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Still looking for
      Consort as a tangent
      turns into a subplot!

 Chapter   Three
Ch 3:
Welcome back to Finding
Consort Redux by Kelyns!
It’s the same old silly story,
now in PowerPoint! This
chapter was originally
Chapters 4 and 5, in case
anyone was wondering,
and let’s get to it. I believe
we left off with Veronica
turning into a vampire…
I'm glad you're smiling Contessa, because I'm not. Welcome back to Finding
Consort, a story about me, Veronica, and my quest to find Consort Capp. When
we left off last time, I was turned into a vampire in the middle of my party, and
let my tell you, it was not pleasant.
Becoming a vampire is quite painful.
But I wasn't the only one Contessa Breanna bit, though. Carmen here joined the
ranks of the undead, too. Serves her right after not stopping Contessa from
biting me.
Carmen didn't seem too happy about her transformation, though. In fact, she
looked quite pissed.
Contessa Breanna, on the other hand, was thrilled.
"Alas, she's complete! My plan to take over Veronaville with an army of
vampires has only just begun! MUWHAHA!"
Ravi: "Did you just see that? Contessa just made two unsuspecting sims into
vampires, and they're not even knowledge. That ought to be a crime."
Goneril: "Definitely, I agree. That should totally be considered a crime. Why, the
Contessa ought to be locked up!"
Ravi: "Want to do something about it?"
Goneril: "Nope, not really. Maybe after our game of chess."
So when the party was over I called the matchmaker. I don't have anything
against vampires, but I'm fortune, okay? Besides, I didn't think Consort would be
too thrilled to date a vampire.
Matchmaker: "Here you go, honey. It's just what you need."
V: "You're sure this thing will turn me back to normal?"
MM: "Yup."
V: "I don't know... My mother always told me never drink anything that looks
funny or glows..."
Veronica, you don't have a mother, you were made in CAS, remember?
Besides, there are some things that glow that are good for you, like smart milk,
for instance.
V: "But it's still purple..."
MM: "Look lady, you gonna buy the potion or not?"
V: "Alright, alright. I take it. Geez."
V: Hmpf, I still don't know how this thing is supposed to cure me, it looks funny.
Veronica, YOU look funny. Now take the stupid potion!
V: Alright…
*Gulp, Gulp*
V: Uh oh, I feel strange...
V: Hey?! That's it? This stupid thing's not working. See I knew—
Hmm... I can't tell if she's in pain... or doing an interpretative dance.
That certainly doesn't look too good.
V: Well, I don't feel too good!
V: Phew. I feel much better. It's so good to be back to normal.
Umm, Veronica...
V: What?
Never mind.
V: Yippee! I'm not dead!
Veronica, you never—oh, just forget it. Carry on.
I decided to celebrate my return from the dark side by going downtown.
I decided to go some place new, somewhere edgy.
... A place with a cool fire show? Whatever. The place was called P.U.R.E. for
Party Until Really Early. I'm sure I could make jokes about that name, but I'm too
lazy to think of one.
I hung out for a while, doing the usual. You know, watching my drink get stolen
Riding the 'sphere...
Watching people make fools of themselves dancing. Is that Gilbert's mom?
What's she doing in a night club?
But then the Contessa showed up. We're still best friends and all, but I was so not
in the mood to be bitten twice in one night, so I decided to go...
Newcomer to the game, Veronica Norwood lines up her shot. Will she be any
good? Well, folks, lets find out.
She takes a shot...
And its a strike, ladies and gentlemen!
V, singing to herself: Oh, yeah! I got a strike!
I kicked bowling pin butt!
I'm the best... Oh, yeah...
And it's my birthday!
Are you finished yet?
V: Uh huh.
Nope, wait, I lied. Go me!
Yippee! Wasn't that a great shot? I'm the greatest aren't I?
V: Okay, okay, sheesh.
Hmm, I wonder how much money you can make in professional bowling...
And she lines up her next shot...
Just look at that perfect form and technique....
Okay, okay!
And it's another strike! Ladies and gentlemen, she's on a roll!
Yesss! And I would like to take this time to thank you oh, great plumbbob, for
making me so great...
V: How about another round of applause for me, huh, ladies and gentlemen?
Oh, shut up! You're making me sick.
V, muttering to herself: I'm still the best fortune sim ever...
SHUT UP! No more bowling for you! You're leaving!
V: Oh, please, you know you love me.
*Sigh* Unfortunately I do. But you're still leaving.
After I left, I ran into Regan, Consort's other daughter.
V: "Oh, hey Regan. I was wondering, do you think you could introduce me to
your father, because, even though I'm best friends with Goneril, she never
brings him around...
R, a little frightened: "Um, who are you?"
Well, Regan decided to leave after that. I wonder why. Perhaps I came on too
strong? Anyways, I concentrated on making friends with Amber here. Why? For
my promotion, of course. :)

V: "Say Amber, do you know Consort?"
A: "Sorry, after the Great Townie Rebellion-"
V: "The what?"
A: "The Great Townie Rebellion. Happened just after Open For Business was
installed. It was chaos. Townies vs. Downtownies vs. Bluewater Townies... Each
group fought for power and control of the townie federation. Downtownies had
the most money, you see, so they thought they should be above everyone else.
But the Bluewater townies had money, too, and more importantly they had new
technology like sentrybots, servos, evil kites, and evil snapdragons. Their armies
almost wiped everyone out."
(What? Don't YOU wonder what the townies do when you're at home? :)
V: "What, you mean to tell me there was this massive destructive war going on
and no playable sim ever knew?"
A: "Yup."
V: "But what happened? You guys are still here. And what about the Uni
A: "I'm getting to that. Sheesh, can you let a girl tell a story without interrupting
every five seconds?"
V: "Sorry."
A: "Thank you. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, so the Bluewater Townies almost
wipped us out, but then General Crumplebottom—”
V: "General Crumplebottom???"
Amber glared at me.
V: "Sorry, sorry."
A: "Yes, so General Crumplebottom, Commander in Chief of the Townies, tried
to enlist the help of the Uni townies, but they said no. They wanted to stay
neutral like the NPCs. So General Crumplebottom took them over—”
V: "What, just like that? Don't they have the Cowplant and the Bone Phone?"
A: "Pfft, please! They're college kids! They were too busy blowing bubbles and
drinking juice; they never saw it coming. Crumplebottom snuck up on them
and took them all out with her knitting needles.”
A: "She formed an alliance with the Uni townies and the Downtownies, whose
forces by then were almost completed depleted by the Bluewater armies. With
those extra forces she was finally able to take the Bluewater townies out and
General Theresa, a.k.a General Evil Pigtails, surrendered. After that, all townies
were forced to sign the Townie Pact and swear allegiance to Crumplebottom."
V: "Really?"
A: "Yes, and by her decree as of last Monday, all townies are legally obligated
to refrain from discussing Consort with you.
Hmpf! I knew the Keep Veronica Away From Consort Foundation was real!
Anyway, after I kicked Amber's butt at pool, who should I see but...
V: "Crumplebottom! You can't fool me anymore, what do you really have in
that purse?! Swords, knives, guns, bombs? What is it, huh?"
CB: "What nonsense are you talking about? I just have my knitting needles."
V: GASP. "Knitting needles?!"
CB: "Yes, knitting needles. Can't an old lady enjoy a leisurely walk on a nice
day and knit peacefully?"
V: "Yeah, regular old ladies can, but not you! You can't fool me! I know what
weapons of mass destruction those needles really are! You're probably
checking up on your followers, making sure they stay in line!"
CB, muttering to herself: Dang, who told her about the Townie Pact? Someone's
going to pay for this...
CB: "Listen up hussy, don't go sticking your nose where it don't belong. Now just
stay away from Consort, if you know what's good for you. I got connections you
can only dream of. I can make your life a living hell!"
V: "Please, I'm not scared of you!"
But just to be safe, I left and went to the Crypt O' Night club.
I rode the electrosphere for a while to boost my spirits. First Dagmar, and now
this whole Crumplebottom Townie Federation thing. I thought I was tough, but I
didn't know if I was tough enough to take on a whole federation. And
Crumplebottom is said to be immortal...
Enough's enough. I had to cheer up. And I know there's one thing that always
makes fortune sims happy...
Making money!
V: "Alright everybody, DJ V is in the hiz-house! Let's get ready to make some
noise! Now, tell me, are you guys ready to ROCK?"
Guy in trenchcoat: "YEAH!"
Hmm, there aren't a lot of people on the dance floor... But I suppose the crowd
will warm up eventually, and then people will start dancing... right?
Guy in trenchcoat: "Oh, yeah, baby. You know I'm bad, I'm bad—you know it."
Waitress, rolling eyes: "Yeah, a bad dancer. What a loser."
Guy in trenchcoat: "Watch out, now! Everybody back up, I need room for my
smooth moves!"
Oh, geez. Don't worry about finding room, mister. You got the WHOLE dance
floor. Good thing I get paid no matter how many people are dancing.
Oh, look, people!
Old guy in orange: "Hey, lady, you gonna dance?"
Lady in red: "I don't know, that guy is kinda scaring me."
Trenchcoat guy, singing: "And the whole world has to answer right now just to
tell you once again, who's bad!"

*Bad lyrics courtesy of Michael Jackson.
Old guy in orange: "You think we should call the fashion police?"
Lady in red: "No, I think we should just leave. And get really far away from him."
Things picked up later, though.
"Alright, I have a dancing crowd! Are you guys ready to rock?"
Crowd: "Yeah!"
Hmm, how come all of them are bad dancers? Oh, well. BTW, that guy in the
red coat was bitten by Contessa Breanna. She really is taking this whole taking
over Veronaville thing too far. Either that or she just really likes to bite people.
"My shift is over, so peace out everybody, and remember, keep on dancing.
No matter who makes fun of you."
Before I left, I met Lee here who wanted to know what it was like to be a
vampire. But that was still a sore subject for me, so I quickly changed the
subject by asking him if he knew Consort.
Lee: "Consort? Consort, who? What's a Consort? Nope, never heard of him."
*Glances around nervously*
*Sigh* Stupid Crumplebottom and KVAFCF...
I decided to go to the Corner Shoppes. Maybe buying something would cheer
me up.
I browsed around for a while, keeping an eye out for Consort.
But, of course he wasn't there. Yup, it seems like the KVAFCF is keeping him in
hiding. 'Man, I would never have this much trouble finding Mortimer.
Oh, look. There's General Evil Pigtails now.
Waitress: "Look, lady, you're in a RESTAURANT. You can't use the chef's stove to
make a TV dinner! If you wanna eat, go to the podium and wait to be seated
like everyone else."
Evil Pigtails: "No! I refuse to support this establishment! I will thwart all your
attempts to become a successful restaurant by making my own food!”
It was getting late, so I decided to go home.
I played some chess while I thought things over.
Oh, geez, what am I gonna do? Me... against Crumplebottom... and ALL the
Hmpf, I bet Dagmar was in on it this whole time, too!
But what about all my other townie friends? Could I trust them? Or were they
secretly working for Crumplebottom?
Hmm, I guess I'll just have to sort these things out later, after work.
With work came a ray of sunshine. Look at that platinum plumbob! That, my
friends, is what the top of the show business career and a nice fat check will do
to a fortune sim.
Veronica, what are you doing?
V: Throwing away the paper.
But you haven't looked in it yet.
V: So?
So?! So, you have to look for the business career track!
V: Now, why would I want to do that?
Because, oh, I don't know, maybe because it's your LIFETIME WANT! And what
about Consort, huh? How are you supposed to meet him now, with all the
townies conspiring against you?
V: But the show business career lets me buy nice things...
See, look at my living room.
And here's a better view that lets you see my $5,000 TV. Or well, maybe you
can’t see it. But it’s there, I swear!
I even had enough money to get a grandfather clock.
V: Can't I stay at the top of Show Business and earn a bit more money? Please?
You can be my best friend...
*rolls eyes* Okay, but only for a few more days. I have to admit, the more
money you have, the less suspicious Consort will be.
Now to take care of one more problem...
V: "Hey, can you come over? We need to talk."
Yup, it was time to deal with...
Dagmar! How does one get rid of a crush, but stay friends? For all Dagmar's
antics, I didn't really want to end up being enemies with her.
"Dagmar, good to see you, we need to talk."
And thus began the irritation.
"Dagmar, you are the worst tennis player on the planet."
"Wha? But sims don't play tennis..."
And look at those negative signs fly! It didn't take much for me to get rid of my
crush. It helped that we hadn't talked in a while, but I know it was really
because my heart truly belonged to Consort.
Dagmar though, was a different story.
"And what about toys, huh? You don't even have a toy making badge! What
kind of sorry sim are you?"
"But Veronica, you don't have any badges either."
"That's not the point! I still have a lot of skill points, but what do you have, huh?
A point here and there, that's what! You don't even have a house! You wander
from lot to lot living a sorry, lonely existence."
"Stop it, Veronica! I know what you're trying to do! You're trying to ruin our
friendship, but I won't let you! I know you don't really mean those things. My
love for you is so deep, it can't be tarnished by petty arguments!"
D: "Why, absolutely nothing."
"Are you sure, because I have irritated you, like 10 times and you still haven't
given up your stupid crush!"
"Pfft, please. You think that can fool me?"
"I told you Veronica, I'm not going to let silly arguments ruin our relationship!
And don't call my crush stupid. It signifies a lack of respect for our love."
"Okay, okay. Dagmar, let's be reasonable and talk about this like two calm,
rational adults."
"Sure, okay."
"I'm not stupid, Veronica. I know that I love you, and you love me—”
"Oh, brother." What is this? An episode of Barney?
"Don't be silly, Veronica. You haven't even met Consort."
"That's not the point. The point is I DON'T LOVE YOU. I just don't feel that way
about you. I only want to be your friend!"
"Pfft, you can't be serious!"
"Yes, I can."
"Wha? Really?"
And slowly, SLOWLY, Dagmar started to see the light, and FINALLY gave up her
crush on me.
"I'm sorry, Veronica, I didn't know you really felt that way."
"That's okay Dagmar."
Dagmar and I made up and decided to stay friends, despite the whole
"See you later, Dagmar."
"Bye, Veronica."
"Hmpf! Not in love with ME? Please! I know she's lying, it's written all over her
face! Not to worry, I'll just bide my time and wait for her to get over this thing
with Consort. She really doesn't want him, just his money. She'll realize the truth
eventually: it's me she loves. I just have to make sure that old man stays out of
my way."
I felt much better now that I'd cleared things up with Dagmar. I relaxed for the
rest of the night, until it was time to go to work in the morning.
V: Ah, the sweet sound of success! Don't you just love helicopters?

Yeah, sure.
V: Oh, no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no, OH NO!

Don't worry, V, the helicopter will be gone soon.
V: It's not that. That little witch tricked me! Look in my memory!

*GASP* Dagmar... that hussy...
V: SHE KISSED ME! Remember that goodbye kiss she gave me, after she lost her
crush on me?
The one I didn't take a picture of because I thought it was another weird Maxis
glitch and wouldn't come to any harm?
That little... snot, tried to brain wash me! She probably thought it would make
me get used to the idea of us being together! I can't believe I believed all her
stupid lies about just being friends!
V: If she thinks she can get one over on us, she's got another think coming!
*Dials furiously* "Dagmar, get your butt over here!"
V: No way that tramp's gonna mess with me. I'm gonna kick her butt!"

And that, my friends, is the end of the old chapter. Will Veronica forgive
Dagmar, or is this the end of their friendship? How will she deal with
Crumplebottom? And will she ever find Consort? Find out—in a couple of slides!
But first…
Break Time!
We now interrupt this story to commemorate the Great Custom Content Purge
of 2008.
V: Why the hell would anyone ever commemorate such a thing?
Well, this part of the chapter was originally chapter five and back then I put this
picture in along with a few others. And while there’s no reason to include the
other, irrelevant pictures—at least, not here anyway—the opportunity to
embarrass the heroine of my story is just too good to pass up.
V: Great, so I get to be embarrassed twice.
Yup! I still think you without your CC is hilarious.
V: Hardy har har. You know I have embarrassing secrets about you that I could
bring up. How about I go back to making fun of your story writing and picture
taking abilities, huh?
Okay, touchy! Back to the story in progress.
V: Thank you.
But first a word from our sponsor:

Ever wonder what the townies are up to when you’re at home? Ever wonder
what townies do all day? Well what if they were waging a war?

Townie Rebellion—A new sim story coming to a computer near you.
Eventually. Maybe. Hopefully.
Now back to the story. Take it away, Veronica.
V: AHEM. So, last time I left you guys, I had just looked in my memory panel and
discovered that Dagmar left a certain imprint...
Uh, Veronica, the readers aren’t that behind. Like I said, there’s no chapter
break here anymore so—
Sigh. Never mind.
Dagmar: "Hey what's up, V? Wanna play-"
V: "NO! I do not want to play red hands with you, psycho! You tried to
brainwash me!"
"I thought you were my FRIEND. I thought you had resolved your issues."
"But as soon as you leave, what do I find in my memories, huh? HUH?"
"A stupid little icon saying that we kissed!"
"Yeah, like, so what? I did kiss you goodbye."
"AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM! That kiss should have never happened. And after all
my hard work, trying to stay pure for Consort and trying to tell you that I DON'T
LOVE YOU without hurting your feelings, you turn around and betray me by
"But like, why wouldn't I kiss you goodbye, Veronica? I love you."
"NO YOU DON'T! You fell out of love with me! I saw that thought bubble. The
WHOLE WORLD saw that thought bubble!"
"Veronica, I have no idea what you're talking about. I never fell out of love with
you. You fell in love with me. That's why we kissed."
Oh. My. GOSH! I had never met anyone so freakin-frackin INFURIATNG. I took
deep breaths, and tried to calm down.
"Okay, Dagmar, let's try to jog your memory, mkay?"
"Here look at this. Now do you remember? That big heart with the X over it
means you don't love me anymore."
"Nope. I have no recollection of that event whatsoever. That picture must be
"Are. You. KIDDING ME? That picture is NOT fake! It's real and it happened. I
know cuz I WAS THERE!"
"Oh, come on, Veronica. Of course that picture is, like, totally fake! Look at that
girl, she doesn't even look like me! And I would never fall out of love with you!
Our love is, like, eternal."
"You know, Veronica, you might as well confess. Denial isn't good for you. It
only makes you stressed out. Besides, I already know the truth. You are—”
"NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU! Do you need to hear it again, huh? How many times
do I have to say it? I don't want you. Because I am not in love with you! For the
last time Dagmar, I love Consort! C-O-N-S-O-R-T! What does that spell? NOT
YOU, but Consort!"
"Consort, Consort, Consort! I am so sick of hearing about some puny, crusty old
crackpot you haven't even met yet!"
"Give it up, Veronica! The guy is a loser. He'll never appreciate you like I can!
How can you be so attached to someone you don't even know? But you'll see,
Veronica! We're meant for each other! How else could you explain me calling
you on the first day you moved in? It could have been anyone who called you,
but it was me. Face it, Veronica, it was fate. We're destined to be together!"
Why me, why me, WHY ME? Out of ALL the sims, in ALL the neighborhoods, in
ALL the games in ALL of the world, *I* have to be the one with the psycho
stalker who never lets go. Sigh. WHY???????????????????????
"Listen up, Dagmar. I think you've been hitting up the bubbles WAY too hard! I
don't know why you think we're supposed to be together, but I don't have any
feelings for you! And I never once led you on, or gave you any reason to
believe that I—”
"Yes, you did."
"You did lead me on. You threw food at me. It was the most romantic, most
"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! It was not a sign that I like you! If anything, it was a sign
that I don't like you! This never would have happened if it wasn't for stupid
Maxis coding!"
"But you took me to the most romantic restaurant for our date! We had a dark
cozy booth—”
"IT WAS NOT A DATE! It was an outing! And there were two other people there!"
"Don't be silly, Veronica! There wasn't anyone else with us that night."
"Although, I must admit, whenever I'm around you, I feel as though we're the
only two people in the room, heehee!"
"Don't call our love gross, Veronica. That's, like, so immature. You have to learn
that it's okay to accept the feelings you have for me. Don't be scared, V! We
won't be the first gay couple on the exchange."
Oh. My. PLUMBBOB! "Dagmar, I don't have any feelings for you! I don't want to
be a couple! I just I don't feel that way about you."
"I've told you from the beginning that I want to marry-"
"Consort, yes, yes, I know. But get serious, Veronica, it's chapter five and not
only have you failed to even meet him, but you haven't gotten a job in the
business track, either. Give it up, you'll never meet him."
*GASP* "Dagmar, how could you say that?"
"Come on, Veronica! You don't need that silly old man! You can make lots of
money without him! Think of it. I'll move in and we'll join union, and we could
adopt lots of babies! And maybe even a puppy, too! Or a kitten. Or both! We'd
be one big happy family!"
*SOB* What I have gotten myself into? I can't do this anymore! *Sigh*
"Look, Dagmar, enough's enough, already. I've given you plenty of chances,
but you just can't face the facts."
"I don't want to be friends with you anymore. In fact, I never want to see your
crazy deranged self again! You've caused me enough grief."

See this is where I should have known something was wrong... Cuz Dagmar
started to hyperventilate...
"Wha? W-what d-do you mean you d-d-don't want to friends with me?"
"I mean I'm through with you. I'm done being your friend, and I'm tired of trying
to convince you that I don't love you. Plus, I can't be friends with someone who
thinks I can't achieve my dream."
"This is it Dagmar. I don't ever want to see you again. Stay out of my life."

And this is when Dagmar started to flip out on me...
"OH, HELL NO! Who do you think you are, huh? You think you can play with my
emotions, toy with me, then casually cast me aside? Think Again. News Flash,
Veronica. I made you, and I can break you."
"Why do you think Crumplebottom has been so lenient with you, huh? Let me
guess, you thought it was because you weren't on a community lot! Such a
typical, naive, CAS sim! Crumple Bottom's powers transcend community lots!
No, she hasn't touched you because *I,* her most trusted loyal servant told her
not to! Why? Because I LOVE YOU!"
GASP "You work for C-C-Crumplebottom?"
"Of course, I work for Crumplebottom. I am the perfect operative because no
one ever suspects me. I mean, come on! Who else could have the skill and
cunning to make sure Consort didn't show up when you were on a community
"Who else would keep tabs on all the friends you made, making sure they don't
leak any information? Who else would follow you, and frequent your popular
hang outs to make sure you didn't show up unexpectedly? Who do you think
bribed Sim City Times to make sure the Business track never showed up in the
paper? And who do you think told Crumplebottom you were looking for
Consort, anyway? I mean, COME ON! You walked up to me and said 'Hi, I'm
Veronica, I'm looking for Consort, have you seen him?' HELLO, how stupid can
you get? And people always think CAS sims are so smart, so superior! You're all
idiots, I say!"
"Y-you did... y-you're in... with the... KVAFCF?"
"I FOUNDED THE KVAFCF! Crumplebottom trusts me so much, she let me lead the
whole organization. Only *I* didn't give it a stupid, asinine name... 'Keep
Veronica Away From Consort Foundation,' pfft, only further proof of CAS
stupidity... now I have stupid sims running around calling my prestigious
organization a ridiculously long acronym!"
"Y-you betrayed me... this whole time... I thought you were my friend..."
I wanted to cry. I never felt so... so... well, I didn't know how I felt. I just couldn't
believe that one of my best friends had been betraying me and spying on me
to Crumplebottom this whole time.
"Hey, where do you think you're going, huh?"
"No wh-"
"This ain't over 'til I say it's over!"
"And I've had just about enough of you and your 'Consort this' and 'Consort
that'! The man is CRANKY, PERVY, AND SENILE, Veronica! Give it up already,
Veronica! His children will never let you touch his money!"
HIS RAGGEDY SAGGY A-DOUBLE S OVER ME!” Dagmar had to stop and take a
breath. “I’m the one who gave your story the drama it desperately needed! I’m
the one who befriended your sorry butt and introduced you to others so you
could get your stupid promotions! Me!”
“And do you even know what I had to do to get Crumplebottom to lay off you?
You are SO UNAPPRECIATIVE! All you do is take, take, take! AND NOW YOU TELL
ME YOU DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS? After all I did for you? Well, I'm not going
to let some snotty, uppity CAS dimwit ruin everything I worked so hard for!"
Geez, I always knew Dagmar was off her rocker, but I never would have
guessed she'd be so... so... well, mean.
"Listen up buddy, here's the deal. I am NOT going to let you ruin my plans for a
perfect life. So, I'm gonna move in, we're gonna get married and then we're
gonna go on our honeymoon to Twikkii Island!"
"And we're gonna have babies! Lots, *poke* and lots *poke,poke* of babies
"... And what if I don't want to?"
"I said, what if I don't want to get married to you and have lots of babies?"
"So, move me in already, loser."
"That's it, Dagmar. You've struck my last nerve."
"I'm not gonna let you or anyone else push me around, and if you thought I'd let
you bully me into marrying you, then you don't know me at all."
"How DARE you slap me! I'M the boss around here, missy!" *SLAP,SLAP,SLAP*
"Don't you EVER talk to me in that tone again, either!"
"I'm not going to tell you again, Dagmar. Stop hitting me and leave."
"Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do about it?"
"THAT'S IT! Bring it on expletive, expletive!"
"You're going down!"
D: "You think you can beat me?" *SLAP* "Think again, expletive!" *SLAP,SLAP*
V: "Yeah, I'll beat you and wipe that smug smile off your face, too!"
"Stupid CAS sim, FEAR MY WRATH!"
*Slap fight*
*GASP* OMGWTFBBQ? She... just... beat Veronica...
Ouch. Right into the pole, that had to hurt.
V: "IT DID, so would you SHUT UP?"
Okay, okay, no need to get hostile, V.
D: "What was that you were saying? I couldn't hear you, as the sound of you
smacking into the pole was so loud! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."
S-She beat ME!
"And there's more where that came from, so don't think even about disobeying
me again!"
V: How could this happen?
I honestly don't know, V.
I know, I know. I can't believe it either.
You got it.
"Listen, you cheating hussy, I don't know how you beat me, but it's not gonna
happen again!"
GRR "I TOLD you not slap me!"
V: "Nanny nanny boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo!" *Tackles her*
"Didn't you get enough last time? Stupid CAS sims, you never learn..."
"Give it up now, and you can still marry me!"
"I'll never marry you, psycho!"
D: "Oh crap."
"That's right, how do ya like that now, huh?"
Now that's what I call justice.
"Now, for the last time, Dagmar, get your scrawny butt out of here, before I get
the Grim."
"Oh, please! Like I'm scared of you. Crumplebottom has the Grim in her back
"Plus, you couldn't find Consort if he was standing two feet from your face. This
ain't over, Veronica. You will be mine, one way or another."
WHAT IS WITH THIS CHICK? She becomes my enemy, but she still wants to marry
me? Sigh.
Dagmar had left, but I hadn't forgotten a word she said. I couldn't believe she
was in league with Crumplebottom.
If those two think they can get the best of me, they have another think coming!
I'm the best fortune sim ever, for Plumbbob sakes!
Drat, it's not here...
No matter, I'll look online...
HA! Those 1000 aspiration points are for me getting the BUSINESS TRACK!
Take that, Dagmar! You want a fight, I'll give you a fight!

For shame, Consort, picking on a pregnant lady!
And this random picture must mean it’s the end of the chapter! Also, it’s just to
show you readers that Consort exists. Yeah, I can't get him to meet Veronica,
but he'll gladly slap anyone who owns a telescope in Veronaville... Hmm...
Does anyone else see a lightbulb flashing? Eh, never mind. Anyway, that's it for
now! So, now that Veronica has a job in the business track, will she finally meet
Consort? And what about Dagmar? Will she get anymore crazy and
possessive? Find out next time. Later, simmers. :)

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Finding Consort Ch 3

  • 1. Still looking for Consort as a tangent turns into a subplot!  Chapter Three
  • 2. Ch 3: Threshold Welcome back to Finding Consort Redux by Kelyns! It’s the same old silly story, now in PowerPoint! This chapter was originally Chapters 4 and 5, in case anyone was wondering, and let’s get to it. I believe we left off with Veronica turning into a vampire…
  • 3. I'm glad you're smiling Contessa, because I'm not. Welcome back to Finding Consort, a story about me, Veronica, and my quest to find Consort Capp. When we left off last time, I was turned into a vampire in the middle of my party, and let my tell you, it was not pleasant.
  • 4. "AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" Becoming a vampire is quite painful.
  • 5. But I wasn't the only one Contessa Breanna bit, though. Carmen here joined the ranks of the undead, too. Serves her right after not stopping Contessa from biting me.
  • 6. Carmen didn't seem too happy about her transformation, though. In fact, she looked quite pissed.
  • 7. Contessa Breanna, on the other hand, was thrilled. "Alas, she's complete! My plan to take over Veronaville with an army of vampires has only just begun! MUWHAHA!"
  • 8. Ravi: "Did you just see that? Contessa just made two unsuspecting sims into vampires, and they're not even knowledge. That ought to be a crime."
  • 9. Goneril: "Definitely, I agree. That should totally be considered a crime. Why, the Contessa ought to be locked up!" Ravi: "Want to do something about it?" Goneril: "Nope, not really. Maybe after our game of chess."
  • 10. So when the party was over I called the matchmaker. I don't have anything against vampires, but I'm fortune, okay? Besides, I didn't think Consort would be too thrilled to date a vampire.
  • 11. Matchmaker: "Here you go, honey. It's just what you need."
  • 12. V: "You're sure this thing will turn me back to normal?" MM: "Yup."
  • 13. V: "I don't know... My mother always told me never drink anything that looks funny or glows..." Veronica, you don't have a mother, you were made in CAS, remember? Besides, there are some things that glow that are good for you, like smart milk, for instance. V: "But it's still purple..." MM: "Look lady, you gonna buy the potion or not?" V: "Alright, alright. I take it. Geez."
  • 14. V: Hmpf, I still don't know how this thing is supposed to cure me, it looks funny.
  • 15. Veronica, YOU look funny. Now take the stupid potion! V: Alright…
  • 17. V: Uh oh, I feel strange...
  • 18. V: Hey?! That's it? This stupid thing's not working. See I knew—
  • 20. Hmm... I can't tell if she's in pain... or doing an interpretative dance.
  • 21. That certainly doesn't look too good. V: Well, I don't feel too good!
  • 23. V: Phew. I feel much better. It's so good to be back to normal. Umm, Veronica...
  • 25. V: Yippee! I'm not dead! Veronica, you never—oh, just forget it. Carry on.
  • 26. I decided to celebrate my return from the dark side by going downtown.
  • 27. I decided to go some place new, somewhere edgy.
  • 28. ... A place with a cool fire show? Whatever. The place was called P.U.R.E. for Party Until Really Early. I'm sure I could make jokes about that name, but I'm too lazy to think of one.
  • 29. I hung out for a while, doing the usual. You know, watching my drink get stolen (GRR)...
  • 31. Watching people make fools of themselves dancing. Is that Gilbert's mom? What's she doing in a night club?
  • 32. But then the Contessa showed up. We're still best friends and all, but I was so not in the mood to be bitten twice in one night, so I decided to go...
  • 34. Newcomer to the game, Veronica Norwood lines up her shot. Will she be any good? Well, folks, lets find out.
  • 35. She takes a shot...
  • 36. And its a strike, ladies and gentlemen!
  • 38. V, singing to herself: Oh, yeah! I got a strike!
  • 39. I kicked bowling pin butt!
  • 41. I'm the best... Oh, yeah...
  • 42. And it's my birthday!
  • 43. Are you finished yet? V: Uh huh.
  • 44. Nope, wait, I lied. Go me!
  • 45. Yippee! Wasn't that a great shot? I'm the greatest aren't I?
  • 46. ARE YOU DONE NOW? V: Okay, okay, sheesh.
  • 47. Hmm, I wonder how much money you can make in professional bowling...
  • 48. And she lines up her next shot...
  • 49. Just look at that perfect form and technique.... VERONICA! Okay, okay!
  • 50. And it's another strike! Ladies and gentlemen, she's on a roll!
  • 51. Yesss! And I would like to take this time to thank you oh, great plumbbob, for making me so great...
  • 52. V: How about another round of applause for me, huh, ladies and gentlemen? Oh, shut up! You're making me sick.
  • 53. V, muttering to herself: I'm still the best fortune sim ever... SHUT UP! No more bowling for you! You're leaving! V: Oh, please, you know you love me. *Sigh* Unfortunately I do. But you're still leaving.
  • 54. After I left, I ran into Regan, Consort's other daughter. V: "Oh, hey Regan. I was wondering, do you think you could introduce me to your father, because, even though I'm best friends with Goneril, she never brings him around... R, a little frightened: "Um, who are you?"
  • 55. Well, Regan decided to leave after that. I wonder why. Perhaps I came on too strong? Anyways, I concentrated on making friends with Amber here. Why? For my promotion, of course. :) V: "Say Amber, do you know Consort?" A: "Sorry, after the Great Townie Rebellion-" V: "The what?"
  • 56. A: "The Great Townie Rebellion. Happened just after Open For Business was installed. It was chaos. Townies vs. Downtownies vs. Bluewater Townies... Each group fought for power and control of the townie federation. Downtownies had the most money, you see, so they thought they should be above everyone else. But the Bluewater townies had money, too, and more importantly they had new technology like sentrybots, servos, evil kites, and evil snapdragons. Their armies almost wiped everyone out." (What? Don't YOU wonder what the townies do when you're at home? :)
  • 57. V: "What, you mean to tell me there was this massive destructive war going on and no playable sim ever knew?" A: "Yup." V: "But what happened? You guys are still here. And what about the Uni townies?" A: "I'm getting to that. Sheesh, can you let a girl tell a story without interrupting every five seconds?"
  • 58. V: "Sorry." A: "Thank you. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, so the Bluewater Townies almost wipped us out, but then General Crumplebottom—” V: "General Crumplebottom???" Amber glared at me. V: "Sorry, sorry."
  • 59. A: "Yes, so General Crumplebottom, Commander in Chief of the Townies, tried to enlist the help of the Uni townies, but they said no. They wanted to stay neutral like the NPCs. So General Crumplebottom took them over—” V: "What, just like that? Don't they have the Cowplant and the Bone Phone?" A: "Pfft, please! They're college kids! They were too busy blowing bubbles and drinking juice; they never saw it coming. Crumplebottom snuck up on them and took them all out with her knitting needles.”
  • 60. A: "She formed an alliance with the Uni townies and the Downtownies, whose forces by then were almost completed depleted by the Bluewater armies. With those extra forces she was finally able to take the Bluewater townies out and General Theresa, a.k.a General Evil Pigtails, surrendered. After that, all townies were forced to sign the Townie Pact and swear allegiance to Crumplebottom." V: "Really?" A: "Yes, and by her decree as of last Monday, all townies are legally obligated to refrain from discussing Consort with you.
  • 61. Hmpf! I knew the Keep Veronica Away From Consort Foundation was real! Anyway, after I kicked Amber's butt at pool, who should I see but...
  • 62. V: "Crumplebottom! You can't fool me anymore, what do you really have in that purse?! Swords, knives, guns, bombs? What is it, huh?"
  • 63. CB: "What nonsense are you talking about? I just have my knitting needles." V: GASP. "Knitting needles?!" CB: "Yes, knitting needles. Can't an old lady enjoy a leisurely walk on a nice day and knit peacefully?"
  • 64. V: "Yeah, regular old ladies can, but not you! You can't fool me! I know what weapons of mass destruction those needles really are! You're probably checking up on your followers, making sure they stay in line!" CB, muttering to herself: Dang, who told her about the Townie Pact? Someone's going to pay for this...
  • 65. CB: "Listen up hussy, don't go sticking your nose where it don't belong. Now just stay away from Consort, if you know what's good for you. I got connections you can only dream of. I can make your life a living hell!" V: "Please, I'm not scared of you!"
  • 66. But just to be safe, I left and went to the Crypt O' Night club.
  • 67. I rode the electrosphere for a while to boost my spirits. First Dagmar, and now this whole Crumplebottom Townie Federation thing. I thought I was tough, but I didn't know if I was tough enough to take on a whole federation. And Crumplebottom is said to be immortal... Enough's enough. I had to cheer up. And I know there's one thing that always makes fortune sims happy...
  • 68. Making money! V: "Alright everybody, DJ V is in the hiz-house! Let's get ready to make some noise! Now, tell me, are you guys ready to ROCK?"
  • 70. Hmm, there aren't a lot of people on the dance floor... But I suppose the crowd will warm up eventually, and then people will start dancing... right?
  • 71. Guy in trenchcoat: "Oh, yeah, baby. You know I'm bad, I'm bad—you know it." Waitress, rolling eyes: "Yeah, a bad dancer. What a loser."
  • 72. Guy in trenchcoat: "Watch out, now! Everybody back up, I need room for my smooth moves!" Oh, geez. Don't worry about finding room, mister. You got the WHOLE dance floor. Good thing I get paid no matter how many people are dancing.
  • 73. Oh, look, people! Old guy in orange: "Hey, lady, you gonna dance?"
  • 74. Lady in red: "I don't know, that guy is kinda scaring me." Trenchcoat guy, singing: "And the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again, who's bad!" *Bad lyrics courtesy of Michael Jackson.
  • 75. Old guy in orange: "You think we should call the fashion police?" Lady in red: "No, I think we should just leave. And get really far away from him."
  • 76. Things picked up later, though. "Alright, I have a dancing crowd! Are you guys ready to rock?" Crowd: "Yeah!" Hmm, how come all of them are bad dancers? Oh, well. BTW, that guy in the red coat was bitten by Contessa Breanna. She really is taking this whole taking over Veronaville thing too far. Either that or she just really likes to bite people.
  • 77. "My shift is over, so peace out everybody, and remember, keep on dancing. No matter who makes fun of you."
  • 78. Before I left, I met Lee here who wanted to know what it was like to be a vampire. But that was still a sore subject for me, so I quickly changed the subject by asking him if he knew Consort.
  • 79. Lee: "Consort? Consort, who? What's a Consort? Nope, never heard of him." *Glances around nervously* *Sigh* Stupid Crumplebottom and KVAFCF...
  • 80. I decided to go to the Corner Shoppes. Maybe buying something would cheer me up.
  • 81. I browsed around for a while, keeping an eye out for Consort.
  • 82. But, of course he wasn't there. Yup, it seems like the KVAFCF is keeping him in hiding. 'Man, I would never have this much trouble finding Mortimer.
  • 83. Oh, look. There's General Evil Pigtails now. Waitress: "Look, lady, you're in a RESTAURANT. You can't use the chef's stove to make a TV dinner! If you wanna eat, go to the podium and wait to be seated like everyone else." Evil Pigtails: "No! I refuse to support this establishment! I will thwart all your attempts to become a successful restaurant by making my own food!”
  • 84. It was getting late, so I decided to go home.
  • 85. I played some chess while I thought things over.
  • 86. Oh, geez, what am I gonna do? Me... against Crumplebottom... and ALL the townies...
  • 87. Hmpf, I bet Dagmar was in on it this whole time, too!
  • 88. But what about all my other townie friends? Could I trust them? Or were they secretly working for Crumplebottom?
  • 89. Hmm, I guess I'll just have to sort these things out later, after work.
  • 90. With work came a ray of sunshine. Look at that platinum plumbob! That, my friends, is what the top of the show business career and a nice fat check will do to a fortune sim.
  • 91. Veronica, what are you doing? V: Throwing away the paper. But you haven't looked in it yet. V: So?
  • 92. So?! So, you have to look for the business career track! V: Now, why would I want to do that? Because, oh, I don't know, maybe because it's your LIFETIME WANT! And what about Consort, huh? How are you supposed to meet him now, with all the townies conspiring against you? V: But the show business career lets me buy nice things...
  • 93. See, look at my living room.
  • 94. And here's a better view that lets you see my $5,000 TV. Or well, maybe you can’t see it. But it’s there, I swear!
  • 95. I even had enough money to get a grandfather clock.
  • 96. V: Can't I stay at the top of Show Business and earn a bit more money? Please? You can be my best friend... *rolls eyes* Okay, but only for a few more days. I have to admit, the more money you have, the less suspicious Consort will be. V: YEEESSS!
  • 97. Now to take care of one more problem... V: "Hey, can you come over? We need to talk." Yup, it was time to deal with...
  • 98. Dagmar! How does one get rid of a crush, but stay friends? For all Dagmar's antics, I didn't really want to end up being enemies with her.
  • 99. "Dagmar, good to see you, we need to talk."
  • 100. And thus began the irritation. "Dagmar, you are the worst tennis player on the planet." "Wha? But sims don't play tennis..."
  • 101. And look at those negative signs fly! It didn't take much for me to get rid of my crush. It helped that we hadn't talked in a while, but I know it was really because my heart truly belonged to Consort.
  • 102. Dagmar though, was a different story. "And what about toys, huh? You don't even have a toy making badge! What kind of sorry sim are you?"
  • 103. "But Veronica, you don't have any badges either."
  • 104. "That's not the point! I still have a lot of skill points, but what do you have, huh? A point here and there, that's what! You don't even have a house! You wander from lot to lot living a sorry, lonely existence."
  • 105. "Stop it, Veronica! I know what you're trying to do! You're trying to ruin our friendship, but I won't let you! I know you don't really mean those things. My love for you is so deep, it can't be tarnished by petty arguments!"
  • 106. V: "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" D: "Why, absolutely nothing."
  • 107. "Are you sure, because I have irritated you, like 10 times and you still haven't given up your stupid crush!"
  • 108. "Pfft, please. You think that can fool me?"
  • 109. "I told you Veronica, I'm not going to let silly arguments ruin our relationship! And don't call my crush stupid. It signifies a lack of respect for our love."
  • 110. "Okay, okay. Dagmar, let's be reasonable and talk about this like two calm, rational adults." "Sure, okay."
  • 112. "I'm not stupid, Veronica. I know that I love you, and you love me—” "Oh, brother." What is this? An episode of Barney?
  • 113. "GET THIS THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD WOMAN: I DON'T LOVE YOU. I LOVE CONSORT!" "Don't be silly, Veronica. You haven't even met Consort."
  • 114. "That's not the point. The point is I DON'T LOVE YOU. I just don't feel that way about you. I only want to be your friend!"
  • 115. "Pfft, you can't be serious!" "Yes, I can." "Wha? Really?" "YES!"
  • 116. And slowly, SLOWLY, Dagmar started to see the light, and FINALLY gave up her crush on me. "I'm sorry, Veronica, I didn't know you really felt that way." "That's okay Dagmar."
  • 117. Dagmar and I made up and decided to stay friends, despite the whole misunderstanding.
  • 118. "See you later, Dagmar." "Bye, Veronica."
  • 119. "Hmpf! Not in love with ME? Please! I know she's lying, it's written all over her face! Not to worry, I'll just bide my time and wait for her to get over this thing with Consort. She really doesn't want him, just his money. She'll realize the truth eventually: it's me she loves. I just have to make sure that old man stays out of my way."
  • 120. I felt much better now that I'd cleared things up with Dagmar. I relaxed for the rest of the night, until it was time to go to work in the morning.
  • 121. V: Ah, the sweet sound of success! Don't you just love helicopters? Yeah, sure.
  • 122. V: Oh, no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no, OH NO! Don't worry, V, the helicopter will be gone soon.
  • 123. V: It's not that. That little witch tricked me! Look in my memory! *GASP* Dagmar... that hussy...
  • 124. V: SHE KISSED ME! Remember that goodbye kiss she gave me, after she lost her crush on me? The one I didn't take a picture of because I thought it was another weird Maxis glitch and wouldn't come to any harm? V: Yeah, that one. NOW IT'S FOVEVER STUCK IN MY MEMORY!
  • 125. That little... snot, tried to brain wash me! She probably thought it would make me get used to the idea of us being together! I can't believe I believed all her stupid lies about just being friends!
  • 126. V: If she thinks she can get one over on us, she's got another think coming! *Dials furiously* "Dagmar, get your butt over here!"
  • 127. V: No way that tramp's gonna mess with me. I'm gonna kick her butt!" And that, my friends, is the end of the old chapter. Will Veronica forgive Dagmar, or is this the end of their friendship? How will she deal with Crumplebottom? And will she ever find Consort? Find out—in a couple of slides! But first… *****
  • 128. Break Time! We now interrupt this story to commemorate the Great Custom Content Purge of 2008. V: Why the hell would anyone ever commemorate such a thing? Well, this part of the chapter was originally chapter five and back then I put this picture in along with a few others. And while there’s no reason to include the other, irrelevant pictures—at least, not here anyway—the opportunity to embarrass the heroine of my story is just too good to pass up.
  • 129. V: Great, so I get to be embarrassed twice. Yup! I still think you without your CC is hilarious. V: Hardy har har. You know I have embarrassing secrets about you that I could bring up. How about I go back to making fun of your story writing and picture taking abilities, huh? Okay, touchy! Back to the story in progress. V: Thank you.
  • 130. Townie Rebellion But first a word from our sponsor: Ever wonder what the townies are up to when you’re at home? Ever wonder what townies do all day? Well what if they were waging a war? Townie Rebellion—A new sim story coming to a computer near you. Eventually. Maybe. Hopefully.
  • 131. Now back to the story. Take it away, Veronica. V: AHEM. So, last time I left you guys, I had just looked in my memory panel and discovered that Dagmar left a certain imprint... Uh, Veronica, the readers aren’t that behind. Like I said, there’s no chapter break here anymore so— V: ANYWAY, LIKE I WAS SAYING… Sigh. Never mind. *****
  • 132. Dagmar: "Hey what's up, V? Wanna play-" V: "NO! I do not want to play red hands with you, psycho! You tried to brainwash me!"
  • 133. "I thought you were my FRIEND. I thought you had resolved your issues."
  • 134. "But as soon as you leave, what do I find in my memories, huh? HUH?"
  • 135. "A stupid little icon saying that we kissed!" "So?" "SO?" "Yeah, like, so what? I did kiss you goodbye."
  • 136. "AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM! That kiss should have never happened. And after all my hard work, trying to stay pure for Consort and trying to tell you that I DON'T LOVE YOU without hurting your feelings, you turn around and betray me by KISSING ME GOODBYE!"
  • 137. "But like, why wouldn't I kiss you goodbye, Veronica? I love you."
  • 138. "NO YOU DON'T! You fell out of love with me! I saw that thought bubble. The WHOLE WORLD saw that thought bubble!" "Veronica, I have no idea what you're talking about. I never fell out of love with you. You fell in love with me. That's why we kissed."
  • 139. Oh. My. GOSH! I had never met anyone so freakin-frackin INFURIATNG. I took deep breaths, and tried to calm down. "Okay, Dagmar, let's try to jog your memory, mkay?"
  • 140. "Here look at this. Now do you remember? That big heart with the X over it means you don't love me anymore."
  • 141. "Nope. I have no recollection of that event whatsoever. That picture must be fake."
  • 142. "Are. You. KIDDING ME? That picture is NOT fake! It's real and it happened. I know cuz I WAS THERE!"
  • 143. "Oh, come on, Veronica. Of course that picture is, like, totally fake! Look at that girl, she doesn't even look like me! And I would never fall out of love with you! Our love is, like, eternal." "AAAAARRRGGGHHH!"
  • 145. "You know, Veronica, you might as well confess. Denial isn't good for you. It only makes you stressed out. Besides, I already know the truth. You are—”
  • 146. "NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU! Do you need to hear it again, huh? How many times do I have to say it? I don't want you. Because I am not in love with you! For the last time Dagmar, I love Consort! C-O-N-S-O-R-T! What does that spell? NOT YOU, but Consort!"
  • 147. "Consort, Consort, Consort! I am so sick of hearing about some puny, crusty old crackpot you haven't even met yet!"
  • 148. "Give it up, Veronica! The guy is a loser. He'll never appreciate you like I can! How can you be so attached to someone you don't even know? But you'll see, Veronica! We're meant for each other! How else could you explain me calling you on the first day you moved in? It could have been anyone who called you, but it was me. Face it, Veronica, it was fate. We're destined to be together!"
  • 149. Why me, why me, WHY ME? Out of ALL the sims, in ALL the neighborhoods, in ALL the games in ALL of the world, *I* have to be the one with the psycho stalker who never lets go. Sigh. WHY???????????????????????
  • 150. "Listen up, Dagmar. I think you've been hitting up the bubbles WAY too hard! I don't know why you think we're supposed to be together, but I don't have any feelings for you! And I never once led you on, or gave you any reason to believe that I—” "Yes, you did."
  • 151. "What?" "You did lead me on. You threw food at me. It was the most romantic, most heart-felt—” "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! It was not a sign that I like you! If anything, it was a sign that I don't like you! This never would have happened if it wasn't for stupid Maxis coding!"
  • 152. "But you took me to the most romantic restaurant for our date! We had a dark cozy booth—” "IT WAS NOT A DATE! It was an outing! And there were two other people there!" "Don't be silly, Veronica! There wasn't anyone else with us that night."
  • 153. "Although, I must admit, whenever I'm around you, I feel as though we're the only two people in the room, heehee!"
  • 154. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! That is SO gross!" "Don't call our love gross, Veronica. That's, like, so immature. You have to learn that it's okay to accept the feelings you have for me. Don't be scared, V! We won't be the first gay couple on the exchange."
  • 155. Oh. My. PLUMBBOB! "Dagmar, I don't have any feelings for you! I don't want to be a couple! I just I don't feel that way about you."
  • 156. "I've told you from the beginning that I want to marry-" "Consort, yes, yes, I know. But get serious, Veronica, it's chapter five and not only have you failed to even meet him, but you haven't gotten a job in the business track, either. Give it up, you'll never meet him." *GASP* "Dagmar, how could you say that?"
  • 157. "Come on, Veronica! You don't need that silly old man! You can make lots of money without him! Think of it. I'll move in and we'll join union, and we could adopt lots of babies! And maybe even a puppy, too! Or a kitten. Or both! We'd be one big happy family!"
  • 158. *SOB* What I have gotten myself into? I can't do this anymore! *Sigh*
  • 159. "Look, Dagmar, enough's enough, already. I've given you plenty of chances, but you just can't face the facts."
  • 160. "I don't want to be friends with you anymore. In fact, I never want to see your crazy deranged self again! You've caused me enough grief." See this is where I should have known something was wrong... Cuz Dagmar started to hyperventilate...
  • 161. "Wha? W-what d-do you mean you d-d-don't want to friends with me?"
  • 162. "I mean I'm through with you. I'm done being your friend, and I'm tired of trying to convince you that I don't love you. Plus, I can't be friends with someone who thinks I can't achieve my dream."
  • 163. "This is it Dagmar. I don't ever want to see you again. Stay out of my life." And this is when Dagmar started to flip out on me...
  • 164. "OH, HELL NO! Who do you think you are, huh? You think you can play with my emotions, toy with me, then casually cast me aside? Think Again. News Flash, Veronica. I made you, and I can break you."
  • 165. "Why do you think Crumplebottom has been so lenient with you, huh? Let me guess, you thought it was because you weren't on a community lot! Such a typical, naive, CAS sim! Crumple Bottom's powers transcend community lots! No, she hasn't touched you because *I,* her most trusted loyal servant told her not to! Why? Because I LOVE YOU!"
  • 166. GASP "You work for C-C-Crumplebottom?" "Of course, I work for Crumplebottom. I am the perfect operative because no one ever suspects me. I mean, come on! Who else could have the skill and cunning to make sure Consort didn't show up when you were on a community lot?”
  • 167. "Who else would keep tabs on all the friends you made, making sure they don't leak any information? Who else would follow you, and frequent your popular hang outs to make sure you didn't show up unexpectedly? Who do you think bribed Sim City Times to make sure the Business track never showed up in the paper? And who do you think told Crumplebottom you were looking for Consort, anyway? I mean, COME ON! You walked up to me and said 'Hi, I'm Veronica, I'm looking for Consort, have you seen him?' HELLO, how stupid can you get? And people always think CAS sims are so smart, so superior! You're all idiots, I say!"
  • 168. "Y-you did... y-you're in... with the... KVAFCF?"
  • 169. "I FOUNDED THE KVAFCF! Crumplebottom trusts me so much, she let me lead the whole organization. Only *I* didn't give it a stupid, asinine name... 'Keep Veronica Away From Consort Foundation,' pfft, only further proof of CAS stupidity... now I have stupid sims running around calling my prestigious organization a ridiculously long acronym!" "Y-you betrayed me... this whole time... I thought you were my friend..."
  • 170. I wanted to cry. I never felt so... so... well, I didn't know how I felt. I just couldn't believe that one of my best friends had been betraying me and spying on me to Crumplebottom this whole time.
  • 171. "Hey, where do you think you're going, huh?" "No wh-"
  • 172. "This ain't over 'til I say it's over!"
  • 173. "And I've had just about enough of you and your 'Consort this' and 'Consort that'! The man is CRANKY, PERVY, AND SENILE, Veronica! Give it up already, Veronica! His children will never let you touch his money!"
  • 174. "AND WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU WANT TO MARRY A MAN WITH FOUR CHILDREN AND WHO'S RAISING THREE OF HIS GRANDKIDS? HOW DARE YOU PICK HIS RAGGEDY SAGGY A-DOUBLE S OVER ME!” Dagmar had to stop and take a breath. “I’m the one who gave your story the drama it desperately needed! I’m the one who befriended your sorry butt and introduced you to others so you could get your stupid promotions! Me!”
  • 175. “And do you even know what I had to do to get Crumplebottom to lay off you? You are SO UNAPPRECIATIVE! All you do is take, take, take! AND NOW YOU TELL ME YOU DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS? After all I did for you? Well, I'm not going to let some snotty, uppity CAS dimwit ruin everything I worked so hard for!" Geez, I always knew Dagmar was off her rocker, but I never would have guessed she'd be so... so... well, mean.
  • 176. "Listen up buddy, here's the deal. I am NOT going to let you ruin my plans for a perfect life. So, I'm gonna move in, we're gonna get married and then we're gonna go on our honeymoon to Twikkii Island!"
  • 177. "And we're gonna have babies! Lots, *poke* and lots *poke,poke* of babies *poke,poke,poke*!"
  • 178. "... And what if I don't want to?"
  • 179. "EXCUSE ME?" "I said, what if I don't want to get married to you and have lots of babies?"
  • 180. "THEN YOU WILL DIE!"
  • 181. "So, move me in already, loser."
  • 182. "That's it, Dagmar. You've struck my last nerve."
  • 183. *SLAP* "I'm not gonna let you or anyone else push me around, and if you thought I'd let you bully me into marrying you, then you don't know me at all."
  • 184. *GASP* "How DARE you slap me! I'M the boss around here, missy!" *SLAP,SLAP,SLAP*
  • 185. "Don't you EVER talk to me in that tone again, either!" *SLAP,SLAP*
  • 186. "I'm not going to tell you again, Dagmar. Stop hitting me and leave."
  • 187. "Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" *SLAP*
  • 188. "THAT'S IT! Bring it on expletive, expletive!"
  • 190. D: "You think you can beat me?" *SLAP* "Think again, expletive!" *SLAP,SLAP*
  • 191. V: "Yeah, I'll beat you and wipe that smug smile off your face, too!"
  • 192. "Stupid CAS sim, FEAR MY WRATH!" *Slap fight*
  • 193. *GASP* OMGWTFBBQ? She... just... beat Veronica... HOW???????????????????????????
  • 194. Ouch. Right into the pole, that had to hurt. V: "IT DID, so would you SHUT UP?" Okay, okay, no need to get hostile, V.
  • 195. D: "What was that you were saying? I couldn't hear you, as the sound of you smacking into the pole was so loud! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."
  • 197. "And there's more where that came from, so don't think even about disobeying me again!"
  • 198. V: How could this happen? I honestly don't know, V. V: I HAVE TEN BODY POINTS! I know, I know. I can't believe it either. V: I DEMAND A REMATCH! You got it.
  • 199. "Listen, you cheating hussy, I don't know how you beat me, but it's not gonna happen again!" *SLAP,SLAP,SLAP*
  • 200. GRR "I TOLD you not slap me!"
  • 201. V: "Nanny nanny boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo!" *Tackles her*
  • 202. "Didn't you get enough last time? Stupid CAS sims, you never learn..."
  • 203. "Give it up now, and you can still marry me!"
  • 204. "I'll never marry you, psycho!"
  • 206. "That's right, how do ya like that now, huh?"
  • 207. Now that's what I call justice.
  • 208. "Now, for the last time, Dagmar, get your scrawny butt out of here, before I get the Grim."
  • 209. "Oh, please! Like I'm scared of you. Crumplebottom has the Grim in her back pocket."
  • 210. "Plus, you couldn't find Consort if he was standing two feet from your face. This ain't over, Veronica. You will be mine, one way or another."
  • 211. WHAT IS WITH THIS CHICK? She becomes my enemy, but she still wants to marry me? Sigh.
  • 212. Dagmar had left, but I hadn't forgotten a word she said. I couldn't believe she was in league with Crumplebottom.
  • 213. If those two think they can get the best of me, they have another think coming! I'm the best fortune sim ever, for Plumbbob sakes!
  • 214. Drat, it's not here...
  • 215. No matter, I'll look online...
  • 216. HA! Those 1000 aspiration points are for me getting the BUSINESS TRACK! Take that, Dagmar! You want a fight, I'll give you a fight! *****
  • 217. For shame, Consort, picking on a pregnant lady! And this random picture must mean it’s the end of the chapter! Also, it’s just to show you readers that Consort exists. Yeah, I can't get him to meet Veronica, but he'll gladly slap anyone who owns a telescope in Veronaville... Hmm... Does anyone else see a lightbulb flashing? Eh, never mind. Anyway, that's it for now! So, now that Veronica has a job in the business track, will she finally meet Consort? And what about Dagmar? Will she get anymore crazy and possessive? Find out next time. Later, simmers. :)