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The secret language of water 
Dr. Masaru Emoto and PranaVita Awareness Exercises For Children
© Dr. Masaru Emoto, Hans B. Schindler, PranaVita GmbH 2008 
Klemens Kubala 
F. J. Suppanz ( 
Gabriele Horvat ( 
Michael Lynn 
Conny Wolf (, 
Graphic Design: 
Concept & Organization: 
Burgi Sedlak 
International Prana-School Austria, 
Following the idea of 
Dr. Masaru Emoto: 
The secret language of water 
by Dr. Masaru Emoto 
The »Emoto-project« would like to reach out to all children 
of the world in a fun and pleasant way. 
The pictures have been lovingly selected for the children to 
access the world of water and to give them the understand-ing 
of how to live in peaceful harmony with the nature and 
all its creatures. 
The foundation of this book is the long term research and 
development by Dr. Masaru Emoto who has showed us his 
many beautiful pictures of water crystals and leading us the 
way to the true nature of water. 
As a contribution to the UNO-program »International 
Decade for Action water for life« from 2005-2015, Dr. 
Masaru Emoto has the intention to let all children of the 
world get his picture book for free. 
The »Emoto-project« goal is to teach children about Dr. Emotos 
water research and his vision of how we all can live in a more 
peaceful and healthy world. 
Almost all children are spontaneous and open-minded and 
are interested in learning new things. If we can manage 
together laying a seed for children to understand the meaning 
of peace, love, and beauty of life it will follow them all their 
life. As adults these values will be part of them. 
We think that this is our job to pass on these valuable themes 
to the youngest, more than ever our planet needs us to 
PranaVita awareness exercise is supporting the »Emoto-project 
« through child adjusted exercises and pictures. 
The blue planet 
The first astronauts looked from out of space with astonishment to our planet. 
They found her extremely beautiful and called her the blue planet. 
All the blue things are water: oceans, lakes and rivers. 
The planet has more than two fold water than mainland. 
Water is the biggest wealth we have in our world. 
Because without water there will be no life. 
Have you ever tried to be extremely thirsty? 
Imagine you couldn’t get anything to drink. 
All living creatures of our planets have it that way: 
trees, flowers, animals and humans. 
Luckily that almost everywhere in the world you’ll find water. 
What the Water is 
able to do 
Every day you meet water from early morning till late at 
night. In the morning you’ll meet it in the bath as tap water. 
At breakfast you will drink it as tea, milk or orange juice. 
Out side your door you see it as clouds in the sky. 
It falls like dew, rain or snow to the ground. Sometimes you 
see it as fog. It runs through creeks and rivers to the ocean. 
As a pond or a lake it silently rests. 
The humans don’t use water only for drinking or washing. 
We are sailing in boats and ships on the water, and trans-forming 
water into electricity. 
In some parts of the world they don’t have enough water. 
These parts are called desert. But even a desert you can 
make green and lively, if the humans dig canals so the water 
can run through them. 
Water is 
The biggest part of your bodyweight 
comes from water in you. 
That is something you 
don’t really notice. First when 
you are running and playing 
and start to sweating you notice 
how much water is in your body. 
Then most likely you’ll get 
thirsty and drink the water 
your body is missing, 
Don’t you feel well now? 
Water talks 
Where there is water people feel well-being. 
All over the world most people live near water. 
Have you once sat by a river 
and simply felt the joy listening 
and looking at water passing by? 
Or have you ever been amazed 
by the power of the waves moving 
toward the beach? 
Humans are missing water when it is not available. 
We build beautiful wells in our cities and make pools 
in our garden. In many apartments you will find an 
aquarium filled with water and fishes. 
Water is 
This is Dr. Masaru Emoto. 
He lives and works on the other side of the world in 
a country called Japan. Dr. Emoto has thought a lot 
about water and done a lot of research. 
He knows how important water 
is. It is the source to our life. 
Only if the water is pure we 
humans and the world are 
doing fine. 
Dr. Emoto has discovered something very amazing: 
The water is changing when people talk 
or play music to it. 
Ice crystals 
the microscope 
When Dr. Emoto tells about his discovery the people 
start asking: What is changing in the water? 
All water drops keep looking the same? 
That is true but the images from a water drop changes 
when you freeze the water. Ice consists of beautiful 
crystals; all of them have six edges also called a hexagon. 
But no one is the same. Ever crystals has its own form, 
every crystal is unique – like you. 
Different crystals from a river: 
Picture left above: near the spring the water 
is healthy and clean. 
Picture left underneath: many times when the river 
reaches the ocean it is dirty and sick. 
When thoughts get visible 
Dr. Emoto has looked at water crystals and took pictures. There he made his discovery: 
Beautiful music and kind words help making beautiful crystals. Noise and swearwords destroy the beauty of a crystal. 
The most beautiful things occurred when 
Dr. Emoto put water in bottles and put 
them between loudspeakers, which where 
playing music. Look what kind of crystals 
occurred and formed from the music. 
Vivaldi’s »Four seasons - summer«: 
The blossom has opened. 
Vivaldi’s »Four seasons - winter«: 
Everything is closing down; 
the nature is collecting its power 
for following springtime. 
Mozart’s »Symphony Nr. 40«: 
This music quietly heals the heart 
of the listener. 
Tchaikovsky’s »Schwanensee«: 
This ballet music tells the tail of a princess 
who was transformed into a swan. 
»Heavy metal«: Very noisy music with 
lyrics filled with anger and rage. Have 
these words broken the crystal into 
a thousand pieces? 
Music forms crystals. Words form crystals too. 
Dr. Emoto wrote words on water bottles and 
looked at the ice crystals that appeared from the water. 
»You are beautiful!« That’s what water 
looks like when its proud and content. 
»You fool!« If you constantly tell 
someone what a fool they are, at the 
end it may be impossible for that 
person to achieve anything. Even 
the water seems to feel the same way. 
»Thank you« You can say that to 
one person or to the whole world, 
if you feel happy about their beauty. 
»You dirty pig!« This is what water 
looks like when it is ashamed. 
Even photos can make crystal forms. 
Dr. Emoto put bottles of water on photos and was astound what he found out. 
The ice crystal has 
the shape of a heart! 
are very wise animals 
with an amazing gift. 
The water crystal seems 
to admire the intellect 
of this animal. 
The elephant has a long 
trunk. Can you find the 
trunk in the water 
crystal photo? 
This is the most beautiful crystal Masaru Emoto ever photographed. 
It aroused from the word »Love and Appreciation«. 
Imagine that all water would be as pure and beautiful as this. Love and appreciation 
can make that happen. 
What you 
move the 
Water is every where in the 
world. Water is in every being. 
If our words and our thoughts 
can make the water better, 
then let’s do it! 
Awareness Exercises 
For Children 
Water is one of the elements 
found on earth 
The other elements are fire, air, and earth. 
In the space around us we can find all of these elements. 
What you see in a glass of water is already the element water. 
Have you ever before heard the word "Prana"? 
That is a word from the Indian language and means live energy. 
There is Prana within all of the elements. In earth, in fire, 
in water and in air. By the way with every single breath 
you take you inhale the Prana with the air. 
The element water 
As you have read earlier in this book there is a lot of water on earth. All of that 
water is actually just the same water, is always the very same element. 
Do you know that there are children on our earth who have 
never taken a shower? Where they live water is very polluted. 
They don't even have pure fresh water to drink. Try to imagine 
that all water on earth is pure and clean again. Imagine 
all people on earth having enough clean drinking water. 
Your thoughts have great power! Try it! 
Would you like to make contact with the Angel of Water? 
Would you like to say "Hello" to it? Only very few people 
know about this angel and listen to it. That is why the water 
on earth is already so polluted. What does your Angel of Water look like? 
Why don't you draw it. 
Water is soooooo old 
Water already existed before the sun shined 
for the first time, so it is older than our sun. 
Can you imagine that? 
Water in your body 
You actually have a lot of water in your body: water is in your eyes, your saliva, your wee-wee - and 
when you are sweating, that is water leaving your body. 
Your body is made up of 70 % water. 
One could even say, your body is a cup that accounts for 30 % and the water in your body is like the 
liquid inside the cup and accounts for 70 %. That is quite a lot. 
Have you ever tried to feel inside your body? 
Try it. Direct your attention right into your body and send it loving thoughts. 
Your body likes that very much and will stay healthy! 
Water is moving constantly 
The oceans - the major part of all water - are constantly in 
motion. Then there are the rivers, creeks and lakes. The clouds 
also need to be added to this - there is a lot of water there, too. 
And all that water is moving all the time. Ice is frozen water. 
But even ice is moving all the time. It is just moving so slowly 
that you don't even notice. 
Since water is so old and moving all the time you can use it 
to travel: Sit next to a streamlet and wonder where this water 
might take you. Where does it come from? What may it have 
seen and experienced on its journey? What stories does it 
have to tell you? 
What about the temperature? 
We humans have a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius 
(98.6 ºFahrenheit). Thus the entire body is nicely and pleasantly 
warm - and the water in your body is also cozily warm. All people 
are about equally warm - isn't that a nice thought? 
At 37 ºC (98.6 ºF) you are doing well - but if your body 
temperature rises by 1 or 2 degrees you don't feel well anymore - 
you are suffering from a fever. Water may raise its temperature 
from 0 to 100 degrees and will still be feeling just fine! 
If you drink clean water 
it is like an empty bus, driving through your entire body. 
Toxins and your body's waste materials can than enter into 
that bus and will be taken out of your body with the wee-wee. 
Clear water means, there's room on the bus. 
If, however, you drink juice the room on the bus is already 
taken (by minerals and trace elements). 
So your body can send out less waste. 
Maybe you would like to make it a habit to drink good, clear 
water whenever possible. Your body loves that very much and 
will stay healthy. 
You can charge the water you drink kindly with life energy or 
Prana, creating your very own energy water. This way you will 
receive more energy for the periods where you are not doing 
so well or be feeling very tired. 
Take the glass of water into both hands - hold it close to your 
heart - now you can direct a beautiful ray of Prana from your 
heart and from your hands into the water. You only need to 
think about this and it happens right away, without any 
effort. Do this for one or two minutes. 
Water is a mirror 
Have you ever observed when water is completely still, 
how everything is reflected in it? 
It is like a mirror. 
And since water cannot stand upright people have made 
mirrors. Every mirror that is hanging somewhere is - in a 
way - framed water. 
Water and thoughts 
Dr. Emoto has already told you that water is made ill by noise and swearwords 
and shows ugly water crystals. 
Each time you say, "I'm so dumb, I can't do this, I'm not smart enough for 
that…" the water inside your body is listening, remembers your thoughts and 
does not feel well. Remember how much water there is in your body. 
So rather try, "I will make it! I am strong! I can!" 
Good thoughts make you strong and bad thoughts make you weak. 
Not only can you "charge" the water you would like to 
drink with Prana but also with nice words, loving 
thoughts, and positive images. To do that you can draw 
"mandalas", energy pictures and "catch" your thoughts 
and loving wishes in them! 
You may create your very own symbols, signs, 
or pictures for that. For example: 
for »power« a big red ball, an elephant or a big tractor... 
for »joy« lots of colorful balloons, your last birthday, 
your little sister's laughter, or your favorite toy… 
for »concentration and learning« a yellow triangle or a 
light bulb... 
for »courage« a big, strong bear or a person that you 
think of as courageous... 
Once your energy picture is finished you can cut it out 
and use it as a coaster for your drinking water. The 
water will then understand your message and absorb 
the energy you had in mind! Leave your glass on the 
mandala for a while and then drink the water! As a reminder: 
»You are beautiful!« »You fool!« »Thank you« »You dirty pig!« 
Water is Life 
The »EMOTO-project« 
We thank the following individuals and companies who have actively supported this project in many areas: 
Hans B. Schindler 
Founder of »Institute of Bioenergetic«, researcher 
and developer of the bio information system »etascan«. 
IFBIO GmbH Managing director: Bernhard Schindler 
A young and dynamic company which is specialized 
on exploring, teaching and visualizing 
bioenergetics and subtle vibrations. 
PranaVita GmbH 
Energetic Products, 
Trainings and seminars for PranaVita therapy 
Hado Life Europe 
European water laboratory of Dr. Masaru Emoto, 
Managing director DI MSC Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen 
The publisher of conscious readings. 
German publisher of Dr. Emoto's books. 
Udo Grube 
The man who brought »Bleep« to Germany. 
Prade Grafik Design 
Advertising agency 
Sensisana Naturkosmetik 
Hado Life Europe 
World Peace Project 
© Dr. Masaru Emoto

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Masaru emoto -Messages from the water

  • 1. 1 The secret language of water Dr. Masaru Emoto and PranaVita Awareness Exercises For Children
  • 2. © Dr. Masaru Emoto, Hans B. Schindler, PranaVita GmbH 2008 Texts: Klemens Kubala F. J. Suppanz ( Gabriele Horvat ( Illustration: Michael Lynn Conny Wolf (, Graphic Design: Concept & Organization: Burgi Sedlak International Prana-School Austria, Following the idea of Dr. Masaru Emoto: 2
  • 3. The secret language of water by Dr. Masaru Emoto The »Emoto-project« would like to reach out to all children of the world in a fun and pleasant way. The pictures have been lovingly selected for the children to access the world of water and to give them the understand-ing of how to live in peaceful harmony with the nature and all its creatures. The foundation of this book is the long term research and development by Dr. Masaru Emoto who has showed us his many beautiful pictures of water crystals and leading us the way to the true nature of water. As a contribution to the UNO-program »International Decade for Action water for life« from 2005-2015, Dr. Masaru Emoto has the intention to let all children of the world get his picture book for free. The »Emoto-project« goal is to teach children about Dr. Emotos water research and his vision of how we all can live in a more peaceful and healthy world. Almost all children are spontaneous and open-minded and are interested in learning new things. If we can manage together laying a seed for children to understand the meaning of peace, love, and beauty of life it will follow them all their life. As adults these values will be part of them. We think that this is our job to pass on these valuable themes to the youngest, more than ever our planet needs us to learn. PranaVita awareness exercise is supporting the »Emoto-project « through child adjusted exercises and pictures. 3
  • 4. 4 The blue planet The first astronauts looked from out of space with astonishment to our planet. They found her extremely beautiful and called her the blue planet. All the blue things are water: oceans, lakes and rivers. The planet has more than two fold water than mainland. Water is the biggest wealth we have in our world. Because without water there will be no life. Have you ever tried to be extremely thirsty? Imagine you couldn’t get anything to drink. All living creatures of our planets have it that way: trees, flowers, animals and humans. Luckily that almost everywhere in the world you’ll find water. 4
  • 5. What the Water is able to do Every day you meet water from early morning till late at night. In the morning you’ll meet it in the bath as tap water. At breakfast you will drink it as tea, milk or orange juice. Out side your door you see it as clouds in the sky. It falls like dew, rain or snow to the ground. Sometimes you see it as fog. It runs through creeks and rivers to the ocean. As a pond or a lake it silently rests. The humans don’t use water only for drinking or washing. We are sailing in boats and ships on the water, and trans-forming water into electricity. In some parts of the world they don’t have enough water. These parts are called desert. But even a desert you can make green and lively, if the humans dig canals so the water can run through them. 5
  • 6. 6 Water is living The biggest part of your bodyweight comes from water in you. That is something you don’t really notice. First when you are running and playing and start to sweating you notice how much water is in your body. Then most likely you’ll get thirsty and drink the water your body is missing, Don’t you feel well now? 6
  • 7. Water talks Where there is water people feel well-being. All over the world most people live near water. Have you once sat by a river and simply felt the joy listening and looking at water passing by? Or have you ever been amazed by the power of the waves moving toward the beach? Humans are missing water when it is not available. We build beautiful wells in our cities and make pools in our garden. In many apartments you will find an aquarium filled with water and fishes. 7
  • 8. Water is listening This is Dr. Masaru Emoto. He lives and works on the other side of the world in a country called Japan. Dr. Emoto has thought a lot about water and done a lot of research. He knows how important water is. It is the source to our life. Only if the water is pure we humans and the world are doing fine. Dr. Emoto has discovered something very amazing: The water is changing when people talk or play music to it. 8
  • 9. Ice crystals under the microscope When Dr. Emoto tells about his discovery the people start asking: What is changing in the water? All water drops keep looking the same? That is true but the images from a water drop changes when you freeze the water. Ice consists of beautiful crystals; all of them have six edges also called a hexagon. But no one is the same. Ever crystals has its own form, every crystal is unique – like you. Different crystals from a river: Picture left above: near the spring the water is healthy and clean. Picture left underneath: many times when the river reaches the ocean it is dirty and sick. 9
  • 10. 10 When thoughts get visible Dr. Emoto has looked at water crystals and took pictures. There he made his discovery: Beautiful music and kind words help making beautiful crystals. Noise and swearwords destroy the beauty of a crystal. The most beautiful things occurred when Dr. Emoto put water in bottles and put them between loudspeakers, which where playing music. Look what kind of crystals occurred and formed from the music. Vivaldi’s »Four seasons - summer«: The blossom has opened. Vivaldi’s »Four seasons - winter«: Everything is closing down; the nature is collecting its power for following springtime. Mozart’s »Symphony Nr. 40«: This music quietly heals the heart of the listener. Tchaikovsky’s »Schwanensee«: This ballet music tells the tail of a princess who was transformed into a swan. »Heavy metal«: Very noisy music with lyrics filled with anger and rage. Have these words broken the crystal into a thousand pieces? 10
  • 11. Music forms crystals. Words form crystals too. Dr. Emoto wrote words on water bottles and looked at the ice crystals that appeared from the water. »You are beautiful!« That’s what water looks like when its proud and content. »You fool!« If you constantly tell someone what a fool they are, at the end it may be impossible for that person to achieve anything. Even the water seems to feel the same way. »Thank you« You can say that to one person or to the whole world, if you feel happy about their beauty. »You dirty pig!« This is what water looks like when it is ashamed. 11
  • 12. 12 Even photos can make crystal forms. Dr. Emoto put bottles of water on photos and was astound what he found out. »Heart« Amazing! The ice crystal has the shape of a heart! »Dolphins« are very wise animals with an amazing gift. The water crystal seems to admire the intellect of this animal. »Elephant« The elephant has a long trunk. Can you find the trunk in the water crystal photo? 12
  • 13. This is the most beautiful crystal Masaru Emoto ever photographed. It aroused from the word »Love and Appreciation«. Imagine that all water would be as pure and beautiful as this. Love and appreciation can make that happen. What you think move the world! Water is every where in the world. Water is in every being. If our words and our thoughts can make the water better, then let’s do it! 13
  • 14. 14 PranaVita Awareness Exercises For Children Water is one of the elements found on earth The other elements are fire, air, and earth. In the space around us we can find all of these elements. What you see in a glass of water is already the element water. Exercise: Have you ever before heard the word "Prana"? That is a word from the Indian language and means live energy. There is Prana within all of the elements. In earth, in fire, in water and in air. By the way with every single breath you take you inhale the Prana with the air. 14
  • 15. The element water As you have read earlier in this book there is a lot of water on earth. All of that water is actually just the same water, is always the very same element. Exercise: Do you know that there are children on our earth who have never taken a shower? Where they live water is very polluted. They don't even have pure fresh water to drink. Try to imagine that all water on earth is pure and clean again. Imagine all people on earth having enough clean drinking water. Your thoughts have great power! Try it! 15
  • 16. Exercise: Would you like to make contact with the Angel of Water? Would you like to say "Hello" to it? Only very few people know about this angel and listen to it. That is why the water on earth is already so polluted. What does your Angel of Water look like? Why don't you draw it. Water is soooooo old Water already existed before the sun shined for the first time, so it is older than our sun. Can you imagine that? 16
  • 17. Water in your body You actually have a lot of water in your body: water is in your eyes, your saliva, your wee-wee - and when you are sweating, that is water leaving your body. Your body is made up of 70 % water. One could even say, your body is a cup that accounts for 30 % and the water in your body is like the liquid inside the cup and accounts for 70 %. That is quite a lot. Exercise: Have you ever tried to feel inside your body? Try it. Direct your attention right into your body and send it loving thoughts. Your body likes that very much and will stay healthy! 17
  • 18. 18 Water is moving constantly The oceans - the major part of all water - are constantly in motion. Then there are the rivers, creeks and lakes. The clouds also need to be added to this - there is a lot of water there, too. And all that water is moving all the time. Ice is frozen water. But even ice is moving all the time. It is just moving so slowly that you don't even notice. Exercise: Since water is so old and moving all the time you can use it to travel: Sit next to a streamlet and wonder where this water might take you. Where does it come from? What may it have seen and experienced on its journey? What stories does it have to tell you? What about the temperature? We humans have a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 ºFahrenheit). Thus the entire body is nicely and pleasantly warm - and the water in your body is also cozily warm. All people are about equally warm - isn't that a nice thought? At 37 ºC (98.6 ºF) you are doing well - but if your body temperature rises by 1 or 2 degrees you don't feel well anymore - you are suffering from a fever. Water may raise its temperature from 0 to 100 degrees and will still be feeling just fine! 18
  • 19. If you drink clean water it is like an empty bus, driving through your entire body. Toxins and your body's waste materials can than enter into that bus and will be taken out of your body with the wee-wee. Clear water means, there's room on the bus. If, however, you drink juice the room on the bus is already taken (by minerals and trace elements). So your body can send out less waste. Maybe you would like to make it a habit to drink good, clear water whenever possible. Your body loves that very much and will stay healthy. You can charge the water you drink kindly with life energy or Prana, creating your very own energy water. This way you will receive more energy for the periods where you are not doing so well or be feeling very tired. Exercise: Take the glass of water into both hands - hold it close to your heart - now you can direct a beautiful ray of Prana from your heart and from your hands into the water. You only need to think about this and it happens right away, without any effort. Do this for one or two minutes. 19
  • 20. Water is a mirror Have you ever observed when water is completely still, how everything is reflected in it? It is like a mirror. And since water cannot stand upright people have made mirrors. Every mirror that is hanging somewhere is - in a way - framed water. Water and thoughts Dr. Emoto has already told you that water is made ill by noise and swearwords and shows ugly water crystals. Each time you say, "I'm so dumb, I can't do this, I'm not smart enough for that…" the water inside your body is listening, remembers your thoughts and does not feel well. Remember how much water there is in your body. So rather try, "I will make it! I am strong! I can!" Good thoughts make you strong and bad thoughts make you weak. 20
  • 21. Exercise: Not only can you "charge" the water you would like to drink with Prana but also with nice words, loving thoughts, and positive images. To do that you can draw "mandalas", energy pictures and "catch" your thoughts and loving wishes in them! You may create your very own symbols, signs, or pictures for that. For example: for »power« a big red ball, an elephant or a big tractor... for »joy« lots of colorful balloons, your last birthday, your little sister's laughter, or your favorite toy… for »concentration and learning« a yellow triangle or a light bulb... for »courage« a big, strong bear or a person that you think of as courageous... Once your energy picture is finished you can cut it out and use it as a coaster for your drinking water. The water will then understand your message and absorb the energy you had in mind! Leave your glass on the mandala for a while and then drink the water! As a reminder: »You are beautiful!« »You fool!« »Thank you« »You dirty pig!« 21
  • 22. 22 Water is Life 22
  • 23. The »EMOTO-project« We thank the following individuals and companies who have actively supported this project in many areas: Hans B. Schindler Founder of »Institute of Bioenergetic«, researcher and developer of the bio information system »etascan«. IFBIO GmbH Managing director: Bernhard Schindler A young and dynamic company which is specialized on exploring, teaching and visualizing bioenergetics and subtle vibrations. PranaVita GmbH Energetic Products, Trainings and seminars for PranaVita therapy Hado Life Europe European water laboratory of Dr. Masaru Emoto, Managing director DI MSC Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen Koha-Verlag The publisher of conscious readings. German publisher of Dr. Emoto's books. Udo Grube The man who brought »Bleep« to Germany. Prade Grafik Design Advertising agency Sensisana Naturkosmetik Hado Life Europe 23
  • 24. World Peace Project © Dr. Masaru Emoto