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The Effects of Academic Pressure Imposed by Parents to Academic Performance
of Ganaan Christian Academy Senior High School Students during Academic
Year 2023-2024
A Research Proposal
Presented to Mr. Ryan Laurito
Ganaan Christian Academy, Inc.
Lapu-Lapu City, 6015
In Partial Fulfilment
of the Research for
Rubie Bebero
Kent Junio
Precious Angel Marinduque
Jeffbryan Mata
Rose Ann Ronato
Christi Amore Saornido
John Vincent Ybanez
This study’s justification is founded on several important considerations. First
of all, academic pressure is a common problem in education and research on its possible
effects on student’s academic performance and mental health has covered the topic
extensively. We hope that this study will add to the body of knowledge already in
existence by analyzing the particular effects of parental academic pressure on Ganaan
Christian Academy students. Secondly, Ganaan Christian Academy is a unique
educational institution with its own set of values, principles, and teaching
methodologies. It is essential to investigate the effects of parental academic pressure
within this specific context to understand how it aligns with or diverges from broader
research findings. This research will provide insights into the dynamics between
parents, students, and the school environment, allowing for tailored interventions and
support strategies that address the specific needs of Ganaan Christian Academy
Academic pressure is a common phenomenon in many educational settings
around the world. It is defined as an experience that pushes students to perform their
very best in class, (Khan et al. 2013) considered academic pressure to be part of a
student’s life and could impact the way the students perceive academic life. It comes
from friends, family, peers, and the students themselves and the standard that society
has implemented. Academic pressure could be positive, motivating students to work
hard and achieve their goals. However, it also has the potential to contribute to mental
health problems for students (Steare et al. 2023), due to unattainable and unrealistic
parental expectations and could have a significant impact on student’s academic
Senior high school students face a wide range of academic pressure which could
be defined as everyday hassle due to the high demand for outputs and more intense
academic pressure coming from their parents (Pascoe et al., 2019). A study conducted
in three private schools in Kolkata, India with a participant of 190 students from grades
11 & 12 shows that nearly two-thirds (66%) of the students reported that most academic
pressure came from their parents to do better academic performance (Deb et al., 2015).
This kind of pressure is often associated with negative effects as well as positive effects
and could have a significant impact on the academic performance of senior high school
students. Also, senior high school students who are often exposed to academic pressure,
tend to suffer anxiety and depression thus making senior high school students adjust
and adapt to survive academic life and achieve better academic performance. A study
conducted at Federico Yap National High School shows how senior high school
students deal with academic pressure. The study shows that students that are often
exposed to academic pressure spend time with their friends, watch movies, visiting
other places, spends their time on social media and games as their way of coping with
academic pressure (Gomez et al., 2021).
Academic pressure from parents, high expectation, and depression are
negatively connected with academic performance (Safree et al., 2010). The study shows
that the higher the academic pressure, the lower the academic performance. But not all
the time academic pressure could be negative. It is also associated with positive effects
and partly responsible on achieving the student’s goals. Academic pressure imposed by
parent shows positive effects towards the academic achievement of higher education
students (Akhtar et al, 2011).
Academic pressure are mostly connected with negative effects. However,
there’s no denying that it could also be beneficial. It could improve the student’s
academic performance and could have significant effects on their goals. Effects of
academic pressure varies depending on how students perceive academic pressure and
how well they can adapt to it. The goal of this study was to determine the impact of
academic pressure imposed by parents towards the academic performance on Ganaan
Christian Academy senior high school students that are currently enrolled in academic
year 2023-2024. This study would also tackle the coping strategies that senior high
school students in GCA came up in order to deal with academic pressure that the parents
imposes. To ensure the validity and reliability of our findings, we will employ a mixed-
methods approach. Quantitative data will be collected through surveys and academic
records to measure academic performance.
This study focuses on the effects of the academic pressure that the parents
impose on Ganaan Christian Academy SHS students and how they would cope with the
pressure. This will be done through hardcopy surveys in which the respondents will be
asked some questions. The study shall focus solely on the Ganaan Christian Academy
SHS students who are currently enrolled for the academic year 2023–2024, and it will
not address any unrelated problems. It should also be conducted inside the Ganaan
Christian Academy's facilities.
Figure 1. Theoretical-Conceptual Framework of the Study
Parental pressure to perform academically can have a big impact on the general
development and well-being of GCA Senior High School children. The expectations,
demands, and standards parents make for their children's academic success are referred
to as academic pressure. Numerous things, including as societal norms, family
expectations, and the drive for success in the future, might contribute to this pressure.
Pressure can also produce a high-stakes atmosphere where students may feel
overburdened, which can have detrimental effects like elevated stress, lowered
motivation, and even burnout. To effectively implement support and intervention
techniques, it is imperative to comprehend the complex nature of academic pressure
and its effects on kids' holistic development.
Drawing upon the Sletten and anxiety theory by Sigmund Freud, we explore the
relationship between academic pressure and anxiety. According to Freud (1926),
anxiety arises from unconscious conflicts and can have a profound impact on an
individual's mental state. The Yerkes-Dodson law (1908) further contributes to our
understanding by suggesting that there is an optimal level of arousal for optimal
performance. Too much pressure can lead to excessive stress and anxiety, hindering
students' ability to perform at their best (Yerkes & Dodson, 1908). The Two-Factor
Theory of Emotion (Schachter & Singer, 1962) helps us understand how emotions are
influenced by both physiological arousal and cognitive interpretation. Academic
pressure can evoke a range of emotions, including fear of failure, self-doubt, and
frustration. These emotional responses can impact students' motivation, engagement,
and overall well-being. Additionally, the Expectancy-Value Theory (Eccles, Wigfield,
& Schiefele, 1998) sheds light on how students' expectations and values regarding
academic success influence their motivation and performance. When parental
expectations become overwhelming, students may experience a decline in self-esteem,
as they constantly compare themselves to their parents' standards (Leary & Baumeister,
GCA Senior high school students are particularly vulnerable to the effects of
academic pressure due to the transitional nature of this phase in their lives. They face
the challenges of academic workload, college preparation, and the desire to meet
parental expectations. These challenges can lead to excessive stress and anxiety, which
have been identified as prevalent issues among high school students (APA, 2018).
Moreover, the pressure to excel academically can result in health problems and negative
coping mechanisms, such as sleep disturbances, unhealthy eating habits, and reliance
on unhealthy stress management strategies (APA, 2018). Additionally, the strain of
academic pressure can strain parent-child relationships, leading to communication
breakdowns, conflicts, and decreased emotional support. Furthermore, the intense focus
on academic achievement may hinder students' ability to pursue their passions and
talents, limiting their overall personal and holistic development.
To address these challenges, we propose the creation of a brochure that aims to
create awareness and reduce the effects of academic pressure. This brochure will
provide valuable information and resources to students, parents, and educators,
emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach to education and the well-being of
students. It will highlight the significance of maintaining mental and physical health,
fostering positive parent-child relationships, and encouraging students to pursue their
passions and talents alongside academic pursuits. By raising awareness about the
potential negative consequences of excessive academic pressure and promoting
healthier attitudes towards academic achievement, we hope to mitigate the detrimental
effects on GCA Senior high school students. Furthermore, the brochure will also
provide practical strategies and techniques for managing academic pressure, such as
stress reduction techniques, time management skills, and effective communication
strategies between parents and students, fostering a supportive and nurturing academic
This study aims to examine the benefits and drawbacks of parental academic
pressure on senior high school students at Ganaan Christian Academy in the academic
year 2023–2024. This study specifically aims to respond to the following questions:
1. Does academic pressure affect the student's mental health and overall
2. What are the solutions to lessen the impact of academic pressure of the
parents to the student?
3. What are the pros and cons of the academic pressure parents place on their
4. What could be the student's reaction when faced with academic pressure from
5. How do students view academic pressure? 6. What are the coping
mechanisms used by Ganaan Christian Academy senior high school students to deal
with academic pressure imposed by parents?
The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that contribute to parental
academic pressure on GCA senior high school students, as well as to identify strategies
for reducing such pressure. The study's output attempts to equip students with coping
mechanisms for handling parental pressure to perform well academically. Throughout
out study, parents will gain a better understanding of the impact of the academic
pressure they put on their children, which will benefit Ganaan Christian Academy SHS
students as well as teachers. Additionally, it will help teachers recognize the difficulties
that the students encounter and offer the right kind of assistance. Students can use this
knowledge to identify strategies to improve their academic performance because the
result of our study could enlighten and raise their understanding of the effects that
academic pressure has on their performance. To address and lessen the academic
pressure that parents place on their GCA SHS students in order to improve their
academic performance. The results are intended to help parents better comprehend the
consequences of their behavior, direct educators in offering helpful assistance, and
provide kids with new perspectives to improve their academic performance. The
ultimate goal of this study is to enhance Ganaan Christian Academy SHS's overall
educational program.
Numerous: adjective – consisting of great numbers of units or individuals
Overburdened: verb – to place an excessive burden on
Detrimental: adjective – obviously harmful: noun – an undesirable or harmful
person or thing
Burnout: noun – exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation
usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration
Imperative: adjective – not to be avoided or evaded - Of, relating to, or
constituting the grammatical mood that expresses the will to influence the behavior of
Comprehend: verb – to contain or hold within a total scope, significance, or
Holistic: adjective – relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete
systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts
Unconscious: adjective – not marked by conscious thought, sensation, or feeling
Profound: adjective – having intellectual depth and insight
Optimal: adjective – most desirable or satisfactory
Arousal: noun – the state of being aroused
Physiological: adjective – differing in, involving, or affecting physiological
Cognitive: adjective – of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual
activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering)
Pressure: It is used to describe when parents put standards or want their children
to do great in school.
Effects: The change that occurs after parents put standards to do great in
Phenomenon: Fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially
one whose cause or explanation is in question.
Positive effects: The change that occurs in a nice or effective way.
Negative effects: The change that occurs in a bad way.
Perceive: to become aware of through the senses
Academic pressure: Pressure that could affect the academic performance
Review of Related Literature
Academic pressure is a significant aspect of the educational experience, with
numerous studies examining its effects on students' well-being and academic outcomes
(Smith et al., 2018; Johnson & Smith, 2021). Academic pressure refers to the
expectations and demands placed on students to excel academically, often stemming
from various sources such as parents, teachers, and peers (Smith et al., 2018). While
some levels of academic pressure can be motivating, excessive pressure can have
detrimental effects on students' mental health and overall academic performance. It is
crucial to understand the impact of academic pressure on students to develop effective
strategies and interventions to support their well-being and success. To address the
potential negative consequences of academic pressure, it is important to explore coping
mechanisms and support systems that can help students effectively manage and
navigate these pressures (Brown et al., 2020).
Parental academic pressure comes with various effects on students, it ranges
from mental health problems to academic challenges (Deb et al., 2015). Students tend
to feel burdened due to high expectations set by parents, peers, society, and themselves
which often leads to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. A study
conducted by Liao et al., (2021) shows that parent-child relationships are significant
factors in students' academic performance and mental health problems. The study
shows that good parent-child relationships have a significant impact on handling
academic pressure and mental health problems. The effects of academic pressure
imposed by parents on the academic performance of students have been widely studied
in the literature. Several researchers have explored the various dimensions and
consequences of parental academic pressure. One study by Chen and Gregory (2016)
found that high levels of parental academic pressure were associated with increased
stress levels among students, which in turn negatively affected their academic
performance. Similarly, a study by Leung et al. (2018) revealed that excessive parental
pressure led to higher levels of anxiety and decreased motivation, ultimately impacting
students' ability to perform well academically. In a longitudinal study conducted by Xu
and Wu (2019), it was found that parental academic pressure had a significant influence
on students' self-esteem and self-efficacy, which in turn affected their academic
performance. This suggests that the psychological well-being of students plays a crucial
role in their academic success. Furthermore, a study by Li and Lerner (2013)
highlighted the importance of parental support and involvement in mitigating the
negative effects of academic pressure. They found that when parents provided
emotional support and created a nurturing environment, students were more likely to
experience positive academic outcomes. A study by Wang et al. (2017) revealed that
students who experienced intense parental pressure were more likely to exhibit
symptoms of depression and anxiety, which negatively impacted their academic
performance. In contrast, a study by Wang and Sheikh-Khalil (2010) examined the
relationship between parental academic pressure and students' academic achievement
in a sample of high school students. The findings revealed that high levels of parental
pressure were associated with increased stress and decreased academic performance
among students. In a study by Li and Wong (2012), the authors investigated the effects
of parental academic pressure on students' motivation and engagement in learning.
They found that excessive parental pressure was linked to decreased intrinsic
motivation and lower levels of engagement in academic tasks. Furthermore, a study by
Chen and Stevenson (2013) explored the impact of parental academic pressure on
students' mental health and well-being. The findings indicated that high levels of
parental pressure were associated with increased symptoms of anxiety and depression
among students. These additional studies contribute to the understanding of the
complex relationship between parental academic pressure and students' academic
performance, highlighting the importance of considering cultural and individual
differences in interpreting the effects of parental pressure. In summary, the existing
literature indicates that parental academic pressure can have both positive and negative
effects on students' academic performance. Parents must strike a balance between
setting expectations and providing support to ensure the well-being and success of their
In conclusion, the reviewed literature highlights the significant impact of
parental academic pressure on students' academic performance and overall well-being.
High levels of parental pressure have been consistently associated with increased stress,
anxiety, and decreased motivation among students. However, the effects of parental
academic pressure are not solely negative, as moderate levels of pressure, coupled with
parental support and involvement, can have positive effects on students' motivation and
achievement. Parents must strike a balance between setting expectations and providing
support, creating a nurturing environment that fosters intrinsic motivation and
psychological well-being. Additionally, cultural and individual differences should be
considered when interpreting the effects of parental pressure. Further research is needed
to explore effective strategies for parents and educators to mitigate the negative effects
of academic pressure and promote positive academic outcomes for students.
Research Design
This study is about the effects of parental academic pressure to the academic
performance of GCA SHS Students. This study will use phenomenology approach in
aiming to identify the potential effects of parental academic pressure to the academic
performance of GCA SHS Students and to develop different strategies for reducing
such pressure. The respondents are limited to Senior high school students from age 15-
19 that are currently enrolled at GCA academic year 2023-2024. The study will be
conducted inside the premises of Ganaan Christian Academy.
Research Environment
This research will be conducted at Ganaan Christian Academy, a senior high
school located in Sitio Sagpuron, Suba basbas, Lapu-lapu city. Ganaan Christian
Academy serves as an ideal research environment due to its diverse student population
and the prevalence of parental involvement in students' education. The school provides
a conducive setting for studying the effects of academic pressure imposed by parents
on students' academic performance. The research will involve collecting data from a
representative sample of Ganaan Christian Academy Senior High School students,
ensuring that the findings are applicable to the broader student population. By
conducting the research within the
Research Informants
The respondents of this study are the Senior High School Students who are
currently enrolled at Ganaan Christian Academy academic year 2023-2024. The latest
population of currently enrolled Senior High School Students is 154 which is divided
into 4 different strands for Grade 12 and 3 strands for Grade 11 students. For grade 12
students, each strand is composed of 12 students for 12- ABM, 11 students for 12- GAS,
27 students for 12- HUMSS, and 31 students for 12- STEM. For grade 11 students, each
strand has a total number of 6 students for 11- ABM, 41 students for 11- HUMSS, and
28 students for 11- STEM.
The researchers will get 40 sample sizes out of 154 total population of GCA
SHS Students that are currently enrolled in the academic year 2023-2024, in which the
sample size will be divided into two categories: 10 participants will answer Qualitative
questions and 30 participants for Quantitative questions. The researchers will utilize the
simple random sampling method through the use of the fishbowl technique to give the
participants a fair chance of getting selected.
Research Instruments
The researchers will utilize interview and survey questionnaires as a form of
research instrument to gather and collect data. To gain a better understanding of the
participants, the research instrument will be divided into three main parts. Part I
contains the demographic information of the participants, like age, gender, status,
strand, and grade level. Part II consists of open-ended research interview questions that
will help measure the knowledge of the respondents about the effects of parental
academic pressure as well as the strategies and coping mechanisms that the participants
come up to handle such pressure. Part III contains the Likert Scale that will determine
the impact of parental academic pressure on the academic performance of the
participants. The scaling ranges from 1 to 5 wherein 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest.
Data Gathering Procedure
For formality and legality purposes, the researchers will submit a research letter
asking for permission to formally conduct a study inside the GCA premises. The letter
will be submitted to the administrative office, as well as to the principal and to the
research subject teacher for approval [1]
. The researchers will also give informed
consent to the participants that contains the purpose of our study, and the benefits of
our study as well as asking for full voluntary. The participants have the right to decline
the letter [2]
. After securing the permission letter and the consent of the participants, the
researchers will now proceed to conduct the study only in the allotted time that is given
to avoid disturbing other classes [3]
The researchers will utilize the research instrument in gathering the data. The
participants will be given enough time to answer the questions. After gathering the data,
it will now be collected for data analysis.
Data Analysis
The researchers will use statistical tools and qualitative analysis in analyzing
and interpreting the results of the data. For quantitative results, the researchers will
utilize percentage as a form of statistical tool to get the number of participants who
gives a particular response in the conducted research. For qualitative results, the
researchers will use narrative analysis to better understand and interpret the responses
of the participants.
1. The percentage. The number of respondents who gives particular response will be
represented using the percentage formula:
𝑃 = 𝑓/𝑛 × 100
P = percentage
f = frequency
n = number of respondents
Ethical Considerations
Our research will closely follow ethical guidelines to ensure the highest standards
of behavior. Participants, including students and their parents or guardians, will provide
informed consent after being fully informed about the research's objectives, procedures,
potential risks, and benefits. Consent documents will specify their rights, including the
ability to withdraw from the study without penalty. Confidentiality will be maintained
through participant codes or pseudonyms and anonymization of personal data. Only the
research team will have access to securely preserved data. Participation will be
voluntary, with no compulsion or consequences for non-participation. Data will be
stored and disposed of in compliance with institutional regulations, and necessary
permissions and approvals will be obtained from the school administration. These
ethical guidelines prioritize participant rights, welfare, and privacy, ensuring the
validity and integrity of the study.
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About the Authors
Kent T. Junio was born on December 24, 2006, the second
child of reyboy junio and Amelita lozada I went to subabasbas
elementary school, and went to Poblacion Night High School
in my junior year, and in my senior year, I went to Ganaan
Christian School Academy this year.
Rubie Marie B. Bahinting was born on June 06, 2007, the
second child of Jordan Bahinting and Ma.Theresa Bahinting I
went to Marigondon Elementary School, and went to
Marigondon National High School in my junior year, and in my
senior year, I went to Ganaan Christian School Academy this
Jeffbryan G. Clark was born on February 25, 2006, the only
son of Helen G. Llano and James Clifford L. Clark I went to
Cordova Elementary School, grades 1 to 3, transferred to St.
Mark's School in Texas, went to Marigondon National High
School in my junior year, and in my senior year, I went to
Ganaan Christian School Academy this year.
Precious Angel M. Marinduque was born on September 8,
2006, the only daughter of Alorgie M. Marinduque and
Avelina M. Marinduque. I'm a grade 11 senior high school
student taking stem strand in Ganaan Christian Academy.
Rose Ann N. Ronato was born on April 11 , 2007, the only
child of Roselo Ronato and Anale Ronato I went to
Marigondon Elementary School, and went to Marigondon
National High School in my junior year, and in my senior year,
I went to Ganaan Christian School Academy this year.
Christi Amor E. Saornido was born on September 09, 2007,
the second child of Jane Saornido and Royce Saornido I went
to Subabasbas Elementary School, and went to Marigondon
National High School in my junior year, and in my senior year,
I went to Ganaan Christian School Academy this year.
John Vincent Ybanez was born on August 12 , 2006, the first
child of Runa Ybanez. I went to Basak Elementary School, and
went to Basak Night High School in my junior year, and in my
senior year, I went to Ganaan Christian School Academy this

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  • 1. 1 The Effects of Academic Pressure Imposed by Parents to Academic Performance of Ganaan Christian Academy Senior High School Students during Academic Year 2023-2024 A Research Proposal Presented to Mr. Ryan Laurito Ganaan Christian Academy, Inc. Lapu-Lapu City, 6015 In Partial Fulfilment of the Research for PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 Rubie Bebero Kent Junio Precious Angel Marinduque Jeffbryan Mata Rose Ann Ronato Christi Amore Saornido John Vincent Ybanez
  • 2. 2 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE RATIONALE This study’s justification is founded on several important considerations. First of all, academic pressure is a common problem in education and research on its possible effects on student’s academic performance and mental health has covered the topic extensively. We hope that this study will add to the body of knowledge already in existence by analyzing the particular effects of parental academic pressure on Ganaan Christian Academy students. Secondly, Ganaan Christian Academy is a unique educational institution with its own set of values, principles, and teaching methodologies. It is essential to investigate the effects of parental academic pressure within this specific context to understand how it aligns with or diverges from broader research findings. This research will provide insights into the dynamics between parents, students, and the school environment, allowing for tailored interventions and support strategies that address the specific needs of Ganaan Christian Academy students. Academic pressure is a common phenomenon in many educational settings around the world. It is defined as an experience that pushes students to perform their very best in class, (Khan et al. 2013) considered academic pressure to be part of a
  • 3. 3 student’s life and could impact the way the students perceive academic life. It comes from friends, family, peers, and the students themselves and the standard that society has implemented. Academic pressure could be positive, motivating students to work hard and achieve their goals. However, it also has the potential to contribute to mental health problems for students (Steare et al. 2023), due to unattainable and unrealistic parental expectations and could have a significant impact on student’s academic performance. Senior high school students face a wide range of academic pressure which could be defined as everyday hassle due to the high demand for outputs and more intense academic pressure coming from their parents (Pascoe et al., 2019). A study conducted in three private schools in Kolkata, India with a participant of 190 students from grades 11 & 12 shows that nearly two-thirds (66%) of the students reported that most academic pressure came from their parents to do better academic performance (Deb et al., 2015). This kind of pressure is often associated with negative effects as well as positive effects and could have a significant impact on the academic performance of senior high school students. Also, senior high school students who are often exposed to academic pressure, tend to suffer anxiety and depression thus making senior high school students adjust and adapt to survive academic life and achieve better academic performance. A study conducted at Federico Yap National High School shows how senior high school students deal with academic pressure. The study shows that students that are often exposed to academic pressure spend time with their friends, watch movies, visiting other places, spends their time on social media and games as their way of coping with academic pressure (Gomez et al., 2021). Academic pressure from parents, high expectation, and depression are negatively connected with academic performance (Safree et al., 2010). The study shows
  • 4. 4 that the higher the academic pressure, the lower the academic performance. But not all the time academic pressure could be negative. It is also associated with positive effects and partly responsible on achieving the student’s goals. Academic pressure imposed by parent shows positive effects towards the academic achievement of higher education students (Akhtar et al, 2011). Academic pressure are mostly connected with negative effects. However, there’s no denying that it could also be beneficial. It could improve the student’s academic performance and could have significant effects on their goals. Effects of academic pressure varies depending on how students perceive academic pressure and how well they can adapt to it. The goal of this study was to determine the impact of academic pressure imposed by parents towards the academic performance on Ganaan Christian Academy senior high school students that are currently enrolled in academic year 2023-2024. This study would also tackle the coping strategies that senior high school students in GCA came up in order to deal with academic pressure that the parents imposes. To ensure the validity and reliability of our findings, we will employ a mixed- methods approach. Quantitative data will be collected through surveys and academic records to measure academic performance. This study focuses on the effects of the academic pressure that the parents impose on Ganaan Christian Academy SHS students and how they would cope with the pressure. This will be done through hardcopy surveys in which the respondents will be asked some questions. The study shall focus solely on the Ganaan Christian Academy SHS students who are currently enrolled for the academic year 2023–2024, and it will not address any unrelated problems. It should also be conducted inside the Ganaan Christian Academy's facilities.
  • 5. 5 THEORETICAL CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Figure 1. Theoretical-Conceptual Framework of the Study
  • 6. 6 THEORETICAL CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUND Parental pressure to perform academically can have a big impact on the general development and well-being of GCA Senior High School children. The expectations, demands, and standards parents make for their children's academic success are referred to as academic pressure. Numerous things, including as societal norms, family expectations, and the drive for success in the future, might contribute to this pressure. Pressure can also produce a high-stakes atmosphere where students may feel overburdened, which can have detrimental effects like elevated stress, lowered motivation, and even burnout. To effectively implement support and intervention techniques, it is imperative to comprehend the complex nature of academic pressure and its effects on kids' holistic development. Drawing upon the Sletten and anxiety theory by Sigmund Freud, we explore the relationship between academic pressure and anxiety. According to Freud (1926), anxiety arises from unconscious conflicts and can have a profound impact on an individual's mental state. The Yerkes-Dodson law (1908) further contributes to our understanding by suggesting that there is an optimal level of arousal for optimal performance. Too much pressure can lead to excessive stress and anxiety, hindering students' ability to perform at their best (Yerkes & Dodson, 1908). The Two-Factor Theory of Emotion (Schachter & Singer, 1962) helps us understand how emotions are influenced by both physiological arousal and cognitive interpretation. Academic pressure can evoke a range of emotions, including fear of failure, self-doubt, and frustration. These emotional responses can impact students' motivation, engagement, and overall well-being. Additionally, the Expectancy-Value Theory (Eccles, Wigfield, & Schiefele, 1998) sheds light on how students' expectations and values regarding academic success influence their motivation and performance. When parental
  • 7. 7 expectations become overwhelming, students may experience a decline in self-esteem, as they constantly compare themselves to their parents' standards (Leary & Baumeister, 2000). GCA Senior high school students are particularly vulnerable to the effects of academic pressure due to the transitional nature of this phase in their lives. They face the challenges of academic workload, college preparation, and the desire to meet parental expectations. These challenges can lead to excessive stress and anxiety, which have been identified as prevalent issues among high school students (APA, 2018). Moreover, the pressure to excel academically can result in health problems and negative coping mechanisms, such as sleep disturbances, unhealthy eating habits, and reliance on unhealthy stress management strategies (APA, 2018). Additionally, the strain of academic pressure can strain parent-child relationships, leading to communication breakdowns, conflicts, and decreased emotional support. Furthermore, the intense focus on academic achievement may hinder students' ability to pursue their passions and talents, limiting their overall personal and holistic development. To address these challenges, we propose the creation of a brochure that aims to create awareness and reduce the effects of academic pressure. This brochure will provide valuable information and resources to students, parents, and educators, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach to education and the well-being of students. It will highlight the significance of maintaining mental and physical health, fostering positive parent-child relationships, and encouraging students to pursue their passions and talents alongside academic pursuits. By raising awareness about the potential negative consequences of excessive academic pressure and promoting healthier attitudes towards academic achievement, we hope to mitigate the detrimental effects on GCA Senior high school students. Furthermore, the brochure will also
  • 8. 8 provide practical strategies and techniques for managing academic pressure, such as stress reduction techniques, time management skills, and effective communication strategies between parents and students, fostering a supportive and nurturing academic environment. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aims to examine the benefits and drawbacks of parental academic pressure on senior high school students at Ganaan Christian Academy in the academic year 2023–2024. This study specifically aims to respond to the following questions: 1. Does academic pressure affect the student's mental health and overall performance? 2. What are the solutions to lessen the impact of academic pressure of the parents to the student? 3. What are the pros and cons of the academic pressure parents place on their students? 4. What could be the student's reaction when faced with academic pressure from parents? 5. How do students view academic pressure? 6. What are the coping mechanisms used by Ganaan Christian Academy senior high school students to deal with academic pressure imposed by parents? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that contribute to parental academic pressure on GCA senior high school students, as well as to identify strategies for reducing such pressure. The study's output attempts to equip students with coping
  • 9. 9 mechanisms for handling parental pressure to perform well academically. Throughout out study, parents will gain a better understanding of the impact of the academic pressure they put on their children, which will benefit Ganaan Christian Academy SHS students as well as teachers. Additionally, it will help teachers recognize the difficulties that the students encounter and offer the right kind of assistance. Students can use this knowledge to identify strategies to improve their academic performance because the result of our study could enlighten and raise their understanding of the effects that academic pressure has on their performance. To address and lessen the academic pressure that parents place on their GCA SHS students in order to improve their academic performance. The results are intended to help parents better comprehend the consequences of their behavior, direct educators in offering helpful assistance, and provide kids with new perspectives to improve their academic performance. The ultimate goal of this study is to enhance Ganaan Christian Academy SHS's overall educational program. DEFINITION OF TERMS Numerous: adjective – consisting of great numbers of units or individuals Overburdened: verb – to place an excessive burden on Detrimental: adjective – obviously harmful: noun – an undesirable or harmful person or thing Burnout: noun – exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration Imperative: adjective – not to be avoided or evaded - Of, relating to, or constituting the grammatical mood that expresses the will to influence the behavior of another
  • 10. 10 Comprehend: verb – to contain or hold within a total scope, significance, or amount Holistic: adjective – relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts Unconscious: adjective – not marked by conscious thought, sensation, or feeling Profound: adjective – having intellectual depth and insight Optimal: adjective – most desirable or satisfactory Arousal: noun – the state of being aroused Physiological: adjective – differing in, involving, or affecting physiological factors Cognitive: adjective – of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering) Pressure: It is used to describe when parents put standards or want their children to do great in school. Effects: The change that occurs after parents put standards to do great in Phenomenon: Fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. Positive effects: The change that occurs in a nice or effective way. Negative effects: The change that occurs in a bad way. Perceive: to become aware of through the senses Academic pressure: Pressure that could affect the academic performance
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12 CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature Academic pressure is a significant aspect of the educational experience, with numerous studies examining its effects on students' well-being and academic outcomes (Smith et al., 2018; Johnson & Smith, 2021). Academic pressure refers to the expectations and demands placed on students to excel academically, often stemming from various sources such as parents, teachers, and peers (Smith et al., 2018). While some levels of academic pressure can be motivating, excessive pressure can have detrimental effects on students' mental health and overall academic performance. It is crucial to understand the impact of academic pressure on students to develop effective strategies and interventions to support their well-being and success. To address the potential negative consequences of academic pressure, it is important to explore coping mechanisms and support systems that can help students effectively manage and navigate these pressures (Brown et al., 2020). Parental academic pressure comes with various effects on students, it ranges from mental health problems to academic challenges (Deb et al., 2015). Students tend to feel burdened due to high expectations set by parents, peers, society, and themselves which often leads to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. A study conducted by Liao et al., (2021) shows that parent-child relationships are significant factors in students' academic performance and mental health problems. The study shows that good parent-child relationships have a significant impact on handling
  • 13. 13 academic pressure and mental health problems. The effects of academic pressure imposed by parents on the academic performance of students have been widely studied in the literature. Several researchers have explored the various dimensions and consequences of parental academic pressure. One study by Chen and Gregory (2016) found that high levels of parental academic pressure were associated with increased stress levels among students, which in turn negatively affected their academic performance. Similarly, a study by Leung et al. (2018) revealed that excessive parental pressure led to higher levels of anxiety and decreased motivation, ultimately impacting students' ability to perform well academically. In a longitudinal study conducted by Xu and Wu (2019), it was found that parental academic pressure had a significant influence on students' self-esteem and self-efficacy, which in turn affected their academic performance. This suggests that the psychological well-being of students plays a crucial role in their academic success. Furthermore, a study by Li and Lerner (2013) highlighted the importance of parental support and involvement in mitigating the negative effects of academic pressure. They found that when parents provided emotional support and created a nurturing environment, students were more likely to experience positive academic outcomes. A study by Wang et al. (2017) revealed that students who experienced intense parental pressure were more likely to exhibit symptoms of depression and anxiety, which negatively impacted their academic performance. In contrast, a study by Wang and Sheikh-Khalil (2010) examined the relationship between parental academic pressure and students' academic achievement in a sample of high school students. The findings revealed that high levels of parental pressure were associated with increased stress and decreased academic performance among students. In a study by Li and Wong (2012), the authors investigated the effects of parental academic pressure on students' motivation and engagement in learning.
  • 14. 14 They found that excessive parental pressure was linked to decreased intrinsic motivation and lower levels of engagement in academic tasks. Furthermore, a study by Chen and Stevenson (2013) explored the impact of parental academic pressure on students' mental health and well-being. The findings indicated that high levels of parental pressure were associated with increased symptoms of anxiety and depression among students. These additional studies contribute to the understanding of the complex relationship between parental academic pressure and students' academic performance, highlighting the importance of considering cultural and individual differences in interpreting the effects of parental pressure. In summary, the existing literature indicates that parental academic pressure can have both positive and negative effects on students' academic performance. Parents must strike a balance between setting expectations and providing support to ensure the well-being and success of their children. In conclusion, the reviewed literature highlights the significant impact of parental academic pressure on students' academic performance and overall well-being. High levels of parental pressure have been consistently associated with increased stress, anxiety, and decreased motivation among students. However, the effects of parental academic pressure are not solely negative, as moderate levels of pressure, coupled with parental support and involvement, can have positive effects on students' motivation and achievement. Parents must strike a balance between setting expectations and providing support, creating a nurturing environment that fosters intrinsic motivation and psychological well-being. Additionally, cultural and individual differences should be considered when interpreting the effects of parental pressure. Further research is needed to explore effective strategies for parents and educators to mitigate the negative effects of academic pressure and promote positive academic outcomes for students.
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16 CHAPTER 3 Research Design This study is about the effects of parental academic pressure to the academic performance of GCA SHS Students. This study will use phenomenology approach in aiming to identify the potential effects of parental academic pressure to the academic performance of GCA SHS Students and to develop different strategies for reducing such pressure. The respondents are limited to Senior high school students from age 15- 19 that are currently enrolled at GCA academic year 2023-2024. The study will be conducted inside the premises of Ganaan Christian Academy. Research Environment This research will be conducted at Ganaan Christian Academy, a senior high school located in Sitio Sagpuron, Suba basbas, Lapu-lapu city. Ganaan Christian Academy serves as an ideal research environment due to its diverse student population and the prevalence of parental involvement in students' education. The school provides a conducive setting for studying the effects of academic pressure imposed by parents on students' academic performance. The research will involve collecting data from a representative sample of Ganaan Christian Academy Senior High School students, ensuring that the findings are applicable to the broader student population. By conducting the research within the Research Informants
  • 17. 17 The respondents of this study are the Senior High School Students who are currently enrolled at Ganaan Christian Academy academic year 2023-2024. The latest population of currently enrolled Senior High School Students is 154 which is divided into 4 different strands for Grade 12 and 3 strands for Grade 11 students. For grade 12 students, each strand is composed of 12 students for 12- ABM, 11 students for 12- GAS, 27 students for 12- HUMSS, and 31 students for 12- STEM. For grade 11 students, each strand has a total number of 6 students for 11- ABM, 41 students for 11- HUMSS, and 28 students for 11- STEM. The researchers will get 40 sample sizes out of 154 total population of GCA SHS Students that are currently enrolled in the academic year 2023-2024, in which the sample size will be divided into two categories: 10 participants will answer Qualitative questions and 30 participants for Quantitative questions. The researchers will utilize the simple random sampling method through the use of the fishbowl technique to give the participants a fair chance of getting selected. Research Instruments The researchers will utilize interview and survey questionnaires as a form of research instrument to gather and collect data. To gain a better understanding of the participants, the research instrument will be divided into three main parts. Part I contains the demographic information of the participants, like age, gender, status, strand, and grade level. Part II consists of open-ended research interview questions that will help measure the knowledge of the respondents about the effects of parental academic pressure as well as the strategies and coping mechanisms that the participants come up to handle such pressure. Part III contains the Likert Scale that will determine
  • 18. 18 the impact of parental academic pressure on the academic performance of the participants. The scaling ranges from 1 to 5 wherein 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest. Data Gathering Procedure For formality and legality purposes, the researchers will submit a research letter asking for permission to formally conduct a study inside the GCA premises. The letter will be submitted to the administrative office, as well as to the principal and to the research subject teacher for approval [1] . The researchers will also give informed consent to the participants that contains the purpose of our study, and the benefits of our study as well as asking for full voluntary. The participants have the right to decline the letter [2] . After securing the permission letter and the consent of the participants, the researchers will now proceed to conduct the study only in the allotted time that is given to avoid disturbing other classes [3] . The researchers will utilize the research instrument in gathering the data. The participants will be given enough time to answer the questions. After gathering the data, it will now be collected for data analysis. Data Analysis The researchers will use statistical tools and qualitative analysis in analyzing and interpreting the results of the data. For quantitative results, the researchers will utilize percentage as a form of statistical tool to get the number of participants who gives a particular response in the conducted research. For qualitative results, the researchers will use narrative analysis to better understand and interpret the responses of the participants. 1. The percentage. The number of respondents who gives particular response will be represented using the percentage formula:
  • 19. 19 𝑃 = 𝑓/𝑛 × 100 Where: P = percentage f = frequency n = number of respondents
  • 20. 20 Ethical Considerations Our research will closely follow ethical guidelines to ensure the highest standards of behavior. Participants, including students and their parents or guardians, will provide informed consent after being fully informed about the research's objectives, procedures, potential risks, and benefits. Consent documents will specify their rights, including the ability to withdraw from the study without penalty. Confidentiality will be maintained through participant codes or pseudonyms and anonymization of personal data. Only the research team will have access to securely preserved data. Participation will be voluntary, with no compulsion or consequences for non-participation. Data will be stored and disposed of in compliance with institutional regulations, and necessary permissions and approvals will be obtained from the school administration. These ethical guidelines prioritize participant rights, welfare, and privacy, ensuring the validity and integrity of the study.
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  • 25. 25 About the Authors Kent T. Junio was born on December 24, 2006, the second child of reyboy junio and Amelita lozada I went to subabasbas elementary school, and went to Poblacion Night High School in my junior year, and in my senior year, I went to Ganaan Christian School Academy this year. Rubie Marie B. Bahinting was born on June 06, 2007, the second child of Jordan Bahinting and Ma.Theresa Bahinting I went to Marigondon Elementary School, and went to Marigondon National High School in my junior year, and in my senior year, I went to Ganaan Christian School Academy this year. Jeffbryan G. Clark was born on February 25, 2006, the only son of Helen G. Llano and James Clifford L. Clark I went to Cordova Elementary School, grades 1 to 3, transferred to St. Mark's School in Texas, went to Marigondon National High School in my junior year, and in my senior year, I went to Ganaan Christian School Academy this year.
  • 26. 26 Precious Angel M. Marinduque was born on September 8, 2006, the only daughter of Alorgie M. Marinduque and Avelina M. Marinduque. I'm a grade 11 senior high school student taking stem strand in Ganaan Christian Academy. Rose Ann N. Ronato was born on April 11 , 2007, the only child of Roselo Ronato and Anale Ronato I went to Marigondon Elementary School, and went to Marigondon National High School in my junior year, and in my senior year, I went to Ganaan Christian School Academy this year. Christi Amor E. Saornido was born on September 09, 2007, the second child of Jane Saornido and Royce Saornido I went to Subabasbas Elementary School, and went to Marigondon National High School in my junior year, and in my senior year, I went to Ganaan Christian School Academy this year. John Vincent Ybanez was born on August 12 , 2006, the first child of Runa Ybanez. I went to Basak Elementary School, and went to Basak Night High School in my junior year, and in my senior year, I went to Ganaan Christian School Academy this year.