealership, followed by the vehicle that he or she agreed to earlier. impression by performing a poor year, make, model, and VIN. This is done contract disclosure. Failing to deliver the by saying, “Ms. Jones, you are listed as 4. Truth-in-Lending boxes. paperwork properly can overshadow a the buyer and this is your name as it is The last line of the itemization of the great presentation. To avoid this, simply to appear on your title and your current disclosure sequence is the Amount to follow the following five steps, and your address. We are listed as the seller and Finance, which is also the center box contract disclosure will become one of the here is our dealership name and address. of the Truth-in-Lending boxes. This is easiest parts of your presentation. Here is your 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee a natural transition to the TIL Boxes. Laredo for personal use and here is the Review the APR, the Finance Charge, 1. Start with payment. Vehicle Identification Number.” the Total of Payments, and the Total Sales Many F&I professionals start at the top Price. There is not a legal obligation to of the contract and work their way to the 3. Itemization of the amount to Þnance. read any of the numbers in these boxes, bottom. If you have a variety of lenders, Next, on your disclosure sequence, you but it is recommended. At this point of all with their own contracts, this means should thoroughly cover the Itemization the process, again, there is nothing to fear that you are doing a different disclosure of the Amount to Finance, line by line. because you have done your job well. sequence for each lender. Also, when you Go over the sales price, the trade equity, Occasionally, a customer will be surprised start at the top of the contract, you usually cash down, unpaid balance, and all of the at the amount in the Total Sales price box. do not have the customer’s attention until itemized fees, including the products that Simply explain that it is the total of the you reach the payment box. Start with the customer chose on the menu. Doing payments that he/she already agreed to, the payment because you will take away so intimidates most F&I professionals, plus the down payment they agreed to the customer’s stress. Generally, this is but if you did your job well to this point, with the sales person. the most important part of the contract what is there to fear? Sure, the customer for customers. In addition, the monthly is seeing the product costs for the first 5. Back to payment. payment is the last thing that you and time (note: always disclose the retail Finally, before asking the customer to the customer discussed on the menu, installment contract before the individual sign the contract, review the payment so it is a natural transition. Simply say, product forms), yet if there is a reaction, once again to ensure to the customer, “Ms. Jones, this is your retail installment it will be more of a ‘sticker-shock’ than now having seen the product costs for the contract and, as you agreed, you will an objection. However, you can alleviate first time, that his or her payment has not have 60 payments of $475.11 per month this by saying something like, “This is changed. This will also reinforce that the beginning on April 15th.” your service contract, this is your credit payment that he or she agreed to is the same payment that appears on the contract that is about to be signed. There are many legal issues to also consider that will be reviewed in a future editorial. For now, follow this sequence and you will undoubtedly minimize your chargebacks and increase your customer 34 years experience in Automotive Radio & TV Spots. We satisfaction. provide HIGH IMPACT-LOW COST spots!!! Visit our website to see the latest ideas! also... We specialize in DEALER DELIVERY Tape's & CD's!! Inform customers about Service Hours, Dealership Benefits, or just THANK them for their business!! George Jackson is the Director of F&I Training for American Financial & or 1-800-905-4818 Automotive Services, Inc. He can be Jingles* Video Radio * On-Hold Messages * Tremendous Voice Talent contacted at 866.280.0301, or by email at 8 successful solutions at
  • 9. ADVERTISEMENT profit solution scott Scott Joseph By joseph Amazing marketing “tool” helps Dealers and General Managers who use direct mail increase their net profits 30% to 100%! Are your direct gives you huge marketing advantages But J&L can, and J&L does. Our statistics mail promotions over all your competitors. tell us that for the last 3.5 million pieces producing of mail delivered, the Response Analysis consistent and Now, you’ve heard the cliché… has helped our dealer clients sell an improving results or are they falling Information is what? Right. Information average of 33 cars for every 10,000 short of your expectations and declining is power. If you could look back upon pieces of mail delivered! with each promotion? Most dealers who the history of thousands of promotions, use direct mail are still searching for the examine the mailing lists, read over the The Response Analysis is the most elusive combination that produced record- direct mail letters, track what worked, powerful marketing tool in automotive breaking results like their Þrst direct mail what didn’t, who bought, who didn’t, advertising today. Find out why promotion. and why… would this be powerful J&L’s dealership response rates information to you? have increased 72% in the last two The number one objection we hear when years. This combined with unequaled prospecting for new dealer clients is that The reality is every direct mail promotion professionalism and customer support is direct mail doesn’t work anymore. When produces both good and bad results. The why 94% of all J&L customers continue we ask why most dealers say, “My market problem is being able to easily recognize their relationship with us for years. is saturated” or “It only attracts gift which is which. That problem is solved! seekers” or “The people who respond are Now you can have all the information Just ask them for yourself. Rick not buyers.” you need to ensure success at the touch of Hillman from Hollingsworth Mazda a button. says, “J&L Marketing’s direct mail I agree with all these reasons because program is the most cost-efÞcient form of if a direct mail promotion is not well Imagine being able to know immediately advertising that I have seen in the thirty thought out from start to Þnish it will not which market areas produce results years that I’ve been in the car business.” work. This brings up a question! And the that exceed your expectations and more question is… importantly which ones to avoid. Simply Pat Fogerty from Classic Toyota says, asking the computer… “How do we “We have used J&L Marketing for years How can you eliminate all the elements generate more trafÞc and sell more cars?” because of their continual support and of a promotion that do not give you the J&L’s proprietary Response Analysis excellent results. This is an invaluable return on investment you need and at the System directs us toward those activities service.” same time improve on the aspects that that bring success, and away from those produce exactly what you want? That’s that don’t. We reÞne the offers, prices, Billy Gordon from Patrick Chevrolet the real question isn’t it? If you could strategies, locations, and even the days of says, “We have been running with J&L invest advertising dollars only where the week that bring the highest return. Marketing for four years, and we can you see great results and eliminate what attribute more sales to them than any doesn’t work, how many more cars could Our analysis allows us to produce ever- other form of advertising. J&L is the most you sell? How much money would you increasing levels of success. Since professional company I’ve worked with make? the market is a lot smarter than we since I began in the car business 18 years ago.” are, we don’t go by hunches, opinions, I’ve invested a small fortune to develop or gut feelings about how to improve You too can start experiencing the marketing “tool” that will provide performance. We rely solely on the consistent results from the most you the information that is necessary numbers to tell us “where to from here.” professional marketing company to produce the results you really want right now by contacting my ofÞce at and could quite possibly increase your How can anyone make recommendations 866.856.6782 and asking for Lisa Wilson. sales with each promotion from this day to you without the validation of facts, Or e-mail her at: lwilson@jandlmarket forward. J&L Marketing is the only Þrm statistics and numbers? How can anyone As soon as you contact us we with this unique capability. It allows us implement a growth strategy based will begin to create a growth strategy to research and analyze your promotions on hunches and guesses, rather than unique to your organization, producing from over 100 different perspectives and this powerful analysis program? It’s more proÞt, more volume, and more obvious…they can’t. satisÞed customers.
  • 10. sts ms ls fis lr sales and training solution jimByadams Jim Adams It’s a Numbers Game Sales follow numbers of everyone they know (friends, 10,000 names that you can contact about opportunities relatives, social and business contacts, etc.). owner loyalty programs, service and parts everywhere they specials, general follow up, etc. go—it’s a numbers It is important to note that your staff game. Therefore, understands that you are not asking them you must teach your to hound their friends and relatives to buy Jim Adams is the General Sales sales staff to prospect before you ever try to cars. What they are doing is informing Manager at Roper Kia in Joplin, MO. He teach the first selling skill to them. Why? these people that they are currently selling can be contacted at 800.905.0627, or Because: cars for a living. Help them understand by email at that people would rather do business with • 10 - 12% is the average closing ratio people they know, not to mention the of a fresh up. They are harder to close, fact that the average closing ratio on new make less money, and are the least business contacts is above 50%. loyal of any source of business. • One half of repeat owners and Assign every sales person a sales code. referrals will buy from you if you have Your prospect file is sorted into three a personal follow up system in place. categories. “C” which is circle of influence. However, 80% of customers cannot “P” is for prospect, and “S” is for sold. remember their sales person’s name a From this file you can build a master file year after their purchase. of every single opportunity that either • Each sales person has a circle of knows your sales person, has shopped at influence of over 500 people, friends, your dealership, or has bought from your relatives, and social and business dealership. With your master prospect file, contacts that would do business with your sales person can use this information them if asked. in conjunction with their daily planners to do owner follow-up, host prospect calls, Stop focusing on monthly sales objectives and make general phone contacts. and start demanding that your sales people have monthly opportunity objectives. You must demand an accurate log sheet. (See chart) If your focus is on opportunity generation instead of unit production, then sales What is your sales person’s daily activity? people will be more inclined to make sure How many opportunities per day are that the log sheet has accurate information they expected to generate? This is a key which includes name, address, work, home to success. Five generated opportunities and cell number, and email. equal one sale. Manage the activity not the result. The sales will come if your focus With your master prospect file you can have is on generating a monthly dealership immediate contact with your customer base opportunity goal not a unit goal. sorted by unit, interest, ownership, etc. It is important that one person be responsible If you have a simple spreadsheet program for data entry and deletion of return mail. (like Excel), then you have the tools needed to develop a professional follow up system. A store that has 300 opportunities a month Before your new hire ever takes an up, with a staff of eight to ten sales people require them to create a ‘circle of influence’ could easily have over 8,000 to 10,000 list of names, addresses, and telephone prospects in the first year alone. That is Opportunities Demonstrations (80%) Write Up (50%) Delivery (50%) 5 4 2 1 10 8 4 2 20 16 8 4 100 80 40 20 500 400 200 100 800.864.5971 10 visit us today at
  • 11. Walter F. Hamlin Shane Westbrook Michael W. Novel Dawn M. Hamlin Hamlin, Novel & Reaves Bryce Rosene Linda Borst Howard J. Reaves 4481 Ash Grove Drive ~ SpringÞeld, IL 62707 Paula Groves Marie South William Ladd July 13, 2004 Sample A. Sample 1234 Any Street Anytown, ST 00000 DIRECT MAIL WORKS! Dear Sample: Our Þrm has been retained by ABC Motors to eliminate a massive amount of unsold inventory. ABC Motors is overstocked with new and pre-owned cars, trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles that must be eliminated immediately. WHEN YOU DEAL WITH THE BEST. As a preferred customer, you may take advantage of over 300 new vehicles that have been slated for immediate elimination. In addition, you may choose from over $1 Million in pre-owned vehicles. Our Þrm will conduct this event on Saturday, July 28th ONLY. As a preferred customer, your credit has been virtually pre-approved.** Special elimination prices will be in effect on all vehicles. NO NEGOTIATION WILL BE NECESSARY. We have been creating results for These discounts PLUS rebates up to $3000* or Þnancing rates as low as 0.0% APR* will save you literally thousands of dollars. By agreeing to eliminate this excess inventory, ABC Motors is authorized to offer trade-in allowances over over 14 years, our clients range book value, no matter how much you owe! Special appraisers will be on duty. Sample, please bring this letter along with your title or payment book. Due to anticipated response, we urge you to call for an appointment to preview the inventory prior to notiÞcation of the general public. from small markets to top dealers This drastic inventory elimination will be held at ABC Motors, located at 1234 Anystreet in Any Town on Saturday, July 28th from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM. in the country. We use a no-gift, All telephone inquiries must be directed to 800-991-9356, extension 99 no-gimmick approach to direct Sincerely, mail, targeting the dealerships past Wally Hamlin customers, as well as the friends *On select models with approved credit; length of contract may be restricted; see dealer for details. ** Severity of credit may affect rate, term and down payment; some restrictions may apply; see dealer for details. and neighbors of those customers during our events. “I have used HNR to help us accomplish our goal of being the largest volume Chevrolet Oldsmobile dealer in Indiana. We have also broke our single day, week and month sales record with their events.” Courtney Cole, Owner Hare Chevrolet Oldsmobile, Noblesville, IN “I’ve done over 40 events with them over the years and continue to get results by following their recommendations on planning, preparation and execution.” Alan Vines, Co-Owner Gary Mathews in Jackson, Jackson, TN “Cable Dahmer Chevrolet worked with the same research manager for 8 years which is rare with a direct mail marketing company. They know what works and they always do what they say they’re going to do.” Carlos Ledezma, Owner Cable Dahmer Chevrolet, Independence, MO Call today for your FREE Market Analysis! 800.905.0623
  • 12. sts ms ls fis lr sales and training solution brian tracy By Brian Tracy The Power of Pausing All of the top sales specific benefits. The first is that you the prospect feel more valuable with your people ask good avoid the risk of interrupting the prospect silence. You raise his/her self-esteem and questions and listen if he/she has just stopped to gather his/her make him/her feel better. carefully to the thoughts. Remember, your primary job answers. One of in the sales conversation is to build and the most important skills of listening is simply to pause before maintain a high level of trust, and listening builds trust. When you pause for a few “By extension, replying. When the prospect finishes talking, rather than jumping in with the first seconds, you often find the prospect will continue speaking. He will give you more you become a thing that you can think of, take three to five seconds to pause quietly and wait. information and further opportunity to listen, enabling you to gather more of the more valuable Become a master of the pause. information you need to make the sale. person to do All excellent listeners are masters of the pause. They are comfortable with silences. Carefully consider what you just heard. The second benefit of pausing is that your business with.” When the other person finishes speaking, silence tells the prospect that you are giving they take a breath, relax and smile before careful consideration to what he/she has Understanding with greater clarity. saying anything. They know that the pause just said. By carefully considering the other The third benefit of pausing before replying is a key part of good communications. person’s words, you are paying him/her a is that you will actually hear and understand compliment. You are implicitly saying that the prospect better if you give his/her words Three beneÞts of pausing. you consider what was said to be important a few seconds to soak into your mind. The Pausing before you speak has three and worthy of quiet reflection. You make more time you take to reflect upon what has just been said, the more conscious you will be of the their real meaning. You will be more alert to how his/her words can connect with other things you know about the prospect in relation to your product or service. The message you send. When you pause, not only do you become a more thoughtful person, but you convey this to the customer. By extension, you become a more valuable person to do business with. And you achieve this by simply pausing for a few seconds before you reply after your prospect or customer has spoken. Action Steps. Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action. First, take time to carefully consider what DON’T LET PROFITS the customer just said and what he might WALK OFF YOUR LOT. mean by it. Pausing allows you to read Partnering with J.D. Byrider opens a new between the lines. market to new car dealers. Our franchise gives you more than the most recognized name Second, show the customer that you really in Dealer Carried Finance. From targeted site value what they have said by reflecting for selection and building design, to our innovative a few moments before you reply. Discover softwareTM and solid CNAC financing support, J.D. Byrider works with you to ensure success. To learn more about J.D. Byrider franchising opportunities visit or call (800) 947-4532. Brian Tracy is the Chairman & CEO of Brian Tracy International. He can be contacted at 866.300.9881, or by email at 12 check us out at
  • 13. sts ms ls fis lr sales and training solution patrick luck By Patrick Luck Talk Their Talk An easy way to out if they are internal or external decision gain instant and makers. To do this ask, “At the time you deep rapport with made the decision to buy your last vehicle, your customer is how did you know you made the right to present to them decision when you made it?” When they in a way that they answer, “I just knew it,” or, “ I could feel can process information comfortably. The it in my gut,” this customer is an internal first thing to do is ask, “For you, what’s decision maker. An internal decision most important about your next vehicle?” maker does not want or need advice or to Follow their answer with, “What else?” be pushed (a great way to end a sentence Their answers will be their criteria for with an internal decision maker is to say, purchase. This is the language that will “…and ultimately, it’s up to you…”). motivate them to buy. So, if the answer However, when the customer answers, we’re this close to a cure were, “ I would have to get a great price, “I checked at eight dealerships, I asked and I need a dependable car,” then the my brother-in-law who sells cars in New customer’s motivating language is “great York, and the three leading consumer- price” and “dependable car.” Input these watch magazines said it was the best power words into your presentation buy,” this person is an external decision immediately and often. You will begin maker. They need references to make to see the customer warm up to you, sure; they want advice or confirmation. because you are speaking their language. External decision makers can be spotted You can establish instant and deep rapport easily when they ask, “What do you think with customers using these power words. I should do?” Always speak to your customers in a way that is most appealing to them. Not everyone is always toward-type/away- type or internal decision maker/external Another way to do this is to find out if decision maker in every situation. They the customer is a toward-type person or could be toward for one thing and away an away-type person. To do this, simply in another. When you ask the question, the ask, “What is getting a great price really hot button words will leap out, and then going to do for you?” When they answer, use the information you learn to speak in Juvenile Diabetes “Well, I’ll have more money to do other terms most comfortable to the customer. affects millions things,” they are answering how getting a The same for the internal and external. Mary Tyler Moore International Chairman and causes long- great price on this vehicle will help them Practice asking these questions in different get other things as well. They are moving situations with coworkers, friends, and term complications like blindness toward something. When they answer, family, and you will get good at it. and kidney failure. Not to mention “Well, then I don’t have to worry if I have pain and worry no kid should have enough money for my other bills.” They Don’t hesitate to repeat the question if the to live with. But we’re closer than are answering how getting a great price is customer looks puzzled for a moment, or ever to a cure. Your help makes going to help them to avoid something, a says “what?”. They are not familiar with possible problem. They are moving away. these questions, so just repeat it. And life-saving research possible. Call Neither is right or wrong, just how you don’t paraphrase it. 1.800.533.CURE or visit present to these customers from now on is. If they are a toward-type, speak to them Gaining instant and deep rapport and about how this vehicle, the financing, the speaking in terms that puts your customers warranty, the service is going to help move at ease can eliminate the response, “Well, toward things and get more. If they are an I just need to think about it,” when it away-type, then speak in terms of how seemed you were giving the customer just this vehicle, the financing, the warranty, what they’d asked for. the service etc. is going to help them avoid problems, or worrying. Patrick Luck is the Editor and Publisher of AutoSuccess Magazine. He can be Another way to speak in terms of how contacted at 800.331.9507, or by email customers process information is to find at march 2004 13
  • 14. sts ms ls fis lr leisure & recreation brianBy Brian Manzella manzella Get in Position to Play Your Best When I give put- players who had some outstanding success always present on the most nonchalant of ting lessons-which as golfers (and putters): Jay Sigel and Don putting strokes: the ‘rake-in.’ You know, golfers take far too Pooley. when you have missed your putt slightly few of-it amazes me wide and long and you reach the putter out how little golfers A good way to practice this is to place (usually with one arm) and rake/stroke the know about what four quarters on the ground behind the ball ball in the hole. It always amazed me how the putter should do during the putting (PIC 2). Either address the ball by hover- many of these ‘putts’ go in as compared stroke. Regardless of how you grip it, or ing the putter slightly above the quarters to the ‘knuckle-down’ two to three footer how you stand to it, the putter should do or by placing the putter on the ground that meant something. But it is obvious five very important things. behind the quarters. Then make your why this is in the context of what we have stroke, hitting the ball without contacting just discussed on ideal contact. Solid contact is the most important ele- the quarters. ment. The middle of the putter face should The ‘rake-in’ impact (PIC 4) contacts the contact the middle of the ball (or slightly Getting the putter the right height at im- ball above center with forward lean where above the middle). 99.9% of all putters on pact is all for naught if the putter shaft is the ‘knuckle-down’ putt that is ‘yipped’ the market today are what are called ‘low- not leaning slightly forward at impact. If and missed is often contacted below center profile’ putters. What this means is that the you have the shaft vertical at impact you with the clubshaft ‘laying back’ (PIC 3). putter face height is lower than the height had better have a putter with next to no loft of the ball. By a lot. (PIC 1) That means on it to get the solid strike we are seeking. The third must is for the ‘path’ of the stroke that for the middle of the putter face to If the putter shaft is leaning backward and to be ‘on-plane.’ There are two camps of contact the middle of the ball, the putter the putter head is on the ‘upswing’ at im- putting paths these days. Camp one lead head MUST be raised at impact. pact, the middle of the face will miss the by Dave Pelz believes the putter head middle of the ball (PIC 3). The proper ap- should travel straight back and straight There are two options for this to occur. plication is slight forward lean of the shaft through during the stroke. Pelz and others You either have to pull inward with your at impact (PIC 2). have been the dominant ‘authorities’ with arms or elbows during the stroke or you this methodology for nearly 20 years. The can start with the putter at the proper These first two important elements-for- other camp teaches that the putter should height. As radical as the latter seems, it is ward leaning shaft and center or above make a curved path that swings back to the employed by two current Champions Tour contact on the ball-are interestingly nearly inside, returns to the ball and then swings 1 2 3 4 Win a FREE trip for two to the Kentucky Derby. 14 contact us at
  • 15. continued 5 through to the inside. This camp is led by 6 Combined with the perfect contact of the middle of the putter face contact the new putting ‘guru’ middle (or slightly higher) of the ball with Stan Utley. I have a forward leaning shaft on the sweetspot, long known that this and you will ‘roll-the-rock’ with the best is the most effective of them. stroke, because the shaft is on an incline at address and it Brian Manzella is a PGA Teaching should swing back Professional. He can be contacted and through on this assure that when the ball leaves the putter at 866.873.0036, or by email at incline just like any (when the shaft is vertical) the ball will, or visit other golf stroke chip travel perfectly on the intended line. to full drive. There are many new devices that are on the DEALERS MUST BE market to assist you in making a curved stroke with your putter, but a simple ON TELEVISION! understanding of why the putter head curves to the starting line of the putt will allow you to construct a homemade training aid for this type of stroke in a few seconds. If the putter (or any other club) rests on an imaginary inclined plane, like a roof, See why over 100 dealers nationwide have and the ball is in the gutter, the putter will swing back --up the roof-- to the inside of INCREASED SALES MORE THAN 30% IN the gutter-line. As it returns to the ball it will get back on that line and through the LESS THAN 90 DAYS WITH TELEVISION! ball again swing up the roof and inside the gutter. So an overhead view of this ‘path’ We produce nearly 4,000 commercials would show the putter making a curved a year from our studios. We give you path. unlimited, high quality television campaigns To practice this on-plane motion, simply and promotions FREE. With computerized find a flat board and rest the putter head media buying technology, we buy television as against the board at address. Place the ball opposite the ‘sweetspot’ of the putter. This much as 30%-40% more effectively than any sweetspot is the small area on the face that media buyer in the nation and give you if the ball is struck on the face will not twist. You can test for this spot by hold- UNLIMITED TV CAMPAIGNS ing the putter in the air at the grip with two fingers and tapping the putter head AND PROMOTIONS! with your finger until the ‘no-twist- spot Call for a FREE demo tape and information. is found (PIC 5). Hitting the ball on this no-twist area is the fourth key element to great putting. The on-plane stroke is made by lightly Larry John Wright, Inc. scraping the heel of the putter against the ‘plane board.’ (PIC 6)Your putter will make the perfect curved path every time. Automotive Advertising Practice makes permanent. “America’s Premier Automotive Advertising Agency” 1-800-821-5068 The final must is to have the face of the putter perpendicular to the plane at all times during the stroke. If your puter has a ‘square’ heel area, make sure this stays completely on the board (PIC 6). This will march 2004 15
  • 16. fs feature solution leland glynn By Leland Glynn Get Your Dealership Ready For Event Marketing! Direct mail should be an integral part of a mail vendor, and remember one thing, per piece against the quality and services any dealer’s advertising plan. There are price should not always be the determining you need in your market. two strong types of direct mail, institutional factor. Ask the vendor these questions: or event focused, and a multitude of Finally, what other services will you receive blends. Institutional advertising reinforces Will the mail be first-class or bulk? Studies from your mail vendor? Some companies your dealership’s name and reputation with have shown that first-class mail is more offer a low price, bare bones service, while the public. Consumers base their shopping likely to be opened and read than bulk others will provide much more. Think habits on name recognition and perception mail. Remember that many decisions are about mirror hangers and registration forms of quality. Institutional advertising places based on the perception of quality, and that at least. Other firms will provide a ‘soup to your name and message in front of an addressed, first-class letter will carry nuts’ event with all materials and forms, as consumers who may not be in the market more credibility than a bulk post card or well as staff. today, but will think of you when they ‘resident’ address. are. Event advertising is self-explanatory; Inventory and product mix. it drives traffic to your dealership for a one- What is the return rate? How many pieces This should be a good opportunity to move time promotion. Of course, it also carries of mail will go undelivered is a fair some of that aging used vehicle inventory, the benefit of being institutional for the question to ask. Some companies will not so be sure to spice it up with some fresh consumers that don’t attend your event. perform some basic but costly ‘merges’ faces as well. For example, many used that will purify your list against postal car departments are heavy with the same Some basic truths about direct mail. records for deliverable addresses. Does the models as the new car department. If you First of all, with direct mail, the odds are company have the ability to remove names are a Ford store, you may be missing the stacked against you. Will the letter be from the list that do not wish to receive boat by not stocking enough GM or import opened? If it is opened, will it be read? If it offers by mail? The vendor you select used models. Take a look at your mix is read, will the customer come in or call? should use the U.S. Postal Service to verify and be prepared to put some competitive If they do, will what they hear be consistent accurate addresses, and cross reference that inventory out front. Give your entire used with what they read? And when they data against 911 address change software operation a walk through and update your come in to the store, will they be handled to start with the best deliverable addresses. inspection stickers, repair the minor issues properly? Additionally, the vendor should work with and get it all ready to move. any returns to remove those names and This industry is now beginning to see a addresses from the master list used for any Consult the wholesalers and vendors that revolution in event marketing; the staffed future mailings. Some companies realize a service your store on what they think is ‘hot’ event is becoming more popular with return of 1% and less. Also, any customer in your market. Vendors have the advantage dealerships. At a staffed event, a vendor will that calls or writes and wants to be removed of being in more than one store each day, supply direct mail advice and guidance, as should be taken off the list promptly. You and they will provide some insight into well as additional staff to effectively handle don’t need angry consumers calling the trends that you may not notice. the increased floor traffic. Dealerships dealership because they continue to receive nationwide are beginning to use this type of unwanted mail from you. It’s a waste of Prior to your event date. event to drive traffic to the showroom while your ad dollars and fosters ill will against Cut your advertising. Let this event be your utilizing the vendor for quality staffing to your dealership. advertising for the week. If you are under make the events more successful. contract with your print or broadcast, shift Beyond zip codes, what selection criteria the dollars to other weeks. This promotion The blueprint for event marketing. will be used? You understand your market will be the most effective medium; so, don’t Generally, a weekend event will deliver better than someone located across the tip off your competitors by announcing or the best returns. The selection of a mix country from you. Be sure to stipulate promoting your event in the local media. of a couple of weekdays as well as at things like average household income, least one Saturday or Sunday will insure beacon scores, and home ownership to Prepare your staff. that all potential customers will have an get your shot at the best, able-to-purchase Typically, the event hours will be longer opportunity to visit your store. Now, pick consumers. Then carefully weigh the cost than your normal workday. A cooperative 16
  • 17. “Your 20 group is a great resource for Þnding these companies.” and flexible schedule the week prior or that this is the time to stick to the basics, to guide you through the process, benefit following your event will give your troops selection, test drive, negotiations, and from their knowledge, and insure the a chance to catch their breath. Encourage delivery. Keep one of your managers free success of your event. them to pitch in and make the event not to be the ‘go to’ person for assistance. only successful, but fun as well. Think Selecting a vendor for your staffed event. about offering a barbeque or refreshments. Staffed or unstaffed event. The ideal situation in selecting a vendor This will eliminate the need to chase Faced with the additional costs incurred is to find a company who does little or individual lunches and dinners during by bringing in an outside staffing company no outsourcing to produce their event. It the event, and will add to the festive many dealers decide to run a direct mail stands to reason that advertisers, although atmosphere of the day. event without the assistance of an outside effective in what they do, have not worked firm. Depending on the individual dealer’s in the trenches and behind the sales desk Prepare your shop. experience and abilities, the event may or to have a full scope as to how a dealership You will need extra reconditioning staff may not be successful. Event production functions on a day to day basis. It is also and used car department personnel for companies generally charge 25% to as fair to say that automobile personnel, who longer hours during the event. Most of high as 29% of the gross profit generated are also very effective in what they do, may your deliveries should be ‘spots’ and it during the event as their fee. While this or may not have the skills in marketing to is important to deliver them in a timely seems high to dealers, the end results drive quality traffic into your showroom. manner with as few returns for service as can be so much higher with a competent We have said for years that salespeople are possible. vendor that the results more than make not necessarily the best people to handle up for the percentage paid. Consider the incoming phone traffic. It is imperative to Freshen your lot. following: have people handling these prospects who Now is the time to make sure that the enjoy working on the phones and who inventory is neatly lined and arranged. You Staffed event companies will provide the do it effectively. Finding a vendor that want the place to look alive. Fresh flags, extra personnel to effectively manage encompasses all of the above is not easy, banners, or better yet balloon displays will your traffic. Most will offer greeters, although they do exist. Your 20 group is a grab attention and enliven the outside look. desk assistance, supplemental F&I staff, great resource for finding these companies. Be sure that anyone driving by knows there closers, sales people, and entertainers. After selecting a vendor, be sure to obtain is an event going on. These additional people will bring their at least ten references before you invite varied talents to your store. Keep in mind anyone into your dealership that is going Empty your showroom to change the that these people have probably been in a to have contact with your customers and feel of the store. Fill the showroom with different store each week, learning fresh your staff. High volume sales are not neat, round tables; these can be rented ideas and strategies that your sales staff the only definition of a successful event. from wedding supply companies. Have will see, hear, and learn. The benefits of How your customers and staff are treated your sales staff work from the tables so using these companies will pay benefits is obviously of the utmost importance. that customers see others making buying to your dealership long after they have Finding a vendor that understands that decisions. You will improve your success completed the event and left. Your staff they are guests in your dealership and have with this one suggestion. will interact with the vendor’s staff, been given the opportunity to work with making the event a profitable training your customers and your staff is exactly Schedule a sales meeting. experience for the store. what you will be looking for! The afternoon prior to your event is a great time to discuss the mechanics of the sale. Secondly, the staffed event vendor will be Decide who will be appraising, where the more experienced in producing successful keys to trades will be kept, and when to events and will lend that knowledge and call for payoffs. Have a simple strategy background to your event. Many dealers Leland Glynn is the Vice President for processing the clients, from greeting find on the first day of their event that a of the WolÞngton Group. He can be to desking, to delivery, and make it clearly few curveballs are limiting the success contacted at 800.331.9361, or by email defined. Discuss with your sales staff of the sale. Use a staffed event producer at march 2004 17
  • 18. sts ms ls fis lr leadership solution joeBytakash Joe Takash Have No Fear of Public Speaking The ability to beyond standing in front of a group and number of names you remember, which successfully sharing information. Speaking effectively will help you to further relax. communicate in is about showing a natural enthusiasm public is a key and connecting with every group you • Include everyone. determinant in the encounter. Now that you are familiar with your success of many audience, try to involve everyone in your careers, not just those in the speaking The following ideas are the ‘little things presentation. Communicate that they are industry. Whether you are addressing the that make a big difference’ in speaking all integral parts of the learning process. boardroom at corporate headquarters or to a group of people. Incorporate these Make eye contact with everyone, and answering your boss’s question at a weekly into your approach with every group you do so with a combination of confidence, staff meeting, it’s time to get some public address, and you will elevate your success courtesy, and respect. speaking experience. to a much higher level. • Tune in. Let it go. • Smile. Read the body language of the audience. The first thing you must realize is that A warm and genuine smile has the power Try to get a feel for what they want. How you have zero control over the audience’s to loosen up any atmosphere. When you do they feel? Are they absorbing your response, so do not worry about it. smile, you communicate that you are presentation? Ask questions and refer happy to be in front of the group to whom questions to other audience members. It is natural to want the audience to accept you are speaking. No matter how serious Again, engage everyone, so that everyone and respect you. However, fretting about the subject matter of your presentation, a feels significant. this deepest human desire is as fruitless pleasant smile is an outstanding tool for as worrying about the weather. What can disarming every audience. Keep this in • Use your creativity. you really do about the weather? The same mind from the time you enter the room to Everyone is creative. Take some chances thing you can do about the perception of the time you leave. You will be amazed at and break the monotony of the everyday those around you: absolutely nothing. Do the difference a smile makes. monotone approach. Tell personal stories not let it bother you. and take chances on humor. Make it fun • Network beforehand. for your most important audience member: Prior to your presentation, introduce you! “People learn yourself to attendees and thank them for coming. Network with as many people • Be yourself. the fastest as possible and learn about who they are and what they do. If you already know Incorporating these skills does not entail changing who you are. There is no through your audience, for instance in a staff meeting, take some time to chat with substitute for authenticity. If a certain approach feels too forced or contrary practice and your colleagues. Remember, they are people, just like you. Familiarity with your to your general nature, then consider a different tactic that fits better with your experience.” listeners will help you to relax and improve character your effectiveness as a speaker. Get experience. • Learn and remember names. People learn the fastest through Speaking and presenting to a group of Focus more energy on learning names than practice and experience. Nothing beats people can be much easier than you think. you ever have before. Learning names it. Consider joining Toastmasters or Act confident, and the audience will think will accomplish a number of things: it another professional speaking group; do that you are confident. When you see that increases your confidence, humanizes your your research, though, to make sure the they are confident in you, you will become audience, and makes others feel great. It’s financial investment is worthwhile. Also, more confident in yourself. Once you more personal to say to a group, “Joan, volunteer for a committee, speak at your grasp this mindset and drill it into your what do you think?” as opposed to, “That church, participate in the school board, head, a tremendous feeling of relief and lady in the red dress with the big glasses coach a team, or teach a class. Force satisfaction will follow. has a question.” yourself into situations where you can get repetition before groups. Familiarity is the You may also want to consider practicing When you engage in your pre-speaking fastest way to beat the demon of fear and some relaxation exercises for added peace networking, try to develop associations ensure effective communication with any of mind. When you adjust the important and hooks that help you remember people’s audience. part of your approach to public speaking— names. For instance, let’s pretend you meet your attitude—you can focus on honing Ben Edwards, a gentleman who happens your craft. to have blue ballpoint pen behind his ear. Joe Takash is the President of Victory In your mind, repeat something catchy, Consulting. He can be contacted Solid strategies. like “Blue Pen Ben.” If you practice this at 800.215.4776, or by email at Successful presentation skills extend far technique, you’ll greatly increase the 18 subscribe today at
  • 19. THE #1 SALES-IMPROVEMENT MAGAZINE FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE PROFESSIONAL win a FREE trip for two to the Kentucky Derby! Saturday, May 1, 2004 Includes lodging, airfare and two tickets to the 130th Annual Run for the Roses! Guaranteed winner, all survey information must be Þlled out clearly and faxed/mailed back before Thursday, April 8, 2004, 5pm EST. Please fax completed entries to AutoSuccess at 800.869.5432, or mail entries to AutoSuccess Derby Giveaway, 756 South First Street, Suite 202, Louisville KY 40202. Must be a dealership employee to enter, one entry per person. KENTUCKY DERBY TRIP GIVEAWAY REGISTRATION FORM* *Survey must be Þlled out clearly and faxed/mailed back in its entirety to qualify. Þll out and send back • Name/Title: • Email Address: • Dealership: • Franchise/Make: • Address: • City, State, Zip: • Phone Number: • Fax Number: 1. What is the biggest challenge that your dealership faces today? 2. Are you able to use any articles during training or meetings? 3. What topic(s) would you like to see discussed more, in further detail or eliminated? 4. Have you ever contacted a writer from AutoSuccess Magazine? 5. Have you ever contacted an advertiser from AutoSuccess Magazine? Did you utilize their service/product? 6. Do you wish to continue to receive AutoSuccess magazine? 7. Where do you invest your advertising dollars? Newspaper, Radio, TV, Direct Mail, Internet? NOMINATE ONE OF YOUR SALES PEOPLE (optional) If you have a sales person that meets or exceeds your standards as an outstanding sales person, and you would like to nominate them to be featured in AutoSuccess Magazine, please email
  • 20. AutoSuccess, the #1 sales-improvement magazine for the automotive professional, has teamed up with cross town Louisville Slugger to bring you the best double play in the business. Order your 1 year subscription to AutoSuccess at our everyday price of $75 and get your own official, personalized Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat FREE!* * shipping and handling not included. CALL TODAY! 866.269.8604