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Transfusion and Apheresis Science 45 (2011) 287–290 
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Massive bleeding: Are we doing our best? 
Marco Marietta a,⇑, Paola Pedrazzi a, Massimo Girardis b, Mario Luppi a 
a Dipartimento Integrato di Oncologia, Ematologia e Patologie dell’Apparto Respiratorio, U.O.C. di Ematologia, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena, Italy 
b Dipartimento Integrato di Chirurgia Generale e Specialità Chirurgiche, U.O.C. di Anestesia e Rianimazione I, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena, Italy 
a r t i c l e i n f o 
Massive bleeding 
Massive transfusion 
Fresh frozen plasma 
a b s t r a c t 
Massive bleeding accounts for more than 50% of all trauma-related deaths within the first 
48 h following hospital admission and it can significantly raise the mortality rate of any 
kind of surgery. Despite this great clinical relevance, evidence on the management of mas-sive 
bleeding is surprisingly scarce, and its treatment is often based on empirical grounds. 
Successful treatment of massive haemorrhage depends on better understanding of the 
associated physiological changes as well as on good team work among the different spe-cialists 
involved in the management of such a complex condition. 
 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 
1. Introduction 
Massive bleeding (MB) is a major healthcare problem, 
since it is responsible for more than 50% of all trauma-re-lated 
deaths within the first 48 h following hospital admis-sion 
and it can significantly raise the mortality rate of any 
kind of surgery [1,2]. 
In the last years, the knowledge of the pathophysiology 
of MB has substantially improved, due to several studies 
mainly focused on trauma-associated bleeding [3–5]. 
These studies led to an evolution of the notion of post in-jury 
coagulopathy, which is now recognized to depend 
on many contributing factors, as tissue injury with result-ing 
hemorrhage, tissue hypoperfusion, clotting factor 
dilution, hypothermia, acidosis and inflammation [3–6]. 
Moreover, the existence of the Acute Coagulopathy of 
Trauma (ACoT) has recently been recognized, being a pri-mary 
disorder, secondarily amplified by consumption, loss 
and dilution, which significantly impairs survival and 
increases mortality [1]. Although the exact mechanism of 
ACoT is still unclear, Brohi and colleagues demonstrated 
that ACoT is due not only to an insufficient amount of 
coagulation factors, but also to an activation of thrombo-modulin- 
protein C pathway, leading to a systemic antico-agulation 
[7]. It has been postulated that in low flow 
conditions the need for protecting the vascular bed leads 
to an increased thrombomodulin presentation in order to 
generate a local anticoagulant milieu. This appropriate 
and protective response can turn bad when systemic 
low-flow and widespread activated protein C generation 
do occur, determining a systemic anticoagulation, even in 
the presence of almost normal levels of coagulation factors. 
This carries significant implications for the management of 
traumatic hemorrhage, by suggesting that hypoperfusion 
must be corrected before restoring the coagulation sys-tem’s 
haemostatic balance. 
Other relevant contributions to the knowledge of the 
pathophysiology of MB have been provided by the use of 
thromboelastography/thromboelastometry (TEG/ROTEM), 
which allows to measure all the parts of the coagulation 
process, including fibrinolysis [8,9]. Recently, by using 
TEG, hyperfibrinolysis (HF) has been demonstrated to 
occur in 6–8% of patients with major trauma, thus contrib-uting 
to the development of coagulopathy and resulting in 
a poorer outcome [10,11]. The implementation of TEG or 
ROTEM for trauma coagulation management is promising, 
particularly with regard to HF treatment [2], and it is 
suggested by the recently published European trauma 
guidelines [12]. However, TEG standardization needs 
improvement [13], and an evidence-based determination 
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Dipartimento Integrato di Oncologia, 
Ematologia e Patologie dell’Apparto Respiratorio, U.O.C. di Ematologia, 
Ospedale Policlinico, via del Pozzo 71, 41124 Modena, Italy. Tel.: +39 059 
4224640; fax: +39 059 4224429. 
E-mail address: (M. Marietta). 
1473-0502/$ - see front matter  2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 
288 M. Marietta et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 45 (2011) 287–290 
of the parameters’ cut-off levels to guide coagulation diag-nosis 
and therapy is required [1]. 
Despite advances on the knowledge of basic mecha-nisms 
of the coagulopathy associated with MB, the treat-ment 
of this disease is largely empirical, because of the 
lack of well-designed, high-level of evidence, trials. Hence, 
only very weak recommendations can be given by current 
Guidelines. However, patients continue to bleed, and every 
day physicians have to give individualized answers to the 
clinical requests that patients make them, despite the fact 
that such answers cannot be found in randomized trials. In 
the following section we’ll try to answer some of these 
1.1. Is there a role for factor VIIa? 
Since its introduction in March 1999 for the treatment 
of bleeding in hemophilia patients with inhibitors to factor 
VIII and IX, recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) has 
been regarded with great interest by physicians as a 
‘‘pan-haemostatic’’ agent, able to control any kind of bleed-ing 
[14]. This hope was initially confirmed by several case 
reports and small case series, showing its effectiveness in a 
wide range of acquired haemostatic disorders, including 
traumatic or surgical bleeding [15]. However, all the pub-lished 
randomized controlled trials on its use in non-hemophilia 
patients failed to demonstrate a reduction in 
mortality, reporting a limited efficacy only on reduction 
of blood requirements [16]. Moreover, some concerns have 
been raised about its safety in such patients [17]. Is there a 
pathophysiological reason for this failure? An elegant pa-per 
from Schols and colleagues can help us in addressing 
this issue. These Authors demonstrated, by thromboelas-tography, 
that fibrin clot formation is low in about half of 
haemodiluted surgical patients with bleeding, but in only 
13–20% of cases without or with stopped bleeding. How-ever, 
in bleeding patients, the onset of the haemostatic 
process (the lag-time) is not particularly impaired, 
whereas capacity of the process is defective [18]. Indeed, 
the peak thrombin level evaluated by thrombin generation 
test (TG) decreases after dilution, because of a reduced 
concentration of procoagulant clotting factor, but the start 
of the process, i.e. the lag time, is not impaired [18]. This is 
not surprising, if we consider that very small amounts of 
factor VII are contained in normal plasma, as shown in 
Table 1. In other words, the minimal haemostatic level 
for FVII is much lower than that for prothrombin and 
fibrinogen because the latter two are more rapidly con-sumed 
towards the end of the cascade reaction. Consistent 
with this, even if we force coagulation cascade by raising 
FVIIa levels to supra-physiological values, the limiting 
steps are downward, at prothrombin and fibrinogen level. 
1.2. Do we need to improve thrombin generation? 
The foregoing considerations suggest that an improve-ment 
of thrombin generation is required to achieve a more 
effective treatment of MB. That’s partly true, since it has 
been demonstrated that in those patients in which thera-peutic 
doses of fresh-frozen plasma (FFP) are unable to 
stop bleeding, thrombin generation is unsatisfactory [19]. 
However, this vision is too simple and it does not represent 
the complexity of the phenomenon. Indeed, it has also 
been demonstrated that massively bleeding trauma pa-tients 
show excessive systemic thrombin generation, 
which however does not account for an increased ability 
to respond to a wound [20]. In normal haemostasis, throm-bin 
is generated primarily at the wound site only, but in 
bleeding patients, useful thrombin wound-bound is re-duced, 
because of lower levels of FII and other coagulation 
factors, while non wound-bound thrombin is increased, 
due to circulating procoagulants and reduced inhibitory 
proteins. On this ground, it could be hypothesized that 
FFP infusion would be able to replace coagulation factors, 
thus accelerating haemostasis at the wound, as well as 
inhibitor systems, by blocking non-wound-related throm-bin 
generation. Therefore, it could be expected that the 
more FFP is infused, the more effective the recovery of 
the haemostatic system is. But it is true? 
1.3. How much FFP is needed in massive bleeding? 
Observational studies in trauma patients have sug-gested 
that higher plasma: RBC ratios during massive 
transfusion may improve patient outcome [21–23], and 
these findings have led to changes in clinical practice in 
some settings. However, this approach is not supported 
by randomized trials, and it has been questioned by other 
works that failed to demonstrate a survival advantage from 
the use of 1:1 ratio resuscitation [24,25]. Moreover, it has 
been demonstrated that there is a dose-dependent correla-tion 
between blood product transfusion and adverse out-come 
(increased mortality and infection) in trauma 
patients [26]. This picture seems to be puzzling, but it sim-ply 
reflects the lack of methodologically sound studies on 
this field. Indeed, a recent meta-analysis confirmed that 
in trauma patients receiving massive transfusion higher 
PFC:RBC ratios were associated with a significantly de-creased 
risk of death and multiorgan failure. However, 
the evidence for this effect was derived from observational 
studies subject to potentially important biases, mainly 
including the so called ‘‘survivor bias’’ and is, therefore, 
of very low quality [27]. In an attempt to control for survi-vor 
bias and to provide insights into the time course of 
massively bleeding civilian patients other Authors exam-ined 
the effect of the deficit of plasma to RBC units, instead 
of the ratio of plasma to RBC on survival [28]. They found 
that the effects of plasma repletion play a major role in 
Table 1 
Plasma levels of coagulation factors. 
Factor Plasma level (m) 
Fibrinogen 7.6 
Prothrombin 1.4 
Factor V 0.03 
Factor VII 0.01 
Factor VIII 0.00003 
Factor IX 0.09 
Factor X 0.17 
Factor XI 0.03 
Factor XIII 0.03 
Von Willebrand factor 0.03
M. Marietta et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 45 (2011) 287–290 289 
the first 2–3 h of care for massively bleeding individuals 
and that plasma deficit rather than unit ratios may be a 
more indicative measure [28]. In their conclusions, the 
Authors highlighted the need for clinical predictors that 
would allow clinicians to discriminate between patients 
who are going to need early and massive plasma repletion 
and those who are not. Relevant to this, a very recent paper 
demonstrated that a high FFP:RBC ratio (around 1:1) may 
improve survival for trauma patients who are at least at 
a 40% risk of receiving a massive transfusion as assessed 
by a Trauma Associated Severe Hemorrhage (TASH)-score 
predictive model. Conversely, a high FFP:RBC ratio does 
not improve mortality and may cause harm for those at 
lower risk for a massive transfusion [29]. 
1.4. Is there something better than FFP? 
Prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs) are an 
attractive way to ensure a faster and more reliable amount 
of coagulation factors, and many animal models have been 
developed, in order to assess the efficacy of PCCs to control 
bleeding, associated with dilutional coagulopathy (Table 
2). In all these models PCCs proved to be very effective, 
both on clinical and laboratory end-points. A lively discus-sion 
took place recently on JTH pages about pros and cons 
of using PCCs for the treatment of massive bleeding in hu-mans 
[30,31]. Both the authors, however, agreed that for 
the present there are insufficient prospective data to sup-port 
the efficacy and safety of PCCs in trauma and surgery 
in humans, although some recently published data seem to 
suggest the contrary [32–34]. 
However, should we decide to use PPCs for treating 
massively bleeding patients, we have to be aware that they 
are not enough. A recent paper has, indeed, questioned 
the model in which fibrin clot formation is just a reflection 
of the thrombin generation process [18]. Schols and 
colleagues, demonstrated that generation and fibrin clot 
formation are independently reduced, and that both 
processes can become rate-limiting separately, each one 
from the other. In addition, their data indicated factor 
X as a main determinant of thrombin generation, 
whereas fibrinogen is the key variable of fibrin clot 
formation [18]. 
1.5. Is there a role for fibrinogen concentrates? 
The effects of fibrinogen on clot firmness are already 
well known, but, just in recent years, its crucial role for 
ensuring sufficient and stable haemostasis during serious 
bleeding has been disclosed. Recent findings suggest that 
fibrinogen availability may have an important influence 
on the survival of trauma patients [35]. Indeed, haemodilu-tion, 
hyperfibrinolysis, acidosis, and hypothermia all de-plete 
fibrinogen availability and consequently impair 
coagulation process. Retrospective studies in trauma pa-tients 
and animals suggest that fibrinogen supplementa-tion 
may be beneficial [36,37]. Another interesting debate 
took place on Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 
about the use of fibrinogen concentrates for the manage-ment 
of MB [38,39]. While expressing opposite points of 
view, the authors agreed that many questions need to be 
answered by further trials, such as the definition of the 
appropriate level of fibrinogen to trigger treatment, or they 
way to supplement fibrinogen levels. 
1.6. Which kind of laboratory monitoring is needed in massive 
Coagulation monitoring in massively injured patients 
by means of TEG or ROTEM has increasingly been analysed, 
as both of them seem to overcome most of the drawbacks 
of the traditional PT and APTT tests. TEG- or ROTEM-based 
algorithms have been published for this setting and have 
showed to be a more accurate indicator of blood product 
requirements than conventional tests, thus resulting useful 
tools for guiding blood transfusion requirements [40]. The 
implementation of TEG or ROTEM for trauma coagulation 
management is very promising and is suggested by the re-cently 
published European trauma guidelines [12]. How-ever, 
a better standardization of both tests [41] and an 
evidence-based determination of the parameters’ cut-off 
levels are needed. 
Table 2 
PCCs efficacy in animal models of massive bleeding. 
Author (year) Model PCC vs. Efficacy 
(In bold italic statistically 
significant results) 
Dickneite (2008) Dilutional coagulopathy in pigs, then femur or spleen injury 35 IU/kg vs. Saline ; time to haemostasis 
; blood loss 
Dickneite (2009) Dilutional coagulopathy in pigs, then femur or spleen injury 25 IU/kg vs. 15 ml/kg FFP or 
40 ml/kg FFP 
; time to haemostasis 
; blood loss 
Pragst (2009) Dilutional coagulopathy in rabbits, then kidney injury 25 IU/kg vs. Saline or 
180 mg/kg rFVIIa 
; time to haemostasis 
; blood loss 
Kaspereit (2010) Dilutional coagulopathy in pigs underwenting CPB with 
hypothermia followed by normothermia 
30 IU/kg vs. Saline ; suture hole bleeding 
Normalization of SBT 
 peak thrombin generation 
Dickneite (2010) Dilutional coagulopathy in pigs, then spleen injury 35 IU/kg vs. Saline or 
180 mg/kg rFVIIa 
; time to hemostasis 
; blood loss 
PCCs, prothrombin complex concentrates; FFP, fresh frozen plasma; rFVIIA, recombinant activated factor VII; CPB, cardio pulmonary by-pass; SBT, skin 
bleeding time.
290 M. Marietta et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 45 (2011) 287–290 
1.7. Conclusion: Are we doing the best, while treating 
massively bleeding patients? 
The answer is ‘‘yes’’ and ‘‘no’’ at the same time. On one 
hand, there’s no doubt that every physician attending to a 
massively bleeding patient is strongly committed to treat, 
at its best, such a complex disease. However, it’s equally 
undoubted that further efforts have to be made in order 
to better understand basic pathophysiology of MB and to 
collect much more evidence on the crucial issues related 
to patient selection, timing and ratio of blood products 
and possible choice of adjunct agents. 
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Massive bleeding, are doing our best? m. marietta

  • 1. Transfusion and Apheresis Science 45 (2011) 287–290 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Transfusion and Apheresis Science journal homepage: locate/ transci Massive bleeding: Are we doing our best? Marco Marietta a,⇑, Paola Pedrazzi a, Massimo Girardis b, Mario Luppi a a Dipartimento Integrato di Oncologia, Ematologia e Patologie dell’Apparto Respiratorio, U.O.C. di Ematologia, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena, Italy b Dipartimento Integrato di Chirurgia Generale e Specialità Chirurgiche, U.O.C. di Anestesia e Rianimazione I, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena, Italy a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Massive bleeding Coagulopathy Trauma Massive transfusion Fresh frozen plasma a b s t r a c t Massive bleeding accounts for more than 50% of all trauma-related deaths within the first 48 h following hospital admission and it can significantly raise the mortality rate of any kind of surgery. Despite this great clinical relevance, evidence on the management of mas-sive bleeding is surprisingly scarce, and its treatment is often based on empirical grounds. Successful treatment of massive haemorrhage depends on better understanding of the associated physiological changes as well as on good team work among the different spe-cialists involved in the management of such a complex condition. 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Massive bleeding (MB) is a major healthcare problem, since it is responsible for more than 50% of all trauma-re-lated deaths within the first 48 h following hospital admis-sion and it can significantly raise the mortality rate of any kind of surgery [1,2]. In the last years, the knowledge of the pathophysiology of MB has substantially improved, due to several studies mainly focused on trauma-associated bleeding [3–5]. These studies led to an evolution of the notion of post in-jury coagulopathy, which is now recognized to depend on many contributing factors, as tissue injury with result-ing hemorrhage, tissue hypoperfusion, clotting factor dilution, hypothermia, acidosis and inflammation [3–6]. Moreover, the existence of the Acute Coagulopathy of Trauma (ACoT) has recently been recognized, being a pri-mary disorder, secondarily amplified by consumption, loss and dilution, which significantly impairs survival and increases mortality [1]. Although the exact mechanism of ACoT is still unclear, Brohi and colleagues demonstrated that ACoT is due not only to an insufficient amount of coagulation factors, but also to an activation of thrombo-modulin- protein C pathway, leading to a systemic antico-agulation [7]. It has been postulated that in low flow conditions the need for protecting the vascular bed leads to an increased thrombomodulin presentation in order to generate a local anticoagulant milieu. This appropriate and protective response can turn bad when systemic low-flow and widespread activated protein C generation do occur, determining a systemic anticoagulation, even in the presence of almost normal levels of coagulation factors. This carries significant implications for the management of traumatic hemorrhage, by suggesting that hypoperfusion must be corrected before restoring the coagulation sys-tem’s haemostatic balance. Other relevant contributions to the knowledge of the pathophysiology of MB have been provided by the use of thromboelastography/thromboelastometry (TEG/ROTEM), which allows to measure all the parts of the coagulation process, including fibrinolysis [8,9]. Recently, by using TEG, hyperfibrinolysis (HF) has been demonstrated to occur in 6–8% of patients with major trauma, thus contrib-uting to the development of coagulopathy and resulting in a poorer outcome [10,11]. The implementation of TEG or ROTEM for trauma coagulation management is promising, particularly with regard to HF treatment [2], and it is suggested by the recently published European trauma guidelines [12]. However, TEG standardization needs improvement [13], and an evidence-based determination ⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Dipartimento Integrato di Oncologia, Ematologia e Patologie dell’Apparto Respiratorio, U.O.C. di Ematologia, Ospedale Policlinico, via del Pozzo 71, 41124 Modena, Italy. Tel.: +39 059 4224640; fax: +39 059 4224429. E-mail address: (M. Marietta). 1473-0502/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.transci.2011.10.010
  • 2. 288 M. Marietta et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 45 (2011) 287–290 of the parameters’ cut-off levels to guide coagulation diag-nosis and therapy is required [1]. Despite advances on the knowledge of basic mecha-nisms of the coagulopathy associated with MB, the treat-ment of this disease is largely empirical, because of the lack of well-designed, high-level of evidence, trials. Hence, only very weak recommendations can be given by current Guidelines. However, patients continue to bleed, and every day physicians have to give individualized answers to the clinical requests that patients make them, despite the fact that such answers cannot be found in randomized trials. In the following section we’ll try to answer some of these questions. 1.1. Is there a role for factor VIIa? Since its introduction in March 1999 for the treatment of bleeding in hemophilia patients with inhibitors to factor VIII and IX, recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) has been regarded with great interest by physicians as a ‘‘pan-haemostatic’’ agent, able to control any kind of bleed-ing [14]. This hope was initially confirmed by several case reports and small case series, showing its effectiveness in a wide range of acquired haemostatic disorders, including traumatic or surgical bleeding [15]. However, all the pub-lished randomized controlled trials on its use in non-hemophilia patients failed to demonstrate a reduction in mortality, reporting a limited efficacy only on reduction of blood requirements [16]. Moreover, some concerns have been raised about its safety in such patients [17]. Is there a pathophysiological reason for this failure? An elegant pa-per from Schols and colleagues can help us in addressing this issue. These Authors demonstrated, by thromboelas-tography, that fibrin clot formation is low in about half of haemodiluted surgical patients with bleeding, but in only 13–20% of cases without or with stopped bleeding. How-ever, in bleeding patients, the onset of the haemostatic process (the lag-time) is not particularly impaired, whereas capacity of the process is defective [18]. Indeed, the peak thrombin level evaluated by thrombin generation test (TG) decreases after dilution, because of a reduced concentration of procoagulant clotting factor, but the start of the process, i.e. the lag time, is not impaired [18]. This is not surprising, if we consider that very small amounts of factor VII are contained in normal plasma, as shown in Table 1. In other words, the minimal haemostatic level for FVII is much lower than that for prothrombin and fibrinogen because the latter two are more rapidly con-sumed towards the end of the cascade reaction. Consistent with this, even if we force coagulation cascade by raising FVIIa levels to supra-physiological values, the limiting steps are downward, at prothrombin and fibrinogen level. 1.2. Do we need to improve thrombin generation? The foregoing considerations suggest that an improve-ment of thrombin generation is required to achieve a more effective treatment of MB. That’s partly true, since it has been demonstrated that in those patients in which thera-peutic doses of fresh-frozen plasma (FFP) are unable to stop bleeding, thrombin generation is unsatisfactory [19]. However, this vision is too simple and it does not represent the complexity of the phenomenon. Indeed, it has also been demonstrated that massively bleeding trauma pa-tients show excessive systemic thrombin generation, which however does not account for an increased ability to respond to a wound [20]. In normal haemostasis, throm-bin is generated primarily at the wound site only, but in bleeding patients, useful thrombin wound-bound is re-duced, because of lower levels of FII and other coagulation factors, while non wound-bound thrombin is increased, due to circulating procoagulants and reduced inhibitory proteins. On this ground, it could be hypothesized that FFP infusion would be able to replace coagulation factors, thus accelerating haemostasis at the wound, as well as inhibitor systems, by blocking non-wound-related throm-bin generation. Therefore, it could be expected that the more FFP is infused, the more effective the recovery of the haemostatic system is. But it is true? 1.3. How much FFP is needed in massive bleeding? Observational studies in trauma patients have sug-gested that higher plasma: RBC ratios during massive transfusion may improve patient outcome [21–23], and these findings have led to changes in clinical practice in some settings. However, this approach is not supported by randomized trials, and it has been questioned by other works that failed to demonstrate a survival advantage from the use of 1:1 ratio resuscitation [24,25]. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that there is a dose-dependent correla-tion between blood product transfusion and adverse out-come (increased mortality and infection) in trauma patients [26]. This picture seems to be puzzling, but it sim-ply reflects the lack of methodologically sound studies on this field. Indeed, a recent meta-analysis confirmed that in trauma patients receiving massive transfusion higher PFC:RBC ratios were associated with a significantly de-creased risk of death and multiorgan failure. However, the evidence for this effect was derived from observational studies subject to potentially important biases, mainly including the so called ‘‘survivor bias’’ and is, therefore, of very low quality [27]. In an attempt to control for survi-vor bias and to provide insights into the time course of massively bleeding civilian patients other Authors exam-ined the effect of the deficit of plasma to RBC units, instead of the ratio of plasma to RBC on survival [28]. They found that the effects of plasma repletion play a major role in Table 1 Plasma levels of coagulation factors. Factor Plasma level (m) Fibrinogen 7.6 Prothrombin 1.4 Factor V 0.03 Factor VII 0.01 Factor VIII 0.00003 Factor IX 0.09 Factor X 0.17 Factor XI 0.03 Factor XIII 0.03 Von Willebrand factor 0.03
  • 3. M. Marietta et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 45 (2011) 287–290 289 the first 2–3 h of care for massively bleeding individuals and that plasma deficit rather than unit ratios may be a more indicative measure [28]. In their conclusions, the Authors highlighted the need for clinical predictors that would allow clinicians to discriminate between patients who are going to need early and massive plasma repletion and those who are not. Relevant to this, a very recent paper demonstrated that a high FFP:RBC ratio (around 1:1) may improve survival for trauma patients who are at least at a 40% risk of receiving a massive transfusion as assessed by a Trauma Associated Severe Hemorrhage (TASH)-score predictive model. Conversely, a high FFP:RBC ratio does not improve mortality and may cause harm for those at lower risk for a massive transfusion [29]. 1.4. Is there something better than FFP? Prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs) are an attractive way to ensure a faster and more reliable amount of coagulation factors, and many animal models have been developed, in order to assess the efficacy of PCCs to control bleeding, associated with dilutional coagulopathy (Table 2). In all these models PCCs proved to be very effective, both on clinical and laboratory end-points. A lively discus-sion took place recently on JTH pages about pros and cons of using PCCs for the treatment of massive bleeding in hu-mans [30,31]. Both the authors, however, agreed that for the present there are insufficient prospective data to sup-port the efficacy and safety of PCCs in trauma and surgery in humans, although some recently published data seem to suggest the contrary [32–34]. However, should we decide to use PPCs for treating massively bleeding patients, we have to be aware that they are not enough. A recent paper has, indeed, questioned the model in which fibrin clot formation is just a reflection of the thrombin generation process [18]. Schols and colleagues, demonstrated that generation and fibrin clot formation are independently reduced, and that both processes can become rate-limiting separately, each one from the other. In addition, their data indicated factor X as a main determinant of thrombin generation, whereas fibrinogen is the key variable of fibrin clot formation [18]. 1.5. Is there a role for fibrinogen concentrates? The effects of fibrinogen on clot firmness are already well known, but, just in recent years, its crucial role for ensuring sufficient and stable haemostasis during serious bleeding has been disclosed. Recent findings suggest that fibrinogen availability may have an important influence on the survival of trauma patients [35]. Indeed, haemodilu-tion, hyperfibrinolysis, acidosis, and hypothermia all de-plete fibrinogen availability and consequently impair coagulation process. Retrospective studies in trauma pa-tients and animals suggest that fibrinogen supplementa-tion may be beneficial [36,37]. Another interesting debate took place on Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis about the use of fibrinogen concentrates for the manage-ment of MB [38,39]. While expressing opposite points of view, the authors agreed that many questions need to be answered by further trials, such as the definition of the appropriate level of fibrinogen to trigger treatment, or they way to supplement fibrinogen levels. 1.6. Which kind of laboratory monitoring is needed in massive bleeding? Coagulation monitoring in massively injured patients by means of TEG or ROTEM has increasingly been analysed, as both of them seem to overcome most of the drawbacks of the traditional PT and APTT tests. TEG- or ROTEM-based algorithms have been published for this setting and have showed to be a more accurate indicator of blood product requirements than conventional tests, thus resulting useful tools for guiding blood transfusion requirements [40]. The implementation of TEG or ROTEM for trauma coagulation management is very promising and is suggested by the re-cently published European trauma guidelines [12]. How-ever, a better standardization of both tests [41] and an evidence-based determination of the parameters’ cut-off levels are needed. Table 2 PCCs efficacy in animal models of massive bleeding. Author (year) Model PCC vs. Efficacy (In bold italic statistically significant results) Dickneite (2008) Dilutional coagulopathy in pigs, then femur or spleen injury 35 IU/kg vs. Saline ; time to haemostasis ; blood loss Dickneite (2009) Dilutional coagulopathy in pigs, then femur or spleen injury 25 IU/kg vs. 15 ml/kg FFP or 40 ml/kg FFP ; time to haemostasis ; blood loss Pragst (2009) Dilutional coagulopathy in rabbits, then kidney injury 25 IU/kg vs. Saline or 180 mg/kg rFVIIa ; time to haemostasis ; blood loss Kaspereit (2010) Dilutional coagulopathy in pigs underwenting CPB with hypothermia followed by normothermia 30 IU/kg vs. Saline ; suture hole bleeding Normalization of SBT peak thrombin generation Dickneite (2010) Dilutional coagulopathy in pigs, then spleen injury 35 IU/kg vs. Saline or 180 mg/kg rFVIIa ; time to hemostasis ; blood loss PCCs, prothrombin complex concentrates; FFP, fresh frozen plasma; rFVIIA, recombinant activated factor VII; CPB, cardio pulmonary by-pass; SBT, skin bleeding time.
  • 4. 290 M. Marietta et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 45 (2011) 287–290 1.7. Conclusion: Are we doing the best, while treating massively bleeding patients? The answer is ‘‘yes’’ and ‘‘no’’ at the same time. On one hand, there’s no doubt that every physician attending to a massively bleeding patient is strongly committed to treat, at its best, such a complex disease. However, it’s equally undoubted that further efforts have to be made in order to better understand basic pathophysiology of MB and to collect much more evidence on the crucial issues related to patient selection, timing and ratio of blood products and possible choice of adjunct agents. References [1] Lier H, Böttiger H, Hinkelbein J, et al. Coagulation management in multiple trauma: a systematic review. Intensive Care Med 2011;37:572–82. [2] Copeland GP, Jones D, Walters M. POSSUM: a scoring system for surgical audit. Br J Surg 1991;78:355–60. [3] Jansen JO, Thomas R, Loudon MA, Brooks A. 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