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By Dr. Peter Hammond
The Constitutional Court of Austria
Recognised Mail-In Ballot Fraud
On 22 May 2016, Presidential elections were held in Austria,
which resulted in the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO) bringing a
152-page Appeal to the Constitutional Court.
The case claimed that over 500,000 ballots were invalid.
Non-citizens and minors had been allowed to vote and
irregularities, particularly with absentee ballots, significantly
affected the outcome.
Since the Freedom Party presidential candidate Norbert Hofer had
lost to the Socialist Van der Bellen by a mere 30,863 votes, the
court found that more than twice that number had been affected
by breaches in the Electoral Code.
The Constitutional Court of Austria ordered that the Presidential
Election Second Round, be held again.
The court statement declared:
“It is completely clear to the Constitutional Court that
laws regulating an Election
must be rigorously applied …
this must rule out abuse and manipulations.”
Voter Fraud in America
Voter fraud and election rigging is notoriously prevalent
throughout Africa, but for some reason, people in America often
seem skeptical and naïve about fraud in their own elections.
The Heritage Foundation found more than 1,000 instances of
documented voter fraud in the United States over the last 20
Vote Fraud Revelations by a Whistleblower
The New York Post published “Confessions of a Voter Fraud:
I was a Master at Fixing Mail-in Ballots,” by John Levine,
published 29 August 2020.
The whistleblower described himself as a “political insider” and “A
Bernie Sanders Democrat die-hard,” revealed, “There is no race in
New Jersey - from City Council to United States Senate - that we
haven’t worked on.”
This operative declared that voter fraud, with mail-in ballots,
is no myth, he knows this because he has been doing it,
on a grand scale, for decades.
The Whistleblower, whose identity, rap sheet and long history
working as a consultant to various campaigns were confirmed by
The Post claimed that he not only changed ballots himself, but led
teams of fraudsters and mentored at least 20 operatives in New
Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.
Methods to Manipulate Mail-In Ballots
He and his operatives fanned out, going house-to-house,
convincing voters to let them mail completed ballots on their
behalf, as a public service.
They would then take the sealed envelopes home, hold them over
boiling water to loosen the glue, remove the real ballot, place the
counterfeit ballot inside the signed certificate, then reseal the
He reported that sometimes postal employees were in on the
scam and filled-out ballots which came from Republican
strongholds were just thrown into the garbage.
In 2017 hundreds of mail-in ballots in New York City which never
arrived at the Board of Elections were discovered as these
baskets of 2016 mail were put to one side at the Brooklyn
processing facility, until the election was over.
Targeting Retirement Homes
Mail-in fraudsters particularly target assisted-living facilities,
by “helping” the elderly fill out their absentee ballots.
“Nursing homes are a gold mine for votes,” he declared,
as are the inactive, or deceased, voter.
Democrats would also routinely buy votes from homeless shelters,
literally paying people to register and vote the way they dictated.
Organisationally, the whistleblower said that their voter-fraud
schemes resembled Mafia organizations,
with the campaign manager controlling fraudsters
to harvest voter details and stuff ballot boxes.
He noted that normally the actual candidate would be kept in the
dark, so that they could maintain “plausible deniability.”
Various states sent out an unprecedented 80 million unsolicited
ballots to voters in the mail in 2020.
Sabotaging the Elections in Nigeria
When it comes to unjustly influencing elections, the Barack
Hussein Obama/Biden Administration sabotaged the re-election
prospects of Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan, in 2015.
This was the fifth election to be held since the end of military rule in
1999. The elections were first scheduled for 14 February 2015.
However, it had to be postponed by six weeks to 28 March, due to the
instability caused by Boko Haram insurgency.
In Nigeria the kidnapping of
hundreds of school girls by Boko Haram,
precipitated a national crisis.
Former US Congressman, Steve Stockman, a Member of the US
Congressional Delegation sent to Nigeria, in the months after the
kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls by Boko Haram,
confirmed, that a senior US General informed them that they had
intelligence that could have aided the Nigerian military to crush
the Boko Haram terrorist group, but were blocked from providing
this information to the Nigerian authorities by the Obama
The reason given for this refusal of critical intelligence that could have
made all the difference in the war against terrorism,
was Nigeria's pro-family stance resisting the same sex "marriage"
demands of the Obama Administration.
Perverted Agenda Destabilised Nigeria
As a result of the deteriorating security situation in Northern
and what voters saw as the failure of Goodluck Jonathan's presidency to
defeat Boko Haram & return the girl,
the incumbent lost the 2015 presidential
Catastrophic Elections
elections of 2015 and previous military dictator Muhammadu
Buhari was elected, in a highly contested election.
The voter turnout was a very low 43% and the election marked the
first time an incumbent president had lost re-election in Nigeria.
It was also the first time that a previous military dictator
won an election after having been ousted!
Our friends in Nigeria inform us that most people who voted for
Muhammadu Buhari did so because Jonathan's administration has failed
to curb Boko Haram insurgency, and Buhari has promised to end it
A Victory for Islamic Terrorism
There is suspicion that the Muslim terrorists and the Muslim
presidential candidate have been working towards a similar goal of
removing Christians from power in Africa's most populous nation.
Nigerians have expressed their frustration that American interference
and blind promotion of perversion sabotaged attempts to free the
kidnapped girls from Boko Haram,
Gay Agenda Served the Cause of
Islamic Jihad in Nigeria
undermined Nigerian military attempts to defeat the Jihadists, and now
have brought about a catastrophic return to rule by a Muslim, who used
to be the military dictator of the country.
"While they
promise them
are slaves of
2 Peter 2:19
Biden Admitted Obama Administration Armed
and Funded ISIS
This would also be an opportune time to remind Americans that
Vice President Joe Biden confirmed that the Obama White House
armed and funded ISIS. (“Obamas ‘anti-ISIS’ Coalition-Built ISIS,
Biden Admits,” by Alex Newman, published 7 October 2014 in The
New American.)
Sponsoring International Terrorism
In The Herald, 7 October 2014, under the title: “Biden’s Admission:
US Allies Armed ISIS.” Patrick Martin wrote: “ISIS is essentially
the creation of the United States and its Allies who fomented civil
war in Syria against the government of President Bashar al-
Speaking to students at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy Forum, US
Vice President Joseph Biden revealed some of the dirty secrets of
the US led war against Syria that US Allies poured hundreds of
millions of Dollars and tens of thousands of tonnes of weapons
into anyone who would fight Assad.”
A Trail of Betrayal
The fact is that millions of Christians have suffered and died under
communist dictatorships and radical Islamic Jihadist regimes and
terrorist movements as a result of US foreign policy that has
routinely betrayed pro-Western Allies and supported, funded and
armed anti-Christian regimes.
Zimbabwe is a Legacy of Carter’s
Foreign Policy
Over 40 years ago, the country I grew up in, Rhodesia, was
betrayed into the hands of communist mass-murderer Robert
Mugabe and his Marxist ZANU-PF terrorist organisation.
Robert Mugabe is remembered as the Marxist who was propelled
into power by Jimmy Carter’s State Department and the British
Foreign Office, in violation of the Lancaster House Agreement of
A Trail of Treachery
Lord Arthur Christopher Soames, a son-in-law of Winston
Churchill and the British-appointed Governor of Rhodesia during
the transition period, was responsible to ensure free and fair
elections in accordance with the Lancaster House Agreement.
British Betrayal
However, while Soames
acknowledged that
Mugabe’s ZANU-PF
was engaged in
systematic violations
and terrorism,
intimidating the voters,
he refused to dismiss the
obviously fraudulent votes
in favour of Mugabe.
In blatant violation of the Lancaster House Agreement, Soames
handed over the government of Rhodesia to Mugabe and his
disqualified terrorist movement, with disastrous consequences to
Most were shot in front of family and fellow villagers in public
executions, after being forced to dig their own graves.
Wholesale Slaughter
While American voters got rid of Jimmy Carter over 40 years ago,
the long-suffering people of Zimbabwe are still stuck with Carter’s
foreign policy legacy.
The breadbasket of Rhodesia became the Zimbabwe basket
case. While Rhodesia used to export food, Zimbabwe needs
millions of tonnes of relief aid to survive.
More than half
of the total population
of Zimbabwe
have fled the country,
a vote of
“no confidence”
over 90% of
the population
and with
everyone in
is suffering
ever before
in history.
The Fruit of Voter Fraud
But, as Zimbabwean Election observers have noted, the British
Foreign Office and American State Department taught Mugabe
and other dictators an important lesson.
It did not matter how much they lied, cheated, intimidated,
terrorised, murdered and how many opposition candidates were
beaten up, assassinated or their supporters blown up in busses
and trucks en route to the Electoral poles,
as long as Mugabe could claim that he had won the election, he
would be accepted and respected as a member of the United
Nations and African Union and continue to receive foreign aid.
Allowing voter fraud in 1980 has continued to have a catastrophic
consequence with deadly results for millions of Zimbabweans ever
“For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery…”
Isaiah 61:8
“…Should you help the wicked and love those who
hate the Lord? Therefore, the wrath of the Lord is
upon you.” 2 Chronicles 19:2
To the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, Jesus said: “You
would have no authority over Me,
unless it had been given to you from above” John 19:11.
Civil authority is clearly delegated by and answerable to God.
Our Lord also taught that civil authorities are to be
public servants (Matthew 20:25 – 28):
you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like
the one who serves.” Luke 22:25 – 26
“The kings of the gentiles lord it over them; and those who
exercise authority over them call themselves benefactors.
But you are not to be like that. Instead the greatest among
The Bible is very clear that God
has instituted civil government as
“an agent of wrath to
bring punishment on the
wrongdoer” (Romans 13:4).
The civil government is called to be a minister of God’s
justice: “to punish those who do wrong” (1 Peter 2:14).
The primary duties and responsibilities of civil
government are the protection of law-abiding citizens
and the punishment of law-breaking criminals.
Psalm 101
reminds us
that the
duty of
rulers is
to destroy
the wicked,
to root out evil
and to protect
the law
As power corrupts,
it is wise to limit
and divide the
powers of civil
government in a
system of
True freedom
comes from within.
The foundations for
a truly free and
prosperous nation
can only be laid in
characters, minds
and lives changed by
the grace of God.
Dr. Peter Hammond
Reformation Society
P.O. Box 74
Newlands, 7725
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: (021) 689-4480
Fax: (021) 685-5884
Mail-in Ballots and Electoral Fraud
Mail-in Ballots and Electoral Fraud
Mail-in Ballots and Electoral Fraud
Mail-in Ballots and Electoral Fraud
Mail-in Ballots and Electoral Fraud
Mail-in Ballots and Electoral Fraud
Mail-in Ballots and Electoral Fraud
Mail-in Ballots and Electoral Fraud
Mail-in Ballots and Electoral Fraud

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Mail-in Ballots and Electoral Fraud

  • 1. MAIL-IN BALLOTS and ELECTORAL FRAUD By Dr. Peter Hammond
  • 2.
  • 3. The Constitutional Court of Austria Recognised Mail-In Ballot Fraud On 22 May 2016, Presidential elections were held in Austria, which resulted in the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO) bringing a 152-page Appeal to the Constitutional Court.
  • 4. The case claimed that over 500,000 ballots were invalid.
  • 5. Non-citizens and minors had been allowed to vote and irregularities, particularly with absentee ballots, significantly affected the outcome.
  • 6. Since the Freedom Party presidential candidate Norbert Hofer had lost to the Socialist Van der Bellen by a mere 30,863 votes, the court found that more than twice that number had been affected by breaches in the Electoral Code.
  • 7. The Constitutional Court of Austria ordered that the Presidential Election Second Round, be held again.
  • 8. The court statement declared: “It is completely clear to the Constitutional Court that laws regulating an Election must be rigorously applied … this must rule out abuse and manipulations.”
  • 9. Voter Fraud in America Voter fraud and election rigging is notoriously prevalent throughout Africa, but for some reason, people in America often seem skeptical and naïve about fraud in their own elections.
  • 10. The Heritage Foundation found more than 1,000 instances of documented voter fraud in the United States over the last 20 years.
  • 11. Vote Fraud Revelations by a Whistleblower The New York Post published “Confessions of a Voter Fraud: I was a Master at Fixing Mail-in Ballots,” by John Levine, published 29 August 2020.
  • 12. The whistleblower described himself as a “political insider” and “A Bernie Sanders Democrat die-hard,” revealed, “There is no race in New Jersey - from City Council to United States Senate - that we haven’t worked on.”
  • 13. This operative declared that voter fraud, with mail-in ballots, is no myth, he knows this because he has been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades.
  • 14. The Whistleblower, whose identity, rap sheet and long history working as a consultant to various campaigns were confirmed by The Post claimed that he not only changed ballots himself, but led teams of fraudsters and mentored at least 20 operatives in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.
  • 15. Methods to Manipulate Mail-In Ballots He and his operatives fanned out, going house-to-house, convincing voters to let them mail completed ballots on their behalf, as a public service.
  • 16. They would then take the sealed envelopes home, hold them over boiling water to loosen the glue, remove the real ballot, place the counterfeit ballot inside the signed certificate, then reseal the envelope.
  • 17. He reported that sometimes postal employees were in on the scam and filled-out ballots which came from Republican strongholds were just thrown into the garbage.
  • 18.
  • 19. In 2017 hundreds of mail-in ballots in New York City which never arrived at the Board of Elections were discovered as these baskets of 2016 mail were put to one side at the Brooklyn processing facility, until the election was over.
  • 20. Targeting Retirement Homes Mail-in fraudsters particularly target assisted-living facilities, by “helping” the elderly fill out their absentee ballots.
  • 21. “Nursing homes are a gold mine for votes,” he declared, as are the inactive, or deceased, voter.
  • 22. Democrats would also routinely buy votes from homeless shelters, literally paying people to register and vote the way they dictated.
  • 23. Organisationally, the whistleblower said that their voter-fraud schemes resembled Mafia organizations, with the campaign manager controlling fraudsters to harvest voter details and stuff ballot boxes.
  • 24. He noted that normally the actual candidate would be kept in the dark, so that they could maintain “plausible deniability.”
  • 25. Various states sent out an unprecedented 80 million unsolicited ballots to voters in the mail in 2020.
  • 26. Sabotaging the Elections in Nigeria When it comes to unjustly influencing elections, the Barack Hussein Obama/Biden Administration sabotaged the re-election prospects of Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan, in 2015.
  • 27. This was the fifth election to be held since the end of military rule in 1999. The elections were first scheduled for 14 February 2015. However, it had to be postponed by six weeks to 28 March, due to the instability caused by Boko Haram insurgency.
  • 28. In Nigeria the kidnapping of hundreds of school girls by Boko Haram, precipitated a national crisis.
  • 29. Former US Congressman, Steve Stockman, a Member of the US Congressional Delegation sent to Nigeria, in the months after the kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls by Boko Haram,
  • 30. confirmed, that a senior US General informed them that they had intelligence that could have aided the Nigerian military to crush the Boko Haram terrorist group, but were blocked from providing this information to the Nigerian authorities by the Obama Administration.
  • 31. The reason given for this refusal of critical intelligence that could have made all the difference in the war against terrorism, was Nigeria's pro-family stance resisting the same sex "marriage" demands of the Obama Administration.
  • 32. Perverted Agenda Destabilised Nigeria As a result of the deteriorating security situation in Northern Nigeria
  • 33. and what voters saw as the failure of Goodluck Jonathan's presidency to defeat Boko Haram & return the girl, the incumbent lost the 2015 presidential Catastrophic Elections
  • 34. elections of 2015 and previous military dictator Muhammadu Buhari was elected, in a highly contested election.
  • 35. The voter turnout was a very low 43% and the election marked the first time an incumbent president had lost re-election in Nigeria.
  • 36. It was also the first time that a previous military dictator won an election after having been ousted!
  • 37. Our friends in Nigeria inform us that most people who voted for Muhammadu Buhari did so because Jonathan's administration has failed to curb Boko Haram insurgency, and Buhari has promised to end it decisively. A Victory for Islamic Terrorism
  • 38. There is suspicion that the Muslim terrorists and the Muslim presidential candidate have been working towards a similar goal of removing Christians from power in Africa's most populous nation.
  • 39. Nigerians have expressed their frustration that American interference and blind promotion of perversion sabotaged attempts to free the kidnapped girls from Boko Haram, Gay Agenda Served the Cause of Islamic Jihad in Nigeria
  • 40. undermined Nigerian military attempts to defeat the Jihadists, and now have brought about a catastrophic return to rule by a Muslim, who used to be the military dictator of the country.
  • 41. "While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption…" 2 Peter 2:19
  • 42. Biden Admitted Obama Administration Armed and Funded ISIS This would also be an opportune time to remind Americans that Vice President Joe Biden confirmed that the Obama White House armed and funded ISIS. (“Obamas ‘anti-ISIS’ Coalition-Built ISIS, Biden Admits,” by Alex Newman, published 7 October 2014 in The New American.)
  • 43. Sponsoring International Terrorism In The Herald, 7 October 2014, under the title: “Biden’s Admission: US Allies Armed ISIS.” Patrick Martin wrote: “ISIS is essentially the creation of the United States and its Allies who fomented civil war in Syria against the government of President Bashar al- Assad.
  • 44. Speaking to students at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy Forum, US Vice President Joseph Biden revealed some of the dirty secrets of the US led war against Syria that US Allies poured hundreds of millions of Dollars and tens of thousands of tonnes of weapons into anyone who would fight Assad.”
  • 45. A Trail of Betrayal The fact is that millions of Christians have suffered and died under communist dictatorships and radical Islamic Jihadist regimes and terrorist movements as a result of US foreign policy that has routinely betrayed pro-Western Allies and supported, funded and armed anti-Christian regimes.
  • 46. Zimbabwe is a Legacy of Carter’s Foreign Policy Over 40 years ago, the country I grew up in, Rhodesia, was betrayed into the hands of communist mass-murderer Robert Mugabe and his Marxist ZANU-PF terrorist organisation.
  • 47. Robert Mugabe is remembered as the Marxist who was propelled into power by Jimmy Carter’s State Department and the British Foreign Office, in violation of the Lancaster House Agreement of 1979. A Trail of Treachery
  • 48. Lord Arthur Christopher Soames, a son-in-law of Winston Churchill and the British-appointed Governor of Rhodesia during the transition period, was responsible to ensure free and fair elections in accordance with the Lancaster House Agreement. British Betrayal
  • 49. However, while Soames acknowledged that Mugabe’s ZANU-PF was engaged in widespread, systematic violations and terrorism, intimidating the voters, he refused to dismiss the obviously fraudulent votes in favour of Mugabe.
  • 50. In blatant violation of the Lancaster House Agreement, Soames handed over the government of Rhodesia to Mugabe and his disqualified terrorist movement, with disastrous consequences to all.
  • 51. Most were shot in front of family and fellow villagers in public executions, after being forced to dig their own graves. Wholesale Slaughter
  • 52. While American voters got rid of Jimmy Carter over 40 years ago, the long-suffering people of Zimbabwe are still stuck with Carter’s foreign policy legacy.
  • 53. The breadbasket of Rhodesia became the Zimbabwe basket case. While Rhodesia used to export food, Zimbabwe needs millions of tonnes of relief aid to survive.
  • 54. More than half of the total population of Zimbabwe have fled the country, a vote of “no confidence” in “liberation.”
  • 55. With over 90% of the population unemployed and with sky-rocketing inflation, everyone in Zimbabwe is suffering worse than ever before in history.
  • 56. The Fruit of Voter Fraud But, as Zimbabwean Election observers have noted, the British Foreign Office and American State Department taught Mugabe and other dictators an important lesson.
  • 57. It did not matter how much they lied, cheated, intimidated, terrorised, murdered and how many opposition candidates were beaten up, assassinated or their supporters blown up in busses and trucks en route to the Electoral poles,
  • 58. as long as Mugabe could claim that he had won the election, he would be accepted and respected as a member of the United Nations and African Union and continue to receive foreign aid.
  • 59. Allowing voter fraud in 1980 has continued to have a catastrophic consequence with deadly results for millions of Zimbabweans ever since.
  • 60. “For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery…” Isaiah 61:8
  • 61. “…Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord? Therefore, the wrath of the Lord is upon you.” 2 Chronicles 19:2
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  • 69.
  • 70. To the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, Jesus said: “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given to you from above” John 19:11. Civil authority is clearly delegated by and answerable to God.
  • 71. Our Lord also taught that civil authorities are to be public servants (Matthew 20:25 – 28): you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.” Luke 22:25 – 26 “The kings of the gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves benefactors. But you are not to be like that. Instead the greatest among
  • 72. The Bible is very clear that God has instituted civil government as “an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer” (Romans 13:4).
  • 73. The civil government is called to be a minister of God’s justice: “to punish those who do wrong” (1 Peter 2:14).
  • 74. The primary duties and responsibilities of civil government are the protection of law-abiding citizens and the punishment of law-breaking criminals.
  • 75. Psalm 101 reminds us that the duty of God- honouring rulers is to destroy the wicked, to root out evil and to protect the law abiding.
  • 76. As power corrupts, it is wise to limit and divide the powers of civil government in a system of checks and balances.
  • 77. True freedom comes from within. The foundations for a truly free and prosperous nation can only be laid in characters, minds and lives changed by the grace of God.
  • 78.
  • 79. Dr. Peter Hammond Reformation Society P.O. Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town, South Africa Tel: (021) 689-4480 Fax: (021) 685-5884 Email: Website:
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