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Sieu thi dien may Viet Long -
                                 APPLE DOESN’T HAVE SOME                                 selling your product for you. Just as Apple
                                 special place where their marketing secrets             has harnessed this power more than any
                                 are kept, unless of course you count their              company in history now you can too. So
                                 charismatic CEO’s brain. The five secrets I              even though these really aren’t Apple’s
                                 offer here are careful deductions, empirical            secrets these just may be even better. Here
                                 results and the product of my career as an              are my proven ideas to help you market like
                                 engineer, sales rep, product manager,                   Apple and improve your business and your
                                 marketing executive, parent, son and avid               reputation at the same time. All I ask is that
                                 consumer (although not necessarily in that              you share this eBook with everyone and
                                 order.) These secrets are super condensed               please come to to
                                 learnings from my nearly decade-long tenure             share your thoughts, ideas and comments to
                                 at Apple about how and why people spring                improve on our collective ‘secrets’.
                                 to action. Since that time, I’ve uncovered
                                 many ways that can enable any company to
                                                                                         OF COURSE THE REAL SECRET
                                 tap into people’s innate desire to share their          is there are more than just five secrets. But
                                 passion for products and help create “lift” -           you’ll have to visit my website - or hire me -
                                 the irresistible force of millions of customers         to learn the rest. Enjoy.

          Copyright holder is licensing this eBook under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 3.0
          Please feel free to post this eBook on your blog, email it, or link to it with whomever you believe will benefit from reading it.
People buy what other people have.
PRODUCTS DON’T                                  player. They are inviting you to         headphones and you are a               Figure out how to add
SELL. PEOPLE DO.                                experience the Apple lifestyle           member of the club. Think back         something to your product that
Look carefully at Apple’s iPod                  and to become part of the iPod           to the first PowerBook - it was a       does for you what Apple’s white
commercials. You’ll see lots of                 community. Use any other MP3             unique dark grey color (it was         headphones do: give people an
happy, energetic people dancing                 player and you’ll hear good                      patterned after a color        easy way to sell for you while
in silhouette against a colorful                music. Use an iPod and you’ll                    designed by Whirlpool’s        making them feel like they are
and ever-changing background.                   feel good. You’ll fit in. Product                 Refrigerator research to       part of an exclusive club. More
Notice the distinctive white                    features don’t create fans. Focus        hide or eliminate fingerprints) In      about this in Chapter 3.
headphones flowing in unison to                  on what people do and show               both cases, the distinctive grey
the owner’s movements. What                     how they feel using your stuff.          PowerBook case and the more
you don’t see is a focus on iPod.                                                        recent white iPod headphones
                                                SHOW WHAT MATTERS.                       are status symbols (and uniquely
No close-ups of how you select
                                                Those white iPod headphones              Apple.) Even the glowing Apple
a song or adjust the volume
                                                were not designed by engineers -         logo was fixed to be right-side
level. Why would Apple take all
                                                they are a pure Apple marketing          up for others (it’s upside down
the time to make a great user
                                                trick designed to make the               to you when you open your new
interface only to not show it on
                                                visible part of their product a          MacBook because you are selling
television? The reason is simple:
                                                status symbol.     Wear white            the brand to others for Apple. )
Apple isn’t selling you an MP3

This eBook courtesy of Steve Chazin, former Apple, Inc. sales and marketing executive.    Page 3          Copyright @ 2007   All Rights Reserved
Make something good greater.
IMPROVE THE WORLD.                            not the mobile phone. The Mac, iPod, iTunes                Assistants - and failed miserably. Even the
                                              and iPhone are all successful because they                 Mac improved on Apple’s Lisa. Just ask Steve.
Conventional wisdom says being first to
                                              were late to market and improved on existing
market is advantageous and that Apple is a
                                              designs and functionality. Apple does one                  IPOD DOESN’T MAKE THE
leader in creating new categories.
                                              thing very well: making complex things easy                MUSIC SOUND BETTER.
Conventional wisdom is wrong on both
                                              and elegant. The iPod is successful because it              As an Apple employee and engineer by trade
counts. Apple has never really invented
                                              makes getting your music into your pocket                  expecting a miracle in 1997 (when the
anything new. They didn’t invent the PC, the
                                              dead simple. Apple took existing MP3 player                company was near bankruptcy) I was let
MP3 player, downloadable music, and certainly
                                              designs and applied their experience and                   down when I first saw the iMac. On paper it
                                              technology to improve it. Plug your iPod in                was no better a computer than the Performa
                                              its cradle and it takes care of moving your                it replaced so we promoted it as the easiest
                                              music to your iPod, organized the same way it              way to get on the Internet. That marketing
                                              is on your computer. You’re done (and your                 saved the company, not better technology,
                                              iPod is charged at the same time - bonus!)                 Today, the iPod doesn’t make your music
                                              Other MP3 players are still trying to catch up             sound better, provide better battery life, or
                                              with this elegant brilliance. On the other                 save you money, What it does is make Apple
                                              hand, Apple’s Newton tried to carve out a                  fans.
                                              whole new category - Portable Digital

This eBook courtesy of Steve Chazin, former Apple, Inc. sales and marketing executive.   Page 4   Copyright @ 2007   All Rights Reserved
Help your customers help you.
EARLY ADOPTERS                                  two things at once: hide grime           your product than your own            world, make part of your website
                                                while differentiating its owner.         polished collateral ever will.        embeddable* on any MySpace or
WANT TO HELP YOU.                               Having a PowerBook was a                                                       FaceBook profile and make it
Early adopters are taking a
                                                status symbol so owners were             STICKERS & T-SHIRTS.                  easy to cut and paste your
chance on you and want you to                                                            How can happy early adopters
                                                proud to show them off and help                                                HTML code anywhere.
succeed. iPhone users feel what                                                          market for you? Simply provide
                                                win converts. Apple earned
early PowerBook users felt in                                                            something with the product that
                                                nearly 40% marketshare on the
1993. If you walked down the                                                             does it for you. Come up with
                                                back of early PowerBooks users.
aisle of an airplane then you’d                                                          your own version of Apple’s
notice those distinctive grey                   Look at how iPhone users today           white headphones to make your
Apple laptops standing out in a                 are adding their voice to Apple’s        product stand out. Or borrow
sea of unremarkable beige ones.                 own marketing efforts. I decided         another Apple trick - give away
Track balls and palm rests were                 to purchase my iPhone only after         stickers (I’ve lost track of how
real Apple innovations in the day               reading a blog from one early            many Dell’s I’ve seen sporting
(other laptops had the keyboard                 adopter who tried to scratch his         Apple stickers) or make T-shirts
on the front lip - Apple fixed                   screen and failed. Real user’s           available from your website so
that) but the grey color was                    unbiased, heartfelt reporting will       owners can proudly display your
more important because it did                   convince more people to choose           logo for you. And in the Web 2.0        * Go to for a solution

This eBook courtesy of Steve Chazin, former Apple, Inc. sales and marketing executive.    Page 5         Copyright @ 2007   All Rights Reserved
Boil the story down to its syrupy goodness.
MARKETING ISN’T ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY.                                                      MARKETING DIFFERENT.
                        Before the Internet, marketers reached                           Look at how Apple focuses the message. Mac was “The Computer
                        potential customers via print, billboard,                        for the Rest of Us.” iPod was “1,000 Songs in
                        radio and TV ads.        Marketers had 30                        Your Pocket. “ iMac was “3 Steps to the
                        seconds to tell their story and competition                      Internet.” And Pepsi challenged Coke only
                        was limited to brands with multi-million                         after “Choice of a New Generation” These
                        dollar budgets. But the web changed all                          messages are memorable and transcend
                        that. Today attention spans are only a few                       product features. Lift occurs only after
seconds long and anyone with an AdSense account can vie for the                          prospects and customers can easily repeat
same customers as big brands. And while a company’s website is                           your message to their friends and colleagues.
now the primary place to tell a story, many                                                                     G re a t m a r ke t i n g
marketers push so much drivel at people that most                                                               entices people to
visitors leave without taking action. Webmasters                                                                consider your product and purchase it.
call it the “bounce rate.” Make sure everyone who                                                               Apple’s marketing is so good it creates
comes to your website leaves with clarity about                                                                 purchases even before people see it. That
you via a tight, memorable message or image, even                                                               happens when people do your marketing for
if they don’t purchase. Only then can they spread                                                               you - 250,000 first day iPhone sales proves
your word. Marketing isn’t what you do to reach                                                                 the point. Remember, Marketing isn’t about
your first customers, it’s what you do to help your                                                              what you say, it’s what others say for you.
first customers reach the rest. Tight messages are                                                               Make sure you equip them with the right
required.                                                                                                       words.

This eBook courtesy of Steve Chazin, former Apple, Inc. sales and marketing executive.   Page 6         Copyright @ 2007   All Rights Reserved
Surprise and delight your customers.
FOCUS ON THE FEEL.                                              So start with the packaging. Look at the        important white Apple stickers)          The
Marketing is all about the complete package.                    iPhone box:     finely crafted, with extra       experience of opening an Apple product
Walk into an Apple store and you’ll feel less                   touches like velvet-lining reminiscent of a     becomes one more thing to share with the
like you are in a store and more like you’re                    fine watch box. The iPhone rests in a tiny       world - Google the plethora of “unboxing”
in a museum. This gives future customers a                                         lucite bed, cradling the     sites dedicated to sharing the experience of
chance to experience the product among                                             object d’art. Included is    opening a new package. Only Apple and
other like-minded people in a safe and fun                                         a tiny pamplet called        Sony rate a high number of people eager to
environment. Make your website feel like an                                        “Finger Tips” (cute, huh)    share with the world. Make great packaging
Apple store - surround the product with                         and a cleaning cloth (along with the all-       and you’ll have earn your own fans. And
testimonials and customer feedback.                                                                             remember that fan is shorthand for fanatic.

                                                                                                                The Mac was not just easier to use than the
START WITH THE PACKAGING.                                                                                       PC - it also had style. Style is Apple’s brand.
Many marketers forget that their relationship
                                                                                                                Creative people gravitate to it because it
with the customer really starts after they buy
                                                                                                                frees their brain from having to “use” a
from you. Make their first experience
                                                                                                                computer. Designers, authors, artists and
memorable. Remember, you are counting on
                                                                                                                your customers are all fans of good design and
your customers to help spread the word -
                                                                                                                respond to those extra, thoughtful touches.
and they need positive experiences to share.

This eBook courtesy of Steve Chazin, former Apple, Inc. sales and marketing executive.   Page 7         Copyright @ 2007   All Rights Reserved
Learn the secrets you (really)
              need to know.
How does a huge company go from the brink of bankruptcy to
  worldwide success and 1000% stock growth seemingly
    overnight? The answer is simple, yet surprising:
        Better Marketing. And the company is Apple.
         This eBook teaches you 5 of the most important
         Apple-style marketing tips and tricks you can apply to
         help your business. Learn some of the marketing
         secrets that propelled Apple from the backwaters of
         the PC market to the worldwide leader in consumer
         electronics, music, video and mobile. Everyone - not
         just marketers - will benefit from these simple rules.
         This eBook is a free public service from a former
         Apple employee and current practitioner of
         MarketingApple viral marketing. Please share this
         eBook with all your friends and visit to learn more and post
          your comments and ideas for the community.
               Together we’ll build a valuable resource to help
                    everyone market as well as Apple.

                              -   Steve

                     Apple, PowerBook, iPod, iMac, MacBook and other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple, Inc.. Sony, Google and other company and
                     product names are trademarks of their own companies. All rights reserved. This eBook created entirely on a Mac using Pages 2.0 Copyright 2007

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Marketing apple e book

  • 1. Sieu thi dien may Viet Long -
  • 2. Well... APPLE DOESN’T HAVE SOME selling your product for you. Just as Apple special place where their marketing secrets has harnessed this power more than any are kept, unless of course you count their company in history now you can too. So charismatic CEO’s brain. The five secrets I even though these really aren’t Apple’s offer here are careful deductions, empirical secrets these just may be even better. Here results and the product of my career as an are my proven ideas to help you market like engineer, sales rep, product manager, Apple and improve your business and your marketing executive, parent, son and avid reputation at the same time. All I ask is that consumer (although not necessarily in that you share this eBook with everyone and order.) These secrets are super condensed please come to to learnings from my nearly decade-long tenure share your thoughts, ideas and comments to at Apple about how and why people spring improve on our collective ‘secrets’. to action. Since that time, I’ve uncovered many ways that can enable any company to OF COURSE THE REAL SECRET tap into people’s innate desire to share their is there are more than just five secrets. But passion for products and help create “lift” - you’ll have to visit my website - or hire me - the irresistible force of millions of customers to learn the rest. Enjoy. Copyright holder is licensing this eBook under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 3.0 Please feel free to post this eBook on your blog, email it, or link to it with whomever you believe will benefit from reading it.
  • 3. People buy what other people have. PRODUCTS DON’T player. They are inviting you to headphones and you are a Figure out how to add SELL. PEOPLE DO. experience the Apple lifestyle member of the club. Think back something to your product that Look carefully at Apple’s iPod and to become part of the iPod to the first PowerBook - it was a does for you what Apple’s white commercials. You’ll see lots of community. Use any other MP3 unique dark grey color (it was headphones do: give people an happy, energetic people dancing player and you’ll hear good patterned after a color easy way to sell for you while in silhouette against a colorful music. Use an iPod and you’ll designed by Whirlpool’s making them feel like they are and ever-changing background. feel good. You’ll fit in. Product Refrigerator research to part of an exclusive club. More Notice the distinctive white features don’t create fans. Focus hide or eliminate fingerprints) In about this in Chapter 3. headphones flowing in unison to on what people do and show both cases, the distinctive grey the owner’s movements. What how they feel using your stuff. PowerBook case and the more you don’t see is a focus on iPod. recent white iPod headphones SHOW WHAT MATTERS. are status symbols (and uniquely No close-ups of how you select Those white iPod headphones Apple.) Even the glowing Apple a song or adjust the volume were not designed by engineers - logo was fixed to be right-side level. Why would Apple take all they are a pure Apple marketing up for others (it’s upside down the time to make a great user trick designed to make the to you when you open your new interface only to not show it on visible part of their product a MacBook because you are selling television? The reason is simple: status symbol. Wear white the brand to others for Apple. ) Apple isn’t selling you an MP3 This eBook courtesy of Steve Chazin, former Apple, Inc. sales and marketing executive. Page 3 Copyright @ 2007 All Rights Reserved
  • 4. Make something good greater. IMPROVE THE WORLD. not the mobile phone. The Mac, iPod, iTunes Assistants - and failed miserably. Even the and iPhone are all successful because they Mac improved on Apple’s Lisa. Just ask Steve. Conventional wisdom says being first to were late to market and improved on existing market is advantageous and that Apple is a designs and functionality. Apple does one IPOD DOESN’T MAKE THE leader in creating new categories. thing very well: making complex things easy MUSIC SOUND BETTER. Conventional wisdom is wrong on both and elegant. The iPod is successful because it As an Apple employee and engineer by trade counts. Apple has never really invented makes getting your music into your pocket expecting a miracle in 1997 (when the anything new. They didn’t invent the PC, the dead simple. Apple took existing MP3 player company was near bankruptcy) I was let MP3 player, downloadable music, and certainly designs and applied their experience and down when I first saw the iMac. On paper it technology to improve it. Plug your iPod in was no better a computer than the Performa its cradle and it takes care of moving your it replaced so we promoted it as the easiest music to your iPod, organized the same way it way to get on the Internet. That marketing is on your computer. You’re done (and your saved the company, not better technology, iPod is charged at the same time - bonus!) Today, the iPod doesn’t make your music Other MP3 players are still trying to catch up sound better, provide better battery life, or with this elegant brilliance. On the other save you money, What it does is make Apple hand, Apple’s Newton tried to carve out a fans. whole new category - Portable Digital This eBook courtesy of Steve Chazin, former Apple, Inc. sales and marketing executive. Page 4 Copyright @ 2007 All Rights Reserved
  • 5. Help your customers help you. EARLY ADOPTERS two things at once: hide grime your product than your own world, make part of your website while differentiating its owner. polished collateral ever will. embeddable* on any MySpace or WANT TO HELP YOU. Having a PowerBook was a FaceBook profile and make it Early adopters are taking a status symbol so owners were STICKERS & T-SHIRTS. easy to cut and paste your chance on you and want you to How can happy early adopters proud to show them off and help HTML code anywhere. succeed. iPhone users feel what market for you? Simply provide win converts. Apple earned early PowerBook users felt in something with the product that nearly 40% marketshare on the 1993. If you walked down the does it for you. Come up with back of early PowerBooks users. aisle of an airplane then you’d your own version of Apple’s notice those distinctive grey Look at how iPhone users today white headphones to make your Apple laptops standing out in a are adding their voice to Apple’s product stand out. Or borrow sea of unremarkable beige ones. own marketing efforts. I decided another Apple trick - give away Track balls and palm rests were to purchase my iPhone only after stickers (I’ve lost track of how real Apple innovations in the day reading a blog from one early many Dell’s I’ve seen sporting (other laptops had the keyboard adopter who tried to scratch his Apple stickers) or make T-shirts on the front lip - Apple fixed screen and failed. Real user’s available from your website so that) but the grey color was unbiased, heartfelt reporting will owners can proudly display your more important because it did convince more people to choose logo for you. And in the Web 2.0 * Go to for a solution This eBook courtesy of Steve Chazin, former Apple, Inc. sales and marketing executive. Page 5 Copyright @ 2007 All Rights Reserved
  • 6. Boil the story down to its syrupy goodness. MARKETING ISN’T ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY. MARKETING DIFFERENT. Before the Internet, marketers reached Look at how Apple focuses the message. Mac was “The Computer potential customers via print, billboard, for the Rest of Us.” iPod was “1,000 Songs in radio and TV ads. Marketers had 30 Your Pocket. “ iMac was “3 Steps to the seconds to tell their story and competition Internet.” And Pepsi challenged Coke only was limited to brands with multi-million after “Choice of a New Generation” These dollar budgets. But the web changed all messages are memorable and transcend that. Today attention spans are only a few product features. Lift occurs only after seconds long and anyone with an AdSense account can vie for the prospects and customers can easily repeat same customers as big brands. And while a company’s website is your message to their friends and colleagues. now the primary place to tell a story, many G re a t m a r ke t i n g marketers push so much drivel at people that most entices people to visitors leave without taking action. Webmasters consider your product and purchase it. call it the “bounce rate.” Make sure everyone who Apple’s marketing is so good it creates comes to your website leaves with clarity about purchases even before people see it. That you via a tight, memorable message or image, even happens when people do your marketing for if they don’t purchase. Only then can they spread you - 250,000 first day iPhone sales proves your word. Marketing isn’t what you do to reach the point. Remember, Marketing isn’t about your first customers, it’s what you do to help your what you say, it’s what others say for you. first customers reach the rest. Tight messages are Make sure you equip them with the right required. words. This eBook courtesy of Steve Chazin, former Apple, Inc. sales and marketing executive. Page 6 Copyright @ 2007 All Rights Reserved
  • 7. Surprise and delight your customers. FOCUS ON THE FEEL. So start with the packaging. Look at the important white Apple stickers) The Marketing is all about the complete package. iPhone box: finely crafted, with extra experience of opening an Apple product Walk into an Apple store and you’ll feel less touches like velvet-lining reminiscent of a becomes one more thing to share with the like you are in a store and more like you’re fine watch box. The iPhone rests in a tiny world - Google the plethora of “unboxing” in a museum. This gives future customers a lucite bed, cradling the sites dedicated to sharing the experience of chance to experience the product among object d’art. Included is opening a new package. Only Apple and other like-minded people in a safe and fun a tiny pamplet called Sony rate a high number of people eager to environment. Make your website feel like an “Finger Tips” (cute, huh) share with the world. Make great packaging Apple store - surround the product with and a cleaning cloth (along with the all- and you’ll have earn your own fans. And testimonials and customer feedback. remember that fan is shorthand for fanatic. The Mac was not just easier to use than the START WITH THE PACKAGING. PC - it also had style. Style is Apple’s brand. Many marketers forget that their relationship Creative people gravitate to it because it with the customer really starts after they buy frees their brain from having to “use” a from you. Make their first experience computer. Designers, authors, artists and memorable. Remember, you are counting on your customers are all fans of good design and your customers to help spread the word - respond to those extra, thoughtful touches. and they need positive experiences to share. This eBook courtesy of Steve Chazin, former Apple, Inc. sales and marketing executive. Page 7 Copyright @ 2007 All Rights Reserved
  • 8. Learn the secrets you (really) need to know. ONE MORE THING... How does a huge company go from the brink of bankruptcy to worldwide success and 1000% stock growth seemingly overnight? The answer is simple, yet surprising: Better Marketing. And the company is Apple. This eBook teaches you 5 of the most important Apple-style marketing tips and tricks you can apply to help your business. Learn some of the marketing secrets that propelled Apple from the backwaters of the PC market to the worldwide leader in consumer electronics, music, video and mobile. Everyone - not just marketers - will benefit from these simple rules. This eBook is a free public service from a former Apple employee and current practitioner of MarketingApple viral marketing. Please share this eBook with all your friends and visit to learn more and post your comments and ideas for the community. Together we’ll build a valuable resource to help everyone market as well as Apple. - Steve Apple, PowerBook, iPod, iMac, MacBook and other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple, Inc.. Sony, Google and other company and product names are trademarks of their own companies. All rights reserved. This eBook created entirely on a Mac using Pages 2.0 Copyright 2007