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Prof. A.V. SRINIVASAN, MD, DM, Ph.D, F.A.A.N,   F.I.A.N,

              Emeritus Professor
                The Tamilnadu
           DR.M.G.R Medical University

              CHENNAI-12- 03-10
Epilepsy is A Fascinating Disorder
Affecting the the Three Functions of the

    Cognition, Conation & Affect
    Is Cure from this Disorder a mere
             Stroke of Luck?
       “My Opinions are founded on knowledge
            but modified by experience”
Epilepsy – An Alarming issue

   Epilepsy affects 50 million people the world
   Prevalence rates of Epilepsy are 5-10 per
   Over 90 % of people with epilepsy in
    developing countries are not on any
    regular,even basic treatment. A significant
    treatment gap.

    If you think you can or you can’t You are always right
Living with epilepsy - 1992

                         15% no seizures,      no
   17% no seizures       side effects
   + side effects                 3% not taking AED

                                   2% no answer

44% recurrent seizures       19% recurrent seizures,
+ side effects               no side effects

n=760                      The Roper Organization 1992
Living with epilepsy - 1996

                 Time since last seizure
          2% no answer

                                               29% <3 weeks

31% >2 years

                                                10% 1-3 months
 10% 1-2 years

                         18% 4-12 months
 n=1023                               Fisher et al, Epilepsy Res 2000
Classification of epilepsy

   Localized                            Non-Localized

   Idiopathic                                 Symptomatic
(No known cause)                    (known or CNS disease)

  Back pain – prize human beings pay for
          their upright posture

         Some people feel the rain; Others just get wet
   Prevent or inhibit excessive pathological
    neuronal discharge
   Without interfering with physiological
    neuronal activity and
   Without producing untoward effect
       o Ideal compound not yet available

Many Ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind
          than in the one where they sprang UP
                                         O.W. Holmos
Spectrum of action

 – Broad spectrum drugs
 – Narrow spectrum drugs
 – Intermediate spectrum drugs

             “Character gets you out of bed
            commitment moves you to action
faith, hope and Discipline follow through to completion”
When they tell you to grow up,
they mean stop growing - P. Diccaso


   “By Nature All Men/ Women are alike but
        by Education widely different”
                                   - Chinese
Pharmacokinetic properties of established AEDs
                                    Carbama Phenyt Valpro Phenob Primi
                                    zepine  oin    ate    arbital done
Bioavailability                     +1      +2     +2     +2      +2
Parentral form                      -2            +2        +2         +2          0
Elimination of half life           +1            +2        0          +2          -1
Linear kinetics                     +2            -2        +1         +2          +2
No auto induction                   -2            +2        +2         +2          +2
No interactions                     -1            -1        -1         -1          -1
A score of +2 is best and –2 is least desirable . A total “pharmacokinetic score” for each
drug should not be calculated from the table because different pharmacominetic
parameters may need to be weighted differently.  The score +2 if it is suitable for
once daily dosing. +1 for twice daily dosing. 0 for 3 times daily dosing at times only,
and –1 for consistent 3 times daily dosing
Pharmacokinetic properties of newer AEDs
                          Felbam      Gabape Lamot Oxcarba Tiaga                   Topir
                          ate         ntin   rigine zepine bine                    amate
Bioavailability           +2          -1     +2     +2     +2                      +2
Paenteral form            -2          -2          -2        -2           -2        -2
Elimination half          +1          -1          +1        +1           +1        -1
Linear kinetics           +2          -1          +2        +2           +2        +2
No auto induction         +2          +2          +2        +2           +2        +2
No interactions           -2          +2          0         +1           0         0

A score of +2 is best and –2 is least desirable . A total “pharmacokinetic score” for each
drug should not be calculated from the table because different pharmacominetic
parameters may need to be weighted differently.  The score +2 if it is suitable for
once daily dosing. +1 for twice daily dosing. 0 for 3 times daily dosing at times
only, and –1 for consistent 3 times daily dosing
Efficacy of antiepileptic drug for common seizure type
             Drug            Partial   Tonic-   Absence    Myoclonic Atonic/
                                       clonic                         tonic
Phenobarbital                  +         +        0            ?+       ?
Phenytoin                      +         +         -            -       0
Carbamazepine                  +         +         -            -       0
Sodium valproate               +         +        +             +       +
Ethosuximide                   0         0        +             0       0
Benzodiazepines                +         +        ?             +       +
Gabapentin                     +         +         -            -       0
Lamotrigine                    +         +        +             +       +
Oxcarbazepine                  +         +        0             0       0
                The True Art of Memory is The Art of Attention
                                                          - S.Johnson
Role of Newer
Antiepileptic Drugs
“Older” AEDs

Phenobarbital                            1912
Dilantin (phenytoin)                     1938
Mysoline (primidone)                     1952
Zarontin (ethosuximide)                  1960
Tegretol (carbamazepine)                 1974

         The True Art of Memory is The Art of Attention
                                              - S.Johnson
Newer AEDS
Felbamate     1993
Gabapentin    1994
Lamotrigine 1995
Topiramate    1996
Tiagabine     1998
Levetiracetam 1999
Oxcarbazepine 2000
                      We learn by thinking and the quality
Zonisamide    2000             of the learning outcome is
                         determined by the quality of our
Pregabalin     2005                              thoughts

                                           R.B. Schmeck

   First line drug for           Side effects at just
    partial seizures for           above therapeutic range
    years                         Not effective for some
   Two long-acting                seizure types
    forms now avail               Must start slowly due to
    (2X/day)                       side effects
                                  No IV form
                                  Lots of interactions
           In all of us, even in good men, there is a
          wild - beast nature which peers out in sleep
   First line for             Side effects at just above
    partial seizures            therapeutic range
    for years                 Not effective for some
   Once a day                  seizure types
   IV form                   Side effects:
                                imbalance, sedation, cogni
                                tive, gum
                                problems, osteoporosis
                              felt promise to yourself
    A true commitment is a heartMany interactionsfrom
               which you will not back down
                                    - D. Mcnally
   Works for all seizure             Side effects, esp. weight
    types                              gain & tremor
   Around for decades                Menstrual irregularities
   Rare allergic reactions           Not best for pregnancy
   Helps prevent                     Significant drug
    migraines                          interactions
   New IV form
   New long-acting form

    “Character gets you out of bed commitment moves you to action
       faith, hope and Discipline follow through to completion”
Barbiturates (primidone and

 Effective
                            Sedation and
 Once a day                 cognitive effects
  (phenobarbital)           Withdrawal
 Cheap
 IV form
       “By Nature All Men/ Women are alike but
            by Education widely different”
                                      - Chinese
Other old medications

Clonazepam & Lorazepam
Ketogenic diet

               “Character gets you out of bed
              commitment moves you to action
  faith, hope and Discipline follow through to completion”
Limitations of older AEDS

   Efficacy: Limited efficacy in complex
    partial, absence , myoclonic and atypical
   Adverse Events: similar neurotoxicity
    , idiosyncratic reactions
   Teratogenicity
   Pharmacokinetics: low aqueous
    solubility, hepatic metabolism
   Drug Interactions: enzyme induction –
    CBZ, PHT, PB
Newer AEDs

    Equally effective as older AEDs
    Most better tolerated than older AEDs
    Most have fewer interactions with other
     medications than older AEDs
    All expensive

  Give us the GRACE to accept with serenity the things that cannot be
changed the COURAGE to change the things that should be changed and
                 the WISDOM to know the difference
Role of New epileptics

   Different mechanism of action- treatment of
    refractory seizures
   Rational Polytherapy
   Less adverse effects
   Less Drug Interactions

     A true commitment is a heart felt promise to yourself
              from which you will not back down
                                      - D. Mcnally
Rational Polytherapy

   Combinations of different mechanism of
    actions for synergy of antiepileptics
   Avoid drug with similar effects
                                 Neurology 1995: 45; S7-11

    “ He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over
            which he himself must pass” - Annoy
Choice of AED

Should be based on:
 Spectrum of activity
 Side-effect profile
 Efficacy in other concomitant disease states

           Memory, the daughter of attention ,
          is the teeming mother of knowledge
                     - Martin Tupper
Newer antiepleptics
   Unique features of newer antiepileptics
        Gabapentin, Pregabilin and Levetiracetam: no hepatic
         metabolism or protein binding
        No important pharmacokinetic interactions with other
        Lamotrigine: associated with rash and must be titrated
        Topiramate, Tiagabine, Zonisamide, Oxcarbazepine: must
         titrate slowly to minimize cognitive side effects
        Topiramate, Zonisamide:1-2% incidence of renal stones

        Felbamate: aplastic anemia, hepatic failure, weight loss

       It is the disease of not listening, the malady of not marking,
             that I am troubled withal             - Shakespeare
   Novel antiepileptic drug recognized as
    GABA agonist
   Recently, an inhibitory effect on the
    receptor subunit of the calcium channel has
    been shown and postulated to be
    responsible for its antiepileptic effect
   Treats ONLY partial seizures
   May exacerbate absence seizures
                                            Pak J Neurol Sci 2007; 2(4): 223-29

Success in life is a matter not so much of talent and opportunity
  as of concentration and perseverance           - C.W. Wendte
   No interactions with other
    drugs                           DISADVANTAGES
   Extremely rare “allergic”
                                    Three-times-a-day
   Can be started quickly
                                    Does not treat all
   Well-tolerated
                                      types of seizures
   Treats
    pain, anxiety, restless leg
   Generic availability
   Liquid formulation        Serious, sincere, systematic study
                                 surely secures supreme success

   Well-established AED with proven efficacy
   Also the most well –studied amongst the
    newer drugs in both adults and children
   Used in partial as well as generalized
   Approved as monotherapy in partial
   Effective in treating generalized epilepsy
                                   Pak J Neurol Sci 2007; 2(4): 223-29

ADVANTAGES                         DISADVANTAGES
 – Minimal effect on other              – Rash if started
     medications                           quickly Must start
 –   Works for all types of                slowly (~2 months
     seizures                              to full dose)
 –   Very well tolerated
 –   Minimal sedation
 –   Probably safe in pregnancy
 –   Approved for >2 y.o.
 –   Monotherapy                  Mind is the great level of all things;
                                   human thought is the process by
                                   which human ends are ultimately
                                            - Daniel Webster
 Broad spectrum AED with multiple mechanism of actions
including inhibitory effects on sodium and calcium channels
  as well as the kainate
 subgroup of glutamate receptors. Additionally, it
  potentiates effects on GABA receptors as well as on the
  potassium channel.
 Excellent efficacy in partial seizures in adults and children
 Also effective in migraines
                                                  Pak J Neurol Sci 2007; 2(4): 223-29

         Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is
           probable reason why so few engage in it.
                          - Henry Ford

ADVANTAGES                                DISADVANTAGES
 – Minimal interactions with                  – Cognitive side
     other medications                          effects
 –   Probably works for all                   – 1-2% renal stones
     seizure types                            – tingling/pins and
 –   Approved for >2 y.o                        needles
 –   Sprinkle form                            – Can decrease
                                                efficacy of oral
 –   Approved for monotherapy                   contraceptives
 –   Weight loss
 –   Approved for migraine
        Habit is either the best of servants or worst of masters
                                                      - Nathaniel Emmons

   Selective GABA reuptake blocker
   Adjunct in partial seizures
   Multiple dosing
                                Pak J Neurol Sci 2007; 2(4): 223-29

     Success is a prize to be won. Action is the road to it.
    Chance is what may lurk in the shadows at the road side.
                           - O. Henry

   – Minimal effect on             – Dose is dependent on
     other medications               concurrent AEDs
                                   – Anxiety
                                   – Occasionally makes
                                     some seizure types

People of mediocre ability often achieve success because they
                 don’t know enough to quit
                      - Bernard Baruch

    Binds to synaptic vesicle protein SV2A
    Effective adjunct in partial seizures
    Lack of drug interaction can be used in
     patients with complex multiple problems
                                             Pak J Neurol Sci 2007; 2(4): 223-29

We possess by nature the factors out of which personality can be
 made, and to organize them into effective personal life is every
    man’s primary responsibility - Harry Emerson Fosdick
   No interactions
                                   Behavioral/psych side
   Minimal liver                   effects
                                   Twice per day
   Works for most
    seizure types
   Can start quickly
   Well tolerated
   Liquid formulation

        Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings
                     and not by the intellect

 Similar to CBZ
 Adjunct and monotherapy in partial
 Effective in patients who have failed

            Experience can be defined as
       yesterday’s answer to today’s problems

    As effective and better           Not for all seizure
     tolerated than CBZ                 types
    Fewer interactions                Low sodium, esp. if on
     than CBZ                           diuretics also
    Approved for children             Lessens effectiveness
     >4                                 of birth control pill
    Approved for first-line
Three can be seen in the divisions of a human in mind, body and spirit
   It has an inhibitory effect on both sodium
   and calcium channels
   Zonisamide is effective as adjunctive therapy in
    with partial epilepsy
   Also used as a second or third line alternative in
    refractory generalized epilepsy.
   Presumed effects on dopaminergic pathways, there has
   been some interest in treating Parkinson's disease with
   zonisamide as well.
     Discipline Weighs ounces Regret weighs Tons
   Used in Japan for many             1-2% kidney stones
    years                              Occasional
   Works for all seizure               psychiatric or
    types                               sedative side effects
   Approved for children              Sulfa drug
   Once daily
   Weight loss
   Recent addition of 25
    mg capsules
           “Social Isolation is in itself a pathogenic
               Factor for disease production”
Intranasal or Buccal Midazolam

   Safe and effective (studies in UK, Israel): 5-
    10 mg in adults
   Easy to use
   Less social stigma
   Not approved in US for this usage
   Not easy to obtain (controlled substance) in
    a convenient form
   Shorter acting than Diastat

       “Knowledge can be communicated but not Wisdom”
                      - Hermann Hesse
New agents
   Brivaracetam- structural analogue of levetiracetam
    –more potent and efficacious in treatment of both
    partial and generalized epilepsy
   Lacosamide- Good efficacy in partial seizures.
    Also useful neuropathic pain
   Rufinamide- Efficacy seen in Lennox G Syndrome
    patients but only modest effects see in partial
   Retigabine – novel AED which activates a special
    type of potassium
     Through Action You Create your Own Education   - D.B. ELLIS
Pregnancy in Women With Epilepsy
 1.1 million women of childbearing age have epilepsy in the
 Issues with management of women:1
    – Cosmetic consequences of some AEDs
    – Catamenial epilepsy
    – Effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives may be reduced by some
    – Pregnancy has a greater risk for complications
    – Difficulties during labor and adverse outcomes are more likely
    – The practitioner must choose a course that both prevents seizures
      and minimizes fetal exposure to AEDs
   With careful management the majority of women with
    epilepsy will have a better than 90% chance of a normal
      1. Yerby, 2000
      2. Crawford, 1997
Drugs that decrease efficacy of
         oral contraceptives

   Phenytoin
   Carbamazepine
   Phenobarbital
   Primidone
   Topiramate at higher doses
   Oxcarbazepine

        Whatever the Mind can conceive and Believe,
        the mind can Achieve        - Napoleon Hill
Weight Issues

Risk of weight gain “Risk” of weight loss
  Valproate                       – Topiramate
  Gabapentin                      – Zonisamide
  Pregabalin                      – Felbamate

                                  Weight Neutral
                                  - Levetericetam
                                  - Lamotigrine

 Many Ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than
                in the one where they sprang UP
                                             O.W. Holmos
Lifestyle changes to minimize seizures

    Avoid sleep deprivation
    Avoid alcohol
    Treat fevers quickly
    Occasional patients should avoid specific
     factors such as strobe lights, etc
    Pill boxes/reminders

                  “Men of Genius Admired:
                    Men of Wealth envied
                   Women of power feared
          But only Women of character are trusted”
                               A- Friedman

   Balance efficacy against side effects
   Extended-release AEDs offer improved
    tolerability, improved compliance and
    improved seizure control
   The benefits may be especially relevant in
    special populations such as children and
    women with epilepsy

    Every discovery contains an irrational element or 4 creative
                                                    Khrl Popper
New AEDs: odds ratios for 50% responders
and withdrawal in randomised controlled trials

 Drug     50% responders      Withdrawals
          Odds     95% CI    Odds     95% CI
           ratio             ratio
 GBP       2.3     1.5-3.4    1.4     0.7-2.5
 LTG       2.3     1.5-3.7    1.2     0.8-1.8
 OXC       3.4     2.3-4.8    2.3     1.9-2.8
 TGB       3.0     2.0-4.6    1.8     1.2-2.7
 TPM       4.1     2.9-5.8    2.6     1.6-4.0
 VGB       3.7     2.4-5.5    2.6     1.3-5.3
 ZSM       2.5     1.4-4.5    4.2    1.7-10.5
New vs Old AEDs as monotherapy
        in previously untreated patients

New        Old AEDs          Efficacy       Tolerability
AEDs      (no. studies)

LTG         CBZ (4)          Similar       LTG better
            PHT (1)
            VPA (1)
OXC         PHT (2)          Similar       OXC better
            CBZ (1)                        OXC better
            VPA (1)                         Similar
VGB         CBZ (4)        Similar (2)     VGB better
                          CBZ better (2)
Odds ratio – Meta analysis – New AEDs

       Thought is the labour of the intellect
             Reverie is its pleasure
Long-term use of
gabapentin, lamotrigine, and vigabatrin

Variable               GBP        LTG       VGB
                       (n=361)   (n=1050)   (n=713)

Mean daily dose (mg)   1575        303      2444
Seizure free (%)         1          3         3
Reason for
withdrawal (%)
  Lack of efficacy       42        25         36
  Adverse event          10        13         12
  Both                   12         6         15
mortality ratio         7.7       10.4       6.8
Economic aspects
           of antiepileptic treatment

       Cost of AEDs for 1 year of treatment in Italy

Drug                Dose (mg/day)          Cost (Euro)
PB                       150                   47
PRM                      750                   55
ESM                      750                   82
PHT                      350                   83
CBZ                     1200                   202
VPA                     3000                   472
VGB                     3000                  1420
GBP                     1800                  1705
LTG                      400                  1875
TPM                      400                  2716
FBM                     3600                  5987
Common long-term
                AED side effects

  energy level         emotional and
  school performance   mental wellbeing
  overall QoL          coordination and balance
  memory               sex life
  concentration                job performance
  thinking clearly
                                            Fisher et al, Epilepsy Res 2000

           Science is below the mind;
          Spirituality is beyond the mind
Serious adverse effects of AEDs
      Serious adverse effects of AEDs include
         Dose-related
         Chronic
         Idiosyncratic
         Teratogenic
         Drug interaction disorders
               Parent : Carbamazepine
               Active metabolite : 10,11 carbamazepine epoxide
      . Polymechanistic with metabolites with no antiepileptic activity but with
          side effects
                Parent : felbamate
                Active metabolite : various
      . Polymechanistic but metabolites with antiseizure activity
“ He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass”
                                          - Annoy
   Seizure freedom in >50% of newly diagnosed
   Safe administration in all patients, especially
    children and elderly
   Birth defects in <3% of cases
   Lower healthcare costs compared with cost of
   Positive impact on QoL (if and when objective
    measures are available)

     When they tell you to grow up, they mean stop growing
Combinations based on drug interactions
Least Useful                   Rationale
Carbamazepine with phenytoin   Phenytoin induces carbamazepine
                               metabolism, leading to need for much
                               higher carbamazepine doses.
Phenobarbital with             Phenobarbital is a powerful inducer of
Phenytoin, valproate           CYP 450 system

Valproate with phenobarbital   Valproate decreases phenobarbital
Valproate with phenytoin       Both compete for protein binding
                               sites, reducing the value of total drug
                               level measurement

      Discipline Weighs ounces Regret weighs Tons
Combinations based on drug interaction. contd

Least Useful                      Rationale
Felbamate with                    Many drug – drug interactions
phenytoin, carbamazepine and
Gabapentine with any drug         No drug interaction

Valproate with lamotrigine         Valproate inhibits metabolism of
                                   Iamotrigine, reducing dose and
                                   cost of treatment with
             “Social Isolation is in itself a pathogenic
                 Factor for disease production”
Combination based on mechanism of action

Most Useful                        Rationale
Carbamazepine or phenytoin       Widely different mechanisms of
with                             actions
gabapentine, tiagabine, topirama
te, felbamate
Least Useful
Carbamazepine and phenytoin        Similar mechanisms of action

Tiagabine, gabapentine, and        Similar mechanisms of action

     The art of medicine is caring for the heart of the patient
Combinations based on side effects

Possibly Useful                Rationale
Valproate with felbamate or    Felbamate and topiramate have been
topiramate                     associated with weight loss,
                               valproate with weight gain.
Least Useful
Carbamazepine and valproate Valproate and carbamazepine both
in women of child bearing   may increase risk for spina bifida;
potential                   valproate inhibits metabolism of
                            10,11 carbamazepine epoxide,
                            which may be teratogenic

Give us the GRACE to accept with serenity the things that cannot be
changed the COURAGE to change the things that should be changed
             and the WISDOM to know the difference
Medical outcome

 The risk of recurrence after a first
  unprovoked seizure
 Remission from seizures
 Relapse after drug withdrawal

        Maintaining the right attitude is easier than
            regaining the right mental attitude
Prognosis of a first unprovoked seizure

   Overall risk of recurrence after 1 year varied between
    16 & 36% among different studies
   Risk is greatest in the first year of index seizures
   Risk of another seizure following a second seizure is
    79% (Camfield et al 1985)
   Higher rate of recurrence in symptomatic than
   10%, 24%, 29% at 1, 3, 5 years respectively in
    idiopathic seizure
   26%, 41%, 48% at 1, 3, 5 years respectively in
    symptomatic seizure (Hauzer et al 1992)
                   are the 3 great physicians
Prognosis of a first unprovoked seizure
   Risk of recurrence is more if the index seizure is
    1. Status epilepticus (Hauzer et al 1990)
    2 Complex partial seizure (Camfield et al)
       (CPS 78.9% Vs. GTCS 44%)
   Risk of recurrence is more if there is previous history of febrile
   Risk of recurrence is more if the EEG shows epileptiform
   Normal EEG does not rule out seizure recurrence.
   Recurrence risk is 12% after a first unprovoked seizure with a
    normal EEG (Van Donselaar et al 1992)

           Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings
                       and not by the intellect
Remission of Epilepsy
 Various studies show remission ranges of 50-70%,
  depending upon 1 year - 5 year seizure-free intervals
 The group for the study of prognosis of epilepsy in Japan
  showed 3 year remission rate of 58.3% (1981)
 Annegers et al used stringent criteria of 5 year seizure-free
  interval – showed remission rate of 65% in 10 years and
  76% in 20 years
 With respect to specific seizure types, absence seizure,
  GTCS, simple partial seizures, secondary GTCS and CPS,
  all had remission rates of 68%, 69%, 50%, 60% and 61%

    Truth comes out of error sooner than that of confusion
Remission of Epilepsy

   Generalized idiopathic seizure is one of the
    most important prognosticators of remission
   Early age of seizure onset is a consistent
    predictor of intractability (Berg et al – 1996)
   Factors having no prognostic values in
    remission include gender, race, family
    history, time between diagnosis and initiation of
               When they tell you to grow up,
                 they mean stop growing
                                        P. Diccaso
Relapse after drug withdrawal

   Overall relapse rate varies from 20 – 36.5%
    (Emerson et al)
   Children have lower relapse rates 12 – 36.3%
    (Emerson et al)
   50 – 80% relapses occur during medication
   Mental retardation and abnormal neurological
    examination are associated with poor outcome
        Every discovery contains an irrational element or
                      4 creative intuition
                                         - Karl Popper
Relapse after drug withdrawal

 The quality standards of American Academy of Neurology
  published their recommendation for discontinuing AEDs in
  seizure-free patients
 Their recommendations were based on a review of medical
  literature from 1967 to 1996
 The 9 factors related to the probability of successful
  antiepileptic withdrawal are: sex, age of seizure
    onset, seizure type, aetiology, neurological examination
    and IQ, duration of seizure freedom on antiepileptic
    drugs, treatment regimen, age at relapse and normalization
    of the EEG
                     The secret of walking on water is
                      Knowing where the stones are
Relapse after drug withdrawal
   Seizure-free for 2-5 years on AEDs
   Single type of partial or generalized seizure
   Normal neurological examination
   Normal IQ
   EEG normalizing with treatment
   With all the above profiles, 69% chance in
    children and 61% in adults, of a successful
             Thought is the labour of the intellect
                   Reverie is its pleasure

 Definition
 - one or more sz/mo over one y
 - adequate trial: 2 first line AEDs and 1 or
 Burden of refractory epilepsy

 - Physical injury.
 - Psycho social costs.

           Take time to think; it is the source of power
         Take time to read; it is the foundation of wisdom
           Take time to work; it is the price of success


 Prof. A.V. SRINIVASAN, MD, DM, Ph.D, DSc(Hon)
                 F.A.A.N, F.I.A.N,

             Emeritus Professor
  The Tamilnadu DR.M.G.R Medical University

             CHENNAI- 21-1-11
   Definition
   Epidemiology
   Taxonomy
   Pathophysiology of intractable seizures
   Pre-operative diagnosis and work-up
   Management options

A seizure is the clinical manifestation of
excessive, synchronous, abnormal firing of
large populations of neurons
Intractable epilepsy

   A persistent seizure activity that prevents
    the individual from normal function or

   Characterized by two antiepileptic drug
    (AED) failures, at least one seizure per
    month for 18 months, and no seizure-free
    periods longer than three months during that
      *no consensus

Prevalence of epilepsy is 5 to 10 per 1000 in
  the North American population

Second most common cause of mental health

Approximately 20% of individuals with a
 diagnosis of epilepsy have seizures that are
 not adequately controlled by AEDs
Why do patients fail to respond?

   Paroxysmal events that are not epileptic
   Psychogenic seizures
   Misdiagnosis of seizure type
   Non-compliance with medication
   Epileptic disorder with different
    pathophysiologic mechanism than that
    targeted by the AED
   Unreliable reporting of seizures
When should we intervene

Failed medical management with >2 AEDs
    i.e. At least one seizure every 1-2 months
Seizures are associated with any of:
- Impaired LOC
- Injury (e.g. from falls)
- Accompanied by stigmatizing behaviour (e.g.
  disrobing, uttering obscenities)
- Accompanied by unpleasant or noxious auras (e.g.
  vomiting, intense fear)
- Unpredictable occurrence
Factors to consider when making
      the surgical decision

   Patient’s social environment
   Expectations
   Level of function
   Quality of life
   Severity and frequency of seizures
   Medical consequences of the epilepsy
Taxonomy of surgically remediable
      epilepsy syndromes
Pathophysiology of epilepsy

   Alteration in neuronal excitability by
    changes in voltage-gated and transmitter-
    gated ion channels
   Focal reduction in inhibitory
   Alterations in gene expression
   Changes in cellular plasticity of neurons
    with age or in response to injury
   Developmental alterations in cerebral cortex
Goal of resective epilepsy surgery

Complete resection of the epileptogenic zone
   (the area of cortex that is required to
   generate clinical seizures)
Its location and boundaries are defined by:
 seizure semiology
 electrophysiologic recordings
 functional testing
 neuroimaging techniques
Seizure Semiology

   Clinical features of a seizure may suggest a
    location for the symptomatogenic zone and
    have lateralizing value
Seizure Semiology
Ictal speech                      Non-dominant temporal lobe
Dystonic limb posturing           Contralateral to side of
                                  temporal lobe seizure onset
Post-ictal nose wiping            Ipsilateral to temporal lobe of
Post-ictal dysnomia > 2 min       Onset in the dominant
                                  temporal lobe
Forceful head version             Contralateral hemisphere
immediately prior to a
secondarily generalized tonic-
clonic seizure
nonforced head turning at ictal   Ipsilateral hemisphere
onset without a tonic
component or hemifacial
clonic twitching
Asymmetric tonic limb             The extended limb is usually
posturing, the "figure four       contralateral to the hemisphere
sign,"                            of onset
Seizure Semilogy
Localized contralateral clonic Broca’s area
activity and aphasia with
speech arrest
Assymetrical bilateral           Supplementary motor area
proximal limb movement,
version of head, facial
grimacing with speech arrest
or vocalization, and preserved
Olfactory, psychic, and          Orbitofrontal and cingulate
emotional auras followed by      seizures
complex automatisms
No warning, Bilateral tonic      Prefrontal
clonic activity with version,
forced thinking, falls,
autonomic signs
Cortical zones

Symptomatogenic zone:
    The area of cortex that, when activated by an epileptiform discharge, reproduces
    the initial ictal symptoms. The zone is defined by careful analysis of the ictal
    symptoms that can be done with a thorough seizure history and analysis of ictal
    video recordings
Irritative zone:
    The area of cortical tissue that generates interictal electrographic spikes

Seizure onset zone:
    The area of cortex from which clinical seizures are generated. This may be larger or
    smaller than the epileptogenic zone. When the epileptogenic zone is smaller than
    the seizure onset zone, partial resection of the seizure onset zone may lead to
    seizure freedom because the remaining seizure onset zone has been weakened
    sufficiently, rendering it incapable of generating further seizures

Area of functional deficit:
   Area of cortex that is functionally abnormal in the interictal period
EEG Recordings

   Interictal and ictal Scalp EEG is used to localize
    the seizure discharges. Detects radially oriented
    electrical activity that is attenuated in strength and
    spatially distorted by tissue between brain and

    Limitation: capable of detecting a seizure
    discharge only after it has extended considerably
    and has activated a relatively large area of cortex
EEG Recordings

Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE)
have epileptiform activity consisting of
spikes and/or sharp waves that are usually
maximal at the anterior temporal (F7 and F8
electrodes) and the mid temporal regions
(T3 and T4 electrodes).
Indications for Invasive EEG monitoring

   Bilaterally independent temporal lobe seizures
   Extratemporal lobe-onset seizures with rapid
    propagation to the medial temporal lobe
   Temporal lobe seizures of localized onset, but with
    normal MRI and FDG-PET findings
   Discordant EEG localization and imaging findings
   To distinguish neocortical from medial TLE
   Lateralization of seizures to a particular lobe though
    no abnormalities are seen on structural or functional
   Epileptogenic zone located in or near eloquent
Intracranial electrode placement is associated with a 2-3% complication rate

The goal is to locate and define anatomic
  epileptogenic lesions.

MRI: shown to have better chance of detecting
 positive pathology than CT scan.
 Limitation: cortical dysplasia may be subtle or not
 visualized on MR imaging

FDG-PET: interictal cortical hypometabolism
  correlates with the epileptogenic zone in temporal
  and extratemporal epilepsy
Hippocampal Sclerosis

80-95% of
patients with
sclerosis have
atrophy and
on T2-
weighted MR
FDG PET in a patient with mesial temporal epilepsy
showing hypometabolism in are aof left mesial temporal lobe

 Ictal SPECT and functional MRI measure
local changes in cerebral blood flow (a
relative increase of ictal blood flow with
respect to the interictal state). This increase
of blood flow is a direct autoregulatory
response to the hyperactivity of neurons
during epileptogenic activation.
Functional Testing

   Wada test is used mainly to lateralize
    eloquent cortex with regard to language and
    memory and is used only secondarily as a
    supplementary method to determine the
    localization of the epileptogenic zone
What is a Wada Test?

Injection of sodium amobarbital into one carotid artery to
temporarily inactivate the ipsilateral cerebral
hemisphere, allowing independent testing of memory and
language function of the contralateral hemisphere.

IAP is believed to anesthetize ipsilateral carotid artery
distribution, which includes the amygdala and the anterior

Injection ipsilateral to the epileptogenic zone assesses the
functional adequacy of the contralateral hippocampus to sustain

Contralateral hemiparesis and ipsilateral EEG slowing confirm
the adequacy of injection
Epilepsy syndromes
amenable to surgery
Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

   History of early insult in infancy or childhood
   Hippocampal sclerosis and atrophy on MRI
   Abnormal Creatine/NAA on MRS
   Temporal hypometabolism on interictal PET
   Characteristic pattern of hypoperfusion and
    hyperperfusion on SPECT
   Anteromedial epileptogenic zone on EEG
   Memory deficits on Wada testing
   Histology: loss of principal hippocampal
    neurons, synaptic re-organization, sprouting of
    mossy fibers, enhanced expression of glutamate
Figure 149-7 Diagram of a coronal slice through the medial temporal lobe. The hippocampus is composed of 2
 <ss>U</ss>-shaped lamina of gray matter, the cornu ammonis (C) and dentate gyrus (D). Between them is the
white matter of the molecular layer (*). The hippocampus is bordered by the alveus (arrowheads), choroid fissure
(ChF), and temporal horn (TH) superiorly. The alveus converges medially to form the fimbria (F), which in turn is a
   component of the fornix. The ambient cistern (AC) and brainstem (BS) are situated medially. Inferior to the
     hippocampus is the parahippocampal white matter and gyrus (PHG). The temporal horn (TH) borders the
  hippocampus on its lateral aspect. CS, collateral sulcus; FG, fusiform gyrus or lateral occipital-temporal gyrus;
ITG, inferior temporal gyrus. (From Bronen RA: Epilepsy: The role of MR imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol 159:1165-
                                                    1174, 1992.)
Frontal Lobe Epilepsy

   Second most common epilepsy syndrome
    referred for surgery
   Wide variety of seizure types depending on
    origin and spread
   Often prominent motor manifestations
   Interictal EEG spikes in one or both frontal
    lobes, temporal spikes may be seen
   Neuroimaging is usually negative
Lesional partial epilepsy

 30% of patients undergoing epilepsy
  surgery have a structural lesion as
  underlying pathology
e.g. Focal encephalomalacia, tumor, vascular
  malformation, congenital developmental
 Anatomical location is primary determinant
  of seizure presentation
Neocortical cryptogenic epilepsy

Clinical history and electrical data suggest
  seizure of cortical origin but no structural
  lesion is identified

Surgical treatment based on EEG delineation
  of the epileptogenic zone.
Surgical Approaches for Epilepsy
Resective Surgery                   Temporal lobe resections (anteromedial
                                    selective amygdalohippocampectomy);
                                    Extratemporal resections; Lesional
                                    resections; Anatomic or functional

Disconnection surgery               Corpus callasotomy; Multiple subpial
                                    transections; Keyhole hemispherotomies
Radiosurgery                        Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy;
                                    hypothalamic hamartomas
Neuroaugmentative surgery           Vagal nerve stimulators; Deep brain
Diagnostic surgery                  Depth electrodes; subdural strip
                                    electrodes; subdural grids
Summary of Surgical Procedures
            for Epilepsy

   Anteromedial temporal resection (AMTL): The superior temporal gyrus
    is spared, and the middle and inferior temporal gyrus is resected 4-5 cm
    from the tip of the nondominant side and 3-4 cm of the dominant side. The
    amygdala is resected totally; the hippocampus and the parahippocampal
    gyrus are resected to the level of the colliculus.

   Standard en bloc anterior temporal lobectomy: This resection is similar
    to the AMTL except that the superior temporal gyrus, 2 cm from the
    temporal tip, also is resected.

   Amygdalo-hippocampectomy: In this procedure, the
    amygdala, hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus are resected, with
    sparing of the lateral and basal temporal neocortex.

   Lesionectomy: The lesion as delineated by MRI is resected, with a
    margin. In some cases, electrocorticography may be recommended to
    guide the margins of the resection.
Summary of Surgical Procedures
            for Epilepsy
   Tailored neocortical resection: This resection is based on imaging and EEG data and is
    tailored on the basis of functional mapping data such that eloquent cortical regions are
    spared. In some cases multiple subpial transections (MST) are recommended when the
    epileptogenic zone involves eloquent cortex. With MST, the horizontal fibers that are
    important for seizure propagation are interrupted at 5-mm intervals. The vertically
    oriented fibers that are important for function remain intact.

   Functional hemispherectomy: It consists of removal of sensorimotor cortex and the
    temporal lobe. The frontal lobe and the parieto-occipital lobes are left intact but are
    disconnected from cortical and subcortical structures.

   Corpus callosotomy: The anterior two thirds of the corpus callosum is resected.
    Sometimes, a complete callosotomy is performed; however, the risk of developing
    disconnection syndrome is greater with this procedure. May be employed in the setting
    of non-localized tonic, clonic, or atonic seizures that cause falls and injury.

   Multilobar resection: This usually involves the frontoparietal, parieto-occipito-
    temporal, or parieto-occipital lobes. The technique includes corticectomy (resection of
    grey matter), lobe excision (resection of grey and white matter), lobe disconnection, or a
    combination of these.
Is surgery for epilepsy effective?

At 1 year 58% of patients who underwent surgery were free of seizures impairing
awareness versus 8% of patients who received medical treatment. Patients
who underwent surgery also had significantly better HRQOL.

Engle J (2001) Intractable epilepsy: definition and neurobiology. Epilepsia
   42(suppl 6):3

Wiebe S et al. (2001) A randomized controlled trial of surgery for temporal lobe
   epilepsy. NEJM 345: 311-318.

Youman’s Neurological Surgery, 5th Edition

Zimmerman R and J Sirven (2003) An overview of surgery for chronic seizures.
   Mayo Clin Proc. 78: 109-117
Factors that characterize refractory epilepsy

                  Intractable seizures

               Excessive drug burden

         Neurobiochemical plasticity changes

               Cognitive deterioration

               Psychosocial dysfunction
                   Dependent behavior

                    Restricted life style

             Unsatisfactory quality of life
                    Increased mortality
             Imagination is more Important than Knowledge

   Multiple seizure types.
   High frequency of seizures.
   Partial seizures.
   Seizure onset in infancy.
   Severe EEG abnormality.
   Organic brain lesion.

    Every thing should be made as simple as possible;
                     but not simpler
Interation of AE/Epilepsy:
              Risk of aggravation
   Carbamazepine: infantile spasms, epilepsies with
    myoclonic (JME) or absence seizures.
    EECSWS, Lennox-Gestaut syndrome.
   Phenobarbital : infantile spasms, Dravet
   Vigabatrin : epilepsy with myoclonus and
   Lamotrigine : Dravet syndrome.
   Benzodiazepines : Tonic spasms in LGS.
   Tiagabine and Gabapentin : Absence and

         You are what you think and not what you think you are

 Extracranial
   Scalp electrodes,sphenoidal.
 Semi invasive
   Foramen ovale electrodes
   Epidural pegs, pins,silver wires.
 Invasive
   Subdural strip, grid electrodes
   Intracerebral electrodes.

    “Healthy Mind and Healthy expression of Emotion
                  go hand in Hand”

    CT Scan :
      For gross structural lesions –
          Cerebral tumours,Calcified lesions
  MRI : Superior to CT- scan
  Optimal MRI : High resolution
                    Special sequences

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely re
                   arranging their prejudices
                                                   W. James

   Hippocampal sclerosis
   Developmental malformations
   Disorders of neuronal migration
   Cavernous haemangiomas
   Dysembryoblastic neuro-epitheliomas
   Indolent gliomas
   Post-operative assesment

A open foe may prove a curse ; but a pretended friend is worse

      Pre-surgical evaluation : Clincial
      EEG, Video EEG, MR- imaging
      SPECT, neuro-psychological evaluation,
       WADA- test ( Occasional need for
       intracranial electrodes, corticography,depth
       recording, stimulation for localisation of
       indispensable areas).
It is a great misfortune not to possess sufficient wit to speak well
              nor sufficient judgment to keep silent
                                              La Broyers character

SURGERY                    CURED               IMPROVED

Temporal lobe               53 – 55 %           23 – 28 %

Extra temporal                 43 %                27%

Hemispherectomy                63 %               25%

Corpus callosotomy            4–8%                80%

    Truth comes out of error sooner than that of confusion
              Monotherapy         Monotherapy    Monotherapy
              1st AED             2nd AED        3rd AED

              Seizure free 47 %

Newly                             Seizure free
diagnosed                         13 %
N= 10
              Uncontrolled                       Seizure free   Seizure free
              Seizure                             10 %           3%
                                  Uncontrolled   Uncontrolled   Uncontrolled
                                  Sz             Sz             Sz
                                  40%              30 %          36%
            Discipline Weighs ounces; Regret weighs Tons

1.   Epilepsy is a disorder of the Brain and not of the Mind.

2.   Epilepsy is broadly classified as Generalised or Partial.

3.   This is a fascinating disorder affecting all the three
     functions of the brain.(Cognition,Conation and affect).
                Cognition- in simple definition means
                 perception plus thinking.
                Conation – movement in general.
                Affect-   motor expression of an emotion.

            We do not know one millionth of one percent
                 about anything – Thomas Edison
4. It represents four types of partial seizures coming from four lobes of
       the brain.

  I ) Frontal Lobe – supplementary motor area
              i) Adversive seizures
              ii) Epilepsia partialis continua (motor movement of the lip, thumb or toe).
  II ) Parietal Lobe – Sensory seizure ( sudden benumbed feeling of the limb/ face.)
  III ) Temporal Lobe – (Auditory, smell / aura , vertigo ) – clinically of three types
  stare – automatisms- resolution.
  Automatisms – resolution
  Loss of consciousness with automatism
  IV ) Occipital Lobe – visual aura seizures arising from all four lobes can result in secondary

5. There are five types of generalized seizures – Tonic, clonic, Tonic clonic ,
     Absence and Myoclonic .
                             The Truth is Fear & Immorality are two of the
                             greatest inhibitors of Performance to progress
6. Differential Diagnosis for epilepsy
i) Migraine.                        ii) Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA).
iii ) Syncope.                      iv ) Narcolepsy.
v) Hypoglycemia ,Hyperglycemia.     vi ) Psychogenic.

7. Seven investigations are mandatory : (rest are optional )
  i ) Hemogram.
  ii ) Blood sugar
  iii ) Renal function tests ( Urea and Creatinine )
  iv ) Liver functions (SGOT,SGPT, SERUM NH3 and GGT ).
  v) EEG, (Telemetric recording ).
  vi) CT / MRI ( If partial seizures are present ).
  vii) Screening for malignancy. ( Epilepsy in elderly ). Optional ;

  “The True Art of Memory is The Art of Attention”             - S.Johnson
8. Treatment – Commonly effective in epilepsy

i) Commonly used : CPS          Carbamazepine / Phenytion / Sodium Valproate.

ii) Latest drugs :      TGL    Topiramate – use it as add on or as monotherapy.

                                Gabapentin – primary drug in partial seizures


iii) Sparingly used :     PV    Old – Phenobarbitone New – Vigabatrine.

                     Thought is the labour of the intellect
                           Reverie is its pleasure

9. Etiology – Etiology of epilepsy in the finger tips.

T (thumb) – Trauma, Toxic,Tumour.

I (Index finger) – Infection ( bacterial / viral )

M ( Middle finger ) – Metabolic, endocrine

D (Diamond Ring finger ) – Degeneration, - Demyelination.

L ( Little finger ) - Little flow or absent flow of blood Vascular.

H ( Hand ) – Hereditary and Nutritional disorders.

    Through Action You Create your Own Education - D.B. ELLIS
10. Epilepsy education
3 S – support group – tele film and video
      self help group – information service
      social skill – patient professional personal education
P   – Patient – Physician give and talk.
D    –          Drugs do`s and don`ts
R   – Role play
C   – Compliance calendar .

      Whatever the Mind can conceive and Believe, the mind can Achieve
                                                            Napoleon Hill


        We do not know one millionth of one percent
             about anything – Thomas Edison
Dedicated to my family for
making everything worthwhile
READ not to contradict or confute
Nor to Believe and Take for Granted

        East west Pharma

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Management of epilepsy in this millennium–recent perspectives in intrtactable seizures

  • 2.
  • 3. Epilepsy is A Fascinating Disorder Affecting the the Three Functions of the Brain Cognition, Conation & Affect Is Cure from this Disorder a mere Stroke of Luck? “My Opinions are founded on knowledge but modified by experience”
  • 4. Epilepsy – An Alarming issue  Epilepsy affects 50 million people the world over  Prevalence rates of Epilepsy are 5-10 per 1000  Over 90 % of people with epilepsy in developing countries are not on any regular,even basic treatment. A significant treatment gap. If you think you can or you can’t You are always right
  • 5. Living with epilepsy - 1992 15% no seizures, no 17% no seizures side effects + side effects 3% not taking AED 2% no answer 44% recurrent seizures 19% recurrent seizures, + side effects no side effects n=760 The Roper Organization 1992
  • 6. Living with epilepsy - 1996 Time since last seizure 2% no answer 29% <3 weeks 31% >2 years 10% 1-3 months 10% 1-2 years 18% 4-12 months n=1023 Fisher et al, Epilepsy Res 2000
  • 7. Classification of epilepsy Localized Non-Localized Idiopathic Symptomatic (No known cause) (known or CNS disease) Back pain – prize human beings pay for their upright posture Some people feel the rain; Others just get wet
  • 8.
  • 9. AN IDEAL ANTICONVULSANT DRUG  Prevent or inhibit excessive pathological neuronal discharge  Without interfering with physiological neuronal activity and  Without producing untoward effect o Ideal compound not yet available Many Ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprang UP O.W. Holmos
  • 10. Spectrum of action – Broad spectrum drugs – Narrow spectrum drugs – Intermediate spectrum drugs “Character gets you out of bed commitment moves you to action faith, hope and Discipline follow through to completion”
  • 11. When they tell you to grow up, they mean stop growing - P. Diccaso
  • 12. PHARMACO KINETICS Absorption Distribution Elimination “By Nature All Men/ Women are alike but by Education widely different” - Chinese
  • 13. Pharmacokinetic properties of established AEDs Carbama Phenyt Valpro Phenob Primi zepine oin ate arbital done Bioavailability +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 Parentral form -2 +2 +2 +2 0 Elimination of half life +1 +2 0 +2 -1 Linear kinetics +2 -2 +1 +2 +2 No auto induction -2 +2 +2 +2 +2 No interactions -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 A score of +2 is best and –2 is least desirable . A total “pharmacokinetic score” for each drug should not be calculated from the table because different pharmacominetic parameters may need to be weighted differently.  The score +2 if it is suitable for once daily dosing. +1 for twice daily dosing. 0 for 3 times daily dosing at times only, and –1 for consistent 3 times daily dosing
  • 14. Pharmacokinetic properties of newer AEDs Felbam Gabape Lamot Oxcarba Tiaga Topir ate ntin rigine zepine bine amate Bioavailability +2 -1 +2 +2 +2 +2 Paenteral form -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 Elimination half +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 life Linear kinetics +2 -1 +2 +2 +2 +2 No auto induction +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 No interactions -2 +2 0 +1 0 0 A score of +2 is best and –2 is least desirable . A total “pharmacokinetic score” for each drug should not be calculated from the table because different pharmacominetic parameters may need to be weighted differently.  The score +2 if it is suitable for once daily dosing. +1 for twice daily dosing. 0 for 3 times daily dosing at times only, and –1 for consistent 3 times daily dosing
  • 15. Efficacy of antiepileptic drug for common seizure type Drug Partial Tonic- Absence Myoclonic Atonic/ clonic tonic Phenobarbital + + 0 ?+ ? Phenytoin + + - - 0 Carbamazepine + + - - 0 Sodium valproate + + + + + Ethosuximide 0 0 + 0 0 Benzodiazepines + + ? + + Gabapentin + + - - 0 Lamotrigine + + + + + Oxcarbazepine + + 0 0 0 The True Art of Memory is The Art of Attention - S.Johnson
  • 16.
  • 18. “Older” AEDs Phenobarbital 1912 Dilantin (phenytoin) 1938 Mysoline (primidone) 1952 Zarontin (ethosuximide) 1960 Tegretol (carbamazepine) 1974 The True Art of Memory is The Art of Attention - S.Johnson
  • 19. Newer AEDS Felbamate 1993 Gabapentin 1994 Lamotrigine 1995 Topiramate 1996 Tiagabine 1998 Levetiracetam 1999 Oxcarbazepine 2000 We learn by thinking and the quality Zonisamide 2000 of the learning outcome is determined by the quality of our Pregabalin 2005 thoughts R.B. Schmeck
  • 20. Carbamazepine  First line drug for  Side effects at just partial seizures for above therapeutic range years  Not effective for some  Two long-acting seizure types forms now avail  Must start slowly due to (2X/day) side effects  No IV form  Lots of interactions In all of us, even in good men, there is a wild - beast nature which peers out in sleep
  • 21. Phenytoin  First line for  Side effects at just above partial seizures therapeutic range for years  Not effective for some  Once a day seizure types  IV form  Side effects: imbalance, sedation, cogni tive, gum problems, osteoporosis  felt promise to yourself A true commitment is a heartMany interactionsfrom which you will not back down - D. Mcnally
  • 22. Valproate  Works for all seizure  Side effects, esp. weight types gain & tremor  Around for decades  Menstrual irregularities  Rare allergic reactions  Not best for pregnancy  Helps prevent  Significant drug migraines interactions  New IV form  New long-acting form “Character gets you out of bed commitment moves you to action faith, hope and Discipline follow through to completion”
  • 23. Barbiturates (primidone and phenobarbital)  Effective  Sedation and  Once a day cognitive effects (phenobarbital)  Withdrawal  Cheap  IV form (phenobarbital) “By Nature All Men/ Women are alike but by Education widely different” - Chinese
  • 24. Other old medications Acetazolamide Clonazepam & Lorazepam Ethosuximide Ketogenic diet Acth/steroids “Character gets you out of bed commitment moves you to action faith, hope and Discipline follow through to completion”
  • 25. Limitations of older AEDS  Efficacy: Limited efficacy in complex partial, absence , myoclonic and atypical seizures.  Adverse Events: similar neurotoxicity , idiosyncratic reactions  Teratogenicity  Pharmacokinetics: low aqueous solubility, hepatic metabolism  Drug Interactions: enzyme induction – CBZ, PHT, PB
  • 26. Newer AEDs Equally effective as older AEDs Most better tolerated than older AEDs Most have fewer interactions with other medications than older AEDs All expensive Give us the GRACE to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed the COURAGE to change the things that should be changed and the WISDOM to know the difference
  • 27. Role of New epileptics  Different mechanism of action- treatment of refractory seizures  Rational Polytherapy  Less adverse effects  Less Drug Interactions A true commitment is a heart felt promise to yourself from which you will not back down - D. Mcnally
  • 28. Rational Polytherapy  Combinations of different mechanism of actions for synergy of antiepileptics  Avoid drug with similar effects Neurology 1995: 45; S7-11 “ He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass” - Annoy
  • 29. Choice of AED Should be based on:  Spectrum of activity  Side-effect profile  Efficacy in other concomitant disease states Memory, the daughter of attention , is the teeming mother of knowledge - Martin Tupper
  • 30. Newer antiepleptics  Unique features of newer antiepileptics  Gabapentin, Pregabilin and Levetiracetam: no hepatic metabolism or protein binding  No important pharmacokinetic interactions with other AEDs  Lamotrigine: associated with rash and must be titrated slowly  Topiramate, Tiagabine, Zonisamide, Oxcarbazepine: must titrate slowly to minimize cognitive side effects  Topiramate, Zonisamide:1-2% incidence of renal stones  Felbamate: aplastic anemia, hepatic failure, weight loss It is the disease of not listening, the malady of not marking, that I am troubled withal - Shakespeare
  • 31. GABAPENTIN  Novel antiepileptic drug recognized as GABA agonist  Recently, an inhibitory effect on the receptor subunit of the calcium channel has been shown and postulated to be responsible for its antiepileptic effect  Treats ONLY partial seizures  May exacerbate absence seizures Pak J Neurol Sci 2007; 2(4): 223-29 Success in life is a matter not so much of talent and opportunity as of concentration and perseverance - C.W. Wendte
  • 32. Gabapentin  ADVANTAGES  No interactions with other drugs  DISADVANTAGES  Extremely rare “allergic”  Three-times-a-day reactions dosing  Can be started quickly  Does not treat all  Well-tolerated types of seizures  Treats pain, anxiety, restless leg syndrome  Generic availability  Liquid formulation Serious, sincere, systematic study surely secures supreme success
  • 33. LAMOTRIGINE  Well-established AED with proven efficacy  Also the most well –studied amongst the newer drugs in both adults and children  Used in partial as well as generalized seizures  Approved as monotherapy in partial seizures  Effective in treating generalized epilepsy syndrome Pak J Neurol Sci 2007; 2(4): 223-29
  • 34. Lamotrigine ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES – Minimal effect on other – Rash if started medications quickly Must start – Works for all types of slowly (~2 months seizures to full dose) – Very well tolerated – Minimal sedation – Probably safe in pregnancy – Approved for >2 y.o. – Monotherapy Mind is the great level of all things; human thought is the process by which human ends are ultimately answered - Daniel Webster
  • 35. TOPIRAMATE  Broad spectrum AED with multiple mechanism of actions MOA: including inhibitory effects on sodium and calcium channels as well as the kainate  subgroup of glutamate receptors. Additionally, it potentiates effects on GABA receptors as well as on the potassium channel.  Excellent efficacy in partial seizures in adults and children  Also effective in migraines Pak J Neurol Sci 2007; 2(4): 223-29 Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probable reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford
  • 36. Topiramate ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES – Minimal interactions with – Cognitive side other medications effects – Probably works for all – 1-2% renal stones seizure types – tingling/pins and – Approved for >2 y.o needles – Sprinkle form – Can decrease efficacy of oral – Approved for monotherapy contraceptives – Weight loss – Approved for migraine prevention Habit is either the best of servants or worst of masters - Nathaniel Emmons
  • 37. TIAGABINE  Selective GABA reuptake blocker  Adjunct in partial seizures  Multiple dosing Pak J Neurol Sci 2007; 2(4): 223-29 Success is a prize to be won. Action is the road to it. Chance is what may lurk in the shadows at the road side. - O. Henry
  • 38. Tiagabine ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES – Minimal effect on – Dose is dependent on other medications concurrent AEDs – Anxiety – Occasionally makes some seizure types worse People of mediocre ability often achieve success because they don’t know enough to quit - Bernard Baruch
  • 39. LEVECTIRACETAM  Binds to synaptic vesicle protein SV2A  Effective adjunct in partial seizures  Lack of drug interaction can be used in patients with complex multiple problems Pak J Neurol Sci 2007; 2(4): 223-29 We possess by nature the factors out of which personality can be made, and to organize them into effective personal life is every man’s primary responsibility - Harry Emerson Fosdick
  • 40. Levetiracetam ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES  No interactions  Behavioral/psych side  Minimal liver effects metabolism  Twice per day  Works for most seizure types  Can start quickly  Well tolerated  Liquid formulation Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings and not by the intellect
  • 41. OXCARBAMAZEPINE  Similar to CBZ  Adjunct and monotherapy in partial seizures  Effective in patients who have failed CBZ Experience can be defined as yesterday’s answer to today’s problems
  • 42. Oxcarbazepine  As effective and better  Not for all seizure tolerated than CBZ types  Fewer interactions  Low sodium, esp. if on than CBZ diuretics also  Approved for children  Lessens effectiveness >4 of birth control pill  Approved for first-line monotherapy Three can be seen in the divisions of a human in mind, body and spirit
  • 43. ZONISAMIDE  It has an inhibitory effect on both sodium  and calcium channels  Zonisamide is effective as adjunctive therapy in patients with partial epilepsy  Also used as a second or third line alternative in refractory generalized epilepsy.  Presumed effects on dopaminergic pathways, there has  been some interest in treating Parkinson's disease with  zonisamide as well. Discipline Weighs ounces Regret weighs Tons
  • 44. Zonisamide  Used in Japan for many  1-2% kidney stones years  Occasional  Works for all seizure psychiatric or types sedative side effects  Approved for children  Sulfa drug  Once daily  Weight loss  Recent addition of 25 mg capsules “Social Isolation is in itself a pathogenic Factor for disease production”
  • 45. Intranasal or Buccal Midazolam  Safe and effective (studies in UK, Israel): 5- 10 mg in adults  Easy to use  Less social stigma  Not approved in US for this usage  Not easy to obtain (controlled substance) in a convenient form  Shorter acting than Diastat “Knowledge can be communicated but not Wisdom” - Hermann Hesse
  • 46. New agents  Brivaracetam- structural analogue of levetiracetam –more potent and efficacious in treatment of both partial and generalized epilepsy  Lacosamide- Good efficacy in partial seizures. Also useful neuropathic pain  Rufinamide- Efficacy seen in Lennox G Syndrome patients but only modest effects see in partial seizures  Retigabine – novel AED which activates a special type of potassium Through Action You Create your Own Education - D.B. ELLIS
  • 47. Pregnancy in Women With Epilepsy  1.1 million women of childbearing age have epilepsy in the USA  Issues with management of women:1 – Cosmetic consequences of some AEDs – Catamenial epilepsy – Effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives may be reduced by some AEDs – Pregnancy has a greater risk for complications – Difficulties during labor and adverse outcomes are more likely – The practitioner must choose a course that both prevents seizures and minimizes fetal exposure to AEDs  With careful management the majority of women with epilepsy will have a better than 90% chance of a normal baby2 1. Yerby, 2000 2. Crawford, 1997
  • 48. Drugs that decrease efficacy of oral contraceptives  Phenytoin  Carbamazepine  Phenobarbital  Primidone  Topiramate at higher doses  Oxcarbazepine Whatever the Mind can conceive and Believe, the mind can Achieve - Napoleon Hill
  • 49. Weight Issues Risk of weight gain “Risk” of weight loss Valproate – Topiramate Gabapentin – Zonisamide Pregabalin – Felbamate Weight Neutral - Levetericetam - Lamotigrine Many Ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprang UP O.W. Holmos
  • 50. Lifestyle changes to minimize seizures  Avoid sleep deprivation  Avoid alcohol  Treat fevers quickly  Occasional patients should avoid specific factors such as strobe lights, etc  Pill boxes/reminders “Men of Genius Admired: Men of Wealth envied Women of power feared But only Women of character are trusted” A- Friedman
  • 51. Summary  Balance efficacy against side effects  Extended-release AEDs offer improved tolerability, improved compliance and improved seizure control  The benefits may be especially relevant in special populations such as children and women with epilepsy Every discovery contains an irrational element or 4 creative intuition Khrl Popper
  • 52. New AEDs: odds ratios for 50% responders and withdrawal in randomised controlled trials Drug 50% responders Withdrawals Odds 95% CI Odds 95% CI ratio ratio GBP 2.3 1.5-3.4 1.4 0.7-2.5 LTG 2.3 1.5-3.7 1.2 0.8-1.8 OXC 3.4 2.3-4.8 2.3 1.9-2.8 TGB 3.0 2.0-4.6 1.8 1.2-2.7 TPM 4.1 2.9-5.8 2.6 1.6-4.0 VGB 3.7 2.4-5.5 2.6 1.3-5.3 ZSM 2.5 1.4-4.5 4.2 1.7-10.5
  • 53. New vs Old AEDs as monotherapy in previously untreated patients New Old AEDs Efficacy Tolerability AEDs (no. studies) LTG CBZ (4) Similar LTG better PHT (1) VPA (1) OXC PHT (2) Similar OXC better CBZ (1) OXC better VPA (1) Similar VGB CBZ (4) Similar (2) VGB better CBZ better (2)
  • 54. Odds ratio – Meta analysis – New AEDs Thought is the labour of the intellect Reverie is its pleasure
  • 55. Long-term use of gabapentin, lamotrigine, and vigabatrin Variable GBP LTG VGB (n=361) (n=1050) (n=713) Mean daily dose (mg) 1575 303 2444 Seizure free (%) 1 3 3 Reason for withdrawal (%) Lack of efficacy 42 25 36 Adverse event 10 13 12 Both 12 6 15 Standardised mortality ratio 7.7 10.4 6.8
  • 56. Economic aspects of antiepileptic treatment Cost of AEDs for 1 year of treatment in Italy Drug Dose (mg/day) Cost (Euro) PB 150 47 PRM 750 55 ESM 750 82 PHT 350 83 CBZ 1200 202 VPA 3000 472 VGB 3000 1420 GBP 1800 1705 LTG 400 1875 TPM 400 2716 FBM 3600 5987
  • 57. Common long-term AED side effects   energy level   emotional and   school performance mental wellbeing   overall QoL   coordination and balance   memory   sex life   concentration   job performance   thinking clearly Fisher et al, Epilepsy Res 2000 Science is below the mind; Spirituality is beyond the mind
  • 58. Serious adverse effects of AEDs Serious adverse effects of AEDs include  Dose-related  Chronic  Idiosyncratic  Teratogenic  Drug interaction disorders Parent : Carbamazepine Active metabolite : 10,11 carbamazepine epoxide . Polymechanistic with metabolites with no antiepileptic activity but with side effects Parent : felbamate Active metabolite : various . Polymechanistic but metabolites with antiseizure activity “ He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass” - Annoy
  • 59. Summary  Seizure freedom in >50% of newly diagnosed patients  Safe administration in all patients, especially children and elderly  Birth defects in <3% of cases  Lower healthcare costs compared with cost of treatment  Positive impact on QoL (if and when objective measures are available) When they tell you to grow up, they mean stop growing
  • 60.
  • 61. Combinations based on drug interactions Least Useful Rationale Carbamazepine with phenytoin Phenytoin induces carbamazepine metabolism, leading to need for much higher carbamazepine doses. Phenobarbital with Phenobarbital is a powerful inducer of carbamazepine Phenytoin, valproate CYP 450 system Valproate with phenobarbital Valproate decreases phenobarbital metabolism Valproate with phenytoin Both compete for protein binding sites, reducing the value of total drug level measurement Discipline Weighs ounces Regret weighs Tons
  • 62. Combinations based on drug interaction. contd Least Useful Rationale Felbamate with Many drug – drug interactions phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproate Useful Gabapentine with any drug No drug interaction Valproate with lamotrigine Valproate inhibits metabolism of Iamotrigine, reducing dose and cost of treatment with Iamotrigine “Social Isolation is in itself a pathogenic Factor for disease production”
  • 63. Combination based on mechanism of action Most Useful Rationale Carbamazepine or phenytoin Widely different mechanisms of with actions gabapentine, tiagabine, topirama te, felbamate Least Useful Carbamazepine and phenytoin Similar mechanisms of action Tiagabine, gabapentine, and Similar mechanisms of action vigabatrin The art of medicine is caring for the heart of the patient
  • 64. Combinations based on side effects Possibly Useful Rationale Valproate with felbamate or Felbamate and topiramate have been topiramate associated with weight loss, valproate with weight gain. Least Useful Carbamazepine and valproate Valproate and carbamazepine both in women of child bearing may increase risk for spina bifida; potential valproate inhibits metabolism of 10,11 carbamazepine epoxide, which may be teratogenic Give us the GRACE to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed the COURAGE to change the things that should be changed and the WISDOM to know the difference
  • 65. Medical outcome  The risk of recurrence after a first unprovoked seizure  Remission from seizures  Relapse after drug withdrawal Maintaining the right attitude is easier than regaining the right mental attitude
  • 66. Prognosis of a first unprovoked seizure  Overall risk of recurrence after 1 year varied between 16 & 36% among different studies  Risk is greatest in the first year of index seizures  Risk of another seizure following a second seizure is 79% (Camfield et al 1985)  Higher rate of recurrence in symptomatic than idiopathic  10%, 24%, 29% at 1, 3, 5 years respectively in idiopathic seizure  26%, 41%, 48% at 1, 3, 5 years respectively in symptomatic seizure (Hauzer et al 1992) NATURE, TIME AND PATIENCE are the 3 great physicians
  • 67. Prognosis of a first unprovoked seizure  Risk of recurrence is more if the index seizure is 1. Status epilepticus (Hauzer et al 1990) 2 Complex partial seizure (Camfield et al) (CPS 78.9% Vs. GTCS 44%)  Risk of recurrence is more if there is previous history of febrile seizures  Risk of recurrence is more if the EEG shows epileptiform discharges  Normal EEG does not rule out seizure recurrence.  Recurrence risk is 12% after a first unprovoked seizure with a normal EEG (Van Donselaar et al 1992) Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings and not by the intellect
  • 68. Remission of Epilepsy  Various studies show remission ranges of 50-70%, depending upon 1 year - 5 year seizure-free intervals  The group for the study of prognosis of epilepsy in Japan showed 3 year remission rate of 58.3% (1981)  Annegers et al used stringent criteria of 5 year seizure-free interval – showed remission rate of 65% in 10 years and 76% in 20 years  With respect to specific seizure types, absence seizure, GTCS, simple partial seizures, secondary GTCS and CPS, all had remission rates of 68%, 69%, 50%, 60% and 61% respectively Truth comes out of error sooner than that of confusion
  • 69. Remission of Epilepsy  Generalized idiopathic seizure is one of the most important prognosticators of remission  Early age of seizure onset is a consistent predictor of intractability (Berg et al – 1996)  Factors having no prognostic values in remission include gender, race, family history, time between diagnosis and initiation of therapy When they tell you to grow up, they mean stop growing P. Diccaso
  • 70. Relapse after drug withdrawal  Overall relapse rate varies from 20 – 36.5% (Emerson et al)  Children have lower relapse rates 12 – 36.3% (Emerson et al)  50 – 80% relapses occur during medication withdrawal  Mental retardation and abnormal neurological examination are associated with poor outcome Every discovery contains an irrational element or 4 creative intuition - Karl Popper
  • 71. Relapse after drug withdrawal  The quality standards of American Academy of Neurology published their recommendation for discontinuing AEDs in seizure-free patients  Their recommendations were based on a review of medical literature from 1967 to 1996  The 9 factors related to the probability of successful antiepileptic withdrawal are: sex, age of seizure onset, seizure type, aetiology, neurological examination and IQ, duration of seizure freedom on antiepileptic drugs, treatment regimen, age at relapse and normalization of the EEG The secret of walking on water is Knowing where the stones are
  • 72. Relapse after drug withdrawal  Seizure-free for 2-5 years on AEDs  Single type of partial or generalized seizure  Normal neurological examination  Normal IQ  EEG normalizing with treatment  With all the above profiles, 69% chance in children and 61% in adults, of a successful withdrawal. Thought is the labour of the intellect Reverie is its pleasure
  • 73. INTRACTABLE EPILEPSY  Definition - one or more sz/mo over one y - adequate trial: 2 first line AEDs and 1 or more.  Burden of refractory epilepsy . - Physical injury. - Psycho social costs. - SUDEP Take time to think; it is the source of power Take time to read; it is the foundation of wisdom Take time to work; it is the price of success
  • 75. Outline  Definition  Epidemiology  Taxonomy  Pathophysiology of intractable seizures  Pre-operative diagnosis and work-up  Management options
  • 76. Definitions A seizure is the clinical manifestation of excessive, synchronous, abnormal firing of large populations of neurons
  • 77. Intractable epilepsy  A persistent seizure activity that prevents the individual from normal function or development.  Characterized by two antiepileptic drug (AED) failures, at least one seizure per month for 18 months, and no seizure-free periods longer than three months during that time. *no consensus
  • 78. Epidemiology Prevalence of epilepsy is 5 to 10 per 1000 in the North American population Second most common cause of mental health disability Approximately 20% of individuals with a diagnosis of epilepsy have seizures that are not adequately controlled by AEDs
  • 79. Why do patients fail to respond?  Paroxysmal events that are not epileptic  Psychogenic seizures  Misdiagnosis of seizure type  Non-compliance with medication  Epileptic disorder with different pathophysiologic mechanism than that targeted by the AED  Unreliable reporting of seizures
  • 80. When should we intervene surgically? Failed medical management with >2 AEDs i.e. At least one seizure every 1-2 months AND Seizures are associated with any of: - Impaired LOC - Injury (e.g. from falls) - Accompanied by stigmatizing behaviour (e.g. disrobing, uttering obscenities) - Accompanied by unpleasant or noxious auras (e.g. vomiting, intense fear) - Unpredictable occurrence
  • 81. Factors to consider when making the surgical decision  Patient’s social environment  Expectations  Level of function  Quality of life  Severity and frequency of seizures  Medical consequences of the epilepsy
  • 82. Taxonomy of surgically remediable epilepsy syndromes
  • 83. Pathophysiology of epilepsy  Alteration in neuronal excitability by changes in voltage-gated and transmitter- gated ion channels  Focal reduction in inhibitory neurotransmission  Alterations in gene expression  Changes in cellular plasticity of neurons with age or in response to injury  Developmental alterations in cerebral cortex
  • 84. Goal of resective epilepsy surgery Complete resection of the epileptogenic zone (the area of cortex that is required to generate clinical seizures) Its location and boundaries are defined by:  seizure semiology  electrophysiologic recordings  functional testing  neuroimaging techniques
  • 85. Seizure Semiology  Clinical features of a seizure may suggest a location for the symptomatogenic zone and have lateralizing value
  • 86. Seizure Semiology Ictal speech Non-dominant temporal lobe Dystonic limb posturing Contralateral to side of temporal lobe seizure onset Post-ictal nose wiping Ipsilateral to temporal lobe of onset Post-ictal dysnomia > 2 min Onset in the dominant temporal lobe Forceful head version Contralateral hemisphere immediately prior to a secondarily generalized tonic- clonic seizure nonforced head turning at ictal Ipsilateral hemisphere onset without a tonic component or hemifacial clonic twitching Asymmetric tonic limb The extended limb is usually posturing, the "figure four contralateral to the hemisphere sign," of onset
  • 87. Seizure Semilogy Localized contralateral clonic Broca’s area activity and aphasia with speech arrest Assymetrical bilateral Supplementary motor area proximal limb movement, version of head, facial grimacing with speech arrest or vocalization, and preserved consciousness Olfactory, psychic, and Orbitofrontal and cingulate emotional auras followed by seizures complex automatisms No warning, Bilateral tonic Prefrontal clonic activity with version, forced thinking, falls, autonomic signs
  • 88. Cortical zones Symptomatogenic zone: The area of cortex that, when activated by an epileptiform discharge, reproduces the initial ictal symptoms. The zone is defined by careful analysis of the ictal symptoms that can be done with a thorough seizure history and analysis of ictal video recordings Irritative zone: The area of cortical tissue that generates interictal electrographic spikes Seizure onset zone: The area of cortex from which clinical seizures are generated. This may be larger or smaller than the epileptogenic zone. When the epileptogenic zone is smaller than the seizure onset zone, partial resection of the seizure onset zone may lead to seizure freedom because the remaining seizure onset zone has been weakened sufficiently, rendering it incapable of generating further seizures Area of functional deficit: Area of cortex that is functionally abnormal in the interictal period
  • 89. EEG Recordings  Interictal and ictal Scalp EEG is used to localize the seizure discharges. Detects radially oriented electrical activity that is attenuated in strength and spatially distorted by tissue between brain and scalp Limitation: capable of detecting a seizure discharge only after it has extended considerably and has activated a relatively large area of cortex
  • 90. EEG Recordings Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) have epileptiform activity consisting of spikes and/or sharp waves that are usually maximal at the anterior temporal (F7 and F8 electrodes) and the mid temporal regions (T3 and T4 electrodes).
  • 91. Indications for Invasive EEG monitoring  Bilaterally independent temporal lobe seizures  Extratemporal lobe-onset seizures with rapid propagation to the medial temporal lobe  Temporal lobe seizures of localized onset, but with normal MRI and FDG-PET findings  Discordant EEG localization and imaging findings  To distinguish neocortical from medial TLE  Lateralization of seizures to a particular lobe though no abnormalities are seen on structural or functional imaging  Epileptogenic zone located in or near eloquent cortex Intracranial electrode placement is associated with a 2-3% complication rate
  • 92. Neuroimaging The goal is to locate and define anatomic epileptogenic lesions. MRI: shown to have better chance of detecting positive pathology than CT scan. Limitation: cortical dysplasia may be subtle or not visualized on MR imaging FDG-PET: interictal cortical hypometabolism correlates with the epileptogenic zone in temporal and extratemporal epilepsy
  • 93. Hippocampal Sclerosis 80-95% of patients with surgically proven hippocampal sclerosis have hippocampal atrophy and hyperintensity on T2- weighted MR
  • 94. FDG PET in a patient with mesial temporal epilepsy showing hypometabolism in are aof left mesial temporal lobe
  • 95. Neuroimaging Ictal SPECT and functional MRI measure local changes in cerebral blood flow (a relative increase of ictal blood flow with respect to the interictal state). This increase of blood flow is a direct autoregulatory response to the hyperactivity of neurons during epileptogenic activation.
  • 96. Functional Testing  Wada test is used mainly to lateralize eloquent cortex with regard to language and memory and is used only secondarily as a supplementary method to determine the localization of the epileptogenic zone
  • 97. What is a Wada Test? Injection of sodium amobarbital into one carotid artery to temporarily inactivate the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere, allowing independent testing of memory and language function of the contralateral hemisphere. IAP is believed to anesthetize ipsilateral carotid artery distribution, which includes the amygdala and the anterior hippocampus. Injection ipsilateral to the epileptogenic zone assesses the functional adequacy of the contralateral hippocampus to sustain memory Contralateral hemiparesis and ipsilateral EEG slowing confirm the adequacy of injection
  • 99. Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy  History of early insult in infancy or childhood  Hippocampal sclerosis and atrophy on MRI  Abnormal Creatine/NAA on MRS  Temporal hypometabolism on interictal PET  Characteristic pattern of hypoperfusion and hyperperfusion on SPECT  Anteromedial epileptogenic zone on EEG  Memory deficits on Wada testing  Histology: loss of principal hippocampal neurons, synaptic re-organization, sprouting of mossy fibers, enhanced expression of glutamate receptors
  • 100. Figure 149-7 Diagram of a coronal slice through the medial temporal lobe. The hippocampus is composed of 2 <ss>U</ss>-shaped lamina of gray matter, the cornu ammonis (C) and dentate gyrus (D). Between them is the white matter of the molecular layer (*). The hippocampus is bordered by the alveus (arrowheads), choroid fissure (ChF), and temporal horn (TH) superiorly. The alveus converges medially to form the fimbria (F), which in turn is a component of the fornix. The ambient cistern (AC) and brainstem (BS) are situated medially. Inferior to the hippocampus is the parahippocampal white matter and gyrus (PHG). The temporal horn (TH) borders the hippocampus on its lateral aspect. CS, collateral sulcus; FG, fusiform gyrus or lateral occipital-temporal gyrus; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus. (From Bronen RA: Epilepsy: The role of MR imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol 159:1165- 1174, 1992.)
  • 101. Frontal Lobe Epilepsy  Second most common epilepsy syndrome referred for surgery  Wide variety of seizure types depending on origin and spread  Often prominent motor manifestations  Interictal EEG spikes in one or both frontal lobes, temporal spikes may be seen  Neuroimaging is usually negative
  • 102. Lesional partial epilepsy  30% of patients undergoing epilepsy surgery have a structural lesion as underlying pathology e.g. Focal encephalomalacia, tumor, vascular malformation, congenital developmental anomaly  Anatomical location is primary determinant of seizure presentation
  • 103. Neocortical cryptogenic epilepsy Clinical history and electrical data suggest seizure of cortical origin but no structural lesion is identified Surgical treatment based on EEG delineation of the epileptogenic zone.
  • 104. Surgical Approaches for Epilepsy Resective Surgery Temporal lobe resections (anteromedial selective amygdalohippocampectomy); Extratemporal resections; Lesional resections; Anatomic or functional hemispherectomy Disconnection surgery Corpus callasotomy; Multiple subpial transections; Keyhole hemispherotomies Radiosurgery Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy; hypothalamic hamartomas Neuroaugmentative surgery Vagal nerve stimulators; Deep brain stimulation Diagnostic surgery Depth electrodes; subdural strip electrodes; subdural grids
  • 105. Summary of Surgical Procedures for Epilepsy  Anteromedial temporal resection (AMTL): The superior temporal gyrus is spared, and the middle and inferior temporal gyrus is resected 4-5 cm from the tip of the nondominant side and 3-4 cm of the dominant side. The amygdala is resected totally; the hippocampus and the parahippocampal gyrus are resected to the level of the colliculus.  Standard en bloc anterior temporal lobectomy: This resection is similar to the AMTL except that the superior temporal gyrus, 2 cm from the temporal tip, also is resected.  Amygdalo-hippocampectomy: In this procedure, the amygdala, hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus are resected, with sparing of the lateral and basal temporal neocortex.  Lesionectomy: The lesion as delineated by MRI is resected, with a margin. In some cases, electrocorticography may be recommended to guide the margins of the resection.
  • 106. Summary of Surgical Procedures for Epilepsy  Tailored neocortical resection: This resection is based on imaging and EEG data and is tailored on the basis of functional mapping data such that eloquent cortical regions are spared. In some cases multiple subpial transections (MST) are recommended when the epileptogenic zone involves eloquent cortex. With MST, the horizontal fibers that are important for seizure propagation are interrupted at 5-mm intervals. The vertically oriented fibers that are important for function remain intact.  Functional hemispherectomy: It consists of removal of sensorimotor cortex and the temporal lobe. The frontal lobe and the parieto-occipital lobes are left intact but are disconnected from cortical and subcortical structures.  Corpus callosotomy: The anterior two thirds of the corpus callosum is resected. Sometimes, a complete callosotomy is performed; however, the risk of developing disconnection syndrome is greater with this procedure. May be employed in the setting of non-localized tonic, clonic, or atonic seizures that cause falls and injury.  Multilobar resection: This usually involves the frontoparietal, parieto-occipito- temporal, or parieto-occipital lobes. The technique includes corticectomy (resection of grey matter), lobe excision (resection of grey and white matter), lobe disconnection, or a combination of these.
  • 107. Is surgery for epilepsy effective? At 1 year 58% of patients who underwent surgery were free of seizures impairing awareness versus 8% of patients who received medical treatment. Patients who underwent surgery also had significantly better HRQOL.
  • 108. References Engle J (2001) Intractable epilepsy: definition and neurobiology. Epilepsia 42(suppl 6):3 Wiebe S et al. (2001) A randomized controlled trial of surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy. NEJM 345: 311-318. Youman’s Neurological Surgery, 5th Edition Zimmerman R and J Sirven (2003) An overview of surgery for chronic seizures. Mayo Clin Proc. 78: 109-117
  • 109. Factors that characterize refractory epilepsy Intractable seizures Excessive drug burden Neurobiochemical plasticity changes Cognitive deterioration Psychosocial dysfunction Dependent behavior Restricted life style Unsatisfactory quality of life Increased mortality Imagination is more Important than Knowledge
  • 110. ADVERSE PROGNOSTIC FACTORS  Multiple seizure types.  High frequency of seizures.  Partial seizures.  Seizure onset in infancy.  Severe EEG abnormality.  Organic brain lesion. Every thing should be made as simple as possible; but not simpler
  • 111. Interation of AE/Epilepsy: Risk of aggravation  Carbamazepine: infantile spasms, epilepsies with myoclonic (JME) or absence seizures. EECSWS, Lennox-Gestaut syndrome.  Phenobarbital : infantile spasms, Dravet syndrome.  Vigabatrin : epilepsy with myoclonus and absences.  Lamotrigine : Dravet syndrome.  Benzodiazepines : Tonic spasms in LGS.  Tiagabine and Gabapentin : Absence and myoclonus. You are what you think and not what you think you are
  • 112. INTENSIVE EEG MONITORING  Extracranial Scalp electrodes,sphenoidal.  Semi invasive Foramen ovale electrodes Epidural pegs, pins,silver wires.  Invasive Subdural strip, grid electrodes Intracerebral electrodes. “Healthy Mind and Healthy expression of Emotion go hand in Hand”
  • 113. NEURO IMAGING  CT Scan : For gross structural lesions – Cerebral tumours,Calcified lesions  MRI : Superior to CT- scan  Optimal MRI : High resolution Special sequences A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely re arranging their prejudices W. James
  • 114. MR IMAGING  Hippocampal sclerosis  Developmental malformations  Disorders of neuronal migration  Cavernous haemangiomas  Dysembryoblastic neuro-epitheliomas  Indolent gliomas  Post-operative assesment A open foe may prove a curse ; but a pretended friend is worse
  • 115. SURGERY FOR EPILEPSY  Pre-surgical evaluation : Clincial  EEG, Video EEG, MR- imaging  SPECT, neuro-psychological evaluation, WADA- test ( Occasional need for intracranial electrodes, corticography,depth recording, stimulation for localisation of indispensable areas). It is a great misfortune not to possess sufficient wit to speak well nor sufficient judgment to keep silent La Broyers character
  • 116. RESULTS OF EPILEPSY SURGERY SURGERY CURED IMPROVED Temporal lobe 53 – 55 % 23 – 28 % Extra temporal 43 % 27% Hemispherectomy 63 % 25% Corpus callosotomy 4–8% 80% Truth comes out of error sooner than that of confusion
  • 117. EFFICACY OF AEDS Monotherapy Monotherapy Monotherapy 1st AED 2nd AED 3rd AED Seizure free 47 % Newly Seizure free diagnosed 13 % epilepsy N= 10 Uncontrolled Seizure free Seizure free Seizure 10 % 3% 53% Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Sz Sz Sz 40% 30 % 36% Discipline Weighs ounces; Regret weighs Tons
  • 118. CONCLUSION TEN STEP APPROACH FOR SUCCESSFUL DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY 1. Epilepsy is a disorder of the Brain and not of the Mind. 2. Epilepsy is broadly classified as Generalised or Partial. 3. This is a fascinating disorder affecting all the three functions of the brain.(Cognition,Conation and affect).  Cognition- in simple definition means perception plus thinking.  Conation – movement in general.  Affect- motor expression of an emotion. We do not know one millionth of one percent about anything – Thomas Edison
  • 119. CONCLUSION 4. It represents four types of partial seizures coming from four lobes of the brain. I ) Frontal Lobe – supplementary motor area i) Adversive seizures ii) Epilepsia partialis continua (motor movement of the lip, thumb or toe). II ) Parietal Lobe – Sensory seizure ( sudden benumbed feeling of the limb/ face.) III ) Temporal Lobe – (Auditory, smell / aura , vertigo ) – clinically of three types stare – automatisms- resolution. Automatisms – resolution Loss of consciousness with automatism IV ) Occipital Lobe – visual aura seizures arising from all four lobes can result in secondary generalization. 5. There are five types of generalized seizures – Tonic, clonic, Tonic clonic , Absence and Myoclonic . The Truth is Fear & Immorality are two of the greatest inhibitors of Performance to progress
  • 120. CONCLUSION 6. Differential Diagnosis for epilepsy i) Migraine. ii) Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA). iii ) Syncope. iv ) Narcolepsy. v) Hypoglycemia ,Hyperglycemia. vi ) Psychogenic. 7. Seven investigations are mandatory : (rest are optional ) i ) Hemogram. ii ) Blood sugar iii ) Renal function tests ( Urea and Creatinine ) iv ) Liver functions (SGOT,SGPT, SERUM NH3 and GGT ). v) EEG, (Telemetric recording ). vi) CT / MRI ( If partial seizures are present ). vii) Screening for malignancy. ( Epilepsy in elderly ). Optional ; SPECT,PET,fMRI. “The True Art of Memory is The Art of Attention” - S.Johnson
  • 121. CONCLUSION 8. Treatment – Commonly effective in epilepsy i) Commonly used : CPS Carbamazepine / Phenytion / Sodium Valproate. ii) Latest drugs : TGL Topiramate – use it as add on or as monotherapy. Gabapentin – primary drug in partial seizures Lamotrigiine. iii) Sparingly used : PV Old – Phenobarbitone New – Vigabatrine. Thought is the labour of the intellect Reverie is its pleasure
  • 122. CONCLUSION 9. Etiology – Etiology of epilepsy in the finger tips. T (thumb) – Trauma, Toxic,Tumour. I (Index finger) – Infection ( bacterial / viral ) M ( Middle finger ) – Metabolic, endocrine D (Diamond Ring finger ) – Degeneration, - Demyelination. L ( Little finger ) - Little flow or absent flow of blood Vascular. H ( Hand ) – Hereditary and Nutritional disorders. Through Action You Create your Own Education - D.B. ELLIS
  • 123. CONCLUSION 10. Epilepsy education 3 S – support group – tele film and video self help group – information service social skill – patient professional personal education P – Patient – Physician give and talk. D – Drugs do`s and don`ts R – Role play C – Compliance calendar . Whatever the Mind can conceive and Believe, the mind can Achieve Napoleon Hill
  • 125.
  • 126. Dedicated to my family for making everything worthwhile
  • 127. READ not to contradict or confute Nor to Believe and Take for Granted but TO WEIGH AND CONSIDER THANK YOU East west Pharma