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              Marriage counseling is a type of psychotherapy for a married couple or established partners that
              tries to resolve problems in the relationship. Typically, two people attend counseling sessions
              together to discuss specific issues.


              Marriage counseling is based on research that shows that individuals and their problems are best
              handled within the context of their relationships. Marriage counselors are trained in
              psychotherapy and family systems, and focus on understanding their clients' symptoms and the
              way their interactions contribute to problems in the relationship.


              Marriage counseling is usually a short-term therapy that may take only a few sessions to work
              out problems in the relationship. Typically, marriage counselors ask questions about the couple's
              roles, patterns, rules, goals, and beliefs. Therapy often begins as the couple analyzes the good
              and bad aspects...

Marriage counseling - Definition
Marriage counseling is a type of psychological counseling where a married couple meet with the psychologist, social worker or other
type of mental health professional for counseling to hopefully heal their marriage. When one of the partners refuses to go to marriage
counseling it is usually a sign that party is considering divorce. Marriage counseling can be seen as a type of mediation aimed at
conciliation. Some parties who get divorce use a similar process through divorce mediation to determine issues like custody, spousal
support and the division of property.

Many individuals refuse to seek counseling because of the feeling that they are admitting that their marriage has failed. However,
many couples in successful marriages seek counseling to resolve difficult issues, to confront their own psychological problems within
the context of couples therapy or to find a neutral space where they can work on their relationship. Some marriage counselors may
meet with the partners separately before meeting with them together, or may even have individual counselors who meet with the
partners and then have a group session with all the counselors and the partners.

                      What to Look For in Pre-Marriage Preparation

                      Here's a concise list of seven relationship skill and knowledge
                      areas that research has shown to contribute to the success and
                      endurance of marriage:

                           Personalities and families-of-origin
                           Conflict resolution
                           Intimacy and sexuality
                           Long-term goals

                    Even if it isn't required, you should seriously consider the benefits of premarital

                                   1. It can reduce the risk of divorce by up to thirty percent
                                        2. It can lead to a significantly happier marriage
                                    3. It can help reduce the stress of planning a wedding

                 And if you're like many young couples and believe that love will get you through the
                 rough times, then you should take a minute to review a few divorce stats. With the
divorce rate hovering around fifty percent, it's clear that a successful marriage relies on
                               much more than just love.

While love is important, it won't be enough if you don't have the basic relationship skills
 you need for a successful marriage. Lasting marriages require partners who respect
             one another and know how to communicate with one another.

                                      The idea behind premarital counseling is that you
                                       need to strengthen your relationship before tying
                                       the knot so that you will be fully equipped to deal
                                      with the challenges and conflicts that every couple
                                        inevitably faces at some point in their marriage.

                                        When enrolling in premarital counseling, make
                                          sure that your class or session covers the
                                           following relationship issues: (Make an
appointment privately if your church or synagogue class doesn't cut it. This is important

                  Compatibility - With your spouse and future in-laws

 Expectations - About work-family balance, careers, household responsibilities, time
                                  spent together

                 Communication -With your spouse, parents, in-laws

  Conflict Resolution - How to deal with big and small problems, financial matters,
                    constant bickering, meddling in-laws, etc.,

  Intimacy and Sexuality - Frequency of sexual relations, making time, making love
                                 versus just sex

                   Long-Term Goals - Personal, family, and career

Marriage preparation will teach you and your fiancée how to deal with these issues so
   that they don't become toxic to your relationship. But counseling isn't only about
 identifying problem areas, it's about celebrating your strengths as a couple. Sound
  cheesy? So what - this is your future and it's important that you're prepared for it.

                    Chinese Psychological Society

        Code of Ethics for Counseling and Clinical Practice
Chinese Psychological Society

                                  January, 2006 (First Draft)

                                   May, 2006 (Second Draft)

                                 January, 2007 (Third Draft)


General Principles .......................................................................... 2
1. The Professional Relationship ................................................ 3
2. Privacy and Confidentiality ..................................................... 6
3. Professional Resposibility ........................................................ 8
4. Assessment and Evaluation.................................................... 10
5. Teaching, Training and Supervision .................................... 11
6. Research and Publication ....................................................... 13
7. Resolving Ethical Issues ......................................................... 15
Glossary of Terms ........................................................................ 17

This Code of Ethics for clinical and counseling practice is established by Chinese
Psychological Society (CPS). This Code of Ethics serves the following purposes: it helps
all the clinical and counseling psychologists, those who seek professional services and
the general public to achieve a better understanding of the core ideas of the professional
ethics as well as professional responsibilities in the field of psychotherapy and
counseling practice. It serves an ethical guide designed to guarantee and promote the
standards of the service provided in the field of psychotherapy and counseling practice.
It helps to guarantee the rights and interests of those who seek professional service as
well as that of all the clinical and counseling psychologists. It helps promote the mental
health status and enhance the welfare and wellbeing of the general public, so as to
facilitate the development of a harmonious society. This Code of Ethics applies for all
the clinical and counseling psychologists registered in CPS and thus serves as a basis for
processing ethical complaints and inquiries initiated against those who register as a
clinical and counseling psychologist in CPS.

General Principles

Beneficence: The primary purpose of the service provided by clinical and counseling
               psychologists is to benefit those who seek professional service. Clinical
               and counseling psychologists should safeguard the rights of those who
               seek professional service. They should strive to provide the appropriate
               service to those needed and take great care to avoid harm.

Responsibility: Clinical and counseling psychologists should maintain the high
                 standard of their service and take responsibility for their own
                 conducts. They should recognize their professional, ethical and legal
                 responsibilities and maintain the reputation of the profession.

Integrity:Clinical and counseling psychologists should strive to promote the honesty
           and truthfulness of their conducts in their clinical practices, research and
           teaching activities.

Justice: Clinical and counseling psychologists should treat their work and those who
         work in their own professional field as well as other professionals with
         fairness and justice. They should take reasonable precaution to prevent
         inappropriate conducts due to their own potential biases or the limitations of
         their competencies and the techniques they use.
Respect: Clinical and counseling psychologists should show their respect to every single
         person and respect the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality and self-

Ethical standard 1: Professional Relationship

    Clinical and counseling psychologists should respect those who seek professional
service and establish good professional working relationship with them in consistent
with the CPS Code of Ethics. This working relationship should serve to encourage the
growth and development of those who seek professional service in ways that foster
their interests and welfare.

1.1 Clinical and counseling psychologists should not discriminate against those who
    seek professional service based on age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion and
    political beliefs, culture, physical conditions, social economic status or any other
1.2 Clinical and counseling psychologists should respect the rights of those who seek
    professional service for informed consent. Before and during the processes of
    clinical service, clinical and counseling psychologists should first inform those who
    seek professional service of the related information such as the purpose and aim of
    this professional service, the nature of the professional relationship, the techniques
    involved, the nature of the working process, the possible limitations of this
    professional service, the possible involvement of the interests and rights of the third
    party, the right of privacy, the possible harms and benefits caused by the
    professional service.
1.3 Clinical and counseling psychologists should receive appropriate fees for their
    professional service in consistent with the requirements of local governments or
    their employing agency or institution. Before entering the professional relationship,
    clinical and counseling psychologists should give clear explanation on the way of
    establishing their fees to those who seek professional service. They should not
    receive properties or obtain private fees or remuneration for rendering services,
    since these conducts are likely to cause conflict, exploitation or impair the
    professional relationship.
1.4 Clinical and counseling psychologists should recognize their own potential
    influence on those who seek professional service. They should take steps to prevent
    conditions that may impair trust in the professional relationship or cause
    dependency on the professional relationship.
1.5 Clinical and counseling psychologists should respect the personal values of those
   who seek professional service. They should not make decisions for those who seek
   professional service or impose their own values on those who seek professional
1.6 Clinical and counseling psychologists should recognize the potential influence on
   those who seek professional service due to their own advantageous status. They
   should not take advantage of the trust or dependency put on them from those who
   seek professional service to satisfy their own interests or needs,or that of the third
1.7 Clinical and counseling psychologists should understand that the dual relationship
   (e.g. develop familial, social, financial, business, or intimate relationship with those
   who seek professional service) has the potential danger for exerting negative
   influence on their professional judgment and may cause harm to those who seek
   professional service. They should avoid entering dual relationship with those who
   seek professional service. If a certain kind of dual relationship is inevitable, they
   should take professional prevention measures, such as obtaining formal written
   informed consent from those who seek professional service, seeking professional
   supervision, maintaining records and files, to ensure that this kind of dual
   relationship will not impair their own judgment and cause harm to those who seek
   professional service.
1.8 Clinical and counseling psychologists should not develop sexual and romantic
   intimate relationship of any kind with those who currently seek professional service
   from them. They should not provide psychotherapy or counseling for those who
   once had sexual or romantic intimate relationship with them. If the current
   professional relationship breaks the professional boundary (e.g. developing a
   sexual or a romantic intimate relationship with those who are seeking professional
   service from them), clinical and counseling psychologists should end the
   professional relationship immediately and take appropriate measures to handle the
   situation (e.g. seek supervision or consult other colleagues).
1.9 Clinical and counseling psychologists are prohibited to develop any sexual or
   romantic intimate relationship with those who once sought professional service
   from them for a period of 3 years following the last professional contact. Before
   engaging in those kinds of relationship after 3 years following the last professional
   contact, clinical and counseling psychologists should consider carefully the nature
   of the relationship to ensure that it is not an exploitive relationship and maintain
   the related legal documents in written form.
1.10 Clinical and counseling psychologist should not end or suspend their professional
   service arbitrarily. During the interruption such as going on errands, taking
vacation or leaving their working place temporarily, they should make proper
    arrangements for the ongoing counseling and psychotherapy.
1.11 If clinical and counseling psychologists believe that they are not appropriate to
    provide service to those who seek professional service, they should explain to them
    with clarity and refer them to another appropriate clinical and counseling
    psychologist or doctor, since they have responsibility for those who seek
    professional service.
1.12 Clinical and counseling psychologists should achieve mutual understanding and
    respect in their professional interactions. They should also establish active and
    cooperative professional working relationship with their colleagues to promote the
    quality of their services.
1.13 Clinical and counseling psychologists should respect professionals from other
    disciplines. They should form an active and cooperative working relationship with
    professionals from other related disciplines to promote the quality of their services.

Ethical standard 2: Privacy and Confidentiality

      Clinical and counseling psychologists have responsibility to protect the privacy of
those who seek professional service. Meanwhile, they should also recognize that the
contents and the limitations of this privacy are protected and restricted by national laws
and regulations as well as the professional ethical principles.

2.1 At the initiation and throughout the process of their professional service, clinical and
   counseling psychologists have responsibility to explain the principles of
   confidentiality as well as its limitations to those who seek professional service.
   Before the initiation of family therapy, group therapy or other kinds of
   psychotherapy, they should establish the principles of confidentiality among the
   counseling or therapeutic groups.

2.2 Clinical and counseling psychologists should fully understand the limitations of the
   confidentiality. The exceptions of the confidentiality include: (1) Clinical and
   counseling psychologists find out that those who seek professional service are in
   danger of causing foreseeable and serious harm on themselves or identified others.
   (2) Those who seek professional service are found to have diseases commonly know
   to be both communicable and life-threatening and thus may cause harm to others.
   (3) The cases of sexual abuse or other kinds of abuse involving minors are found. (4)
   The disclosure of information is demanded by laws.

2.3 If the conditions mentioned in 2.2(1), 2.2(2) and 2.2(3) are met, clinical and
   counseling psychologists have obligation to warn in advance the legal guardian of
those who seek professional service or the identified third party involved. If the
   condition mentioned in 2.2 (4) is met, clinical and counseling psychologists have the
   obligation to follow the requirements of the law. However, before the disclosure of
   any confidential information, clinical and counseling psychologist should demand
   the formal written documentation or requirement from court or the parties involved
   as well as the assurance from the court or the parties involved that this disclosure
   will not cause direct or indirect harm to the clinical professional relationship.

2.4 Only after the written form of informed consent is obtained from those who seek
   professional service, can clinical and counseling psychologists record the process of
   counseling and psychotherapy through the use of tapes or videos, or demonstrate
   the process to others.

2.5 Information and documentations related to the professional service provided by
   clinical and counseling psychologists such as case records, assessment and
   evaluation materials, correspondences, tape records, videotapes or other materials
   are classified as professional information. These kinds of information should be kept
   in a secure location and only authorized clinical and counseling psychologists can
   access to them.

2.6 If clinical and counseling psychologists have case discussions of their psychotherapy
   or counseling cases, or use clinical cases as illustration in teaching, research activities
   and publications due to the needs of professional purpose, they should prevent the
   identification of those who seek professional service by omitting the related personal
   information (except that the formal written informed consent is obtained from those
   who seek professional service).

2.7 Clinical and counseling psychologists should obtain formal written permissions
   from those who seek professional service before the demonstration of the tape-
   recordings or the videos of the sessions or the publication of the whole cases.

Ethical standard 3: Professional Responsibility

  Clinical and counseling psychologists should observe the national laws and
regulations as well as professional ethical principles. They should also strive to achieve
an open, honest and accurate attitude in their communication and work. They should
base their professional work on the scientific researches and findings. They should
work with a responsible attitude within the boundaries of professional and personal
competence. They should continue to renew and expand their professional knowledge
and actively participant in self-care activities to maintain and promote their psychical,
social and mental well-beings to best meet their professional responsibilities.

3.1 Clinical and counseling psychologists should provide appropriate and effective
   professional service to different groups of people within the boundaries of personal
   competence and in consistent with the levels of their own education, training and
   supervision experience as well as their work experience.

3.2 Clinical and counseling psychologists should fully recognize the importance of
    continuing education. They should maintain the reasonable awareness of current
    scientific and professional information in their working field. They should maintain
    the competence of the skills they use and be open towards new knowledge.

3.3 Clinical and counseling psychologists should attend to their professional
   competence and take reasonable steps to seek the help from professional supervision
   if needed. If they can not find professional supervision, they should try to seek
   professional help from their colleagues.

3.4 Clinical and counseling psychologists should engage in self-care activities. When
   they are aware of any personal physical or mental problems that may cause harm to
   those who seek professional service, they should seek supervision or the help of
   other professionals. They should be alert of the possibility of causing harm, due to
   their personal problems, to those who receive their services. If necessary, they
   should limit, suspend or terminate their clinical practice.

3.5 When clinical and counseling psychologists have needs to introduce themselves in
   their work, they should identify their professional qualifications, educational
   degrees, and credentials in an accurate and honest manner. If advertisements or
   presentations of their service are needed, they should present their professional
   qualifications accurately. They should not depreciate other professionals, or
   represent oneself or one’s own employing agency or institution in a false, misleading
   or deceptive manner. Fraudulency is strictly forbidden.

3.6 Clinical and counseling psychologists should not take advantage of their
   professional status to satisfy their personal interests, such as to satisfy their own
   interests, sexual needs, and unfair exchange of properties or services, or to satisfy
   those interests and needs of their family members. They should not take advantage
   of the therapeutic, teaching, training and supervisory relationship to satisfy their
   additional interests other than reasonable remuneration.
3.7 If clinical and counseling psychologists need to report their professional work to the
   third party (e.g. court, insurance company and etc.), they should present their work
   in an honest, objective and accurate manner.

3.8 When clinical and counseling psychologists engage in their professional activities by
   means of media (e.g. public lectures, demonstrations, radio or television program,
   newspaper, printed articles, internet and etc.), or provide advice or comment as
   professionals, they should be aware that their statements should be based on the
   appropriate professional literature and practice, and respect the facts and objectivity.
   They should also be aware that their statements and conducts should be consistent
   with professional ethical principles.

Ethical standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation

    Clinical and counseling psychologists should correctly understand the importance
as well as the role psychological assessment and evaluation played in clinical practice.
They should use assessment and evaluation properly. During the process of assessment
and evaluation, clinical and counseling psychologists should consider the personal and
cultural background of examinees. They should promote the welfares of those who seek
professional service by developing and using appropriate educational, psychological
and career assessment instruments.

4.1 The primary purpose of using assessment and evaluation is to promote the welfares
    of those who seek professional service. Clinical and counseling psychologists
    should not misuse assessment or evaluation in order to achieve financial interests.

4.2 Clinical and counseling psychologists can only use assessment instruments or
    perform evaluation after they have received related training on psychological
    assessment and have obtained appropriate knowledge and skills for specific
    assessment instruments or evaluative methods.

4.3 Clinical and counseling psychologists should respect the rights of those who seek
   professional service for understanding the results of their assessment and evaluation
   as well as receiving the explanation and interpretation of their results. After
   assessment or evaluation, they should give explanations of assessment or evaluation
   results to those examinees in an accurate, objective and understandable manner.
   They should strive to avoid the misunderstanding of the assessment or evaluation

4.4 When scoring or giving explanation or interpretation by using certain tests or
   assessment instruments, or utilizing certain evaluative methods, interviews or other
assessment instruments, clinical and counseling psychologists should use those
   instruments and methods that have affirmed reliability and validity. If no data
   concerning the reliability and validity of the assessment instrument or method are
   available, they should explain the applications and limitations of assessment results
   and interpretations. They should not make diagnosis entirely based on the results of
   psychological assessments.

4.5 Clinical and counseling psychologists have responsibility to maintain the integrity
   and security of psychological testing materials (i.e. testing manuals, assessment
   instruments, contracts and test items) and other assessment instruments. They
   should not reveal the related testing contents to non-professionals.

4.6 Clinical and counseling psychologists should use scientific procedures and
   professional knowledge to develop assessment instrument, as well as to establish the
   standardization, reliability and validity of the instrument. They should strive to
   avoid biases and provide detailed explanation of its usage.

Ethical standard 5: Teaching, Training and Supervision

    Clinical and counseling psychologists should aspire to develop meaningful and
respectful professional relationship. They should show a sincere, serious and
responsible attitude towards teaching, training and supervision activities.

5.1 The primary purpose for clinical and counseling psychologists to engage in
   teaching, training and supervision is to foster the personal and professional growth
   and development of students, trainees and supervisees and promote their welfares.

5.2 Clinical and counseling psychologists who engage in teaching, training and
   supervision should be familiar with the professional Code of Ethics. They should
   remind students and supervisees of their professional ethical obligations.

5.3 Clinical and counseling psychologists who are responsible for teaching and training
    should take appropriate steps to properly design and arrange their courses and
    teaching plans to ensure that teaching and training will provide appropriate
    knowledge and practice experience as well as meet the requirements of teaching
    goals or standards of the specific certificate.

5.4 Clinical and counseling psychologists who serve as supervisor should explain to
   their supervisees the purpose, process as well as the method and standards for
   evaluation of the supervision. They should inform their supervisees of the way for
   dealing certain conditions during the process of supervision, such as emergencies,
and interruption or termination of the supervisory relationship. They should give
   regular feedbacks to supervisees during the process of supervision and avoid
   situations where supervisees may cause harm to those who seek professional service
   due to the negligence of the supervisor.

5.5 When clinical and counseling psychologists who serve as trainers or supervisors
   evaluate the professional competence of students in training or supervisees, they
   should take an objective attitude and give their evaluations in an honest, fair and
   impartial manner.

5.6 Clinical and counseling psychologists who serve as trainers or supervisors should
   clearly define the professional as well as the ethical relationship with their students
   and supervisees. They are prohibited to form any counseling or therapeutic
   relationship with their students or supervisees. Sexual or romantic intimate
   relationships with their students or supervisees are also prohibited. They should not
   form any supervisory relationship or counseling and therapeutic relationship with
   professionals who are their relatives or have intimate relationship with them.

5.7 Clinical and counseling psychologists who serve as trainers or supervisors should
   clearly recognize their advantageous status compared with their students or
   supervisees. They should not take advantage of their status to exploit students or
   supervisees or to satisfy the interests of their own or that of the third party.

Ethical standard 6: Research and Publication

    Clinical and counseling psychologists are encouraged to engage in professional
research activities to make contributions to the development of their professional
disciplines as well as to facilitate and improve the understanding of related issues
within their disciplines. When conducting research, clinical and counseling
psychologists should respect the dignity of participants and be aware of the welfare of
participants. They should observe scientific standards and ethical principles governing
research with human research participants.

6.1 Clinical and counseling psychologists who conduct research with human
   participants should respect the basic human rights. They should conduct research in
   a manner that is consistent with pertinent ethical principles, laws, host institutional
   regulations and scientific research standards with human participants. They should
   take responsibility to ensure the security of their participants and take reasonable
   precaution to avoid causing harm to participants’ interests.
6.2 Prior to start their research, clinical and counseling psychologists should inform
   participants or obtain informed consent from participants or guardians of
   participants. They should explain to participants about the nature, purpose and
   process of the research, the methods and techniques used in the research, the
   possible discomfort, confidentiality and its limitations as well as the rights and
   obligations of both researchers and participants.

6.3 Participants are free to choose not to participate in the research or withdraw from
   the research. Clinical and counseling psychologists are prohibited to force people to
   participate in their research. They can use involuntary participants only when they
   are certain that the research will not cause harm to participants, and there is justified
   need to conduct the research.

6.4 Clinical and counseling psychologists should not treat participants in a deceptive or
   cheating manner unless alternative procedures are not feasible and the prospective
   value of the research justifies the deception. If the research involves deception,
   clinical and counseling psychologists should explain the reasons for this action
   during the debriefing.

6.5 If control group is needed in intervention research, after the research, the
   participants in the control group should be given appropriate treatment.

6.6 When writing research reports, clinical and counseling psychologists should provide
   accurate explanation and discussion about their research designs, processes, results
   as well as the limitations of the research. They should not use false or distort
   information or data. They should not conceal those results that are not consistent
   with their hypotheses or theoretical viewpoints. They should avoid biases or
   prejudice in the discussions of their research.

6.7 When writing research reports, clinical and counseling psychologists should take
   due care to disguise the identities of respective participants (except that the formal
   written authorizations from participants are obtained). They should also take care to
   ensure the confidentiality of the related research materials and keep them in safety.

6.8 Clinical and counseling psychologists should not plagiarize in their publication of
   research paper or book. If they cite ideas or data of other researchers or authors in
   their own research paper or book, they should acknowledge researchers or authors
   cited as well as the sources of data.

6.9 If the research is jointly done with other colleagues, clinical and counseling
   psychologists should give credit through appropriate means to other authors in
   research paper or book published. They should not publish the research paper or
book as their personal work. They should acknowledge and give special credit
   through appropriate means to those who have made special contributions to the
   research paper or book. If the research paper or book is substantially based on
   students’ course papers, dissertations or theses, the students should be listed as
   principal authors.

Ethical standard 7: Resolving Ethical Issues

    Clinical and counseling psychologists should observe pertinent laws and ethical
principles in their professional work. They should try to resolve ethical dilemmas and
communicate with people involved in a direct and open manner. They should seek
suggestion or help from their colleagues or supervisors if needed. They should
incorporate ethical practices into their daily professional work.

7.1 Clinical and counseling psychologists can obtain CPS Code of Ethics from CPS, or
   licensure bodies. Lack of related knowledge or misunderstanding of CPS Codes of
   Ethics is not a defense against a charge of unethical conducts.

7.2 Once they are aware of their negligence in their work or misunderstanding of their
   responsibilities, clinical and counseling psychologists should take reasonable steps
   to correct their conducts.

7.3 If there is a conflict between CPS Code of Ethics and pertinent law and regulations,
   clinical and counseling psychologists should make known their commitments to
   CPS Code of Ethics and try to resolve the conflict. If this conflict can not be resolved,
   clinical and counseling psychologists may adhere to the requirements of law and

7.4 If the demands of their employing agency or institution pose a conflict with CPS
      Code of Ethics, clinical and counseling psychologists should specify the nature of
      this conflict and make know their commitments to CPS Code of Ethics. They
      should resolve this conflict reasonably while keeping their commitments to CPS
      Code of Ethics.

7.5 If they find that their colleagues have violated a professional ethical principle,
   clinical and counseling psychologists should attempt first to resolve the issue
   informally with colleagues. If this informal attempt fails, they should report
   violations through a proper means. If the violation is apparent and has already
   caused substantial harm, or this violation can not be solved through appropriate
   informal means, or can not be solved at all, clinical and counseling psychologists
   should report this violation to CPS Workgroup for Ethics in Clinical and Counseling
Psychology or other appropriate authorities, so as to maintain the reputation of the
   profession as well as to protect the interests of those who seek professional service.
   If clinical and counseling psychologists are uncertain whether a specific situation or
   conduct is an ethical violation, they may seek consultation from CPS Workgroup for
   Ethics in Clinical and Counseling Psychology or other appropriate authorities.

7.6 Clinical and counseling psychologists have responsibility to assist the attempts of
   CPS Workgroup for Ethics in Clinical and Counseling Psychology to investigate
   possible unethical conducts and to take actions towards such conducts. Clinical and
   counseling psychologists should be familiar with pertinent procedures and policies
   for processing complaints of ethical violations.

7.7 CPS Code of Ethics is against filing complaints of ethical violations in an unfair and
   injustice manner or as a means to take revenge.

7.8 CPS Workgroup for Ethics in Clinical and Counseling Psychology is affiliated to
   CPS. The functions of this workgroup are to enforce CPS Code of Ethics, to accept
   filings of complaints of ethical violations, to provide explanations and
   interpretations related to CPS Code of Ethics, as well as to process cases of
   professional ethical violations.

Glossary of Terms

    Clients Who Seek Professional Help: it refers to a client or a patient, or other
kinds of people who seek professional help for counseling or psychotherapy.

    Clinical and Counseling Psychologist: It refers to a professional practitioner who
has learned the professional knowledge of clinical psychology or counseling
psychology in a systematic way; received the professional trainings on the skills of
counseling and psychotherapy as well as supervisions over his/her practice on
counseling or psychotherapy; is currently practicing counseling and psychotherapy;
meets the related register criteria for clinical and counseling psychologists in the
Criteria; and has valid registration in CPS. The Clinical and counseling psychologist
includes the clinical psychologist and the counseling psychologist. In the Criteria, the
specific definition of the clinical psychologist or counseling psychologist depends on
how the academic degree program the candidate received defines itself.

    Clinical Psychology: It is one of the branches of psychology. It provides both
knowledge of psychology and means of utilizing the knowledge to understand and
promote mental health, physical health and social adaptation of individuals and
groups. Clinical psychology has its emphasis on research about psychological problems
of individuals and groups, in addition to treatment of severe mental disorders.
Counseling: It refers to a process of providing help to clients who seek professional
help because of their general psychological problems, based on good counseling
relationship, and conducted by professionally trained counseling psychologists, using
related theories and techniques of counseling psychology. It aims to eliminate or
alleviate the psychological problems of clients who seek professional help in addition to
promoting their good adaptation and integrated development.

      Counseling Psychology: It is one of the branches of psychology. It utilizes the
knowledge of psychology to understand and promote mental health, physical health
and social adaptation of individuals and groups. Counseling psychology has its
emphasis on individual’s general complaints in his/her daily lives in addition to
promoting individual’s good adaptation and coping.

      Dual Relationship: It refers to a condition when besides the therapeutic
relationship, a clinical and counseling psychologist engages with clients who seek
professional help in another kind of interpersonal relationship that has the
characteristics such as interests and intimate emotional interaction. If two or more than
two kinds of social relationship besides the therapeutic relationship are presented, it is
then called multiple relationships.

      Exploitation: In this Code of Ethics, it refers to acts of an individual or a group that
take possess of others labor production without payment, or take advantage of any kind
of material, economic and psychological resources belonging to others to make profits
or to achieve psychological satisfactions, under the condition of violating others’ wishes
or not making others informed of the acts.

      Psychotherapy: It refers to a process of providing help to clients who suffer from
mental disorders, based on good therapeutic relationship, and conducted by
professionally trained clinical psychologists using related theories and techniques of
clinical psychology. It aims to eliminate or alleviate the psychological problems or
mental disorders of clients who seek professional help in addition to promoting the
healthy and integrated development of their personalities.

      Supervisor: It refers to a senior clinical and counseling psychologist who currently
serves as a teacher, a trainer and a supervisor in the field of clinical and counseling
psychology; meets the related register criteria for supervisors in the Criteria as well as
has valid registration in CPS.

      Welfare: In this Code of Ethics, it refers to seeking the health, psychological growth
and well-being of clients who seek professional help.

Premarital Counseling
What is it and what to expect
written by : Jennifer Foust M.S., LPC

Pre-marital counseling is exactly what it sounds like, participating in counseling before entering into a marital
commitment. Specifically, there are two goals of pre-marital counseling. The first is to help couples develop a
framework for discussing issues that all couples must grapple with. Specific topics that will be covered are the
following: money, sex, parenting, work, in-laws, daily household needs, and friends. The second goal is ensuring that
couples have the skill set needed to resolve their differences.

Many people don’t think of attending counseling unless they have a specific problem or concern. Some people are
apprehensive about the idea of seeing a therapist, particularly when everything is going well. Many people believe
only couples in trouble go to counseling. Pre-marital counseling is geared towards healthy couples. The reason
couples seek out pre-marital counseling is because it helps them prepare for the adjustments to married life. Whether
you have been married before or never been married and whether you already live together or have never lived
together, getting married is an adjustment. Even couples who have been together for many years may find it to be a
big adjustment. Some couples who live together before marriage are surprised how their relationship feels different
DIFFERENTLY. Anticipating this transition as well as being aware of how you tend to cope with change can be very

The first task is to help couples identify potential concerns in their relationship. The second task is to help couples
develop the skills needed to resolve their disagreements. It is our belief that the key to a successful marriage is not
about how a couple fights, but rather how a couple resolves a fight.

The benefits of pre-marital counseling is that there is an outside person who is challenging each of you to explore
different issues that on your own, you might not have even considered important to discuss. For example:

         What is your expectation of marriage?
         What role do you see yourself playing?
         What role do you see your partner playing?
         How much time do you spend with your parents, siblings and friends?
         What type of relationship is each of you expecting to have with ones’ in-laws? Should they be allowed keys
         to the house?
         How are you going to handle your finances? Are you going to have one checking account or more? Who is
         going to be in charge of paying the bills? How will you negotiate recreational spending?
         How will you make time for each other regularly, especially if you work a lot or have children? How will you
         make time for intimacy and sex?
         How will you divide the household needs such as cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, and laundry?

Each person coming into a marriage brings along a set of expectations for what married life is like and how it is
supposed to be. These expectations often come from our parent’s relationship, other families that we have spent time
with, or cultural and religious beliefs about what a committed relationship is supposed to look like. You may not be
aware of these expectations and just assume that everyone feels and thinks about marriage the same way that you
do. More importantly, you may assume that your partner has the same ideas and expectations that you do. Pre-
marital counseling helps each of you acknowledge the contract that you are making to the other out loud. For
example, I am marrying Joe because he wants a large family and will allow me to be a stay at home mom. I am
marrying Sue because she will save me from being lonely. Or I am marrying my partner because she/he makes good
money, and I never want to worry about money again. Pre-marital counseling helps you identify your hidden contract
– what typically does not get said.

To test your awareness of the marital contract, try the following exercise: On a piece of paper, write down your
ideas of the ideal marriage. Include how much time you would spend with your partner doing things together, how you
would share daily responsibilities, how you would handle children (if you desire to have them), how often you would
have sex, etc. Also think about others’ relationships that you know of that you admire and what it is about them that
you like and write those things down. Then write down what you don’t want your marriage to look like. Again, think
about some relationships that you know of and think about what characteristics that have that you don’t like. Ask your
partner to complete the same exercise. When you are both finished begin the exercise again, but this time write down
the answers to the way that you think you partner will answer them. Then share your ideas with each other. Discuss
the ways in which you accurately predicted your partner’s answers. In what way were your partners’ answers similar
to yours, and how were they different? By voicing and discussing your expectations and beliefs, couples can prevent
many unnecessary problems and misunderstandings. Counseling can also be very effective in helping couples
communicate about these expectations and beliefs in a safe non-threatening environment. Even couples who are
more aware of their own and their partners’ expectations can benefit from counseling to negotiate any potential
Premarital Counseling . . . . . .
What is pre-marital counseling?            If you're reading this, it's likely that you're about to embark
on a new life with someone special. Pre-marital counseling is one way to help insure that your love
is protected in ways that help it flourish and grow.

By taking the time to explore the reasons you came together, your similarities, your differences,
your hopes and your dreams, as well as your expectations of one another, it is sometimes possible
to avoid the disappointments that many couples face with the passage of time.

Pre-marital counseling offers the opportunity to explore your differences in a relatively safe,
supportive, constructive environment. And while some couples may choose to postpone their
union until key differences can be resolved, most couples find that pre-marital counseling helps to
prepare them for the kind of life they would like to build together.

What happens in pre-marital counseling?             There is no one standard program for pre-marital
counseling. Pre-marital counseling programs differ in everything from the number and length of
sessions provided to their content and configuration (i.e., whether counselors meet with individuals
in a relationship or if they simply meet with the couple as a whole). As with most forms of therapy,
pre-marital counselors and clergyman typically personalize their approach to accommodate their
own personal style and the needs of the people they serve.

After twenty-plus years of doing couples counseling, I've developed a healthy respect for the
fragility of relationships that is reflected in the pre-marital counseling model I have chosen. My
work has led me to believe that most relationships fail for one of two reasons: 1) people are
unaware of or choose to ignore core differences in who they are and what the want from life; 2) and
perhaps more importantly, people lack the skills to resolve their differences and grow through the
inevitable disappointments that life hands them. It is my belief that many otherwise wonderful
relationships fail because people are both unaware of their differences and lack the skills to resolve
them in constructive ways.

Pre-marital Counseling Model. My model of pre-marital counseling evolved in an effort to address
the threats to happiness outlined above through a combination of:

                    1. Assessment and exploration of personal goals and individual differences
                    2. Skills training in key relationship areas and
                    3. Development of a long-term plan of action to help you keep your love alive.

You will be asked to complete surveys designed to identify your similarities, differences, personal
strengths, personal weaknesses and expectations of your relationship; to review essential
relationship skills and practice them between sessions; and actively participate in the development
of an ongoing plan to help you protect your love.

How often will you need to come?         I typically ask people to commit to five 45 minute sessions
for pre-marital counseling. The actual number of sessions can vary upward or downward
depending on your previous relationship experience, skill level, goals and/or present concerns.

The cost of the basic five session program is $765.00. Additional sessions are $145.00/45 min.

Feel free to contact me at my office for more information: (425) 455-5400.

Post-Marital Counselling
The program offers the benefits of a workshop, but does so in a three-hour private session. It will
be like having your own personalized workshop. You will be given a workbook to take home with
you afterwards. The workbook includes some experiential learning activities and explanatory.

In this Couple-to-Couple session (we work as a husband-and-wife co-Counselling team), you will
have the opportunity to discuss openly any personal concerns that you may have.
You'll explore some of the challenges that newlyweds -- and in fact, all couples -- face. You will
learn how to grow together as individuals, while maintaining an emotionally close and committed
relationship. And you'll come away from the session with new insights and valuable skills to help
move your relationship forward.

If there are issues that you still need to address once you have completed the program, you may
continue by visiting us periodically for a Couple to Couple session.
The First Session

Step One: Intake
It is useful to collect some basic information at the start of the first session, such as the number of years the
couple has been together, the current living situation, special health issues, prior counseling experiences,
employment, and special interests. While the therapist is recording this information, he or she should make a
mental note of how the partners relate to one another. The intake also offers the couple a chance to become
comfortable with the therapist.

Step Two: Goals and Why Therapists Are Not Referees
Couples often arrive at the session believing that each partner will be laying out his or her “position” and the
therapist will act as a referee to decide who is right. The therapist should inform them that it is not a matter
of one person being right or wrong, since both partners make sense from their perspective. Rather, they will
be learning a new method of communication so they can better understand each other in the office and
incorporate this process into their relationship at home. We tell them the process will work if they “are
willing to try on some new ideas.” By pointing out the importance of the “we” and not the “me” in their
relationship, they begin to understand that we expect both to participate by making changes. This means
that counseling is a joint venture to better understand the relationship rather than an adversarial one.

Step Three: How Our Brain Impacts the Dishwasher
Talking to the couple about basic brain functions and how the 100 billion neurons in their brains make
decisions helps them to think of therapy as a conscious exercise. They should become detectives trying to
figure out how to help “this couple,” who happens to be themselves, just as they might be athletes learning
how to build their muscles at the gym.

We talk to the couple about the neurons housed in the analytical area of their brain, the neocortex, which
helped them find the way to our office, vs. the neurons of their emotional brain, the limbic system, which
they use to experience joy, love, and ecstasy, as well as anger, sadness, loneliness, and fear.

We let them know that when Kenneth says to Marilyn: “That’s no way to load the dishwasher,” he may be
thinking he is speaking from his analytical brain to hers, but in fact, he is stirring her limbic system. She
reacts emotionally and, in turn, stirs his emotions. This small incident can blowup into their War of the

Step Four: The Sun
Appreciations are to a relationship as the sun and rain are to a flower. They trigger the happy neurons in the
limbic system and bring couples closer together. The following is a simple exercise to foster positive

• Ask the couple to face one another. (The path to the heart is through the eyes.)

• The first partner (the sender) is asked to state one thing he or she likes about his or her partner. For
example, “I really love your sense of humor and how you enliven parties with your jokes.”

• The second partner (the receiver) mirrors this appreciation. “So you really appreciate how I have a sense of
humor and entertain friends at a party?”

• Then we ask the sender to deepen the appreciation by using the sentence stem, “This is so special to me
because…” He or she says, “This is so special to me because it makes me feel warm and cozy and I am
proud I married you.” The receiver again mirrors the comment.

• The process is repeated with the second partner offering an appreciation.

Most couples who come to therapy have not heard appreciations from their partner for months or years, so
this exercise sets the tone for rebuilding warm feelings and trust. Couples are asked to offer at least one
appreciation each day at home and prepare one to begin each therapy session. They are told that
appreciations should not be wrapped in frustrations, such as, “I appreciate that you finally took out the

Step Five: A Conscious Relationship
A conscious relationship requires each person to recognize their own role and reactivity levels when
conflicts arise, as well as to become aware of their partner’s thoughts and feelings. After living with conflicts
for so long and having to defend their own ego against attacks, the therapist needs to help them to truly
listen and understand what their partner is thinking and feeling.

The following exercise works amazingly well to help one partner get into the mind of the other:

• Again the couple faces each other. The sender is asked to offer a one-sentence “guess” as to why he thinks
his partner decided to come to this appointment. For example, “I think you came to this session so the
therapist can teach me how to be nice to you.”

• Regardless of whether it is true, the receiver mirrors it: “So you think I came to therapy so you’ll learn how
to be nice to me?”

• The sender keeps adding more reasons, such as, “I think you are also here because you love me and want
our marriage to survive.” This, too, is mirrored by the partner.

• After the sender completes all his or her guesses and each are mirrored, the receiver is then asked to add
to or correct the sender’s guesses. The partner may say, “It is true I’m here to save our marriage, but it’s not
a matter of being nice to me. It is more a matter of learning how to talk to each other.”

This guessing game for both partners becomes a vehicle for looking into each other’s minds in a safe way. It
also reveals some of the major issues that will be explored in future sessions. The process helps couples
understand how their own behavior has a positive or negative impact on the relationship.

Step Six: Summarizing the Session and Preparing for the Future
To end the session, each partner is asked for their thoughts about the session and what they can personally
do before the next appointment to improve the relationship. This information helps the therapist plan for the

The therapist should also advise the couple to do the following:

• Offer each other at least one formal daily appreciation.

• Avoid “atomic bomb” issues when they are at home and save these issues for office sessions.

• Avoid talking to friends or family about their conflicts since others are likely to support only one’s point of
view and that will further emotionally separate the couple. Instead, they may just inform a few who need to
know that they are receiving counseling to improve their relationship.

Future Sessions
In future sessions, couples need to continue learning to understand each other’s desires, feelings, and
thoughts. The Imago Relationship method of therapy developed by Harville Hendrix, PhD, is a powerful
process for this purpose. It uses the mirroring technique along with couples validating and empathizing each
other. For example, a partner may state, “It makes sense you would be upset that I came home at 7 because I
had told you I would be home at 6, and this probably made you feel anxious, lonely, and angry.”

Therapists can coach couples to use this stem: “It makes sense that you would be upset because...” and ask
the sender to think of the reasons. Again, it helps couples to think outside themselves and improves the
relationship. People begin to understand that their partner truly loves and cares about them as a dear friend.

Along with continual dialogue and mirroring, there are a variety of other communication tools that can be
used during sessions. One is constructing genograms to enable partners to understand how each developed
values through their families. The genogram, which displays on a board a family tree going back to
grandparents, reveals the lifetime growth of an individual’s feelings and behavior. Couples often experience
revelations that improve their understanding of their current relationship when they explore their genogram.

Another useful communication tool is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator that helps couples understand how
character differences can cause conflict yet serve to energize the relationship. Couples begin to realize that
having different character traits adds spice to a relationship that may otherwise be bland.

As couples listen and express more positive feelings, they develop trust and feel closer. Neural scientists
find this physically changes brain neurons, with more “loving cells” being created and fewer cells holding
anger. Hendrix puts it this way: “Through daily repetition of positive behaviors, our old brain [limbic system]
repatterns its image of our partners, and we again become a source of pleasure for each other.”

Beverly and I leave couples with a new rule to replace the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule states: “Do unto
others as you would have them to do unto you.” This doesn’t work very well when I order anchovies on
Beverly’s pizza (which I love, but she is not fond of), and she buys yogurt for me (which she loves but which
causes havoc to my taste buds).
Instead, we ask couples to adopt the Platinum Rule: “Do unto others as they would like you to do unto
them.” It’s amazing how one motto can bring happiness and harmony over many, many years.
Qualities of a Healthy Marriage

Several social scientists, in examining “healthy marriages,” have identified a number of traits, qualities and skills of
people who had been able to maintain successful, satisfying relationships. These people:

1.   Share a healthy philosophy of life with clear ideals

2.   Are growing in friendship and respect as well as love for each other

3.   Share many interests and activities together

4.   Enjoy each other’s company

5.   Are trusting and trustworthy, are interpersonally honest yet tactful

6.   Are interdependent

7.   Are proud of each other’s achievements, and give realistic praise

8.   Are interested in and respect each other’s work

9.   Share in decision making

10. Try to share and make monotonous work interesting, such as household chores

11. Have realistic hopes linked to attainable goals

12. Take responsibility for decisions and behavior
13. Will, if education is needed to reach goals, patiently delay marriage to continue their schooling

14. Have a mindset which sees problems as challenges to be solved

15. Have usually been seriously interested in at least three other possible mates before making their final choice,
    and have affected “break-ups” in non-destructive ways

16. Are able to live within their financial means

17. Are ware of their weaknesses and show efforts at constructive change

18. Use criticism wisely, but maintain a balance in which there is more praise than criticism

19. Are "real" people, genuine and authentic

20. Find that the growing relationship helps each person become more sure of him/herself

21. Engage in healthy physical activities – get adequate nutrition, exercise and sleep

22. Restrict their use of sarcasm, nagging, embarrassment and complaining

23. Enjoy talking and listening to one another, even when discussing areas of conflict

24. Experienced courtships that were not frantic or rushed (over 60% of the early divorces were due to hurried
    marriages- where the couples were very young, not well acquainted, and where the engagement period was
    very short)

25. Are empathic and attempt to understand and meet their partner’s needs

26. Did not elope (4/5 of couples who elope, divorce)

27. Enjoy giving of themselves to others – they desire to give as well as to get

28. Used their courtship time to thoroughly get acquainted, and grow in love

29. Carefully consider the issues that face them, evaluating the pros and cons of alternatives. They try not to
    jump to hasty conclusions regarding important relationship issues

30. Marry out of respect and affection, not out of pity or sympathy

31. Enjoy each other’s families, in spite of their possible faults

32. Talked through a number of sexual issues during their engagement period

33. Enjoy a healthy, non-destructive and appropriate use of humor

34. Are satisfied with the amount of affection demonstrated in their relationship

35. Try to change personal habits that are irritating to their spouse

36. Try not to dwell on past mistakes, but look ahead to ways of avoiding similar situations in the future

37. Are able to forgive and receive forgiveness from one another

   Realistic expectations
   Sense of humor
   Know how to handle conflict
   Problem solve together
   Enjoy one another
   Have fun together

Suggested Reading

            Marriage Qualities Survey
            Keys for Success

Elsewhere on the Web

            Daily Temperature Reading

Related Articles

            Marriage Qualities Survey Results
            Is a Second Time Around Realistic? -- Make Your Second Marriage Successful
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The Importance of Marriage Counseling
Sunday, 18 February 2007 - Sandra Stammberger

In a marriage, no one cannot escape from the reality that quirks appear sometimes. This is
normal for a marriage to encounter this matter. However, there are few couples who cannot
handle the situation but are willing to save their relationship. In this matter, they will still choose
a decision to keep their relationship. Marriage is very important most specially if there are kids
in the family. If they can't handle it, they can ask somebody to help them. They should seek
professional help from marriage counselors.

Marriage is obviously a tough thing to handle. In many cases one partner will seek professional
advices more than the other. This is very important and also a good way to handle marriage
problem. It is healthy that one has the strength to undertake marriage counseling by attending
sessions, opens up the problem, listens carefully with the professional advises and follow it

Counseling is a form of confrontation that talks about the problem on marriage. Couple
sometimes experience difficulties in dealing with the married life. A counselor is of good help to
them as he or she opens up and touches lives to bring out things that in many ways affect the
harmonious relationship of both parties.

It is very important to choose a marriage counselor to which you can relay all your marriage
problems. You should feel comfortable with this person so you can convey trust in the counselor.
You must check the credentials of the person you want to help you with your concern. You
choose clear out your mind before going to counselors. It is also important to ask yourself with
the reason why you want to undergo counseling. Aside from that you must set the things that you
want to achieve. You must be willing to give your best to be able to help yourself as well.

Before you undergo this kind of counseling, you must be determined to change whatever is
available for you to change. You must be willing to change yourself for the better. Get away with
your anxiety and listen carefully to what the counselor tells you. A good persona guides a person
who is under anxiety to the process of making the needed changes.

Many people want to experience instant gratification without undergoing the different process.
This is impossible; one must be willing to undertake processes to successfully attain the main
goal. Of course, it will take time and persuasions. But soon after, you will experience the benefit
of it. It is important to realize that your problem is not happening all the time therefore it will
really take time to overcome it.

The most important thing in a successful marriage is having faith and trust to one another.
Whatever issues that a married couple experiences, they can overcome it if they want them to.
You should always believe that problems can be solved for the improvement of your
relationship. In this point counseling is needed badly to keep the marriage together.

Counseling is a very useful tool in seeking the most reasons to keep the marriage. You should
realize that perfection also does not exist in a married life. So, what ever the situation is, always
involve yourself in the counseling process. Have faith, be patient and life a happy married life.

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Marital counselling

  • 1. Definition Marriage counseling is a type of psychotherapy for a married couple or established partners that tries to resolve problems in the relationship. Typically, two people attend counseling sessions together to discuss specific issues. Purpose Marriage counseling is based on research that shows that individuals and their problems are best handled within the context of their relationships. Marriage counselors are trained in psychotherapy and family systems, and focus on understanding their clients' symptoms and the way their interactions contribute to problems in the relationship. Description Marriage counseling is usually a short-term therapy that may take only a few sessions to work out problems in the relationship. Typically, marriage counselors ask questions about the couple's roles, patterns, rules, goals, and beliefs. Therapy often begins as the couple analyzes the good and bad aspects... Marriage counseling - Definition Marriage counseling is a type of psychological counseling where a married couple meet with the psychologist, social worker or other type of mental health professional for counseling to hopefully heal their marriage. When one of the partners refuses to go to marriage counseling it is usually a sign that party is considering divorce. Marriage counseling can be seen as a type of mediation aimed at conciliation. Some parties who get divorce use a similar process through divorce mediation to determine issues like custody, spousal support and the division of property. Many individuals refuse to seek counseling because of the feeling that they are admitting that their marriage has failed. However, many couples in successful marriages seek counseling to resolve difficult issues, to confront their own psychological problems within the context of couples therapy or to find a neutral space where they can work on their relationship. Some marriage counselors may meet with the partners separately before meeting with them together, or may even have individual counselors who meet with the partners and then have a group session with all the counselors and the partners. What to Look For in Pre-Marriage Preparation Here's a concise list of seven relationship skill and knowledge areas that research has shown to contribute to the success and endurance of marriage: Compatibility Expectations Personalities and families-of-origin Communication Conflict resolution Intimacy and sexuality Long-term goals Even if it isn't required, you should seriously consider the benefits of premarital counseling: 1. It can reduce the risk of divorce by up to thirty percent 2. It can lead to a significantly happier marriage 3. It can help reduce the stress of planning a wedding And if you're like many young couples and believe that love will get you through the rough times, then you should take a minute to review a few divorce stats. With the
  • 2. divorce rate hovering around fifty percent, it's clear that a successful marriage relies on much more than just love. While love is important, it won't be enough if you don't have the basic relationship skills you need for a successful marriage. Lasting marriages require partners who respect one another and know how to communicate with one another. The idea behind premarital counseling is that you need to strengthen your relationship before tying the knot so that you will be fully equipped to deal with the challenges and conflicts that every couple inevitably faces at some point in their marriage. When enrolling in premarital counseling, make sure that your class or session covers the following relationship issues: (Make an appointment privately if your church or synagogue class doesn't cut it. This is important stuff.) Compatibility - With your spouse and future in-laws Expectations - About work-family balance, careers, household responsibilities, time spent together Communication -With your spouse, parents, in-laws Conflict Resolution - How to deal with big and small problems, financial matters, constant bickering, meddling in-laws, etc., Intimacy and Sexuality - Frequency of sexual relations, making time, making love versus just sex Long-Term Goals - Personal, family, and career Marriage preparation will teach you and your fiancée how to deal with these issues so that they don't become toxic to your relationship. But counseling isn't only about identifying problem areas, it's about celebrating your strengths as a couple. Sound cheesy? So what - this is your future and it's important that you're prepared for it. Chinese Psychological Society Code of Ethics for Counseling and Clinical Practice
  • 3. Chinese Psychological Society January, 2006 (First Draft) May, 2006 (Second Draft) January, 2007 (Third Draft) Contents General Principles .......................................................................... 2 1. The Professional Relationship ................................................ 3 2. Privacy and Confidentiality ..................................................... 6 3. Professional Resposibility ........................................................ 8 4. Assessment and Evaluation.................................................... 10 5. Teaching, Training and Supervision .................................... 11 6. Research and Publication ....................................................... 13 7. Resolving Ethical Issues ......................................................... 15 Glossary of Terms ........................................................................ 17 Preamble
  • 4. This Code of Ethics for clinical and counseling practice is established by Chinese Psychological Society (CPS). This Code of Ethics serves the following purposes: it helps all the clinical and counseling psychologists, those who seek professional services and the general public to achieve a better understanding of the core ideas of the professional ethics as well as professional responsibilities in the field of psychotherapy and counseling practice. It serves an ethical guide designed to guarantee and promote the standards of the service provided in the field of psychotherapy and counseling practice. It helps to guarantee the rights and interests of those who seek professional service as well as that of all the clinical and counseling psychologists. It helps promote the mental health status and enhance the welfare and wellbeing of the general public, so as to facilitate the development of a harmonious society. This Code of Ethics applies for all the clinical and counseling psychologists registered in CPS and thus serves as a basis for processing ethical complaints and inquiries initiated against those who register as a clinical and counseling psychologist in CPS. General Principles Beneficence: The primary purpose of the service provided by clinical and counseling psychologists is to benefit those who seek professional service. Clinical and counseling psychologists should safeguard the rights of those who seek professional service. They should strive to provide the appropriate service to those needed and take great care to avoid harm. Responsibility: Clinical and counseling psychologists should maintain the high standard of their service and take responsibility for their own conducts. They should recognize their professional, ethical and legal responsibilities and maintain the reputation of the profession. Integrity:Clinical and counseling psychologists should strive to promote the honesty and truthfulness of their conducts in their clinical practices, research and teaching activities. Justice: Clinical and counseling psychologists should treat their work and those who work in their own professional field as well as other professionals with fairness and justice. They should take reasonable precaution to prevent inappropriate conducts due to their own potential biases or the limitations of their competencies and the techniques they use.
  • 5. Respect: Clinical and counseling psychologists should show their respect to every single person and respect the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality and self- determination. Ethical standard 1: Professional Relationship Clinical and counseling psychologists should respect those who seek professional service and establish good professional working relationship with them in consistent with the CPS Code of Ethics. This working relationship should serve to encourage the growth and development of those who seek professional service in ways that foster their interests and welfare. 1.1 Clinical and counseling psychologists should not discriminate against those who seek professional service based on age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion and political beliefs, culture, physical conditions, social economic status or any other factors. 1.2 Clinical and counseling psychologists should respect the rights of those who seek professional service for informed consent. Before and during the processes of clinical service, clinical and counseling psychologists should first inform those who seek professional service of the related information such as the purpose and aim of this professional service, the nature of the professional relationship, the techniques involved, the nature of the working process, the possible limitations of this professional service, the possible involvement of the interests and rights of the third party, the right of privacy, the possible harms and benefits caused by the professional service. 1.3 Clinical and counseling psychologists should receive appropriate fees for their professional service in consistent with the requirements of local governments or their employing agency or institution. Before entering the professional relationship, clinical and counseling psychologists should give clear explanation on the way of establishing their fees to those who seek professional service. They should not receive properties or obtain private fees or remuneration for rendering services, since these conducts are likely to cause conflict, exploitation or impair the professional relationship. 1.4 Clinical and counseling psychologists should recognize their own potential influence on those who seek professional service. They should take steps to prevent conditions that may impair trust in the professional relationship or cause dependency on the professional relationship.
  • 6. 1.5 Clinical and counseling psychologists should respect the personal values of those who seek professional service. They should not make decisions for those who seek professional service or impose their own values on those who seek professional service. 1.6 Clinical and counseling psychologists should recognize the potential influence on those who seek professional service due to their own advantageous status. They should not take advantage of the trust or dependency put on them from those who seek professional service to satisfy their own interests or needs,or that of the third party. 1.7 Clinical and counseling psychologists should understand that the dual relationship (e.g. develop familial, social, financial, business, or intimate relationship with those who seek professional service) has the potential danger for exerting negative influence on their professional judgment and may cause harm to those who seek professional service. They should avoid entering dual relationship with those who seek professional service. If a certain kind of dual relationship is inevitable, they should take professional prevention measures, such as obtaining formal written informed consent from those who seek professional service, seeking professional supervision, maintaining records and files, to ensure that this kind of dual relationship will not impair their own judgment and cause harm to those who seek professional service. 1.8 Clinical and counseling psychologists should not develop sexual and romantic intimate relationship of any kind with those who currently seek professional service from them. They should not provide psychotherapy or counseling for those who once had sexual or romantic intimate relationship with them. If the current professional relationship breaks the professional boundary (e.g. developing a sexual or a romantic intimate relationship with those who are seeking professional service from them), clinical and counseling psychologists should end the professional relationship immediately and take appropriate measures to handle the situation (e.g. seek supervision or consult other colleagues). 1.9 Clinical and counseling psychologists are prohibited to develop any sexual or romantic intimate relationship with those who once sought professional service from them for a period of 3 years following the last professional contact. Before engaging in those kinds of relationship after 3 years following the last professional contact, clinical and counseling psychologists should consider carefully the nature of the relationship to ensure that it is not an exploitive relationship and maintain the related legal documents in written form. 1.10 Clinical and counseling psychologist should not end or suspend their professional service arbitrarily. During the interruption such as going on errands, taking
  • 7. vacation or leaving their working place temporarily, they should make proper arrangements for the ongoing counseling and psychotherapy. 1.11 If clinical and counseling psychologists believe that they are not appropriate to provide service to those who seek professional service, they should explain to them with clarity and refer them to another appropriate clinical and counseling psychologist or doctor, since they have responsibility for those who seek professional service. 1.12 Clinical and counseling psychologists should achieve mutual understanding and respect in their professional interactions. They should also establish active and cooperative professional working relationship with their colleagues to promote the quality of their services. 1.13 Clinical and counseling psychologists should respect professionals from other disciplines. They should form an active and cooperative working relationship with professionals from other related disciplines to promote the quality of their services. Ethical standard 2: Privacy and Confidentiality Clinical and counseling psychologists have responsibility to protect the privacy of those who seek professional service. Meanwhile, they should also recognize that the contents and the limitations of this privacy are protected and restricted by national laws and regulations as well as the professional ethical principles. 2.1 At the initiation and throughout the process of their professional service, clinical and counseling psychologists have responsibility to explain the principles of confidentiality as well as its limitations to those who seek professional service. Before the initiation of family therapy, group therapy or other kinds of psychotherapy, they should establish the principles of confidentiality among the counseling or therapeutic groups. 2.2 Clinical and counseling psychologists should fully understand the limitations of the confidentiality. The exceptions of the confidentiality include: (1) Clinical and counseling psychologists find out that those who seek professional service are in danger of causing foreseeable and serious harm on themselves or identified others. (2) Those who seek professional service are found to have diseases commonly know to be both communicable and life-threatening and thus may cause harm to others. (3) The cases of sexual abuse or other kinds of abuse involving minors are found. (4) The disclosure of information is demanded by laws. 2.3 If the conditions mentioned in 2.2(1), 2.2(2) and 2.2(3) are met, clinical and counseling psychologists have obligation to warn in advance the legal guardian of
  • 8. those who seek professional service or the identified third party involved. If the condition mentioned in 2.2 (4) is met, clinical and counseling psychologists have the obligation to follow the requirements of the law. However, before the disclosure of any confidential information, clinical and counseling psychologist should demand the formal written documentation or requirement from court or the parties involved as well as the assurance from the court or the parties involved that this disclosure will not cause direct or indirect harm to the clinical professional relationship. 2.4 Only after the written form of informed consent is obtained from those who seek professional service, can clinical and counseling psychologists record the process of counseling and psychotherapy through the use of tapes or videos, or demonstrate the process to others. 2.5 Information and documentations related to the professional service provided by clinical and counseling psychologists such as case records, assessment and evaluation materials, correspondences, tape records, videotapes or other materials are classified as professional information. These kinds of information should be kept in a secure location and only authorized clinical and counseling psychologists can access to them. 2.6 If clinical and counseling psychologists have case discussions of their psychotherapy or counseling cases, or use clinical cases as illustration in teaching, research activities and publications due to the needs of professional purpose, they should prevent the identification of those who seek professional service by omitting the related personal information (except that the formal written informed consent is obtained from those who seek professional service). 2.7 Clinical and counseling psychologists should obtain formal written permissions from those who seek professional service before the demonstration of the tape- recordings or the videos of the sessions or the publication of the whole cases. Ethical standard 3: Professional Responsibility Clinical and counseling psychologists should observe the national laws and regulations as well as professional ethical principles. They should also strive to achieve an open, honest and accurate attitude in their communication and work. They should base their professional work on the scientific researches and findings. They should work with a responsible attitude within the boundaries of professional and personal competence. They should continue to renew and expand their professional knowledge
  • 9. and actively participant in self-care activities to maintain and promote their psychical, social and mental well-beings to best meet their professional responsibilities. 3.1 Clinical and counseling psychologists should provide appropriate and effective professional service to different groups of people within the boundaries of personal competence and in consistent with the levels of their own education, training and supervision experience as well as their work experience. 3.2 Clinical and counseling psychologists should fully recognize the importance of continuing education. They should maintain the reasonable awareness of current scientific and professional information in their working field. They should maintain the competence of the skills they use and be open towards new knowledge. 3.3 Clinical and counseling psychologists should attend to their professional competence and take reasonable steps to seek the help from professional supervision if needed. If they can not find professional supervision, they should try to seek professional help from their colleagues. 3.4 Clinical and counseling psychologists should engage in self-care activities. When they are aware of any personal physical or mental problems that may cause harm to those who seek professional service, they should seek supervision or the help of other professionals. They should be alert of the possibility of causing harm, due to their personal problems, to those who receive their services. If necessary, they should limit, suspend or terminate their clinical practice. 3.5 When clinical and counseling psychologists have needs to introduce themselves in their work, they should identify their professional qualifications, educational degrees, and credentials in an accurate and honest manner. If advertisements or presentations of their service are needed, they should present their professional qualifications accurately. They should not depreciate other professionals, or represent oneself or one’s own employing agency or institution in a false, misleading or deceptive manner. Fraudulency is strictly forbidden. 3.6 Clinical and counseling psychologists should not take advantage of their professional status to satisfy their personal interests, such as to satisfy their own interests, sexual needs, and unfair exchange of properties or services, or to satisfy those interests and needs of their family members. They should not take advantage of the therapeutic, teaching, training and supervisory relationship to satisfy their additional interests other than reasonable remuneration.
  • 10. 3.7 If clinical and counseling psychologists need to report their professional work to the third party (e.g. court, insurance company and etc.), they should present their work in an honest, objective and accurate manner. 3.8 When clinical and counseling psychologists engage in their professional activities by means of media (e.g. public lectures, demonstrations, radio or television program, newspaper, printed articles, internet and etc.), or provide advice or comment as professionals, they should be aware that their statements should be based on the appropriate professional literature and practice, and respect the facts and objectivity. They should also be aware that their statements and conducts should be consistent with professional ethical principles. Ethical standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation Clinical and counseling psychologists should correctly understand the importance as well as the role psychological assessment and evaluation played in clinical practice. They should use assessment and evaluation properly. During the process of assessment and evaluation, clinical and counseling psychologists should consider the personal and cultural background of examinees. They should promote the welfares of those who seek professional service by developing and using appropriate educational, psychological and career assessment instruments. 4.1 The primary purpose of using assessment and evaluation is to promote the welfares of those who seek professional service. Clinical and counseling psychologists should not misuse assessment or evaluation in order to achieve financial interests. 4.2 Clinical and counseling psychologists can only use assessment instruments or perform evaluation after they have received related training on psychological assessment and have obtained appropriate knowledge and skills for specific assessment instruments or evaluative methods. 4.3 Clinical and counseling psychologists should respect the rights of those who seek professional service for understanding the results of their assessment and evaluation as well as receiving the explanation and interpretation of their results. After assessment or evaluation, they should give explanations of assessment or evaluation results to those examinees in an accurate, objective and understandable manner. They should strive to avoid the misunderstanding of the assessment or evaluation results. 4.4 When scoring or giving explanation or interpretation by using certain tests or assessment instruments, or utilizing certain evaluative methods, interviews or other
  • 11. assessment instruments, clinical and counseling psychologists should use those instruments and methods that have affirmed reliability and validity. If no data concerning the reliability and validity of the assessment instrument or method are available, they should explain the applications and limitations of assessment results and interpretations. They should not make diagnosis entirely based on the results of psychological assessments. 4.5 Clinical and counseling psychologists have responsibility to maintain the integrity and security of psychological testing materials (i.e. testing manuals, assessment instruments, contracts and test items) and other assessment instruments. They should not reveal the related testing contents to non-professionals. 4.6 Clinical and counseling psychologists should use scientific procedures and professional knowledge to develop assessment instrument, as well as to establish the standardization, reliability and validity of the instrument. They should strive to avoid biases and provide detailed explanation of its usage. Ethical standard 5: Teaching, Training and Supervision Clinical and counseling psychologists should aspire to develop meaningful and respectful professional relationship. They should show a sincere, serious and responsible attitude towards teaching, training and supervision activities. 5.1 The primary purpose for clinical and counseling psychologists to engage in teaching, training and supervision is to foster the personal and professional growth and development of students, trainees and supervisees and promote their welfares. 5.2 Clinical and counseling psychologists who engage in teaching, training and supervision should be familiar with the professional Code of Ethics. They should remind students and supervisees of their professional ethical obligations. 5.3 Clinical and counseling psychologists who are responsible for teaching and training should take appropriate steps to properly design and arrange their courses and teaching plans to ensure that teaching and training will provide appropriate knowledge and practice experience as well as meet the requirements of teaching goals or standards of the specific certificate. 5.4 Clinical and counseling psychologists who serve as supervisor should explain to their supervisees the purpose, process as well as the method and standards for evaluation of the supervision. They should inform their supervisees of the way for dealing certain conditions during the process of supervision, such as emergencies,
  • 12. and interruption or termination of the supervisory relationship. They should give regular feedbacks to supervisees during the process of supervision and avoid situations where supervisees may cause harm to those who seek professional service due to the negligence of the supervisor. 5.5 When clinical and counseling psychologists who serve as trainers or supervisors evaluate the professional competence of students in training or supervisees, they should take an objective attitude and give their evaluations in an honest, fair and impartial manner. 5.6 Clinical and counseling psychologists who serve as trainers or supervisors should clearly define the professional as well as the ethical relationship with their students and supervisees. They are prohibited to form any counseling or therapeutic relationship with their students or supervisees. Sexual or romantic intimate relationships with their students or supervisees are also prohibited. They should not form any supervisory relationship or counseling and therapeutic relationship with professionals who are their relatives or have intimate relationship with them. 5.7 Clinical and counseling psychologists who serve as trainers or supervisors should clearly recognize their advantageous status compared with their students or supervisees. They should not take advantage of their status to exploit students or supervisees or to satisfy the interests of their own or that of the third party. Ethical standard 6: Research and Publication Clinical and counseling psychologists are encouraged to engage in professional research activities to make contributions to the development of their professional disciplines as well as to facilitate and improve the understanding of related issues within their disciplines. When conducting research, clinical and counseling psychologists should respect the dignity of participants and be aware of the welfare of participants. They should observe scientific standards and ethical principles governing research with human research participants. 6.1 Clinical and counseling psychologists who conduct research with human participants should respect the basic human rights. They should conduct research in a manner that is consistent with pertinent ethical principles, laws, host institutional regulations and scientific research standards with human participants. They should take responsibility to ensure the security of their participants and take reasonable precaution to avoid causing harm to participants’ interests.
  • 13. 6.2 Prior to start their research, clinical and counseling psychologists should inform participants or obtain informed consent from participants or guardians of participants. They should explain to participants about the nature, purpose and process of the research, the methods and techniques used in the research, the possible discomfort, confidentiality and its limitations as well as the rights and obligations of both researchers and participants. 6.3 Participants are free to choose not to participate in the research or withdraw from the research. Clinical and counseling psychologists are prohibited to force people to participate in their research. They can use involuntary participants only when they are certain that the research will not cause harm to participants, and there is justified need to conduct the research. 6.4 Clinical and counseling psychologists should not treat participants in a deceptive or cheating manner unless alternative procedures are not feasible and the prospective value of the research justifies the deception. If the research involves deception, clinical and counseling psychologists should explain the reasons for this action during the debriefing. 6.5 If control group is needed in intervention research, after the research, the participants in the control group should be given appropriate treatment. 6.6 When writing research reports, clinical and counseling psychologists should provide accurate explanation and discussion about their research designs, processes, results as well as the limitations of the research. They should not use false or distort information or data. They should not conceal those results that are not consistent with their hypotheses or theoretical viewpoints. They should avoid biases or prejudice in the discussions of their research. 6.7 When writing research reports, clinical and counseling psychologists should take due care to disguise the identities of respective participants (except that the formal written authorizations from participants are obtained). They should also take care to ensure the confidentiality of the related research materials and keep them in safety. 6.8 Clinical and counseling psychologists should not plagiarize in their publication of research paper or book. If they cite ideas or data of other researchers or authors in their own research paper or book, they should acknowledge researchers or authors cited as well as the sources of data. 6.9 If the research is jointly done with other colleagues, clinical and counseling psychologists should give credit through appropriate means to other authors in research paper or book published. They should not publish the research paper or
  • 14. book as their personal work. They should acknowledge and give special credit through appropriate means to those who have made special contributions to the research paper or book. If the research paper or book is substantially based on students’ course papers, dissertations or theses, the students should be listed as principal authors. Ethical standard 7: Resolving Ethical Issues Clinical and counseling psychologists should observe pertinent laws and ethical principles in their professional work. They should try to resolve ethical dilemmas and communicate with people involved in a direct and open manner. They should seek suggestion or help from their colleagues or supervisors if needed. They should incorporate ethical practices into their daily professional work. 7.1 Clinical and counseling psychologists can obtain CPS Code of Ethics from CPS, or licensure bodies. Lack of related knowledge or misunderstanding of CPS Codes of Ethics is not a defense against a charge of unethical conducts. 7.2 Once they are aware of their negligence in their work or misunderstanding of their responsibilities, clinical and counseling psychologists should take reasonable steps to correct their conducts. 7.3 If there is a conflict between CPS Code of Ethics and pertinent law and regulations, clinical and counseling psychologists should make known their commitments to CPS Code of Ethics and try to resolve the conflict. If this conflict can not be resolved, clinical and counseling psychologists may adhere to the requirements of law and regulations. 7.4 If the demands of their employing agency or institution pose a conflict with CPS Code of Ethics, clinical and counseling psychologists should specify the nature of this conflict and make know their commitments to CPS Code of Ethics. They should resolve this conflict reasonably while keeping their commitments to CPS Code of Ethics. 7.5 If they find that their colleagues have violated a professional ethical principle, clinical and counseling psychologists should attempt first to resolve the issue informally with colleagues. If this informal attempt fails, they should report violations through a proper means. If the violation is apparent and has already caused substantial harm, or this violation can not be solved through appropriate informal means, or can not be solved at all, clinical and counseling psychologists should report this violation to CPS Workgroup for Ethics in Clinical and Counseling
  • 15. Psychology or other appropriate authorities, so as to maintain the reputation of the profession as well as to protect the interests of those who seek professional service. If clinical and counseling psychologists are uncertain whether a specific situation or conduct is an ethical violation, they may seek consultation from CPS Workgroup for Ethics in Clinical and Counseling Psychology or other appropriate authorities. 7.6 Clinical and counseling psychologists have responsibility to assist the attempts of CPS Workgroup for Ethics in Clinical and Counseling Psychology to investigate possible unethical conducts and to take actions towards such conducts. Clinical and counseling psychologists should be familiar with pertinent procedures and policies for processing complaints of ethical violations. 7.7 CPS Code of Ethics is against filing complaints of ethical violations in an unfair and injustice manner or as a means to take revenge. 7.8 CPS Workgroup for Ethics in Clinical and Counseling Psychology is affiliated to CPS. The functions of this workgroup are to enforce CPS Code of Ethics, to accept filings of complaints of ethical violations, to provide explanations and interpretations related to CPS Code of Ethics, as well as to process cases of professional ethical violations. Glossary of Terms Clients Who Seek Professional Help: it refers to a client or a patient, or other kinds of people who seek professional help for counseling or psychotherapy. Clinical and Counseling Psychologist: It refers to a professional practitioner who has learned the professional knowledge of clinical psychology or counseling psychology in a systematic way; received the professional trainings on the skills of counseling and psychotherapy as well as supervisions over his/her practice on counseling or psychotherapy; is currently practicing counseling and psychotherapy; meets the related register criteria for clinical and counseling psychologists in the Criteria; and has valid registration in CPS. The Clinical and counseling psychologist includes the clinical psychologist and the counseling psychologist. In the Criteria, the specific definition of the clinical psychologist or counseling psychologist depends on how the academic degree program the candidate received defines itself. Clinical Psychology: It is one of the branches of psychology. It provides both knowledge of psychology and means of utilizing the knowledge to understand and promote mental health, physical health and social adaptation of individuals and groups. Clinical psychology has its emphasis on research about psychological problems of individuals and groups, in addition to treatment of severe mental disorders.
  • 16. Counseling: It refers to a process of providing help to clients who seek professional help because of their general psychological problems, based on good counseling relationship, and conducted by professionally trained counseling psychologists, using related theories and techniques of counseling psychology. It aims to eliminate or alleviate the psychological problems of clients who seek professional help in addition to promoting their good adaptation and integrated development. Counseling Psychology: It is one of the branches of psychology. It utilizes the knowledge of psychology to understand and promote mental health, physical health and social adaptation of individuals and groups. Counseling psychology has its emphasis on individual’s general complaints in his/her daily lives in addition to promoting individual’s good adaptation and coping. Dual Relationship: It refers to a condition when besides the therapeutic relationship, a clinical and counseling psychologist engages with clients who seek professional help in another kind of interpersonal relationship that has the characteristics such as interests and intimate emotional interaction. If two or more than two kinds of social relationship besides the therapeutic relationship are presented, it is then called multiple relationships. Exploitation: In this Code of Ethics, it refers to acts of an individual or a group that take possess of others labor production without payment, or take advantage of any kind of material, economic and psychological resources belonging to others to make profits or to achieve psychological satisfactions, under the condition of violating others’ wishes or not making others informed of the acts. Psychotherapy: It refers to a process of providing help to clients who suffer from mental disorders, based on good therapeutic relationship, and conducted by professionally trained clinical psychologists using related theories and techniques of clinical psychology. It aims to eliminate or alleviate the psychological problems or mental disorders of clients who seek professional help in addition to promoting the healthy and integrated development of their personalities. Supervisor: It refers to a senior clinical and counseling psychologist who currently serves as a teacher, a trainer and a supervisor in the field of clinical and counseling psychology; meets the related register criteria for supervisors in the Criteria as well as has valid registration in CPS. Welfare: In this Code of Ethics, it refers to seeking the health, psychological growth and well-being of clients who seek professional help. Premarital Counseling What is it and what to expect written by : Jennifer Foust M.S., LPC Pre-marital counseling is exactly what it sounds like, participating in counseling before entering into a marital commitment. Specifically, there are two goals of pre-marital counseling. The first is to help couples develop a
  • 17. framework for discussing issues that all couples must grapple with. Specific topics that will be covered are the following: money, sex, parenting, work, in-laws, daily household needs, and friends. The second goal is ensuring that couples have the skill set needed to resolve their differences. Many people don’t think of attending counseling unless they have a specific problem or concern. Some people are apprehensive about the idea of seeing a therapist, particularly when everything is going well. Many people believe only couples in trouble go to counseling. Pre-marital counseling is geared towards healthy couples. The reason couples seek out pre-marital counseling is because it helps them prepare for the adjustments to married life. Whether you have been married before or never been married and whether you already live together or have never lived together, getting married is an adjustment. Even couples who have been together for many years may find it to be a big adjustment. Some couples who live together before marriage are surprised how their relationship feels different after the ceremony. WHILE YOU MAY NOT HAVE CHANGED, THE OUTSIDE WORLD TREATS YOU DIFFERENTLY. Anticipating this transition as well as being aware of how you tend to cope with change can be very helpful. The first task is to help couples identify potential concerns in their relationship. The second task is to help couples develop the skills needed to resolve their disagreements. It is our belief that the key to a successful marriage is not about how a couple fights, but rather how a couple resolves a fight. The benefits of pre-marital counseling is that there is an outside person who is challenging each of you to explore different issues that on your own, you might not have even considered important to discuss. For example: What is your expectation of marriage? What role do you see yourself playing? What role do you see your partner playing? How much time do you spend with your parents, siblings and friends? What type of relationship is each of you expecting to have with ones’ in-laws? Should they be allowed keys to the house? How are you going to handle your finances? Are you going to have one checking account or more? Who is going to be in charge of paying the bills? How will you negotiate recreational spending? How will you make time for each other regularly, especially if you work a lot or have children? How will you make time for intimacy and sex? How will you divide the household needs such as cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, and laundry? Each person coming into a marriage brings along a set of expectations for what married life is like and how it is supposed to be. These expectations often come from our parent’s relationship, other families that we have spent time with, or cultural and religious beliefs about what a committed relationship is supposed to look like. You may not be aware of these expectations and just assume that everyone feels and thinks about marriage the same way that you do. More importantly, you may assume that your partner has the same ideas and expectations that you do. Pre- marital counseling helps each of you acknowledge the contract that you are making to the other out loud. For example, I am marrying Joe because he wants a large family and will allow me to be a stay at home mom. I am marrying Sue because she will save me from being lonely. Or I am marrying my partner because she/he makes good money, and I never want to worry about money again. Pre-marital counseling helps you identify your hidden contract – what typically does not get said. To test your awareness of the marital contract, try the following exercise: On a piece of paper, write down your ideas of the ideal marriage. Include how much time you would spend with your partner doing things together, how you would share daily responsibilities, how you would handle children (if you desire to have them), how often you would have sex, etc. Also think about others’ relationships that you know of that you admire and what it is about them that you like and write those things down. Then write down what you don’t want your marriage to look like. Again, think about some relationships that you know of and think about what characteristics that have that you don’t like. Ask your partner to complete the same exercise. When you are both finished begin the exercise again, but this time write down the answers to the way that you think you partner will answer them. Then share your ideas with each other. Discuss the ways in which you accurately predicted your partner’s answers. In what way were your partners’ answers similar to yours, and how were they different? By voicing and discussing your expectations and beliefs, couples can prevent many unnecessary problems and misunderstandings. Counseling can also be very effective in helping couples communicate about these expectations and beliefs in a safe non-threatening environment. Even couples who are more aware of their own and their partners’ expectations can benefit from counseling to negotiate any potential difficulties.
  • 18. Premarital Counseling . . . . . . What is pre-marital counseling? If you're reading this, it's likely that you're about to embark on a new life with someone special. Pre-marital counseling is one way to help insure that your love is protected in ways that help it flourish and grow. By taking the time to explore the reasons you came together, your similarities, your differences, your hopes and your dreams, as well as your expectations of one another, it is sometimes possible to avoid the disappointments that many couples face with the passage of time. Pre-marital counseling offers the opportunity to explore your differences in a relatively safe, supportive, constructive environment. And while some couples may choose to postpone their union until key differences can be resolved, most couples find that pre-marital counseling helps to prepare them for the kind of life they would like to build together. What happens in pre-marital counseling? There is no one standard program for pre-marital counseling. Pre-marital counseling programs differ in everything from the number and length of sessions provided to their content and configuration (i.e., whether counselors meet with individuals in a relationship or if they simply meet with the couple as a whole). As with most forms of therapy, pre-marital counselors and clergyman typically personalize their approach to accommodate their own personal style and the needs of the people they serve. After twenty-plus years of doing couples counseling, I've developed a healthy respect for the fragility of relationships that is reflected in the pre-marital counseling model I have chosen. My work has led me to believe that most relationships fail for one of two reasons: 1) people are unaware of or choose to ignore core differences in who they are and what the want from life; 2) and perhaps more importantly, people lack the skills to resolve their differences and grow through the inevitable disappointments that life hands them. It is my belief that many otherwise wonderful relationships fail because people are both unaware of their differences and lack the skills to resolve them in constructive ways. Pre-marital Counseling Model. My model of pre-marital counseling evolved in an effort to address the threats to happiness outlined above through a combination of: 1. Assessment and exploration of personal goals and individual differences 2. Skills training in key relationship areas and 3. Development of a long-term plan of action to help you keep your love alive. You will be asked to complete surveys designed to identify your similarities, differences, personal strengths, personal weaknesses and expectations of your relationship; to review essential relationship skills and practice them between sessions; and actively participate in the development of an ongoing plan to help you protect your love. How often will you need to come? I typically ask people to commit to five 45 minute sessions for pre-marital counseling. The actual number of sessions can vary upward or downward depending on your previous relationship experience, skill level, goals and/or present concerns. The cost of the basic five session program is $765.00. Additional sessions are $145.00/45 min. session. Feel free to contact me at my office for more information: (425) 455-5400. Post-Marital Counselling The program offers the benefits of a workshop, but does so in a three-hour private session. It will be like having your own personalized workshop. You will be given a workbook to take home with you afterwards. The workbook includes some experiential learning activities and explanatory. In this Couple-to-Couple session (we work as a husband-and-wife co-Counselling team), you will have the opportunity to discuss openly any personal concerns that you may have.
  • 19. You'll explore some of the challenges that newlyweds -- and in fact, all couples -- face. You will learn how to grow together as individuals, while maintaining an emotionally close and committed relationship. And you'll come away from the session with new insights and valuable skills to help move your relationship forward. If there are issues that you still need to address once you have completed the program, you may continue by visiting us periodically for a Couple to Couple session. The First Session Step One: Intake It is useful to collect some basic information at the start of the first session, such as the number of years the couple has been together, the current living situation, special health issues, prior counseling experiences, employment, and special interests. While the therapist is recording this information, he or she should make a mental note of how the partners relate to one another. The intake also offers the couple a chance to become comfortable with the therapist. Step Two: Goals and Why Therapists Are Not Referees Couples often arrive at the session believing that each partner will be laying out his or her “position” and the therapist will act as a referee to decide who is right. The therapist should inform them that it is not a matter of one person being right or wrong, since both partners make sense from their perspective. Rather, they will be learning a new method of communication so they can better understand each other in the office and incorporate this process into their relationship at home. We tell them the process will work if they “are willing to try on some new ideas.” By pointing out the importance of the “we” and not the “me” in their relationship, they begin to understand that we expect both to participate by making changes. This means that counseling is a joint venture to better understand the relationship rather than an adversarial one. Step Three: How Our Brain Impacts the Dishwasher Talking to the couple about basic brain functions and how the 100 billion neurons in their brains make decisions helps them to think of therapy as a conscious exercise. They should become detectives trying to figure out how to help “this couple,” who happens to be themselves, just as they might be athletes learning how to build their muscles at the gym. We talk to the couple about the neurons housed in the analytical area of their brain, the neocortex, which helped them find the way to our office, vs. the neurons of their emotional brain, the limbic system, which they use to experience joy, love, and ecstasy, as well as anger, sadness, loneliness, and fear. We let them know that when Kenneth says to Marilyn: “That’s no way to load the dishwasher,” he may be thinking he is speaking from his analytical brain to hers, but in fact, he is stirring her limbic system. She reacts emotionally and, in turn, stirs his emotions. This small incident can blowup into their War of the Roses. Step Four: The Sun Appreciations are to a relationship as the sun and rain are to a flower. They trigger the happy neurons in the limbic system and bring couples closer together. The following is a simple exercise to foster positive changes: • Ask the couple to face one another. (The path to the heart is through the eyes.) • The first partner (the sender) is asked to state one thing he or she likes about his or her partner. For example, “I really love your sense of humor and how you enliven parties with your jokes.” • The second partner (the receiver) mirrors this appreciation. “So you really appreciate how I have a sense of humor and entertain friends at a party?” • Then we ask the sender to deepen the appreciation by using the sentence stem, “This is so special to me because…” He or she says, “This is so special to me because it makes me feel warm and cozy and I am proud I married you.” The receiver again mirrors the comment. • The process is repeated with the second partner offering an appreciation. Most couples who come to therapy have not heard appreciations from their partner for months or years, so this exercise sets the tone for rebuilding warm feelings and trust. Couples are asked to offer at least one appreciation each day at home and prepare one to begin each therapy session. They are told that appreciations should not be wrapped in frustrations, such as, “I appreciate that you finally took out the trash.” Step Five: A Conscious Relationship A conscious relationship requires each person to recognize their own role and reactivity levels when conflicts arise, as well as to become aware of their partner’s thoughts and feelings. After living with conflicts
  • 20. for so long and having to defend their own ego against attacks, the therapist needs to help them to truly listen and understand what their partner is thinking and feeling. The following exercise works amazingly well to help one partner get into the mind of the other: • Again the couple faces each other. The sender is asked to offer a one-sentence “guess” as to why he thinks his partner decided to come to this appointment. For example, “I think you came to this session so the therapist can teach me how to be nice to you.” • Regardless of whether it is true, the receiver mirrors it: “So you think I came to therapy so you’ll learn how to be nice to me?” • The sender keeps adding more reasons, such as, “I think you are also here because you love me and want our marriage to survive.” This, too, is mirrored by the partner. • After the sender completes all his or her guesses and each are mirrored, the receiver is then asked to add to or correct the sender’s guesses. The partner may say, “It is true I’m here to save our marriage, but it’s not a matter of being nice to me. It is more a matter of learning how to talk to each other.” This guessing game for both partners becomes a vehicle for looking into each other’s minds in a safe way. It also reveals some of the major issues that will be explored in future sessions. The process helps couples understand how their own behavior has a positive or negative impact on the relationship. Step Six: Summarizing the Session and Preparing for the Future To end the session, each partner is asked for their thoughts about the session and what they can personally do before the next appointment to improve the relationship. This information helps the therapist plan for the future. The therapist should also advise the couple to do the following: • Offer each other at least one formal daily appreciation. • Avoid “atomic bomb” issues when they are at home and save these issues for office sessions. • Avoid talking to friends or family about their conflicts since others are likely to support only one’s point of view and that will further emotionally separate the couple. Instead, they may just inform a few who need to know that they are receiving counseling to improve their relationship. Future Sessions In future sessions, couples need to continue learning to understand each other’s desires, feelings, and thoughts. The Imago Relationship method of therapy developed by Harville Hendrix, PhD, is a powerful process for this purpose. It uses the mirroring technique along with couples validating and empathizing each other. For example, a partner may state, “It makes sense you would be upset that I came home at 7 because I had told you I would be home at 6, and this probably made you feel anxious, lonely, and angry.” Therapists can coach couples to use this stem: “It makes sense that you would be upset because...” and ask the sender to think of the reasons. Again, it helps couples to think outside themselves and improves the relationship. People begin to understand that their partner truly loves and cares about them as a dear friend. Along with continual dialogue and mirroring, there are a variety of other communication tools that can be used during sessions. One is constructing genograms to enable partners to understand how each developed values through their families. The genogram, which displays on a board a family tree going back to grandparents, reveals the lifetime growth of an individual’s feelings and behavior. Couples often experience revelations that improve their understanding of their current relationship when they explore their genogram. Another useful communication tool is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator that helps couples understand how character differences can cause conflict yet serve to energize the relationship. Couples begin to realize that having different character traits adds spice to a relationship that may otherwise be bland. As couples listen and express more positive feelings, they develop trust and feel closer. Neural scientists find this physically changes brain neurons, with more “loving cells” being created and fewer cells holding anger. Hendrix puts it this way: “Through daily repetition of positive behaviors, our old brain [limbic system] repatterns its image of our partners, and we again become a source of pleasure for each other.” Beverly and I leave couples with a new rule to replace the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule states: “Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.” This doesn’t work very well when I order anchovies on Beverly’s pizza (which I love, but she is not fond of), and she buys yogurt for me (which she loves but which causes havoc to my taste buds). Instead, we ask couples to adopt the Platinum Rule: “Do unto others as they would like you to do unto them.” It’s amazing how one motto can bring happiness and harmony over many, many years.
  • 21. Qualities of a Healthy Marriage Several social scientists, in examining “healthy marriages,” have identified a number of traits, qualities and skills of people who had been able to maintain successful, satisfying relationships. These people: 1. Share a healthy philosophy of life with clear ideals 2. Are growing in friendship and respect as well as love for each other 3. Share many interests and activities together 4. Enjoy each other’s company 5. Are trusting and trustworthy, are interpersonally honest yet tactful 6. Are interdependent 7. Are proud of each other’s achievements, and give realistic praise 8. Are interested in and respect each other’s work 9. Share in decision making 10. Try to share and make monotonous work interesting, such as household chores 11. Have realistic hopes linked to attainable goals 12. Take responsibility for decisions and behavior
  • 22. 13. Will, if education is needed to reach goals, patiently delay marriage to continue their schooling 14. Have a mindset which sees problems as challenges to be solved 15. Have usually been seriously interested in at least three other possible mates before making their final choice, and have affected “break-ups” in non-destructive ways 16. Are able to live within their financial means 17. Are ware of their weaknesses and show efforts at constructive change 18. Use criticism wisely, but maintain a balance in which there is more praise than criticism 19. Are "real" people, genuine and authentic 20. Find that the growing relationship helps each person become more sure of him/herself 21. Engage in healthy physical activities – get adequate nutrition, exercise and sleep 22. Restrict their use of sarcasm, nagging, embarrassment and complaining 23. Enjoy talking and listening to one another, even when discussing areas of conflict 24. Experienced courtships that were not frantic or rushed (over 60% of the early divorces were due to hurried marriages- where the couples were very young, not well acquainted, and where the engagement period was very short) 25. Are empathic and attempt to understand and meet their partner’s needs 26. Did not elope (4/5 of couples who elope, divorce) 27. Enjoy giving of themselves to others – they desire to give as well as to get 28. Used their courtship time to thoroughly get acquainted, and grow in love 29. Carefully consider the issues that face them, evaluating the pros and cons of alternatives. They try not to jump to hasty conclusions regarding important relationship issues 30. Marry out of respect and affection, not out of pity or sympathy 31. Enjoy each other’s families, in spite of their possible faults 32. Talked through a number of sexual issues during their engagement period 33. Enjoy a healthy, non-destructive and appropriate use of humor 34. Are satisfied with the amount of affection demonstrated in their relationship 35. Try to change personal habits that are irritating to their spouse 36. Try not to dwell on past mistakes, but look ahead to ways of avoiding similar situations in the future 37. Are able to forgive and receive forgiveness from one another Love Support Tolerance Communication Realistic expectations Caring Nurturing Sense of humor Commitment Respect Know how to handle conflict Problem solve together Interdependence Caring Enjoy one another Have fun together Suggested Reading Marriage Qualities Survey Keys for Success Elsewhere on the Web Daily Temperature Reading Related Articles Marriage Qualities Survey Results Is a Second Time Around Realistic? -- Make Your Second Marriage Successful
  • 23. Marriage, - QuickTips Elaborate Marriage Proposals -- Do Elaborate Marriage Proposals Destroy the... Guides since 1997 Sheri & Bob Stritof Marriage Guides Sign up for our Newsletter Our Blog Our Forum The Importance of Marriage Counseling Sunday, 18 February 2007 - Sandra Stammberger In a marriage, no one cannot escape from the reality that quirks appear sometimes. This is normal for a marriage to encounter this matter. However, there are few couples who cannot handle the situation but are willing to save their relationship. In this matter, they will still choose a decision to keep their relationship. Marriage is very important most specially if there are kids in the family. If they can't handle it, they can ask somebody to help them. They should seek professional help from marriage counselors. Marriage is obviously a tough thing to handle. In many cases one partner will seek professional advices more than the other. This is very important and also a good way to handle marriage problem. It is healthy that one has the strength to undertake marriage counseling by attending sessions, opens up the problem, listens carefully with the professional advises and follow it correctly. Counseling is a form of confrontation that talks about the problem on marriage. Couple sometimes experience difficulties in dealing with the married life. A counselor is of good help to them as he or she opens up and touches lives to bring out things that in many ways affect the harmonious relationship of both parties. It is very important to choose a marriage counselor to which you can relay all your marriage problems. You should feel comfortable with this person so you can convey trust in the counselor. You must check the credentials of the person you want to help you with your concern. You choose clear out your mind before going to counselors. It is also important to ask yourself with the reason why you want to undergo counseling. Aside from that you must set the things that you want to achieve. You must be willing to give your best to be able to help yourself as well. Before you undergo this kind of counseling, you must be determined to change whatever is available for you to change. You must be willing to change yourself for the better. Get away with
  • 24. your anxiety and listen carefully to what the counselor tells you. A good persona guides a person who is under anxiety to the process of making the needed changes. Many people want to experience instant gratification without undergoing the different process. This is impossible; one must be willing to undertake processes to successfully attain the main goal. Of course, it will take time and persuasions. But soon after, you will experience the benefit of it. It is important to realize that your problem is not happening all the time therefore it will really take time to overcome it. The most important thing in a successful marriage is having faith and trust to one another. Whatever issues that a married couple experiences, they can overcome it if they want them to. You should always believe that problems can be solved for the improvement of your relationship. In this point counseling is needed badly to keep the marriage together. Counseling is a very useful tool in seeking the most reasons to keep the marriage. You should realize that perfection also does not exist in a married life. So, what ever the situation is, always involve yourself in the counseling process. Have faith, be patient and life a happy married life.