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Essay about Scuba Diving
Scuba diving is a sport in which you can lose yourself to the beauty of the underwater world and
escape gravity for a short time. You can wander among kelp forests or swim with sleek noble
sharks. You can find a fortune in Spanish ducats or lose yourself in the beauty of the underwater
realm. Some may say though that diving is an extreme sport and that it is too risky for anyone, it's
just for the wild hooligans. Scuba Diving is a safe and enjoyable hobby despite the small risk
involved. Haven't you ever wondered what it was like to swim with the fish? Or see why all of those
people would want to were all that funny looking gear and go under the water?
The going below the water is little like being above the water. While more
It is like when you open a bottle of pop, the gas and pop are pressurized to carbonate it and when
you open the bottle bubble's form, because the pressure isn't great enough to hold it in (48).
The first thing to consider when weighing the risk of Scuba diving is how good is the instruction
that you need to become certified to dive.
There are several major certification courses and most are recognized world wide. The following
is An overview of the kind of training you will receive through the PADI Scuba diving
certification course, most all diving certification courses are similar in content and requirements
for certification. The first you learn is how to use and wear Scuba equipment (PADI Open
50,108). Some of the other skills are that you should never hold your breathe, how to operate the
Scuba equipment, and proper technique for entering the water all of these basic skills and several
other will be taught to the students by an instructor who has been trained to teach the skills
effectively and to determine wether you are competent to Scuba dive. As you progress through the
class you are taught in a classroom setting for about half of the time and then the ! other half of the
time is spent in a swimming pool where the students can master the necessary skills for diving
without having the pressure and risk of being in the open water.
Near the end of the class the students begin to dive in the open water with the instructor so
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Essay on The Underwater World
The Underwater World
"There you are, totally weightless, quietly soaring just above the sea floor with only the smallest
amount of physical exertion. Small fish come out of their holes to look at you. How about that?
You are the curiosity. You are the thing that does not belong. Perhaps this is why you dive. You
are taking part in exploring man's last ecological frontier. The very thought would excite anyone
whose blood still flows in his veins. The diver is the observer, he looks at everything he can. He
totally forgets the outside world" (Reseck 4). When I first read this piece, I got goosebumps. For
years man has explored this vast universe, spending millions of dollars, and only making a tiny
scratch on its surface. For me, more content...
In the early 1950's, rubber suits were designed. They were used to keep the diver warm. These old
"dry suits" were worn over long underwear and sweat suits or sweaters. The clothing acted as an
insulator, and the rubber suit was used to simply keep the insulation dry. But when the easily
punctured "dry suits" were torn, the insulation became wet, thus causing the insulation to be
ineffective. But a new suit, called the "wet suit" was invented. The wet suit actually strapped a
thin layer of water next to the diver's body, which soon heated up to body temperature and acted
as insulation. Nowadays, foam neoprene is used for all wet suits. When the demand for wet suits
increased, manufacturers developed the standard small, medium, and large sizes. As the market
continued to grow, the neoprene material was improved by making it softer and more flexible. A
backing was also added on the neoprene to increase its durability and service. The market grew
larger still, and ready made suits came in extra small, small, medium, medium large, large, and
extra large sizes. Today, almost anyone can walk into a store and come out with a good suit that fits
(Reseck 17). Korell 3 Scuba diving can be very dangerous and, if not approached safely, one must
know the precautions and dangers before jumping into water to dive. There are several ways to dive
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Properties of Water Essay
Properties of Water Water is essential for life as we know it on earth. It is used by plants and
animals for basic biological processes which would be impossible without the use of water. The
origin of all life can be traced back to the water in the Earth's precambrien seas. Water is also the
universal solvent. It reacts with more elements and compounds than any other substance known to
man. Water is a polar molecule made up of on atom of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen. It is
attracted to itself by hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent bonds, but
collectively these bonds hold water together and give it its cohesiveness. These bonds are also very
important to water's ability to absorb heat, as more content...
This also traps just enough warmth to keep marine animals alive during the winter. The process
of turning water into steam is a different story. Because it requires the breaking of water's
hydrogen bonds, this process takes far more energy than it does to turn water into ice. The extra
energy that is used in converting water into steam helps keep the overall temperature from getting
too hot. In this manner water regulates the temperature of both animals when they sweat, and the
earth through evaporation. Water affects the earth's ecosystems in very important ways as well.
When water in the earth's saltwater bodies evaporates into the air. This water vapor then cools
off, becomes liquid again, and then falls as rain or snow. The salt is left behind, and the resulting
precipitation helps replenish the water in lakes, streams, rivers, and the groundwater supply.
However, all of this water eventually flows down to the level of the oceans, and the cycle begins
again. Because of this cyclical pattern, water is consided to be a renewable resource. However,
some chemical impurities can remain with the water, even through the process of evaporation.
These remain in the water and cause problems until they are either filtered out by natural or
artificial processes, or until they are diluted enough that they are no longer a problem. Of all the
water on the earth, only three percent is fresh. Of that three percent, only 1/3 is considered safe for
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Water Is Essential For Life Essay
Water is essential for of life. It 's difficult for most of us to imagine that clean water is not
something that can be taken for granted, we just open the tap and here it is safe, clean and fresh
water. But this won 't be the case forever, in some countries, finding a reliable source of safe water
is often time–consuming, in other countries they spend too much money to drink water form plastic
bottles and yet we still taking it for granted and waste it even more.
With the coming of the Industrial Revolution, mankind was able to advance further and with this
advancement came one more effect, industrial pollution. Previously, industries were small plants that
produced smoke and gases as the main pollutant. However, since the number of plants were limited
and worked only a specific number of hours a day, the levels of pollution did not increase
significantly. But when these plants became full scale industries and started to manufacture units,
the problem of industrial pollution started to take on more importance.
As technology improves, scientists are capable of recognizing more pollutants, and at lower
concentrations, in Earth's water bodies. Containing small amounts of pollutants ranging from
medical pills and creams to pesticides and petroleum, our earth's water bodies are often a chemical
Colors in the effluent streams are one of the most noticeable signals of water pollution and the
drainage of streams highly contaminated with
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Essay on The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life
My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from
which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there
can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned
above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not
to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there
is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define
life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so. more content...
Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or
great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life
meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or
her role."
At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its
catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have
become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in
any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62,
'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident
is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide
range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in
humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be,
laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored.
Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those
emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in
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Life Is Like A River
If there is one consistency in life, then it is the one of change. As the ancient philosopher Heraclitus
of Ephesus articulated with a brilliant and memorable statement on the river of flux that life is like
a river: "We both step and do not step in the same rivers. We are and are not" (Heraclitus). What
Heraclitus points out for those who are unfamiliar with this school of thought is, that the natural state
of life is change where everything including ourselves is consistently changing, transforming, and
morphing into something different than it was before. This theory that life is like a river is helpful
for me to understand happiness.
I like to see happiness as the river of flux where it comes, goes, and where it never appears the
same. To me happiness has various forms and I try not to make it depended upon temporary
conditions and rather go with the flow. For instance, having a good or bad experience is really
more up to me. Yet some people may disagree with my view; however, out of my own experience
happiness is not found in the outside world, more so I believe it is something what comes from
within. The inside of that is that I am responsible for creating, living, and making conscious
decisions on choosing to be happy in my life. For example, as a young adult, I knew I wanted to
stretch my boundaries and pursue everything the world had to offer. I left my home country of
Germany to move to the United States. I wanted to increase my fluency with the English language
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Essay on Deep Sea Ocean Life
With the help of international crews and scientist as well as post war era naval technologies, we're
able to finally find out what lies beneath the great oceans. In 1977, under the direction of Bob
Ballard, a navigation group from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Scripps Institute of
Oceanography and researchers from Oregon State joined together aboard the Knorr. Over the
GalГЎpagos Rift with Alvin the world's first deep–sea manned submersible they had plans to find
such venting systems. At latitude 21 degrees North the Alvin reached 9,200 feet (2.8km) at the
bottom where a computer read out a curious 7.6 degrees Celsius (Cone, 83). It is now commonly
known, in the scientific community, that the movement of the Earths crust has more
The landscape had been overgrown with high columns protruding from the ground. They had
discovered a new ecosystem on earth. An ecosystem that did not rely on sun energy to perpetuate
a cycle but one that used another form of energy produced billions of years ago. These anamolies
posed the question of the origin of life on Earth. When a ridge axis is supplied with a source of hot
magma the heat is distributed laterally along the crust and cools. The crust then becomes porous
and permeable. Sea water intrusion in to the rock starts a cycle where both become chemically
altered. The permeability of the crust and the distance to a heat source dictates the variations in a
solution called hydrothermal fluid which is ejected. This fluid reaches extreme temperatures before
it hits the cold ocean water. It cools causing new minerals to crystalize on the seafloor forming a
chimney–like structure. The solution created from this cycle provides the material for specific
organisms to produce energy out of this inorganic material and thus further sustain life. The cycle
begins with the chemistry of the ocean water and the composition of the sea floor and is best
explained by rections that occur within three zones of the hydrothermosphere. Most saltwater, 96.5
percent is pure water and has four elements; sodium, chloride, magnesium and sulfur that make up
the rest and are present as charged ions (Cone 138). Sea floor is lithosphere primarily made up
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Essay on Water Pollution Kills Sea Life
Dumpster diving is going to be like swimming in a lake in 2025. Water pollution is a major
problem in today's society. According to health and environment linkages Initiative if we continue
polluting our water like we do today two out of three people on the globe may be living in water
stressed conditions. Over years and years, water pollution has been an issued and there has been
examples in today's society that show it is an occurring problem. It may not seem like it but water
pollution affects everywhere and everyone around it but there are simple solutions we can do to
solve the challenge.
Every day Water Pollution is an ongoing problem because it kills sea life, causes water
contamination and, destroys ecosystem. There are more content...
Sea turtles are unable to chew plastic so it will clog up their throat and they will not be able to
breathe anymore. Other trash in the ocean can get caught on fins, necks and tails of the sea
animals and the trash could kill them. The trash in the ocean will also contaminate the water and
make it hard for sea animals to breath, it is just like fish living in a dirty fish tank. With
contaminated water, it is imperative that a person drinks safe water. According to health and
environment linkages initiative over 1 billion people globally lack access to safe drinking water
and there are approximately 1.7 million deaths each year. Drinking the contaminated water can
cause diseases like gastrointestinal and death. I realized that the world is 7o percent water but only
2.5 percent is fresh water. So even though we have plenty of water most of its contaminated.
Over the years water pollution has been going on. In fact water pollution has been around since
humans. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into bodies of
water. There are many causes that cause water pollution like oil, trash, sewage, fertilizer and plastic.
According to conserve future plastic cause huge destruction of marine life and is believed to have
killed 100,000 sea animals.
There are examples in today society that show water pollution exist all around us. Toxins have been
discharged into the
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Life Under Water Essay

  • 1. Essay about Scuba Diving Scuba diving is a sport in which you can lose yourself to the beauty of the underwater world and escape gravity for a short time. You can wander among kelp forests or swim with sleek noble sharks. You can find a fortune in Spanish ducats or lose yourself in the beauty of the underwater realm. Some may say though that diving is an extreme sport and that it is too risky for anyone, it's just for the wild hooligans. Scuba Diving is a safe and enjoyable hobby despite the small risk involved. Haven't you ever wondered what it was like to swim with the fish? Or see why all of those people would want to were all that funny looking gear and go under the water? The going below the water is little like being above the water. While more content... It is like when you open a bottle of pop, the gas and pop are pressurized to carbonate it and when you open the bottle bubble's form, because the pressure isn't great enough to hold it in (48). The first thing to consider when weighing the risk of Scuba diving is how good is the instruction that you need to become certified to dive. There are several major certification courses and most are recognized world wide. The following is An overview of the kind of training you will receive through the PADI Scuba diving certification course, most all diving certification courses are similar in content and requirements for certification. The first you learn is how to use and wear Scuba equipment (PADI Open 50,108). Some of the other skills are that you should never hold your breathe, how to operate the Scuba equipment, and proper technique for entering the water all of these basic skills and several other will be taught to the students by an instructor who has been trained to teach the skills effectively and to determine wether you are competent to Scuba dive. As you progress through the class you are taught in a classroom setting for about half of the time and then the ! other half of the time is spent in a swimming pool where the students can master the necessary skills for diving without having the pressure and risk of being in the open water. Near the end of the class the students begin to dive in the open water with the instructor so Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on The Underwater World The Underwater World "There you are, totally weightless, quietly soaring just above the sea floor with only the smallest amount of physical exertion. Small fish come out of their holes to look at you. How about that? You are the curiosity. You are the thing that does not belong. Perhaps this is why you dive. You are taking part in exploring man's last ecological frontier. The very thought would excite anyone whose blood still flows in his veins. The diver is the observer, he looks at everything he can. He totally forgets the outside world" (Reseck 4). When I first read this piece, I got goosebumps. For years man has explored this vast universe, spending millions of dollars, and only making a tiny scratch on its surface. For me, more content... In the early 1950's, rubber suits were designed. They were used to keep the diver warm. These old "dry suits" were worn over long underwear and sweat suits or sweaters. The clothing acted as an insulator, and the rubber suit was used to simply keep the insulation dry. But when the easily punctured "dry suits" were torn, the insulation became wet, thus causing the insulation to be ineffective. But a new suit, called the "wet suit" was invented. The wet suit actually strapped a thin layer of water next to the diver's body, which soon heated up to body temperature and acted as insulation. Nowadays, foam neoprene is used for all wet suits. When the demand for wet suits increased, manufacturers developed the standard small, medium, and large sizes. As the market continued to grow, the neoprene material was improved by making it softer and more flexible. A backing was also added on the neoprene to increase its durability and service. The market grew larger still, and ready made suits came in extra small, small, medium, medium large, large, and extra large sizes. Today, almost anyone can walk into a store and come out with a good suit that fits (Reseck 17). Korell 3 Scuba diving can be very dangerous and, if not approached safely, one must know the precautions and dangers before jumping into water to dive. There are several ways to dive Get more content on
  • 3. Properties of Water Essay Properties of Water Water is essential for life as we know it on earth. It is used by plants and animals for basic biological processes which would be impossible without the use of water. The origin of all life can be traced back to the water in the Earth's precambrien seas. Water is also the universal solvent. It reacts with more elements and compounds than any other substance known to man. Water is a polar molecule made up of on atom of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen. It is attracted to itself by hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent bonds, but collectively these bonds hold water together and give it its cohesiveness. These bonds are also very important to water's ability to absorb heat, as more content... This also traps just enough warmth to keep marine animals alive during the winter. The process of turning water into steam is a different story. Because it requires the breaking of water's hydrogen bonds, this process takes far more energy than it does to turn water into ice. The extra energy that is used in converting water into steam helps keep the overall temperature from getting too hot. In this manner water regulates the temperature of both animals when they sweat, and the earth through evaporation. Water affects the earth's ecosystems in very important ways as well. When water in the earth's saltwater bodies evaporates into the air. This water vapor then cools off, becomes liquid again, and then falls as rain or snow. The salt is left behind, and the resulting precipitation helps replenish the water in lakes, streams, rivers, and the groundwater supply. However, all of this water eventually flows down to the level of the oceans, and the cycle begins again. Because of this cyclical pattern, water is consided to be a renewable resource. However, some chemical impurities can remain with the water, even through the process of evaporation. These remain in the water and cause problems until they are either filtered out by natural or artificial processes, or until they are diluted enough that they are no longer a problem. Of all the water on the earth, only three percent is fresh. Of that three percent, only 1/3 is considered safe for Get more content on
  • 4. Water Is Essential For Life Essay CHAPTER (1) INTRODUCTION Water is essential for of life. It 's difficult for most of us to imagine that clean water is not something that can be taken for granted, we just open the tap and here it is safe, clean and fresh water. But this won 't be the case forever, in some countries, finding a reliable source of safe water is often time–consuming, in other countries they spend too much money to drink water form plastic bottles and yet we still taking it for granted and waste it even more. With the coming of the Industrial Revolution, mankind was able to advance further and with this advancement came one more effect, industrial pollution. Previously, industries were small plants that produced smoke and gases as the main pollutant. However, since the number of plants were limited and worked only a specific number of hours a day, the levels of pollution did not increase significantly. But when these plants became full scale industries and started to manufacture units, the problem of industrial pollution started to take on more importance. As technology improves, scientists are capable of recognizing more pollutants, and at lower concentrations, in Earth's water bodies. Containing small amounts of pollutants ranging from medical pills and creams to pesticides and petroleum, our earth's water bodies are often a chemical cocktail. Colors in the effluent streams are one of the most noticeable signals of water pollution and the drainage of streams highly contaminated with Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on The Meaning of Life The Meaning of Life My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so. more content... Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role." At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62, 'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored. Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in Get more content on
  • 6. Life Is Like A River If there is one consistency in life, then it is the one of change. As the ancient philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus articulated with a brilliant and memorable statement on the river of flux that life is like a river: "We both step and do not step in the same rivers. We are and are not" (Heraclitus). What Heraclitus points out for those who are unfamiliar with this school of thought is, that the natural state of life is change where everything including ourselves is consistently changing, transforming, and morphing into something different than it was before. This theory that life is like a river is helpful for me to understand happiness. I like to see happiness as the river of flux where it comes, goes, and where it never appears the same. To me happiness has various forms and I try not to make it depended upon temporary conditions and rather go with the flow. For instance, having a good or bad experience is really more up to me. Yet some people may disagree with my view; however, out of my own experience happiness is not found in the outside world, more so I believe it is something what comes from within. The inside of that is that I am responsible for creating, living, and making conscious decisions on choosing to be happy in my life. For example, as a young adult, I knew I wanted to stretch my boundaries and pursue everything the world had to offer. I left my home country of Germany to move to the United States. I wanted to increase my fluency with the English language Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Deep Sea Ocean Life With the help of international crews and scientist as well as post war era naval technologies, we're able to finally find out what lies beneath the great oceans. In 1977, under the direction of Bob Ballard, a navigation group from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Scripps Institute of Oceanography and researchers from Oregon State joined together aboard the Knorr. Over the GalГЎpagos Rift with Alvin the world's first deep–sea manned submersible they had plans to find such venting systems. At latitude 21 degrees North the Alvin reached 9,200 feet (2.8km) at the bottom where a computer read out a curious 7.6 degrees Celsius (Cone, 83). It is now commonly known, in the scientific community, that the movement of the Earths crust has more content... The landscape had been overgrown with high columns protruding from the ground. They had discovered a new ecosystem on earth. An ecosystem that did not rely on sun energy to perpetuate a cycle but one that used another form of energy produced billions of years ago. These anamolies posed the question of the origin of life on Earth. When a ridge axis is supplied with a source of hot magma the heat is distributed laterally along the crust and cools. The crust then becomes porous and permeable. Sea water intrusion in to the rock starts a cycle where both become chemically altered. The permeability of the crust and the distance to a heat source dictates the variations in a solution called hydrothermal fluid which is ejected. This fluid reaches extreme temperatures before it hits the cold ocean water. It cools causing new minerals to crystalize on the seafloor forming a chimney–like structure. The solution created from this cycle provides the material for specific organisms to produce energy out of this inorganic material and thus further sustain life. The cycle begins with the chemistry of the ocean water and the composition of the sea floor and is best explained by rections that occur within three zones of the hydrothermosphere. Most saltwater, 96.5 percent is pure water and has four elements; sodium, chloride, magnesium and sulfur that make up the rest and are present as charged ions (Cone 138). Sea floor is lithosphere primarily made up Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Water Pollution Kills Sea Life Dumpster diving is going to be like swimming in a lake in 2025. Water pollution is a major problem in today's society. According to health and environment linkages Initiative if we continue polluting our water like we do today two out of three people on the globe may be living in water stressed conditions. Over years and years, water pollution has been an issued and there has been examples in today's society that show it is an occurring problem. It may not seem like it but water pollution affects everywhere and everyone around it but there are simple solutions we can do to solve the challenge. Every day Water Pollution is an ongoing problem because it kills sea life, causes water contamination and, destroys ecosystem. There are more content... Sea turtles are unable to chew plastic so it will clog up their throat and they will not be able to breathe anymore. Other trash in the ocean can get caught on fins, necks and tails of the sea animals and the trash could kill them. The trash in the ocean will also contaminate the water and make it hard for sea animals to breath, it is just like fish living in a dirty fish tank. With contaminated water, it is imperative that a person drinks safe water. According to health and environment linkages initiative over 1 billion people globally lack access to safe drinking water and there are approximately 1.7 million deaths each year. Drinking the contaminated water can cause diseases like gastrointestinal and death. I realized that the world is 7o percent water but only 2.5 percent is fresh water. So even though we have plenty of water most of its contaminated. Over the years water pollution has been going on. In fact water pollution has been around since humans. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into bodies of water. There are many causes that cause water pollution like oil, trash, sewage, fertilizer and plastic. According to conserve future plastic cause huge destruction of marine life and is believed to have killed 100,000 sea animals. There are examples in today society that show water pollution exist all around us. Toxins have been discharged into the Get more content on