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Title: Outlines Are Fun                 Scene: 5th grade students will make an outline. They will   Slide number: 1
                                        practice the process in stages.
Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills           Animation (yes or no):             Graphics (yes or no):    Audio (yes or no):

1.   Layout will
     be comprised
     of a light teal
     with an
     palette colors
                                              “Individual Story Board Of An Outline
     of salmon                                           Outlines Are Fun
     and orange.

1.   There will be
     boxes. One
                                                             Margaret Burnash
     will contain                                               ART/541
     an audio and
     the other will                                           March 2, 2013
     contain a
     visual of an                                              Deb Lynch
2.   Emphasis
     will be in the
     first line and
     on the visual.

Text/Audio Narration: Clapping audio begins as title page begins.
Title: Step One of An Outline            Scene: 5th grade students gather notes and organize.              Slide number: 2

Skill :Define the thesis and the main    Animation (yes or no):            Graphics (yes or no):           Audio (yes or no):
•    I have added an
     audio file by
                                               Right click and click
                                               “Open Hyper link” to read
                                                                           STEP ONE: GATHER YOUR
     adding audio to                           audio, if necessary.        RECOURSES
     “Bob” the screen
     coach and                                                             Put your work to good use!
     subsequently a                                                                                   Categorize
     video highlighting
     the pre-training                                                                                 Notes!
     stage of
     categorizing notes
     and organizing
     them for the
     purpose of the
•    I have
     standardized all
     major font forms
     and eliminated the
     business of the
•    Personalization is
     used through the
     informal usage of
     “you” and an on                      Note Card                               Click to play
     screen coach to
     make the reader                                                                                    (Betterlesson, 2010)

Text/Audio Narration:
I have added audio to the screen coach, I have added a video on the concept I am teaching and I have simplified the screen lay-out
so it is not to busy to the eyes.
Title: Step Two of An Outline            Scene: 5th grade students line up notes under big ideas.              Slide number: 3

Skill :Define the main points and sub    Animation (yes or no):             Graphics (yes or no):              Audio (yes or no):
•     I have added an                                           STEP TWO: ORGANIZE YOUR
      audio file by                                                     INFORMATION
      adding audio to
      “Bob” the screen                                        (Look at your notes and follow along!)
     Curved arrow
                                                               When you’re finished, your note card
     graphics point at                                        layout should look something like this:
     sub-point levels.
•    This is an example
     of the first phase
     of pre-training                                         Main                 Main                Main
     where organizing
     for main ideas and
                                                             Point                Point               Point
     sub-points occurs.
•    Animation is                                            Sub-                 Sub-                Sub-                    -
                                                                                                                           Sub t 1
     applied to the
                                                             Point 1              Point 1             Point 1               poi
     word bubble of the
     online coach.
•    Personalization is                                      Sub-                 Sub-                Sub-                      -
     used through is
                                                             Point 2              Point 2             Point 2                Sub t 2
     used through the                                                                                                         poi
     informal usage of
     “you” and an on                                         Sub-                 Sub-                Sub-                      -
     screen coach to                                                                                                         Sub t 3
     make the reader                                         Point 3              Point 3             Point 3                 poi
     comfortable                                                                                    (Betterlesson, 2010)

Text/Audio Narration:
Audio is put to the on-screen coach and I have simplified the colors and font for the purpose of reader’s comfort. I have also added
hot pink font to tell the learner what their role is in the presentation.
Title: Step Three of An Outline             Scene: students learn how the components of an outline.             Slide number: 4

Skill :Define the components of an          Animation (yes or no):             Graphics (yes or no):            Audio (yes or no):
•     This is an                                                                     (Now Let’s Takes notes on the
      example of the
      first phase of                                                                                outline form!)
                                                                               These Roman Numerals will
      numbering is                                                             be used with your main ideas.
•     I have added an
      audio file by                                                            Indent               Your supporting details
      adding audio to                                                          for                  are placed under the
      “Bob” the
                                                                               details              Roman Numbering with
      screen coach.
                                                                                                    letter sequencing.
•      Personalization                                                          Indent
       is used through
       the informal
       usage of “you”                                                           details
       and an on
       screen coach to
       make the reader
                                                                                                                (Betterlesson, 2010)

    Text/Audio Narration:
    Audio is added to the on-screen coach! I have also added hot pink font to tell the learner what their role is in the presentation.
Title: Step Four of An Outline              Scene: 5th grade students practice the first part of an outline.      Slide number: 5

Skill :Outline the main point and           Animation (yes or no):              Graphics (yes or no):             Audio (yes or no):
sub points.
•     This is an example                                                                   (Get yourself a fresh piece of
      of the first phase
      of segmentation                                                                      paper and let’s practice!)
      where the transfer
      of a main idea and
      supporting details
                                                                                      Native American Dwellings
      is practiced.
•     This slide is also
      an example of a
      Here the student
      sees the process at
•     I have added an
      audio file by                    Native American
      adding audio to                  Dwellings
      “Bob” the screen

•     Personalization is                                                     Hogans
      used through the
      informal usage of                                                      Wigwams
      “you” and an on                                                                                             (Betterlesson, 2010)
      screen coach to
      make the reader
    Text/Audio Narration:
    Audio is not applied here. I have also added hot pink font to tell the learner what their role is in the presentation.
Title: Step Five of An Outline            Scene: 5th grade students practice the first part of an outline.   Slide number: 6

Skill :Outline the main point and         Animation (yes or no):              Graphics (yes or no):          Audio (yes or no):
sub points.
•     This is an example                                                                 (Let’s continue to practice
      of the second
      phase of                                                                           together!)
      where the transfer
      of a main idea and
                                                                                    Native American Food
      supporting details                                                            Sources
      is practiced.
•     This slide is also
      an example of a                                                                           Hunting
      Here the student
      sees the process at                                                                       Fishing               Hunting
      work.                           Native American
•     I have added an                 Food Sources                                                                    Fishing
      audio file by
      adding audio to                                                              Now why
      “Bob” the screen
      coach.                                                                       don’t you try
•     Personalization is                                                           making your own
      used through the
      informal usage of                                                            outline!
      “you” and an on
      screen coach.                                                                                              (Betterlesson, 2010)

  Text/Audio Narration:
  I have also added hot pink font to tell the learner what their role is in the presentation.
Title: Phase II, Preparation for          Scene: 5th grade students line up notes under big ideas.      Slide number: 7
Collaborative Work
Skill :                                    Animation (yes or no):             Graphics (yes or no):     Audio (yes or no):

•    I have added a
     link to all the                                     PHASE II: INTRODUCTION TO
     major topic                                           COLLABORATIVE WORK!
     points in this
     second phase of
     my powerpoint.
                                              HERE IS A BREAKDOWN OF WHAT WE ARE
                                                    GOING TO DO IN THIS PHASE!
•    Animation is
     applied to the
     word bubble of the
     online coach.                  Right click                                      Students will combine the teams
•                                    on arrow
     Personalization is
     used through is                 and select
                                                                                      research on a topic into
     used through the                 “Open                                          one distinct research paper!
     informal usage of              Hyperlink”
     “we.”                         to go to slide                                    Students will combine note cards
                                                                                     and organize
                                                                                     them under main ideas.
                                                                                     Students will assist with one
                                                                                     section of the outline; and then
                                                                                     combine the outline into one!

Text/Audio Narration: Hyperlinks and major topics are joined together for the comfort of the learner. Learner get an overview of
phase two.
Title: Outlines Are Fun               Scene: Team Collaboration is introduced in this slide for a         Slide number: 8
                                      combined outline with team research for a collaborative paper!

Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills         Animation (yes or no):             Graphics (yes or no):            Audio (yes or no):

                                         Hello! It’s nice                               Before we begin let us
•    This slide
                                            to see you                                  look at an example of
                                          again! To see
     the next
                                         the movie right                                collaborative
     phase of
     collaboration                          click and                                   work!
     between team                         choose “Play
     members to                              Movie.”
     complete a
     joined outline
     with their

•    The Online
     coach extends
     a greeting
     and tell the
     students how
     to acess the

Text/Audio Narration: The movie shows a step by step procedure of collaboration that the students will participate in to combine their
research and create one distinct outline for one distinct research paper. The parameters of the exercise are spelled out by specifying
the exact role of each member. Each member will help organize the note cards under main ideas, each team member will select topics
to make into a collaborative outline (equal portions), then all members will combine their outlines into one, seamless outline.
Title: Outlines Are Fun                  Scene:                                                            Slide number: 9

Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills            Animation (yes or no):            Graphics (yes or no):           Audio (yes or no):

                                                                          While we look at the first worked sample
1.   Students are
     advised to
                                                                          assign a team member to take notes.
     take notes of
     the procedure
     they will be
     taking with
     work. This is                                        I have found five                               I have found
     worked                                               note cards under                               four note cards
     sample # 1.
                                                              this topic!                               under this topic!
2.   On screen                                                                                                     topic
     models show
     the method of
     group note
     cards into
     distinct main

3.   This helps
     pretrain, for
     next activity.

                                                        Cards Are Organized By Main Ideas
Text/Audio Narration: The on screen coach explains the first steps the team will take. “First, sit at a table with your team mates and
lay out your original note cards. Begin organizing them under the main ideas found. Decide who will be responsible for specific main
ideas found.”
Title: Outlines Are Fun                  Scene:                                                            Slide number: 9

Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills            Animation (yes or no):            Graphics (yes or no):           Audio (yes or no):

1.   Students see
     an example of
     models sitting
                                                                     While we look at the second worked sample
     at a table                                                      assign a team member to take notes.
     creating an
     outline based
     upon the
     main idea
     heading they
     for. Then
     they discuss
     how they will
     combine their

2. Graphics and
     audio support
     the 2nd

Text/Audio Narration: The online coach directs students to observe the actions of the online models in this 2nd phase of collaboration
Title: Outlines Are Fun                  Scene:                                                         Slide number: 9

   Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills            Animation (yes or no):             Graphics (yes or no):       Audio (yes or no):

1. Students will
                                                                              Now we will do a practice exercise.
     now do a                                                                 Organize note cards under the correct
     practice exercise
     to prepare them
                                                                              main topics!
     for the
     collaborative                                                                      The Gold Rush

2. Graphics and
     audio support
                                                            Immigrants                     Hardships                 Rewards
     the 2nd pracice
     activity.               Crime escalates
                             around the mines

                                                                                           Business           California becomes
                          People from around                  Fevers rage                                     Multi-ethnic
                          the world flood                                                  men become
                                                              around the                                      overnight.
                          California.                                                      millionaires.

                                                                                     Some fortunate          Sanitation is
                          Creative city                Chinese immigrants                                    nearly non-
                           planners                                                  mines become
                                                       flood California.             millionaires overnight. existent.
                          line their pockets.

   Text/Audio Narration: The online coach directs students on the directions for this practice exercise.
Title: Outlines Are Fun                  Scene:                                                            Slide number: 12

   Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills            Animation (yes or no):           Graphics (yes or no):            Audio (yes or no):

Notes:                                                                            Now let me give you some feedback
1. A student will
     receive effective
                                                                                           on your effort!
     feedback on the
     practice exercise                                                                The Gold Rush
     to prepare for
     collaborative                                         Immigrants                     Hardships                     Rewards

2. Graphics and
     audio support                                         Crime escalates                                         Creative city
     the effective                                         around the mines            Fevers rage                  planners
     feedback on
     their practice            This note card does                                     around the                  line their pockets.
                                                        People from around
     activity.                  Not belong under                                       mines.
                         “immigrants.” The reason is    the world flood                                              Business
                            that immigrants do not                                     Sanitation is
                                                        California.                                                  men become
                          necessarily increase crime.                                  nearly non-
                               It is not connected                                     existent.                     millionaires.
                               with this heading.       Chinese immigrants
                               Instead it should be     flood California.
                             labeled as a hardship!
                                                                                                                   Some fortunate
                                                          California becomes                                       mines become
                                                          Multi-ethnic                                             millionaires overni
   Text/Audio Narration: The online coach directs students to review the feedback on the practice exercise!
Title: Outlines Are Fun               Scene: Team Collaboration now is begun                              Slide number: 13

Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills         Animation (yes or no):             Graphics (yes or no):            Audio (yes or no):


•    This slide
                                                     I thank you for
     instructs the
     teams to                                         your excellent
     begin their                                     practice! Now
     collaborative                                    it is your turn              Join your teammates
     work and                                        to start on our              and let us begin the first
     thanks them                                      collaboration
     for their
                                                                                 phase of this collaborative

Text/Audio Narration: Text narration supports the learners and tells them to begin the project as practiced!
Betterlesson. (2013). Creating an outline. Retrieved from
  Morrison, C. (2013).

How to teach outlining. Retrieved from

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Margaret burnash's story board # 4

  • 1. Title: Outlines Are Fun Scene: 5th grade students will make an outline. They will Slide number: 1 practice the process in stages. Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): Notes: 1. Layout will be comprised of a light teal with an additional palette colors “Individual Story Board Of An Outline of salmon Outlines Are Fun and orange. 1. There will be two placeholder boxes. One Margaret Burnash will contain ART/541 an audio and the other will March 2, 2013 contain a visual of an Deb Lynch outline. 2. Emphasis animation will be in the first line and on the visual. Text/Audio Narration: Clapping audio begins as title page begins.
  • 2. Title: Step One of An Outline Scene: 5th grade students gather notes and organize. Slide number: 2 Skill :Define the thesis and the main Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): points. Notes: • I have added an audio file by Right click and click “Open Hyper link” to read STEP ONE: GATHER YOUR adding audio to audio, if necessary. RECOURSES “Bob” the screen coach and Put your work to good use! subsequently a Categorize video highlighting the pre-training Notes! stage of categorizing notes and organizing them for the purpose of the outline. • I have standardized all major font forms and eliminated the business of the screen. • Personalization is used through the informal usage of “you” and an on Note Card Click to play screen coach to make the reader (Betterlesson, 2010) comfortable. Text/Audio Narration: I have added audio to the screen coach, I have added a video on the concept I am teaching and I have simplified the screen lay-out so it is not to busy to the eyes.
  • 3. Title: Step Two of An Outline Scene: 5th grade students line up notes under big ideas. Slide number: 3 Skill :Define the main points and sub Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): points. Notes: • I have added an STEP TWO: ORGANIZE YOUR audio file by INFORMATION adding audio to “Bob” the screen (Look at your notes and follow along!) • coach. Curved arrow When you’re finished, your note card graphics point at layout should look something like this: sub-point levels. • This is an example of the first phase of pre-training Main Main Main where organizing for main ideas and Point Point Point sub-points occurs. • Animation is Sub- Sub- Sub- - Sub t 1 n applied to the Point 1 Point 1 Point 1 poi word bubble of the online coach. • Personalization is Sub- Sub- Sub- - used through is Point 2 Point 2 Point 2 Sub t 2 n used through the poi informal usage of “you” and an on Sub- Sub- Sub- - screen coach to Sub t 3 make the reader Point 3 Point 3 Point 3 poi n comfortable (Betterlesson, 2010) Text/Audio Narration: Audio is put to the on-screen coach and I have simplified the colors and font for the purpose of reader’s comfort. I have also added hot pink font to tell the learner what their role is in the presentation.
  • 4. Title: Step Three of An Outline Scene: students learn how the components of an outline. Slide number: 4 Skill :Define the components of an Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): outline. Notes: • This is an (Now Let’s Takes notes on the example of the first phase of outline form!) pre-training where categorical These Roman Numerals will numbering is be used with your main ideas. explained • I have added an audio file by Indent Your supporting details adding audio to for are placed under the “Bob” the details Roman Numbering with screen coach. letter sequencing. • Personalization Indent is used through the informal for usage of “you” details and an on screen coach to make the reader comfortable (Betterlesson, 2010) Text/Audio Narration: Audio is added to the on-screen coach! I have also added hot pink font to tell the learner what their role is in the presentation.
  • 5. Title: Step Four of An Outline Scene: 5th grade students practice the first part of an outline. Slide number: 5 Skill :Outline the main point and Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): sub points. Notes: • This is an example (Get yourself a fresh piece of of the first phase of segmentation paper and let’s practice!) where the transfer of a main idea and supporting details Native American Dwellings is practiced. • This slide is also an example of a worked-sample. Here the student Hogan sees the process at work. • I have added an audio file by Native American Wigwam adding audio to Dwellings “Bob” the screen coach. • Personalization is Hogans used through the informal usage of Wigwams “you” and an on (Betterlesson, 2010) screen coach to make the reader comfortable. Text/Audio Narration: Audio is not applied here. I have also added hot pink font to tell the learner what their role is in the presentation.
  • 6. Title: Step Five of An Outline Scene: 5th grade students practice the first part of an outline. Slide number: 6 Skill :Outline the main point and Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): sub points. Notes: • This is an example (Let’s continue to practice of the second phase of together!) segmentation where the transfer of a main idea and Native American Food supporting details Sources is practiced. • This slide is also an example of a Hunting worked-sample. Here the student sees the process at Fishing Hunting work. Native American • I have added an Food Sources Fishing audio file by adding audio to Now why “Bob” the screen coach. don’t you try • Personalization is making your own used through the informal usage of outline! “you” and an on screen coach. (Betterlesson, 2010) Text/Audio Narration: I have also added hot pink font to tell the learner what their role is in the presentation.
  • 7. Title: Phase II, Preparation for Scene: 5th grade students line up notes under big ideas. Slide number: 7 Collaborative Work Skill : Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): Notes: • I have added a link to all the PHASE II: INTRODUCTION TO major topic COLLABORATIVE WORK! points in this second phase of my powerpoint. HERE IS A BREAKDOWN OF WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO IN THIS PHASE! • Animation is applied to the word bubble of the online coach. Right click Students will combine the teams • on arrow Personalization is used through is and select research on a topic into used through the “Open one distinct research paper! informal usage of Hyperlink” “we.” to go to slide Students will combine note cards selection! and organize them under main ideas. Students will assist with one section of the outline; and then combine the outline into one! Text/Audio Narration: Hyperlinks and major topics are joined together for the comfort of the learner. Learner get an overview of phase two.
  • 8. Title: Outlines Are Fun Scene: Team Collaboration is introduced in this slide for a Slide number: 8 combined outline with team research for a collaborative paper! Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): Notes: Hello! It’s nice Before we begin let us • This slide introduces to see you look at an example of again! To see the next the movie right collaborative phase of collaboration click and work! between team choose “Play members to Movie.” complete a joined outline with their combined research. • The Online coach extends a greeting and tell the students how to acess the video! Text/Audio Narration: The movie shows a step by step procedure of collaboration that the students will participate in to combine their research and create one distinct outline for one distinct research paper. The parameters of the exercise are spelled out by specifying the exact role of each member. Each member will help organize the note cards under main ideas, each team member will select topics to make into a collaborative outline (equal portions), then all members will combine their outlines into one, seamless outline.
  • 9. Title: Outlines Are Fun Scene: Slide number: 9 Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): Notes: While we look at the first worked sample 1. Students are advised to assign a team member to take notes. take notes of the procedure they will be taking with their collaborative work. This is I have found five I have found worked note cards under four note cards sample # 1. this topic! under this topic! 2. On screen topic models show the method of separating group note cards into distinct main idea groupings. 3. This helps students visualize, pretrain, for next activity. Cards Are Organized By Main Ideas Text/Audio Narration: The on screen coach explains the first steps the team will take. “First, sit at a table with your team mates and lay out your original note cards. Begin organizing them under the main ideas found. Decide who will be responsible for specific main ideas found.”
  • 10. Title: Outlines Are Fun Scene: Slide number: 9 Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): Notes: 1. Students see an example of models sitting While we look at the second worked sample at a table assign a team member to take notes. creating an outline based upon the main idea heading they are responsible for. Then they discuss how they will combine their outlines! 2. Graphics and audio support the 2nd pretraining activity. Text/Audio Narration: The online coach directs students to observe the actions of the online models in this 2nd phase of collaboration
  • 11. Title: Outlines Are Fun Scene: Slide number: 9 Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): Notes: 1. Students will Now we will do a practice exercise. now do a Organize note cards under the correct practice exercise to prepare them main topics! for the collaborative The Gold Rush activity. 2. Graphics and audio support Immigrants Hardships Rewards the 2nd pracice activity. Crime escalates around the mines Business California becomes People from around Fevers rage Multi-ethnic the world flood men become around the overnight. California. millionaires. mines. Some fortunate Sanitation is Creative city Chinese immigrants nearly non- planners mines become flood California. millionaires overnight. existent. line their pockets. Text/Audio Narration: The online coach directs students on the directions for this practice exercise.
  • 12. Title: Outlines Are Fun Scene: Slide number: 12 Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): Notes: Now let me give you some feedback 1. A student will receive effective on your effort! feedback on the practice exercise The Gold Rush to prepare for the collaborative Immigrants Hardships Rewards activity. 2. Graphics and audio support Crime escalates Creative city the effective around the mines Fevers rage planners feedback on their practice This note card does around the line their pockets. People from around activity. Not belong under mines. “immigrants.” The reason is the world flood Business that immigrants do not Sanitation is California. men become necessarily increase crime. nearly non- It is not connected existent. millionaires. with this heading. Chinese immigrants Instead it should be flood California. labeled as a hardship! Some fortunate California becomes mines become Multi-ethnic millionaires overni overnight. Text/Audio Narration: The online coach directs students to review the feedback on the practice exercise!
  • 13. Title: Outlines Are Fun Scene: Team Collaboration now is begun Slide number: 13 Skill: Outlines/ Study Skills Animation (yes or no): Graphics (yes or no): Audio (yes or no): Notes: • This slide I thank you for instructs the teams to your excellent begin their practice! Now collaborative it is your turn Join your teammates work and to start on our and let us begin the first thanks them collaboration for their exercise! phase of this collaborative excellent practice! exercise! Text/Audio Narration: Text narration supports the learners and tells them to begin the project as practiced!
  • 14. Reference Betterlesson. (2013). Creating an outline. Retrieved from Morrison, C. (2013). How to teach outlining. Retrieved from

Editor's Notes

  1. I have added some hot-pink text to let the learner know their part in the instruction at this point.
  2. I have hyperlinks to main topic points to this second phase. This helps students know what direction, purpose, and activities will be accomplished in this phase.
  3. This collaborative activity allows students to work together to problem solve while choosing the main ideas from their note cards. Then the collaboration helps team member to divide the outline into sections that they will be responsible for under the key main idea they have chosen. Finally, the collaboration will help students review outlines and combine outline parts into one, seamless outline!
  4. Here the team coach gives a demonstration of the collaboration first phase where the students will work to separate note cards into distinct main idea groupings. This help students visualize what they will be doing.
  5. Students benefit from viewing the collaboration by seeing the graphic portrayal of models illustrating phase 2 of selecting a main idea, creating a portion of the outline based upon the main ideas they are responsible for, and join the final outline into one seamless outline! Students benefit from viewing the collaboration by seeing the graphic portrayal of models illustrating phase 2 of selecting a main idea, creating a portion of the outline based upon the main ideas they are responsible for, and join the final outline into one seamless outline!
  6. Students benefit from practicing organizing supporting details under appropriate main idea heading!
  7. A student will benefit from the effective feedback on the practice exercise. The student will be able to see the error of their misplaced detail and an explanation is given to help the students be able to connect support details and main ideas more effectively.
  8. This slide lets the learner know that practice is over and it is time to start the collaborative activity.