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Santa Clara, California | April 23th – 25th, 2018
Sergey Petrunia MariaDB Project
Vicen iu Ciorbaru MariaDB Foundationț
Santa Clara, California | April 23th – 25th, 2018
Sergey Petrunia MariaDB Project
Vicen iu Ciorbaru MariaDB Foundationț
MariaDB Optimizer in 10.3,
where does it stand?
● New releases of MySQL and MariaDB
– MariaDB 10.2 and 10.3
– MySQL 8.0
● Optimizer related features
– Histograms
– Non-recursive CTEs
● Derived table optimizations
– Window Functions
● Let’s look and compare
– Also look at PostgreSQL and SQL Server
Condition Selectivity
Query optimizer needs to decide on a plan to execute the query
Goal is to get the shortest running time
• Chose access method
- Index Access, Hash Join, BKA, etc.
• Choose correct join order to minimize the cost of reading rows
- Usually, minimizing rows read minimizes execution time
- Sometimes reading more rows is advantageous, if table / index is all in memory
Condition Selectivity
Query optimizer needs to decide on a plan to execute the query
Goal is to get the shortest running time
• Chose access method
- Index Access, Hash Join, BKA, etc.
• Choose correct join order to minimize the cost of reading rows
- Usually, minimizing rows read minimizes execution time
- Sometimes reading more rows is advantageous, if table / index is all in memory
Use a cost model to estimate how long an execution plan would take
Condition Selectivity
Query optimizer needs to decide on a plan to execute the query
Goal is to get the shortest running time
• Chose access method
- Index Access, Hash Join, BKA, etc.
• Choose correct join order to minimize the cost of reading rows
- Usually, minimizing rows read minimizes execution time
- Sometimes reading more rows is advantageous, if table / index is all in memory
Use a cost model to estimate how long an execution plan would take
For each condition in the where clause (and having) we compute
• Condition selectivity
- How many rows of the table is this condition going to accept? 10%, 20%, 90% ?
Condition Selectivity
Query optimizer needs to decide on a plan to execute the query
Goal is to get the shortest running time
• Chose access method
- Index Access, Hash Join, BKA, etc.
• Choose correct join order to minimize the cost of reading rows
- Usually, minimizing rows read minimizes execution time
- Sometimes reading more rows is advantageous, if table / index is all in memory
Use a cost model to estimate how long an execution plan would take
For each condition in the where clause (and having) we compute
• Condition selectivity
- How many rows of the table is this condition going to accept? 10%, 20%, 90% ?
Getting the estimates
right is important!
Condition Selectivity
Suppose we have query with 10 tables: T1, T2, T3, … T10
Condition Selectivity
Suppose we have query with 10 tables: T1, T2, T3, … T10
Query optimizer will:
• Estimate the number of rows that it will read from each table
• Based on the conditions in the where (and having) clause
Condition Selectivity
Suppose we have query with 10 tables: T1, T2, T3, … T10
Query optimizer will:
• Estimate the number of rows that it will read from each table
• Based on the conditions in the where (and having) clauses
Assume estimates have an average error coefficient e
• Total number of estimated rows read is:
- (e * #T1) * (e * #T2) * (e * #T3) * … * (e * #T10)
• Where #T1..#T10 is the actual number of rows read for each table
Condition Selectivity
Suppose we have query with 10 tables: T1, T2, T3, … T10
Query optimizer will:
• Estimate the number of rows that it will read from each table
• Based on the conditions in the where (and having) clauses
Assume estimates have an average error coefficient e
• Total number of estimated rows read is:
- (e * #T1) * (e * #T2) * (e * #T3) * … * (e * #T10)
• Where #T1..#T10 is the actual number of rows read for each table
The estimation error is amplified, the more tables there are in a join
• If we under/over estimate by a factor of 2 final error factor is 1024!
• If error is only 1.5 (off by 50%), final error factor is ~60
Condition Selectivity
How does optimizer produce estimates?
• Condition analysis:
- Is it possible to satisfy conditions? t1.a > 10 and t1.a < 5
- Equality condition on a distinct column?
• Index dives to get number of rows in a range
• Guesstimates (MySQL)
• Histograms for non-indexed columns
Histograms estimate a distribution
Histograms estimate a distribution
Multiple types of histograms
• Equi-Width Histograms
Histograms estimate a distribution
Multiple types of histograms
• Equi-Width Histograms
- Not uniform information
- Many values in one bucket (5)
- Other buckets take few values (1)
Histograms estimate a distribution
Multiple types of histograms
• Equi-Width Histograms
- Not uniform information
- Many values in one bucket (5)
- Other buckets take few values (1)
Histograms estimate a distribution
Multiple types of histograms
• Equi-Width Histograms
- Not uniform information
- Many values in one bucket (5)
- Other buckets take few values (1)
• Equi-Height Histograms
- All bins have same #values
- More bins where there are more
Histograms estimate a distribution
Multiple types of histograms
• Equi-Width Histograms
- Not uniform information
- Many values in one bucket (5)
- Other buckets take few values (1)
• Equi-Height Histograms
- All bins have same #values
- More bins where there are more
• Most Common Values Histograms
- Useful for ENUM columns
- One bin per value
Histograms in MariaDB
MariaDB histograms are collected by doing a full table scan
• Needs to be done manually using ANALYZE TABLE … PERSISTENT
Stored inside
• mysql.table_stats, mysql.column_stats, mysql.index_stats
• As a binary value (max 255 bytes), single / double precision
• Special function to decode, decode_histogram()
Can be manually updated
• One can run data collection on a slave, then propagate results
Not enabled by default, needs a few switches turned on to work
Histograms in MySQL
MySQL histograms are collected by doing a full table scan
• Needs to be done manually using ANALYZE TABLE … UPDATE HISTOGRAM
• Can collect all data or perform sampling by skipping rows, based on max memory
Stored inside data dictionary
• Can be viewed through INFORMATION_SCHEMA.column_statistics
• Stored as Equi-Width (Singleton) or Equi-Height
• Visible as JSON
Can not be manually updated
• No obvious easy way to share statistics
Enabled by default, will be used when available
Histograms in PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL histograms are collected by doing a true random read
• Can be collected manually with ANALYZE
• Also collected automatically when VACUUM runs
Stores equal-height and most common values at the same time
• Equal-height histogram doesn’t cover MCV
Can be manually updated
• One could import histograms from slave instances
• VACUUM auto-collection seems to cover the use case
Using Histograms
Histograms are useful for range conditions
• Equi-width or equi-height:
- COLUMN > constant
• Most Common Values (Singleton):
- COLUMN = constant
Problematic when multiple columns are involved:
• t1.COL1 > 100 AND t1.COL2 > 1000
Most optimizers assume column values are independent
• P(A ∩ B) = P(A) * P(B) vs P(A ∩ B) = P(A) * P(B | A)
PostgreSQL 10 has added support for multi-variable distributions.
MySQL assumes independent values.
MariaDB doesn’t handle multi-variable case well either.
Using Histograms
Sample database world:
from city
where (city.population > 10 mil or
city.population < 10 thousand)
MariaDB MySQL PostgreSQL
Estimated Rows Filtered 1.95% 1.09% 1.05%
Actual Rows Filtered 1.05 %
Using Histograms
Table with 2 columns A and B
• t1.a always equals t1.b
• 10 distinct values, each value occurs with 10% probability
select t1.A, t1.B
from t1
where t1.A = t1.B and t1.A = 5
MariaDB MySQL PostgreSQL
Estimated Rows Filtered 1.03% 1% 10%
Actual Rows Filtered 10%
• Slightly less precise than MySQL, but smaller in size
• Same problem with correlated data as MySQL
• Performs full-table-scan, no sampling support
• Easy to share between instances
• Histograms provide good estimates for real world data
• Poor performance with highly correlated data
• Performs full-table-scan, supports sampling
• Estimates on par with MySQL and MariaDB
• Support for multi-variable distributions!
• True sampling
Optimizations for derived tables
and non-recursive CTEs
A set of related optimizations
Some are new, some are old:
● Derived table merge
● Condition pushdown
– Condition pushdown through window functions
● GROUP BY splitting
Background – derived table merge
● “VIP customers and their big orders from October”
select *
(select *
from orders
where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31'
OCT_ORDERS.amount > 1M and
OCT_ORDERS.customer_id = customer.customer_id
Naive execution
select *
(select *
from orders
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and
OCT_ORDERS.amount > 1M and
OCT_ORDERS.customer_id =
1 – compute
2- do join OCT_ORDERS
amount > 1M
Derived table merge
select *
(select *
from orders
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and
OCT_ORDERS.amount > 1M and
OCT_ORDERS.customer_id =
select *
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and
orders.amount > 1M and
orders.customer_id =
Execution after merge
select *
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and
orders.amount > 1M and
orders.customer_id =
Made in October
amount > 1M
● Allows the optimizer to join customer→orders or orders→customer
● Good for optimization
What if the subquery has a GROUP BY ?
● Merging is only possible when the “final” operation of the subquery is a join
● Can’t merge if it’s a GROUP BY/DISTINCT/ORDER BY LIMIT/etc
create view OCT_TOTALS as
SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT
from orders
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31'
group by
select * from OCT_TOTALS where customer_id=1
Execution is inefficient
create view OCT_TOTALS as
SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT
from orders
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31'
group by
select * from OCT_TOTALS where customer_id=1
1 – compute all totals
2- get customer=1
Condition pushdown optimization
select *
where customer_id=1
create view OCT_TOTALS as
SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT
from orders
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31'
group by
● Can push down conditions on GROUP
BY columns
● … to filter out rows that go into groups
we don’t care about
Condition pushdown
select *
where customer_id=1
1 – find customer_id=1
● Looking only at groups you’re interested in is much more efficient
– Pushing into HAVING clause is useful, too.
create view OCT_TOTALS as
SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT
from orders
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31'
group by
Pushdown for inferred conditions (in MariaDB)
customer, OCT_TOTALS
customer.customer_id=OCT_TOTALS.customer_id and
create view OCT_TOTALS as
SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT
from orders
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31'
group by
Condition Pushdown through Window Functions
● “Customer’s biggest orders”
create view top_three_orders as
select *
rank() over (partition by customer_id
order by amount desc
) as order_rank
from orders
) as ordered_orders
where order_rank<3
select * from top_three_orders where customer_id=1
| customer_id | amount | order_rank |
| 1 | 10000 | 1 |
| 1 | 9500 | 2 |
| 1 | 400 | 3 |
| 2 | 3200 | 1 |
| 2 | 1000 | 2 |
| 2 | 400 | 3 |
Condition pushdown through Window Functions
Without condition pushdown
● Compute top_three_orders
for all customers
● select rows with
select * from top_three_orders where customer_id=1
With condition pushdown
● Only compute top_three_orders
for customer_id=1
– This is much faster
– Can take advantage of
index on customer_id
Summary so far
● Derived table merge
– Available since MySQL/MariaDB 5.1 and in most other databases
● Condition pushdown
– Available in PostgreSQL, MariaDB 10.2
– Not available in MySQL 5.7 or 8.0
– Limitations:
● MariaDB doesn’t push from HAVING into WHERE (MDEV-7486)
● PostgreSQL doesn’t push inferred conditions
● Condition pushdown through window functions
– Available in PostgreSQL, MariaDB 10.3
Split grouping optimization
Split grouping use case
select *
customer, OCT_TOTALS
customer.customer_id=OCT_TOTALS.customer_id and
customer.customer_name IN ('Customer 1', 'Customer 2')
create view OCT_TOTALS as
SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT
from orders
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31'
group by
● Compute a table of groups
● Join the groups to another
table (customer)
● The other table has a
selective restriction (only
need two customers)
● But condition pushdown can’t
be used
Execution, the old way
select *
customer, OCT_TOTALS
OCT_TOTALS.customer_id and
customer.customer_name IN ('Customer 1',
'Customer 2')
create view OCT_TOTALS as
SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT
from orders
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31'
group by
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
Customer 100
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
Customer 100
Customer 1
Customer 2
● Inefficient, OCT_TOTALS
is computed for *all*
Split grouping execution (1)
Customer 1
Customer 100
Customer 1
Customer 1 Sum
● Similar to “LATERAL DERIVED”
● Pick Customer1, compute part of
OCT_TOTALS table for him.
Split grouping execution (2)
Customer 2
Customer 2
Customer 1
Customer 100
Customer 1
Customer 1
Customer 2
● Similar to “LATERAL DERIVED”
● Pick Customer1, compute part of
OCT_TOTALS table for him
● Pick Customer2, compute part of
OCT_TOTALS table for him
Split grouping execution (3)
Customer 2
Customer 2
Customer 1
Customer 100
Customer 1
Customer 1
Customer 2
● Similar to “LATERAL DERIVED”
● Pick Customer1, compute part of
OCT_TOTALS table for him
● Pick Customer2, compute part of
OCT_TOTALS table for him
● ...
Split Grouping prerequisites
Customer 2
Customer 2
Customer 1
Customer 100
Customer 1
Customer 1
Customer 2
● There is a join condition that “selects” one
GROUP BY group:
– OCT_TOTALS.customer_id=
● The join order allows to make “lookups” in the
grouped temp table
– customer→ OCT_TOTALS
● There is an index that allows to read only one
GROUP BY group.
– INDEX(orders.customer_id)
Split grouping execution
● Available since MariaDB 10.3
● The optimizer makes a critera + cost-based choice whether to use the optimization
● @@optimizer_switch flag: split_materialization (ON by default)
select *
customer, OCT_TOTALS
OCT_TOTALS.customer_id and
customer.customer_name IN ('Customer 1',
'Customer 2')
create view OCT_TOTALS as
SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT
from orders
order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31'
group by
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | customer | ALL | PRIMARY | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1000 | |
| 1 | PRIMARY | <derived2> | ref | key0 | key0 | 4 | customer.customer_id | 36 | |
| 2 | LATERAL DERIVED | orders | ref | customer_id | customer_id | 4 | customer.customer_id | 365 | Using where |
Summary so far
● Derived table merge
– Available since MySQL/MariaDB 5.1 and in most other databases
● Condition pushdown
– Available in PostgreSQL, MariaDB 10.2
– Not available in MySQL 5.7 or 8.0
● Condition pushdown through window functions
– Available in PostgreSQL, MariaDB 10.3
● Split grouping optimization
– MariaDB 10.3 only
Optimizations for
non-recursive CTEs
CTE name
CTE Body
CTE Usage
with engineers as (
select *
from employees
where dept='Engineering'
select *
from engineers
where ...
CTE syntax
Similar to DERIVED
“Query-local VIEWs”
select *
select *
from employees
) as engineers
with engineers as (
select *
from employees
where dept='Engineering'
select *
from engineers
CTEs are like derived tables
with engineers as (
select * from employees
where dept in ('Development','Support')
eu_engineers as (
select * from engineers where country IN ('NL',...)
Use case #1: CTEs refer to CTEs
More readable than nested FROM(SELECT …)
with engineers as (
select * from employees
where dept in ('Development','Support')
select *
engineers E1
where not exists (select 1
from engineers E2
and <>;
Use case #2: Multiple uses of CTE
select *
sales_product_year CUR,
sales_product_year PREV,
CUR.product=PREV.product and
CUR.year=PREV.year + 1 and
CUR.total_amt > PREV.total_amt
with sales_product_year as (
year(ship_date) as year,
sum(price) as total_amt
group by
product, year
Use case #2: example 2
Year-over-year comparisons
Optimizations for non-recursive CTEs
1. The same set as for derived tables
– Merge
– Condition pushdown
● through window functions
– Lateral derived
2. Compute CTE once if it is used multiple times
MariaDB 10.3 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘
MS SQL Server ✔ ✔ ? ✘
PostgreSQL ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔
MySQL 8.0 ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔
CTE Optimizations
Merge and Condition Pushdown are the most important
MariaDB supports them, like MS SQL.
PostgreSQL’s approach is *weird*
“CTEs are optimization barriers”
MySQL 8.0: “try merging, otherwise reuse”
Window functions optimizations
Window functions optimizations
● Window functions introduced in
– MariaDB 10.2
– MySQL 8.0
● Optimizations for window functions
– Condition pushdown
– Reduce the number of sorting passes
– Streamed computation
– ORDER BY-like optimizations
Reduce the number of sorting passes
rank() over (order by col1),
ntile(4)over (order by col2),
rank() over (order by ...),
join tbl2 on ...
● Each window function requires a sort
● Identical PARTITION/ORDER BY must share the sort step
● Compatible may share the sort step
● Supported by all: MariaDB, MySQL 8, PostgreSQL, ...
Streamed computation
win_func( )
over (partition by ...
order by ...
rows between preceding N1
and following N2)
● Window function is computed from rows in the window
– O (n_rows * frame_size)
● Frame moves down with the current row
● For most functions, one can update the value after the
frame has moved – this is streamed computation
● For some, this doesn’t hold (e.g. MAX)
ORDER BY [LIMIT] like optimizations
● Skip sorting if the rows come already sorted
● ORDER BY … LIMIT and descending window function
row_number() over (...) as RN
order by RN limit 10
● Restriction on ROW_NUMBER
select *
from (select row_number() over (...) as RN
from ...
) as T
where RN < 10
Window functions optimization summary
MariaDB 10.3 ✔ ~✔ ✔ ✘
MS SQL Server ✔ ~✔ ✔ ✔
PostgreSQL ✔ ~✔ ✔ ✘
MySQL 8.0 ✔ ~✔ ✘ ✘
has this since
it’s mandatory
for identical
O(N) computation
becomes O(N^2)
Very nice to
have for
analytic queries
Sometimes used for
TOP-n queries by
those with “big
database” background
● Both MariaDB and MySQL now have histograms
– MySQL’s are larger and more precise
– Both are lagging behind PostgreSQL, still
● Derived tables: MariaDB got condition pushdown
– MariaDB 10.3: Pushdown for window functions, Split grouping
– Caught up with PostgreSQL and exceeded it.
● Non-recursive CTEs
– See derived tables
– PostgreSQL and MySQL 8 have made weird choice
● Window functions
– Similar optimizations in all three
– MySQL lacks condition pushdown (careful with VIEWs).
Thank You!
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  • 1. Santa Clara, California | April 23th – 25th, 2018 Sergey Petrunia MariaDB Project Vicen iu Ciorbaru MariaDB Foundationț Santa Clara, California | April 23th – 25th, 2018 Sergey Petrunia MariaDB Project Vicen iu Ciorbaru MariaDB Foundationț MariaDB Optimizer in 10.3, where does it stand?
  • 2. 2 Agenda ● New releases of MySQL and MariaDB – MariaDB 10.2 and 10.3 – MySQL 8.0 ● Optimizer related features – Histograms – Non-recursive CTEs ● Derived table optimizations – Window Functions ● Let’s look and compare – Also look at PostgreSQL and SQL Server
  • 4. 4 Condition Selectivity Query optimizer needs to decide on a plan to execute the query Goal is to get the shortest running time • Chose access method - Index Access, Hash Join, BKA, etc. • Choose correct join order to minimize the cost of reading rows - Usually, minimizing rows read minimizes execution time - Sometimes reading more rows is advantageous, if table / index is all in memory
  • 5. 5 Condition Selectivity Query optimizer needs to decide on a plan to execute the query Goal is to get the shortest running time • Chose access method - Index Access, Hash Join, BKA, etc. • Choose correct join order to minimize the cost of reading rows - Usually, minimizing rows read minimizes execution time - Sometimes reading more rows is advantageous, if table / index is all in memory Use a cost model to estimate how long an execution plan would take
  • 6. 6 Condition Selectivity Query optimizer needs to decide on a plan to execute the query Goal is to get the shortest running time • Chose access method - Index Access, Hash Join, BKA, etc. • Choose correct join order to minimize the cost of reading rows - Usually, minimizing rows read minimizes execution time - Sometimes reading more rows is advantageous, if table / index is all in memory Use a cost model to estimate how long an execution plan would take For each condition in the where clause (and having) we compute • Condition selectivity - How many rows of the table is this condition going to accept? 10%, 20%, 90% ?
  • 7. 7 Condition Selectivity Query optimizer needs to decide on a plan to execute the query Goal is to get the shortest running time • Chose access method - Index Access, Hash Join, BKA, etc. • Choose correct join order to minimize the cost of reading rows - Usually, minimizing rows read minimizes execution time - Sometimes reading more rows is advantageous, if table / index is all in memory Use a cost model to estimate how long an execution plan would take For each condition in the where clause (and having) we compute • Condition selectivity - How many rows of the table is this condition going to accept? 10%, 20%, 90% ? Getting the estimates right is important!
  • 8. 8 Condition Selectivity Suppose we have query with 10 tables: T1, T2, T3, … T10
  • 9. 9 Condition Selectivity Suppose we have query with 10 tables: T1, T2, T3, … T10 Query optimizer will: • Estimate the number of rows that it will read from each table • Based on the conditions in the where (and having) clause
  • 10. 10 Condition Selectivity Suppose we have query with 10 tables: T1, T2, T3, … T10 Query optimizer will: • Estimate the number of rows that it will read from each table • Based on the conditions in the where (and having) clauses Assume estimates have an average error coefficient e • Total number of estimated rows read is: - (e * #T1) * (e * #T2) * (e * #T3) * … * (e * #T10) • Where #T1..#T10 is the actual number of rows read for each table
  • 11. 11 Condition Selectivity Suppose we have query with 10 tables: T1, T2, T3, … T10 Query optimizer will: • Estimate the number of rows that it will read from each table • Based on the conditions in the where (and having) clauses Assume estimates have an average error coefficient e • Total number of estimated rows read is: - (e * #T1) * (e * #T2) * (e * #T3) * … * (e * #T10) • Where #T1..#T10 is the actual number of rows read for each table The estimation error is amplified, the more tables there are in a join • If we under/over estimate by a factor of 2 final error factor is 1024! • If error is only 1.5 (off by 50%), final error factor is ~60
  • 12. 12 Condition Selectivity How does optimizer produce estimates? • Condition analysis: - Is it possible to satisfy conditions? t1.a > 10 and t1.a < 5 - Equality condition on a distinct column? • Index dives to get number of rows in a range • Guesstimates (MySQL) • Histograms for non-indexed columns
  • 14. 14 Histograms estimate a distribution Multiple types of histograms • Equi-Width Histograms Histograms
  • 15. 15 Histograms estimate a distribution Multiple types of histograms • Equi-Width Histograms - Not uniform information - Many values in one bucket (5) - Other buckets take few values (1) Histograms
  • 16. 16 Histograms estimate a distribution Multiple types of histograms • Equi-Width Histograms - Not uniform information - Many values in one bucket (5) - Other buckets take few values (1) Histograms
  • 17. 17 Histograms estimate a distribution Multiple types of histograms • Equi-Width Histograms - Not uniform information - Many values in one bucket (5) - Other buckets take few values (1) • Equi-Height Histograms - All bins have same #values - More bins where there are more Values Histograms
  • 18. 18 Histograms estimate a distribution Multiple types of histograms • Equi-Width Histograms - Not uniform information - Many values in one bucket (5) - Other buckets take few values (1) • Equi-Height Histograms - All bins have same #values - More bins where there are more Values • Most Common Values Histograms - Useful for ENUM columns - One bin per value Histograms
  • 19. 19 Histograms in MariaDB MariaDB histograms are collected by doing a full table scan • Needs to be done manually using ANALYZE TABLE … PERSISTENT Stored inside • mysql.table_stats, mysql.column_stats, mysql.index_stats • As a binary value (max 255 bytes), single / double precision • Special function to decode, decode_histogram() Can be manually updated • One can run data collection on a slave, then propagate results Not enabled by default, needs a few switches turned on to work
  • 20. 20 Histograms in MySQL MySQL histograms are collected by doing a full table scan • Needs to be done manually using ANALYZE TABLE … UPDATE HISTOGRAM • Can collect all data or perform sampling by skipping rows, based on max memory allocation Stored inside data dictionary • Can be viewed through INFORMATION_SCHEMA.column_statistics • Stored as Equi-Width (Singleton) or Equi-Height • Visible as JSON Can not be manually updated • No obvious easy way to share statistics Enabled by default, will be used when available
  • 21. 21 Histograms in PostgreSQL PostgreSQL histograms are collected by doing a true random read • Can be collected manually with ANALYZE • Also collected automatically when VACUUM runs Stores equal-height and most common values at the same time • Equal-height histogram doesn’t cover MCV Can be manually updated • One could import histograms from slave instances • VACUUM auto-collection seems to cover the use case
  • 22. 22 Using Histograms Histograms are useful for range conditions • Equi-width or equi-height: - COLUMN > constant • Most Common Values (Singleton): - COLUMN = constant Problematic when multiple columns are involved: • t1.COL1 > 100 AND t1.COL2 > 1000 Most optimizers assume column values are independent • P(A ∩ B) = P(A) * P(B) vs P(A ∩ B) = P(A) * P(B | A) PostgreSQL 10 has added support for multi-variable distributions. MySQL assumes independent values. MariaDB doesn’t handle multi-variable case well either.
  • 23. 23 Using Histograms Sample database world: select from city where (city.population > 10 mil or city.population < 10 thousand) MariaDB MySQL PostgreSQL Estimated Rows Filtered 1.95% 1.09% 1.05% Actual Rows Filtered 1.05 %
  • 24. 24 Using Histograms Table with 2 columns A and B • t1.a always equals t1.b • 10 distinct values, each value occurs with 10% probability select t1.A, t1.B from t1 where t1.A = t1.B and t1.A = 5 MariaDB MySQL PostgreSQL Estimated Rows Filtered 1.03% 1% 10% Actual Rows Filtered 10%
  • 25. 25 Conclusions MariaDB • Slightly less precise than MySQL, but smaller in size • Same problem with correlated data as MySQL • Performs full-table-scan, no sampling support • Easy to share between instances MySQL • Histograms provide good estimates for real world data • Poor performance with highly correlated data • Performs full-table-scan, supports sampling PostgreSQL • Estimates on par with MySQL and MariaDB • Support for multi-variable distributions! • True sampling
  • 26. Optimizations for derived tables and non-recursive CTEs
  • 27. 27 A set of related optimizations Some are new, some are old: ● Derived table merge ● Condition pushdown – Condition pushdown through window functions ● GROUP BY splitting
  • 28. 28 Background – derived table merge ● “VIP customers and their big orders from October” select * from vip_customer, (select * from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' ) as OCT_ORDERS where OCT_ORDERS.amount > 1M and OCT_ORDERS.customer_id = customer.customer_id
  • 29. 29 Naive execution select * from vip_customer, (select * from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' ) as OCT_ORDERS where OCT_ORDERS.amount > 1M and OCT_ORDERS.customer_id = vip_customer.customer_id orders vip_customer 1 – compute oct_orders 2- do join OCT_ORDERS amount > 1M
  • 30. 30 Derived table merge select * from vip_customer, (select * from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' ) as OCT_ORDERS where OCT_ORDERS.amount > 1M and OCT_ORDERS.customer_id = vip_customer.customer_id select * from vip_customer, orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' and orders.amount > 1M and orders.customer_id = vip_customer.customer_id
  • 31. 31 Execution after merge vip_customer Join orders select * from vip_customer, orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' and orders.amount > 1M and orders.customer_id = vip_customer.customer_id Made in October amount > 1M ● Allows the optimizer to join customer→orders or orders→customer ● Good for optimization
  • 32. 32 What if the subquery has a GROUP BY ? ● Merging is only possible when the “final” operation of the subquery is a join ● Can’t merge if it’s a GROUP BY/DISTINCT/ORDER BY LIMIT/etc create view OCT_TOTALS as select customer_id, SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' group by customer_id select * from OCT_TOTALS where customer_id=1
  • 33. 33 Execution is inefficient create view OCT_TOTALS as select customer_id, SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' group by customer_id select * from OCT_TOTALS where customer_id=1 orders 1 – compute all totals 2- get customer=1 OCT_TOTALS customer_id=1 Sum
  • 34. 34 Condition pushdown optimization select * from OCT_TOTALS where customer_id=1 create view OCT_TOTALS as select customer_id, SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' group by customer_id ● Can push down conditions on GROUP BY columns ● … to filter out rows that go into groups we don’t care about
  • 35. 35 Condition pushdown select * from OCT_TOTALS where customer_id=1 orders 1 – find customer_id=1 OCT_TOTALS, customer_id=1 customer_id=1 Sum ● Looking only at groups you’re interested in is much more efficient – Pushing into HAVING clause is useful, too. create view OCT_TOTALS as select customer_id, SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' group by customer_id orders
  • 36. 36 Pushdown for inferred conditions (in MariaDB) select customer.customer_name, TOTAL_AMT from customer, OCT_TOTALS where customer.customer_id=OCT_TOTALS.customer_id and customer.customer_id=1 create view OCT_TOTALS as select customer_id, SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' group by customer_id OCT_TOTALS.customer_id=1
  • 37. 37 Condition Pushdown through Window Functions ● “Customer’s biggest orders” create view top_three_orders as select * from ( select customer_id, amount, rank() over (partition by customer_id order by amount desc ) as order_rank from orders ) as ordered_orders where order_rank<3 select * from top_three_orders where customer_id=1 +-------------+--------+------------+ | customer_id | amount | order_rank | +-------------+--------+------------+ | 1 | 10000 | 1 | | 1 | 9500 | 2 | | 1 | 400 | 3 | | 2 | 3200 | 1 | | 2 | 1000 | 2 | | 2 | 400 | 3 | ...
  • 38. 38 Condition pushdown through Window Functions Without condition pushdown ● Compute top_three_orders for all customers ● select rows with customer_id=1 select * from top_three_orders where customer_id=1 With condition pushdown ● Only compute top_three_orders for customer_id=1 – This is much faster – Can take advantage of index on customer_id
  • 39. 39 Summary so far ● Derived table merge – Available since MySQL/MariaDB 5.1 and in most other databases ● Condition pushdown – Available in PostgreSQL, MariaDB 10.2 – Not available in MySQL 5.7 or 8.0 – Limitations: ● MariaDB doesn’t push from HAVING into WHERE (MDEV-7486) ● PostgreSQL doesn’t push inferred conditions ● Condition pushdown through window functions – Available in PostgreSQL, MariaDB 10.3
  • 41. 41 Split grouping use case select * from customer, OCT_TOTALS where customer.customer_id=OCT_TOTALS.customer_id and customer.customer_name IN ('Customer 1', 'Customer 2') create view OCT_TOTALS as select customer_id, SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' group by customer_id ● Compute a table of groups (OCT_TOTALS) ● Join the groups to another table (customer) ● The other table has a selective restriction (only need two customers) ● But condition pushdown can’t be used
  • 42. 42 Execution, the old way Sum orders select * from customer, OCT_TOTALS where customer.customer_id= OCT_TOTALS.customer_id and customer.customer_name IN ('Customer 1', 'Customer 2') create view OCT_TOTALS as select customer_id, SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' group by customer_id Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Customer 100 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Customer 100 customer Customer 1 Customer 2 OCT_TOTALS ● Inefficient, OCT_TOTALS is computed for *all* customers.
  • 43. 43 Split grouping execution (1) Sum customer Customer 1 Customer 100 orders Customer 1 Customer 1 Sum ● Similar to “LATERAL DERIVED” ● Pick Customer1, compute part of OCT_TOTALS table for him.
  • 44. 44 Split grouping execution (2) Sum customer Customer 2 Customer 2 Customer 1 Customer 100 orders Customer 1 Customer 1 Customer 2 Sum SumSum ● Similar to “LATERAL DERIVED” ● Pick Customer1, compute part of OCT_TOTALS table for him ● Pick Customer2, compute part of OCT_TOTALS table for him
  • 45. 45 Split grouping execution (3) Sum customer Customer 2 Customer 2 Customer 1 Customer 100 orders Customer 1 Customer 1 Customer 2 Sum SumSum ● Similar to “LATERAL DERIVED” ● Pick Customer1, compute part of OCT_TOTALS table for him ● Pick Customer2, compute part of OCT_TOTALS table for him ● ...
  • 46. 46 Split Grouping prerequisites Sum customer Customer 2 Customer 2 Customer 1 Customer 100 orders Customer 1 Customer 1 Customer 2 Sum SumSum ● There is a join condition that “selects” one GROUP BY group: – OCT_TOTALS.customer_id= customer.customer_id ● The join order allows to make “lookups” in the grouped temp table – customer→ OCT_TOTALS ● There is an index that allows to read only one GROUP BY group. – INDEX(orders.customer_id) OCT_TOTALS
  • 47. 47 Split grouping execution ● Available since MariaDB 10.3 ● The optimizer makes a critera + cost-based choice whether to use the optimization ● EXPLAIN shows “LATERAL DERIVED” ● @@optimizer_switch flag: split_materialization (ON by default) select * from customer, OCT_TOTALS where customer.customer_id= OCT_TOTALS.customer_id and customer.customer_name IN ('Customer 1', 'Customer 2') create view OCT_TOTALS as select customer_id, SUM(amount) as TOTAL_AMT from orders where order_date BETWEEN '2017-10-01' and '2017-10-31' group by customer_id +------+-----------------+------------+------+---------------+-------------+---------+----------------------+------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +------+-----------------+------------+------+---------------+-------------+---------+----------------------+------+-------------+ | 1 | PRIMARY | customer | ALL | PRIMARY | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1000 | | | 1 | PRIMARY | <derived2> | ref | key0 | key0 | 4 | customer.customer_id | 36 | | | 2 | LATERAL DERIVED | orders | ref | customer_id | customer_id | 4 | customer.customer_id | 365 | Using where | +------+-----------------+------------+------+---------------+-------------+---------+----------------------+------+-------------+
  • 48. 48 Summary so far ● Derived table merge – Available since MySQL/MariaDB 5.1 and in most other databases ● Condition pushdown – Available in PostgreSQL, MariaDB 10.2 – Not available in MySQL 5.7 or 8.0 ● Condition pushdown through window functions – Available in PostgreSQL, MariaDB 10.3 ● Split grouping optimization – MariaDB 10.3 only
  • 50. 50 CTE name CTE Body CTE Usage with engineers as ( select * from employees where dept='Engineering' ) select * from engineers where ... WITH CTE syntax  Similar to DERIVED tables  “Query-local VIEWs”
  • 51. 51 select * from ( select * from employees where dept='Engineering' ) as engineers where ... with engineers as ( select * from employees where dept='Engineering' ) select * from engineers where ... CTEs are like derived tables
  • 52. 52 with engineers as ( select * from employees where dept in ('Development','Support') ), eu_engineers as ( select * from engineers where country IN ('NL',...) ) select ... from eu_engineers; Use case #1: CTEs refer to CTEs  More readable than nested FROM(SELECT …)
  • 53. 53 with engineers as ( select * from employees where dept in ('Development','Support') ), select * from engineers E1 where not exists (select 1 from engineers E2 where and <>; Use case #2: Multiple uses of CTE  Anti-self-join
  • 54. 54 select * from sales_product_year CUR, sales_product_year PREV, where CUR.product=PREV.product and CUR.year=PREV.year + 1 and CUR.total_amt > PREV.total_amt with sales_product_year as ( select product, year(ship_date) as year, sum(price) as total_amt from item_sales group by product, year ) Use case #2: example 2  Year-over-year comparisons
  • 55. 55 Optimizations for non-recursive CTEs 1. The same set as for derived tables – Merge – Condition pushdown ● through window functions – Lateral derived 2. Compute CTE once if it is used multiple times
  • 56. 56 Merge Condition pushdown Lateral derived CTE reuse MariaDB 10.3 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ MS SQL Server ✔ ✔ ? ✘ PostgreSQL ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ MySQL 8.0 ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔ CTE Optimizations  Merge and Condition Pushdown are the most important  MariaDB supports them, like MS SQL.  PostgreSQL’s approach is *weird*  “CTEs are optimization barriers”  MySQL 8.0: “try merging, otherwise reuse”
  • 58. 58 Window functions optimizations ● Window functions introduced in – MariaDB 10.2 – MySQL 8.0 ● Optimizations for window functions – Condition pushdown – Reduce the number of sorting passes – Streamed computation – ORDER BY-like optimizations
  • 59. 59 Reduce the number of sorting passes tbl tbl tbl join sort select rank() over (order by col1), ntile(4)over (order by col2), rank() over (order by ...), from tbl1 join tbl2 on ... ● Each window function requires a sort ● Identical PARTITION/ORDER BY must share the sort step ● Compatible may share the sort step ● Supported by all: MariaDB, MySQL 8, PostgreSQL, ... compute window function
  • 60. 60 Streamed computation win_func( ) over (partition by ... order by ... rows between preceding N1 and following N2) ● Window function is computed from rows in the window frame – O (n_rows * frame_size) ● Frame moves down with the current row ● For most functions, one can update the value after the frame has moved – this is streamed computation – SUM, COUNT, AVG ● For some, this doesn’t hold (e.g. MAX) old_val new_val cur_row
  • 61. 61 ORDER BY [LIMIT] like optimizations ● Skip sorting if the rows come already sorted ● ORDER BY … LIMIT and descending window function select row_number() over (...) as RN from ... order by RN limit 10 ● Restriction on ROW_NUMBER select * from (select row_number() over (...) as RN from ... ) as T where RN < 10
  • 62. 62 Window functions optimization summary Reuse compatible sorts Streamed computation Condition pushdown ORDER BY LIMIT-like optimizations MariaDB 10.3 ✔ ~✔ ✔ ✘ MS SQL Server ✔ ~✔ ✔ ✔ PostgreSQL ✔ ~✔ ✔ ✘ MySQL 8.0 ✔ ~✔ ✘ ✘ Everyone has this since it’s mandatory for identical sorts Essential, otherwise O(N) computation becomes O(N^2) Very nice to have for analytic queries Sometimes used for TOP-n queries by those with “big database” background
  • 63. 63 Summary ● Both MariaDB and MySQL now have histograms – MySQL’s are larger and more precise – Both are lagging behind PostgreSQL, still ● Derived tables: MariaDB got condition pushdown – MariaDB 10.3: Pushdown for window functions, Split grouping – Caught up with PostgreSQL and exceeded it. ● Non-recursive CTEs – See derived tables – PostgreSQL and MySQL 8 have made weird choice ● Window functions – Similar optimizations in all three – MySQL lacks condition pushdown (careful with VIEWs).