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A brief history of Mathematics
Before the Ancient Greeks:
• Egyptians and Babylonians (c. 2000 BC):
• Knowledge comes from “papyri”
• Rhind Papyrus
Babylonian Math
• Main source: Plimpton 322
• Sexagesimal (base-sixty) originated with ancient
  Sumerians (2000s BC), transmitted to
  Babylonians … still used —for measuring
  time, angles, and geographic coordinates
Greek Mathematicians
• Thales (624-548)
• Pythagoras of Samos (ca. 580 - 500 BC)
• Zeno: paradoxes of the infinite
• 410- 355 BC- Eudoxus of Cnidus (theory
  of proportion)
• Appolonius (262-190): conics/astronomy
• Archimedes (c. 287-212 BC)
Archimedes, Syracuse
Euclid (c 300 BC), Alexandria
Ptolemy (AD 83–c.168), Roman Egypt
• Almagest: comprehensive treatise on
  geocentric astronomy
• Link from Greek to Islamic to European
Al-Khwārizmī (780-850), Persia
• Algebra, (c. 820): first
  book on the systematic
  solution of linear and
  quadratic equations.
• He is considered as the
  father of algebra:
• Algorithm: westernized
  version of his name
Leonardo of Pisa (c. 1170 – c.
        1250) aka Fibonacci
• Brought Hindu-Arabic
  numeral system to Europe
  through the publication of
  his Book of Calculation, the
  Liber Abaci.
• Fibonacci
  numbers, constructed as
  an example in the Liber
Cardano, 1501 —1576)
illegitimate child of Fazio Cardano, a friend of
Leonardo da Vinci.
He published the solutions to the cubic and quartic
equations in his 1545 book Ars Magna.
The solution to one particular case of the cubic, x3 +
ax = b (in modern notation), was communicated to
him by Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia (who later claimed
that Cardano had sworn not to reveal it, and engaged
Cardano in a decade-long fight), and the quartic was
solved by Cardano's student Lodovico Ferrari.
John Napier (1550 –1617)
• Popularized use of the (Stevin’s)
  decimal point.
• Logarithms: opposite of powers
• made calculations by hand much
  easier and quicker, opened the way
  to many later scientific advances.
• “MirificiLogarithmorumCanonisDesc
  riptio,” contained 57 pages of
  explanatory matter and 90 of tables,
• facilitated advances in astronomy
  and physics
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
• “Father of Modern Science”
• Proposed a falling body in a vacuum
  would fall with uniform acceleration
• Was found "vehemently suspect of
  heresy", in supporting Copernican
  heliocentric theory … and that one
  may hold and defend an opinion as
  probable after it has been declared
  contrary to Holy Scripture.
René Descartes (1596 –1650)
• Developed “Cartesian
  geometry” : uses algebra to
  describe geometry.
• Invented the notation using
  superscripts to show the
  powers or exponents, for
  example the 2 used in x2 to
  indicate squaring.
Blaise Pascal (1623 –1662)
• important contributions to the
  construction of mechanical
  calculators, the study of
  fluids, clarified concepts of
  pressure and.
• wrote in defense of the scientific
• Helped create two new areas of
  mathematical research:
  projective geometry (at 16) and
  probability theory
Pierre de Fermat
• If n>2, then
a^n + b^n = c^n has no
  solutions in non-zero
  integers a, b, and c.
Sir Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727)
• conservation of momentum
• built the first "practical" reflecting
• developed a theory of color based on
  observation that a prism decomposes
  white light into a visible spectrum.
• In mathematics:
• development of the calculus.
• demonstrated the generalised binomial
  theorem, developed the so-called
  "Newton's method" for approximating
  the zeroes of a function....
Euler (1707 –1783)
• important discoveries in
  calculus…graph theory.
• introduced much of modern
  mathematical terminology and
  notation, particularly for
  mathematical analysis,
• renowned for his work in
  mechanics, optics, and
David Hilbert (1862 –1943)

• Invented or developed a
  broad range of
  fundamental ideas, in
  invariant theory, the
  axiomatization of
  geometry, and with the
  notion of Hilbert space
Claude Shannon (1916 –2001)]
• famous for having founded
  “information theory” in 1948.
• digital computer and digital
  circuit design theory in 1937
• demonstratedthat electrical
  application of Boolean algebra
  could construct and resolve any
  logical, numerical relationship.
• It has been claimed that this was
  the most important master's
                 Caroline Herschel

Sophie Germain
                 Emilie du Chatelet

Theano was the wife of Pythagoras. She
and her two daughters carried on the
Pythagorean School after the death of
She wrote treatises on mathematics,
physics, medicine, and child psychology.
Her most important work was the principle
of the “Golden Mean.”

Hypatia was the daughter of Theon, who
was considered one of the most educated
men in Alexandria, Egypt.

Hypatia was known more for the work she
did in mathematics than in astronomy,
primarily for her work on the ideas of
conic sections introduced by Apollonius.


Her first experience in mathematics was
her catalogue of nebulae.

She calculated the positions of her
brother's and her own discoveries and
amassed them into a publication.

One interesting fact is that Caroline never
learned her multiplication tables.

                                Caroline Herschel

She is best known for her work in number

Her work in the theory of elasticity is also
very important to mathematics.

                                    Sophie Germain

Among her greatest achievements were
her “Institutions du physique” and the
translation of Newton's “Principia”, which
was published after her death along with a
“Preface historique” by Voltaire.

Emilie du Châtelet was one of many
women whose contributions have helped
shape the course of mathematics

                               Emilie du Chatelet
•Shakuntala Devi
•Narayana Pandit
Aryabhatta came to this world on the 476
   A.D at Patliputra in Magadha which is
 known as the modern Patna in Bihar. Some
people were saying that he was born in the
South of India mostly Kerala. But it cannot
    be disproved that he was not born in
Patlipura and then travelled to Magadha
 where he was educated and established a
 coaching centre. his first name is “Arya”
which is a south indian name and “Bhatt” or
“Bhatta” a normal north indian name which
 could be seen among the trader people in
Aryabhatta was aware that the earth rotates on its axis. The earth rotates round
the sun and the moon moves round the earth. He discovered the 9 planets position
and related them to their rotation round the sun. Aryabhatta said the light received
from planets and the moon is gotten from sun. He also made mention on the eclipse
of the sun, moon, day and night, earth contours and the 365 days of the year as the
exact length of the year. Aryabhatta also revealed that the earth circumference is
24835 miles when compared to the modern day calculation which is 24900 miles.
Aryabhatta have unusually great intelligence and well skilled in the sense that all
his theories has became wonders to some mathematicians of the present age. The
Greeks and the Arabs developed some of his works to suit their present demands.
Aryabhatta was the first inventor of the earth sphericity and also discovered that
earth rotates round the sun. He was the one that created the formula (a + b)2 = a2
+ b2 + 2ab
• Bhaskaracharya otherwise known as Bhaskara is probably the most
  well known mathematician of ancient Indian today. Bhaskara was
  born in 1114 A.D. according to a statement he recorded in one of his
  own works. He was from Bijjada Bida near the Sahyadri mountains.
  Bijjada Bida is thought to be present day Bijapur in Mysore state.
  Bhaskara wrote his famous Siddhanta Siroman in the year 1150 A.D.
  It is divided into four parts; Lilavati (arithmetic), Bijaganita
  (algebra), Goladhyaya (celestial globe), and Grahaganita (mathematics
  of the planets). Much of Bhaskara's work in the Lilavati and
  Bijaganita was derived from earlier mathematicians; hence it is not
  surprising that Bhaskara is best in dealing with indeterminate analysis.
  In connection with the Pell equation, x^2=1+61y^2, nearly solved by
  Brahmagupta, Bhaskara gave a method (Chakravala process) for
  solving the equation.
• O girl! out of a group of swans, 7/2 times the square root of the number
  are playing on the shore of a tank. The two remaining ones are playing
  with amorous fight, in the water. What is the total number of swans?
• Teaching and learning mathematics was in Bhaskara's blood. He learnt
  mathematics from his father, a mathematician, and he himself passed
  his knowledge to his son Loksamudra. To return to the timeline click
  here: timeline.
• Bhaskaracharya was the head of the observatory at
  Ujjain. There are two famous works of his on
  Mathematical Astronomy - Siddhanta-Siromani and
  Karana-Kutuhala. Besides his work on
  Algebra, Lilavati Bija Ganita too is famous. The law
  of Gravitation, in clear tems, had been propounded by
  Bhaskaracharya 500 years before it was rediscovered
  by Newton. Centuries before him there had been
  another mathematician Bhaskaracharya also in
  Bharat ( India ).
• The subjects of his six works include
  arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, geometry, a
  stronomy. There is a seventh book attributed to him
  which is thought to be a forgery. Bhaskaracharya
  discovered the concept of differentials, and
  contributed a greater understanding of number systems
  and advanced methods of equation solving. He was
  able to accurately calculate the sidreal year, or the time
  it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. There is but a
  scant difference in his figure of 365.2588 days and the
  modern figure of 365.2596 days.
Shakuntala Devi
• Shakuntala Devi is a calculating prodigy who was born on
  November 4, 1939 in Bangalore, India. Her father worked in a
  "Brahmin circus" as a trapeze and tightrope performer, and
  later as a lion tamer and a human cannonball. Her calculating
  gifts first demonstrated themselves while she was doing card
  tricks with her father when she was three. They report she
  "beat" them by memorization of cards rather than by sleight of
  hand. By age six she demonstrated her calculation and
  memorization abilities at the University of Mysore. At the age of
  eight she had success at Annamalai University by doing the same.
  Unlike many other calculating prodigies, for example Truman
  Henry Safford, her abilities did not wane in adulthood. In 1977
  she extracted the 23rd root of a 201-digit number mentally. On
  June 18, 1980 she demonstrated the multiplication of two 13-
  digit numbers 7,686,369,774,870 x 2,465,099,745,779 picked at
  random by the Computer Department of Imperial
  College, London. She answered the question in 28 seconds.
  However, this time is more likely the time for dictating the
  answer (a 26-digit number) than the time for the mental
  calculation (the time of 28 seconds was quoted on her own
  website). Her correct answer was
• This event is mentioned on page 26 of the 1995
  Guinness Book of Records ISBN 0-553-56942-2.
  In 1977, she published the first study of
  homosexuality in India.According to Subhash
  Chandra's review of Ana Garcia-Arroyo's book
  The Construction of Queer Culture in India:
  Pioneers and Landmarks,For Garcia-Arroyo the
  beginning of the debate on homosexuality in the
  twentieth century is made with Shakuntala
  Devi's book The World of Homosexuals
  published in 1977. [...] Shakuntala Devi's (the
  famous mathematician) book appeared. This book
  went almost unnoticed, and did not contribute to
  queer discourse or movement. [...] The reason for
  this book not making its mark was
  becauseShakuntala Devi was famous for her
  mathematical wizardry and nothing of
  substantial import in the field of homosexuality
  was expected from her.
Narayana Pandit
• Narayana was the son of Nrsimha (sometimes written
  Narasimha). We know that he wrote his most famous
  work Ganita Kaumudi on arithmetic in 1356 but little else is
  known of him. His mathematical writings show that he was
  strongly influenced by Bhaskara II and he wrote a
  commentary on the Lilavati of Bhaskara
  IIcalled Karmapradipika. Some historians dispute that
  Narayana is the author of this commentary which they
  attribute to Madhava.
• In the Ganita Kaumudi Narayana considers the
  mathematical operation on numbers. Like many other Indian
  writers of arithmetics before him he considered an algorithm
  for multiplying numbers and he then looked at the special
  case of squaring numbers. One of the unusual features of
  Narayana's work Karmapradipika is that he gave seven
  methods of squaring numbers which are not found in the
• Narayana also gave a rule to calculate
  approximate values of a square root. He did
  this by using an indeterminate equation of the
  second order, Nx2 + 1 = y2, whereN is the
  number whose square root is to be calculated.
  If x and y are a pair of roots of this equation
  with x < y then √N is approximately equal
  to y/x. To illustrate this method Narayana
  takes N = 10. He then finds the solutions x =
  6, y = 19 which give the approximation 19/6
  = 3.1666666666666666667, which is correct
  to 2 decimal places. Narayana then gives the
  solutions x = 228, y = 721 which give the
  approximation 721/228 =
  3.1622807017543859649, correct to four
  places. Finally Narayana gives the pair of
  solutions x = 8658, y = 227379 which give
  the approximation 227379/8658 =
  3.1622776622776622777, correct to eight
  decimal places. Note for comparison that √10
  is, correct to 20
  places, 3.1622776601683793320
Young Srinivasa
• Born in 1887

• Grew up in South India

• Recited formulas for fun

• Had no formal education or training

• Received a scholarship to Kumbakonam Town High
After his college
• Married Srimathi Janaki
• For awhile, they were
  supported by a wealthy man
  named Ramanchandra Rao
• Srinivasa sent some of his
  work to two famous English
Godfrey Hardy: Cambridge
• Saw srinivasa’s work and was
  impressed by how he did the problems
• Offered him a scholarship at Trinity
• At first he had to refuse but later
  accepted the offer
• When he returned to India, his
  condition worsened
• He died in 1920
His Work
• His work helps
• He was able to
approximate Pi
22   12   18   87   Do you know
88   17   9    25
                    THE BIRTH
                    DATE OF
10   24   89   16
19   86   23   11   Ramanujan?

                    It is 22nd Dec
22   12   18   87   1887.

88   17   9    25
                    Yes. It is
10   24   89   16   22.12.1887
19   86   23   11
                    BE A PROUD INDIAN
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Mathematics(History,Formula etc.) and brief description on S.Ramanujan.

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. A brief history of Mathematics Before the Ancient Greeks: • Egyptians and Babylonians (c. 2000 BC): • Knowledge comes from “papyri” • Rhind Papyrus
  • 4. Babylonian Math • Main source: Plimpton 322 • Sexagesimal (base-sixty) originated with ancient Sumerians (2000s BC), transmitted to Babylonians … still used —for measuring time, angles, and geographic coordinates
  • 5. Greek Mathematicians • Thales (624-548) • Pythagoras of Samos (ca. 580 - 500 BC) • Zeno: paradoxes of the infinite • 410- 355 BC- Eudoxus of Cnidus (theory of proportion) • Appolonius (262-190): conics/astronomy • Archimedes (c. 287-212 BC)
  • 7. Euclid (c 300 BC), Alexandria
  • 8. Ptolemy (AD 83–c.168), Roman Egypt • Almagest: comprehensive treatise on geocentric astronomy • Link from Greek to Islamic to European science
  • 9. Al-Khwārizmī (780-850), Persia • Algebra, (c. 820): first book on the systematic solution of linear and quadratic equations. • He is considered as the father of algebra: • Algorithm: westernized version of his name
  • 10. Leonardo of Pisa (c. 1170 – c. 1250) aka Fibonacci • Brought Hindu-Arabic numeral system to Europe through the publication of his Book of Calculation, the Liber Abaci. • Fibonacci numbers, constructed as an example in the Liber Abaci.
  • 11. Cardano, 1501 —1576) illegitimate child of Fazio Cardano, a friend of Leonardo da Vinci. He published the solutions to the cubic and quartic equations in his 1545 book Ars Magna. The solution to one particular case of the cubic, x3 + ax = b (in modern notation), was communicated to him by Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia (who later claimed that Cardano had sworn not to reveal it, and engaged Cardano in a decade-long fight), and the quartic was solved by Cardano's student Lodovico Ferrari.
  • 12. John Napier (1550 –1617) • Popularized use of the (Stevin’s) decimal point. • Logarithms: opposite of powers • made calculations by hand much easier and quicker, opened the way to many later scientific advances. • “MirificiLogarithmorumCanonisDesc riptio,” contained 57 pages of explanatory matter and 90 of tables, • facilitated advances in astronomy and physics
  • 13. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) • “Father of Modern Science” • Proposed a falling body in a vacuum would fall with uniform acceleration • Was found "vehemently suspect of heresy", in supporting Copernican heliocentric theory … and that one may hold and defend an opinion as probable after it has been declared contrary to Holy Scripture.
  • 14. René Descartes (1596 –1650) • Developed “Cartesian geometry” : uses algebra to describe geometry. • Invented the notation using superscripts to show the powers or exponents, for example the 2 used in x2 to indicate squaring.
  • 15. Blaise Pascal (1623 –1662) • important contributions to the construction of mechanical calculators, the study of fluids, clarified concepts of pressure and. • wrote in defense of the scientific method. • Helped create two new areas of mathematical research: projective geometry (at 16) and probability theory
  • 16. Pierre de Fermat (1601–1665) • If n>2, then a^n + b^n = c^n has no solutions in non-zero integers a, b, and c.
  • 17. Sir Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727) • conservation of momentum • built the first "practical" reflecting telescope • developed a theory of color based on observation that a prism decomposes white light into a visible spectrum. • In mathematics: • development of the calculus. • demonstrated the generalised binomial theorem, developed the so-called "Newton's method" for approximating the zeroes of a function....
  • 18. Euler (1707 –1783) • important discoveries in calculus…graph theory. • introduced much of modern mathematical terminology and notation, particularly for mathematical analysis, • renowned for his work in mechanics, optics, and astronomy.
  • 19. David Hilbert (1862 –1943) • Invented or developed a broad range of fundamental ideas, in invariant theory, the axiomatization of geometry, and with the notion of Hilbert space
  • 20. Claude Shannon (1916 –2001)] • famous for having founded “information theory” in 1948. • digital computer and digital circuit design theory in 1937 • demonstratedthat electrical application of Boolean algebra could construct and resolve any logical, numerical relationship. • It has been claimed that this was the most important master's
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. Theano Hypatia Caroline Herschel Sophie Germain Emilie du Chatelet
  • 24. Home Theano was the wife of Pythagoras. She and her two daughters carried on the Pythagorean School after the death of Pythagoras. She wrote treatises on mathematics, physics, medicine, and child psychology. Her most important work was the principle of the “Golden Mean.”
  • 25. Home Hypatia was the daughter of Theon, who was considered one of the most educated men in Alexandria, Egypt. Hypatia was known more for the work she did in mathematics than in astronomy, primarily for her work on the ideas of conic sections introduced by Apollonius. Hypatia
  • 26. Home Her first experience in mathematics was her catalogue of nebulae. She calculated the positions of her brother's and her own discoveries and amassed them into a publication. One interesting fact is that Caroline never learned her multiplication tables. Caroline Herschel
  • 27. Home She is best known for her work in number theory. Her work in the theory of elasticity is also very important to mathematics. Sophie Germain
  • 28. Home Among her greatest achievements were her “Institutions du physique” and the translation of Newton's “Principia”, which was published after her death along with a “Preface historique” by Voltaire. Emilie du Châtelet was one of many women whose contributions have helped shape the course of mathematics Emilie du Chatelet
  • 29.
  • 31. Aryabhatta Aryabhatta came to this world on the 476 A.D at Patliputra in Magadha which is known as the modern Patna in Bihar. Some people were saying that he was born in the South of India mostly Kerala. But it cannot be disproved that he was not born in Patlipura and then travelled to Magadha where he was educated and established a coaching centre. his first name is “Arya” which is a south indian name and “Bhatt” or “Bhatta” a normal north indian name which could be seen among the trader people in India.
  • 32. Aryabhatta was aware that the earth rotates on its axis. The earth rotates round the sun and the moon moves round the earth. He discovered the 9 planets position and related them to their rotation round the sun. Aryabhatta said the light received from planets and the moon is gotten from sun. He also made mention on the eclipse of the sun, moon, day and night, earth contours and the 365 days of the year as the exact length of the year. Aryabhatta also revealed that the earth circumference is 24835 miles when compared to the modern day calculation which is 24900 miles. Aryabhatta have unusually great intelligence and well skilled in the sense that all his theories has became wonders to some mathematicians of the present age. The Greeks and the Arabs developed some of his works to suit their present demands. Aryabhatta was the first inventor of the earth sphericity and also discovered that earth rotates round the sun. He was the one that created the formula (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab
  • 33. Bhaskaracharya • Bhaskaracharya otherwise known as Bhaskara is probably the most well known mathematician of ancient Indian today. Bhaskara was born in 1114 A.D. according to a statement he recorded in one of his own works. He was from Bijjada Bida near the Sahyadri mountains. Bijjada Bida is thought to be present day Bijapur in Mysore state. Bhaskara wrote his famous Siddhanta Siroman in the year 1150 A.D. It is divided into four parts; Lilavati (arithmetic), Bijaganita (algebra), Goladhyaya (celestial globe), and Grahaganita (mathematics of the planets). Much of Bhaskara's work in the Lilavati and Bijaganita was derived from earlier mathematicians; hence it is not surprising that Bhaskara is best in dealing with indeterminate analysis. In connection with the Pell equation, x^2=1+61y^2, nearly solved by Brahmagupta, Bhaskara gave a method (Chakravala process) for solving the equation. • O girl! out of a group of swans, 7/2 times the square root of the number are playing on the shore of a tank. The two remaining ones are playing with amorous fight, in the water. What is the total number of swans? • Teaching and learning mathematics was in Bhaskara's blood. He learnt mathematics from his father, a mathematician, and he himself passed his knowledge to his son Loksamudra. To return to the timeline click here: timeline.
  • 34. • Bhaskaracharya was the head of the observatory at Ujjain. There are two famous works of his on Mathematical Astronomy - Siddhanta-Siromani and Karana-Kutuhala. Besides his work on Algebra, Lilavati Bija Ganita too is famous. The law of Gravitation, in clear tems, had been propounded by Bhaskaracharya 500 years before it was rediscovered by Newton. Centuries before him there had been another mathematician Bhaskaracharya also in Bharat ( India ). • The subjects of his six works include arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, geometry, a stronomy. There is a seventh book attributed to him which is thought to be a forgery. Bhaskaracharya discovered the concept of differentials, and contributed a greater understanding of number systems and advanced methods of equation solving. He was able to accurately calculate the sidreal year, or the time it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. There is but a scant difference in his figure of 365.2588 days and the modern figure of 365.2596 days.
  • 35. Shakuntala Devi • Shakuntala Devi is a calculating prodigy who was born on November 4, 1939 in Bangalore, India. Her father worked in a "Brahmin circus" as a trapeze and tightrope performer, and later as a lion tamer and a human cannonball. Her calculating gifts first demonstrated themselves while she was doing card tricks with her father when she was three. They report she "beat" them by memorization of cards rather than by sleight of hand. By age six she demonstrated her calculation and memorization abilities at the University of Mysore. At the age of eight she had success at Annamalai University by doing the same. Unlike many other calculating prodigies, for example Truman Henry Safford, her abilities did not wane in adulthood. In 1977 she extracted the 23rd root of a 201-digit number mentally. On June 18, 1980 she demonstrated the multiplication of two 13- digit numbers 7,686,369,774,870 x 2,465,099,745,779 picked at random by the Computer Department of Imperial College, London. She answered the question in 28 seconds. However, this time is more likely the time for dictating the answer (a 26-digit number) than the time for the mental calculation (the time of 28 seconds was quoted on her own website). Her correct answer was 18,947,668,177,995,426,462,773,730.
  • 36. • This event is mentioned on page 26 of the 1995 Guinness Book of Records ISBN 0-553-56942-2. In 1977, she published the first study of homosexuality in India.According to Subhash Chandra's review of Ana Garcia-Arroyo's book The Construction of Queer Culture in India: Pioneers and Landmarks,For Garcia-Arroyo the beginning of the debate on homosexuality in the twentieth century is made with Shakuntala Devi's book The World of Homosexuals published in 1977. [...] Shakuntala Devi's (the famous mathematician) book appeared. This book went almost unnoticed, and did not contribute to queer discourse or movement. [...] The reason for this book not making its mark was becauseShakuntala Devi was famous for her mathematical wizardry and nothing of substantial import in the field of homosexuality was expected from her.
  • 37. Narayana Pandit • Narayana was the son of Nrsimha (sometimes written Narasimha). We know that he wrote his most famous work Ganita Kaumudi on arithmetic in 1356 but little else is known of him. His mathematical writings show that he was strongly influenced by Bhaskara II and he wrote a commentary on the Lilavati of Bhaskara IIcalled Karmapradipika. Some historians dispute that Narayana is the author of this commentary which they attribute to Madhava. • In the Ganita Kaumudi Narayana considers the mathematical operation on numbers. Like many other Indian writers of arithmetics before him he considered an algorithm for multiplying numbers and he then looked at the special case of squaring numbers. One of the unusual features of Narayana's work Karmapradipika is that he gave seven methods of squaring numbers which are not found in the
  • 38. • Narayana also gave a rule to calculate approximate values of a square root. He did this by using an indeterminate equation of the second order, Nx2 + 1 = y2, whereN is the number whose square root is to be calculated. If x and y are a pair of roots of this equation with x < y then √N is approximately equal to y/x. To illustrate this method Narayana takes N = 10. He then finds the solutions x = 6, y = 19 which give the approximation 19/6 = 3.1666666666666666667, which is correct to 2 decimal places. Narayana then gives the solutions x = 228, y = 721 which give the approximation 721/228 = 3.1622807017543859649, correct to four places. Finally Narayana gives the pair of solutions x = 8658, y = 227379 which give the approximation 227379/8658 = 3.1622776622776622777, correct to eight decimal places. Note for comparison that √10 is, correct to 20 places, 3.1622776601683793320
  • 39.
  • 40. Young Srinivasa • Born in 1887 • Grew up in South India • Recited formulas for fun • Had no formal education or training • Received a scholarship to Kumbakonam Town High School
  • 41. After his college attempts… • Married Srimathi Janaki • For awhile, they were supported by a wealthy man named Ramanchandra Rao • Srinivasa sent some of his work to two famous English mathematicans
  • 42. Godfrey Hardy: Cambridge University • Saw srinivasa’s work and was impressed by how he did the problems • Offered him a scholarship at Trinity College • At first he had to refuse but later accepted the offer • When he returned to India, his condition worsened • He died in 1920
  • 43. His Work • His work helps Physicists • He was able to approximate Pi
  • 44.
  • 45. RAMANUJAN’S MAGIC SQUARE 22 12 18 87 Do you know 88 17 9 25 THE BIRTH DATE OF 10 24 89 16 Srinivasa 19 86 23 11 Ramanujan?
  • 46. RAMANUJAN’S MAGIC SQUARE It is 22nd Dec 22 12 18 87 1887. 88 17 9 25 Yes. It is 10 24 89 16 22.12.1887 19 86 23 11 BE A PROUD INDIAN