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Blair Thallmayer
Dr. Narey/ ELED 311
Pleasant Valley Elementary School
Mrs. Hardy
                                  LESSON PLAN 5B
Grade Level: 2
National Standards:
   A. #1 Understanding and applying media, techniques and processes
          a. C.) Students use different media, techniques, and processes to
              communicate ideas, experiences and stories.
State Standards:
   A. 9.1. Production, Performance & Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual
          a. 9.1.3 B- Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate
              arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works
              in the arts.
          b. 9.1.3 E- Demonstrate the ability to define objects, express emotions,
              illustrate an action or relate an experience through creation of works in the
   B. 9.3 Critical Response
          a. 9.3.3 D- Explain meanings in the arts and humanities through individual
              works and the works of other using a fundamental vocabulary of critical
Learning Goals
   1. The learner will define and identify symbols in the real world.
   2. The learner will define and identify symbols in a famous piece of art work.
   3. The learner will create symbols to use in a collage that displays the story of The
      Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, in the manor of Henri Matisse.
Summative Assessment Method: Students Collage
Summative Assessment Tool: Oral discussion and description of artwork
Instructional Design:
        The learners will develop creative/critical thinking, problem solving and
performance skills by creating a Matisse-like collage. The strategies that I will use are
observation, recreation (by symbols) and explanation. I selected these strategies because
the students are observing Matisse artwork, retold story and symbols poster. Students
were creating the symbols onto a paper by cutting and pasting pieces of construction
paper. Finally, students were explaining on the white strip and aloud to the class the
purpose for which they have selected to create their collage of the story. Some
meaningful connections that the students’ will make to their knowledge and experience
are everything has shape, and color. The difference of each defines personal
characteristics of objects and symbols, e.g. human beings, buckskin, paintbrush, etc.
Meaningful connection I will make across subject matter to provide opportunities for rich
conceptual development are concepts of artwork, techniques of collage, meaning of
symbols and narration of a story. In addition, all students at any age can create a collage
to narrate a story.
Instructional Delivery:
    •   Materials, Tools, Resources
            o Pencils
            o Scissors
            o Glue
            o Colored Construction Paper
            o White Construction Paper already cut for students as background
            o Book- The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush retold and illustrated by
                Tomie dePaola
            o Activity Guide- Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights Page 1;
                Vocabulary for The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush.
            o Symbols Poster
            o Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights Poster
    •   Motivation
            o Today we are going to learn about a legend. I will read The Legend of the
                Indian Paintbrush retold and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. Little Gopher,
an Indian boy, learns to paint with the brilliance of the evening sky and
               becomes known as He-Who-Brought-the-Sunset-to-the-Earth. This is a
               story about the beautiful flower, the Indian Paintbrush.
    •   Explanation
           o Today we are going to create a collage that narrates The Legend of the
               Indian Paintbrush. The word collage was originally a French word,
               derived from the word “coller”, meaning to paste. A collage is a work of
               art, primarily in the visual arts, made from an assemblage of different
               forms, thus creating a new whole. An artistic collage may include
               newspaper clippings, ribbons, bits of colored papers, portions of other
               artwork, photographs and such glued to a piece of paper or canvas. A
               narrator is someone retelling a story. Today we are going to retell (narrate)
               The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush by creating a collage of construction
               paper on a white strip of paper, using scissors and glue.

    •   Demonstration
           o   Students will be called by table, to sit on the blue rug in front of the
               chalkboard, to view the demonstration. Students will come to the blue rug
               with a clipboard and a pencil. At the blue rug, my two paper passers will
               pass out the Activity Guide.
           o While the students are at the front of the classroom, sitting on the blue rug,
               I will display Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights Poster. I will
               explain to the class that in this piece Henri Matisse the artist has arranged
               symbols that represent parts of the legend of Scherezade. Scherezade told
               the stories to the evil king to distract him from putting her to death. Each
               student will be given an Activity Guide. On the first page the students & I
               will complete together. Students will observe Henri Matisse’s The
               Thousand and One Nights collage, raise their hand and explain what they
               see. As a class we will list the objects and symbols we see on this Activity
               Guide. As each item is listed, we will discuss it. After our list is completed
               I will explain to the students that the symbols stand for objects from the
               various stories, such as Magic lamps, flying carpets, exotic plans and
lightning bolts. Across the top is a row of black and green hearts to
    symbolize the evil king. The red ones on the bottom indicate
o   Next I will display the Symbols Poster that I have created as my visual
    aid to help the students complete this lesson. I will narrate to the students
    the information on the board as well as ask for their opinions. I will inform
    the students that a symbol is a letter, character, or sign that stands for a
    word or group of words. We will discuss every symbol on the board one at
    a time. First is the green shamrock, and I will ask the students what do you
    think the shamrock symbolizes? What does it stand for? What does it
    remind you of? I will answer all of the students who raise their hands. We
    will repeat this process for the remaining eleven symbols on my poster,
    which range from the McDonald’s sign to an equals sign.
o I will have my collage completed of the narration of The Princess and the
    Pea. Explaining my collage to the students, I will tell them that I have
    selected a fairy tale to interpret in a Matisse-like artwork. I cut out colored
    paper symbols (blue raindrops, yellow crown, green pea pod, brown bed
    frame, and yellow & green mattresses) and glued them to the white
    background, to resemble Matisse’s collage technique. I have used
    traditional and invented symbols and shapes to display my narration of
    The Princess and the Pea.
o Before students are asked to return to their tables to complete this lesson, I
    choose to go over the second page of the Activity Guide. The second page
    of the Activity Guide is a list of vocabulary words from The Legend of the
    Indian Paintbrush. I will read each word aloud, as the students follow
    along. As I pronounce each word, students should have some awareness of
    this vocabulary from when I read the story during Shared Reading.
o The Symbol Poster, Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights
    collage, my The Princess and the Pea collage, and the book of The Legend
    of the Indian Paintbrush will remain at the front of the class during the
    entire class period. Students will be allowed to come up and view during
any time. I will personally walk around with the poster to make sure each
          table is completing the necessary requirements.
•   Closure
       o Let’s review. I will display each students’ collage on the front chalkboard
          with magnets. The students will look at each collage. We will discuss the
          similarities and differences in symbols between the students’ artworks. In
          addition, I will ask the students what a symbol is. (A symbol is a letter,
          character or a sign that stands for a word or group of words.) Today we
          learned what symbols were and how we can use them in art to narrate a
          story by cutting and pasting pieces of colored paper create a collage
          technique like Henri Matisse. What else do you think could be done to this
          picture to make our collage look more life-like? Printed text, relief, etc.
•   Modifications
       o A struggling learner would create a collage after selecting only 3 symbols
          from the story or as many as that student could successfully complete.
          These symbols could be invented or traditional pictures and could be
          placed near the learner to observe as they cut and paste. This student could
          also have a copy of the posters within their Activity Guide.
       o An advanced learner would create a collage in a 3-D form. In addition,
          these learners could also use both positive and negative shapes and spaces,
          as well as traditional and invented symbols. This student could use other
          materials, such as wire, pipe cleaners, and etc to create a 3-D collage.
•   Procedures
       o Step One- Motivation
       o Step Two-Explanation
       o Step Three-Demonstration
       o Step Four- Materials
                    After the Demonstration I will tell the students once again what
                    they are doing in this project. After that I will have each student
                    return to their assigned seats at their assigned tables.
I will call on my two paper passers to pass out white construction
         paper. “The white construction paper being passed out right now I
         want everyone to write the title of the story and their name on the
         back of the paper. The title of the story is The Legend of the Indian
         Paintbrush. I will display my example in the front of the
         Next, I will have the paper passers pass out colored construction
         paper, one different color per table. Students will share because
         one piece is enough for 3-4 students.
         The students already have pencils on their desk. The students
         already have a red box at the middle of their table that contains
         supplies such as crayons, scissors, glue, cubes, and counters. The
         students will use only their pencils to write the title of the book and
         their name on the back of their collage. The students will use only
         construction paper, scissors and glue to complete this assignment.
         Students may use a pencil to draw their symbols before they cut
         them out.
o Step Five- Independent Practice
         The students will independently select at least three symbols to
         display on their collage. Students will cut out symbols from
         colored construction paper and paste to their white paper. The
         students will have selected The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush as
         their story narrates to interpret in a Matisse-like artwork.
         The students will independently write down the name of the story
         The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush and their name on the back of
         their white construction paper.
o Step Four-Closure
o Step Five-Clean Up
         The students will put all of their materials back into the correct red
         box in the center of their tables. Students will also throw away
         paper that is not useable into the green recycling bid in the back of
the classroom. Other pieces will be collected and save for another
                       time. I will come around and collect all student work.
Reflection & Proposed Revisions
       The purpose of this activity was to help the student understand that stories can be
expressed through more than just words. Many times students know what they want to
say but struggle to express themselves using words. This lesson plan was designed to
bypass that and help students get across what they want to say in a more visual way.
First, I read the story The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, retold and illustrated by
Tomie dePaola. This is a very visual story, with pictures of every page. This was the
perfect book for my lesson because the students were able to follow along with
everything being said due to the pictures. Even if they did not understand the words
coming out of my mouth, the pictures in this book told the same story. After reading the
book, I explained to the students what the terms symbol and collage mean, displaying a
visual aid of a poster board I created. Symbols, I told them, are pictures or signs that
represent a word or group of words. Collages, as I explained, are the works of art wherein
many pictures are used to tell the story.
       Once the students understood the concepts, I gave them each construction paper,
glue, scissors and instructed them to re-tell or narrate the book I just read, through a
collage of symbols. They were to cut out pictures of prominent objects or symbols in the
story to combine them in a way that would explain The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush,
to anyone who did not read it. They were also given a vocabulary list of help narrow
down their searches for words to be expressed by symbols.
       I had my poster of symbols at the front, along with my Matisse painting, and the
storybook was always available for anyone who needed a frame of reference. None of the
students, however, needed to see the book again. From looking at the materials given to
them, the visual aids at the front of the classroom, and their memory, the students
successfully created collages that retold the story through symbols. This activity went
over very well to the point that every single student in the classroom succeed in
understanding the concepts presented and creating a collage that told the story.
       There were two specific situations that stood out during the lesson. The first, dealt
with R, an autistic student. R has an IEP and a paraprofessional in the room. Right now,
we are working with R on shapes, and so his activity was modified so he could create a
collage using shapes. Even though his did not retell the story, he successfully reached his
goal for this lesson by understanding the terms symbol, collage and creating a collaged
based on his learning goals. The other situation, which dealt with B, involved B not
wanting to participate or follow instruction, and just draw on his own terms. He also did
not want to share construction paper with his group members. I had to further modify the
activity for B to the point that he only had to put three different symbols on his collage,
whereas everyone else wanted to go way beyond three. Despite this, he still understood
the terms symbol and collage, but did not want to go through with the activity. B is
currently being re-evaluated for special needs programs.
       Even though this activity went over well with the students, both the reaching their
learning goals and enjoying themselves, if I were to do it over again, I would institute one
major change. Instead of everyone retelling the same story, I would have each person, or
each group, have their own different story to retell. This way we could have a game
where we have to guess what story is trying to be told.
Materials                    Discriminating                      Proficient                   Basic         Unacceptable
 Components                            3                                 2                          1                   0
 Instructional      Effectively supports stated learning    Reflects stated learning        Somewhat          Instructional
    Utility         goals. Enhances conceptual              goals.                          connected to      materials show
                    understanding.                          Reinforces key ideas,           learning goals.   little or no
How well do         Reinforces key ideas, provides          provides examples,              Submits           connection to
these materials     examples, offers opportunity for        offers opportunity for          minimum           the stated
help you teach      practice, builds vocabulary, factual    practice, builds                required          learning goals.
the lesson?         knowledge, etc.                         vocabulary, factual             formats for       Minimum
                    Fits smoothly into lesson structure:    knowledge, etc.                 lesson.           required
                    appears integral to instruction         Submits minimum                                   formats are not
                    rather than perceived as an “add-       required formats for                              submitted.
                    on.”                                    lesson. Effectiveness of
                    Goes beyond minimum                     materials is discussed in
                    requirements.                           lesson plan reflection.
                    Effectiveness of materials is
                    discussed in lesson plan reflection.
    Learner         Demonstrates substantial                Demonstrates some               Minimal           Needs of
    Support         understanding of and attentiveness      understanding of and            evidence of       diverse
                    to the needs of diverse learners        attentiveness to the            attentiveness     learners do not
How do these        (differentiation) by effectively        needs of diverse                to needs of       appear to be
materials meet      addressing learning styles, cultural    learners. Rationale is          diverse           addressed.
the needs of        aspects, abilities, interests, etc.     discussed in lesson plan        learners.
diverse             Materials offer the potential to make   reflection.
learners?           the lesson more meaningful to the
                    learner. Rationale is described in
                    lesson plan reflection.
 Visual Design      Engages viewer. Aesthetically           Satisfactory composition,       Composition       Extremely
                    appealing. Effective use of design      demonstrates basic              shows minimal     weak
Are these           elements and principles.                knowledge of design             understanding     composition.
materials           Consistency of visual elements          elements and principles.        of design         No apparent
aesthetically       within the composition resulting in a                                   elements and      understanding
appealing?          sense of “oneness.”                                                     principles.       of design
                    Compositional elements support                                                            elements and
                    conceptual idea.                                                                          principles.
   Creativity       Highly original design, approach,       Some creativity is              Minimal           No creativity is
                    use of format, and/or use of            evident in design,              creativity is     evident.
How do these        instructional strategy.                 approach, use of format,        demonstrated      Problem does
materials           Demonstrates thoughtful analysis of     and/or use of                   in design.        not appear to
demonstrate         problem and effective, “thinking out-   instructional strategy.         Minimal           be considered.
your personal       of –the box” response.                  Some evidence that              apparent          Generic
critical/creative                                           problem was considered          attention to      presentation,
thinking?                                                   and attempts were made          problem—          mere
                                                            to resolve.                     merely            replication of
                                                                                            replicates        content.
   Technical        Excellent craftsmanship/                Satisfactory                    Some              Poor
  Proficiency       construction (crafted items do not      craftsmanship/                  problems with     craftsmanship/c
                    fall apart, technology projects         construction. Minimal           craftsmanship/    onstruction.
Are the             fuction properly). No technical         technical errors (spelling,     construction.     Multiple
materials           errors (spelling, grammar, layout,      grammar, layout,                Several           technical
professionally      erasures, uneven edges, smudges,        erasures, uneven edges,         technical         errors.
executed?           poor lettering, etc.)                   smudges, poor lettering,        errors.
                    Excellent use of format (i.e.,          etc.)
                    PowerPoint goes beyond a
                    “glorified overhead transparency
         5B Lesson Plan: 39.3/ 40
         5BTeacher-made Materials: 12.5/ 15                                               Total Score: 56.8/ 55
Name: ______________________________   Date: ________________

                   Art Lesson- Collage
Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights

Observe this artwork. Write what you see. Think
about symbols and what they could mean.

  1. ___________________________________________

  2. ___________________________________________

  3. ___________________________________________

  4. ___________________________________________

  5. ___________________________________________

  6. ___________________________________________

  7. ___________________________________________

  8. ___________________________________________
The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush Vocabulary

1. Berries                        13.    Maiden

2. Buckskin                       14.    Meadow

3. Collect                        15.    Plains

4. Deed                           16.    Rocks

5. Dull                           17.    Root

6. Flowers                        18.    Shaman

7. Frame                          19.    Stretch

8. Gift                           20.    Teepees

9. Gopher                         21.    Tribe

10.       Hill                    22.    Vision

11.       Leather                 23.    Warrior

12.       Legend                  24.    Wrestle

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Art LP 5 B

  • 1. Blair Thallmayer Dr. Narey/ ELED 311 Pleasant Valley Elementary School Mrs. Hardy LESSON PLAN 5B Grade Level: 2 National Standards: A. #1 Understanding and applying media, techniques and processes a. C.) Students use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences and stories. State Standards: A. 9.1. Production, Performance & Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts a. 9.1.3 B- Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts. b. 9.1.3 E- Demonstrate the ability to define objects, express emotions, illustrate an action or relate an experience through creation of works in the arts. B. 9.3 Critical Response a. 9.3.3 D- Explain meanings in the arts and humanities through individual works and the works of other using a fundamental vocabulary of critical response. Learning Goals 1. The learner will define and identify symbols in the real world. 2. The learner will define and identify symbols in a famous piece of art work. 3. The learner will create symbols to use in a collage that displays the story of The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, in the manor of Henri Matisse. Summative Assessment Method: Students Collage Summative Assessment Tool: Oral discussion and description of artwork
  • 2. Instructional Design: The learners will develop creative/critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills by creating a Matisse-like collage. The strategies that I will use are observation, recreation (by symbols) and explanation. I selected these strategies because the students are observing Matisse artwork, retold story and symbols poster. Students were creating the symbols onto a paper by cutting and pasting pieces of construction paper. Finally, students were explaining on the white strip and aloud to the class the purpose for which they have selected to create their collage of the story. Some meaningful connections that the students’ will make to their knowledge and experience are everything has shape, and color. The difference of each defines personal characteristics of objects and symbols, e.g. human beings, buckskin, paintbrush, etc. Meaningful connection I will make across subject matter to provide opportunities for rich conceptual development are concepts of artwork, techniques of collage, meaning of symbols and narration of a story. In addition, all students at any age can create a collage to narrate a story. Instructional Delivery: • Materials, Tools, Resources o Pencils o Scissors o Glue o Colored Construction Paper o White Construction Paper already cut for students as background o Book- The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush retold and illustrated by Tomie dePaola o Activity Guide- Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights Page 1; Vocabulary for The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. o Symbols Poster o Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights Poster • Motivation o Today we are going to learn about a legend. I will read The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush retold and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. Little Gopher,
  • 3. an Indian boy, learns to paint with the brilliance of the evening sky and becomes known as He-Who-Brought-the-Sunset-to-the-Earth. This is a story about the beautiful flower, the Indian Paintbrush. • Explanation o Today we are going to create a collage that narrates The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. The word collage was originally a French word, derived from the word “coller”, meaning to paste. A collage is a work of art, primarily in the visual arts, made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. An artistic collage may include newspaper clippings, ribbons, bits of colored papers, portions of other artwork, photographs and such glued to a piece of paper or canvas. A narrator is someone retelling a story. Today we are going to retell (narrate) The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush by creating a collage of construction paper on a white strip of paper, using scissors and glue. • Demonstration o Students will be called by table, to sit on the blue rug in front of the chalkboard, to view the demonstration. Students will come to the blue rug with a clipboard and a pencil. At the blue rug, my two paper passers will pass out the Activity Guide. o While the students are at the front of the classroom, sitting on the blue rug, I will display Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights Poster. I will explain to the class that in this piece Henri Matisse the artist has arranged symbols that represent parts of the legend of Scherezade. Scherezade told the stories to the evil king to distract him from putting her to death. Each student will be given an Activity Guide. On the first page the students & I will complete together. Students will observe Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights collage, raise their hand and explain what they see. As a class we will list the objects and symbols we see on this Activity Guide. As each item is listed, we will discuss it. After our list is completed I will explain to the students that the symbols stand for objects from the various stories, such as Magic lamps, flying carpets, exotic plans and
  • 4. lightning bolts. Across the top is a row of black and green hearts to symbolize the evil king. The red ones on the bottom indicate Scheherazade. o Next I will display the Symbols Poster that I have created as my visual aid to help the students complete this lesson. I will narrate to the students the information on the board as well as ask for their opinions. I will inform the students that a symbol is a letter, character, or sign that stands for a word or group of words. We will discuss every symbol on the board one at a time. First is the green shamrock, and I will ask the students what do you think the shamrock symbolizes? What does it stand for? What does it remind you of? I will answer all of the students who raise their hands. We will repeat this process for the remaining eleven symbols on my poster, which range from the McDonald’s sign to an equals sign. o I will have my collage completed of the narration of The Princess and the Pea. Explaining my collage to the students, I will tell them that I have selected a fairy tale to interpret in a Matisse-like artwork. I cut out colored paper symbols (blue raindrops, yellow crown, green pea pod, brown bed frame, and yellow & green mattresses) and glued them to the white background, to resemble Matisse’s collage technique. I have used traditional and invented symbols and shapes to display my narration of The Princess and the Pea. o Before students are asked to return to their tables to complete this lesson, I choose to go over the second page of the Activity Guide. The second page of the Activity Guide is a list of vocabulary words from The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. I will read each word aloud, as the students follow along. As I pronounce each word, students should have some awareness of this vocabulary from when I read the story during Shared Reading. o The Symbol Poster, Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights collage, my The Princess and the Pea collage, and the book of The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush will remain at the front of the class during the entire class period. Students will be allowed to come up and view during
  • 5. any time. I will personally walk around with the poster to make sure each table is completing the necessary requirements. • Closure o Let’s review. I will display each students’ collage on the front chalkboard with magnets. The students will look at each collage. We will discuss the similarities and differences in symbols between the students’ artworks. In addition, I will ask the students what a symbol is. (A symbol is a letter, character or a sign that stands for a word or group of words.) Today we learned what symbols were and how we can use them in art to narrate a story by cutting and pasting pieces of colored paper create a collage technique like Henri Matisse. What else do you think could be done to this picture to make our collage look more life-like? Printed text, relief, etc. Excellent! • Modifications o A struggling learner would create a collage after selecting only 3 symbols from the story or as many as that student could successfully complete. These symbols could be invented or traditional pictures and could be placed near the learner to observe as they cut and paste. This student could also have a copy of the posters within their Activity Guide. o An advanced learner would create a collage in a 3-D form. In addition, these learners could also use both positive and negative shapes and spaces, as well as traditional and invented symbols. This student could use other materials, such as wire, pipe cleaners, and etc to create a 3-D collage. • Procedures o Step One- Motivation o Step Two-Explanation o Step Three-Demonstration o Step Four- Materials After the Demonstration I will tell the students once again what they are doing in this project. After that I will have each student return to their assigned seats at their assigned tables.
  • 6. I will call on my two paper passers to pass out white construction paper. “The white construction paper being passed out right now I want everyone to write the title of the story and their name on the back of the paper. The title of the story is The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. I will display my example in the front of the classroom. Next, I will have the paper passers pass out colored construction paper, one different color per table. Students will share because one piece is enough for 3-4 students. The students already have pencils on their desk. The students already have a red box at the middle of their table that contains supplies such as crayons, scissors, glue, cubes, and counters. The students will use only their pencils to write the title of the book and their name on the back of their collage. The students will use only construction paper, scissors and glue to complete this assignment. Students may use a pencil to draw their symbols before they cut them out. o Step Five- Independent Practice The students will independently select at least three symbols to display on their collage. Students will cut out symbols from colored construction paper and paste to their white paper. The students will have selected The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush as their story narrates to interpret in a Matisse-like artwork. The students will independently write down the name of the story The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush and their name on the back of their white construction paper. o Step Four-Closure o Step Five-Clean Up The students will put all of their materials back into the correct red box in the center of their tables. Students will also throw away paper that is not useable into the green recycling bid in the back of
  • 7. the classroom. Other pieces will be collected and save for another time. I will come around and collect all student work. Reflection & Proposed Revisions The purpose of this activity was to help the student understand that stories can be expressed through more than just words. Many times students know what they want to say but struggle to express themselves using words. This lesson plan was designed to bypass that and help students get across what they want to say in a more visual way. First, I read the story The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, retold and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. This is a very visual story, with pictures of every page. This was the perfect book for my lesson because the students were able to follow along with everything being said due to the pictures. Even if they did not understand the words coming out of my mouth, the pictures in this book told the same story. After reading the book, I explained to the students what the terms symbol and collage mean, displaying a visual aid of a poster board I created. Symbols, I told them, are pictures or signs that represent a word or group of words. Collages, as I explained, are the works of art wherein many pictures are used to tell the story. Once the students understood the concepts, I gave them each construction paper, glue, scissors and instructed them to re-tell or narrate the book I just read, through a collage of symbols. They were to cut out pictures of prominent objects or symbols in the story to combine them in a way that would explain The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, to anyone who did not read it. They were also given a vocabulary list of help narrow down their searches for words to be expressed by symbols. I had my poster of symbols at the front, along with my Matisse painting, and the storybook was always available for anyone who needed a frame of reference. None of the students, however, needed to see the book again. From looking at the materials given to them, the visual aids at the front of the classroom, and their memory, the students successfully created collages that retold the story through symbols. This activity went over very well to the point that every single student in the classroom succeed in understanding the concepts presented and creating a collage that told the story. There were two specific situations that stood out during the lesson. The first, dealt with R, an autistic student. R has an IEP and a paraprofessional in the room. Right now,
  • 8. we are working with R on shapes, and so his activity was modified so he could create a collage using shapes. Even though his did not retell the story, he successfully reached his goal for this lesson by understanding the terms symbol, collage and creating a collaged based on his learning goals. The other situation, which dealt with B, involved B not wanting to participate or follow instruction, and just draw on his own terms. He also did not want to share construction paper with his group members. I had to further modify the activity for B to the point that he only had to put three different symbols on his collage, whereas everyone else wanted to go way beyond three. Despite this, he still understood the terms symbol and collage, but did not want to go through with the activity. B is currently being re-evaluated for special needs programs. Even though this activity went over well with the students, both the reaching their learning goals and enjoying themselves, if I were to do it over again, I would institute one major change. Instead of everyone retelling the same story, I would have each person, or each group, have their own different story to retell. This way we could have a game where we have to guess what story is trying to be told.
  • 9. Materials Discriminating Proficient Basic Unacceptable Components 3 2 1 0 Instructional Effectively supports stated learning Reflects stated learning Somewhat Instructional Utility goals. Enhances conceptual goals. connected to materials show understanding. Reinforces key ideas, learning goals. little or no How well do Reinforces key ideas, provides provides examples, Submits connection to these materials examples, offers opportunity for offers opportunity for minimum the stated help you teach practice, builds vocabulary, factual practice, builds required learning goals. the lesson? knowledge, etc. vocabulary, factual formats for Minimum Fits smoothly into lesson structure: knowledge, etc. lesson. required appears integral to instruction Submits minimum formats are not rather than perceived as an “add- required formats for submitted. on.” lesson. Effectiveness of Goes beyond minimum materials is discussed in requirements. lesson plan reflection. Effectiveness of materials is discussed in lesson plan reflection. Learner Demonstrates substantial Demonstrates some Minimal Needs of Support understanding of and attentiveness understanding of and evidence of diverse to the needs of diverse learners attentiveness to the attentiveness learners do not How do these (differentiation) by effectively needs of diverse to needs of appear to be materials meet addressing learning styles, cultural learners. Rationale is diverse addressed. the needs of aspects, abilities, interests, etc. discussed in lesson plan learners. diverse Materials offer the potential to make reflection. learners? the lesson more meaningful to the learner. Rationale is described in lesson plan reflection. Visual Design Engages viewer. Aesthetically Satisfactory composition, Composition Extremely appealing. Effective use of design demonstrates basic shows minimal weak Are these elements and principles. knowledge of design understanding composition. materials Consistency of visual elements elements and principles. of design No apparent aesthetically within the composition resulting in a elements and understanding appealing? sense of “oneness.” principles. of design Compositional elements support elements and conceptual idea. principles. Creativity Highly original design, approach, Some creativity is Minimal No creativity is use of format, and/or use of evident in design, creativity is evident. How do these instructional strategy. approach, use of format, demonstrated Problem does materials Demonstrates thoughtful analysis of and/or use of in design. not appear to demonstrate problem and effective, “thinking out- instructional strategy. Minimal be considered. your personal of –the box” response. Some evidence that apparent Generic critical/creative problem was considered attention to presentation, thinking? and attempts were made problem— mere to resolve. merely replication of replicates content. content. Technical Excellent craftsmanship/ Satisfactory Some Poor Proficiency construction (crafted items do not craftsmanship/ problems with craftsmanship/c fall apart, technology projects construction. Minimal craftsmanship/ onstruction. Are the fuction properly). No technical technical errors (spelling, construction. Multiple materials errors (spelling, grammar, layout, grammar, layout, Several technical professionally erasures, uneven edges, smudges, erasures, uneven edges, technical errors. executed? poor lettering, etc.) smudges, poor lettering, errors. Excellent use of format (i.e., etc.) PowerPoint goes beyond a “glorified overhead transparency presentation”). 5B Lesson Plan: 39.3/ 40 5BTeacher-made Materials: 12.5/ 15 Total Score: 56.8/ 55
  • 10. Name: ______________________________ Date: ________________ Art Lesson- Collage Henri Matisse’s The Thousand and One Nights Directions: Observe this artwork. Write what you see. Think about symbols and what they could mean. 1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________
  • 11. The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush Vocabulary 1. Berries 13. Maiden 2. Buckskin 14. Meadow 3. Collect 15. Plains 4. Deed 16. Rocks 5. Dull 17. Root 6. Flowers 18. Shaman 7. Frame 19. Stretch 8. Gift 20. Teepees 9. Gopher 21. Tribe 10. Hill 22. Vision 11. Leather 23. Warrior 12. Legend 24. Wrestle