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Before we get too plotty, some random pic spam.  Don't worry, only a couple pics.  First, here's a pic of Tosha's makeover!  It's pretty much what I gave her in good old Emerald Arch.
And yaaaay Creepy Nice Smile!
Ha, gotta love the evil witch idles.  She pulls this face every couple of seconds if she's not doing anything. Now finally for the story!
It was time to act.
I'd found a spell with no counter-spell, one that wouldn't interfere with Grandpa's plans.
Amnesia.  If she forgot about the legacy, she'd be more agreeable to move into a two-family house with me.  From there, it'd be all downhill. The plan was foolproof.  Well, almost.
I woke up confused and disoriented.  While waiting for the room to stop spinning I had to wonder if I'd gotten drunk last night and had just forgotten.  Come to think of it, I couldn't remember yesterday morning, either.  Or anything for that matter. I found some clean clothes that fit me and I hopped were mine and walked out.  By that point I'd determined I was definitely in a dorm.
I jumped as the phone rang, then hesitantly picked it up. “Hello?” “Hey, it's Ocean.” “Ocean?” “Yeah, mind if I come over?” “Sure.”
I regretted it immediately.  I couldn't remember who Ocean was either, and frankly that could turn awkward pretty quickly. “Hey, Chrysanthemum!” “Um, hi.” “What's the matter?”
“Uh, I kinda woke up this morning and couldn't remember a single thing?”  I decided it was better to get to the point. “If I didn't know you better I'd say you were joking.” “So you believe me?” “Yeah, I guess.  But how the heck did it happen?  Don't you have to hit your head or something to get amnesia?” “I don't know how this happened, and I don't think I hit my head.”
“Hey Chrysanthemum, Ocean, what's up?”
“I can't remember anything!” I couldn't help it, I burst into tears.  It wasn't like I was that sad about it, more frustrated, but before I knew it a waterfall of tears was flowing down my face.
So maybe Dad and Aunt Almond had a point.  Maybe there was a reason she still needed protection.  Nathan was still at home, I was sure of it- but maybe he hadn't been working alone this whole time like we'd assumed.  Someone out here was after Chrysanthemum. And I had my suspicions.
First thing first- I couldn't reverse the tabula rasa spell, which is what it was if my theory was correct, but I could at least give Ocean a helping hand.  It seemed he hadn't yet told her they were engaged, but a mactoamicus would make it easy for him to get her to be agreeable to the idea.
I think it worked out pretty well- she didn't break up with him, and is at least giving it a chance to get back to the way it was before...
...before Natalie, the only other witch who had 24/7 access to Chrysi. “ You took away Chrysanthemum's memory.” “ So the people here aren't as dumb as I thought.” “ Why did you do it?  Are you working for Nathan?” “ Like I would tell you.” “ I'll take that as a yes.  Stay away from her- I'd rather not have this get messy.”
She didn't take my threats seriously.  I was paying a bit more attention now to Chrysi, so I noticed when Natalie went into the bathroom and managed to get within earshot in time to hear the end of the spell.  Extractum amorus.
I put in another mactoamicus for good measure, but I could only keep them friends.
I'd been thinking about Ocean.  I wasn't sure what to say when he told me we were engaged, but I figured if I liked him then I ought to give him a chance.  Besides, he was a nice guy, and I didn't want to hurt him.  But I was starting to consider dumping him.  I wasn't sure it'd work...
He called me, and we talked about it.  He told me his engagement ring had vanished- literally, he was looking right at it then it just disappeared- and somehow during the conversation we more or less broke up.  Since I'd been having second thoughts, so I figured it was for the best.
“Chrysanthemum, you need to go to bed.  It's getting late.”
For the second time I could remember I burst out crying.  Poplar- Otieno had made sure I re-met everyone and they knew I had amnesia- awkwardly put his hand over my shoulders, trying to comfort me.
“ Is it Ocean?  Otieno told me about that.  You really should get some sleep, Chrysanthemum.  Maybe then you'll know what to do.”
I took his advice and finally went to bed, and the next morning I asked Ocean to come over.
Another plan thwarted.  I'd made one major mistake that had been my undoing; I let Otieno get to her first, and so as far as she's concerned she didn't even know me.  If I'd gotten to her first, I could have made her believe she was single, turned her against everyone else, convinced her we'd already made the plan to live together in a two-family house.
But I wasn't about to give up.
I was on the treadmill, almost done with the basic skills that would help me get to the top of any career.
When someone Otieno hadn't mentioned came up.  I'd seen her around, but figured I didn't know her much.
“Here Chrys, I have a present for you!  Something to make your food taste a bit better.” “Do I know you?” “Oh right, you had amnesia.”  Perfect, feign innocence.  “I'm Natalie.  I was your best friend.  Sorry I haven't had time to talk to you since your amnesia, but I've been busy.”
“Sorry, but that's the lamest excuse I've ever heard.  I've seen you just go in your room for hours doing who-knows-what, but I know it's not studying or sleeping, so you easily could have talked to me.  You can keep the gift.”
“All I was trying to do was give you a little gift to say sorry for not being the best of friends for you when you probably really needed one.  And what do I get?  A whole lot of attitude.” “I'm going to go back to my exercising now.” “Fine.”
It would've been easier if she'd believed me.  I could have convinced her Otieno and Ocean were tricking her.  That they'd been lying to her.  But obviously I'd underestimated the intelligence of the Lynns and Flynns.  Luckily I didn't have to call my latest plan a failure yet.
All I needed to do was add some “seasoning” to her pancakes...
It was a success.
After breakfast I was in a really bad mood.  The pancakes had tasted horrible- no offense to her, but Natalie is a horrible cook.  Not that bad food is an excuse for a bad mood.
“ Hey Chrysanthemum.”  I grumbled a bit in response. “ Not in a good mood?” he guessed.
“ Lucky you I have just the cure.  Drink this up.”
I hesitantly took the package..
And drank the vial.
It tasted really good, and I did feel better after that.
Damn.  I forgot that Otieno can brew a cure as easily as I can brew a potion. What now?
Nothing for now.  Chrysanthemum, you may have won for now...
But it's a new year, and you won't get away quite so easily.
I  will  get you Chrysanthemum.
And Otieno won't be able to fix things this time.
I'll make sure of it.
Awesomesoxs90: heeey Blueiscool68: hi erin! Awesomesoxs90: got ya into the ss Blueiscool68: thxs!  u rock! Awesomesoxs90: awww, ur welcome!
Blueiscool68: hav u ever noticed how creepy toshas eyes r when she swoons? *download picture: toshascreepyeyes* Awesomesoxs90: lol they do look creepy Blueiscool68: everyone else around here has two bolts with their fiancees Blueiscool68: so theres a lot of swooning
Blueiscool68: hey, how could we get 2 bolts? Blueiscool68: bsides u dying ur hair blonde Awesomesoxs90: ummm...  if u wore makeup or jewelry?
Blueiscool68: … im not wearing makeup, but a watch would b ok Awesomesoxs90: thatd do the trick
LlamasFTW: hey owl! Blueiscool68: hi eddy LlamasFTW: so wats up? Blueiscool68: erin just told me shes attracted 2 makeup n jewlry LlamasFTW: is she like a lesbian then?
Blueiscool68: id guess not considering shes engaged to me... Blueiscool68: at least i hope not LlamasFTW: well keep an eye on her LlamasFTW: mayb ull b able 2 tell 4 sure if u watch her enough Blueiscool68: k
Blueiscool68: hey eddy Blueiscool68: i talked 2 her about it LlamasFTW: and...?
Blueiscool68: she changed the subject Blueiscool68: by saying the movie we were watching sucked  LlamasFTW: suspicious Blueiscool68: wat if she is lesbian? LlamasFTW: dont look at me man i have no idea Blueiscool68: that makes 2 of us
LlamasFTW: wat were u watching anyway? Blueiscool68: some dumb kids movie LlamasFTW: y? Blueiscool68: there was nothing better on tv LlamasFTW: then y watch tv? Blueiscool68: so there would b something to distract us if the convo got awkward Blueiscool68: which it did
Blueiscool68: erin just signed on LlamasFTW: ooo LlamasFTW: 2 bad i g2g LlamasFTW: bi Blueiscool68: k see u l84
Mom, I promised you I'd write to you and Dad while I was here, so I decided it was time I wrote my first letter.  Today I got into the secret society!
I'm sure you'd love my fiancee, Lainey Ebadi.  You should come visit us in River Cove sometime- then you could meet her!  Bring Dad, Aspen, Yew, and everyone else, too!
We're getting good grades, too.  4.0 GPAs, in fact.
The dorm's kind of empty, though.  Only one table and chair for eating, and the cafeteria cook (which seems to always be one of us lately) can only make one plate of food because there's no where to put extra plates.  It's okay, though.  After we graduate they'll refurnish the place for the next students, and Chrysanthemum will be able to buy a huge house with the money we got selling everything.  She says we'll get big houses, too, thanks to the Bank of Motherlode and Familyfunds.
Have you ever seen a fly up close?  I have to mail this letter now, so bye! Poplar
Blog Entry #1 It started out a normal day.  I'd just been abducted into the secret society by three of my best friends.
And before you read the rest, believe me I did love Spencer...
I didn't want to do what I did.
It started innocent at first, nothing worse than a couple compliments.
Then the flirting started...
Which led to kissing.
And make-outs.
In short, one thing led to another.
I told Brooke about it after making her promise not to tell anyone.
She told me there was only one thing to do at a time like thi- Wait, Spencer just came!  Gotta go! Hummingbird
To: A. B. <> From: Tosha <> Subject: College So far so good.  I managed to infiltrate the secret society- they don't expect a thing so far, and it'll stay that way.
Also, I need some new equipment STAT.  I'd get it myself, but unless I want to give myself away all my money has to go to getting Chrysanthemum a house.  I even had to work in the cafeteria for her.  That girl is so spoiled!
The mission's going well so far, though.  Otieno thinks I'm #55, his old girlfriend.  Doesn't suspect a thing.  So our secret's safe for now.
I've even managed to become BFFs with his sister, so everything's going pretty good.
On top of all that, I'm still earning a 4.0 GPA.  I don't like to brag, but I'm pretty awesome at this secret-identity thing! That's all for now! Tosha Go #55, signing off.
To: Tosha <> From: A. B. <> Subject: Re: College Good job on successfully getting into the secret society and on the Otieno situation.
I'll get the equipment to you as soon as I can.  Same way as always?  And you can always pocket the cash when they're not looking.  Or do they keep tabs on how much money everyone's supposed to be giving?
Congrats on the 4.0 G.P.A., but don't get too cocky.  That could be your downfall.
You'll need to visit the secret society next; there's some things I need you to pick up there.  You'll know what after taking a look around.
Keep up the good work. A. B.
Dear Diary, Okay, that just sounds silly.  Anyway I've been earning a lot of money making toys, and I think maybe I'll run a toy shop when I get out of here.  It'd be fun!  And I'm sure Drake would love to help out.
I'd start now if Chrysi didn't need the money.  I'm so bored lately- unless I want to learn to make flowers or robots, there's really not much to learn without opening that business.
I'd ask Otieno to turn me into a witch, but he'd freak out.
I'd write a novel but considering we have only one computer and everyone has to use it for term papers, I doubt I'll have much time.
I'd paint the pictures for Chrysanthemum, but that would deprive Ocean and their kids from a great skilling opportunity, and Otieno will be monopolizing the easel to paint his pictures.
It's settled, then.  A business it is.  I know I can convince Chrysanthemum to get rid of the pool and the unnecessary decorations in her future dream home, and maybe save some money other ways.  So if I work hard enough, I can easily get the money for my business.
*beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep*
Dear Diary, Okay, that just sounds silly.  Anyway I've been earning a lot of money making toys, and I think maybe I'll run a toy shop when I get out of here.  It'd be fun!  And I'm sure Drake would love to help out. “Hello, this is Brooke Flynn.  Yes, I would like to buy some property...”
*beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep*
“Hey Drake, good news...”
The End!  What will Gina do next?  Will it work?  Will she learn to think through her evil plans rather than just do the first thing that pops into her head as soon as it pops into her head and hope it works?  And what about all the spares? I guess we'll see next chapter! P.S. Yay for random IM screen names/email accounts!

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Chapter 2
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Lynn Legacy 3.1.2

  • 1.  
  • 2. Before we get too plotty, some random pic spam. Don't worry, only a couple pics. First, here's a pic of Tosha's makeover! It's pretty much what I gave her in good old Emerald Arch.
  • 3. And yaaaay Creepy Nice Smile!
  • 4. Ha, gotta love the evil witch idles. She pulls this face every couple of seconds if she's not doing anything. Now finally for the story!
  • 5. It was time to act.
  • 6. I'd found a spell with no counter-spell, one that wouldn't interfere with Grandpa's plans.
  • 7. Amnesia. If she forgot about the legacy, she'd be more agreeable to move into a two-family house with me. From there, it'd be all downhill. The plan was foolproof. Well, almost.
  • 8. I woke up confused and disoriented. While waiting for the room to stop spinning I had to wonder if I'd gotten drunk last night and had just forgotten. Come to think of it, I couldn't remember yesterday morning, either. Or anything for that matter. I found some clean clothes that fit me and I hopped were mine and walked out. By that point I'd determined I was definitely in a dorm.
  • 9. I jumped as the phone rang, then hesitantly picked it up. “Hello?” “Hey, it's Ocean.” “Ocean?” “Yeah, mind if I come over?” “Sure.”
  • 10. I regretted it immediately. I couldn't remember who Ocean was either, and frankly that could turn awkward pretty quickly. “Hey, Chrysanthemum!” “Um, hi.” “What's the matter?”
  • 11. “Uh, I kinda woke up this morning and couldn't remember a single thing?” I decided it was better to get to the point. “If I didn't know you better I'd say you were joking.” “So you believe me?” “Yeah, I guess. But how the heck did it happen? Don't you have to hit your head or something to get amnesia?” “I don't know how this happened, and I don't think I hit my head.”
  • 13. “I can't remember anything!” I couldn't help it, I burst into tears. It wasn't like I was that sad about it, more frustrated, but before I knew it a waterfall of tears was flowing down my face.
  • 14. So maybe Dad and Aunt Almond had a point. Maybe there was a reason she still needed protection. Nathan was still at home, I was sure of it- but maybe he hadn't been working alone this whole time like we'd assumed. Someone out here was after Chrysanthemum. And I had my suspicions.
  • 15. First thing first- I couldn't reverse the tabula rasa spell, which is what it was if my theory was correct, but I could at least give Ocean a helping hand. It seemed he hadn't yet told her they were engaged, but a mactoamicus would make it easy for him to get her to be agreeable to the idea.
  • 16. I think it worked out pretty well- she didn't break up with him, and is at least giving it a chance to get back to the way it was before...
  • 17. ...before Natalie, the only other witch who had 24/7 access to Chrysi. “ You took away Chrysanthemum's memory.” “ So the people here aren't as dumb as I thought.” “ Why did you do it? Are you working for Nathan?” “ Like I would tell you.” “ I'll take that as a yes. Stay away from her- I'd rather not have this get messy.”
  • 18. She didn't take my threats seriously. I was paying a bit more attention now to Chrysi, so I noticed when Natalie went into the bathroom and managed to get within earshot in time to hear the end of the spell. Extractum amorus.
  • 19. I put in another mactoamicus for good measure, but I could only keep them friends.
  • 20. I'd been thinking about Ocean. I wasn't sure what to say when he told me we were engaged, but I figured if I liked him then I ought to give him a chance. Besides, he was a nice guy, and I didn't want to hurt him. But I was starting to consider dumping him. I wasn't sure it'd work...
  • 21. He called me, and we talked about it. He told me his engagement ring had vanished- literally, he was looking right at it then it just disappeared- and somehow during the conversation we more or less broke up. Since I'd been having second thoughts, so I figured it was for the best.
  • 22. ...
  • 23. ...
  • 24. ...
  • 25. “Chrysanthemum, you need to go to bed. It's getting late.”
  • 26. For the second time I could remember I burst out crying. Poplar- Otieno had made sure I re-met everyone and they knew I had amnesia- awkwardly put his hand over my shoulders, trying to comfort me.
  • 27. “ Is it Ocean? Otieno told me about that. You really should get some sleep, Chrysanthemum. Maybe then you'll know what to do.”
  • 28. I took his advice and finally went to bed, and the next morning I asked Ocean to come over.
  • 29. ...
  • 30. ...
  • 31. ...
  • 32. ...
  • 33. Another plan thwarted. I'd made one major mistake that had been my undoing; I let Otieno get to her first, and so as far as she's concerned she didn't even know me. If I'd gotten to her first, I could have made her believe she was single, turned her against everyone else, convinced her we'd already made the plan to live together in a two-family house.
  • 34. But I wasn't about to give up.
  • 35. I was on the treadmill, almost done with the basic skills that would help me get to the top of any career.
  • 36. When someone Otieno hadn't mentioned came up. I'd seen her around, but figured I didn't know her much.
  • 37. “Here Chrys, I have a present for you! Something to make your food taste a bit better.” “Do I know you?” “Oh right, you had amnesia.” Perfect, feign innocence. “I'm Natalie. I was your best friend. Sorry I haven't had time to talk to you since your amnesia, but I've been busy.”
  • 38. “Sorry, but that's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. I've seen you just go in your room for hours doing who-knows-what, but I know it's not studying or sleeping, so you easily could have talked to me. You can keep the gift.”
  • 39. “All I was trying to do was give you a little gift to say sorry for not being the best of friends for you when you probably really needed one. And what do I get? A whole lot of attitude.” “I'm going to go back to my exercising now.” “Fine.”
  • 40. It would've been easier if she'd believed me. I could have convinced her Otieno and Ocean were tricking her. That they'd been lying to her. But obviously I'd underestimated the intelligence of the Lynns and Flynns. Luckily I didn't have to call my latest plan a failure yet.
  • 41. All I needed to do was add some “seasoning” to her pancakes...
  • 42. It was a success.
  • 43. After breakfast I was in a really bad mood. The pancakes had tasted horrible- no offense to her, but Natalie is a horrible cook. Not that bad food is an excuse for a bad mood.
  • 44. “ Hey Chrysanthemum.” I grumbled a bit in response. “ Not in a good mood?” he guessed.
  • 45. “ Lucky you I have just the cure. Drink this up.”
  • 46. I hesitantly took the package..
  • 47. And drank the vial.
  • 48. It tasted really good, and I did feel better after that.
  • 49. Damn. I forgot that Otieno can brew a cure as easily as I can brew a potion. What now?
  • 50. Nothing for now. Chrysanthemum, you may have won for now...
  • 51. But it's a new year, and you won't get away quite so easily.
  • 52. I will get you Chrysanthemum.
  • 53. And Otieno won't be able to fix things this time.
  • 54. I'll make sure of it.
  • 55. Awesomesoxs90: heeey Blueiscool68: hi erin! Awesomesoxs90: got ya into the ss Blueiscool68: thxs! u rock! Awesomesoxs90: awww, ur welcome!
  • 56. Blueiscool68: hav u ever noticed how creepy toshas eyes r when she swoons? *download picture: toshascreepyeyes* Awesomesoxs90: lol they do look creepy Blueiscool68: everyone else around here has two bolts with their fiancees Blueiscool68: so theres a lot of swooning
  • 57. Blueiscool68: hey, how could we get 2 bolts? Blueiscool68: bsides u dying ur hair blonde Awesomesoxs90: ummm... if u wore makeup or jewelry?
  • 58. Blueiscool68: … im not wearing makeup, but a watch would b ok Awesomesoxs90: thatd do the trick
  • 59. LlamasFTW: hey owl! Blueiscool68: hi eddy LlamasFTW: so wats up? Blueiscool68: erin just told me shes attracted 2 makeup n jewlry LlamasFTW: is she like a lesbian then?
  • 60. Blueiscool68: id guess not considering shes engaged to me... Blueiscool68: at least i hope not LlamasFTW: well keep an eye on her LlamasFTW: mayb ull b able 2 tell 4 sure if u watch her enough Blueiscool68: k
  • 61. Blueiscool68: hey eddy Blueiscool68: i talked 2 her about it LlamasFTW: and...?
  • 62. Blueiscool68: she changed the subject Blueiscool68: by saying the movie we were watching sucked LlamasFTW: suspicious Blueiscool68: wat if she is lesbian? LlamasFTW: dont look at me man i have no idea Blueiscool68: that makes 2 of us
  • 63. LlamasFTW: wat were u watching anyway? Blueiscool68: some dumb kids movie LlamasFTW: y? Blueiscool68: there was nothing better on tv LlamasFTW: then y watch tv? Blueiscool68: so there would b something to distract us if the convo got awkward Blueiscool68: which it did
  • 64. Blueiscool68: erin just signed on LlamasFTW: ooo LlamasFTW: 2 bad i g2g LlamasFTW: bi Blueiscool68: k see u l84
  • 65. Mom, I promised you I'd write to you and Dad while I was here, so I decided it was time I wrote my first letter. Today I got into the secret society!
  • 66. I'm sure you'd love my fiancee, Lainey Ebadi. You should come visit us in River Cove sometime- then you could meet her! Bring Dad, Aspen, Yew, and everyone else, too!
  • 67. We're getting good grades, too. 4.0 GPAs, in fact.
  • 68. The dorm's kind of empty, though. Only one table and chair for eating, and the cafeteria cook (which seems to always be one of us lately) can only make one plate of food because there's no where to put extra plates. It's okay, though. After we graduate they'll refurnish the place for the next students, and Chrysanthemum will be able to buy a huge house with the money we got selling everything. She says we'll get big houses, too, thanks to the Bank of Motherlode and Familyfunds.
  • 69. Have you ever seen a fly up close? I have to mail this letter now, so bye! Poplar
  • 70. Blog Entry #1 It started out a normal day. I'd just been abducted into the secret society by three of my best friends.
  • 71. And before you read the rest, believe me I did love Spencer...
  • 72. I didn't want to do what I did.
  • 73. It started innocent at first, nothing worse than a couple compliments.
  • 74. Then the flirting started...
  • 75. Which led to kissing.
  • 77. In short, one thing led to another.
  • 78. I told Brooke about it after making her promise not to tell anyone.
  • 79. She told me there was only one thing to do at a time like thi- Wait, Spencer just came! Gotta go! Hummingbird
  • 80. To: A. B. <> From: Tosha <> Subject: College So far so good. I managed to infiltrate the secret society- they don't expect a thing so far, and it'll stay that way.
  • 81. Also, I need some new equipment STAT. I'd get it myself, but unless I want to give myself away all my money has to go to getting Chrysanthemum a house. I even had to work in the cafeteria for her. That girl is so spoiled!
  • 82. The mission's going well so far, though. Otieno thinks I'm #55, his old girlfriend. Doesn't suspect a thing. So our secret's safe for now.
  • 83. I've even managed to become BFFs with his sister, so everything's going pretty good.
  • 84. On top of all that, I'm still earning a 4.0 GPA. I don't like to brag, but I'm pretty awesome at this secret-identity thing! That's all for now! Tosha Go #55, signing off.
  • 85. To: Tosha <> From: A. B. <> Subject: Re: College Good job on successfully getting into the secret society and on the Otieno situation.
  • 86. I'll get the equipment to you as soon as I can. Same way as always? And you can always pocket the cash when they're not looking. Or do they keep tabs on how much money everyone's supposed to be giving?
  • 87. Congrats on the 4.0 G.P.A., but don't get too cocky. That could be your downfall.
  • 88. You'll need to visit the secret society next; there's some things I need you to pick up there. You'll know what after taking a look around.
  • 89. Keep up the good work. A. B.
  • 90. Dear Diary, Okay, that just sounds silly. Anyway I've been earning a lot of money making toys, and I think maybe I'll run a toy shop when I get out of here. It'd be fun! And I'm sure Drake would love to help out.
  • 91. I'd start now if Chrysi didn't need the money. I'm so bored lately- unless I want to learn to make flowers or robots, there's really not much to learn without opening that business.
  • 92. I'd ask Otieno to turn me into a witch, but he'd freak out.
  • 93. I'd write a novel but considering we have only one computer and everyone has to use it for term papers, I doubt I'll have much time.
  • 94. I'd paint the pictures for Chrysanthemum, but that would deprive Ocean and their kids from a great skilling opportunity, and Otieno will be monopolizing the easel to paint his pictures.
  • 95. It's settled, then. A business it is. I know I can convince Chrysanthemum to get rid of the pool and the unnecessary decorations in her future dream home, and maybe save some money other ways. So if I work hard enough, I can easily get the money for my business.
  • 96. *beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep*
  • 97. Dear Diary, Okay, that just sounds silly. Anyway I've been earning a lot of money making toys, and I think maybe I'll run a toy shop when I get out of here. It'd be fun! And I'm sure Drake would love to help out. “Hello, this is Brooke Flynn. Yes, I would like to buy some property...”
  • 98. *beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep*
  • 99. “Hey Drake, good news...”
  • 100. The End! What will Gina do next? Will it work? Will she learn to think through her evil plans rather than just do the first thing that pops into her head as soon as it pops into her head and hope it works? And what about all the spares? I guess we'll see next chapter! P.S. Yay for random IM screen names/email accounts!